World Missions Perspectives - 2011 4th Quarter Newsletter

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contact us >>> Chris Shay, World Missions Director Kristin Caddy, World Missions Asst. Director Sarah Kincaid, Sponsorship & Mission Support Coordinator Phone: 847-294-2108 Mailing Address: 10 W. Algonquin Road, Des Plaines, IL 60016 Email: Website: Facebook: SA World Missions Twitter: SASponsorship

A Quarterly Newsletter of the USA Central Territory World Missions Bureau

World Missions


love in action >>> Love in Action (LIA), a project of the Sponsorship Office, is an opportunity for you to show the love of Christ and minister to others in need overseas through one-time gift monetary donations. LIA was created and inspired from scripture verses from the book of 1 John chapter 3. Verse 16 that says, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.” It continues in verse 18 to say, “Dear children, let us not LOVE with words or tongue but with ACTIONS and in truth.” We hope that Love In Action will inspire people to show their love for one another and for their ‘global neighbors’ in a practical and selfless way. The LIA gifts are support projects and provisions that can meet needs immediately as well as create long-term answers. LIA can empower individuals and families to overcome adverse situations and give them an opportunity to reclaim their assurance for a promising future. For more information go to

4th Quarter 2011 Volume 5, Issue 1

Lessons from Project Hope by Sarah Kincaid

A few weeks ago I had the honor of visiting an HIV/AIDS project in Russia called Project Hope. This summer campers at Central Bible Leadership Institute raised over $6,000.00, with an additional $5,000.00 contributed by THQ, to support this Love In Action Project. Project Hope is managed by the St. Petersburg Corps to help support HIV+ mothers and families. Formula, food, clothing and moral and spiritual support are provided to these individuals, who come from unique and diverse backgrounds, as they are coming to terms with their HIV+ status. This visit was an important venture for our Sponsorship Program, allowing us to gather and share accurate information with our sponsors and donors. On a personal level, I had an unexpected learning experience emerge from my time in Russia as God taught me three significant lessons. Our money makes an impact I’ve always trusted in The Salvation Army, and as I shadowed the staff of Project Hope on their home visitations, food distributions, and clinic visits I was filled with joy knowing that lives are being impacted by the donations made back in the USA. Nina, the director of Project Hope, is a

quiet, humble, unassuming woman. Her life is an inspiring story of courage which involved ministry to Chechen refugee children and six months living as a hostage in a 6 foot by 6 foot pit. Considered to be an expert and the go-to person regarding HIV/AIDS within the Salvation Army in Russia, Nina is a resource to other agencies involved in HIV/AIDS support as well. Even with a permanent limp, a daily reminder of her time being held hostage, Nina carries on unconditionally loving Project Hope recipients and providing practical support to them. HIV/AIDS is misunderstood Though I am an individual who holds a college degree and attempts to pursue justice and love in all parts of my life, I was stunned to discover how unaware I truly was of what HIV/AIDS is and how it is perceived. I knew of the variety of ways one can become infected with HIV, but interactions with the Project Hope individuals made this disease real, gave it emotions, made it human. As I observed the Project Hope recipients (such as the family pictured above) I quickly discovered that HIV/AIDS can affect people from all walks of life. I didn’t (Continued on page 3)

world services >>>

New World Services Resources The world services website has been updated and contains some new resources that may be helpful to you in your world services education and fundraising efforts. Here are some of the new features:

Go Without Challenge Under the Resources/Promotional Materials section there is a new initiative called the "Go Without Challenge." Each month a different challenge will be posted encouraging participants to be actively involved in self-denial in order to raise funds for World Services.

“Into the World” Discussion and Activity Guides Each month we will post a new discussion guide and suggested activities that accompany one of the existing "Into the World" World Services videos. You will find a variety of ideas from games to crafts to recipes to discussion questions. Use this resource to help you incorporate world services education into all of your corps programs, from children's character building programs to Sunday School to Songsters to the Sr. Drop-In Center.

