The CONnection News and Views from the University of South Carolina COLLEGE OF NURSING
Homecoming 2013 “Rocked” The College of Nursing enjoyed a galvanizing weekend during our annual homecoming celebration. Approximately 200 alumni, partners, guests, faculty and students met at the Dome for the 49th Annual Viana McCown Lectureship on Friday morning. Our speaker, Dr. Peter Buerhaus, started off our day with an interesting lens of the future of the nursing workforce. A panel of state-wide thought leaders, including Tony Keck (DHHS), Michael Biediger (Lexington Medical Center), Ruth Mustard (Dorn VA), and Forrest Fortier (Palmetto Health) each provided perspectives on opportunities and challenges for the future of nursing. Solution-oriented action items for nurses and the future of health care delivery systems were generated.
View photos from our Viana McCown Lectureship HERE College of Nursing featured on Channel 19 News regard-
ing the Future of Nursing and Affordable Care Act. View it HERE.
Inside This Issue Students’ Corner.................2-3 Alumni & Development.....4-5 Faculty & Staff Notes.........6-8 Sigma Theta Tau..................8 Events...................................9 NO LIMITS............................10
Following, we recognized our two outstanding Alumni – Eileen Leaphart and Dr. Lisa Williams. The class of 1967 (what a spirited group!) presented the College with a check that fully endowed a $100,000 gift in honor of their faculty member, Helen Gurley Wolford. Our BBQ lunch on the patio was invaded by the University’s mascot, Cocky, during which i-phones were pulled out of purses and pockets for group photos and new memories. Alumni toured the building to reminisce about former days in the College and to see our state-of-the-art simulation center. We enjoyed catching up with Dean Mary Ann Parsons, faculty emeriti, our Partnership Board, and others at our dessert social during the late afternoon. Of note, the class of 1973 had members traveling from Oregon, Wyoming, and Kansas to celebrate their “40” year reunion. On Saturday, the College hosted alumni and guests at the Cockaboose prior to kickoff, and then celebrated as the Gamecocks soared to victory over Mississippi State during the afternoon. The weather and ambience were near perfect the entire weekend. A special thanks to everyone who participated in our homecoming events, and especially to our planning committee, led by the Center for Nursing Leadership and the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs. If you missed this year’s events, I ask that you start planning now to attend our 2014 Homecoming and our 50th Viana McCown Lectureship. I also want to issue a “friendly” challenge to all of our alumni groups to match or exceed the class of 1967’s contributions as we envision our future here at the College. We have big, audacious goals to shape the future of nursing, health, and health care delivery in our state and beyond. As I often say, “it takes a village.” “Like” us on Facebook for ongoing news and stories about our people and events. Get involved, stay connected, and join us as we continue to lead in a new era of opportunities. Jeannette O. Andrews PhD, RN, FNP, FAAN Dean & Professor - LIKE US!
Send Inquiries or Newsletter items to: Jan Johnson
Students’ Corner CON Students, Megan Perry, Alyce Ni, Shanelle Parry, Sallie Pensa, and Senna Desjardins attended the Women’s Health Research Forum on Friday, October 25th with CON Faculty, Dr. Sabra Smith. The keynote presentation, Women and HIV: Epidemiology from the World to Rural South Carolina was delivered by Sharon Weissman, MD, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease Fellowship Director at USC School of Medicine/Palmetto Health. A moderated panel discussion focused on Research Questions and Directions for SC Women with HIV/AIDS. Shanelle Parry assisted Dr. Smith with a poster, entitled “Case Report of a Possible Elite Controller of Human Immunodeficiency Virus”. USC Lancaster Class of 2014
USC Salkehatchie held its’1st annual Stethoscope Ceremony for junior and senior upper division students on October 10th at the newly remodeled Carolina Theatre on the Allendale campus. They had 27 students who participated and approximately 75-100 family members/friends who attended in support of the students. Dean Andrews was the key note speaker and Interim Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Kim Glenn, attended.
Integrating Learning Within and Beyond the Classroom
USC Connect is a comprehensive learning initiative to support all students in enhancing their Carolina education by connecting academics and beyond the classroom experiences. Click HERE for more information.
USC Lancaster juniors, Dominique Ciuffetelli and Danielle Cave, traveled to the Columbia campus to the Clinical Simulation Lab for the first time.
