The Bernie Book

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BookBernieTheStudentEngagementPages10-17 & Student Life BookBernieThe August 16, Present:2022

Editorial Board Valerie Reyes valeriereyes@stfrancis.eduEditor-in-Chief Jessica Scroppo Summer Editor-in-Chief & Layout jessicascroppo@stfrancis.eduDesigner Sarah Vandermolen Section @stfrancis.edusarahvandermolenEditor Dr. Scott Marshall smarshall@stfrancis.eduAdvisor4UNIVERSITY Letter from the Editor 8NEWS-9Campus News ENGAGEMENT 8 12 Week 1Schedule 13 Week 2 Schedule 14 Week 3 & 4 Schedule 15 Week 5 Schedule 16 Week 6 & 7 Schedule 17 Week 8 Schedule 25ENTERTAINMENT WCSF Gold Survey & Staff Picks 26 Rate My Professors: Don't Leave It Up to Fate 27 How to Form Your Dorm 28 - 29 iPad vs. Laptop? 30 How to Make Money in College 31FEATURE What I Wish I Knew Four Years Ago 32 - 33 From Us to You 34 Top Five Spots for atPicturesUSF Student led, student written. Staff Writers Saba Aamir Elvia SarahJessicaValerieHannahCardenasMitchellReyesScroppoVandermolen ContributorsLayout Saba CoverAamirPhoto Courtesy of: 2 August 16, 2022


Jessica ScroppoValerie Reyes

Sarah Vandermolen

As a Catholic university rooted in the liberal arts, we are a welcoming community of learners challenged by Franciscan values and charism, engaged in a continuous pursuit of knowledge, faith, wisdom, and justice, and ever mindful of a tradition that emphasizes reverence for creation, compassion and peacemaking. We strive for academic excellence in all programs, preparing women and men to contribute to the world through service and leadership.


The USF Encounter is published by the students of the University of St. Francis, 500 Wilcox Street,Joliet, Illinois, 60435. The newspaper office is located in room S413C of Tower Hall. The USFEncounter phone number is 815.740.3816. As a member of USF Campus Media, the USF Encounter strives to produce a publication that stresses quality writingand design.By reporting on issues that may be sensitive in nature, the USF Encounter aims to educate, inform andpersuade students on topics that affect their lives on and off campus. Editorial pages provide USF Encounter staffwith opportunities to express thoughtful views on controversial topics. Letters to the Editor represent the opinion ofthe author and are not necessarily opinions of the USF Encounter Staff. Publications of letters to the editor are subjectto space availability and management discretion. Letters are also subject to editing. Letters to the editor or anyother submissions may be dropped off at the USF Encounter office or emailed to The USFEncounter is printed by RICOH Services on the campus of the University of St. Francis.

Along with this issue, be sure to keep an eye out as we will be releasing 3 more Encounters throughout the fall semester. To see what the Encounter staff is up to, follow us on Instagram (@usf_encounter) and TikTok (@usfencounter).

I am honored to say that this upcoming semester is my first serving as Editor-in-Chief. I cannot wait to see what this semester holds and look forward to working with the Encounter staff to bring students some great reads in these upcoming months.

All the love, Val Reyes 4 August 16, 2022

Letter From the Editor-in-Chief

Freshmen, transfer and returning students, Welcome to another exciting school year at the University of St. Francis! Thank you for picking up the August issue, “Bernie’s Book.” The USF Encounter teamed up with Student Life to create this edition for both new and returning students as they begin navigating their year on campus.

If you are interested in designing or writing about sports, entertainment, news or student life, we would love for you to join us! Feel free to contact me at for more information.

From all of us here at the Encounter, thank you for picking up this edition, and we hope you enjoy the fifth annual Encounter and Student Life collaboration: “Bernie’s Book.”

The USF Encounter is a student-led and student-written magazine, meaning this issue includes information, tips, and advice from a student’s point of view. If you are a new freshman, there are hints to guide you and help you thrive at St. Francis. Inside, you will find a full list of events happening in the first eight weeks of the semester (Engagement 8), information on USF clubs, interviews from other students and articles written by our staff to ensure you’re in the loop for the first few weeks of school. 5

Various departments and clubs have been working all summer to plan activities and events during the allimportant first half of the fall semester. We know if you get engaged on campus early through joining clubs and attending events (especially if you are a new student), you are more likely to succeed here (higher GPAs and higher graduation rates). I know I can speak for the campus community when I say that we want you to be a part of these offerings and the best way to do that is to open this magazine, pick a few things you are interested in and put them on your calendar now. The way to make this a great year is by taking part, not looking back and wishing you had branched out and tried new things. If you have any questions, ideas or things you want to see, come visit us in Student Life, Motherhouse 150. We cannot wait to meet you!

Sincerely, Mollie Rockafellow Dean of Student Life

It is our pleasure to welcome you to the University of St. Francis! As a member of our vibrant campus community, you can expect many exciting experiences in the years ahead. At USF, you will be able to broaden your horizons, develop leadership skills, make lifelong friends, learn real-world skills and have fun. You can participate in a wide array of activities and events planned by our clubs and organizations. Take a look through this magazine and pick out a few activities and events that interest you and GO! Getting involved can sometimes seem overwhelming, but what harm can come from trying? Take the chance if it seems interesting or if your curiosity is piqued! College is an amazing and unforgettable time where you will grow in ways you never Forexpected.whatever reason, if you don't see something you're interested in from the list of activities (which we highly doubt), make sure to visit us in Student Life-Motherhouse 150 so that we can hear your ideas. Once again, welcome and we can't wait to meet you!


