To Your Health!
Food, Mood, & Nutrition
Join USC Student Health nutritionists for a series of one-hour workshops on healthy eating. Participants can sign up through Questions are welcome!
Let’s Do Lunch! Enjoy conversation and good company as you dine in a supportive environment. A great way to ensure you are getting the nutrition you deserve to be your best self! (Participants should bring a brown bag lunch for themselves.) With registered dietician Michelle Katz.
Mindful Eating Join us as we practice being present while enjoying a variety of tasty treats. Learn to engage all of your 5 senses as we explore how Mindful Eating techniques align us with our innate hunger/fullness cues. (Participants should bring a brown bag lunch for themselves.) With registered dietician Michelle Katz.
Food Fact or Mealtime Myth? Ask the Expert! Bring your questions about what to eat for meals and snacks, nutrition topics in the news, eating at the dining hall, cooking for yourself, and any other related questions. This workshop is ideal for students who are curious about nutrition or are getting ready for a dietitian appointment. With registered dietician Patrice Barber.
Prepping and Planning Food prep can be the key to successful meal planning. Become more comfortable in the grocery store and confident in your kitchen. Advice in this workshop is tailored for all budgets and special nutrition needs With registered dietician Patrice Barber.
Local Tastes, American Style Feeling a little puzzled by the food here in Los Angeles? This is a perfect introduction for international students to learn about the local fruit and vegetables, protein, grains, and all those packaged foods you see at the grocery store. Learn what to expect in SoCal restaurants and even about food culture in American life. With registered dietician Patrice Barber.
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