CON Students Shine at Student Nurses Association State Convention
Twenty College of Nursing students attended the SNA State Convention October 4-6 in Charleston, SC. With an estimated 300 in attendance from across the state, money was raised and donated to the MUSC Children’s Hospital. Senior USC student and Executive Vice President, Justin Chavis, planned the convention and did an outstanding job. The resolution presented by CON students on promoting healthy eating was passed and will go on to the national convention in April 2014. CON students won several awards including the Leadership Award. The students submitted a video for the spirit lunch. View their video HERE. The following students were elected to be state executive SNA board members for 2013-2014: Lauren Bailey (Senior) President Savanah Turner (Junior) President Elect Allison Wagenlander (Senior) NEC (Nominating and Elections Committee) Director Rebecca Christopher (Sophomore) Secretary CON Alumnus Emmanuel Taylor, (BSN ’93) gave the keynote speech. CON Faculty, Kate Chappell, concluded her successful 2 year term as Executive Consultant to the State SNA and was thanked by the group.
STUDENT Q&A: Tahirah Jackson, Class of 2014 What brought you to the College of Nursing and what do you want to do with your degree? I always knew that I wanted to work in the medical field, but I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do. As I began to looking into different professions, I was intrigued by how many different areas you could work in as a nurse with a BSN. I also liked the amount of patient care nurses are able to provide. I plan to graduate in May 2014 and although it may not happen right away, I ultimately want to be a labor and delivery nurse. What is one skill you believe every nurse should possess? One skill that I believe every nurse should possess is the ability to think critically and see things before they happen. In nursing there is a lot going on and a lot that you have to think about at one time. When you can have up to 5 or 6 patients for a 12 hour shift a lot can go wrong. You always have to be one step ahead. What is/was your favorite class? I would have to say it is a tie between OB and Psych. I find myself looking forward to lecture every week to learn more about these topics! Professor Leaphart and Professor McKinney are very enthusiastic professors who really make learning the material easy and fun. What is your proudest accomplishment at USC so far? My proudest accomplishment at USC so far is making the Dean’s or President’s List every single semester since my freshman year. Tell us about your extracurricular activities. I am in my fourth year of being a member of the cheerleading team! Being a nursing student and a member of the cheerleading team really tests my time management skills, but I’ve learned how to manage and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Go Cocks! Cheerleading has been so much fun and I get a lot of great opportunities through it. I am very thankful that my professors are supportive and willing to work with my cheerleading schedule so that I am able to travel and do things with my team as well as stay on top of all of my school work. What advice would you give to future nursing students? 1. Find out what kind of learner you are. The sooner you do this, the sooner you will succeed. 2. Keep a planner with you at all times. 3. Take time for yourself. Relax! Nursing school is stressful, but don’t let it take over your life. You’re only this young once, don’t forget that!
VITAL SIGNS....An Update from Alumni and Development Viana McCown Lectureship at the College of Nursing Friday, November 1st - Homecoming Weekend 2013 Congratulations to our 2013 Outstanding Nurse Alumna! Eileen C. Leaphart, MN (‘75), BSN (‘71), RNC is a Clinical Associate Professor at the USC College of Nursing and is certified in Inpatient Obstetric Nursing and as a Perinatal Bereavement Counselor. She was a recipient of the SC Palmetto Gold Award in 2012 and currently serves as President of the Alpha Xi chapter of Sigma Theta Tau. A registered professional nurse for over 40 years and a nurse educator for over 25 years, Eileen has been a pioneer in advancing the nursing roles of certified OB nurses and OB Clinical Nurse Specialists. A scholar and an author of “Perinatal Bereavement” and “The Fourth Trimester”, she was the first chair of two national certification exams. She is an active member of the Lutheran Church and serves her community as a volunteer and advocate for many.
Congratulations to our 2013 Outstanding Young Nurse Alumna! Lisa T. Williams, DNP (‘09), APRN, FNP-BC is currently the Family Nurse Practitioner at Eau Claire Cooperative Health Center. She is the owner and CEO of Assessments Unlimited, LLC, a free tutoring and mentoring service to nursing students. Active in many professional and civic organizations that include, the Delta Eta Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority Inc., the SC Nurses Association, the Golden Key Honor Society, the SC One Voice One Plan Coalition and past vice-president of the Alpha Xi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau. She was the recipient of the SC Palmetto Gold Award 2012, the Teaching Excellence Award 2011-2012, USC Mortar Board, and the Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher in 2011 at the USC College of Nursing. Active in her profession and in the community, Lisa is a sought after public speaker and writer. She serves on the editing board of Pepid Electronic Nursing Education literary endeavors. The Clincial Simulation Wall of Honor, honoring former CON Dean Peggy Hewlett was unveiled. Dr. Hewlett is pictured here with Professors Erin McKinney and Amber Williams.
The class of 1967 presented the College with a check that fully endowed a $100,000 gift in honor of their faculty member, Helen Gurley Wolford.
View more photos from the Event HERE
The Class of 1973 celebrated their 40th Reunion. This class reunion, coordinated by Belinda Corbett Rutledge, brought dedicated classmates from all over the nation including Wyoming, Oregon and Kansas. Pictured L to R: Katherine Ellis Fetterman, Liza Drew Mackey, Ann Flynn Aschenbrenner, Linda Grinton Zaepfel, Belinda Corbett Rutledge. Dr. Martha Tingen, BSN (‘79), PhD (‘95)
Alumni Q&A: Cindy Poole, BS (‘84) Where do you work now? I have worked with Healthy Learners for the past 16 and a half years and currently serve as the Midlands Coordinator and Assistant Executive Director. Healthy Learners is a faith based, non profit providing access to health care services for children. What is the most interesting thing you have seen or done as a nurse? To Serve on the National Assoc. of School Nurses (NASN) Board of Directors for a four year term from 2009-2013 enabled me to meet and work with professional school nurses from all over the county. This was a tremendous personal and professional growth opportunity. What are you hobbies, interests, passions? Reading, traveling, baking, spending time with family and church service are my interest and my passions. Tell us about your family. My husband, Gerry and I have been married for almost 31 years. Gerry works for SCANA. Our daughter, Caitlin, is a Clemson graduate and recently received her Masters in Speech Language Pathology from ASU. She is engaged to be married and our future son-in law is a law student at USC. Son, Jeremy and his wife, Anna Lee are USC graduates - they are in Charlotte, NC with our grand–dog, Roth (named after former USC pitcher, Michael Roth, of course). What does it mean to be a College of Nursing Alumnus? Any faculty and/or campus experiences that shaped your career choices? I am proud to be a College of Nursing Alumnus and grateful for my educational experience at USC. My interest in community health nurs¬ing was “ignited” during my Community Rotation. After graduating and working acute care , I began working for SC DHEC with a focus on pediatrics. I transitioned to the specialty practice of school nursing which is truly my passion and I am blessed to continue this work.
(middle), was inducted into the American Academy of Nursing on October 19th in Washington, DC. She was nominated by two fellow USC CON PhD alums, Dr. Deb Wallace, PhD (‘90) (left) and Dean Jeannette Andrews, PhD (‘04) (right).
All Gifts and Pledges to support Nursing can be sent to: USC College of Nursing 1600 Hampton Street, Suite 736 Columbia, SC 29208 Gift Processing Checks Made Payable to the USC Educational Foundation or at our website To learn how you can make a difference at USC College of Nursing contact the Development Office at 803-777-3468.
Faculty and Staff Notes Drs. Abbas Tavokoli and Tena McKinney are collaborating with researcher Dr. Nikki Wooten from the School of Social Work, to study the relationship between prescription medication use, pain, and at-risk alcohol behaviors in older veterans. The SCNA unanimously passed a resolution proposed by Dr. Stephanie Burgess supporting full scope of practice for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses in accordance with Institute of Medicine objectives. Dr. Sue Heiney is featured in the article “How to Talk to Your Kids About: Breast Cancer” Read the article HERE. Dr. Sue Heiney’s book, “Cancer in our Family: Helping Children Cope with a Parent’s Illness”, featured in USC Times. Read the article HERE. A study conducted by Dr. Kathy Scharer and Dr. Laura Hein is currently being featured on the Provost’s website.
The White House and the Department of Health and Human Services invited LGBT scholars and leaders to a briefing at the White House on September 12th on the Affordable Care Act and its implications for the LGBT Community. Dr. Laura Hein represented the state of South Carolina.
Dr. Amber Williams spoke at Fire Safety Awareness Day October 10th on carbon monoxide. She is also working with the fire marshalls on campus to install co monitors in our college and in every building on campus in Columbia and Lancaster.
Dr. Sue Heiney outside of St Luke’s International Hospital in Tokoyo where she gave her presentation, Communicating with Children when a Parent has Cancer. Pictured above with Motohiro Matoba, MD, PhD, the physician who heads the research group and Kaori Osawa B.A. SW, the coordinator for Hope Tree, a non-profit organization who sponsored her workshops.
The USC Deans and Associate Deans at the Capitol on October 28th. The group met with Senator Tim Scott and Senator Lindsay Graham’s staff regarding the nursing and health issues in South Carolina
Dr. Tisha Felder was selected as a participant for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Connections 7th Annual Research and Coaching Clinic, Boston MA (Nov 1-2, 2013). Dr. Laura Hein served on the planning committee for the first Nursing Summit at the annual conference of GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality. She co-led the Clinical breakout session with Peggy Chinn. She is the only nurse on the Board of Directors of GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality. Dr. Patrick Hickey has been selected as a featured scholar. He is featured on the Office of the Vice President for Research’s website which highlights faculty excellence, innovation, and creativity. His information can be viewed HERE. Mary Androne has been named the Membership Chair for BONUS (Business Officers of Nursing Schools) through the AACN. Dr. Ronit Elk participated in the Jewish Book Fair, an annual event that takes place in different cities all over the country. She read from one her children’s books to the kindergartners’ at the Jewish School and in the evening, participated in a panel discussion at the Jewish Community Center of children’s authors on writing children’s books.
Pictured (left to right): Dean Jeannette Andrews, Associate Dean Angie Davis (USC Upstate), Dean Katherine Gibb (USC Upstate), Dean Thayer McGahee (USC Aiken), and Dean Rose Kearney-Nunnery (USC Beaufort).
Faculty Publications Frazier, B, Culley, JM, Hein, L. & Williams, A. Social Networking Policies in Nursing Education. Computer Informatics in Nursing (CIN). in press Felder TM, Bennett CL. Can Patients Afford to Be Adherent to Expensive Oral Cancer Drugs?: Unintended Consequences of Pharmaceutical Development. Journal of Oncology Practice, 2013. Craig, J, Culley, JM, Tavakoli, A. & Svendsen, ER. Gleaning data from disaster: a hospitalbased data mining method to studying all-hazard triage after a chemical disaster. American Journal of Disaster Medicine, 8(2), 97-111. DeAnna Cox and The Misener Nurse Practitioner Job Satisfaction Scale tool were referenced in the journal research article: The Journal for Nurse Practitioners Volume 9, Issue 7, July/August 2013 titled Nurse Practitioner Satisfaction: Identifying Perceived Beliefs and Barriers by Mary E. Ryan and Diane Whitaker Ebbert.
Faculty Presentations Laura Hein presented a poster at the annual conference of GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality titled ““Support Groups in the LGBT Community – What’s the Best Make-up? The Consumer Perspective” on September 21st. Laura Hein presented “LGBTIQ Cultural Diversity” to Blue Cross Blue Shield of SC nurses for continuing education on October 10th. Karen McDonnell “Women Struggle To Be Smoke-Free: Supporting Partners With Cancer” (poster) at the Carolina Women’s Health Research Forum in Columbia, SC on October 25th, 2013 sponsored by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine. Karen McDonnell “A Decision Aid to Improve Smoking Abstinence for Families Facing Cancer” (paper) at the Connections: Advancing Care Through Science Conference in Dallas, Texas on November 9, 2013 sponsored by the Oncology Nursing Society. Snyder, R., Huynh, N., Cai, B., & Bennett, K. (2013). Effective healthcare process redesign through an interdisciplinary team approach. [Abstract]. 14th World Congress in Medical and Health Informatics (MedInfo) 2013, August 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark. Huynh, N., Snyder, R., Vidal, J., Sharif, O., Cai, B., & Bennett, K. (2013). Unbundled versue bundled nurse medication administration process: Preliminary findings of a pilot field study. [Abstract]. 7th Quantitative Modelling in the Management of Health and Social Care Conference 2013, March 25-27, Woburn House Conference Centre, London, England, UK.
