What are Advocates?
The Advocate team members are here to guide you.
CARE-SC provides an advocate team for 24/7 response in situations of gender- and power-based harm (including sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking).
Providers in mental health services and medical care are credentialed faculty of Keck Medicine of USC, and are providers in USC Student Health.
All services are confidential and covered through the Student Health Fee.
What is the CARE-SC Advocates Program?
and certified sexual assault staff who provide supportive services to USC students who have been impacted by gender- and power-based harm. The Advocate will:
• Accompany sexual assault survivors to SART centers for rape exams
• Arrange transportation to and from SART Centers, and
• Arrange for aftercare services on campus, including but not limited to student health care services, counseling, advocacy, Title IX, and academic accommodations.
bit.ly/US C advocate
CARE-SC (Confidential Advocacy, Resources and Education Support Center) is a Counseling and Mental Health Services unit within USC Student Health, Keck Medicine of USC. All mental health providers are clinical faculty in the Department of Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences of the Keck School of Medicine of USC. RSVP provides an advocate team for 24/7 response in situations of gender- and power-based harm (including sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking).