BedsLife SOUTH August 2021

Page 26


Nature’s early-morning concert is one of the summer’s greatest pleasures, and with a little encouragement, we can bring this dawn chorus to our front and back doors.

THE BIRDS: Robin – The robin produces a twinkling, crystal-like sound that flutters through the air. You will hear this little fellow all year round. Great tit – A repetitive two-toned whistle that cuts through the air and is most prominent in early spring. Wren – For many, the best improvised whistle of them all, with a raft of twists and twirls ending up in a rattling cacophony of noise towards the end. Willow warbler – Best characterised for a chain of notes that lowers as it progresses, the warbler’s song has clear gaps in between notes and a powerful chirp. Chaffinch – Heard throughout spring and summer, the chaffinch offers a punchy, powerful array of notes that slows towards the end. Blackbird – So typical of the bird itself, the blackbird’s song features notes drawn into each other that offer a range of tones and a stylish array of chords. Song thrush – Heard throughout the year, the song thrush makes a sound closest to those slightly shrill mobile phone ringtones… but nicer! Goldfinch – With elegant inflections and the occasional sound of a penny whistle thrown in for good measure, a chaffinch has an eclectic song and is heard from early spring.

HOW TO ATTRACT THEM: Bird feeders – Unknown to many, the type of food you leave in bird feeders will directly influence the species you attract. For instance, suet balls are favourites with robins, blue tits, and long-tailed tits; niger seeds are loved by greenfinches and goldfinches; starlings, robins and blackbirds will come if mealworms are on offer; while tits, finches and siskins love the fatty proteins of peanuts. Water – Whether bathing, playing in it or drinking the stuff, a supply of fresh water, usually on a shallow plate, is one of the best ways to get birds engaged in your garden. Plants – Edible plants, berries, shrubs, and wildflowers will keep your birds hanging around for long periods. Protection – Birds are always on the lookout for cats and other predators ready to disrupt their everyday pleasures of gliding from one branch to another, so the more space you can offer your feathered friends, the more they will relax and hang about. Birdboxes – Ensure you are hanging these high enough away from cats and squirrels, and in a semi-sheltered where birds can nest in peace.

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