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Doors of USC
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Doors of Upper St. Clair
Take a drive through the township and you’re likely to find at least one house with decorations on their front door. Whether it’s a holiday, a life milestone, or a favorite sports team, doors and more welcome visitors while reflecting life in Upper St. Clair.
UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY wanted to share photos of some of the doors we’ve admired during our travels and to encourage you to send a photo of some of your favorites! Please send a photo of your studentathlete’s door sign when his or her sport is in season—bonus if you can get them to pose next to it. Or celebrate a neighbor’s creativity by sharing a photo of their door with the rest of the township. n
To be included in TODAY’s Doors of USC feature, email your original, high-resolution digital photo of at least 300 dpi, along with a brief description in the body of the email, to usctoday@ usctoday.org, with “USC Doors” in the subject line.
Know of a resident to profile? Send information to: Editor, UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY, 1820 McLaughlin Run Road, Upper St. Clair, PA 15241 or usctoday@uscsd.k12.pa.us.
Kira Brown, a 2008 USCHS graduate, received her promotion to major in the U.S. Army this past July. Major Brown is currently assigned to Joint Base San Antonio–Fort Sam Houston’s Medical Center of Excellence as program director for the nutrition and diet therapy program.

Major Kira Brown, with her parents, Lynn and Knox Brown, at her July 29 promotion ceremony
Kathy English, a long-time USC resident (1981-2009) teamed up with Sara Casey to write a book about the trials and tribulations of non-traditional students returning to school to earn a PhD in musicology.
Climbing the Ivory Tower is available at amazon. com, walmart.com, and other websites.
Elizabeth Kopach Meitzler, USCHS Class of 2009, recently published her first novel, The Twelve Swipes of Christmas. It’s available on Amazon, just in time for the holiday season!

Girl Scout Cookie Season is Just Around the Corner!
Upper St. Clair Girl Scouts will soon kick off another exciting year of Girl Scout cookie sales. While these treats are certainly nostalgic and delicious, Girl Scout cookies are also packed with opportunity for local girls. Don’t be surprised when you hear knocking at your door in January as girls flex their confidence with traditional neighborhood sales and counting change; but cookie season has evolved a lot over the past few years. Many Amelia is excited about the Girl Scouts cookie sale. Girl Scouts use official cookie websites to accept credit card payment and can share their link with friends, family, and neighbors.
Whether you find a Girl Scout in-person or through her website, she’ll be selling traditional favorites Kara and Claire, taking cookie like Samoas, Tagalongs, Do-Si-Dos, Trefoils, S’mores, gluten-free Toffee-tastic, and of course orders in their neighborhood the crowd favorite—Thin Mints! USC Girl Scouts are also very excited to share cookies you may not have tried yet, like Lemon Ups, Adventurefuls, and this year’s new Raspberry Rally. The Labouré Ladies Guild of Booth sales will begin in late February, and troops of all ages will brave the chilly weather St. Catherine Labouré Parish will each weekend to set up cookie booths outside local businesses, the post office, church parking hold its annual Joy of Christmas lots, and more. Stop by and ask the girls about their goals for the year. It could be an excitcraft show, with 115 crafters and ing trip, a week at camp, an educational experience, or a girl-led service project to benefit a Chinese auction and 50/50 raffle. our community. Due to the order of the USC fire
If you already have enough sweets in your pantry, you can still help support USC Girl marshal, strollers are not permitted. Scouts when you buy a box of cookies to donate. Girl Scouts accept donations for U.S. miliDate: Saturday, November 19, tary troops through Operation Sweet Appreciation, and many of our USC Girl Scout troops 9 a.m.– 3:30 p.m. will arrange a Gift of Caring—they’ll deliver donated cookies to local organizations such as Location: St. Louise de Marillac healthcare workers, educators, or nursing home residents. n School/LeGras Parish Center, 320 McMurray Rd., USC
For more details about Girl Scout cookie season in Upper St Clair, or to offer your business as a cookie Admission fee: $2, includes one booth location this year, contact uscgirlscoutcommunity@gmail.com. Want to join Girl Scouts or volunteer? Visit gswpa.org/join. ticket for the Chinese Auction