Letters From Student Life Students,Dear Students, 6 16, 2022

Welcome back to USF. We are excited to have you as a part of the USF family! There are many great activities and learning opportunities planned for you. I just have one request, JUMP IN!

Sincerely, Nechawn Johnson Student Life Coordinator

This is an easy-to-follow guide for getting involved on campus up until fall break. It is unlikely that there will be another time in your life where opportunities will be planned for you, that new experiences will be right around the corner or that services and professional staff members will be excited for you to be a part of what they have to offer. Whether it be joining a club, starting a new club, volunteering in the community or getting a part-time job in a campus office, DO IT! Do not wait, and do not hesitate.

Sunday, August 21, 2022 7

The University of St. Francis has officially ended its tuition freeze. As of July 20, 2022, tuition statements emailed to students have shown an increase in tuition from the fall 2021 rate. As of 2021, the rate for one semester of full time tuition was $17,500. 2022’s tuition statements show an increase of $500 with full time tuition rising to The$18,000.University of St. Francis froze tuition and housing prices in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic. Students have paid the 2020 rate for the past 2 years.


By: Staff


According to the University of St. Francis' Statement of Activities Year Ended May 31, 2021, tuition and fee revenue totaled University$64,223,123.ofSt.Francis’ tax return for year 2020 states the reportable compensation for the top 5 positions at the university range from $140,000 to over $400,000.


Tuition Increases Beginning Fall 2022 Semester

University of St. Francis’ radio station, WCSF 88.7 FM, is seeking donations. The station hosts an annual Mega Music Rummage Sale each fall. All donated media is available to collectors and the public through the sale. Acceptable donations include: vinyl, 8-tracks, cassettes, VHS tapes, DVDs, sheet music, comic books, instruments and other media. For more information on donations or the rummage sale, contact WCSF at 815-740-3697.

Pictured left: Tables of records and donated media at the 2021 Mega Music Rummage Sale.LozanoCosmeofCourtesyPhoto Mega Music Rummage Sale Donations


8 August 16, 2022


Joliet’s Memorial Stadium is installing new turf for its field. Joliet Park District began installing the new turf in July. The original turf was previously installed in The2010.University of St. Francis hosts both football, soccer and track and field at the stadium, now named Busey Bank Field. Joliet Park District director Brad Staab states the field and stadium are occupied 300 days of the year. The stadium has become a prominent part of Joliet since it was built in 1950. According to the Joliet Patch, the new turf is estimated to cost around $560,000, and the old turf will be recycled. Joliet Memorial Stadium officially reopened August 1. For more information on programs and events at Joliet Memorial Stadium, visit


Those recognized on the men's basketball team finished the 2021-2022 academic year with a cumulative grade point average of 3.20 or higher. The Saints were also recognized with an NABC Team Academic Excellence Award for holding a team grade point average of 3.27 through the 2021-2022 academic year.

Matt Attard, Joey Buggemi, EJ Charles, Carter Fayhee, Lewis Holey, Jake Karli, Bymnet Tecle, Russell Tillery and Darius Wright were all named to Honors Court.

To qualify, a team must have at least a 3.0 OverGPA.2,000 players in total earned placement in the NABC Honors Court.

Photo Courtesy of milanite via


USF Saints Basketball Ranks Top 12 in NABC Honors

Nine players of the University of St. Francis' basketball team were recently named to the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) Honors Court for 2021-2022.


Joliet Memorial Stadium Project Installs New Turf

Engagement Office of Student Life presents Activities Schedule: The First 8 Weeks 10 August 16, 2022

Engagement 8 WELCOMEBERNIE'SWEEK www.stfrancis.eduPhotos: August 22 August 23 August 24 August 25 August 26 11

Engagement 8 SUNDAY, AUGUST 21 • Welcome Back BBQ, SAB-RHAStudent Life-Quest Dining, 6:00 p.m., The Quad • Sunday Mass and Fellowship, University Ministry, 5:00 p.m., St. Joseph Chapel, Motherhouse MONDAY, AUGUST 22 • First Day of Classes • Bonfire, Student Activities Board, 7:00 p.m., The Quad TUESDAY, AUGUST 23 • Welcome Week Free Smoothies, Student Ac tivities Board, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m., The Bistro • Bonfire, Student Activities Board, 7:00 p.m., The Quad WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24 • Stuff a Plush/Gourmet USF Cookies, Student Activities Board, TBD • Auditions for Schola Cantorum, Bring your favorite song to sing, and we will help with the rest! 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m., PAC 101, Come as you can or schedule by emailing: Week 1 First Week of Classes 12 August 16, 2022


Finding On-Campus Jobs for First Generation College Students, Office of Institutional Diversity and Career Success Center, 3:30 p.m-4:30 p.m., Moes Room - Tower Hall Justice League at USF Introductory Meeting, 7:00 p.m., San Damiano Campus Safety Awareness Week Mocktail Party, RHA and Campus Safety are teaming up to host a mocktail dance party in the Abbey, Student Life and Safety and Security, 7:00p.m., The Abbey , Ministry, 7:00 p.m., St. Joseph Chapel, Motherhouse (EVERY

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 • Add/Drop Deadline SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 • Sunday Mass and Fellowship

WCSF Recruitment Event, Seeking volunteer talent for on-air broadcasting and radio station oper ations, Radio Club, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Uno Lounge Start of Semester Esports Open Lab, USF Esports, 4:30 p.m.-7:00p.m., Esports Lab

See Bernie

Join us for a donut tower, visit with JPD and try your hand at driving the security golf cart! Student Life and Safety and Security Department, 12:30 p.m., The Quad Student Government Association Meeting, 8:00 p.m., San Damiano

Finding On-Campus Jobs for First Generation College Students, Office of Institutional Di versity and Career Success Center, 2:00 p.m-3:00 p.m., Moes Room - Tower Hall


Campus Safety Awareness Week Pop-Up, Student Life and Safety and Security, All Day, and call it in to win a prize!