Monthly Missions Focus Each month we will be featuring a different Partner in Mission country. Visit this page to obtain country-specific bulletin inserts, world services project information, bookmarks, children's activities, and fundraising ideas. Resources will be posted monthly so check back often! To access these materials and more, visit

sponsorship >>>

Share Your Christmas Joy Grade 10 pupils with new school materials

Sponsorship: Zambia Compiled by Elijah Hazemba, Zambia The Salvation Army Child Sponsorship Program has transformed the lives of many vulnerable and unprivileged Zambians. The sponsorship program has brought a number of pupils on board from the time it was started in the Zambia territory. During the year the Zambia Territory has utilized child sponsorship funds to procure 240 new text books and 20 new school desks for the upper grades. To become a sponsor call (847) 294-2065 or go to

The Salvation Army Central Territory’s Sponsorship Program provides the opportunity for you to start a new Christmas tradition this year: for you to Share Your Christmas Joy. Many children in Salvation Army children’s homes, schools, and centers overseas have never experienced the real JOY that Christmas can bring. The Share Your Christmas Joy fundraiser is designed to give those children that unique feeling of excitement, love, and joy that only happens on Christmas when we celebrate the birth of our Savior. We invite you to become a part of the JOY experienced by children in need when you contribute to Share Your Christmas Joy. Our goal is for over 120 children’s homes, schools and centers overseas to receive $100.00 to help celebrate Christmas. Please give by October 31 as this will help the money get to the intended destinations by Christmas. Give online at or mail checks payable to The Salvation Army to: The Salvation Army Sponsorship Program—SYCJ 10 W. Algonquin Rd. Des Plaines, IL 60016

overseas personnel >>>

Serving in Canada

Submitted by Captains Sergey & Tanya Katchanov, Nanaimo, Canada ple for the community. There were 450 registration forms filled out with the desire to be informed and potentially involved with the corps programs and activities and we will continue to follow up with these individuals. Praise Reports: • For His faithfulness in providing our needs concerning successful arrival, quick adjustment and friendly welcoming corps people.

Visit to Cornelius Engel who was born in Ukraine. After going through the long visa application process, on September 3 we safely landed on Vancouver Island on the West Coast of Canada. Why did God honor us in such a glorious way entrusting one of the biggest ministries on the Island, which includes corps work, Shelter and Family Services, and 3 Thrift stores with 58 employees? It is still a mystery of The Almighty One for us, though we understand that it is for a special purpose. The life in the corps is vibrant and we have a great team of dedicated and hardworking leaders. We recently held a Family Fun Fair which was a wonderful opportunity for corps members to serve together as a team and be as an exam(Project Hope—continued from page 1)

expect to see a young healthy-looking father running into the office on his lunch break to quickly talk to Nina, grab formula and rush back to work. I didn’t think the little boy playing around the outside of the clinic smiling and wearing a Salvation Army hat, who happened to remind me of my perfectly healthy nephew, would be HIV+. Maybe the agencies that advertise and market to donors with pictures of HIV+ toddlers with bloated bellies and adults confined to beds are doing us a disservice. Should we only be compelled to give when the hurt is visible, or will we give and love in faith, with our eyes closed? The individuals I met all

• For the excellent team of leaders who sacrificially give their time and talents to the ministry in general and people’s needs in particular.

• For the hard work of the preceding officers who faithfully worked to expand God’s Kingdom in Nanaimo and build such an excellent team.

• For creating possibility to be close to our son, which is a great joy for us. Prayer concerns: • For us as we look for the new opportunities to attract younger generations to the corps. • For God’s wisdom & guidance in ministry. • For the continual development of potential leaders. • For the openness of hearts and minds to the Gospel. • For the effectiveness of the corps activities and programs.

had different experiences, different stories of betrayal, innocence, mistakes, inexperience and pain. God desires for us to love one another Time should not be wasted with concern about how individuals contracted HIV or what these individuals look like. Our concern should be to show mercy and love to all, with our eyes closed and with our hearts open. 2 Corinthians 13:11 says, “Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.” Pursue restoration in God’s name, and look for the lessons God has for you!

Missions Bulletin Board Does your corps have a missions bulletin board? Missions bulletin boards, such as the one featured above from the Milwaukee West Corps, are a great way to educate your congregation about the work God is doing around the world and remind them to be in prayer for our overseas missionaries. To obtain downloadable photos of the missionaries visit the Overseas Personnel Database on Lotus Notes or contact the World Missions Bureau.

