A biannual newsletter focusing on the research and related activities of the University of San Francisco School of Management
facult y awardee s
Recipients of the 2014 School of Management Faculty Research Awards are Manuel Tarrazo for Full Professor, JP Allen for Associate Professor, and Richard Waters for Assistant Professor. These awards are given each year by the School of Management to recognize an outstanding record of success in research and publication.
P ublic ations
Steven Alter published “Theory of Workarounds” in the Communications of Association for Information Systems, v34(55), 2014. He also had his research “Information Systems to Support ‘Door-step Banking’: Enabling Scalability of Microfinance to Serve More of the Poor at the Bottom of the Pyramid” (with L. Mohan and D. Potnis) published in the Communications of Association for Information Systems, v33(25), 2013. His research “An ‘Interpretary’ for the IS Field, A Compendium of Interpretations of Basic IS Concepts and Methods from Different Theoretical Perspectives” was also published in the Communications of Association for Information Systems, v33(18), 2013. “Is Work System Theory a Practical Theory of Practice” was published in the journal Systems, Signs, and Action, v7(1), 2013. Professor Alter’s conference presentation, “From Resources and Activities to Value for Customers within Systems of Service Systems,” was published in the Proceedings of SIG-SVC 2013 Workshop in Milan, Italy, in December, 2013. He gave three additional talks on “Work System Thinking” at the INFORMS Meeting at Stanford University in November, 2013, at Duisberg-Essen University in Essen, Germany, and at Centre Henri Tudor in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, in October, 2013.
Richard Callahan had “Local Bankruptcy: The Curious Comparison of the City of San Bernardino and the County of San Bernardino” (with M. Pisano) accepted for publication in a special symposium issue of Public Finance and Management, 2014. He presented “The Future of Case Studies” at the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) national accreditation conference
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in Washington, D.C., in October, 2013. In November, 2013, he provided legislative testimony on “Improving Performance Management” to the California State Legislature’s Subcommittee on Gas and Electric Infrastructure Safety. Additionally, he presented “Thinking Strategically in Trying Times” in October, 2013, to the California Association of Counties’ Institute for Excellence in County Government and “Five Lessons from Local Government Successes in November, 2013, to 90 attendees in Sacramento on Fiscal Sustainability in Local Government as part of the USC Policy Outreach Panel. In March, 2014, his documentary about an algebra teacher, “Solving the Inequality,” became available on Amazon.com. Professor Callahan served as the executive producer and assistant director of the film. Finally, he served as the 20132014 Committee Chair for the Best Book Award for the Public Administration Research section of the American Society of Public Administration.
Micahel Collins received notification that “Measuring Service Quality in Mid-Scale Hotels” (with D. Rauch, R.D. Nale, and P.B. Barr) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, v26(8), 2014. He also published “Examining the potential for bundling the attractions along the Grand Strand” (with M. Mitchell and L.T. Damonte) in The Coastal Business Journal, v12(1), 2013. Professor Collins also authored a book chapter, “Hotel Operations” in the textbook Hospitality: An Introduction, 15e, 2014 by Hunt Publishing Company. “Bundle Up! Is Price Bundling Right for Your Organization?” (with M. Mitchell and L.T. Damonte) appeared in the trade journal Nonprofit World, v31(5), 2013.
Matthew Dixon has had “gpusvcalibration: A R Package for Fast Stochastic Volatility Model Calibration using GPUs” (with S. Khan and M. Zubair) accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the R in Finance Conference, after its presentation in Chicago in May, 2014. Additionally, his co-authored research “Accelerating Option Risk Analytics in R using GPUs” (with S. Khan and M. Zubair) has been published in the Proceedings of the 22nd High Performance Computing Symposium after its presentation in Tampa in April, 2014. Professor Dixon presented “Calibration of Stochastic Volatility Models on Multi-core Architectures” (with M. Zubair) at the Seventh International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics in London in December, 2013.
