Engage Newsletter Spring 2010

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engage Division of Extended Services

University of Southern Indiana

Spring 2010 • Issue Two Volume One

The Center for HRD: For you… For success For the past 30 years, tri-state businesses have relied on USI’s Division of Continuing Education for organizational and professional development services. Starting in 1976 with a schedule of three noncredit business classes a year, the demand for business services grew into a full-service Human Resource Development office in 1985. The expansion focused on the needs and concerns of business clients in two areas: public programs for open enrollment and on-site contractual programs featuring custom design and interactive training.


e are very pleased with the qualW ity of service the Center for Human Resource Development provides. They are quick to respond to our needs and provide quality service. We have recommended the services of the center to others and look forward to continuing our business relationship with USI Extended Services.” — Cynthia Griffith, human resource manager, Traylor Bros., Inc.

Today, this effort is the Center for Human Resource Development (Center for HRD) and statistics highlight the department’s growth. In 2009, the Center for HRD offered approximately 530 courses through on-site contracts and public offerings, with 9,075 students. The center also establishes contracts for 40 to 50 companies annually and provides program direction for Connect with Southern Indiana, a regional leadership program. Early programs, including the Certificate in Management, an American Management Association/University of Southern Indiana partnership program, and the award-winning Management Diagnostic Center, created the foundation for the center. These programs have assisted

thousands of aspiring and new supervisors to learn how to lead. Over time, programs and services have been updated and added to address emerging business challenges, including specialized development courses for professionals in the fields of information technology, human resources, quality, supply chain management, safety, and maintenance management. In addition, the Center for HRD acts as a liaison between professional associations and the University, including a major partnership with the Tri-State Industrial Safety Council whose mission is to improve contractor employee safety. Red Spot, a local paint and varnish company, has relied on the Center for HRD to deliver courses on management, computers, financial statements, and more. Through their relationship with the Center for HRD, Red Spot has utilized an assortment of University resources, including a service-learning project where students are currently developing a resource kit that will give employees tips on healthy eating habits and exercise. Red Spot also has received tips on Japanese dinner etiquette and Japanese business culture. The


Having the Center for HRD partner to educate our workforce has been a perfect match for what we want to accomplish in our employee engagement initiative. We are very, very careful about whom we allow to train our employees, and ‘The Center’ has been a tremendous addition to our resources. In every sense of the word, they have been true partners with Kimball.” — Jon Light, performance improvement manager, Kimball International

Connect with Southern Indiana class of 2010 announced Twenty-three people have been selected for the fifth class of USI’s Connect with Southern Indiana program. With generous funding from Lilly Endow-

ment, USI has developed and coordinated this regionally based leadership program to help boost Indiana’s retention of intellectual capital and increase citizenship skills. Program participants attend 10 full-day sessions where they engage in activities that strengthen criti-

The Center for HRD staff includes: Front row, left to right, Rene Koressel, senior program assistant and Charmaine McDowell, director. Back row, left to right: Julie Brauser, training consultant and Rebecca Deeg, program coordinator. company is a prime example of how the Center for HRD can customize and develop specific programs and courses to meet any customer needs. According to Charmaine McDowell, director of the Center for HRD, “The core values of the Center for HRD include assisting organizations in professional development of employees, identifying unmet workforce development needs, and working collaboratively to form partnerships between USI and regional organizations. We are able to extend the services and resources of the University to the business community.” For more information on services available through the Center for HRD, or to schedule an on-site consultation, call 812/465-1629 or visit the center’s web site at www.usi.edu/extserv/ business/consulting.asp. cal thinking skills, expand networking, identify opportunities for involvement in community and regional projects, and meet business and civic leaders. One of the distinct features of this program is the ability to tap into the resources of USI’s faculty and staff who lead participants through program modules. For example, on their first day in the program, this year’s class got a jump-start Continued on page 3

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