USF School of Management Fall '14 Research Review

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RESEARCH REVIEW The University of San Francisco School of Management supports a rich tradition of research initiatives. Our faculty is dedicated to innovative research and best practices, creating a learning environment that is characterized by high-quality scholarship, and mindful attention to the social impact of our work. Our research is sparked by intellectual curiosity and enriched by contributions from the academic, government, and nonprofit sectors, and business leaders from around the world.





Richard Callahan


Department of Accounting Department Of Business Analytics and Information Systems

Department of Hospitality Management Department of Marketing

Department of Economics, Law, and International Business

Department of Organization, Leadership, and Communication

Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Strategy

Department of Public and Nonprofit Administration

Department of Finance

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FACULT Y SPOTLIGHT: RICHARD CALL AHAN Richard Callahan, Chair of the Department of Public and Nonprofit Administration, has been awarded a $22,000 grant from the Sierra Health Foundation to serve as co-director of the foundation’s upcoming Leadership Program. The award is part of a $160,000 grant and will enable Callahan to design, direct, and deliver the program with Dr. Kenneth Kizer, director of the Institute for Population Health Improvement and professor in the Medical School of the University of California, Davis. The Sierra Health Foundation Leadership Program is scheduled to run 12 days over six months, and will be provided to 20 established and emerging nonprofit health leaders. The program will focus on improving health access and health equity in the 26-county Northern California region served by the Sierra Health Foundation. USF Dean of the School of Nursing and Health Professions Judy Karshmer is scheduled to be one of the expert leadership presenters. According to Callahan, “This is a great partnership between the leadership of the Sierra Health Foundation, Dr. Kizer, and USF, to increase health access to underserved communities and to address health disparities.”

The Leadership Program will draw on Callahan’s more than 10 years of experience in delivering and designing programs for the Sierra Health Foundation, and Dr. Kizer’s experience as undersecretary of the Veterans Health Administration during President Clinton’s first term, and as founder and CEO of the National Quality Forum, a consensus-standards setting agency. The program is intended to develop the skills of current and emerging nonprofit and public-sector leaders in community health, including but not limited to community health clinics, youth development, drug and alcohol dependency treatment and prevention, public health, health coverage outreach, health systems, and job training. Participating leaders will build organizational capacity and policy change to address health disparities through sessions focused on three main components: successful models, research-based leadership practices, and consistent and structured coaching, mentoring, and advising. “The Sierra Health Foundation Leadership Program goals of increasing health care access and improving health equity align strongly with the USF mission and Ignatian values,” adds Callahan.

EMERITUS ACHIEVEMENTS Professor Emeritus Art Karshmer was presented the seventh Roland Wagner Award at the 15th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP) for his work with blind people. The Roland Wagner Award is given out bi-annually to individuals or organizations that have had an impressive impact on the lives of people with disabilities, and honors a recipient’s career-long body of work and contributions to society. Karshmer has spent his career researching how to help blind people master mathematics by using computer-based tools, which he develops with his research group. He has written extensively on the topic of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), a critical software application that enables those with specific needs to live in their preferred environment. His software demonstrates how technology can empower the specially abled. The award ceremony took place in Paris this summer and was a big surprise to Karshmer, who in previous years has been active on the Award Nomination Committee at ICCHP conferences. Professor Emeritus Steven Alter has won the 2013 Best Paper Award from the Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS). His paper, “Work System Theory: Overview of Core Concepts, Extensions, and Challenges for the Future,” was selected as the best paper out of all paper submissions and publications received by JAIS in 2013. Alter’s paper presents a current, accessible, and overarching view of Work System Theory (WST), which is the core of an integrated body of

