Addvantage 1999 May

Page 1


USING ANY OTHER STRINGING MACHINE WOULD BE LIKE MICHELANGELO WORKING WITH PAINT-BY-NUMBER. Welcome, serious stringers. You are entering the realm of Babolat. Amateurs, turn back now. This is no hobby corner. These are the tools that turn a task into an art. These are the machines that transform a stringer into a craftsman. You're looking at the Babolat Star 3 and Babolat Star 4 (smaller).


Take note

of the support stand. It's adjustable to your height. Easy on your back. Quick and simple, huh? We're just getting started.

e These machines

have a breakthrough turntable support system that turns 360 degrees. You don't have to walk around the racquet. Worried about frame pressure and distortion? We are, too. You ruin frames, you lose money. That's why there's a 10 point free-floating support system. (Don't get us going on how few points most of the competition has.)


See the arm support posts

and the two adjustment knobs? They let you mount any type of frame fast, whatever its thickness or head surface area. No tools necessary. e Ready to talk damps? Get this. They're diamond dust coated so there's less pressure needed to hold tension, and less stress during stringing.

Okay, a

tennis string is supposed to be round, right? Right. That's why the self-damping pulling head is equipped with a diabolo drum that redistributes the pressure to prevent string distortion.


Now take a look at the housing on the Star 3. There's an easy-to-read dial that lets you adjust the tension

in pounds or kilos, according to customer request. It has a range of 10 to 90 pounds, and it automatically sets the pulling speed depending on the tension you set.

e The Star 4 has several~dded features including a digital readout, three adjustable pulling speeds, a more accurate sensor and a

knot function key that raises the tension on tKe last string before the knot by five pounds for only one pull. That way, you won't forget to reset it. By the way, these are all "constant pull" tensioners. They take the initial stretch out of the string for a more accurate, ¡truer tension. And they always pull at the same speed for consistent tension on every string. How sure are we of our superiority over other machines? Our five year limited warrantee covers even the electronics. Inspired? Find out more about Babolat stringing machines by contacting your Penn/Babolat sales representative, or call 1-800-BUY-PENN. Because why settle with a velvet Elvis when you can have the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? WINNER OF MORE THAN 50 GRANO SLAMS

the total professional 8 The secret to a better

enhancing your career 16 Taking the uow" out

job- What you can do now to secure your future

of tennis elbow ~

by Jeffrey A. Cook, USPTA -In a

Prevention / and treatment of one of the most common ailments in the sport.


survey of veteran tennis professionals , 90 percent of jobs they have had came from other than a written advertisement.

by Stephen Thuot, Ph.D., USPTA -

17 Fill 'em up! USPTA Adult Tennis League fits the bill

13 Retention - the final ingredient to tennis success .


This center section can be pulled out to hang as a poster at yo ur facility or pro shop.

jlrHE FU'lrUr=tE -,pF 'lrENNIS STar=t'lrS HEi=IE 1999 USPTA Wo rld Co nference on Tenn is

Sept. 19-25

Mram1, F/onda

departments 5 CEO 's message

7 Vice president's message 26 USPTA mailbox

20 The f utu re of tennis starts here

27 Little Tennis talk


32 Career development

Conference registration

30 Hotel reservation

33 Industry action


34 Class ifi eds

USPTA International C l1amp10ns · h tps · regtstratton · ·

volume 23 • issue 5

r USPTA World Headquarters 3535 Briarpark Drive, Suite One Houston, TX 77042 Phone - (713) 978-7782 (800) USPTA-4U Fax - (713) 978-7780 e-mail - magazine@ uspta.arg

from and apply to the way they 1 structure practtce and give feedback .

Top 1 0 reasons to get in the swing of things

1gag uspta world conference on tennis

ADDvantage magazine editorial offices

There are two significant areas of motor learning research that teaching professionals can learn


12 Former President praises efforts of USPTA .

Cover p!Joto credit - Imaoes® cop>'vrioht 1999 6 J 6 PhotoDisc Inc. -

23 Research for the real world of motor learning

Editor Managing editor

Shawna Riley Julie Myers


Kathy Buchanan


Diane Richbourg

Office hours: 8:30a.m. - 5 p.m. Centra l lime ADDvantage is published monthly by the United States Professional Tennis Association.

The opin ions expressed in ADDvantage are those of the authors ond not necessarily those of ADDvantoge or the USPTA. Copyright© United States Professional Tennis Association , Inc. 1999. Al l rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of the magazine is not permitted without written permission from USPTA.

ADDvontoge/Moy 1999


Everywhere YOU are ... Everyday. Greener cities

Clearer communications

Smoother traffic flow


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t___ _ _

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... Everything's Better by Association. During the course of an ordinary day, associations everywhere are doing extraordinary things. Setting quality and safety standards, researching new ' technologies,

certifying professionals. In fact, in almost every corner of the world, associations are working to build a safer, stronger, and smarter future for us all. Wouldn't you agree

developing learning progcams for workers in every

that everything's better by association?

kind of industry, lobbying and shaping legislation, and


This message is brought ro you by the American Society of Association Executives, in recognition of the nearly 100,000 associations who work to make our lives Better by Association. For further information about this campaign, please email or fax 202-408-9633 or visit http:/ /

Where we stand: USPTA and the Plan for Growth


toward your Tennis Across America commitment. SPTA will celebrate the 10 'h annual Tennis Across America event this month. However, During the recent USTA Annual Meeting, I was asked how many USPTA professionals would commit instead of focusin g on this milestone in an to the USTA Plan for Growth initiative. The question industry that has seen numerous programs come and go, was a difficult one for two reasons. First, many people we are still being asked by members to clarify how Tenat the meeting had (as human nature has it) already nis Across America and other USPTA projects fit into forgotten the problem we experienced a year ago, while USTA's program- specifit:ally USA Tennis 1-2-3. others were too new to know the history. Secondly, the You might remember that last yea r USTA chose quesnon of our conunitment can be answered many the very same day and month to initiate its USA Tenways depending on how it is as ked. For nis 1-2-3 program that Tennis Across example, you might ask, "What kind America had occupied for the previous of conunitment will USPTA profeseight yea rs . To prevent confusion , sionals make to the growth of tennis USPTA offered to include Tennis through ... ": Across America and Little Te~s® in 1. USTA's Plan for Growth, where the USA Tennis l-2-3, pathway and only USTA-generated and approved contribute all of its results to the fmal activities are counted in its USA retention pool. Our only requirement · Tennis 1-2- 3 pathway, or was that our programs be included with 2 . All successful programs such as their names and systems intact. US PTA Littl e Tennis , Tennis Last yea r USTA refused to recogAcross An1erica and USPTA memni ze other successful industry prober-begirmer guest series in addition grams. Regardless, for industry unity, Heckler to USA Tennis programs. we promoted our events and USTA's Obviously, USTA wo uld prefer that we answer with equal enthusiasm hoping t hat in time USTA would No. 1. H owever, this dismisses USPTA professionals' see t he val ue of our offer. Our offer still stands to inlong-term participation and high level of commitelude 2,000 participating professionals from Tennis m ent to all programs that build T-E -N-N-I-S. Across America and 2,500 Little Tennis sites in the Answer No. 2 will generate much more participation, retention pool. However, USTA, again in 1999, has and also more accurately and fairly reflects the overall not agreed to recognize our programs and a year later contributions of USPTA professionals to the sport. we are sri!! in the same position. After the meeting, I met with our president and I'm sure you can see why there's still confusion about vice president, Will Hoag and Joe Thompson respecTennis Across America, Little Tennis and USA Tennis ti vely, as well as the USPTA staff Two important ques1-2- 3 this spring. If USTA wo uld make USA Tennis. tions came up: 1-2-3 inclusive of other successful programs, the prob• Isn't USPTA already committed to the Plan for lem would go away in a minu te. Clearly, we believe Growth and isn' t everything we do in some way reUSPTA's programs are valuable to teaching professionals lated to increasing tennis play? and we will never eliminate them in favor of'another • Are we able to meet our corporate goals for reprecompany's marketing ventures, especially if they so easily senting tennis-teaching professionals while at the could be combined for greater effect. However, we will same time fulfilling the overall goals of other indo all we can to share results and "grow tq mis." So, if you ask which programs yo u shmJd run in dustry gro ups? 1999, we reconm1end that you run your own USPTA While all industry groups work to grow tennis, we programs first and, if USTA will accept them, contribeach do so in ways. that support our individual purposute the resu lts to USA Tennis 1-2-3 . If yo u are in a city es. For example, manufac turers want to sell more prodwith a Blitz free lesson program, please work with the see CEO, next page local coordinators and send us your results to count


... USPTA always ha d a 11

plan for

growth" long before any formal effort was implemented or labeled by our industry.

