Addvantage 1991 April

Page 1

The New Prince® CTS Response: Our most comfortable widebody. The combination of three unique Prince technologies offer comfort never experienced before in a mid-widebody racquet. The Double Bridger"/Eiastomer Throat dampens both string and frame vibration. The Patented Cushion GriPt Systemr" provides ultimate feel. The Constant Taper Systemr" (CTS) enlarges the sweet spot and inhibits shock. It's the premier racquet with unprecedented touch, comfort and control. Available in mid-plus and oversize. See your dealer or caii1-800-2-TENNIS. Prince. The Exclusively Endorsed Racquet of the United States Professional Tennis Association. © 1991 Prince Manufacturing, Inc.

PIIRCB® Playing in the Zone:"

The Trade Magazine of Men and Women Tennis-Teaching Professionals"'

Volume 15- Issue 4

April 1991

The Voice Of The Tennis Teaching Profession NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS President

Jack Justice

First Vice President

Gordon Collins

Vice President

Dave Sivertson Kathy Woods Cliff Drysdale Wiii Hoag

SecretaryITreasurer CEO Legal Counsel

Tim Heckler Paul Waldman

Director of Operations

Rich Fanning

Coordinator of Tennis Teacher Development

Allan Henry

Public Relations and Marketing Magazine Coordinator Business Operations Corporate Services Manager Corporate Secretary

John Tamborello Michelle Tanner Bob Ellis Christl Call Barbara Casey Kathy Buchanan

Membership/Education Assistant

Schelli Dykes

Membership/Education Assistant

Sharon Duste

Membership/Education Assistant

Tawnya Buchanan Renee Heckler

Merchandise Services and Accounting

Dale Henry

Director of Certification and Academies

George Bacso

Co-Director of Academies Advertising/ Marketing Information



6 10


S!lawna Riley

Computer Services and Club Relations

Financial Manager

Bu reau.

Phil t.ancaster


Communications Coordinator

On the Cover... Photo by H ilton Head Conventio n and Visi tors

Bill Tym Phone (713) 97 -USPTA

AOOvantage is published month ly by the United States Professional Tennis Association . For information, write World Headquarters One USPTA Centre 3535 Briarpark Drive Houston, TX 77042 phone (713) 97 -U SPTA, or tax (713) 978-7780 Office Hou rs 8:30-5:00 CST Copyright© United States Professional Tennis Association, Inc. 1991 . All rights reserved . Reproduction of any portion of this magazine i5tnot permitted without written permissfon from the publisher.


13 16



PARENTS/COACHES/STUDENTS An explosive formula by Nick Bollettieri


TIME MANAGEMENT by Barbara Braunstein





7 8 14 19


20 30 32




DAVE SIVERTSON Vice President (512) 453-7249

CLIFF DRYSDALE Vice President (919) 256-6735

PHIL LANCASTER Secretary/Treasurer (214 233-5312

PAUL WALDMAN Legal Counsel (212) 354-8330

GOR DON COLLINS First Vice President 408) 395-7 111

KATHY WOODS Vi ce President (908) 329-9146

WILL HOAG Vice President (305 564-1271

ROD DULANY Past President (703) 524-3227





DON GOMSI Presid ent (714 792- 4829 HANK LLOYD Regiona l Vice President (714 535-7740

BECKY DESMOND President (215) 269-8037 ANDREW POGON YI Regi ona l Vice President (215) 233 -3 191

LISA MOLDREM President (206) 526 -0435 CAROLYN LUMBER Regional Vice President (503) 287-0250

EASTERN DIVISION GORDON KENT President (2 12) 243-2386 STEVE DIAMOND Regional Vice President (201 85 7 7476 ,.:

FLORIDA DIVISION MARK McMAHON President 407) 483-9227 WOODY NEWSOM Regional Vice President 407) 468-1525

HAWAII DIVISION DINO BONDALLIAN Pres ident (808) 332-3441 DAVID PORTER Regional Vice President (808) 293-37 55





JIM DAVIS President (419) 865-1141 MIKE HURLEY Reg ional Vice President (216)478 -2 712

JUDY PRESTON President (619) 280-7355 DON HENSON Regi onal Vice President (619) 435-7133



JAIME VARGAS President (314 449 -1332 DOUG BOSWELL Regional Vice President (918) 496-152 3

FRED BURDICK President (404 832-6570 RANDY STEPHEN S Regional Vice President (912) 4 7 4-5075



HOWARD BURNETT President (603) 772-6 191 DAVE FLEURY Regional Vice President (207) 846-3675

JOE LONG President (505) 822-0455 BRIAN CHENEY Reg ional Vice President (602) 840-6412



DAVE HOUSTON President 415 388- 1727 BILL RAPP Regional Vi ce Preside nt 415 364 -6272

RON WOODS President (512) 991 7561 BOB KING Regional Vice President (713) 622 -5921



CHIP KING President (70 3) 273-2056 TE D MEYER Regiona l Vice President (804 32 0-3244

RAJAN KESWANI President (61 2) 426-1 308 STEVE WILKINSON Reg ional Vice President (507) 931 1614

JIMREFFKIN Past Pres1dent 11988) 1602) 791-4896 MIKE EIKENBERRY Past Pres1dent 11 986) 1703)893-4428 BILL TYM Past President 11 984) 1615)297' 3340

president's message

Staying Ahead of the Game USPTA sets the standard Jack Just1ce, Pres dent


nee its mcept1on in 1927 the United States Professional Tennis Associa tion has not only worked to raise the standards of tennis teach ng as a profession but has n most cases set the ¡ ndustry standard for teach ng professionals . The Association has been an nnova tive force on many fronts with n the tennis ndustry Whether it's assuring al people the right to work with n our profession linking nto the newest technology or promoting the education of our members , USPTA has been the orig nator of pol cies and programs to achieve these goals .• ¡ Wh le preparing to write this editorial found at least five areas worth mentionng to exemplify these points:

USPTA's Club Anti-discrimination Policy The USPTA Founding Fathers were certainly representative of a common trend among people involved in our great sport. Our officials and members do not care about what the person across the net looks ike only how they play the game. say this because our Association policies regarding race , re igion sex and color are very clear We do not inc lude questions concerning these issues on any of our application forms . So, unless we personally know a particular member we do not know the sex, race color religion or national origin of that member Last fall , we added an anti-discrimination clause to our club membership appl ication , and feel very positive about our Association's commitment to minority involvement and opportunity within our profession . We ask only that all USPTA membe rs sustain the technical and ethical standards set forth in our bylaws.

2. High Technology USPTA continues to lead the tennis industry as an innovative user of computers. The computerization of our World Headquarters has enhanced our membership and marketing efforts tremendously over the past eight years, and many other similar organizations are looking to us as a model user of the newest technology Our database capabilities alone allow us to reach out to every member in an effort to promote the Association and its members as a prime market to many sports related companies. The credit for this area of our operations goes to our CEO , Tim Heckler He brought us into the computer age, and continues to upgrade our computer systems to streamline operations and increase efficiency in all departments. 3. Education Just as we hold a commanding lead in the technological aspects of trade association operations, we continue to be the first and only teaching organization to continually educate its members. With 1991 's programs in full swing and with the implementation of our new Mandatory Continuing Education Program , the Association is looking to increase its curriculum of educational opportunities. The introduction of our Sport Science Schools and Business Schools, the first of which wil be held at the World Headquarters this spring and summer provide even more alternatives with which our members can enhance their careers. These additional educational benefits will further set you apart from other teachers and part-time professionals. Through these efforts, USPTA is and wi

continue to be the preferred Association of tennis-teachers at clubs and facilities across the United States.

4. Grassroots Programming Across America Tennis Day and Across America Coaches Workshops represent other new and creative grassroots programs and educational projects established by USPTA. As we become involved in these important projects, we demonstrate our concern for the tennis ineJustry and our wi ingness to provide our time and talents to these efforts. Other tennis industry businesses and organizations are beginning to recognize the importance of the teaching professional within our sport. They in turn are providing us with the support to continue the very grassroots events that inspire people to play tennis. truly believe the dollars, time and effort spent in organizing, promoting and implementing these programs are well spent. 5. USPTA's World Headquarters Finally must tout our new World Headquarters as the newest and largest effort we have undertaken as an Associ ation The facility opens up many new options for us to continue being innovators in our field. The larger and more efficient space will allow us to expand our leadership within the industry And , as the staff training is completed and our programs are fully implemented, we can expect to quickly fill the many gaps that exist in our profession . As teachers, we are naturally leaders to those who desire to learn the game of tennis, and as we continue to grow, implement new programs and initiate new policies, we hope to influence more and more tennis teachers and the entire tennis community o


Club Corporation of America Hosts Annual Kickoff Meeting at USPTA World Headquarters

The Club Corporation of America Central Region conducted its annual Director's of Tennis kickoff meeting at the new USPTA World Headquarters in Houston . The three-day meeting was hosted by USPTA pro Bob King, Regional Vice President of the Texas Division Club Corporation of America (CCA) is the largest privately held company n th e club industry with more than 200

country city and athletic clubs worldwide. Some of the clubs are owned by CCA, others have hired the company to manage their operations. CCA's founder and chairman, Bob Dedman, sees his business as one that is based in service and sales. He believes if you treat people well and deliver on promises that they will be back. Dedman carefully chooses top executives who have the same philosophy

The recent meeting was for al CCA club tennis directors located within Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Mexico. During the three days at the World Headquarters, the group of 33 members and CCA management personnel met to review the state of the organization and the goals for the upcoming year They held seminars with their corporate staff regional support staff and specialists from the industry

Donna MountJoy, CCA Cen tral Reg ion marketing manager discusses marketing strategies with group during one of many seminars.


l CCA memb-ers discuss mutual interests during a break between seininars.

Sem nars ncluded pro shop management, group buying and promotions. Also, there were plenty of seminars covering individual company matters and meetings with manufacturer representatives. Of nterest to USPTA pros, a new company policy at CCA mandates that al tennis directors at member clubs must test for USPTA certification within one year of either joining the organization or from the date of the new mandate 'CCA is very supportive of USPTA and what they stand for n this industry said Bob King . Club Corporation of America never works with a club that restricts member ship based on gender or race . The company's main focus is on detail All employees are trained extensively to provide the best possible exper,ence each time a member visits the club. From choosing carpet so that golfers

can walk into the restaurant without ruining the flooring, to honoring the locker room attendant for excellent service, no detail is overlooked by CCA. Tim Heckler CEO of USPTA, addressed the group of directors about the benefits of USPTA membership for themselves and assistant professionals. He also introduced the group to the ibrary of USPTA publications, and distributed a copy of How to Hire a Tennis

Professional and Across America Tennis Day T-shirts. All teaching professionals n the group confirmed their commit ment to Across America Tennis Day The attending directors also took time out for some socializing , which allowed them to more freely discuss ideas with their peers. Roundtable discussions enabled participants to explore new topics and trouble-shoot various o issues.

mif601t. TOWER The Wilson Tower features a huge 250ball capacity, simple electromc controls, and rugged weatherproof construction. Available optwns mclude a 2-functwn wireless remote control and automatic 2-hne shootmg. See your Wilson Sales Rep or call Wilson Accessones at 1-800-848-1999.


U&>PTA Continues lo Lead the Way in Education with Two Firsts Host Site- USPTA World Headquarters, Houston, Texas




Conlinlline, Education

0porl &ience &hool

Business &hool June 29-30, 1991

May 18-19, 1991 f"'1


\.....curse Directors:

Jack Groppel. Jim Loehr, Paul Roelert, Ron Woods


SPORT PSYCHOLOGY The Ideal Performance State and the Impact of Competitive Stress Assessment Tools for Mental Toughness


Signs of Competitive Stress


Course Directors: I.



Vll. Periodization - From a Psychological Perspective


The Problem Athlete


MOTOR LEARNING The Ideal Psychological Oimate


The Role Of The Coach Issues in Learning


Individual Differences

PRO SHOP OPERATIONS The Pro Shop Business B. Structuring Your Agreement with the Oub C. Buying -Making the.Right Choice D. Merchandising for Profit E. Managing the Business PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Tune Management for Maximum Productivity B. LongeVity Through Stress Management C. Communications - .The Key to Success


. Principles for Optimal·Learning


Service is Our Business Developing a Business Plan Personnel Management Pro/Member and Pro/Manager/Owner Relations


Using Psychological Tools

VI. Goal-Setting

n. m.


A B. C. D.

IV. Managing Competitive Stress

~bara'Braun&ein, Rod Dulany; 'ftiD.; Heckler, Kurt. Kamperman

N. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT A Computers: Taking the Next Step B. Contracts: Understhnding and Negotiating C. Resumes: Get,ting your Foot in the poor


fees Per Course


$135 for members City


$200 for non-members


Daytime Phone USPTA Member or USTA Area Training Center Instructor 0 Sport Science Scqool

Held at:





This form must be returned with full payment for one or both courses. Courses are limited to 42 participants each. Participants will receive six (6) points toward continuing education credits. Mail replay to the address listed below.

United States Professional Tennis Association One USPTA Centre, 3535 Briarpark Drive, Houston, TX 77042 For airline and hotel information call the USPTA World Headquarters at (713) 97-USPTA.

• Topic: Sport Science

A cool-down period after a match should last 0 A five ro.inutes 0 B. 10-1 5 minutes 0 C. 25 minutes 0 D. 30 minutes or more l'he term "progressive overload " pertains to: D A Too heavy a competition level. DB. Too heavy a periodization schedule . DC. A training level that exceeds the level of intensity in a match . 0 D. A schedule that does not include social time .

7 What is the "sixth" performance factor a tennis player and coach must be aware of? D A Rehabilitation D B. Nutrition 0 C Adolescent changes 0 D. Sex differences


8. A good pre-match meal should be eaten before a match to allow adequate time for digestion. D A 1/2 hour 0 B. one hour 0 C. two to four hours 0 D. some time

13. Of the three heat disorders, which is the most dangerous? 0 A Heat stroke 0 B. Heat exhaustion D C. Heat cramps

14-20 Match the term with the definition: 0 A Orthotics 0 F Stress fracture 0 B. Tenosynovitis 0 G Coins

0 C. Tendinitis

0 H. Athlete 's Foot 0 D. Morton's 0 I. Bunion Neuroma 0 E. Plantar Fascia 14.

3. What is the key point for a coach to remember in developing a group training program? TRUE or FALSE: To strive for greatness is to risk injury


5. TRUE or FALSE: It is not necessary for tennis players to train the way they will play

6. What is meant by the term " sugar blues " ? 0 A Too much blood sugar in the system 0 B. Not enough insulin to counteract blood sugar levels D C Eating too much sugar before a ' match 0 D A reduction in blood sugar level due to a release of insulin

9 . For more efficient and rapid absorption, water should be chilled at this temperature. OA 50° DB. 45° DC. 42° 0 D. 40°

15. 16.

17 18.

10. TRUE or FALSE: Amphetamines can be lethal when combined with hot, humid weather

19. 20 .

11 TRUE or FALSE: Caffeine and amphetamines act as stimulants, therefore actually reducing fatigue.

12. What three factors should be considered when selecting a tennis shoe?

A spontaneous fracture in a normal bone resulting from the summation of stress. A forefoot deformity where the great toe crowds the second digit. This causes pain and tenderness between the toes. There are three types of these which are effective in treating and prevent ing overuse syndromes of the feet. A pain in the forefoot, in back of the third and fourth toes. When the covering of the tendon or tendon sheath is inflamed. This is caused by fungus infection .

For more information on Sport Science, attend the USPTA Sport Science School at the World Headquarters on May 18-19. Call (713) 97-USPTA for more information. Answers on page 31


Convention 1991 General Information Overheads on Hilton Head


Iton Head Island, S.C. is the site for th e 1991 USPTA National Convention and Nat anal Champ onsh p Tenn s Tournament. 'Overheads on H lton Head " is the theme for the convention that is being hosted by the Southern Division 'We are presenting this convention with Southern pr ide , said Southern Division Presi dent Fred Burdick. 'This is our first time to host a national convention and we are privileged to be involved in the plan ning of this event . Hilton Head Island H lton Head is a sea island on the coast of South Carolina . It is a major component n the beautifu chain of sea and bar rier islands that stretch along the Atlantic from Florida to New York . Among these islands, H lton Head is second in size only to Long Island Hilto n Head 's year-round temperate c l mate is a blessing of the Gulf Stream which warms the Island n the winter ar1d cools it in the summer The average midday temperature is 85° in September


It's Easy to Get to Hilton Head by Plane, Train or Automobile Motorists travel ng to H lton Head wi find -95 is the most convenient nterstate highway It passes through South Carolina approximately 25 miles west of the island Southbound motorists are advised to take the Highway 462 exit to H lton Head , and northbound motorists should take the Hardeeville S.C. exit to H lton Head Directional signs posted along these secondary highways provide a clear guide to the Island The Island is serviced by two airports . Travis Field in Savannah Ga. is a major airl ine destination Rental cars and limousines are available for transportation to Hilton Head from the airport. Hilton Head Airport on the Island is a smal airport ser viced by several intermediate sized airlines. Savannah , Ga., is the terminus for Amtrak overnight service from most northern and southeastern cities. Lodging Accommodations At the Sh pyard Resort, the host site of

the 1 991 Convention there is more to lodging than a typical hotel room The Cottages is a lovely cluster of townhome vi las overlooking shady lagoons and the 5th hole of the Shipyard Plantation golf course These ndividual vi las offer the pleasure of staying in the privacy of an individual townhome combined with the carefree ease of complete hotel service Formal dining rooms , spacious porches , room service central on-premise checkin, message center and maid service are are offered in these homes . Guests at The Cottages enjoy a private ndoor out door pool and well -equipped fitness cen ter complete with racquetbal and weight rooms . If it is hotel rooms that you prefer there are only 300 at the resort, so make your reservations early o

Next Month: Look in ADDvantage for more information on accommodations and discount air fare information.




