USPG Pray with the World Church

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“Our role in today’s world is to love our global neighbour and to work for justice and peace…” The Revd Duncan Dormor, General Secretary, USPG

USPG is the Anglican mission agency that partners churches and communities worldwide in God’s mission to enliven faith, strengthen relationships, unlock potential, and champion justice. Founded in 1701.

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‘THE EARTH IS THE LORD’S AND ALL THAT IS IN IT, THE WORLD, AND THOSE WHO LIVE IN IT’. During Creationtide, the season for reflection on God’s overflowing love for our beautiful ‘blue planet’, our thoughts and prayers turn, inevitably, to the challenges of environmental change and climate justice. In March of this year, cyclones Idai and Kenneth brought terrible devastation to Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe. Typically, this affected the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people most profoundly. Local Anglican churches responded with courage and practical help, supported in their care by their partner churches across the world. God’s creation is being ravaged by deforestation, extractive mining and pollution of the seas and atmosphere. Such environmental degradation also has a profound impact upon local communities and their livelihoods. Many of our sisters and brothers across the world are suffering in the face of such ecological injustices and their consequences. In our prayers we give particular thanks for individuals and churches who are working on the frontline for a sustainable world, seeking to protect the environment and the most vulnerable. Earth, sea, sky; land, water, air: The earth is indeed the Lord’s and he made it for its riches to be enjoyed by all. As we enter this season of Creationtide may our thoughts and prayers be matched by our actions. The Revd Duncan Dormor General Secretary, USPG


Artwell Sipinyu, National Coordinator for Anglican Relief and Development in Zimbabwe (ARDeZ) for Sustainable Preaching ( Genesis records that when God created the Earth it was “Good”. This gives us motivation for caring for the environment. However, we have not been very good stewards of our one and only planet. In Zimbabwe in the past we have faced less rainfall and that has led to drought. People and animals fight for water and people have to travel longer distances to get water to drink and use at home. Recently we experienced Cyclone Idai which destroyed lives, crops, infrastructure and also led to drought when crops were washed away or waterlogged. Our destruction of the environment has affected vulnerable or disadvantaged members of our communities. I have personally witnessed the sufferings that the communities are going through because of climate change. Believing in God as creator has made me understand God as relational. All creation flows from the love that existed before between the three persons of the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit who were all involved as co-creators. As Christians, we are reminded that “everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving” (1 Timothy 4:4).

Sunday 1 September: Eleventh Sunday after Trinity. Season of Creation Creator God, you made the goodness of the land, the riches of the sea and the rhythm of the season. We thank you for this season of creation, may we cherish and respect this planet and its peoples. Amen (Adapted from the Church of England) Monday 17 Let us give thanks for the goodness of God’s creation. Tuesday 3 Let us repent for our poor stewardship of God’s creation and commit ourselves to sustain the life of the world. Wednesday 4 Let us pray particularly for individuals and communities affected by Cyclone Idai, that they may find ways to rebuild lives and livelihoods. Thursday 5 (International Day of Charity) Let us commit ourselves to helping all who are affected by the ravages of climate change. Friday 6 Let us pray for an openness and willingness to listen to the voice of God in creation. Saturday 7 Let us pray for a greater understanding of our relationship with God, each other, and the whole creation.


Mayank Thomas, Programme Officer, Church of North India Synodical Board of Social Services. The way in which we dispose of our garbage has a major impact on our environment. In some Indian communities like Barrackpore, West Bengal the community is playing an active role in keeping their neighbourhoods clean by recycling solid waste and then earning income by selling it as compost. Composting is not a new concept in Indian culture. Agricultural village communities have been making organic manure from time immemorial using animal and household waste. The Church in North India has helped 30 households in Barrackpore to make compost pits to decompose the household waste into compost for organic farming; this saves buying more expensive chemical fertilizers, and helps to provide higher agricultural yield. The organic manure conditions the soil and makes it soft to absorb water and nutrients well. So there is a more efficient management of water. The compost also helps to control plant diseases and pests. Most importantly, participation by local communities in waste management has converted household waste from being a burden to becoming a resource. Thus, the local church is at the forefront of mobilizing communities for environmental protection and care.

