Prima Facie Semester ‘wrap-up’ newsletter
Semester 1, 2016 Contents: Page 2
Semester in Review
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Treasurer’s Report
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Interview with the President
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Thanks and Appreciation
To stay fully up-to-date, visit our website to see what’s coming up and what we have done in the past, info and more about the LSA, its committee and executive!
Semester in Review Congratulations are in order to all law students for completing their first, and for continuing students, yet another semester of law! It has been an exciting and jam-packed 13 weeks with the USC LSA embarking on many new initiatives. From a superb networking event to a fiercely competitive negotiation competition, the LSA has had a lot of accomplishments, laughs and good times in the first semester of 2016. In the past semester, the LSA worked towards giving everything it could to its members; from organising a Supreme Court trip, to holding forums on LAW311 (Legal Professional Practice) and twice-weekly coffee hours. With semester two, its readings and looming assessment; the LSA has a number of exciting events you won’t want to miss! Next month, a delegation of LSA members will be attending the Australian Law Students’ Association conference in Hobart. This will see students from Australia, New Zealand and the broader AsiaPacific, battle it out for the international championships of six prestigious legal competitions, to attending Australian legal education forums and skills workshops. “Vivamus porta David Knobel and Michael Jefferies are competing in the marquee event, the Championship Moot. est.” The topic of est whichsed is about Administration law, an appeal to the High Court based on a decision to quash a decision by the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection to revoke a man's visa on the grounds that the court erred in finding the Minister's decision lacked an evident and intelligent basis and was therefore legally unreasonable. The Championship Moot is always hotly contested with more than 30 teams nominating for this year’s competition. Callum Lee and Helen Smith, while adversaries at last year’s LSA Maurice Blackburn Client Interview Cup, are on the same team for the Client Interview competition and are looking to bring home the coveted title. There are 26 teams set to compete, with the topic currently unknown, adding to the suspense of the competition. Krishna Alister and Sarah Coombs will be representing the LSA at the conference’s Council. Each year representatives from each affiliated LSA around the country gather at ALSA Council to discuss policy that affects Australian law students, such as the recent submission to the Commonwealth and State AGs on mental health admission requirements around the country. Council is also a fantastic opportunity for capacity building through networking and knowledge sharing opportunities with other large, medium and boutique LSAs around the country. On behalf of the USC LSA executive and committee, we would like to wish everyone well on their holidays and congratulations again on completing their exams and getting through a stressful semester. May we get through them all, with some laughs and good times under our belts. Sarah Coombs | Vice-President of Publications David Knobel | President Callum Lee | Treasurer
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Our semester in pictures
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Administration So far 2016 has been a year of many milestones! The USC Law School has grown from 98 students in 2014 to 250 students in 2016. Pursuant to this expansion, we are excited to announce that the University plans to open a second site of law programs in 2023 at its Moreton Bay campus and is continuing to develop its elective offerings. This semester the Law School added two new legal skillsbased electives, LAW414 Internship, and LAW405 Alternative Dispute Resolution. Other new electives offered for the first time in 2016 are LAW407 Elder Law and Succession, LAW408 Intellectual Property, LAW415 Sports Law and LAW410 Public International Law. In conjunction with the USC LSA, the USC Law School conducted a survey of student preferences and priorities in relation to potential electives not currently offered. The USC Law School is working towards offering additional electives in 2017 and 2018. While final approval is up to the Dean, Faculty and University committees, there is strong student interest in Human Rights, Equal Opportunity Law, and Private International Law. Favourable general areas of Legal Skills in Practice, Commercial Law and International Law were also noted. In semester one the USC Law School integrated with the faculty of Business and Arts are proud to announce we now have an Executive Dean, Professor Joanne Scott. Professor Scott played a leading role in the planning that led to the University’s decision to establish a law school. We also welcome Ms Kylie Fletcher, who comes to us from the business school, as our new School Administration Officer. By the end of 2016, we will have first cohort of graduates having completed the last group of required law courses! This year the USC Law School introduced a Law Honour Pathway, where students in all law programs can achieve a higher qualification (LLB (Hons)), by completing a 10,000 word Honours Thesis over two semesters. Meg Lucas | Director of Publications