SUNDAY DURING THE ACADEMIC YEAR) Week 2 www.stfrancis.eduPhotos: 13

Campus Safety Awareness Week Kick Off,




The Quad • Mental Health Awareness Week Table, St. Clare Lobby 1st Floor

Engagement 8


MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Justice League at USF, 7:00 p.m., SEPTEMBER Government Association Fair are welcome 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.,

C305 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 • Mental Health Awareness Week Table, Uno Lounge WEDNESDAY,

Game Night, Justice League at USF, 7:00 p.m., C305 Student Government Association Meeting, 8:00 p.m., San Damiano Coffee and Conversation - Calling All , Office of Institutional Diversity, 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m., , Justice League at USF, 7:00 p.m., C305

, All students

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER Fellowship University Ministry, 7:00 p.m., St. Joseph Chapel, Motherhouse

University Ministry, 7:00 p.m., St. Joseph Chapel, Week 4


7 • Student

forgofightingsaints.comVisitsportsschedules Week 3 14 August 16, 2022

to walk around the Quad and learn about student clubs,

11 • Sunday Mass and


5 • Labor Day - No Classes • Game Night,

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 • Game Night, Justice League at USF, 7:00 p.m., C305 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 • Coffee and Careers, Career Success Center, 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Career Success Center N204 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 • Coffee and Conversation - Calling All International and American Students, Office of Institutional Diversity, 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m., USF Cultural Center Motherhouse 164 • Club Event, Justice League at USF, 7:00 p.m., C305 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 • Homecoming Tailgate, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Joliet Memorial Stadium, located at 300 West Jefferson Street (Route 52) in Joliet SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 125 • Sunday Mass and Fellowship, University Ministry, 7:00 p.m., St. Joseph Chapel, Motherhouse (EVERY SUNDAY DURING THE ACADEMIC YEAR) Week 5 Check out the student activities board for more oninformationHomecoming events! Homecoming Week www.stfrancis.eduPhotos: 15




• Student

Week 6 www.stfrancis.eduPhotos: 16 August 16, 2022

Game Night, Justice League at USF, 7:00 p.m., C305 Government Association Meeting, 8:00 p.m., San Damiano

Coffee and Conversation - Calling All International and American Students, Office of Institutional Diversity, 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m., USF Cultural Center Motherhouse 164 Club Event, Justice League at USF, 7:00 p.m., C305


Engagement 8

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2 Sunday Mass and Fellowship, University Ministry, 7:00 p.m., St. Joseph Chapel, Motherhouse (EVERY

Game Night, Justice League at USF, 7:00 p.m., C305 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 Coffee and Careers, Career Success Center, 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Career Success Center N204 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 Coffee and Conversation - Calling All International and American Students, Office of Institutional Diversity, 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m., USF Cultural Center Motherhouse 164 Club Event, Justice League at USF, 7:00 p.m., C305

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 Fall Interview Day for Accounting and Finance Majors, Career Success Center, Invite Only, Apply by Mid-September at the CSC

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9 Sunday Mass and Fellowship, University Ministry, 7:00 p.m., St. Joseph Chapel, Motherhouse (EVERY SUNDAY DURING THE ACADEMIC YEAR)

MONDAY, OCTOBER 10 • Game Night, Justice League at USF, 7:00 p.m., C305 • Student Government Association Meeting, 8:00 p.m., San Damiano THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 • Coffee and Conversation - Calling All International and American Students, Office of Institutional Diversity, 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m., Week 8 17

Lunch: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


Brunch:Saturday-Sunday11:00a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Dinner: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Monday-Thursday: 5:30 p.m. -10:00 p.m. Friday: 2:30 p.m. -10:00 p.m. Saturday: Closed Sunday: 7:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m. *Swipes end at 9:30 p.m.

Mon-Thurs: 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Father Terry's Weekly Mass Schedule



Breakfast: 7:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m.

Monday-Thursday Dinner: 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Friday Dinner: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m

LaVerne & Dorothy Brown Library Hours

18 August 16, 2022

Bookstore Hours

tr: Immaculate conception chapel at st. clare campus, 12:15 p.m.

Fri: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Sat: Sun:Closed3:00p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Library main level commons open 24/7 with ID card swipe

Mon-Thurs: 9 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fri: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Sun: st. joseph's chapel, 7 p.m.


MTF: St. joseph's chapel. 12:15 p.m. w: tower hall chapel, 12:15 p.m.

Monday-Friday: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: Closed

7:00 a.m. 7:20 a.m. 7:40 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:20 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:20 a.m. 9:40 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:20 a.m. 10:40 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:20 a.m. 11:40 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:20 p.m. 12:40 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:20 p.m. 1:40 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:20 p.m. 2:40 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

All times are based on departure from the St. Clare Campus.


» All times are subject to change due to traffic, bridges, etc. After 6 p.m., call Safety & Security at 815-740-3200 for escort.