Sunday 8 September: Twelfth Sunday after Trinity All-knowing God, who created everything with purpose, and have given insights to human beings to learn of your wisdom. Enable us to unlock the potential in what appears to be the least and unimportant for the goodness of the whole created order. Amen. Monday 9 Let us pray with thanksgiving for the ministry of the Church of North India. Tuesday 10 Let us repent for our lack of responsible management of waste. Wednesday 11 Let us pray that we may be inspired by the Church of North India’s programme and reflect on how we may make our own communities environmentally responsible. Thursday 12 (United Nations Day for South – South Cooperation) Let us pray for increasing collaboration between countries of the global south on solving environmental issues. Friday 13 Let us pray for the people of Barrackpore in West Bengal and the church’s ministry there. Saturday 14 (Holy Cross Day) Let us pray that as Jesus showed solidarity for the outcast by dying on a criminal’s cross, so we may work for justice for those excluded today.


Jo Musker–Sherwood, Director, Hope for the Future. Hope For the Future facilitates and trains communities to engage their political representatives on issues of climate change. Recently we supported a group from St Michael and All Angels Church, Borehamwood, UK, to meet for the first time with their MP, Oliver Dowden. One of the constituents read Michael Gove’s response to the Leader of the Opposition’s declaration of a climate emergency, where Gove stated, “It is a crisis, it is a threat, that all of us have to unite to meet”. This set the tone really effectively, and Oliver emphasised that the solution to this climate emergency is global, domestic and local. He raised the success of the Paris agreement, and hoped that the next international meeting, on climate change, the UN Conference of Parties meeting would be in the UK. He also noted that groups such as Extinction Rebellion and the young activist Greta Thurnberg have dramatically raised the profile of this issue in recent weeks. As the meeting drew to a close, Oliver agreed to attend the ‘big green coffee morning’ taking place in the constituency this September. He received a gift of a framed picture for his children from the community, commenting that his children are “always on about climate change” – lots of hope for the future!

Sunday 15 September: Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Walk with love and care in God’s earth; walk with vital awareness of God’s comprehensive vision and purpose for creation; walk with awe and gratitude to ensure justice to the trees and rivers as well as the person next to you – they are not without purpose in God’s vision, (Archdeacon Taimalelagi Fagamalama Tuatagaloa, Samoa) Monday 16 Let us give thanks for the work of Hope for the Future, praying for its engagement with political leaders. Tuesday 17 Let us pray for political leaders across the world that they may engage wisely with issues involving the planet. Wednesday 18 Let us repent for our unwillingness to see our part in the interconnectedness of God’s creation. Thursday 19 Let us pray for all who by engaging in small ways in their own communities contribute positively to a global response. Friday 20 Let us pray specifically for the community of Borehamwood in the UK. Saturday 21 (St Matthew and International Day of Peace) Let us pray that with St Matthew we may use our finances in the service of Jesus to bring about peace.


The Most Revd Nathaniel Makoto Uematsu – Primate, Nippon Sei Ko Kai (Anglican Church of Japan). Eight years have passed since the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. However, the meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and the radioactive contamination it has spread show no sign of an end. The decommissioning of the power plant will take dangerous work for many more decades to come. Can the polluted areas truly be decontaminated? Will the refugees ever be able to go back to their hometowns? If possible, how soon? No human knows. Until the meltdown hit, many of us consumed energy from nuclear power, believing in the nuclear “safety” myths. Now, I honestly repent of my ignorance back then. The Fukushima Daiichi disaster has proved to us all that nuclear power is a dangerous and potentially devastating source of energy and that any serious nuclear accidents can quickly go beyond anyone’s control. Even a single nuclear power plant can affect the whole world. Let this forum be an occasion to start new global moves to abolish nuclear power, in collaboration with the whole Anglican Communion worldwide as well as with all other cooperating churches.

Sunday 22 September: Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity Grant us your wisdom and might so we can stand on your love again, and build up a world free of nuclear power, where we serve those who are in agony, and live together with all lives. In Christ Jesus, Amen. (Collect of the International Forum for a Nuclear-Free World) Monday 23 Let us give thanks for the ministry of the Nippon Sei Ko Kai (Anglican Church of Japan) and The Most Reverend Nathaniel Makoto Uematsu – Primate. Tuesday 14 Let us pray for all who are still affected by the meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, and all others who are affected by nuclear disaster. Wednesday 25 Let us pray in repentance for the destruction caused by our too speedy use of potentially dangerous technology. Thursday 26 (International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons) Let us join with peoples of all faiths around the world in praying for the total elimination of nuclear weapons. Friday 27 (World Tourism Day) Let us pray for all who travel the world, that they may do so responsibly and respectfully. Saturday 28 (Ember Day) Let us pray for all who are called to lay and ordained ministry in God’s church.