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Treasurer’s Report The LSA would like to thank everyone who purchased an L Card over the past semester. All revenue flows directly back to the USC LSA to be put towards valuable student networking events, forums and competitions. Keep an eye in the near future for details of L Card exclusive events! The USCLSA realises that some events can be quite expensive, particularly on a student budget, but would hate to think that you are unable to attend because of the cost alone. If you would like to arrange a payment plan at any time, please contact the Treasurer at to discuss making a mutually agreeable plan. In light of the recent Negotiations Competition, we would like to thank the College of Law for their sponsorship; and to Maurice Blackburn Lawyers and the Sunshine Coast Law Association for renewing their sponsorship in the Client Interview Competition and Moot Tournament respectively. We encourage all students to take part in competitions, not only as a means of developing valuable legal skills, but in support of its continuation. Without your interest and healthy enthusiasm for competitions, they would not take place! If students are looking to expand their portfolio or further engage in the legal profession, the USC LSA offers a Commissioner of Declarations course. It is a one day course (instead of the usual three) at $215. If you are interested or have any questions, please email If students are also interested in joining the USC LSA finance portfolio, please email the address provided. Callum Lee | Treasurer
Prima Facie, semester 1 2016
Interview with the President Studying law is no easy feat. Dave Knobel, a fourth year law student, knows all too well about this struggle!
Why did you choose to study law, and why at USC? There are a number of things in combination that led me to law school. I have always been a passionate advocate for social justice and standing up for the underdog. I nerd-out pretty hard when I read an exceptionally well-written judgment (as clichÊd as it is, I am a massive fan Kirby J but I think McHugh J, as a jurist, was probably the better writer, in my respectfully humble opinion). I also have a pretty huge interest in politics and given the undeniable nexus between the law and the legislature, studying law seemed like a pretty obvious choice. In terms of studying at USC, there is no doubt for me, it was the small class sizes, access to teaching staff, focus on practical assessment and the chance to be involved in shaping a brand new Law School Students’ Association that solidified my decision.
As the President, of which USC LSA accomplishments are you most proud? That is a really tough question. I started with the LSA as the VP of Education, so to see competitions expand into a portfolio of its own has been excellent. I think competitions, and the skills they help develop for our members, is one of the things that set the LSA apart from the Law School or any other student association on campus. I am also really proud of the focus the LSA has on the mental health and wellbeing of our members. The mental health week forum we held in October 2015 was just one example of the excellent work the LSA does in this space. This is something that I am very passionate about and I hope under my Presidency I have been able to help develop a culture of caring about the wellbeing of LSA members.
What area of law interests you the most? There are so many areas that interest me. Oral advocacy is something that interests me immensely so I could definitely see myself in criminal law in some capacity. However, my focus at the moment is hopefully scoring a graduate job at DLA Piper following my clerkship with them at the end of this year. I am really interested in renewable energies and climate change adaptation, something for which they are leading the market.
What was your experience of clerking like and what advice can you give students in relation to internship and clerkship preparation? If you want to go into commercial law, clerking is an excellent way of getting experience, networking with the right people and finding out if you are cut out for life as a commercial lawyer. I clerked with Maurice Blackburn in 2015 and loved the experience. While I would not say I am super excited about 6
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plaintiff law, I definitely enjoyed the challenge of clerking and having to either apply my knowledge in practice or use the research skills I had gained to figure stuff out. Anyone who wants to clerk definitely needs to do five things: 1. Apply yourself to your studies to get the best GPA possible within the bounds that your ability and circumstances will allow (but be kind to yourself: sometimes life gets in the way and that Credit for contracts was an exceptional mark after the crap semester you had); 2. Increase your extracurriculars as much as time and circumstance will permit (having a volunteer cause you are passionate about is a great way to do this); 3. Find your commercial law passion (real estate, litigation/disputes, banking and finance etc), choose a firm or firms you are really interested in, learn as much as possible about them, the type of work they do, as well as how you would make a good ‘fit’ in that firm; and, 4. Network with people in the industry, but particularly try and get in front of people from the firm from which you want to clerk; but, 5. Remember that private law is only one avenue you may want to consider. Don’t forget about internships with government agencies, charities and not-for-profits, research organisations, political parties, or other private law opportunities such as in-house counsel or a Barrister’s chambers.
