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1815 WASHINGTON ROAD UPPER ST. CLAIR, PA 15241 Telephone: 412-854-9787 Spring 2002



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Spring 2002




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Spring 2002




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Spring 2002

Spring 2002

• Volume 8

Features and Around the Township 14

Issue 1


All Roads Lead To Dover Jim Render takes Bev Pini’s challenge.


Meeting with Mike State Attorney General comes home.


Consider Our Heritage—Look to the Future EEC presents schematic drawings.


Around the World on a Bicycle! Marc Palombo shares an adventure.


A Hero Named Jacob Fighting leukemia and loving life, Jacob Lemis inspires others.

Township 33 35

Meet the Township’s Newest Commissioner— Ernie Harris Police Department


Fort Couch Middle School and the Police help needy families.


Library The circulation is up, the DVD collection expands and much more!


Recreation and Leisure Services There is always something happening, including an upcoming Egg Hunt.


USC Volunteer Fire Department Needs Your Help Wearing three hats, Jim Render urges our residents to consider a good cause.

School District 49

Dr. Pope—Superintendent of the Year The PASA Honors Dr. Pope.



PSBA—A Year in Review Barb Bolas reminisces about her year as president.


2001 Halls of Fame Upper St. Clair High School inducts 32 honorees.


Upper St. Clair High School Fall 2001 Sports Record Meet the PIAA and WPIAL champs.


West Side Story at the High School Billy Hartung inspires the musical cast.

Cover 28

This cover of the UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY magazine is underwritten by the Enhancement Center. Featured on this cover is front row, left to right: Heidi Weinhold and Bonnie Russo. Back row, left to right: Alison Taglianetti, Maureen Maguire, Jacalyn Thomas, Linda Loeffert and Dr. Daniel L. Diamond. Spring 2002



Publishers Douglas A. Watkins Township Manager

UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY is a community magazine that is dedicated to promoting the Township and School District of Upper St. Clair by recognizing the gifts and contributions of the people who live and work here.

Dr. William A. Pope Superintendent of Schools

The twenty-ninth issue of UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY magazine is made possible through the combined resources of the staff and volunteers of the Township and School District of Upper St. Clair. Thanks are extended to the staff and volunteers for their enthusiasm and efforts on this continuing project.

Editors Harla M. Brown, Editor-in-Chief Paul K. Fox, Managing Editor

Township Board of Commissioners

Linda M. Dudzinski, Associate Editor/ School District Liaison

Frank E. Marsh, President, Ward 5 Robert W. Orchowski, Vice President, Ward 3

Suzanne G. Vernon, Township Associate Editor

Edward S. Long, Ward 1 Gloria S. Smith, Ward 2

Advisory Committee Thomas A. Labanc, School District Coordinator of Community Partnerships and Communications

Cheryl S. Bayne, Ward 4 Bill Bates, At Large Ernest T. Harris, At Large

Dina J. Fulmer, School Board Director School Board Directors

Mark Mansfield, Assistant Township Manager

James L. Murdy, President Albert E. Ferrara, Jr., Vice President

August Stache, Township Director of Finance Vince Yevins, Accounts

David E. Bluey Barbara L. Bolas

Staff Nancy Barnard, photographer

Dina J. Fulmer Clark R. Nicklas

Jamie Brown, volunteer writer, proofreader Cande Day, volunteer writer, artist

Angela B. Petersen William M. Sulkowski, D.M.D.

Lynn Dempsey, advertising Susan Depe, advertising John Kotzuk, Senior Site and volunteer writer Dawn McQuillen, administrative assistant Jim Meston, volunteer writer Mary Etta Nader, advertising Jim Render, writer A special thanks to Cindy Kane for her assistance and contributions to the magazine. The twenty-ninth issue of UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY is a joint publication of the Township and School District of Upper St. Clair. © Copyright 2002 All rights reserved.

UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY 1820 McLaughlin Run Road Upper St. Clair, PA 15241 School District: 412-833-1600 Fax: 412-833-5535 Township: 412-831-9000 Fax: 412-854-0773

Mark G. Trombetta, M.D. UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY is a non-partisan Township, School District and community magazine. Political advertising and political commentary are not accepted. The publishers of this magazine reserve the right to reject advertising or articles inconsistent with the objectives, image and aesthetic standards of the magazine. UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY magazine is published and bulk-mailed quarterly to residents and businesses in Upper St. Clair. Extra copies of the magazine are available at the Township of Upper St. Clair Municipal Building and the Township Library. If you did not receive a copy in the mail, please call 412-831-9000. The next issue of UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY will be published in the Summer of 2002. Articles that were submitted but not published in this issue are on file for consideration in upcoming issues. Articles and announcements may be sent to: Editors, UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY, 1820 McLaughlin Run Road, Upper St. Clair, PA 15241. Subscription Information If you know someone living outside the Township who would enjoy receiving UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY magazine, please send $12 to cover mailing and handling for the next four issues with name and address, including zip code.

Printed by Pentagon Printing Corporation 18 West Steuben Street • Pittsburgh, PA 15205 412-922-0422 • Fax: 412-922-2922 6


Spring 2002

Article Information

Harla Brown 412-831-9000, extension 232 Advertising Information

Dawn McQuillen • Lynn Dempsey • Susan Depe • Mary Etta Nader 412-833-1600, extension 2284 or fax 412-833-5535

Spring 2002



Happenings Announcements on this page are for non-profit groups. Please submit updated information with a maximum of 35 words, including a phone number that will be published to: Happenings, UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY Magazine, 1820 McLaughlin Run Road, Upper St. Clair, PA 15241 or fax 412-854-0773.

Activities March 20—Realtor Breakfast—USCHS LGI 8–10:30 a.m.—Call 412-833-1600, extension 2202.

USC-BP Morning Rotary meets Tuesdays from 7-8 a.m. at the Holiday Inn on Fort Couch Road. South Hills Business residents interested in community service should contact John Yanak at 412-221-3932 or Dave Hicks at 412-221-3720.

Wednesday, April 3, 7:30 p.m.—Boyce Road Gardeners kick-off meeting at the USC Library Multi-Purpose Room. Jane Nugent of WPTT radio speaks at 8 p.m. Register for a garden, enjoy refreshments and stay for the meeting. Call Phyllis Kender, Registrar, at 412-221-3118.

Bethel-St. Clair Rotary—Community service minded?

Saturday, April 6—Southwinds Spring Craft Festival— Castle Shannon Memorial Hall from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 724-941-7600 for information.

agency located in Bethel Park. SHIM offers food, clothing, household items and counseling on a sliding scale and many interfaith programs. For more information, please call 412-854-9120.

April 8— Taste of the Nation Pittsburgh Premier Wine and Food Extravaganza, 5:30-8 p.m., Grand Ballroom at the Omni William Penn. Ticket proceeds help alleviate hunger. For information, call 412-220-3803 or 412-375-6412.

The Graduates of Upper St. Clair is a social organization

Saturday, April 13—CPR Classes for Family and Friends at USCHS. For information, call Connie Ludington at 412-835-5301 or Tri-Community South EMS at 412-831-3710. April 14—Holocaust Survivors to Share Stories of Lost Childhoods—“Before the Storm: The Nuremberg Laws—1935” is Theme of 23rd Annual Holocaust Observance at 7:30 p.m. at Beth El Congregation, 1900 Cochran Road, Scott Township sponsored by SHIM. April 20—USC Clean Up Day—Call 412-831-9000 for information. Saturday, May 4, noon to 3 p.m. Montessori Internationale— Mt. Lebanon Montessori School and Academy, 550 Sleepy Hollow Road, Mt. Lebanon. Call 412-563-2858 or Kathy Hrabovsky at 412-531-0875. May 10 and 11—South Hills Chorale “A Patriotic Salute to America” call 412-429-9501. Saturday, May 19—Community Day!

June 3—Family Hospice Golf Benefit—412-572-8800

Organizations The Brookside Women’s Club meets the second Tues-

day of the month, September through June, in members’ homes, at 11:30 a.m. All are welcome! Meetings usually include lunch and a program or a field trip. Contact Peggy Egan at 412-833-7932.

Visit the Bethel-St. Clair Rotary meetings every Thursday evening, 6-8 p.m. Holiday Inn, Fort Couch Road. For information, please call 412-833-4396 or 412-835-4510. South Hills Interfaith Ministries (SHIM) is a non-profit

open to residents residing in the Township over two years. Activities include luncheons, bridge, book club and golf. For membership information, call Ann Kravitz at 412-221-5016. USC Citizens for Land Stewardship is dedicated to the

conservation of natural areas and open spaces in USC. We promote environmental education and activities that create harmony between people and nature. For information, call 412-831-3289. Upper St. Clair Athletic Association, a non-profit organization, administers year-round recreational sport programs for the youth of the community. For information, call 412-835-4499. Newcomers of Upper St. Clair welcomes women to

monthly coffees and dinners. Join this wonderful social and civic organization that provides fun interest groups and activities. Call Julia Zaitz, President, at 412-851-8643. Woman’s Club of Upper St. Clair—Monthly luncheons,

gardening, book groups, music, bridge, special events, new friends, and more! Membership is open to all women in USC and surrounding communities. Call 412 854-4955 or 412835-9607 for more information. Laureate Epsilon Phi chapter of Beta Sigma Phi is an

international social, service and cultural women’s organization. Meetings are held in members’ homes on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. from September to May. For additional information, call 412-563-4797. Mt. Lebanon Jr. Women’s Club—meets at 7 p.m., third Tuesday of each month, Unitarian Church on Sunnyhill Drive and Washington Road. Join other women across the South Hills in civic, philanthropic and social activities. Call 412-886-1221. USC Chamber of Commerce—Serving our business

Delta Zeta Sorority Alums meet once a month, Septem-

community for 14 years. We invite all local businesses to become involved. Contact our Chamber office for membership information at 412-833-9111.

ber-May in the South Hills. Call 412-833-2796 for more information.

Junior Woman’s Club of USC—A new social, cultural

USC League for the Arts is open to all Township resi-

dents. Meetings and classes are held in the Township Building. Members exhibit in Spring Show, Sugarplum Shop, Library and Post Office. Contact Ned Garnhart at 412-835-7640. USC 1830 Log House Association—Pioneer lifestyle of USC historic landmark preserved for future generations. Volunteers, memberships and general Township uses encouraged. All communities and schools are welcome. Contact Mary Lynne Spazok at 412-221-3534. League of Women Voters is a non-partisan political organization that encourages citizens to take an interest in government. We work toward influencing public policy through education and advocacy. For information, call 412-831-3448.

and philanthropic organization affiliated with the Woman’s Club of USC. Call 412-835-9607 for more information. USC Coterie is a social club that host’s dinner, luncheons, golf, bowling, bridge and other events to form friendships. Call Elaine at 412-833-7374. Welcome Wagon of Upper St. Clair invites all women

The Upper St. Clair Lions Club supports Pittsburgh Vision Services, Leader Dogs for the Blind, Meals on Wheels, Children’s Institute, South Hills Hospice, Upper St. Clair Library and others. Contact Wes Hurst at 724-941-8329 for more information.



St. Clair Hospital needs volunteers for clerical, courier,

escort, television, information desk, supportive visiting and Lifeline. Senior volunteers must be at least 18 years old. Junior volunteers—14 years. Call 412-344-6600, ext.1650. Family Hospice seeks volunteers to sit with patients. Training offered. Needed immediately: volunteer barbers, beauticians and office workers. Call 412-572-8806. LifeSpan, an organization serving older adults, is seeking volunteers. Call Darcy Garda at 412-343-6050. Chartiers Mental Health/Mental Retardation Center

needs volunteers to assist with filing in the Medical Records and Billing Departments. Days/evenings flexible. Also help is needed with recreational, social and cultural activities. Call 412-221-3202, ext.118 for information. Pittsburgh Vision Services—To learn more about PVS or how you can help the blind and visually impaired, please call 412-682-5600. Young Writers Guild invites High School and Middle School students to write for UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY magazine. IB students earn credit for community service. Adult coordinators are also needed. Contact Paul Fox at 412-833-1600, ext. 2235. Animal Friends—Volunteers can help with dog walking, cat socializing, pet therapy, humane education, and special events. Call J. Moore at 412-566-2103, ext. 229 to inquire about age requirements, volunteer orientation and registration. USC Volunteer Fire Department needs volunteers to assist in providing emergency services to the community. Volunteers are also needed to perform various administrative tasks. For more information contact Fire Chief Ray Tomnay at 412-835-0660. Court Appointed Special Advocate Program—CASA volunteers speak up for abused and neglected children in court. Help these children find safe, permanent homes where they can thrive. Call 412-594-3606 for more information.

Support Groups Movers and Shakers meet every Wednesday at

Westminster Presbyterian Church. Exercise 5-6 p.m., dinner and speakers for those with Parkinson’s or similar disabilities. Call 412-835-6630 for 6 p.m. dinner reservations. Families in Transition Classes—Are you dealing with

separation, divorce, or becoming a stepfamily? Parents can get help from a class at Parent and Child Guidance Center on Banksville Road. Call 412-343-5698. Chartiers Mental Health/Mental Retardation Center

outpatient services and aftercare is open Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Fridays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Experiencing conflict in your life, depression, parent/child issues, divorce, etc.? Need to talk? Call 412-221-3302. South Hills Crisis Pregnancy Center—Call Pam Hart

at 412-531-2112 for more information regarding South Hills CPC’s services. Familylinks, formerly Parent and Child Guidance Center

in the area to join this fun group. They offer monthly activities, community service projects, special programs and much more. For more information call Ellen Banta at 412-835-4542.

and The Whale’s Tale, offers many valuable programs dealing with successful parenting through separation and divorce. PARENTLINE is a call-in service where callers may remain anonymous. Call 412-343-7166.

Family Hospice Speaker’s Bureau can provide programs

NAMI Family to Family Education Course is for families

for your club, neighborhood group, and church or synagogue group. Possible topics include the philosophy of hospice care and grief and loss. Call 412-572-8809 to arrange for a speaker.

Upper St. Clair Historical Society—Collecting from Yes-

terday, Preserving for Tomorrow. Would you like to help us TODAY? Please call Jean Brown at 412-833-2323.


For a list of Preschools and Nursery Schools serving Upper St. Clair, see page 80.

Spring 2002

of the mentally ill. A twelve-week series of free classes is limited to twenty participants. Registration required. Call 412-366-3788. Southwestern Human Services is a non-profit outpatient mental health clinic across from South Hills Village Mall. SHS provides mental health services to adults, adolescents, and children. For information, call 412-831-1223. Family Hospice and Palliative Care offers two bereave-

ment groups. The afternoon group meets 1-2:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of the month at Southminster House and the third Monday at the Unitarian-Universalist Church from 7-8:30 p.m. Call 412-572-8829. Pre-registration not required.

Spring 2002



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Spring 2002


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Spring 2002

1820 McLaughlin Run Road • Upper St. Clair, PA 15241

Douglas A. Watkins

Dr. William A. Pope

Dear Residents, Welcome to the twenty-ninth edition of UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY, a community forum, which showcases Upper St. Clair by focusing on the wealth and diversity of residents’ backgrounds, interests, talents and occupations, as well as documents the timeless treasures of our community’s art, culture and history. Writers, poets and artists have often celebrated that “spring is in the air!”—a time to refresh, renew, refocus and redirect our energies with the rebirth of what promises to be happier times, warmer climates and new prospects. As you can see in this issue, your Township and School District officials have been very busy reviewing goals and looking to the future. Check out the proposed design of the Environmental Education Center at Boyce Mayview Park on page 23. Note the interview with Pennsylvania’s Attorney General Mike Fisher on page 16 and State Senator Tim Murphy’s information on the former Wingfield Pines site on page 26. Meet the new Township Commissioner on page 33 and the new School Board Members on page 48. Read about the Upper St. Clair Volunteer Fire Department’s safety improvements on page 44 and the building fund on page 45. See page 56 on the approved rebuilding and renovations of the elementary school buildings. Mark on your calendar the change in location and times for School Board meetings on page 57. Best wishes on your spring projects!


Dr. William A. Pope Superintendent of Schools

Douglas A. Watkins Township Manager

School District of Upper St. Clair 412-833-1600 Fax: 412-833-5535 http://www.uscsd.k12.pa.us email: info@uscsd.k12.pa.us

Township of Upper St. Clair 412-831-9000 Fax: 412-831-9882 http://www.twpusc.org email: uscadmin@twpusc.org Spring 2002



Daytrip—All Roads Lead to Dover Jim Render Let me begin by saying that I am not

a replacement for Bev Pini, who normally would do the Daytrip and then very skillfully write of her journey. I liked her style of writing. It made me feel as if she were sitting across from me “talking” about her trip rather than my reading it. The entire UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY staff enjoyed her company during our magazine meetings— always upbeat and pleasant. I hope that she is only on sabbatical rather than retirement from her journalistic endeavors with us. Her last “trip” was to be to Berlin, Ohio, and a visit to the Amish country of Tuscarawas and Holmes Counties. The events of September 11, 2001, changed Bev’s plans and the plans of her fellow daytrippers who looked forward to a day in the “heart of Ohio,” as this area proudly proclaims of itself. In summary, they never made the trip before the magazine’s deadline and Bev wrote her article, “Looking for Answers,” in the Winter 2001 issue. So, you ask, where does Jim Render fit into this equation about a trip to Ohio? Let me count the ways. First, I volunteered to make the trip. Secondly, I know how to get there and Editor-in-Chief Harla Brown said, “Go for it!” The real reason, however, was not about going to discover beautiful Ohio. I simply went home. No, I am not Amish, nor German, nor a maker of Swiss cheese. But I grew up among all of these and enjoy talking about my roots and my home. Although I am now very much Pittsburgh proud, there will always remain a trace of Buckeye blood that flows through my system. Just don’t ask to see it! So, now let me tell you about my trip to Ohio. It is exactly one hundred miles from Baker School to the Dover, Ohio exit. From the Parkway West you’d take Route 22 south and west past Weirton, across the Ohio River, take the bypass around Steubenville and continue on Route 22 to 14


Cadiz. There you would take the New Philadelphia exit–Route 250. Proceed north past Tappan Lake, which is scenic and beautiful in itself, past New Philadelphia, to Dover. (Interstate 77 and Route 250 N become one and join at New Philadelphia.) The Dover exit (exit 83) will put you on Route 39. Go west to the Amish country or east to Dover. If you are going to make this trip you simply must stop in

of you who are old enough to remember Henry Morgan and Mike Douglas in the early days of television, they compared Mr. Warther to Michelangelo and used the word “genius” to depict his work. In describing Mr. Warther’s talents, Henry Morgan wrote the following: “Genius is much more than talent or aptitude. If you look the word up, and I did, you’ll find that it goes far back to the times of the early Romans and meant something like a personal ‘god.’ To be, or to have genius, one needed help beyond what man could give. Mooney Warther was a genius.” I knew Mooney Warther and saw him often in the 1950s. On many occasions, it would be at the neighborhood grocery store. He would quite often ride his bicycle barefoot and enter the store in grand fashion. He didn’t talk quietly or simply say “hello.” Mooney always bellowed. You often heard him long before you saw him. He was a classic. Like so many people, I feel fortunate to have grown up when and where I did, and in this case, to have known a guy like Mooney Warther. Mooney, at age 85, with unfinished carving He was born in 1885 in Dover to Swiss immigrants. my hometown of Dover, Ohio. His father died when he was three. The famYou will surely thank me later if you ily struggled and young Ernest was only able visit the Warther Museum. (It’s only one to attend school through the second grade. half mile from the exit.) Here you will see About that time, he became a “herdsman” the carvings of Ernest “Mooney” Warther, and for a penny a day he would take the world’s master carver. I compare him to neighborhood cows out to pasture. With not Rembrandt, Barbra Streisand, Thomas much to do in the fields around Dover, Alva Edison, Jonas Salk, Michael Jordan, Mooney found a knife and began to whittle. Bob Hope of Cleveland, Jack Nicklaus of For whatever reason, he decided that he Columbus and Woody Hayes and Cy wanted to carve a pair of pliers. Try that for Young both from nearby Newcomerstown something to do in your spare time. I used which is also located in Tuscarawas to watch Mooney entertain visitors by takCounty. Mooney used his hands to carve ing a piece of soft wood, and with his knife wood and ivory into magnificent pieces as he carved, he would scream at the ladies of art at the same level or above that the and tell them if they saw a shaving drop to aforementioned used their gifts to become the floor he would buy them a mink coat renown throughout the world. For those and send them on a trip to Paris. Having

Spring 2002

their full attention, he would open that piece of wood into a perfect movable pair of pliers. His son Dave still carries on this tradition today, but does so in a softer, but still effective, performance. One of my favorite exhibits at the Warther Museum is the Plier Tree. While in his twenties, Mooney had a vision that inspired him to create this tree of 511 working pliers from a single block of wood. It required 31,000 cuts and took from June 24 to August 28, 1913, to complete. Mathematicians and scholars said this would be impossible to do without an equation or predetermined formula. Mooney replied that he was glad he was told this after he made the tree, not before. In 1914, at age 28, Mooney began the great work of his life, which was carving the “History of Steam.” By this time he had begun making knives for his own work, as well as paring knives for the kitchen and pocketknives for men to carry. This was the beginning of Warther Kitchen Cutlery, which remains the family business today. But it was his carvings of the steam engine that truly define his craft. These works of art depict the evolution of the steam engine in 64 carvings. He carved these engines to scale from actual drawings provided by various railroad companies. In 1923 the New York Central Railroad put him on a special train to exhibit his works around the country. The final stop was Grand Central Station in New York City for two and half years. The Railroad then offered him fifty thousand dollars for his carvings plus a yearly salary of five thousand dollars. He declined. Dave Warther recently told me that later on (about 1927) Henry Ford offered him seventy-five thousand dollars plus a salary for “Pop” to put his works in the Ford Museum in Detroit. Mooney’s reply was simple. “Go to Hell. My roof doesn’t leak, I’m not hungry, and my wife has all her buttons.” Mr. Warther’s wife of 62 years, Freida, collected 73,282

buttons that she also artfully displayed in the original shop. Together they collected thousands of arrowheads that are also displayed in the workshop. The original shop is behind their homesite with its stone terraced walls and raised beds of flowers, much like you see in Switzerland. When you go to visit this magnificent work of art, you will see the display commemorating the driving of the Golden Spike that connected the railroads in the West. Look for the John Bull, which was America’s first passenger train, and for the engine of the immortal Casey Jones. My absolute favorite work is Mooney’s carving of the Funeral Train of Abraham Lincoln. He completed this work on April 14, 1965, the one hundredth anniversary of Lincoln’s assassination. It is carved of ebony and ivory with mother of pearl accents. Lincoln can be seen lying in his coffin through the train’s window. Mooney was 80 years old when he finished this piece. He died in 1973 at the age of 87 leaving his last work, the Lady Baltimore, unfinished. His son Dave stated, “As long as I can remember, Pop always said he wanted to leave a carving unfinished on the work bench. He believed everyone should do something creative and should do it as long as you can.” In the next issue of UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY, I will head west of Dover and take you to the Amish country by first stopping in Sugarcreek, “the little Switzerland of Ohio.” This can all be done in a day trip, or you can relax, spend the night and stay over as many residents of Western Pennsylvania choose to do. I’ll look forward to discussing everything from Grandma Fannie’s Quilt Barn to the Ohio Swiss Festival. For now, go see Mooney’s museum! ■

Spring 2002



Meeting with Mike Pennsylvania’s Outstanding Attorney General Mike Fisher Comes Home Mike Fisher is a busy man with many roles to play, but he was warm, cordial and unhurried as we chatted at the Common Ground. UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY—

As Attorney General, what accomplishments are you most proud? Pennsylvania’s State Attorney General Mike Fisher—

We have been successful fighting illegal drugs. It has been my number one priority since taking office in January 1997. Our offices, along with our Drug Task Forces across the Commonwealth, have taken more than 6,000 suspected drug dealers off the streets. Our office believes that law enforcement needs to address the source of the drugs, as well as the supply. We have created “Team Up Against Drugs,” a multi-media program featuring local sports stars that has been shown to thousands of Pennsylvania school kids. We have also beefed up the Drug Demand Reduction Unit, comprised of Attorney General drug agents who speak to community groups, business leaders and school children about the dangers of drugs. We hold seminars for local law enforcement officials, educating them about new, emerging drugs including OxyContin and Club Drugs. No community is immune to drugs. I believe that education is the key to reducing the demand for drugs. I also was one of eight Attorneys General who negotiated the national $206 billion tobacco settlement, the largest settlement in the nation. Under the settlement, Pennsylvania will receive an estimated $11 billion over the next 25 years. Four hundred million dollars a year will go to healthcare, including cancer research and biotechnology, which will benefit Pittsburgh’s medical and research centers. The settlement also 16


featured sweeping bans on marketing, which will prohibit the tobacco industry from targeting our children with advertisements. Other accomplishments include: creating the Health Care Unit; forming a Family Violence Task Force; strengthening the state’s laws for getting illegal guns off the streets; and fighting for the rights of older Pennsylvanians, from ensuring proper care in nursing homes to protecting consumers from con artists.

Where is the closest office to Upper St. Clair? The Manor Building at 564 Forbes Avenue is the closest location. The Pittsburgh Office mainly handles all major aspects of the office of Attorney General, including criminal, civil and public protection issues. We also have Hotlines and an Internet site attorneygeneral.gov. The website received nearly six million hits during the year 2000. The total hits for 2001: 5,648,322, with an average of 14,709 hits per day. What other political offices have you held? I was a State Representative for six years for Upper St. Clair, Bethel Park and South Park. From 1980 to 1996, I was a State Senator representing Upper St. Clair and 19 other communities.

Brett, Carol, Mike and Michelle

You do have a strong anti-drug program. As a parent and Attorney General, what can parents do to protect their children from drugs or how can parents identify a drug problem in their home? Parents need to be on top of what is going on. We all have busy lives and it is difficult to keep tabs on what children are doing. Know your children’s friends. Be a parent who enforces zero tolerance for alcohol and drugs. Have penalties. Listen to your kids. Children are looking for guidance from their parents. How many offices does the Attorney General maintain? We have 20 locations and 900 employees.

Spring 2002

When did you move to Upper St. Clair? In 1950, my family moved to Sunnyfield Drive in Upper St. Clair, when I was five years old. My dad was an attorney and got involved in community activities. He became the Township Attorney and the South Hills Chairman of the Republican Party for about 20 years. I went to Catholic Schools and one year at Fort Couch. After finishing Georgetown, I came back to Upper St. Clair and married Carol Hudak, a Baker first grade teacher, in 1973. What are Carol, Michele (daughter) and Brett (son) doing? Carol stopped teaching when we had our children. For the past ten years, she has worked as an Education Consultant for Harcourt Publishing and as a Student Teacher Supervisor for Duquesne University. Michelle is a lawyer with Buchanan Ingersol. She graduated from Miami University in Ohio and University of Pittsburgh Law School. Brett is a recent graduate of Penn State.

Who is your hero and why? My father is my hero—he was an attorney and active in politics and government. He worked hard and he worked his way up. What book did you most recently read? I am reading New Jackals by Simon Reeve, which was written in 1999. It is about the growing threat of terrorism. What is your favorite food? Filet of sole and apple anything! Do you have a favorite movie? I like The Graduate. What is your golf handicap? I have a 12 handicap. I enjoy playing in my spare time.

What are your fondest memories? Doing fun things with our kids like participating in Little League, Pantherettes, USC Hockey and amateur hockey. I love being a parent and supporting our children whether it is working a concession stand at Municipal Field or the concession stand at the High School stadium. If our kids were involved in something, they had our support. I enjoyed growing up in Upper St. Clair, and I am glad my children grew up here, too. I also have enjoyed going to the Steeler games! Campaigning for Governor will take more time. How do you keep your enthusiasm? I am always working, but people today work all the time. I am committed to public service. I enjoy what I do, so I sacrifice my private time. If you have a passion for something, your enthusiasm grows. ■

Where is your favorite place to vacation? I enjoy going to Hilton Head even for a weekend to play golf.

Vote! The Primary is May 21 and the General Election is November 5.



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Spring 2002

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There are many fitness centers around our area. If you are interested in joining a gym, creating a lifting program or just getting tips on exercise, a trainer will be glad to assist you. Fitness Innovations 1687 Washington Road 412-835-2000 Bally’s 3000 Oxford Dr. 412-833-7200 Body Effort 306 Beverly Road 412-341-0911 Extreme Fitness 2 Scott Towne Center 412-276-1500 Strength Fitness and More 724-348-0911 Fitness Performance Studio 3075 Washington Road 724-942-3870 Body Images 100 E. McMurray Road 724-942-6357 Curves for Women 2776 South Park Road 412-854-9969 Jewish Community Center 345 Kane Boulevard 412-278-1975 Great Shape 700 Washington Road 412-571-0505

Ladies in Weighting Jamie A. Brown Last summer I had the opportunity to conduct a research study at the University of Southern California. My study intended to produce solutions to increase the number of women who lifted weights at the on-campus facility. The study began by observing the actual population of the weight room at Southern California where I found that women were only 18.9 percent of the population. I wanted to find out why the numbers were so low, especially at a time when women seem to be so body-conscious, physical health is highly regarded, and weight lifting has shown to have so many benefits. In retrospect, my study was a learning experience. I conducted my own research, formulated hypotheses, administered my own survey, and studied the results. Amid all of these small personal “successes” however, somehow I have a sense that my study helped no one. My results weren’t astounding, nor did they support my main hypotheses. Initially, I hypothesized that women steer away from the weight room because they are uncomfortable in the weight room environment, (an atmosphere stereotypically composed of beefy men, grunting and staring while rather obnoxious “music” blares in the background). My hypothesis was wrong. Instead, I found the following results for why women don’t lift. My largest group of respondents, at 31 percent, said they simply don’t like the lifting exercises. A quarter said they didn’t want to get bulky from partaking in the activity; another quarter reported that they didn’t know how to lift; 13 percent claimed they had no time and my final group felt the environment was uncomfortable.


There are many benefits from lifting weights, particularly for women. First, lifting can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis. In a study conducted by the Gallup Poll, 91 percent of women with osteoporosis wish they had known steps to prevent the disease, which weakens bones in the body and is prevalent among older women. The exercise requires the body to contract muscles, but it also strengthens bones in the process. Increasing bone strength is much easier and comes more quickly in younger women, but lifting has been shown to improve bone strength even in women in their sixties! Lifting weights improves muscle strength, but muscle strength does more than help people lift boxes, move furniture and carry kids. Raising the amount of muscle mass in your body will in turn increase your metabolic rate. Though muscle weighs more than fat, the muscle will actually burn energy even in its resting state. Fat will not. Stronger muscles can also protect the body from injury, and absorb shock that could damage joints.

6% 13%


Just Ladies Fitness Hillcrest Shopping Center 412-854-0544


The Benefits of Lifting

Why Why Non-Lifting Non-Lifting Women Women Don't Don't Lift Lift

Jon Vecchio 1665 Washington Road 412-833-9110

St. Clair Fitness 1341 McLaughlin Run Road 412-257-8788

As is clear from my results, my hypothesis was indeed wrong. I wish I could make those women and women in general enjoy the exercise because it has great health benefits, and the results of lifting are quite rewarding. If lifting weights is something that interests you, begin by learning about some of the benefits of the exercise, then move on to educate yourself on some basic techniques and exercises, and finally come up with (perhaps with the advice of a trainer) a lifting program to suit your body.

Don't like lifting Don't want to get bulky Don't know how No time


Uncomfortable environment 25%

Spring 2002

Further benefits of lifting include: lowering blood pressure, improving cholesterol levels, lessening the risk of diabetes, improving self-esteem and fighting mild depression (abcfitness.net, 2001).

a break. Take a day off after you lift, this gives your muscles time to recover and rebuild muscle tissue. ■

Find a Lifting Program You don’t have to join a gym to start lifting; you don’t even have to step foot in a gym to start lifting. Begin at home if it is easier, more comfortable and less time-consuming. Free weights are easy to find, but something with a little weight (canned goods, big books, a jar of juice—be careful not to drop it on your feet!) will serve a beginner’s purpose just fine. When you do exercises keep your body still, and concentrate on working a specific muscle or muscle group. In other words, don’t sway or lurch your back. This often happens if you’re lifting too much or you’re in a hurry. Also, start slow and with low weights, you can always move up. This will keep you from straining any muscles and prevent any quick, jerky movements. Next, be consistent with your program. A couple times a week is a good place to start. And finally, be sure to give your body

Jamie Brown, USCHS ’95, finished her political science degree from Davidson College, and completed her MA in Communications from the University of Southern California. She is now designing websites and earning her certification in personal training. Next fall she heads to Tucson for a MBA at the University of Arizona.

Spring 2002



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Spring 2002

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Consider Our Heritage— Look to the Future

Schematic Drawing for the Proposed Environmental Education Center

Boyce Mayview Park “The entire Environmental Education Center (EEC) and its environs must be itself an educational symbol, at a human scale, showing integration on every level—in the collaborative team effort, the building/site relationship, the materials of the building and the landscape, the connection between the present and the past, the natural environment and built, the use of the land with the needs of the land, etc.…”(excerpted from the original Request for Proposals for an architect for the project.) In 2001, the Environmental Education

Center (EEC) Design Team developed several schematic representations for the EEC after carefully considering input from the general public as well as the Environmental Education Center (EEC) Project Development Committee (PDC) that was appointed by the Township Board of Commissioners in January 2001. During the

year, PDC members visited existing environmental and historical education facilities to learn about successful building plans. They also met with potential user groups, including the South Hills Area School District Association (SHASDA), to identify interests and needs. Based on their research, the PDC defines the general goal of the EEC as providing programs, exhibits and resources that will highlight the natural resources of the area and the past, present and future connection between people and those resources. The EEC Design Team has been true to this mission in its drawings for a proposed facility. The design draws on inspiration from the natural and impacted landscapes of the region, including elements of local geology, hydrology, biology, and industrial heritage. The current EEC proposal includes a building embedded into the south-facing slope that is closely integrated with

outdoor terraced “Mine Gardens,” an approximately two-acre network of threedimensional landscaping beds and walkways that mirror the room and pillar mines directly beneath the site. Every element within the complex has educational, functional, and aesthetic value. By applying “green building” concepts and practices, the EEC will serve both as a model of sustainable building design and as a teaching tool. The public is invited and encouraged to attend EEC PDC meetings held at the High School LGI room at 7:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month. Please join us as we continue to progress with plans for this exciting regional project. Contact G. Edward Lyness, Community Liaison at 412-221-2607 or Mary Wilson at 412-8319000, extension 293, to learn more about the EEC project. Visit our website at www.twpusc.org. ■

Proposed Environmental Education Center and Mine Garden—Perspective Spring 2002



Dominican Republic A Family Vacation with Warm, Balmy Breezes Kerry Brown We began our journey to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, with

the nine of us piling into two cars to trek to the airport at six in the morning. A mere four hours later, we expectantly climbed out of the plane with visions of sunburns and beach volleyball and thoughts of beautiful women (for the boys anyway) and frozen lemonades dancing through our minds. Our dreams were momentarily dashed, as we raised our heads to find… rain. Not just any rain, torrential downpour rain, rain the size of golf balls that pelted us as we sought shelter under the palm roofs of the Punta Cana Airport. The rain lasted two days, but ended up being a blessing of sorts, as we involved ourselves in activities we would not have otherwise participated in had the sun shown its face. For instance, my sisters and I spent an entire afternoon painting ceramic figurines—had it been sunny, I would have rather slammed my hand in a car door than paint a ceramic Pokemon, but in the rain, it was quite pleasant. During one of the rain spells, my parents walked down to “Tent City,” a line-up of booths where shopkeepers badger you to take a “looky-looky.” Others in my family played beach baseball, took Merengue lessons, and hung out by the nearly 24-hour buffet to pass the cloudy days along. The Iberostar Resort turned into a completely different place as the sun rose and graced us with its presence on the third day in Punta Cana. One morning, around 11, my sisters, mother and I were walking along the beach when all of a sudden about fifty people lined up in the middle of the sand 24


and broke out into the exclusive Iberostar Resorts’ line dance. It is the stereotypical resort, where everyone is having fun all the time. Especially the topless women! I must say, though I was warned that the beach was topless, it was still ever so awkward to sit with my father on the sand with a naked woman facing us. Call me crazy. Nevertheless, the beaches were beautiful. Coincidentally, the Duff family made their way down to the Dominican Republic around the same time we were there, but to a different tropical resort. We had the privilege of spending some time with them, as they took an ever so bumpy boat taxi up to our beach for the day. Once they got warmed up to the topless beaches, they seemed to have a great time as well. The rum was like water in the Dominican Republic; it seemed an absolute

Spring 2002

necessity at any time of day (it’s a good thing the travel agent encouraged my father to splurge on the “all-inclusive” package deal). We had swim-up bars in our wrap-around pools and waiters and waitresses at our beck and call, even when we were on the beach! The most memorable experience for me was the Outback Safari excursion. My whole family ventured on the trip except for one of my brothers, who got sick from the water and spent much of the day in the bathroom. The Safari trip took us away from resort life for a day, into the real Dominican Republic. It was an amazing and eye-opening experience, especially for someone like me, from a place like Upper St. Clair. We toured a typical Dominican home, which consisted of a very small space, concrete floors, no glass in the windows, hand-made utensils, out-houses and

twenty inhabitants. We also visited a waterfall where we went swimming, a small local store where we bought cheap Dominican merchandise, and Macao Beach where we went boogie boarding. I would recommend the Outback trip to anyone. Most of our days were spent on the beach and at the buffet. The nights were quite entertaining as well, even hysterical at times. Every night, all three of the Iberostar Resort hotels have some type of live entertainment on stage near the lobby of the hotel. They held talent shows, game shows, and dancing of some sort or another. The first night we arrived at the hotel, our eyes were opened as a bunch of women in thongs pranced around doing cultural dances. It was an interesting experience to learn about another culture, which is much more open in many ways than our own. Thus went our days with warm, balmy breezes and 84 degrees in the Dominican Republic, and on the seventh day, we had to go home. Despite the fact that one of my brothers, notorious for being a little “out there,” managed to lose his ticket back to America, all nine of us once again, crowded into the airplane with about 70

others, and headed home. Home, to the bitter snowy, biting winds of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where our teeth would chatter and our tans would fade. ■


Kerry Brown, USCHS ’95, graduated from Davidson College with a degree in psychology and completed her MS in Marketing/Communications from Northwestern. She is now working for Northwestern and applying to Ph.D. programs in marketing.


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Spring 2002



Senate of Pennsylvania Senator Tim Murphy


After remaining vacant for many years,

the former Wingfield Pines site, adjacent to the Boyce Mayview property in Upper St. Clair, was purchased by the Allegheny Land Trust, a nonprofit land conservation organization created in 1993 to conserve land in Allegheny County. The 80-acre parcel is primarily a floodplain bordering the Chartiers Creek. At one time, the land was composed of wetlands and woods that served the valuable functions of reducing the impacts of water pollution, containing rising storm waters, and serving as a route for migratory wildlife. Those functions have long been diminished through a number of events including mining and the straightening of the stream’s natural meandering course through the property. In fact, the original stream alignment can be seen as a sweeping curve on Township maps as the boundary between South Fayette and Upper St. Clair. Over the years, various proposals were brought forward to develop the land into differing uses. However, the physical changes to the land, as well as its natural constraints, have made the property impractical for commercial or residential development. Correcting these conditions would be costly and would simply shift flooding problems to lands and communities farther downstream. The property does play an important role in the Chartiers Watershed by providing floodwater storage and habitats for a rich diversity of wildlife. Sponsored by the Trust, two Penn State University students are studying the property to create a Master Plan to guide the management and programming of the property. Roy Kraynyk, Executive Director of the Allegheny Land Trust, mentioned that the Master Plan would help the board of directors of the Trust as they consider several passive recreation uses for the property. One issue that remains at the forefront is the abandoned mine drainage (AMD) occurring on the property. According to Mr. Kraynyk, several thousands of gallons of AMD flow daily from the site directly into the Chartiers Creek. The Department of Environmental Protection has visited the site to review the AMD situation with the Trust in an attempt to formulate an action plan to treat the water 26


Spring 2002

with settling ponds before it enters the creek. As an initial step, the Trust will submit a grant application to the Department, under the Growing Greener Program, to secure funds to begin designing a passive treatment system. The proposed conservation and environmental stewardship strategies pursued by the Trust will certainly enhance the site by restoring the natural process and habitats while addressing water quality and flood management issues. The property can play a synergistic role with the future regional Environmental Education Center proposed for the neighboring Boyce Mayview property. Visitors to the Center could witness the native wildlife and the critical role that the floodplain plays in the management of Chartiers Creek and protection of downstream property. Working with the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the Trust, we were able to secure a $230,000 grant to help acquire the property. Under the obligations of the grant, the Trust is required to match the Commonwealth’s contribution. Currently, $100,000 remains to be raised. The Trust, along with the Upper St. Clair Citizens for Land Stewardship, is continuing a fundraising campaign, which has been well received throughout the South Hills. Donations from Upper St. Clair area businesses and residents total approximately $14,000. Another $30,000 was raised when Mellon Bank purchased paintings donated to ALT by USC resident Rob MacLachlan. Those interested in contributing to this project can send a tax-deductible contribution to the Allegheny Land Trust, 1901 Glen Mitchell Road, Sewickley, PA 15143. Acquisition of Wingfield Pines provides the community with many tangible and intangible benefits. Conservation of this property can enhance and protect the water quality of the Chartiers Creek. The property can offer recreation, open space and function as a tremendous learning tool to enhance the understanding of the importance of protecting natural areas in a community. I encourage everyone to contact the Allegheny Land Trust at 412-749-4882 to become active in this exciting project. ■

The Homeless Children & Family Emergency Fund An Interview with Executive Director James L. Weinberg food and clothing often supersede the need to provide for a child’s education. These children are thus unintentionally denied an education and a chance to socialize with their peers. That’s where our organization, the Homeless Children & Family Emergency Fund, or HCFEF, comes in to advocate for their rights and provide targeted, supplemental funding for education.

How many homeless children are there? The transient nature of the homeless population makes these figures difficult to ascertain. It’s estimated by the state census, however, that over 3000 children experience homelessness every year in Allegheny County. Most of these children are under the age of ten. Where are these children’s parents? Homeless children in shelters are almost always accompanied by a parent or guardian. Generally, we see children with single mothers who are striving desperately, though unsuccessfully, to provide for their young families. How did these families become homeless? Homelessness has as many different causes as it has victims. Each family’s situation is unique. But whether a family has been displaced by fire, domestic violence or substance abuse, it is almost never the fault of the children. And it is the children who suffer most. Where do homeless children live? There are 17 shelters throughout Allegheny County that serve homeless families with children. Clients can reside there anywhere from a few days to a few months, depending on the shelter. At the end of that period, many families bounce to another shelter or to a friend’s couch or car. The problem with many shelters is that they are generally short on manpower and funding. As a result, emergency necessities such as

Why do homeless children have trouble getting an education? Can’t they go to public schools? That’s a complex and sensitive question. Children in shelters are often not considered “official residents” of any particular school district. As a result, it can be difficult to get them placed in local schools. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of the public school system to provide for the education of homeless children. Recently, HCFEF has seen major successes in its advocacy work along these lines. The State Department of Education clarified its policy regarding the education of homeless children and the U.S. House and Senate reformed legislation and increased appropriations. Although these were major accomplishments, there are still a number of barriers between public schools and homeless children. Financial barriers, such as a child not being able to afford sneakers or backpacks, are the easiest to address. There are also a variety of institutional barriers. Homeless children may not have clear immunization records. The school bus may not travel to their shelters. Too often, there is simply no adult to stand up for the child’s right and need to attend school. What does your organization do to help these children? HCFEF was established as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charity three years ago. It’s mission is to serve as a voice for the homeless children of Allegheny County and to ensure that they are afforded equal access Continued on page 74 Spring 2002



Center The Enhancement

Dr. Diamond and assistant Bonnie Russo.

There are 8,760 hours in a year—

shouldn’t some of them be just for you? How many times have you asked yourself that question? As emphasized in its philosophy, “Never has a body had so many friends,” The Enhancement Center offers a broad array of cosmetic, physical and medical enhancements, all under one roof. Located in a large, yet cozy and private upscale facility on Route 19, just one mile south of Upper St. Clair, the Center’s menu includes a myriad of mind and bodyenhancing services through a number of specialized and highly skilled professionals. DermaLase is the cosmetic laser practice of Daniel L. Diamond, M.D., FACS. Using the latest in pulse-light laser technology, Dr. Diamond and assistant, Bonnie Russo, perform specific treatment programs for varicose veins and multiple skin abnormalities. Dr. James Barber, Board Certified in plastic surgery, consults with clients regarding a varied assortment of cosmetic and plastic enhancement options available through the Center. 28


Although well known for his anti-aging seminars, Dr. Barber assists men and women of all ages and youngsters as well. Heidi Weinhold, N.D. specializes in homeopathy, nutritional counseling and micro-current pain therapy. DermaLase is the creation of Dr. Daniel L. Diamond, founding member of the Eastern Association for Surgery of Trauma (E.A.S.T). He has been a member of the American Board of Surgery since 1994 and was Chief of Surgery at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh for many years. In addition to his work at the Center, Dr. Diamond is also on staff at Washington and Canonsburg Hospitals, specializing in general and vascular surgery. Locally, he is perhaps best known as the founder and long time Medical Director of Allegheny General’s Life Flight Program, the first Aeromedical Helicopter Service in the eastern United States, and AGH’s Trauma Center, the first trauma center in Western Pennsylvania, which continues to serve a four state region.

Spring 2002

Improve the Quality of Your Life! Years of experience in vascular medicine have led Dr. Diamond to pursue new methods of treating old health issues. The pulse light laser treats spider and varicose veins, rosacea, sun damaged skin, hemangiomas, port wine stains, hair removal, as well as reducing fine lines and wrinkles around eyes and lips. DermaLase also applies permanent make-up. Busy clients love this physician-supervised procedure that permanently enhances eyebrows, eyeliner and lips. It is literally “state of the art” and there are no machines involved. Fitness Performance is owned and operated by Alison Taglianetti, B.S. Exercise Science. Energizing the body and mind, Alison and her experienced staff of certified trainers offer individually prescribed fitness programs, as well as personal training, Pilates, yoga, spinning classes and a fitness program for seniors. Imagine yourself finally achieving those fitness related goals you have always wanted—shedding those extra pounds, sculpting the muscles of your arms and legs, or decreasing your waistline. The Fitness Performance Personal Training Studio is an eleven-year veteran in the South Hills area offering the finest in individualized, personal training programs. Fitness Performance Personal Training Studio puts the emphasis on you! Its approach to fitness enhancement is based entirely on identifying your specific needs and designing an individualized exercise program to meet those needs. Based upon your health history, exercise history, physician input and fitness assessment goal consultation, the nationally certified elite team of trainers at Fitness Performance will design an exercise program that is safe, effective and specific to you. The team of trainers will then take you step by step through every aspect of your program during every personal training session. This approach ensures proper intensity levels, movement techniques and thoroughness to your workout regime. The Studio also

takes pride in offering its clients a comfortable, immaculate, non-intimidating, state-of-the-art environment an appointmentonly scheduling system to ensure privacy and maximize your personal time management. The Spa in the Hollow is the connecting link in the chain of services at The Enhancement Center. After a tough work out at Fitness Performance, or a session with one of the staff physicians, what better way to unwind than a visit to a luxurious day spa? No need to travel out of town. Simply open the door to a variety of facials, manicures, pedicures, reflexology, waxing, body treatments and massage therapy, including hot stone massage or just “kick back” in the serenity room or sauna. A unique and popular aspect of the menu includes the Vichy shower in the hydrotherapy room. Hydrotherapy uses pressure point showerheads to relieve stress and tension while a client relaxes on the “rain table.” Customized spa packages for individuals, couples or groups are also available. The Spa markets such packages as “Ladies Day Out,” “Corporate Meeting” and “The Bridal Package” and includes light lunch and beverage options. What a great way to complete a visit to The Enhancement Center! The owners of The Enhancement Center are Richard and Jacalyn Thomas, residents of Upper St. Clair. They also own Antonini’s Ristorante. Dick, a Pittsburgh attorney who specializes in labor, employment and commercial litigation, and

Heidi Weinhold and a client

Jackie, who oversees the day-to-day operations of their businesses, have seven grown children, all graduates of Upper St. Clair High School. Dick and Jackie are quick to point out that their growing family, which now includes six grandchildren, and “one on the way,” assures that they will be residents of Upper St. Clair for a long time to come. The Thomases are convinced that there is a definite place in our community for a facility with a potpourri of enhancement services. According to Dick and Jackie, “Most families are as busy as ours with

precious little time to cater to the important requirements of personal health, fitness, physical image and relaxation. The Enhancement Center brings the opportunity to improve quality of life almost to your doorstep.” The Enhancement Center, located at 3075 Washington Road, Peters Township, has daily hours and can be reached by telephone at 724-969-6906. ■

Cover photograph, inside photographs and information provided by The Enhancement Center.

Spring 2002



Around the World on a Bicycle! What were 247 people thinking

when they signed up for an around the world bicycle trip camping in 45 countries in one year? Marc Palombo, a 1975 Upper St. Clair graduate and son of Lita and Dominic Palombo, answered that question with ease—“to see the world.” Doctors, nurses, teachers, lawyers, students, builders, a retired Air Force pilot who recited poetry, an Army mechanic named Ruth, and others made up the original group. The ages ranged from 18 years to Elbert, who had his 80th birthday while biking, with most participants in the 4050 age groups! Several couples chose tandem bicycles for the trip. (Great idea— sit on the back seat and don’t pedal!) The hybrid bikes were custom built to make maintenance easier.

Thinking of traveling on a tour package? Marc suggests asking: • When it says share a room— does this mean five to a room, 15-20 in a room at the hostels, or what? • Does everyone get a separate bed or do you have to share beds? • Do yo u have to share a room with a married couple? • What about sharing a room with a person who snores? • Is there co-ed sharing (or two men in one double bed is also a problem)? • What does a meal include— beverage or no beverage? • What is a campground? Other countries consider a soccer field or cow pasture to be a campground. • What immunizations are required? These vary when leaving other countries, besides the U.S., and entering another country. • Is there travel insurance? 30


How do you pack for a world tour and a wide range of climates when traveling on a bike? Each biker had an 18 by 18 by 36inch locker space on a truck, which held each participant’s tent, sleeping bag, mat, clothes, shoes, coats and everything else. “You learn to travel light!” Mark smiled. January 1, 2000, the tour began in the Rose Bowl parade and pedaled south through Mexico and the Panama Canal. Through deserts, rains, snow, ice and sugar cane, the bikers averaged 79 miles a day. Planes, ferries, trains and buses transported the bikers in some areas and across the oceans. The campgrounds ranged from cow pastures in Argentina to a wonderful soccer field in France. There were a few hostels, nice hotels and even a plywood bed in China. The varieties of bathrooms create an appreciation of the sound of a flush with the worst facilities in Southeast Asia and Russia. Many bikers, even with the limited packing spaces, traveled with their own toilet paper. The little comforts of home! Imagine feeding 247 hungry people every day on the road or in small villages. Breakfast and dinner were usually provided and drinkable water available. Jose’s truck served rice and beans, to the long lines of tired, hungry bikers. Group mentality spreads. The services and plans were not as stated in the brochure! Group sickness also was a problem— coughing and diarrhea. The medical staff that was to travel with the tour did not exist for the majority of the trip, but luckily there were doctors and nurses biking with the tour. Marc had four flats in one day. He went through 15 tubes, and then he began patching tubes. He broke only four chains on the tour. Marc, whose bicycle is stored in his parents’ garage, says, “It needs some work, and the gears are worn out.” (I would be, too.) One of the hardest days was a 48-mile climb in a cold drizzle. The longest day was 100 miles with a strong head wind the whole day in South Africa. The children in China lined the streets to wave the bikers on. The Vietnamese people like Americans and are very friendly.

Spring 2002

Marc Palombo

Paris was wonderful, but according to Marc, “I should have learned those foreign languages in high school! There is so much to see in the world. We all have too much stuff holding us back. We have it so much easier than the rest.” From Chile to Argentina, they biked in snow on gravel roads. From France to Spain in the Pyrenees Mountains, they biked through a snow covered ski resort. In Greece, they biked through snow and ice. “My hands were so cold. It is difficult to keep your extremities warm when you are on a bicycle in freezing temperatures,” stated Marc. Marc visited relatives in Formosa, Italy. The tour ran out of money after 11 months—it was supposed to last 12 months. “At the point the trip split up in Singapore the official mileage was 17,000 plus, depending on how much a rider got lost,” says Marc. Fewer than ten riders made the whole trip and Marc was one of the few. About 60 riders paid an extra $3000 to complete the journey with the tour company. Marc went off to bike New Zealand on his own! Marc’s favorite places that he would visit again: Australia, New Zealand, Norway

(expensive), China, Vietnam and Costa Rica—“The biking and scenery are great.” Marc suggests leaving off north Panama (except for the Canal) and the Baja—“It is nice but monotonous. Swaziland’s sugarcane is also boring to bike through!” “The worst is waking up to rain and knowing you will be wet and cold while biking another 80 miles before getting dry again. It is more a mental thing.” The cost for the trip ranged from $30,000 to $40,000, including the bike, and according to the side trips taken. Would he go again? “Not with the same company! They were not prepared or organized. I learned much. Don’t assume what is included in a tour package. I recommend checking closer,” says Marc. What is Marc planning next? “Work for a while, then maybe backpacking somewhere! Anyone want to go?” Marc now lives in Orlando, Florida, and his occupation—“Custom residential construction while traveling around the country!” ■ If you have questions for Marc contact him at marcpalombo@hotmail.com.

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Spring 2002



Township of Upper St. Clair Highlights of the Board of Commissioners Meetings

Frank E. Marsh President, Ward 5 Day 412-831-9000 Evening 724-941-6244

The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners takes place on the first Monday of each month in the Board of Commissioners meeting room in the Township Municipal Building. All business regarding the operation of the Township is conducted, and citizens are invited to comment on any Township matters. Complete Board minutes can be found at the Library or on the website at www.twpusc.org. For more information, please call 412-831-9000.

September 4, 2001

Robert W. Orchowski

Approximately 14 people attended.

Vice President, Ward 3 Day 412-831-9000 Evening 412-854-1868

Edward S. Long Ward 1 Day 412-831-9000 Evening 412-257-5197

Gloria Smith Ward 2 Day 412-831-9000 Evening 412-833-1284

Cheryl S. Bayne Ward 4 Day 412-831-9000 Evening 412-831-5814

Bill Bates At Large

Recognitions: • Commissioner Marsh presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Stanley and Marie Klos recognizing their contributions to the Upper St. Clair Library’s historical display regarding Arthur St. Clair. Mr. Klos accepted the Certificate of Appreciation and thanked the Board for this recognition. He then gave a brief presentation highlighting the important events in the life of Arthur St. Clair. The Board: • Granted amended tentative approval for USC-PRD 3-01 Re. PLC01-09 – St. Clair Woods Apartments (formerly Painters Plaza Apartments). • Adopted Bill No. 11-01 amending Chapter 25 entitled “Fiscal Affairs” to authorize online notification for solicitation of bids for goods and services. • Adopted Bill No. 12-01 amending Chapter 57 of the Township Code entitled “Fees” to adjust fees for several Recreation and Leisure Services programs. • Adopt Resolution 1407 to approve the 2002-2006 Capital Improvement Program. Approved the following contracts: • Beckwith Machinery— Murrysville, Pennsylvania .......................... Caterpillar 426C Backhoe Loader ............ $46,638 • Glassmere Fuel Service, Inc.— Tarentum, Pennsylvania Gasoline and Diesel Fuel OPIS Daily Pittsburgh Average Index Plus Fixed Margin of $.1114/Gallon

October 1, 2001 Approximately 41 people attended.

Recognitions: • Commissioner Smith presented a Proclamation recognizing the week of October 7-13, 2001, as Fire Prevention Week. The Proclamation was accepted by Ray Tomnay, Fire Chief, and several members of the Volunteer Fire Department, along with Fire Marshal, Deborah Waller.

Day 412-831-9000 Evening 412-257-8115

• Commissioner Bates stated that the Township has the highest ranking from the insurance underwriters due to the professionalism of the Volunteer Fire Department. This excellent rating provides a large discount on homeowners insurance. • Commissioner Bates presented Certificates of Appreciation to Volunteer Firemen for their years of service with the Upper St. Clair Volunteer Fire Department: Ray Tomnay ............................... 30 years of service Douglas Dennig ......................... 25 years of service Russell Rauch ............................. 25 years of service Thomas Edkins .......................... 15 years of service Gregory Gerlach ........................ 10 years of service David Kish .................................. 5 years of service John Lekse .................................. 5 years of service Brian Reddecliff .......................... 5 years of service • Commissioner Orchowski presented a Proclamation condemning the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States and supporting the rescue and recovery efforts by donating the sum of $5,000 on behalf of the residents of Upper St. Clair to the men and women of the City of Arlington and the City of New York. The Board: • Adopted Resolution No. 1408, establishing Monday, December 3, 2001, as the public hearing date for the Outback Steakhouse rezoning. • Established Monday, November 5, 2001, as the public hearing date for the Proposed 2002 Budget. • Approved a contract with The Sutton Group of Grove City for replacement playground equipment at Tustin Park in the amount of $21,991.44. • Adopted Bill No. 1301, authorizing the implementation of a senior citizens’ tax relief program. • Adopted Resolution No. 1409, authorizing participation in the Municipal Risk Management Workers Compensation Pooled Trust.

Meeting Dates • The Board of Commissioners meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building. The regular public meeting is held the first Monday of the month in the Board Room. The informational and general affairs meeting is held the last Monday of the month in the Board Conference Room. • The Planning Commission meets the third Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

Ernest T. Harris At Large Day 412-831-9000 Evening 412-854-1119

• Parks and Recreation Board meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.; no meeting in December. • Zoning Hearing Board meets the fourth Wednesday of the month at 8 p.m. • Civil Hearing Board meets as needed. • Building/Fire Codes Appeals and Advisory Board meets as needed.

For more information or specific dates, call the Township Office at 412-831-9000 or see the website www.twpusc.org.



Spring 2002

November 5, 2001 Approximately 8 people attended.

The Board: • Adopted Resolution No. 1410, establishing Monday, January 7, 2002, as the public hearing date for the M/S Associates rezoning. • Adopted Resolution No. 1411, establishing Monday, December 3, 2001, as the public hearing date on the rezoning of several land parcels in the Dominion Plan. • Approved a contract with Pentagon Printing Corporation for the preparation, printing, mail prep and delivery of the UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY magazine in amounts ranging from $19,635 to $21,034 per issue. • Established a 501(C)(3) corporation for the EEC in order to receive and distribute funds, subject to final approval by the Township Attorney. • Adopted Bill No. 14-01, amending Chapter 41 of the Township Code entitled “Animals” to prohibit pets on School District property and to define public nuisance animals. (See page 36-37.)

December 3, 2001 Approximately 42 people attended.

• Commissioner Orchowski presented a Proclamation recognizing Brad Tupi for his services to the Township as Commissioner At-Large. The Board: • Adopted Bill No. 15-01, to rezone the identified (a portion of lot 123R of the Saulson Plan; Lots 125, 126, a portion of lot 127 and a portion of Parcel A of the Dominion Phase 1; and a portion of 1447 McLaughlin Run Road lots from R-L1 to R1. • Adopted resolution No. 1412, endorsing the SHACOG Flood Mitigation Plan as a principal guide for SHACOG area flood mitigation projects. • Adopted Bill No. 16-01, adopting the 2002 Budget. • Approved the contract with Day Ford for the purchase of Police Patrol Vehicles.

Some facts about the people of Upper St. Clair based on the 2000 U.S. Census: • The population of the Township has grown from 2,486 in 1940 to 20,053. • There are approximately 7,091 households in the Township, up from 6,605 in 1990. • The Township covers 10.5 square miles and is over 75% developed. • 83.6% of the population is family households 40.8% of the families have children under 18 years 76.3% of the family households are married couples 5.6% are single parent families 15% householder living alone • 30.2% of the population is under 19 years of age 43% is between 20 and 54 10.4% is between 55 and 64 16.4% is over 65 • 80.7% of the families have children under 18 • 9% of those 65 and older live alone

Ernie Harris— Our Newest Commissioner Ernie, born in Akron,

Ohio, attended Case Western, Harvard and New York Universities. He retired as President and owner of Omega Associates Consulting Group, Inc. in 1999. Peg, Ernie’s wife, is from Cincinnati, Ohio. They have three children: Mark, 31, lives in Ernie and Peg Harris Dayton, Ohio; Julie, 29, with Pennsylvania Superior Court Judge Joseph A. Del Sole lives in Pittsburgh and Lori, 28, lives in Philadelphia. The Harris’ moved to USC in 1968. Two What are your goals as Commissioner? Boyce Mayview Park—I support the moves took the family out of USC for ten Master Plan. I will work to ensure that its years and brought them back to USC for a implementation will invite public particitotal of 23 years. pation, preserve the park’s unique natural Who is the greatest influence in your beauty, enhance our neighborhoods and life and why? My wife, Peg, is the greatest conserve tax dollars. Although USC owns influence in my life. She is my best friend. the park it is a regional asset available to She is kind, loving and lovely. She is the all citizens in our region. As such it is critibest thing that ever happened to me, and I cal that we structure the financing of the can not imagine finding a better partner park’ s capital and operating costs to avoid with whom to share my life. any unequal cost burden on the citizens of Who is your hero and why? Jesus our Township. Christ is my hero. His life and death deBudgetary Responsibility—Township fined and showed the way for the lives of population has held steady at around Christians for all eternity. 20,000 for over 20 years, yet the Township Favorite book—I do not have one spending has consistently increased well “most favorite” book. Rather, I most enjoy in excess of the rate of inflation. I will apthe classics and, from time to time, reread ply my management expertise to help our books such as To Kill a Mocking Bird, The Township—an $11 million enterprise— Three Musketeers, The Old Man and the Sea, From Here to Eternity and everything that deliver the same high level of police Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has written. I also protection, snow removal and roadway read everything written by John Grisham, maintenance without annual increases in Tom Clancy, Ian Fleming (the terrific James spending. Would you like to hold the line Bond series) and Nelson Demille. The Day on, or reduce taxes? I would! Open government—I will protect of the Jackal, by Frederick Forsyth, is also every citizen’s right to information and a great “read.” input before Township plans affect their Reading now—What Went Wrong by neighborhood. Bernard Lewis and Up Country by Demille. Now that I am elected, my Township Activities and Interests—Member of committee appointments are quite specific Christ United Methodist Church, St. Clair to these promises. I am Chairman of the Country Club, South Hills Arts League Department of Public Works Committee; (President 1999-2000); Board member and serve on the Budget and Finance CommitPresident of Silver Eye Center for Photogtee; serve on the Community Development raphy; Deerfield Manor/Williamsburg Committee and am liaison to the commuWoods Homeowner’s Association (Presinity groups working on the Boyce Mayview dent 1999-2000) and the Canadian Park project. ■ Professional Engineering Society Hobbies—Photography (winning two international awards), bowling, golf and writing Spring 2002



Flood Protection Family Practice Medical Associates South Upper St. Clair Office f ffice Summerfield Commons Suite 211 2581 Washington W Road Upper St. Clair, r PA r, P 15241

Jefferson f fferson Hospital Office f ffice South Hills Medical Building 209 575 Coal V Road Jefferson Borough, PA P 15025

(412) 469-7010 Bethel Park Office f ffice Metro Pr


Flooding and other surface drainage problems can occur well away from

to ensure that buildings will be protected from flood damage.

a river, lake or ocean. Whether you are looking at a property or are concerned about your own property, it is always a good idea to check possible flood hazards. Be aware: • The force of moving water or waves can destroy a building. • Slow moving floodwaters are forceful enough to knock people off their feet or to float a car. • Water-soaked contents, such as carpeting, clothing, upholstered furniture and mattresses often suffer irreparable damage and may have to be disposed of after a flood. • Some items, such as photographs and heirlooms, may never be restored to their original conditions. • Floodwaters are not clean; floods carry mud, disease, farm chemicals, road oil, and

What You Can Do The Township’s efforts depend on your cooperation and assistance. Here is how you can help: • Do not dump or throw anything into creeks, ditches, ravines, or streams. Dumping is a violation of Section 83 of the Township Code. Even grass clippings and branches accumulate and plug channels, causing danger during rains. • If your property is next to a creek or ditch, please keep the banks clear of brush and debris. The Township has a maintenance program to help remove major blockages such as downed trees. • If you see evidence of dumping of debris in creeks or ditches, contact the Public Works Department.

300 2414 L Bethel

P 15102

Southpointe Office St. Clair Medical Suite 501 Corporate Drive Canonsburg, PA 15317

(724) 746-3369 * * * * * * * * * * * * * Matthew C. Portz, M.D. Peter J. Gagianas, M.D. Louis M. Komer, M.D. Daniel J. Crable, M.D. John (Sean) Barrett, M.D. Richard S. Urban, M.D. Nupur Dashottar, M.D. Dawn Minyon-Sarver, D.O. Jennifer Darkowski, PA-C Dana Motika, PA-C Dawn Bocianoski, CRNP We attend St. Clair Hospital and Jefferson



other noxious substances that cause serious health hazards. • The impact of a flood (cleaning up, making repairs, suffering personal losses) causes great stress to you, your family and your finances. Township Flood Services Upper St. Clair participates in the Community Rating System, which is a program of providing flood hazard information and services. The first step to protect your home from flood damage is to assess the flood hazard. A complete Flood Protection Library, including flood maps and flood protection references, is available at the Upper St. Clair Township Library. The Community Development Department in the Municipal Building can provide more information, such as depth of flooding above a building’s first floor, location of floodplains, and past flood problems in the area. For your safety, Upper St. Clair regulates all construction and development in floodplains Spring 2002

• Always check with the Community Development Department before you build, alter, grade, or fill on your property. A permit may be needed to ensure that projects do not cause problems on other properties. If you are in a floodplain, special building codes may apply. The Community Development Department will walk you through any application and answer your questions. • If you see building or filling without a Township permit posted, contact the Community Development Department at 412-831-9000. • Help yourself by understanding floodproofing, flood insurance and flood safety. Floodproofing There are several different ways to protect a building from flood damage, often at a relatively low cost. Existing buildings can be protected from shallow waters by regrading your lot or building a small floodwall Continued on page 78

Police Department Holiday Good Will

Lt. John Sakoian

Nancy Montgomery, Sydney Siegal, Michael Spina and Brenna Bird

Lieutenant John Sakoian, Lieutenant James Englert, Michael Spina and Sydney Siegal

The Upper St. Clair Police Department was proud to act as good will

During the year our officers have contacts with households affected by diverse needs. Officers distributed the certificates to those families with limited income, which included the elderly, disabled and abandoned young mothers with children who sincerely appreciated the students’ generosity. It is pleasing to see our young people grow and mature along the path of good citizenship. They bolster our belief that good, will always outweigh the negative. The Police Department commends the students, parents and staff of Fort Couch for their unselfish sacrifice and hard work to raise funds for the less fortunate. The project was a success, spreading warmth, kindness and a holiday meal to many appreciative people. ■

ambassadors for the Fort Couch Middle School on December 20, 2001. The students raised enough money to donate $2000 worth of Giant Eagle gift certificates for distribution to needy families.

Nancy Montgomery, Brenna Bird, Michael Spina, Sydney Siegal and Arjun Prabu

Vacation Check List for Home Security ❑ Fill out a Vacation Home Check form at the Police Department. ❑ Secure all windows and doors. ❑ Unplug major appliances and televisions. ❑ Turn water off at the main water meter inside house. If someone is watching a pet, only turn off water at appliances.

❑ Contact a trusted neighbor to make a daily check of your home. ❑ Leave lights on, either by timers or have a neighbor turn lights on. ❑ Stop all deliveries like the mail, papers and milk. ❑ Make arrangements to have the lawn cut. ❑ Leave a phone number where you can be reached in case of an emergency with a neighbor or family member.

❑ Leave a key with a neighbor or family member. Spring 2002



Pay Attention to Township Pet Etiquette Or You Will Be Paying Fines! Is your much-loved dog or cat a huge nuisance to your neighbors and fellow

Suzanne Vernon

using the service, Upper St. Clair is paying the most (as the number one user) mainly because residents? Our Township Manager of the past the pet owners here are not following the law twenty years, Doug Watkins, has helped me and acting as good neighbors. understand what that can mean and I hope to Everyone’s pet may get out once in awhile, clarify it for you. but some dogs are conOur Animal Control stantly running loose and Program in Upper St. the police and animal conClair is a joint undertaktrol are getting multiple and ing with Mt. Lebanon, frequent calls about these Green Tree, Scott Townanimals. Walk your dog in ship and Dormont. your yard or in your neighWith this cooperative borhood, carrying along a arrangement Mt. Lebanon plastic bag to retrieve any employs the officers and waste deposits. Pets are not provides the vehicles, permitted on school propwhile we supply the kenerty including stadiums, nel facility. We bill Mt. soccer fields, baseball fields Lebanon each year for the or playgrounds as posted cost of running the kensigns indicate. No one likes nel and they incorporate to be worried about being that figure into the cost of bitten or frightened when the program. The cost is they are enjoying our recrethen distributed based ational facilities. Residents upon each municipality’s should not have to be conshare of the usage. The cerned for their or their five communities inchildren’s safety or about volved provide a more stepping in or falling in dog cost effective consortium excrement. People do not than having our own prorealize that infractions cost gram, which was tried and each taxpayer in the Townresulted in poor service. ship money—whether they In the year 2000, the Miriam Finder walking Luna. own a pet or not! budget for the over-all Another problem is famanimal control program was $215,000. Upper ily members leave home for the day, but they tie St. Clair’s bill for our share was $85,800. We or stake their dog out under a tree in their backused about 40 percent of the total animal con- yard, where the dog barks all day. According to a trol service! Mt. Lebanon’s population is 65 recent amendment to the specific ordinance, the percent larger than Upper St. Clair’s and yet owner of any dog that barks continually for more receives nowhere near as many animal control than fifteen minutes can be cited. calls as we do. Last year the Township collected only $120 Why does that happen? For one reason, in fines for animal control violations. The Towndeer-related calls are significantly higher for ship has been generous in giving many pet Upper St. Clair. But more importantly, people owners numerous chances to rectify their aberhere are not as diligent about controlling their rant practices. But Mr. Watkins says, “The animals as they should be—dogs and cats run- warnings are obviously not working and the ning at large. Cats running at large? Yes, the Township must consider stricter penalties for Township code definition of ‘pet’ is “Any dog, people who violate these ordinances.” cat or domesticated animal kept for pleasure rather than utility (farm animals excluded).” Current penalties are: Residents are not permitted to let a pet out • $25 if paid within 48 hours unaccompanied. This is ‘running at large.’ Loose and violation corrected running dogs and cats can and do get into other • $100 Minimum—First Offense people’s property, tear up garbage and foul lawns • $300 Minimum—Second Offense with their waste. The result is repeated calls to • $400 Minimum/$1000 Maximum— the police department and animal control. Each Third or more frequent offenses call costs taxpayers’ money! Again $85,800 was our share of the animal control costs compared Residents are not charged for Township dog to Mt. Lebanon’s $58,000. Of the five suburbs licenses but must provide verification of rabies 36


Spring 2002

Responsible Pet Ownership Pets provide a great deal of pleasure

Hank Vernon and Maddie take a stroll.

shots. The county requires a license which costs $6-8 (see below). Upper St. Clair must be able to name the owner of the dog and to verify that the dog has had a rabies vaccination should a person be bitten. This documented proof saves the victim from a series of injections otherwise necessary to stave off the rabies disease. Mr. Watkins encourages all dog owners to come to the Township Municipal Building by January l5 of each year, show your rabies certificate and get your tag at no cost. Don’t put your neighbors and friends at risk or in the position to have to call about your pet being a pest! This costs each of us time, money and hard feelings. Be a good neighbor and resident—practice pet etiquette! ■


however, the job of a responsible owner extends beyond providing an animal with the basics such as food, water and shelter. Dog and cat owners must take into consideration their neighborhood and respect the rights of others living within it. It can be very frustrating when a pet owner fails to follow animal ordinance requirements such as permitting an unsanitary condition on streets or sidewalks. A less common occurrence has been owners allowing their pets to roam in other yards creating similar problems on the lawns of their neighbors. Owners who permit their animals to behave in this manner risk citation and potential fines. This can be avoided by simply curbing your animal and disposing of the contents in a proper manner. Please remember extending common courtesy to others as a responsible pet owner promotes community relations and deters more stringent animal ordinances. Code requirements concerning animal control can be found on the Township website at www.twpusc.org. ■

Dog Owners Please purchase a County license for dogs three months or older by January 1 every year. Applications are available at the Township reception desk. The fines can be up to $300 a day for each unlicensed dog.

Spring 2002



Library Adult Library 2001—A Very Good Year Our Library circulated 282,375 items and registered 1,594 new patrons in 2001 to

bring our total number of patrons to 22,124. Ten thousand five hundred patrons attended programs and we helped 11,776 of our patrons with reference questions and finding materials for recreation and research.

How Many for How Long? Have you ever started to gather library materials and stopped before you had all you wanted because you thought you were over the limit? Many of our items have no limit and can be kept for three weeks. This brief list may be helpful: Unlimited number for three weeks: ◆ Books (with exception of new fiction—four for one week) ◆ CDs—music and books ◆ Books on Tape You can now check out an unlimited number of videos and DVDs for one week.

DVD Collection Expands Have you purchased a new DVD player or received one as a gift? Please stop by and browse the Library’s DVD collection. New additions are expanding this popular collection, which now includes almost 150 titles. Many of the latest popular films as well as classic dramas, comedies and musicals are patron favorites. DVDs on topics such as health and nutrition, religion, science and travel have also been added. The loan period is seven days and there is no limit on the number of DVDs that may be borrowed. Also, please remember that suggestions for new purchases are always appreciated. ■

Be a Card-Carrying Member of the Library!

Have email? Here’s a new way to sample new books! The Library is pleased to offer you a unique way to sample new books

through a free online book club at Chapter-a-Day.com. Book selections (both fiction and non-fiction) are made by the staff at Chapter-a-Day, who obtain permissions from the publishers and send out daily emails with book selections. If something in the email interests you, check the book out at the Library to finish reading it the “old fashioned way.”

To sign up for the book club, go to our homepage and click on the icon, or fill out this short form and return it to the adult floor circulation desk. We will be happy to register you for the club.

Online Book Club Sign-up Request Name ________________________________________________ Email address _________________________________________ If you would like further information on the club, please provide a phone number.

area code




Spring 2002

412-835-5540 www.uscpac.org You don’t expect retail stores to put items on your charge card without seeing the card—Library staff also needs to see your library card to charge materials to your account. Scanning the library card eliminates typographical errors and is really for your benefit. This policy, “No checkouts without a card,” has been in effect since January 1999. So, please put that card in your wallet, or, if you can’t find it, come in to get a replacement. Replacement card fee is only $1. Over 100,000 items are available to you—but only with a card! ■

Children’s Library Young Adult Services We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities for young adults in our community. Ongoing projects for middle and high school students include the display case, book cart posters, and book covers. In the summer months, reading activities involve teen volunteers. These activities run the gamut from arts and crafts projects, producing a puppet show and writing opportunities to help with a preschoolers or morning storytime programs. We offer employment opportunities too. Our high school student Pages often begin as one of our volunteers. Work shifts are in the evenings and on the weekends. Contact Diane Ornato at 412-835-5540 if you are interested.

The USC Volunteer Fire Department visit the Library during Fire Prevention Week.

What exactly does the Upper St. Clair Township Library have

for young adults of the community? Well, a lot! Our Young Adult materials are geared toward students in the fifth through twelfth grades. The fiction collection includes the most recent books published for this audience along with old classics and numerous titles that are part of reading lists for area schools. Our books on tape, which are great for road trips, include many titles used in USC classrooms. Graphic novels, a new and growing collection, are housed in our fiction section too. Our non-fiction and reference sections are the place to be when those school assignments are given. Besides printed reference materials, there are four Internet stations available for use. And there are always helpful people around to get you started on your work. Often teachers will notify us about upcoming assignments and materials will be placed on a school reserve shelf for you. Many of our computers have the following Microsoft programs installed: Excel, FrontPage, PowerPoint, Publisher and Word. There are printers available or you can purchase a disk to save your work and take it home. We have two study rooms available for young adults. These have round tables just right for group work or tutoring. We also have some great new seating available for perusing the latest magazines in our collection. And our magazine collection has expanded to include BMX, Motor Trend, Electronic Gaming Monthly, as well as old favorites Teen People, Seventeen and Nintendo Power.

Teen volunteers at the Library.

A mother/daughter book discussion group for girls in fifth through eighth grade and their mothers meets six times during the school year. This group has read some wonderful books, had some great discussions, and shared two evenings with local author, Sharon Flake. We are open to new ideas for programming. We have a few in the planning stages right now—we’ll keep you posted.

Author Sharon Flake talks about her new book, Money Hungry, at the October Mother-Daughter book discussion.

The Queen of Hearts presents a royal storytime.

The Young Adult Library is housed on the third floor of the Upper St. Clair Township Library. Please stop in or call 412-835-5540—we’d love to talk with you! ■ Spring 2002



Recreation Department Chess Players Win! Former World Champion Tal Shaked

was the featured speaker at the Future Champions Chess Challenge held November 3, 2001, at Taylor Allderdice High School. Two hundred sixty one players from 78 schools competed in four rounds for individual and team prizes. Joseph Piqueira, Nikhil Venkatesh, Jack Rosso, Kent Berthoud, Matthew Weaver and Ben Benack participated individually and as a team from Boyce Middle School at the competition. Together the boys brought home a first place trophy in the team division. Also participating from Upper St. Clair was Maxwell Miller from Baker Elementary School who went undefeated and placed first in the grades K-3 advanced section. Other awards were as follows: • Kent won a second place trophy in the grades kindergarten through fifthpremiere section. • Jack won a second place trophy in the grades four and five-advanced section.


Max Mil

Left to right: Joey, Nikhil, Ben, Jack, Tal Shaked and Kent

• Joey won a first place trophy for the top fifth grader in the grades four and fiveadvanced section. • Nikhil won a second place trophy in the grades four and five-beginner section. • Ben won a second place fifth grader ribbon in the grades four and fivebeginner section. Congratulations!

The Easter Bunny and all the participants enjoyed the annual Easter Bunny party held by the Recreation Department last spring. This winter Santa enjoyed the holiday crafts and magic show and so did all those attending. Spring is just around the corner again. The Recreation Department has many other fun and interesting programs all year. The new recreation program brochures will be delivered to residents in early April.

The game of chess is a challenging sport for the mind. If you are a beginner wanting to learn the game of chess or an experienced player looking to improve your game contact the Recreation Department at 412-831-9000, extension 256, for information on upcoming chess classes conducted by instructor Eric Berthoud. ■

Watch for the brochure in the mail and check out the many exciting programs that we have to offer. Keep an eye out for your old favorites and many new programs guaranteed to make sure your spring and summer whirl with activity. ■

Sarah, Sean, Maura and Erin Flaherty with Easter Bunny Michael Coliane and Santa Ally Hughes and Alexandra Garcia, wearing hat

Easter Egg Hunt Sponsored by The Bethel-St. Clair Rotary Club and USC Recreation Department

Puchetti Family working on crafts.

March 23 (rain date: March 30) 10:30 a.m. Three-Hole Municipal Golf Course (near second green)

Craft Table Lindsay and Sue Coate with Sue and Chase Kasko

For information on Recreation Programs, call 412-831-9000, extension 256. 40


Spring 2002

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Spring 2002



Jogger and Walker Information The following excerpt is from the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code and pertains to pedestrians on the roadway.

Section 3544— Pedestrians Walking Along or on Highway. a. Mandatory use of available sidewalk—Where a sidewalk is provided and its use is practicable, it is unlawful for any pedestrian to walk along and upon an adjacent roadway. b. Absence of sidewalk—Where a sidewalk is not available, any pedestrian walking along and upon a highway shall walk only on a shoulder as far as practicable from the edge of the roadway. c. Absence of sidewalk and shoulder—Where neither a sidewalk nor a shoulder is available, any pedestrian walking along and upon a highway shall walk as near as practicable to an outside edge of the roadway and, if on a two-way roadway, shall walk only on the left side of the roadway. d. Right-of-way to vehicles—Except as otherwise provided in this subchapter, any pedestrian upon a roadway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway. ■ Spring 2002



Improving the Odds Brian Redecliff First Assistant Chief—USCVFD

Over the years, fire service has changed

dramatically. When firefighters’ lives are lost, there is a need to evaluate why life was lost. Once that question is answered, new techniques are applied to make sure that it does not happen again. Some incidents are more prominent than others. When a bow string truss roof collapsed under fire load at a car dealership in Hackensack, New Jersey, killing several firefighters, modern building techniques were evaluated, illustrating the hidden dangers with this type of construction. Several firefighters were killed in Texas when they became entangled in cable television wires while fighting a high rise fire. This incident identified another hazard associated with new building materials and how to deal with the hazards. A fire that struck closer to home occurred several years ago in Pittsburgh. Three firefighters lost their lives in a Valentine’s Day fire on Bryclin Street. While the event was tragic, several lessons were learned. One of the most important lessons was that for too long, firefighters accepted the fact that the job we perform is dangerous and people were going to get hurt. We played the odds and did the best we could to keep out of harms way. After Bryclin Street, a program was developed that would teach firefighters to save their own lives and the lives of fellow firefighters. 44


The idea of this program was that every fire department would have a “Rapid Intervention Team” (RIT). The RIT is a group of firefighters who stay outside a structure fire with the purpose of springing into action when a “Mayday” (firefighter in trouble) is called. Here in the South Hills, the term “GO Team” rather that RIT, is used. The team must be highly trained and motivated to handle situations that are extremely dangerous.

Spring 2002

The USC Volunteer Fire Department is currently a member of the “South Hill Regional GO Team.” This is a group of fire departments that have Rapid Intervention Teams and assist each other when the need arises. The idea behind the regional team is that when we have a structure fire in Upper St. Clair, our firefighters are needed to control the situation. A surrounding community is called to supply the GO team. This ensures that our firefighters have the greatest chance of survival. One of my instructors at fire school said, “No one is coming for us but us,” and that is truly a motto to live by when you’re a firefighter. Several USCVFD members attended a recent training class. The class held in Castle Shannon, included volunteer fire departments from Bethel Park, Castle Shannon, Glendale, Mt. Lebanon, Mt. Oliver and Upper St. Clair. Most firefighters get into trouble when things take a rapid turn for the worse inside of a structure. Building collapse, flashover (when a building gets so hot that everything ignites into a massive inferno), and firefighters loosing their air source are a few examples of firefighting emergencies. This training is a two-step process. The first class, “Firefighter Survival,” teaches firefighters to save their own lives when needed. It was discovered that students were being trained to go into a burning building, rescue the occupants and fight the fire, but no one showed them how to get out if things got really bad. The class teaches techniques for escaping fire by burrowing through walls, rappelling down ropes from second story windows, and diving through windows onto a ladder, head first. The second class, “Rapid Intervention Crew Exercises” (RICE), is an intense lesson on extrication of a fellow firefighter in times of trouble. Topics include enlarging openings in a structure to allow for quick egress, rapid search techniques and extreme uses for our breathing apparatus. Not only is this class intense, it is performed while in heavy smoke with zero visibility. Every member in the Upper St. Clair Volunteer Fire Department consistently gives their time to participate in the many hours of training required to be a firefighter. I am proud to be associated with this organization and am sure that you, the readers of this magazine, are proud to have us here for you, risking our lives to save yours. ■

Upper St. Clair Volunteer Fire Department Needs Your Help

Jim Render

I gladly accepted the assignment from the editors of UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY to write an article about the Upper St.

Clair Volunteer Fire Department. In fact, the word assignment is much too harsh a word. Let’s just say that this was a pleasure to write and one that will benefit both reader and writer. Ultimately, though, the real benefactor will be the entire USC community. To do this article I am going to wear three different hats. First, will be the hat of writer, gathering, assembling and organizing facts. Next, will be my “helmet” and my familiar role as head football coach at USCHS. Last, I want to give some opinions as a proud resident of Upper St. Clair. I must begin by saying that these men who maintain our fire stations are working in a building that is, quite simply, worn out. The original building was constructed fiftythree years ago, in 1949. The volunteers’ lockers are located only inches from a huge truck that sits inside the building. When an emergency call comes in, it’s very hectic trying to get the men into their gear while safely negotiating the truck out. In short, it’s not safe. They’ve run out of space for equipment, storage and offices. In the meantime, our fire company maintains the highest rating for volunteer groups as determined by the insurance service organization that determines fire insurance ratings. Naturally, safety regulations have changed over the years. Did you know, for example, that firemen can no longer “hang on” to the sides and back of a truck? We all have mental images of the fire truck speeding through the streets with firefighters hanging onto their helmets with one hand while trying to cling on to the truck with the other. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) says “no more.” Therefore new trucks will be longer to include more men safely inside. Longer trucks mean longer buildings. Now you get the big picture! If you are interested in contributing to this worthy and necessary project, checks should be made payable to the USC Volunteer Fire Department Attention: Building Fund P. O. Box 12583 Upper St. Clair, PA 15241 or call 412-835-0660.

Left to right: John Lekse, Chairman Building Committee; Jerry Kopach, Jr., President; Jim Render; Bill Bates and Russ Rauch, Deputy Chief. Not Shown: Ray Tomnay, Chief and Dave Kropp, Treasurer.

Our firemen, in conjunction with community leaders, are determined to erect a new building. The estimated cost is $1.6 million. It is here that I am going to switch hats. Our USC Football Boosters Club was the first organization to donate to this project. These firemen come to our home games in uniform each and every week. They sit on the truck in the southwest corner of Panther Stadium and celebrate touchdowns with their horns, bells and whistles. They have done this for years. Our club decided that donations were needed not only in New York, but right here in good old USC. Our firemen are involved in many activities. From giving Santa Claus a ride through our neighborhoods to meet kids of all ages during the winter holidays, to demonstrating the equipment at Community Day while in their full dress blues, the USCVFD is a cornerstone of our community. Former Football Boosters Club president and current Township Commissioner Bill Bates supported the club’s participation in a financial gift to the USC firemen. This leads me to my role as one who lives and works in Upper St. Clair. When discussing what and who make our fire department work, I learned that this is an “all-volunteer” group of dedicated men and women. I’ve also come to learn that many people living in our community don’t realize that there are no paid employees in the fire department. In addition, only a small portion of the departments operating expenses are funded by the Township’s budget. Did you know that it takes 88 hours of training just to be allowed to volunteer

minimal service? You don’t get to drive the fire truck down Route 19 for a test drive during your first day, that’s for sure. Our volunteer fire department needs help in constructing a new building in order to continue providing safe and effective services to our community. They deserve a lot of credit for what they do and they deserve our financial help. Just as America answered the call to help the police and fire departments of NYC following September 11, 2001, so too should USC citizens support the guys who help keep our homes, businesses, schools and churches safe. ■

Jon Donner, manager of Blackstone Fine Jewelers, congratulates Marianne Cornetti, the proud owner of the auctioned Lladro collection. Blackstone donated $625 to the USCVFD from the proceeds of the auction.

Spring 2002



United Senior Citizens of Upper St. Clair Scenes from Christmas Lunch, Annual Banquet and Halloween.

Christmas lunch

Senior’s Annual Banquet at Nevillewood 2001

Lynn Walcoff, Senior’s Coordinator, clearly an imp at heart.

In the line-up Nabbed by Upper St. Clair Police after a series of neighborhood trashings, soapings, etc. Naughty seniors, tsk, tsk. Christmas lunch

Left to right: Sam To, Arlaine Regelin and Agnes To.

Left to right: Hilda Holpp, Lucille Fisher and Art Fisher. Senior’s Lunch cooks “Wolfgang” Tate and “Emeril” Ayoub preparing a delicious bucket of something.

Silver Card Senior Citizens of Upper St. Clair, the Recreation and Leisure Services Department offers for your consideration the Silver Card. Holders of this card are entitled to free admittance to the threehole golf course, outdoor tennis facilities and family swim at the High School pool. Any resident age 62 and retired or age 65 with no restrictions is eligible for the Silver Card Program. Applications are available at the Recreation Department, so stop in and ask for your Silver Card!

46 46


Spring Spring 2002 2002

Don’t be fooled by their gentlemanly appearance. These are four notorious “hustlers” in America’s pool rooms. Left to right: “Rack” Regelin, “Bankshot” Bonifield, “Chalky” Curl and “Fancy Shot” Fiumara. Leave your money at home if they suggest a “friendly” game.

Senior Citizen Site information and articles have been gathered and written by John Kotzuk.

Thou art thy mother’s glass, and she in thee calls back the lovely April of her prime. —Shakespeare


Or how I stopped harping and learned to love the Bard.

Friday evening, raining. It’s really throwing it down. He’ll

be stuck in stop and go traffic. His hair will be standing on end and his eyes will be like a couple of saucers. Hope we’re not out of olives. Good, here’s a fresh jar. Glasses, ice and the makings. All set. He’s late. He’ll pound my ears tonight. I’ll beat him to the punch. You’re not the only one who’s had a rough day. I’m married too, you know. She heard the sound of the garage door opening and a few minutes later he came up the stairs. “Oh dear,” she thought. “He must have been caught in that downpour on the way to the parking lot. He’s still wet.” “For the rain, it raineth every day” he said, taking off his still damp coat and tie and kicking off his loafers. “Why didst thou promise such a beauteous day and make me travel forth without my cloak?” He started mixing the drinks. He sniffed, his head swiveling, finally pointing like a bird dog. “A very ancient and fishlike smell. What’s for dinner?” “Bill, please. I haven’t had such a great day today. Can we drop the Shakespeak, just for tonight?” “I shall in all my best obey you, madam.” “Ok, ok, all right, you just can’t quit, can you?” She began to feel tension; her voice was a bit edgy. “I’ll risk it. How did it go today?” “Oh, how full of briers is this working-day world” but thank God, “Time and the hour run through the roughest day.” “Briers, is it? You want briers? I’ll beat your ears full of briers. Take a look at that sink. It’s clogged again. The plumber promised to come and never showed. Do you like blackened tuna casserole? You can blame that ‘ancient and fishlike smell’ on your mother. She kept me on the phone so long telling me that ‘Billy likes this’ and ‘Billy likes that’ and got me so worked up that I didn’t hear the timer. Patty’s teacher called again, we have to have a conference with her and the principal. And then Sandy came over, I thought she’d never leave, that woman knows everything and talks about everybody and I got so sick

Spring, the sweet spring, is the year’s pleasant king; Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring. —Thomas Nashe 1567-1601

of hearing ‘and she said, and so I said, and would you believe, and of course I wouldn’t ever say anything but,’ and then she says it, and but is about all that I got to say, she’d interrupt and start on another ‘Oh, I don’t know how true it is but did you hear about so and so….’” Her voice had been rising steadily, she was afraid she was going to cry. She took a deep breath and managed a sip of her drink. “This morning I thought everything would be great. It’s the weekend, we’ll have a nice Friday night, but everything went wrong. It rained, and you were late and you got wet, dinner is ruined. I’m mad at everybody and you’re barely in the door and start spouting Shakespeare and I’m fed up and what are you going to do about it, and Friday nights used to be so nice, we’d eat out and go dancing and…. “Harp not on that string madam. That is past. For you and I are past our dancing days.” He was instantly sorry. It was the wrong thing to say. He shouldn’t have said it. She got up to leave the room, her hand pressed to her mouth. He caught her arm. “Anne, wait. I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry. Oh, what a rogue and peasant slave am I.” Suddenly he realized what she had been saying, how bad her day had been. He had barely listened to her, intent on making a drink and relaxing. He held her at arm’s length. “Anne, please. Could you stand to hear a few more? The Bard wrote these lines just so I could say them to you. ‘You are my true and honorable wife. To me fair friend, you never can be old. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? If I could write the beauty of your eyes… thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings, that then I scorn to change my state with kings.’ ” She moved close to Bill and rested her head against his shoulder for a while. Then looking with up with a little smile: “About dinner. What say you to a piece of cold beef and mustard?” “Wonderful, wonderful! And is not my hostess of the tavern a most sweet wench?” ■

Gold Card Senior Citizens of Upper St. Clair, apply now for your Gold Card. See and enjoy drama and musical performances, exciting athletic events, and other activities, courtesy of the Upper St. Clair School District. No credit checks, income information or your mother’s maiden name needed. If you are a resident, 62 years of age or older, just stop by the School District receptionist desk and ask for your Gold Card!

Spring Spring 2002 2002


47 47

Upper St. Clair School District Board of School Directors

Changes In Our School Board Effective December 3, 2001, Jim Murdy joined the School

Board of Directors, becoming president of the board. Existing board member Al Ferrara, Jr. was elected to fill the position of vice president, while Dave Bluey was sworn in as a member of the board.

James L. Murdy President 412-831-7447

Albert E. Ferrara, Jr. Vice President 412-835-2709

Left to right: Jim Murdy, Dave Bluey and Al Ferrara

David E. Bluey 412-835-6145

Barbara L. Bolas 412-833-9841

Dina J. Fulmer 412-831-8664

Clark R. Nicklas 412-831-1027

Angela B. Petersen 412-831-7182

William M. Sulkowski, DMD 412-221-9516

Welcoming Two New Board Members— Jim Murdy and Dave Bluey Jim Murdy was elected to the School Board of Directors this past November, becoming president of the board in December. He previously served as school board director for about three years, resigning in 1997 because of strenuous work demands. Jim earned his BBA in accounting from Loyola University in Los Angeles. He is currently president and CEO of Allegheny Technologies, Inc., a Pittsburgh-based company that makes alloys and stainless steel. Jim is a 27-year resident of USC and he and his wife, Mary, together have seven grown children.

Jim Murdy and Dave Bluey

Dave Bluey was elected to the School Board of Directors this past November. Dave has a BS in biology and secondary education from the University of Pittsburgh and has taken graduate courses at Dartmouth College in finance and marketing. He is a key account manager for WYETH Pharmaceuticals. He is a sixyear Township resident and has three children, two of whom have gone through the USC school system and one who is in tenth grade at the High School. Dave devotes time to many school related activities while his wife, Veronica, is involved in the PTSO and other volunteer commitments.

Mark G. Trombetta, MD 412-831-8543



Spring 2002

A Tribute to Outgoing Board Members– Lisa Marsh and Jim Whalen

Jim Whalen and Dr. William Pope

Lisa Marsh and Dr. William Pope

The School District and its administration

would like to recognize Lisa Marsh and Jim Whalen for their years of dedication and commitment to the Upper St. Clair school system while serving on the Board of School Directors. Lisa was appointed to the Board in February 1997, and then elected to the Board in December 1997 for a four-year term, which expired in December 2001. Lisa served as vice president in 2001. During her tenure she also served as chairperson for the Human Resources and Community Relations Committee and the Education and School Activities Committee. She served as vice chairperson of the Budget and Operations Committee and member of the High School Project Ad Hoc Committee. She represented the District as alternate on the Parkway West Board, the Pennsylvania School Boards Association, the Youth Steering Committee and the District-Wide Technology Committee. She was representative for the South Central (Pathfinder) Board. Jim was elected to the Board in November 1993 and served until his resignation on September 24, 2001. During his tenure he served as president in 2000 and vice president in 1999. He was involved in many of the committees, chairing the Human Resources and Community Relations Committee and the Budget and Operations Committee. He was also a member of the Education and School Activities Committee, the High School Project Ad Hoc Committee and the Alcohol and Other Controlled Substances Ad Hoc Committee. He served as representative for the Athletic Coordinating Committee and the Youth Steering Committee and was the alternate representative on the Parkway West Board. Our School District accomplished many things under the direction of these fine individuals, including the renovation of the High School, earning numerous Blue Ribbon awards for Excellence in Education and the extensive technological advances made in our schools. We wish both Lisa and Jim the very best, appreciating all they’ve done for our schools and community. They have both been, and will continue to be, advocates for our youth and public education. Look for Jim on the High School softball field as he coaches the girls’ softball team this year. ■

Dr. Pope—Superintendent of the Year The Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators (PASA)

named Superintendent Dr. William A. Pope Superintendent of the Year. He was Pennsylvania’s nominee for the 2002 American Association of School Administrators/Service Master Superintendent of the Year this past February. “My feeling is this award validates what I think our mission is–to do what’s right for the children,” said Dr. Pope. “The kids are really the most important part of our School District. I don’t think this award is for me personally; it’s for Upper St. Clair. I’m just lucky enough to be superintendent here.” Dr. Pope, a 1964 graduate of Brentwood High School, received a BA in English from Washington & Jefferson College in 1968. That same year he began his teaching career in the Baldwin-Whitehall School District. In 1971 he received his master’s degree in English from the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt), followed by his principal’s certification in 1973 from Duquesne University. He earned his Ph.D. from Pitt in the department of curriculum and supervision in 1978 and went on to receive his superintendent’s letter of eligibility in 1980, also from Pitt. Over the past thirty years he has served the Upper St. Clair School District as a teacher and an administrator. Dr. Pope served as assistant superintendent for eight years before becoming superintendent in 1989. As superintendent he guided the District through the High School renovation, initiated integrated technology throughout the District and helped the District become one of only five school districts in the nation to designate all of its schools as federal Blue Ribbon award recipients for Excellence in Education. Dr. Pope, while giving endless hours to USC, is also involved in many other activities. He is a board member for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, a member of the leadership committee of the Forum for Western Pennsylvania Superintendents, a member of the board of visitors for the Dr. Pope with students from the three/four team school of education at Pitt at Baker Elementary. and a member of the board of trustees for the homeless children and family emergency fund. (See story on page 27.) He is also involved in the Upper St. Clair Community Foundation, the American Association of School Administrators, the Suburban School Superintendent’s Organization, Phi Delta Kappa Honorary Educational Association, Pitt Alumni Association and Washington & Jefferson Alumni Association. Over the years, Dr. Pope has earned many prominent awards including the PASA’s John Kresovich Award for innovation and use of technology in 2000, the Distinguished Educator Award from the University of Pittsburgh in 1999, the Lin-Tel Administrator Award in 1991 and the Instructional Leadership Award for the Tri-State Area School Study Council in 1988. He was also inducted into the Brentwood High School Hall of Fame in 2000. A well attended communitysponsored testimonial and dinner/dance was held at St. Clair Country Club on February 23 to congratulate and honor him for his many accomplishments. While busy running the District and involving himself in so many worthwhile activities, Dr. Pope never forgets what’s important to him. He always takes the opportunity to stop and talk with the children. You need only see him in action for this to be evident. Dr. Pope’s unselfish commitment to education and his desire to recognize the entire District as a contributing force for this award is summed up with his statement, “It should be the school district of the year award.” ■ Spring 2002



PSBA–A Year in Review Barbara Bolas–past PSBA president, USC School Board Director When I think back to my year as presi-

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dent of the Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA), many thoughts race through my mind. Memories of hours on the road (logging more than 12,000 miles on my vehicle), meetings, press conferences, speeches, and, of course, the chicken dinners, too numerous to count. I learned early on to become suspect of chicken salad served the last day of any conference. But more importantly, I remember the experiences and people who helped me to learn and grow as PSBA president. Seated as chairman for the first time, I realized the moment had come when the PSBA directors, department heads, and representatives from other public school entities were looking to me for leadership. At the same time, I felt humbled yet excited about the responsibility placed on my shoulders. The advocates of public education seated around me had given more years than I had lived. I was honored to be serving the public education system of Pennsylvania in this leadership capacity. Early on the outgoing president told me to get ready. I remember asking him for what. He smiled a knowing smile. There was no way for him to describe the hours of time that I’d put into this job each day. Not only were there the public meetings and appearances, but also the stacks of paper that arrived almost daily needing to be read, responded to, and disseminated. Residing 215 miles from Harrisburg headquarters proved challenging in dealing with the multitude of tasks assigned to the president. For example, as time passed, a steady rhythm developed on how to deal with the many sides of such a multifaceted organization. The association provides many services to local school boards such as training, legal counsel, statistical data, negotiation training, lobby efforts, informational publications and insurance. I also learned the association had an unwritten motto–everyone worked to make sure anyone associated with the organization maintained a professional image. I came to count on the many behind the scene teams who provided the finest information available to do the best job possible. These types of individuals are the unsung heroes in any organization.

Spring 2002

A memorable experience that tested all of us in PSBA was the time immediately following the tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001. It isn’t often we can identify specific instances when dedication to public education is demonstrated; however, this was one of those rare instances. The PSBA board was scheduled to meet the weekend immediately following the tragedy. We proceeded with the meeting not sure what to expect. It was obvious the tragedy had become a personal tragedy. Some had lost friends; others had lost parents of students in their districts. We all needed time to reflect and to help each other deal with the tragedy. As with many fellow Americans the dedication and duty to carry on was evident; and, in spite of the sadness in our hearts we forged ahead understanding the importance of public education to the future of our country. As 2001 came to a close, the association held its annual banquet. I remember standing there before the hundreds of people gathered together who work daily for the benefit of public education and indirectly, every student in our Commonwealth. For my family, I knew it would be a memorable evening. Neither of my parents graduated from high school. My Mother had the perseverance to attain her GRE at age 60, but my Dad does not have a diploma, although he calls me almost weekly with a recommended book to read. He is constantly seeking knowledge and continues reading to improve himself. Both of them hoped for success for their

five children and were proud we all worked to improve ourselves. My sisters, brothers, and I all have post high school education. Four of us hold college degrees and the other sibling owns a business, exemplifying the importance of public education… it gives everyone a chance to succeed. One major task remained near the end of my term. I had been elected chairman of the Search Committee to find a successor for our retiring executive director. I was honored when a nationally recognized leader spoke of the legacy that would be left by the people making that selection. The most rewarding part came months after the search concluded when several people complimented the committee on the process, diligence, and professionalism with which the committee conducted its search. I was proud to have served the association in this capacity. There are many people who worked on my behalf both locally and across the state to help me attain the office of PSBA President. I would like to extend a thank you to those people. Also, to the citizens of the Upper St. Clair community, thank you for allowing me to serve on our local board, the PSBA, and now the National School Boards Association. I look forward to continuing to serve our community and nation in public education. Always remember the children. Their successful education assures our quality of life in a free democratic society. ■

Life Skills

Life Skills student Molly Beaver helps Ihsan Nikiboglu with an art project while Mrs. Pookman oversees. Kindergarten student Brigid Kennedy finishes her task.

Mrs. Rona Pookman’s Baker School kindergarten class receives special attention from the High School’s Life Skills students. Students from the Life Skills class visit regularly to help with daily projects going on in the kindergarten room.

Life Skills student Emily Defrancesca helps kindergarten students Joseph Pateras and Trevor Butler make gingerbread houses for a holiday treat this past December.

Ho! Ho! Who? Ted Barnett,

principal of Baker Elementary School, narrated Twas the Night Before Christmas by Darby/ Schooenfield during the Pittsburgh Civic Orchestra’s performance of “Holiday Cheer” on Saturday, December 15, 2001, at the High School Theatre. While the orchestra accompanied, he sat front and center in a rocking chair, donned in a red cap, and read to the children of the

audience who gathered on stage. After the reading, the children received “goody bags” filled with holiday fun. The Pittsburgh Civic Orchestra, under the direction of Music Director/ Conductor Bruce Lauffer, will perform spring concerts at the High School Theatre on Saturday, April 6 and Saturday, May 11 both at 8 p.m. Tickets are sold at the door. ■

Spring 2002




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Spring 2002

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2001 Upper St. Clair Upper St. Clair High School inducted thirty-two honorees at the second annual

Halls of Fame ceremony on October 26, 2001. “As the design of the High School symbolizes, our curriculum program focuses on academics, arts and athletics,” said Superintendent Dr. William A. Pope at the ceremony held in the recipient’s honor. “Therefore our halls of fame recognize achievements in all three areas. The Halls of Fame give permanent testimony to the spirit and culture that are so important to all of us in Upper St. Clair and especially to those who we are so privileged to honor today,” he continued. It is with great pleasure that we introduce to you the inductees of the 2001 Upper St. Clair High School Halls of Fame. Year below photo indicates USCHS year of graduation.

Academic Hall of Fame

Mr. Joseph F. Argiro

— Administration/Staff Honorees —

Mr. Robert B. Brosnahan

(honored posthumously)

Raj Chakrabarti 1991

Mr. Franklin M. Carr

Ms. Rosemarie G. Rocher

Mr. Donald Stoicovy

Mr. Victor W. Zuraw

Dr. Melisa W. Lai 1990

Donald M. Lund 1985

Kenneth J. Lund 1983

Robert N. Swartz 1983

— Student Alumni Honorees —

Dr. Lori L. Cherup 1972

Dr. Jeffrey T. Cooper 1983

Dr. Stephanie B. Fulmer-Smentek 1987

These fourteen honorees join the fourteen people inducted into the Inaugural 2000 Academic Hall of Fame including five administration/staff selections: Dr. Niles Norman, Dr. Robert Christiana, Dr. Donald Eichhorn, Dr. John DeBlassio and Dr. Carl Streams. Student alumni honorees include Rev. Ray Bandi (1968), David Brewton (1977), Dr. Ed Chekan (1983), Tricia Hwang Connerly (1990), Dr. Mark Katlic (1969), Trisha Meili (1978), Dr. Brian Phillips (1978), Dr. Jack Phillips (1963) and Dr. Karen Swartz (1983).

2002 Halls of Fame Inductee Nomination Nominee’s Name: _________________________________________ My nominee should be honored in the Upper St. Clair High School Halls of Fame because:

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (include a separate sheet if necessary)

All Nominations Due May 31, 2002. Please submit your name, address and phone number along with your completed nomination to: Principal’s Office - Halls of Fame Committee • Upper St. Clair High School • 1825 McLaughlin Run Road • Upper St. Clair, PA 15241 54


Spring 2002

High School Halls of Fame Arts Hall of Fame

— Administration Honorees —

These seven honorees join the five people inducted into the Inaugural 2000 Arts Hall of Fame including: Stephen Chbosky (1988), John Graulty (1980), Laura Schrock (1968), Ann Talman (1975) and Michael Werner (1989).

Mr. Thomas Harshman

Mrs. Linda H. Serene

— Student Alumni Honorees —

Claudia Curley Benack 1976

John R. Edkins 1976

Wynn Harmon 1978

Thomas Kikta 1980

Preston Simpson 1980

Athletic Hall of Fame These eleven honorees join the eleven people inducted into the Inaugural 2000 Athletic Hall of Fame including: Missy Berteotti (1981), Joey David (1982), Jeff Delaney (1975), Bob Johnston (1990), Jeff Joyce (1966), Marty Sieckmann (1982), Dave Vanchina (1976), Frank Vanzin (1962), Mandy West (1995), Doug Whaley (1990) and Mark White (1985).

— Student Alumni Honorees —

Mark Battaglia 1978

Laura Koerner 1996

Sean Casey 1992

Craig Dunaway 1979

Jack Maitland 1966

Scott Hawkins 1968

Marty Moran 1985

Mark Hondru 1993

Gary Schick 1989 Spring 2002

Kathleen Tomko Kappert 1990

Nancy J. Tomich 1979 UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY


Elementary Schools to Receive a Face Lift The Board of School Directors

approved renovations and upgrades to the three elementary schools in Upper St. Clair. The work, which is to begin this April, is expected to be completed by July 2003. Following requirements of Act 34, a public hearing was held in October and January to give residents full disclosure concerning the renovation plans and related costs. Public comment from citizens was supportive. “The District believes that it is time to revamp Baker, Eisenhower and Streams Schools to accommodate the student population as well as meet the demands of the programs now being offered at the elementary level,” said Dr. Pope, Superintendent of Schools. The elementary student enrollment has exceeded maximum capacity of the current facilities over recent years, causing temporary additions to be made at both Eisenhower and Baker Schools. “With a current population of approximately 1425, we need adequate room to facilitate a positive learning environment



The architectural designs for the three elementary schools were recently displayed at a luncheon hosted by the Upper St. Clair Chamber of Commerce Chamber, a member of the Regional Alliance of Chambers. Left to right: Dr. Patricia Dunkis, Director of Elementary Education; Paul Zippel, principal architect for WTW; Ray Gergich, president of the Chamber; Angela Petersen, School Board past president and current board member overseeing the project.

for the children,” Pope added. “Based on projected student enrollment, the renovations are expected to provide adequate classroom space and support areas in the buildings over the next ten to fifteen years,” said Thomas A. Labanc, Coordinator of

Spring 2002

Community Partnerships and Communications. Once the proposed renovations and additions are completed the new maximum building capacity at each school will be 550 students.

Eisenhower was built in 1959, Streams in 1966 and Baker in 1969. All three buildings will be renovated, including site improvements; the removal of hazardous material; upgrading the roofs, windows and school facades; new ceiling, floor, and wall finishes; new heating and ventilation, air-conditioning, plumbing and electrical systems; new kitchen/food service facilities and new data/communications systems. In addition to the general work to be done at all three buildings eight regular and two special education classrooms will be added at Baker. Four instructional support rooms will also be added. An expanded multipurpose room, and expanded administrative, health, kitchen and storage areas are planned as well as adding a new public lobby and bathrooms. Eisenhower will see six new classrooms and two enrichment/ resource classrooms. An expanded kitchen, a new multipurpose room/gymnasium and stage and storage areas will be constructed. A new main entrance/lobby area as well as administrative offices, an expanded library and new bathrooms will grace the school. The additions at Streams will include eight new classrooms and a new gym/multipurpose room. The administrative/lobby area will be enlarged, as will the kitchen facilities, storage areas and the library. WTW Architects have been hired by the District to construct and design the building additions and complete the renovations consistent with the regular and special education program requirements and enrollment changes. Turner Construction Company is the construction manager of the project. To fund the project the District is borrowing approximately $23 million to be financed by General Obligation Bonds. ■ During the school board meeting held on December

17, 2001, the directors announced a change in meeting dates and locations. The regular meeting of the School Board now takes place on the fourth Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the High School Large Group Instruction (LGI) Room. All committee meetings now take place on the second Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in the High School LGI Room. The Board changed its location to enable more citizens to attend meetings. ■

In Memoriam Prayers and Condolences go to the Family of

Dr. Donald H. Eichhorn Dr. Eichhorn received international recognition as the founding father of the middle school philosophy for his extensive study on middle school development in the 1960s. He was the District’s principal of a junior-senior high school, Assistant High School Principal and Assistant Superintendent. Dr. Eichhorn was inducted into the Upper St. Clair High School Academic/Administrative Hall of Fame in the inaugural 2000 year.

Spring 2002



Did You Know? Did You Know? Did You Know? Did You Know? Did You Know? Did You Know? Did You Know? Did You Know? Did You Know? Did You Know? Did You Know? Did You Know?

Did You Know? Pamela Henderson, President Delta Kappa Gamm Chapter; D’Nis Lynch, past president; Dr. Ruth a, Alpha Pi Ann Matyuf and Ann Gladden.

Dr. Ruth Ann Matyuf, USC’s Director of Secondary Education/ Instructional Principal, received the Dr. Lillia n Fehr Educator of Excellence Award from the Alpha Pi Chap ter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International for Women Educators . Presenting the award to Dr. Matyuf was Ann Gladden, Chair of the Fehr Award Committee and a retired USCH S counselor. Dr. Matyuf was nominated for this award by past president D’Nis Lynch, the Library Curriculum Leader and Internatio nal Baccalaureate Coordinator of Upper St. Clair Schools. Dr. Matyuf plans to use the award funds to begin an International Baccalaureate book scholarship and support the Pediatric Aids Awareness program at the High School. Dr. Catherine Luke, Deputy Superintendent, was the first recipient of this award in 1990.

ber 19, 2001, on through Pittsburgh Decem e cam rch To pic ym Ol The nter Olympic Games. y, Utah, for the 2002 Wi its way to Salt Lake Cit ing High School Pittsburgh people, includ ws, carried the One hundred honored An resident, Barbara dre and r che tea ge gua lan n foreig le through the streets it for two-tenths of a mi torch. Barbara ran with of Shadyside. pride and patriotic greeted by community and on d ere che s wa She nants. Pennsylvania wds waving flags and pen cro h wit te ple com vor fer Olympic flame ty-six states to which the was the sixteenth of for cities. The journey r 13,500 miles and 250 traveled, including ove nnial Park and arrived nte 2001, in Atlanta’s Ce 4, ber cem De on an beg ruary 8, 2002. in Salt Lake City on Feb

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Fort Couch Middle Sch ool recently rece ived notice fr om the Pennsylv ania Departm ent of Education that it was selected for consideratio n as one of the ei ghteen publ ic secondary sc hools to rep resent Pennsylvania in National Sec the 2001-02 ondary Blu e Ribbon Sch ools program . Fort Couch was the reci pient of this award in 1989. Beginning n ext year the Blue Ribbon Schoo ls program w ill be renamed “No Child L eft Behind.”