Rachel Parry, USPG Director of Global Relations. This week we mark the 13th anniversary on October 3rd of the brutal killing of former Obispo Maximo of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente, Most Revd Alberto Ramento. It is believed that his murder was politically motivated due to his active support for the most marginalised in Philippines society. Sadly, in the very week of writing this in early July we received the tragic news that Salvador Romano, active church member of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente, became the 69th victim of extra judicial killings in Negros Island under the current presidential administration. The Revd Herbert Fadriquela, Chaplain to the Filipino Community in the Diocese of Leicester, says: “Those who work for justice and genuine peace have become an easy target for summary executions. Salvador Romano was one of them. He was a local church worker helping the youth group. He was a human rights advocate. He was a community development worker serving the people affected by natural and humanmade disaster. He died from multiple gunshot wounds after attending the Sunday Service in his church.” National Programme Coordinator of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente, the Revd Chris Ablon, asks: “How long will the unjust killings and persecution of the Filipino people continue?”

Sunday 29 September: Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity May God grant us the courage and will to confront the powers-that-be and push forward the agenda of peace. May Jesus who showed compassion and mercy continue to challenge our faith and love. May the Holy Spirit nurture the hope within us and strengthen our passion to serve and journey with the people in the quest for a lasting peace based on justice. Amen. Monday 30 (St Michael and All Angels) Let us rejoice that we are surrounded by your holy angels, ever ready to defend and protect us. Tuesday 1 October (Day of Older Persons) Let us give thanks for older people in our communities and pray for continued good relationships between children and older people. Wednesday 2 Let us pray for Lumad communities in the Philippines who are harassed and uprooted, and for priests who are vilified for standing with them. Thursday 3 Let us pray for all those who are killed because they stand up for justice; strengthen the resolve of those of us who live, to speak out for their cause. Friday 4 (St Francis of Assisi) Let us pray that we, like Francis, may show respect and love for all creation. Saturday 5 (World Teachers Day) Let us pray for all those across the world who are involved in education.


Mayank Thomas, Programme Officer, Church of North India Synodical Board of Social Services. School is a second home for children. When the Indian Parliament made education a fundamental right of the Indian citizen, it was aware of a critical role through parents of School Management Committees. The Church of North India organised a national level campaign – “Hamaare Bacche, Hamara School” (Our Children, Our School) in which over 12,000 community members and children participated in a campaign in 78 villages. The main objective was to develop a sense of ownership and responsibility among the parents to build a safe and ideal school environment for their children. The campaign mobilized the School Management Committees to help them understand their roles and responsibilities, in order to improve the quality of education. This not only ensured good school infrastructure, but also monitoring of finance, management and academic progress of children. In this way, the Church of North India is helping to facilitate real ownership of the schools by parents or guardians, the principal and teachers of the schools and the local authorities through effective participation in the scheme.

Sunday 6 October: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Lord, this world needs this marvellous wealth that is youth. Help young people! They possess the inexhaustible wealth of the future. Do not allow an easy life to corrupt them nor difficulties to quench their spirit. (Former Archbishop Dom Helder Camara, Brazil) Monday 7 Let us pray with thanksgiving for the Church of North India’s commitment to children’s well-being through education. Tuesday 8 As we give thanks for the relationship between the church and the local government, working with parents to provide a safe and ideal school environment, let us be inspired to do this in our own communities. Wednesday 9 Let us repent for when we have not provided a safe school environment where all children may flourish. Thursday 10 (World Mental Health Day) Let us pray for all who experience challenges in their mental well-being and the stigma so often associated with it. Friday 11 (International Day of the Girl Child) Let us acknowledge the special challenges faced by girls, and commit ourselves to the inclusion of all. Saturday 12 Let us pray for schools in our own communities: for staff and students, their families, and the communities they serve.


The Rt. Revd Keerthisiri Fernando, Bishop of Kurunagala, Anglican Church of Ceylon, Sri Lanka. Until the Easter Day blast in 2019 Muslims and Christians had been living in harmony in Sri Lanka. In the recent past when Muslims had tensions with Tamils and Buddhists, Christians were always there to express their solidarity with the Muslim community. This has left ordinary Christians confused and unable to comprehend the Easter Day attack. Although a tiny minority of Muslims attacked Christians in a brutal manner we shouldn’t ignore that fact that Christians can play a huge role in establishing normality and reintegration with the Muslim community in Sri Lanka again. In the context of the development of religious fundamentalism, both Christians and Muslims should take care not to come to the conclusion that “my” faith is the only true faith and therefore “I” should despise all the other faiths. It is the responsibility of all faiths to take every possible step to avoid these extreme, unhealthy positions, often promoted by tiny minorities. As universal religions, Islam and Christianity are rooted in many cultures and societies. It is useful for Christians and Muslims in Sri Lanka to learn from other Muslims and Christians of other cultures and societies where they live in peace and harmony respecting and helping each other.

