MPA Master of Public Administration
Public A d m i n i s t r at i o n
FAST FACT Applicants may be eligible for a number of partial-tuition scholarships.
Serve your community and the public interest with a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from the University of San Francisco (USF) Masagung School of Management, a NASPAA-accredited graduate program rooted in the Jesuit tradition. Navigate and negotiate in the public sector with improved skills in management, program evaluation, analysis and strategy. The USF MPA will challenge you to apply evidencebased research in ethical management and leadership practices to advance more humane policies at the local, regional, state and national levels.
CO U R S E WO R K Navigating and Negotiating in Public Administration Managing Budgets, Finance, and Economics
Management Practices, Organizational Behavior, and Human Resources Healthcare Management
Core Value Driven Leadership and Ethics
Public Policy Analysis and Implementation
Leading Across Sectors
Information Technology and E-Trends
Strategic Communications Health Law and Ethics Quantitative Methods and Big Data Program Evaluation and Monitoring Academic Global Immersion Program
A sample of courses frequently taught.
READ HER STORY Dania Frink, MPA ‘13
Master of Public Administration
I chose the USF MPA program because I wanted to be an agent for change in my community. The program provided opportunities for critical relationship-building that honed my leadership skills and allowed me to connect to a larger movement.” Dania Frink, MPA ’13 Education Investment Analyst, Schusterman Philanthropic Network
S i x R easo n s W h y t h e U S F MPA Pro g ra m i s F or You 1 Attend a program that’s accredited by NASPAA, the highest standard of achievement for Public Service education 4 Articulate the interests of a diverse community, especially those that are most vulnerable
2 Learn From faculty with strong professional experience
5 Discover faculty research on a wide range of topics relevant to public administration
3 Identify and implement the principles of democratic governance in public organizations
6 Choose an optional concentration in health services administration
Your C l assroo m E x p er i e n ce Seminar-style classes are taught on Saturdays in a collaborative academic environment. This schedule, combined with our low faculty-to-student ratio, results in a unique culture of mutual accountability between you, your professors and fellow students. The program can be completed in less than two years.
FAST FACT Last year, students participated in an elective course with a week-long set of seminars in Rome.
Master of Public Administration
R ea l-Wor l d Pract i ca l E x p er i e n ce The USF MPA program gives you the skills to build high-performing teams, engage communities and navigate the public and nonprofit landscapes. In addition to the evidence-based framework of the curriculum, you will develop projects which address current issues and create real-world solutions.
FAST FACT Alumni are working at organizations such as: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Presidio Trust Mercy Hospital Meals on Wheels
San Mateo County
USF placed in the top 20% of schools nationwide that deliver the best experience for military students according to Military Friendly.™
City and County of San Francisco
The MPA faculty are dedicated to ensuring you have access to topnotch leaders in your field. You will learn firsthand from premier practitioners and scholars in public administration.� Richard Callahan Department Chair
I wanted to do more in my position, but my upward mobility with just a bachelor’s degree was limited. I wanted a program with a concentration in health services and to broaden my perspective; USF offered both of those elements to me.” Catherine Ramos, MPA ’13 Health Services Office Supervisor County of Santa Clara
On the Cover
A p p ly O n l i n e
Catherine Ramos, MPA ’13 Health Services Office Supervisor County of Santa Clara
Melvin Cowan, MPA ’16 Employment and Education Specialist First Place for Youth
locat i o n s
Co n n ect w i t h U s
USF Downtown Campus
101 Howard Street, Ste 500 San Francisco, CA 94105 USF Sacramento Campus
One Capitol Mall, Ste 100 Sacramento, CA 95814
Proud partner of the Yellow Ribbon Program
USFManagementSchool USFSOM