Did Yo Kno u w?

Sam instructs (left to right) Benny Benack, Chris Fisher, Matt Moretti, Diana Allison and Beth Poluszejko.

Samuel R. Hazo, instrumental music teacher at Boyce Middle School, won the 2001 Merrill Jones Memorial Composition Award at the National Band Association convention for his original composition written for the celebration of the October 2000 dedication of the High School. This prestigious award carried a monetary prize as well as publication and performance of the work. The award-winning composition, Novo Lenio, (translated: a new and better change) was commissioned by the Community Foundation of Upper St. Clair and is presently airing on national public radio. (Also see page 72.)

Left to right: Greg Kail, Pr Dr. Tim Steinhauer, incipa and Adminis l Christa Feeney trative Kevin Deitric intern k.

Did You Know?

soccer as named girls’ Wayne Capra w this ew vi Re e un by the Trib ar ye e th of h ac to co am its led the soccer te four past fall. Capra le ass AAA tit in third WPIAL Cl past e th r fo am ached the te co s e’ H s. on as ilr se ra oad ne works in the eight years. Way dustry. in transportation

here with her her at Baker Elementary (shown Linda Boord, third level teac l award for ntia side pre a nsylvania finalists for students), is one of three Pen lvania Science nsy Pen the at ed gniz g. She was reco excellence in science teachin ember. Linda Dec t ting held in Hershey this pas Teachers Association state mee Technology and on cati Edu ny Schools Science served two years for the Alleghe foster rs cato edu ing help in ation successful g (ASSET), a non-profit organiz hin teac a and technology, while taking student achievement in science rs. 9 and 1999-2000 school yea sabbatical during the 1998-9 58


Spring 2002

Sandy Smeltz of Smeltz and Associate s has been retained by the District to raise funds from foundations and corporations. She will work with faculty members and School District administ ration to design and write grant proposals . Persons with project ideas should cont act Dr. William Pope, Dr. Catherine Luke or Dr. John Bornyas at the School District.

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Spring 2002



Fall 2001 Sports Record at Upper St. Clair High School We are proud to announce that Upper St. Clair High School

won four WPIAL fall sports championships and one PIAA fall sport championship in 2001. Congratulations to all players and coaches, who made the commitment to achieve, excel and give exceptional amounts of time to be the best they can be.

Girls’ tennis team, coached by Mary Bruce and assisted by Jim Jones, is the PIAA State champs.



Boys’ Cross Country


Girls’ Cross Country


Field Hockey




Conference Champion

Boys’ Golf


Section Champion, WPIAL Champion

Girls’ Golf


Section Champion, WPIAL Champion

Boys’ Soccer


WPIAL and PIAA Semi-Finalist

Girls’ Soccer


Section Champion, WPIAL Champion

Girls’ Tennis


Section Champion, WPIAL Champion, PIAA State Champion

Amanda El Togby–WPIAL Singles Champion Jessica Jones–WPIAL and PIAA State Doubles Champion Shayna Miller–WPIAL and PIAA State Doubles Champion

Girls’ Volleyball


WPIAL and PIAA Playoffs

Boys’ golf team, coached by Jim Fusetti and assisted by Todd Flynn, wins the top WPIAL title. Jim is retiring this year after spending 36 years in education and coaching many USC athletic teams. Girls’ golf team, coached by Fred Lese, took control of the WPIAL, winning their eighth consecutive title.

Banquet Announcements Athletes and family members mark your calendar for the winter athletic banquet to be held at 6:30 p.m. on March 19, 2002, in the High School nutrition center. The spring athletic banquet is scheduled for May 15, 2002, at 6:30 p.m. Call the High School Athletic Department at 412-833-1600, extension 2260 for information and reservations. 60


Spring 2002

Girls’ soccer team, coached by Wayne Capra and assisted by Bill Law and Marcie Jackley, captures the WPIAL championship.

Who’s on the Jumbo-tron screen at Heinz Field? USC of course! The Pride of Upper St. Clair Marching Band performed in the Pittsburgh Steelers pre-game show at Heinz Field on November 18, 2001.

The USC School District Strategic Plan invites residents to an online community questionaire at: www.uscsd.k12.pa.us See page 82 for details.

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Senior football players, Left to right, front row: John O’Connor #60, Dan DeSantis #99, Brad Wilson #44, George Geyer #11, Coach Jim Render, Craig Poole #35, Chris Heisler #7, Brent Jackson #21 and Nate Cercone #63, back row: Tino Rionda #20, Josh Stein #25, Corey Keller #66, Victor Surma #10, Scott Geiger #65, Tim Roche #72, Will Clarke #61, Bryan Mathews #50 and Pete Paladino #81.

Want To Talk Football? Upper St. Clair High School Head Football Coach and Physical Education Teacher Jim Render was named “Football Coach of the Year” by Pittsburgh Post Gazette Columnist Rick Shrum in his second annual Shrummies Awards. The Panthers won all seven of their conference games and were the highest-scoring football team in WPIAL Class AAAA during the 2001 regular season. Render has been coaching the Panthers for 23 years. Coach Render celebrated his two hundredth victory at USCHS with a win

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against Trinity this past fall. He achieved this mark in a record twenty-two and a half years and went on to win five more games this season totaling his record to 205 wins with the Panthers. Jim was invited to be the passing coordinator/assistant coach for the high school All American football game sponsored by the U.S. Army held in San Antonio, Texas, this past January. The game, which was played on January 5, 2002, aired on ESPN2. Congratulations Jim for an outstanding year and your dedication to USC! ■

A grant for a “best practices” was awarded to Upper St. Clair School District in partnership with the Clairton School District. Dr. Pope, Superintendent of Schools, secured the grant, and he along with USCHS Principal Dr. Terry Kushner and Mr. Ted Barnett, Principal at Baker Elementary are chairing the initiative. The project, funded through a $5000 grant received from the Western Pennsylvania Forum for School Superintendents, is intended to identify common, effective educational strategies employed in districts of different socio-economic make-up. “We hope to prove that good teaching practices can work in any environment,” said Dr. Pope.

Spring 2002

The Pittsburgh based Grable Foundation, announced that the Upper St. Clair

School District will receive a $20,000 grant to support the 2002 regional summer institute for middle level teachers planned for August 14 and 15. Dr. John Bornyas, Director of Middle Level Education/Instructional Principal was instrumental in securing the grant. “We, in the District, are extremely excited to be able to continue our planning in making the Middle Level Institute an annual professional teaching opportunity for area educators,” said Dr. Bornyas. The first institute of this kind was held last August to induct new middle school administrators and teachers from school districts throughout Allegheny County. Also see UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY, Spring 2001 issue, page 50 and Winter 2001 issue, page 49. ■

Fort Couch Writers Earn Awards

Language Arts teacher Sue Finan presents awards to Dan Williams and Tyler Anne Hassenfeldt.

Tyler Anne Hassenfeldt, an eighth

level student at Fort Couch Middle School, won first place with her poem “Chocolate Milk” in the Greater Pittsburgh YWCA’s Racial Justice Awards 2001 Contest this past fall. Daniel Williams, also an eighth level student at Fort Couch, took third place. As an outreach to the regular

curriculum, Fort Couch Language Arts teacher Sue Finan encouraged her students to write for this contest. The students were asked to write about how racism impacts them. Winners were recognized at an awards banquet held at the downtown Hilton in October. ■

Chocolate Milk Tyler Anne Hassenfeldt On the outside, the teacher Was sweet and bright and gold. But inside she thought things That would make your blood run cold.

At first they all avoided him But for a creamy colored girl. The only one who played with him Was that lass with skin of pearl.

She thought colored folks were dirty. White was the only way to go. Success could only be achieved If your skin was white as snow.

They played together all day long As the other ones looked on. They cared not what the teacher thought Cause the teacher’s thoughts were wrong.

She taught these things to little ones Who attended her fine school. So their ideas quite simply said That black meant colored fool.

They knew the time that they first met That they were friends forever. For a teacher’s racist thoughts This friendship could not sever.

But one day at that handsome place A small boy entered in. The other tots looked down on him For he had chocolate skin.

Others slowly joined the game As the pair continued to play. Today we join in chocolate milk To make a sweeter day.

Spring 2002



The First Sign of Spring— It’s All About Color We asked our second level students throughout the District to share their ideas of what spring means to them and how color captures their sense of sight letting them know spring is here. These are just a few of the enjoyable responses we received.

Meghan Veglia

Even though it seems spring will never arrive, looking out at barren trees

and dull landscaping, everyone is chomping at the bit to see their first sign of spring. The spring season offers so many beautiful colors in flowers alone, from the vibrant purples of the early crocuses to the soft yellows and whites of the gentle daffodils to the brilliant reds and striking yellows of the tulips. Trees start to bud and spring is in the air.

1. What do you see that tells you spring has arrived? • Elizabeth Slesinski—If you want to find spring go to the blue stream by my house. If you look in the sky you will see the white clouds and a blue jay. Go into my garden and see the pink flowers and the green vegetables. Sit on my porch and watch the yellow sun set. There are a lot of colors in spring. • Pamela Goldberg—Spring is kids playing at the park. Spring is the sun popping out. Spring is flowers peaking their heads out. And spring is dew on the green grass. • Shane McMurty—I see green leaves on the trees. The colorful red and purple flowers are blooming. It starts to get warmer outside too. The snow starts to melt. It rains a lot in spring and the kids start playing outside. • Kaylee Shaffer—Spring reminds me of the ocean because I can swim in it. I love when friends come over to my house to run and play. Spring reminds me of my favorite color blue. I like when I get blue marshmallows for Easter. • Carrie Campbell—The first robin comes to Pittsburgh. When the snow melts, you will know it!

Taylor Maggs 64


Spring 2002

Alex Hayden

• Danielle VonWaldo—The trees and flowers bloom and all the birds start to come back and the sun gets warmer. You stop wearing long pants and put on shorts and all the pools open. 2. What is your favorite color and why? • Jacob Impellicceiri—I like the colors black and gold because that tells me it is Pirate’s baseball season. • Marissa Bowman—My favorite color is yellow. It is the color of my hair and makes me think of warm sunshine and cool lemonade. • Geoffrey Houy—My favorite color is green. I like green because it makes me glad and reminds me of grass and trees. Green is a cool color. • Caitlyn Ollendyke—My favorite color is purple because it reminds me of violets. It’s also the last color in the rainbow, like I’m the last born in my family. • Teddy Malingowski—My favorite color is blue because it is the color of the lake. I like the lake because I like to fish. The lake is my favorite place to go. • Robert Kaufman—My favorite color is brown because brown reminds me of chocolate candy bars and eagles, especially bald eagles. I also like brown because my eyes are brown and my hair is brown. • Austin Wilding—My favorite color is yellow because I like to go to the zoo and see the yellow python and the yellow anacondas too. I like to see yellow bees make honey. • Nathan Cross—My favorite color is red because it’s the color of my favorite superhero, Spiderman. • Sean Gaudio—I like all the colors. Colors are cool. Some are dark and some are light. Lots of colors are in the middle.

Can You Take Up The Challenge? Clara Eisinger—Young Writers Guild

There is a program at Fort Couch Middle

School that incorporates quite a variety of subjects and activities into its curriculum. This program allows students to do such things as set up mock jury trials, explore the planetarium at Fort Couch, participate in math competitions, writing competitions, and even activities that help others. This fascinating program is called Challenge. Challenge is a program for students who need to be “challenged” academically. These students are evaluated in a number of ways: they can get into Challenge by teacher recommendation, by taking IQ tests and getting good scores, by getting good scores on achievement tests, or by having good study skills and grades. Once students are accepted into Challenge the fun and learning can begin! First, students in Challenge are divided into focus groups. A focus group is a group of students examining one particular subject. Some of the different focus groups offered are: Academic Games (students use creativity, logic, and strategic thinking to compete in academic games), Creative Writing (students can enter their works into contests and even possibly have publishing opportunities for their writing), Future Problem Solving (students explore topics such as science, technology and public policy), Math Enrichment (students explore math concepts beyond the normal

Clara is an eighth level student at Fort Couch and loves to write.

math curriculum), Service Corps (students offer service to others), and Star Techs (open to eighth level students interested in astronomy and the workings of a planetarium.) These activities are, however, only a sample of what Challenge has to offer. Not only is Challenge highly intriguing and educational, but it’s a flexible program, too. Students meet with their focus groups once a week for competitions–not a very demanding schedule. The only homework Challenge generates is the homework students choose to work on. Don’t we all wish homework was optional in our regular classes! If students in Challenge determine they need help with whatever subject they are examining, they can see Challenge resource teachers Mrs. Karen Brown or Mrs. Nancy Kilbane for information during homeroom or at activity time. After reading this article on the Challenge program, I hope you find it beneficial to Fort Couch students. I think it is. Challenge has been going strong here for more than eight years. According to Mrs. Kilbane, Challenge is “good for the kids, flexible, versatile and fun.” So, can you take up the Challenge? ■

How To Communicate with Flowers Certain flowers have an association attached to them—color making a difference. In Victorian England flowers were often used to communicate with loved ones and each flower had its own meaning. This tradition continues today. Samples of popular flowers and their underlying meanings are listed below. ■ Carnation—Fascination and Love Chrysanthemum (red)—I Love You Chrysanthemum (white)—Truth Daffodil—Regard Daisies—Innocence Forget-Me-Not—True Love and Remembrance Iris—Warmth and Affection Ivy—Eternal Fidelity

Lilac (white)—Youthful Innocence Lilly of the Valley—Return of Happiness Roses (red)—Love Roses (yellow)—Friendship Roses (pink)—Thankfulness Roses (white)—Innocence Roses (violet)—Faithfulness

Spring 2002



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The Two Shall Meet Students Learn from Their Elders

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The academic assignment—Find out about significant events, famous people, technology and culture of the twentieth century. Where to start?—Skip the history books and go right to those with first hand information. That’s what students from Boyce Middle School did when working on the fifteenth annual “Living Time Line” project. Who better to help them with historical research than persons who lived it. Sixth level International Baccalaureate students, led by Boyce teacher Jim Smoyer, started this project by meeting twice with twelve senior residents from Friendship Village this past fall. They interviewed the seniors about their personal history and their most significant memories of the twentieth century. The students received personal ac-

the students continued to research and develop their history project over the next three months. When the project concluded in February, they presented their time line sixty times to invited

guests over a two-and-a-half day period, including the seniors who gave them a great head start. “We need to take more opportunities to get seniors and students together in

“Without help from the seniors, these accounts would just be cold facts from pages of a book.” counts of various historical events, bringing the past to life. In addition to telling many stories complete with accompanying photographs, the seniors also shared historical memorabilia captivating the students’ attention. “This experience helped put faces and emotions to these past events in history,” said Jim.

“Without help from the seniors, these accounts would just be cold facts from pages of a book.” With the interviews under their belts, 66


Spring 2002

an environment where both benefit,” said Jim. Invited guests also included Duquesne University and Penn State University students, USC Township seniors, and proud families and friends. Fort Couch seventh grade students who were involved in last year’s time line were also welcomed back. Jim, Boyce’s sixth grade math/science teacher and the District’s middle school science curriculum leader, founded this program fifteen years ago with Boyce Challenge Resource teacher Diane Ecker. Currently aided by Dr. Clark Remington, IB Coordinator and Language Arts/Social Studies teacher, Jim has been improving the time line since its inception to allow for a richer experience each year. What great memories these Boyce students will have to share, if someday, they’re also asked to relay their own historical recollections of the era in which they lived. ■

Spring Musical Engages Talented Help Paul Fox, Executive Producer We are excited about the hiring of

Drama Director Billy Hartung and selection of the USCHS spring musical West Side Story. Currently an actor/singer/dancer in Miramax’s Chicago, newcomer Billy Hartung is a 15-year veteran of film and Broadway productions. He brings to our musical company a vibrant, creative vision and inspirational enthusiasm. Billy, along with Choreographer/Assistant Director Jeremy Czarniak, will stage the annual extravaganza for performances on March 8, 9 (7:30 p.m.), 10 (2 p.m.), 14 (6:30 p.m.), 15 and 16 (7:30 p.m.) in the USCHS Theatre. Tickets are available at the door. Critics feel that Bernstein’s music in West Side Story sets new standards in color, rhythm and texture, and is still regarded as one of the highest acclaimed Broadway masterworks in dance, song and orchestration. Set in New York City, its story of conflict, intolerance, love and hope for the future is timely since the tragedy of September 11. The “new” and veteran staff members wish to explore the concept of resolving prejudice among different peoples, to celebrate the achievements of an extraordinarily talented USCHS student body, and to especially recognize our very own “Superintendent of the Year” Dr. William Pope.

Why West Side Story? Billy Hartung There are three words in the American musical theatre that are instantly recognizable–West Side Story. It offers great songs, exciting dances, a timeless story and a libretto that does not waste a word. Since its opening in New York City in 1957, it not only has captured our hearts and minds but continues to thrill audiences wherever it plays. It’s not an opera, a ballet or a play–it’s a musical. The characters are constantly bursting into either song or dance. When they simply can’t speak anymore–they sing! It is in these songs and dances that the essence of “a musical” exists. The modern day viewer may be tempted to look at the “story” of young star-crossed lovers and gang warfare

Billy Hartung

as somewhat innocent and naïve. However, on a deeper level, the hatred and frustrations articulated here are authentic reflections of an ongoing American tragedy. West Side Story naturally lends itself to the youth, energy and exuberance of a high school cast and audience. It stirs a dialogue and emotion that is not necessarily given to the actor “on the page.” It challenges us to try and answer the question “why.” Every actor’s answer can be true–it doesn’t mean right or wrong, but it could be true. I have been a professional actor for fifteen years. Along the journey I’ve done Broadway, films, television, summer stock, community and high school theatre. Some of the most exhausting, stimulating, electrifying and artistic experiences I’ve ever spent on stage were during performances of West Side Story. As an actor, I spend my time on stage connecting with an audience by “giving” a performance. As a director, I believe that I can connect with students and staff by sharing my passion and vision. I am confident this production of West Side Story will be artistic, entertaining and also educational! ■ Spring 2002



The Madrigal Dinner Cometh Jim Render Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The choral

Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh Early Childhood Development Center (ext. 211) • For children 6 weeks to 5 years Monday to Friday, 7 am to 6 pm, with flexible scheduling options • Kindergarten enrichment mornings or afternoons

Clubhouse After-School Care (ext. 204) • For children in grades K to 6 Monday through Friday until 6 pm • Swimming, gym, arts & crafts, homework time and more

412/278-1975 345 Kane Boulevard (off Bower Hill Road)

Everyone welcome!

section of our High School Music and Fine Arts Department recently held its fifth annual Madrigal Dinner in the nutrition center. This event is becoming increasingly popular and more prestigious each year among the many great activities of the choral groups. Our High School choir, The Chanteclairs, was featured along with the Clarion and Fort Couch Choirs. Madrigal is a word used to describe poetic and musical form emanating from Italy in the fourteenth century. Madrigal means “song” with parts for several voices singing without accompaniment. This was very popular during the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Our choir ensembles began reviving these traditions five years ago under leadership of choral director Christine Frattare and choir booster Judy Shock by offering a madrigal dinner. The event has grown so popular that people had to be turned away for reservations this year. Current chairperson Liz Williard and the choral boosters are looking for ways and means to

Members of The Chanteclairs

expand the event so that more people can enjoy this transformation of Medieval Madrigal moments. During and following the beef stew in bread bowl dinner, each of the choirs sang music that depicted the holiday season from the Renaissance period. Featured was a piece written by J. P. Sweelinck, Hodie Christus natus est that is a five-part harmony done a cappella. To say that it was well received would be an understatement! Choir members were dressed in clothing that presented a very authentic representation of the depicted eras. It was a grand evening that brought together music, art, history, drama and excellent cuisine. ■

Did You See the C-SPAN Bus? Students at the High School did, some even getting the unique opportunity to board the bus, a 45-foot mobile television production studio. Adelphia Cable Communications, under the direction of Frank Polito, sponsored the visit this past fall. The bus, which can hold 14 people at a time, came to the High School to show students how telecommunications work. Joyce Genter, C-SPAN Community Relations Representative, spoke to students interested in journalism, media and current events. ■ 68


Spring 2002

Eisenhower Blue Ribbon

State Senator Tim Murphy congratulates former Eisenhower principal Patricia Smith at the evening celebration.

During the weeklong student festivities that included blue crafts, blue treats and an assembly, the children gathered outside to proudly form the initials USC.

The gym was transformed on November 16, 2001, with walls adorned in

white stars on a blue background, for a night to remember. Eisenhower Elementary School and its faculty and administration celebrated the 2000-01 Federal Blue Ribbon Award with Eisenhower students and families and other invited guests. â–

Boyce Students Place at Calcu-Solve Competition

Left to right, front row (sitting): Andrew Lee and Nick Zaitz, middle row (kneeling): John Subosits, Aaron Miller, Kevin Su and Akhil Venkatesan, back row (standing): Kacie Long, Mr. Kevin Clark, Emily Berggren, Trey Grunnagle, Silvia Manolache, Mrs. Debbie Obrosky, Chrissy Lee and Andreea Manolache.

For the past eleven years Upper St.