Sunday 13 October: Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity O God our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer thank you for revealing yourself to us as Trinity. We pray for all peoples of faith that, recognising our differences, we may work together for the common good. Amen. Monday 14 Let us pray for the work of the Anglican Church of Ceylon, for Bishops Keerthisiri Fernando, and Dhiloraj Canagasabey in their leadership roles. Tuesday 15 (International Day of Rural Women) Let us give thanks for the ministry of women in rural areas who are often the bedrocks of their communities. Wednesday 16 (Word Food Day) Let us pray in penitence for how we have allowed the unequal distribution of food to create hunger and widen the divisions between peoples. Thursday 17 Let us pray for the peoples of Sri Lanka as they work to rebuild communities of trust and faith. Friday 18 (St Luke) Let us pray for peoples of different faiths as they work towards healing and wholeness for their communities and societies. Saturday 19 Let us commit ourselves to working together for the common good and the eradication of acts of hate and terror.  


UK: USPG and Hope for the Future

1 September – 30 November 2019

Barbados: “Come, go down to the potter’s house, and there I will let you hear my words.”

North India: Livelihood support to marginalised communities

Bangladesh: Theology of self-reliance and sustainability

Sri Lanka: Muslims and Christians together

Japan: Towards a Nuclear Free World Philippines: Iglesia Filipina Independiente

Tanzania: Bwana Yesu Xsfiwe! Diocese of Bihamarulo

Zimbabwe: Anglican Relief and Development in Zimbabwe (ARDeZ) for Sustainable Preaching


Extract from the statement of the Anglican Communion Office at the United Nations The global Anglican Communion is playing a significant role in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals and “leaving no one behind”. The tragedy of forced displacement is a crisis that compels us to work together in innovative ways. The trauma experienced by the world’s 68.5 million forcibly displaced people, including 40 million internally displaced people, speaks to our common humanity and urges us to take meaningful action. Climate change is an existential threat to peace and security, human rights, economic prosperity and cultural and ecological preservation, especially in Small Island Developing States. Given the increasing likelihood of irreversible damage to the most vulnerable nations, confronting climate-induced displacement must be an urgent priority for international and inter-governmental action and is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030. The churches, agencies, and networks of the Anglican Communion are already addressing these challenges by responding to disasters and building local resilience. Partnerships with faith actors, rooted in local communities, are vital in supporting groups affected by climate-induced displacement.

Sunday 20 October: Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity God, our rock and our redeemer, we pray for those forced to leave their homes, the displaced, for families torn apart by absence and loss, and for all who miss loved ones; may they find in you their comfort and solace. Amen. Monday 21 Let us pray for those forcibly displaced by climate change that they may find a sense of home wherever they are. Tuesday 22 Let us pray for all who minister to migrants and migrant communities, that they may be inspired to recognise Christ in every stranger. Wednesday 23 Let us repent for all the global disruptions and inequities which cause people to leave their homes. Thursday 24 (UN Day) Let us rejoice in institutions like the United Nations which call peoples to work together to foster the common good. Friday 25 Let us pray for all institutions working alongside the United Nations to build local resilience and for our partnership with them. Saturday 26 Let us commit ourselves to welcome the stranger in our midst and work for justice for all people.

27 OCTOBER – 2 NOVEMBER “COME, GO DOWN TO THE POTTER’S HOUSE, AND THERE I WILL LET YOU HEAR MY WORDS.” The Revd Dr Sonia Hinds, Rector, St. Leonard’s Anglican Church, Barbados.

There was a time in my home country of Barbados that many items were made from clay. I recall watching an artisan at his task, being mesmerised at how he was handling and shaping the clay to make something new. Now a dying art form, we can still learn about God as we reflect on the practice. God invites the prophet Jeremiah to enter a potter’s shed where he will observe the potter working with clay, so that Jeremiah may better hear God’s words (Jeremiah 18:1), understand God’s way (18:6), and summon God’s people to conversion (18:11). Jeremiah is invited to leave his own familiar place, step away from the known and go to learn about God and God’s people by watching an artist at work. Still God invites us to see God at work too, and then to share a message. God, who shapes clay, sculpting and forming humankind from the earth; God, who like a woman in the kitchen baking breads and cakes, kneads and smooths, forming a new creation. God the Potter is calling us to observe and to hear, to be confident that God who created us will call us from familiar spaces to speak out on social injustices that need to be addressed in our communities and churches.

