The CONnection News and Views from the University of South Carolina COLLEGE OF NURSING
June 2013
Millennials: The Future of Nursing in Good Hands
Dean Andrews with her mother, Rudy Olson and daughter, Jamie Andrews.
Inside This Issue Students’ Corner...............2 CFHC..................................3 Faculty & Staff Notes.......4-6 Upcoming Events..............6 Alumni & Development....7-9
Send Inquiries or Newsletter items to: Jan Johnson
On the way to a “girls” weekend getaway last week, my mother and I reflected on Joel Stein’s recent article in TIME magazine, Millenials: The ME ME ME Generation. We were about to meet up with four Millennials (my daughter and three nieces who range in age from 19 to 25 years), for a “girls” weekend at the beach. Several labels describing Millenials (persons born between 1980 and 2000) soundly resonated with my mother (the Silent Generation) and me (Generation X) about our “girls”. Entitled? Yes, they do seem a bit entitled at times. Narcissistic? Well, they do post new self-portraits on Facebook on a daily basis. What will be our future with Millenials in charge? In regards to our profession, how will Millenials impact the future of nursing? While enjoying my girls’ generational retreat at the beach (who pressed me to have more balance), and reflecting about our students and recent graduates, I have taken the position that Millenials are well poised to lead our future in nursing. Millenials are close to their families, civil minded, and are optimistic. They have a great sense of humor, are progressive thinkers, inclusive, and tolerant (“no one left behind”). In fact, they are the most diverse generation, with 40% being African American, Latino, Asian, or racially mixed. Growing up in the age of computers, the Internet, cellphones, social networking, and multimedia proliferation, they are well connected, adaptive, technology-savy, and have extensive networks. They work well in teams, are multitaskers, and process information quickly. They are very practical and results oriented, with a strong focus on purpose and meaning in the work that they do. Millenials are also well educated (and in dire debt as a result). In regards to our profession, they are the first generation of nurses educated with research-based, best-practice methods and outcome data. The nursing profession needs new knowledge brokers and champions who will challenge our current conventions. The majority of us agree that health care is in dire need of reform. With a growing evidence base for our practice, and new generation of leaders, who better to lead than our profession than Millenials? Let’s support, challenge, and continue to nurture this generation. They would have it no other way! Jeannette O. Andrews PhD, RN, FNP, FAAN Dean and Professor - LIKE US!
Students’ Corner Melody Malbin, NYP Externship CON rising senior, Melody Malbin, will be completing an externship at New York Presbyterian Hospital this summer. The hospital is partnered with Columbia University and she will be the pediatric nurse extern, working 3 12 hour shifts per week from June through August. Competition for admission was very tough as the program allows only one extern for each floor/unit. “I feel so lucky that the College of Nursing prepared me so well to jump at this opportunity. The interview process was very extensive and included a few hours of in depth questioning which was answered by my discussion of the multitude of experiences I have had in clinicals thus far,” stated Malbin. Click here to visit the hospital’s website.
Rachel Kennedy, Capstone Scholar During Rachel’s freshman year, Dr. Patrick Hickey helped her get involved with research at the Children’s Hospital with a nurse researcher in Pediatric Oncology and Hematology. She helped audit the medical staff for correct procedures, such as port accesses and hand washing. Through this, she gained the opportunity to volunteer at Camp Kemo last summer and is going back this summer to be a counselor. Her research mentor is Dr. Angela Murphy at the School of Medicine and the name of her project is The Effect of Toll-Like Receptor 4 (TLR-4) on High Fat Diet-Induced Colorectal Cancer. She has her own set of mice and some of them have the TLR-4 gene missing, which was genetically altered. TLR-4 is a receptor on a macrophage (part of the immune system) that alerts the body when there are invaders, but also picks up fat cells and starts the inflammation process as well. It is known that inflammation worsens the effects of cancer, so their thoughts are that by removing the TLR-4 gene, it may eliminate the issue of high fat induced-inflammation. She has some mice that are controls, some are fed low fat diets, others high fat diets, and some have the TLR-4 gene while others don’t. “I love talking about my research and trying to get people involved any chance I get. My goal is to eventually get my work published, which I am looking forward to,” said Kennedy.