Clair has been hosting the Calcu-Solve competition, an annual math contest held at Duquesne University, for fifth and sixth level students in Allegheny and Washington Counties. This year thirty schools and over two hundred students participated in the competition that limits each school to two teams of four students. This past fall Boyce students took a twenty-point selection test, and based on the results, eight students were selected to represent USC at the competition while three students were chosen as alternates. Boyce teachers Kevin Clark, Joyce Pratt, Debbie Obrosky and Kris Repasky organized this event that was held on November 15, 2001. Fifteen High School students,

under the direction of USCHS teacher Margie Hines were scorekeepers on the day of the competition, while a committee of Boyce student council members acted as ambassadors to visiting teams. The team of Emily Berggren, Kevin Su, John Subosits and Nick Zaitz placed second at the competition, while the team of Andrew Lee, Andreea Manolache, Silvia Manolache and Aaron Miller tied for fourth place. Individual awards went to Kevin Su who tied for fourth place, John Subosits who tied for sixth place, Emily Berggren who placed eighth and Silvia Manolache who earned ninth place. Congratulation to all students who participated. â–

Spring 2002



Around The Township

The Medallion Ball 2001 The thirty-eighth Medallion Ball, under the patronage of His

Excellency Reverend Donald W. Wuerl, Catholic Bishop of Pittsburgh, was held at the Hilton Ballroom on Friday, November 23. Saint Lucy’s Auxiliary to the Blind presented 111 young women. Ten of the 111 women reside in Upper St. Clair. The Auxiliary honors qualified candidates while raising funds for the visually impaired. The mission of St. Lucy’s is to encourage and inspire a lifetime commitment of volunteer service—a praiseworthy tradition of loving care. St. Lucy’s Auxiliary, founded in 1957, engages in and sponsors Congratulations to the 2001 Medallion Ball Honorees of Upper St. Clair. projects and activities that ultiBack row, left to right: Lindsay Buehler, Kimberly Henderson, Kathryn Martin, Kaitlin Lucas and Shannon Gorder. Front row, left to right: Megan Myron, Teresa Sciulli, Tracy Rankin, Megan Pashel. Missing is Nicole Hill. mately benefit and give assistance to Pittsburgh Vision Services. Since 1964, they have recognized at least 100 hours of volunteer service, silver medallions. Tina Henderson and high school seniors who have made valu- young women of all faiths have been Mary Lynne Spazok created the ball “keepable contributions to their community and awarded the celebrated Joan of Arc Medal- sake” program. The ball chairpersons were shown an unselfish willingness to share lion. St. Lucy’s member Veronica Guarino Shelley Peconi and Donna Wehrle. ■ their time with others. Having performed of Louis Anthony Jewelers donates the

Realtor® Breakfast March 20

Taste of the Nation Pittsburgh Premier Wine and Food Extravaganza April 8, 2002 5:30 - 8 p.m. Grand Ball Room Omni William Penn Over 60 of the Finest Pittsburgh Restaurants and Wine purveyors

All area Realtors ® are invited to attend the fifth annual Realtor® Breakfast. This informative breakfast, cosponsored by the School District and the Township, will be held in the High School LGI room from 8 to 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 20. A continental breakfast will be followed by a presentation conducted by WTW Architects on the elementary school renovation project. For more information and to reserve your place, please RSVP to Cheryl Ellison at 412-833-1600, extension 2202. Let us update you on what’s happening in our community! ■ 70


100% of the ticket proceeds to help alleviate hunger 70% local (Pgh Food Bank/Just Harvest and Hunger Services Network) 20% to the Pennsylvania State Hunger Coalition for those without a large city 10% International Hunger Relief

Ticket Price $75 Ticket Sales call 412-681-1110 Also, there is a limited number of tickets available for the Private Vodka Caviar Reception hosted by Steelers Art and Greta Rooney and UPMC Dr. Freddie and Hilda Fu, Ken Rice and Shelly Duffy. Private reception and event ticket price $250. Private reception time 5-6:30 p.m. plus use of the private room throughout the evening. If you have event questions, or wish to donate a silent auction item, or would like to volunteer for the committee, call Michael Mackewich, Event Chair—412220-3803-home, 412-953-8141-cell, and 412-375-6412-work. Other residents from Upper St. Clair working with Pittsburgh Premier Wine and Food Extravaganza are: Alexandra Rudnitskas—Silent Auction Chair, Cheryl Mackewich, Joyce Fehl, Barb Rubenstein, Nancy Pagana, Maureen Court, Karen Tepe and Pam Ryan. ■

Spring 2002

A Hero Named Jacob On April 1, 2000, a little boy’s life was changed forever.

Jacob Lemis was diagnosed with acute lymphocitic leukemia (ALL), a rapidly progressive cancer that is the most common form of childhood leukemia. This type of Leukemia leads to accumulated lymphoblasts in the bone marrow and results in insufficient production of red cells, white cells, and platelets, making the body unable to protect itself against infections. An estimated 109,500 people in the United States will be diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma, or myeloma this year. New cases of these blood related cancers account for 8.6% of the 1,268,000 new cancer cases diagnosed in the

United States in 2001. Every five minutes, someone in the United States learns that they have leukemia, lymphoma, or myeloma, more than 300 people a day, while every nine minutes, a child or adult dies from leukemia, lymphoma, or myeloma. One of these three cancers has caused the death of approximately 60,300 persons in the United States in 2001. However, this diagnosis and these statistics did not stop Jacob, now age seven, from carrying on with his normal life. Even after chemotherapy that temporarily cost him his hair, Jacob is not bothered by his frequent doctor appointments and talks about his disease freely. Jacob enjoys going to school and learning. He is very outgoing and loves to be with his friends. He takes tennis lessons and really likes baseball. Jacob has a wonderful sense of humor and is a high-spirited child with a great attitude about his disease. He dislikes being isolated during rough times.

“He’s been our hero,” his mother, Barbara Lemis, said. “He’s been very strong throughout the treatments and has handled it very well, physically and emotionally. He’s been an inspiration for a lot of people, after his friends saw what he went through.” Jacob served as a “patient ambassador” during Pittsburgh’s Third Annual Light the Night walk sponsored by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society held on September 19. The nationwide walk raises money to fund research for leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, and Hodgkin’s disease. Cancer survivors, families, and supporters carried red and white illuminated balloons during the walk. “For Jake’s Sake,” Jacob’s team of 20 members, raised over $3000 for the event. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society raised a total of $160,000 at Pittsburgh’s 2001 walk. “You don’t realize how important an organization like The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is until it hits home and you have to rely on them,” said Barbara.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s mission is to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma and to improve the quality of life for cancer patients and their families. The society sponsors a variety of comprehensive programs throughout the year, and Light the Night 2002 preparations are already underway. If you would like to become involved or find out more information, call the Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia Chapter of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society at 1-800-726-2873. ■

Calling All Walkers

Race for the Cure®

The Upper St. Clair Wellness Committee is calling all walkers! Enter the 14th annual MS Walk in Pittsburgh, sponsored by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society on Sunday, April 21, 2002. Check-in begins promptly at 8 a.m. at the I.C. Light Ampitheatre with the walk beginning at 9 a.m. There’s a one, five and ten mile walking course available. Come join the School District’s “St. Clair Super Team,” cochaired by Tom Labanc and Fran McElroy, by calling Cheryl Ellison at 412-833-1600, extension 2202, for details. ■

On Sunday, May 12, 2002, the Race for the Cure is on in Pittsburgh! Mother’s Day is the perfect day to walk and show your support for breast cancer research. The race begins at 9 a.m.— Be there! Call Cheryl Ellison at 412-833-1600, extension 2202, for more information. ■

Spring 2002



Community Foundation of Upper St. Clair Coming Events

USC Fly Fishing Club Are you interested in learning more about fly fishing? A community group is being formed for purposes of education, as well as some fly fishing experiences! Come to our first organizational meeting: Thursday, March 21 7:30—8:30 p.m. USC Recreation Center

Fall Fundraiser is a Homerun! The Foundation’s 2001 dinner/ dance/silent auction fundraiser took on a “sports” theme with the Tailgate Tonight event held at St. Clair Country Club on September 29. Costumes ranged from soccer and lacrosse to football and wrestling! Entertainment was provided by the USC High School Cheerleaders and Dance Team. DJ Brad Tupi provided an evening of music and dance while guests enjoyed a Tailgate buffet, participated in an NFL football pool, 50-50 drawings, and an amazing silent auction comprised of donations from community supporters and local businesses. The event raised $20,000, which will be used to fund grant requests from community organizations and residents. Music Commissioned by Foundation Wins Award The Foundation wanted the dedication of our new High School to be special, so they commissioned Boyce Middle School music teacher Sam Hazo to write an original music composition to commemorate the event on October 14, 2000. The result was the beautiful and powerful Novo Lenio, which recently took first place in the Merrill Jones Memorial Composition Award. The song is in three movements: the first part details the history of the school, the second part is about the construction and the last movement describes the beautiful new school. The grand finale ends really big, and is the perfect tribute to our High School and our community!


QUEST For Lifelong Learning at Upper St. Clair

Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Outreach Concert Friday, May 31, 2002 USC High School Theatre

USC Trail Bike Club Do you want to help start a Trail Bike Club for adults in our community? The focus of the group will be information exchange about trails in the area, trips, access points, maps, etc., as well as bike maintenance and safety, and how to support trail development. Come to the first organizational meeting: Monday, March 25 7:30-8:30 p.m. USC Recreation Center

Upper St. Clair was selected as a Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Outreach Community in 1993, and the Symphony has performed on the USC High School stage seven times since. It is a great opportunity to hear the world-class PSO perform right in your own backyard! Two free tickets are available for a donation of $50 or more, as part of the Community Foundation’s annual giving campaign.

QUEST is a challenging program for interested adults, where study groups can engage in “serious intellectual fare.” The second session is now underway with such interesting topics as: • Beyond E-Mail, learning how to use word processing and spreadsheet programs • The Plays the Thing, Revisiting “Hamlet!” • The Labyrinth as a Spiritual Tool • Wide World of Individual Investing • Sacred Ground: The Roots of September 11

For additional information on any of these items, visit the community’s website at www.mainstreetusc.com or contact the Community Foundation office at 412-831-1107.

Does Your Organization Have an Idea for a Community Project? Watch for some new and exciting challenges from the Foundation to get involved and help make Upper St. Clair a better community! Details will be provided in the next issue of UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY.



Spring 2002

Keynotes of Music for Mt. Lebanon Scholarship Competition Applications are being accepted for the $8000 Keynotes

Scholarship Competition of the Keynotes of Music for Mt. Lebanon scheduled for May 18, 2002, at Mt. Lebanon High School. The scholarship competition is open to full-time college music majors who are residents of the South Hills and Peters Township. High school seniors who have been admitted as fulltime music majors for the fall of 2002 are also eligible. The application deadline is April 15, 2002. For applications and information, contact Dottie Robinson, 108 Stilwell Court, Pittsburgh, 15228 or Toni Kvederis, 398 Woodcliff Circle, Pittsburgh, 15243. â–


Township Deer Statistics Deer killed by: 1998 1999 2000 2001

Vehicles 114 130 127 130

Bow Hunt 37 67 51 47

Upper St. Clair Lions Club Help Us Help Others We sell high quality (1.5 mil) vinyl trash bags and corn brooms which are made by the Pittsburgh Vision Services. We deliver to your home or office.

Name _____________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Phone_____________________________________________________ 30 Gallon bags (black, 100 per box) 33 Gallon bags (black, 100 per box) Tall kitchen bags (white, 100 per box) Bag Dispenser Brooms:

For information: Call Wes Hurst at 724-941-8329.

Number of boxes _______ @ $12 Number of boxes _______ @ $13 Number of boxes _______ @ $13 @ $15 House broom __________ @ $15 18 inch garage broom ___ @ $15 Snow broom ___________ @ $15

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

Total amount $ ________

Please send the order form and make check payable to the USC Lions Club, Post Office Box 12778, Upper St. Clair, PA 15241-0778.

Spring 2002



The Homeless Children & Family Emergency Fund Continued from page 27

to the same educational opportunities and experiences as their peers. We pursue this mission in three ways. First, HCFEF raises money through an Endowment Fund to provide children with school supplies, backpacks, transportation, uniforms and related items. Second, HCFEF advocates for systemic reform at the national, state and local levels of government. Third, HCFEF assesses common needs among homeless children and leverages community resources to serve those needs. A great example of this third approach has been our recent efforts to bridge the digital divide by establishing computer study centers in shelters across the County. In the four demonstration centers that HCFEF established, homeless kids have access to computers, educational software, the Internet and a quiet place to do their homework— things they were without for too long. Who established HCFEF? In 1998, Dr. Joseph Lagana, then retiring as Executive Director of the Allegheny Intermediate Unit, noticed that the government was simply not meeting the educational needs of homeless children. Dr. Lagana organized a group of prominent community leaders who found this fact to be intolerable and compelling. Among HCFEF’s earliest supporters were several Upper St. Clair residents, such as Bill Pope (USC Superintendent) and Tony Accamando (VP of Adelphia). What can Upper St. Clair residents do to help? The easiest way to support our mission is to make a donation to these children through HCFEF’s Endowment Fund. People should know that 100 percent of all individual donations go directly to children, largely through the generosity of corporations and foundations in underwriting HCFEF’s operating costs. Another way to get involved is to organize a fundraiser in your home or office or even in your child’s school. Upper St. Clair residents Pat and Vickie Schipani sponsored a Monte Carlo night for friends and family that raised nearly $3000. An increasingly successful model has been for a business or school to establish a “host-affiliate” relationship with an individual shelter. A great example of this type of support is that a Fox Chapel school, Fairview Elementary, was able to raise 74


almost $3500 from parents and teachers for a women’s shelter in the Hill District. There are also a number of nonmonetary ways to help pursue HCFEF’s mission. These avenues of assistance might include advocacy work, volunteering or donating in-kind services. Anyone interested in more information should call us at 412-562-0154.

Any closing thoughts? The troubles that these children suffer are surpassed only by their potential to grow and contribute to society. Their plight is no match for their promise. We have to make the most of that opportunity while they’re young by focusing on education. This is a community challenge that can be successfully addressed with visible results. I hope that your readers will join us in this important struggle. ■

Comments from Upper St. Clair residents involved with HCFEF William Pope, Superintendent, Upper St. Clair School District: “I think that there is nothing quite as sad as children who live in shelters. There is nothing quite so satisfying, however, as giving hope to those children.” Anthony Accamando, Vice President of Public and Community Affairs, Adelphia: “It has been an honor to serve on HCFEF’s Board of Trustees for the past three years. I cannot possibly imagine a more important cause to champion in our community than that of the education of homeless children.” Robert Valasek, Managing Director, Nonprofit Practice, Boyden Global Executive Search: “Homeless children being denied an education because of their circumstances should not be acceptable in our society. The efforts of the HCFEF staff are addressing this issue in our region.”

Spring 2002

For more information about HCFEF: 1212 Smallman Street, Mezzanine Pittsburgh, PA 15222 http://www.hcfef.org 412-562-0154

Free Income Tax Assistance

Upper St. Clair Cable 7 Standing Programming This schedule of programming is run each week on Upper St. Clair Cable 7. The schedule may be altered for special programming. Sunday “Legislative Report, State House Perspectives with Rep. John Maher” produced by the House of Representatives Video Facility. 6:30 p.m. “Capitol Connection” produced by The Senate Video Facility. 7 p.m. “Harrisburg Report with Senator Tim Murphy” produced by The Senate Video Facility. 7:30 p.m. Greenworks for Pennsylvania— produced by the Environmental Fund in partnership with the DEP. 6 p.m.

Monday Get In Shape—A half-hour exercise program produced at Upper St. Clair Cable 7 with “Body Effort.” 7 p.m. “Beyond the Walls”—produced by Christ United Methodist Church based on their Sunday church service. 7:30 p.m. Life Focus—A half-hour program spotlighting health concerns and topics produced at Peters Township Community Television by Canonsburg Hospital. 9 a.m.

6 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Tuesday “Legislative Report, State House Perspectives with Rep. John Maher” “Capitol Connection” “Harrisburg Report with Senator Tim Murphy” Greenworks for Pennsylvania

Wednesday Get In Shape Crossroads Ministry—produced by Crossroads Baptist Church based on their Sunday church service. 11 a.m. Women’s Aglow—produced by Upper St. Clair Cable 7 by the local chapter of Women’s Aglow, a Christian women’s fellowship group. Noon South Hills Bible Chapel—The Sunday church service, produced with Peters Township Community Television. 1 p.m. Covenant Family Church—A half-hour teaching based on their Sunday church service. 1:30 p.m. The Teaching of Christ— A show from the Pittsburgh Roman Catholic Church. 2 p.m. “Beyond the Walls” 9 a.m. 10 a.m.

6 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Thursday “Legislative Report, State House Perspectives with Rep. John Maher” “Capitol Connection” “Harrisburg Report with Senator Tim Murphy” Greenworks for Pennsylvania

9 a.m.

Get In Shape

Free income tax assistance is available through VITA again this year at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Room 283. Please park in the north parking lot adjacent to Orr Road and follow the signs to the correct entrance. Please do not call the church regarding VITA. No appointment is necessary, just walk in. The free tax service will be offered through April 15, 2002, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be no Saturday hours and we are closed on Good Friday. VITA volunteers will also assist taxpayers in the preparation of Pennsylvania tax returns, Real Estate Tax/Rent Rebate forms and PACE forms. Individuals seeking assistance should bring pertinent tax documents such as: W2 forms, interest and dividend statements, pension information, Social Security and Railroad Retirement statements, total amounts of itemized deductions (medical, interest, charity and miscellaneous deductions) copies of Federal and Pennsylvania returns for the year 2001 and the tax packages received in the mail. ■

The Mt. Lebanon Montessori School & Academy, 550 Sleepy Hollow Road, Mt. Lebanon Saturday, May 4, noon to 3 p.m., Celebrates “Montessori Internationale— Our 25th Anniversary Celebration of People, Places and Perspectives”

Friday Saturday Noon “Legislative Report, State House Perspectives with Rep. John Maher” 12:30 p.m. “Capitol Connection” 1 p.m. “Harrisburg Report with Senator Tim Murphy” 1:30 p.m. Greenworks for Pennsylvania 6 p.m. “Legislative Report, State House Perspectives with Rep. John Maher” 6:30 p.m. “Capitol Connection” 7 p.m. “Harrisburg Report with Senator Tim Murphy” 7:30 p.m. Greenworks for Pennsylvania

Includes: an Internationale Luncheon Buffet, an Internationale Marketplace, Cookbooks, Gift Basket Raffle, an extensive Mother’s Day Plant Sale, a Moonwalk, Pony Rides, a Petting Zoo, numerous Carnival Games, folk music and folk dancing.

The 8 p.m. slot features programs of current interest. Most of the programming produced by Cable 7 is of a single event variety. For information about Public Access Television in the Township of Upper St. Clair, please call 412-831-1030 or visit the Cable 7 office in the Upper St. Clair Municipal Building across the hall from the Recreation and Leisure Service Department. ■ Spring 2002

Tickets may be obtained in April by calling the School Office at 412-563-2858. Please contact Kathy Hrabovsky with any questions at 412-531-0875.



Junior Woman’s Club of Upper St. Clair

Profiles Dennis Phillips II, M.D. Dennis Phillips II, M.D.,

a sports medicine specialist from the Louisiana State University Medical Center, and a 1984 graduate of Upper St. Clair High School, has joined the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Allegheny General Hospital (AGH). Dr. Phillips has returned to the area to continue to practice medicine. He resides in Tall Trees with his wife Susan and six children— Samantha, thirteen; Elizabeth, eight; Dennis III, six; Madison, five; Kathryn, two and Matthew, nine months. A graduate of The Medical College of Pennsylvania, Dr. Phillips completed his residency in orthopaedic surgery at the Louisiana State University Medical Center and a sports medicine/arthroscopy fellowship at Orthopaedic Research Center of Virginia. He also served as the assistant team physician for the Pittsburgh Steelers for the 1997 season. Dr. Phillips, who is board certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, serves on the editorial advisory board for the arthroscopy section of Orthopedics Today and on the North American Board of Editors for Orthopedics. He has also been on the teaching faculty for advanced arthroscopic procedures at the Orthopaedic Learning Center in Chicago. “I am very excited to be a part of such a prestigious group of orthopaedic specialists. I look forward to applying my experience in the fields of sports medicine and arthroscopy to further enhance the program,” said Dr. Phillips. “I am also very pleased to be back in the Upper St. Clair area with my family, making a home.” ■

Megan E. Finkelstein Cohen & Grigsby, P.C.

announces the addition of Megan E. Finkelstein as a U.S. Customs Specialist in its International Business Group. Megan specializes in U.S. Customs consultation, including advice concerning ongoing customs compliance issues, such as internal control procedures, and responding to routine inquiries and investigations. Megan served as an import specialist and a special agent for the U.S. Customs Service from 1987 to 2001 and has been trained as an import specialist, criminal investigator, U.S. Customs special agent, and national special agent recruiter. She received her B.S. in Psychology in 1984 and her M.A. in Administration of Justice in 1996 from the University of Pittsburgh. ■



Standing:Teres Lucot, Denise Virgi, Lori Long and Carol Jenifer Sitting:Teresa Chockran and Laurie Finn

The Junior Woman’s Club of Upper St. Clair is a new social, cultural and

philanthropic organization for residents of Upper St. Clair and surrounding communities. The Junior Woman’s Club is affiliated with the Woman’s Club of Upper St. Clair. It was formed by a group of Upper St. Clair women who were looking for additional opportunities to meet other women with similar interests and to serve the community. Shirley Tadda, President of the Woman’s Club of Upper St. Clair, has been instrumental in working with the new group. The six women that are organizing the new club are Teresa Chockran, Laurie Finn, Carol Jenifer, Lori Long, Teres Lucot and Denise Virgi. They have been busy planning activities and events for the new club. The first Junior Woman’s Club event was held in November 2001 at the Woman’s Club of Upper St. Clair’s clubhouse. An English Holiday Tea was served and attended by 35 women in the community. Upcoming events include a March 14 cooking demonstration and dinner at the Galleria at 7 p.m., an April 18 Spring Fashion Show and luncheon at 12:30 p.m., and a “Stake Out” dinner in May. The club will feature monthly luncheons, dinners, couples’ events, decorating and gardening, golf and tennis, and get-away weekends. If you would like more information about the Junior Woman’s Club of Upper St. Clair, please leave a message at 412-835-9607. The club also has information and events listed on—www.mainstreetusc.com. ■

Award Winner Over 230 people attended the American Society of Highway Engineers an-

nual Past Presidents’ Banquet in October. The Pittsburgh Section of ASHE is the largest in the nation, including over 600 professionals in the highway and transportation industry. Kevin Duris, immediate Past President of the Pittsburgh Section, presented the President’s Award to Upper St. Clair resident Katie Anderson, president of CMA Consultants, “in grateful appreciation for Katie’s outstanding contribution and continuing support….” Katie is serving her fourth year as a member of the ASHE Board of Directors.

Spring 2002

Congratulations, Katie!

412-561-6732 • 412-276-1030 • 412-835-0112 Spring 2002



USC’s USC’s Hottest Dog Contest Here’s your chance to see if your canine companion could be one of USC’s hottest dogs!