Sunday 27 October: Last after Trinity, Bible Sunday O God our Potter, create in us a new heart to see and learn how to know your ways and so have the courage to summon your people to conversion through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Monday 28 (St Simon and St Jude) Let us pray for all who, like Simon and Jude, engage in Christian mission today. Tuesday 29 Let us pray for the people of Barbados in the Church in the Province of the West Indies. Wednesday 30 Let us repent for the times when we have not recognised your image in the face of every human being, and have turned away from others instead of reconciling. Thursday 31 Let us pray for the Revd Dr Sonia Hinds and all women called to ordained ministry. Friday 1 (All Saints) Let us rejoice in our fellowship in the diversity of the communion of saints. Saturday 2 (All Souls) Let us delight in God’s ability to transform, recreate and sustain even what seems hopeless to us.


The Rt Revd Shourabh Pholia, Bishop of Barisal Diocese, Church of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a country with many challenges: dependency on other countries, poverty, unemployment and frequent disasters. Most Christians are from an underprivileged environment. During the missionary era, they had educational opportunities but the Church became dependent on foreign missionaries and forgot to depend on its own resources and its calling to be a good steward of its resources. It is like a tiger who forgets how to hunt due to living as a pet for a long time. People lost dependency on the Word of God too. Jesus said to His disciples, “Blessed are you who are poor ... Blessed are you who hunger ... Blessed are you who weep ... Blessed are you when others hate you...” (Lk. 6:21-23). These words are very meaningful to the Bangladesh context, encouraging self-reliance and sustainability. We need to reread and rethink them in the context of poverty, hunger, and sorrow. It is the fellowship of the last coin or the handful of rice that the women set aside as a donation for the church in rural areas. We practice a theology of sharing as the young boy who gave five loaves and two fishes to feed five thousand. A theology of self-reliance and sustainability is to depend on God’s Word more deeply and act accordingly.

Sunday 3 November: Fourth before Advent God of holiness, your glory is proclaimed in every age: as we rejoice in the faith of your saints, inspire us to follow their example with boldness and joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Church of England) Monday 4 Let us pray in thanksgiving for the ministry and mission of the Church of Bangladesh. Tuesday 5 (World Tsunami Awareness Day) Let us pray for all whose lives have been affected by tsunamis and other devastating effects of climate change. Wednesday 6 (International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict) Let us pray for peace in all parts of God’s world. Thursday 7 Let us repent of the parts we have played, individually or corporately, in encouraging the dependency of others on us. Friday 8 Let us pray for the ‘Shalom’, the social outreach department of the Church of Bangladesh and its ministry in marginalised communities. Saturday 9 Let us rejoice in the Beatitudes of Jesus, and seek to live our whole lives according to them.

10 – 16 NOVEMBER BWANA YESU XSFIWE! BIHAMARULO, TANZANIA The Revd Mary Hawes, National Children and Youth Advisor, Church of England.

Bwana Yesu Xsfiwe! British Christians greet each other with ‘How’s things?’ or a comment on the weather. Tanzanian Christians can’t get enough of saying ‘Bwana Yesu Xsfiwe!’ Praise Lord Jesus! Visiting Tanzania, my first visit to the continent of Africa, presented me with so many new experiences and took me right out of my comfort zone. Bihamarulo is only two years old as a Diocese and I was privileged to speak at their very first youth conference. Held in a Cathedral with walls but no roof or doors, nothing had prepared me for hundreds of participants cooking over open fires in the grounds of the Diocesan offices, a tanker driving in each day filled with fresh water and seven-foot high speakers, wires trailing across the floor, amplifying the music which accompanied the vibrant singing and dancing from dawn to dusk. Alleluia and Amina punctuated the preaching and joy was everywhere. Bihamarulo Diocese is financially poor. Its people are materially poor. It struggles for resources and training. But it is shot through with a zeal for God, a passion for mission and a generous hospitality. Please pray for Bishop Vithalis, Canon Stanley (Diocesan Secretary) and Canon Zachariah (Education Secretary) as they lead God’s people. Bwana Yesu Xsfiwe!

