USPTA Membership Directory 1993

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Sold exclusively at pro shops and finer specialty stores. For more information about becoming an appoimed stockisl. ring 1-800-222-2600.ext. 210 .

ATTENTION: BY ACCEPTING THIS 1993 USPTA MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY YOU AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS. {If you do not agree, please return the directory to USPTA World Headquarters. Postage will be paid upon receipt): No part of this 1993 USPT A Membership Directory may be reproduced, photocopied, entered into a computer, data base, or copied by hand or other form, nor may the Membership Directory be used as the basis for telemarketing, without the permission of the USPT A CEO. This list has been seeded to detect unauthorized duplication or use. Violations are subject to prosecution under federal copyright laws. Copyright ÂŽ 1993 USPTA.

USPTA position on promoting leadership roles for minorities and women

The United States Professional Tennis Association is committed to the policy that all people have equal access to its programs, facilities, employment and membership without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital or veteran status. USPTA is an equal opportunity employer. Founded in 1927, USPTA increases interest and awareness in the sport of tennis and actively promotes new membership and programs for minorities and women.

Offers The USPTA Pro Exclusive Financial These Asahi programs apply to pros with or wiiliout pro Shops: Income generating sales opportunities, regardless of whether or not younave a pro shop. Ill Additional money to be earned for your own Individual Retirement Account Ill $2.00 rebate programs for every pair of Asahi purchased for resale. Ill Opportunities for pro staff agreements. Ill Personal wear shoes at extremely low prices. Ill Money making opportunities for each regional division. Gall1~ utile name ofyoll' Asahl Sales ~ive and details on the USPTAprograms.



TABlE OF CONTENTS Message from the President


Message from the CEO .


Organization and Management Introduction to USPT A . Benefits of USPT A Membership . Past National Presidents . Guidelines for Professional Conduct

USPT A Biographies USPT A Officials Executive Committee . National Committees

USPT A World Headquarters Staff

.................. 10 . .................. 11 ... 14 . ........... 15 .16 .... 22 . ...... 23 ............... 25 ... 28

USPTA Awards Professional of the Year . Division of the Year.

Player of the Year . Coach of the Year. Touring Coach of the Year. High School Coach of the Year ........... . Newsletter of the Year

........... 29 . ..... 29 . ...... 29 . ............... 30 . .. 30 .30 . ......... 30

USPTA Tournament Rules and Regulations Tournament Regulations and Requirements . Requirements for Tournament Entry

Player Rankings and Rules . Sanctioned Tournaments .

. .. 31 .. .. .. .. . .... 32 . ........... 33 . ...... 34

USPTA Tournament Rankings and Results National Champions . National Team Championships .

..35 . ...... 43

.............. 44 .. 45

National Senior Team Matches

1992 USPTA Rankings

USPTA Offers Many Ways to Earn Education Credits . 1993 USPTA National Convention .

. ........ 49

. .... 51

USPTA Endorsement Program

.... 53

The Divisions Divisional Map. Geographic Divisions .. Division Officers and Members.

. .................. 54 . ............... 55 . ...... 56

The Membership Categories of Membership Certification Ratings .. Honorary Membership USPT A Master Professionals.

.... 142 . .... 144 ........ 145 . ................ 146


Table of Contents The Membership (Continued) Alphabetical Member Roster. Affiliate Membership. Affiliating and Cooperating Agency . Club Membership .

. ................ 147 . ... 312 . .314 . ............ 315

Allied Organizations ..

. ........ 316

USTA Officers for 1993-1994 .


USPTA Publications


Bylaws Index to Bylaws . USPT A Bylaws .

... 323 .325

Advertiser Index

. .336

Jack Groppel of LoehrGroppei/Saddlebrook $port Science instrtJcts Annabel Kelnack on proper backswing. Photo by Melinda Phiflips.



Message from the President

Message from the President

The USPT A Membership Directory always has been one of my most valuable resources. It is truly a publication that can assist all of us in being a better professional. The main purpose of the directory is to give the 10,000 members in our Association access to each other. It's no secret to most people in our sport that the people listed in this directory are the leaders in the tennis industry. Whether it be in the fields of teaching tennis, directing tournaments, managing clubs, pro shop marketing, staff development or league management, you can find an expert in our directory.

The USPT A Executive Committee has deemed that the decade of the 90s should be dedicated to the pursuit of continuing education. This can be achieved by attending conventions and industry events, Specialty Courses, and reading books and periodicals, but one of our best sources is through a fellow professional. I encourage you to tap into the resources with which this directory supplies you. For our industry to grow and prosper, we must work together. We must encourage all teaching professionals to be true professionals. When l graduated from college, a mentor of mine gave me a present, a plaque that read, "Amateurs teach Amateurs to be Amateurs." To this day, I have that plaque next to my desk, and it is a daily reminder that I constantly must improve, and never be satisfied with just "maintaining." Along with the listing of our members in this directory, you also will find the following: •

The names and phone numbers of our endorsees.

A list of major tennis manufacturers and allied organizations. A list of past USPT A award winners and tournament champions. A current list of USPTA player ran kings.


Message from the President A list of tournament rules and regulations. The names, addresses and phone numbers of USTA officers. A list and description of USPT A educational manuals. A roster of national board members and their biographies. •

A list of Executive Committee members.

An outline of the national committee structure.

The names and titles of the World Headquarters staff. •

Information on the USPTA's Continuing Education Program requirements.

Thank you for all of your efforts on behalf of our Association. If a member of the Executive Committee or the national staff may be of assistance, please, feel free to contact us at your convenience.

Wishing you a very healthy and prosperous 1993!

Gordon Collins USPT A President


Message from the CEO

Message from the CEO

With each new year, people and organizations attempt to assess the past and establish new goals. The tennis industry is no different. Most manufacturers, associations, marketing companies and tennis-teaching professionals study what already has been done to come up with a plan for the future. It's clear that we need to evaluate where we are and set new objectives, but maybe we first should look at the method in which we do this. Relying on history to provide us with the answers will not encourage the growth of our industry. We need to build a new foundation for tennis - one that will last longer and can be enjoyed by everyone in the industry. USPTA constantly re-evaluates its programs, and searches tor ways to increase player participation in the United States and the world. As the trade association for tennis-teaching professionals, we continually work to increase our own membership as a way of strengthening our profession and its role in the industry. By combining these two goals, we hope to build the recreational player base, create more financial opportunities for our members, increase sales in pro shops and generate a multitude of activities for clubs and facilities throughout the country. For example, Across America Tennis Day was developed so that tennis professionals could give of their time and talents for the good of the entire tennis industry. However, it also was designed to allow participating professionals to expand their lesson base and promote their skills as teachers. The USPTA Adult Tennis League takes this concept a step further, by presenting members with a program that can increase tennis activity, lessons and pro shop sales at clubs and facilities. Perhaps the most important challenge USPT A faces is providing more tangible member benefits as the Association grows. These programs are scheduled to expand to include a variety of marketing opportunities that offer financial and other rewards for participating professionals. The world is undergoing a technical revolution that is creating numerous opportunities for innovative and imaginative teaching professionals. There is much that can be done with computerization to advance teaching pros well beyond the programs and practices of the old tennis boom days. Computers can bring new life to all areas of tennis, rejuvenating existing ideas so that


Message lrom the CEO they look totally different to participants, providing a great way to overcome individual boredom and participant apathy. In 1993, USPTA will provide its members with further direction and input in all the important areas of their business. The 1993 USPTA Membership Directory is just one benefit, which in itself offers valuable information to each Association member. Our goal is to increase the value of the directory by increasing the tangible benefits listed on its pages. There's never been a more important time to remain on the cutting edge of a very dynamic industry. By doing so, we can expect to grow and improve the status of the teaching professional. We must review operations continually, replacing old and less productive programs with new and more efficient ones. It's time to quit worrying about the past and start working on the positive things that can be done to improve each and every segment of the new tennis industry and our personal stake in it. It's time to begin a progressive, new age of tennis.

Tim Heckler CEO


This used to be science fiction. \'Ortex:' A widehody so advanced, it's hard to bdkve this much power comes with t.his much control.

When aerospace technology came down to earth, it landed on the tennis court in the form of the Prince Vortex. A space-age mntcr~l called viscoelastic polymer makes what ' was once impossible, possible: a racquet i that actually self¡ndjusts to every shot. : How docs it do it? The viscoelastic : polymer enables the frame to literally ; ehange its behavior upon impact. When :

you swing hard it stiffens to generate greater power. When you swing softly it flexes to give you greatercontrol. The kind of shot you have in mind ' is the kind of shQt it gives you. Vortex. What used to be unbelievable is now true. And you can believe it in two racquet designs: our patented CTS~ widebody design, and our Straight Beam design for more of a classic flex and feel .


IJIIIICtr In Love With The Game'"


Introduction to USPTA

Introduction to USPT A The United States Professional Tennis Association (USPTA) is the world's oldest and largest not-for-profit trade association for tennis-teaching professionals. Founded in 1927, USPTA now plays a leading role in the tennis industry. Today's tennis-teaching professionals are expected to assume a variety of business and social responsibilities in addition to their traditional job functions. USPTA helps prepare its members to meet these challenges. USPTA offers unequaled opportunities for tennis-teaching professionals to improve their skills and increase their knowledge. In addition, USPTA serves as a forum for the exchange of information, ideas and experiences among its members. The Association is a non-discriminatory organization which is democratically managed by its members. It is divided into 17 U.S. divisions comprising all 50 states, plus the International Division, Southeast Asia Division and the Japan Professional Tennis Association. The national Executive Committee, consisting of two elected officers from

each of the 17 U.S. divisions, the last three immediate past presidents, plus an eight-member National Board of Directors, legislates all policy matters and meets annually at the USPT A National Convention. The Board of Directors handles the affairs of the Association between meetings of the Executive Committee. It is comprised of the national president, the senior vice president, four vice presidents, the secretary/treasurer and the immediate past president. Also on the board as non-voting members are the CEO and the general counsel. The general counsel advises the board and Executive Committee on all legal matters, and the CEO manages the daily administration of USPT A from the World Headquarters. Committees also are appointed at both national and divisional levels which form the policies and directions for activities such as academies, awards,

testing, education and tournaments, to name a few. The primary goal of USPTA is to raise the standards of the tennis-teaching profession while promoting greater awareness in and of the sport by: • Promoting and stimulating the job market for qualified tennis-teaching professionals. • Continuing the education of tennis teachers through ongoing educational opportunities. • Establishing and improving relationships with club owners and managers, manufacturers and tennis consumers at all levels. • Working in cooperation with major allied organizations within the tennis industry. • Improving the image of the tennis-teaching profession. • Encouraging and maintaining high standards of conduct among its members. Holding prize~money tournaments for tennis-teaching professionals. • Creating opportunities which permit the free exchange of business and teaching concepts among peers. • Playing an active role in all matters affecting the tennis-teaching profession. • Organizing grassroots events which benefit teaching professionals and tennis-playing consumers.


Benefits of USPTA Membership

Benefits of USPTA Membership Professional certification by way of standardized and fair examination procedures. The new member receives an elegant membership card and membership certificate.

Credibility and professionalism in the eyes ol club owners and managers, students, industry peers and manufacturers.

$2 million general aggregate liability, property damage insurance, $1 million per occurrence, for members in the United States, its territories or Canada,

while practicing, playing, teaching or olliciating tennis. Group major medical, disability and life insurance available at low rates. The USPTA Mandatory Continuing Education Program was created to maintain the highest member standards in the tennis industry. The program provides a diverse range of activities that will enable all tennis professionals to educate themselves in the areas that most affect their daily business. The program has evolved from approximately 73 educational presentations

in 1989 to 335 during 1993. Most seminars are created and implemented by USPTA, however, several allied organizations have seminars and conventions that are recognized as educational events, and attendance at these events also is accepted for educational credit.

Cooperative educational and instructional activities: • Four-year university curriculum • Two-year college curriculum • USTA Tennis Teachers Conference

• UST A regional workshops • USTA/USPT A divisional conventions .. Prince/USPT A tennis clinics • And many more involving Tennis, Tennis Week, and Tennis Industry, magazines, TIA, ATP Tour and WTA, National Wheelchair Tennis

Foundation, USTA National Junior Tennis League and USTA Schools Program National and divisional conventions, where members interact in an ideal educational/social environment. Giveaway product packages, including Prince racquets, Asahi shoes, resort commissions and convention giveaways from Saddlebrook Golf and Tennis Resort, and special discount packages on Pro Penn balls.








International Tennis Teachers Championships, National Championships (2 tournaments) and numerous divisional championships and Grand Prix events.

National player rankings


Benefits of USPTA Membership Club Relations Department, including a worldwide employment listing service to provide continually updated regional, national, and international listings, plus the USPTA employment assistance manual How to Hire a Tennis Professional. National publicity and promotion of tennis-teaching professionals through: • Press release and advertising • Club owner/manager publications campaigns by World Headquarters • Newspapers • USPTA's ADDvantage magazine • Television/Radio • Tennis magazine • National trade shows • Tennis Week • Endorsements USPTA publications and teaching manuals: • ADDvantage magazine • USPT A Membership Directory • USPT A educational publications > The USPTA Tennis Professional's Business Manual > The USPTA Junior Development Manual > The USPTA Complete Guide to Coaching > USPTA Sport Science and Sports Medicine Guide > The USPTA Guide to Country Club Operations > The USPTA Guide To Municipal Tennis Operations > USPTA Education Manual, Volumes I and II



How to Hire a Tennis Professional

How to Prepare tor USPTA Certification

> How to Apply tor USPTA Membership

> How to Use Your USPTA Membership • USPT A Convention Program • Assorted brochures and information pamphlets

USPTA MasterCard exclusively for tennis-teaching professionals, accepted at more than 9 million locations. $1 million travel accidental death insurance

with the gold card, and up to $300,000 with the silver card: immediate cash worldwide. USPTA audio and video instruction materials, quality productions that are continuously updated by top industry speakers and authors. Complimentary subscriptions to Tennis Week (U.S. only) and Tennis magazines. Automatic credit line with USPTA's participating manufacturers Incentive subsidies for junior programs: • UST A Schools Program • UST A NJTL Program Professional representation through a unified voice Democratic participation in USPTA and industry policy directions Camaraderie and peer contact with world's leading professionals through: • Conventions • Divisional workshops • Trade shows • Tournaments


Benefits of USPTA Membership • Well-known USPTA members include: Pauline Betz Addie, Arthur Ashe, "Tut" Bartzen, Nick Bollettieri, Vic Braden, Butch Buchholz, Peter Burwash, Cliff Drysdale, Roy Emerson, Bonnie Gadusek, Tim Gullikson, Tom Gullikson, Doris Hart, Bob Hewitt, Ron Holmberg, Billie Jean King, Jack Kramer, Rod Laver, Fred Perry, Dennis Ralston, Pancho Segura, Pam Shriver, Stan Smith, Dick Stockton, Fred Stolle, Tony Trabert and Tim Wilkison. Organized communications network for tennis~teaching professionals USPTA is the only trade association of tennis-teaching professionals with regional U.S. divisions and democratically elected regional officers to represent the needs of professionals at the local level. USPTA's communications network exists not only at the national and regional levels, but also extends into the state and city administrative levels.

Morally binding Code of Ethics to ensure lair industry practices Fully stalled World Headquarters lor efficient and thorough member service Recognition and awards lor industry and individual accomplishments at the national and regional levels: • Professional of the Year • Players of the Year (male and female and by age divisions) • Coach of the Year

• High School Coach of the Year • Touring Coach of the Year

• " • • • •

Years of Service awards Various public service awards Master Professional Division of the Year Divisonal Newsletter of the Year Membership awards

Speaking opportunities at national, divisional conventions and other industry seminars Opportunity to become published in USPTA and other industry publications Availability of exclusive USPTA logo merchandise: • Clothing • Membership plaques • Business cards • Stationery • Jewelry and wristwatches • Accessories Tax~deductible

services, activities and fees

Reinvestment ol all USPTA proceeds to promote the tennis-teaching industry. USPTA is the only trade association of tennis-teaching professionals which returns a significant portion of its member dues to regional division treasuries, to be implemented by democratically elected officers at the grassroots level. This gives all USPTA members a voice in the direction of the tennis-teaching profession. Access to innovative findings of industry's leading advisory committees on sports medicine, junior development, country clubs, commercial facilities, resorts, municipal facilities, college coaching and pro shop management.


Past National Presidents

Past National Presidents 1927-35 1936-37 1938-39 1940-41 1942-46 1947 1948-53 1954 1955-56 1957-58 1959-61 1962-63 1963-66 1967-68 1969-70 1971-72 1973 1974 1975 1976 1976-78 1978-80 1980-82 1982-84 1984-86 1986-88 1988-90 1990-92

George Agutter• Edwin Faulkner* Henry Geidel• James Pressley• Chartes Wood• Frank Rericha• George Seewagen• Mercer Beasley• Thomas Byrne Arthur Condon• Ralph Chambers George Seewagen• William lufler Milton Phillips John Barnaby David Muir Ted Withal! Leslie longshore Jr Tex Schwab_ Alex Gordon• Sheldon Caldwell George Bacso Tim Heckler Bill Tym Mike Eikenberry Jim Reffkin Rod Dulany Jack Justice



Guidelines for Professional Conduct

Guidelines For Professional Conduct USPTA Code ol Ethics The name "Tennis Professional" must be and shall remain synonymous with

honor, service and fair dealing. A professional's integrity, fidelity to the game of tennis, and sense of great responsibility to employer and employees, manufacturers and clients, and to other professionals, must be of the highest In accordance with these ideals, and with the purposes of the Association, USPTA enjoins upon its members rigid observance of the following Code of Ethics: a) A member shall not play, give, solicit or give the appearance of soliciting lessons without informing the resident professional at any tennis facility and shall in no way cause embarrassment to any resident tennis professionaL b) A member shall not accept a position or appointment at a tennis facility in any but an honorable and ethical manner. c) A member shall meet his or her financial obligations promptly. d) A member shall not be guilty of conduct likely to injure the reputation and standing of the Association or any of its members. e) A member shall not engage in any conduct which is contrary to, or inconsistent with, policies adopted by USPTA.

This Code is intended as a guideline for behavior.

It is not the intent of USPTA to serve as judge and jury in cases involving members. Basic civil laws prevent the Association from taking action

which endangers the professional well being of a person. Therefore, civil and criminal laws are

considered before USPTA takes action on a matter. USPTA will inquire if the behavior of a member offends the Code of Ethics and take action in most cases only when and if a member is judged in a civil or commercial proceeding.


USPTA Biographies


President Gordon graduated from the University of California at Santa Barbara with a bachelor of arts degree in economics. From 1981 to 1983, he served as president of USPTA's Northern California Division and was selected Northern

California Professional of the Year in 1980, 1981 and 1983. Currently, Gordon is the tennis director for the

Courtside Tennis Club in Los Gatos, Calif., and is a regional tennis director for Club Corporation of America. He is a board member of Northern

California Tennis Association and is involved with numerous national committees.


First Vice President Dave Sivertson is the general manager of Westwood Country Club in Austin, Texas. Prior to becoming general manager, he served 13 years as a director of sports at Westwood. A USPTA member since 1973, Dave has served as president of the Texas Division and was named Texas Professional of the Year in 1982 and 1983. On the national level, Dave has served nine years as a national tester and is currently the chairman of two national committees, and CMAA liaison. Dave is also a member of the Prince National Dealer Advisory Board and Teaching Pro Staff. In 1985, Dave was named USPTA Professional of the Year. As a player, Dave was ranked as high as No. 5 in the USPTA men's open singles and No. 3 in the USPTA men's open doubles. He is a Master Professional.


USPTA Biographies KATHY WOODS Vice President Kathy Woods is serving her fifth term on the USPTA Board of Directors as a vice president. As past president of the Middle States Division of USPT A, Kathy was honored as Middle States Division Pro of the Year in 1988 and 1991. As a player, she earned the national USPTA ranking

of No. 1 singles in 1982 and No. 1 doubles in 1985. In addition to her activities in Middle States tennis, Kathy has been a speaker at the UST A National Tennis Teachers Conference and the USPTA National Convention, as well as a host of division and local workshops. A summa cum laude graduate of the University

of Pennsylvania and a member of Prince Professional Advisory Staff, she is on the teaching staff at the International Tennis Center in Key Biscayne, Fla.

CLIFF DRYSDALE Vice President Although acclaimed of late for his commentary on ESPN's tennis telecasts, Cliff Drysdale's play on court originally brought him fame. Noted for his two-handed backhand, he advanced to the semifinals twice at Wimbledon and the French Open, the finals at the U.S. Open and the quarter finals of the Australian Open. He was ranked in

the top 10 from 1965 to 1969 and again in 1971. Cliff became the first president of the Association of Tennis Professionals (A TP) in 1972 and later served on its board of directors. From 1978 to 1981, Cliff served as a player representative on the Men's International Professional Tennis Council. Currently Cliff is a bimonthly contributor to Tennis magazine and designs tennis and health facilities around the United States. Cliff received the 1987 ATP Medallion Award and the t 989 World Championship Tennis (WCT) Service to Tennis Award.



Vice President For the past 20 years, Will has been the director of tennis at Coral Ridge Country Club in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. He became a member of USPTA in 1972 and has served on the Florida Division Board of Officers, including the office of president, since 1982. Will has also served as the tournament director for the USPT A International Tennis Teachers Championships held in conjunction with The Lipton Championships since 1986. He is currently the chairman for the National Tournament Committee. Will was awarded Florida Division Professional of the Year in 1985, 1987 and 1990. He holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from California State College.


Vice President Joe Thompson has been a member of USPTA for 17 years and a Master Professional since

1987. He is a graduate of Indiana State University where he earned both bachelor's and master's degrees. He is a past president and treasurer of USPT A's Intermountain Division, and started the division newsletter. He was named Intermountain Pro of

the Year in 1983 and 1986, and has been ranked in the 35 and 40 age divisions by the Intermountain Division. He was a member of the USPTA Long-Range Planning Committee and established a pilot study for the USPT A Adult Tennis League. Currently, Joe is the director of tennis at the Rolling Hills Country Club in Golden, Colo.



Secretary/Treasurer Kurt Kamperman is president of Stan Smith Design, a tennis facility planning and design firm and director of tennis at Sea Pines Plantation. He has been active in the tennis industry for 16 years and has extensive experience in virtually every facet of the business from club, resort and

tournament operations to sales and marketing. Kurt is a featured speaker at numerous conventions and business symposiums throughout the United States and aboard. A USPTA Master Professional, he serves on the Tennis Industry Committee and is a contributing editor to Tennis Buyer's Guide and Court Products Report.


Past President USPT A Past President Jack Justice, a graduate of Austin Peay State University, where he received a degree in health and physical education, coached the Austin Peay tennis team in 1970-71. He was an All-Army player and retired from the service

in 1977 to pursue a full-time career as a tennis teacher. In 1988, Jack co-authored USPTA's How To Hire A Tennis Professional, the first employment assistance manual of its kind. This manual outlines 10 important steps in the hiring process and has been used widely by tennis-teaching professionals, club owners and club managers. As a 24-year member of USPTA, Jack has served as president and secretary of USPTA's Southern Division and was that division's Professional of the Year for 1980-81. He currently serves on the USTA's National Junior Tennis League Committee and is a USTA clinician and umpire. Jack is the owner of Tennis & Trophy in Aiken, S.C.


USPTA Biographies TIM HECKLER CEO Prior to assuming his position with the United

States Professional Tennis Association in 1982, Tim served nine years on the USPT A National Executive Committee and four years on the National Board of Directors before being elected USPT A president in 1980 and 1981. He was USPTA Professional of the Year in 1979 and is a Master Professional. While attending Lamar University on a tennis

scholarship, he played the international circuit, including Wimbledon in 1959 and 1961, and the U.S. Open in 1960. Tim assumed a full-time tennis-teaching position in 1970 at Houston's Westwood Country Club. Fours years later, he was elected president of USPTA's Texas Division. Since 1972, Tim has been a consultant to the tennis industry. His involvement in designing, managing and programming several large recreational facilities

has given him the background to deal with all situations related to tennis. In recent years, he has revolutionized USPTA's business programs through computerization and is continually interested in discovering ways to introduce

tennis professionals to computer technology. As CEO of USPT A, Tim has guided the Association through a period in which it has increased its membership fourfold, its annual income sevenfold and established USPTA as the foremost organization of teaching professionals in the world. He was instrumental in purchasing and developing USPTA's new World Headquarters building in Houston where USPT A has established a technologically advanced business environment for all of its programs.

PAUL WALDMAN General Counsel Paul is a native of New York City. He is a graduate of Columbia College where he played on the tennis team. He received his L.L.B. from Columbia Law School. Paul has been general counsel to USPT A for the last 20 years, and is of counsel to the New York law firm Vladeck, Waldman, Elias and Engelhard. He resides with his wife and children in the suburbs of New York City.



Director ol Certification and Academies As USPTA's director of certification and academies, George travels the world conducting Tennis Teachers' Courses and Certification Training Courses. His schedule often takes him to Japan, Singapore and Indonesia, as well as to cities throughout Europe and the United States. He graduated from Trenton State College with a bachelor's degree and later received a master

of arts in administrative education from Rutgers University. From 1978 to 1980, George served as president of USPT A. He also served as president of the USPT A Eastern Division for several years. George has given seminars at numerous national events and has received the UST A National Education Merit Award, as well as the USPTA Professional of the Year Award. He holds a USPTA Master Professional rating.


USPTA Officials

USPT A Officials National Board of Directors President Gordon Collins 14675 Winchester Blvd. Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 395-7111

Vice President Will Hoag Coral Ridge Country Club 3801 Bayview Drive Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 (305) 564-1271

First Vice President Dave Sivertson Westwood Country Club 3808 West 35th St. Austin, TX 78763 (512) 453-7246

Vice President Joseph Thompson 29341 Lower Moss Rock Road Golden, CO 80401 (303) 278-1130

Vice President Kathy Woods 280 Greenwood Drive Key Biscayne, FL 33149 (305) 361-9819

Secretary/Treasurer Kurt Kamperman 25 Hearthwood Drive Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 (803) 671-9540

Vice President Cliff Drysdale 1043 Ocean Ridge Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (919) 256-6735

Past President Jack Justice

704 Cardinal Court Aiken, SC 29803 (803) 642-7171

Past Presidents Past President (1990) Rod Dulany 3017 North Glebe Road Arlington, VA 22207 (703) 524-3227

Past President (1988) Jim Reffkin Randolph Tennis Center 100 South Alvernon Tucson, AZ 85711 (602) 791-4896 Past President (1986) Mike Eikenberry P.O. Box 790 Mclean, VA 22101 (703) 893-4428

Administration General Counsel Paul Waldman Vladeck, Waldman, Elias and Engelhard 1501 Broadway New York, NY 10036 (212) 354-8330

CEO Tim Heckler One USPT A Centre 3535 Briarpark Drive Houston, TX 77042 (713) 978-7782


Executive Committee Division Presidents and Regional Vice Presidents CALIFORNIA DIVISION President Mark Hirtler 3129 Bermuda Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626

INTERMOUNTAIN DIVISION President Joe Edles Pinehurst Country Club 6255 W. Quincy Denver, CO 80235

Regional Vice President Hank Lloyd 5294 Paseo Serra Yorba Linda, CA 92686

Regional Vice President Dave Romberg 4125 S. University Blvd. Englewood, CO 80110

EASTERN DIVISION President Kay Konove 58 Elm Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 1051

MIDDLE ATLANTIC DIVISION President Ted Meyer Willow Oaks Country Club 6228 Forest Hill Ave. Richmond, VA 23225

Regional Vice President Gordon Kent

Regional Vice President Frank Hatten Bethesda Country Club 7601 Bradley Blvd. Bethesda, MD 20817

Stadium Tennis Center

11 E. 162nd Street New York, NY 10452

FLORIDA DIVISION President Harry Gilbert Plantation Bay Tennis Club 200 Plantation Drive Ormond Beach, FL 32174

MIDDLE STATES DIVISION President Larry Hampton 264 Glen Mills Road Glen Mills, PA 19342

Regional Vice President Mark McMahon 5124 N.W. 66th Drive Coral Springs, FL 33067

Regional Vice President Becky Desmond 347 Manor Ave. Downingtown, PA 19335

HAWAII DIVISION President Bernard J. Gusman 1601 Punahou St. Honolulu, HI 96822

MIDWEST DIVISION President Tom Gray 40308 Alexandria Sterling Heights, Ml 48313-5300

Regional Vice President David Porter 55-220 Kulanui St. Laie, HI 96762

Regional Vice President Mike Owens 1646 Wellington Road Lansing, Ml 48910


Executive Committee MISSOURI VALLEY DIVISION President Brad Richison 2902 West 72nd Terrace Prairie Village, KS 66208

Regional Vice President John Williams 3113 Redbird Lane Enid, OK 73703 NEW ENGLAND DIVISION President Dave Fleury R.R. #1, Box 249 Yarmouth, ME 04096

Regional :Vice President Townsend Gilbert R.R. #1, Box 1545 Barre, VT 05641

Regional Vice President Ted Watson 1017 Minor Ave. #301 The Gainsborough Seattle, WA 98104 SAN DIEGO DIVISION President Angel Lopez San Diego T & R Club 4848 Tecolote Road San Diego, CA 92110

Regional Vice President Bill Bond LaJolla Beach & Tennis 2000 Spindrigt Drive La Jolla, CA 92037 SOUTHERN DIVISION President Greg Grover 4487 Park Place Terrace Marietta, GA 30066

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA DIVISION President Bill Rapp 302 Tadley Court Redwood City, CA 94061

Regional Vice President Fred Burdick Sunset Hills Country Club Club Drive Carrollton, GA 30117

Regional Vice President Jim McClennan

430 San Luis Ave. Los Altos, CA 94024

SOUTHWEST DIVISION President Tom Breece 6834 N. 85th St. Scottsdale, AZ 85250

NORTHWEST DIVISION President Tim Burke 5235 Irving Ave. So. Minneapolis, MN 55419

Regional Vice President Joe Long 7100 Hensch NE Albuquerque, NM 87109

Regional Vice President Steve Wilkinson 500 Capitol Drive St. Peter, MN 56082

TEXAS DIVISION President Randy Mattingley 320 Roaring Springs Road Ft. Worth, TX 76114

PACIFIC NORTHWEST DIVISION President Craig Koessler Multnomah Athletic Club 1849 SW Salmon Portland, OR 97207

Regional Vice President Ron Woods 6300 Everhart Corpus Christi, TX 78413


National Committees

National Committees President's Department . Endorsements . . ....... . Nominating .

