Conf idential Advocacy, Resources, and Education - Support Center
Who We Are
CARE-SC stands for the Confidential Advocacy, Resources, and Education - Support Center. CARE-SC is part of USC’s Counseling and Mental Health and provides CONFIDENTIAL supportive services for students who have been impacted by gender- and power- based harm, which is the umbrella term we use that includes: sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual harassment, and gender harassment.
Client Services include:
Confidential Advocates: can provide accompaniment and transportation to medical and forensic exam services for survivors; they can also arrange counseling services, campus accommodations, explanation of reporting options, and accompaniment to any proceedings. This service is available 24/7 by calling 213-740-9355 (WELL).
Clinical Mental Health services: specialized therapist services are available to survivors.
Prevention Education Services include:
Workshops that educate students on affirmative consent in intimate encounters; upstander behaviors in sexual assault prevention; healthy relationships and setting boundaries. (Required for all undergraduate students.)
Trojans Respect Consent (Year 1)
Healthy Relationship (Year 2)
Trojans Act Now: Upstander Behaviors (Year 3)
Presentations related to digital privacy and safety in dating/relationships; power dynamics in intimate relationships; and other current topics.
Special focus population prevention efforts:
• Mental Health & Violence Prevention Program (MVP) for fraternity and sorority organizations.
• Queer2Peer (Q2P) peer education and violence prevention for LGBTQ+ students.
• Campus Violence Prevention Collective (CVPC) for student organization leaders.