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from the Chair’s Desk

On behalf of our USLAW NETWORK membership - and the authors in this issue in particular - I am pleased to share with you this February 2023 issue of USLAW Magazine

Each magazine issue is authored by USLAW members and our exclusive corporate partners who provide insight, updates, perspective and experience on a range of topics. In this issue, you will see topics that address tenant matters and pre-bankruptcy planning, employee rights /employer obligations, enterprise insolvency, jury research, punitive damages standards, consumer fraud, cannabis, ESG and more.

Our members are making a difference across the legal profession and in their communities, and many are recognized for leadership contributions, so please take a look at our firms on the move and trial successes sections to learn more about our members. We also spotlight several USLAW member firms participating in the Mansfield Rule certification initiative that furthers diversity and inclusion within their firms.

USLAW focuses on delivering exceptional client service and timely, relevant, forward-thinking client resources to help legal decision-makers navigate everyday challenges and plan for the “what ifs” that may arise. In addition to USLAW Magazine, our complimentary library of resources includes our recently launched Short Takes initiative. Short Takes is a new legal video alert initiative that delivers jurisdiction-specific legal news and significant federal changes of importance across an array of practice areas in just a few minutes.

Take advantage of a myriad of connections with USLAW. Enjoy the latest issue of USLAW Magazine, connect with any of our members when legal matters arise, engage with us through our social channels and say hello at an industry event.

Thank you for your continued support of USLAW NETWORK and our member firms.


Publisher RogeR M. Yaffe

Editor connie Wilson

Art Director Jeff fReiBeRT • Compass Creative

BOARD OF DIRECTORS aManda P. KeTchuM, chaiR Dysart Taylor, Kansas City, MO oscaR J. caBanas, Vice chaiR Wicker Smith, Miami, FL

KenneTh B. WingaTe, secReTaRY/TReasuReR

Sweeny, Wingate & Barrow, P.A., Columbia, SC

TaMaRa B. gooReViTz, MeMBeRshiP ManageMenT diRecToR Franklin & Prokopik, P.C., Baltimore, MD

ThoMas s. ThoRnTon, iii, clienT liaison diRecToR Carr Allison, Birmingham AL

JennifeR d. TRicKeR, assisTanT TReasuReR Baird Holm LLP, Omaha, NE

BRadleY a. WRighT, PRacTice gRouP liaison Roetzel & Andress, Cleveland, OH

RodneY l uMBeRgeR, iMMediaTe PasT chaiR Williams Kastner, Seattle, WA dan l longo, chaiR eMeRiTus Murchison & Cumming LLP, Los Angeles, CA

KeVin l fRiTz, chaiR eMeRiTus Lashly & Baer, P.C., St. Louis, MO

BaRBaRa BaRRon MehaffyWeber Houston, TX douglas W. claRKe

Therrien Couture Joli-Coeur

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

KeelY e duKe Duke Evett, PLLC Boise, ID sTanfoRd P. fiTTs

Strong & Hanni, PC Salt Lake City UT

Jessica l. fulleR Lewis Roca

Denver, CO eaRl W. housTon, ii

Martin, Tate, Morrow & Marston, P.C. Memphis, TN

MeRTon a hoWaRd

Hanson Bridgett LLP San Francisco, CA

Michael a ludWig

Jones, Skelton & Hochuli, P.L.C. Phoenix, AZ

RoBYn f. McgRaTh

Sweeney & Sheehan, P.C. Philadelphia, PA

JeffReY l o’haRa Connell Foley LLP Roseland, NJ laRRY a schechTMan Amundsen Davis LLC Chicago, IL fRedeRicK M. heiseR

Future USLAW Leaders

Representative Klinedinst PC Irvine, CA

Michael c. TYson Diversity Council Representative Wicker Smith Orlando, FL

KaRen a. VeRKeRK

TELFA Representative Dirkzwager Arnhem, Netherlands leW R. c. BRicKeR, Chair eMeritus Amundsen Davis LLC, Chicago, IL

John d. cRoMie, Chair eMeritus Connell Foley LLP, Roseland, NJ

ThoMas l oliVeR, ii, Chair eMeritus Carr Allison, Birmingham, AL

® RogeR M. Yaffe, Chief exeCutive OffiCer roger@uslaw.org

Amanda Pennington Ketchum

USLAW NETWORK Chair Dysart Taylor | Kansas City, MO


Michelle Besu, DireCtOr Of Meetings anD events michelle@uslaw.org cheRYl hanleY, PraCtiCe grOuP, sPeCial PrOjeCts, anD COrPOrate Partner DireCtOr cheryl@uslaw.org

JennifeR Randall, MeMbershiP serviCes Manager jennifer@uslaw.org

Paige ThoMPson, MeMbershiP serviCes COOrDinatOr paige@uslaw.org connie Wilson, COMMuniCatiOns sPeCialist connie@uslaw.org uslaw.org

• Phone/Fax 800.231.9110

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