Gordon Collins Dave Sivertson Judy Preston

Player Development.

Gordon Collins

Tennis Industry Council.

Rod Dulany

Education Department . Academies and Workshops College Curriculum .................. . Master Professional Review Board National Seminar Contest . National Advisory Committees Pro Shop Operation Sport Science and Sports Medicine Testing and Certification . High School Coaches Academy .. Business Procedures Budget and Finance Long Range Planning ........................ . NTRP. Presidents' Caucus. Sports Marketing. Membership Services Department Awards ........ . Archives Conventions Ethics Insurance . . Member Relations ................. . Membership Development, Domestic and International . Tournaments and Rankings .. Affiliate Association and Public Relations .. Club Relations CMAA Liaison IRSA Liaison . ITA Liaison . ITHOF Liaison Public Relations . UST A Liaison . National Network ........ .

Across America Tennis Day. Division Liaison .................. . League Committee Minority Affairs Committee/Chairperson. Standards of Operations .......... . Women's Committee/Chairperson.


Rod Dulany and Kurt Kamperman George Bacso Scott Schultz George Bacso Dean Snyder Kurt Kamperman Jack Groppel Jack Justice Jim Reffkin Dave Sivertson Dave Sivertson Dave Sivertson Joe Thompson Dave Fleury Joe Thompson Will Hoag Kirk Anderson Jack Justice Kathy Woods Will Hoag Frank Hatten Will Hoag Cliff Drysdale Will Hoag Dave Sivertson Brian Cheney Dave Sivertson Kurt Kamperman Kathy Woods Gordon Collins Dave Sivertson Gordon Collins Kathy Woods and Cliff Drysdale Chris Bradley Kathy Woods Joe Thompson Joe Edles Jim Davis Kathy O'Neal

National Committees Education Committee •••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••• Rod Dulany Paul Roetert Scott Schultz Mark McMahon Brett Hobden Barbara Braunstein Kirk Anderson Dave Porter Kurt Kamperman Divisional League Coordinators California .. . Eastern ......... . Florida. Hawaii . Intermountain Middle Atlantic .. Middle States . Midwest. Missouri Valley . New England Northern California . Northwest .. Pacific Northwest . San Diego. Southern ... Southwest ..

Erick Baer Mike Del Prete Ed Kraus Dino Bondallian Joe Thompson Paul Bress Tim "Koach" Conroy Don Martin Jaime Vargas Jack Dunmead Brad Rieser Tim Burke Wayne Pickard Diane Elliott Dan Gladman Jim Munsil Ron Woods


Minority Network Minority Affairs Committee........... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Joe Edles, Chairperson Dexter Fong Virginia Glass Angel Lopez Mark Luna Anthony Martin Dr. Robert M. Screen Kathy Woods Minority Advisory Board • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • Arthur Ashe Dwight A. Mosley Divisional Minority Liaisons California.

Ulysses "Pete" Brown Ron Dyson Jorge Andrew Dino Bondallion Joe Edles James W. Ridgeley Albert W. Dillion Ill

Eastern Florida .

Hawaii. Intermountain Middle Atlantic . Middle States ..


National Committees Jorge Capestany TBA Eddie Davis Dexter Fong Bill H. Roddy TBA Stanley K. Jefferson Anthony Womeodu James Johnson Sal Castillo

Midwest. Missouri Valley . New England Northern California . Northwest . Pacific Northwest .. San Diego. Southern . Southwest .


Women's Network Women's Committee Chairperson. Vice Chairperson . Eastern Representative .. Eastern Representative . Western Representative Western Representative

Kathy A. O'Neal Sheryl Behne Wendy Burnett Ann Moore Beth Barden Suzie Hunt Moran

Divisional Women's Liaisons California .

Eastern Florida ............... .

Hawaii . Intermountain Middle Atlantic . Middle States .. Midwest.. . ................... . Missouri Valley . _ New England Northern California . Northwest . Pacific Northwest . San Diego. .. .......... . Southern .

Linda Howard and Judy Louie Ann Moore Molly Beardsworth and Nancy Place Donnia Bondallion Sue Dillinger Betsy Heidenberger Sharyn Galler Candice Kopetzki Susan Sloboth Rebecca Wendler Joan Schnarr Robin Coverdale Gail Patton Judy Preston Elizabeth Leach-Bohac


Kris Anderson


Cindy Benzon and Ali Keily


USPTA World Headquarters Staff

USPT A. World Headquarters Staff Tim Heckler

CEO Director of Operations

Rich Fanning Marty Bostrom

Executive Assistant Coordinator of Tennis Teacher Development

Allan Henry Shawna Riley

Communications Coordinator Communications/Public Relations

Gayden Cooper Donna Banse

Magazine Coordinator Marketing and Business Operations

John Tamborello Karen D. Unger

Sports Marketing Coordinator Corporate Services Manager

Christi Call


Dale Henry

Computer Services and Club Relations

Kathy Buchanan Susan A. Thompson

Education Coordinator Membership/Education Assistant

Sharon Schmuck

Membership/Education Assistant

Karen Mahon

Membership/Education Assistant

Vicky Tristan

Financial Manager

Renee Heckler

Accounting and Merchandise Services

Trina Gambrell

Director of Certification and Academies

George Bacso Bill Tym

Co-director of Academies USPTA World Headquarters One USPT A Centre 3535 Briarpark Drive Houston, Texas 77042 (713) 97-USPTA FAX: (713) 978-7780


USPTA Awards

USPTA Awards 1992 Bill Bond 1991 Nick Bollettieri 1990 Peter Burwash 1989 Vic Braden 1988 Spike Gurney 1987 Jack Groppel 1986 Sean Sloane 1985 Dave Sivertson 1984 George Bacso

Professional of the Year 1983 Paul Gagon 1982 Bill Tym 1981 Ken McAllister 1980 Rod Dulany 1979 Tim Heckler 1978 Rob Danner Bill Thompson 1977 Joe Dennis 1976 Fernando Velasco

Division ol the Year 1992 Midwest 1991 Southern 1990 Northern California 1989 Intermountain 1988 Midwest 1987 Midwest 1986 Midwest 1985 Florida 1984 Southern

1983 Midwest 1982 Southern 1981 Southern 1980 Southern 1979 Midwest 1978 Southwest 1977 Southwest 1976 Midwest

Players of the Year 1992 Young Min Kwon & 1988 Vikki Beggs (female) Jorge Andrew (over 35) Pat Serret (co-winners, male) Kim Barry & Tracy Houk-Kuhn Tommy Bartlett (over 45) (co-winners, female) 1987 Jeanette Paddock (female) Brian Cheney (under 45) Armistead Neely (over 35) Betty Walsh & Carol Baily Roald Flater (over 45) (co-winners, over 35) 1986 Judy Courtney (female) Juan Nunez (under 45) Steve Wilkinson (over 45) Tommy Bartlett (over 45) 1991 Tim Wilkison (male) 1985 Judy Courtney (female) Kim Barry (female) Juan Nunez (under 45) Claude England & Armistead Nealy Tommy Bartlett (over 45) 1984 Gene Russo (co-winners, over 35) Bill Tym (over 45) Tommy Bartlett (over 45) 1990 Pat Serret (male) 1983 Jim Parker Lisa Seeman & Michele Tommy Bartlett (over 45) Sniffen (co-winners, 1982 Chris Parker female) Charles Oliver (over 45) Juan Diaz (over 35) 1981 Richard Johnson Jeanette Paddock (over 35) Bob Davis (over 45) Tommy Bartlett (over 45) 1980 Armistead Neely 1989 Mario Martinez (male) 1979 Tommy Bartlett 1978 Charleen Grafton Robin Coverdale & 1977 Alan Cheeseboro Vikki Beggs (co-winners, female) Joe Lyden (over 35) 1976 Dell Sylvia Tommy Bartlett & Ed Serues (co-winners, over 45)


USPTA Awards Coach of the Year 1992 Bal Moore 1991 John Officer 1990 Mike De Palmer 1989Bill Tym 1988 Andy Brandi 1987 Tommy Bartlett Frank Brennan 1986 Chuck Kriese 1985 Frank Brennan

1984 Paul Xanthos 1983 Tom my Bartlett 1982 Ron Woods 1981 Chuck Kriese 1980 Robert Bayliss 1979 Dan Magill 1978 Dell Sylvia 1977 Alice Tym

Touring Coach of the Year 1992 Armand Molino

1991 Craig Kardon

High School Coach of the Year 1992 Robert Charles Krueger

1991 Elliot Lovi

Newsletter of the Year 19921ntermountain 1991 Midwest 1990 Intermountain 1989 Midwest & Intermountain 1988 Intermountain 1987 Southern 1986 Florida & Southern 1985 Florida 1984 Midwest

1983 Southern 1982 Texas & Southern 1981 Middle Atlantic 1980 Texas 1979 Southern 1978 Southern 1977 Southern 1976 Midwest


Tournament Regulations and Requirements

Tournament Regulations and Requirements The USPT A president shall maintain by appointment from all divisions a standing Tournament Committee. This committee shall seek bids, receive and recommend their acceptance or rejection for the National Championships and National Team Championships, and for any other national championships it may deem desirable and practical. The Executive Committee shall have final power to approve or disapprove the recommendations of the Tournament Committee, and also shall have power to subsidize or refuse subsidy of these events. The Executive Committee also shall have power to delegate the power of final decision to the Tournament Committee whenever it is deemed advisable, as when time presses and another Executive Committee meeting is impractical. Upon approval, the Tournament Committee shall have full power to run the competitive events scheduled, including the power to delegate any or all authority to members of the division hosting the event USPT A playing rules and age classifications shall be used. The committee shall have power to limit the number of entries from any division only if necessary to achieve a manageable draw. No member whose dues are unpaid or who is in the inactive membership category shall be accepted as an entry. The Tournament Committee shall realize that the two basic events (National Championships and National Team Championships) should receive priority whenever any conflict arises. These should be as much as possible on a rotating basis, scheduled two years ahead if possible, never occurring in the same place twice running unless this is unavoidable. The committee should encourage all divisions to realize that these events put us before the public both divisionally and nationally and therefore rotation is in everyone's best interest. The committee shall have the power to sanction divisional championships after making sure these do not conflict with dates most convenient for divisional annual meetings and competitions. It is specifically stated at this time that it is deemed advisable to adopt a full set of regulations such as those of the USTA because our probable roster of players and schedule of events will, at least for the near future, not justify such limitations as to entries, qualifications, and the numerous official personnel that go with an organization built to deal with many tournaments and large entries. The committee shall have the authority in all matters of detail.


Requirements for Tournament Entry

Requirements for Tournament Entry 1. All membership requirements, including completion of the Certification Exam, must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the entry date of a USPTA tournament in order for the person in question to be eligible to play in the tournament The 60 days is to allow time for the grading of the Certification Exam and the processing of the membership application. 2. !f a!l requirements are met, the exams are graded and the results are recorded at the World Headquarters prior to the entry date of the tournament, the entry will be accepted. However, USPT A will not be held responsible by any individual or any of its divisions if the entry cannot be accepted due to requirements not being fulfilled prior to the 60-day deadline. 3. The chief executive officer shall immediately ensure that, in conjunction

with the president and the Executive Committee, the members shall belong only to those divisions in which they physically reside, and that the records of the Association be changed accordingly. 4. If a member moves to another division, that member may decide tor which division he or she wishes to play in team competition provided the entry deadline for the team competition falls within 90 days of the date the member began to physically reside in the new division. Thereafter, the member will no longer be eligible to play for his or her former division and must play for the new division.


Player Rankings and Rules

Player Rankings and Rules Upon entering a USPTA tournament, you become eligible for an annual player ranking. These rankings are either national or divisional and are categorized by gender, singles or doubles, and age division. USPTA rankings are a source of personal pride, peer prestige and are career enhancing. Clubs "look good" when their tennis professional succeeds in tournament play. And where there is individual publicity, there is the potential for additional career opportunity. USPTA rankings can be applied toward Master Professional credit. Results from USPTA tournaments are reported to USTA for national ranking consideration. Listed below are the minimum requirements that must be attained to achieve a national USPTA ranking: MEN'S/WOMEN'S OPEN DIVISION - SINGLES AND DOUBLES 1. Play a minimum of one National Tournament. 2. Have a minimum of two (2) wins in the National Championships or one (1) win at the International Tennis Teachers Championships. ALL OTHER DIVISIONS 1. Play a minimum of one (1) 2. Have a minimum of one (1) a division with four or less attained without a win if the in the final).

National Tournament. win at a National Tournament (in players/teams, a ranking can be player's/team's only loss occurred

LIST OF NATIONAL TOURNAMENTS USPT A National Championships USPTA International Tennis Teachers Championships CO-RANKING (TIES) WILL OCCUR IF: 1. Players/teams reach the same round in two different events with no head·to·head record and have similar records. 2. Players/teams reach the same round in the same event with no head·to-head competition and similar records.

national win/loss national win/Joss

PLEASE NOTE: The National Championships and the International Tennis Teachers Championships will receive the most weight in the rankings. Divisional tournaments also will be taken into consideration, but will not have the same weight as the two previously mentioned.


Sanctioned Tournaments

Sanctioned Tournaments Any member desiring to have a tournament or match sanctioned by USPT A should do the following: 1, Make a formal bid for sanction to the USPTA World Headquarters. 2. Fill out sanction application, keeping one copy for his or her

files. 3. The original must be forwarded to the World Headquarters 30 days prior to the tournament, and be accompanied by the sanction fee. The sanction fee is 1 percent of the total prize money (minimum $10 fee). 4. Upon approval of sanction, the member will be mailed an official sanction certificate.

Only USPT A sanctioned tournaments are eligible for allocation of balls upon request to the World Headquarters, depending on their availability. Complete draw sheets showing results of the tournament should be forwarded to the World Headquarters immediately. All tournaments must be sanctioned by USPTA in order to be considered for national USPT A ranking.


National Champions

National Champions National Team Match Champions 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979

1992 California

1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986

Texas California Florida Texas Florida California

Florida Texas Texas Southwest Texas Texas Texas

1978 Florida/Texas

1977 1976 1975 1974 1973

Texas Southern California Southern Texas

National Championship Champions Men's Open Singles t992 Mark Fairchilds 1991 Young Min Kwon

1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975

Kip Brady Ricardo Acuna Mario Martinez Ron Hightower Andrew Gordon Alvaro Betancur Juan Nunez Randy Crawford Larry Loeb Larry Loeb Larry Loeb Armistead Neely Armistead Neely Z. Mincek Jimmy Parker Pancho Walthall' Billy Higgins•• 1974 Pancho Walthall

1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964

M. Shires lan Crookenden Billy Higgins Sam Giammalva Billy Higgins (not held) Sam Giammalva Pancho Segura Mike Davies Sam Giammalva

1963 Tut Bartzen

1962 Tut Bartzen 1952-61 (not held) 1951 Pancho Segura 1950 Pancho Segura 1949 Bobby Riggs 1948 Jack Kramer 1947 Bobby Riggs 1946 Bobby Riggs

1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927

Welby Van Horn (not held) Bruce Barnes Don Budge Fred Perry Don Budge Ellsworth Vines Fred Perry Karel Kozeluh Joseph Whalen Bill Tilden Hans Nusslein Vincent Richards Karel Kozeluh Bill Tilden Vincent Richards Karel Kuzeluh Vincent Richards Vincent Richards

1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971

Bill Tym Bill Tym Bill Tym• (not held) Rey Garrido Robert Potthast Jason Morton

Men's 35 Singles 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987

Sal Castillo Claude England Claude England Jeff Smith Larry Turville !van Molina

1986 Tom Leonard

1985 Juan Diaz

1984 David Bryant 1983 Doug Smith Tie Mark Moyle 1982 Tom Mozur 1981 Jim Parker 1980 Jim Parker 1979 Steve Wilkinson 1978 Billy Higgins


Shreveport Ponte Vedra


National Champions Men's 40 Singles 1992 Tommy Connell 1991 Armistead Neely 1990 Armistead Neely

1989 Ken Newman 1988 Dick Johnson 1987 Cliff Price

1986 Dick Johnson 1985 Steve Wilkinson 1984 Steve Wilkinson

Men's 45 Singles 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987

Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve

Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson

1986 Steve Wilkinson

1985 Bill Tym 1984 Jim Schwitters 1983 Tom my Bartlett

1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975

Lester Sack Tom Falkenburg Dell Sylvia Dell Sylvia Dell Sylvia Dell Sylvia Dell Sylvia Dell Sylvia' Dell Sylvia"

1974 Dell Sylvia 1973 Don Martin

1972 1971 1970 1969 1968

Armando Vieira Ben Press Gus Palafox Ben Press (not held)

Men's 50 Singles 1992 Allen Shapter 1991 Jack Dunmead 1990 Bill Tym

1989 Alfredo Garcia 1988 Gordon L. Davis 1987 Bob Luxembourg

1986 Bob Hill 1985 Joseph Cerate 1984 Norm Peterson

Men's 55 Singles 1992 Peter Vieira 1991 Peter Vieira

1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985

Eldon Rowe Hugh Waters Eldon Rowe Don Kaiser Bob Chapman Tommy Bartlett

1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977

Tom my Bartlett Tommy Bartlett Armando Vieira Maurice Sockolov Tom Falkenburg Leon Wilson Leon Wlson Bob Stubbs

1976 1975 1974 1973

Ernie Spiller Warren McMillan** (not held) Bob Galloway

1972 John Faunce 1971 John Faunce* 1970 (not held) 1969 Buddy Goeltz

Men's 60 Singles 1992 Eldon Rowe 1991 Tommy Bartlett 1990 Bob Mitchell

1989 Tommy Bartlett 1988 Tommy Bartlett 1987 Roald Flater

1986 Roald Flater 1985 Tom Falkenburg 1984 George Druliner

Men's 65 Singles 1992 Roald Flater 1991 Roald Flater 1990 Tom Falkenburg

1989 Bob Stubbs 1988 Robert Ryland 1987 Harry Burrus

1986 Ed Serues 1985 Ed Serues 1984 Ed Serues

Men's 70-75 Singles 1992 George Drulner 1991 Ed Serues

1990 Bob Stubbs and Ed Serues (co-winners)

Shreveport Ponte Vedra


1989 Ed Serues



National Champions Men's Open Doubles 1992 Juan Ayala/Ron Hightower 1991 Pat Serret/Eric Styrmoe 1990 Pat Serret/Eric Styrmoe 1989 Mike Fedderly/Pat Serret 1988 Sal Castillo/Eric Styrmoe 1987 Doug Boswell/Mark Vines 1986 Brian Joelson!Wayne Pickard 1985 Brian Joelson/Wayne Pickard 1984 David Bryant/Sal Castillo 1983 Larry Loeb/Rich Andrews Tie Mike Vogi/Mike Collins 1982 Brian Cheney/Terry Bennett 1981 Mark Weir/Tim Sunderland 1980 Brian Marcus/Rob Castorri 1979 Pat Cramer/Steve Siegel 1978 (not held) 1977 Bill Lofgren/George Amaya 1976 Pancho Walthall/Jim Parker 1975 Jim Parker/Larry Parker* Bill Lofgren/George Amaya.. 1974 Dick Leach/Tom Leonard 1973 Greg Hilly/Bob Stock 1972 Dick Leach/Robert Potthast 1971 Ramsey Earnhart/Walter Johnson 1970 Dick Leach/Robert Potthast 1969 Dick Leach/Robert Potthast 1968 (not held) 1967 Sam Giammalva/Jason Morton 1966 Pancho Segura/Mike Davies

1965 Mike Davies/Allen Quay 1962 Sam Giammalva/Eugene Garrett 1952-61 (not held) 1951 Pancho Segura/Pancho Gonzalez 1950 Pancho Segura/Frank Kovacs 1949 Bobby Riggs/Don Budge 1948 Jack Kramer/Bobby Riggs 1947 Bobby Riggs/Don Budge 1946 Bobby Riggs/Don Budge 1945 Welby Van Horn/John Nogrady 1944 (not held) 1943 Bruce Barnes/John Nogrady 1942 Don Budge/Bobby Riggs 1941 Fred Perry/Richard Skeen 1940 Don Budge/Fred Perry 1939 Ellsworth Vines/Fred Perry 1938 Fred Perry/Bruce Barnes 1937 Karel Koze!uh/Bruce Barnes 1936 Joseph Whalen/Charles Wood 1935 Bill Tilden/Karel Kozeluh 1934 Karel Koze!uh/Hans Nusslein 1933 Vincent Richards/Francis Hunter 1932 Karel Kozeluh/Hans Nusslein 1931 Bill Tilden/Vincent Richards 1930 Vincent Richards/Karel Kozeluh 1929 Vincent Richards/Karel Koze!uh 1928 Vincent Richards/Karel Kozeluh 1927 Vincent Richards/Howard Kinsey

Men's 35 Doubles 1981 David Bryant/Steve Prosser 1980 Tim Heckler/Dick Johnson

1992 Clark Barton/Steve Layton 1991 Rob Castorri/Armistead Neely 1990 Dan Gladman/Jeff Crowne 1989 Jorge Andrew/Juan Diaz 1988 Hank Lloyd/Steve R. Vaughan 1987 Juan Oiaz/lvan Molina 1986 Guy Fritz/Martin Hennessey 1985 Alvaro Betancur/Juan Diaz 1984 Mark Moyie/David Romberg Tie Alan Foster/Bud Davis 1983 Bill Bond/Brad Humphreys 1982 Tom Mozur/Bill Tym

1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973

Rob Cadwallader/Bob Stock (not held) Billy Higgins/Luis Ayala Jerry Walters/Rey Garrido Bill Tym/Dick Leach• (not held) Ben Press/Alex Gordon 1972 Jason Morton/Patricio Apey 1971 Jason Morton/Jim Schmidt

Men's 40 Doubles 1992 Tom my Connell/Dave Sivertson 1987 Dave Romberg/Art Thomson 1991 1990 1989 1988

Jorge David David David

1986 Owen Gillen/Townsend Gilbert

Andrew/Gewan Maharaj Bryant/Cliff Price Bryant/Cliff Price Bryant/Dick Johnson

1985 Vilis Cakans/Steve Wilkinson 1984 Steve Wilkinson/Fernando Velasco *



Shreveport Ponte Vedra

National Champions Men's 45 Doubles 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980

Cliff Price/Art Thomson Jeff Gray/Hugh Thompson Billy Higgins/Owen Gillen Pancho Castl!!o/Steve Wilkinson Robert Anderman/AIIen Schapter Ted Norris/Griff Payne Ron Holmberg/Frank Pisciotta Bill T ym/Leslie Peek Roald Flater/Joseph Cerato Tom Fa!kenburg/Tommy Bartlett Tom my Bartlett/Frank Spears Jim Bart!ett/Bruz Freeman Dell Sylvia/Rey Garrido

1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969

Rey Garrido/Dell Sylvia (not held) Dave Muir/Gardner Larned Dave Muir/Gardner Larned Tommy Bartlett/Dell Sylvia• Bob Luxembourg/Dell Sylvia** Tom Falkenburg/Paul Lynner Paul Lynner/Bob Luxembourg Alex Gordon/Ben Press Alex Gordon/Ben Press Gus Palafox/Juan Weiss Ben Press/Alex Gordon

Men's 50 Doubles 1991 Bob Anderman/AIIen Shapter 1990 (not held) 1989 Ed Foster/Doug Poort

1988 Gordon L. Davis/Bob Hill 1987 (not held) 1986 Bill Roberti/Bob Hill

Men's 55 Doubles 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985

Jim Schwitters/John Somerville Frank Pisciotta/Bill Tyrell Norman Peterson/Bob Hill Robert Kenny/Norman Peterson Bob Hill/Norman Peterson Tommy Bartlett/Don Kaiser Bob Chapman/Ben Press Bob Luxembourg/Ernie Spiller Tommy Bartlett/Tom Falkenburg 1984 Bob Chapman/Ben Press 1983 Tommy Bartlett/Tom Falkenburg 1982 Roald Flater/Paul Lynner

1981 1980 i 979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970

(not held) Tom Falkenburg/J.P. Feigenbaum Cook/Froehling (not held) Bob Stubbs/Jack Cook Warren McMillan/Leo LaBorde Warren McMillan/Earl Myers.. (not held) Allie Ritzenberg/Charles Swanson John Faunce/Gar Glenney Gar Glenney/Bill Millikan Gar Glenney/Bill Millikan

Men's 60 Doubles 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988

Bob Hill/Eldon Rowe Tommy Bartlett/Wade Herren Tom Falkenburg/Bob Stubbs Tommy Bartlett/Roald Flater Tom Falkenburg/Tommy Bartlett

1987 Roald Flater/Andrew Bustamante 1986 Tom Fa!kenburg/Andrew Bustamante 1985 Merhn Johnson/Ed Serues 1984 George Druliner/Ben Press

Men's 65 Doubles 1992 1991 1990 1989

1988 Ed Serues/Frank Kenney 1987 Harry Burrus/Rebert Davis 1986 William Millikan/Ed Serues

George OruHner/Ben Press Andrew Bustamante/Roald Flater (not held) Jack Cook/Bill Parks

Men's 70 Doubles 1989 Ed Serues/Frank Kenney

1991 Frank Kenney/Ed Serues 1990 (not held) Shreveport *"

Ponte Vedra


National Champions Women's Open Singles 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975

Chris Parker Susan Shelby Torrance Astrid Suurbeek Bunnie Miller Susan Eastman Susan Eastman Owen McHaney• Betsy Butler*"' 1974 Susan Eastman 1973 Carol Weymuller 1972 Alice Tym

1992 Jami Yonekura 1991 Kim Barry 1990 Kim Barry 1989 Michele Sniffen 1988 Robin Coverdale 1987 Vikki Beggs 1986 Lisa Blackshear 1985 Marsha Blade! 1984 Mary Hamm 1983 Susan Torrance 1982 Kathy Woods

Women's 35 Singles 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987

Susan Dillinger Helie Viragh Dessie Samuels Christine Eddy Barbara Mueller Cindy Young

1986 Jeanette Paddock Sally Huss 1985 Mary Seilerd 1984 Judy Courtney 1983 Sylvia Gothard

Women's 40 Singles 1992 1991 1990 1989

Lisa Spaulding Carol Bailey Sharon Banzhaf (not held)

1988 1987 1986 1985

(not held) (not held) Judy Louie Judy Courtney

Women's 45 Singles 1992 Judy Louie

i 988 1987 1986 1984

1991 Shizue lwai

1990 Judy Louie 1989 Jeanette Paddock

Barbara Braunstein Shizue lwai Judy Courtney Nell Carver

Women's 50 Singles 1992 1991 1990 1989

Ursula Harris Mary Hill Diane Elliott Betty Walsh

1992 1991 1990 1989

Avis Murray Betty Walsh Betty Walsh (not held)

1988 1987 1986 1985

Betty Betty Betty Betty

Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh

Women's 55 Singles 1988 (not held) 1987 (not held) 1986 Janet French

Women's 65 Singles 1992 Anna Kuykendall

Shreveport Ponte Vedra


National Champions Women's Open Doubles 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977

1992 1991 1990 1989 1988

Carol Coparanis/Lisa Moldrem Laura Glitz/Lisa Mo!drem Robin Coverdale/Darcy Jones Carol Coparanis/Minka Uhrich Ruth Fitzpatrick-Turner/Carol Coparanis 1987 Rosie Bareis/Rose Thomas 1986 Cherise Hagey/Lisa Blackshear 1985 Ruth Daub/Kathy Woods 1984 Mary Hamm/Marsha Blade! Tie Barbara Lemberg/Wendy Luhmann TieGenevine Leavitt!Katherine Pfordt 1983 Debbie Ladig/Janis Mauldin Tie Debbie Ladig/Barbara Lemberg

1976 1975 1974 1973 1972

Debbie Ladig/Chris Parker Linda Thomas/Chris Parker Wendy Overton/ Astrid Suurbeek Gallop/Tabor (not held) Christine Koutras/Sherry Bedingfield Susan Eastman/Phyllis Yambrach Carol Weymuller/Betsy Butler• Susan Eastman/Alice Tym Charlene Grafton/Carol Weymuller Janice Rapp/Aiice Tym

Women's 35 Doubles 1992 Martha Downing/Cheryl Mclaughlin

1987 (not held)

1991 Martha Bass/Oessie Samuels

1986 Judy Courtney/Jeanette Paddock

1990 Jeanette Paddock/Judy Louie 1989 Wendy Burnett/Beverly Raws 1988 Linda Newby/Barbara Mueller

1985 Judy Courtney/Barbara Mueller 1984 Judy Courtney/Dot Kropf

Women's 40 Doubles 1991 Martha Downing/Mary Hill

1983 Judy Courtney/Jeanette Paddock

Women's 45 Doubles 1992 Judy Louie/Jeanette Paddock 1991 Sheryl Behne /Judy Courtney 1990 (not held)

1989 Judy Courtney/Jeanette Paddock 1988 Betty Walsh/Avis Murray

Women's 50 Doubles 1992 Arlene Deardorff/Diane Elliott

1991 Avis Murray/Betty Walsh

Women's 55 Doubles 1992 Avis Murray/Betty Walsh

Mixed Open Doubles 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987

Mike Fedderly/Lisa Seeman Mark Fairchilds/Tracy Houk-Kuhn Van Barry/Kim Barry Brian Veillette/Felicia Raschiatore Angel Lopez/Lisa Seemann Lisa Moldrem/Doug Ruffin

1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981

Barb Lemberg/Bob Hochstadter Cherise Hagey/Bud Davis (not held) Debbie Ladig/Barry Laing Larry Parker/Chris Parker Greg Manning/Susan Shelby Torrance

Mixed 35 Doubles 1989 Martha Downing/Dave Mathews

1990 (not held)



Shreveport Ponte Vedra

National Champions

International Tennis Teachers Championship Champions Men's Singles 1992 1991 1990 1989

Pat Tim Tim Pat

Serret Wilkison Wilkison Serret

1992 1991 1990 1989

Dexter MacBride/Val Wilder Mitch Bridge/Dexter MacBride Mitch Bridge/Dexter MacBride Fred Viancos/Matt Wooldridge

1988 Fred Viancos 1987 Ron Hightower 1986 Juan Nunez 1985 Rick Fagel

Men's Doubles 1988 !987 1986 1985

Fred Viancos/Ron Hightower Craig Kardon/Ted Erck Mark Vines/Doug Boswell Juan Nunez/Rick Fagel

Women's Singles 1992 Tracy Houk-Kuhn 1991 Kim Barry 1990 Lisa Seemann 1989 Felicia Raschiatore

1988 1987 1986 1985

Vikki Beggs Vikki Beggs Felicia Raschiatore Sue Bartlett

Women's Doubles 1992 1991 1990 1989

Laura Glitz/Jenni Goodling Kim Barry/Usa Seemann Usa Seemann/Michele Sniffen Trish Faulkner/Wendy Overton

1988 1987 1986 1985

Shreveport Ponte Vedra


Christine Eddy/Brenda Remilton Christine Eddy/Brenda Remilton Felicia Raschiatore/Marsha Blade! Nancy Durrance/Mary Seiferd

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National Team Championships

National Team Championships FINAL TEAM STANDINGS 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place Consolation:

California Northern California

Southern Midwest Texas

California Team Members Mark Basham

Hank Lloyd

Mike Fedderly

Dexter MacBride

Ron Hightower

Sherri Norris

Randy Houston

Lisa Seemann

Tom Leonard

The California division captured the 1992 USPTA National TeamTennis Championship, sponsored by Ultra Slim-Fast.


