Roseman Reflections - A Year of Impact

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FOUNDER & PRESIDENT DR. RENEE COFFMAN Thank you for your support of Roseman University. As president and co-founder of Roseman, I am gratified by your donations of time, talent, and treasure that support our academic mission and benefit our students. Whether you support scholarships, health outreach or a specific academic program, you make a difference for our students, our university, and our communities. You helped to make 2019 a wonderful year for Roseman, including by helping the university kick off its 20th Anniversary year. I hope you enjoy reading a few 2019 highlights in this report, which features benefactors such as CVS, The Semnani Family Foundation, Roseman alumni, and our co-founder and president emeritus, Harry Rosenberg. As we look ahead to the spring, please make sure to join your Roseman friends at the 20th Anniversary State of the University events, on April 16 in Henderson, and April 23 in South Jordan. You can register for these events at We look forward to seeing you there, and to thanking you in person for your investment in the university and our students. Warmly, Renee

CELEBRATING A NEW DENTAL CLINIC Responding to our communities’ educational and healthcare needs has always been central to Roseman’s mission, and the university’s latest clinic represents a perfect continuation of that commitment. In 2018, Roseman’s partnership with Cure 4 The Kids saw the organization relocated to the Summerlin campus’s Breakthrough Building. The facility is ideal for providing the cancer treatment and rare disease therapies the children need. As Roseman expanded its clinical services by opening a general dentistry clinic in Henderson, a new opportunity presented itself. Because of their health issues, Cure 4 The Kids (C4TK) patients are largely unable to access dental care. Few dentists have the specialized training and facilities to provide care to immunocompromised children undergoing chemotherapy and other intensive medical treatments. Thanks to Roseman’s partnership with C4TK, a new idea blossomed – creating a clinic that would provide vulnerable children with the dental care they need, in the same building where they receive their medical treatment. In response to these needs, Roseman leaders drew up plans for a dental clinic suited to the children and their families. Opening any dental clinic is not inexpensive, and a specialized clinic has additional financial challenges. That’s where benefactors with compassion enter the picture. Dr. Frank Licari, dean of the College of Dental Medicine, approached several businesses with strong ties to the uni-

versity. The response has been both heartfelt and gratifying. A-dec dental equipment manufacturer through its A-dec Foundation, Carpenter Sellers Del Gatto Architects, DIRTT Environmental Systems, HB Build, Henry Schein Dental, and Planmeca are the lead providers of in-kind equipment and services for the Cure 4 the Kids dental clinic project. “These companies are partners for Roseman’s College of Dental Medicine, and we are honored by their exceptional support of this worthwhile project,” says Dean Licari. “This dental clinic will respond to the immediate needs of vulnerable children and their families, while it also expands future opportunities for care by training more dentists on the special needs of children undergoing medical treatment.” “Henry Schein Cares is proud to be a part of the Cure 4 The Kids project,” says Roy Dickson of Henry Schein. “With the help of our valued vendor partners we have been able to address the many needs for the specialized dental clinic. I am so proud to work for a company that understands the needs for such a facility. They have shown nothing but support for the project since asked to help. Henry Schein Dental looks forward to the realization of this much-needed Dental Clinic.” Roseman is grateful to these companies for their significant investment and leadership in making the Cure 4 The Kids Dental Clinic a reality. Stay tuned for more updates this year about donations from other dental manufacturers as well as news of the grand opening of this much-needed new dental clinic.


PRESIDENT EMERITUS DR. HARRY ROSENBERG Did you know that Dr. Harry Rosenberg is not only a co-founder and president emeritus of Roseman, he’s also an artist? From elegant hand-turned wood platters and bowls to vivid abstract paintings, Dr. Rosenberg’s creations have garnered enthusiastic admirers. In 2019, he began auctioning off his artwork to benefit scholarships. Read on to learn more about the inspiration and impact behind Dr. Rosenberg’s art. When did you first start turning wood, and why? I first started turning about twenty years ago. I was looking for a creative outlet in order to release stress. I wanted to find a hobby that would let me concentrate totally on the process and not be bothered by anything else. So I decided to beat up on a piece of wood! What was the first piece you turned? The very first piece I turned was supposed to be a bowl, but it turned out to be a lampshade because I turned through the bottom by accident! It’s been a learning process. Do you have a favorite piece you’ve turned? Yes, a large platter with a burgundy rim. I like it not so much because of the skill required to produce it, but because of the beautiful grain of the wood that the turning uncovered. That’s part of why I find woodturning so compelling, because you never know exactly how the finished piece will turn out.

How has your painting evolved since you started? I’ve evolved by trial and error! I try new techniques and ways of combining the paint to produce different effects. Everyone has different preferences for colors and designs and effects. I like to see how the paintings turn out after they’re created, dried and varnished, because you can never predict exactly how they’re going to look. What other creative outlets do you have? I like to golf, but it’s not creative the way I play! I find it relaxing and great exercise, as long as I don’t take the score very seriously. Why did you select scholarships as the fund to benefit from the art you sell? I didn’t want to sell my paintings outright, but there was real interest from the campus community. The best option seemed to auction off the paintings to benefit Roseman’s students through scholarships. We’ve raised about $8,000 so far, which is a good start for building a permanent endowment that will provide annual funding for scholarships.