Moira Gunn published “An Agile, Cross-Discipline Model for Developing Bio-Enterprise Professionals” (with J. Dever, C. Tzagarakis-Foster, P. Lorton, Jr., K. Kane, and N. Masterson) in the Journal of Commercial Biotechnology, v19(4), 2013. She presented “The Innovation Cascade” as a TED Talk at TEDxPurdueU in April, 2014, and presented “Strategic Engagement of the Global Business-Science Media” to the Biotechnology Industry Organization, Bio-Entrepreneurs Boot Camp, in April, 2013 in Chicago. She also gave the keynote lecture titled “Life Choices in a Digitally-Connected World” to the Center of Excellence for Women and Technology at Indiana University in October, 2013. Finally, Professor Gunn hosts “Tech Nation” and “BioTech Nation,” which air weekly on NPR’s 24-hour program stream, XMSirius Internet Radio, and NPR Worldspace. Ronald Harris has had his research, “Comparing online with brick and mortar course learning objectives: An analysis of quantitative methods curriculum in public administration” (with G. O. Nikitenko) published in Teaching Public Administration, v32(1), 2014. His research “Participants’ Drug Use in a Chronic Disease Patient Education Program” (with K. K. Frye) was presented at the Third Annual International Conference on Aging and Society in Chicago in November, 2013, and it has been accepted for publication in the International Journal on Aging and Society. Addi-
tionally, he serves as the associate editor of Evaluation and the Health Professions; International Journal of Aging & Society; International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability; and International Journal of Health, Wellness, and Society.
“To teach is to learn twice.” Joseph Jouber Monika Hudson has had her co-authored case study “Strategic Human Resource Management—Naïve or Joan of Arc?” (with K. O. Hunter and R. G. Johnson, III) accepted for publication as part of Rutgers University’s SPAA Cases and Simulations Portal. She has presented multiple conference presentations, including “‘Hair’ about us 2: Stories from the ARNOVA Participatory Action Research Project” to the Qualitative Research Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in April, 2014, and the Cross-Cultural Research Conference in Antiqua, Guatemala, in December, 2013, and “Above and beyond: Traditional and emerging incubation models” to the Entrepreneurship Exemplars Conference in Keystone, Colorado, in March, 2014. In January, 2014, she presented “Participatory action research case study: The “community” side of community-engaged learning” to the GLCEL conference in January, 2014, in San Francisco. Professor Hudson also presented “Leadership in turbulent times: Are we stuck with having leaders ‘look like’ leaders?” as part of the ARNOVA Cultural Competency Initiative at the 2013 Annual ARNOVA Conference in Hartford, Connecticut. Finally, Professor Hudson served as the coach to School of Management undergraduate Aubrey Leung, who won 3rd place in the Baylor-USABE Student Case Writing Competition. Ms. Leung’s case, “You’re Not the Boss of Me!” was based on Casa Sanchez, the 2012 Gellert Family Business awardee.
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P ublic ations
(c o n t in ue d)
Stephen Huxley published “Avoiding the Interest Rate Freight Train with Individual Bonds” (with B. Burns and J. Fletcher) in Advisor Perspectives, an online magazine for personal financial advisors. Steve was also invited to be a contributor to AP Viewpoint, an online forum for “Thought Leaders” in personal finance and participated in a personal finance blog forum of American College’s Ph.D. program in Financial and Retirement Planning in 2013, making several videos for the program.
Vijay Mehrotra published “Key Attributes for Analytics Professionals” in his Analyze This! column in the March-April 2014 issue of Analytics Informs. He also presented “‘What’s the Difference between a Data Scientist and an Analyst?’ Some Results from a Recent Research Study” at the Predictive Analytics World Conference in San Francisco in March, 2014.
Michelle Millar published “Sustainable Hotel Practices and Guest Satisfaction Levels” (with O. Berezan and C. Raab) in the International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, v15(1), 2014. She also authored “The Pros and Cons of Sustainability Reporting” in the Hotel Business Review in November, 2013.
Jennifer Parlamis published “Is there more to email negotiation than email? The role of email affinity” (with I. Geiger) in Computers in Human Behavior, v32, 2014. Professor Parlamis also presented “Teams, Technology, and Negotiation: A Test of Media Synchronicity Theory” (with R. Dibble) and “How Will We Work Together? Synthesizing a Cross-Cultural Collaboration Grid from the Dual Concern Model and Acculturation Framework” (with K. Lo) at the Western Academy of Management conference in March, 2014. She was nominated to serve as a Representative-at-Large for the International Association of Conflict Management for 2014-2016.