National Senior Team Matches

National Senior Team Matches FINAL TEAM STANDINGS 1st 2nd t.3rd t.3rd t.3rd

Place: Place: Place: Place: Place:

California San Diego Missouri Valley Hawaii New England

Winners Men's 45 Doubles Bill Bond/Allen Shapter (San Diego)

Men's 65 Doubles Ulysses Brown/Howard Luttrell (California)

Men's 55 Doubles Jim Schwitters/John Somerville (Hawaii)

Women's 45 Doubles Cathy Lombardo/Judy Louie (California)


1992 Rankings

1992 USPT A Rankings Men's Open Singles Tie 1. Mark Fairchilds 1. Pat Serret Tie Tie 3. Mauricio Achondo 3. Peter Doohan 5. Young Min Kwon Tie 6. R. J. Dunkle 6. Jeff Hersh Tie 6. Eric Styrmoe Tie 9. Dexter MacBride

9. 11. 11. 11 . 14. 15. 16. 16. 16.

Val Wilder Scott Smith Tim Wilkison Blaine Willenborg Rill Baxter David Kuhn David Anderson Pat Collazo Tie Jonas Ehrlin

16. 16. 16. 16. 16. 16. 16. 26. 26.

Brian Joelson Greg Neuhart Nigel O'Rourke Andy Stoner Wynand van den Boom Bruce Willis Mark Woldmoe Jose Rojas Darin Weidenheimer

Men's 35 Singles 1. 2. Tie 3. 3. Tie 5. 5.

Sal Castillo Claude England Clark Barton Dan Gladman Rob Knox Wayne Pickard

5. 5. Tie 9. 9. 9. 9.

James Schaefer Tony Womeodu Jeff Crowne Francisco Gonzalez Tighe Keating Stefan LaPorte

9. 9. 9. 9.

Mike Nelson Andris Olins Bud Schroeder Tim Sunderland

Men's 40 Singles 1. 2. Tie 3. 3.

Tommy Connell Philip Norville Scott Simpson Rob Wheatley

Tie 5. 5. 5. 5.

Dave Farmer Laury Hammel Mark Weir Gary Zimmerman

Tie 9. Doug Cash 9. Brian Hauff

Men's 45 Singles 1. 2. Tie 3. 3.

Steve Wilkinson Cliff Price Brian Marcus Art Thomson

Tie 5. Owen Gillen 5. Dennis Killelea

5. Gerry Perry 5. John Williams

Men's 50 Singles 1. Allen Shapter 2. Jack Dunmead

Tie 3. Dick Grisham 3. Chuck Narvin

Men's 55 Singles 1. Peter Vieira

2. Jim Schwitters

Men's 60 Singles 1. Eldon Rowe

2. Mac Dunlap

Men's 65 Singles 1. Roald Flater

2. Don Shuman


3. Clarence Wenzel

1992 Rankings Men's 70 Singles 1. George Druliner

2. Ed Serues

3. Chuck Schunk

Men's 75 Singles 1. Ed Serues

Men's 80 Singles 1. John Huber

Men's 85 Singles 1. John Huber

Men's Open Doubles Tie 1. Juan Ayala Ron Hightower 1. Dexter MacBride Val Wilder Tie 3. Mark Fairchilds David Kuhn 3. Young Min Kwon Andy Stoner

Tie 5. Karl Johnson Craig Hardenbergh 5. Greg Neuhart Mike Rubner 5. Pat Serre! Peter Doohan Tie 8. Hans Carlson Bruce Willis

8. Pat Collazo Ross Dubins 8. R. J. Dunkle Mark Woldmoe 8. Brian Joelson Wayne Pickard 8. Nigel O'Rourke Darin Weidenheimer


Men's 35 Doubles 1. Clark Barton Steve Layton 2. Sal Castillo Wayne Pickard Tie 3. Claude England Ted MacBeth

3. Angel Lopez Paul Press Tie 5. Chuck Gill Stefan LaPorte

5. Bud Schroeder Scott Simpson 5. Tim Sunderland Michael Velasco

Men's 40 Doubles 1. Tommy Connell Dave Sivertson

2. Hank lloyd Steve Vaughan

Tie 3. Ken DeHart Mark Weir 3. Bill Foreman Spike Gurney


5. Brian Hauff Terry Killen

Men's 45 Doubles 1. Cliff Price Art Thomson 2. Owen Gillen Ken Jantz

Tie 3. Terry Addison Allen Shapter

Men's 55 Doubles 1. Jim Schwitters John Somerville

2. Eddy Lim John O'Malley

Men's 60 Doubles 1. Bob Hill Eldon Rowe

2. Paul Crone Albert Rogers


3. Gerry Perry John Williams

1992 Rankings Men's 65 Doubles 1. George Dru!iner Ben Press

2. Victor Ebbesen Lou Graves Men's 75 Doubles

1. Ed Serues John Huber Women's Open Singles 1. 2. 3. 4.

Jami Yonekura Tracy Houk-Kuhn Kim Barry Laura Glitz

5. 6. Tie 7. 7.

Usa Seemann

Jenni Goodling Susie Campbell Heather Hairston

7. 7. 7. 12.

Judy Newman Michele Sniffen Marisa Stone Kilmeny Waterman

Women's 35 Singles 1. Susan Dillinger 2. Diane Selke

Tie 3. Genevieve Leavitt

3. Serena Quarelli Women's 40 Singles

1. Lisa Spaulding

2. Nancy Ansboury Women's 45 Singles

1. Judy Louie

2. Jeanette Paddock

3. Sheryl Behne

Women's 50 Singles 1. Ursula Harris

2. Helen Valenti Women's 55 Singles

1. Avis Murray

2. Betty Walsh Women's 65 Singles

1. Anna Kuykendall

2. Jane Hecht Women's Open Doubles

1. Carol Coparanis Lisa Moldrem 2. Jenni Goodling Laura Glitz

3. Heather Hairston Tor; Plunkett Tie 4. Tracy Houk-Kuhn Judy Newman Women's 35 Doubles

1. Martha Downing Cheryl McLaughlin

2. Susan Dillinger Diane Selke Women's 45 Doubles

1. Judy Louie Jeanette Paddock

2. Sheryl Behne Cathy Lombardo


4. Tracy Houk-Kuhn Marisa Stone 5. Usa Seemann

Michele Sniffen

1992 Rankings Women's 50 Doubles 1. Arlene Deardorff Diane Elliott

2. Corinne Fagerburg Helen Valenti

Women's 55 Doubles 1. Avis Murray Betty Walsh

2. Janet Hecht Anna Kuykendall

Mixed Doubles Tie 9. Rill Baxter 1. Mike Fedderly Tie 5. Steven Glass Louanne Melone Suzanne lzmirian Lisa Seemann 2. Mauricio Achondo 5. Victor Palafox 9. Stephen GordonPoorman Brigit Fink-Jensen Beth Barden 5. Brad Richison Ashlee Ashba Tie 3. Blase Keating Candice Kopetzki Kilmeny Waterman 6. Tony Womeodu 3. Dennis McWilliams Kristi McCormick Lynn McWilliams


USPTA Education Credits USPTA offers many ways to earn education credits The educational opportunities at USPT A are vast. The education program has leapt from 73 courses or activities in 1989, to 335 in 1993. To learn about these courses, seminars, workshops, and the dates they are offered, simply call the Membership Department at (713) 97-USPTA. Only one year remains to acquire points in this first three*year period. The Continuing Education Program is not intended to be punitive and requires a professional to accumulate nine (9) credits over a designated three-year period. Specific credits do not carry from one three-year period to the next. If a professional earns more than nine credits, he or she cannot carry the credits to the next term. As the Continuing Education Program became effective January 1, 1991, the first designated three-year period is from January t, 1991 to December 3 t, 1993. The requirements are prorated for members who join in the middle of a three-year period. For example, if a pro joined on January 1, 1992, he or she must acquire only six (6) credits by December 31, 1993. Exemptions Some USPTA members are exernpt from the Continuing Education Program. These members include: International members, including those professionals in Canada and the United States possessions and territories. These members are exempt from the program until such time that USPTA can provide an adequate number of educational offerings in international locations. Senior members who are 60 and over, no longer teach, and receive some form of retirement compensation other than military benefits (i.e., Social Security benefits or other pension payments). If you qualify for this exemption, you will retain your active membership status without the need to accumulate education credits. Simply submit proof to the Education Coordinator that you qualify, such as a photocopy of a benefit check. Honorary members Affiliate and club members Credit report card In the first quarter of every year, a letter and a credit certificate or "report card" is sent to every member who has acquired educational points. The certificate lists the courses taken and the credits accrued so far during the current three-year period. A credit verification form is included so that the member may list those courses for which he or she didn't get credit, but should have; or to appeal incorrect information. Members who do not have credits listed in the USPT A educational database receive only the letter and the appeal form. If you take an approved course which is not reflected on that year's credit report, send verification of attendance (photocopies only, no originals, please) with either the completed credit verification form, or a brief explanatory note, to the Education Coordinator at the World Headquarters. The corrections will show up on the report card sent at the beginning of the next year; you will not be sent a new report.


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National Convention

National Convention gets "Back to Beaches, Backhands and Boca"

The 1993 USPTA National Convention is scheduled Sept. 18-26 at Boca Raton Resort and Club in Boca Raton, Fla. The Florida Division is proud to host the 66th annual convention and invites all USPTA members to get "Back to Beaches, Backhands and Boca." Education event earns credits

The USPTA National Convention allows pros to earn more than three years' worth of credits in the USPTA Continuing Education Program. Nationally known speakers will headline more than 50 seminars covering topics such as career management, business, managing a pro shop, new sport science discoveries and innovative tennis-teaching techniques, Specialty Courses and a Certification Training Course also are scheduled.

Awards to recognize top Association leaders The annual Awards Breakfast, set for Wednesday, Sept. 22, will honor USPTA members for their yearly accomplishments and tenure. Featured awards include: Player of the Year (male and female), Coach of the Year, High School Coach of the Year, Touring Coach of the Year, Professional of the Year, Division of the Year and Division Newsletter of the Year. Other categories

honored include USTAIUSPTA Public Service Award, Years of Service and Master Professionals. The state of the Association, its goals and accomplishments are presented to USPTA pros, industry leaders and guests.

It's nol ail work and no play There's plenty to do when the seminars and matches are over. Divisions compete in the non-traditional sports events that make up the "Battle of the Divisions." These zany races and contests feature volleyball, a water balloon toss, pingpong, dinghy boat races and the popular lip sync contest. The Midwest Division captured the winning trophy in '92 and will go back to Boca to defend its title.


National Convention Tournaments provide competition and entertainment Mark Fairchi!ds and Jami Yonekura will have the opportunity to defend their '92 singles titles at the USPTA National Championships. Along with singles competition, players can round up partners for the team events. Every member should take advantage of this great opportunity to compete with their fellow pros.

Nightly entertainment provides food, fun Each night of convention week, USPT A and other sponsors host evening cocktail parties offering live entertainment, refreshments and a party atmosphere. It's a great time to relax, meet fellow professionals and have some fun.

Even tennis pros need a vacation The National Convention in Boca Raton is the perfect opportunity to plan a vacation. Located on Florida's Gold Coast. the Boca Raton Resort and Club boasts a five-star rating and offers 29 clay tennis courts, two 18-hole golf courses and 223 acres inhabited by exotic birds and tropical flowers. USPTA members can take advantage of discounts offered by airlines and the resort. To get the best prices, make reservations early through the USPTA travel agency, SIS, at (800) 338-6996. Start making plans to get "Back to Beaches, Backhands and Boca" at the 1993 USPTA National Convention at Boca Raton Resort and Club.

Boca Raton Resort and Club Photo by Tom Fagan/Phototastic


USPTA Endorsement Program

USPT A Endorsement Program USPT A would like to express its sincere appreciation and thanks to the following companies and products for their ongoing support. Funds from these programs are used to improve the benefits and activities for tennis~teaching professionals. USPTA encourages all members to support these endorsements, both at the national and divisional levels.

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USPTA Geographic Divisions

USPTA Geographic Divisions California-San luis Obispo, Kern, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, Ventura and Los Angeles Counties

Northern California-Northern California and the City of Reno, Nevada

Eastern-New York and part of New Jersey within area code 201

Northwest-Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota


Pacific Northwest-Washington, Oregon and Alaska

Hawaii-Hawaiian Islands

Intermountain-Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming and all of Nevada except the City of Reno

San Diego • -San Diego and Imperial Counties

International-Foreign Members

Middle Atlantic-Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia and District of Columbia

Southern-Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and the City of Texarkana, Texas

Middle Slates-Delaware, Pennsylvania and part of New Jersey within area code 609

Southwest-Arizona, New Mexico and the City of El Paso, Texas

Midwest-Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin

Texas-All of Texas except El Paso and Texarkana

Missouri Valley-Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Oklahoma

U.S. Territories and CanadaCanada, Guam, American Samoa, Virgin Islands, Northern Marianas Island, Puerto Rico and Freely Assoc. States in Marshall Islands

National-American Citizens or legal immigrants working outside the

continental USA and Hawaii New England-Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont

"Members from Orange and Riverside Counties may be in either the California or San Diego divisions at their option,



Division Officers and Members CALIFORNIA DIVISION Ed Adams, 3rd Vice President

Mark Hirtler, President Hank lloyd, Regional Vice President louis Drobnick Ill, 2nd Vice President

CAliFORNIA Agoura Hills Tom P Dundis Brian J Hanna Craig L Harter Craig Heinberg Alhambra Andreas Weyermann Apple Valley Jack A Gerber Kathleen Gerber James (Dick) Grisham Arroyo Grande Garett Brown Lenny Delos Santos Jack Thompson Atascadero Joanna A Santarsiere Azusa

Jack A Carter Bakersfield Alan Hodges Barbara Johnston Gary Perreira Henry (Hank) Pfister Mark T Sieving Steve L Williford Balboa Maryann Colville Barstow Theris Brown Bellflower Penny Johnson Beverly Hills Barbara Fowler Borrego Springs L Gary Lindstrom

Carrie Cimino, 4th Vice President

Rodger Lolley, Secretary/Treasurer Don Gomsi, Tester Bob Parker, Executive Secretary

Brea Jim Martinez Buena Park Richard R Slick, Burbank Va he Gazarian Calabasas M Andrew Berenson Barbara Dunn Stuart Hutchison Dexter C MacBride Calipatria Gilbert A Duran Camarillo Douglas A G Hull Harvey Mardyks Walter Ruckert Cambria Karen A Duncan

Andrew Gordon Canoga Park Randall E Berg Marvin C Jones Bruce S Lavelle Patty K M1tchell Robert (Bob) Mitchell Capistrano Beach Dustin M Skellett Carpinteria Tom R Horton Cathedral City Michael W Fedderly, Jr Patrick Paster Claremont Lisa M Beckett Ellis Coats Corona Sheri Un Norris


Corona Del Mar Judy Louie Eugene S Rhodes Dan C Tibbetts Costa Mesa David Abella Vasile T Beches Jack Ed Burt Bill Cady Jonathan A Flagg Mark Hirtler James Liu Glenn Morton

Randolph R Myers, Ill Mario Parker Ross A Perron Michael Rehtorik Colo de Caza David Allen Gallardo Paul MacDonald Covina Chico W Bonner Culver City Jerome K Jones Matthew A Leventhal Cypress Jacinto Navarro Bacani Kenneth R Wyant Dana Point Brad Albert Michael T Ellerby Barbara Lemberg Steven R Mumford Diamond Bar Philip Chau Fan Su El Segundo Judy Kolar El Toro Donald Alger

CALIFORNIA DIVISION Bill H Reynolds Richard Trager Encino Edward Charles Gordon L Davis Leon E December

Alex Olmedo Stephen Paper Fallbrook Carolyn Armbrust Foothill Ranch Jill Isaacs Mullin Forest Falls Ralph J Rabago Fountain Valley Christopher J Hirtler Denis S Moss

Linda Newby Peter N Pham Garden Grove Edward Adams Gardena Jamen M Carrizosa Glendale Leon Cisin Juan J Jose Vigen Khanlarian

Jung B Kim Phronie Sanders David H Smith William Stanley Glendora Scott A Carter Glen L Eugenio Goleta Moira C Albano Granada Hills Jaime Barajas Edwin Kerr

Pamela Stewart Hacienda Heights Ragland Cooper Hawthorne Mesake P Latu Hermosa Beach Kevin T Brady Kip T Brady Vickie R Corrales Janet Grossman V Steve Hunt Lawrence F Johnson, Jr Russell W Kenney

Stuart Levchenko Bob Parker Keith A Reynolds Scott Smith Thomas L Trondson Judy Murphy Whittle Hesperia Ric J Moore Highland Stephen T Collins David G Sabens Hollywood Barry R Butcher Huntington Beach Charles C (Corky) Carroll Dan M Generaux

Cheryl K Moore Hank Moravec William W Moravec Wojtek Pietrowski Douglas Puckett Jennifer J Slattery Indio Christopher S McGowan Inglewood Oscar Johnson

Bwana Chakar Simba Irvine Michael J Birnbaum Jamie T Blatman Charles E Brymer William DeRango Christopher F Emery Allan P Iverson James M Jensen Greg Langdon Gary C Russell Mauricio Sousse Kevin G Steele Steven D Sweet Kevin Matthew Twer

Dimitrios Valiotis William S Zidbeck La Canada Robert Risinger

La Habra Michael W Tiberg La Quinta John R Austin Jackie Cooper Alan Foster John McGinty Jim Stevens


Stan Tamura

La Verne Barry S Friedman Adelbert Tallett LaCanada Charles Stewart Laguna Beach Christian M Dunk Charles R Kingman Laguna Hills Muriel A Bard Laguna Niguel Robert Marc Bernstein

Margaret A Cilano Sarah Jacquiline Fletcher Luzanna A Malec Larry P Scalia Lake Forest Samuel M Olson Thomas Warfel Lakewood Norman Ashbrooke lancaster Kurt J Webendorter Loma Linda William C Kreger Long Beach AI Bray's Tennis Shop Michelle Archuleta Mitchell D Bridge Marty Chiu Benny L Crigger Carol Dennis James A Dickinson Peter J Fahey Gary Gibbons Ernest R lves Cathy Lynn Jacobson Melvin T Lew Raul Montoya Sandra L Rose Tom R Wright Los Alamitos Fernando Molina

los Angeles Charles Arthur Anna M Baden Jonathan Bailin, MA Sergiu Boerica Ulysses Brown David Byun Allen Ray Calhoun Terrance D Chambers

CALIFORNIA DIVISION Eleanor B (Ellie) Compton Larry E Donaldson Jon Flanagan Richard C Grant David路 L Hagler Bob Holm Linda S Howell Robert J Kelleher Zachary Kleiman Jack Kramer Ki E Kroll Michael K Lanahan Anne G Lewis Kevin Lyons Clayton P Maynor Edward Miller Brian Y Newhall David Olmedo Michael A Presby Vlado Ruzicka Richard Saunders Wendy Schwartz AI Secunda James K Sweeney George Toley Daniel M Upton Richard P Williams Barbara Wintroub Edward G Wolin Roily Zalameda Los Osos Shelly C Hanna Malibu Bruce Bates

Chappell Development Louis Drobnick, Ill Forrest Stewart Mammoth Lakes William Altaffer Manhattan Beach Linda L Howard Mark E McGuire Robert G McKeegan Michael R Murphy George M Suta Marina Del Rey Ronald L Allison Rodger Lolley Patrick Q Page Mark R Taube Menifee Stephen L Vorhees Monarch Beach Chuck McQuady

Palisades Highlands Moorpark Eric E Quiroz Bruce J Proctor N Hollywood Palm Desert Melinda (Mindy) Carol Alexander McCarthy路Oki Greg Cosgrove Gregory M Offers Thad Ferguson Eck Stone Randy Houston Kalina A Matis Newport Beach Carl Schroeder Sydney H Ball Conrad Woods Jay Burchett Palm Springs Ross L Case Bettyann Dent Larry Kast Phil C Dent Brian A Pauli Roy Emerson Bill Rose Alvin Robert Gardiner Palmdale Mark B Nickless Douglas C Wallace Robert A (Bob) Ogle Palos Verdes Estates Julia E Kurt Kredel O'Shaughnessy Bob Krueger Patty Phillips Eric Troll Robyn Ray Robert Vanthof Pasadena James T (Ted) Ron Calderon Winston Fermin Davila Northridge William Detrich Michael Jackson Robert S Childers Karen Elizabeth Robert R (Bob) Nelson Famiglietti Karen Cooperman Placentia Hampshire Bill Etchegaray Lois L Hunt Playa Del Rey Pierre P Mareschal Carrie Cimino Kirk Shoemaker Margaret A Reilly Paul H Wolff Pomona Norwalk Michael Muscare Richard John Acosta Pt Hueneme Oceanside Andy Davidson Mark R Johnson Rancho Mirage Ojai Rod Laver Samuel F Hirschberg Rancho Palos Verdes Orange Robert Fullerton Brandon D Garr II Yoon Kwon Gregory Jablonski Skip Redondo Steve F Johnson Ronald Allen Metcalf Rch Santa Margarita Richard D (Rick) Miller Curtis Lemley Michael J Nelson Philip D Lully Shawnie C Suica Sondra Lynn Mitchell Pacific Palisad Redlands Harold H Hemus Ronald A Clark Ronald J Hightower Gary J George Mary Schoop Donald Gomsi Pacific Palisades Gabriel B Jacob Richard Jimenez Don Gaynor Donald D Locke Ernest Schoop


CALIFORNIA DIVISION Jane K Roberts Wallace A Sanchez Robert L Schweid Redondo Beach Jeff Abbey William G Dunkle Lori M Higgins Michael A Irwin Del Little David Lewis Mahoney

Kurt A Rothman Reseda Jeffrey Brenner

Gary Deckert Edward F Kleinman Riverside

Chris Boyle Rn Palos Verdes Dennis Rizza Rolling Hills Troy A Bond Rolling Hills E Lee DeYoung Rosemead Stone Lin S Laguna John Prickitt S Pasadena H Thomas Leonard

San Clemente Susan Arias William Arias Harold G Ertel! Brad Parks Melinda Smith Wheelchair Tennis San Gabriel Edwardo A Escobedo San Juan Capist Dennis Killelea San Luis Obispo Amy Barber Paul E Fiala Richard A Woodroof San Marino Christopher S Dundas San Pedro Thomas S Kunz Geoffrey Martinez Santa Ana Mary Fry Robert Litrich Will Marino

Roger Page Chuck Pate, Jr Santo Puzzo Debbie Strombeck Santa Barbara Mark C Basham Gary R Bellomy Sinclair K Bill Todd F Bowles Vic Brown Crandall S Edwards Dr Silas K Everett Brad R Gillan Ricky C Hagenbuch Robert Boyd Harrington Calvin J Hatchett Miguel P Hernandez John P Kinsella Peter Allyn Kirkwood Michele L Krause Clark H Loughridge Carla J Moseley Scott R Seagren Thomas P Sheehan Lisa B Spaulding Dale E Yates Brian G Young Santa Margarita Robert Castle Vane Santa Maria David C Dantzer Cheryl D Gunlock Ron E James Maynor A Santizo Herbert VonHammerstein Santa Monica Kenneth Bauer

Steven Bellamy Mark C Heffernan, PhD Alice Middleton Paul T Nakatsuka Bill Roberti Peter Robutka Seigo Takei Andrew Thurm Seal Beach Peter Sanderson Sherman Oaks Mark I Antes Eugene Barr Arthur Green Steve Hosohama Tony E Moran


Sierra Madre Nolie Howard Signal Hill Stephen Robert Kaplan Simi Valley Nancy Belgum-Schmidt Mary Stack Curtin Marc Majdick Paul Steele Solvang Don Marz Lisa Seemann Somis Wayne Bryan David McKinney Studio City Steven M Kuechel Summerland Timothy Howell Vini Aurae Taft Denee E Signorelli Tarzana Niesi Sie

Paul J Xanthos Temecula Michael R Hobson Rex D Huxford Christian J Jochum Templeton John C Siemens Thousand Oaks Erick Baer Mike Gennette Bowie Hahn Catherine A Lombardo Alejandra Ordonez Herb M Rapp Douglas Sherman Toluca Lake Joseph C Testa Topanga William C Porter P Christopher Robb Torrance Pedro P Alipio, Jr Michael Campagna John Carrizosa Nicolaus Getz Karen C Grouwinkel

CALIFORNIA DIVISION Kenneth M Hance Yuko Ono Hasegawa Roberto A Hassey George J Sulc Trabuco Canyon Vic Braden

Tujunga Don Marett Tustin Howard M Luttrell Upland Steve A Futchko Valencia Steven C Glass Stanley R Oley David Valastro Van Nuys Shannon E Gordon-Carney Larry H Link

Markos Papas Prasoon Wilson Venice

Adam J Burt Dwayne R Howard Jeffrey Normile Ventura Stan Cartwright John R McCampbell Thomas J Rohrbacher W Hills John A Oddino Bert N Royden w Hollywood Roger Bruce Alexander M Tresch W los Angeles Woody M Bradshaw Stanley Singer Caryn C Wilson

Westlake Richard Maytorena

Westlake Village Edwin R Davis, IV Mila Horak Suzanne lzmirian

Ron Nielson Marianne Zaugg

Whittier H John Bates Woodland Hills Dick Dawson Mary Pat Faley Steve Kokonis Desi McBride William M McClain Yorba Linda Felix A Colffer Billy Higgins Hank Lloyd Donna K Smith

EASTERN DIVISION Kay Konove, President Steve Diamond, Regional Vice President Gordon Kent, 1st Vice President Kevin McGlynn, 2nd Vice President

NEW JERSEY Allendale Jane Eoff Andover George F Roser Augusta Ann G Bain Basking Ridge Victor E DeSalvo Bayonne Joseph A Caputo Berkeley Heights Gina Rose Genovese

Bloomfield Charles G Lundgren Branchville Dick Malmstrom Cedar Grove William L Wing

Rosemary DeHoog, SecretaryiT reasurer Diane O'Brien, Recording Secretary

Ray Tucker, Head Tester

Chatham Barbara Mangan

Delaney John Lerch Asim S Sengun Clark Hilde Manhardt Cliffside Park Sean F Fennessy Cranford Jeffrey H Brandes Denville Sue Aery Dumont Susan Trethewey E Brunswick

Harvey C Altschul Richard I Katz Hal Wernik


E Hanover Kathy Mueller Rohan Elmwood Park Ronald A Schreiber Emerson

Nausher K Madan Essex Fells Sharon Ellis Fair Lawn Jonas Gold Fairfield Phillip Rieckert Flanders James L (Jim) Gregor Flemington Bill Sturgess Florham Park Martha J Hannas Franklin lakes William Cerelli


Freehold Marc Goldberg William J Martire Fl lee Osamu Tagawa

Dick Thompson Glen Gardner Richard D Bleck Glen Rock Michael S McGuire Hackensack Kenneth D Lieber Mark Russo

Highland Park Bradley Werner Hillsdale Paul A Moczarski Hoboken Wendy E Lang R Neumann & Company Irvington Robert R Bynum Nestor R Gramatica

Iselin Jim Annesi

Jersey City Tharakeswara

Basappa Rafael Fuentes Lake Hiawatha J Alan Hilsinger Little Falls Mitchell G Rubenstein Long Valley Robert Perkins

Gregg Presuto Madison James R Van Lieshout Mahwah Dieter F Ehlermann

Thomas Mounkhall Maplewood John J Trinity Lew E Wolfe Marlboro Joseph Cuccurullo Matawan Vincent Olson