Scholarships Available There are still scholarships available from the funds raised in the 2011 Promise of Nursing Gala. Below are the links for the undergraduate and faculty fellowship applications. Undergraduate Application Faculty Fellowship The undergraduate application is for nursing students seeking their initial licensure as registered nurses. The Faculty Fellowship is for Baccalaureate prepared RN’s who are looking to pursue a career in nursing education to become a faculty member at a local college or university. Contact Susan Outen for more information.
Children and Family Healthcare Center Providing comprehensive healthcare for infants, children, teens, adults and senior citizens
Who we are
Started in 1998, the Children and Family Healthcare Center (CFHC) is owned and operated by the College of Nursing, University of South Carolina. It is under the umbrella of University Specialty Clinics. The Center serves more than 7,000 patients and provides a comprehensive range of pediatric and specialty services from birth through older adulthood. The Center addresses an urgent need for providing health care to children coming into the foster care system and accepts clients of any age and income level including Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance.
Who provides the care?
Nurse Practitioner faculty from the USC College of Nursing are the primary health care providers at the Children and Family Healthcare Center. USC students in nursing, social work and pharmacy receive clinical experience at the Center. This quality clinical practice environment provides expert faculty and students with practical real life clinical opportunities that are academically strong and demonstrate evidence based practice.
Pediatric & Adult Health Services We Provide • Treatment & management of acute & chronic ilnesses • Annual exams for children and adults of all ages • Work, school, camp and sports physicals • Immunizations, growth and developmental screenings • Gynecological care (pap smears, breast exams, and pregnancy tests, contraception)
“These are the people in our community who need access to ‘basic’ quality healthcare. As the state’s flagship College of Nursing, we feel a compelling passion to be there for those who are in the greatest need. Nurses are all about caring.” Toriah Caldwell, MN, APRN, BC, FNP Director of the CFHC
• Best Chance Provider • Weight and stress management, nutrition/exercise education, and smoking cessation • Laboratory testing • Blood pressure screening and blood sugar monitoring • Cholesterol and triglyceride screening • Geriatrics assessment • Mental and behavioral health screening and counseling • Referrals, outreach and educational programs
Contact Us
Children and Family Healthcare Center 2638 Two Notch Road, Suite 110 Columbia, SC 29204 Monday - Thursday: 7:30 - 4:30 Friday: 7:30 - 1:00 (803) 256-2500
Research Spotlight Sue Heiney, PhD, RN, FAAN Dr. Sue Heiney has been a clinician and researcher for 30 years. For many of those years she has conducted behavioral interventions for cancer patients and their families. Her most recent study, an R01 funded through the National Cancer Institute, is entitled STORY and is telephone based intervention for African American women with breast cancer. She also has expertise in the recruitment of participants, especially minorities, to research studies. As an outgrowth of Dr. Heiney’s STORY project, she was recently awarded an Oncology Nursing Society grant to study treatment adherence, a major factor in improving survival. Dr. Heiney is the Dunn-Shealy Professor of Nursing and the Director of the College of Nursing’s Cancer Survivorship Center. The center’s faculty are dedicated to alleviating the burden and suffering from cancer in South Carolinians and understanding environmental and personal factors that improve survivorship. Principal faculty are housed in the newly renovated space on the 6th floor of the College of Nursing. The space includes a conference room, data storage room and a resource room as well as a gallery of artwork by cancer survivors donated by Palmetto Health. Cancer center faculty study a wide range of problems related to cancer survivorship that includes the influence of diet and exercise on cancer, road congestion and breast cancer, and access to cancer care. Interdisciplinary center team members include pharmacists, epidemiologists, geographers and physicians. Dr. Heiney has retained a clinical interest in supporting children of cancer patients and is the lead author of the forthcoming second edition of the American Cancer Society book, Cancer in the Family. She continues to lecture on this topic and has been invited to Japan to teach oncology professional about providing support to children whose parents have cancer. Her support program for children has been implemented in Tokyo for over four years and is now being disseminated to cancer centers throughout Japan. Dr. Heiney and her family are all USC graduates. Her husband practices Pharmacy at Bryan Psychiatric Hospital, her oldest daughter is a psychologist and her youngest daughter is a freelance photographer. She fully plans for both her grandchildren to be Gamecocks as well.
Faculty Presentations Chappell, K. K. (2013). Using technology in and
out of the classroom and Stimulating critical thinking using problem-based learning. SCNA Nurse Educator Chapter Workshop: Igniting the Classroom: Strategies for Improving Learner Outcomes. Columbia, SC. May 2013. De Anna Cox presented an ear assessment and
common pathology presentation for Lexington School District 1 nurses.
Faculty Publications Price M, Davidson T, Andrews JO, Ruggiero KJ. (2013). Access, use, and completion of a brief disaster mental health intervention among Hispanics, African Americans and Whites affected by Hurricane Ike. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 19:70—74. Jason R. Jaggers, Wesley D. Dudgeon, Steven N. Blair, Xuemei Sui, Stephanie Burgess, Sara Wilcox, Gregory A. Hand. A home-based exercise intervention to increase physical activity among people living with HIV: study design of a randomized clinical trial. BMC Public Health 2013, 13:502 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-13-502 Hilfinger Messias, D. K., Parra-Medina, D.,
Sharpe, P. A., Treviño, L., Koskan, A. M., & Morales-Campos, D. (2013). Promotoras de Salud: Roles, Responsibilities, and Contributions in a Multisite Community-Based Randomized Controlled Trial. Hispanic Health Care International, 11(2), 62-71. Andrews JO, Cox MJ, Newman SD, Gillenwa-
ter G, Winker JA, White B et al. (2013). Training partnership dyads for community based participatory research: strategies and lessons learned from the community engaged scholars program. Health Promotion Practice, 14, 4, 524-533.
Awards and Recognitions Kate Chappell has been elected a Board Mem-
ber for the South Carolina Professional Society on Abuse of Children (SCPSAC).
Grants Submitted Rita Snyder, “Reducing Medication Administration Process Redesign Risk Through Computer Simulation.” R01 submission to NIH. James Hebert, Swann Adams, Sue Heiney, “Cancer Disparities Training Program in a High-Risk, African-American Population.” R25 submission to NIH. Shilpa Srinivasan, Beverly Baliko, Mary Boyd, “Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Medical Professional Training Program.” TI-13 submission to SAMHSA. Peggy Hewlett, “South Carolina One Voice One Plan Action Coalition Future of Nursing State Implementation Program.” Submission to Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. James Burch, Sue Heiney, “HRV Biofeedback in Cancer Patients: Pilot Intervention for Pain and Stress.” R21 submission to NIH/ NINR. Jan Eberth, Swann Adams, “Lung Cancer Screening: Primary Care Providers’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices.” R03 submission to NIH/NCI. Mindi Spencer, Laura Hein, “Cultural Competence Training for Future Nurses: A Focus on Sexual Minority Health.” R03 submission to NIH/NIMHD.
