Use Locally - Issue 7 November 2013
Newark Academy 56% 5 A*-C including English and Maths at GCSE (highest in Newark and higher than many local Lincolnshire schools) and 100% A Level pass rate.
ewark Academy is producing very confident and impressive students, and very good results, beating all GCSE predictions this year. This is certainly a good way of measuring whether to send your child to any school. But it’s not the only measure of a Schools success. One of the most impressive things about a school is how they engage with their students
and how the students grow pastorally. Newark Academy is excelling in this area. The students have tangible pride in the reinvigorated School, - Karine Jasper (Principal) and her team have rejuvenated the tired old buildings and made essential repairs to her students advantage. Simple things, such as every door displays a sign stating “Mr ….. is reading…..” – and the inspirational quotes on the outside walls of buildings, become
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Use Locally - Issue 7 November 2013
5 reasons reasons to to join join us us EExcellent xcellent Sixth Sixth Form Form right right on on your your doorstep doorstep 100% pa pass ss rrate ate in in 2013 2013 St Study udy Russell-group Russell-group approved approved subjects subjects that that will will he help lp ge g gett you university orr employment you iinto ntto u niversity o employment TTake ake part part in in enrichment enrichment activities activities to to make make your your CV CV or or university more u niversity application application eeven ven m ore iimpressive mpressive BBelgium, elgium, Ge Germany, rmany, IItaly, taly, M Morocco, orocco, TThailand hailand - EExplore xplore the our many the world world on on o ur m any ttrips rips
Then call us to arrange ge a visit vis i it aand n see why we should be your Number 1 choice Number London RRoad, London oad, BBalderton, alderton, N Newark, ewark, N Notts, otts, N NG24 G2 3AL 001636 1636 6615000 15000 nquiries@thenewarkacade d w To advertise contact us: 01529 469 526 / 07527 006737
Use Locally - Issue 7 November 2013 discussion points for students to the highly accessible teachers. The open door policy extends right up to Karine, where students and staff will find their opinions being sought. There is a real spirit of community and cooperation at the School. Mrs Jasper stated that the last year has been “The journey of my life” and there is clearly a rapport between the students and the Principal. This extends to many of the staff, several of whom run after school clubs, giving up their own time to do so. Whilst timetabled lessons run from 8.50am to 3.15pm, the school is open from 8am till 5.30pm, giving access to the library, and students can breakfast together. Even members of staff eat in the café.
& pupils, and the commitment on both sides is strong.
Karine and her team have experience in the design and building of a new school, and relocation of the school. This knowledge will allow a smooth transition into the new £20 million, 3 storey superschool. The diggers arrive in June 2014, and the planned occupation of the new build happens in January 2016.
Karine Jasper’s vision for the school is that it provides an environment that is big enough to offer a wide choice of curriculum, but small enough to have a family feel, family’s being the house system which have also been reintroduced. School is there to train students to what they need, not necessarily what they want – a very important distinction.
Promising plans are already in effect, from the newly designed uniforms (given free to all new students), free bus transport around the locality, social areas outside for students to sit together, a new Heads of Year system, a newly designed logo and a buddy system of year 8 students for all new year 7 arrivals in their important first year at “big” school.
Challenge days also feature on the calendar, these are days where each year group gets to grip with meaty and sometimes uncomfortable age appropriate subjects such as Cyber bullying, Finance skills, Effective team working, and Tackling problems and improving resilience for learning.
These are some of the changes brought in, but how can you really turn around an entire culture? The biggest thing I heard over and over from the students is that they feel heard, their opinion matters, they have a say in the running of the school, and importantly, things are actioned. Starting with the Year 7 teambuilding camping trip to Walesby, allowing the children to bond with each other and get to know the teachers, moving on to year 8’s taking on the responsibility of junior prefects and buddies for y7s, to the electronically recorded ‘Sleuth” reward system, which rewards all children for good behavior, even the children who behave well normally (and are often forgotten about in other schools), up to and including sixth form. There is an expectation that children arrive at school “ready to learn” and that the teachers arrive at school “ready to teach” This culture provides a deliberate agreement between staff 10
Karine has high expectations of her students & the new leadership team, and they are rising to the challenge. One of the big events the students are working on this year is the school production of “Oh What a Lovely War” being performed in 2 venues, Newark of course, and also in Ypres, timed to coincide with the 100 year anniversary celebrations of WW1. Students can also take part in the World Challenge, the 2015 trip taking them to Thailand, to experience a different culture. This could be a life changing experience. Above all the overriding atmosphere at Newark Academy is enthusiasm and pride in the school; I met with 3 members of the student council, Christopher Rollin, Bradley Smart, and Chloe Ellerby. The last word goes to them “Newark Academy is a place where we all have the chance to be the smart people” I think that is praise indeed.
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