Maywood Walter Montenegro Medford Vijay S Paul Metuchen Kevin J Jackson Middletown Dana P Russell Millburn Peggy H Schick Monmouth Beach Karin R Guzmann

Montclair Ramu V Raju Dennis M Ross

Montville Mick Ferguson

Morganville Mary R Mottola Morristown Elizabeth Csipkay Cindy Greenberg-Reuter Omar A Sebastian Murray Hill Scot Collins N Bergen Marla Zeller N Brunswick Kevin M Hudson

David Rosenberg Neptune Raymond M Kuzava Richard W Wright Neptune City Nancy M Goss Robert Goss Edward A Torres New Milford Anthony S Bencivenga

New Providence William J Tyrrell Newark Michael A Sancho Newlon Caterina Cherichella Nutley Marinka B Bliss John Brovaco Jeffry B Dumansky


Stuart T Gerechoff Pat Lanni Oakland Barry D Ruback John Russo Christopher Stagg Oradell William R Araneo

Orange Willie Washington Palisades Park Dominick DeCarlo Paramus

Gary Goldzweig Park Ridge Gail lngis Brian K Nelson Plainfield Josiah G Hatt Lob-Ster, Inc John Rachlin Ramsey Robert Reiss Red Bank Robert Abbot Thomas W Cuming Ridgewood Marvin P Benzing

Kim Carter Tony Fusco

Philip Loguidice Dennis Oricchio River Edge Kiyohiro Matsui River Vale Marc A Verebey Rockaway J Roberto Nunez Rumson

John M O'Shea S Orange Peter M Mele Scotch Plains Jack Bucca Sea Girt Geoffrey M Gilchrist Sean McCarthy Short Hills Robert M Beck Somerset David E Schobel

EASTERN DIVISION Spring lake Timothy J Sabins Springfield John L Delloiacono Frank ¡M Leite

Succasunna Elliot A Lovi Summit Joan F Hannas Cecilia Lopez-Arnold Tenafly Michael H Goitein Tatsumi Okuda Upper Montclair Craig Fitzpatrick, Jr Kevin McGlynn Norma D Meador Andrew F Smith Vernon

Manuel Yanes Verona Steve Diamond David T Wight W Orange Paul H Gross Gerard Picariello

Robert Stafutti Alphonse V Sully Larisa Vaynberg Westampton Dennis C Van

Poortvliet Westfield Kim Selert Westwood Robert F Cavanagh Michael Oppenheim Wyckoff Cathleen A Giannelli

NEW YORK Accord John W Moore, Jr Adams Basin Robert P Malnati Akron Tensar Structures, Inc Albany Marion Sykes Altamont James H Elgie Stevan P Kuzman

Amherst Robert J Mack Amityville Marion Brown Paul K Willenbrock, Jr Armonk Peter A Fiore

Elliott Ogden Astoria A Armand Ferrara

Anne C Kucienski

Baldwin John A Varricchio Bay Shore Bruce J Forsythe Bayside Bernice Goldstein Igor Malinsky Walter N Sabrin William C Taussig Bayville Timothy Mangan Bellmore Jeffrey S Borenstein Bellport Shizue !wai

Binghamton Jerome P Kilmer Brian Thomas Brewster James M Collins Mary F Conklin Robert G Conklin Robert Elliott Peter L Smith Briarcliff Manor Kay Konove

Bronx Dennis N Aran

Scott L Blumberg Michael Del Prete Christopher G Lacopo Ayo S Obi Gloria Ross Mark R Spooner Donald G Sylva Bronxville Dorothy (Dede) Adolph Ronald Barnes Bronxville Field Club Inc Jaime DeCarvalho


George Tarangioli Alan W Waidelich Brooklyn Charles J Anastasio Arnold Benjamin George 0 Brame Paul G Campbell Stephen Carberry Joseph Cerate Charles A DeBenedittis Murray Eisenstadt Leonid Gitis David Glackin Barry Goldsmith Peter H Gunter Peter Heffernan Donald F X Hume Nancy A Jones Robert Lempert James A Malone, PhD Anthony Mitchel Shabir M Mohamed Robert R Myerson Susan Rende Joanne Sheeler Liz G Shweky Todd E Snyder Lee J Sutor Raymond Tucker Bullalo Dr Bob Gamble

Carle Place Jonathan R Klein

Carmel Oscar Wegner

Centerport Karl B Sommer Central Islip Julio Aaron Yacub


Henry w Kimmel Chittenango Jack Pepiot Clay Robb E Peterson Clifton Park S Troy Felland John E Jasinski

Cohoes Gerard E Cuva Wayne A Emerick College PI Cathie D Delaney

EASTERN DIVISION Commack Walter J Des Aosiers Cornwall Christopher P Dugan Cornwall on Hudson Ron Holmberg Cortlandt Manor Charles Hardman Croton Dennis Morgan De Witt Rosemary L DeHoog Demar Mike Friedman Dobbs Ferry Scott M Shannon E Elmhurst Allen J DuBois E Hampton Craig A Karlebach E Meadow Bonnie M Toder

E Norwich Richard Bustamante

Dominic H Ciatardini E Patchogue Anders Cohen E Quogue Thomas J Bass, Jr E Rockaway Robert M (Mark) Harrison E Syracuse Robert Cofer Ellenville Fred Rubin Elmhurst Frank Wai Tong Tsui Elmira Philip Levkanich Elmont Joseph N Walker Endicott Paul A Catan Fairport Ron Dyson Barbara G Smith Frank Fast Meadow Ira Mittleman

Floral Park Lou Ballato Louis Vallejo Flushing Jana J Hunsaker Catherine McCollum Forest Hills Stephanie Bird Joseph Nash Michael Silverman Freeport Daniel Burgess William P Gordon Kim Hutchinson Louis J Hutchinson, II Gansevoort Stewart P Stearns Glen Cove Ed Freeman Janet L Ossanna-Steidle Jeff E Thompson Goldens Bridge Catharine K Dietz Grahamsville Pravin Singh Great Neck Clifford Leeds Rick Liebman William D Notar Roman Shklyar Harrison Joshua Schraeter Hartsdale Christopher Casanova Thomas D Kapp Hauppauge Lisa R Gnann Haverstraw Charles E Sanders, Jr Hicksville Stewart Becker Honeoye Falls David Strebel Carol Weymuller Frederick Weymuller Hopewell Junction Kennis W Collins Huntington Michael T Casey Christopher Cordano Kevin Masih


Richard R Rottkamp Bob Schmidt Herb Zeese Hyde Park Timothy D Smith Island Park Angelo Bacciotti

Michael Kleban Islip Thomas Jaklitsch Jamaica Kinde Taye Katonah Joseph F Roediger Robert W Schewior Kew Gardens Andres Castro James G Martin Renie Sokolowski Kings Park Andrew Phillips Lake Placid John H Stevenson Larchmont Marcelo Ferreira Paul A Fontana Latham Bruce Negri Levittown William C Keese Liverpool Kari J Larson Usa C Penta Lockport David N Shambach Locust Valley Monica Maria Pineda Long Island Andrew Bustamante Long Island Cly Nicolai Egnell Lynbrook Stuart Bailin Mamaroneck Gregory E Anderson Martin Vinokur Manhasset Magda Rurac Edward Schmidt Kristine M Simpson

EASTERN DIVISION Manlius Dru Ackert Kitty Barrett James E Crane Maspeth Glen Howe Massapequa Michael (Scot) Buff Massapequa Park David Reuben Melville Betsy Seligman Merrick Samuel Scherek James Webber Miller Place Cynthia Grauer Mohegan Lake Cecil Green, Jr Moravia Kenneth J Wilcox Mt Kisco Judy Barta Mark D Passman Hank Quinn George R Wisniewski

N Bellmone Joseph P Cantasano N Tarrytown Louie Da Silva Polly Waldman N Tonawanda Arthur W Johnson N Woodmere Robert Kessler Nanuet Bruce C Wild Neponsil Arthur M Cowan New City Scott A Slobin New Rochelle Nicholas J Pingitore New York Arthur Ashe Philippe Barcessat Sanford Baruch Chuck Blackwell Frank A Castaldini Paul A Chambers Andrew Chu Russell Cormier

Dr Stan B Dawkins Linda E Denis Selwyn L Duke Eve Ellis Eve Ellis School of Tennis Hank Fenton Eric S Forman Marion C Gengler Florin Giuglescu James A Goodman Stephen C Grill Avner Hacohen Marshall Happer, Ill Andreae K Hoosty Ernie Katko Richard Kaufman Gordon Kent Danielle Robin Klurman Thomas C Kramer Edward H Letteron Walter Levis Sydney Llewellyn Marcus Ludwig Alan Luper Dawn M MacNutt Wendy J Marks Alastair B Martin Mark McCormack Heme\ Meghani-Cosme Nick E Monogenis Kirk D Moritz Peter 0\brys Joseph F Perez Brian Poling Maureen Rankine John F Relkin Scott T Rowlands Robert Ryland Butch Seewagen Stanton J Smith Robert F Soneru Daniel M Swartz Knute Syvrud Jonahiby Tauil Tennis Week

James C Thompson Timandra Inc John V Volsteedt Paul Waldman Gary Wilensky Gary Zelman William M Zuerlein Newburgh AI Silvestri


Northport Mark F Graham Miriam P Graham

Oceanside Mark G Beares Old Westbury Frank Pisciotta Michael W Schroeder Ossining David Kaufman

Oswego Lee C Burling Peekskill Chris Gilroy Pelham Paul McNamara

Penfield Deanna Rios·Kernan Pittsford Allyson G Farlow David E Perlman Gwendolyn Ritchie William Schell Jeff S Wagstaff Marc S White Plainview Sharon Spiegel Carrie Strum

Pleasantville Peter Hoopes Poughkeepsie P A N Capeline Kenneth M Harrison

Anthony R Landolfa Steven Sheer Poughquag First Bounce, Inc Pound Ridge Jeffrey Aarts PI Washington Patrick J Breen Albert Dennis Lattimore Robert L Litwin Melin Ozturk Gul T Riaz Jimmy Riaz Tom Rios Millo R Rooi Sam Shore Purchase Thomas A Wey, Jr

EASTERN DIVISION Remsenburg Donald C Miller Ridgewood Lillo Casesa

Riverdale Dr Robert F Greene Rochester John M Barbagallo Roy G Coopersmith Elizabeth A Derry Kurt Engebrecht Steve Gallagher linda Gahagan Spike G Gonzales Eric F Jaeckel Michael J Kelly Peter Lyman Barbara C Miller Ann Nealon

Ronald D Pinsky Bruce Rehbach Sommer Schmeiske· Tiller Chauncey Street Rockville Centre Scott Anderson Somnath lyer Roosevelt Island Robert lngersole Bill Karigiannis Roslyn Heights James Friscia

Adria Price Robert Wagner Round Top Keith Hubbard Rye Dale Balun Walter Campbell Wayne Marshall S Salem Bid K Goswami Mark A Krebs Sag Harbor Lia B Southwick

Saratoga Springs Robert Rios Rodney N Whalen Sayville Otto J Kubelle Scarsdale Peter D Bell Joel Ross

Schenectady Bill Coffey Stanley 8 Majerowski Anna Means

Sea Cliff Waseem Noor Ernest E Norris

Shoreham Thomas C Cahill Skaneateles Robert M Gifford Smithtown Frank S Colletti Southampton Douglas DeGroot Spring Valley Brian Joseph Yegidis Sl James Ann Moore Staten Island James Barton

Terry H Daniels Stony Brook John B Lapham Stormville Gaurav Misra Stuyvesant James J Armstrong Syosset Robert Glickman Da Ni L Narizzano Edward Sinclair Start Fitness System Tennis Conrad W Tyras Syracuse Jay D Cohen


Mike Kardasz Alfred Romeo Gary D Schulterbrandt Steven B Underwood Tarrytown James Gordon King, Ill Troy John M Koller Uniondale Michael Lee Utica Richard H Mclaughlin Michael F Pfisterer Valley Cottage Fernando (Fred) Pinho W Harrison Gregg Tomberlin Waterford David J Marra Webster Joseph Lawandus Westbury Guillermo Oropez Ronald Rebhuhn Wheatley His Richard Tom White Plains Robert DeGray Windham Jonathan C Spear Woodbury Robert W Harjes Woodhaven Pat R Mosquera Woodmere Stan Nielsen Yonkers Allan M Canine David Gilbert Berj B Kalpak Walter (Tex) Schwab Yorktown Heights Patrick A Rogers


FLORIDA DIVISION Harry Gilbert, President Mark McMahon, Regional Vice President Jim Hahn, Vice President Ed Kraus, Vice President

FlORIDA Altamonte Springs Richard A Comyns Jeffrey A Davis Ronald Grasha Charles A O'Brien Wm Todd Rudland Amelia island David W Jenkins John A Morris Edmond R Sahag, Jr Tracy J Smythe Charles Talbert Apollo Beach Chet D Benson Apopka Louis J Ballantyne Jesus A (Tony) Fernandez Atlantic Beach Ronald E Lague W Sperry Lee, Jr Jacquelyn L Pou Gordon Zakett Atlantis Christina E Turdo Auburndale Cy Smith Aventura Mark Newberry Babson Park Sally Knight Boca Grande Jeffrey S Solomon Kristi Lyn Spangenberg Boca Raton Bucky Adams Timothy L Allen Roger H Ashcroft Scott Barr

Paula Scheb, Vice President Jim Hahn, Treasurer

Kevin McCarthy, Secretary Paula Scheb, Testing Chairman Peggy Aiello, Executive Secretary

Dagmar Bezecny Jeffrey L Bingo Boca Lago Country Club Warren Bosworth Richard Centerbar Rick J Crutcher lneke V Fischer Jonathan M Fisher Barry W Friedman Kim Fyfe Chuck Gill David V Giza Dennis W Grainger

Michael S Grammen Daniel P Gray Kenneth W Gurney, Jr Drew I Hafets Jim Hahn Duncan Hall A Thomas Hill Alan Holden Paul AJ Hope Robert F Kenny Don Kerbis Michael P Knauer Keith Kovach Whitney T Kraft Edward W Kraus Kirby W Krauter Roy Laird Richard A Landry Joseph Langlois William (C W) Lewis Amy Sue Lipka John M Lively Robert A Lopilato Jennifer A Lowndes Jay M Martin Mario E Martinez

Elliott Merles Gregory Moussette Chuck Narvin Mark K Noble Gene Nolan


Juan Nunez Jim O'Brien

M Gordon O'Reilly The Polo Club Boca Raton lan Andrew Post Christy L Rankin Todd S Roth Susan Vinton Rubin Kerry Safier

Karen L Seguso Ron Shapiro Patrick Mikel Sheahan Erik Silver

Len Simard William Simmers Arthur Sinett Stephen M Smith Arthur F Snow David E Spital Gregory M Stephanides Jacquelin Symonds Felicia Tebon Tennis Insights, Inc R J Tessier Jill W Vallandigham Harry Walker Eric C Wall Greg W Wheaton Steven C Williams Ted P With all Edward S Wyrzykowski, Jr Steve Yankello Kari Ann Yerg Bokeelia Kevin D Watts Bonita Springs Paul N Bakken Dennis B Burns Dale Gibbons Glenn Kommer Armor Persons

FlORIDA DIVISION David A Smith Boynton Beach Robert Boutin, Jr Eric W Clowers Susan Goodman

Rhea D Smith Hagoort

Robert Howell John Joyce Joanne B Prezioso Bradenton Sekou C Bangoura Roger W Blackburn Nick Bollettieri Jane Brandi

Gregory Breunich Chip Brooks Roger Browne Mark A Davis C W (Chip) Hart John Jerome Donald F Koechlein Mary Killeen Mullen Luis M Perez

Sergio Rivas John P Robinson William J Romp! Thomas H Shumway Stephen Siebold Paul L Spies Scott Williams Brandon Mary E Seiferd Christine L Shuffield Brooksville Dr Walter Gary Bond, (Gary) Judy J Jeanette Cape Coral Sean D Calderwood Daniel Dagois Nathan S Davis Jeffrey S Diggs Thomas H Funk Michael D Lawver Rich L Snodgrass Casselberry Chris Meyer Clearwater Mary Lacey Bob McGuire Richard S Murray Jerome R Pennie Louis E Presti William Schuette F Scot Segesman

Fred Weinheimer Clermont Gokul Padmanabhan Clewiston Kathleen M lrey Cocoa Beach Amy B Adams Richard Cote John Heiss Jim Poling Coconut Creek Paul L Cranis Scott H Ehrlich Brett A Kurtz Bruce A Kurtz James E Scott Coconut Grove Rich Gilmore Sahil Srivastva Cooper City Robert Allen Cindy K LePrevost Coral Gables David N Beauchamp Butch Buchholz Cliff Buchholz Oscar D Careaga Doris Hart Jim Heacock Merlin Johnson David B Kurtz Francisco H Otalvaro Andrew Rubin Andre J Van Rensburg Ray White Coral Springs Shawn Craig Florida Pro Tennis Association Bob Grossman Clifford R Harris Kendall A Lyon Shawn C Maslow Kevin P McCarthy Mark McMahon Robert Rabinowitz Dan Smithyman D Randy Webb Zygmunt Zieba Crystal River Leo Katz Culler Ridge David Colton


Dade City Thomas J Crosby Dania Patricia N Allison James R King Davie Andres Castellanos

Dennis J DeRome Chuck L Gately Richard A Hoover Marva A Sammons Daryl (Buddy) Walker Daytona Beach James K Loy Deerfield Beach William F Bynum Jack Cooper Ralph Cottam, Jr Irving Guerire Dr Gary Kesl Ken S Ketterer, Jr Luiz A Lobo Dirk Nyren James Tierney Jan R Verstraeten Deland Jean A Heard Lawrence 0 Russ Bill Underhill Delray Beach Ronald L Beekman John R Billington Carl Briggs Dave B Dooley Tara Dunne Eric E Ernstrom Scott N Evans Ed Foster Alan E Frost Kamel Guessoum Alan Holoff Fred C Horenburger Randy P Kenisky George Kostoff Barbara Laporte Stefan J Laporte Elizabeth Miller Elizabeth Rankin-Prewitt Frederick Scott Reinmund David A Rineberg Beverly C Roberts Michal Rubner Thomas Sergio Bob Sloan


FLORIDA DIVISION Robert A Weidenbaum Destin Raudel Barba Myke Bodisch David B Brandt Naser EI-Amad Dennis L Fortenberry Fernando Guarachi Fred Pace Steven R Pennington Englewood Robert C Brusa Robert W Zipay Estero Ronald W (Ron) Fulgenzi Steven Spies Fern Park Brent J Nielson Fernandina Bch Jack Lowe Michelle Letts Watson Flagler Beach Todd J Williams Ft Lauderdale Susan Allshouse Landmesser Rafael F Amor Robert Barickman Rob G Bates James Booth Mark Buckley Patti Burns George Carlsson Russell W Carter Mark Cissel Thomas E Crawford James G Dempsey Yale Estrin James A Evert Philip A Flanagan Benjamin Hanks William D Haag Alan lsenstadt Dean C Kadera Stephen Gary Kennedy Angela Kraemer-White Thomas Krukiel Michael A Kuhle Jack Laser Dixon J Le Vant Yvonne Llarena Lyle Lyon Allan McCormack

Richard G Mongelli Gustavo Palafox Thomas C Parkes Craig Petra Richard L Pleva Jarkko 0 Rintanen Heidi L Rosenbaum Norman S Sapp Norman D Schellenger Dave Shaw Michael D Vaughan Alan Vordermeier Ft Myers Kika Castillo William E Fous George Thomas Fox Guy Germer William J Hannigan Cynthia Massey Jeffcott Lanny Kalpin Kevin S Kearns Tracy A Kelly James R Kridle John S Krinek Mark Nunnally Diane W Richards David Richardson Michael A Savage Stephen D Shortridge Rich A Walker David J Wheeler Christian Zahalka Ft Myers Beach Eugene James (Gene) Collins Ft Pierce John (Jack) Biedenharn Emile 0 de Cuba James W Hanlon Blair M Kuckie Woody Newson Tice F Ryan, Ill Mark A Schleif Shuichi Sugisawa Ft Walton Beach Scott A Gilmore Donald E Kelley Gainesville Bruce Berque Donald Gregory Blair Andres V Brandi Laura Brennan Kathy Carrigan Mike Carrigan


Moses B Chafin Stephen L Dixon Brian Harper Freddie A Johnson Bob Langer Janet R Maharaj Saisnarine Maharaj Marlin Noriega Michael Oransky Vija Purs Edward H Ross Frank B Rubi Michele R Sniffen Robin Whittaker Grenelefe Joy E (Harris) Macci Rick Macci Matthew B Peterson Gull Breeze George Clinton Cobia Eddie W (Buddy) Miles Gulfstream Wendy Overton Haines City P Wynand van den Boom Hallandale AI Silverman Todd M Trombetta Hebe Sound Theron H Bass Thomas J Wallace Dan Warner Hollywood Thomas S Cannes Martin Cooper Michael Cooper Douglas Cote Michael Hofmann Usa Lahiff Leonard J (Dina) Larouche Michael Weinstein Andrew Weston Howey in !he Hills Cesar J Villarroel Hudson R Scott Brooke Indialantic Lee Basey Indian Harbor B Erik D Stennes


John T Baker Islamorada Hank Brenner

Sonia F Stock Jacksonville German J Aguero Susan Bednar-Kirby J P Benjamin, Ill Bigtree Racquet & Fitness Club Laddie V Birge Nancy E Boyette Lee G Brock Daniel Cox Timothy A Davis David J Durrett William N Gist Robert G Hardin Terrell R Motley Thomas Shattuck Roy Sprengelmeyer Daniel F Thiets Harrell R Thomas Leo Vorwerk

Jacksonville Beach Kevin S Anderson William C Macom

Paul W Sindhunatha Jensen Beach William R Borman Katherine Foulk Frank Freehling Jupiter David C Boggs Wellington Bonsecours Mark Harner

Robert D McCutcheon David Nowak Daniel Scotti Robbie Smith Rick Smoliak Key Biscayne Patricio Apey Murray Hough Betsy Savitt Gisa Schwarte

Kathy S Woods Ronald B Woods Key Largo Robert E Ecuyer James C Morton

Robert Sassano Key West Paul W Findlay

Michel Gehin Patrick D Knox Lloyd S Mager Christopher McGarey James McKell Paul McNulty Joie M Rolf Kissimmee

Jerry W Borysko Robert P Rieser Labelle David Harrington Lake Buena Vista James W Maroon lake City Henry P Reynolds Lake Hamilton Jeffrey McCardle Lake Mary Marc L Tomlin lake Wales Peter G Hessert Lake Worth Marie Y Arnold Glenn A Booth David Buerkle James M Della Penna William L Esser, Ill Spence Garo Kim Johnson James P Kalenak Gregory B Neuhart Don L Shapiro Chip Spiller Astrid L Suurbeek Lakeland Dave Beerman, Jr

Robert Hollis, Jr Dr Ed Jeffries Chris L Jensen

Ben McKown Lantana

Michael B Baldwin Michael Phillip Baldwin, Jr Alex R Fischer Wendy B Johnson Barbara A Rolland Ricky M Sasso Largo Kathleen B Day Lucy Hopman Fred E Koechlein William Maidhof


Leroy Pettis L Franklin Swope Lauderdale lake Glenn A Shaffer Lauderhill Don Lawrie Maury J Perlstein Bruce Wilfis Rick Workman

Lighthouse Point Jorge Bernal

Stephen J Sawer Lk Buena Vista Marcelo J Gouts Craig C Stone Longboat Key Donna Schlorf James F Shepherd longwood Stephen L Huber Randall J Rogers loxahatchee Joan R Berk Karyn Biddix Rick Davidson Lutz Allegra P Cesare Ed O'Malley George T Pero Eiji Tagashira B Marsha Williams Maitland Ann B Beauchamp Marathon Milena Volkova Marco Island Douglas S Browne Leslie H Browne Michael R Husted C Jeanine McPherson Walter B (Mitch) Mitchell Jeffrey P Overton William A Van Glabek Albin Varoski, Jr Margate Stefan Bolowich Howard J Chodak Herb Walker Mary Esther Iretta L (Retsy) Wilson Melbourne Mike Dickens

FLORIDA DIVISION Julie G Fortunato Robin D Keener

Graham Primrose Don Schweitzer Merritt Island Sabita S Maharaj Wendy Weller Miami

Sadiq A Abdullahi Paul Adler Jeffrey E Allen Jim Amaya William V Anderson Todd A Andrews Guillermo Aubone David W Bailey Timothy M Barber Carlos Behar Vivian Blanco Leon R Brenneman

Lewis Brewer Frank J Bucalo Georgia Budyszewick Thomas Cahill Andrew S Cambridge Luis Gamino-Schaper Carlos Carrillo Francisco Castillo Charles Caudle, Jr Nathan S Chapman Claudio E Chappuzeau Tomas A Colina Jose P Collazo James F Colson Jack E Cook Michael T Cooper Tony Courtois Phil Cunningham Oscar A Encinas Andy Garcia Reynaldo Garrido Robert Gomez Emilio Gonzalez Gabriel N Greenwood Gordon E Hampden Donald E Hanson E John Harbett Rodney Harmon

Robert Hopson Island Tennis Service

William R James Bill Keil Elias Adib Khoury Ruben Lamothe Karel C Lender Jennifer G Liguori

Giorgio I Mascagni Mark P Mason John A Mclean Julio A Melgarejo Perry Meyers-Sinett Robert 0 Miller, Jr Girard W Moore, Jr John W Moore Gardnar Mulloy Mark Munson Kathy M Murphy Roger Scott Off Rich Osete Charles Patrick Craig Pendrys Gonzalo R Perez Donald J Petrine Desinor Pierre Alejandro Polo Ronni A Reis Richard J Robbins Paul Roetert Ricardo R Sanchez Kim Sands David Sinett Dave Stamm Robert D Stubbs, Jr Paul Susz Kurt W The1n Jodi Veillette Carol A Watson Erika Winston Norman D Wycoff Miami Beach

Bruno J lglinski Howard B Orlin William Parks William P Potasnik Bernard F Schreiber Joseph Szucs Mark Townsend Ann Voors Daniel A Zirolla, Ill Miami Lakes Kathleen T Heckert Todd G Marchner Miami Shores R Pierce Kelley, Jr Blaine J Willenborg Middleburg Michael B Puc Miramar Arnim J LeCadre John B Vinson Mulberry Steven L Layton


N Lauderdale Sue Haight Edward V Sposa N Miami Richard Blatcher Robert M (Bobby) Cashman Michael Keighley Paradise Island ltd Waterside Tennis Club Chuck R Willenborg N Miami Beach Douglas W Booth Steve Bova Martin Buxby Ross Oubins Jaime L Ferman Timothy G MacDonald A J Mignolet Andy S Rothman Fred Stolle Naples Rick Armstrong Audubon Country Club Thomas Avery William A Beverly William A Bowden Mary Carillo Teresa E Cowens David G Crouch Calvin W Darner

Warren K Eber Christine Eddy Charles Eisenberger Mary Fink ian G Fletcher Janet M Gatlin Robert Grammen Anne B Griswold Joan M Haroldson Joseph E Hayes William B Hennessy Ronald Hilburn Noel C Inniss Mary Johnson Daniel Kennedy Richard Kobleur Anna Kuykendall Larry J Lewis Michael B Lewis Claudia C Long Kevin Long

Tom Manring Don Martin James W McCabe, Jr


FLORIDA DIVISION Louanne Melone¥Fischer A Victor Mills Peter Minarich Ted L Norris

Griff Payne George Pulver Julie Ann Raymond Michael E Raymond Michael S Reed Kay Ruel John B Sanders Edward J Serues David Aaron Smigel Carole Pitre Spano Stephen Brandon Spano Ronald St John Edward A T orroni Carl B Turner Steve Vaughan Jean B Vines Brenda R Ward Candace Welsh Doug Welsh New Port Richey William C Lufler Hugh O'Rourke Richard Webb Scott T Williams Niceville Gregory High Coste! Serban Del L Shoenberger Lori Shoenberger Skip Singleton Nokomis Steve Owens

Adam R Zastempowski Oakland Park Kenneth W Dunn Scott Espenship Ocala Dave A Chover

Mike Flynn Janet Gonzales

Jeffrey S Hyman Nancy L Place Robert C Shetler Ocean Ridge Patrick Sartori

Oldsmar Tomas Ollestad

Orange Park James P Ebener James H Huber Charles M Jenks Matt Malyszek Thomas L Whaley, Ill Orlando Salahdine Amlaiky Jack M Armistead Lynn C Bottger Merrill J Brick Lori A Burdell Michael L Caboy Jeffrey S Crowne Joe Csandli Rick Fowler Charles D Gaussiran James Herzberger Jeffrey Horn Michael J Inserra Bruce Johnson Claudette Laliberte James A Lavender Ricardo Melo, PhD Ronald D Miller James E Monk Nancy F Muller Jim Oescher Richard Oswald Ferdinand G R Redelijk L Kelvin Rivera William C Roncallo David I Rosenfeld John Rountree Nelson San Pedro Robert Sojo Victor Tantalo

Roderic E VanBeuzekom Jack W Vinson Douglas R Yuen Ormond Beach Barbara Braunstein Robert J Bresett Harry Gilbert Gary W Heatwole Dale Janovsky Dale L Mullin Ken Ouellette Hugh Waters, Ill Osprey Craig W McSmythe Chandra D Rajakar Palm Bay Teddy M Korbut


Tim Riley Palm Beach Edward Dabrea Jonathan Klorfein King Thaxton Palm Beach Gardens James J Ahearn

