USPA NATIONAL AWARDS THE GENERAL GEORGE S. PATTON AWARD Established 2014 Remembered for his fierce determination and ability to lead soldiers, George S. Patton Jr. is considered one of the greatest military figures in history. Immortalized as one of the world’s most intriguing military men, he was known for carrying pistols with ivory handles, his intemperate manner and his love for polo. Patton was an avid believer that polo was a useful tool in understanding how his fellow officers performed under pressure. Regarded as one of the most successful United States field commanders of any war, he continuously drove his troops to the highest standard of excellence in training and utilized his love for polo as a teaching aid. He carried a fine set of polo ponies from post to post, and routinely established polo matches on the weekends at the military base he was assigned to. Russel A. Sheldon Daniel Colhoun Jr. Mark Gillespie Allen Hoe
2014 2015 2016 2017
Stephen Walsh Karl Hilberg Dean Dagget Daniel Keating
2018 2019 2020 2021
THE THOMAS HUGHES UMPIRE AWARD Established 2013 In Honor of Thomas Hughes
Thomas Hughes Dale Schwetz J. Horton Schwartz Robert Daniels Steve Lane
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Britt Baker Charles Muldoon Unawarded Thomas Gose
2018 2019 2020 2021