PAGE 3 New Voice Over Studio Opens
PAGE 6 Under Construction: The Master of Fine Arts Play Project
PAGE 7 Alumni News
Photo by Steve Cohn
New Continuing Education Classes Begin This Spring
USC President Steven B. Sample, Kathryn Sample, Robert Redford, Dean Madeline Puzo, Event Chair Richard Weinberg.
Robert Redford Honored At Inaugural Gala Fundraiser Robert Redford Award for Engaged Artists Established To Recognize Professional Accomplishments and Public Commitment to Social Responsibility
he USC School of Theatre launched a
people. Although Redford has received some of
new tradition by honoring celebrated
the entertainment industry’s highest accolades,
actor/director Robert Redford with the
this is the first award named after the Santa
newly established “Robert Redford
Monica native. Proceeds from the event, which
Award for Engaged Artists” at an
drew nearly 550 people and raised $200,000,
inaugural gala fundraiser on Wednesday, February
provide scholarship support for the next
10, 2010, at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly
generation of artists at the School of Theatre.
Hills. The award, to be presented annually, was created to recognize those artists who have
The evening opened with a special performance
distinguished themselves not only in the exemplary
featuring School of Theatre alumni Laura Darrell
quality, skill and innovation of their work but also
(B.A., 2009), Briga Heelan (B.A., 2009), Michael
in their public commitment to social responsibility,
McLean (B.F.A., 2008) and Donald Webber, Jr.
to increasing awareness of global issues and
(B.F.A., 2008) with guest performer Rachael
events and to inspiring and empowering young
Weinberg Pugh and Musical Director Parmer Fuller. (continued on page 2)
The School of Theatre has developed new programs in continuing education and lifelong learning that further your personal and professional goals. These courses have been created to both inspire you to greater achievement in your chosen profession and to engage you in new areas of study that might facilitate your career. Ten classes will be offered during the spring and summer of 2010 that range in scope from acting and dramatic writing to improving your communication skills and theatre appreciation. We hope that you have a chance to experience one or more of the following courses taught by our highly skilled, professional faculty: Got An On Camera Audition? How To Get the Job!
Instructor: Joseph Hacker Wednesdays, May 19 - June 23, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Registration Fee: $500 Lights! Camera! Action! This class consists of on camera exercises and mock auditions with the goal of providing the necessary techniques to compete successfully for roles in film and television. Experience realistic approximations of professional auditions identifying specific strategies working actors make when auditioning in front of a camera. (continued on page 3)