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Sonja Poole has had her research “Does Branding Impact Student Recruitment: A Critical Evaluation” (with D. Bock and M. Joseph) accepted for publication in the Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 2014. Her research, “Marketing Universities with Humor and Controversy: Comparing Faculty and Student Views toward a University’s Marketing Campaign” (with R. Waters) at the American Marketing Association’s Winter Marketing Educators Conference in Orlando in February, 2014. At the Marketing Educators’ Association Conference in San Jose in April, 2014, she presented “Motivating Participation in Student Organizations: Assessing the Role of Experiential Learning and Cialdini’s Principles of Influence” (with L. Serviere-Munoz).
Richard D. Waters published “The role of stewardship in leadership: Applying the contingency theory of leadership to relationship cultivation practices of public relations practitioners” in the Journal of Communication Management, v17(4), 2013. He received a $9,950 grant from the Public Relations Society of American Foundation to carry out his proposed research, “Improving the Shades of Diversity in Public Relations: Engaging Under-Represented Practitioners in the Workplace by Exploring their Concerns involving Career Satisfaction, Workplace Inclusion, and Work-Life Balance,” during 2014. Finally, he presented “Developing and Measuring Social Media for Nonprofits” at the International Conference of the Public Relations Society of America in Philadelphia in October, 2013.
pre sentations
Ludwig Chincarini made several presentations at financial industry events. He discussed his book The Crisis of Crowding. Tales from the Financial Crisis of 2008 at the New York Society of Security Analysts in New York in March, 2014. Also in March he discussed this topic at The University Club in New York as an invited speaker. He presented “Case Study: Rehashing Fannie and Freddie” at the GARP Annual Risk Management Convention in New York in March. On KPIX CBS news in February, Ludwig discussed retirement and secure choice. He was interviewed by Michael Krasny on KQED in February about the U.S. economy after the turmoil in financial markets. He also did a Tech Nation interview on NPR about the contributions of the 2013 Nobel Prize winners in economics. Leslie Ann Goldgehn presented “Marketing in Action: Preparing Students for their Careers through a Consulting Project” at the Marketing Management Association Conference in New Orleans in September, 2013. At the Western Academy of Management, she was part of a panel discussion on improving the teaching of marketing by using sports cases, sports site visits, and other sports materials; she served on the panel with faculty from the Sports Management Program at USF. She presented “Can This Organization Be Saved?” to the Western Case Writers Association in March, 2014. The case discussed the Bay Area Law Enforcement Assistance Fund and their struggles to raise money, improve their social media presence, and adopt a strategic marketing orientation. Finally, she created a “Silicon Immersion Program” for Northwestern University, which resulted in students meeting with top executives at Salesforce, Facebook, Google, idea, and the Design Thinking program at Stanford University.
Through Containment Methodology” at the International Research Conferences for Management Disciplines in San Francisco in April, 2014. She was also elected President of the Western Academy of Legal Studies in Business for the 2014-2015 academic year. Diane Roberts presented “Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in the Financial Services Sector” at the American Accounting Association Public Interest Section Mid-year Meeting in San Diego in March, 2014.
Mouwafac Sidaoui presented “Innovation Models of Higher Education” to the Higher Colleges of Technology in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, in October, 2013. He also presented “Islamic Finance: Threat or Opportunity in the USA Financial and Banking Market” to the Dar Al Sharia Legal & Financial Consultancy LLC in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in December, 2013.
Liang Wang presented “From the heart: Affective legitimation in the Ontario wine industry” (with F. G. Massa, M. Voronov, and W. Helms) in the organization theory track at the Southern Academy of Management Annual Meeting in New Orleans in November, 2013.
Lydie Pierre-Louis presented “International Contracts: Comparative Analysis of CISG and Article 2 of the U.S. Uniform Commercial Code” to the Technological de Monterrey in Guadalajara, Mexico, in February, 2014. In March, 2014, she presented “The Ties That Bind: Historical Market Crashes as Legal History and Public Policy” to the Western Academy of Legal Studies in Business in Monterey, CA in March, 2014. She also presented “Managing Financial Risk
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School of Management 101 Howard Street San Francisco, CA 94105 www.usfca.edu/management
RESEARCH REVIEW Editors: Bob Mefford Richard Waters