Sold exclusively at pro shops and finer specialty stores. For more information about becoming an appointed stockist, ring 1-800-222-2600,ext. 210

Marketing Tennis Programs by Fernando M Velasco


success of a club wil depend greatly on th e good relationship created betwee n the members and the tennis professional. The tenn is professional is the person who plants the seed of this impor tant relationship and mu st cultivate it on a daily basis. Th is can be done both on and off th e court. A tennis operation 's success will depend on how well a faci ity and its programs are marketed to members of the club, guests of mem bers and prospective members. A successfu business wi ll invest from 15 to 20 percent of its gross income to keep cur ren t customers and to attract future customers. Since tenn is clubs normally have built-i n markets, a marketing budget between five and 10 percent is recommend ed. Marketing the Club When current members and prospective me mbers walk through the club, they need to be .reminded of a/ the programs and fu nctfbns that are available. Prospective me mbers look at the club as a place in wh ich they would like to participate. Some ways to rem ind and appeal to these markets include • Pictures and biographies of the teaching staff should be posted in a prominent area of the club. Accompl ishments in both the playing and the teaching field should be highlighted. • Bulletin boards should be attractive and should include calendars, fliers and specia l events, pictures of past events and schedules of future events. • Info rmation about the rules and regulations of the club should be available. • Copies of fl iers for spec ial programs, tournaments, social and competitive eve nts should be available. • AI staff should be aware of all deadlines, fees and be able to answer questions regard ing the club and its programs.

Membership Profile In order to know the m e mbe r s~ ip better a good profile and roster should be created . Information that normally is very helpful includes: 10

Fernando Velasco is a native of Bolivia, South America. He firsi arrived in the United States as an Ameri can Field Service Exchange Student spending his senior year in Miles City, Mont. He returned to Bolivia for two years, then moved his family to th e United States where he attended college at Eastern Illinois University. He graduated with a BS in Educati on then taught Spanish and coached tennis, gymnastics and soccer for four years in Skokie, Ill. He became a USPTA certified teaching professional in 1970 and was voted USPTA Pro of the Year in 1976. Curren tly he is a Master Professional and Director of Tennis and Athletics at the Landings Club in Savannah, Ga.

• Name, address, home and office phone numbers. • Names, birth dates and anniversary dates of members of the family. • Events participated in , such as social mixers, competitive events, team tenn is, club championships, parent/child mixers, etc. • Styles and sizes of equ ipment used by each member • Other information that could be useful in the future .

Written Marketing Members need to be recognized for past events and need to be reminded of new events constantly Some ways to improve your written marketing are : Club Newsletters Newsletters usually include activities from al areas of the club. Each issue should include an article written by the professional , pictures with names and results of past events and promotion of upcoming events with proper deadlines

and fees. It is also a good way to promote new merchandise and special sales at the pro shop. Special Fliers Fliers usually are available to the members and prospective members at the registration desk and bulletin boards. They can be created on a computer and copied internally Description and complete information of club championships, social and competitive events, private and group lessons with fees and deadlines should be included. Posters Professional posters properly placed on bulletin boards and areas of constant traffic are steady reminders of events and deadlines. These should be used as teasers so members can be encouraged to pick up the flier with all the detailed information. Mailers By having a good database of the membership, fliers can be mailed to the members that are prospective participants of certain events. For example , if a Father Son Mixer is being scheduled , a flier with all the detailed information could be mailed to the members with sons who play tennis.

Verbal Marketing Even though written marketing is effective, the best way of promoting all events is done verbally by the staff Some effective methods to verbally market events include: • During scheduled activities Either before or after tennis lessons, mixers, clinics, team practices, etc. • At the registration desk As members and guests register or buy tennis equipment. As staff members • On the phone answer the phone or place a member on hold. • Telemarketing Making phone calls during the slow times of the day or dur ing evenings and weekends, reminding members of upcom ng events and encouraging sign-ups.

On-Court Public Relations Tenn is professionals can create great relationships on the court by giving complimentary tennis lessons to all new r6embers

of a club, scheduling at least one match per week to play with members of different rankings and by walking around the courts during the regular play and giving "free" advice to the players after a match . Off-Court Public Relations Tennis professionals can be of great value off the court by spending some time talking with members and players on the phone and/or writing notes and letters. If members have a complaint or give a compliment, the pro should follow up all positive and negative comments with a phone call or by sending a letter Another good way to create good will is by sending thank you notes to members for participating in an event or after _buying an item from the pro shop. Members also like to receive getwell , birthday and anniversary cards. Externai ·Public Relations Meml!>ers of a club are not only inter ested in being recognized within the club through newsletters, pictures and special announcements, but also outside the club environment. Creating a good roster of the local , city state and national newspapers and magazines will help in sending press releases after events at the club. The use of FAX machines has simplified the communication between the tennis professional and sports editors. Items that usually are well received are : • Event Results After each social and competitive event, the names of the participants and results should be sent to local and city publications. Also, if a player obtained a city state or national ranking, an action picture should be sent with a brief article. • State and National Tournaments If a member of your club won a state or national tournament, a press release should be sent to the various state and national publications. • Public Events , Other ways to create good will both inside and outside the club surroundings are: • School Clinics Public and private schools

are always looking for ways to educate students in all areas of leisure. Tennis clinics can be conducted in small gyms with sponge/foam balls and mini-courts. High School Clinics High school tennis coaches are always looking for new ways to motivate and coach their players. A clinic or work-out at their courts or your club courts would be appreciated by these coaches. Park District Clinics These clinics can be hosted in a public court and be attended by both adults and juniors. Door prizes and tennis lessons can be donated by the club and tennis manufacturers. Radio and Television Clinics With the growth of cable TV and the enthusiasm of local cable companies to show local events, tennis tips, clinics and local tour naments can be of great value to the pro and the club. Tennis Tips and Articles All of the local, state and national tennis magazines are always looking for articles, tips, pictures, announcements and results of tournaments.

Joining Organizations Another method of creating good public relations is by joining local and state organizations and attending their weekly monthly or yearly meetings. Groups such as Kiwanis, Lions and Rotary clubs, Chambers of Commerce, etc., will put the professional in touch not only with current members of clubs, but also prospective members and players. Finally public relations and marketing are created each time we report to work. Whether it is done on the court, off the court, having dinner in a restaurant, in the theatre , etc., we must remember that we are in the recreation and entertainment business. Each time we talk, smile and walk, we are creating a positive or negative public image and public relations. If we remember the famous saying "keep the words out of your mouth nice and sweet, you never know which ones you will have to eat," we will always do a good job of creating good public relations. o

Power Tennis Food Healthful, nutritious athletic energy food, made with no oils or added fats. PowerBars raise and sustain energy levels without highs or lows and provide the vitamins, minerals and trace nutrients your body needs, but which are depleted by heat and intensive activity PowerBars are ideal before tennis or anytime you want to perform at your best.

$1.69 each $35 / box of 24 Protein: 10 g. Fat: less than 2 g. Carbohydrate: 40 g.

In Malt-Nut, Chocolate and Wild Berry flavors 800-444-5154

Pros! Try PowerBars free. Write on letterhead or send business card. Attn. Phil Bellan, Powerfood Inc. 1442A Walnut St. Berkeley CA 94709 ©1991







The largest one-day grassroots tennis event, organized at no cost to the public by USPTA, will take place May 11 at 2,000 sites throughout the United States and Canada. Free clinics and social round-robin fun tournaments will be hosted by tennis-teaching professionals. The activities will include a 45-minute basic tennis clinic and a 90-minute tournament session. Activity times and formats may vary depending on the flexibility of host tennis facilities. AU()§§ Amerlc:a Tennl§ Uaywas designed to inspire new and former tennis players to play the sport. The aim is to increase the tennis-playing population, and increase the physical and mental health of our citizens through the sport of tennis. Host professionals will receive a package of promotional ~ materials including a free Tshirt, sign-up poster, press releases and a suggested format for the clinic and tournament event. The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports has issued its seal of approval for the project, and supports A£1'"()§§ Ame.-l£a Tennl§ ()ay•§ . efforts to promote a healthy and drug-free lifestyle through tennis.

USPTA will conduct a concentrated pilot study of this program in 17 target areas in order to monitor the success of the concept; however, all participating teaching professionals will be urged to set up a similar event as well. Charges for these follow-up lessons may vary, but it is suggested that costs to the student remain relatively low to encourage their participation. This initial follow-up session offers a framework on which to build a continuing annual increase in the tennis-playing base, and supports our endeavor to increase the health and fitness of the public through this lifetime sport. AC~()SS Mti:~ICA

C()MT T() C()AST (Vrwram Supplement #2)


A third component of AU()SS Amerlc:a Tennl§ this activity will bring free tennis lessons to special and underprivileged groups at 12locations throughout the country. Among the hundreds of tennis balls hit at each site, one special ball will be sent from site to site. USPTA will put into play that particular tennis ball, and continue its play at all12 sites, fmally ending up on the opposite side of the continent. Pam Shriver and Cliff Drysdale, cochairpersons for AU()§§ Allie.-l£a Tennl§ ()ay, will widely promote this worthwhile event.

The event is held in conjunction with National Physical Fitness and Sports Month.

r=()r m()re lnf()rmatl()n. «::()ntact y()ur l()«::al USVTA Pl'()fe~~l()naL

AC~()SS Mti:~ICA H~~IS UA~E()~z.A

(Vrwram SuPPlement #1) This supplemental program was created to further motivate the participants of the one-day clinics to continue their tennis activity. AU()SS Amerlc:a Tennl§ ()ay host professionals will be asked to offer five weeks of lessons and league play opportunities beginning as soon as one week after the May 11 event. The Bonanza will provide a way tQ maintain tennis participation, which will in turn increase the playing and student base at facilities across the nation.

