Preparing For Your In-patient Stay For Students
Your safety and well-being are very important to us. We want you to be as prepared as possible for your upcoming in-patient care.
Release Forms To Share Information With Relatives If you would like a relative to have the ability to discuss your health with your care providers, please ask for a release form to sign. There are separate forms for USC Counseling and Mental Health clinicians, and the in-patient facility, Las Encinas.
In-Patient Care During The First 72 Hours Mobile phones and all other devices with cameras (laptops, tablets) are not permitted once you are admitted. If you would like to let any close friends know you are going to be out of communication, send them a text before your arrival at the facility. “I’m going to be out of touch for a few days; I’m safe, but won’t have access to my phone.”
In the first 24 hours, you will be admitted to a section of the facility with minimal amenities and a higher level of safety supervision. After this initial 24-hour period, you will be move to a different section where there is more availability of independent activity and therapeutic sessions. Students generally feel more comfortable when this move takes place. After the first 24 hours, during the next 48 hours, you may make outbound calls from common room areas.
Visitors And Comfort Items Visitors are permitted to drop off comfort items, including toiletries, blanket, change of clothes (no drawstrings or laces), and reading materials. Food and drinks are not permitted; no pens or pencils. Visitor policy might not allow in-person visits if COVID-19 or other health precautions are in place. We know this may be an unexpected turn over the next few days, but we will extend the best care possible to keep you safe and supported, and with a treatment plan that will enable you to return to your regular activities.