Marilyn Katz Aschner Aldo E Burga Archibald G Delmarsh, IV Patricia R Faulkner ltamar B Macedo Palm City Larry S Brown Palm Coast Glenn Arrington Thomas R Gullikson James H Vidamour Tomm Warneke Palm Harbor Steven D Culver Jim G Gilbert Phillip Green Daniel F Miller Palm Springs Peter R Hemingway liicardo J Mendivil Panama City Jim McGuire Panama Cily Bch Rick E Boysen Parkland James S Dinkmeyer Catherine C Foreman William Foreman

Pembroke Pines Michelle Y Auffant David A Brown

Donna L Caputo Bambi L Gallagher Karina G Henrici

Firoz A Jaliwala Lucie Macherowski

Patrick L Mason Vesna McKenna Jerry Murphy Kathy 0 'Neal Steve R Rayner Abe Revman Todd E Rubinstein Pensacola Mario H Alvarez

Ralph Carson

FlORIDA DIVISION Linsley E McMillion Martin E Robinson Brian Sakey John B Schaedel Darrell E Tate, LT Pineland Cynthia Abele Plantation Carlos Alvarado Lowell Coffman Jane Jarosz Colletti Robert E Cooper Lori S Fallick Michael C Gustafson Gary A Miller Stephen J Mulligan Robin S Newman Nick Saviano Paul Tobin Pompano Beach Dennis Brittell Edwin 0 Donoso Fast Dry Corporation James L Greene David A MacBurnie Devon Owens Fred Perry Lawrence R Sage! Jozef Sirotny William E Trice Peter M Zwetchkenbaum Ponte Vedra Beach Ricardo J Acuna ATP Jeffrey C Chandley Tracy L Chappell Barry L Curley Joe Hathaway Gordon P Jones Zdravko Mincek Carl Poske William B Sears Victor G Taylor Brooke Trabert Tony Trabert Fred Viancos Pt Charlotte William M Kenney Pt Orange David E Holley Pt St Lucie Gail A McGavock Thomas Sezna

Punta Gorda Anthony M Geraci Michael Goff Marilyn Jamie Owen Riverview Pete Klear Bill Lenoir S Daytona Darin Gene Czuchra Harry G Meng Cory Springer S Daytona Bch Marian C Fasick Sanford Ron Fogarty Amre Sammakia Sanibel Molly Beardsworth Brian R Greenman Toni Halski John F Kamosa Stephen L Robinson Terry See Sanibel Island Jak Beardsworth Paula S Scheb Santa Rosa Bch Charlotte F Sause Santa Rosa Beach David P Sause Sarasota Alan Amero Sharon Pritula Banzhaf Scott J Barker Rill H Baxter Marsha Bladel Dave A Boehk Scott S Chandler, Jr Greg Conrad Kay J Criner Lawrence S Crispell Christopher Crump Carmine Daniello Laurent M de Winter Mark Gregory Fer!azzo Ed Fitzhugh Jerry Friedlander Artie Guerin John M Hament Thomas Richard Hamilton Chris Harrington Rodney R Harris A J Bob Herschel


Michael J Horn Donald G Kaiser Christine Koutras Dave Kozlowski Joseph Lambert John R Lawrence Chris M Lawson Robert J McNichols Jay Morgan Thomas R Morlock Julio Moros Bill Mott Daniel Olson Winston E Owen Mark T Paine Milton Phillips Jose (Charlie) Rivera Robert A Rodgers Bonnie A Samuelson Richard M Seybold Mike Smith Wesley C Towner G Luiz Vieira

Kenneth R Wagstaff Rick D Westhoff Nicholas H Zimmer Sebastian Raymond J DeCuba Donna S Roup Todd Alan Ryska Seminole Kevin A Quay Shalimar Matthew John D'Eufemia Francisco 0 McGee

Singer Island Shelley Cabell Walters St Augustine Sheryl Smith Craig Frank Harrington, Ill St Augustine Bh Peter L Scott St Cloud Larry Whitaker

St Petersburg Brant A Bailey John C Benfield Barbara S Butts Sheldon Caldwell Maria A Cercone Andres Molina Terry O'Grady PGA National Marc S Serra

FlORIDA DIVISION Jake Slap Dan J Sullivan Trey Theile Edward A Turville Samuel S Vuille Welch Tennis Courts Inc Ernest B Wright St Petersburg Beach Paul E Lederman Sally Payberg Alice Valentine Stuart George E Barnes Robert W Clouse, Jr Tom Falkenburg Barbara Harton Kissick David T Papageorge Robert L Watson Jeffrey Wilson Summerland Key Elizabeth Burger-Payne Jon C Hudson Waldemar H Vogelgesang Sun City Ernie Spiller Sun City Center Howard Tom Rose Sunrise

Craig J Bolte Michael A Guill Scott K Hoffner Luis Carlos Ocampo

Ken J Pomerantz Raul N Rivera

Ira Jeffrey Rosen Tallahassee John Arciero

David A Barron Robert Lee Caldwell K L Creely, Ill (Casey) Pharringtan Douglass Peter F Eckhardt Randal Hock Randall Jobson Allen R Lang David S Price Everett J Teague Jonathan R Zolin Tamarac

Gregory W Buchko Ben Rakusin

Tampa Donald Barr Tim Barrett

Sherry A Bedingfield Claude M Burpee Roger C Cypriano Joan Kreider Dance Juan Diaz

Beth Ann Dillmeier Gary Durrance Russell B Elefterion David A Freiman David John Gary Genevieve Greiwe-King Butch Heffernan Bonny K Herman

Dave N Herman J Gregory Jones Martha S Jones Alan W Ma Gewan Maharaj Pete J Markham Martin F McLernon Denis Quilligan Samuel B Rosenbleeth Robin H Roup Patricia Szakal Tarpon Springs Denis Kirsten Nancy Kirsten Temple Terrace Wayne C Slack Tequesta Matthew A Allen Lars E Hakansson Christopher Hall Ken Newman David Whitehead Tierra Verde Karen Jaffe McGuire Titusville Mary Ann Frederick Michael J Hoctor Wallace J Norwich Treasure Island Donald W Wray Valrico William S Arfsten Sewsankar Maharaj Wanda Maharaj Anne Joffre McFee Brian S Smith



Donald J Caprio Lloyd D Ingram Byron L Vickery Donna R Wissinger Vero Beach Woodrow E Barrie Gerry Berkheimer

James K Buck Michael C Dublin Thomas C Elseroad Thomas Fish Laura Foster Glenn C Gollnick Timothy J Lufkin Paul K Lynner Ted MacBeth The Moorings Club Alexander (Sandy) Robertson Craig J Wittus W Palm Beach Wayne Babb Vikki Beggs James W Boehle Bradford A Boone Stephen T Bucar Thomas Cheatham Deborah Morgan Couples Mark Dooley Drew Evert

Luis S Fuentes Mitch Gornto Steven M Gyson Jimmie H Horne John C Hulse Edward M Kassa tly Deborah R Leslie James Marion Kenneth Noel Christopher W Ojakian Kirk E Pearson

David P Provence Terry C Robertson Stan Ross Scott J Rossa Joseph Santisi Mark S Schwartz Judith A Stiff Cynthia Ann Tiffin Wesley Chapel Alvaro Betancur Janet S Blum Byron H Boyd Darren F Brewis Randolph Brooke

FLORIDA DIVISION Windermere Todd L Harris Winter Garden Ben Baker Scott A Snyder Winter Haven Jorge Andrew Maggie M Beeland Harry Burrus Charlton S Johnson Richard L Thorn Winter Park Beverly Buckley James A Cole Norman N Copeland

Stefano Capriati Patrick J Fleury James Gray Jack L Groppel, PhD James E Loehr Mark J Magone Howard A Moore Saddlebrook Resort Arthur (Tig) Templeton William C Thompson Martin C Van Daalen Wilton Manors Michael Appelbaum

Henner Lenhardt

Craig A Preece

M C (Mennie) Lewis Clyde E Owens, Jr Arthur J Prochaska F Drake Schunck, Jr Charles A Topps Craig B Uttley Winter Springs Usa Frangipane

MISSISSIPPI Natchez Michael Daniels

NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Cliff Menke

HAWAll DIVISION Donnia Bondallian, Treasurer Judy S Weitz, Secretary Dino Bondallian, Past President Mark Skillicorn, Tester Dine Bondaliian, Tester

Bernard J Gusman, President David Porter, Regional Vice President Randy Kop, 1st Vice President Robert Mcinerney, 2nd Vice President

HAWAII Aiea David C L Chang Daniel Dodd Ewa Beach Deborah Latta Melba E Swift Haleiwa Joseph J Fortunato Charles (Buzz) Strode Hanalei Tracy Tucker Hawi Hermann P Fernandez

Hilo Richard Kagawa Brad Karen Bruce Lum

Holualoa H Wendell Shelton Honokaa George C Brandt Royden A Chow Honolulu Ty Aki

Berk Alexander Rosie Bareis Joachim A (Aggi) Birnbaum Roy D Brunson Peter Burwash Blaine Comer Lee Couillard Richard J Farrell Bernard J Gusman, Jr Doris Hakman !an M Jamieson Kyle Y Kaneshiro Harold Kwan Leilani Margaret Magee Jon L Migia Albert Murata Max T Pavon

David Pawid Tim Prior Michael J Racoma John R Riis Kevin D Schmid Michael Steven Schooler Jim Schwitters Henry K Somerville


John W Somerville Howard S Tacub Windy H Tadani Myra K Tagami Atsushi Takebayashi Alicia C (Terry) Thomas Fred B Thompson, Ill George M Wong Leslie K Young Stanford B C Yuen Connie Zepeda Kaanapali John C Ogden Kahuku Randy A Kop Kahului Tama P Taulau Kailua Christopher C Bown Carolyn T Katayama Bruce Nagel Judith Weitz Marilyn E Welte Nancy A Wheeler

INTERMOUNTAIN DIVISION Kailua Kona Joe Ahue, Jr Dino Bondallian Donnia Bondal!lan Lyle 0 Cabacungan Adrian Canencia Dennis Correa

Rudolph M Embernate Bob Mundon Cheryl Shrum Kalaheo John Crouse

Kaneohe Mark Skil!icorn

Kapaa, Kauai

Margaret (Meg) Minton Kapalua Tracy Joseph Hyman Steve Miller Scott A Nagle Kapaiua, Maui

Warren M Rohmfeld Kaz Yamanoha

Kawaihae Guy R LaGuire Kealakekua Neal Ohata

Kehei David P Temple Kihei Cathleen Nicoloff H A Smith Margaret Smith Kihei, Maui

Sandra P Gonzalez Monty C Oppenheim Douglas G Peterson Koloa Ernest Biachowlak Mark Elliott Lawrence W MacNeill

Lahaina, Maui

Scott D Andrew Cari M Buck Jason Hallquest Robert E Mcinerney Guy E Ouwehand Nick G Powell Suzanne M Simmons Suzanne I Sullivan Kimberly Wilson Kevin M Woog Laie

Rafael Muzquiz Aizpuro

David Porter Yue Wang lanai City William F Blacke Lihue Russell L Grady Makawao Rex E Foreman

Mililani Ann Pellow Mililani Town May Ann V Beamer Rusty Komori

Paia John Pashaian Princeville Jim E Hall, II Wahiawa Vanne S Akagi-Bustin Lola A Georgi Max Velasco, Jr Wailea Tim L Fitzgerald Waipahu Jerry Kraesig

INTERMOUNTAIN DIVISION Joe Edles, President Dave Romberg, Regional Vice President Doug Schoelzel, 1st Vice President Galen Blackburn, 2nd Vice President

Jim Swiggart, Western CO Representative Holger Nickel, Idaho Representative Winston Cham-A-Koon, Montana Representative Marty Hennessy, Nevada

Boots O'Brien, Secretary


Gary Horvath, Treasurer Geoff Hodsdon, Testing Chairman Jon Messick, Northern CO

Clark Barton, Utah Representative larry Haugness, Wyoming Representative

Sue Dillinger, Women's



COLORADO Aliens Park Bradley J Trost Aspen Michael J Campbell Karen 0 Dickens

Jirn Taylor

Aurora Susan M Dillinger George Estes Scott A Ford James Lacy

Larry S Loeb Craig Marshall Mark D McDonald


William G Oakes Ronald Salazar Robert T Saunar Mark A Scruggs Boulder Paul E Beck C D Bodam

INTERMOUNTAIN DIVISION Ginger V Cook James R Edwards Becky Callan Gamble L Gaines Goodwin Head Sports Inc Laura Nealon

Duke Paluch Terry E Walters John C Williams Laurie Williams Kathleen J Winegardner Breckenridge John L O'Connor Michael F Phillips David Turrin

Broomfield Gary Horvath Carbondale Alvin W Darien

John S Williams Castle Rock Boots O'Brien Colorado Springs Kenneth Bartz Mark A Bishop Theresa M Bishop Luis E Cuadra William J Davis Wayne R Eischen Richard A Hillway Jeffrey D Kulich Jeanette Paddock Martha E Rocks Bob Scott Larry D Standiford Ronald L Weber Michael W Yerkey Nicole A Yerkey Conifer Brian L Scott Crested Butte Mark A Goodman Denver

John W Benson Galen Blackburn Terry Boyle Adam K Burbary Richard S Chapman Marc Cross Nikolos R DeVore H Mac Dunlap Joseph L Edles Eve B Farr Donald Gavato

Steven B Graves Tricia M Halle Corinna Johnson Warrick Jones Larry L Kirkman James E Lays Mark Moyle Tobias Devin Ortegon

Scott V Rea Lance Rockwell David L Roesch Karen Sather Silktenn Kent W Waryan Marc 0 Weiner Dillon Karl Petter Durango Jim Mayer Lori J Zeeman Edgewater Eric M Rose Edwards Brian Hauff Englewood John L Calton Michael C Hall S J (Jim) Hoskins Pamela Kaweske Craig L Kasal John M O'Connell Dave Romberg Laura L Sargent C Douglas Schoelzel Arthur R Thomson Gay E West Evergreen

Alden E Bock Allyn S Breech Judy Courtney Roald H Flater Fort Collins Chris A Bailey David Y Boon Laura M Ecton Mark A Jackson Steven Kroupa Jon H Messick lan M O'Dell Luis A Olmedo John V Sergi Franktown Cary F LaCouture


Golden Charles Foster Glore, Ill Rudy M Mapelli John T Sabus Brett L Shirley Joseph Thompson Greeley Matthew R Innes Gerard A Phillip Peter Samuelstuen

Thomas E Van De Hey Henderson Ben Garcia Highlands Ranch Diane M Selke Indian Hills Christopher M Gentry Lakewood Leslie Ann Davis

F Scott Jensen Pete S Ploog James Tucker

littleton David E Baier Kay G Barney Carey Brading Mark S Chomko Scott E Collins David A Ray Randy Ross livermore M Alan Dragoo Longmont Steve Campbell Louisville Rob Scott Montrose Bruce Barton Herr Monument Douglas V Mayeda Morrison John Van Handel Parker Geoff Hodsdon Ron Steege Pueblo Christopher Roman Jeffrey Wrage Salida Jeffrey S Preston

INTERMOUNTAIN DIVISION Silverthorne John R Winn Snowmass Village Todd Grange Snowmass Vlg Benton G Smith Steamboat Springs Carol L Baily Gary K Osteen Rebecca Rochford-Brane Stacy Swanson¡Swiggart James M Swiggart Donald lan Toy Vail Maurice J (Reese) Babcock Benjamin J Gaieski Thomas N Larsen

Scott T Lockwood Gene Morris

Stephanie Rauch Elizabeth Salazar Westminster

Gregg Schumacher Wheal Ridge Dean 0 Esmail Whealridge Jack W Ferry, Jr

IDAHO Boise Tracy D Carpenter Barbara Chandler Lee R Galway William R Gray, Ill Paul J Halbach Brian C Kiene Glenns Ferry Donald Ansel Homedale Dennis Combs

Idaho Falls Gretchen Meikle Maloney Holger G Nickel Jerome Carol 0 Reed Ketchum Marjorie Palmer Meridian Lloyd Williamson

New Meadows Miguel A Phelps Pocatello Dennis Gibbens Sandpoint

Arthur S Van Dover Lake Tahoe

Patricia Aunan

Brian Block Susan M Campbell

Erika Glickenhaus Keena M Trowbridge

MONTANA Big Fork Paul Wallin Billings Maurice L Holmes

Michael D Nys Bozeman

Dale H Long Michael R Schwarzkopf Glendive Mark Dean Bollwitt Great Falls Winston Cham-A-Koon Hamilton Herb Spradlin Libby Herbert Neils Missoula William Everett Michael S Mayer Polson Donald D Dubuque Robert T Hislop Whitefish Samuel A Citron Brian W Cripe Matthew J lwersen William Scott

NEVADA Gardnerville Richard Tudor Henderson Stephen Drappo Larry Easley Cathy Kama Philip Kernan, Jr Jimrnie W Lopez Greg L Oberling Don Parker Herman Rey Incline Village Marilyn A Nederman


Christian F Passink

las Vegas Samuel A Aparicio Monique DeRoode

Brenda-Lee Fuhreng Martin E Hennessy

Rob E Horsch Michael James Melvin D Jantzen

Chuck Kellogg Daniel Knight Johnny Lane George R Mac Call Ola E Malmqvist John N McCauley William R Merriman Mitchell D Perkins Jim E Prisock Hans Riehemann Barb Roberts

Ann Rockwell Clara J Springer Matthew J Springer Craig Witcher Reno (see Northern California Division) Sun Valley Patricia C Rollison

UTAH Bountiful James Romera Kaysville Warren Pretorius

Logan David M Lyon Ogden R Keith Cox Solaray, Inc Park City Mark S Jensen

Peter E Mallett Provo Paul C Hickey Salt Lake City Thomas E Baker Richard F Billings William T Damron Paul E Davis

INTERMOUNTAIN DIVISION Kathryn Jones Larry J Jones Robert A Juhasz Gang-Wei Lin Jocelyn Monroe Drew B Sweet Sandy Clark Barton Santa Clara AI R Tom Iinson


Sl George Jonathan Barraclough Clark J Hancock Mark Jacques David Nostrant


James 0 Fowler Larry Haugness

Jackson Kathe Henry

Casper Jason D Quigley William Rappa

Sinclair Brad A Bohlender

MIDDLE ATLANTIC DIVISION Ted Meyer, President Frank Hatten, Regional Vice

Ronald Williams, West Virginia Representative


Mark Sarver, West Virginia Representative Terry Killen, District of Columbia Representative Erik Bouline, District of Columbia Representative Ted Meyer, Testing Chairman Drew Robinson, Tournament Chairman

Chip King, Past President Frank Hatten, Treasurer Bob Davis, Secretary. Ken Howard, Maryland Representative

Denis Rende, Maryland Representative Darryl Cummings, Virginia Representative

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington Mark W Carlin Mary Louise Darnell Kevin B Holston Clifford Hubbard Olga A M Mahaney Gregory H Martin Keith D Martin Pierre Dipanda Mbongo Warfield Morsel! Presidents Council on P F & Sp Robert Pulver James W Ridgeley John K Stanton Alexander B Winslow

MARYLAND Andrews AFB Rafael A Rexach Annapolis Sheila J Kiefer Kim Lewers Margaret Machoian

William Moldoch, Jr John C Officer Dennis S Quigley Nora A Rucker Baltimore Sheldon Chazen Robert J Cosec Morton Greenberg Jane M Heintzman Jon C Hilzendeger Adrienne Hoffman Jimmy Jeffers Sam R Kn:sley Steven E Krulevitz George Martin, IV Samuel McNeill, Jr Gregory G Ogle Raymond K Puryear Leonard Schloss Larry Smith Dennis R Weikel Berlin C J Travers Bethesda Pauline Betz Addie Fred W Drilling Frank C Hatten


Allie Ritzenberg Jack Schore Steven Tidball Washington Tennis Service Inti

Bowie Marjorie Collins Kenneth A Soliday Brandywine Cynthia Anne Barber

Chestertown Tim K Gray Elke Wiedemann Chevy Chase A Lee Adams John A Adams Betsy Heidenberger Mitchell Henkin

Suzanne Ornstein Cockeysville Thiha Htwar Robert K Hubbard College Park Juan F Coto

MIDDLE ATLANTIC DIVISION Columbia William W Alexander,

Jr Duane F Bruley John L Ellinger Thomas Roland Barbara J Stack

Michael 0 Van Dusen Crofton James V Lopez Cumberland Corbyn W Hickle Darnestown T ere nee J Killen Easton Barbara L Hertelendy William Rublee Ellicott City Denis G Rende Finksburg Janie Konigsberg

Ft Washington Rustico Q (Rusty) Mirasol Gaithersburg Michael R Avers Michael D Duncan Timothy R Harvey Jeffrey S Hersh Raul A !riarte

David M Johnson

John McDaniel Sean O'Neil Steven A Plaisance

Allen Quay Stephen C Tripp Marc H Verde Eric Zatman

Germantown Amy Haines Darrell R Haines Edward J Tripp Jeff L Wilke Glen Burnie Terri A Gaskill Glendale Dana Eric Berry Glenwood Marilyn F Anderman

Robert Anderman Hagerstown Peter A Grunberg Har-Tru

Philip J Statton La Plata Francis J Worcester Largo Stephen Martin

laurel Thomas A Schaeffer lewisdale Ken G Wallace Lexington Park William E Arick Lutherville Lenny Scheuermann Pam Shriver Millersville Randall L Stevens Monkton William A Seiler, Ill N Potomac Richard Ehrenreich Marna L Katzel New Carrollton Michael C Lagonera Ocean C~y Kevin M Tierney

Rennie T Turner Olney Vickie Dat!ow

Potomac Andrew Louis

Carbone Gustavo Castillo

Joseph W Gatewood Steven Eric Gittleson Kurt E Hammerschmidt Shubrick Kothe Robert N Pass Prince Frederic Philip D Weiner Rockville Ed Babitz Paul M Bress Susan R Dichiara James F X Harwood Karen E Kenner

William E McDougall Michael Morgenstern Dan Watson John Winkelman

Sal;sbury A Dean Burroughs Raymond J Still


Doug Wright Silver Spring Sean ian Austin J Dennis Cochran Sylvia Feldman Dean V Mullen Stephenson A

Olateru-Oiagbegi Nancy E Roe Louis Josef Sabbagh George J Tompkins Snow Hill Jeanne A Altstatt Stevenson Beckie Lamborn

Jeffrey B Lamborn Stevensville Joseph M McGurrin Timonium

Claude England Charles Van Middlesworth Towson Justin Behm Lynn Morrell Upper Marlboro Robert E Davis John Harden Rozzell A Lightfoot Margie Nicholson Westminster

Kenneth E Howard While Hall Michael S Scherer Woodbine Circle D Tennis Club

VIRGINIA Alexandr;a Robert E Capitan CMAA Ernest Cohen Linda M Davis Betty Drake Stephen C Fiske Claude M Hanfling John Harrell George H (Hank) Harris

Don M McKenzie Melvina Nozick

Peter C Ranney David M Ruben Christine Sarandopolis

MIDDLE ATLANTIC DIVISION Annandale Harry G Ahrendts Brian D Ratzlaff William J Warren Arlington Kenneth T Day Rod Dulany John W Graham Ann C Grubbs Craig Hardenbergh Martin Hublitz Richard P Makepeace Ron McDonald Timir Mukherjee

James G Rudroff Henry (Sandy) Tucker Beaverdam

Christopher Anderson Berryville Jim Kacian

Blacksburg Bruce Harrison

Anne Jones Bland Mark S Sarver Bristol Donna G Miller Burke James K Hackett Scott Kidd Rosalee C Mierzwa Carrollton John D DelCarmen John M Sukosky Chantilly Douglas A Kegerreis Charlottesville Richard Q Bell Patrick Hanssen

Mary H Leavell Nancy Olingy Philip C Rogers Frank Taylor Chesapeake Patricia A Accettola Christiansburg Charles McHose Culpepper H Monroe Baisden, Jr Danville Kathleen M Watch

Exmore Sarah W Moore Booker Fairfax Mark E Bernstine George S Elias Gregroy R Hatcher Gretchen E Herman Thomas J Herman Timothy J Keegan Harold B (Chip) King, Jr Elizabeth Latta-Renalds Fairfax Station Paul D Gagan Falls Church Christine I English Frank D Guengerich Griffin Lamkin Katherine L Mills Graham R Stilwell Falmouth Steven Kul1k Farmville Angie A Coppedge Fredericksburg Paul Vander Berg Ft Lee Levander Kelley Glen Allen Conrad Frey Dennis Myers Great Falls Gary Lyst Hampton Kevin M Brandalik Dr Robert M Screen K W Simms Harrisonburg Pamela L Moore Drew M Wittman Herndon Anthony J DeGregorio W Cary Harkins William C King, Jr Hot Springs Robert Gene McElwee Thomas W Morgan Huddleston Clarence E Wenzel lexington Kenneth Alrutz


Lynchburg Lynn Bybee Kirsten L Caister

Andrew (Drew) Robinson Manakin-Sabot Michael Norris Manassas

Jeffrey D Almond Martinsville Andrew Durham Kevin Y Johnston

Mathews Gus C Valanos McGaheysville F Douglas Shifflett Mclean Phillip E Barnard, Jr Ray Becerra Sally S Carey Anne Cook Matthew A Day Mike Eikenberry Robert W Graham, Ill Thomas Hawkins S Casey McClure John H Morrison, Jr

Donald R Pinto Missy R Reed Merrifield Bruce Westebbe Midlothian Eva Bard Richard C Benoit Erik C Bouline John Cummings John DePew John H Hill Henry (Ted) Meyer Marshall Edward Parker Kenneth C Sears Royce B Silvan Mark Tafoya Brian L Wills

Newport News Col William Shivar Edward B Steele Norfolk William D Bristow Richard B Colvin Darryl W Cummings Carlos de Cubas Robert Delgado

MIDDLE ATlANTIC DIViSION Lewis P King Russell Sholes Scott D Zielske Petersburg James J Denoon Reston Carl R Clark Suzanne L Groah M Rex Miller Richmond Linda M Alexander Harold (Hal) Burrows Edward Butterworth Joseph N Cappellino Jacqueline Catterton James J Forni Ward Hamilton Feisal E Hassan James J Heffner, Jr Paul Kostin Steven T Leovey Tom Magner Ted P Sawyer Edward A Smith Mark Vines Elizabeth H Vozenilek Tom Vozenilek Chris T Ward Roanoke John H Barker Thomas Gibbs James A Hancock, Jr

(Jim) Nicholas P Molloy Timothy L Strawn Roseland Deborah M Ballowe S Boston Robert Cage Salem Jeffrey A Perry Robert S Russell Seaford Thomas E Miller Springfield Anthony DeVera William S McGill Mid-Atlantic Tennis Association

Staunton Glen Eastridge Stephens City Mimi Larsen Suffolk Janice 8 Grover W Randolph Holland Robert S Morgan Vienna Arthur H (Skip) Bishop Thomas E Maust, Jr Eugene Russo Westwood Country Club Mitchell E White Virginia Beach John Q Atiso Mohamad R Bahrami Jose F Benjumea Kimberly Blasdell Douglas Burns Stephen R Cutchin Carol L Daniels Hal R Ellis, Ill Ralph A Flohre George K Gamel Gary D Garner David Howell Dean lves Stacey lves-Wardell Joseph G Kamrad John P Kelly Mike Miller Timothy J Tarabrella W Point David D Porter Warrenton Anne H Horkan Waynesboro Lois Blackburn Bryan

Williamsburg Ray Reppert Mildred B West Cynthia T Wilfong Winchester

John Hudson Jason L Robertson


Wintergreen Clay Robinson Woodbridge Walter Carter Michael W Tierney Yorktown Cecelia (Cec) Nieminen

WEST VIRGINIA Bluefield Tommy Arnett Stephen C Sarver Buckhan110n Shannon R Thomas Charleston Bradley B Kelly John W May Eric Troy McMullen Skip Pilsbury Mary Beth Reifsteck Simms John Tennis

Ronald Williams Huntington Everett Brown

Lewisburg James R McAllister Marmet Thomas Andrew

Fontalbert Morgantown Christopher Spradlin On a James F Frazier Ravenswood Robert J Dormagen Slatyfork Michael Owen

Vienna John Barr

Wheeling James K Crutchfield While Sulphur Sprngs Ron Bohrnstedt


MIDDLE STATES DIViSION larry Hampton, President Becky Desmond, Regional Vice President Robert Ruzanic, 1st Vice President Tom Sweitzer, 2nd Vice President C. Timothy Irwin, 3rd Vice President

DELAWARE Bear Joseph A Gallo Bethany Beach David Marshall David Ruppert Dover

Jeff D Pickering Georgetown Michael L Wray Greenville Edmund R Chilton Hockessin Denny Abad Lewes Mark Bradford Mickey C Toll Milton Daniel Lee Cook Montchanin Edward D McQuillin Newark Holly D Chomyn Asif Husain Dawn M Thomas Rehoboth Beach Ingrid K Dellatorre Wilmington Stephen S Attinger Gregory T Barkley Bellevue Tennis Center DuPont Country Club Adam S Goldstein Andrew G Hocker Glen M Howe Daniel G Kegelman William T Pound

Delaine Mast, Secretary Dan Kegelman, Treasurer

Shirley Mason, Executive Director Sharon Galler, Women's Liaison Ed Garcia, Tester

Marie (Licky) Randolph Raul E Saad Tennis Joint lnc Elizabeth Watts

NEW JERSEY Absecon William Mcintyre Atlantic City John Falbo Bernardsville Douglas Kelso Bordentown Prince Manufacturing Inc Bridgeton Constance Cossaboom Cape May Ct Hse Gary Van Camp Cherry Hill David L Bandelin Edward Manning Armand Procacci Irene Radler Cranbury Michael J Brzoska James McFarland E Windsor Robert M Bednar, Jr Edgewater Park David M Walsh Freehold Cesar De Sa Thomas R Spinek Glassboro Sean Sloane