ADDvontoge/Moy 1999


CEO from page 5

• $3 for 3-month subscription (Outside the U.S. $6) • AMAZING $33 VALUE. • Receive 3 60-minute digital audiotapes over 3 months. • Hear Great Ideas from hundreds of U.S. and lnt'l. Tennis Conferences while driving to the courts. • FREE fax or e-mail service for you to request Top Tips. • Great to Train New Pros and Refresh older ones. • Monthly Discounts on other great products. • PLUS! Coach Tennis America is Now USPTA Approved for up to 5 Continuing Education Credit Points Per Year! Introductory Offer

ONLY $3 CALL NOW! 800-752-7673 or 214-823-3078 Ask for Marc

6 ADDvontogP/Moy 1999

ucts, magazines want to sell advertising and increase circulation and touring pro associations want to acqu ire more sponsorship dollars. Teaching pros need programs that increase tennis participation and also enhance their professional value i~ the workplace. It is also important to recognize that USPTA programs cater to the complete spectrum of country clubs, commercial clubs, resorts and large and small parks and recreation facilities. Other industry groups sometimes place a different priority o~ some of these markets. Often the various industry groups attempt to reach their individual goals through promotions that coalition partners don't full y agree with or understand. Two notable examples include Billie Jean King's World TeamTennis and USPTA Little Tennis. Billie Jean had the foresight to know that World TeamTennis was vital to our sport. Yet, it was years before anyone listened to her. Similarly, USPTA stood alone for almost four years in its major promotion of tennis to children ages 3 to IO and their fam.ilies, w!Ule the industry unsuccessfully sought the teen-age market. If not for Little Tennis, children's tennis would have never reached the levels of attention or participation that it enjoys today. Little Tennis offers something different and is accepted by USPTA pros as the premier program for young children and families. Programs like these do not detract from the industry's common purpose of increasing play. But, if one company tries to monopolize the industry's group efforts, it destroys the entrepreneurial spirit of its partners and their programs developed through years of work and dedication. USPTA has met its responsibilities to its mem.bers and the industry by developing grassroots programs that increase play and recognition of USPTA professionals. But it has not withheld support of industry initiatives and has been the most important delivery system for the industry. The following represent just some of the ways USPTA can and will support the Plan for Growth: • Editorial coverage of Plan for Growth • Communicate with conmmnity tennis associations about US PTA's "Find A Pro" program that will match communities and their tennis needs with qualified professionals • Parti~ipation in the IO-new-player program • Promote USA Tennis I-2-3 as follow-up program for Tennis Across America • Promote Plan for Growth at the USPTA World Conference and divisional conventions • Provide education and certification opportunities to prepare minority coaches for community programs • Send TIA Community Tennis Rally invitation letters to our members at USPTA's expense We also feel our contributions to the Plan for Growth will be considerable providing the USTA and other industry partners recognize the comprehensive efforts of our me~bers and not just those related to their own specific interests. Our collective efforts should produce the following contributions to T-E-N-N-I-S in I999: • Little Tennis- 2,500 nationwide programs • Tennis Across America - 2,000 participating professionals • The Blitz- US PTA pros make up between 85 percent and 90 percent of the delivery force • Other new initiatives include a member-guest series and a member-beginner guest program - both beginning in I 999 • USTA Plan for Growth - 60,000 + new players according to USTA's I 998 acco unting US PTA must ask if its contributions will be seen as a commitment to the Plan for Growth campai"gn only if thry consist of assistance with anJ promotion of USTA's programs. Or, can the commitment include recruiting new players through USPTA or other programs? Our directors and members will insist on the latter. To sum it up, USPTA should be recognized for the things it has always done - for supporting tennis by offering the assistance of the sport's primary delivery system to overall industry goals. One of US PTA's corporate purposes since I927 has been to promote a greater awareness of the sport. In keeping with this purpose, USPTA always had a "plan for growth" long before any formal effort was implemented or labeled by our industry. 'f)<>

A lf·ee pFesieleAt's mes-sage- - - . . usptao

Education throug~ networking



President Fi rst Vice President

Josep h Thompso n

Vice Presidents

Harry Gilbert M ark McMa hon David T. Porter Ron Woods

Secretory-trea surer Townsend G ilbert


' m often asked about the benefits ofUSPTA m embership. I list education and networking as the top benefits. Most of us attend seminars at the various conferences to learn about specific topics that relate to our markets and workplace . This information is shared in the usual setting of someone presenting information to a group of professionals . In m y experience, ~hese presenta tions are usuall y quite good and I always find information that I can use at m y facility. But what about networking? What does that mean to you? To me it is the opportunity to share information with other professionals . I honestly believe that I learn as much from talking to professionals about specific issues as I do in Harry any other educational environment. I am lucky to be able to visit the divisions as part of my board responsibilities and always try to speak with as many professionals as possible about issues we all are dealing with. I am always available to share my thoughts and am interested in how others respond. A few years ago . at an Executive Committee meeting, one of our national board members had

a problem with the tryouts for one of his ladies ' teams. As we discussed it over lunch, there was a combined 80 years of experience among the four professionals in the discussion. Varieties of possible solutions, suggestions and like situations were discussed. Trust me, there was some definite learning going on! When renewing acquaintances at conferences , how many of us greet our fellow professionals with, "How's your club?" I know that I do, and I really do want to hear what they have to say - for this simple reason - your situation today might be mine tomor~ row. We all can do a better job with more experience, so why not go where experience and knowledge are at a premium? Gilbert You'll notice in this issue that there are several registration forms for the USPTA World Conference on Tennis, which will be in Miami this year. This is the biggest and best venue of the year for you to find education and networking opportunities. When you think of your USPTA membership benefits, remember education starts with your fellow professionals. ~

Past President

Kurt Kam perm on


Tim Heckler


Rich Fanning

of O perations

Executive Assistant Showno Riley

Di rector of

Com munications Com mun ications/

Cou rtena y Dreves

Divisional Liaison Communications

Jill H. Phipps

Publications Coordinator

Julie Myers

Public Relations Coordinator

Dan Saine

Marketing Coord inator

Dione Richbourg

Director of Ca reer Devel o pment

Ji m Peavy

Ed ucationa l Administrator

Thelma Holmes

Ca reer Mathew Thompson Development Assistant


El izobeth Ten Broeck

Marketing Assistant Webmoster/ Corporote

Christi Co li

Services Mana ger Computer Services/

Kathy Bucha non

Club Relations Divisiona l Executive Administra tor

Yvonne Hung

M embershi p/ Ed ucation

Vicky Tristan

M em be rship/

Angela Reese

Education Assistant Financia l M a nager Controller

Renee Heckler Theresa Weatherford

Ellen Schmidt

In surance/ M ercha ndise Services Mercha ndise

Susan W right· Broughto n


When you think of you_r USPTA membership benefits, remem ber e ducation starts with your fellow professionals.

LE GAL CO UNSEL AHorn ey·ot·l ow

Paul Waldmon

For information, write the

USPTA World Heodquorters 3535 Bria rpo rk D rive, Suite One

Houston, TX 77042 Phone (7 13) 97 -USPTA (800) USPTA-4U Fax (7 13) 978·7780 e·ma il - uspta @ Internet -

Office hours: 8 :30 o.m. • 5 p.m. Central lime

ADDvontogi'/Moy 1999


The secret to a.better What you can do to secure

by Jeffrey A. Cook, USPTA

... if you always do your best anq continually improve in the things you do, someone will eventually notice.

Jeffrey A. Cook, USPTA, is the director of tennis and head tennis professional at the Germantown Cricket Club in Philadelphia. He is a member of the Wilson advisory staff

8 ADDvantage/May 1999


here is your nex t job going to come from? Where is t he best job yo u'll ever have g9ing to come from? Where is the last job you'll ever have going to come from? After 3 I years in the teaching profe~sion , and 28 years as a USPTA member, it is apparent that similar sets of circumstances have shaped not only my career but also t he careers of many longtime pros . T he tennis industry provides a wo nderful opportunity for all of us to enjoy rich and fu lfilling careers. All of us are interested in making the most of this opportunity. The question is, what is the best approach? Thirty-seven USPTA pros, with a minimum of I5 years of membership each, were kind enough to respond to a survey on this topic. T his was a surprising 49 percent return. This high return in itself speaks to one of the reasons why these tennis professionals have succeeded in their careers . There is an old coaching axiom that defines luck as "good preparation bumping into opportunity. " Let's ass ume you know yo u r job . Yo u are tec hn ically sound in your teaching methods. You know and can differentiate the needs of your students according to their levels. You are person-

ally and professionally sharp in your presentation. You are constantly looking for new and fresh ways to deliver encouragement as well as information to your clients . Somewhere in t he country, an excellent tennis position opens. Although you would be the perfect person for the job, you never find out about it. It would be surprising if this thought hasn' t gone through the mind of every pro at some time. In our survey, exactly 90 percent of the jobs that our veteran pros have had came from something other t han a written advertisement. Instead, they come from a variety of sources. According to o ur survey, 34 percent came from fe llow pros, 3 3 percent from a personal friend , I9 percent from clients, IO percent from a coach, 3 percent from a

Where did you hear about your job? 34%

Fellow pros


Personal friend






Casual acquaintance



casual acquaintance and I percent from a relative. One interesting response was from "reputation." The average respondent to t he survey has been a USPTA member for 24.4 years. They have been in the tennis profession for an average of 28.6 years. Each pro has had an average of 4 .7 jobs in those years, and 4.2 of those jobs came from word- of-mouth sources rather than a written ad. For this survey to impact the reader, the reader must first believe that the same basic circumstances will drive your career as drove those who came before you. Not only is this true because of the service we provide but also because tennis has not had substantial growth in two decades . There are simply fewer top jobs and more pros are vying for them. Perhaps tennis will enjoy another boom to t he 34 million p layer level it had in the mid- '70s . Unti l then, what can you do to set yourself apart from t he rest of t he field? Everybody, it is said, becomes wise by the titne they are old. The secret to success may be to become wise while yo u are still young. We are a product of the sum of our experiences. When and if you are in the thoughts of a person who finds out abo ut a great tennis job, t hat "sum" is the key to whether you are contacted or not.


