U.S. Games Systems, Inc. 2014 Games Catalog Supplement

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S E M A G G N I Y A L P & S D R CA

U N E X P E CT E D c a r d sP OPU P F ORE X T R A T WI S T E DF U N !

B A C K S T A B C A R D G A M E b yD a v eS t a w a r

I nt h i sc r a z yn e wc a r dg a me ,p l a y e r sb a t t l et h e DE MENT ED,DI SGUS T I NGANDDERANGED . . . f r o mma c a b r ec h a r a c t e r st od i a b o l i c a l t r a p s ! U s i n ga c t i o nc a r d s ,p l a y e r st r yt ob e a te a c h n c o u n t e rt h e yf a c e .I fs u c c e s s f u l ,t h e yg e tac o i n . . . e i fn o t ,t h e yl o s eac a r d .P l a y e r sma ya l s oc o n f i s c a t e c o i n sf r o mt h e i ro p p o n e n t sb ya t t a c k i n gt h e mw i t h B A CK S T A Bmo v e s . T h ef i r s tp l a y e rt or a c ku p2 5c e n t sWI NST HEGAME ! GAMEI NCL U DE S : •1 1 9Ca r d s •1 8Co i n s •1 2Ba c k s t a bT o k e n s •1 ”L a r g eCu s t o mDi e •E a s yt oU s eCo mi c s t y l e I n s t r u c t i o n s I T E M#BS 1 1 9•S R P$ 1 9 . 9 5 Ca r d sme a s u r e2 . 5 ”x3 . 5 ” Bo xme a s u r e s4 . 7 5 ”x4 . 7 5 ”x1 . 7 5 ” I S BN 1 3 :9 7 81 5 7 2 81 7 7 3 9 I S BN 1 0:1 5 7 2 81 7 7 3 9 U . S .GA ME SS Y S T E MS ,I N C. 1 7 9L U DL OWS T R E E T S T A MF OR D ,CTO6 9 02 1 8005 4 4 2 6 3 7•F AX2 03 3 5 3 84 3 1 WWW. U S GAME S I N C. COM V I S I TU SONF ACE BOOK



Written by Mark A. Clark Illustrated by Joe Boginski

C ITEM # CAR55 • SRP $6.00 ISBN-10: 1-57281-791-7 ISBN-13: 978-1-57281-791-3 Cards measure 2.5" x 3.5"

lassic American Rides presents 54 poker-sized cards, each with a different full-color illustration and fact-filled description. Included are seminal muscle cars like the ‘55 Ford Thunderbird, the ’64 Ford Mustang—the original “Pony” car, the ’63 Corvette Stingray, and the ’68 Dodge Charger model made famous by Steve McQueen in Bullitt. Car aficionados will enjoy reading the interesting anecdotes behind the speedster specs and daring design features that made these automobiles true American classics. Card deck is suitable for most card games and perfect for gifts.

Automobiles A t mobiles from the 1950s and 1960s






b y M i k e F i t z g e r a l d a n d A n d r e w K o r s o n In this exciting new Mystery Rummy Card Game inspired by actual events, players are in charge of uncovering prisoners’ escape plans. Players gather information by melding matching Plan Cards or playing off an existing Plan. When players collect 8 matching Plan Cards and identify the Plan’s mastermind, they can foil the Escape Plan, capture the culprit and score points. First player to earn 100 points is the winner. Let no prisoner escape from “THE ROCK”!

ITEM # EFA100 • SRP $19.95 ISBN-10: 1-57281-721-6 ISBN-13: 978-1-57281-721-0 Cards measure: 2.5" x 3.5" Box measures 5" x 6.5” x 1.75"

Game includes: • 84 Escape Plans Cards and 14 Escapee Cards • 31 Action Cards • 4 “Foiled!” Cards • Illustrated Instructions


ITEM # MR100 SRP $17.95

ITEM # MR200 SRP $17.95

ITEM # MR300 SRP $17.95

ITEM # MR400 SRP $17.95

Scan this QR code to watch the instruction video!

I fyouLI KE pl ayi ngHEARTS, you’ l lLOVE Hear t Swi t ch!

car dgame

TheULTI MATE Tr i ckTaki ng Game!

I NCLUDES: HeartSwi tchTM Card Game •Deck of60 Cards •I nstructi ons •Custom ScoreSheets Wi zard®Card Game •Deck of60 Cards •I nstructi ons •Custom ScoreSheets I TEM #HW 1 20 I SBN 1 3:9781 57281 7968

Over 3MI LLI ON Sol d!

By Joe Boginski Omegaland situates tarot in a dystopian world where resources are scarce and violence is rampant. Society has been brought to its knees but humanity and hope manage to shine through in this intense 78-card tarot deck. With fascinating back stories in the 52-page booklet, urban warriors give their unique perspectives on the Fool’s journey through the Omegaland landscape. Deck also includes game instructions for a strategic trick-taking game and six additional cards with gameplay hints, goals, powers, and scoring guidelines.

ITEM # OML84 • SRP $20.00 ISBN-13: 978-1-57281-761-6 85 cards measure 2.875” x 4.5” Includes 52-page booklet with game instructions

Joe Boginski received his BFA from The School of Visual Arts in New York City. His illustrations appear in Hooyah: Navy SEALS Card Game, Classic American Rides Playing Cards, and Special Ops and Elite Forces Playing Cards.

a game filled with intriguing history and magnificent art For 2 to 4 players • Ages 12 and up

St. Ignatius






Take on the role of a Renaissance Luminary, battle opponents, and accumulate the wealth and power to dominate each Era of the game!


In the game of Renaissance Wars, you must quickly adapt to changing circumstances and events, using only the cards in your hand and the powers of your chosen Luminary.

128 Cards (2.5˝ x 3.5˝)

1 Initiative Indicator

6 Luminary Mats (8.5˝ x 14˝)

6 Luminary Portraits (with stands)

But be careful...when you least expect it, an Intrusion may occur that completely upsets the balance of power and may destroy even the most carefully laid plans!

4 Condition Markers

Includes a 28-page full-color instruction and guide book. 4 Dice How to Play instruction videos can be found on youtube:

6 Card Envelopes

4 Reference Guides (two-sided)

90 Coins

Game Preparation: https://youtu.be/_NfLMt3kztM Game Play: http://youtu.be/u4mdA3lyaKY ITEM # REN128 • SRP $49.95 Cards: 2.5˝ x 3.5˝ Box: 7.375˝ x 10˝ x 2.75˝ ISBN-13: 978-1-57281-767-8 ISBN-10: 1-57281-767-4

1 Game Board (21˝ x 9.5˝)

U.S. GAMES SYSTEMS, INC. 179 Ludlow Street • Stamford, CT 06902 1-800-544-2637 • FAX 203-353-8431 www.usgamesinc.com www.facebook.com/GamesbyU.S.Games



layers link cards by matching the number dots on their Space Dominoes. Double Links (two sections) let you go again. The first player to use all his cards wins the hand. Lowest score at end of the game is the winner! 40 Space Dominoes cards, each with a unique pattern of colored dots. Space Dominoes can also be played as a partnership game!

ITEM # DOM40 • SRP: $6.00 ISBN-10: 1-57281-777-1 ISBN-13: 978-1-57281-777-7 Cards measure 2.5" x 3.5"

For 2-5 Players Ages 6 and up

noes i m o d Takes rful new o to col nsion! dime

Instructions for more ways to enjoy Space Dominoes are available at www.usgamesinc.com/Space-Dominoes

Great for travel! Fun for the entire family.

Card Back

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