Sunday 10 November: Third before Advent Almighty God, merciful Father, we pray thee to direct thy holy church, that it may abide and grow in unity and in its witness throughout the world, and that our faith may increase. Grant, we beseech thee, that we may dwell in peace and have thy blessing on our work. Amen. (A United Liturgy for East Africa) Monday 11 (Armistice Day) Let us pray for all who have died in wars across the world, and commit ourselves to work for justice and peace. Tuesday 12 Let us pray with thanksgiving for the mission and ministry of the Anglican Church of Tanzania. Wednesday 13 Let us pray for the Diocese of Bihamarulo and all new dioceses across the Anglican Communion. Thursday 14 (World Diabetes Day) Let us pray for all who suffer from diabetes and all who work to provide cure and prevention. Friday 15 Let us seek to be more joyful in the expression of our faith, counting our blessings, and sharing with others. Saturday 16 (International Day for Tolerance) Let us pray for tolerance of difference of every kind, and an awareness of the good in all.


The Revd Dr Evie Vernon-O’Brien, Deputy Director of Global Relations, USPG. One of the most hopeful features of this year’s USPG annual conference was the sight of a curly-haired young girl rushing about bringing the microphone to delegates. It is very easy for a 300-year old mission agency discussing serious and sometimes contentious issues to feel jaded and stale. So the presence of a child, actively involved, was a symbol of the possibility that a new generation might be excited into also carrying on Jesus’ mission. Fr Aloysius Pieris, a wise and wonderful Sri Lankan priest, is very clear that if we cannot convey the gospel to children then we are in the wrong calling, and Jesus declares in Luke 18 that we must never prevent little children from coming to him. But here at our conference, a little girl ministered to the adults by her energy and her willingness to help. And just when we were despairing about our financial challenges, she organised a spontaneous fundraising event. How do we allow the gifts of the little ones to flourish for the enrichment of God’s mission?

Sunday 17 November: Second Sunday before Advent Father of everlasting compassion you see your children growing up in an uncertain and confusing world: show them the path of life, enable them to triumph over failure and frustration to hold fast their faith in you and to keep alive their joy in your creation: through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Anglican Church of Southern Africa) Monday 18 Let us give thanks for all those who are part of the USPG family across the world, and pray for the Partners in World Mission Conference in the UK which begins today. Tuesday 19 (World Toilet Day) Let us pray that we may work towards the provision of decent sanitation for all people. Wednesday 20 (Universal Children’s Day) Let us pray for the children of our communities and commit ourselves to their flourishing. Thursday 21 Let us repent of the times when we have excluded the presence and wisdom of children. Friday 22 Let us pray for children and young people, such as young carers, who find themselves in positions of responsibility, that they may know your comfort and strength. Saturday 23 Let us pray for all children and young people that they may engage joyfully with the world around them.


Mayank Thomas, Programme Officer, Church of North India Synodical Board of Social Services. Communities across the Church of North India are being strengthened in livelihood and income generation through the formation of self-help groups for women, and by linking families to central and state level income generation programmes. The Diocesan Board of Social Service in Chotanagpur is helping the tribal village community to receive individual and community forest land under the Forest Rights Act 2000; this is being used for agriculture. Training for women is provided on a variety of alternative farming skills; they may then receive loans to start small businesses. The concept of collective farming is gaining momentum which is helping to make the best use of land, whilst sharing costs. The communities at Amritsar and Chotanagpur are also being linked with Government employment schemes to provide work during the lean seasons of agriculture. Small work projects are helping to create village assets, like roads, ponds and water pipelines. The youth in Amritsar are being provided with skills development and vocational training in beauty, tailoring, plumbing, mechanics, computer training and customer care. The Government then provides certificates to the youth with assured jobs.

Sunday 24 November: Christ the King. Beginning of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. Loving God, we offer to you our prayers for all who are affected by gender-based violence. May the lives of both survivors and perpetrators be transformed through the healing power of the spirit. Amen. Monday 25 (Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) Let us pray for women and girls, that they may be released from the cycle of gender-based violence. Tuesday 26 Let us be inspired by the work of the Church of North India working especially with women and young people to increase their livelihood skills. Wednesday 27 Let us repent for the times when we have upheld structures which contribute to the oppression and degradation of women, even in our churches. Thursday 28 Let us pray for small communities working together to make life better for everyone. Friday 29 (International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people) Let us pray in solidarity for the people of Palestine and the church’s ministry there. Saturday 30 (St Andrew) Let us with St Andrew commit ourselves to the work of Christ’s Church in mission today.



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In this Season of Creation, let us pray after St Francis of Assisi: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me show love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Amen.

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