10 ways to expand your network

now your future

A s in our teaching, w e discover it is not always t he way somet hing is said but t he way it is taken th at is important. How we are perceived by others may or may not be how we perceive ourselves. Expand ing our network of contacts is paramount. If it makes sense that you can not get to know anot her pe rson well without spen ding tim e w ith t hem, t hen it fol lows t hey are not going to know y ou w ell w ithout spend ing ti me w ith you . While it is t rue t hat ti me is money - especially for t hose wh o make a large portion of their income from on-court teac hing- we must t hink of t he money of t he f uture as we ll as today 's. Here are som e suggestions.

D oes the club or organization who is offering this exceptional oppo rtuni ty want just a teacher who is perhaps also a good player, or wo uld they mo re likely be aft er a professional who is constantly growi n g in eve ry way? When choosing your doctor 'or acco untan t, do yo u want one who hasn' t done anything in the last fi ve to 10 years to improve themselves? Tennis pros must also wo rk to stay fresh and viable. This is no t only true in your own mind th ro ugh the co ntinuing edu ca tio n process but also in the perception of you by tho se with knowledge of new opportunities . The 3 7 res pondents to the survey said they had "heard of " an average of 5.5 jobs per yea r fro m a va riety of sources. None sa id they wou ldn' t p ass these o penings along to others, and 59 percent said they would tell o t her pro s but only specific on es th ey kn ew. F~ rty- on e p e rc ent wou ld tell any pros abou t t he po si tion s of wh ic h -they we re aware. T herefore, t he sources of information exist as long as t he netwo rk is in place. Strangely enough , it has been my observation that many pros are actually very reticent about getting too friendly with other pros. Perhaps we carry fo rward t he ve ry

Take part in professi onal get-togethers. Divisional, sec ti onal an d nati onal convent ions and outings are offered reg ula rl y by US PTA .

• Take pa.r t i n Specialty Cour ses off ered by USPTA at co nvent io ns an d at various sites and t imes t hroughout t he year. Here you can get to know ot her pros as well as t hose instructin g t he courses .

USPTA conferences keep y ou in the loop.

Volunteer your services to your divisional, sectional or nat ional USPTA or USTA associations. They offer us the opportu nity to get our name out there and do something very helpful at the same time.

Take part in exhibitions, charity affairs and "grow the game" programs.

• Decide where you want to live. Can or will you move to another part of the country if the right job comes along? • Play in some tournaments, member-guest events and with pros at other clubs. When you are finished playing, remain at the site a wh ile to get to know it and its members. • Define your area of expertise . The ideal job must f it those qualities, skills and areas of interest that are unique to you . Junior development, commercial club management, resort teaching, coaching, club programming and directing are very different ways of being a tennis professional. Find your niche. • Aim your networking plan toward any special talents or experiences you have, such as fluency in a foreign language, inner-city human development and interest in working with the disabled. • Maintain high personal standards and continually set new goals in your current situation. Constantly strive for improvement. • Keep in touch with your network. Don't let months or years go by without saying hi. When you seriously get into the job hunt is not the only time you should be contacting them .

See Future, page 14 ADDvontoge/Moy 1999


.......... Prince NEOS®2000: Fully-loaded ele~nic stringer puts you in precise control. • More features than Babolat ®Star 4, priced like the Star 3. • Electronic tension head, with Constant Pull, Pull & Lock and Pre-Stretch tensioning options. • Nine different pulling speeds for complete control. • Positive lock-down mounting system securely holds the frame . • 360 degrees - Digital display- No separate adaptors Made in Japan- Five year warranty.

NEOS®1000: lhe manual favorite, designed for maximum ease and speed. • The industry standard in manual machines. More USRSA members use Ektelon machines than any other brand. • Rated


for Ease of Use by the United States Racquet Stringers Association.

• Backed by a five year warranty and the industry's best customer service.

NEOS®IOOO Stringing Machine available in either

, . .. or.llmiDH models.

Ektelon Electronic Tension Head brings your manual stringer into the electronic age! •

Converts all Ektelon models and many competitive machines to electronics in under one minute.

Keep the ease and speed of your current machine while adding the accuracy of electronic tensioning. •· Constant Pull, Pull and Lock and Pre-Stretch tensioning options. •

Five different pulling speeds- Digital display -Accurate to 1110 lb. Pause and Memory functions - Most economical way to upgrade to electronics.

To get a FREE Prtnc:e/Ektelon Electronic: Stringers Video, FOR RACQUET SERVICE




c:aii1-800-2-TENNIS. The new Prince Neos '" 2000 Stringing Machine and the new Ektelon Electronic Tension Head are demonstrated in this FREE video. Get yoW's today!



RfiCOOET TECttrtiCifUt



New Prince PerfectionOM String: -like playability•••

with a feeling

that's oh-so-soft. New Prince Perfection™string lives up to its name, combining the playability of natural gut with a great soft feel. Its multifilament construction, with a resilient dual core of ActiFlex™fibers, offers a perfect blend of power, control and feel. Its patented pearlized coating provides an effective barrier against fraying. For a string with incredible playability plus a soft, comfortable feel, you want technology in its natural state:

USRSA members! Remember, you're eligible for big prizes through our expanded Prince!Ektelon Frequent Buyer Program! 1-800-2-TENNIS Prince is a brand of Benetton Group spa.

Former President praises

effOrts of USPTA.

}Aarcb l 5 '


ADDvontoge/Moy 1999


Retention- the final ingredient • to tenn1s success


tart with a handful of good pros. Add several hundred new and existing tennis players . Then stir in a mix of clinics, drills and fun. This is a great way to bring people back into the game and introduce new players to the sport. But it's import:mt to not forget the final ingredient- retention. 1 Tennis Across America " is one of the largest grassroots programs designed to introduce players to the game. But, follow-up programs are essen~ial to maintaining new player interest in tennis. Statistics show that players joining some so~t of retention program are more likely to play tennis on a regular basis and stay involved for life. Adults can join a beginner's league and children should be encouraged to join a USPTA Little Tennis® program.

USA Tennis, part of USTA's initiative to grow the game, is another way for new players to increase their tennis skills through lessons and, later, advance to playing situations. Since the Surgeon General has reported that inactivity is detrimental to your health , any program that can maintain players' excitement for the sport will allow them to pursue a healthy lifestyle.

To register your Tennis Across America clinic , fill out the form on the bottom of this page and mail or fax it to the Sports Marketing Department at the USPTA World Headquarters . The fax number is (713 ) 978-7780. For more information on Tennis Across America or Little Tennis, ca'll (713 ) 978-7782, (8oo) USPTA-4U or send inqu1r1es via e-mail to For information on USA Tennis, please call yo ur USTA sectional office. Thanks to teaching professionals like you, thousands of people have had the opportunity to participate in the sport. Now it is time to keep them in the game! ~

,---------------------------------------, 1 Register for USPTA's Tennis Across America!


Copy this form, complete ond mail to the address below. Use additional sheets if needed.


D host professional D assistant Member number ______ USPTA member D yes D no Name Club/ facility _____ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ Division _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Street address _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _




1 1

Yes, I wi ll participate in USPTA's Tennis Across America as a/an

State _ __ ZIP _ __

Daytime phone ( _ __

I Date of clinic _ _ __ __ _ _ __ My clinic/ socia l wi ll be open to D the public D members only I Location of event - - - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - - -- -- - - -- -- - - -- -- - - -- -- - - Street address _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _____________________ State _ _ _ ZIP ______ Facility phone ( _ _ __ I The following people wi ll assist at my event: Member number _ _ _ __ __ _ ___ USPTA member D yes D no I 1

I City


____£__ __ _ _

- -- -- - - -- -- - - -- -- - -

- -- -- - - -- - -- - -- - - - USPTA member

D yes

D no

Member number

- - - - ----------

USPTA Wo rld Headq uarters, 3535 Briarpark Drive, Suite One, Houston TX 77042 Questions? Call (713) 978-7782 or (800) USPTA-4 U, fa x (713) 978-7780 or send e-mai l to sports@

L---------------------------------------~ ADDvontoge/Moy 1999


Future from page 9 competitive attitudes most of us grew up with as players, to our professional lives. The truth is that when the well-prepared pro does apply for that unusually great position, there is actually very little competition . Most of those pros that would be competition already have a good job! This was the .c ase several years ago when one of the top jobs in our area came open. Thinking that a metropolitan area as large as the one in question could always use another excellent pro, I called a fellow pro in the Midwest. He said thanks but he really enjoyed where he was . This has happened many times over the years. As players, we put ourselves on the line to win or lose. We couldn't possibly win unless the chance was taken. As professional teachers we have to take the same approach to training for success . If you _know I 0 pros , and each hears about 5.5 jobs per year, and three-fourths of those jobs are the same position crossing over, then there are still almost 14 jobs for which you could consider applying.