Glen Ridge Camp Mah-Kee-Nac Haddonfield Albert Laverson Hamilton Square Norman E Cromack Highland Park Sherman Mark Jobstown Robert A Loringer Laurel Springs Eduardo Cuartero Lawrenceville Michael S Kliebhan Jeff A Rothstein Lindenwold Peter Schnatz Linwood Philip Birnbaum Mantua Ron Strauss Marlton Young Min Kwon Stephen A Smith Mickleton John M Bacha Moorestown Glenn Hobson Mt Laurel Mt Laurel Racquet Club Northfield Rudolph Antonio Ocean City Jeffrey S Hartman Janice Molt Park Ridge Kenny Ross

MIDDLE STATES DIVISION Phillipsburg Jefferson T Barnes

Pine Hill Charles G (Chubb) Price Plainsboro Dale Caldwell Princeton Colleen A Cosgrove Claude R Frazer Randall Hester Eve F Kraft Robert S Long UST A National League Administration Judith D Vogt Princeton Junction David A Benjamin Larry Vroom

Stone Harbor Tony Fittipaldi Stratford Michael A 0' Alessandro Trenton Art Cramp Thomas Crawford David W Menne! Vincentown Lawrence MacC!uen Vineland Patrick Madden Sidney B Steinour Voorhees Jesus Del Valle W Trenton Marty Devlin William 0 Kurtain Wall Louis Meehan Waterford Pete Fioravanti

Willingboro Alexander W Porter Yardville AI D Hernandez

PENNSYLVANIA Abington Frank H Carleton C Thomas Deiley

Allison Park Robert G Ruzanic

Altoona Steve Genter Ambler Edwin E Ferguson, Jr Dale A Renner Annville Dale Light Ardmore Sally L Lewis Seth Shore Avondale Edward P Humphreys Bala-Cynwyd Robert B Jessup Berwyn Jim McMullen Bessemer Stephen C Seltzer Bethel Park Michael J Quinn Bethlehem Albert Chassard Thomas Schuett Arthur W Smith, Jr Lori B Winchester Helen P Zajac Blue Bell Robert C Harris Hav-A-Ball, Inc Lawrence W Hyde

Broomall Mark Ray Bushkill Harold E Wetzel Camp Hill Scott Hinkle Carnegie Peter H Moss Mark Jay Phillips Chalfont John Alexander Sharyn C Gatter Chambersburg Mark R Davenport Cheltenham Clifford S Raben Clarks Summit William Steege


Edward J Yablonski, Jr Clearfield Michael J Sciabica Conshohocken Laura E Ludwick-White

Coopersburg Joseph Stevenson Dalton Richard Aldrete Devon Samuel R Chrome Suresh Ramamurthi Dingmans Ferry C Brant Switzler Downingtown

John Conrad Rebecca Desmond William J Gilliford, Jr David M Himes

Richard L Palmer Dushore Aimee C Plastow Easton Christine L Patterson Jeffrey S Walters Mitchell K Weissbein Erdenheim Andrew Pogonyi Erie Todd C Arterburn Richard A Beck Andy N Findlay Pamela K Fischer Mark Goldin Patrick Timothy Healy Joseph Pizzat Donald G (Gordon) Quinton Jerome F Simon Karin L Sobotta Ray Yost Fayette City Lance Luciani Flourtown Joseph Coyle Fl Washington Carolyn Stowe Shaner Drew Sunderlin Georgetown Daniel A (Chip) Dean

MIDDLE STATES DIVISION Gilbertsville Dick Powell Glen Mills Larry C Hampton Arthur Schmidt Glenside Aurae Nemesis Greensburg Enrico Philip Campi Michael S Kluska Daniel J Rinchuse Donald J Rinchuse Fritz Schunck

Harmony Raul Romulo Raymundo Harrisburg Daryl Hall James A Hamill Carol J Miller Hatfield William E Day Michael D Easi Haverford Adrian A Castelli Ann Koger Catherine C Leary H Michael Leary Dennis Olenik

Mark S Spann Havertown Scott Harrison Lambdin Hershey Bernard J Diggins Clifford C Myers Tom Sweitzer

Michael Boyer Wallace Hidden Valley Jerald Taggart Horsham Alan Garabedian Hughesville Beth Ann Welch Hummelstown Rebecca S Cecere Indian Head Rhonda J Pritts Irwin

Joseph A Canada

Johnstown James Grant Fisher

Kennett Square Dorothy Kropf Dennis Nelms Terry Peach King of Prussia Gregory A Williams Lalayetta Hill Elizabeth Kelly Lancaster Scott A Goebel Elizabeth Groff Paul B Harclerode, Jr Kim S Kraines

Delaine B Mast Landenberg Eduardo S Garcia Langhorne Adrian S Binns Frank Raddi Lansdale Peter Daub Ruth L Daub Lehighton Julian H Cohen David Sherry Lititz Patricia W Epps Tracey S Harper Leslie Riblet Kennard Jeff S Witmer Long Pond Richard Rumble Lower Gwynedd Michael John O'Brien Macungie John M Fowler Malvern Terry Hassall H Burke Horton Gerald McGrath Mark J Riley Mars Kerry Hlady Daniel Resetarits

David P Zamperini McKeesport Don Zatek McMurray Allan C Quackenbush


Meadville Mark E Fleming Media Timothy W Brooke James Grubb Melrose Park Harry R Hoffmann, Jr Merion Jeffrey Cook Monongahela Byron C Phillips Monroeville Julie Ann Babler Kevin Kane Morrisville

Stan E Dlugosz Mt Lebanon William H Nichols Ml Pocono Wayne E Lawrence N Huntingdon Alan D Watts N Wales Joseph A Weaver Nazareth Jeffrey P Puhan Nesquehoning Craig B Cronrath New Ringgold Geoff Browne Newtown Square C Timothy Irwin Robert A Young Norristown Robert G Brown, Jr Orwigsburg Mark Abel Jeffrey D Strong Ounshohocken Carlos Richter Palmyra Peggy L Turns Paoli Joseph A Poltrone Philadelphia Dave Abrams Malcolm Barlow Christopher R Bennett Susan A Burke Peggy M Connor Joseph W Davis, Jr


MIDDlE STATES DIVISION Albert W Dillon, Ill Susan L Frieder

Russell Gregory John H Hart Alan Laveson Peggy McElroy Eugene Miller David E Mogul Kenneth Solway Francis P Steel Phoenixville Anthony J DeCecco Mario Rauch

Pineville Miki DeBaise Jay Sims Pittsburgh William N Adams Kip A Aitken Barry Budd Tim (Koach) Conroy David N Dilettuso Leonard F Fechter GAMMA Sports Robert Golsmith Michael W Kopp William A Kopp Mark Kreger Lawrence D Long Tony Martin John L Mercer Linda M Nelson Joseph A Perry Richard D Rizzo Sudershan Surampudi Glenn John Valentine Plymouth Meeting Greg D'Emilio Pocono Manor Brenda E Esposito Pocono Pines Lake Naomi Club

Pottstown Bruce C Weeber Prospect Park Richard K Brown Quakertown Cheryl L Kline Robert Osipower Reading Jennifer A Aubin Paul Z McDonough Ridgecrest Todd J Collins Rochester W Delbert Lemmon, Jr Southampton Robert S Rothman Springtown William S Serues Slate College Terry Bobbitt Kenneth Schweitzer Howard M Shultz R Troy Surdick Susan Whiteside Strasburg Mark H Trach Thorndale Wendy L Schenk Uniontown William Mitchell Upper Sl Clair Mahmoud EI-Togby Valencia Robert H Starr Villanova Paul Amrein W Chesler Michael R Buchanan Judy Butler Matt D Clifton


Thomas J Fieger, Jr M s Pro Tennis Association William A Sember

Alison H Smith Andrew T Sorrentino Russell J Tapper Mark N Townsend David S Wahlgren W Lawn Richard A Aubin washington Crossing Ric R Flagg Wayne Dale M Bloom Rick Faber Winifred Gilliford Henry McCone Victor H Urzua

Paul M Waltz Westchester Mike Wheelen Willow Grove Kenneth Hupka Lee W Morris Winfield Robert Hammerlee Worcester

Charles H Clark Wyncote Daniel F Coyle Wynnewood Harold J Mackin Yardley Scott Gabel Mike Mooney York Joseph D Glitz Laura Ann Glitz Jenni E Goodling Henry (Fred) Pfuhl James Wesner


MIDWEST DIVISION Tom Gray, President Mike Owens, Regional Vice President

Dean Snyder, 3rd Vice President Greg Alen, Secretary Jorge Capestany, Treasurer Carol Anderson, Executive Secretary

Jim Davis, Immediate Past President

Rodney Workman, 2nd Vice President

ILLINOIS Arlington Heights Brock Borman Hans Neufeld Jeffrey A Pieczynski Douglas A Weber Aurora Randy Panagopoulos Douglas Pielet Robert Salerno, Jr Jack S Sharpe Barrington Diane S Dickenson

James Doessel James Musgrave Barrington Hills Gardner Larned Bartlett John Sisto Batavia

Gretchen A Fagen Belleville William A Rusick

Paul A Van Deinse Bloomingdale Brian T Page Bloomington Joseph Ross Graham Blue Island David A Muir Bolingbrook W Peter Freischlag Broadview Mel Phillips, Jr Keith J Scott Tom Zak Buffalo Grove David Bernauer

Bob Breckenridge Oscar Cisneros David M Duberstein Linda K Egem Gregory Laemmer Jon Lebon Carbondale Dick Le Fevre

Centralia Ken W Abrams Champaign Michael J Gudwien Punam Paul Nancy E Spencer Craig S Tiley Chicago Mark S Alexander Michael Baer Patricia Berglund Stephen A Betts Mark L Bey Les Blackburn Ray Cahnman Christie Jo Chenoweth Thomas J Ciurej Gregory D Centro Bernard W Cross Kevin J Cummings Charles C Cunningham Jon C Ezzo, Jr James H Flesch Joe Fortino Lisa J Goldberg Kenneth B Gore Scott M Greenberg Laura Jean Griesinger Robert M Gurolnick linda Horwitch

Immanuel E lmala Billie Jean King Lisa M Lebold


Roberto Maggio Maginnis & Associates Michael Mahoney Louis C Mategrano Patrick McDermott Mark P McDonald Meghan McMahon Simon Meredith Michael P Milhouse Charles W Moore Peter A Moore

John A Mundell, Ill Rex Nyquist Recreational Teamtennis Phillip R Rodriguez Steven G Rosen Franklin A Sacks Jane M Seiffert Sue Shrader Neil Smith Mary E Toole Julie Torrence Robert C Velasco Yvonne Vermaak Tommie L Walker Holly Weitendor! Tomio Yamazaki Lester Yesnick Clarendon Hills C Eugene Johnston Countryside Frank Wu, PhD Crestwood Steve Yates Crystal Lake Edmund Foley Walter Herrick, Jr Katherine Lashbrook Scott Meier Joel S Tennison

MIDWEST DIViSION Danville Matthew T George James L Hotsinpiller N Scott Simpson Decatur Charles Kuhle Julie Ruikka Cory S Sandgren Deerfield Carlos Cisneros Perry S Dlugie David Elsasser, II George C Fink Geoffrey S Gluck Charles Morrison Sunny J Park Des Plaines Jacek T Grob Roger W Junge Michael J Lawton Downers Grove Martin Ceranec

Tom Dunlap Charles Enge Dundee Kathleen R Bryan Edwardsville Dan T Holden Robert J Meyers Charles A (Skip) Schmidt Effingham Michael Joseph Reynolds Elgin Kelly J Greene Elmhurst Janet French Karen H Swenson

Thomas Wangelin Elsah Carolyn Sue Godfrey Evanston

John T Amato James R Burda Allan C Carvell Alvin F Chow Lisa Culp Kevin Tuft lan M Ward Flossmoor Sunanda M Kamal

Forest Park Kathryn M Neil Bob Sorensen Fox Lake Edward T Gordon Frankfort Carey Westberg Galesburg Larry Davis Gregory Scott Stacey Laurin Stacey

Geneva Michael D Grantham Michael Lange Glen Ellyn John C Bowbin Patti Clousing Sharon M Griffin Timothy P Matacio Glenview

Abe Golden Godfrey Dr Robert Simpson Grafton Lyn Gerber Delaney E Lawrence Gerber

Grayslake Rick Felipez Gurnee Joseph Bushala Mark F Campanile Gregory Cohen Darrell Smith Hickory Hills Randy Anderson Highland Park Lito Ampon Michael J Friedman Adair M Karlin Donna S Marks Jeffrey R Radtke Charles L Sheftel Hinsdale Christy T Schaefer James H Stocker Hollman Estates David A Birnbaum, MD Paul Buhr Jay S Morgan Warren Smith Homewood Laury Hamburg


Nancy J Hoekstra Gregory Y Mason Wayne Muskievicz John L Singer Nancy A Watland Teri S Watland Itasca James M Dallas Johnston City Larry Geer Joliet John Panizzo Kenilworth Jennifer H Roth La Grange James R Johnson James R Love James Wolavka La Grange Park Ronald W Bowers Lake Bluff Steven C Draska Syed lftekaruddin Dawn E Larson

Leslie H McPeek Matt Stiltz Lake Forest Armen J Adajian Mark A Banford Robert N Kust Susan Slap Kust Joseph A Lyden Mike R Rahaley Rodney Workman Lake Zurich Kevin M Clancy Lansing Michael Pilewski Libertyville Karl R Johnson John Trump Andy A Wild Rochelle L Wild Stephen Wild Lincolnwood Jason S Gorchow Bob Huang Thomas K Malkin Lisle Daniel Shoop Lombard Jacqueline E Wingard

MIDWEST DIVISION Long Grove Mark J Bearby Marshall Bill J Blankenbaker McHenry Joan Melahn Toby L Scott John R Thomas Medinah Fred Marchese Millstadt Paul Albert Meyer Moline Susan Dee Krisman'rts Kevin Maule Jeffrey McCracken Morris Sara Marie Borgstrom Kevin M Fane

Morton Grove Patrick A Grant Mundelein Derek S Fisher Naperville Marcia Brown James Ebbitt James R Head Thomas A Kotsakis, Jr Barry S Maxwell Floyd Munson Richard B Pier Normal James Whitman Northbrook Robert Joseph Casey Renee B Leight Mary Lou McCaslin William D Needier Robert S Ross Leonard E Saltzman A!an Schwimmer Julie Millman Snyder Robert 8 Swezey Farley Youman Northfield Keith Anderson Charles S Gardiner, Ill O'Fallon Cynthia Babb Perry 8 Elder, Ill Steven C Sterthman

Oak Brook Jay Kramer Oak Forest Grace Rimkunas Oak Park Miles Harris John Morlidge Orland Park Douglas Passett Andy Ventress Ottawa Frederick L Foreman Palatine Barry B'1ndelglass Gene E Dorsch Mindee E Epstein David Mallon Denny Schackter David R Woolf Palos Heights Michael E Drey Christopher Knade Steve Pekich, Jr George Wideikis Palos Hills Donna Rae Yuritic Paris Bill Henness Park Forest Sylvia A Gothard Timothy J Rice Gregory G T emofeew Park Ridge Michael Carrico Michael E Farrell Pekin Timothy G Johnston Peoria James R Bates Leslie Moe Michael Welnetz Quincy Sherry E Beckenholdt Monica M Hinkamper Michael Jay Schaffer Ringwood Randy F Weidemann Robinson Bradley W Siler S Barrington Robert L Green


S Holland Kim A Williams, MD Schaumburg Beth C Deveaux Theodore R Gordon Owen Kennedy Joseph M Sanchez Sherrard Brian K Dahlstrom Skokie Cale Carvell Allen Cheung Lou Ann Letman Ralph Robbins Rod Schroeder J Matt Smith Springfield Stephen A Cannon, Jr David L Duboff, DO, MD, MS William P Galligan, Jr Glenn Morse Gary W Nerone Norma Peper Michael D Shires Sterling Marc Wolens Streamwood George B Mykkanen Robin H Rapp Tinley Park Jody Ann Ventress Tena Ann Ventress Urbana Jeffry S Unger Vernon Hills Steven R Chapman Christopher E Kannenberg Michael J Romisher W Dundee Lewis R Miller Wadsworth David M Buksa Waukegan Lance Laverty Celeste Pregracke Western Springs Paul M Nemecek Wheaton David T Drap Tim Gullikson D Kyle Ray

MIDWEST DIVISION Michael D Sember Willowbrook David H Evans Andrew Lowell Schwartz Wilmette Caryl Bridges J Parker Hall Charles R Johnson Jerry Morse-Karzen

Tracy E Rankin Paul Torrice!li Winnetka Asher J Birnbaum Stephen M Hibben Nielsen Tennis Center Woodstock Daniel J Kiernan

INDIANA Anderson Tony Thanas Bedford Mike O'Connell Bloomington H Scott Greer Thomas Gustafson Carmel Mark E Saunders Mark C Woldmoe Columbus Eoin P Collins Crown Point Charlotte Primer

Daleville Steven J Behrman Elkhart Jack D Sanders Evansville Wendy Allen Douglas R Brown Ross H Brown Lisane Monforton Swartwood Fishers Stig Ljunggren Ft Wayne Will Cleveland Walter L Crenshaw Jared C Gerig Richard C Hanauer Lee Ann B Reed Charles V Williams

Goshen Paul A Algate Grandview Anna Hazlett Granger Robert E Bayliss Shelly A Whitney Greenfield Bernie Miller

Greenwood Jeff T Smith Deborah A Steinhagen Hamlet Jorge G Jimenez Huntingburg C Stuart Townsend, Huntington Mark R Fairchild Indianapolis Dianne R Brown Edward I Brune David A Cassis Ernesto A Castanares David Hopkins, Inc. David Hopkins, Inc. Sheila Evans Joseph F Fackel David M Gill Paul D Gill Caroline K Godfrey Ronen Graziani Prem C Gupta Mike Hagen C Brad Holmes Karl F Krauter

Stanley Malless Jennifer A Mundei¡Reinbold Per Anders Nilhagen Francis A Oboh Paul S Petticrew Harry Pino Gary A Sailes Rick Scotten Paul M Thomas Jim Tompkins

Steve Wakefield Nancee K Weigel Barbara Wynne

Kokomo John Elbert Hill Kenneth W McCoy


La Porte WilliamS Reed Lafayette John A Condreay lanesville Wayne A Lockwood Leroy Arthur R Steiger

ligonier Troy Slone lowell Pieter E Overbeeke Michigan City Robert C Bennett Mishawaka Alison Diane Baker Dale A Campbell Patty S Schrock Muncie Kathy A Bull James Wegener Munster Shirley Palmer Newburgh Douglas R Cash Donald J Martin Noblesville James F Bray Timothy Samons Pierceton Robert Strombeck Richmond Rusty Hollingsworth Michael J Sherer Rushville Daniel F Moster S Bend Dr Hugh Page, Jr James P Weber Silver lake James D Shull South Bend Michele Gellman Terre Haute Elizabeth Clary Jack M Etchison Michael J Hambrock J Daniel Hopkins John F Whitehead Valparaiso James Daugherty

MIDWEST DIVISION Madhusudan A Dewan Vincennes Ronald Albers W Lafayette Michael J Smith W Terre Haute Dallas G Kelsey, Warsaw Joseph E Beeson Washington Kevin L Doyle

MICHIGAN Ada John Smallfield Allen Park William M Smith Ann Arbor Donald L Campbell Wrl Cummings Jonathan E Fischer Cecil North Eric M Pinaud

PHD Daniel B Saferstein Martin P Topliss Susan H B Waldrop Armada Gerhard Schubert Battle Creek James R Horton William J Maddock Jeffrey M VanDis Berkley Bruce F Gould Beulah Barbara Skurdall Big Rapids Michael G Haber Harold E Luck Matt C McCaskill Scott R Schultz Jeff A Soffa Brian Tukachinsky Birmingham Adam W Bottorff Barbara Bozzo Keith A Cullen Ron Ellman Blase Keating Lee W Keating, Jr Trghe Keatrng

Michael K Rose Scott W Ryan Bryan L Vosburgh Michael Todd Witkowski Bloomfield Hills Donald K Brown Arthur M Mojares George E Russell Scott P Smith Burton Stephen J Murdock Cadillac Thomas R Taylor Canton Thomas E Fargo Center Line Dale Paul Cronin Clarkston Donald J Egler Kyle Howard Hughes Robert Maxwell Clinton Township Charles G Spoutz, II Commerce Steve Kirschbaum

Dearborn David Ball!ngall Rowan M Davis

Narendra Singh Jeffrey D Stassen Detroit Melvin D Foreman Louis Graves Stephen Storey Darrio H Williams Durand Robert P Wright, Jr E Lansing Bruce W Heeder

Douglas Lewis Laurie K Meyer

Christopher A Pearson Earl Rutz, Jr Brian N Wardhammar Farmington Marsha Kennedy-Horton Gregory S Morrissey Farmington Hills Lisa M Crawford Michael D Mountain J Philip Norville


Dean Snyder Bonnie J Wood Flint James Fowler Nicholas Logan Dan G McKenzie

Franklin Edward P Nagel Galesburg John R (Bob) Adkins Linda A Spann Garden City David A Farmer Grand Haven Douglas Poort Grand Rapids Steven Andrew Cox Scott F Kenyon David Kuras Don G Mitchell Alex G Palladino William K Przybysz William Worst Grandville Alan R Adams Christopher M Bajema Martha E Capestany Gross Pointe Wd Michael H Kiewiet Grosse lie John Shade Roger S Thurman Grosse Point Woods Marc R Gelina Aggie Guastella Grosse Pointe Gary Bodenmiller Courtenay Page Kotas Grosse Pointe City Cheryl C Carroll Grosse Pointe Park Ken Angyal Thad Angyal David G Kamisar Doug Rose Hamtramck John R Geremich Harbor Springs Robert Hartwick H W Lester Edward F Watson, Ill Hillsdale Daryl Fisher


MIDWEST DIVISION Holland William H Japinga

John Knoester Darin J Norton Howell Geoffrey A Jagdfeld Huntington Woods Mark Simcina Ionia

John R Seymour Jackson Michael L Fessel Jenison

John R Korpi Kalamazoo

Steven G Dorow D Scott Frew Dale E lsraels

Keego Harbor Steven S Weitz Kentwood Angie Hanks lake Orion Ross Boling Lansing

Michael Addison Taty Balasis Richard Ferman, Jr Linda E Guentert Regan K Kania Michael J Owens Susan V Selke Jack Andrew Sujovolsky Lawton Scott Lyke

livonia Scott H Davis Jeffrey English Janice A Longhurst Donald B McCathney Randall S Payne Clay A Tinham Manchester

Michael E McClure Midland Dena Frier

James E Krimbill Lori Maxwell Krimbill Dennis Royal Deborah W Smith Susie Staloch Andrea Taylor

Glenn William Monroe

Michael 0 Lynch Ml Clemens Kim C Colbert Anthony J Floreno Mt Pleasant David M Pauken Muskegon Natalie S Geyer N Muskegon Kristina A Beachum

Northville Mark Fleming Oak Park Charles Karabell Allison K Toakes Okemos Minka M Judson Thomas C Judson Douglas Martin William B Struck Oxford Carl G Johnson Petoskey Margaret Ruemenapp

Pleasant Ridge Dale M Steiss Kolin Stutcher Plymouth Kristen L Harrison Steven Prueter

Michael C Ware Pontiac Dado N Franco Kristal K Jeffrey Portage Nancy J Benjamin Michael E S Snyder Pt Huron Scott L Des Jardin Rochester Brian Veillette Rochester Hills Kelley Hice Rockford Daniel J Botts Michael T Woody Royal Oak Scott C Appledorn Brett Beattie Glenn M Corey


Saginaw Kenneth Lambert Saline Karen Miller Sheila (Shann) Patton Saugatuck Eddie Williams

Southfield William J Ennis Armand F Molino Kim Olivia Simmons Alvin Williams Spring Lake Craig S Kelley Roy C White, Jr Christopher Lee Wilton St Clair Shores Fred L Craprotta Anita Y Sohaski St Joseph Thomas E Santarlas, Jr Andrew Webb Sterling Heights Timothy H Gaska Tommy Gray Temperance

Tim B Post Traverse City David A Best Christopher J Michalowski Troy Gregory Backus Urszula Krzyzowski Thomas Stegeman

W Bloomfield Michael P Graff lan D Harris

Joe M James Paul D Vrzal Walled Lake Jennie 0 Cross Michael David Wissink Washington Candice Kopetzki

Waterford Anthony E Cornwell Wyoming Jorge Capestany Joe Scholtens

MIDWEST DIVISION Ypsilanti Frank Polito, Jr Roberta M Risdon

OHIO Akron Lois J Bradford Rocco A Cona Vicki L Patton John N Russo Athens Gregory J LaVelle Avon Lake Teresa Gonzalez

Bay Village R Thomas Coulton John B Engelke Donald R Stevens, Jr Beachwood Selim Benbadis Bedford Heights Donald J Tomko Bellbrook Larry Jackson Berea Rose M Burtnett Michael A Ramirez

Boardman Greg Stuart Dickson Bowling Green David R Morin Canfield Frank Sachire Canton Robert A Bird Jay E Dalpiaz Jay Hardman Ryan Shaffer Smyth Business Systems Inc Chagrin Falls Jack March Diane M McNeal Joseph F Morgan Chillicothe Guy W Parks, II Russell C Walkup Cincinnati Stan J Albro Gary Alpert Bob Caress Kevin Chambers Steve Contardi

John H Cook Geoffrey Crawford Pamela M Dodman Joseph Foley Tim Geraci Keith B Haigh Heather E Hairston Matt Jones Christine Kakehashi Katharine K Kouba Richard Lonneman Roland H Lutz Lynn A Nabors Brian P Nester Dave Power Russell B Schubert SKYBOX Magazine Stephen Turman Howard C Zaeh Cleveland James R Lahl Dale T Nurnbirg Bryan Rubenstein Glendale H Zell, II Cleveland His Allan H Slawson David B Weir Columbus Peter H Burling James G Carter, Jr Gregory A Cheesewright Scott Gales Shawn CHuck Vincent G JungKunz David L Royer Steven B P Ryuse R Andrew Sinclair Ralph Walton Alan Wermer Susan L Wiet Wayne H Wookey Cuyahoga Falls Dallas R Aleman Gregory T A ten Dayton Cindy L Alcorn Babolat Andrew C Baker Susan Rudd Breen Brian M Dean Herbert W Foster Larry D Harris Thomas W Harrison Todd Scott Hershey Donnie Jackson


Matthew M Kline Richard P Kremer Robert J Kronauge Steve Massad Terry MeAvoy Jose Alberto Pico Jeff Timmer William Curt Winzeler Doylestown Dolores (Lori) Davis Dublin Drew J Bracken Lakshman R Gonela E Canton Roger Taylor Englewood Bud Schroeder Euclid Rick Shy Fairborn

Betsy A Faulkner Fairfield Brian C Begley Geneva Arnold Bradshaw Granville H Clinton Storey Huber Heights Cam J Woliver Hudson Grant R Aungst Catherine Scheirey Huron

Christopher Moody Kent Dale T Fisher Gary Richey Kenton Cynthia D Copenhaver Kettering Mark Baker Nancy J Budde Raymundo Espinosa Lancaster ¡ Robert William Cook Jeffrey A Thomas Lexington John Harris Ronald Schaub Troy D Yerian Lima Ronald B Dredge


David W (Dave) Binder Louisville Gregory Parrish Maineville Ali lsrnail Dean Stout Philip John Weil Mansfield Allen Michael Schwartz Marion

R Blaine Pitts, Jr Massillon Barbara A Beattie Raymond J Vassas, Francisco Williams William D Willing Maumee Cindy Brightfield Bick Richard G Brown Mike P Clark Robert C Krueger Medina Washington Court Mentor Krste (Kris) Najdovski William F Ungar Miamisburg Rob Vigar Middletown Robert Shively Milford Scott A Haigh C Bradley Wolverton N Canton G Rob Miller North Canton Racquet Club N Ridgeville Ralph M Dunbar N Royalton Brad D Scholtz New Albany Paul F Kobel! New Concord John Andrew (Drew) Groves, Ill New Philadelphi Tom R Isaac

Norwalk Jeffrey L Harst Orange Village Arun K Jetli, PhD Oxford Bruce Lipka Painesville Marlene Hach

Stow Allan M Brown Muriel M Stine Strongsville Christine J Heynysh Lorna L C Wagner Sunbury Thomas R Nelson

Gary B Vaughn David J Young Parma Jack Bethlenfalvy Mark W Ullman Pepper Pike Joseph Dyser Perrysburg C James Carr Karen Fellabaum Thomas F Lane, Ill AI Rava Piqua Ursula Harris Portsmouth Bryan W Nibert James A Parkes

Tipp City Kelley L Rickard Toledo Cesar M Balibrea-Ortega Pat Birney Michael R Burge Patricia Cabanski James E Davis Todd M Dominaiak Scott E France Albert Garcia Thomas J Martin Harvey G McCartney Craig Walter Uhrichsville


Upper Arlington John Fawcett Urbana Greg Dredge W Chester M Anne Hoffman

Kim S Uhlik Reynoldsburg S Bertram Robinson Rocky River Michael R Sandercock S Euclid Richard W Rozell Salem Steven Walters

Shaker Heights Lynn S Kamenir Gwyneth Thomas Sharonville Bill McCormick Shreve James V Nelson Solon Donna O'Neill Spencer Kristine Stofey Spring Valley Charles V Painter Springfield David Lee Beach David E Engle


Dean Pocock

Wauseon C J Grimo!izzi·Jensen

Westerville James M Amick Clifford C Ryan Westlake Todd A Ashdown John E Heil Whitehouse Oakland W Favro Wilberforce Alonzo C Hutson Willoughby Timothy P Morgan Woodmere Villag Greg E Prevette Wooster Brian P Cunniff Kirk Frey Hayden Schilling

MIDWEST DIVISION Worthington Brian Boyd Meier

Youngstown Connfe E Schwartz

Zanesville John W Whitefield

WISCONSIN Appleton Robert J Luedtke Kerry M Rickert Paul T Wilde Beaver Dam Joel A Kimmell Bradley P Seegert Bristol Andrew Moffat Brookfield Marc F Russo David Steinbach Colgate Upton W Giles, Ill Elm Grove William Kirsch Fonana Paul H Lauterbach Fond Du Lac Robert J Smaglik Germantown Robert J Downey, Jr Glendale Mary Beth Kilian Ruth Shapiro Grafton Elizabeth Robison Green Bay William H Feucht Susan R McGlone Karen M Neuman Janis A Pum Greendale Gene G Loughrin Hales Corners Scott Cornehls Hartford Cynthia A Stys Jackson John P Gambucci Kenosha Beth A Barden Margaret J Niccolai Jeanne M Scruggs

Thomas Soens Kohler Denise R Komula Arthur L Santos La Crosse Molly C Crandall Cliff DeVoll Lake Geneva Rex Lewis Madison Doneta A Chorney Thomas J Chorney Laurel Holgerson Daria D Javid Gene F Schaefer Lyle P Schaefer Craig Thornton Manitowoc Robert A Feller John C Labinski Reiny J Maier Timothy S Stankewicz Marshfield Thomas M Feirer Garry J Koehler David B Smith Kenneth E Swenson Mequon Robert J Buckley Rick Vetter Milwaukee John F Attoe J Cary Bachman Tim Beyer Walter Bronson Vilis Cakans Michael Davidson Timothy Eiff Kim L Frion

Larry P Gannon Eric 0 Holmes Michael D Levy, Sr Jay J Massari John Matheny James Jay Momberg DeeAnn V Ragaisis Annette Riley Richard D Robbins Valerie E Scott Steven M Wise Mukwonago Dave N Saxe Nashotah Michael E Asfeld


Neenah Theodore L Farah Nelsonville Mark Medow New Berlin James W Beck James L Janikowski Oak Creek Thomas D Wuethrich Oconomowoc Steve Carpenter Barbara Ann Mueller Peter J Plaushines Forrest E Schmidt Sharon Stuckey

Omro Carlton F Buerger Oneida Shelly L Braatz Oostburg L Randall Stolpe Oshkosh Victoria L Beltran

Robert Berger Steve A Francour Robert E Luedtke William Van Lieshout Pewaukee Michael J Sharp Racine

John P Lenart Lee J Libby Reedsburg William T Webster Rhinelander Robert G Heideman Ripon Jamie W Royce S Milwaukee James J Benka William (Willard) Johnson Thomas Komassa Schofield Timothy Holmes Sheboygan Bill Gregg Wayne S Uglem Shell lake Larry Abrams Stevens Point Jean A Luetschwager

MISSOURI VAllEY DIVISION Tyler J Noel W Allis Jim Barnish W Bend Michael Jon Sauer

Ted Sprinkmann

Waukesha Jeffrey S Kohl David Recknagel Erwin E Rother Wausau

Howard R Klueter

Wauwatosa John W Thomsen

West Bend Steve Neja

MISSOURI VALLEY DIVISION Jaime Vargas, Past President Richard Halpine, Treasurer Raymond E. Witzel Jr., Testing Susan Sloboth, Women's Liaison

Brad Richison, President

John Williams, Regional Vice President

Kevin Hamilton, 1st Vice President

Scott Hanover, Newsletter

IOWA Ames Michele C Conlon Jean Goldring Ankeny Steven E Anderson

Bettendorf Deborah Susan Pryor Camanche

David R Moore Cedar Rapids Spencer D Eells Thomas J Galbraith Charles (Rusty) Graff Eric W Rodgers Campbell Watts Doug R Wenzel Coralville Erik S Samuelson Davenport Daniel (Rocket) Vogel Des Moines Bunny Bruning Steven E Hill Jill Peterson Jeffrey S Petty Sara E Peverill Dubuque Kevin M Caldwell Fairfield Chris Armstrong

DeArmond E Briggs Lawrence L Eyre

James E Moore Paul Johan Stokstad

Iowa City Craig Carney Charles F Darley Don Klotz Cary Vorheis Marion

Jane S Niemeier Okoboji Richard Hahn Pella Doug C Stursma Sioux City John J Christen Malcolm S Gilreath Urbandale Teresa A Racette

Timothy T Wiser W Burlington Peter N Moore W Des Moines Michael Granata Bob Peterson Jeff L Vaage Waukee Mary E (Beth) Greene Webster City Pierre U Bernard

KANSAS DeSoto Martin E Hess Fairway Bridget Guilfoil Fitzwater Bill Guilfoil Eileen L Guilfoil


Kansas City Thom E Scott Kiowa

Wes Rugg

lawrence Jim A Secrest Darin Weidenheimer

G Michael Wolf Leawood Jeff L Henderson Paul C Silbersher Kimberly C Sunderland Shirley Y Turner John Waltz

lenexa Scott M Enge Eli N Muhl Robert Muir Gilberte Rincon Jeffrey M Sweeney Manhattan Randy Hyllegard, PhD Elmer Patterson Merriam

John J Bregin, Jr Mission

William S (Joe) Christie N Newton Marty Ward Olathe Jerry Rockhold Overland Park Jeffery S Benson Joseph W Boyd

MISSOURI VALLEY DIVISION Jake Hannas Patrick H Looney Todd A Perkins Lawrence Tabak

Pittsburg John G MacKay

Prairie Village Sara E Arnold Angela J Blair Kevin J Lehr Brad Richison Matthew E Rodney

Roeland Park Paul N Smith

Shawnee Ken P Glow Shawnee Mission Helen W Henderson Nathan R Woker

Stilwell Kim G DeMars Topeka Steve M Dekker William R Fraley Kevin R Hamilton Tyler G Hauk Frederick B Smith, Jr Charlotte E Wylie

Valley Center Phillip D Adrian Wichita Rex Coad Charles D Ellis Leo R Estopare Sara L Hamilton Simon D Norman Gregory L Plumlee Cameron M Prichard Darrel L Snyder Mervyn Webster

MISSOURI Ballwin Nancy S Pound Paul N Richardson

Chesterfield Candace Huetteman

Chillicothe Gary L Machholz

Clayton Joseph G Ingram

Columbia James Cochran

Maureen Fitzgerald M Kent King Jaime E Vargas Fenton Linda M Becker Florissant John H Benne Bradley H Compton Jack Lewis Fulton Mark D Enderle

Harrisonville Mark Long

Jackson Shane W Anderson

Kansas City Dale Eshelbrenner Owen N Hambrook Eric S Moran Marvin P Richmond Anne Schleicher Dan H Silver Kilmeny W Waterman

Kirksville Peter L Kendall

Ladue Manuel Prado

Manchester Reggie C Browne Jorge L Ramirez Skip Salzenstein

Maryland His Steve Wille

Mexico Jean

w Hill

Springfield Bruce H Holbrook Carl E Noyes Lisa Osbourn Gerry Perry

StCharles Lawrence D Klein Dave H Stahlschmidt

St Louis Mario J Barretto William T Bell Thomas Boldt Justina A Bricka Rich Chappuis Otis A Drakeford Todd Frederick Duck ham Christopher A Dudley


Michael L Fisher Richard Flach, Jr lan R Frederick Roger A Furman Howard E Jarvis Richard M Johnson Stephen C McKinstry Jeffrey Miller Alan S Mitchell Bill Price Patricia J Purcell Craig E Sandvig Kelly M Stahlhuth Shawn D Walburn Carl E Walker Terry C Ward Terry A Wilhelm Gene Williams Warrensburg Thomas R Hoskins Santiago Rodriguez

Webster Groves Chuck Rogge

NEBRASKA Bellevue James M (Jim) Falvo Elkhorn Norman H Hamm

Grand Island Richard Halpine

Lincoln Ann Bartek Barry King Nemaha Terry Cade Omaha Brian E Cosma Douglas H Greenwald Katherine Hawkins George H Hill Eric D (Ric) Hines Jane F Hines Christopher J Hoover Christopher J Hubbard Edward Hubbs Murlie Keller Patsy Lukas Toma R Ovici Milton (Terry) Petersen Richard J Prochaska Matthew Douglas Ravnholdt

NEW ENGLAND DIVISION Susan A Sloboth David S Vecera David L Weber Papillion Bill Roach

OKLAHOMA Bartlesville Pat Ritchie

Broken Arrow Edgar Dean Clower

Kevin A Milton Rudolph H Perkins Tim J Ritchie Edmond Scott Schropp Scott R Tipton Enid John R Williams Guthrie Dick E Gilkey Roger Jack

Jenks Mont Roper Norman Rick J Fernandez Paul Lockwood Oklahoma City Kim K Bender David Bryant Craig D Colee Tom my English Dean R Harrah Vu Thai Hoang Dick Howell Elton J Jenkins Sharon Lease Nathan Stacy McCants Frederik R Pedersen Colin Robertson Craig P Starke Ronald Van Der Wal Raymond E Witzel, Jr

Ponca City Wm Hutton B Jones Seminole William Davis Shawnee Suzan K Dick Ronald Ed D Sharp Stillwater Brad S Louderback Tulsa Douglas Boswell Michael Coats R Ellis Garlington Bill Gordon Jon W Holden Richard N Horne Garry B Nadebaum James O'Haren Cliff Price Arnold Short Pancho Walthall James Russell Warner Scott A Yarnell

NEW ENGLAND DIVISION Dave Fleury, President Townsend Gilbert, Regional Vice President Beverly Raws, 1st Vice President Jack Dunmead, 2nd Vice President

CONNECTICUT Ashford Charles Wm Oliver Avon J Christian Brooks Peter Jutras Jon E Meyers Craig A 0' Brien Timothy E Reid Mark B Resow Bethel Greg R Moran Michael J Williams Bloomfield Jimmy M Chasse Gerald L Slobin Branford Alex Dorato James J Giachino

Rick Sharton, 3rd Vice President Norma Taylor, Secretary Jeff Waters, Treasurer Dudley Bell, Chairman, President's Committee Dave Fleury, Testing

Bridgeport Rick Guralski Joseph S Hajducky, Jr Kenneth M Hajducky Lionel (Bud) Johnson James Nicholas Pavia Bristol Phillip J Parrish James F Ross Canton Joel N Taylor Cheshire Thomas H Almeida Colebrook Ray Swanton Collinsville Peggy Glasgow Brown


Peter A Holmes John G Pouzzner Robert Zysk Cos Cob Donald K Adams Jennifer Smith Danbury Joe Bouquin Kevin M Javi!!onar Patrick LaSalle James E Tierney E Haddam Charles M Peterson, Jr E Hartford Ben Bishop Ellington Eric B Uthgenannt Ernie Uthgenannt

NEW ENGLAND DIVISION Fairfield Charles R Davis Michael W Garrity Joseph J Norton Steven J O'Connell Jack M Shapiro Farmington Anne K Hussey Janet M Striegel Gaylordsville George Mclean Glastonbury Jeffrey H Arnold Granby Eileen Kelly Berry Greenwich James Boardman

Susanne Brody Sean Brown Robert E (Bob) Capp Scott E Honig Patrick S Kearns Jeffrey H Mount Dinesh Rajagopalan Tim F Richardson Joseph G Sobek Groton Felix S Ningas Hamden Michael P Slattery Hampton Arthur E Houle Hartford Philip Gordon Huntington Thomas L Preli Lakeville Kiau Loi Litchfield Stephen F Johnson Madison Rebecca Chase AI (Skip) South Manchester Cheryl D Baker Gloria Darling Larry Kahn Meriden Paul R Crone Lois Felix Middletown Daniel B Staples

Milford Christopher J Bruder Bradford B Easterbrook John Scalici Anders G Vonderheyde Monroe Beverly A Sullivan Moodus Edward Sports Products N Haven Michael E Quitko N Stonington Joseph R Angiolell'l New Canaan Allyn R Michalek Douglas Ng Ann Tanner New Fairfield Daniel F O'Connor New London Sheryl Yeary New Milford Ronald A Brooks Kathleen Gibson Virginia S Payne Newington Peter T Vieira

Northford Anthony R Diaz, Ill Norwalk Tom Carey John Cleary Joseph Pierce Buddy Scudder Old Greenwich Christopher L Hayes James B McCready Old Lyme Eric W Moore Quaker Hill Nicholas V Polizzi Ridgefield John A Bengston Richard J Fay

Sandy Hook Marvin Gene Chappell David H Fowler Stamford Brett G DiMambro Donald M Harring Roberto Leon John A Seminoff John Speer Gloria F Zermani Stratford Merritt Ruff Edward Van Beverhoudt Torrington

Er'1c Claman Robin G Gath Philip Laraia Douglas R Madeux Daniel E Tedesco Trumbull GOLF DIGEST /TENNIS, Inc Robert J La Marche NYT Event/Sports Mktg Vernon Carol Hartmann Bret Smith W Hartford W E McClellan, Jr W Redding Clifford P Schimpf! Wallingford Ned Gallagher Helen M Valenti Scott B Wilson Waterbury Sean W Moran Forrest W Sims Paul D Sochin Waterford Renee Houle

Weston Peri Sue Freundlich Westport Nancy J Fellman-Lally Norman Zeitchick


Barbara H Acosta James R Stephens S Windsor Michael Bergeron


Wethersfield Larry Hutnick Wilton Peter M Engstrom

NEW ENGLAND DIVISION Winchester Dean L Werner

Winchester Ctr Bradley Leu Windsor Donald Foster James E O'Brien, Ill

Windsor Locks Eric Crapo Winsted David Contois Woodbridge Ann Flint Marilyn Sommer

MAINE Berwick Chauncey A McFarland, Ill Brunswick Robert R Manter Edward T Reid Camden Mary E Buxton John Lippman Castine Matthew K Houghton Damariscotta Carol L Andrews Falmouth Charles T Rainville Gardiner Wilbur A Shardlow Gorham Chan Bearce Greene Jillian C Longstaff Kennebunkport Daniel W Wendle Kittery Point Karl A lngard Lewiston Paul J Gastonguay New Harbor Caroline C Howe

Old Orchard Beach Jeffrey E Barrett Peaks Island Brian S Gasque Portland Christopher T Conway

Devi Maganti Michael Mercier Mark G Tatusko Rangeley Robert Greene, Jr Readfield Richard Leipold

Standish Rodger Twitchell Topsham Usa Connolly Gilbride W Kennebunk Bradley J Kraft Westbrook Mike J Aronson Windham Todd Leone Yarmouth David G Fleury Raymond A Proietto

MASS. Acton Karen E Goggins Deborah Louder Robb Joseph Silva Agawam Paul S Fein Arlington Michael Harrington Bedford Arlene Deardorff Gregory Yahia Belmont Jeffrey Hamilton Christopher Lloyd Sheryl Maskell Alejandro A Ringvald Beverly William N Frost Richard J Martineau Henry Tiberio Boston Errol I Goard Marcia L Cunniff Jaime R Jose John McCarthy Donald L Monroe Beverly G Raws Brewster Lloyd G McDonald


Brighton Michael J Gardner Morton S Lederman

Brookline Kevin B Callanan Deborah G DeCou Walter E Elcock Warren D Kramer

Albert P Rogers Dr Walter St Goar Cambridge Joanne Bleckinger Stephen P Counihan David R Fish Michael A Lewitt Candace Royer Joseph Simonetta Deborah K Welsh Carlisle Michael J Cervantes Chatham Nigel K Bentley Chestnut Hill Cheryl S Coulter Bob Hewitt Clinton Dennis C Prinos Cohasset Gail Parks Cotuit John L Maloy Danvers Michael J Bates Chester M Rogers Dover Steven Ratner E Freetown Jacinta T Howden Edgartown Grace Bochicchio-McCarthy Constance L McHugh Falmouth Kevin Pease

Framingham Sheila Weinstock Ft Devens Kim R Marzewski Georgetown Don Hebert Gloucester Avis R Murray

NEW ENGLAND DIVISION Donald K Usher, Jr Grafton Emilia Ann Gallagher Groton Gerald C Higgins Groveland A Rhys Thomas Hamilton Claudine R Watson Hanover

L Bruce Mahler Haverhill Kenneth H Reid Hingham R Janet Bickford Hopkinton Michael Z Ollari Hudson Basye H Lilliott Hyannis Roger Stening Jamaica Plain Alan R Punke Kingston Mark Williams

lakeville David W Silvia

lenox David J Costello Daryoush Pakpour Richard F Piretti, Jr Richard J Piretti Leominster Sam R Mascitti lexington Peter Campbell Adolph Thomas Marion M Van

Nostrand Lincoln Lew Grinnan Timothy W Smith longmeadow Carlene D Stephens Magnolia Elizabeth Bailey See Manchester Dorothea Havighurst Kenneth M Smith Marblehead William Busiek

Truls Enghoff Marion Jerry Aillery Michael H Bucar Marlboro David 0 Brown Rosalind Kermode Marlborough Daniel Waintrup Steven M Winer Marstons Mills Bryan Totman Mattapan Henry E Paige Maynard Rebecca Rich Wendler Medfield Ralph E Chambers Medford Sylvia G Swartz Middleboro Charles M Renfrew Middleton James R Elwing Milford Kevin R Williams Millbury Michael Sforzo Millis Aram Karoghlanian Millville Stephen M Thuot Milton Stephen Goldman N Andover Joe E Habes N Dartmouth Bob Gilkey Alexander J Pavao N Easton Robert A Bridges Jack Dunmead Robert P Zimmer Nantucket James E McCaffrey Natick Steven N Gervickas Thomas B Glenn Kirill Komich Beverly R Wall


Needham William S Drake Needham Heights Jeffrey C Waters Newlon Dr Sydney Brass Robert Dallis Philip A Goldberg Geoffrey Harvey Tracey D Johnson A George Volpe Newton Center Adrian G Sahlean Newtonville Jean E Osachuk Richard T Sharton Northampton John W Beal, Ill David S Knox Norton Terry McVay Peabody David G Altshuler Michael P Benton Joseph M Casper Pittsfield David W Bell Plainville Anne E Licciardi Provincetown Christopher Busa Jack Dunham Randolph Henry Offner Reading Carol A Duffy Gary Roberts Lesley D Sheehan Revere Lucille DiF!umeri Thomas F Kollock Richmond Jena Marcoviccl S Boston Paul M Roe s Deerfield Ned Norris S Dennis Buzz Friend S Hadley Barry J Wadsworth Amy Wishingrad

NEW ENGLAND DIVISION S Hamilton Gale E Bacon Edward LeDuc S Yarmouth David L Kenney Salem Barbara Maitland Sandwich Minda G Weidman Scituate Steven J Lavanchy Jack Lynch Peggy Lynch Sharon Deborah Elyce Bickoff Sheffield Jack McKenna Sherborn Clark R Taylor Shrewsbury Bruce Mesches Paul L Staiti Spencer Steve Ethier Springfield Jon Alex Choboy John P Hughes Vallis F Wilder, Ill Stockbridge Mark M White Stoughton Eddie Davis R Steven Hagen Reebok International Ltd Annette Tector Rami Zelikovich Sudbury Andrea M Favaloro Laury Hammel Martha S Koekkoek Peter M Koekkoek Andrew John Sliwkowski Swampscott John L Foley Tewksbury Michael Eaton Topsfield Robert Lechten Upton Carolyn S Ross

W Newton Mark Burns Henry D Guignet Walpole Dominic Baldassari James Baldassari Waltham Ryland C H Hanstad Jeffrey R Morse Watertown Gary B Adelman Maziar Veyssi Wayland Myke Farricker Mark Mordecai

Martin A Parra Wellesley Joseph O'Brien, Ill Wellesley Hills John R Gautschi Weston Martha Roiter

Weymouth Waclaw W Kepinski Wilmington Joan P Axelrod Winchester John R Cor! Lloyd H Thomas, Jr Worcester Michael J Coleman Guterman International James L Matulis William P Power David G Zeutas-Broer

NEW HAMPSHIRE Antrim Tamara Anne Vezina

Center Harbor John M Barnaby Curt H Chesley Concord Jeffrey P Wensman Danville George A Goodall Exeter Wallace Gundlach David B Jones, II Franconia Jack Kenney


Gilford David A Robinson Goffstown Don Richer Hampton Thomas Over Hanover Charles M Kinyon Intervale Heidi E Rose

Keene Susan C Doyle Londonderry Nicholas J Camera Manchester Donna Jaquith Alexson Meredith Therese Boucher Peter C Fagan N Conway Michael J Rocheleau N Wakefield Frank P Covie Nashua Nancy P Grimes Peter R Paltsios Rob Trowbridge New London Jill S Firstbrook Newbury John M Huber Newfields Howard Burnett Wendy Burnett Peterborough Francis A Draves Russell A Fernald Plaistow Peter Barrett Waterville Valley Thomas R Gross, Jr

Wolfeboro Barbara K Fraser

RHODE ISlAND Bradford Lawrence D Walsh Bristol Janet Hecht

NEW ENGlAND DIVISION Cranston Tad Connerton Jamie Moretti Valerie A Villucci Cumberland Henry S Majkut E Providence Spencer E Gray Greenville Charles J Mann Kenyon Betty Walsh Mapleville Michael N Manville Middletown John F Martellino N Kingstown Crawford A Calder Ronald S Clarke Newport Charles W Howard, II Frank J Kenney Mario Llano Norma Taylor Portsmouth M Tina Schroeder Providence Stephen Feinstein Phillip H Hayman Phyllis R Roach Riverside Edmund Anelundi John T Holt Saunderstown Gary R Gorman Stephen Roberti W Kingston Geraldine M DiCamillo

W Warwick Steven Cohen Randy J Osga Watch Hill Daniel McCormick Westerly Jacques A P Faulise John W Spears

VERMONT Barre J Townsend Gilbert Rick L Johnson Barton Darlene J Finnegan Burlington Ted Hoehn Norm J Martel George Shaw Chester George Riehemann Chittenden Constantine J Moundalexis Colchester Joyce N Doud E Thetford Dorothy C Peeler Essex Junction Roberta Zimman Johnson Charles F Witherell Lyndonville Dudley S Bell Manchester Center Kelly Gunterman Montpelier Paul Dayton


Morrisville Charles E Yerrick Newport Ray Handy Quechee Edward A Crocker Rutland Franklin Dorsky Kenneth McEwan Ronald K Parlman, Jr S Barre Matthew A Perry Sharon Harvey Poirier Shrewsbury Laurence J Abelman St Albans Elizabeth Cosec Ambuhl Dennis L Langdell Stowe Adi Barnett William J Barnett Cheryl L Froh Marvin Moriarty Thomas E Salmon Lorie A Zacharias-Verdi Stratton Mountain Roger Thorne-Thomsen Waitsfield Glenn M Crowell Hans J Hohl Dennis Pelley Wallingford Barry L Stout Warren Nigel O'Rourke Thomas L Verdi


NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. DIVISION Joan Schnarr, 2nd Vice President

Bill Rapp, President Jim Mclennan, Regional Vice President Pauline Moore-Naber, 1st Vice President

CALIFORNIA Alameda Phillip A Calhoun Jim Coyne John F Curliano Steven A Gomez Northern California Tennis Association Brandt Rossi Julie Grummel Wirth

Alamo Eugene P Havrilenko Maisun A Mogannam Aptos Samuel W Beauchamp Richard T Kepler Peter Klembara Jan M Messina Gay J Sauer

Auburn Darlene Ann Cullington Anne P Holmes Eldon Rowe

Belmont Paul Rubas Roger Watson

Belvedere Patrie A Hermanson

Carrie Zarraonandia Berkeley Janis Sherer Ballard Alex Brown Carol Downes Carlton C Jones Jeff David Keyser Jacques A Lanner-Cusin Todd Mitchell Andy Salonen

Brad Rieser, 3rd Vice President Dexter Fong, Treasurer Mark Fairchilcls, Secretary Doug Atkinson, Past President Chris McQuown, Executive Director

S Robert Shafer Boulder Creek Christopher Bradley Burlingame Tina B Churich Anthony G Mendoza Paulette E Oppenheimer Scott Perlstein Graham Shaw Bill Smith Byron Roger Crawford, II Campbell Jeffrey B Christianson Mark A Roberts Charles Sanfilippo Carmel Andy Briant The Carmel Valley Tennis Camp Robert Montgomery Steven M Proulx Shirley A Rake Susan Reeder Diane L Smith John M Tarantino Chandra L Thompson Carmel Valley Ralph Drumheller John Gardiner Sharon Osgood Carmichael Doug Atkinson Ronald Harper Kevin L Kurtz John G Leles James S Moulton David C Whetstone Castro Valley Jorge Del Moral


Sulan F Peebles Chico Gregory G McTaggart Nor Cal Tennis Pro Association Citrus Heights Cris A Bacharach Richard Stettner Danny Tanner Concord Jeffrey L Gonce Corralitos C G Bush, Jr Cal Giaimo Corte Madera Jack V Maniaci Thomas J Sadzeck Cotati Paul J Shepherd Cupertino Scott R Grebe Daly City Gilbert L Howard Danville John A DeMartini Patricia Eaton Howard Jamison Cheryl M Mclaughlin Dick Overstreet Joan Schnarr John Sutter Davis Robert Samuel (Bob) Cedros Lary N Duque Dale T Hersch John E Nelson Discovery Bay Kevin M Hall

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA DIVISION Dixon Pamela L Gill-Fisher El Cerrito Chuck Bleckinger Denise T Tom El Dorado Hills Robert M Sterk Mark G Tappan Elk Grove Eddie H Sison

Emeryville Linda Siegel Gammon Eureka Larry G Sanborn Fair Oaks Angus L Maclean Dan E Patterson Gary D Scholl William K Watters Fairfax Kevin C Black Shawn H Cole Erik K Johansson Steve K Pence Fairfield Gregory K Davis Barry Young Folsom Rich Andrews

Forest Knolls Russell Jilot Foster City Francois L K Chan Martin F Mulligan Fremont Scott E Church Jason P Gilbert Rowan H Solomon Fresno Frank Apecechea Teresa Apecechea William R Aronson Thomas C Barnes Mark Belman Dave Borelli Kathleen Brodrick William D Carte Tara A Eden Dan Gilbert Mike Jizmejian Shawna Kevorkian Matthew A Mastro Michael Pearson

Coby Roberts Russell A Simon Peter Smith Shannon D Smith Brad Stine Gilroy William D Bailey Gold River Stephen Gorden-Poorman Martin Rothfels Grass Valley Patrick J Houlihan Half Moon Bay Joseph A Benavent Christopher M Horne Peter F Regan Hayward Cesar Alvistur Deborah C Douglas Kevin L Milligan Marilyn Morrell-Krista! Christopher L Wall Healdsburg T Richard Schluter Hillsborough Gregory N Boro David J Irwin Hollister Dave A Bradley Eduardo Esteban

Jackson Derek P Galli Kelseyville Thomas E Schaerges Kentfield Darby Morris Scott Murphy Lafayette Michael H Bauer Brent A deGroot Barry Gilbert Larkspur Patricia Blaskower Rod Heckelman Ross C Hollowell

livermore Martha Morrison Lodi Mauricio Achondo Robert S Chiene Harry Gordon Frank C Hall


Jonathan J Solari Loomis Mark W Trip lett Los Altos Jeff K Conard Craig A Corfield Pamela Bacci Hammargren James P Mclennan Philip Meyer Jeffrey R Nelson Los Gatos Christopher K Anderson Patricia A Cobb Gordon Collins Brigit M Fink-Jensen Randy R Giblin Sherman R Stever Kathryn Strebin Tim Sunderland Brett B Tilley

Madera Karen Hansen Marina John T Malokas, Jr Martinez

Lee H Draisin Marysville Jim A Somerville Mendocino David Eddy Menlo Park Gerald Cullison, II Douglas C French Dick Gould Kathryn J Harrison Jim A Heebner Brian T Keating Shirley Kurnoff Joanne M Sanders John M Thomas Jim M Triolo John Whitlinger Merced David Bakken Phillip A Johnson Cuyler Legler

Mill Valley Dave Houston Jade P Nguyen David W Stewart Helle Viragh George Zahorsky

NORTHERN CALiFORNIA DIVISION Millbrae Reginald W Drew Modesto Fred A Earle, Jr Mark A Fairchilds Jack Lackey Donald N Roberson Lori A Snable Larry D Stanley Julie Weir Mark Weir Monterey Kerry M Belser Mark E Sydnor Peter L Treves

Steven B (Steve) Wagner

Moraga John Delong Beverly C Fuhriman Judy E Klopstock Mark B Orwig Lynne A Rolley John Sharpe Morgan Hill Van W Hooks Mountain View Henry Kamakana

Jennifer Marek Alan T Margot Mt Shasta Bob Stewert Muir Beach Sports Psychology Consultant Napa Donald E Barr Torrey L Cain Samuel H Levy Jerry Somerville Steve Stefanki Nevada City Doug Rudholm Newark Kevin K Pope Novato Pauline Brown Carter Ingram Keith Shein Oakland Lindsey S Berman

Scott Borowiak John D Byrd Christian E Hausman

Alvin D Hom Roger Kahn Barbara A Lewis

Olympic Valley Paul Rivard Orangevale Glenn K Davis Seann G Manering

Oregon House Troy R Buzbee Orinda Brian A Berry Mark V Miller Ronald D Noon Steven B Shaw Oroville Stanley W McQuown Angelika C Vrooman Pacific Grove John P Weston Pacific Row Eric Michael Winrow Pacifica

Rebecca A Barmore Michael C Fitzgerald Thomas S L Shea Palo Alto Madalyn Baker Andrea J Barnes Frank Brennan Steve John