USPTA will provide host professionals and facilities for this program, and will provide donated tennis balls and racquets to the underprivileged and special players in the program.

USPTA ¡,[)RILLS Target Tennis Purpose: To gain control of ball placement. nstru ctor feeds bal ls to a student at the basel ne The student tries to hit the tar geted areas. Alleys are worth thre e points, se rvice boxes worth on e point, backcourt is worth two points. Set a goal 25 points or so . Each student may hit three or four bal ls per turn, th en pick up the balls and go to th e end of the line . With advanced players, th e nstru ctor can make th e game harder by an exact goal For example , the players ai m for 25 points, so if they have 24 poi nts, th ey must get it n the service box to wi n If th ey don 't they must go back to 15 poi nts.



Anne Mclaughlin Terre Haute. Ind.

s Patience and Opportunity Purpose: To learn to be patient in looking for an offensive opportunity The pro stands at the net and alternately feeds the balls to opposing players stationed at opposite baselines. Players then attempt to hit the ball crosscourt and recover to good line position . A miss, wide, in -net or long shot on the crosscourt rally is worth one point to the opponent. However should either player attempt a down-theline shot from behind the baseline, the resulting point count is two if the player initiating the down-the-line wins the rally If the player initiating loses, the opponent scores four points. EXCEPTION short balls hit crosscourt resulting in approach shots down-the-line or crosscm{rt shots score two points for approaching player and two for the defender Gary George Redlands, CA

Player Movement Ball Movement









\ \

Advanced Movement Drill Purpose: To develop controlled hitting while moving One or two instructors stand on one side of the net at the service "T" feeding balls to the player at the baseline . The first ball is fed for a backhand ¡groundstroke, then the player moves up the alley to the service '"T' for a backhand approach shot The player moves to the net for a backhand volley then turns the corner at the net for a forehand volley in the center of the court Player moves to the opposite alley for a wide forehand volley then backward to the service 'T ' for an- overhead smash. All balls should be returned with a down-the-line shot



' '1 I /I




r l!,jf II,...

r----PR0"(**2)------PR0¡(**1 ) - - - . (Feed Balls for **4 . 5, &6) Feed Balls for **1

Curt Keeney Montgomery Ala .


How to Prepare for a Match by Cl1ff Drysdale

is not enough of a scouting report to know how to beat an opponent. Know your opponent's strengths and weaknesses so you can effectively plot your match strategy On the pro tour traveling coaches scout out opponents for their players, but you need to watch your opponents play matches against other players. Watch intelligently Develop answers to questions like: • Does his passing shot go down the line or crosscourt most often? • Will he attack a short second serve? • Is his second serve short enough that you could attack it? • Does he lob frequently? • How does he react in pressure situations?

Although acclaimed of late for his commentary on ESPN 's tennis telecasts, Cliff Drysdale 's play on court originally brought him fame . Noted for his twohanded backhand , he advanced to the quarter fina ls in all four Grand Slam events and was ranked in the lop 10 from 1965-69 and again in 1971 Cliff became the first president of the ATP in 1972 and later served on its board of directors. From 197881 Cliff served as a player representative on the Men 's Internati onal Professional Tennis Council. Cliff is a bimonthly contri butor to Tennis magazine and also serves on the USTA Executive Commi ttee . He currently designs tennis and health fac ilities around the United States. Cliff received the 1987 ATP Medallion Award and the 1989 WCT Service to Tennis Award.

I t takes more than a good night's sleep to prepare for a match. The successful player goes into each match mentally and physically prepared for his opponent. This means research and conditioning . 'He 's left-handed and has a big serve ," 16

If you haven 't played your opponent before , or seen him play use the warm-up to ed ucate yourself about his game. Make sure he hits all the shots and rate them in your mind . Then , in the early stages of the match , continue to make your opponent play all the shots so that you 've seen his full range of strengths and weaknesses After the match, jot down your observations about the match especially your opponent's vulnerabilities.

Go in with a Game Plan Your game plan depends on your stroke mechanics and speed, compared to your opponent's. Your fundamental strategic options are to play offensively or defensively Basic defense involves staying at the baseline and waiting for errors from your opponent, combined with your ability to make passing shots if your opponent is an aggressive player An offensive strategy involves varied options, which are : • Serve and volley all the time . • Serve and volley on first serve only • Serve and wait for the first short return before attacking. • Go for baseline winners. • Attack the second seNe .

Variety between these two options should be a part of any game plan so that your opponent does not get into a rhythm , but never forget your basic plan . If your groundstrokes are not as good as your opponent's, you cannot stay back and trade baseline rallies. In this case, you wil be forced to test your net game even if it's not the strongest part of your game. You should go for aces only if you have a reasonable chance of success; otherwise, it is much more valuable to hit a high percentage of first serves in, to set up the point. Attacking a short second seNe can be part of a basic game plan . This tactic has some risks, but it shortens the points and keeps the pressure on your oppon~nt.

Know yo ur o p po nents strengths a nd weaknesses Shot selection should vary according to your opponent's strengths and weaknesses in relation to yours. For instance, you might find , after several games, that your opponent has a stronger backhand than you do, and is winning a high percentage of the points when you are trading backhands crosscourt. Under these circumstances, the risk of going for a lower percentage shot by breaking the angle and hitting down the line may be the best idea. You should make every attempt to establish patterns with which you are comfortable and that allow you to match your strength against your opponent's weaknesses, whenever and wherever possible .

Change Your Tactics for Different Opponents Against a player who is a defensive human backboard: • Try coming in to put the ball away. • Try hitting short angles to open up the court for the winner on the next shot, or to pull him into the net so you can pass him. • Drop shot to try to draw him to the net, which will be unfriendly territory bhim.

Against a player who uses excessive topspin: • Move further behind the baseline to give the spin time to play itself out. Remember that it is not easy to approach behind topspin, so don't fear that you will be rushed. • Topspin eventually lands short a good time to attack. Now move in and take the ball on the rise . • Come in only behind a good approach shot because topspinners usually pass well. Against a hard hitter· • Stand back. • Shorten your swing. • Keep the bal in play at al cost because the hard hitter has a low margin for error and will make mistakes. Against a big slice serve: • The slice serve is most dangerous into your forehand side , so protect that side and cut off the angle by moving in. Against a big kick serve : • Don 't be a lame duck by standing where you normally do. Either move in and attack before the spin has time to take its full effect, or take two or three steps back . to give the spin time to work its way out.

Remember to Include Mobility in the Strategic Equation Don 't think of strategy only in terms of forehand and backhand . How well you and your opponent move is crucial to planning effective tactics. Many players move well sideways but not so wei forward and backward . If your opponent is one of these, the dropshot and lob become a much higher percentage weapon for you. You can also use the lob more frequently against an opponent who doesn 't jump well . The slower your opponent is, the wider your strategic options.

Don 't think of strategy in terms of forehand and b ackhand. Realistically assess your speed on the court. Are you quick enough? If your opponent moves better than you , you can: • Hit harder to keep him from controlling the point. • Attack the net more often to disguise your lack of mobility • Hit your serve more aggressively to keep your opponent on his heels. • Vary your game to keep your opponent from getting into a rhythm .

Be Prepared to Change Your Strategy During a Match If you're losing a match, you should experiment with alternatives to your preplanned strategy You may need to change strategies to respond to altered tactics by your opponent. For example, if your usually aggressive opponent changes his game by staying back and playing defensively you shou ld lengthen your groundstrokes and try to take advantage of what may be his weak passing shots by attacking more often . Make your opponent hit a ful range of shots in order to take advantage of any specific shot with which he 's having an off day Expe riment with changed strategies at non-crucial times, like 4-0 in a set or 40love in a game. Losing the first set of a match does not necessarily mean that you need to change your strategy Your game may just need a general ift to turn th ings around , but if you find yourself down by more than two games in the second after losing the first, you must change your basic strategy to turn things around Sometimes the simplest tactics are the best. If your opponent is beating you by repeating a set pattern fight fire with fire . If (continued

United States Tennis Association Announces

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he 's coming to the net and winning , you should try coming to the net. Even though you may not be as confident at the net, you are interfering with his winning game plan. If you re losing, keep your opponent on the court as long as possible . The longer the match lasts, the better chance you have of your opponent tiring either physically or mentally Big Point Strategy or Tie Break Strategy The key to winning the big points is not to choke . You should develop techniques for staying calm and in control. Here are a few suggestions: • Create a mental image of playing against someone you play a lot and beat. Imagine th e confidence that you feel when you 're playing against your " patsy" and try to recreate that calm , secure feeling . • Conce ntrate on a specific strategic or mechan ical objective to block out the negative thoughts. For example, think only about where to make contact with the ball in relation to your body • Make a firm decision that, at all costs, you wil not make an error during the important point. • Boris Becker said to the press after he had lost an early round at Wimbledon after having won there twice , that they were treating his loss as if it were some disaster He told them that he was not in the hospital , had not died, nor were we fighting a war Relax yourself by keeping the occasion in perspective. Losing a tennis match will not change your life.