Saturday, May 18, 2002 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Recreation Center Enter your best friend in any or all of these categories: Best Dressed Dog Cutest Puppy Most Colorful Dog Best Pet Trick Owner/Pet Look Alike

Upper St. Clair’s Hottest Dog Contest! Adam Gallucci and his dog Dominio compete for “Best Dressed Category.”

Entry fee of $3 per category, with all proceeds to Children’s Hospital. For additional information or to register, contact Leigh Harkreader at Howard Hanna Real Estate, 150 Fort Couch Road, Upper St. Clair, PA 15241 or call 412-833-3600. Owner’s name and phone: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Breed and Category ________________________________________________ Your dog’s shot records must accompany each entry. Checks should be made to Children’s Hospital Free Care Fund.

Flood Protection Continued from page 34

or earthen berm. Such methods are effective if your lot is both large enough and clear of the floodway. The Community Development Department can provide this information. There are other retrofitting techniques that can protect a building from surface or subsurface water. Waterproofing walls and placing watertight closures over doorways can greatly mitigate the risks of flood damage. Check Before You Buy Before you commit yourself to buying property, protect and educate yourself by doing the following: • Ask your real estate agent if the property is in a floodplain, if it has ever been flooded and if it is subject to any other hazards, such as sewer backup or subsidence. • If the property is in a floodplain, ask both the seller and the neighbors about their experiences with floods or other hazards. • Ask Upper St. Clair’s Community Development Department about building or zoning regulations. 78


Spring 2002

Contest Winner Writes of America Michael Spina,

eighth level Fort Couch student won the regional 2001-02 American History Essay Contest sponsored by the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. His essay has been forwarded on to the state level competition. He was recognized at a reception on February 9, 2002, at the Pittsburgh Athletic Association. His one thousand word-winning essay, which was to follow specific directions (“As editor of the Philadelphia Gazette, interview at least two signers of the Declaration of Independence and write an article for the July 5, 1776 edition”), was entitled “The Adams Family.” Through the interview the reader becomes aware of Samuel and John Adams’ differing initial viewpoints of the young union and various contributions to the country. The Adams cousins are not only heroes of their generation, but serve as role models for our own difficult times, as portrayed through John’s concluding remarks “…let’s hope that future generations of Americans will enjoy the benefits of what so many Americans have sacrificed and died for… united we stand and God Bless America!” ■

Flood Insurance If you do not have flood insurance, talk to your insurance agent. Homeowners’ insurance policies typically do not cover damage from floods. However, because the Township of Upper St. Clair participates in the National Flood Insurance Program, local residents can purchase a separate flood insurance policy. It is backed by the federal government and is available to all residents, even for property outside of a floodplain. Any property could be flooded. Surface water can accumulate from heavy rain, melting snow, a broken water main or a ruptured swimming pool. Insurance agents may require photographs of the front and back of your house, an elevation certificate (if you are in a floodplain), a completed and signed application, and a check for the first year’s premium. For sample flood insurance applications, visit the Flood Protection Library in the Township Library.■ This information is published annually as a part of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Community Rating System recertification and is also available on the Township website at www.twpusc.org.

Our Rights and Freedoms Are Not Without Threats When our nation was formed the

founding fathers framed the Constitution, which spelled out the structure, authority and responsibilities of our new government. Later they added amendments to the Constitution specifying various rights of the people. From the very beginning debates and lawsuits have been ongoing challenging the extent of the power of the government as well as the intent of some of the amendments. Adding more heat to the controversies, the enforcement of certain amendments has been uneven and unfair. Also as new circumstances occurred new laws and regulations were created which brought about wider debates concerning their legality and encroachment on our rights and freedoms. One of the longest and most bitter debates has evolved around the intention of the second amendment to the Constitution.

The Second Amendment Controversy If you remember your history, you know there were ten original amendments to the Constitution, called the Bill Of Rights. The Second Amendment says, “A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” Many years ago President Harry Truman said, “I have little patience with people who take the Bill of Rights for granted. The Bill of Rights is every American’s guarantee of freedom.” In the past 150 years the second amendment has been the one to receive the most controversial scrutiny concerning its intent and application. There have been thousands of court cases testing and challenging the intent of this amendment. Few people are on the middle ground on the issue. The opponents of the second amendment argue against the right for private individuals to own weapons and have formed powerful lobbies against private gun ownership. They contend that only police, law enforcement personnel or the military should be armed, not individual citizens. However the courts have consistently held that individuals are entitled to own certain weapons if they are obtained legally and

kept within legal requirements. The proponents of gun ownership are just as vigorous in pushing for individual freedom to own a wide array of weapons. Charlton Heston, the long time movie actor, president of the National Rifle Association and an outspoken advocate of gun ownership once said, “We will preach the truth to a new generation: The doorway to all freedoms is framed with muskets. It’s time the apologists step aside and let freedom followers lead the way.” Some would say that ever since Charlton played Moses and parted the Red Sea, he has been a bit authoritarian. Patrick Henry, a great patriot and a contributor to the framing of the Constitution in 1788 said regarding the second amendment, “The great object is, that every man be armed.” At the time Patrick wasn’t aware that assault rifles, bazookas and missiles would hit the streets. It is now estimated that some 70 million average, law abiding Americans own guns either for hunting, sport shooting, selfdefense or as collectors. There are, of course, a small percentage of people who own guns who use them for criminal purposes, some estimate as few as one half of one percent. Those few criminals or mentally or emotionally disturbed people have caused widespread pain and suffering with their irresponsible use of firearms. With the escalation of violence in the past several years, new and more restrictive laws have been passed attempting to curtail criminal and mentally unfit people from obtaining guns.

It’s Your Choice You may own one or more guns. You may be opposed to private citizens owning guns and never intend to own a gun yourself. You may not own a gun but have thought about getting one. Whatever your personal feelings are the second amendment has preserved your personal freedom to possess a gun, but if you own a gun, or plan on getting one, there are laws you must obey, responsibilities to fulfill and possible consequences you may incur from owning a gun. To learn more about current laws pertaining to gun ownership and gun safety Ron Pardini, Chief of Police in Upper St. Clair, talked with me about the subject. He

Jim Meston gave generously of his time and it was educational and interesting to listen to him talk about the controversy surrounding gun control. Chief Pardini is a long time veteran of law enforcement, rising through the ranks to his current position. He attended the FBI training program in 1979 and is a devoted law enforcement professional. Chief Pardini said everyone has the legal right to purchase a handgun, or other legally approved weapon, such as shotguns and rifles. To obtain a gun you must complete an application and undergo a thorough background check. There is a five-day waiting period before you can obtain a handgun. If approved, you can obtain your gun. The Chief strongly recommended that anyone purchasing a gun should receive thorough training in how to use the weapon. The law doesn’t require it, but for the gun owner’s protection and the safety of others it’s only reasonable to receive training. There are numerous private clubs and sportsman’s clubs who provide such training. Once you own a weapon you can keep it loaded in your own home if you wish. The Chief elaborated on the many potential consequences of owning a gun and in using it for self-protection. If a gun owner uses his weapon to defend himself or others in his household from an intruder, the burden is on him to prove he felt his life or other members of his family’s lives were in danger. Even if you shoot an unwelcome intruder in your home you may be liable for the injuries you inflict. That may not seem right, but that’s the liberal application of the law. If you intend to carry your handgun in your car or on your person, Chief Pardini said you must first go to the Sheriff’s Department in Pittsburgh. You must fill out another application and be approved before you can legally carry your handgun on your person or concealed in your car. Carrying a weapon further escalates the possible consequences that can result if you have an occasion to use it.

Spring 2002

Continued on page 82 UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY


Serving Upper St. Clair Churches and Synagogues Alliance Church of Upper St. Clair 2510 Old Washington Road—412-835-4775 Berean Fellowship Church 300 Rockfield Circle, Scott Township—412-220-4673 Beth-El Congregation Of South Hills 1900 Cochran Road, Mt. Lebanon—412-561-1168 Beverly Heights United Presbyterian Church 1207 Washington Road—412-561-5100 Center Presbyterian Church 255 Center Church Road, McMurray—724-941-9050 Christ United Methodist Church 44 Highland Road, Bethel Park—412-835-6621 Faith Lutheran Church of Upper St. Clair Bartley Road, Mt. Lebanon—412-835-4590 First Church of Christ Scientist 1100 Washington Road, Mt. Lebanon—412-561-1125 Good Shepherd Church USC High School, LGI Room—724-746-0224 Holy Child Parish 212 Station Street, Bridgeville—412-221-5213 Holy Cross Greek Orthodox 123 Gilkeson Road, Mt. Lebanon—412-833-3355 Hope Lutheran Church 2799 Old Washington Road—724-941-9441 Mt. Lebanon Christian Church Cedar Blvd., at Hollycrest Dr.—412-531-8554 New Day Assembly of God 701 Circle Drive—724-941-1661 New Song Church 3755 Library Road, Castle Shannon—412-341-1293

Day Care (Children) Alphabet Land Day Care Center 3918 Washington Road, McMurray—724-941-4011 Bethel Park Presbyterian Church 2999 Bethel Church Road, Bethel Park—412-835-1043 Christ United Methodist Child Care Center 44 Highland Road, Bethel Park—412-854-4310 Happy Face Day Care Center 3322 Washington Road, McMurray—724-941-4172 KinderCare Learning Center 1040 Clifton Road, Bethel Park—412-831-1888 Magic Years 119 Hidden Valley Road, McMurray—724-941-5569 Wesley Child Care 243 Johnston Road, Upper St. Clair—412-831-8333 Westminster Child Care 2040 Washington Road, Upper St. Clair—412-835-9450

Day Care (Adult) Prime Time Adult Care, Inc. 44 Highland Road—412-835-6661 Alzheimer Day Care 44 Highland Road—412-835-5509

Ruthfred Lutheran Church Patterson and South Park Roads, Bethel Park—412-835-7140 St. David’s Episcopal Church 905 E. McMurray Road, Peters Twp.—724-941-4060 St. Gregory Byzantine Catholic Church 2005 Mohawk Road—412-835-7800 St. John Capistran Roman Catholic Church 1610 McMillan Road—412-221-5445 St. Louise de Marillac Roman Catholic Church 312 McMurray Road—412-833-1010 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Washington Road—412-531-7153 St. Thomas More Roman Catholic Church 126 Ft. Couch Road, Bethel Park—412-833-0031 South Hills Community Baptist Church 2400 Old Washington Road—412-833-1313 South Hills Interfaith Ministries 1900 Sleepy Hollow Road, South Park—412-854-9120 South Hills Presbyterian Church in America 110 Hays Road—724-941-3480 Temple Emmanuel 1250 Bower Hill Road—412-279-7600 The Unitarian Universalist Church of the South Hills 1240 Washington Road, Mt. Lebanon—412-561-6277 Westminister Presbyterian Church 2040 Washington Road—412-835-6630

Nursery Schools Beth-El Nursery School 1900 Cochran Road, Mt. Lebanon—412-561-1168 Center Church Christian Pre-School 255 Center Church Road, McMurray—724-941-9050 Christ United Methodist Child Care Center 44 Highland Road—412-854-4310 Little Lambs Of Hope Preschool 2799 Old Washington Road—724-941-9441 Montessori Nursery School 957 Connor Road—412-833-2439 Mushroom Family Nursery 1240 Washington Road—412-531-1225 Holy Child Catholic Preschool Bridgeville—412-221-4720 St. David’s Episcopal Nursery McMurray and Hays—724-941-4060 St. Louise de Marillac Nursery School 310 McMurrary Road—412-833-4330 St. Paul’s Episcopal Nursery Washington and Mayfair—412-531-2644 Temple Emmanuel 1250 Bower Hill Road—412-279-7687 Westminster Nursery School 2040 Washington Road—412-835-2906 YMCA 79 McMurray Road—412-833-5600

If we overlooked your information, or have incorrect information, please write to: Editor, UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY, 1820 McLaughlin Run Road, Upper St. Clair, PA 15241 or email us at brown@twpusc.org. Thank you! 80


Spring 2002

Holocaust Survivors to Share Stories of Lost Childhoods “Before the Storm: The Nuremberg Laws—1935” is the theme of the 23rd

Annual Holocaust Observance April 14. Four Pittsburgh residents who escaped Germany during the Nazi occupation of Europe will share their experiences of despair and survival during the South Hills Interfaith Ministries’ 23rd Annual Holocaust Observance. The program is set for 7:30 p.m. April 14 at Beth El Congregation, 1900 Cochran Road, Scott Township. The theme of this year’s observance is “Before the Storm: The Nuremberg Laws— 1935.” It will focus on the set of laws enacted by the Nazi Party in 1935 that became the final legal and social separation of Jews and non-Jews in Germany. The four speakers, Fritz Ottenheimer, Arnold Blum, Ruth Lieberman Drescher and Marga L. Randall, will recall pivotal events in their lives—the separation of families, confinement to ghettos and prison camps, abolishment of rights, destruction of synagogues and businesses and other horrors they witnessed during the Holocaust. Their stories were chronicled in the 2001 book Flares of Memory: Stories of Childhood During the Holocaust (Oxford University Press). “I’m very anxious to make sure the world does not forget what happened,” says Ottenheimer, of Forrest Hills, who was 13 when his father was taken prisoner by the Nazis in 1938. “It’s important not only as an exercise in historical awareness, but to learn from it and make sure we don’t make the same mistakes again.” Ottenheimer’s father was released from the Dachau Concentration Camp and the family immigrated to the United States in 1939. Ottenheimer went on to serve in the U.S. Army in Germany as a liberator in 1945 and 1946 and, after the war, he worked with the U.S. military in the Denazification process in Germany. Blum, of Monroeville, was taken prisoner by the Nazis in 1938 at age 16 and confined to the Dachau prison camp. A year later, he was released and immigrated to the United States. He served in the U.S. Army from 1943 to 1946, returning to Germany to fight. Drescher, of Squirrel Hill, and her family left their home in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1939, when she was five. She later immigrated to the United States and went

on to become a social worker and artist. Randall, of Scott Township, was forced to leave her childhood home at age ten to live with her grandparents, then went into semi-hiding with family members in Berlin. Her mother and three siblings also survived the Holocaust, and she immigrated to the United States with her mother and sister in 1941. South Hills Interfaith Ministries (SHIM) has been hosting an annual Holocaust observance since 1979, commemorating the more than six million Jewish lives that were lost during the Holocaust. About 900 people of various faiths attend each year. It is one of the few interdenominational Holocaust observances in the country. “Hitler wanted to give the impression that the world was antagonistic toward the Jewish people. It’s commendable that people of many faiths are coming together and denying this split that Hitler tried to create,” Ottenheimer says. “Particularly

today, when there is a danger of another religious split, it’s important for religions to work together in order to oppose those who advocate anti-Semitism, are anti-Muslim or against any other religion. In addition to the speakers’ recollections, this year’s program will feature music, lighting of memorial candles by survivors and a “righteous Gentile” (a Christian who put his or her own life at risk to save the lives of Jews during the Holocaust), readings by area clergy who are representative of diverse faiths and denominations, and recognition of survivors in attendance. SHIM is a community of more than 70 churches and synagogues committed to demonstrating their faith by attending to the needs of those less fortunate. For 33 years, SHIM has been reaching out to South Hills residents through education, family assistance, counseling and youth programs. ■

A Place to Worship Upper St. Clair has many churches and synagogues serving our residents. (See list on page 80.) Each issue we will feature one place of worship to let our readers know what opportunities are available.

Phone: 412-835-4775/4776 • Website: www.uscalliance.org The Upper St. Clair Alliance Church recently celebrated 40 years of ministry at 2510 Old Washington Road. All ages and profiles are represented in the average attendance of 175 in their blended traditional and contemporary service. The ministry team includes Senior Pastor—Jack Williams, Christian Education Director—Betty Jean Santiso, and Youth Pastor—Matt Elser. Many opportunities are available for fellowship and involvement in service: Sunday: Family Bible Hour—9:45 a.m. Morning Worship—11 a.m. Sunday evenings—Youth meetings Wednesday: Midweek Bible Study—7 p.m. AWANA Kid’s Club—6:30 p.m. Spring 2002



An Invitation to Participate In the Upper St. Clair School District Strategic Plan Community members of Upper

St. Clair are invited to respond to an on-line community questionnaire on the USC School District strategic plan at www.uscsd.k12.pa.us beginning March 1, 2002. Hard copies will be available in the Township Library, USC administrative office and all school buildings. In addition, a limited number of opportunities will be available to community residents who would like to serve on various strategic planning sub-committees or take part in focus group discussions. ■ Interested persons should contact Dr. Timothy Steinhauer at 412-833-1600, extension 3003 or email tsteinhauer@uscsd.k12.pa.us.

Our Rights and Freedoms Are Not Without Threats Continued from page 79

If you don’t have a permit to carry your handgun but you wish to go to a legal location to shoot it, you must remove the ammunition from the gun and place it out of your reach and place your weapon in a container. The Chief recommends putting it in a box and tying it up. This is for your own protection in case a police officer should stop you. The same procedure applies to rifles—the ammunition should be separated from the weapon. We all know about the numerous tragedies that have happened when accidental shootings occur. Children have so often found their parents’ weapons and hurt themselves or others. Many painful deaths have occurred. A child away from home may return unannounced and be mistaken for an intruder and shot. The possible consequences of irresponsible use or safe keeping of a weapon are numerous. That does not, however, mean a person owning a weapon has to have any of these tragedies occur. The more responsible a person is the less likely bad things will happen.

Freedoms… Rights… Responsibilities After the founding fathers finished the Constitution, there were lengthy arguments that it did not properly address the protection of individual’s rights from an oppressive government. So the amendments were added. The Bill of Rights is really intended as a protective barrier to shield each individual’s unalienable right from the oppressive reach of the government. It was a way of balancing the power of government. But the original amendments didn’t cover all citizens’ rights. It wasn’t until 1920 that the 19th Amendment was added, giving women the right to vote. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery. The 14th Amendment granted African Americans the right of due process and equal protection of the law. The 15th Amendment gave African Americans the right to vote. But it would take another 100 years for these three amendments to be enforced. Having our freedoms and rights spelled out in print doesn’t automatically guarantee it will be applied as intended or not diluted by pressure from extremist groups. In a free society, which we value, we seem to always have a core of people who 82


Spring 2002

are at extreme opposites on every issue, with many in between. This provokes controversy and debate, which is usually healthy, but frequently the most zealous and vocal factions gain acceptance of their position, which may not best serve the good of all. Such controversy exists over the Second Amendment. The law is clear at the moment as to what rights individuals have. Other rights may not be so clear. Our country has changed since September 11th. Our government is waging a war. Differences of opinion exist around the creation of military tribunals to try suspected terrorists. Immediately, opposition voices were heard, exclaiming that due process was being compromised. Many believe the times call for special procedures, including expanding the FBI’s authority to conduct wiretaps on suspected terrorists. The Fourth Amendment ensures, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated….” Basically it protects our rights of privacy. With all that’s going on we still have our individual freedoms, which we must cherish and preserve. The arguments and debates will be lengthy as to what is necessary and what compromises our rights. We want terrorists captured and brought to justice. This is an ugly war. The debate will rage as to how much government authority and power is necessary and is the right of individual privacy being compromised. Will the FBI be responsible in carrying out its newly authorized expanded authorities? Hearings are underway. These kinds of issues and debates surrounding individual freedoms and governmental abuse of power have resonated since the founding fathers framed our Constitution. The right to bear arms isn’t the only issue at conflict. The real issue may be whether we as a free people have the fortitude and perseverance to do the hard things necessary to defeat our current enemies and preserve our way of life. Our freedoms are at stake. I’d like to hear what Patrick Henry would say today. ■

Spring 2002



Heavenly Ham — South Hills Waterdam Centre 4175 Washington Road McMurray, PA 15317

Phone: 724-942-1130 Fax: 724-942-1137 Store Hours: Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 84


Spring 2002

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Check out these fabulous Upper St. Clair area homes! O nly C oldwell b anker dedicates a

t e a m Breathtaking home! Fabulous setting, decorator decor, 5 BR, 4.5 BA, FR fireplace, den, gameroom, 3 finished levels! Sydnie Jones 412-833-8000 $799,000

of e xperts to you.

Private mini estate on 1.1 acre with magnificent view of the country club, while entertaining in the sunken livingroom. Fabulous! Sara Redinger 412-833-5405 $479,000

Large stone frame contemporary on 2+ acres, 2 dens with fireplace, familyroom, 5+ BR, 3+2 BA, 2 car garage, 2 patios! Peg Fitzgerald 412-831-5555 $325,000

Fabulous home w/ many exceptional features, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, Quaker Maid kit w/ JennAir cooktop, sunken FR w/wet bar opens to deck! Bonnie Loya 412-831-5555 $299,900

Value with elegance in this 2 sty 9 room Tudor on lovely private lot. 4 BR, 2.5 BA, den, FR, dynamite kitchen, screened porch. Ruth Peterson 412-831-5555 $275,000

Lovely stone ranch, large LR with fireplace, marble floored FR with skylights, 2nd equipped kitchen on lower level, patio. Tulla Rakoczy 412-833-5405 $274,900

Immaculate 4 BR, 2.5 BA home located on a quiet cul de sac. All baths new along with concrete drive, walkway and fresh paint! Linda Cobb 412-833-8000 $274,900

Move right in! Large rooms, cherry kitchen w/ center island, family room fireplace, gameroom, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, 2 car garage. Janet Caputo 412-833-8000 $184,900

Charming & bright, nwr kit & apps, hdwd flrs, plntn shtrs, move-in cond, nwr BR cpt, beaut LR mntl, cvrd sde pch, lvl cnr lot & driveway. Suzanne Sala 412-831-5555 $174,900

Lovely multi level, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, updated eat in kitchen, livingroom fireplace, familyroom, spacious rooms! Kathy Enick 412-833-8000 $164,900

Exceptionally clean and well maintained, 3 BR, 1.5 BA, newer tile entry, furnace, central air, bathroom, roof, & 2 car garage! Marv Levin 412-343-7711 $149,900

Fabulous 3 BR, 1.5BA multi level home. Sunken LR, hardwood floors, lower level FR, newer oak kitchen, large laundry. Jean MacCumbee 412-833-5405 $139,900

Super neat 3 BR, 2 BA split, large 1st floor familyroom with fireplace, nestled on a lovely yard in a fine family neighborhood! Pat LaRosa 412-831-5555 $139,900

Unpack & kick back in this 3 BR, 2 BA home w/ many updates. Very nice mstr ste. Feat inc LBFP, 2 bay wnds, all apps inc, home wnty! Kevin Charapp 412-831-5555 $129,900


1820 McLaughlin Run Road Upper St. Clair, PA 15241


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