What’s on the horizon? Study, study, study, probably a fair bit of stress, some competitions, more study, more stress, a lot of work, then a clerkship to finish the year…
Meg Lucas | Director of Professional Publications David Knobel | President
Prima Facie, semester 1 2016
Competitions In semester 1, the Competitions portfolio conducted the USC LSA’s first Negotiation Tournament. 16 teams entered in a four-round knockout-competition, which produced some highly skilful and competitive negotiations. The final saw David Knobel and Callum Lee defeat Karran Moseley and Daniel Maegaard by the slimmest of margins in front of a packed lecture theatre. As victors, David and Callum have been given the opportunity to travel to New Delhi to compete in the NLU Delhi-HSF International Negotiation Competition in September. This is a tremendous opportunity for two highly talented Law Students to represent both USC and the USC LSA. We wish David and Callum all the very best. The LSA would like to take the opportunity to thank all preliminary and second round judges, in particular, Ross McSwan, Christine Jones, and Toby Nielsen for judging the final negotiation. We look forward to seeing next year’s teams for another battle of the wits! In semester 2, Mooting and Client Interview will, one again, be made available for all USC LSA members. With official dates yet to be finalised, Client Interview will be held early in the first half of the semester, and Mooting in the second half. Maurice Blackburn and SCLA have both renewed their sponsorships, which will see the final of the Client Interview Competition held at Maurice Blackburn’s Brisbane office. The competitions portfolio will continue to engage with the law school, local practitioners and other LSAs to ensure that students will compete in high-quality and enjoyable competitions. Krishna Alister | Vice-President Competitions
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Education To kick-start the year the LSA held a careers event which allowed students to listen to a panel of legal professionals and learn about the trials and tribulations of the profession. Students gained an insight into the PLT course available on completion of their degrees. The University celebrated University Mental Health and Well-being Day at the end of April. The event sought to promote the positive well-being of those with mental health difficulties, especially studying in Higher Education. The campus engaged in a range of activities aimed at encouraging students to take time out from the daily grind of continuous study. Between free massages, a BBQ lunch and animal therapy; it sure was a fantastic day! In recognition of this day, the USCLSA held a Wellness Afternoon Tea. Students were able to touch base and relax over a delicious selection of baked-goods (thanks everyone!). Mid-semester, the USCLSA held our first Social Justice Forum of the year, “Social Justice in Action: The Daniel Morcombe Case�. We would like to extend a huge thank you to Peter Boyce, of Butler McDermott Lawyers, for recounting the nine-year investigation of the disappearance of Daniel Morcombe and the Coronial Inquest that followed. Mr Boyce also discussed the importance of working pro bono, helping people in the community who are unable to afford legal services. At the end of the semester the first year representatives organised an excursion to the Supreme Court, Brisbane. A group of first and second year law students enjoyed the opportunity to observe the proceedings of the court and were lucky to watch the commencement of a criminal trial. During exam week we ran the mock trial of Hogwarts v Malfoy where high school students were able to gain an insight in the wonderful world that is law. Keep an eye out for up-and-coming social forums! Helen Smith | Vice-President of Education Meg Lucas | Director of Publications
Prima Facie, semester 1 2016
Events Over the past 13 weeks the USC LSA has conducted a number of exciting student events, both educational and social, with great success. We kick-started the semester with a Mexican themed “Welcome Dinner” held at La Canteena. We congratulate Karyn Clark for taking out the best-dressed award, and Madison Imhoff as runner-up! In April, the LSA collaboratively hosted a networking event with the Sunshine Coast Law Association. Students were able to talk with legal practitioners about the realities of the legal profession. It was a night of great insight with a lot of fun had along the way! Krishna Alister won the best photo competition with his photo on Instagram, featuring Meg Lucas and Ross McSwan (#Rossgoingon). We would like to extend a huge thank you to Brady Dennis for making the event a success! In May, many students, staff and practitioners took part in the Queensland Legal Walk. The event raised money towards the QPILCH’s Mental Health Sector and sought to raise awareness of the accessibility of the legal system to all Queenslanders. We would like to thank Tanisha Watts, Tori Pearson, Sarah Coombs, Nick Black, Jessica Popple, Sammy Fowler, Beth McKenna for being great marshals! Most recently, the Law School celebrated the end of semester with a round of Barefoot Bowls! The weather sure did not dampen the spirits of our bowlers! A big “shout-out” to Harry Blades and Kayla Bucknall for being the standout bowlers! And, self-admittedly, Jessica Popple and Justin Symons for being not-so-stand out bowlers. Thanks goes to Chelsea Dohle for organising such a great evening! A big well done to the USC LSA netball team who came through strong with two big wins at the end of the season! For those who would like to join the team, sign on is the July 21 at 6pm. The season officially starts July 28 and the grand final is November 3. If you are interested, please contact Chelsea Dohle with your team, if you do not have a team, Chelsea will try and find you a spot.
