Confidential Advocate Services Card

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Contact a Team of Conf idential Advocates for YouResponse Have and anSupport: Advocate 24/7 213-740-WELL (9355) Call: anytimeteam 24/7 RSVP213-740-9355, provides an advocate for 24/7 response in situations Say: I need an advocate.

of gender- and power-based harm

Connect: toassault, an advocate. (includingTalk sexual domestic

violence, and stalking).

Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention and Services is a Counseling and Mental Health Services unit within USC Student Health,

IfKeck you are a student experiencing gender- or power-based Medicine of USC. All mental health providers are clinical faculty in the Department of Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences of the Keck School of Medicine of USC. harm — including sexual assault, domestic violence and

stalking — you aren’t alone.

All services are confidential and trauma-informed.

Confidential advocates are available 24/7 to provide Advocates Direct Care on call Support Services Mental Health Care Discuss medical and SART/Forensic Exams you with supportive services and help you navigate what reporting options,

comes next. get crisis support and advocacy.

Medical Care for Survivors

for Survivors

All services are confidential and client-directed. This means an advocate’s actions are decided by you.

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