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theory that emerged from a long-term research project to develop a systems analysis and design method for business professionals, the work-system method. The paper includes an evaluation of progress to date, new directions for WST research, and implications for the information systems discipline. JAIS is the flagship journal of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), and seeks to publish the highest quality scholarship in the field of information systems. The AIS has long accredited USF’s Master of Science in Information Systems program, where Alter has served on the faculty. In addition to the award, Alter has had a busy 2014. He published “The Concept of ‘IT Artifact’ has Outlived its Usefulness and Should be Retired Now” in Information System Journal (online, Sept. 2014) as well as six papers in conference proceedings, including “Knowledge-Supported Design Thinking about Systems in Organizations: An Application of Work System Theory” in DTBIS 2014: Workshop on Design Thinking in Business Information Systems (Tel Aviv, Israel, June); “Engineering Enterprises for Emergent Change” in IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (Geneva, Switzerland, July); and “Potentially Valuable Overlaps between Work System Theory, DEMO, and Enterprise Engineering” in WEETM 2014: 1st Workshop on Enterprise Engineering Theories and Methods (Geneva, Switzerland, July). Alter also gave seven presentations during the summer at the University of Hamburg, University of Bamberg, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, and the Technical University of Munich. On November 10, 2014, Alter presented “A Unified Operational View of Service, Service Systems, and Service Science” to the INFORMS Annual Meeting in San Francisco.

PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING Tatiana Fedyk presented “The Sharpest Tool in the Shed: An Examination of Financial Statement Management Tools During IPOs,” (coauthored with Zvi Singer of McGill University, and Mark T. Soliman from the University of Southern California) at the 43rd annual meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute. This paper won the best paper award at the conference in Napa, Calif., in April 2014. John Koeplin presented “Pope Francis: An Inspiration to Teaching Economic and Business Values” (with Michael Whitty), and “A Role for Jesuit Business Education in Global BioBusiness” (with Moira Gunn, Paul Lorton, Jr., and Michael Whitty), to the 2014 Colleagues in Jesuit Business national conference at the University of San Francisco in July. Diane Roberts published “Government Accounting and Disaster Recovery” in the proceedings of the American Accounting Association Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Ga., in August. She also gave two presentations: “Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in the Financial Services Sector” to the 2014 Conference of the Public Interest Section of the American Accounting Association in San Diego, Calif., in March, and “A Descriptive Analysis of the Content and Contributors of the AAA Symposium on Ethics Research in Accounting 1999-2011” to the 19th Annual Ethics Research Symposium during the American Accounting Association meeting in Atlanta, Ga., in August.

DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ANALYTICS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Tom Grossman has published “Spreadsheet Modeling for Operations Research Practice” in the Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. The work shows analytics and operations research practitioners how they can increase their effectiveness and impact using spreadsheets, including writing code in the spreadsheet programming language.

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Moira Gunn published “Measuring the Effectiveness of Global Immersive Study Tours to Attract Non-Scientific Working Professionals to the Bio-Enterprise” (with Paul Lorton, Jr.) in Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship (2014, 1(2)), and gave multiple presentations throughout 2014, including, “Jesuit Business Education and the U.S. Biotechnology Industry” (with John Koeplin, Paul Lorton, Jr., and Michael Whitty) to the 2014 Colleagues in Jesuit Business’s national conference at the University of San Francisco in July; “Daydreams to Realities” as part of Stanford’s Women-in-Engineering seminar series; and Strategic Engagement of the Global Science-Business Media” to the Bioentrepreneurship Boot Camp at BIO 2014 in June. Gunn also served as the moderator for the “Privacy, Security, Technology, and the Law” panel at the annual California State Bar meeting. Gunn hosts Tech Nation and BioTech Nation on NPR, where she has conducted interviews with numerous high-profile individuals, including President of Pixar Ed Catmull, Chief Privacy Officer Michelle Dennedy of McAfee, an Intel company, former Wired Editor-inChief Kevin Kelly, and Consumer Electronics Association President and CEO Gary Shapiro. Vijay Mehrota published “Getting Value from your Data Scientists” (with Jeanne G. Harris) in MIT Sloan Management Review (fall 2014). He also published “Dark Side of the Digital World. Big Data, Unintended Consequences: What Amazon’s Domination of the Book Publishing Industry Could Portend” in the July/August 2014 issue of Analytics, the magazine of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. Stephen Morris presented “Increasing Student Learning Outcomes in Experiential Pedagogies in Socially Responsible and Sustainable Business Education” and “The Role of Mission Orientation in Sustainable Business Education” (with Erin Grogan) to the International Association of Jesuit Business Schools conference in Seoul in July.

Joel Oberstone contributed multiple blog posts for the EPL Index, a blogging site with articles on the 20 English Premier League teams. The posts are statistic-based coverage of matches, players, and teams. In spring 2014, he contributed the following articles: “Who Are The Top Goal Scoring Threats in the EPL? Stats Comparison”; “The Strange Disappearing Act of Fernando Torres”; “Chelsea’s Lukaku Dilemma: ‘The Daniel Sturridge Redux’”; and “Mourinho’s Matter with Mata: The Rapidly Discounted Importance of Juan.”

DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS, LAW, AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Lydie Pierre-Louis has had “Cooperative Banking: A Public Banking Ethical Initiative as a Means of Sustainable Development in the Barcelona Housing Market” (co-authored with Guillem Fernandez Evangelista), accepted for publication in the winter 2015 issue of the University of Barcelona International Law Journal. She has presented this paper at Western Business & Management International Research conference in Paris, France, in October, and the Southeast Academy of Legal Studies in Business conference in Savannah, GA, in November. She has given multiple presentations in 2014, including “U.S. Corporation Tax Inversions: A Business Ethics Perspective” to the Southeast Association of Law Schools conference in Amelia Island, FL, in August, and “Teaching Ethics to Business Students,” at the Society of American Law Teachers’ Teaching Conference at University of Nevada Las Vegas in October. Finally, she has been appointed to a three-year term as the articles editor for the Journal of Law, Business & Ethics. James Shaw presented “Expanding and Enhancing Jesuit Networks: Building Value and Utility through Metcalfe’s Law” at the 2014 Colleagues in Jesuit Business national conference at the University of San Francisco in July.

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Xiaohua Yang has had “Privatization, governance, and survival: MNE investments in private participation projects in emerging economies” (with Y. Jiang, M. Peng, and C. Mutlu) accepted for publication in Journal of World Business. Likewise, “What Drives Emerging Economy Outbound FDI Decisions to Obtain Strategic Assets” (Y. Yang, Roger Chen, and J. P. Allen) has been accepted for publication in Asian Business and Management. Additionally, Yang has published a number of articles this year, some of which have been collaborative efforts, such as “Guanxi as Complex Adaptive System: Definition, Description, and Underlying Principles” (with A. Chang, C. Guo, and R. Zolin) in the Journal of Asia Business Studies (2014, 8(2)), and “A Review of Institutional Influences on the Rise of Made-inChina Multinationals” (with C. Stoltenberg) in International Journal of Emerging Markets (2014, 9(4)). Yang has also been presenting work at conferences: “Determinants of Regional Innovation Capacity in China” (with Y. Zhou) was presented at the International Association for Chinese Management Research conference proceedings in June, in Beijing, and “Global Start-Ups Profile: One Size Fits All” (with M. Taylor, S. Sawang, D. Mardiasmo, and T. Coates) was published in the Academy of International Business proceedings from its June conference in Vancouver. Yang delivered the keynote speech on the globalization of brands in Wenzhou private firms at the Wenzhou Institute of Venture Capital Investment meeting June 17 in Wenzhou, China, and served as a panelist during a discussion on “Chinese Enterprises in the United States,” which was hosted by the China Business Studies Initiative August 29. The School of Management at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology named Yang “International Visiting Fellow” in 2014. Finally, she is serving as a specialissue editor (with Barry Doyle, Liang Wang, and Ping Deng) on “Opportunities and Threats for Chinese Multinationals” for Thunderbird International Business Review.

Adjunct Faculty: Michael Whitty presented “Pope Francis: An Inspiration to Teaching Economic and Business Values” (with John Koeplin), and “Jesuit Business Education and the U.S, Biotech Industry” (with Moira Gunn, John Koeplin, and Paul Lorton, Jr.) to the Colleagues in Jesuit Business national conference at the University of San Francisco in July.

PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS DEPARTMENT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP, INNOVATION, AND STRATEGY Roger Chen has had his paper “Formal Integration Archetypes in Ambidextrous Organizations” accepted for publication in R&D Management. The research is co-authored with Rangapriya Kannan-Narasimhan, PhD, from the School of Business Administration at the University of San Diego. Monika Hudson presented “Nonprofit Sector Leadership: What Does it Really Look Like?” to the Qualitative Research Methods Conference in Albuquerque, N.M., and “Above and Beyond Traditional and Emerging Incubation Models” to the Entrepreneurship Research Exemplars Conference in Keystone, Colo., this last spring. She also presented “Creative-Looking Flying Device: Entrepreneurial Brainstorming” to Lead America at Stanford University in June. As director of the Gellert Family Business Resource Center, Hudson is a member of San Francisco’s Legacy Business Initiative ordinance task force. Her students are working on projects designed to facilitate implementing legislation introduced in October by Supervisor David Campos. As part of the work, Hudson has been involved in significant media outreach focusing on the initiative. She has been interviewed by the San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco Examiner, ABC 7 News in the Bay Area, and ABC 30 News in Fresno. She was also quoted in Bloomberg Business Week in July 2014, in a story on the management of familyrun businesses. Picture that appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle featuring Hudson’s outreach work on the Legacy Business Initiative.