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Events: Save the Date! Women in Law The USC LSA is pleased to announce that we will be holding our inaugural Women in Law High Tea on 3 August 2016 (Wednesday, Week 2) at the Buderim Tavern. The USC LSA welcomes and encourages everyone to attend. As Law students, we are all too aware of not only the shrinking job market for law students in general, but the continued gender imbalance in the legal profession today. The USC LSA is committed to both informing and assisting all students on all possible careers that can stem from obtaining a law degree, from local, state or federal government, to policing and of course, as a solicitor or barrister. The event will include a panel discussion, facilitated by Director of Equity and Diversity, Tanisha Watts, which will aim to highlight our panellists’ education and careers, obstacles they may have faced as women in a predominantly male profession, and their views on the shrinking job market and the oversupply of law graduates today. The aim of this brunch will be not only to connect both male and female students with amazing, local professionals, but also provide our students with a platform to be educated by some of our country’s most esteemed female law graduates and professionals. The panel includes: • • • • •
Amelia Hodge – CEO of the Queensland Law Society Florence Chen – Barrister and President of Queensland Young Lawyers Solicitor from Maurice Blackburn Lawyers Senior Constable Veronica Brennan – Officer in charge at the Sippy Downs Police Station Deb Frecklington MP – State Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Member for Nanango (previously was a Partner and practiced in Family and Property Law).
The event will consist of a High Tea Style brunch, with scones, muffins, cakes herbal tea and coffee. Tickets are $25 for LSA members, $30 for non-members and will go on sale 3 July. Tickets are limited, so get in quick! Please contact or if you have any questions.
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USC LSA Ball Keep an eye out for up and coming details about the 2016 Law Ball! Be sure to get in quick and save October 29 for a fabulous night! Jessica Popple | Vice-President of Events
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Thanks and Appreciation Firstly, a huge thank-you is owed to Meg Lucas, Director of Professional Publications, and Sabrina Korva, Director of Internal Publications. Meg, thank you for working so hard and making Prima Facie the newsletter it is. I cannot imagine working with anyone else as one of my directors. Sabrina, thank you for your tireless work week-after-week on the weekly newsletter; I cannot think of anyone better to take on this role and produce the newsletters as you. Secondly, thank you to everyone who contributed and helped getting Prima Facie to print, so to speak. To the USC LSA Executive and Committee, thank you so very much. Thirdly, thank you to you, the reader. The appreciation the Publications Team has for you is insurmountable; you make our jobs worth doing. It has been quite a semester, and I cannot begin to express my gratitude for all the help, assistance and laughs that have gone into not only Prima Facie, but each and every publications our Portfolio has produced since the Special General Meeting, when we were elected into our roles. I hope you all enjoy this semester “wrap-up� newsletter; there is plenty more to come from Meg, Sabrina and myself. Have a great break everyone, you deserve it more than you know!
Sarah Coombs | Vice-President of Publications
Prima Facie, semester 1 2016