Engage Newsletter Summer 2011

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Division of Outreach and Engagement

University of Southern Indiana

Summer 2011 • Issue Three Volume Two

Annual Report Issue

Bachelor of General Studies:

Where lifetime learners return to college to achieve lifelong goals For the past 21 years, USI’s Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) degree program has served nontraditional students (age 25 or older) who wish to pursue a broadly defined and/or individually designed baccalaureate program. Students who pursue a BGS degree have the option to tailor their educational experiences to meet personal goals, broaden their appreciation of the arts and sciences, enhance career skills and competencies, and increase career opportunities and choices. Designed for working adults with significant educational experience and a strong desire to complete college coursework, the BGS program is flexible and can combine previous higher education, technical training, job skills, course selection based on interests, opportunities for credit by examination, and course completion via distance education. Through a partnership with the Indiana building trades apprenticeship and training programs and Ivy Tech Community College, the BGS program recognizes the technical training and Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree as a significant milestone toward the bachelor’s degree. In the spring of 2010, two new concentrations in the BGS Applied Studies major, technical supervision and leadership and business development, were approved. The technical supervision and leadership concentration addresses engineering practices, communication skills, supervision and management practices, work-related research projects, problem solving, and leadership. The business development concentration focuses on management and marketing practices, business law,

The major strengths of the BGS program are the ability to tailor classes to career goals and the flexibility in accepting transfer hours toward a degree.” — Angela Wargel 2010 BGS graduate


accounting and administrative practices, small business management, innovation, and entrepreneurism. Both concentrations can be personalized to graduates of skilled trades apprenticeship programs who have completed an AAS degree through Ivy Tech Community College. Mark Nicholson, a 2010 BGS graduate, selected the program to increase his income and to save for his retirement and children’s college funds. Combining prior college work and professional training, he completed the degree in two years and encourages other adults who are thinking about returning to college to prepare mentally and emotionally for the experience. “Understand that returning to college will require a great deal of hard work, dedication, sacrifice, and endurance,” said Nicholson. “When you feel overwhelmed by a class, ask your professor for help. I found that most professors are willing to give more of their time to help a struggling student who is genuinely putting forth the effort.” Nicholson also credits Lee Ann Shafer, academic program manager/BGS advisor in USI’s Division of Outreach and Engagement, for his success in the program. “For me, not having a college degree was something I always regretted, so finishing has given me a tremendous sense of accomplishment. For nontraditional students, the BGS program is an excellent alternative to getting a discipline-specific degree. Lee Ann was terrific in helping me through the process. She gave me sound advice and was always highly responsive whenever I had questions or concerns.” Since 2000, over 90 students have completed a USI BGS degree and 55 students are currently enrolled in the program. An information session on the BGS program will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 2 in USI’s University Center East, Room 2217. Reservations and walk-ins are welcome. Contact Shafer at 812/464-1879

Find us on Facebook at facebook.com/usioutreach

Lee Ann Shafer, academic program manager/ BGS advisor in USI’s Division of Outreach and Engagement.

or lshafer@usi.edu for more information. Additional details on the BGS program can be found at www.usi.edu/extservacademic/ bgs.asp.

The BGS program has allowed me to apply my computer information systems experience, Air Force training, and former college coursework towards a bachelor’s degree. With a concentration in the growing field of health informatics, I have been able to select courses within the Health Services program that work around my busy schedule and provide in-depth knowledge of the healthcare system and its relationship to information technology. The BGS program is fitting for anyone with prior professional and work experience who desires a bachelor’s degree for professional development.”

Find us on Twitter at twitter.com/USI_Outreach

— Jacqueline Spainhour Current BGS student

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