7:10 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 7:50 a.m. 8:10 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:50 a.m. 9:10 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:50 a.m. 10:10 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:10 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 11:50 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 12:50 p.m. 1:10 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 1:50 p.m. 2:10 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 2:50 p.m. 3:15 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:45 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 5:45 p.m. St. Bonaventure Campus to Main Campus Shuttle Schedule

» All times are subject to change due to traffic, bridges, etc. 19 SHuTTLE SCHEDULES

7:00 a.m. 7:20 a.m. 7:40 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:20 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:20 a.m. 9:40 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:20 a.m. 10:40 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:20 a.m. 11:40 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:20 p.m. 12:40 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:20 p.m. 1:40 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:20 p.m. 2:40 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Main Campus to St. Clare Campus Shuttle Schedule

» All times are subject to change due to traffic, bridges, etc. After 6 p.m., call Safety & Security at 815-740-3200 for escort.



7:10 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 7:50 a.m. 8:10 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:50 a.m. 9:10 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:50 a.m. 10:10 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:10 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 11:50 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 12:50 p.m. 1:10 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 1:50 p.m. 2:10 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 2:50 p.m. 3:15 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:45 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 5:45 p.m. St. Clare Campus to Main Campus Shuttle Schedule


All times are based on departure from the Main Campus.


Main Campus to St. Bonaventure Campus Shuttle Schedule » All times are based on departure from the Main Campus. » All times are subject to change due to traffic, bridges, etc. After 6 p.m., call Safety & Security at 815-740-3200 for escort.

After 6 p.m., call Safety & Security at 815-740-3200 for escort.


» All times are based on departure from the St. Bonaventure Campus.

↑ N P3 TAYLOR STREET JERSEY AVENUE DOUGLAS STREET STREETNICHOLSONSTREETNICHOLSON STREETWILCOX STREETCLEMENT STREETDIXON WHITNEYAVENUE PLAINFIELDROAD/U.S.30 12 11 10 13 6 9 7 8 2 3 1 15 16 14 5 4 USF’s main campus is located in Joliet’s historic Cathedral Area. There are two additional Joliet campuses: one to the northwest of main campus, and one to the southeast in the downtown area. ST. BONAVENTURE CAMPUS (16-18 W. Van Buren Street) Center for Art & Design (5 E. Van Buren St.) Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center (16–18 W. Van Buren St. ) › Mock Trial Courtroom › COBHA Business Incubator USF Art Gallery (25 E. Van Buren St.) ST. CLARE CAMPUS (1550 Plainfield Rd.) › Assembly Hall › Franciscan Center › Guardian Angel Hall › Business Offices › Cecily & John Leach College of Nursing › Enrollment Services › Human Resources › Marketing Services 500 Wilcox Street, Joliet, Illinois 60435 » 800-735-7500 » USF MAIN CAMPUS Detailed Buildings, Structures & Parking 1121 LotStreetWilcox CenterRecreationLot StreetDouglasLot LotMotherhouse LotLibrary Taylor Street Lot NorthTaylor Street Lot South HallScienceLot RoadPlainfieldLot 500 Wilcox Street, Joliet, IL 60435 1 The Motherhouse & Welcome Center First Floor › Bernie’s Pub › Cyber Café › Fireside Lounge › Student Activities › Three Oaks Bistro Second Floor › Alumni & Parent Relations › Institutional Advancement › Institutional Diversity › International Programs › President’s Office › Saints Ambassadors › AdmissionsUndergraduate › Welcome Center Third Floor › Motherhouse Residences › St. Joseph Chapel › University Ministry 2 Donovan Hall First Floor › College of Education Second Floor › College of Education › Conference Rooms A & B › Regional LeadershipAcademyEducationfor(“REAL”) Third Floor › Executive Conference Room › San Damiano Hall 3 Maintenance Housekeeping& 4 Grotto 5 Greenhouse 6 Margaret (Kennedy ‘69) & William C. Benoit Commons 7 Pavilion 8 Pat RecreationSullivanCenter 9 LaVerne & Dorothy Brown Science Hall First Floor › Banks-Bellah Lecture Hall 10 Harold & Margaret Moser Performing Arts Center › James & Patricia Sexton Auditorium › Sue Manner Turk Theater 11 USF Barnes & Noble Bookstore 12 Tower Hall First Floor › Circle Drive Entrance › Centennial Collage › Commuter Lounge › Graduate Admissions › Moes Room › Moser Lounge › Presidents Room › RICOH Document and Mail Center › Saints Snack Shop › Sisters of St. Francis Honor Wall › Quest Food Service › Terrace Café › Uno Lounge Second Floor › Career Success Center › College of Arts & Sciences › College of Business & Health Administration › Wellness Center › Zeller Conference Room Third Floor › Financial Aid › Provost’s Office › Registrar’s Office Fourth Floor › Digital Audio Recording Arts Studio › Mac Lab › TV Station › WCSF 88.7 FM Radio Station 13 Safety & Security 14 Marian Residence Hall › Brenton and Jean Wadsworth Abbey & Student Commons › Information Technology › Residence Education 15 LaVerne & Dorothy Brown Library › Academic Resource Center (ARC) › Archives › Center for Instructional Design › Wadsworth Family Commons 16 Challenge Course 20 August 16, 2022