When did you start painting, and why did you choose the “pour” method to start? I started painting about 18 months ago, because there were times of the year when it was too hot or cold to turn wood in my garage workshop. I needed another creative outlet and happened to see some YouTube videos of the acrylic pour process for creating paintings. I didn’t feel I had the skill to do actual figurative paintings, and plus with the possibilities of photography today, abstract paintings were the best option for me.

What would you say to collectors of your paintings? Thank you! I’m pleased that you found my artwork a worthwhile endeavor, and grateful that your support is benefiting scholarships for our students. Interested in Dr. Rosenberg’s artwork? Email to learn more.




CVS Health has historically been the top employer of Roseman’s doctor of pharmacy graduates, and has also been a strong benefactor for the College of Pharmacy. In 2018, CVS took its relationship with Roseman to a new level by funding a multi-year grant that focuses on increasing the number of pharmacy students who speak Spanish and are committed to providing health care services to Hispanic communities.

Roseman was honored to receive support from the Semnani Family Foundation in 2019. The mission of the Semnani Family Foundation is to find creative and effective ways of serving the needs of vulnerable communities. Given its strong ties to Utah, it is also committed to helping the state and its people flourish.

The grant support responds to our communities’ fast-growing need for Spanish-speaking healthcare professionals, and helps to introduce pharmacy as a career for Hispanic/Latino students. “CVS Health’s commitment to diversity is deeply rooted in our purpose of helping people on their path to better health,” said David Casey, Vice President, Workforce Strategies and Chief Diversity Officer. “For our company to thrive, we need innovative partnerships with institutions like the Roseman University College of Pharmacy, to help produce a highly trained, culturally diverse future health care workforce for companies like CVS Health.” Helen Park, Roseman’s Assistant Dean for Admissions & Student Affairs, and Assistant Professor of Pharmacy, notes, “This grant from CVS is having a tremendous impact. Together, Roseman and CVS are responding to the current healthcare needs of our communities as well as looking ahead to prepare for the future. We’re grateful for the relationship Roseman has with CVS and for their continued generous support.”

Whether helping communities recover from natural disasters and war, or promoting research, educational and civic initiatives, the Semnani Family Foundation focuses its giving where it can make the most difference. The Foundation’s grant to Roseman supported student scholarships, the College of Medicine, and the Dental Patient Assistance Fund. “Roseman University is grateful for the generosity of the Semnani Family Foundation,” notes Carlene Walker, member of the University’s Board of Trustees. “This investment in key programs will help students earn their health professions degrees, add to the growing support for the College of Medicine, and provide vital dental care for our neighbors in need. The Semnani Family Foundation has a strong history of supporting programs that improve access to healthcare in the Salt Lake City area, and Roseman is proud to be part of that effort.”

Alumni Benefactors IMPACT THEIR ALMA MATER Elliott Asarch PharmD 2015 / MBA 2015 Elliott Asarch comes from a family of pharmacists – his parents, uncle, and four cousins are all pharmacists, and they inspired him to continue the tradition. “I was always interested in a career in healthcare and business and decided to pursue a PharmD and MBA – which lead me to Roseman,” he notes. He had a “challenging yet rewarding experience” at the University. “I valued the challenges however,” he adds, “as the most difficult disease states and internships I experienced have become my areas of interest and have helped mold me into the pharmacist I am today.” Elliott appreciated all of Roseman’s faculty members, adding, “One faculty member I admire specifically is Dr. Christina Madison. Her passion for teaching and for public health really made an impression on me, both in the classroom, as a student on her rotation, and in the community. She’s a great role model for students and pharmacists who aim to expand the profession of pharmacy and have an impact on the health of our community.” After graduation, Dr. Asarch moved to California to complete a residency. “I worked as an inpatient clinical pharmacist for 2.5 years before moving back to Las Vegas. I now work as a clinical pharmacy coordinator for Desert Springs Hospital and serve as a preceptor for about 20 Roseman pharmacy students. I’m also engaged as an alumni mentor within Roseman’s Henderson Phi Delta Chi chapter, and volunteer with the Nevada Society of Health System Pharmacists to give them a preview of what to expect as a pharmacy intern and pharmacy resident.” Roseman is grateful for Dr. Asarch’s involvement, which also includes supporting the 2019 Week of Thanks(Giving) through a matching gift to the Dr. Renee Holder Memorial Scholarship. Dr. Asarch explains, “I was inspired to give back to Roseman because it’s shaped my professional career and set me up for success, and I supported this scholarship to honor Dr. Holder’s legacy. Her passion for pain management, palliative care, and global health inspired me and my classmates, and I hope by supporting this scholarship this passion can continue to inspire pharmacy students and impact our community.” Dr. Asarch added to his Roseman connections when he married his wife Dana Mitchell, who earned her BSN from Roseman in 2011. “A common friend from the College of Nursing introduced us, and we got married in 2017. Our wedding was a mini-Roseman reunion, with approximately 30 Roseman nursing and pharmacy alumni in attendance!”