14 ADDvantagP/May 1999

Is it ever too early in one's career to start this network building? Even as an entrylevel assistant pro, this can be very beneficial. Eighty-three percent of survey respondents said they hire assistants, and 75 percent do not advertise these positions. A great majority of entry-level positions are also available but largely through word- efmouth advertising. The reason for this is probably a result of the fact that 60 percent of the pros surveyed believed that they filled their assistant positions based upon referrals from other pros, 60 percent to 100 percent of the time. Another 25 percent hired their assistants based on referrals from other pros 50 percent of the rime. Therefore, 85 percent of the assistant pro jobs offered by the pros in our survey depend heavily on personal referrals. The entry-level pro needs to get to know more head pros, instead of sending out more resumes. 'Three years ago, while visiting another director of tennis in my area, I met one of his interns who made a point of handing me a business card. The next season he was hired as one of our staff pros and was very successful. If a person is gregarious enough as a young player to go up

to a stranger and ask if they want to hit for 10 or 15 minutes, then a young · pro can also go up to a head pro and hand them a card, start a conversation and add to his or her network. Seventy- one percent of therespondents·'stated that their best assistants came from personal referrals ; 29 percent said there was no difference but none said that their best assistants did not come from personal referrals. Consider carefully, then, your career and your future. You may choose the route of those long-term pros that came before you, which seem to cover 90 percent of the opportunities available. Or you may remain private, keep to yourself and take your chances with the other 10 percent of those positions that accept your resume after you read their written advertisement. The process described above does take time. It may take some time away from yopr work and perhaps years to form your network. It won't rake great amounts of time, however, because it cannot be done all at once. Unless your retirement from the tennis industry is imminent, it is never too late to start. Call a fellow pro to hit a few balls. Join a local association that i:nterests you. Take advantage of the many avenues offered to you by USPTA that are perfect for this venture. There is always a need for volunteers, especially at the divisional level. The greatest opportunity for interaction takes place at local meetings, conventions, projects and Specialty Courses. Run a pro-am at your club and accept an invitation to play in a pro-am at another pro's club. We are in the people business . On the court we know that letting our personality shine through increases the chances of not only getting repeat business but also makes giving lessons and clinics more fun. What happens to that personality and excitement when you leave your club? Carry the same positive approach to giving another one of your "clients" -your pro fessional future - that same unforgettable experience. Someone once told me that if you always do your best and continually improve in the things you do, someone will eventually notice. It may be later rather than sooner, but there are actually very few people in any profession who are really this motivated. This and only this IS our only true ·job security. '§'oo


Taking the DW" out of tenn,is elbow


arms move together so the elennis players who play bows don't have to do as much with poor technique or overuse their elbows work. If you use a one- handed dramatically increase their risk backhand, use a grip that permits the inside of the thumb for one of the most common ailments in the sport- "tennis (not the bottom part) to stay elbow. " in contact with the racquet hanOverusing the forearm musdle. Then, students should let cles and tendons through the retheir elbows drop down and petitive motions of tennis, or away from their bodies as they just playing more than you're . swmg. used to, can cause inflammation You may also suggest equipof the elbow. Players who conment changes to your stutinue to use their inflamed foredents to help prevent tenarm muscles and tendons gennis elbow. Some tips include using a erally injure the area. A.s a result, flexible racquet, the person feels elbow pain and forearm weakness.

Common causes and pre vention The easiest way to prevent tennis elbow - a form of tendinitis - in your students is to be sure they use proper tennis strokes. Players increase their risk of injury by using poor techniques, such as an incorrect grip, improperly bending the elbow when serving and hitting the ball late. An improper backhand is one of the most common causes of tennis elbow. Poor form includes leading with the elbow and using just the upper body to hit the ball. In a proper backhand, the elbow stays in line with the racquet hand, while the feet , legs, hips, shoulders and arms contribute to the stroke. One way to make the backhand easier on the elbow is to us e two hands . With a twohanded stroke, the trunk and

16 ADDvantage/May 1999


string/ ing it with a "soft" string at the lower end of the manufacturer's recommended tension and using an elbow brace. Players should also use as large a grip as can comfortably be maneuvered, restring the racquet often and use new balls when playing.

Treatment Treating tennis elbow involves several steps. The first is to apply crushed ice in bags or towels to the affected area for approximately 10- 15 minutes a few times a day. Or, use solid ice in a paper cup to massage the injured area in a circular fashion. When applying ice directly

to the skin, reduce icing time to six to eight minutes to protect the skin from burns . Avoid actions that reproduce pain at the elbow, such as shaking hands or picking up a coffee cup . Elbow inflammation should subside after a week or two of little to no use. Once the injury begins to improve, it's time to strengthen and increase the flexibility of the forearm. Two exercises to perform several times a day are squeezing a tennis ball and opening your fingers against the resistance of a rubberband. Players can also do three sets of 15 wrist curls, inverted wrist curls and vertical wrist curls. Always stretch the forearm afterward. Once the elbow and wrist feels better, it is important to return gradually to the game. At first, try to avoid hitting backhands and reduce the power of your serve. After play, ice the elbow. If symptems are gone, gradually increase the intensity of your game over time. Remember to always warm up and stretch your forearms before play.

¡¡=~------oliiii~S~hho~uld tennis elbow pain be severe or long lasting, it is important to contact a physician about treatment. Tennis elbow doesn't have to hamper your or your students' game . With the right strokes, equipment and knowledge, everyone can enjoy all the benefits of tennis, without the pain. '{)<>

Fill 'em up! USPTA Adult Tennis League fits the bill


king to keep t he courts f ull all ay long? A great way to fi ll available court-tim e during slow periods at your faci lity is to initiate a US PTA Adul t Tennis League TM. And the success of any league depends on the pro fessional's ability to meet t he needs of the community. Fortunately, t he US{>TA Adult Tennis League can be run during any sevenweek period between July and September. This program will complem.ent the leagues of your local tennis association and USTA. You can also host a to urnament fo llowing the league format. The all- doubles league prese n ts a chance to try differe':t programming, making it easier to attract players and keep them coming back. T he com bin a-

tion of men's, women's and mixed doubles teams brings together players of vario us levels in an expanded team format. To f urther differentiate it, the Adult Tennis League may be t he right time for you and fellow pros to introduce the Tencap handicapping system simultaneously. Each USPTA d ivision has an Adult Tennis League coordinator who can help establish leagues. Each regio n is assisted by an Area Director, who determines league dates and fees , organizes playoffs and awards, selects the NTRP or Tencap levels and decides the doubles format. A Site Director at each fac ility coordinates match times, completes rosters, collects fees and communicates the format to players. Up to eight squads representing vario us fac ilities or organizations make up a

league. Each squad consists of a minimum of two doubles teams playing at each of four NTRP levels, for a total of at leas t eight doubles teams or I 6 players. P layers at 3.5 and 4.5 levels play at their respective levels and still have the opportunity to be teammates. At season's end, a championship may be hosted by each community, state or division. If you have any questions about the league and how you can adapt it to meet your scheduling needs and the interests of local players , please contact the Sports ' Marketing Department at the USPTA World Headquarters at (800) USPTA4U (877-8248) or To register your league with the national office, fill out the form below and send it to the USPTA World Headquarters. <{)a

~ r.lo.....-----------,

_..ffh::egistr~:;~ "....................... "...............

Name ________________________ Address ____________________ City _________________________ State ____________


Portable.Ball Machines #1 selling tennis ball machines worldwide

ZI P___ _ _

Business phone ( Home phone ( USPTA member •


___ yes __ no



1Member No. _______ Division


1Do you live or work in o(near a city or 1metropolitan area? __ yes ____ no

I City's name --------- ---------- 11 would like to participate as:


an Area Director

a Site Director

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w/ Spin Control

1-800-448-8867 for FREE brochure

Sports Tutor, 5350 Biloxi Ave., N. Hollywood, CA 9 1601, fax: 818-762-9438

official the_ USPTA Adult_ League __ _boll _of _ __ _ _ .J

ADDvontoge/Moy 1999


Top 1 0 reasons to get • 1n the swing of things This spring and summer, millions of people are getting out their racquets, lacing up their shoes the tennis courts. It makes sense, since the sport offers a h people of all ages.. Here are just a few: n to get outside and run, swing and pie, especially compared to sitting on r climbing on a stair machine.


Tennis is social. You can catch up with old friends and make new ones.


s burns calories. A 150-pound person can burn up to 420 for each hour of tennis played at moderate intensity. Tennis is for a lifetime. You can play tennis when ' " " ' ' ..." i n ,.., ...~ ri c. nn hnnl

I'Y\idrHo ~l"'bnnl


~f'h oo l ~nrl

sports tor a ITteflme.