1015369142581311116471212A DCB 11 10 13 9 8 7 2 3 1 151614 5 6 4 GuardianAngel A423512 A 3 5 1 4 THEODORE STREET J TO NORTH RIDGE PLAZAMAINENTRANCE PLAINFIELDROAD/U.S.30 USF EmergencyShuttleParkingNon-USFBuildingBuildingLots/DrivewaysBusStopCodeBlueGuardian Angel Hall (GAH) Assembly Hall (ASMBLY) FranciscanAnnex Learning Center (FLC) Clare’sGrotto Garden s N St. Clare Campus | 1550 Plainfield Road 231 2 3 1 The Motherhouse & Welcome Center Donovan Hall (DONV) Maintenance & Housekeeping MargaretGreenhouseGrotto(Kennedy ‘69) & William C. Benoit Commons PatPavilionSullivan Recreation Center LaVerne & Dorothy Brown Science Hall (BROWN) Harold & Margret Moser Performing Arts Center (PAC) USF Barnes & Noble Bookstore Tower Hall (NORTH) (SOUTH) Safety & Security Marian Residence Hall (MARI) LaVerne & Dorothy Brown Library (LIBR) Challenge Course DCBA Terrace Café Saints Snack Shop Three Oaks Bistro Bernie’s Pub s N TAYLOR STREET JERSEY AVENUE DOUGLAS STREET STREETNICHOLSONSTREETNICHOLSONSTREETWILCOX STREETCLEMENT STREETDIXONWHITNEYAVENUE PLAINFIELDROAD/U.S.30M P3 HallScienceLotWilcoxStreetLot CenterRecreationLot RoadPlainfieldLot StreetDouglasLot LotMotherhouse LotLibrary Taylor Street Lot NorthTaylor Street Lot South Main Campus | 500 Wilcox Street 500 Wilcox Street, Joliet, Illinois 60435 » 800-735-7500 » USF CAMPUS MAPS & BUILDING CODES For Course Schedules 1121 Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center (STBON) Center for Art & Design (RIALTO) USF Art Gallery CLINTON JEFFERSONSTREETSTREET VAN BUREN STREET STREETCHICAGO STREETSCOTTSTREETOTTAWA s N GarageParking St. Bonaventure Campus | 16-18 W. Van Buren Street 21

www.stfrancis.eduFlyer: 22 August 16, 2022 23 Student Nurses Association (SNA) Students for Life * Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow * Therapeutic Recreation Club (T-Rex) * Unidos Vamos a Alcanzar (United We Will Achieve) (UVA) USF History Club USF TV Club Yoga Club USF CLUBS AfterMath Asian American Student Association (AASA) Black Student Association (BSA) Brother to Brother (B2B) * The Canine Crew * CommuterComputerAssistantsClub Council for Environmental Awareness ^ Criminal Justice & Pre-Law Society Dead Poets FellowshipDesc[ART]esSocietyClubTheEncounterofChristianAthletes (FCA) F. R. E. E. Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) International Club Justice League of USF Late Night Crew Mighty Minds Muslim Student Association National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) Philosophy Club Pre-Healthcare Association (PHA) Psychology Club Radio ResidenceRecreationClubClubHallAssociationSaintsforProgress*SaintsInAction(SIA) Scientific Research Club Students Collaborating through Accounting Leadership and Education for Success (S.C.A.L.E.S.) Sister 2 Sister (S2S) ^ Social Work Club St. Francis Conservatives * Student Activities Board (SAB) Student Athletic Advisor Committee (SAAC)* Student Business Association (SBA) Student Government Association (SGA)*=inactive^=dormant


The University of St. Francis is committed to full adherence to the Title IX law. are here to support and protect you. If you feel that your Title IX rights have been violated, or if you are unsure, connect with Allison

Heard. Allison Heard Title IX Coordinator Location Motherhouse 148 Phone 815-740-5025 Email Title IX Information & Resources

All reports are acted upon


While every effort is made by the University to preserve the privacy of reports, only a small group of officials who need to know will be told.

24 August 16, 2022 Sexual Assault is Sex or Gender-Based Discrimination What’s Title IX? Laws protecting you from sex or gender-based discrimination in: • Academics • Activities • Admissions • Athletics • Employment • Financial Assistance • Housing • Recruitment What’s the law? Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” What does that mean? Title IX violations include: • Sexual harassment • Sex or gender-based discrimination • Sexual violence including sexual assault

covers everyone! Confidentiality

What can you do?

Title IX

WCSFofcourtesyArtwork MONTHLY “I Like You (A Happier Song)”Post Malone, Doja Cat "If I Can Dream” Elvis Presley “Until I Found You” Stephen Sanchez "Eyes Without A Face”Billy Idol “Fireproof” One Direction “Bad Habit” Steve Lacy “Champion” Kanye West “I'm Legit”Nicki Minaj “Choking on Flowers”Fox Academy “TV” Billie Eilish “Me Porto Bonito” Bad Bunny, Chencho Corleone The USF Encounter Staff took to Spotify and shared their favorite songs from this month in their "Monthly Staff Picks" playlist Want to hear Spotify!usFollowmore?on Staff Picks THE TOP SOUNDSUNDERGROUNDOFJOLIET 1. “Sometimes, Forever” SOCCCER MOMMY 2. "Bleed Here Now” ...AND YOU WILL KNOW US BY THE TRAIL OF DEAD 3. “Beatopia” BEABADOOBEE 4. "Formentera” METRIC 5. “Scared Together” [Single] SILVERSUN PICKUPS 6. “MUNA” MUNA 7. “Gemini Rights” STEVE LACY 8. “Household Name” MOMMA 9. “Happening” LAUNDER 10. “Pay Attention To Meeee” BOY JR Week Ending July 19, 2022 DJ SPOTLIGHT 25 WCSF RADIO 88.7 FM -- WCSF.STREAMON.FM -ELVIA CARDENAS DE QUE LADO NOON-2 PM Wednesdays Your New Music Discovery Station Gold Survey Listen On

On the website, finding ratings is as easy as entering your school’s name: University of St. Francis. From there, several professors are listed on the website. You can even type in professors by name. A great way to narrow down your search is to view the course catalog and find specific classes you need and compare what professors are offered. Each professor is given an overall rating out of 5. You probably want to stick with teachers with a rating of 3.5 or higher. There is also a “Would Take Again” percentage rating and “Level of Difficulty” out of 5. These rankings are also important factors to take into consideration. It’s a good idea to read through each review’s commentary to learn about experiences others have had in the classroom.

