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Letter From the Editor

Thank you for picking up the April edition of The USF Encounter “Pop Crush." For the last issue of the semester, we wanted to write about stories that we are passionate about, so you’ll find articles like Josh’s March Madness, my concert guide, Frank’s nostalgic trends and much more.

Working on this issue has been bittersweet for me, as it is my last issue as the Editor-inChief and as a student here at St. Francis. I still remember being asked by the previous Editor, Sarah, if I wanted to become the next Editor. I was hesitant at first to take on the leadership role of the University magazine, but I’m very grateful I said yes. I’m leaving the Encounter in great hands; Alex will be the next Editor-in-Chief and hearing his plans makes me excited for you all. I can’t wait to read his first issue as Editor!


I want to give a big thank you to the staff for their articles, design and sharing their ideas with me. I enjoyed seeing them grow as writers and designers. Thank you to our advisor, Dr. Marshall for helping me when I first took on the role as Editor and guiding me when I had questions. I especially couldn’t have done it without Saba and Noëllie. They put in many hours into creating every issue from attending every meeting, picking up more than one article and spending long hours in the office designing each issue.

Over here at Encounter, we encourage everyone to get involved and whether you know how to design or write, we would love for you to join our team! If you have any questions on how to join us, email theusfencounter@stfrancis.edu.

Be sure to keep up with what we’re doing by following us on social media! You can find us on Facebook (USF Encounter), Instagram (@usf_encounter), TikTok (@ usfencounter) and Twitter (@usf_encounter).

Again, thank you for picking up our April issue “Pop Crush," we hope you have a safe and fun summer!

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