Tennis helps you manage stres Having fun with tennis soothes mental, emotional and physical stress. il"ennis teaches players to com111te individu as well as with a¡ partner. Singles lets peopl compete one-on-one, while doubles builds team and communication. Tennis fits into your schedule. It only takes an hour to get in a great interval aerobic workout.




Tennis is inexpensive. It's cheaper than golf, skiing and other sports, and the only equipment ou need is a racquet, shoes and tennis balls!

Tennis lessons are readily available. It's easy to improve your game with the help of nearly 12,000 teaching professionals certified by the United States Professional Tennis Association. Tennis is healthy for body and mind. Tennis allows you to exercise muscles, develop flexibility, keep your mind sharp from tactical thinking and develop confidence in yourself.


United States Professional Tennis Association, Inc. 3535 Briar rk r" . •



he international essence of Miami , , site of the 1999 USPTA World Conference on Tennis , is sure to add flavor to an aheady exciting event. Mark your calendars for Sept. 19-2 5 and make your plans now. Tennis professionals from around th~ world will be attending the conference- including representatives from Australia, Great Britain, South Africa, Mexico, Singapore, Japan , the Czech Republic , Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Spain and

To register for the convention, fill out the form on the next page and send it back to USPTA by Aug. 14 to save up to $80. The hotel reservation form on . Page 30 is also due by Aug. 14, but it must be returned to Dora! Golf Resort and Spa. More than 50 seminars and five Specialty Courses have been planned for attendees, including seminars in Spanish. The Certification Training Course, upgrade exam and Certi-

20 ADDvontoge/Moy 1999

fication Exam will be offered in both English and Spanish. For those who are coming to t es t their tennis skills, the US PTA International Championships, sponsored by Wilson, will be Sept. I 9-2 3. The entry fee is $5 0 for singles and $20 per person for doubles . The deadline to register is Aug. 15 and a registration form is on Page 3 I. Current USPTA members in good standing who preregister for the World Conference are eligible. All membership requirements mus t be completed by June 13 to allow for exam grading and application processing. The tournament is sanctioned by the USTA. Competitors who would like to represent their divisions may compete in the USPiA International Team Championships, Sept. 2526. There is no entry fee for the team tournament. Contact your division president or executive administrator for more information. The USPTA Pro Penn ball is the official ball for both events. More than 100 exhibitors are expected to display their wares at the USPTA International Tennis Buying Show, Sept. 24-25 . The annual buying show party will be held on Friday, the opening day. USPTA members who would like to find a roommate for t heir stay at the convention should call the US PTA World Headquarters at (800) USPTA-4U for a list of others¡ who wish to share a room. <§>a

Travel plans USPTA has selected Conventions in America as the official travel agency for the World Conference. To receive the lowest available fares on any carrier, call (800) 929 4242 and ask for Group No. 590. Attendees can save 5 percent to 10 percent on lowest applicable fares with American Airlines and Continental Airlines, and take an additional 5 percent off with a minimum 60day advance purchase. If calling an ai rline directly, or using your own travel agency, refer to the following codes: American : Starfi le No. 7499UE Continental : Ref No. MXQ3X5 Z-code ZJHE Budget Rent a Car wi ll provide the following unlimited mileage rates one week before and after the dates of the conference. When making reservations, be sure to provide the special rate code: ID No. U054823. Daily Weekly $24 $ 99 Economy 28 129 Compact 159 Intermediate 32 179 Full size 36 199 Convertible 39 44 229 Luxury 45 239 Minivan

For airline reservations,

in America

(800) 929-4242 Be sure to say you are with Group No. 590

Registration form

1999 USPTA World Conference on Tennis Miami, Florida


6~ve up to $80 b~ 1e51~tui~ be1ofe Au~+ 1lt. Main registrant Name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - USPTA member No. Division______ Non-member Q Address City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State ZIP _ _ __ Phone (H) (_ _) _ _ _ _ _ _ (W) (_ _) _ _ _ __ T-shirt sizes 0 M





Please indicate parties you _plan to attend:


0 Wednesday night

0 Thursday night

0 Friday awards breakfast

0 Friday night

Member Nonmember


Before Aug. 14 $255 $295

If you wish to receive the vegetarian meal option, please check here.

Subtotal 1 _ __

Specialty Course fees

Specialty Courses

0 No. 1 0 No. 2 0 No. 3


0 No. 4


0 No. 5

0 No. 6


0 No. 7

Quantity _ _ x $25

Subtotal 2 _ __

Spouse/ spouse equivalent must be registered to attend parties. No individual tickets will be sold .

Name - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - USPTA member No. _ _ _ _ Division _ _ _ _ __ T-shirt sizes 0 M 0 L 0 XL Please indicate parties you plan to attend:


0 Wednesday night

0 Thursday spouses' luncheon

0 Thursday night

0 Friday awards breakfast

Spouse/ spouse equivalent

Before Aug. 14 $120

0 Friday night


After Aug. 14 $305 $345

Non-member 0 After Aug. 14 $150

Subtotal 3

If you wish to receive the vegetarian meal option, please check here.

Child registration

Registration fee includes special menu at nightly parties and promotional giveaways for children ages 5-12 . Children ages 13-18 receive adu lt package. This registration fee does not include the children's camp (see below).

Child 1 Age _

T-shirt child

06/ 8

adult OM

0 10/ 12

0 14/ 16



Fees per child

Quantity X $49 Child (5-12)registration Child (13-18) registration _ _ X $99

Child 2 Age_

T-shirt child

06/ 8

adult OM

0 10/ 12

0 14/ 16



(does not include child ren's camp)

Subtotal 4

There is a daily camp for children 5-12 available through Dora/ Golf Resort & Spa for an additionai fee. Check here for more information.


Payment options .¡ Make check or money order payable to USPTA, or charge my

Are you staying at Dora! Golf Resort & Spa? yes _ _


If not, why? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-----------




Arrivai date:

Departure date: _ _ _ __

Name printed on card Card No. Exp. date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __

Total fees Return this form with payment to : USPTA World Headquarters 3535 Briarpark Drive, Suite One Houston, TX 77042

Subtotal 1 Subtotal 2 Subtotal 3 Subtotal 4

Grand total


Research for the¡ real INOrld of motor learning


ennisprofessionals work to enhance the learning of tennis skills across a wide

range of student abilities. Two ways we as pros can affect our students' motor-skill learning are the way we structure practice sessions or lessons and the way we give feedback. There are at least two significant areas of motor

learning research that pros can learn from and apply to the way we structure practice and give feedback. One is contextual interference and the other is feedback conditions, or knowledge of results and knowledge of performance. Briefly, contextual interference refers to learning more than one stroke (e.g., forehand, backhand and

by Stephen Thuot, Ph.D., USPTA

ADDvontoge/Moy 1999


A The pro should provide feedback after every fifth stroke. This helps students . learn to independently solve movement problems without becoming dependent on the instructor's comments.

volley) under different practice schedules. For example, all forehands then all backhands, or random! y pres en ted strokes. Knowledge of results is feedback about a stroke's outcome (" The serve was long") while knowledge of performance is feedback about the move.ment itself ("Extend your arm and accelerate the racquet through contact ") .

Structuring effective practice

Stephen Thuot, Ph.D. , USPTA, is on the tennis staff at The Thoreau Clu b in Concord, Mass . He is a member of the USTA-NE and USPTA-NE Sport Science Committees and has worked for the USTA Player Development Program.


ADDvontoge/Moy 1999

How the structure of practice sessions affects the acquisition and retention of motor skills is one focus area of motor learning research. Whether strokes are presented in a random or blocked format has considerable implications for tennis players. Practicing tennis strokes in a blocked format (e.g., five forehands followed by five backhands 'followed by five volleys) is termed low-contextual interference because the student executes one stroke at a time. Students know they will receive

strokes in a predictable order, and therefore do not have to prepare for multiple strokes. High contextual interference involves the unpredictable presentation of strokes , as in random practice. This format requires the student to constantly prepare for a variety of strokes. Motor learning research reveals that practicing a motor skill in a blocked format leads to initial performance benefits. However, while random practice groups initially perform poorly, their performance over time is generally better than blocked practice groups. Random practice leads to better skill retention, which is the ultimate goal of instruction. How does contextual interference relate to the "real world" learning of motor skills, in particular tennis strokes? Motor skills research - such as with badminton, baseball or tennishas addressed this question. In a study of high- and low-skilled tennis players, the low-skilled p layers b~nefited from blocked practice while highly skilled ten-

nis players benefited from random practice. Beginners benefit from the repeated format as a way of learning a stroke's basic movements. Advanced players benefit from random practice because the unpredictable presentation of strokes simulates match - type situations , where there is no predictable order of events. Motor research recommends blocked practice for beginners, who are learning the relevant motions of individual strokes. More advanced players b ~nefit from the random present ation of strokes in practice, which allows them to solve constantly changing problems, and leads ultimately to long- term learning.

Feedback conditions During a lesson , teaching professionals provide students with performance information in two forms: knowledge of results and knowledge of performance. Knowledge of results is information about a movement's out-

Knowledge of results - information about a movement's outcome that serves to correct performance.