SMT/GMT 2012 Applications Available! Summer Mission Team (SMT) invites Salvationist young adults (ages 18-28) into a deeper relationship with the Lord through participation in an eight-week overseas missions experience. To request an application visit Applications due January 17, 2012. Global Mission Teams (GMT) offer 3 opportunities per year for Salvationists ages 18 and older to participate in a one– or two-week overseas missions experience. To request an application email us at Applications accepted on an on-going basis.

USA Central Territory Missionaries Lt. Colonels Brad & Heidi Bailey Under Secretaries for the Americas and Caribbean 2 Kingates Court, 43 Wickham Road Beckenham, Kent UNITED KINGDOM BR3 6NB Email Birthdays 5/4 (Brad), 7/17 (Heidi) Anniversary 8/12

Matthew Beatty Officer Training College Caretaker / Driver Salvation Army Officer Training College Pantay Road, Sitio Bukal 1980 Tanay Rizal PHILIPPINES Email Birthday 1/9

Majors Robert & Rae Doliber Recovery & Development Finance Administrator / Special Projects Manager Armee du Salut PO Box 301 Port-au-Prince HAITI Email Birthdays 6/5 (Rae), 7/15 (Robert) Anniversary 9/8

Major Violet & Captain Dr. Felix Ezeh (Matthew) Clinic Administrators Armee du Salut PO Box 301 Port-au-Prince HAITI Email Birthdays 4/20 (Violet), 4/30/02 (Matthew), 11/22 (Felix) Anniversary 5/19

4th Quarter Birthdays & Anniversaries October 20—Christopher Marques November 26—Ryan Voeller (1994) 22—Felix Ezeh 23—Cindy Shellenberger December 7—Vicky Poff

Captains Patrick & Karen Holness (Kristen)

Major Cindy Shellenberger

Corps Officers

Corps Officer

57 Mannings Hill Road #8 PO Box 2760 Kingston 8 JAMAICA W.I. Email Brithdays 1/6 (Kristen), 4/29 (Patrick), 9/12 (Karen) Anniversary 1/28

Captain George Katchanov Corps Officer 465A Phelps Ave. Victoria BC V9B 3H8 CANADA Email George_Katchanov@ Birthday 8/12

Captains Sergey & Tanya Katchanov Corps Officers 1644 Bob-O-Link Way Nanaimo BC V9S 2P8 CANADA Email Birthdays 1/16 (Sergey), 2/2 (Tanya) Anniversary 4/11

Captain Christopher Marques Assistant to the Territorial Youth Secretary Olive House A-103 1-39-12 Wada, Suginami-ku Tokyo, 166-0012 JAPAN Email Christopher_Marques@ Birthday 10/20

Envoys Bob & Vicki Poff Public Relations & Development Secretary, Associate Disaster Services Director / Administrative Assistant to the Chief Secretary, Disaster Services Director, Music & Creative Ministries Director PO Box 378, 3 Waterloo Road Kingston 10, JAMAICA Email Birthdays 8/6 (Bob), 12/7 (Vicki) Anniversary 8/10

The Salvation Army 1/76 George St. Norwood, SA 5067 AUSTRALIA Email Cindy_Shellenberger@ Birthday 11/23

Commissioners Barry & Sue Swanson Chief of the Staff / World President for Women’s Ministries The Salvation Army 101 Queen Victoria St. London EC4V 4EH UNITED KINGDOM Email Birthdays 4/22 (Barry), 8/13 (Sue) Anniversary 6/15

Majors Cornell & Candace Voeller (Ryan, Alex, Erik, Sean) Corps Officers Asögatan 162 116 32 Stockholm SWEDEN Email Birthdays 3/27/00 (Sean), 4/26/96 (Alex), 6/15 (Candace), 6/19 (Cornell), 6/22/99 (Erik), 11/21/94 (Ryan) Anniversary 1/15

Damon Winters Technical Advisor Projects Armee du Salut PO Box 301 Port-au-Prince HAITI Email Birthday 6/9

Kirsten Witthoff Assistant to the Regional Youth Leader / Corps Helper The Salvation Army 16 Ikalto St Tbilisi 0171 REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA Email Birthday 3/13

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