According to, “Users have added more than 19 million ratings, 1.7 million professors and over 7,500 schools to Rate My Professors.”

If you’re getting a bad vibe right off the bat, it’s best to drop a class to get a refund as soon as possible and add a different class that will apply to your degree.

Whether you’re just starting out on your academic journey, or picking classes for your final semester, referencing Rate My Professors can help you create the best possible schedule.

Getting a less than great teacher is not the end of the world. A useful tip from states, “Often, the cure for a bad professor is simply switching classes. Find out from your registrar when the deadline for switching classes is, and if there are any other professors teaching the same class.”

: Don't Leave It Up to Fate

Don’t leave it up to fate!,Photos:

By: Jessica Scroppo Layout Designer Going through grade school and high school, your teachers were most likely assigned to you. Each class had a specific teacher, and there weren’t options to choose from. You heard terrible things about him? She gave out the worst tests and quizzes? You were out of luck. That isn’t the case in college. Although you may feel you’re blindly selecting your schedule, there is a useful tool available online to help you choose wisely. Rate My Professors is a website where present and past students can leave uninhibited reviews on their teachers.

26 August 16, 2022

By Sarah Vandermolen Section Editor

However, if I had to guess, I’d say there’s a chance you didn’t buy at least one of these dorm room essentials!

A Broom or Vacuum Cleaner

Again, this may seem a little obvious, but of course you’re going to need something to hang your clothes with. An easy reminder to pack your hangers is to add one to a box for every item you take out of your closet. However, make sure to bring extra! There’s no doubt you’re going to go shopping at some point while you’re at school. Plus, St. Francis is always handing out free shirts. Pretty soon, you’re going to have way too many shirts and nowhere to put them. Knickknacks and Decorations

Okay, this may seem a little silly, but hear me out! You would not believe how often you’ll need a good pair of scissors. Can’t open a package? A teacher has you doing arts and crafts? Stupid tag won’t come off on that new shirt you’re just dying to wear? Scissors, scissors, scissors!

You probably think you already bought everything you absolutely need for your dorm room. You’ve got sheets, towels, twinkle lights, etc. What more could there be?

This is probably the most important thing to remember when you’re packing for college. You’re going to want things that remind you of home, or things that make you feel at home! Whether it’s taking some posters off your bedroom wall and putting them up in your dorm, or buying some cute things from the store, don’t forget to make your dorm your own. Find a way to bring yourself comfort and peace in your new space. I hope you found this guide useful and have added some things to your list. If you’re a freshman or transfer student, welcome to the University of St. Francis. For all my returning classmates, welcome home!


I know what you’re thinking: “Why would I need either of these things in a dorm room?” However, after spending one week in your dorm, you’ll be running out to get one. Whether your room has tile flooring or carpet, dust and dirt are going to build up—and fast. It's no fun walking around your room and stepping on all the junk you bring in every day. Cleaning Supplies This might be hard to believe, but just like your bedroom at home, dorms get dirty too! There’s no harm in having some disinfectant wipes, glass cleaner and paper towels on hand. Keep your mirror nice and sparkly to avoid leaving your room wearing a fashion disaster. Wipe down your surfaces regularly so you don’t unintentionally invite some creepy crawlers into your room. Cleaning will also eliminate most germs you bring into your home away from home!

A Mini First-Aid Kit

Sadly, your parents aren’t going to be around anymore to patch up your boo-boos. A responsible adult should always have some first-aid supplies with them. Now, don’t go out and buy some massive kit that’s meant to be used in a hospital. I’ve found that the bare minimum essentials include: band-aids, pain reliever, Tums and some alcohol wipes. If you want to, you can buy all these items separately and put them in a little bag of your choosing! Scissors

This is an everyday essential that many people don’t think about, but you’ll be frantically reaching to find a pair when you need them.

A Bunch of Hangers

How To Form Your Dorm

As the 2022-2023 school year inches closer and closer, it's time to start deciding what technology is best for school. In previous years, the obvious answer would’ve been a laptop, but as technology has grown, a new alternative has been introduced creating a tricky decision for students… Should they invest in an iPad or a laptop for their college education? This decision comes down to who you are as a student. What are you majoring in? Are you more efficient with touch screen technology? What is your budget? All these questions and more are necessary when considering what device will give you the most bang for your buck.

According to the, “We’ve reached an inflection point: For many common computing tasks, the divide between iPads and laptops is more generational than functional.” Younger generations are used to touchscreen-based interactions, which has led to a greater familiarity with devices like the TheiPad.iPad is a good choice for students doing more research, note taking and writing. Because of this, majors such as English, Photography and STEM would greatly benefit from this product. Overall, iPads are better at performing basic tasks at your fingertips.


By: Hannah Mitchell Staff Writer vs.

If you are interested in downsizing to an iPad, this is worth reading. If you attach a keyboard to an iPad, it allows for an identical and cheaper alternative to a laptop… right? The iPad allows for a lightweight touch screen option which can be very useful for many students.