Knowledge of performanc:e - feedback about a movement that can be communicated by verbal instruction, demonstration and video. come that serves to correct performance , like telling a student her serve is long by I foot. This typ e of feedback provides inform atio n about the direc tion (" lon g" ) and distance (" I foot ") from th e desired goal. ' Students use this information to guide future movem ents. Should teac hing professiopals provide feedback after every stroke? When students receive constant f ee db ac k, they may becom e too d ependent on the instructor 's comments . But feedback after a set of strokes allows students co¡ detect t heir own errors. Research suggests that providing comments after approxi m a t ely five strokes is better than shor ter or longer durations . Knowledge of performance refers to feedback about a movement (" reach higher"), which can be communicated in several ways: ve rbal instruction, demonstration and vid eo. Regardless of the method used ,- the goal of this feedback is to assist learning by changing the students' movement patterns. The prima ry type -of knowledge-of-performance information between student and teacher is kinematic feedback, information about movement patterns such as body/limb positions, speed of movement, etc. When should teaching professionals provide this to students? For

long-term rete nt ion, it ' s the same rule as above - every fifth stroke. Providing less feedback helps learning by forcing stu d ents to ind epend ently solve movement problems. Communicating after every stroke may res ult in students ' d ependency upon the instructor 's comments. Research suggests that the ideal co mbin ation of practice and feedback for beginners and advanced playe rs is as follows : • For b eg inners , teac hin g strokes in a blocked format allows players to benefit by repeating one stroke at a time. Repetition allows the beginner to acquire the basic stroke movements. To avoid a student's dependency on the instructor, feedback should be provided approxi mately every fifth stroke. • For advanced players, practicing strokes in a random format allows t hem to simulate the unpredictable nature of a match and challenges them to decide how to b est execute eac,h oncoming shot. Tennis insq.uc tors should provide feedback on a summary basis rather than after every stroke. Advanced players are better ' than beginners at d etecting their own errors; constant instructor feedback may serve as an unnecessary distraction . Questions about how to

structure practice and the frequency of instructor fe edback are important to tennis professiona ls a nd sport scientists . Tennis professionals should be aware that the format used in teaching and practicing strokes - whether blocked or random m ay be more influential than previously realized. It's also important to consider the skill level of the student when d etermining the most effective practice format. It is the job of every professional to give fe edback about movement patterns and outcomes. Motor learning research has demonstrated that providing feedbac k on a summary bas is will benefit our s tudents, which is what we're all searching for ways to do. 'f'J'o

References More information on this subject can befound in thefollowing : I. H ebert, E.P., Landin, 0. , & Solomon, M .A. ( I 99 6). Practice schedule effects on the performance and learning of low- and high-skilled students : An applied study. Research Quarterly fo r Exercise and Sport , 67, 52-58. 2. Rose, 0 .J. (I 997). A multilevel approach to the study of motor control and learning. Needham H eights, MA : A llyn & Bacon. 3. Schmidt, R .A. (198 8). -Motor control and learning: a behavioral emphasis (2"d ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics . 4. Winstein, C.J., & Schmidt, R .A. ( I990). Reduced frequency of knowledge of results enhances motor skill learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 16, 677-691.

ADDvontogwMoy 1999




internette I

Court Surface Sources of Daily Tennis News on the WorldWide Web CNN/SI Tennis: www.cnnsi .com/tennis ESPN Sportszone Tennis News: Nando's Sportserver: Reuters Tennis News: Sportsline USA: Tennis Information Services Bob Larson's Tennis News: The Tennis Server: Tennis Week: .Professional Tour News ATP Tour: Nuveen Tour: World TeamTennis: WTA Tour: Tennis Organizations ITA: www. ITF: International Tennis Hall of Fame: TIA: USPTA: USPTR: USTA: www.usta .com Van der Meer: Tennis .Product Manufacturers Gamma: Head USA: Nike: Penn: Prince: Wt.lson: Tennis Shopping Holabird Sports: Tennis Direct: Hotel The Roger Smith Hotel: Tournament Sites Australian Open: French qpen: U.S.Open: Wimbledon: USA Network: (French & US. Opens ) Fan Pages Hingis: www.stack.nlj-geertt/martina.html Sampras:

For ad rates on website listing, please call (212) 808-4 750.


USPTA mailbox ...

Dear Tim, Your latest article in ADDvantage (February I 999 issue) is right on track (as many have been of late) . To challenge oneself is as natural as breathing. Without it, we wallow in mediocrity. Not only do many not want to compete today, they often don' t want to listen or try at all. It is not only scary but also heartbreaking to me. There is so much to be gained by the effort . Sincerely, Bill Bond, US PTA Master Professional La Jolla , CaliÂŁ Dear USPTA , Learning tennis in the '3 Os, without the benefit of any coaching, we did it by playing "winners" on the public courts. Primarily doubles. If you lost a doubles match you sat down to have the next team who had "winners" take your place. If you won twice, all the players had to leave the court for the next two teams waiting to play. Did it work? You bet . . . because it was fun .. . no drills, no adults . . . we just learned from each other . . . and came back day after day to sit on the sidelines waiting for our turn to play. To intrigue youngsters in any activity it must be fun. It is the adults who fuss over perfect technique and the possibility of developing a champion ... kids just want to play. Eventually the talented youngsters will set their goals higher,-and then would be the time to give them coaching, but you must first intrigue them with the excitement of comp etitive play, which is the most fun of all. To coaches .. . be patient. Don't bore your poten tially talented players with drills before they become "hooked" on the sport. Learn from the kids ... they'll let you know when they are ready for a more serious approach to the game. Inc.identally, that is how I learned to play tennis, and love the sport, and never stopp ed learning. In I 997 I was ranked No. I in the United States and No. I in the world by the ITF, and am still active playing all the national and ITF World Championships ... in the 80s. Sincerely, Dan Miller via e-mail




little Ten ni~ ta Ik •


Sharing our sport with after-school students by Doug Poort, USPTA wo years ago ~his fall, I met with the director of an after-school program for .elementary students in Muskegon, Mich. We were both interested in introducing minoriry children to tennis. We decided that my staff and I would provide inst~uction two days a week for three six-week sessions in the school gymnasium. The program director agreed to provide a supervisor, Wilson peeWee tennis kits and other teaching tools, a room to store the equipment, a computerized list of students, T-shirts, caps and diplomas. When the word got out about the program's success, the director contacted me about doing a similar program at another elementary school. Working with the principal, 3 8 students between kindergarten and second grade were recruited. The kids were divided into four classes so the student-to teacher ratio was 4: I. Each session had a specific goal for the students to obtain, with lesson plans including many hand-eye coordination drills ~d games, the forehand, backhand, volley and serve. We used the shirts and caps for graduation presents, and students were required to attend at least fiye out of six classes to receive their diploma. We tried to make graduation special for the students by providing refreshments such as ,a cake and drinks.



In the first elementary school, 12 of I 6 kids received diplo~ mas; at the second, I 6 of I 6 did. Since then, I have received requests to expand this program to other elementary schools in the inner-city areas. The principals of these schools want to get in on the action. In addition to the financial gains we received, my staff and I enjoyed exposing minority students to the game of tennis more than the private lessons we do at our own club. Tennis is a game for life. Play tennis, America!

The tennis staff provides instruction twice a week during the sessions, with a 4:1 student-to-teacher ratio. Doug Poo_rt, USPTA, is director of tennis at West Shore Tennis Club in Muskegon, Mich ., and teaches tennis at Muskegon Community College.

a ADDvontoge/Moy 1999


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Hotel room reservation

hr,_,e FU"Jrur=te

~--' ~"JrENNIS

C~ar=t"Jrs 1-1er=te

(This form must be used for reservations)

1999 USPTA World Conference on Tennis ~pt.l9-25

Miami, Florida

Please complete this form and return it to Dora/ Golf Resort & Spa no later than August 14, 1999. The hotel will not accept reserva tions over the phone.

Send to:

Conference: USPTA World Conference on Tennis

Doral Golf Resort & Spa 4400 N .W. 87'h Ave. Miami , FL 33178-2192 (305) 591 -6350 (800) 71 -DORAL (305) 591 -6630 (fax)

Miami, Fla ., Sept. 19-25

Arrival date: _ _ _ _ _ __ Departure date:

Location: Doral Golf Resort & Spa Miami, Fla.

Last name (print legibly)

First name

Middle initial

Street City



Telephone (

Please indicate choice of acc:ommodations. All rates are European plan (no meals included) . Rates: 0

$99 - Single hotel roo~


$99- Double hotel room

The published room rates do not include a 12.5 percent tax. Any additional gratuity to the hotel staff is at your discretion. Third party in any room is $35 per day. Rolla way beds are available upon request. Number of rolla ways: __

Please reserve _ _ rciom(s) for _ _ person(s) .

Deposit :




Credit card:




Card N o . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --

_DC/ CB Expiration date _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _

Name printed on c a r d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - -- - -- Billing a d d r e s s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Authorization signature - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --'- -

Check-in time is after 4 p.m. - Check-out time is at 11 a.m. General information • All reservatiGn requests must be received by August 14, 1999. Requests received after this date, or for dates other than the main conference period, will be accepted on a space-available basis only. • Please include one night's room revenue as a deposit in the form of credit card number (with an expiration date valid through date of departure) or heck, wh ich will hold your room until midnight of the day following your scheduled arrival date. Upon arrival , the deposit will be applied to the last confirmed night of the reservation._ln the event of your early departure, the deposit is nonrefundable unless the hotel is notified prior to, or at the time of check-in.

