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MSIS Master of science in information systems

I n f o r m at i o n Systems


FAST FACT The program is taught exclusively in downtown San Jose at the USF campus.

Prepare to provide leadership in the Information Systems field by recognizing the interplay between information and organizational cultures. The Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS) at the University of San Francisco (USF) Masagung School of Management is dedicated to educating you to lead from both technical and managerial viewpoints. Grounded in ethical practice and professionalism, our comprehensive curriculum will give you the skills to improve your organization through the effective and efficient management of information systems and technology.

CO U R S E WO R K Analysis, Modeling and Design

Enterprise Information Systems

Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing

Global Information Systems

Legal, Social and Ethical Implications of Biotechnology

Information Technology Security

Managing Projects and Change

Communications and Networking

IT Audit and Forensics

The Information of Biotech

Economics for IS Managers

IT Policy and Strategy

A sample of courses frequently taught.

READ HIS STORY Isaac Rivera,   MSis ’15

Master of science in information systems

I enrolled in the MSIS program expecting to apply my knowledge as an information technology professional toward a graduate degree. What I hadn’t anticipated was how quickly I would be able to apply what I learned in the program to my job in instructional design.” Isaac Rivera, MSIS ’15 Networking and Lab Engineer, Okta

S i x R easo n s W h y t h e U S F M S I S P ro g ra m i s F or You 1

Gain exposure to current and emerging information technology concepts

4 Investigate how information systems affect policy and strategy


Learn how to create effective channels of communication

5 Make vital contributions in support of innovation, planning and the management of information


Use information technology to foster sound financial systems, create effective organizational structures and manage human capital 6 Concentrate your curriculum in information security or biotechnology, and participate in a biotech Academic Global Immersion program

Your C l assroo m E x per i e n ce Seminar-style classes are taught in the evenings or on weekends in a collaborative academic environment on the USF San Jose Campus. This schedule, combined with our low faculty-to-student ratio, results in a unique culture of mutual accountability between you, your professors and fellow students.

FAST FACT Several partialtuition scholarships are available to eligible MSIS applicants.

Master of science in information systems

R ea l-Wor l d E x per i e n ce Whether you customize your courses or not, the USF MSIS gives you a unique opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge from thought leaders in the innovation space. Fellow students and alumni working at industry leading companies like Adobe Systems, Yelp, Ebates, Intel Corp. and Google help create your professional network.

FAST FACT USF placed in the top 20% of schools nationwide that deliver the best experience for military students according to Military Friendly.™

The MSIS faculty are practitioners in the field of information systems, bringing cutting-edge knowledge and information technologies from the business world into the classroom. They are dedicated to ensuring you achieve a competitive advantage in the private, public and nonprofit sectors.� Stephen Morris Associate Professor

FAST FACT The typical program length is 27 months.

The MSIS provided an international perspective that really helped me stand out among other IT professionals in a competitive job market.” Ryan De Temple, MSIS ’13 IT Engineer, Security, Yelp


On the Cover

A pp ly O n l i n e

Sathya Prakash, MSIS ‘13 Director of Education Services MetricStream University

locat i o n

Co n n ect w i t h U s

USF San Jose Campus


125 S. Market St., Ste 200 San Jose, CA 95113

Proud partner of the Yellow Ribbon Program

USFManagementSchool USFSOM

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