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Health & Wellbeing
Tiny Wonders
Six subtle lifestyle adjustments that can elevate you to a place where physical fullness feels a step closer. ONE - Embrace fats - So while bacon, sausage and cake remain off the radar, ‘good fats’ such as avocado, olive oil, nuts and fi sh should be incorporated into meals and snacks as a great method for boosting a base level of fuel and energy within the body.
TWO - Water
carrier - The human body requires around two human body requires around two litres of water each day to function at optimal effi ciency. In simple terms, measured and effi cient intake of H2O means more energy, better complexion and even weight loss, given that drinking the pure stuff suppresses hunger. THREE - Movement - Whilst it sounds straightforward, getting up and moving around is something that’s simple, that’s simple, yet we neglect yet we neglect to do it so to do it so often. Regular often. Regular movement movement means profound means profound and important and important improvements to improvements to overall health. overall health.
FOUR - Sleep - FOUR - Sleep Getting shut-eye Getting shut-eye is the fullest is the fullest and most accomplished system and most accomplished system for the body’s ability to recharge its batteries. The recommendation is for 7-9 hours of sleep every night, with lack of sleep not only impairing body function and mental alertness, but also raising the chance of obesity. FIVE - Simple supplements - Rather than being a cheat for good health, supplements can provide us with timely and measured boosts for all the vitamins and minerals we may be missing from our regular diets.
SIX - Dr Feelgood - As much as the initial focus should be on securing the framework of who we are – our bodies – embarking on projects that provoke mental stimulus and satisfaction are just as important.
At Collingham Dental Practice we are privileged to have an outstanding dental team which we are very proud of. Our excellent dentists are supported by a dedicated team of hygienists, nurses and receptionists who are all here to help you. All our team members are constantly striving to further their knowledge and skills to offer you the most up to date techniques and materials. Treatments include: