Jersey Journal, August 2021

Page 30


Looking to the Future with the Jersey Address of Jonathan Merriam, President to the 153rd Annual Meeting of the American Jersey Cattle Association, June 25, 2021, Bettendorf, Iowa

most production traits. She has demonstrated time and time again that she can make genetic progress even with a smaller genetic base because of the value of her genetic advantages. We need to continue to increase production–both volume and ood morning! I would like to welcome components–while improving health, everyone to Iowa. Last year at this fertility and efficiency traits to make sure time, only a few of us were able to meet in she continues her growth in popularity so Ohio because of things going on and we more breeders can know what we already ended up broadcasting via Zoom and it’s know—the Jersey cow is the best cow. wonderful to be able to meet together and The Board now has a JPI Advisory Combe able to see everyone’s faces. I would like mittee consisting of breeders, directors, A.I. to thank the Iowa Jersey personnel and geneticists. breeders for all they have This committee will utidone to welcome us here lize research as well as and for their generous practical experience to hospitality. help further develop cri I would also like to teria and indices to keep thank the staff for conthe genetics of the Jersey tinuing to serve the memcow moving forward so bership through these that she will always be challenging times. Durthe more efficient, enviing this past year, even ronmentally friendly cow. though their office hours These are just a few of and working locations the steps we are taking changed week-to-week or to continue to meet the day-to-day, quite often the needs of our membermembership could not tell ship and improve the cow because the work was still we all love. Please make done, and their needs were sure if you have ideas or met. We greatly appreciate areas of concerns that you The 2020-2021 Board of Directors of the American Jersey Cattle Association. all the staff has done. contact a Board member Seated from left: Jonathan Merriam, President and Joel Albright, Vice President The Jersey cow contin- and chair of the Breed Improvement Committee; Second row from left: Neal or staff member and share ues to surpass our expec- Smith, Executive Secretary; Karen Bohnert, chair of the Information Technology those with them so that we tations by increasing in and Identification Committee; Donna Phillips; Bradley Taylor, chair of the Finance can discuss them during production, improving her Committee; and Rebecca Ferry. Back row from left: Tyler Boyd; Cornell Kasbergen; these planning sessions. health traits, and maintain- Garry Hansen, chair of the Development Committee; John Maxell; Joe Vanderfeltz Thank you again for ing her efficiency. She is and Ralph Frerichs. Not pictured: Jason Johnson. your participation in the why we are here today, and convention this week, your she is why we need to continue to work hard smaller population base than the Holstein, attendance in today’s meeting, and your to meet the needs of our membership while she has recently made more progress in dedication to the Jersey cow.


Leadership Elected (continued from page 26)

his wife of 20 years, Teresa, have three daughters, Shea, Camille and Ella, who help in the operation of the dairies as well. He and his family moved to the family farm, Ahlem Farms Jerseys, in Hilmar in 2009. He joined the partnership of Ahlem Farms Vista and Ahlem Farms Jerseys, which are expansions of the foundation farm, with herd owners Bill and Carolyn Ahlem and his brother, Sabino, a year later. Page 30

continuing to improve the genetics of the Jersey cow. The Board has started a series of strategic planning sessions to establish goals for the board, the association and the Jersey cow. We are discussing plans to improve the programs and services offered to our membership. We are working to set policies and procedures to retain the quality staff and leaders we currently have in place, as well as recruit the next generation of staff and leaders to keep moving forward. Although the Jersey cow has a much

Herrera was mentored in cattle breeding by the late Ed Fisher, who received the AJCA Master Breeder Award with Ahlem Farms Partnership in 2009. Appointed to the NAJ Board of Directors as an at-large director by AJCA President Jonathan Merriam, was Sam Bok, Defiance, Ohio. Bok will succeed retiring director Cal Graber, Parker, S.D. He and wife Julie and children Wendy and Andy, own and operate Boks Jersey Farm, a 450-cow herd enrolled in AJCA’s REAP

program. He is a delegate to the Board of COBA/Select Sires and represents his county for the Farm Service Agency. He served on the board for Defiance Landmark Inc. for nine years. Bok served on the AJCA Board of Directors from 2013-2019. James Huffard, Crockett, Va., was reelected as NAJ vice president and will serve as Finance Chair for the board. JERSEY JOURNAL

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