28 August 16, 2022

University of St. Francis senior Jessica Scroppo states,“I have an iPad Air and a MacBook Pro. I think a MacBook is best for doing schoolwork, submitting documents and working on Adobe programs. I use my iPad more for drawing on Procreate, playing games and watching shows. If you’re not using the iPad for note taking or drawing, I’d definitely go for a MacBook.”

If looking for a basic, cost-efficient experience with a large focus on note taking and research, your best bet is to go with an iPad. You can get creative with the optional additions of a keyboard attachment or stylus. If you’re more interested in a device that will cover all bases and process big software, a laptop is worth the larger end up choosing, make it work for you!


However, it's also important to keep in mind maturity and responsibility when buying an iPad. One must be good at separating work from play. An iPad allows an enjoyable experience for its user with access to games, drawing, video watching, social media and much more. These features are convenient and accessible, but it can be very easy to close out of a Google document and click on Netflix. Some may need a defining line in a product for work vs. play so this issue doesn't occur. To some, it may be a huge factor when choosing. Think a better fit would be going with a typical laptop? Here's what can be gained. Starting off with the obvious, purchasing a laptop allows for a bigger screen and more durability. If one’s major consists of large software or spreadsheet usage, a laptop is your best bet. Laptops allow for better multitasking and quicker functionality on a daily basis.

? 29

College is an expensive time. Between tuition, gas, insurance, food and trying to buy things we actually enjoy, it seems impossible to keep money in the bank. The only way for students to afford their lives is to work, work and work some more. It sometimes seems impossible— especially when we see internet influencers making a month’s worth of work in one brand deal. It isn’t enough to work one job, especially with living expenses skyrocketing. Thinking of different ways to earn income can help decrease worry and increase fun. One way to earn money is simply by having a job. Part-time jobs, like fast-food or retail, are the most realistic fit for a college lifestyle. Although these jobs are not glamorous, they offer a consistent paycheck for your hours. One benefit of these jobs that is often overlooked is the fact that many have tuition reimbursement.

How to Make Money in College 30 August 16, 2022

Besides jobs, there are easy ways to make money at home. Reselling has become a popular business venture for those visiting thrift stores or garage sales. As a college student, you don’t have to go that far. You can simply look around your room or dorm. Apps like Mercari, eBay or Poshmark make it easy to photograph and list items for resale. Once sold, you can drop items off at UPS or your local post office. Money earned can be spent on the apps or transferred to your bank account. It’s easy and can help you sell clutter you already Lastly,have. an option to make money is filing for class action settlements. This money won’t be immediate but is a way to earn a few extra dollars months or years later. It all adds up. According to, Facebook’s recent class action lawsuit awarded money to users out of a $650 million settlement. I myself received a check for $397— that’s after passively filing a claim in 2020. There are many websites that offer a listing of possible class actions to sign up for. It never hurts to try, and you might be surprised by the amount you get! Today, it costs more to live and more to enjoy our experiences. It’s always a good idea to think of different ways to get your bag up so you feel comfortable in any financial situation!

Another work option may be part-time internships. However, many companies use the term “internship” as a ploy to get free work. Experience is important for a resume, but it’s also important that college students do not get taken advantage of. It’s only fair that whatever you’re doing, you’re getting compensated. Your time IS worth something, even as a college student. Unless you’re working an internship with a guaranteed job at the end, make sure you’re gaining something for your time.

I worked at Chipotle Mexican Grill for almost 2 years and was reimbursed $2,500 each semester I was employed. According to, other companies like Apple, McDonald’s, FedEx and Home Depot offer tuition reimbursement (just to name a few). If you’re doing the work and putting in the time, you might as well get part of your tuition paid for.

By: Jessica Scroppo Layout Designer

www.emojipedia.orgPhotos: 31

As if choosing a college wasn’t stressful enough, there can be a lot of pressure when it comes to choosing a major. If you’re not confident in your major, that’s okay! Whether you lost interest in what you thought you wanted to study or have no idea what to study, now is your time to explore. Research different career paths or take a few different courses. If you have to change your major two or three times to find what you’re

By: Val AsEditor-in-ChiefReyesIentermysenior

passionate about, do what is best for you. I had no idea what I wanted to major in up until my junior year. Now, I enjoy what I do and cannot wait to see what the future holds. Before the University of St. Francis, I had the advantage of attending community college for about two and a half years. In community college, not only was I able to get my general education courses out of the way, but it also saved me money in tuition and living expenses.

According to, “If you start at a two-year school, earning your general education credits or getting an associate’s degree and completing half the credits usually needed for a fouryear degree, you could save $10,000 or more, depending on where you attend school.” If possible, ask your advisor if you can take general education courses at a community college during the summer to help save, and you might even be able to graduate early. Most importantly, take care of yourself throughout these four or more years. Look after your mental and physical health. Be sure to get rest, keep in touch with family and friends, and never be afraid to ask for help. Finally, make the most out of these exciting few years because in a blink of an eye, you’ll be graduating.

year of college, I can’t help but think back to when I was a nervous, clueless, excited and stressed freshman starting a new chapter in my life. Throughout these four years, I’ve learned many things I wish I knew before I started this journey. So, here are a few things that might help you during your four years in college. This is your time to break out of your bubble. Have you been wanting to change your sense of style? Try new things? Make new friends? Get involved as much as possible, join clubs, make friends with people in your classes, go to sporting events, attend events happening on campus, and talk to your instructors. Now is the time to start making connections and friendships that can last a lifetime. This is the perfect time to learn and try new things—you might even find out a few new things about yourself.

