Addvantage 1991 June

Page 1

Introducing the VORTEXTMby Prince. Experience the explosive power of a wide body, with control never experienced before in any racquet. It's an accomplishment made possible by Prince through advanced aerospace technology. Gain ultimate touch through DYNAMIC STIFFNESS: a new viscoelastic material allows the frame to actually stiffen when you swing hard for power, and relax when you swing slowly for SLON IMPACT FLEX HIGH IMPACT FLEX tOUCh and COntrOl. Realize even more control with the unique VORTEX staggered-string r ', pattern. It puts more strings into play so you get greater spin and better response. 0~ Feel unbounded comfort with the frame and string bed reducing vibration by at least 96%. So what did Prince do after inventing the oversized e racquet and perfecting the widebody? ... VORTEX. The ® racquet that will not only change your game, but the game of , .• • • •. , . . , tennis itself. Expect nothing less on your way to the Zone. DYNAMK; STIFFNESS Playing in the Zone: See your Prince dealer, or caii1-800-2-TENNIS. I












© 1991 Prince Manufacturing, Inc .

The Trade Magazine of Men and Women Tennis-Teaching ProfessionalsTM

Volume 15- Issue 6

June 1991

The Vo1ce Of The Tenms Teachmg Profession NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS Pres1dent

Jack Justice

F1rst V1ce Pres1dent

Gordon Collins

V1ce President

Dave Sivertson Kathy Woods Cliff Drysdale Will Hoag

Secretary Treasurer CEO Legal Counsel

Phil Lancaster Tim Heckler

D1rector or Operations

Rich Fanning

Coordmator or Tennis Teacher Development

Allan Henry

Public Relations and Marketing Magaz1ne Coordinator Bus1ness Operations Corporate SeNices Manager Corporate Secretary

Shawna Riley John Tamborello Michelle Tanner Bob Ellis

Barbara Casey Kathy Buchanan

Membership/Education Assistant

Sharon Duste

Membership/Education Assistant

Tawnya Buchanan

Merchand1se SeNices and Accounting Reception1st D1rector of Certification and Academies Co-D1rector of Academies Advertising/ Marketing Information


Renee Heckler

George Bacso Bill Tym

USPTA 's Business School provides answers







16 17 18















Dale Henry Vicki Tristan



Christi Call

Computer Services and Club Relat1ons

Financ1al Manager


Paul Waldman


Commun1cat1ons Coord1nator

On the cover ... Th e beaut iful Marriott at Hilton Head w ill be the site of the 1991 Nationa l Convention. Pho to by Warren John Grant.

Overheads on Hilton Head will be the best convention yet

1991 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS ENTRY FORM There is tennis for everyone at the convention


Western Region hosts convention in Las Vegas


Phone (713) 97 -USPTA

ADDvantage is published monthly by the United States Professional Tennis Association. For information, write World Headquarters One USPTA Centre 3535 Briarpark Drive Houston. TX 77042 phone (7 13) 97-USPTA, or fax (7 13) 978-7780 Office Hours: 8:30-5:00 CST Copyright© United States Professional Tennis Association, Inc. 1991. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this magazine is not permitted w1thout written permission 1 from the publisher.

3 4




10 11 20 30 32




There is no such thing as an easy victory. Every win is the result of years of hard work, years of dedication. And the sweetest success is hardest won. At American Airlines, we've seen how far that kind of dedication can go. It's the force that drives our on-time flights. Our efficient baggage handling. Our meticulous maintenance service. And the force that keeps us setting the industry's highes~ stancmrds. Flig~t after flight, year after year. It means pushing ourselves a httle farther every day. But no one said winning would be easy. The best just make it look that way. Somethingspecialintheail.'


president's message

just Do ItThen tell me about it

Jack Justice, President

Each time I sit down to write these editorials, I wonder just how well you will receive my message's or act on my SUQgestions. As president of USPTA, I want to communicate with each and every one of our more than 9,000 members, and in turn , I would like you to communicate with me . As members of th e No . 1 trade association of tennis-teaching professionals , you sho uld st rive to be informed of industry happenings and work to be involved in your field . In October 1990, I suggested you become involved with other professiona ls in your community And , later (in December and February messages detailing tasks two and three) , I asked that you wo rk to make an impact on our sport in the name of USPTA and to become more aware of our total image within the tennis ind ustry. So, now, after all the rhetoric, I'd like to know how many of you have acted - at least in part - on these various "tasks." It would please me to know you have reacted , so I can get a feel for the things you think are important to you as a professional and a USPTA member. This message also will ask for a response or some action on your part. And , it's not just another request for your time or services, but rather suggestions that may prove valuable to your career as a tenni steaching professional and to the betterment of our Association. These requests include: 1. Clip the coupon on page 29 and take the Level I Sport Science Competency Te st offered by the United Stat~s Tennis Association (USTA). Why? you might ask. The first and most important reason is job security.

You are going to find that more and more positions require sport science knowledge as a prerequisite. For example, participation in USTA progams (i .e. as clinicians , player development coaches, local excellence directors, etc.) will demand a basic education and competency level in this growing fie ld of interest. Second, the education to be gained from the open-book and at-home test will bring you up to date on the sport science you need to better train all your students. And finally, tennis as a whole will benefit from more fully trained teaching professionals. And , just one more minor item - it's very inexpensive' 2. Take advantage of USPTA Specialty Courses. Since we 're on the subject of education .. . I want you to know that I'm very impressed with the things happening in the area of Specialty Courses. There are many courses to choose from, and they are offered in locations throughout the United States. I must tip my hat to both the dedicated professionals who are bringing you these courses and those of you who are taking them . 3. Sponsor a new member. When was the last time you sponsored a new member? I would like each of you to write a sponsorship letter for at least one (or more) qualified teaching professional in your community or area. Send their names and addresses to our World Headquarters (attention Membership Department) so we can send them a potential member packet.

In a few weeks, I'll know how many of you read what I write and actually act on this message. I'll feel really good if the staff tells me to watch what I write because they are deluged with membership packet requests. 4. Display your USPTA affiliation. I would like you to join me on a public relations campaign . So many of you do so much. in this industry, yet you often do not fully identify yourself as a USPTA certified professional . The identifying factor may be something as small as the letters USPTA under your signature on correspondence, or something as noticeable as a brightly colored USPTA logoed shirt. You can also show off your USPTA pride by displaying your membership plaque in a prominent place in the pro shop so that all your clients can identify your professional affiliation . These may seem like small gestures, but they make the difference when clients seek out a qualified professional . Now that I've outlined a "to-do" list for your convenience, I hope you will have the opportunity and deisre to act on at least a couple of the suggestions. It's always nice to know people appreciate your opinion enough to respond or serve as a sounding board for the suggestions - whether they agree with all my points or not. So, please take time to offer some feedback on these or any other points you want to discuss involving USPTA or the industry in general. Write the President at 704 Cardinal Court, Aiken, SC 29803. H


• Topic: NTRP Radngs

• 1. Which of the following is not a purpose of an NTRP clinic: 0 A. To promote the NTRP as a means for more effective abilityclassifications of players D B. To demonstrate the use of the National Tennis Rating Program as a self-rating procedure . DC To generate increased income in local tennis programs at local clubs and facilities . D D. To verify players for participation in USTA League programs by qualified verifiers. 2. What three organizations developed and own the copyright to the NTRP? 3. True or False: NTRP can only be used by the tennis professional in ranking league players. 4. Which of the following is an additional use of the NTRP for the teaching professional, other than ranking league players? 0 A. Motivational tool • 0 B. Lesson programming DC. Maintaining player compatibility D D. All of the above A

5. Should players rate themselves as singles players, doubles players or both? 6. True or False: In rating players, it is possible to use gradations smaller than .5. 7. True or False: There is a specific test that a qualified verifier should use to determine a player's ranking.

11 . Has extensive training for national tournament competition at the junior and collegiate levels and has obtained a sectional / national ranking. 12. This player has obvious stroke weakness, but is familiar with basic positions for singles and doubles play.

8. A match is one in which the outcome is unpredictable.

13. This player has good shot anticipation and frequently has an outstanding shot or exceptional consistency around which a game may be structured.

9. A is based upon achievement in sanctioned tournaments, while a is based upon match results, tennis background and NTRP guidelines.

14. This player has limited experience and is still working primarily on getting the ball into play.

10. True or False: When a player completes a self-rating, they should place themselves in the next lower category. Match the rating with the description:

D A. 1 .0

0 F. 3.5

0 D 0 0

0 D D 0

B. C. D. E.

1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

G. 4.0 H. 4.5 I. 5.0 J 5.5

D K. 6.0 D L. 6.5 0 M. 7.0

15. This player can sustain a rally of slow pace with other players of the same ability. 16. This player occasionally forces errors when serving and teamwork in doubles is evident. 17. This player is starting to serve with control and some power. Answers on page 31 .

MAltH MATE'M r - - - - - - - - - - - , A DIV. OF CROWN MANUFACTURING


Ball Machine Drill

Attack Drill PURPOSE OF DRILL To improve skills for attacking plays.

SKILL LEVEL Intermediate-Advanced.

PREPARATION Place machine 4' from singles side line. Set shot #1 for down the line just beyond the service line. Set shot #2 for service "T". Set shot #3 for middle of duece court. Set the interval for 2-3 seconds . Set speed to match skill of the player. Set moderate top spin.


.6.\ 3 \

I I .6.1 2


• \



.6. 1

THE DRILL Player begins behind base line, hits shot #1 back hand into target A. Hits shot #2 approach volley to target B, then moves to net for volley into target A.

Ball Machine Tip It is better to increase the chal .:. lenge of the shot by making the target smaller rather than i ncreasing the speed from the machine.

T = Target Areas Player Locations • = Shot Locations ----- = Ball Path .6. =

This drill was submitted by Ken Walts , USPTA Master Pro , Phoenix, Arizona. For More Information Contact

CROWN MANUFACTURING 24807 Avenue Tibbetts, Valencia, CA 91355 (805) 257-7714 or Call Toll Free (1-800) 251-6716 USPTA PROS WILL BE PAID $100.00 FOR ANY DRILL SUBMITTED & PUBLISHED BY CROWN MFG.


POLLING \ THE PROS In our continuing efforts to update our knowledge of our members and their needs, we would like you to answer the following questions and return them to the USPTA World Headquarters. 1. Do you own a pro shop or specialty store? (Y/ N) 2. Does your club provide personnel assistance for the shop? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3. Do you manage or work in a pro shop or specialty store? (Y/ N) If so, what is your title? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4. What is your buying influence at your shop? _ _ sole decision maker _ _ significant influence _ _ some influence _ _ no influence at all 5 . What principal lines of clothing do you carry? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 . What principal lines of shoes do you carry? 7. What lines' of racquets do you ,carry? 8 . Do you utilize demos in your shop? (Y/ N) If so, is there a charge? 9 . Do you offer stringing? Is your stringer certified? 1 0 What are your best selli ng strings? 1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------2 . - - - - - ---------------- - - - - ------------------------------------------------

3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------• 11 . Do you find the Pro Penn tennis ball discount useful? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 12. Do you find the Pro Penn shoe discount useful? - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - 1 3. How important is exclusivity of product to your pro shop (i .e. Pro Penn pro shop only products)? 14 . How many square feet do you have i.n your shop? 15. What is your shop's wholesale inventory? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 . What is your shop's annual net income? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17 . What is one thing USPTA can do to help your pro shop?

18. Do you display USPTA pullouts from ADOvantage magazine? 1 9 . Do you advertise? ~ so, where? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20. How much do you spend per year on advertising? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , _ ; : - - - 21 . Would you be interested in selling AOOvantage magazine in your pro shop? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~----------------Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State ____ Zip _ _ _ _ __ Thank you for your assistance in this survey. Send surveys to USPTA Operations Department, One USPTA Centre, 3535 Briarpark Drive, Houston, TX 77042


Recommend the best place under Florida's sun to com~ Superpool, award,winning dining and luxurious accommodations. bine intense training, rugged on~court workouts and You benefit from these exclusive Home Court sublime relaxation. At Harry Hopman!Saddlebrook lnter1_1ational Tennis, we provide strong \.~ I\N/S D Advantages: • 10% commission on all 4 ~~ ~~ ~' Hopman!Saddlebrook package teachmg support through the proven ~ referrals • Your choice, when accom~ techniques and strategies of Harry Hopman, coach of 16 winning ~ ~ panying groups of 8 or more: 10% Davis Cup teams. Then we urge c:t 0 commission or complimentary ~ ~ accommodations, tennis and your members to enjoy all the other championship amenities fitness center we offer: 37 tennis courts, two 18~hole golf courses designed cani. soo..729..8383 U.S. and Canada by Arnold Palmer, fitness center,




,..., ~" ~·;,r


Taking Care of Business

Business &hool QEG~IDATION

USPTA's Business School Provides Answers Tenn is professionals need to intertace with the management programs and policies of the facility in which they work. A gray area often exists between the tennis court and the general manager's office, where the success or failure of a teaching pro's job often exists. Tennis professionals who work toward the facility's management needs are generally most successful and have the longest tenure at facilities. The USPTA Business Schools are designed to transcend thi s gray area. An attendee will obtain ideas and solutions to many problems and will relate far better in management situations, not just as it pertains to the facility itself, but to programs in which they are directly involved . This twoday symposium will cover the development of a tennis management team , pro shop operations, personal development and professional development Instructors for this course are Barbara Braunstein, Rod Dulany, Tim Heckler and Kurt Kar.nperman. Barbara Braunstein is the Florida Tennis • Association director of the USTA Schools Program . In this position , she conducts workshops for physical education teachers and interscholastic tennis coaches. She also leads motivational school assembly programs and clinics, and works with comm unities to build junior recreational tennis programs. Rod Dulany is the director of tennis and head teaching professional at Washington Golf & Country Club in Arlington, Va. Before being elected president of USPTA, Rod served on the USPTA National Board of Directors for seven years as first and second vice president. During that time, he chaired the education, long-range planning and division liaison committees. He coached the Burmese National Tennis Team in 1971-72 and conducted clinics in Japan, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. He has been a speaker at USPTA Divisional and National Conventions as well as USTA Tennis Teachers' Workshops. Currently Rod is serving on the Executive Committee of the Tennis Industry Committee. He is also on the USTA Adult Recreation and Player Development Committees. He has been a USPTA Master Professional since 1984. Rod graduated from North Carolina State University in 1970 with a degree in recreation and parks administration. Prior to becoming CEO of the United States Professional Tennis Association in 1982, Tim Heckler served nine years on the . USPTA National Executive Committee and four years on the National Board of Directors before being elected USPTA president in 1980 and 1981 . Tim assumed a full-time tennis-teaching position in 1970 at Houston 's Westwood Country Club. Since 1972,

Tim has been a consultant to the tennis industry. His involvement in designing, managing and programming several large recreational facilities has given him the background to deal with all situations related to tennis. In recent years, he has revolution- · ized USPTA's business programs through computerization . Tim was USPTA Professional of the Year in 1979 and is also rated as a Master Professional. · Kurt Kamperman is president of Stan Smith Design, and Director of Tenn is at Sea Pines Plantation. He has been active in the tennis industry for 16 years and has extensive experience in virtually every facet of the business from club, resort and tournament operations to sales and marketing. Kurt is a featured speaker at numerous conventions and business symposiums in the United States and abroad . A USPTA Master Professional , he serves on the Tennis Industry Comm ittee and is a contributing editor to Tennis Buyer 's Guide and Court Products Report. The USPTA Business School will be held on Saturday and Sunday, June 29-30 at the USPTA World Headquarters. n


Please complete, clip out and return no later than 21 days before the course to: USPTA World Headquarters, One USPTA Centre, 3535 Briarpark Drive, Houston, TX 77042. Incomplete forms will not be processed. Name Address




Daytime Phone USPTA Member or USTA Arez~ Training Center Instructor?




FEES - PER COURSE: $135 for members $200 For non-members I have enclOHd: $._ _ _ _ _ (Check or money order payable to USPTA).

The World's First Instructional Overgrip! jj/1 .1/f

•Teaches all major tennis grips

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Order Now: Call 800-659-7148

A Product of WideBAND Overgrips • 10 Preston Avenue, Sea Cliff, NY 11579


USPTA DRILLS Passing Shots Purpose: To develop passing shots. Description: Players are positioned as illustrated, with Player E at the net The instructor feeds a ball that Player A must move to get Player A tries to pass Player E, and if not, the point is played out After the point is finished, Player A goes to the end of the line and Player B is next. The player who wins five points replaces Player E, who goes to the end of the line. Doug Kilgour Augusta, Ga.

Drop Shot Competition Purpose: To practice drop shots. Description: Students are divided into two teams. The instructor alternately feeds balls to each team , with students hitting drop shots, attempting to get the ball to bounce as often as possible on the other side of the net before reaching the service line. One point is awarded for every bounce, 10 points if the ball rolls before reaching the service line and 20 points if the ball stops moving before reaching the service line. After hitting the ball , the player goes to the end of the line. The first team to reach 100 points wins. Ben Bishop E. Hartford , Conn.

Player Movement Ball Movement



I I I \ I ~I

s s s s


IAI~'I''I'I~IlSJ~ . . . . __.,_.,__.._ . .. (1) greatly liked your (computer) article in ADOvantage. Found it clear, concise and practical . Yours Truly, Leo Katz I just wanted to drop you a short note to thank you for all your help in making our Coast to Coast "Across America Tennis Day" clinic in Omaha such a success. Without your assistance and the supplemental support from USPTA Headquarters, thi s event might not have gotten off the ground .

The other USPTA tennis professionals working with me on the clinic all commented (on) what an enjoyable time they had working with such an attentive and appreciative group of youngsters. On behalf of our group of Nebraskabased USPTA pros, I would like to extend my thank you to you and USPTA for your active support in helping us to bring the game of tenn is to an excited group of juniors here in Omaha. Sincerely Yours, Sue Sloboth


Tennis Tutor provides world-class performance in a portable package. And it's powered by an internal rechargeable battery that provides hours of playing time so you can play with it on any court. Used by coaches and players on six continents, Tennis Tutor sharpens skills by providing needed stroke repetition and shot variety. When it comes to building better tennis players, nothing beats Tennis Tutor. Prices start under $1000.

Calll-800-448-8887 for free brochure or nearest dealer


k::;;itTUTOR USPTAIUSPTR Discounts

2612 West Burbank Blvd. Burbank , California 91505


For the latest in TENNIS-TEACHER EDUCATION Don't Miss The USPTA National Convention Marriott's Hilton Head Resort, in the Shipyard Plantation on Hilton Head, S.C., is the setting for this year's USPTA National Convention.


Enjoy all the amenities of this magnificent resort, while benefitting from a wide variety of educational seminars designed to maximize


your teaching and business skills for use in the 21st century. Make your room reservations by filling out the hotel reservation form


on page 13. These rates cannot be guaranteed after August 15, so make your reservations early. If you are interested in sharing a room, contact the USPTA World Headquarters at (713) 97-USPTA for details .

.USPTA NATIONAL CONVENTION • ·SEPT. 13-22, 1991 · ,-----------------------------------~

I 1


"Overheads on Hilton Head"


Please register me for the 1991 USPTA National Convention. All registrations received after August 15 will incur an additional $20 late fee.











US PTA Member#


Check those which apply:




I 1


Member Non-member

$ 175

_ _ Spouse/Significant OtheF $80


Total Fees Enclosed



Payment Options: $160

Make check or money order payable to: USPTA



OR, please charge my: _ _ MasterCard _ _ Visa Card



I Division


Zip Code

Spouse's/Significant Other's Name





Exp. Date


(Spouses/Significant Oth ~ rs must register in order to receive a fantastic package of parties and products.) Return wit~ayment to:~PTA World~eadquarter-=--:_ On~SPTA Centre ~535 ~arpark Dri~·~ouston, TX -=042


II _j

r---------------------------------------------------------------------------1 HOTEL ROOM RESERVATION (Reservations must be made by this form) Please complete this form and return it to the Marriott no later than August 15, 1991:

Send to:

Marriott's Hilton Head Resort Shipyard Plantation 130 Shipyard Drive Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 (803) 842-2400


Conference: USPTA National Convention Conference Dates: September 13-22, 1991 Conference Code: USPTA


Arrival Date: - - - - - - - - - - - -


Departure Date: - - - - - - - - - - -

Last Name (print legibly)

SepL 13-22, 1991

First Name

Middle Initial

Street Address Zip



(Area Code) Telephone

Please indicate choice of accommodations. All rates are European Plan (no meals included). If you are sharing a room or villa with another person, please submit ONE FORM ONLY. For information only, you may call: SEA PINES VILLAS • (803) 785-3333 THE COTTAGES • (~) 686-4424


Host Hotel - Marriott



Sea Pines Villas


$90 - Single Hotel Room $90 - Do~ble Hotel Room





$90 - 1 Bedroom Villa

$125 - 2 Bedroom Villa $150-3 Bedroom Villa

First Choice: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ • Housekeeping fees included.

The Cottages


$75- Single $90 - 1 Bedroom Villa $125-2 Bedroom Villa $190-3 Bedroom Villa

Second Choice:


..Housekeeping on request, $18 per bedroom per night. Check


Credit Card









Exp. Date Authorization Signature

~---------------------------------------------------------------------General Information •

All reservation requests must be received by August 15, 1991. Requests received after this date or for dates other than the main conference period will be accepted on a space available basis only.

Please include one night's room revenue as a deposit (in the form of credit card number or check) which will hold your room until 2:00 am of the morning following your scheduled arrival date. Upon arrival, the deposit will be applied to the last confirmed night of the reservation. In the event of your early departure, the deposit is non-refundable unless the Hotel is notified prior to or at the time of check-in.

Check-in time is after 4:00 pm. Check-out time is 12:00 noon. •

Cancellation notice of 14 days is required for a refund. Early departure will result in forfeiture of deposit. When cancelling or changing your reservation by telephone, be sure to obtain a cancellation or confirmation number.

Room rates and service charges are plus any applicable state tax.

The Marriott will make every effort to honor requests for specific types and locations of rooms. However, on occasions when such requests cannot be met, the Marriott reserves the right to provide alternate accommodations.

, •

Confirmations will be sent from respective property.

L--------------------------------------------------- -- --------------~---~---~

There are conventions, and then there is the USPTA National Convention. A weeklong event that features a beautiful island, state-of-the-art tennis-teacher education and on-court competition . And that is just the beginning . The week is filled with seminars, business meetings, tennis and relaxation all in the luxury of a world-class resort. The 64th Annual USPTA National Convention - Overheads on Hilton Head - will be at the beautiful Marriott's Hfl.ton Head Resort on the Shipyard Plantation from September 13-22 . This luxurious resort offers elegant accommodations at reasonable rates for USPTA members . The National Convention offers everything a person could want - sand , sea, tennis courts and many ways to improve your professional status. The Shipyard Resort has 20 tennis courfs - 14 Har-tru, six hard and eight lighted. The Shipyard Racquet Club has been the host site of the TENNIS magazine (Family Circle Magazine Cup) Tournament for the past two years and was built to host worldclass events. The convention is known for its unique and extensive offerings in tennis-teacher education. This year 's tentative schedule includes full morning slates Wednesday, September 18 through Sunday, September 22, including a major on-court seminar


every morning . Also at the convention , will be four Specialty Courses, national tester tra ining, certification training and examination and upgrade opportunities. When the island sun goes down, the convention lights up with nightly parties, cli maxed by the Battle Bash Extravaganza Saturday night. The always hysterically entertaining Lip Sync Contest is the highlight of the Battle Bash . It's all a part of the fun and excitement of Overheads on Hilton Head.

13 and mail it to the Marriott Resort at Hilton Head . Room rates are $90 for hotel rooms and one-bedroom villas, $125 for twobedroom villas and $150-195 for threebedroom villas . For information on sharing a room , contact the USPTA World Headquarters at (713) 97 -USPTA Important: all attendees are responsible for making their own room reservations with the resort Each room-share reservation requires a deposit equal to one night's room fare , payable to the resort.

Convention Registration Fill out the convention registration form on page 12 and send it to the USPTA World Headquarters with payment no later than August 15. Convention registration fees are $160 /member, $175 /non-member and $80 for spouse/significant other. All fees received after August 15 will be charged an additional $20 late fee . All guests other than registered spouses/significant others will be charged the non-member fee. All registrants will receive a complimentary ticket for the Annual Awards Breakfast

Transportation Information Special discounts on airfares and car rentals are available only through SIS Travel. Due to the limited number of available flights into and out of Hilton Head Island, SIS Travel can help you get to Savannah , Ga. - the nearest major airport, located just 35 miles from Hilton Head . SIS will help you get from Savannah to Hilton Head with either a Hertz car rental , or the Hilton Head Shuttle . Call SIS Travel today at 1-800338-6996 .

Lodging Registration For details on available rooms please call the Marriott at Hilton Head at (803) 8422400. To make a room reservation , please fill out the hotel registration form on page

Seminars and Courses Tentative seminar speakers include Vic Braden, Billie Jean King , Clarence Maybry, Tim Mayotte, Stan Smith, Arthur Ashe , Nick Bollettieri, Jack Groppel , Jim Loehr, Paul Roetert, Gene Scott and Andy Brandi

hosted by Penn Racquet Sports, will keep the festivities going, and then on Friday, the Southern Division will host a special party. The Saturday Night Battle Bash Extravaganza, co-hosted by Ultra Slim-Fast and the Marriott at Hilton Head, rounds out the week of parties and highlights the Lip Sync Contest.

Activities of Interest Of course there is more to the National Convention than just tennis, education and parties! There's the National Seminar Contest highlighting the divisional winners. Don 't forget the fun planned for spouses and significant others, the fun runs, the Exhibitor's Show, on-court demos. early morning tennis workouts and sun-rise beach aerobics. Not to be passed up is the sixth annual Golf Tournament, at the Royal Golf and Tennis, Ltd . Shipyard Golf Club. There is something for everyone at the 1991 USPTA o National Convention.

to name just a few. Modules will include teaching methods and motivation, sport science, coaching, equipment, pro shop management, business and career development. Remember, attendin'g these seminars count up to eight (8) credits in the Manda- ¡ tory Continuing Education Program. Four Specialty Courses will also be offered. These count three (3) credits each for Continuing Education and fulfill requirements for the Master Professional rating. Specialty Course topics include Strategy and Tactics with Bill Tym , Stroke Analysis with George Bacso, First Aid and CPR from the American Red Cross and Fitness Training and Periodization witl'l Jack Groppel.


Annual Awards Breakfast Outstanding member, divisions, endorsees and supporters of USPTA will be recognized on Wednesday, September 18 during the Annual Awards Breakfast. All convention attendees will receive a complimentary ticket to the breakfast in the attendee's registration packet. Award categories include Professional of the Year, Coach of the Year, Player of the Year, Division of the Year and Newsletter of the Year. New Master Professionals will also be recognized . k"tt~>t$11'1c..l

Nightly Parties Convention attendees will have an opportunity to relax and have fun at the complimentary nightly parties, all leading up to the climactic Battle Bash Extravaganza on Saturday, September 22. It all begins with the Tuesday Night Welcoming Party hosted by Prince. Wednesday, the Exhibitor Party, hosted by all the fine manufacturers who are exhibiting at the convention, will round out the first day of the Convention Manufacturer's Exhibit. The Thursday Night Battle of the Division Competition,

\:(C6tW- I<A~


Take a break from the clay courts, head for the grass.

Take your best shot in the USPTA Golf Tournament The championship course at Shipyard Plantation is the setting for the sixth annual USPTA Golf Tournament. Every hole is a unique challenge. After a hard day on the courts, retreat to the course and tee up for a great day of golf.





Tuesday, September 17 Noon to 6 p.m. $50 (to cover greens fee , cart fee , tournament preparation , scoring and prizes)


$20 per set September 5

All golf tournament players must register for the US PTA Convention. See form on page 12.

Name Division

Member #


Average Score

I will be needing to rent clubs:






~ & RACQUET Please complete and return this for m along with entry fee to: USPTA World Headquarters One USPTA Centre 3535 Briarpark Dnve : Houston , TX 77042 1 _______________________________________ _j 16


USPTA National Championships Presented by PRINCE WHAT: Singles and doubles competition in open and age categories. WHEN : Sept. 13-22 (to Sept. 23 if rain) . Singles entrants to be mailed first-match starting times on Sept. 1. WHERE: Marriott's Hilton Head Resort, Hilton Head Island, S.C. SURFACE: Har-tru . PRIZE MONEY: $40,000, distribution affected by number of entries. ENTRY FEES: $50/singles, $20/doubles. All tournament players must also register for the National Convention ; however, TOURNAMENT AND CONVENTION FEES MUST BE PAID SEPARATELY (see Convention registration form , page 12). Singles entries along with fees (check or money order payable to: "USPTA National Championships ") must be received no later than Aug. 19 at the USPTA World Headquarters (Att: National Championships). Oouble,s teams may register at the tournament site but are encouraged to sign up beforehand. MATCH SCORING: Regular match scoring, two-of-three tie-break sets. RULES: USTA. 15-minute default rule in effect. Players allowed a minimum onehour rest between singles matches, 30 minutes between a singles and doubles match, 30 minutes between two doubles matches. ON-COURT DRESS CODE: Proper tennis attire. ¡-shirts, tank tops and capri tights are

MIXED DOUBLES RULE: Only players eliminated from, or not entered in, regular doubles play are permitted to enter mixed doubles, which begins later in the week. While limiting each player in two events, this rule is designed to enable players to avoid having to decide early whether to play in a regular doubles or mixed doubles event. TENTATIVE STARTING SCHEDULE: Sept. 13, times TBA - begin Men's Open Singles (MOS), Men's 35 Singles (M35S). Sept. 14, noon -end sign up Men 's Open Doubles (MOD), Men's 35 Doubles (M35D) ; 3 p.m. - begin M40S, MOD, M350, WOS. Sept. 15, 9 a.m. - begin M45S, M50S, M55S, M60S, M65S, M70S, M75S, MSOS, M85S, W35S; noon - end sign up M400, M45D, M55D, M650, W650, W70D, MXD; 3 p.m. - begin M400, M45D, M550, M65D, M700, M75D, MSOD, M85D, WOO, W350, W500, W55D, W600, W650, W70D; 5 p.m. - begin MXD. Sept. 16, 9 a.m. begin M50S, M55S, W40S, W45S; noon end sign up M50D, W40D, W45D; 3 p.m. begin M50D, M55D, W40D, W45D. The above schedule is subject to change as draws increase in size. Players are advised to arrive one day in advance of their first match. TOURNAMENT STAFF: Will Hoag, National Tournament Committee chairman; Diane Selke and Frank Kelley, tournament directors.

not permitted. PLAYER ELIGIBILITY: Limited to current USPTA members in good standing who have pre-registered for the National Convention . All membership requirements, including completion of the certification exam , must be fulfilled arid submitted at least 60 days prior to the entry deadline to allow reasonable time for grading the member's certification exam and processing his or her membership application. A member will be permitted tournament entry only after all requirements are met, his or her certification exam is graded and the results are recorded at the World Headquarters. USPTA will not be held responsible by any individual or division if the entry is not accepted due to the above stated requirements not being fulfilled by the 60day deadline. Members of the USPTA National Board are not eligible for the National Championships; members of the Executive Committee and Presidents' Caucus are encouraged not to play. PLAYER/ EVENT REGULATIONS: Each eligible player is limited to one singles and one doubles event. It is considered an event whenever two players or two teams participate. Men 's open limited to a 128draw. Each event may utilize block seeding, depending on the size and strength of the draw.


Date of Birth


Social Security** _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip _ _ _ _ _ __

Current USPTA ** _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Current USTA ** _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Telephone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mixed Doubles Partner's Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date of Birth _ _ _ _ _ Social Security** _ _ _ _ _ __ Date of Birth Doubles Partner's Name Note: Each player limited to one singles, one doubles and mixed doubles event. (see above) Men's

0 MOS 0 M35S 0 M40S 0 M45S 0 M50S 0 M55S 0 M60S 0 M65S 0 M70S 0 M75S 0 M80S 0 M85S


0 MOD 0 M35D 0 M40D 0 M45D 0 M50D 0 M55D 0 M60D 0 M65D 0 M70D 0 M75D 0 M80D 0 M85D

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


W35S W40S W45S W50S W55S W60S W65S W70S W75S

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

woo W35D W40D W45D W50D W55D W60D W65D W70D W75D

Current Playing Record ATP/WTA Ranking: USPTA Ranking: USTA Sectional Ranking: USTA National Ranking: State Ranking: Current Results: Note: Please attach additional seeding information if needed.

0 Mixed Doubles

Social Security**

Fees: Singles ($50) Doubles ($20/person) Total Enclosed

Mail to: USPTA World Headquarters One USPTA Centre 3535 Briarpark Drive Houston, TX 77042 Entry Deadline: August 19, 1991

I, , hereby release the United States Professional Tennis Association, its officers, directors and employees, including those of the USPTA Divisions and tournament sponsors, from any and all liability for injury to me, including illness, resulting from my particjpation in the USPTA National Championships. I assume all risks inherent in my participation. LDate: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Signe~------------------17

USPTA National Convention Tournaments National Championships For many attendants, the highlight of convention week will be playing in either or both of the USPTA tournaments at the Shipyard Racquet Club. This year, the National Championships offer $40,000 in prize money, and the competition will be tough. This tournament, presented by Prince, offers singles, doubles and mixed doubles competition in various age divisions ... all within six days, beginning Friday, September 13. To register for this prestigious tournament, send in the completed entry form on page 17.

Many of USPTA's top tennis players, and former playing professionals have expressed interest in the tournament. Kim Barry, the 1990 Women's Open National Champion and the Women's Open Singles winner at the 1991 International Tennis Teachers Championships and Tim Wilkison have both expressed interest if there is no scheduling conflict due to prior agreements. · Even if you don 't play, come and see the excitement at the 1991 USPTA National Charmpionships. It promises to be excellent tennis. In addition to the Open Division of the National Championships, there are age divisions ranging from Men's 35 to Men 's 85 Singles, Men's 35 to Men 's 85 Doubles, Women 's 35 to Women 's 75 Singles and Women's 35 to Women 's 75 Doubles. And don't forget Mixed Doubles! There is tennis for everyone at the 1991 National Convention . USPTA National TeamTennis Championships For the second year in a row, the USPTA National Team Championships will utilize the TeamTennis ·format whichproved 1very popular at the 1990 Convention. In addition to providing prize money at the National Convention , Ultra-Slim Fast, the sponsor of TeamTennis, will also provide prize money for divisions who utilize this format at their division conventions. The prize money has been set at $10,000. This popular tournament has become an exclusively doubles competition and will begin on Thursday, September 19.

Please remember that Hilton Head will have temperatures in the low 90s and high humidity, so be certain to drink plenty of fluids before, during and after tournament play. Each division can enter up to two teams to compete for points and prize money. The divisions will pay the entry for each team representing them. Any team may choose to register, but only designated teams will be able to earn points for their division. For further information, please see the entry form on page 21 . TeamTennis has become a popular recreational league, and the pro tournament of TeamTennis is expanding every year. o


Slim·Fasta (~OLF <f . ,. "'< ~~· / •


;·~~~ rJ.




USPTALogo ~I Accessories Accessorize your playing attire with USPTA's line of logo items, which feature a beautifully embroidered USPTA logo with navy red and gold accents.

Exams and Upgrades














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Dates That Rate



CC# Expiration Date Signature

MAKE CHECK PAYABLE AND SEND TO: USPTA World Headquarters One USPTA Centre 3535 Brlarpark Drive, Houston, TX 77042 TEL (713) 97-USPTA • FAX (713) 978>-7782

July 13 July 14 July 20-21 July 22-23 July 26-28 July 27-28 July 27-28 July 28-29 August 3-4 August 4-5 August 4-5 August 23-24 . September 6-7 September 8-9 September 14-15 September 14-1 5 September 14-15 September 1 5-16 September 15-16* October 5-6 October 7+ October 8 October 12-13 October 18-20 October 19-20 October 19-20 November 2-3 November 3-4 November 4 November 7+ November 7-8 November 10 November 10-11 November 12 November 16-1 7 November 16-17 November 1 7 -18 * December 8-9 December 6-7 December 6-7 December 7-8 December 10 December 14-15

* New Tests Only +Upgrades Only

Kailua-Kona, HI Redlands, CA Pittsburgh , PA Des Moines, lA Phoenix, AZ Flush ing, NY Nashville, TN Mclean, VA Cherry Hill, NJ Parker, CO Richmond , VA Cooper City, FL Minneapolis, MN Murrieta, CA Chicago, IL Dallas, TX W. Palm Beach , FL Mclean, VA Shingle Springs, CA Ft. Washington, PA Sacramento, CA Flushing , NY Oahu , HI Bradenton , FL Boca Raton , FL Detroit, Ml Seattle , WA Salt Lake City, UT La Jolla, CA San Francisco, CA Tampa, FL Redlands, CA Houston, TX Flushing , NY Milwaukee, WI Portland , ME Los Gatos, CA Parker, CO Minneapolis, MN Naples, FL Tampa, FL Flushing , NY Richmond , VA

Certification -Training Courses July 6 July 20-21 July 26-28 July 27-28 July 27-28 August 3-4 August 4-5 September 6-7 September 8-9 September 14-1 5 September 14-15 September 15-1 6 September 15-1 6 October 5-6 October 12-13 October 18-20 October 1 9-20 October 19-20 November 4 November 7-8 November 10-11 November 16-1 7 November 17-18 December 6-7 December 7-8 December 8-9

Cooper City, FL Pittsburgh , PA Phoenix, AZ Flushing , NY Nashville, TN Cherry Hill, NJ Parker, CO Minneapolis, MN Murrieta, CA Chicago, IL W. Palm Beach , FL Mclean , VA Shingle Springs, CA . Ft. Washington , PA Oahu , HI Bradenton , FL Boca Raton . FL Detroit, Ml La Jolla, CA Tampa, FL Houston, TX Milwaukee, WI Los Gatos, CA Naples, FL Tampa, FL Parker, CO

Specialty Courses July 13 July 14 July 28 August 3 August 10 August 10 August 11 August 12 September 15 September 16 September 1 7 September 22 October 20 November 6 November 18

Maywood, NJ Maywood, NJ Phoenix, AZ San Diego, CA Maywood, NJ Hershey, PA . Maywood, NJ Hershey, PA Hilton Head, SC Hilton Head, SC Hilton Head, SC Hilton Head, SC No. Cal. Division Southern Division No. Cal. Division

Tennis Teachers' - Courses September 12-14

Mclean, VA

Summer Education - Courses August 1 6-18

Austin, TX

Conventions August 30September 1 September 13-22

USTA Tennis Teachers Conference USPTA National Convention

Th e above schedule of USPTA Certification Exams and courses is subject to change. For more information, call the USPTA Education Department at (7 13) 97-USPTA.


USPTA National TeamTennis Championships Presented by ULTRA SLIM-FAST WHAT: Doubles-only divisional team com petiti on for open teams (Open TeamTennis ¡ Championships) and sen ior teams (Senior Team Championships) comprised of women 35-over and men 45-over. WHEN : Sept. 19-21 (to Sept. 22 if rain). 1 p.m. daily. WHERE: Marriott's Hilton Head Resort, Hilton Head , S.C., with a contingency for playing some matches at alternate sites. SURFACE: Har-tru. PRIZE MONEY: $1 0,000 distributed among both tournaments. ENTRY FEES: Open TeamTennis Cham pionships - all fees paid by divisional presidents (to register, contact your divisional president). Sen ior Team Championships$20/team . All tournament players must also register for the National Convention, however, TOURNAMENT AND CONVENTION FEES MUST BE PAID SEPARATELY (see Convention registration form , page 12). Divisional presidents have until Aug. 19 to submit number of teams entered in Open Team Tennis Championships along with fees (check or money order payable to: USPTA Open Team Tennis Championships) to the World Headquarters (.Att: Open TeamTennis Championships). Senior team players are encouraged to send in their entries and fees (check or money order payable to: USPTA Senior Team Championships) to the World Headquarters (Att: Senior Team Championships) by Aug . 19. Deadline for senior team entries and final Open team rosters (including subs) is Sept. 17 at the tournament meeting. Further details on this meeting appear on this page. OPEN TEAMTENNIS FORMAT: Doublesonly ...32-draw, Ultra Slim-Fast TeamTennis styl e. Each divisional team consists of two

Men 's Doubles, one Women 's Doubles, one Mixed Doubles and one Men 's 35 Doubles. Match scoring: 8-game pro set (no ad scoring). with a tiebreaker at 7 games all. Each division is allowed two teams and may substitute as desired, except wh ile a match is in progress. SUBSTITUTES MAY PLAY ON ONE TEAM ONLY. In the event of an incomplete draw, divisions may enter additional teams, which will be placed into a lottery and drawn for bye(s). SENIOR TEAM FORMAT: Doubles-only, regular draw, singlecelimination , with a consolation round for first-round losers. Divisions designate (for scoring points) two teams in each of the following categories: Women 's Junior Vets 35-over Doubles, Women 's Senior Vets 45-over Doubles, Men 's Senior Vets 45-over Doubles, Men 's Masters 55-over Doubles, Men 's Grand Masters 65-over Doubles. Regular match scoring , two-of-three tie-break sets. Team scoring: 2 points/main draw win ; 1 point/ consolation round win . Any number of teams may enter the tournament, but ONLY TEAMS CHOSEN TO REPRESENT THEIR DIVISION ARE ELIGIBLE TO EARN POINTS. Divisions are limited to two teams per cate gory, each team being comprised of players from the same division. RULES: USTA. 15-minute default rule in effect. Players in Senior team event allowed a minimum 30-minute rest between matches. ON-COURT DRESS CODE: Proper tenn is attire. T-shirts, tank tops and capri tights are not permitted . PLAYER ELIGIBILITY: Limited to current USPTA members in good stand ing who have pre-registered for the National Convention . All membership requirements, including completion of the certification

exam , must be fulfilled and submitted at least 60 days prior to the entry deadline to allow reasonable time for grading the member's certification exam and processing his or her membership application. A member will be permitted tournament entry on ly after all requirements are met, his or her certification exam is graded and the results are recorded by the World Headquarters. USPTA will not be held responsible by any individual or division if the entry is not accepted due to the above stated requirements not being fulfilled by the 60day deadline. Team members are selected by their divisions. USPTA 's chief executive officer, in conjunction with the national president and Executive Committee, shall immediately ensure that members belong only to those divisions in which they physically reside and that the records of the Association be changed accordingly. When a member moves to another division, he or she may decide which division to represent in team competition provided the entry deadline for the team competition falls within 90 days of the date the member began physically residing in the new division. Thereafter the member is no longer eligible to represent the former division and must play for the new division. TOURNAMENT MEETING: Sept. 17, 6 p.m., Marriott's Hilton Head Island Resort (meeting room TBA) . For team captains and divisional presidents. Topics- seeding , draws, rules, guidelines. TOURNAMENT STAFF: Will Haag, national tournament committee chairman ; Diane Selke and Frank Kelley, tournament directors.

,-------------------------------------------SENIOR TEAM ONLY ENTRY FORM Mail to: USPTA National TeamTennis Championships 3535 Briarpark Dr. Houston, TX 77042 Name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D a t e of Bi rt h - - - - - , - - - - - - - Social Security** _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Street - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City

State ______ Zip _ _ _ _ __

Telephone ____________ USPTA Division Current USPTA # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C u r r e n t USTA ** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Events: OW35D OW45D 0 M45D

D M55D 0 M65D

Fee: $20 /event Total Enclosed: _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Doubles Partner's Name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date of Birth Social Security **

Current Playing Record USPTA Ranking : USTA Sectional Ranking : _ _ _ __ USTA National Ranking: _ _ _ __ State Ranking: Current Results: _ _ _ _ _ _ __

I, , hereby release the United States Professional Tennis Association, its officers, directors and employees, including those of the USPTA Divisions and tournament sponsors, from any and all liability for injury to me, including illness, resulting from my participation in the USPTA National TeamTennis Championships. I assume all risks inherent in my participation. Date Signed: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L ------------------------------------------:.-21

How to Keep Your Stringing Business Up in a Down Economy

Wh,le some sPorting goods retailers are feeling the pinch of a sluggish economy, sawy marketers are finding there is still a growing market in racquet stringing - at approximately 80 percent gross profit " When the economy is down , consumers traditionally buy fewer big ticket items ," said Jill . Workman , executive director of the United States Racquet Stringers Association (USRSA) . "But when they do buy, it 's often for entertainment


and recreation. Even if tennis players put off the purchase of a new frame now , they compensate by keeping their current equipment in good shape - and that 's good news for the stringing business ." To keep profitable in an uncertain economy , proven marketing and merchandising skills can spell success . Workman recommends that stringers promote their expertise , upgrade customer service, watch expenses and take

advantage of targeted marketing opportunities to keep sales up.

Offer a top quality stringing service The USRSA offers a nationwide Stringer Certification Program sponsored by major industry manufacturers to identify and promote professionalism among racquet stringers . The trade association has up-to-date technical information on several hundred tennis , racquetball ,

but according to Workman , most offer three gauges: 16, which is most popular , followed by 15, then 17 . Accessor ies, including grips , head tape and vibration dampers, are money makers and can actually increase sales up to 8 percent. Customer service Customer service is as important as pri ce . To help players achieve the optimum performance from a racquet, Workman recommends a record-keeping system that inc ludes string preferences, playing style and frequency of service . Current customers - and their satisfaction - represent one of the best opportunities for more business. Rise above th e competition by offering a free racquet "tune-up " to identify the correct strings and tension to enhance each individual 's game.

squash and badminton racquets easily accessible for stringers . Inventory is the backbone of a quality stringing operation . Suppliers may carry from five to 100 differ.ent types of string ,

Keep expenses down In the midst of what some are calling a recession , the best way to face difficult times ahead is to increase sales while keeping expenses down . Inventory control is critica l. Est imate the number of frames to be strung in a month , and buy

only what you need . Find distributors that have no minimum order requirements and offer fast service The unit price may be higher, but the trade off is eli minating the cost of carrying excess inventory. Target marketing efforts Tenni s players will take their business to the str inger who provides the hig hest level of product kno wledge and service . Wor kman advises stringers to spend more on advertising , not less ; promoting your expertise , service and products has never been so important. Advertise in c lub newsletters, the newspaper and with flyers. Targ et marketing efforts to increase your customer base . Juniors, college level and league players restring more often than recreational players . Consider offering your services as a team stringer . Utilize demo racquets to educate consumers on the feel of different frames and strings . Mail out invitations for a free racquet tune-up . Offer your stringing expertise at tournaments , parks and recreation programs and the YMCA And don 't overlook the growing market in racquetball and squash racquet stringing . .o

tJJr. James f£. Loefir

.Intemationa{ C{u6 ~tworl( Now you can bring the

Mental Toughness Training Techniques of Dr. Jim Loehr to your club and your students! • Personal, on-site Mental Toughness Training seminars by Dr. James E. Loehr, sport psychologist, USTA and NBTA Director of Sport Science • Coaches Instruction Seminar at the Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy in Bradenton, FL • Mental Toughness Hotline • Newsletter, Books, Videos and special merchandise discounts • Exclusive territories For ,more information, contact Carlos Salum, NBTA-Sport Science, 5500 34th St. W. , Bradenton, FL 34210 or call 813/755-1000 (FAX: 813/758-0198)



Stress Management By Barbara Braunstein Excerpt from the USPTA Education Manual- Volume I.

Many people would like to advance to

advancement. Taking part in a local tennis development program , school assembly, organ izing a local league or tournament, playing in a charity pro am , attending a convention or continuing education workshop are only a few of the ways you can stay motivated and at the same time keep abreast of the latest in research and teaching advancement.

a particular career level but somehow they never seem to make the jump from their current position to a position at a higher level . Instead, they may move laterally to another good job where they once again are very successful. This scenario can apply to any level of professional , including an assistant, head pro at a small club or even a head pro at a relatively large club. So, if career advancement is your goal, you must consider several important factors, which will help you achieve a stress-free climb up the ladder. Personal Health and Nutrition People today are generally aware that career performance is often associated directly with a person 's personal living and ¡ nutritional habits. You snould allow yourself. time to eat well (make time to find out what this means if you 're unsure) and get plenty of rest. A six-hour lesson day will rarely provide the tennis professional with even 20 minutes of aerobic exercise. By making time to maintain your physical health , you will also be preparing yourself to better deal with the numerous emotional demands that are placed on you each day. As with a world-class tennis player, it is not possible to stay in competitive condition by simply playing tournaments. The player must train harder than their competitive level in order to excel when it really matters. The teaching professional should prepare for long hours of teaching through conditioning work at a level beyond that needed to just get through a day of lessons. Your confidence will increase when you finish stronger than when you started, and your students will notice it too. The effort you exert during stressful situations is directly related to how you deal with such occurrences. If you are tired , run down or impatient, you might well lose your cool at the wrong time , which only adds to an already difficult situation and its effect on you , both physically and emotionally. If you are feeling fresh and confident, you are less likely to allow a potentially difficult situation to become the source of stress. Burnout Too many professionals change careers, miss out on an opportunity or simply stagnate at their current career level because of boredom or burnout. Once again, an emotionally and physically healthy person is less likely to fall prey to this disease, but


Barbara Braunstein is the Florida Tenn is Associati on director of the USTA Schools Program . In thi s position. she conducts workshops for physical education teachers and interscholastic tennis coaches. She also leads motivational school assembly programs and clinics. and works with communities to build junior recreational tennis programs. Barbara is a USPTA professional and served on the Florida Division Board of Directors. As a player, she is consistently ranked in the top 10 in Florida senior women 's tennis. Barbara is a motivational speaker, trainer and consultant in all areas of personal and professional development.

there are a couple of specific things that you can do to ward off job burnout: 1. Develop and keep in mind your career plan and try to do something every day to move toward it Update your goals . regularly. 2. Recognize those things that motivate you to perform well and put yourself in situations where you will be motivated by your performance. 3. Follow accepted time management techniques and block time for yourself. Personal exercise time, continuing education programs and days off from work are items that should be planned for when allocating your time or planning your schedule . 4. Develop and take part in interests outside of the place where you work. Playing tennis with a fellow pro at your club is not an outside interest Professional and Industry Involvement Although still very much a part of the field in which you work, volunteering in industry activities is an excellent way to help control burnout and position yourself for career

Family Career Involvement Whatever the relationship of those close to you , the career of the tennis-teaching professional requires a high degree of understanding and communication among all concerned . Long hours, weekends, holidays and evenings are prime time for tennis players and critical times for a tennis professional to be visible . A tennis professional 's schedule can be stressful to other family members as evidenced by the following scenario for one pro: My wife commented to me that she wanted to wear a shirt to our son 's soccer game that in large letters proclaimed ''I'm Married." In this case , a woman is concerned because people never see her in the company of her tennis pro husband . Since these circumstances can create pressure for a family , decisions involving careers should be shared those close to you. And , such decisions should be based on informed choices . Once again , this is where communication is essential. New positions on your career path may require greater amounts of time at work in return for career growth and an increase in financial compensation . If you make the decision to take such a position without the full cooperation of those you care about , one of the two concerns is doomed to failure : the new position or the relationship . Remember , the key to remaining stress-free is to deal with difficult situations in a positive manner. Being committed to your career path , having clear professional and personal goals, maintaining good health and a variety of non-career interests will all go a long way toward helping you keep that necessary positive attitude. Finally, there is no better way to deal with difficult situations than to avoid them . Anticipation is a skill that should be developed through careful planning and tt attention to detail.

The new'Tournament Select U.S. Open ball. The ball tough enough to be used at the U.S. Open. Made with premium grade, extra durable felt it offers the li\1e)y, consistent playabilitY you want in a ball Play the official U.S. 0pen ball. lfs likely to become the official ball of lOUr ,

If Two's a Party, Then Four Must Be a Convention Western Region Hosts Convention in Las Vegas


our of USPTA's smaller drvisions had

a problem . Each group could usually attract about 25 of its approximately 230 members to an annual divisional convention. And at one point, the attendance reached an alltime low of only 18 people, and manufacturers were unwilling to send speakers to small gatherings. The members in these divisions were devoted and deserved a better event, so the groups decided to ban.d

together and hold one big convention . And to make the project even more appealing to members and manufacturers alike , the groups picked a very popular town, cen trally located to the participating divisions. To promote th is joint effort, the divisions first had to develop a good name for the convention . Thus , Lobs in Las Vegas. This title indicated all the important information - what it was and where it was happening.

mif&mt.TOWER The Wilson Tower features a huge 250ball capacity, simple electronic controls, and rugged weatherproof construction. Available options include a 2-function wireless remote control and automatic 2-line shooting. See your Wilson Sales Rep or call Wilson Accessories at l-800-848-1999.


And with that, the California, San Diego, Southwest and Intermountain Regional Convention was born. The officers and presidents worked hard to get members to attend th e convention . But, just how hard is it to get people to go to Las Vegas? The overall benefits were obvious. Manu facturers would only have to go to one convention each year instead of four , them travel expenses, companies were more willing to send a speaker for 100 people as opposed to 18, the tennis pros got to meet pros from other areas and the entire event allowed a greater exchange of ideas. The days were filled with Certification Exams and Upgrades, Specialty Courses, tennis tournaments and seminars by some of the top names in the tennis ¡ industry including Barbara Braunste in, Jack Groppel , Roscoe Tanner and Jack Kramer. The nights were filled with manufacturers' parties and of course a "seminar " on playing the nickel slot mach ines. Each division also benefited from having to plan a convention only once every four years since the task was divided among each participating group, according to 1991 Convention Chairman Dave Romberg . If you ever had to plan a convention , this would be the best benefit of all , he said . The overall consensus on the success of the convention was very favorable , said Gary Horvath, treasurer of the Intermountain Division. "On a scale of 1 -1 0, the attendees rated the convention over an 8. " The most popular aspects of the regional convention included TeamTennis - with more than 65 participants, the camaraderie of meeting many pros, the meetings and seminars and the Specialty Courses. Steve Davis, of Prince, and Gordon Collins, Vice President of USPTAwere rated as "best speakers." Everyone seemed to have a good time, and the jury is still out as to the frequency of the regional convention. Results from the convention survey indicate that half the people want to hold a regional convention on a yearly basis, and half want it every other year. But most people definitely want to do it again. o

Proposed Slate - 1991-92 National Board of Directors USPTA's National Nominating Committee submits the following slate of nominees for the 1991-92 National Board of Directors. President First Vice President Vice President


Jack Justice Gordon Collins Dave Sivertson Kathy Woods · Cliff Drysdale Will Hoag Joseph Thompson

Additional nominations may be made by the general membership until July 21 and submitted to CEO Tim Heckler at the US PTA World Headquarters. In order for a new candidate to be added to the ballot, he or she must be nom inated by at least 20 members. Only one nominee per office will be added to the slate. Additional nominations should be submitted to : Tim Heckler, CEO, USPTA World Headquarters, One USPTA Centre , 3535 Briarpark Drive, Houston, TX 77.042 .

Get More For Your Award Dollars With CROWN _Medals, Trophies and Plaques 12" Solid Marble & Metal Tennis Trophy


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The New FST®Lightning Shoes: A customized arch for a customized fit. The arch support easi ly adjusts to the height of your arch for a perfect , customized fit.

The he i~ht of every player's arch is as unique as the player himself. So in search of the "perfect fit", Prince®designed the FST Lightning-the first performance shoe with an adjustable arch. Lightning includes the patented Flow System Technology®(FST) that actually conforms to the shape of your foot, while its e Precision Support System adds stability. The M-43 Endurance®Rubber outer sole provides extended fll III flU durability. It's comfort, support, and confidence. Playing in the Zone:M A perfect fit for the Zone. See your dealer or call 1-800-2-TENNIS. © 1991 Pnnce Manufac tunng .. lnc.

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Division Officers Visit World Headquarters Division presidents, regional vice presidents, executive directors and secretaries from 13 USPTA divisions visited the USPTA World Headquarters for two days of intense training and information sharing May 3 and 4.

After an extensive tour of the new Headquarters facilities, the group assembled for an in-depth look at the daily operations of USPTA, which included an outline of the duties of each department. The officers then shared their thoughts on what each department could do to improve communi-

cation between the divisions and Headquarters staff, and they suggested ways in which each department could more efficiently aid the divisions. The representatives also shared successful ideas and activities they had completed locally. The 1991 Convention logo was unveiled to the group, and Tim Heckler, CEO , presented a thorough update on the state of the Association , including current and future activities. Naturally, everyone took time out for a little tennis. Bob King, Regional Vice president for

the Texas Division, invited everyone to his facility, the University Club, in the famed Galleria, for a few sets. On Saturday, the group reviewed the various division reports and was given general guidelines regarding endorsements and conventions. Most attendees brought questions that were generated by members of their divisions, and these were discussed at length. The division officers had a very active exchange of ideas and information, including advertising, convention and tournament suggestions. tt

Sport science has become as critical an element in tennis success as sound strokes. Yet very little has been written on incorporating tennis specific sport science principles into practice sessions and match play ... until now. The United States Tennis Association is pleased to present SUCCESSFUL COACHING, a publication tailor-made for tennis coaches and teachers .

SUCCESSFUL COACHING is a comprehensive introduction to sport science competency for tennis It includes valuable information on developing a positive coaching philosophy; applying the principles of coachin g assimilated from the-fields of sport psychology, pedagogy and physiology; and using sport management ski lls effectively. Written by Rainer Martens. founder of the American Coaching Effectiveness Program. and edited by USTA sport sc ience experts. SUCCESSFUL COACHING will serve as the primary text for the USTA's Level l Sport Science Competency open book, take-home test in sport science knowledge for tennis coaches . The test consists of 1DO questions; 80 mu st be answered correctly to pass. Since the purpose of the test is to improve sport science knowledge, coaches may retake the test until they receive a passing score. To order SUCCESSFUL COACHING or the Levell Sport Science Competency Test, please complete the order blank below and send to the USTA Publications. 707 Alexander Road. Princeton. NJ 08540-6399. or ca ll1 -800-223-0456 .

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Make check or money order payable to USTA and send to: USTA Publications. 707 Al exander Road. Princeton. NJ 08540. or call 1-800-223-0456.

A 29

INDUSTRY ACTION USPTA • David A. Abrams, USPTA pro, has been appointed the tennis coach by Sports for Understanding International Exchange. The team of 14 to 19-year-old athletes will travel to Denmark to practice their sport and experience life in another culture . • Bob Holm has been appointed Director of Tennis at the Springs Club in Rancho· Mirage, Calif. Holm is a USPTA Master Professional . • USPTA members Patrick Hennessy and Teri Spears will be the tennis directors at Champions Golf & Country Club in Rogers, Ark. The tennis complex will open July 1.

• Nominations are now being accepted for the USTA/USPTA Public Service Award. All eligible candidates must be nominated by a person familiar with their contributions. Deadline for entry is August 15, so write to the USTA at 707 Alexander Road, Prin ceton , N.J. 08540. The winner will receive a lifetime membership in USTA and a twoyear membership in USPTA. • The Intermountain, Mid-Atlantic, Northern California and Western Sections of the USTA will host pilot programs of Play Tennis America, a beginner tenn is instruction/ playing program designed for adults. The program will debut nationwide in 1992. • The USTA has announced the availability of "Training to be Your Best: Sport Science for Tennis," an interactive video designed for coaches and players to discuss aspects of sport science as they relate to tennis with instruction from some of tennis ' experts on sport science. Contact the USTA for information on renting or purchasing this video.

Denver, Colo., contact Steven Vorhaus (303) 756-0304 ; July 21 in Raleigh , N.C., contact John Zednick (919) 460-6479; July 25 in Phoenix, Ariz., contact John Schultz (602) 897-7409; July 27 in Washington , D.C., contact Greg Seybold (703) 455-4245; July 28 in Houston, Texas, contact Dave Neuhart (713) 363-4707, August 4 in Tampa, Fla , contact Michael Barrett (813) 2891500; August 11 in Atlanta, Ga. , contact Brian Van Blaricom (404) 993-8400; and August 24 in Toronto, Canada, contact Dan Kerr (519) 534-37 45.

Manufacturers • Gregg R. Weida has been named presi: dent of Penn Racquet Sports. Weida was previously the president of the Plastic Film Division of GenCorp's Fabricated Plastics unit in Jeanette, Penn .



iCross kc'r!Ca Tenllf.. ~



11 ,1991 _

Teri Spears and Patrick Henn essy are the new tenni s directors at Champions Golf & Country Club in Rogers, Ark.

• Randy Giblin, USPTA pro, has been appointed head tennis professional at the Santa Clara Golf and Tennis Club, a member of the American Golf Corporation .

USTA • Vijay Amritraj will be the headline· speaker at the 1991 USTA Tennis Teachers Conference in New York City August 30September 1. Amritraj is the only p~ayer to compete in four decades at Wimbledon and is currently the president of the ATP Tour Players Council. 30

• American Tennis Industry Federation (ATIF) has announced that racquet sales increased 10 percent in 1990. Much of the sales increase came from the sales of junior racquets. In 1990, 4,004,014 racquets were sold , compared to the 2.2 million racquets sold in 1985. • Six of the country's most promising young wheelchair tennis players have been selected by the National Foundation of Wheelchair Tennis to participate in the 11th Annual United States Olympic Festival from July 12-21 in Los Angeles. The competitors will be: Tony Lara, 16, Chino, Calif.; Axel Lopez, 18, Santa Ana, Calif. ; Matt McManus, 17, Northboro, Mass.; Ryan Martin, 16, Washington, D.C.; Jason Van Beek, 18, Chino, Calif. ; and Stephen Welch , 18, Bedford, Texas. • Tennis: Europe has announced Trisha Koughan of St. Paul, Minn. and Tre Harris of Alexandria, Va. as recipients of the 1991 Brian Kofman/Jamie Harder Memorial Scholarships. Each recipient will have $1 ,500 donated toward their travel expenses for their European Junior Tennis Tours. • The United States Racquet Stringers Association (USRSA) has announced additions to its stringing seminar and certification program schedule: June 23 in

G reg g Weida, President of Penn Racquet Sports.

• Todd Martin, a first-year professional and former top-ranked collegiate tennis player has joined the Professional Advisory Staff of Wilson Sporting Goods. Martin will endorse the company's performance and retail racquet lines. • A new instructional overgrip now gives beginners a fool-proof method for learning the proper tennis grips. WideBAND Overgrips has introduced the "Private Lesson ." The overgrip reinforces correct hand positions for forehand, backhand and serve. For more information, call 1-800-659-7148.

• Tennis Canada has renewed its second three-year contact with Penn Racquet Sports as the official ball in the Player's Ltd . International and Player's Ltd . Challenge Tennis Championships . The Player's Ltd . International is the Canadian Open.

Todd Martin

Canadian Open renews con tract with Penn tennis balls.

• Penn Racquet Sports donated 1,000 tennis balls to Wessington Place Elementary School in Hendersonville, Tenn . to buffer the bottom of chair legs in the classrooms after a first-grade student's hearing aid was picking up the sound of chairs scraping over the teacher 's voice. • Wilson has added 14 "racket sports specialists" to their sales force. These specialists will be on hand to give the clients what they need, from presentations to clinics, said a company spokesperson.

Professional • Bjorn Borg's return to professional ten nis was not as earth shattering as all the publicity. Borg lost in the first round of the Monte Carlo Open 6-2 , 6-3 against Jordi Arrese . The Swede said he had no regrets, and only needed to play more matches and tournaments.

Miscellany • Any teaching professional interested in nominating their junior player for the Tennis Magazine National Junior Sportsmanship Award can do so by contacting Tennis magazine , publ ic relat ions at (203) 373-7168. • Randy Snow, USPTA pro and eight-time World Champion, will hold a wheelchair tennis clinic June 14-16 at the Lakeshore Tennis Complex in Birmingham, Ala. This camp is open to players of all ages and levels of play. For more information, call (205) 868-2310 • The Smithsonian National Museum of American History has received an Arthur Ashe Competition HEAD racquet to add to its collection. The Smithsonian said the racquet is of importance as a piece of sports memorabilia recognizing Ashe's world dominance of tennis. It also represents a landmark in the evolution of racquet technology and a symbol of Ashe 's contribution to African-Americans' accomplishments in sports. • The University of Kentucky is doing research to determine if changing the handle of tennis racquets can help players get . a better grip on their game. They are trying to find out if a six-sided racquet handle, rather than the traditional eight-sided handle, makes it easier for players to use the correct grip. The research group will attempt to determine which racquet is more of a natural extension of the arm , thus making the game of tennis easier for players.

Answers to Tennis Quiz on page 4. 1. 2. USTA, USPTA, IRSA 3. False 4. 0 5. Players shou ld rate themselves on their overall tennis ability and the stronger game of either singles or doubles. 6. True 7. False 8. Competitive. 9. Ranking, rating . 10. Fal se 11 . K 12. 13. I 14. B



15. 0 16. G 17 F Source: National Tennis Rating Program

Guidebook Sarah Dockrey (bottom row, second from left) and classmates find a new use for Penn ten nis balls.


CEO's message

The ''Terminator'' Takes .Aim at Couch Potatoes If

sincerity, dedication and hard work are considered the standards by which one is judged, Hollywood 's tough man, Arnold Schwarzenegger, must. be one of the world's most genuine volunteers. Because of my involvement in various charities and other volunteer events, I have had the opportunity to meet and know several top Hollywood celebrities over the years. Each has offered a special value to the events in which they have participated . However, few have ever poured themselves into a cause with the same zeal as Arnold has in his quest to promote physical and mental fitness among the youth of this nation. Arnold is the Chairman of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. And, USPTA has adopted this group's philosophy - especially in our mammoth sports marketing event, Across America Tennis Day (AATD). This event included approximately 2,000 sites and was held in conjunction with the Council's National Physical Fitness and Sports Month in May. In addition, our President Jack Justice adopted "Physical and Mental Fitness Through Tennis" as a theme for his 1991 administration. We also added a special USPTA/President's Council supplement to AATD which offered free clinics to multicultural groups and underprivileged citizens at sites from Coast to Coast. Pam Shriver, Cliff Drysdale, Janie Blalock and Arthur Ashe were among the many celebrities attending clinics at various sites. We had hoped to get Arnold more involved in AATD with a photo session fe:>r AOOvantage magazine and perhaps coax him into a quick stop at our National Convention in September. I believe he gave these requests fair consideration , 1:3ut unfortunately, could not fit them into his schedule this year.


My disappointment over this was rapidly abated when I attended a meeting of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports in Washington, D.C. last month . Since I had never been a guest at a Council meeting before , I expected Arnold would attend as a celebrity - simply lending his name to a popular cause . Before it started , I even asked one of the council members whether he would actually attend and , if so, would he take an active role. She said , "Just wait and see ." A few minutes later, Arnold walked in smiling and shaking hands. He promptly sat down at the head of the main council table , called the meeting to order and asked for an invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance to be recited . With that, he conducted and directed the next eight hours with the guile' of a master politician and the demands of a major-domo, of which I have yet to see the equal. His preparation was admirable and his agenda was clear. Among many points, the ones that most impressed me include: • Strong emphasis on the development and strengthening of Governor's and local councils in each state to emulate the good work of the National President's Council on a statewide and local level. Only two tennis organizations in the world , (USTA and USPTA) have achieved a similar network through sectional structures, which allows us to operate at the grassroots level. • Serious stress placed on motivation and use of volunteers. • Re- instituting a strong emphasis on physical education in schools (particularly in those schools and states that have begun to de-emphasize it). • Standardizing the testing system for physical fitness competency in schools.

Arnold insisted on true dedication and effort from his fellow council members, yet he demanded no less of himself. In fact , in the past year alone, he has flown to 24 states to personally meet with governors and other state officials to forge his program, and has spent numerous hours on the phone using the power of his celebrity image to mold a project in which he has adopted a personal interest. If anything stands out clearly when listening to him, it is his realistic understanding of his stac status and how he can use it to more easily achieve many of the sincere and humble wishes of a fine volunteer. There was much more to Arnold Schwarzenegger's ideals, personality and agenda than I can possibly relay in one short editorial. However, I will conclude by bringing it back to my point of no longer being disappointed at USPTA missing an AOOvantage photo shoot or Convention visit by him. When the President's Council meetings ended, I was fully convinced Arnold was giving as much of himself and his time as possible . It was also somewhat humbling to witness the true volunteer spirit of the many great council members as they worked to implement the programs of the President's Council. I began to see that organizations, like USPTA, should work that much harder to merit recognition among the ranks of such a prestigious group like the President's Council. USPTA professionals are sincere in their devotion to a cause, and can be motivated by the genuine need for programs like those promoted by this group. By joining forces , we can achieve a lifetime of health and fitness and a drug free society for all people. Take up the challenge - it is really worthwhile. n


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