UPCOMING EVENTS June 18th Last day to apply for August Graduation (University Deadline) June 24-28 Adventures in Nursing For 9-12 grade students interested in healthcare USC Continuing Education Office at 777-9444 or July 2nd Last day of classes July 3 & 5 Final Examinations July 4th Independence Day – no classes – offices closed July 8 Summer II begins August 6th Last day of classes August 7th – 8th Final Examinations August 10th Commencement Exercises in Columbia August 16th Faculty reporting date August 18 Freshmen Tea (College of Nursing) University New Student Convocation August 22 Fall classes begin October 4 – October 6 Parents Weekend October 4 Commitment Ceremony November 1 Viana McCown November 2 Homecoming Game USC vs. Mississippi State
College of Nursing University of South Carolina 1601 Greene Street Columbia, SC 29208 Office of the Dean: 803-777-3861 Office of Student Affairs: 803-777-7412 Job Title and duties. What exactly do you do? My official job title is Simulation Technician III. I typically tell people I am a simulation technologist. I help prepare the lab for all types of events. This includes skills training, medical simulation training, and orientations. I program manikins, record scenario, troubleshoot technical difficulties, train faculty and students, and help develop medical scenarios. How long have you worked at the CON and/or USC? I have been with the CON for over four years. I have worked at USC for over 12 years. Tell us about your most rewarding or satisfying experience or proudest moment at the CON. There have been so many wonderful moments that I have experienced while working here at the CON. If I had to pick one I believe it would be when we were awarded the grand opportunity to host one of the sites for the National Simulation Study headed by the National Council State Board of Nursing. From start to our recent finish was just an amazing experience. To have a hand in watching those students who participated in the study to grow and develop through intense simulation experiences while also providing the necessary data to the national study team that will help determine the role of simulation in the future is an opportunity that I am very proud to have shared. What do you like best about your job? I love the fact that I am helping students see situations in our lab that they won’t necessarily see while they are in their clinical. Scenarios can be scary, frustrating, and embarrassing for our students but at the end of the day, I hear them talk to each other about how events happened, why they happened, and what they need to do to prevent it from happening again. To see the light bulb go off in their head when they “get it” is what makes getting out of bed in the morning and coming to work very easy to do. What do you do when you’re not working? When I am not working I am spending time with my family and friends. I have a precocious 9 year old boy who loves to play video games and toss around the football and that keeps me very busy. I love to cook and do so on many occasions for our extensive family of friends. Tell us something people may not know about you. People here may not know that I sing tenor in our church choir, I am still driving my first “new” car (Ford Probe) that I bought back in 1996 (which drives my wife crazy), I have been to 49 of our 50 states, and I got to ride in a fire truck through Times Square in New York City.
Information Resource Center: 803-777-1213 Office of Research: 803-777-7413 Center for Nursing Leadership 803-777-3039 Employment Opportunities
Check out the College of Nursing’s Facebook page. Be sure to “LIKE” Us!!!
VITAL SIGNS....An Update from Alumni and Development Carole Hudson Cato The word philanthropy is derived from a Greek term, which directly translated means “love of mankind.” It is the effort or inclination to increase the well-being of humankind through charitable aid and donations. Carole Cato, exemplifies these altruistic characteristics and is the epitome of a true philanthropist. Carole is not a native of South Carolina. She’s not a nurse, and she isn’t an alumna of the University of South Carolina College of Nursing. Nor does she have any other connection to the University, other than the fact that she enjoys attending various events on campus and is a strong advocate for education. She also understands the important role a University plays in the economic, social and cultural welfare of a state, and that is why she has chosen to direct her charitable giving to the University, and specifically to the College of Nursing. “Education is the hope of the world and today, more than ever, Nursing needs well educated Nurse Leaders,” Carole states. Before moving to Columbia over a decade ago, Carole resided in Charlotte, NC for nearly 40 years, where she was married to a widower and helped raise seven children. During this time, she earned an associate degree in sales and marketing at Central Piedmont Community College and eventually transferred to the College of Human Development and Learning at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. It was here that she discovered a passion for helping others. During her first year at UNCC, she became a member of University Year for VISTA, a federal program devoted to helping people in the inner-city develop greater self-reliance through organization and civic engagement. Fast forward a few years, at which point she