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Campus-wide smoking ban to start in spring By Miki Shine


The Index

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Starting in January, USF Tampa will be joining the ranks of universities across the nation that have banned the use of tobacco products and smoking. As of October, 1,620 colleges and universities are smoke free — 769 ban e-cigarettes — with 23 of those in Florida, according to the Tampa Tribune. As part of the campus-wide campaign, no e-cigarettes, hookahs, chewing tobacco or other tobacco products will be permitted anywhere on campus or at school-sponsored events like sports games and graduations. “Much like e-cigarettes, hookahs would fall under the line of smoking,” Beverly Daly, director of Environmental Health & Safety at USF, said. “Smoking, whether tobacco based or not, will be prohibited.” The system-wide change started in 2009 when USF Health and the Moffitt Cancer Center implemented smoking bans. Currently, USF’s St. Petersburg and SarasotaManatee campuses are already

smoke- and tobacco-free. In 2011, USF President Judy Genshaft created a Tobacco Use Task Force to explore the possibility of the campus going tobacco- and smoke-free. While the task force decided the campus population wasn’t ready, it created restricted use with 24 designated smoking areas around campus and programs through Student Health Services and Student Affairs to aid in prevention. “One of the recommendations that the task force made was that the university continue to offer programs, not only for tobacco cessation and smoking cessation, but also (for) smoking and tobacco prevention,” Daly said. “It’s always better to keep them from ever smoking or chewing tobacco than trying to assist in the future for stopping.” The new policy, much like the current restricted areas policy, will be peer-enforced. As stated by the written policy, any student who repeatedly refuses to abide by the policy may be considered in violation of the Student Code of Conduct and will be addressed accordingly. “Given the large number of

visitors every day, you may come across people who are smoking who may not realize the university has restricted it,” Daly said. “Please give everyone the benefit of the doubt and respectfully share that USF is now completely tobacco and smoke free, including e-cigarette use.” In order to get the word out about the upcoming policy, the university has been working on a sign and poster campaign to ensure the community is aware of the upcoming change. Additionally, USF is working with the Area Health Education Center to create programs that will help students and faculty become smoke-free. For those interested in tobacco cessation, usf.edu/tobaccofree also offers resources both on and off campus. “Smoking cessation resources is a free program with up to four weeks of nicotine replacement therapy,” Daly said. “For those who wish to continue smoking, (they) will have to do it somewhere that is not on USF property or grounds. “As of Jan. 4, Smoking, tobacco use and e-cigarettes … will not be allowed anywhere on the USF Tampa campus.”

Voter Forum to discuss presidential election By Chelsea Mulligan S T A F F


On Saturday, USF’s Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) chapter will host an event they hope will educate students, faculty and the community on important issues concerning the 2016 presidential election. The USF Voter’s Forum will be held in Marshall Student Center Room 2709 from noon to 4 p.m., with food provided. According to Chris Happel, president of YAL, the forum is open to anyone, regardless of political views. “The main goal of the club isn’t just to elect someone with an ‘R’ next to their name, but

to elect someone who stands by the Constitution,” Happel said. Topics of discussion will include abortion, foreign policy,

views when choosing speakers. The forum will hold a Q&A panel for issues that could not be covered by a variety of speakers.

“The main goal of the club isn’t just to elect someone with an ‘R’ next to their name, but to elect someone who stands by the Constitution.” Chris Happel Young Americans for Liberty president

socialism versus capitalism and the legalization of marijuana. According to YAL Vice President Ryan Hoskins, the organization has tried to represent both democratic and republican

“We’ll do something like a panel with five to 10 minutes for questions — anyone’s questions about the issue or what that person believes. We really are trying to find people

to represent everything,” Hoskins said. Those interested in attending are encouraged to register at eventbrite.com by Friday night, Happel said. Registration is free, and attendees do not need to bring the printable ticket that comes with registration. According to the event’s agenda, speakers will include Libertarian blogger Sam Martin, Advocacy Coordinator Marc Hyden of Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty and U.S. Senate candidate Ron DeSantis. The Libertarian Party of Florida will also be tabling at the event. “It’s not about party politics,” Hoskins said. “It’s about people politics.”

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