Research Spotlight: Karen Kane McDonnell, PhD, RN, OCN A newly appointed Assistant Professor in the College of Nursing, Dr. McDonnell earned her PhD from the University of Virginia, her Master’s Degree in Nursing (MSN) from Yale, and her Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing (BSN) from Cornell University. She has a strong background in cancer care as an oncology clinical nurse specialist and cancer research program administrator. Dr. McDonnell’s academic training and dedication to improve the health-related quality of life for individuals with cancer and their families led her to develop an interest in the design and testing of family interventions. For individuals with lung cancer continued smoking negatively affects survival, treatment effectiveness, and risks of recurrence and second cancers, and health-related quality of life (HRQL). Most stop smoking interventions focus on individuals; however, family members who smoke are known barriers to success. Involving family members in the stop smoking plan may reduce an important barrier, prevent smoking relapse, as well as, improve the health of family members. Her doctoral research entitled “A Decision Aid to Improve Smoking Abstinence and HRQL for Families Facing Cancer” was supported by a doctoral scholarship awarded by the American Cancer Society (2011-2013) and the Oncology Nursing Society (2011). Dr. McDonnell used the results of this study to design a pilot study exploring receptivity and preferences for cancer risk-reducing behavior change among African American families facing a lung cancer diagnosis. The long-term goal of this research is to enhance the design and implementation of family-focused interventions among survivors with cancer and their families. Adoption and maintenance of healthy lifestyles after a cancer diagnosis can potentially reduce both cancer-related and non–cancer-related morbidity for survivors and family members.
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month November is a good opportunity to remind ourselves of the importance of lung cancer prevention by avoiding tobacco products and exposure to secondhand smoke. The good news is that the best way to save lives from lung cancer and numerous other tobacco-related illnesses is to stop or never use tobacco products and encourage your family and friends to do the same. There are many excellent and effective resources available to assist someone with a decision to stop smoking. Speaking with your doctor or nurse practioner, checking out an online program like, or calling a free telephone quitting program, such as the South Carolina Tobacco Quitline (1-800-QUIT-NOW) can be an important step in helping you or someone you care about to Quit for Keeps! Resources to help you, your family and friends stop smoking: American Cancer Society; American Lung Association; Legacy; Tobacco Free Nurses; National Lung Cancer Partnership; South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control; U. S. Department of Health and Human Services
Alpha Xi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau Greetings to all from Alpha Xi! Our second dinner meeting of the year was a great success with over 20 members enjoying networking, earning CE credits and a fine meal at the Old Mill Brew Pub in Lexington. As the Clinical Practice Manager of MinuteClinic in the Columbia area, Janette Capaci, APRN, MSN, FNP-C gave an insightful presentation on November 5 on Best Practices in Retail Health Clinics, focusing on the exemplar of the appropriate utilization of antibiotic therapy for Otitis Media and the treatment approach for wait-and-see prescriptions. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) awarded second place in their Evidence-Based Care (EBC) category to this project. The EBC Challenge initiative was created to increase awareness and use of evidence-based healthcare tools in retail health settings. The challenge, extending from June to October 2012, was to translate existing AHRQ research reports into creative provider-friendly resources for use in retail settings. Additionally, MinuteClinic sponsored an internal Evidence Based Challenge within its organization and awarded this project first place and grant seed funding to implement this project. The implementation of this project further demonstrated that Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners (ARNP) are well suited to provide evidence based medicine in retail health settings and further empowers the nursing profession on an advanced practice level. Those attending this dinner meeting were indeed uplifted professionally by Ms. Capaci’s presentation. The 42nd Biennial Convention of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing will be held in Indianapolis on November 16 – 20. The following board members will represent Alpha Xi at the convention – Gloria Fowler, Sue Haddock, Eileen Leaphart, Ann Scott, and Amber Williams. We are delighted that Dr. Williams was selected for a podium presentation. WANTED: Nurse Leader candidates for membership in Alpha Xi chapter of STTI. Nursing professionals not previously inducted as nursing students and not currently enrolled in a nursing program can join STTI as a Nurse Leader. Nurse Leader candidates must meet these criteria: • Be legally recognized to practice nursing in his/her country • Have a minimum of a baccalaureate degree or the equivalent in any field • Demonstrate achievement in nursing in the following categories – Administration, Education, Global Health, Practice, Publication, or Research Those interested in applying or nominating a colleague for the Nurse Leader membership category should contact Ellen Synovec, Alpha Xi President Elect at
STAFF Q&A: Mary Androne, Business Director What exactly do you do? I am charged to develop, direct, supervise, and coordinate the preparation, maintenance and management of the college fiscal records and operations, which includes primary responsibility for budget preparation. I am also responsible for monitoring and maintaining adherence to the budget for all College of Nursing funds and evaluating financial activities to ensure compliance with University, State, and Federal policies and procedures. How long have you worked at the CON and/or USC? In 1986, I began my career with USC Payroll Department. I transferred to University Technology Services and held various positions for eighteen years. Lastly, I transferred to the College of Nursing eight years ago. Tell us about your most rewarding or satisfying experience or proudest moment at the CON. My job has been rewarding in many ways but I especially enjoy working with the College of Nursing faculty and staff. It is always exciting when we can work together to find a solution that works for everyone and meets the University guidelines, policies and procedures. I have learned so much both professionally and personally since joining the College of Nursing. What do you like best about your job? I enjoy working with the faculty and staff of the College of Nursing and other Business Managers within the University system. I have a special likeness for the students and enjoy seeing the students as they mature and progress at the University. What do you do when you’re not working? My favorite hobbies are visiting my son and his wife in Phoenix whenever possible. I also enjoy gardening, going to ANY beach, and helping people by giving back to those less fortunate through volunteerism. Tell us something people may not know about you. I think a lot of people would be surprised to know that I was a music/piano major in college. I do not play nearly as much as I used to, but I love music. My family is very large; I have four sisters and one brother. We had a pet monkey as children and one time he jumped in a large pot of spaghetti, and I wonder to this day, if my Mother actually fed it to us!
