supports a Culture of Consent
USC has built an approach to sexual assault prevention predicated on a multilayered series of educational components
All new students are required to take online asynchronous training in sexual assault prevention.
All undergraduates receive supplemental facilitated education through 120 minutes of live discussions in years 1, 2, and 3 the Consent and Healthy Relationships (CHR) curriculum.
Completion rate of "Trojans Respect Consent," (Y1) Rate reflects Academic Year 23-24
Completion rate of "Healthy Relationships," (Y2) Rate reflects Academic Year 23-24
Completion rate of "Trojans Act Now," (Y3) Rate reflects Academic Year 23-24
Pre- and post-CHR surveys have found statistically significant changes in attitudes towards power dynamics and harmful social norms; relationship boundaries; gender and relationship expectations intervention readiness; and survivor autonomy.
"Respectforothers,includingrespect forself-identifiedgenders,andsexual respectandacknowledgingboundaries, ishowTrojanstreateachother."
93% of all new fall 2023 undergraduate students have completed the online module, Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduate students
90% of all new fall 2023 graduate or professioal students have completed the online module, Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate students
Going beyond the foundational, mandatory online training and the workshops conducted by RSVP, the Office for Equity, Equal Opportunity, and Title IX (EEO-TIX) also provides in-person and virtual training and prevention education programming across the university, for students, faculty, staff and affiliates, which can be tailored to a school, unit or organization's needs Information provided in EEO-TIX's programming includes but is not limited to: the Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (the Policy); the related Resolution Processes; university community members' rights and responsibilities under the Policy; who Designated Employees are, including in the healthcare context; how to make a report; as well as available supportive measures and resources.
Prevention education and community outreach continues to be a cornerstone of Campus Health, with specialists working with student organizations, cultural centers, fraternity and sorority leadership programs, and the LGBTQ+ Center to increase awareness, skill-building, and consent culture Sex education week (October) and Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April) are mainstays of annual programming to bring education, awareness, and collaboration opportunities to the campuses
24/7 support for survivors is available through the Confidential Advocates service in Student Health. Advocates can arrange for accompaniment and travel to Sexual Assualt Response Teams services and advise on reporting options, which are handled through a survivor-directed and trauma-informed lens. 213-740-9355 (WELL)
Community expectations regarding consent are articulated in an annual fall letter to students: “Building a Culture of Consent” authored by the leads of Student Life, Campus Health, and EEOTIX.
Read the letter at
Comments from student participants of Consent and Healthy Relationships:
CHR 1- "I liked how it was inclusive of queer relationships as well "
CHR 2 - "Workshop was very interactive and engaging Keep up the good work "
CHR 2 - "I think the scenarios helped a lot to understand the content "
CHR 3 - "Great work from the moderators "
CHR 3 - "I think it gave a lot of good information and was very interactive "
MentalHealthandViolencePrevention(MVP)peereducationprogramisaninitiativebroughtto youbyRelationshipSexualViolencePreventionandServices(RSVP)andCounselingand MentalHealth(CMH).Theprogramcurrentlyservesfemmeandnonbinarymembersof Panhellenic,NPHC,andMGC MVPisdesignedtoprovidecomprehensivetrainingthat promotesmentalhealthawarenessandsexualviolencepreventionthroughpeereducation MVPcreatesandupliftsleaderswithintheFraternityandSororityLife(FSL)communitythatare essentialtocreatingacultureofconsent,healthyrelationships,andmentalhealthresource utilization.
TheCampusViolencePreventionCollective(CVPC)isaprogramofRelationshipandSexual ViolencePreventionandServices(RSVP)thatengagesstudentleadersatUSCinconversations surroundinggender-andpower-basedharm,campus-wideawarenessinitiatives,and preventionefforts.Participantsalsoconnectwithothercampusleaderstonetwork,sharetheir organization’scampusinitiatives,andreceiveoutreachsupportfromtheseleadersandRSVP Participantsalsogainskillsinbecomingup-standerswithintheirUSCcommunityand organization ThisisalsoanincredibleopportunitytoprovidefeedbackandengageinRSVP preventionprogramming
Queer2Peerfocusesonundergraduatepeer-to-peerhealtheducationtospecificallyaddressthe LGBTQ+studentpopulationatUSC.Queer2PeerisfacilitatedbyRelationshipandSexual ViolencePreventionandServices(RSVP),theLGBTQ+StudentCenter(LGBTQ+SC),and CounselingandMentalHealth(CMH)withinUSCStudentHealth.ThegoalofQueer2Peeristo trainLGBTQ+studentsleaderstoeducateotherstudentsandallygroupsinordertopromote violenceprevention,strongercampusinclusivity,andhealthierLGBTQ+relationships