THE lEST INTRODUCTORY ADULT TENNIS PROGRAMS • Geared to attracting new players • Focused on fun, fitness or friends • Of no cost or low cost to participants

If you're losing keep your opponent on the court as long as possible

REWARD: To Top Three Entries • Airfare to U.S. Open • 1991 U.S. Open box seats • Panel presentation at USTA Tennis Teachers Conference • Recognition by Tennis Industry

LAST CHANCE DEADLINE!!! Tennis programs completed and applications submitted by· JULY 1, 1991 For application form write or ca/1: Tennis Industry Awards 707 Alexander Rd. Princeton, NJ 08540-6399 Tel: 609-452-2580 800-223-0456 (outside NJ)


Think ahead . In the same way that you can open up an opponent's weaknesses by playing to his strengths, you can set up key points by some low percentage tactics dur ing less important points. For example, if you serve and stay back a while , your opponent's return will likely become higher and deeper Then you can unexpectedly attack the net on an important point to take advantage of the high return . Be Aware of Playing Conditions Wind The people who play best in the wind are those who are patient and mentally tough. Windy conditions are unpleasant. They present you with a chance to beat players you wouldn 't normally beat because wind is a great equalizer

• • • •

When the wind is behind you: Aim shorter and hit softer Use more topspin which lands shallower Do not lob. Attack more because it's easier to generate power

When the wind comes from the side : • Direct your attack toward the side from which the wind is coming . • Hit passing shots and lobs into that same side. • When you approach , cover the passing shot on the same side . If you are into the wind : • The lob becomes very effective making it a high percentage passing shot option . • It is easier to hit effective drop shots. • Hit deeper and harder • When you attack move closer to the net because it will be difficult to lob over your head. Sun Check where the sun is when you start and in which direction it's going . The ball toss on the serve and the overhead are your concerns. Certain times of the day are worse for left-(right handers. Try to play your match when conditions are best for you Practice serving with different ball tosses to prepare for the days when you are forced to serve into the sun . Wear a cap with a visor when you 're playing into the sun to shade your eyes. Court Surface Choose events or surfaces that suit your game. The faster the surface, the better for net rushers or aggressive players. Slower surfaces suit groundstrokers and defensive players. Adjust your game to court speeds. Aggressive players need to be more patient on slower surfaces like clay Defensive players can attack more to take advantage of faster surfaces like grass, hard or carpet courts. Altitude • Use a more tightly strung racquet to avoid the trampoline effect because the ball flies farther in a rarefied altitude. • Aim shorter and hit softer • Use more topspin which lands shallower • Lob sparingly Physical Preparation Eat carbohydrates the night before a match for energy and stamina. Drink plenty of fluids before and during play but limit any food intake two hours before a match to light, healthful snacks. Make sure to get average to above aver age sleep the night before a match, but be sure to awake at least four hours before the start of your match. Warm up within two hours before the match . Stretch first, then go out and hit very gently before going into a more strenuous on court warm-up. Make sure to warm up to the point where you are sweating . Then shower and relax before your match. After your match, do stretching exercises as part of a cool down routine . Following these guidelines will not guar antee winning every match. However the better prepared a player is, the better the H chance he has of winning .

' POLLING THE PROS n our continuing effo rts to update our knowledge of our members and their needs, we would like you to answer the following questions and return them to the USPTA World Headquarters. 1 Are USPTA's benefits* useful to you? (Y/N) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2 Which benefi~ do ~u use mo~?~---------------------------

3. Which benefits are least useful to you?~--------------------------

4. What one additional benefit would you like USPTA to offer? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5. Which magazines do you like most? Rate on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best)

6. n what order would you read these if they all arrived on the same day. (1st 7th)

Tennis magazine

Tennis magazine

Tennis Week

Tennis Week

World Tennis

World Tennis

Tennis Industry magazine

Tennis Industry magazine

Tennis Buyer's Guide

Tennis Buyer's Guide

ADDvantage O~er· _ _ _ _ _ _ __

ADDvantage Other·

7 What do you like most about:

Tennis magazin e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tennis W e e k - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - World Tennis--------------------------------~ Tennis Industry magazine _____________________________ Tennis Buyer's Guide~-----------------------------ADDvanmge _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ O~er ·

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____

8. What do you like least about:

Tennis magazine~-------------------------------­ Tennis W e e k - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - World T e n n i s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tennis Industry magazine ______________________________ Tennis Buyer's Guide------------------------------~ ADDvanmge~--------------------------------

Other· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name _____________________________ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State _ _ _ Zip _ _ _ _ __ Thank you for your assistance in this survey. "'To review benefits see pages 16-18 of the US PTA Membership Directory Send surveys to USPTA Op erations Departm ent, One USPTA Centre, 3535 Bria rpark Drive, Houston, TX 77042


Dates That Rate Certification Exams May 4-5 May 5-6 May6 * May 10- 11 May 10-1 2 May 10- 11 May 11 12 May 2 May14 May 17 1S May 7 19 May 1S- 19 May 19-20 May 25-26 Ju ne 1-2 June 2-3 June 3 June 7-S Ju ne 9- 10+ June 11 Ju ne 14- 15 June 15-16 June 16- 7 June 29-3C July 1' 4 July 20-2 1 July 22-23 Ju ly 26- 2S Ju ly 27-2S July 2S-29 * Upgrades only + New tests only

Chicago , IL St. Louis, MO Sacrame nto, CA Orlando, FL Bradenton , FL Ri chmond, VA Big Rapids, Ml Redland s, CA Flushing , NY Stowe , VT Tucson , AZ Wilm ington, DE Au stin , TX Atlanta, GA Portland , OR Denve r CO San Franc isco, CA Minneapolis, MN San Franci sco, CA Flushing , NY Virgin ia Beach , VA New Haven, CT Murrieta , CA Ch icag o, L Redland s, CA Pittsburgh , PA Des Moines, lA Phoen ix, AZ Flushing , NY Mc l ean , VA

Certification -Training Courses May 4-5 May 10-11 May 10- 11 May 10-1 2 May 17 19 May 1S- 19 May 25 -26 June 7 -S June 9-1 0 June 15-16 June 16- 17 June 29-30 July 6 July 20-21 July 26-2S July 27 -2S 20

Chicago, IL Orlando, FL Ri chmond , VA Bradenton , FL Tu cson , AZ Wilmington , DE Atl anta, GA Minneapolis, MN San Francisco, CA New Haven , CT Murrieta, CA Chicago, L Cooper City, FL Pittsburgh, PA Phoenix, AZ Flushing , NY

Specialty Courses May 3 May4 May5 May 17 May 17 May 1S May 19 May20 May30 June 3

Ft. Lauderdale, FL Ft. Lauderdale, FL Ft. Lauderdale, FL Stowe, VT Toledo, OH Toledo, OH Toledo, OH San Francisco, CA Naples, FL Naples, FL

Coaches Clinics May31 June 6 June 6 July 26

Naples, FL Austin , TX San Antonio, TX Phoenix, AZ

Tennis Teachers' -courses May 7-9 September 12-14

Richmond, VA Mclean, VA

Summer Education - Seminars August 16-1 S


UsPTASport - Science School May 1S- 19

Houston , TX

UsPTA Business -School June 29-30

Houston, TX

Conventions May 17 19 May 30-June 2 August 30 September 1 September 1 3-22

New England Division Florida Division USTA Tennis Teacher Course National Convention

Franklin Learning - Institute May2 May? May? MayS MayS MayS MayS May9 May 11 May 14 May 15 May 15 May 15 May 21 May 21 May23 May23 May29 May29 May29 May30 May30 May30 May30 June 4 June 4 June 4 June 4 June 5 June 5 June 5 June 5 June 6 June 6 June 11 June 11 June 11 June 12 June 12 June 12 June 12 June 13 June 1S June 19 June 19 June 20 June 25 June 25 June 26 June 26 June 26 June 27 June 27 June 27

Stockton , CA Chicago, IL Detroit, Ml Cincinnati , OH Eugene, OR Newark, NJ Stamford, CT New York City NY Indianapolis, IN Grand Rapids, Ml Milwaukee, WI Princeton , NJ Washington , D.C. Minneapolis, MN San Francisco, CA. Spokane , WA Toledo, OH Boston , MA Portland , OR Richmond , VA Charleston, WV Lansing, Ml Manchester NH Seattle, WA Cleveland , OH New York City NY Sacramento, CA Portland , OR Columbus, OH Morristown , NJ Pittsburgh , PA Springfield , IL Harrisburg, PA Hartford, CT Detroit, Ml Indianapolis, IN Washington , D.C. Chicago, IL Milwaukee, WI Providence, Rl Rochester NY Salem , OR Saginaw Ml Grand Rapids, Ml Minneapolis, MN San Francisco, CA Baltimore , MD Buffalo, NY Erie, PA Boston , MA Philadelphia, PA Dayton , OH Flint, Ml Seattle, WA

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Parents/Coaches/Students An Explosive Formula by N ck Bollett1er

It's not easy to create a winning combination , especially when dealing with three elements, each having its own mind and body And when the three elements are parents, coach and student, this significantly increases the complexity and difficulty of achieving that " Magic Formula.

Coach/Student The kids in tennis keep getting younger and younger That isn 't bad by any means, with a big qualification. The interest must be there Don't force the issue Tenn is should be fun from the start! Make certain that children play because they want to, not

because you expect them to. 've said this earlier and you 're probably sick of hearing it, but that's the tennis teacher in me, keep com ng back to the fundamentals. So, I' say it again: MAKE TENNIS FUN Try to remember that you are dealing with not only the parents' most precious possession , but you , as an instructor will have much more to do than just teach them to make contact with a ball. That's only about one percent of the total job. The 'rest is reacting to the frightened , vulnerable , curious youngster Believe me, the impact you have is far more reaching than most people realize . You should handle them with care and love , and above al make sure they have fun and go home ever so positive, even if they missed every ball. The '90s will be so difficult for children , especially with the explosion of drugs, alcohol and AIDS. We must make every effort to make children feel they can do things as a leader and not be a follower Tennis programs can help children build self-esteem, and by working in groups will , for the most part, place less pressure on them at an early age. Other positive benefits of children 's group programs are: • • • • •

Increased concentration span Discipline Sportsmanship Development of eye-hand coord ination Having fun through group games.

On the whole, the relationship between pupil and coach should be fairly smooth, happy and fun for the child. A child will grow to be very fond of his/her coach and quite trusting in all matters that concern tennis. A chi ld will see the coach as the ultimate tennis authority which can sometimes lead to problems between parents and the coach, especially if the parents have definite ideas about their child's tennis career

Coach and Parent The relationship between coach and parent can be very emotional and complex.


Parents often thin k the ir child can do a lot more, or are unwilling to admit that their child 's ability is limited to their sport. The parents just put blinders on their eyes they will not accept th is. So, think the relationship between coach and parent should be a very honest one . They should trust and be very frank with each other The re lationship should not be one in which the coach is pacifying the parents, when the coach knows good and well the child won 't be what the parents dream he/she can be. True , you may lose some parents who will take their students elsewhere , but in the long run, am convinced that being extremely honest is the best way Along with open and honest commun ication between coach and parents, parental non -interference is an important element in the relationship between coach and parent. Supportive and Pushy Parents have reviewed all of my files , reviewed past episodes that actually took place , and have determ ined that the issue of pushy parents is definitely not black and white . However there are some warning signs that can tip you off to this problem . If you 're not prepared for th is, you may be faced with the battle of all time! As mentioned, there are no clear and easy definitions that delineate pushy par ents from supportive parents because each parent/child /coach relationship is totally unique. What may be supportive to one ch ild is overbearing to another Even within the same family this may be true. The pushy parent isn 't hard to spot. He's the father forcing his son to take tennis lessons, tr.te mother always sitting on the court watching the daughter practice, the father hovering over his daughter at tournaments, the mother boasting about how much her son wins, the father accusing his son 's opponent of cheating and on and on . Parent Traps The main traps parents fall into is thinking that they·

• Know what is best for their children. • They are acting only in the best interests of their children . This line of reasoning is wrong on at least two counts: • Parents may not always know what is best for their children . Parents can suggest, explain and recommend , but in matters that are not life or death, the child should make the ultimate decision because he has to live it. Some of these decisions are going to be wrong, but that's OK, that's part of learning. • Parents may bel ieve they are acting with the ir child 's best interests in mind, when actually their own unconscious needs

and feelings of inadequacy may cause them to make wrong choices for their child .

Note: With my own children , express my feel ings only to add my point of view But, the child is allowed to include his/her thoughts rather than accepting my suggestion as the final decision in what is best fo r them. Warning Signals from the Child It is extremely difficult.for parents to realize th ey're pushing, because their intentions are good, and they only mean well . Ask a pushy parent and a supportive parent if th ey love their child and they both will say 'very much ." Yet, one parent is causing his child great psychological pain and alienation , while the other is the child 's partner in a happy life. want to take this opportunity to express my personal satisfaction, not only as a teacher of the game, but as a supporter in al ways for the outstanding progress that th e USPTA has made over the years. sincerly hope that all of you share some of my thoughts and that they are a benefit to you . Remember my progress was largely due to my dedicated staff good friends who li ke me were not frightened to make mistakes, because only by trial and error can you n continue to climb the ladder

Nick Bollettieri is one of the most recognizable coaches in ten nis today. President of the Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy, he has been interviewed on 60 Minutes, 20120 and Good Morning America. He has also been featured in the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, USA Today, Sports Illustrated and countless other publications throughout the world. As an author Nick has published three books, A Winning Combination, Tennis Your Way and Nick Bollettieri's Junior Tennis. He is a contributi ng writer for various publications throughout the US and abroad. Nick has trained many of the world's finest professionals including Jimmy Arias, Aaron Krikstein, Paul Annacone, Brad Gilbert, Andre Agassi, Monica Seles, Pam Casale and many more .

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Time Management by Barbara Braunste nand Mark McMahon


don't have time," is a commonly used , but false statement. Everyone has exactly the same amount of time 24 hours in a day How you choose to control the events within this time frame is the essence of time management. For an in-depth look at your time management, you need to consider¡ 1 2. 3.


the number of hours you spent in each of the six areas of your life. Compare the results to the way you want to spend your time (refer to your life balance chart). Here are some suggestions to more closely align how you want to spend your time and how you are actually spending your time:

How do you want to spend your time? How are you currently spending your time? How can you make changes to more closely align the answers to questions one and two?


3. Determine how you want to spend your time by examining a typical week in your ife You need to write down how many hours you want and need to sleep each night in order to stay healthy feel energized and relaxed . Subtract these hours from 24 hours and multiply your daily waking hours by seven (for example , if you sleep seven hours each night, you will have approximately 120 waking hours each week) . Now you can construct a life balance chart. Divide a circle. tnto six wedges, each representing one of the six areas of your life: professional and financial , personal physical , personal general, family and significant others, home, and friends and community If you want to work 40 hours a week , make a wedge the size of one-third of the total and mark it "40 hours/ 33 1/3 percent. " (See graph for

help. Do the same wifh the remaining five areas of your ife. Remember the hours must total waking time and percentages must total1 00. Remember daily meals, grooming, jogging, transportation etc., take up time . The best way to determine how you spend your time is to keep a log for one week of your life. Write down one-half hour blocks of awake time for a typical day For example: 6.30 a.m. 7 a.m., 7 a.m 7 30 a.m., 7.30 a.m. 8 am , etc. Keep this paper handy and write down as accurately as you can what you did during each half hour At the end of the week, total

Ask yourself, "Is what I'm doing/about to do helping me reach my goals?" If the answer is "no," then don't do it. Ask , "What am I doing that could be done by someone else?" Delegate to staff a volunteer or trade for in-kind services. Ask yourself "Is the amount of time and energy am spending on this justified?" If not, work faster or skip the third draft. Sometimes perfectionism becomes a liability

The last time management principle is planning . Planning is not making a 'to do' list. Planning is ensuring that your g0als will become a reality and that you will spend your life the way you want to. Have your calendar/planner in front of you, with your one-year goals, and your life balance chart. Now you can begin to plan . Annually Do this when you 're doing your goal setting. Write down all annual dates, meetings, conventions, birthdays, anniversaries, physical exams, car maintenance schedules, standing appointments, lessons, etc. (continued)







Family and Significant Others Personal Physical Personal General Home 25

Time Management


Monthly Do this by the 23rd of each month . Write down deadlines, meetings, and standing appointments. Block off time for special projects, professional reading and other activities which may be very important but not urgent Weekly Do th is once a week, perhaps Sunday evening. Try to get a good overview of the week ahead, making sure you are staying on track. Daily Do this every afternoon for the next day Look over the following day's events. Mark in appropriate amounts of time for each. Try to have lunch away from your desk or working environment if possible. Allow one hour every day for the unexpected. Prioritize every item with an A, B or C. Spontaneously Do this whenever anything occurs to you. Write it down in your planner on the day of the year when you intend to do it or think about it further Does th is sound like hard work? Does it sound time consuming? It is. Successful executives spend up to two hours a day "thinking , planning and creating ." And they block off time to do so. Why don 't you try it o

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Barbara Braunstein is the Florida Ten nis Associa tion director of the USTA Schools Program. In this position . she conducts workshops for physical education teachers and interscholastic tennis coaches. She also leads motivational school assembly programs and clinics, and works with communities to bui ld Junior recreational tenn is programs. Barbara is a USPTA professional and served on the Florida Division Board. of Directors. As a player she is consistently ranked in the top 10 in Florida senior women 's tennis. Barbara is a motivational speaker trainer and consultant in all areas of personal and professional deve lopment.

Mark McMahon became president of USPTA's Florida Division after stin ts as treasurer and first vice president. A native of Melbourne. Austra lia. he is also chairman of the USPTA Country Club Advisory Committee and a member of the Wilson Sporting Goods Advisory Staff. Mark is employed as director of tennis at the Boca West Club in Boca Raton, Fla.



Ball Machine Drill

Progressive Forehand Drill PURPOSE OF DRILL For groups of 3 or more Forehand accuracy and good foot work .