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Sun-Young Park presented “Why Focusing on Employee Retention May Be Outdated” to the 20th conference of the Asia Pacific Tourism Association in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, in July, and “Awareness and Credibility of Hotel Ecolabels in the U.S.A.” (with Michelle Millar) at the Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management conference in Mauritius in June. Both of these presentations were also published in the official proceedings of the conferences. Jennifer Walske published “What’s Holding Back Social Entrepreneurship? Removing the Impediments to Theoretical Advance” (with Susan Mueller, Robert S. D’Intino, Michel L. Ehrenhard, Scott L. Newbert, Jeffrey A. Robinson, and Jason C. Senjem) in the Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. It appears as an Online First version in the Routledge system. Walske also published a blog post (with Laura Tyson) for the Stanford Social Innovation Review blog. Her October 2014 posting was titled “Social Entrepreneurs: Say Yes. What We Can Learn from the Exceptional life of the Late Priya Haji.” Liang Wang presented “From the Heart: The Role of Emotional Expression in the Legitimation of Ontario Wine” (with F. Massa, M. Voronov, and W. Helms), and “The Impacts of Neighboring Agglomeration: The Canadian Telecom Equipment Industry (1995-2005)” with J. Tan at the 2014 Academy of Management Annual meeting in Philadelphia, PA, in August. Wang also presented “Organizational Passion and Performance: Giving Wine Judges ‘Serious Pleasure’ in Wine Rituals,” (coauthored with W. Helms, M. Voronov, and F. Massa) to Tianjin University and Central University of Finance and Economics in China.

DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Ludwig Chincarini published “The Impact of Quantitative Methods on Hedge Fund Performance” in European Financial Management (2014, 20(5)) and “An Alternative Method to Construct Levered Indexes” (with Salvatore Bruno and Robert Whitelaw) in The Journal of Index Investing (2014, 5(2)). This past spring, he had Tom Perkins, co-founder of Kleiner Perkins, regarded as the father of modern venture capital, speak to his classes about venture capitalism and give students insights about starting their own businesses.

DEPARTMENT OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Michelle Millar published “Awareness and Credibility of Hotel Ecolabels in the U.S.A.” (with Sun-Young Park) in the proceedings from the 2014 Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management conference in Mauritius. Additionally, she presented “Hotel Managers’ Perceptions of Tourist Safety and Destination Image” (with D. Jones) to the International Council for Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education conference in July in San Diego, Calif., and “Green Certification and Ecolabels in the MEEC Industry: An Update” (with S. Strick and G. Fenich) at the IMEX America conference in Las Vegas, NV, in October. Finally, she co-presented “Can We Make Doing the Right Thing Fun? The Promise of Gamification in Jesuit Business Education” (with Sonja Martin Poole and Michael Collins) at the 2014 Colleagues in Jesuit Business national conference at the University of San Francisco in July.

DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING Nicholas Imparato presented “Customer’s Relational Models as Determinants of Customer Engagement Value” at the World Business and Social Research Conference in Paris in April (co-authored with Anthony Patino and

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Velitchka Kaltcheva). Also, Imparato was named a research fellow with the Levin Institute at the State University of New York-Manhattan from January to March 2014. John O’Meara recently completed a strategic rebranding project for Woodlands Market, a premium food retailer in Marin County known for its high-quality food and community involvement. Over time, Woodlands Market had lost some of its luster and risked losing its premium positioning in the region due to the expansion of local and national competitors. Through research that involved a five-phrase strategic branding program, O’Meara successfully rebranded the market after a thorough market audit, articulating a new position for the retailer, creating a New logo for Woodlands new logo and identity system, and Market that resulted from unifying the brand across its many O’Meara’s work. marketing programs in-store, outof-home, and online.

