April 2017
In This Issue Sexually Transmitted Infections 2017 SAAPM (Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention) 2017 SARP Message Health Promotion Calendar USNH Yokosuka Events Tobacco Cessation Immunizations Information Health Promotion Services Meet the Staff
Know The Most Prevalent Sexually Transmitted Infections Locally HM3 Dooling, Christopher, PMT USNH Yokosuka
Sexually transmitted diseases/illnesses (STDs/STIs) affect people of all ages, backgrounds, and from all walks of life. In the U.S. alone there are approximately 20 million new cases each year, about half of which occur among youth ages 15-24 years.1 The following are common STI’s that get reported at US Naval Hospital Yokosuka Japan: Chlamydia: Chlamydia (Chlamydia trachomatis) is one of the most common sexually transmitted illness (STI) in the world that affects both men and women. It can cause serious harm to a women’s reproductive system and may cause infertility. Like most STI’s, Chlamydia is spread through bodily fluids through unprotected sexual contact. Chlamydia is easily treatable using antibiotics. Gonorrhea: Gonorrhea is also a common STI that affects both men and women. Areas of infection can include the genitals, rectum and throat. Gonorrhea can be cured with antibiotics. However, in the last 10 years antibiotic-resistant strains have been increasing. If your symptoms continue for more than a few days after treatment then you should return to your doctor and be checked again. If gonorrhea goes untreated it too can cause serious and often permanent health problems. Syphilis: Although not as prevalent as Chlamydia or Gonorrhea, syphilis is another somewhat-common STI found around the world. It is the only STI that has stages of infection with each stage having different signs and symptoms. Syphilis has been called “The Great Pretender” because many of its symptoms can look like other diseases. Getting the facts about STDs/STIs and sexual health is increasingly important. We invite you to explore our website and learn more about specific STDs/STIs, tips for reducing risk, and ways to talk with health care providers and partners. 1 All these diseases can be prevented by practicing the basic ABC’s of safe sex. 2 1. Abstinence 2. Monogamous relationship 3. Condoms 4. Vaccination (certain STIs can be vaccinated against, such as HPV) 2 For more information, visit: http://www.ashasexualhealth.org/stdsstis/ https://www.cdc.gov/std/default.htm
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator - Fleet Activities Yokosuka Phone 1: 080-8046-5783 (Typically Available 24/7) Phone 2: 080-6592-6629
Keeping your child healthy means taking them to the doctor for their checkup. This is the time for preventative care that will usually include a physical, behavioral and developmental check. If your child will be any of the following ages, please schedule an appointment for their well child visit. At birth: Physical exam and immunizations 1-3 days: Physical exam 2 weeks: Physical exam 2 months: Physical exam and immunizations 4 months: Physical exam and immunizations 6 months: Physical exam and immunizations 9 months: Physical exam 12 months: Physical exam and immunizations 15 months: Physical exam 18 months: Physical exam and immunizations 2 years/3 years: Physical exam 4 years/5 years: Physical exam and kindergarten immunizations 11-12 years/14-15 years: Physical exam and immunizations Children ages 2-6 years should have a physical exam annually. Children ages 6-18 years should have a physical exam at least for 6th and 9th grade, or even every one to two years if desired or concerns. Influenza vaccines are highly recommended each winter for all healthy children ages 6 months and older. 8 USNH Yokosuka Central Appointment at 243-5352. Please call For more information, please contact Family Medicine at 243-8721, Pediatrics at 243-5505 or Immunizations at 243-9840.
お子様の健康診断の受診は健康維持のために大 切です。 健康診断では身体の診察、行動と発育のチェッ クをします。 こちらの年齢になるお子様は、健診の予約をしま しょう。 出生時 診察及び予防接種 生後1-3日目 健康診断 生後2週間 健康診断 2ヶ月 健康診断、予防接種 4ヶ月 健康診断、予防接種 6ヶ月 健康診断、予防接種 9ヶ月 健康診断 12ヶ月 健康診断、予防接種 15ヶ月 健康診断 18ヶ月 健康診断、予防接種 2歳/3歳 健康診断 4歳/5歳 健康診断、小学校入学前の予防接種 11-12歳/14-15歳 健康診断、予防接種 2歳から5歳までのお子様は年に1回の健康診断が必要です。6歳から18歳のお子様は少なくとも6thグレードと9thグレードで健康診断が必要です。健康 診断の希望や気になることがある場合は、1-2年に1回受けることもできます。毎年冬の時期には健康な生後6ヶ月以上のお子様はインフルエンザワ クチン接種をおすすめしています。 9
USNH Yokosuka Central Appointment at 243-5352詳しい情報はこちらにお問い合わせください。Family Medicine at 243-8721, Pediatrics at 243-5505 or Immunizations at 243-9840.
Health Fitness Assessments Basic Nutrition Tobacco Cessation Weight Management
Outreaches ShipShape Crews Into Shape Health Challenges
Meet The Staff
From left to right: Mrs. Mary Cobb (Secretary), LT Daniel Crouch, HM2 Napoleon Paraja, HM3 Prince Delyons (Health Tech.), HM1 Andreas Raigoza (LPO), HN Bennett, Mrs. Ivette Moore (Health Promotion Director)