Alexandria Allen ABSN 2016 – 2018 Alexandria Allen knew she wanted to become a nurse only after she began working as a laboratory research assistant. “I knew I could help more as a nurse mending the living than I could collecting the broken pieces of those I associated with only by number sequence or who were no longer with us,” she shares. About her Roseman experience in the ABSN program, she notes “Honestly, was tough and challenging every day, but I think being pushed to the limit has aided me into becoming a strong bedside nurse with great values.” Despite the academic and clinical demands, Alexandria found time to get involved and give back even as a student. “I served as a mentor, class vice president, and a member of Nursing Honors. Though, most people remember me for the homemade baked goods I brought before exams. I stress baked A LOT!” she laughs. When asked about her best memories of her days at Roseman, she responds: “One word: Friendsgiving! I will always remember having Thanksgiving with my cohort group eating, relaxing, and not stressing about block exams!” She admires and respects all of the nursing faculty members who taught her, and notes that she was especially “inspired by Dr. Paula Hutchison, Professor Susan Carrow, and Dr. Barbara Tanner!” Alexandria’s Roseman education has paid off, for she is now doing exactly what she wanted to do once she decided to change her career trajectory – last year, she joined Lake Charles Memorial Hospital in Lake Charles, LA as a Labor & Delivery Nurse. Alexandria is proud of her education at Roseman, and she is proud as well of the scholarship that she and a fellow Accelerated BSN Class of 2016-2018 student helped to create at the University. She explains, ”Malarie Martin and I wanted the non-traditional nursing student (who may be older or choosing nursing as a second career) to have an opportunity to gain financial help that is not always available when compared to younger or first-time college students.” With that as inspiration, the students initiated an effort among their cohort classmates to establish the Pass the Stethoscope Scholarship, which will be awarded for the first time this spring. Looking to the future, Alexandria notes, “We hope this continues as a legacy scholarship award that will be carried on by ongoing contributions from Roseman nursing alumni.” Roseman recognizes and appreciates Alexandria’s hard work and her generous personal support of the Pass the Stethoscope Scholarship.

Introducing Roseman’s Newest ADVANCEMENT TEAM MEMBERS Michael Blimes Vice President for Philanthropy and Alumni Relations In August 2019, Michael Blimes joined Roseman as head of the Advancement Office, leading our fundraising and alumni efforts with a special focus on the campaign for the College of Medicine. “Roseman University’s unique approach to educating the most proficient professionals in the health sciences for the 21st century is simply compelling!” Michael shares. Michael is an experienced not-for-profit executive with strategic vision and tactical expertise in organizational management, executive leadership and securing philanthropic gifts and grants. Over a career spanning more than four decades, he has served as executive staff leadership several noteworthy major state universities, a private college, a renowned international business school, an international arms-control organization, a community college system foundation, a hospital foundation, a social and behavioral health agency, and with major symphony orchestras, as well as other national and international organizations. He founded and headed The MIDAS Consulting Group with offices in Denver, Reno and Phoenix, for 23 years after serving several years as a senior consultant in the Minneapolis regional office of C. W. Shaver and Company, a New York City-based national consulting firm. Michael and his wife Karla moved from Tucson, and are already immersed in University activities, business and civic events, and philanthropic circles. Michael looks forward to sharing Roseman’s story of innovation and impact on its communities with others who care deeply about education and healthcare. Roseman is delighted to welcome Michael and is excited at his leadership and his vision for the University for the coming decade. Reach out to Michael at (702) 822-5330 or

Kendra Angell Director of Philanthropy, South Jordan Campus Kendra has extensive experience and expertise in non-profit fundraising. Her experience includes a broad base of giving platforms including customer donation programs, peer-to-peer programs, third-party contracts, special events, grant writing, corporate partnerships, planned gifts, and individual major gifts. Kendra has a BS in Exercise Science with a minor in Nutrition and Food Science, an MBA, and a Master of Science in Management and Leadership. Kendra looks forward to leveraging her experience and education to benefit Roseman University. Amy Wiles Director of Philanthropy, College of Medicine Amy has an extensive background in philanthropy that includes work in higher education, private preparatory schools and other nonprofit organizations. Higher education work is her family legacy. As a young girl, she spent summers and holidays with her grandmother who worked at Miami University in Ohio. Her mother was an administrator for various graduate schools, and her retired Marine father is a long-time lecturer at Penn State University. Amy began her fundraising career in 1994 at UNC-Chapel Hill and happily transferred her development efforts to Las Vegas in 2008. In Southern Nevada, she has made a difference at The Alexander Dawson School, the Las Vegas Philharmonic and most recently at The Animal Foundation. A graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill’s Journalism School, she has experience in all aspects of fundraising as well as marketing and public relations. She currently serves as President of the Las Vegas Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Amy is pleased to join the Roseman family and to focus on fundraising for the College of Medicine.



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REGISTER NOW at Do you have questions about donating to Roseman University? Please contact the Advancement Office at (702) 802-2870 or

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