was a founding board member of the Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina. She served in this capacity for nine years and then assumed the role of Volunteer Community Relations Coordinator for the organization. She remained in that role for an additional five years. She also served on the board of the Charlotte Area Fund for ten years and was elected to serve as chair for three years. Over time, she became increasingly more involved on the political front, and became a member of the Charlotte Women’s Political Caucus and two partisan organizations. Today, living in Columbia, she continues to stay politically active and devotes her time to working with a number of public policy organizations involved in assuring all females enjoy the same freedoms and rights as do men and boys. Carole first became interested in the College of Nursing in February of 2010, when she had a chance encounter with Ruth Seigler, a former associate dean of the College and current advisor to the Dean, and Kim Riggi, the College’s previous director of development. During that initial encounter Carole expressed a desire to learn more about the College’s nursing programs. Soon thereafter, she was invited to tour The Children and Family Healthcare Center -- one of the state’s only nurse-run clinics -- which is owned and operated by the College of Nursing as part of University Specialty Clinics. A few weeks later she toured the College’s Clinical Simulation Laboratory. She was so intrigued by what she saw and learned during these two visits, and so impressed by the College in general, that she became a strong advocate in the community for the clinic and the Simulation program. In the summer of 2010, Carole decided that she would like to support graduate students in the nursing program and established the Carole Hudson Cato Endowed Fellowship for PhD candidates in the College of Nursing. Carole’s interest, advocacy and commitment to the future of nursing soon led to her appointment on the College of Nursing Partnership Board, and today she continues to serve as an active member of this leadership group. Recently, Carole made the important decision to bequeath her entire estate to the University’s College of Nursing. “ My passion and activism have, for the most part, always been directed at improving the health, welfare and equal rights of women, and in recent years, it has become ever more clear to me that there is a strong need to support research, policy, advocacy and education in this regard, Carole states. The College of Nursing can play a critical role in improving the psychological and physical health and empowerment of all women and girls through the work they do.” In conjunction with her estate gift, Carole recently established The Ruby Elliott Hudson and Carole Hudson Cato Endowment Fund for Women’s Health Research and Policy. The Fund, which was established in memory of Carole’s mother Ruby, will serve as Carole’s legacy and gift to the girls and women of South Carolina, and will ultimately support an endowed Center within the College of Nursing that is devoted to this type of work. Thank you Carole, for all that you’ve done and continue to do for the College of Nursing, and for your commitment to the future of Nursing, and to the women and girls of our state.
Colonel (Ret.) Charles Tupper, RN, BSN ‘79-From ENT to Flight Nurse Charlie Tupper has had an incredible life journey which was well under way when he came to USC College of Nursing back in the seventies. His many life experiences, his valor and honor to his country through his military career are exceptional. Always an advocate and a change agent, he gained support and tutelage for his transformational leadership as a student nurse at USC. As President of the Student Nurse Association he and his classmates were instrumental is the design and implementation of new uniforms-the white uniform with the white tunic trimmed in garnet with the USC Logo. Colonel Tupper lives on the beautiful SC island of Edisto with his wife, Susan. They enjoy boating, and working in the yard. Charlie maintains a restored a 1962 Volkswagen beetle, a duplicate of a 1968 Dune Buggy that he built in high school and a 1969 Square back VW. They have three adult sons and three precious grandsons. Col. Tupper currently is the Patient Flow Coordinator at the Ralph H. Johnson, Jr. Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Charleston. His military career is exemplary and includes serving as the Commander of the 439th Aero medical Evacuation Squadron (AES), Chicopee, MA and Commander of the 43d Medical Operations Squadron Pope AFB, in NC. During his military service, he received numerous awards, decorations and achievements, including a Fellow in the Aerospace Medical Association, Board Certified Nurse Administrator-Advanced (American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), Aerospace Medical Association Brigadier General E.A. Hoefly Award for Outstanding Contributions to Clinical Nursing and Aerospace Medical Association Mary T. Klinker (Flight Nurse of the Year) Award for Significant Contributions to the Field of Aero medical Evacuation. In reflecting on his most memorable USC professors, he names Nurse Professors Edith Samartino, Jan Anderzon and nutrition professor, Dr. Hamid. Ms. Samartino taught us to move fast, embrace valuable critical thinking skills and allowed us to work in a fast-paced environment with as much autonomy as possible. Ms. Samartino was “no-nonsense” ... but a very funny and dynamic nurse. Another instructor came in to teach nursing fundamentals in the summer... Jan Anderzon old VA Hospital. The VA nurses accepted the student nurses and threw us right into the mix on day one! This hospital facility that was constructed in the 1930s with large multi-bed wards and hand-washing facilities “down the hall and to the left”. Jan insisted on teaching at the VA because of those basic skills were re-enforced by the shortfalls of working in an older facility without all the conveniences of a modern hospital. Great preparation for my ability to adapt and adjust in a variety of circumstances. Another delightful professor was Dr Hamid, he taught nutrition. He was from Turkey and I remember him saying, in his Turkish accent, “...the liver is critical for life, even more so than the heart ... so you should tell your boyfriend or girlfriend that you love them with your liver if you really mean it.” While at USC, Charles was an EMT/Medic at the Thomson Student Health Center. He lived there in an ambulance crew apartment on the bottom floor for three years. He worked in the GYN clinic with Dr. Potts for about 6 months and then the afterhours clinic and pulled ambulance call every other night. His roommate and fellow EMT was Steve Kirkland, now a cardiologist with a practice in Winston-Salem NC. Charles continues his public service to the state of South Carolina and is currently the Chief Nurse for the SC State Guard. In this voluntary position the State Guard augments the SC National Guard in matters of declared emergencies by the Governor. He maintains his Federal rank of Colonel in the SC State Guard which gives him a chance to share some of the Emergency Management and patient movement skills from his military background and work with some great leaders in our state. He has attended multiple Department of Homeland Security/FEMA courses in Emergency Management. In 1992 Charlie obtained a Masters in Health Service Management from Webster University, St Louis, MO. “The Class of 1979 endured some interesting times at Carolina, we were restructured to meet the scarce clinical positions available in Columbia. The faculty came in one day and told us a quarter of us had to drop out a semester and then come back for the next available rotation. We were a particularly stubborn group and the faculty eventually found a way to accommodate us and let us all graduate on time. In 2009, Charlie organized a 30 year reunion at Homecoming. Pam Morton-Gillespie, Grandee Lehrer and Ann Miller-Cobb attended and we had a great time. It was great to talk to Dean Parsons and a few of our professors and staff. It was disappointing not to have a greater response. Maybe for our 40th in 2019! It is great to be a Gamecock and I am so appreciative of the excellent education I received at the USC College of Nursing,” Tupper states.
ALUMNI Q&A: LT Nathan Aranas ‘09 BSN Dr. Jean Wood Former College of Nursing facutly, Dr. Jean Wood, passed away May 28th. Read her obituary here. Memorial contributions in honor of Jean’s memory may be made to the Loomis-Wood Doctoral Fellowship or the D. Jean Wood Nursing ScholWhere do you work now? Currently: Emergency Dept. US Naval Hospital Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Next duty station (Sep ‘13): US Naval Hospital Naples, Italy
arship. Please contact Monica Cromer at 7773848 or for more information.
What is the most interesting thing you have seen or done as a nurse? Personally MEDEVAC’d a patient from a ward in Kuwait to ultimate care in Germany. What are you hobbies, interests, passions? My nursing passion will always be Emergency Nursing. Outside of work I’m always looking for good food. I’ll also admit I’m a huge history buff. But if you want to talk about Carolina Football or anything Charleston related I’m all ears. Tell us about your family. Both of my parents are also RNs living in Charleston, SC. When I was little I’d listen to them argue about patients, treatment plans, new docs, and what floor they should go to next. I hated it! Now I’m proud to participate in these dinner conversations and show off what I’ve learned to them too. What does it mean to be a College of Nursing Alumnus? Were there any faculty and/or campus experiences that helped you with your career choices and where you are now? Graduating from the CON is something I’ll truly be proud of. Being part of the Carolina alumni family makes me unique among my Navy colleagues. I’ve brought my knowledge I attained in college to nurse in 5 different countries. From the Dean to the newest clinical instructor, each faculty member truly dedicates their livelihood to make sure their students succeed. I’m thankful they all gave me the chance to learn from them. Is there anything you would like to say to your classmates and others reading the newsletter? To all my USC friends, we all studied and worked hard to get where we are today. Don’t ever forget where we came from and the folks that believed in us. Forever to thee…
All Gifts and Pledges to support Nursing can be sent to: USC College of Nursing 1600 Hampton Street, Suite 736 Columbia, SC 29208 Gift Processing Checks Made Payable to the USC Educational Foundation or at our website To learn how you can make a difference at USC College of Nursing contact the Development Office at 803-777-3468.