• Cancellation notice of three (3) days is required for a refund. Early departure will result in forfeiture of deposit. When canceling or changing your reservation by telephone, be sure to obtain a cancellation or confirmation number. • The hotel will make every effort to honor requests for specific types and locations of rooms. However, on occasions when such requests cannot be met, the hotel reserves the right to provide alternate accommodations.

1999 USPTA International Championships Presented by


What: Singles and doubles competition, open and age categories When: Sept. 19-23. Starting times for first-round singles matches wi ll be mailed September 1. ¡ Where: Dora! Golf Resort & Spa Surface: C lay courts (40 and over, M/W Hard courts (Open and 35s, M/W) . Individual entry fees: $50/singles, $20/doubles . Tournament players must register for the World Conference on Tcn ni s5 M; tournament and convention fees must be paid separately (sec convention registration form, Page 15). Singles entry and fees deadline, August 16. Doubles may register at tournament site, preregistration encouraged. Match scoring: Regu lar


Racquet Sports

Prize money: Determined by the number of entries received up to a maximum of.$30,000. Player/event regulations: Each eligible player is limited to two events. An event is two players or teams competing. Men's open limited to a 128-draw. Eve nts may use block seeding, depending on size and strength of draw. Mixed doubles rule: Players may play regular doubles and mixed doubles. Tentative starting schedule: Sept. 19 - Sunday 9 a.m.-- Start MOS, M35S , M40s, M45s, WOS 5 p.m.-- Sign up ends for all doubles.

scori ng, two of three tiebreaker sets.

Rules: USTA. 15-minute default rule in effect. Players allowed minimum hour rest between singles matches, 30 minutes between singles and doubles matches or two doubles matches. Dress code: Proper tennis attire. NoT-shirts, tank tops or Cap ri tights. Player eligibility: Current USPTA members in good standing who preregister for World Conference on Tennis. All membership requirements must be completed by June 13 to allow for grading exam and processiDg app lication. USPTA will not be held-responsible by any individual or division if entry is not accepted due to not fulfilling requirements before the 60-day deadline.

Sept. 20 - Monday 9 a.m. --Start remainder of singles 3 p.m.-- Start all doubles 5 p.m.-- Start MXD This schedu le may change as a draw increases. Players are advised to arrive one day before first scheduled match.

Tournament staff: Frank Kelly, tournament director; Kathy O'Neal, Todd Ruedisili and Gary Scanlon, Tournament Committee.


The exclusively endorsed ball of the USPTA

Ranking ~arne ----------------------------------------------------------

Street ___________________________________________________________ City _____________ _ _ ____ State

ZIP _ _ _ __

Phone E-mail Birthdate _____________ss ~o ¡ ----------~USPTA No. USTA No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Doubles partner ----------------------------------------------Birthdate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _SS ~o . _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ Mixed doubles partner----------------------------------------Birthdate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _SS ~o . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I, , hereby release the United States Professional Tennis Association, its officers, directors and employees, including those df the USPTA divisions and tournament sponsors, from any and all liability for injury to me, including illness, resulting from my participation in the USPTA International Championships. I assume all risks inherent in my participation.

0 ATP/WTA _ _ _ ___ 0 0 0 0 0

USPTA ------------USTA sectional --- - USTA national ---- State


W/Lrecord -----------

Attach past and current ranking information if needed.

Fees Singles $50

$ _ _ __

Doubles $20/person

$ _ _ __

Mixed Doubles $?0/person $ _ _ __

Total enclosed$-----

Entry deadline Date


August 16

Men's 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Women's 0 wos

0 woo

0 0

0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

W35S W40S W45S WSOS WSSS W60S W65S W70S W75S

0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0

W35D W40D W45D WSOD WSSD W60D W65D W70D W75D

Wheelchair 0 MOD 0


0 Mixed doubles

Mail this entry, along with your payment, to: USPTA International Championships 3535 Briarpark Drive, Suite One, Houston, TX 77042 ADDvontogP/Moy 1999


Career en


·-·-en > ·Cl


Conventions (5 credits) May 18-23

Florida Division

exan1s, upgrades & certification training courses

Orlando, Fla . Aug. 12-14

Southern Division

(4 points for CTC segment)

Atlanta , Ga .

May 2-3

Frederick, Md.


East Seatucket , N.Y.

Sep. 9-12

Northwest Division

May 5-6

Freeport, N.Y.

June 11-12

Jefferson City, Mo.

Minneapolis, Minn.

May 7-8

Nashville, Tenn.

June 12-13

Austin , Texas

Nov. 11-14

Southwest Division

May 7-8

Bradenton, Fla.

June 13-14

La Jolla, Calif.

Mesa, Ariz.

May 7-9

St. Loui s, Mo.

June 17-18

Dixville Notch, N.H .

May 8-9

Mandeville, La.

June 17-18

Mesa, Ariz.

May 8-9

Panama City, Fla.

June 19-20

Greensboro, N.C.

Eastern Division

May 9-10

Evergreen, Colo.

June 20-21

Atlanta, Ga.

Rocheqter, N .Y.

May 15-16

Fremont, Calif.

June 21-22

Houston, Texas*

Southwest Division

May 15-16

Conway, Ark.

June 26-27

Ventura, Calif.

Mesa, Ariz.

May 21-23

Wilmington , Del.

June 26-27

Albany, N.Y.

May 22

Orlando, Fla. (upgrades only)

July 8-10

Albuquerque, N.M.

July 10-11

Fountain Valley, C alif.

May 22-23

Burbank, Calif.

July 10-11

Flushing, N.Y.

May 22-23

Hilton Head Island, S.C.

July 10-11

Aurora, Ill.

May 24-25

Houston, Texas*

July 17-18

Birmingham, Ala.

May 26-27

West Orange, N.J.

July 17-1 8

Bonita Springs, Fla.

(2 credits) Aug . 22-24 Nov. 12-13

(2 credits per four-hour course; 4 credits per eight-hour course)

Teaching large groups of adults and

May 29-30

Fresno, Calif.

July 24-25

Memphis, Tenn.

June 5-6

Crystal River, Fl a.

July 26-27

Houston , Texas *

June 5-6

Rochester, Mich.

children, May 2, Brewster, Mass. (4 hours),



* These courses are held at the USPTA World Headquarters.

The deadline to reg ister and/ or cancel a co urse is 15 working days before the event. Anyone ca nceling late or failing to cancel will forfeit one-half the course fee . This schedule is subject to change. Call the USPTA Membership Department for additional information or write

Exam reservations must be made at least 21 days prior to the dates listed. Each date includes an exam, upgrade and CTC unless noted. Exam cancellations must be received no later than 14 days before the exam, or a cancellation fee will be charged accordingly. Affiliate members: late cancellation fee - $75; failure to ca ncel - application fee is forfeited. Certified members: late cancellation fee - $25; failure to cancel - $25 plus the upgrade fee is forfeited. Registration for another exam wi ll not be accepted until cancellation fees are paid.

via e-mail to

Fu-,ru;=re -,rENNIS s-,ra;=r-,rs 1-le;:::re ilri-IE

1999 USPTA World Conference on Tennis


Miami, Florida

i:JOi=laL GOLF F(SSOi=17r & S?a





Certification testing

June 13

( 1/2 credit and up)

June 20

Boulder, Colo.

July 11

Westboro, Mass.

July 18

Clearwater, Fla.

July 25

Brooklyn, N.Y.


Chicago, Ill.


Lansing, Mich.

May 15

Palm Coast, Fla.

May 15

Seattle, Wash.

May 17

Atlanta , Ga.

June 6

Gary, N.C .

June 13

Mountain View, Calif.

Arlington , Va.

Racquet service workshop (4 credits) Boston, Mass.

June 13

Deerfield Beach , Fla.


June 13

Honolulu, Hawaii

May 16

Lansing, Mich.

June 13

Overland Park, Kan.

July 11

Clearwater, Fla.

For more information , call Phyllis Zarro at USRSA at (619) 481-3545.


ADDvontoge/Moy 1999

USPT.A. US PTA member Mark Johnson and partner Mark Baladad won the Johnson Illinois State Men's Doubles Championship held in Winnetka, Ill. They defeated their opponents 6-2, 6-3 to win the championship. Brendan Bowyer, USPTA, was recently promoted to tennis director at the Cottonwood Country Club in Salt Lake City. A former Utah/ USPTA division pres ident , Bowyer previously served as tennis director at the Foothill Athletic Club in Provo, Utah . USPTA member Marc S. White was named Grand Stand Tennis As sociation Pro of the Year. White is the director of the Litchfield Tennis School in Pawleys Island, S.C ., and serves on the Wilson Advisory Staff. Julien S. Heine, USPTA, is the new ten nis director at the People's Court 's Heine tennis club in Vancouver, Canada. Heine is ranked No.2 in the men's open division in British Columbia and is ranked in Canada 's top 20.