SKILL LEVEL All players. \ \ I I

PREPARATION · Set the ball machine near side I ne of duece court. Set the program to shoot to 4 positions as shown n the diagram Set the nterval for 3 to 4 seconds.


• b.






• 3


b. 2

b. 3


•: 1st player hits shot 1 to target B, hits 2nd shot to target A, hits 3rd shot to target B, hits 4th shot to target C. After 4 shots, 2nd player repeats.

Ball Machine Tip

T = Target Areas b. = Player Locations • = Shot Locations ----- = Bal Path

Moving the mach ne to different ocat ons on the court he ps simulate a player hitting the shots.

For More nformation Contact

CROWN MANUFACTURING 24807 Avenue Tibbetts, Valencia, CA 91355 (805) 257-7714 or Call Toll Free (1-800) 251-6716 USPTA PROS WILL BE PAID $100.00 FOR ANY DRILL SUBMITTED & PUBLISHED BY CROWN MFG.

Developing a Business Plan by Peter Burwash

Let's look at a proposed business plan in general terms, and you can plug in the appropriate mater ia l for your personal si tuation . •

Peter Burwash is a two-time Canadian Davis Cup star and entrepreneur His professional playing career brought h1m 19 international singles and doubles t1tle s Today he is recognized as one of th e world 's best tennis coaches. In 1974, Peter founded and became president of Peter Burwash International, th e most successfu l mternational tennis management firm 1n the world Operating in more than 25 countries, PBI has established a reputation for professionalism and reliability m tennis faci lity management and teaching at quality resorts. hotels and tennis clubs on a global basis. Hav1ng coached and played in over 90 countries, Peter Burwash is one of the original USPTA Master Professionals, and his book Tennis for Life has become an Industry best seller Curren tly, Peter is serving as an mstructi on editor for Tennis magazine.

A l t hough there will be the occasional entrepreneur or business tycoon who is successful without a game plan , the major ity of successful people not only had a plan , but they believed in it and were willing to be patient in their endeavors. Americans have adopted a mentality of short term planning in the last few decades. We want everything to be successful the day before yesterday Thi s has hurt us, par tic ularly in comparing our business successes with those of the Japanese, who think mostly of long term success. The preside nt of an international hotel management com pany said most Amer ican hotel owrrers want a return on their investment in three to five years, whereas the Japanese look for a return in 20 to 30 years. Fortunately the quick buck mentality is fading , bQt we need to guard against its return , as it is a sure death trap.


Look at the big picture ,_the game of tennis. Where do you see it in the year 2000 or beyond)? Try to see it as you hope it wil be, keeping n mind that if your business plans and implementation are sound , you will be involved in the future of tennis. Look at your assets and liabilities, both personally and professionally Start with your strengths, and plan on filling in the weaknesses, so you can make your business future a reality Look at the physical assets you have to work with , number of courts, pro shop, cu rrent membership, potential member ship. Are they adequate? What are your plans for the future? Are you allowing for a fair opportunity and return for those who are going to he lp you succeed with your bus iness plan? Will your prices retain your customers even in an economic recession? What will you do when you are successful? Hardly anyone prepares for it, and it is often a traumatic experience . With success comes jealousy and envy from al sources . Are you ready for it?

Personnel In any enterprise , it is very important to hire the right people . If you don 't get the best people you can find , your life will constantly be full of anxiety Training new people takes its toll on you , your staff your finances , and ultimately your customers. It is critical that you give a lot of thought to your interview sessions. Avoid the standard sit-down, across-the-desk type of interview Try to observe them in action . Are they outgoing, or shy? Are they team players or individualists? After observing them in action , develop a series of questions, tests or whatever you like that wil enable you to make a prudent decision in hiring that individual. One deter minant is to find out if they are self-disciplined or well-disciplined . In the service industry we need self-disciplined people who will do things on their own . They will be responsible themselves to show up on time and be well-groomed . Finally try to get a sense of the person 's loyalty While they are working with you , will they be loyal to you? Find out why they left their last job(s).

Loyalty should be a two-way street In the 80s American businesses left employees skeptical and cynical about management when millions of people were fired unexpectedly Remember a very simple formula , if you take care of your employees, and your employees take care of your customers, you can be assured that the customers will take care of your bottom line . Professional The tennis boom of the '70s hurt the game in many ways. Too many people hit the courts with bundles of enthusiasm , wanting to learn how to play Yet, tennis professionals were ill-equi pped to handle the volume . We just didn 't have enough qualified tennis teachers. Being a competent teaching professional requires more skills than just the ability to play the game. We have all seen the playing professionals give a clinic for the first time. Watching them try to teach is a painful , and often embarrassing experience . Being a great teacher requires an enormous amount of sacrifice . The biggest sacrifice is to become unselfish, and to learn to place the student's needs above your own . Anyone who has encountered a medical emergency on the court, realizes the impor lance of something like a CPR course. Therefore , get out and get involved beyond the court Take classes to broaden your knowledge. Go into the community to give free talks. You will be amazed at the response . People will show up for lessons, or to get advice from you on which racquet to buy as a birthday present or talk to you about joining your club. Make a list of things you NEED to know or do to be a complete professional , and those you WANT to learn about Finish the list of "need to " first It may save a life (as with CPR) or greatly enhance customer loyalty as with racquet stringing c,ertification. To complement all this, become an avid reader Successful professionals in every field spend a lot of time reading. The major ity of your reading material should have no direct link to tennis. This will broaden your knowledge and ultimately your confidence.

Marketing Ken Blanchard, author of The One Minute Manager spoke at an IRSA conference in the mid- '80s and said, "Good thoughts that remain in your mind mean squat" Tenn is is the king and queen of lifetime sports. There is no sport that is more international. It has great appeal to all ages,

from both a spectator's and participant's point of view It can be played socially and competitively with equal fervor In short, it has everything . It's a marketer's dream . Yet, the tennis profession as a whole has done a very poor job. We have an outstanding product, and the sooner we realize this , the sooner more people will be enjoying the game of tennis. Marketing is the umbrella for all activities that will ultimately advance your business and its reputation . It ranges from the press release you send out on new programs, to the ads promoting your great activities, to the service you ultimately provide once the customer is inside your door Special consideration should be given to ensure that your repeat business is high, whether it is in your purchases or in your pro shop, lessons or renewal of member ships Good marketing is also listening closely to the customer and filtering out what is an unjustified complaint or a super fic ial compliment. Listen to the customer who has left or who no longer patronizes you on a regular basis. Hopefully we all learn a lot from the mi·llions of people who now say 'I used to play tennis. " We lost them because we did not market to (satisfy) their needs and wants. You can have the greatest marketing' program in your area, but if you don 't deliver the product with the best possible service , you are ust sel ng out of an empty wagon Communications When people talk about communication ski Is, we almost always think of verbal communication . When you are a teacher verbal communications are just part of being able tQ. :convey the message . Think about

your favorite teachers in school. What special communication skills did they have? If you think about it, they probably had exceptional body language as well. The same goes for tennis pros. You have seen the pro who sets his shopping cart up at mid court along with his drink, towel, sun visor and sun screen, and settles in for a day of lessons . He feeds ball after ball , telling his students to move, while he is riveted to that one area. This very same pro has been found a few years later in another profession saying , 'I stopped teaching tennis because it was boring." No wonder he communicated boredom with his body language Teaching anything -can be a great experience , but you have to communicate the enthusiasm with every muscle in your body Communication is listening. Listen to your customers, your employees , your owners and your mentors. Be a sponge , and try very hard to learn and implement what is communicated to you Develop good writing skills. If it isn 't natural , practice. Avoid hiding behind the phrase, " It isn 't easy for me to write ." Take the challenge, because if you don 't learn to express yourself in writing , you will be severely imited as a leader Get in the habit of taking notes. Almost all of the very successful people in life are consummate note-takers. If you are walking around the facility carry a note pad in your pocket. If someone tells you about a malfunctioning shower head, or a center strap missing, you can write it down and deal with it accordingly Communication is the foundation to har mony That harmony always starts with the leaders. In our turbulent fast-paced society the spirit of recreation needs to be com municated at all levels.

Public Relations Some companies and some individuals believe that if you have an outstanding public relations department and a subsequent campaign , then you will have a solid bottom line It is essential that you not confuse public relations with reputation . Reputation is what you earn . Public relations in its basic form is simply your relations with the public. Good public relations is first of all having the opportunity to tell people about your activities, your facility your staff and your customers. Secondly it is delivering what you promise , and thirdly it is telling people about it in a subtle, informative manner People ike to know what is happening and what is going on They like to be informed, Build on that understanding. More people need to practice crisis pubic relations . This is when something goes wrong, and the world wants to know about it. It could be a fire , a very important business man having a heart attack while playing, a robbery etc. Though it may never happen to us, we must be ready to act and respond . There are a lot of books written on this area, and many ideas and suggestions, but let's keep it very simple and basic. Rule number one is to designate a single spokesperson (that may be you) . The press loves getting conflicting stories and no matter how hard you try to get the story accurate, two people reporting the same story always tell it differently Secondly from the moment you have a handle on the crisis, dwell on the positive. Tell people how well you have handled the situation and all that is being done to rectify it, or further help out. In summation, work hard on your public relations, but even harder on your reputation.




