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supports a Culture of Consent
USC has built an approach to sexual assault prevention predicated on a multilayered series of educational components All new students are required to take online asynchronous training in sexual assault prevention; undergrads receive supplemental facilitated education through 120 minutes of live discussions in years 1, 2, and 3 the Consent and Healthy Relationships (CHR) curriculum
More than 10,000 undergraduates participated in nearly 1,000 discussions this past year, encompassing 92% of the incoming first-year students
Completion rate of "Trojans Respect Consent" the first of three annual live session discussions required for undergraduates, Rate reflects Academic Year 22-23
Pre- and post-CHR surveys have found statistically significant changes in attitudes towards power dynamics and harmful social norms; relationship boundaries; gender and relationship expectations intervention readiness; and survivor autonomy
97% of all undergraduate students have completed the online module, Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduate students
96% of graduate or professioal students have completed the online module, Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate students
EEO-TIXreachedover5200communitymembers conductingover74 targetedtrainingprogramsforstudents,faculty,andstaffandparticipatinginover24educationaloutreach events
InadditiontoPreventionEducatorswho facilitatetheCHRlivesessions,Student Health'sRelationshipandSexualViolence Preventionunitlaunchedrolesin1)male communityengagement;and2)outreach andsupporttoLGBTQ+communities
AY23wasthelaunchofthestudentinvolved"SexWeek"atUSC offering inclusiveandexpert-ledsexuality educationopportunitiesforstudents,to reducestigmaoftalkinghonestlyabout sexandsexuality Activitytorepeat annually
24/7supportforsurvivorsisavailablethroughtheConfidentialAdvocatesserviceinStudent Health AdvocatescanarrangeforaccompanimentandtraveltoSexualAssualtResponseTeams servicesandadviseonreportingoptions whicharehandledthroughasurvivor-directedand trauma-informedlens 213-740-9355(WELL)