We are incredibly excited to welcome you onto campus as an official member of the Trojan Family! Living in a Residential College is a unique experience where students get to meet people from across the United States and the world. You will learn to live, interact, and socialize together and create memories that soon prove that this is more than just a place to sleep—it is your new home for the year. Welcome to USC Residential Education!
We hope you are looking forward to meeting and living among 678 of your peers in this vibrant, proud and scholarly living-learning community. With diverse programming opportunities, faculty and staff support, and a community of second-year USC students as your neighbors, we’re confident that you’ll feel at home in no time!
Find us on Instagram: @USC_CarGar
Nights at Troy is a yearlong event series hosted by Residential Education. The series includes on-campus and off-campus events that are open to all housing residents. At these events, you have the opportunity to meet other Trojans living in housing, participate in fun activities, explore different parts of Los Angeles, and earn free prizes!
• Night at the Museum
• Outdoor Movie Screening
• Taste of LA: Free Food Festival
• Residential College Cup
• Beach Excursion
• Midnight Movie at a LA Movie Theater
• All About Astrology
• End of Semester Wellness Event
• Snow Fest
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
• Move-In Day
• Faculty in Residence Meet & Greet
• Community Meeting
• Courtyard Connections
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
• Move-In Day
• First Floor Meetings
• Floor Dinner
• Light Up the Night
Residential Education staff work to support your holistic development and success at USC. They directly supervise your resident assistants, develop community through programming, resolve conflict through mediation, and serve as resources for residents.
The Residential Housing Association (RHA) strives to build community by providing students with ways to enhance and contribute to their residential experience. Find out more information and connect by checking out the links below:
RHA Website:
Instagram: @usc.rha
Residential Community Coordinator
Graduate Residential Community Coordinator
Community Councils are responsible for a wide variety of fun, social, and engaging programs throughout the academic year for their respective communities. Consider joining Community Council in various roles elected or appointed by their peers.
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We act with integrity in all situations.
We work to foster a safe, civil, and equitable campus environment where well-being matters.
We champion ideological diversity and embrace freedom of expression.
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We refuse to engage in discrimination, harassment and hate in any form and on any platform.
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We treat each other with respect, even when we have differences. We are accountable for our actions and decisions.
We avoid taking part in behavior that may be harmful to ourselves or others and offer/seek support if we witness dangerous behavior from our peers.
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We promote a culture in which people do
not rush to judge others. Our actions are guided by empathy and grounded in facts and truth.
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We believe that diversity – of experiences, cultures, identities, and perspectives – is a cornerstone of our community. We value honest, open communication and robust debate.
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In making this commitment, together we build and strengthen the culture of USC.
We strive for excellence in rigorous learning and in all scholarly, scientific, professional, artistic, and athletic endeavors.
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