Callboard Spring 2012

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M.F.A. Acting students perform in Fortune Is A Woman, one of three plays in their 2012 Spring Acting Repertory.

Saved by the Theatre:

Machiavelli comes to life on stage Oliver Mayer was just 16 years old when he attempted his first novel about Niccolò Machiavelli – the famed Florentine philosopher, politician and writer of the Renaissance era. And although the 125 pages of his unfinished book helped him get into Cornell University, Mayer eventually scrapped the idea. “I probably revisited Machiavelli once a decade in my 20s and 30s and I had even written an act of a play before, but I never thought it was quite right,” he said. Thirty years, and several writing attempts later, the associate professor of dramatic writing finally knew he had it right this time around with his play Fortune Is A Woman. As Mayer’s first dramatic piece written for USC, Fortune Is A Woman premiered this year as part of “ This play shows a side of the M.F.A. Acting Spring Repertory from February 4   to March 4. The production was directed by Director   Machiavelli that no one has of M.F.A. Acting Andrew J. Robinson, as well as   really seen before.” dramaturged by Assistant Professor of Critical Studies — Angus Fletcher Angus Fletcher. “The play is really about the women in Machiavelli’s life – wife, daughter, mistress and goddess (Fortuna) – and how they had everything to do with the change of his fortune,” Mayer said. He also explained that the play unravels Machiavelli as a man – who, at his lowest point at this time, was desperate to find a way to return into his beloved city of Florence after his exile. “This play shows a side of Machiavelli that no one has really seen before. It’s not about Machiavelli the wicked apologist for tyrants, or about CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

Photo by Craig Schwartz


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