Sonja Martin Poole has had “Get Your Head in the Game: Using Gamification in Business Education to Connect with Generation Y” (with Elyria Kemp, Lauri Patterson, and Kim Williams) accepted for publication in the Journal of Excellence in Business Education. She has also published “Higher Human Calling: Transforming Business Curricula with Timely Social Marketing” (with E. Vince Carter) in the conference proceedings for the John A. Ryan Institute for Catholic Social Thought Conference on Catholic Social Thought and Business Education, Manila, Philippines. “Student Learning and Gamification,” (coauthored with Elyria Kemp, Lauri Patterson, and Kim Williams), and “Implementing Experiential Learning Theory in a Social Marketing Course: An Assessment of Impact and Value,” (coauthored with K. Smith) were published in the conference proceedings for the 2014 Society for Marketing Advances conference

PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS in New Orleans, LA. Poole presented, “Planner Personas: Humanizing the Marketing Planning/Strategy Course” (with E. Vince Carter) at the Marketing Management Association Fall Educators’ Conference, San Antonio, TX, in September 2014. Finally, Poole joined Elyria Kemp, Lauri Patterson, and Kim Williams to present “Gamification in the Classroom” to the American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference in San Francisco in August; she also joined Michelle Millar and Michael Collins at the 2014 Colleagues in Jesuit Business national conference at the University of San Francisco in July to present “Can We Make Doing the Right Thing Fun? The Promise of Gamification in Jesuit Business Education.” Sweta Thota published “Male Grooming: An Ethnographic Research on Perception and Choice of Male Cosmetics” (with Stacy Hermosillo, Neilgoon Keyhani, and Jennifer Walker) in Academy of Business Research Journal (2014, Volume 4). She also published “‘Live and Let Live’ or ‘Survival of the Fittest’? A Conceptual Review and Propositions on Multimarket Contact Outcomes” in the Academy of Business Research Journal (2014, Volume 2). Finally, she published “Truth and Consequences in the Global Village” (with William Larsen) in the Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (2014, 18(1).

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Ricardo Villareal published “Analytical Approaches to Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure” (with Shelley A. Blozis) in Applied Psychological Measurement (2014, 38(7)). He was also invited to contribute “Improving Multicultural Marketing: Between-Group and Within-Group Segmentation Approaches” to the Journal of Brand Strategy.

DEPARTMENT OF ORGANIZATION, LEADERSHIP, AND COMMUNICATION Eunkyung Lee has had a manuscript accepted for publication in The International Journal of Human Resource Management: “Containing Conflict: A Relational Approach to the Study of High-Involvement Work Practices in the Health Care Setting,” (co-authored with Woonki Hong and Ariel Avgar). Her work is set to appear in the first issue of the 2015 volume. Kevin D. Lo presented “Integrating Community-Engaged Pedagogies into Graduate Courses” (co-authored with S. Moore and D. Belfield) to the Continuums of Service conference in Honolulu in April 2014. In June, Lo presented “The Professor and Community Partner as Service-Learning Co-Educators: Creating and Sustaining a Meaningful Partnership” (with D. Belfield) to the Organizational Behavior Teaching conference in Nashville, Tenn. Lo also presented “A Content Analysis of Cultural Dimensions of Social Media: Determining Whether Hofstede’s Cultural Scores are Reflected in Global 500 Companies’ Organizational Communication on Facebook” (with Richard D. Waters and USF undergraduate Nick Christensen) to the International Association for CrossCultural Psychology’s annual conference in Reims, France, in July. Finally, Lo was a facilitator for an inaugural Faculty Learning Community at USF on Ignatian Pedagogy. Joined by Sonja Poole, Jennifer Walske, Paul Ryder and Kimberly Connor, the group met twice monthly and developed tools to promote the use of the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm (IPP) at the School of Management.

