Go to usc.edu/myshr and login with your USC NetID credentials. 2 ACCESS TO THE MYSHR PORTAL QUESTIONS? BEFOREYOUBEGIN YOUMUSTHAVETHE FOLLOWINGITEMS: ATHLETIC MEDICINE “HOW TO” GUIDE UPLOADING IMMUNIZATIONRECORD Your USC NetID MUST be activated before you can proceed. If your NetID is NOT yet activated, please visit USC NetID Account Services: itservices.usc.edu/uscnetid. YOUR USC NET ID NUMBER 1 PHOTOS OF YOUR IMMUNIZATION RECORD/CARD Take a photo of your immunization record/card 3 Call213-740-9355(WELL)oremail studenthealth@usc.eduforassistance.
STEP1: AccesstheMySHRPortal Go to usc.edu/myshr, and sign in with your USC NetID & password.
STEP2: Multi-factorAuthentication For added safety, you will be prompted to complete additional verification. Please visit itservices.usc.edu/uscnetid for assistance.
Tap the box in the top left hand corner (highlighted below)
STEP3: Findthedrop-downmenu ontheMySHRpage.
STEP4: Select“MedicalClearances“ fromthedrop-downmenu.
STEP5: Select“ImmunizationRecord“