Guidance for COVID-19 Isolation: USC Students Living in Privately Leased Housing
If you think you might have COVID-19, make sure you follow the university protocols
First, make sure you are positive by taking an antigen test If you are positive, follow isolation instructions for days 1-5, you may test out of isolation on day 6 if you are negative, but must wear a mask for days 6-10 when around others If you have been on campus, complete the contact tracing form in MySHR

If you are positive: Isolation & Hygiene
If you live with others, wear a high-quality mask when others are present Isolate if possible with a separa bathroom Clean any shared surfaces frequently Arrange to have meals left for you without direc contact Household members handling used plates a utensils should wash their hands with soap and wat for 20 seconds after handling items

Know your rights as a leaseholder
As a leaseholder in privately owned property, you have protections under the terms of your lease agreement Denial of entry to your living quarters may be a violation of your lease agreement Check the terms of your contract if you are challenged on this due to your health status
If you are living in the household
Wear a high-quality mask If you are updated on vaccinations, this can continue to provide protection from severe illness or transmission Sleep in a separate room from the positive person if possible Practice kindness out of concern for the person who is ill; avoid stigmatizing a person who is sick

Key Links
https://uscsthealth info/Covid19-isolation-at-home

https://bit ly/positive4covid

Questions? Contact covid19@usc edu For medical services call USC Student Health 213-740-9355 (24/7 by phone)
or secure message an Advice Nurse in MySHR (usc edu/myshr)