Jennifer Parlamis has published “Mind the Medium: A Qualitative Analysis of Email Negotiation” (with Ingmar Geiger) in Group Decision and Negotiation (2014, 23(3)). She also has had “Overcoming Faculty Avoidance of Online Education: From Resistance to Support to Active Participation” (with Lorianne D. Mitchell and Sarah A. Claiborne) accepted for publication in the Journal of Management Education; it currently appears as an OnlineFirst article in the Sage Publications system. As well, Parlamis published “Teaching Negotiation Online Part 2: Getting Started” (with R. Lewicki, N. Ebner, and Lorianne Mitchell) in the Signal Newsletter (Volume 29, Issue 1) for the International Association of Conflict Management. She presented “Hindsight-InsightForesight: Different Formats of Teaching Negotiation and Conflict Management Online” (with N. Ebner, Lorianne Mitchell, and C. Peifer) to the International Association of Conflict Management conference in Leiden, the Netherlands, in July. Finally, in May, Parlamis completed the Discovery Insights Accreditation program. Paul Ryder published “Awakening Interiority: Pedagogical Theory and Practical Exercises for Developing Intangible Skills in Students of Leadership” in the conference proceedings of the Organizational Teaching Society conference in Nashville, Tenn., in June. He also received a Jesuit Foundation Grant for $5,000 to produce the video introduction to the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm series. Neil D. Walshe published “From Passively Received Wisdom to Actively Constructed Knowledge: Teaching Systematic Review Skills as a Foundation of Evidence-Based Management” (with Rob Briner) in the peer-reviewed journal, Academy of Management Learning and Education (2014, 13). He also presented “Courageous Action as an Antecedent to Compassion” (with Edward Powley) in the conference proceedings of the 2014 Academy of Management Annual meeting in Philadelphia, Pa., in August.

Adjunct Faculty: Marla Lowenthal created and implemented a marketing campaign for “Granny Power,” a documentary on the Raging Grannies, a global human rights group of elderly women who use satire and song to promote peace and justice. Craig Nathanson published the book Joyful Work in MidLife: The Five Stages through Chamillah Designs publishers. In conjunction with the book, a video was produced for distribution, and a workshop was prepared and presented on August 1 to the CPC Job Networking Group in Danville, Calif. Recently, Nathanson was also selected to the Board of Directors of Harmonic Humanity, a San Francisco nonprofit whose mission is building an active community and social structure to provide education, counseling, and employment for the homeless by leveraging the power of music.

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AND NONPROFIT ADMINISTRATION Rich Callahan published “City of Los Angeles: Fiscal Sustainability Case Study” (with M. Pisano) in the Summer 103(2) issue of National Civic Review. He also published a book chapter (again with M. Pisano) in The Elgar Companion to Sustainable Cities: Strategies, Methods, and Outlook. Their chapter was titled “Aligning Fiscal and Environmental Sustainability.” Callahan presented his paper “Missing the Sectors: The Incomplete Journey of Business Education at Jesuit Universities” to the 2014 Colleagues in Jesuit Business national conference at the University of San Francisco in July. Finally, he served as the executive producer and assistant director on the documentary “Solving the Inequality” for the Sacramento nonprofit Expose the Gap.

“The outcome of any serious research can only be to make two questions grow where only one grew before.” - Thorstein Veblen

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PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS Kimberly Connor has published “Curiosity as Pedagogy” in the Journal of the American Academy of Religion (2014, 82(2)). She also contributed the essay “Dorothy Day, Restless Reader,” to Dorothy Day: A Life and Legacy, a spring 2014 publication of the Joan and Ralph Lane Center for Catholic Studies and Social Thought at the University of San Francisco. Also in spring 2014, Connor was invited to speak at a symposium during a year-long Civil War commemoration and delivered the talk, “A Responsibility to the Past: The Art of Glenn Ligon,” at Gettysburg College. Connor was a facilitator for an inaugural Faculty Learning Community at USF on Ignatian Pedagogy. Joined by Sonja Poole, Jennifer Walske, Paul Ryder and Kevin Lo, the group met twice monthly and developed tools to promote the use of the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm (IPP) at the School of Management. The tools include a digital collection of resources in Gleeson Library for applying the IPP, the development of a video series on the IPP, and the production of the first in a series of six videos that was supported by a Jesuit Foundation Grant. Related to the work on the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm, Connor presented “Accompanying the Student: The Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm and Prior Learning” to the 2014 Colleagues in Jesuit Business national conference at the University of San Francisco in July, and this paper has been published in Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal (2014, 3(1)). Finally, Connor serves as the chair of the publications committee for the American Academy of Religion and is currently heading the search for a new editor of the Journal of the American Academy of Religion.

