PAGE 3 Visiting Artist Robert Woodruff Conducts Workshop
PAGE 5 Dance Medicine Center Opens
PAGE 7 Alumni News
FALL 2010
Director of Applied Theatre Arts Brent Blair plays theatre games with students at a school for survivors of the genocide near Butare, Rwanda.
Donors attended this year’s Tony Award-winning Best Play, Red, and toured the New Amsterdam Theatre in New York.
SOT Faculty Goes Global By Elizabeth West
Tony Awards Headline New York Theatre Trip
itting at a small café table, Associate
Just as economics have been affected by technology
Professor of Theatre Practice Eric Trules
and globalization, so have the arts. Our communi-
chats over lunch with the students
cation and artistic exchange has become fluid no
of his Solo Performance and Improv
longer contained by geographical borders. Artists
This past June, the School of Theatre hit the
classes. They talk about class; they
are moving and performing around the world with
Great White Way as we launched the first of
talk about politics, vampires, family, the ’60s in
greater flexibility and ease. Audiences, too, are
what will be an annual theatre trip for friends
America, gypsies, courage, cowardice and life.
becoming more sophisticated and familiar with
and donors. Over a dozen lucky travelers had
global cultures. And if theatre is about being open
the rare opportunity to see the hottest shows on
But Trules isn’t eating a burger over at the new
and in-the-moment in order to tell personal stories,
Broadway (including A Little Night Music starring
Tutor Campus Center; he’s enjoying a bowl of
then the USC School of Theatre faculty has certainly
Catherine Zeta-Jones and Angela Lansbury, Billy
“chorba,” a Romanian vegetable and chicken
been practicing what they preach by making con-
Elliot, American Idiot and Red), have a private
borscht with sour cream and freshly-baked bread,
nections all over the globe.
behind-the-scenes tour of the inner workings of
at the café adjacent to Caragiale Film & Theater
the award-winning hit musical Mary Poppins at
University in Bucharest, Romania, where he was
In addition to Trules’ trip to Romania, the School
the recently-renovated New Amsterdam Theatre
on a Fulbright Senior Specialist Residency for two
of Theatre has had professors visiting and making
and attend the theatrical event of the year – the
weeks this past May.
connections in Japan, Rwanda, India, Austria, the
2010 Tony Awards at the world famous Radio
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