What I Wish I Knew Four Years Ago

love helping others to make memories in college. My goal is to be there for the freshmen—I was once in the position of not knowing what college was like too!

AND of course, get involved. Trust me, I know it is easier said than done, but getting involved truly helps build your character and build relationships with others (all of which will help once you go into the professional world of work). It can be as simple as sitting down next to someone new in class that you have not met yet.

32 August 16, 2022

Name: Taylor Petz

By: Saba Aamir Staff Writer

As a freshman at USF, I got involved as an athlete on the women’s golf team.

From Us

Sophomore year, I began to become more involved in student life activities as President of Student Activities Board. Ever since, I have been involved with other student life clubs including: Student Government as Vice President of Student Endeavors, Servant Leader for the College of Business and Health Administration, my position in Peer Ministry, and a RA for Peer Ministry (to name a few!). I

Tips For Incoming Freshmen: Get to know your Professors and plan out your weeks of studying. College is all about work/life balance! If you learn this early on in college, it will help you as you go to start working an internship or in the real world after college.

Lastly, enjoy it. There will be ups and downs of college. As I go into my senior year, I have realized that I am not the same person I was 3 years ago, and that’s okay. We change in college, and it is a part of life so learn to become proud of the person you become by making the right decisions. It can be confusing at first, but you will figure it out. If you can’t, you can always find an upperclassman to help guide you!

Major(s): Management & International Business Year: Senior Involvement:

I got more involved on campus by going to the different events offered by USF. Going to different events brought me new friends and connections that led to opportunities like being a part of the Orientation Board and other clubs.

Tips For Incoming Freshmen: Your four years will go by so quickly! Take advantage of all the activities and events USF has to offer. Going to events hosted by the school and joining clubs is the best way to meet new people. It’ll also give you free trips and transportation to fun places like downtown Chicago! Get out of your comfort zone. That’s usually where you create the best memories! ;)

Name: Bryan Ennis Major(s): Digital Audio Recording Arts Year: Senior Involvement:


To You

Name: Sarah Vandermolen

Name: Allison Heard

Advice For Incoming Freshmen: Set a steady pace for yourself. Don't try to rush things. College will last at least four years. Also, do not try to date the first person who shows interest in you. Not everything that sounds good, is good for you. If someone truly likes you, they will let you prioritize your studies first. What characteristics can help a student achieve success at USF?: You have to be willing to ask for help. It is not a sign of weakness but of strength. Love yourself and every little flaw and imperfection. Have faith. When things seem to go array, just breathe. Just breathe!

Major(s): Communication & Media Arts Year: Senior

During freshman year, I was a little scared to get involved in any clubs because I didn’t really know anyone. I wasn’t sure if I would have time for anything more than my classes. Because I started as a communication major, I heard a lot about the media clubs on campus since the first day of school. The USF Encounter caught my attention, and I’ve been writing for them ever since. I’ve loved every second of being a part of the club, especially when I was Editor-in-Chief. Being more heavily involved with the paper was the best choice I ever made.

Tips For Incoming Freshmen: My biggest tip for incoming freshmen is to take time and have fun. During my freshman year, I was so set on getting my work done before letting myself do anything enjoyable. Due to COVID-19, I didn’t get to have my first full year in college until the fall of 2021, which happened to be my junior year. Because I knew I was graduating early, I wanted to do all the things I missed out on and more. I began being way more social and attended so many more events on campus. I even skipped some of my classes every now and then to go out with friends or to just take a well deserved nap (emphasis on ‘some’ classes). I stopped worrying so much about school, school, school and instead focused on how I could make the most of these four short years. I’m happy with the decisions I’ve made. Hopefully by the end of your 4 years, you’ll be able to look back and say the same!

Occupation: Director of Institutional Diversity and Title IX Coordinator


in the Quad

#5 The Quad So far, we've listed every shot that can be captured during the day time. What about the night time? USF can leave you speechless as the campus transforms into a different world with night lights among the walking path in the Quad. If you ask me, it’s one of the must do’s here at USF.

#2 The Motherhouse Steps

Tables Outside the Library The Quad in FallBenches

For a more aesthetic school pride look, try the Motherhouse steps. It might be a little awkward at first, but the flexibility between formal and silly is endless. Plus, the lighting will always be good during the sunny spring days.

Top Five Spots for Pictures at USF

#1 USF School Sign

Why not show school pride by taking a group photo in front of the school sign, particularly the one in front of Motherhouse made of stone. Although it might seem a little cheesy and overdone, the memories you will make will be worth capturing. If you take a before and after picture from freshman to senior year, you will really be able to see how the time flew by!

#4 The Random Corner Outside Pat Sullivan Center

By: Elvia Cardenas Staff Writer August 16, 2022

Motherhouse in Winter

Are you excited about returning or starting the new semester? Take a picture or selfie to show it, as pictures are worth a thousand words. Here are the top five places on campus to take the perfect picture for school pride or aesthetic:

This spot is often overlooked for being just a brick wall, but it serves. It works as cool backdrop if you want to pretend that you are a model for Vogue. This spot allows you to play with different angles because you can show as much or as little of the campus as you want.

Wherever you go, snap a picture or pose! Those will be your favorite photos to look back on.


This litte round table is not hard to find as it is located right behind Sherly’s Rose Garden. The cement table is popular with the students here at USF because of the location as it’s the perfect place to study, chill or eat a meal. The cement table is also the spot to be during golden hour, as it can make any picture or selfie look like a masterpiece.

#3 The Cement Table


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