UPCOMING EVENTS November 13 SNA meeting 7:30 pm, WBB 231
November 13
PhD Information Sessions 6:00 – 7:30 pm PhD Program Office: 803-777-0290
December 15 Convocation 2:00 pm, WBB 231
USC doctoral students, Sheri Webster and Carly Eklund, (pictured above with Dean Andrews) joined more than 250 students from 88 nursing programs in Washington, DC October 27-29 for the Jonas Scholar Leadership Conference. Established in 2008, this program is the largest initiative of its kind addressing the shortage of nursing faculty and efforts to increase the number of advanced practice clinical nurses by preparing nurses with doctoral degrees to step into these critical roles. USC’s students were the first Jonas Scholars awarded in South Carolina and both have been working with the SC One Voice One Plan Future of Nursing Action Coalition as part of their leadership projects.
Save The Dates Aging Research Day January 24, 2014
13th Annual Geriatric Symposium January 25, 2014 New Location:
Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center 1101 Lincoln Street Columbia, SC 29201 Opportunity to attend one or both Educational Programs.
Details to Follow
December 16 University Commencement
January 16
PhD Information Sessions 6:00 – 7:30 pm PhD Program Office: 803-777-0290
January 24 Aging Research Day
January 25 13th Annual Geriatric Symposium
February 4 Carolina Day at the Statehouse
February 8 CON Clinical Practice Conference: Management of the Complex Patient Contact: Tena Hunt McKinney
February 21 Mary Ann Parsons Lectureship
March 27-28 SC Center for Nursing Leadership Nursing Summit
March 31 Recognition Luncheon
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF NURSING No Limits to our Teaching • First and largest BSN and nursing graduate programs in the state of SC • 96%-100% NCLEX and Nurse Practitioner Board Pass Rates, exceeding both state and national averages • New PhD student fellowships and stipends • National and Internationally recognized faculty • Nationally ranked graduate programs No Limits to our Innovation • State-of-the-art Client Simulation Lab providing revolutionizing and quality education to students • Cutting edge research in health care delivery, cancer survivorship, health promotion, and vulnerable populations • 4th DNP program in the country, now provided online • Center for Nursing Leadership is leading state-wide action coalitions responsive to the national Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action No Limits to our Caring • The College of Nursing’s Children and Family Healthcare Center is the only nurse managed medical home in South Carolina • Our dedicated expert clinical faculty provide comprehensive healthcare to all ages of an underserved population • Over 90 scholarships provided each year to our students, with the generosity from our alumni and donors • Well established partnerships with health systems and stakeholders across the state No Limits to our scholarship • National leaders in nursing research with 70% of our tenure track faculty having received NIH funding • Diverse portfolio of research funding from NCI, NINR, NHLBI, NLM, CDC, HRSA, Duke Foundation, & others • Two Research Centers: Healthcare Process and Redesign Center and Cancer Survivorship Center • One of 10 schools across the country participating in National Simulation Study
CONTACT US College of Nursing University of South Carolina 1601 Greene Street Columbia, SC 29208 Office of the Dean: 803-777-3861 Office of Student Affairs: 803-777-7412 Information Resource Center: 803-777-1213
Office of Research: 803-777-7413 Center for Nursing Leadership 803-777-3039 Employment Opportunities