PAGE 5 School of Theatre Receives $70,000 Gift In Memory of Edwin Lester
PAGE 6 MFA Writing Festivals — Blueprints & Under Construction
PAGE 7 Professional Performance Opportunities Continue With Center Theatre Group Internships
Spring Is Bustin’ Out All Over With Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Musical Carousel
The new Technical Theatre Laboratory.
The School of Theatre Adds Two New Buildings State-of-the-Art Facilities Will Enhance Educational Programs
he School of Theatre is proud to
whose unwavering support was critical in
announce the addition of two new
realizing the dream of these two buildings and
buildings: the Technical Theatre
for the belief the university has in the School.
Laboratory and the McClintock
We also wish to acknowledge the hard work
Building. With state-of-the-art facili-
and assistance of: Curtis Williams, Vice President,
ties, both buildings will enhance all of our
(L. to R.) Carousel director Jack Rowe and choreographer Jonathan Sharp.
Capital Construction Development; Susan Lewis,
s our spring musical, we are proud to present a new production of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s classic Carousel, playing April 3 –13, at the Bing Theatre. Directed by Associate
educational programs providing much needed
Associate Vice Provost for Planning and Design;
Dean and Artistic Director Jack Rowe, in his
space for classrooms and studios where vision,
Joe Back, Program Director, Capital Construction
School of Theatre musical directorial debut, and
imagination and craft are brought to fruition.
Development; Gary Allen, Project Manager,
with musical direction by Parmer Fuller and
Capital Construction Development; and Brian R.
choreography by Jonathan Sharp, Carousel is
Dean Madeline Puzo said, “The School needed
Bloom, Principal Architect for the McClintock
sponsored by Board of Councilors members
the additional space so that our new MFA
Building. Without them, we could not have
Bill & Lisa Barkett and Roger & Michele Dedeaux
programs would in no way inhibit the growth
accomplished our goal. We owe them all a
Engemann. The Barketts and Engemanns
and excellence of the undergraduate program.
debt of gratitude.”
generously sponsored last year’s spring musical, The Pajama Game, as well. We are extremely
Thanks to the support of the university, we are now able to move forward with undergraduate
The New Technical Theatre Laboratory
grateful to both couples for their continued
and graduate programs that will continue to
The magic of theatre comes to life as a
support of the School and all of our programs.
set the standard for theatre education and
collaboration among many artists. We often
training in the country.
focus on the actor and playwright in this
One of the finest musicals ever written,
mix, but the technical dimensions of theatre
Carousel is the ultimate story of love, loss and
The School wishes to thank first and foremost
comprise the critical mechanisms that support
redemption with a score full of timeless Rodgers
President Steven Sample and Provost Max Nikias
what we see on stage.
& Hammerstein songs, including If I Loved You, (continued on page 3)
(continued on page 2)