G~~ ~ ~~~~~~

The Cortland Retriever®


The retrieval system is simply a PVC/Polyester screen and gutter attached to the back fence. Balls hitting its surface will ride up the screen, lose energy and slide down the 70° incline to the rigid PVC gutter Balls are then transported from either side by two flexible helixes which rotate with a spiral motion and feed tennis balls to the center where they are blown up a tube to a ball machine or basket • Maintenance free • Adjustable to any ball machine or basket • Quiet operation low electrical consumption • Easy Installation • Slides back easily for normal play • Pocket-sized wireless control available for any ball machine • System requires relatively few balls for hitting practice • Fully warranteed for two years


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USPTA • David Blakely has been appointed the Head Tenn is Professional at the Four Seasons Resort and Club in Las Colinas, Texas. • USPTA pro Richard Kolasa has been elected Secretary-Treasurer of Club Managers Association of America (CMAA) .


• The United States Racquet Stringers Association will offer certification testing on May 5 at Nevada Bob's of Atlanta, Ga., contact Brian Van Blaricom at 404 993-8400 ; on May 11 at Burke Racquet Club in Burke , Va., contact Greg Seybold at (703) 4554245 , May 12 at Fort Washington Swim & Tennis in Ambler Penn ., contact Drew Sunderlin (215 646-857 4, May 23 at Hil ton Head Island, S.C , contact Tom Jilly 803 785-8656 , and on May 26 at Nevada Bob's in Tampa, Fla., contact Michael Bar rett at (813) 289-1500 .

Manufacturers • Sports United Against Drugs has filmed a video promoting tennis as a healthy alternative to drugs. Spokesperson Tracy Austin will promote the healthy aspects of being involved in athletics, and the negative effects of drugs, alcohol and steroid abuse . Sports United Against Drugs is organized by the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association (SGMA) .

• The USTA offers the following publications for 1991 Tennis Publications 1991 a listing of more than 100 tenn is related publications free; Friend at Court, revised for 1991 $3 ; Rules of Tennis and Cases and Decisions, the official rules of the ITF and comments by the USTA Tenn is Rules Committee .85; USTA Flexibility Poster handy poster with 10 stretching exercises illustrated $5; Success$16; USTA Sport Science ful Coaching Competency Test -$1 0. • Mark your calendars for the USTA Tennis Teachers Conference in New York City set for August 30 September 1 Three days of on-court sessions and seminar presentations by nationally and internationally known speakers can earn you five credits toward the USPTA Continuing Education Program . Call the USTA for more information. • The USTA has announced the release of "101 Tennis Programs: A Collection of Programs and Events for Adult Players." This book is geared for the 19 and over crowd. Contact the USTA for more information.

Associations • The Club Managers Association of Amer ica (CMAA) has elected Wiggo K. Anderson and Jack L. Morgan, and re-elected George P Carroll and Jay Di Pietro to their Board of Directors. Also elected at the Annual Conference , were James D. Pearce as president and John R. Sullivan as vice president. 30

Jack Scott of Crown Manufacturing pre sents two ball machines to Ferris State PTM program.

Presenting The First Tennis Ball Machine Worthy Of The Name. 'The Wilson name, of course. The Wilson Tower features a huge 250-ball capacity, simple electronic controls, rugged weatherproof constructiOn, and large easy rollmg casters. Available optwns mclude a 2-functwn wireless remote control and automatic 2-lme shootmg for group lessons. See your Wilson Sales Rep or call Wilson Accessones at l-800-848-1999.

'Wif601t.TOWER Legends. Th is set includes 49 player cards with greats such as Billie Jean King, Ken Rosewal Roy Emerson , Tony Trabert and Fred Stolle. These cards are now available to the general public, as well as to tennis clubs and organ izations . Three more series are expected to be released later this year • The Orthopedic Departments of Yale University University of Vermont and the Virginia

Sports Medicine Institute, in conjunction with the Volvo International Tennis Tournament are sponsoring a seminar on Tennis Sports Medicine and Science. The event will be held August 15-1 7 in New Haven, Conn . The course chairmen will be Robert P Nirschl, M.D., Per Renstrom, MD.D., and Peter Kokl, M.D. For more information please contact Janice Gore at (203) 785-4578.

Answers to Tennis Quiz on page 7 1 B

2. C 3. To treat each player as an individual 4. TRUE 5. FALSE Jay D1P1 etr o re-e lected to C MAA Nat1onal Board of D1rectors

6. D 7 B 8. C

• Crown Manufacturing has donated two tennis ball machines to Ferris State University for the Professional Tennis Management Program .

9. 0 10. TRUE 11 FALSE 12. Cou rt Surface Style of play Foot structure 13. A 14. F 15. 16 G 17 A 18. D

Miscellany • NETPRO has announced a new li ne of tennis trading cards for tennis playing professionals . The first set to be released is the

One examp le of the Netpro ten n1s playe r trad ing card s

19. B 20. H 31

Beyond the Tennis Court Becom1ng part of the professional management team

Tm Heckler, CEO

Several weeks 'ago, the Central Division of Club Corporation of Amer ica (CCA) held a meeting of its tennis professionals at the USPTA World Headquarters. During the meeting , 33 top professionals visited our offi ces and participated in intensive business updates presented by CCA management personnel. CCA is one of the largest and most wellrespected club management corporations in the world , and it iterally controls the tennis professional positions and job requirements at nearly 200 clubs. It is always interesting for me to observe an excellent management company at work. But, the problems they encounter are really no different than those confronting the individual owners and managers of facilities throughout the world . However the many component parts of a large corporation do call for a better organized and consistent management approach had the opportunity to meet privately with a few of CCA's management executives, one of whom included its Regional Director of Marketing . We discussed the c ritical need for tennis professionals who have the ability to deal with the issues of bus iness management, which are found somewhere between the tennis court and the executive management office of a c lub. Many tenn is-teaching professionals ask the question . How can improve my relationsh ip with my employer and receive additional concessions? ' Those who have already achieved this goal possessed as much natural interest n the bp ttom line of the club as they did in the baseline of the tennis court. Inevitably the professional who becomes a true part of the manage32

ment team and displays a concern over the financial wei being of the club is the employee who earns the most compensation Over the years, USPTA has worked to establish a solid position for tennis-teaching professionals within the marketplace. And , while there are a number of ways to assure our members of a prominent foothold in the tennis industry one of the most significant goals involves creating a specific image of our professionals in the minds of owne(s and managers of tennis facilities . We have directed our efforts through advertising, booth displays at trade shows and visits to allied organization 's conventions. In addition , our sports marketing programs also enable us to emphasize the quality professionals with in our Association . We encourage large numbers of USPTA pros to participate in nationally organized events, that in turn allows us to create the publicity necessary to exemplify these tennis teachers as leaders in their trade . However creating the appropriate image for our members is only one facet of the business perception we hope to convey Individual members must provide the other components . All of the promotion and publicity alone cannot generate this image if the individual professional does not under stand his or her potential place within the Professional Management Team. To assist tennis teachers in their advancement to the ranks of business management. we have heeded the advice of owners, managers and corporations such as CCA. In many ways, these people determine the qualifications and experience levels of today's tennis professionals. In other words, they decide what exactly a tennis professional

should be. And, it is ultimately th is definition that determines the success or failure of individual pros within specific jobs. USPTA is the first and only organization of its kind to establish mandatory education programs, and we have intensified these efforts for 1991 and the future . New courses in this educational endeavor were promoted in the December issue of ADDvantage magazine, and we 've also publicized this campaign through additional brochures and advertisements. Most of the educational projects are geared toward business programs, sport science courses and those programs that will foster the professional business image in the minds of the public and employers. Teaching professionals should see beyond the tennis court. There are great oppor tunities available for the comprehensive professional who willingly enters new areas under the tennis management umbrella. And , in fact, once they show an interest in these opportunities, they will be surprised at how many employers are more than willing to provide the additional education needed to enhance their careers. The independent CCA program substantiated my belief in USPTA's own Continuing Education Programs. Under the guidance of Rod Dulany and the Continuing Education Committee, Business Schools and Sport Science Schools have been planned for this year that will provide the ideal avenues for professionals to acquire the knowledge to fit into the Professional Management Team. These educational opportunities will take the tennis professional one step further in achieving his or her career goals, which will ultimately enhance the employment of tennisteaching professionals for years to come. o

Part tennis shoe, part Porsche. The same kind of German engineering responsible for some of the world's fastest cars is behind the new Pro Penn tennis shoe. Created by a famous German designer, this shoe embodies the :Same obsession with performance and refined sense of style that you mig}:ltsee in a 911. Lookbeyondthe Pro Penn's uncluttered, vyhit~"lei:iEher,exterior and,you'll fi!ld high-tech foofutes @d gx0ti<> materials.:Like'ah interior ''~






strap of nonstretching Hytrel*which anchors your foot in the shoe. And a sole made of Long Play Formula 144A~ a new rubber compound which will wear for hundreds ofhard matches. This brilliantly conc~ived shoe is manufactured with the stringent quality control that has



PAID Permit No. 3887 Tampa, FL

Tennis Professionals

UNITED STATES PROFESSIONAL TENNIS ASSOCIATION, INC. World Headquaters One USPTA Centre 3535 Briarpark Drive Houston, TX 77042

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