“In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it’s the exact opposite.” - Paul Dirac

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Ron Harris presented “Armed Neutrality for Homeland Security” to the eighth annual Homeland Defense and Security Education Summit in Colorado Springs, Colo., and he served as the moderator for the panel, “Public-Private Partnerships” at the Emerging Issues in Homeland Security and Disaster Response at the School of Management at the University of San Francisco in July. Harris also participated in the fifth annual faculty development workshop as part of the University and Agency Partnership Initiative (UAPI) with the Center for Homeland Defense and Security at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif, in June. Harris received multiple professional certifications in 2014, including the 210W-Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems and 100W-Operational Security for Control Systems from the Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team at the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Currently, he serves as the associate editor of Evaluation and the Health Professions, The International Journal of Aging & Society, The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, and The International Journal of Health, Wellness and Society. Richard Greggory Johnson III published “African Americans, Proposition 8 and the Importance of Social Movements” in the Journal of Health and Human Services Administration (2014, 37(2)). Tony Ribera hosted a two-day symposium in January 2014, at the University of San Francisco on “Violence Against Women” with the International Institute of Criminal Justice Leadership. In May 2014, he cohosted a conference on the “Innocence Project” with the Santa Clara School of Law and then a second conference in July on “Homeland Security and Community Resiliency.” Finally, in June, Ribera served as keynote speaker at the Pearls in Policing International Conference at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel in San Francisco. His talk was titled “The Great Leader is a Great Servant.”

Marco Tavanti edited Sustainable Human Security: Corruption Issues and Anti-Corruption Solutions (with Agata Stachowicz-Stanush), and the book was published through Common Ground Publishing as part of the sustainability book collection. Tavanti contributed, “Fighting Poverty through Practical, Integrated and Multidisciplinary Education: The Case of Master Programmes in Development Practice” (with Emanuele Vendramini) to Socially Responsive Organizations and the Challenge of Poverty (edited by Gudic, Parkes, and Rosenbloom for Greenleaf Publishing). He also wrote “Sustainable Development Capitalism: Changing Paradigms and Practices for a More Viable, Equitable, Bearable and Just Economic Future for All” for Capitalism and the Social Relationship: An Organizational Perspective (edited by In Hamid H. Kazeroony and Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch for Palgrave-MacMillan), and “International Law and Global Migration: The UN and NGOs’ Global Initiatives to Fight Human Trafficking, Protect Refugee Rights and Labor Immigrant Rights” for Religious and Ethical Perspectives on Global Migration (edited by Elizabeth W. Collier and Charles R. Strain for Lexington Books). Tavanti earned the “Negotiation and Conflict Management Certificate” from the United States Institute of Peace, the “Fight Against Corruption Certificate” from the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime and the United Nations Global Compact, and the “Human Rights and Business Certificate” from the United Nations Global Compact and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

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Richard D. Waters published “What Do Stakeholders ‘Like’ on Facebook? Examining Public Reactions to Nonprofit Organizations’ Informational, Promotional and CommunityBuilding Messages” (with Gregory D. Saxton) and “Race and Inclusion in Volunteerism: Using Communication Theory to Improve Volunteer Retention” (with Denise Bortree) in the Journal of Public Relations Research (2014, 26(3)). He also published “Moving Social Marketing Beyond Personal Change to Social Change: Strategically Using Twitter to Mobilize Supporters into Vocal Advocates” in the Journal of Social Marketing (2014, 4(3)). He contributed the peerreviewed book chapter, “With Health Warnings Looming, Is a Lasting Relationship Possible? Testing the OrganizationPublic Relationship Model with the Tobacco Industry” to Talking Tobacco, published by Peter Lang Publishing. Waters presented “Using Theory to Inform the Teaching of Fundraising Practices” at the Social Theory, Politics, and Arts conference at the University of Ottawa, Canada, in October. He also served as the moderator of the “Nonprofit Organization Storytelling across Traditional and Social Media” at the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) International conference in Washington, D.C., in October. For the 2015 year, Waters has been selected as the chair of the “Nonprofit and Association” section of PRSA. Finally, he served as the guest editor of a special issue of International Journal of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Marketing on “Broadening the Horizon of Nonprofit Marketing Communications,” which was published in September.

School of Management 2130 Fulton Street San Francisco, CA 94117


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