USPTA member Becky Desmond was selected by the International Tennis Hall of Fame to receive its annual Tennis Educational Merit Award . Desmond is the tennis director for the Downington (Penn.) Area Recreational Consortium and head tennis coach at Downington High School.


Texas Division award winners Professional of the Year

Karen Crumpton

Women's Open Players of the Year

Michelle King Julie Cass

Senior Woman Player of the Year

Debbie Ladig

Male Open Player of the Year

Jonas Lundblad

Senior Male Player of the Year

Jim Parker

Community Service Award

Kevin Clark

Coach of the Year

Rick Meyers

Special Service Award

John Simmons Dean Barrett

Manufacturers Penn Racquet Sports is the official ball of the Champions Tour in 1999. The Penn ATP Tour ball is the official ball of this senior pro tennis tour. Penn announced that Chuck ¡ Heyde, district sales manager for the New York Metro area and Connecticut, was hon ored with a special service award by the USTA Eastern Section. The award was a tribute to Heyde's contribution to USTA events , support of children's tennis programs and his commitment to tennis in the region. Two members of the Babolat Team filled the finals of the 1999 Australian Open, making Babolat the racquet string of choi~e for this year's male Australian Open champion. Yevgeny Kafelnikov defeated Thomas Enqvist to become the 1999 men's Australian Open champion while both played with Babolat string. Wilson is introducing a new line of Court Training

Texas Proud Award

Kathi Eckel

USTA Texas Section award winners Lloyd Sessions Educational Merit Award

David Davis

Community Service Award

Kevin Foster

Family of the Year

Tommy Connell family

USTA Facility of the Year

HEB Tennis Center Corpus Christi Steve Denton Director

The fifth annual Great Gatsby Invitational Tennis Event was held at the Boca Pointe Country Club in Boca Raton, Fla., earlier this year. This event involves 64 members who play with wood racquets in the three-day event. Players must wear all white long pants and white long-sleeve shirts during the tournament. White Penn balls are used for the matches. Tennis director Fernando Velasco, USPTA Master Professional, and Boca Pointe tennis pros also played with wood racquets in the tennis exhibition held on the last day of the event. ADDvontoge/Moy 1999


tennis footwear. Court Training shoes are designed for athletes who want a lightweight, com fortable cushioned shoe for all types of court activities. The new models are the Slash DST, Pizazz DST and Impact DST. Indoor Courts of America has announced that Brad Patterson, former executive director of the Tennis Industry Association, has joined its sales/ marketing team . He served as executive director of the TIA for 13 years. Starting this past Febr.uary, Tennis Bar has been supplied to tennis specialty stores throughout the country with an aggressive risk-free and free

display program . Tennis Bar is the first sportspecific energy bar prod uct from The Energy Bar Company. For more in formation, or to taste a bar, call Gamma Sports at (800) 333-0337 or The Energy Bar Company at (800) 325-5637.

Associations The Club Managers Association of America recently elected several new officers at its World Con ference on Club Management. Paul K. Skelton of Prescott, Ariz., is now president; Warren L. Arseneaux of Green · ville, S.C., is vice president; and Sandra Frappi er of Fort Wayne, Ind., is secretary-treasurer.


Wilson Sporting Goods is adding new models to the Hyper Carbon racquet line with the Hyper Pro Staff 5 .0 and Hyper Pro Staff 5.0 Stretch. Both racquets are designed to appeal to players with a full stroke style and moderate to full swing speed.

34 ADDvontoge/Moy 1999

The first International Con gress on Tennis Science & Technology, sponsored by the International Tennis Federation, will be held Aug. 1-4, 2000, in London. Papers and presentations (400-500 words in length) are being sought from tennis researchers and academics; manufacturers; individuals with tennis expertise; facility designers and constructors; and sport scientists and coaches. The deadline to submit is Sept. 1 , 1999. For more information, contact the Congress Secretariat in London at 44-181-8786464, or via e-mail at tst@itftennis .com .

pr1-1e FU7ru;=re ~ ";JrENNIS

s7ra;=r-,rs 1-1e;::::re

1999 USPTA Wor ld Conference on Tennis

Sept. 19-25

~e ~-·-~·-- ... - 'L?.JJ.lli.9


Doubles Drill Manual. 80 exciting drills included. Call toll free (888) 657-1868. New exciting clinic formats, gro up and private drills . Free samples! Make yo ur job easier! Club & Resort Market in g, (800) 5 69 4661.

EMPLOYMENT BERKHEIMER'S TENNIS SERVICES, a pro-placement service in Vera Beach, Fla., is actively US PTA managers, tennis directors, head pros and assistants to clubs, resorts and academies nationwide. Call Gerry Berkheimer for details at (561 ) 388-549!. Monda y-Friday. TENNIS EMPLOYMENT NEWSLETTER. Mo nthl y n ews lener. Bob Larson ' s TENNIS EMPLOYMENT lists teac hing pro opportunities all ove r U.S. , full time and seaso nal. Sample $10. P.O. Box 24379, Ed ina, MN 55424. Want to be a college coach? Bob Larson's College Tennis Employ·tnen t newsletter lists wha t jobs are open. Sample $5. P.O. Box 24379, Edina, MN 55424.

Miami, Florida

CLASSIFIEDS The Tennis Job Line is a tennis professional's employment service. It advertises tennis openin gs at country clubs , ten11 is clubs, resorts, public facilit ies, colleges and summer camps.

TENNIS AWARDS N etKnacks 1999 Catalog! Free eng rav in g, quick tu rn around. Unique silver, brass, crystal and acrylic awards, embroidered and screened tournament favors. (800) 374-6153.



WANTED ! Tennis professionals and tennis coaches. The Professional Coaches Association offers numerous opportunities for tennis pros and coaches to participate in PCA Working Vaca ti on Programs at exclusive resorts throughout the Caribbea n. Join long-running and successful program that s;; many professiona ls have enj oyed. For information, contact Mark Burns at (617) 5 52-3171.

VIDEOS www. TennisExpress. com : drill books, instruction videos, tra ining equipment , ba ll machines , mental tennis and bi o mec hanic books, free cata log. . (800) 833 -6615.

Rates: $30 far 20 wards, minimum per issue. 50 cents per ward thereafter. Pay by check, money order, Visa or MasterCard. Prepayment is required. Supply fyped copy and include fu ll name, telephone number, credit ca rd number and expiration date. (No agency or cash discounts.) Issue closes 15th of month , two months preceding cover date. Fax to (7 13) 9787780, attn: ADDvantage classifieds. No cl assifieds will be accepted by telephone. No exceptions are made. USPTA cannot verify nor be responsible for the contents of any advertisement. It reserves the ri ht to re;ect an advertisement at its discretion .

USPTA Color Photo Business Card Order Form Send completed-form to: (Allow two to three weeksfordelivety) USPTA GIFT SHOPPE • 3535 Briarpark Drive • Houston, TX 77042 TEL (800) USPTA-4U • (713) 97-USPTA (978-7782) • FAX (713) 978-5096 • e-mail --

PLEASE TYPE (or print clearly) information EXACTLY as it is to appear on business cards in the space provided below:




James Peavy


Head Tennis Professional


ABC Tennis Club 3535 Briarpark Drive Houston, TX 77042 (713) 978-7782 • fax (713) 978-7780 united states professional tennis association


Patrick Serret

Cn-nf"""""""A t

---- ~~~Director cifTennis ~ Courtyard Health and Racquet Club 5615-H Jackson Street Extension Alexandria, LA 71303 (318) 487-4141 • fax (318) 448-0827 e-mail:

NOTE: Include photo with order.

united states professional tennis association









Total $89.00

D c

Ki _ ·m _ B_a r_ry ___

Subtotal Houston (MTA) residents add 8.25 % sales tax Other TX residents add 7.25 % sales tax Shipping/handling charges (see below) TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED

l ~liiii!ii!!!!!!!;r E~~~


0 United States - $7.95 0 Other countries- add $30 for the first 1,000 cards and $15 for each additional 1,000.


U v·

Pro Shop Director Assistant Tennis Prcfessional

River Oaks Country Club 1600 River Oaks Blvd. Houston, TX 77019 (713) 529-4321 • fax (713) 524-2602

......._ ___,_ _.. united states professional tennis association





(no P.O. boxes, please):



PAYMENT must accompany all orders. Make your check payable to USPTA. International orders must pay with Visa or MasterCard. 0 Visa 0 MasterCard 0 Check Card holder name Credit card number

Street City State


Daytime phone

Member No.

Expiration date


Please make a photocopy of this form for your receipt and proof of order.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This order form and price list (effective for 1998-99 only) supersedes all previously listed prices. We will honor only the prices indicated above. All orders must be in writing. Please type or print clearly. The USPTA will not be responsible for illegible copy or customer errors. By submitting an order. you are acknowledging that there are no copyrights preventing the unauthorized reproduction of your photo, and you are giving the US PTA permission to reproduce it.

United States Professional Tennis Association, Inc. World Headquarters 3 53 5 Briarpark Drive, Suite One Houston, TX 77042-523 5



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