Callboard Summer 2007

Page 1

PAGE 2 A Message from the Dean

PAGE 3 School of Theatre Holds 16th Annual Awards Celebration

PAGE 4 Focus on Faculty: Margo Apostolos and Brent Blair


School of Theatre Holds First Annual Entertainment Industry Night at Spring Musical

Commencement 2007 A New Beginning


ean Madeline Puzo opened the 2007

Next up, representing

commencement ceremony by declar-

the B.F.A. students, was

ing, “What a great day this is. After

Beck Bennett. Bennett

years of studying and preparing, the

advised, “We can do

day you all simultaneously dreamed

anything we want.

of and feared is finally here. You are graduating,

Go have fun. Do what

you have done it, congratulations. You’ve been

you love. Change the world for someone,

a great class, a joy to teach and to watch grow as artists and individuals.”

Keynote Speaker Michael Ritchie

because we have that opportunity. And

Robert Greenblatt

The School of Theatre held its first annual Entertainment Industry Night on Saturday, April 7, beginning with a dinner reception in Queen’s Court followed by a performance of our spring musical, “The Pajama Game” at the Bing Theatre.

The first student speaker, Timothy Sullivan,

don’t forget what happened here – the projects

representing the B.A.s, got things off to a

you worked on, the friends you made and this

rousing start with a comical speech unexpectedly

incredible faculty who inspired us, challenged us,

Hosted by School of Theatre Board of Councilors

inspired while on a trip to Disneyland. Sullivan

made us question, cry and fight and believe in

member Robert Greenblatt, who is President

found, “...the most astute depiction imaginable

something greater than ourselves.”

of Entertainment for Showtime Networks, the

of what life as a theatre major is like. This

purpose of the evening was to introduce the

sometimes disturbing, but nevertheless accurate,

The final student speaker, playwright Boni B.

work of the School to people in the entertain-

representation of a life in the theatre is known

Alvarez, represented the M.F.A.s, and spoke

ment industry by giving them a chance to see

as Pinocchio’s Daring Journey.” Sullivan then

poignantly of diversity in the theatre and the

the high caliber of work done by the very

proceeded to recite the lyrics from the song

challenges facing a writer: “We are writers and

talented students, on stage (in performance)

featured on the ride, “Hi-diddle-dee-dee,

writing is painful. It is solitary. It is a daily struggle.

as well as behind the scenes (in design, stage

an actor’s life for me” to hilarious effect.

Battling and loving our characters, searching

management and technical direction).

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