Five Reasons Why You Should Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident President Abraham Lincoln, who was also a lawyer, said something similar to this: "A person who is his own lawyer (or she) has a fool for a client." Anyone involved in a car accident with injuries should immediately contact a personal injury attorney, including those who think they may have caused the accident. Contact us for a free consultation . Do this before you talk to anyone about the accident. Talk to an attorney before saying anything about the accident to health care providers, family, friends, or anyone from any insurance company. Here are the five reasons why you should hire an attorney after a car accident:
1. Defense Perhaps you caused the accident, or are partially at fault, or were under the influence of drugs or alcohol when the car accident occurred. Passengers in your vehicle may have been injured. All of these reasons and more require the representation of legal counsel to ensure that you defend yourself against legal liability and possible criminal prosecution.
2. Determination and proof of guilt California and other states have “fault” laws for negligence. Car accident injury victims must prove another party's fault in order to create liability for what happened and receive compensation. Proving who or what caused an accident is a complex process. In many cases, the parties share responsibility for causing the accident. There is often an intense dispute over who is to blame. Proof of guilt may require accumulating technical data, witness reports, taking statements (interviews), and having expert witness testimony. A person without a lawyer is ill-equipped to take on a challenge like proving guilt.
3. Get an agreement to pay Without the representation of a personal injury attorney, insurance adjusters are reluctant to approve a settlement to pay. An insurance adjuster's job is to pay as little as possible for settlements and, if possible, pay nothing at all. Studies show that an attorney represents 85% of those who receive a personal injury settlement. Only 15% of cases are resolved without the benefit of an attorney. Those people probably received an insufficient amount to compensate them for their injuries.
4. Continuous medical conditions
Accepting an early settlement without the benefit of proper legal counsel could be a mistake when ongoing medical problems continue and may last for a long time. The full impact of an injury on a person's life may not be immediately apparent. Medical problems caused by injuries can arise later. Calculating lifetime financial requirements for medical expenses and receiving adequate compensation for “pain and suffering” is best accomplished through the use of appropriate legal counsel who is aware that these significant issues can occur.
5. Highest Settlement Compensation The Insurance Research Council conducted a study of the settlement amounts received by a person who suffered bodily injury in a vehicular accident caused by the negligence of another driver, a vehicle/parts manufacturer, or the government. Those who hired an attorney received a settlement compensation that was 350% higher than the settlements accepted by those without the representation of a personal injury attorney. The best piece of “honest” Abe would recommend is not to take on these challenges alone. Consult a lawyer car accident immediately after any serious car accident that causes injuries.