Deggelman Bill Delaney Thor Holt John Hubbell Rick Jacobson Christine Parker Robert M Richards Dirk Van Der Linden Penny Warfield Pebble Beach Chad L Abies Jim Lowell Marc C Moran Penn Valley David G Graham Mary Kay Srnith Petaluma Jerry w Mehciz Carl A Morgenstern Christopher Oakes Joseph Romani Pioneer Steven A Robinson


Pleasant Hill Dale Miller Brad G Rieser Pleasanton Kari L Hamlin Donald L Henderson Todd D Trimble Portola Valley Hunter Delatour

Alexander Mayer, Jr Larry Parker Redding Terry Ehlers Geraldine Lea Jones

Greg J Robitaille Terry L Sullens Redway John B Slavin Redwood City Terry E Billings Roger L II Gilbertson Bill Rapp Richmond Jerry Conrad Rio linda Jerome Bezila Rocklin Felipe Monroy Rohnert Park Jay Potter Keith Wheeler Roseville Jeffrey M Brown Steven Dunmore W L (Chip) O'Hearn, Ill Steven Schulman David R Sherwood Ross John M Nelson s Lake Tahoe Thomas R Barnes

David G Clock Patrick A Fagen R Kirby Moulton Ronson L Sakioka Sacramento Ashlee A Ashba Bill Beale Willie Brown Barbara R Buxton Robert Clauson Arnold Dun

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA DIVISION Keith A Earl Keigm R Fannin Dexter Fong Hunter H Gallaway Dulcene K (Betsy) Hayden Christopher C Herman Tracy L Houk-Kuhn Cynthia L (Cindy) Keeling Jill E Kelsey David J Kuhn Michelle F Lambert Devon C Littlefield Van Thuc Nguyen Michael J Schmitz Richard K 0 Sotelo Lori L Tunnell, PhD Bill L Van Pelt Rick Ward Salinas Philip Batchelder David F King Bharat C Poria Alan E Telfer San Anselmo James Bedilion Joseph P Kells Eugene F Phillips John A Rushworth San Bruno Danny Kelton San Carlos Ken Robinson Michael Karl Rostad San Francisco Lawrence Axtell Carol Bassi California Tennis Club Mathew Donaldson, Jr Michael. E Friedman Rick Guerrero Jim I Hadley Gregory Hiers John Chase Huebner Kathleen M Jones Adrian J Kruse Flannan Lum Benny Wei-Xian Mao Carl G Mendoza lsiah Mitchell Kerry Mitchell Jose L Morales Robert C Murio Don P Neumeier J Weston Reese

J Devin Sconyers Terrence M (Terry) Scott Jennifer A Shorr Matt J Siegel Marisa Louie Stone Huey Thomas Steven W W Vogt Bill Washauer David Wolfe San Jose Richard John Beijer Jerome Clair William Cole Thomas D'Aquin Jeff M Gwynne Derek Hay Ming Ling David M Lu Pamela McMurtry James S Miller Pauline Moore-Naber Bob J Morgan Krish Narayan Ben Neveras Gary Roeske Eric Sanchez Jana Elway Sever Casey S Swan Ton D Tran Matt Wooldridge San Leandro Daniel Leon William D Patton San Lorenzo Linda I Gudina San Mateo Walt A Hobbs Ceci Martinez Dexter Sunderland San Rafael Lauralee Barbaria Lisa Barry Berg Scott P Brown Eugene T Cantin Teri Goodman L & M Distribution Inc Maurice Newman Marc D Weinstein Anne Zarraonandia San Ramon Timothy B Anderson Peter C Kasavage Kent H Shanks Sanger Irene H Harris


Santa Clara Jay P Ginwala James D Gorman Santa Cruz Robert W Hansen Michael Velasco Christopher J Yoder Santa Rosa David J Borowicz Kelly Cooper Charles (Corky) Cramer Gregory P Haims Robert Klyce Dan Magnuson Ruben M Meza John E Olmsted Randall Sarten Sausalito Oban Lambie Judy Newman Seaside Frank J Seitz Lucille J Ushakoff Sebastopol Richard D Cardiff, Ill John I Vigil Shingle Springs Martha Downing Mary M Hill Sonoma Richard Bellefeuille Soquel Theodore J Saed, Ill (Todd) Jack Scainetti Spreckels Damon Nol Brady St Helena Douglas S King Stinson Beach Jerry Peters Stockton Antwan T Graves Rev Ed Moosbrugger Mickey J Soulis Eric Stockman Suisun City Philip c Cello Sunnyvale Olivier P Ecaterinis David S Hyams Rodney A Kop

NORTHWEST DIVISION Leslie Lura Richard B Newman Thomas P Sarsfield Bryden Yemm Jan K Young Tahoe City Michael (Scott) Braymer John Kohlmoos Tiburon Steve J McDonald Tracy Henry Germain Truckee Ronald J Kurtz Ezekiel A Straw Turlock Nancy D Ansboury Steven E Tennis Twain Harte Felix Barbera Ukiah Christopher Kretchmer

Union City Wendell F Pierce Vacaville Mark Hansen Margaret Kay Sisson Leo E Vrana JoJo Zalameda Vallejo John E Whitehurst, Ill Visalia John L Guevara Doug Hofer Walnut Creek Laura L Bottaro Patrick J Caracci Andrew L Combs Brad Dietzel David A Flakoll Paul J Garron Douglas C Johnson Patricia K Welles Watsonville Steven J Striffler

Woodacre Brent Zeller Woodbridge Steven Tiffin Woodland Lane H Evans Woodside Ronald J Lowell David Ott Susan B Zaro Yountville Maurice L Sockolov Yuba City Gregory South

NEVADA Reno Scott Buell Julie A Emrick Mark J Humes John 0 Matkulak David Radford Kurt Richter Robert San Miguel Donnie K White

NORTHWEST DIVISION Tim Burke, President Steve Wilkinson, Regional Vice President Brian McCoy, 1st Vice President Marc Miller, 2nd Vice President Bruce Gullikson, 3rd Vice President

MINNESOTA Albert Lea Bruce Westrum Anoka Scott R Jeffers Andrea Sledz Apple Valley Susan Furtney Arden Hills Rajan N Keswani Austin Ken W Larson Baxter Richard D Needham

Steve Fosdick, Secretary Dick Nelson, Treasurer Sandy Kelly, Executive Secretary Roger Boyer, Testing Chairman Rajan Keswani, Convention Chairman

Bloomington Curtis V Carlson Marshall V Carlson Jan Johnson Patricia G LeBere Tim Nothwehr Dean A Rudrud Kevin Schmoll Sandy M Sherbarth Jason R Sowder Blue Earth Charles B Anderson Brainerd Bruce Boland Kathryn L Bolstad Janice K Costello


Brooklyn Park Michael A Ach Brooten Neal H Baker Burnsville Patricia Oaster Mraz Chanhassen Brian L Christensen Thomas M Kotsonas Chaska Jon B Erickson Paul Muesing Mary E Prendergast Coon Rapids Douglas F Maday

NORTHWEST DIVISION Robert J Pivec Deephaven Dallas B Kreutter Duluth Tracy Broin P K (Flip) Sazama Eagan Melvin R Smith Ron York Eden Prairie Todd A Beaudoin Joseph M Braden Douglas Elsass David M Mathews Melanie M Miller Mark A Parrott David Reier William H Roddy Paula M Schneider Wayne P Wahl Edina Dana Anderson Bob Larson's Tennis Arvin Z Cohen

John T Hatch Sandra K Kelly Amy Elizabeth McCrea Elizabeth (libby) Nelson Kathryn Nelson Jerry Noyce Virginia F Owens Ronald Rieckenberg Paul J Stormo Ted E Warner Greg P Wicklund Excelsior

Patricia l Allar Gail Ofstehage Faribault Ronald I Phillips Foley Michael J Premo Grand Rapids James Alstad Hopkins Nicole M LaVoi lake Elmo Mary LeClair Richard G Yates Lakeville Bruce R Gullikson Cory W O'Brien

Little Canada Steven D Fosdick Mankato David Pettengill Maple Grove Ted Kopren Maplewood Kevin D

Kupferschmidt Marshall Hugh Gurtler Charles l Kost McGregor Edward C Scott Jennifer Scott Merrifield Marnie Whalen Minneapolis lynn Katherine Anderson Timothy Burke Connie Custodio John Desmond Jack Elvestrom John B Flanigan David Geatz Jane Gilchrist Jon D Hardman Alvin Hines Stacy M Husebo Jeffrey H J Nipper Elizabeth Oliveto lynn Olsen Michelle Olson Nick Pappas Ellie Peden Judith D Ray Susan l Ritter Deanne l Sand Janet A Schissel David H Schulze Jeffrey D Smith Michael Stenquist Scott R Swanson Warren Swanson Charles Zimmerman Minnetonka David Eariewine Roy Halverson Julie A Mall Richard Martinson Richard D Nelson Debbie Osmera Dave Stearns


Minnetrista Becky Plowman-Hahn New Brighton Larry Remund New Hope John H Mueller Nisswa

Todd Ruedisili Northfield Todd R Carroll Daniel Grey James

Mark T Johnson Scott Nesbit Pillager lisa M Salo Pine City John F Eberhart Prior Lake Carol l Lindow Richfield Steven l Gonier Jack Roach Dan Stablein Rochester Tim Butorac John J Cersosimo Jennifer A Harkins Gregory R Lappin Kevin Rust Stephen 0 Scheffley Mark A Schroeder Rosemount John l Arp Bryan G Biever

Roseville Todd Curtiss Greg J Steiner Spring Park James R Martin St Cloud Melissa Andreotti-Revenig George C Bachman Paul M Bates M Karen Bellmont Jack C Bowe Melissa Heinen-Rosenthal Jeffrey J Menke Mark C Munti!ering James T Murphy Gerald Sales Jay E Schlor!


PACIFIC NORTHWEST DIVISION St Louis Park Mark A Brandenburg Patrick W Colbert Percy C Hughes, Jr Theodore Kauffmann St Paul Steven H Anderson Christopher Bretoi Clifford J Caine Chris Combs Mary J Cornell Robin R Coverdale Ronald A Filstrup Anne M Garde Ernie A Greene

Kathleen A Greene Susan C Hodgson Darcy L Jones John P King Brian R McCoy Marc H Miller Lois Nordman Steve C Paulsen John T Shelander Brad Lee Wallace St Peter Steve Wilkinson Sunfish Lake Daniel K Halvorsen

Tonka Bay Connie Boyer Roger Boyer Virginia Jim Prittinen W St Paul Aboud D Hilo Walter W Johnson James K McKie Michael Storms Wayzata Ted Greer Bruce H Jackson Pamela Hensel Kearney Robert G Madson Claudia Myers-Whiteley David Yorks White Bear Lake Todd R Anderson Gregory B Getchell Bob Kiewel Paul E Steinhauser

NORTH DAKOTA Bismarck Debra J Fettig Fargo Jerry P Caulfield Dan Radtke Grand Forks J Tom Wynne Timothy J Wynne



Brookings Nate A Thompson Rapid City Daryl Paluch Sioux Falls Cathy J Deutsch Marty Johnson C Kevin McCadams Jeffrey Nelson Mary Thompson James D Van Gerpen James (Jamie) Volin

Scott E Boyer Jeffery William Halberg Woodbury James P Dixon

Bellevue Sherry Mullen-Strang Jerry Strang



Ted Watson, Regional Vice President Susie Hunt Moran, Vice President-Oregon Briscoe Eisendrath, Vice President of Education

ALASKA Anchorage Linda Bassett Eagle River John A Lindgren

OREGON Aloha David R Edwards

Eldon Wilson, Vice President of Testing Eric Newman, Secretary-Washington Rob Peterson, Secretary-Oregon Tom Caldwell, Treasurer lisa Moldrem, Immediate Past President

Ashland William C Bartlett Gail A Patton William M Riggs Beaverton Michael Lewellen Brian Loomis Doug Menke Rosemane L Thomas


Bend !an Haworth

Barry C Laing Central Point Kent W Cohee Corvallis Susie E Campbell Robert P Mitchell Gary M Quandt

PACIFIC NORTHWEST DIVISION Eugene Kelly D Baker Brice Bassett Thomas Greider Wade H Judy Barry Sterett Judith R Whitney Willow Creek Racquet Club Darry! Wisner

Grants Pass Scott Allan Draper Diane F Plante Gresham Cary L Collins Scott A Krueger Steve R Vaughan Hillsboro Scott A Farnham lake Oswego Ted H Carlson Timothy L Gaillard Brian Leahy Roger McKee Anni Miller Anne Boisseau

Pamplin Andrea L Peltosalo lincoln City Robert W Gibson Michael E Stone Medford Frank Inn, Jr Eldon W Wilson Milwaukie Jim Hastings Monroe Gregg J Furukawa Portland Carol Coparanis Samuel A Dibbins, Jr Matthew Grubb Mary P Johnsen Nathan L Jones, Jr Michael L Kanapeaux Craig Koessler Deanne R Larsell Richard L Lenker Carolyn Lumber Ellen M MacPherson Dick Mclaughlin Michael Metz Susan Hunt Moran Craig G Nelson, Jr Brian Parrott

Rob E Peterson Wayne M Pickard Scott L Ruthertord James A Sevall Jay Stokes Mike Tammen Gundars Tilmanis Jeffrey Wood Maka Ala Yates Roseburg Brett Hall Barry D Peven Salem Stephen M Alley Rick Hammerquist Donald D Harlan Travis Lewin Sandy Bill McCartney Springfield Jamie T Horne Sunriver Sue Boyle Jacqueline Kelley The Dalles Gerald Farmer Tigard John Gregory Amaya Wilsonville Mike J Pazourek

WASHINGTON Bainbridge Ted Eisenhardt Battle Ground Amber Goheen Bellevue Janet H Adkisson Steve Doerrer Grant Grinnell Robert A House Arthur S Lambert Roger Mark Paul L Moseby Fred Pessl Salome R Presley Alice Yen Bellingham JoAnn Andrews Jim S Brown Geoffrey E Parker Blaine Jennifer M Bettauer


Bremerton Sylvia D Palmer Edmonds Richard W Buren Derin L Riley Edward Sayrahder Everett Lori P Pursley David Sennett

Fall City David E Ross Federal Way Robert A Baker Steven Bowen Sharon Frances Foister Freeland Brian L Stanley Gig Harbor Seabury Stanton, II Issaquah Mark Frisby Kennewick Patricia Ann Kirch Kent Terry M Beals Bill Harper Allan T Overland Kirkland Philip J Ansdell Ross T Eaton Edward A Kelly Ash Mitha Michele K Stockman leavenworth James 0 Furman longview Ed Burke Maple Valley Dennis Higashiyama Mountlake Terra Stephen Van Meter Newport Steve Auble Olympia John (Bris) Eisendrath Dennis D Margoni Joseph Rush Pasco Allen L Hopp Poulsbo Daniel G Kelner



SAN DIEGO DIVISION Jane K Knutsen Michael V Linnabary Arthur Lockwood Carla Lyons Rob B McKenna Roy R Merca

Evan P Olsen Puyallup Scott A Christie Redmond Jerry C Boggan Dick Knight

Lisa Moldrem

Fred L Parkinson

Marcell L Whitney Redwood Kenji Akagi Renton Earl I Blanchard Allison K Mori Richland Joe A Hernandez Timothy A Thomas Seattle Eric Albrecht Bally Bang Robert Bentrott Thomas Caldwell Robert B Colwell Marylou Dankelman

Brian E Nash

Rick New Eric Newman

Nguyen Thanh Phan Roy A Prior Mike Prospek Jeffrey J Ratte Douglas Ruffin John A Soriano David Rork Thompson William R Thompson Ted K Watson Amy W Yee Snoqualmie Ed G Colligan Spokane Walter Heidenson

Toby Larson

Michael M Grossman

Mark Hooper Evan Hundley Bobby R Johnson James F Knobbs

Karen Tuomi

Tacoma John M Cassens Kenneth T Chaffeur

Nathan L Chappell David J Dickson David M Haas Paul A Koessler Scott S Shogreen Robert (Bob) Simpkins, Jr Gregory L Smith

Vancouver Arlene J Clark Carl J Crawford Kevin Young

W Richland Rob Knox Walla Walla Jeff W Northam Washougal Cory Duncan Nancy Duncan Wenatchee Chari Grobler Woodinville Mary D Delay Yakima Forrest F Latham Doug Mclaughlin Mitchell E Perala Yakima Tennis Club

SAN DIEGO DIVISION Angel lopez, President Mike Casey, Vice President Marcelo Marino, Vice President

Debbie Schroeder, Vice President

CALIFORNIA Agoura Hills Nina K Voydat Bermuda Dunes Daniel Aubuchon Bonita Ralph C Acosta J D Daniels Bonsall Philippe Brillant Calexico Guillermo M Alvarez

Cardiff Douglas R Elly

Kim Stephens, Secretary Stan Jefferson, Treasurer Bill Bond, Regional Vice President Bill Bond, Tester

Scott Spencer Carlsbad Jeffrey W Bubnack Juan Carlos Costa Michael Crocker John C Eberhart Betsy Ryan Endres Lydia K Fletcher Maryann Leilani

Hodges Tonya L Llewellyn William B Millikan David E Rapp Richard F Schroeder Pancho Segura David T Solomon


Art Tilton Cathedral City Owen Gillen Chula Vista Patrick G Bentley Carlos Hernandez William L Hethcoat Coronado Terence W Addison Ronald L Beaubien Bob Chapman Neil Chase Mimi Duncan Don Henson

E Donovan (Scooter) Henson

SAN DIEGO DIVISION Philip D Hopkins Pike Meade Randall L Nixon Narelle P Pettee Del Mar Cathie Anderson Dave Bennett

Diane A Elliott Kim Stephens US Racquet Stringers Association El Cajon Aaron Steinhauser Encinitas Clay Babcock Robert H Bacon Don R Hightower Brad Humphreys Larry C Mulvania Bill F Peters Thomas A Pirodsky Daniel A Spies Shelly Stillman-Scott Escondido Mark Berner Janice Combs

Dave Dollins Deborah Gavin W Clair Metzger, Jr Deborah A Turner Fallbrook James F Eklund Rich Romer Imperial Beach Manuel C Castaneda Indian Wells Robert Hill Gordon D Jorgensen

La Jolla Malcolm E Avner

Robert C Bacon Babette A Bernard William E Bond Peter W Buntemeyer Greg S Cruz Philip E Graham Angela R Horacek Thomas J Monahan Paul Press Michael F Reisinger F R (Ted) Schroeder Thomas B Stanton Michael R Taylor John Warzycki

La Mesa Robert Ignatius Cowan La Quinta Mike Casey Rebecca L Hovde-Saker Cynthia 8 MacGregor Robert L Mitchell LaQuinta John M Salvador leucadia James A Shomo Dennis V Stojewa Murrieta

Paul A Zaretsky Oceanside Curt Condon Uta V Hegberg Debra L Schroeder Neal Staats Palm Desert William E Belser Patrick M Dennehy Patricia Fraser Vincent Horcasitas Larry A Hunter James A Leupold Pamela A Maloof Chet Murphy Bill M Ray Ned J Reidy Allen Shapter Silver Sands Racquet Club Robert Srnith Robert T Wheatley, Jr Palm Springs Allison L Allen Donald R Bilby Duke V Bogatay Leoncio Collas Linda Woodhull Davis Monica M Hailer Charles A K Moore Phil Moskal Doug Runquist Hugh J Whiteman, Jr Pasadena Susan Moseley Poway Claire Babbitt John H Bennett Lorraine 0 Houser

Phillip J Kaplan


Paul Navratil Melissa A Porzak Steven E Schultz PI loma H Mace Williamson Ramona Chuck Boyle Rancho Mirage Ron P Estrada Guy H Fritz Curt Hall John F Prahl David Rogers David T Sallee James D Wenger Rancho Santa Fe Nancy S Hunter Anne Meigs Ellen L Porter San Diego American Tennis Association James R Ault Dave Bacon

Van Barnes Bruce A Barr

David Bartee Gregory M Bell Douglas Bradley Scott Edward Brown Liane Bryson

Sandy Cadel Kenneth Calder Gregg A Caledonia Colleen A Clery Ed Collins Patti Crane Rhett Dadej Paul Drolson Gary Druckman Corinne E Fagerburg Jason Fleck Karen E Frawley Gene Garrett H Renee Gerrick Roy M Gessford Carlos E Gomez· Dr Renee Gregorio Geoff Griffin Montgomery B Grout Thomas Gundrum Tony Haber Edward Hagey Greg L Hunt Stanley K Jefferson John Jeffries


SOUTHERN DIVISION Mitchell Ben Pigorsch Gaylee Poliakoff Ben Press Judy E Preston Lynn L Ray Michael J Reid Dr Edward Richardson Cindy R1vera C ian Robb Heidi Robison Michael C Rogers Jose G Ruelas, Jr Rod E Saluda Eduardo Sanchez Chuck Schunk Francis (Skip) Scorza Byron D Smith Richard D Spooner Scott Standlee Patricia Stewart Robin M Stewart Ake Svensson Ken Temple Mark Randell Thomas Brian J Turner Joe Wesson Brian R Whitecotton Hans Wichary

Clay Johnson James A Kellogg Allen D Kenner Paul Kid Don Kramer Tim L Kremm

Gregory S Lee Lionel Leger

Angel Lopez Rob J Maguire Brian Martin Gil Patrick Matro Jack E Matthews Michael B McArdle Jeffrey F McCullough Hilary McGuire Roberto Mello Cherise Meloi

Rainy H A Miller Francois Monnar

Richard Morales Toni Greer Moss Montserrat Noboa

Samuel Nunez Thomas H Nygaard Thomas J O'Brien Tony J Parzanese Manny Perez Robert M Perry

Lawrence Willens

Thomas Zeman San Marcos Herbert L Hops, II Fabio Marcelo Marino Maggie Riley-Hagan Kurt Rosi Raymond E Smith Stephen Tanner San Ysidro Monica A Blanco

Solana Beach Chris L Fromme

Alexander T Levie Greg H Taylor Spring Valley Ben R Arguilla Tecate Marcos Landavazo Torrance Courtney M Weichsel Trabuco Canyon James C Harper Vista Gustavo Cortes Michael J McNally Leslie Monteforte Susan M Stumm

SOUTHERN DIVISION Nell Carver, Regional Director (AL-GA) Billy Williams, Regional Director (NC-SC) Jay Hurst, Regional Director (AR-LA-MS) Fred Burdick, Executive Director

Greg Grover, President Fred Brudick, Regional Vice President/Past President John Stone, 1st Vice President Tom Daglis, 2nd Vice President Reedy Toney, Secretary Jim Peavy, Treasurer

Dennis Covington, Regional Director (KY-TN)

ALABAMA Albertville Gregory G Henderson

Alexander City Betty Chambers Anniston Scott W Beckett Peter L Doohan Auburn Randy W Holden David W Hume


Marc Anthony Charles Badger Sandra G Bridges Kerry Ray Brown Frank T Burns Joseph K Butchee Bob Cianchetti William T Dobbins Scott Douglas Steven M Faulkner Steven Garman


Greg L Gibbens Wanda A Godfrey Brenda Greene Wade L Herren

Howard L Hunt Michael Kreider Leslie Longshore, Jr David L Luesse Louis B Mason Dr Bal Moore Marcha G Moore Scott M Moore Barry W Parks

SOUTHERN DIVISION David A Parks Ross Roberts Robert Russell Alan Smallwood Jean Carder Vaughn Joan S Warren Jimmy Weinacker Clanton Herman Washington Cullman John H Trinchitella Daphne G Champ Cudahy Lynn C Johns Michael E Johns Decatur Ronald Brooks Fairhope Jeffery A Combs Florence James L Edgar Fultondale Clarence L Downs Glencoe Nancy Loconte Guntersville Edmond R Sahag Hartselle Pamela J Owen Hayden Patti A Randolph Hueytown Rex Bryant Jones Huntsville Donald P Cameron Nancy L Liston Jamie Miller Hugh Thomson G E (Brick) Warden Jacksonville Steve Bailey Jasper Grant Rolley Leeds Bobby Dale Clark, Jr Bonita Clark Lincoln Priscilla S G McMillan Madison John Fraser Robert K Larman

Mobile Phyllis J Blackwell Tom D Cooper, Jr Ernest J Cox James Newton Cox

Jeff Gray Kyle A Hiers Jeri Anne Lowe Marilyn Lubel Jim Moortgat Daniel Mitchell Rencher, IV Montgomery Daniel F Leal Craig A Lemley Jon Mann

John H McWilliams Andrea K Pent Mike Roberson Mimi Roberson Bernard A Sewell Ozark Don L Bryan, Jr Point Clear Mitch T McConnell Prattville Nancy A Harris Rainbow City Ernest (Buster) Stewart Paula Stewart Scottsboro Matthew Holaday Selma Charles D Ellis, Jr Southside Stephen J Pelletier Trussville Anthony Wade Blake Patsy R Blake Tuscaloosa Karin Sue Gaiser Keith Swindall Roy Keith Trawick

ARKANSAS Arkadelphia Craig Ward Bentonville Paul M Pautsch Conway John J Kuykendall


El Dorado Gary A Jones Suzanne B Phillips Fairfield Bay Fred Herman

Fayetteville Kevin R Cobbs Robert G Cox, Jr Mary Kennerly King A David Kossover Ft Smith B Gail Faubus W Farrell Graves Robert A Huckelbury Bill G Maxwell Nancy Simpson

Mike Whittington Hot Springs William 0 Martin Victor A Palafox

Patrick D Quinn Hot Springs Vii Robert Wagstaff Jonesboro Eddie Oates Little Rock Ted Bailey, Jr, MD Janan Trimble Batchelor Ed Baxley Lora Ann Baxley Bill J Bodie Joe Kuykendall Kurt A Miller Ron E Shields Amy K Smith Linda K Sneed Darrel D Snively Cindy Walker John R Willett Jeffrey T Zinn Maumelle Donnie R Wallis N Little Rock Buddy Bowman James Hobson Thomas Britt Loyd Pine Bluff Mark A Sanders Rogers Patrick J Hennessy Teri Hennessy Russellville Tim L Carter


Raymond T Kelly Warren Kramer Tennis Inc

Wynne Hekmat Sakaan

GEORGIA Alpharetta Kirk Anderson William M Brenner

Kelly A Coleman Pat Gardner-Reese Steven W Gutke James R Hardcastle Pamela K Haskin Burt R Lewis Darryl S Lewis Peter Lloyd Lynn M Lyon

Mark R Mountan MW Pro Tennis

Association Mark F Oglesby Cindy Jones Wright Athens Colin Patrick Crothers Dan Magill J Allen Miller Lesley Platek Luis F Varela Atlanta Terry N Alexander, Ill George Amaya Jay P Bailey Zachry M Bator J Mark Brown Robert Castorri

Glen Clark Natalie Cohen

Larry W Collins Jean Robert Desdunes

Brian DeVilliers Paul F Fortunato Ty Fuller William F Fulton, Jr Robert Dean Gillis Tracy Ann Goldman Eddie A Gonzalez Larry Graham Terry A Gratz Scott Alan Grimes Michael E Higgins M Strahan Hodgson

Larry Clayton Hovater Les Hudson Chris Huff Sandra L Irwin

Laura E Jackson Walter R Johnson James S Laughlin M Lee Myers-Brandt Armistead Neely Dunn Neugebauer Fran Newman

Gavin P O'Connell Henry V Oliver Gregory A Osborne Marko V Polic Paul D Rasch Albert P Reilingh John T Roetman George L Schall Kate G Sharp Marilyn Sherman Colin S Smith Susan Sutherland Sharon Swanbery Use Sweitzer

Roland Tekenbroek Wilson R Tennille Wendell Troy, Jr Chuck Wagner Augusta Christopher T Bogue Margaret E Faughnan Richard Hatfield Doug Kilgour Timothy Knowles Harry M (Matt) Oldham Helen G Ramsay Mark Rearden Jo Stephens Ware Big Canoe Patricia A Gilliam

Carrollton Fred Burdick Columbus Susan Carol Arthur Henry J Banaszak Robert A Dow Jim Fitzpatrick A Shepherd Mullin, Jr Randy Scott Terry Scott Conyers Wayne Penniman Cornelia William W Robinson


Cumming Kevin P Dieffenbach Timothy V Smith Dalton Lori A Bartenfeld Gary Valleriano Decatur

James P Hunt Deborah Lee William R Swift Garry Wilmot Dillard Grant C Gibbons Douglas Toby M Cash Catherine B R Smith Douglasville David Lance Fitch Dennis L Herendeen,

II Duluth Bruce W Bryde Kevin W Conner

Robert J Dunkle Peter D Howell Brian Marcus

Carlos A Soler Dunwoody Gene F Bourgeois

Jane E Kane Page G Love Susan R Sadri John G Simon, Jr Jack Waters Angela Owens Weaver Jeff H Weaver Fairburn Robert Sassevi!le

Andrew Stanfield Gainesville Charlie Fischer

Ed Jacques Gary Sherby Jasper Jonathan Stotz Jekyll Island Pete Poole Kennesaw Joy E Froug Paul Murton Elizabeth G Savidge

SOUTHERN DIVISION La Grange Steve M diFeliciantonio Lawrenceville

Jeffrey Dudacek Michael D Greene G Clay Holland, Jr Robyn D Russell Bart G Szafnicki Pat Whitworth Lilburn Kay Barton Sands Lithia Springs Gordon (Skip) Johnson Lithonia David E Mathews Bill Ozaki lookout Mountain Scott Webb Mableton Derrick A Davison

Macon James W Benner T urhan A Berne

Roberta Campanaro Ramsey Earnhart Gloria A Payne Leslie H Peek Randy Stephens Marietta

Daniel J Alea Timothy Ammons

Jerry C Baskin Michael Berger Bruce 0 Bibbero E V Carter Rob T Carver Elizabeth M Clay Jeffrey Cohen Patrick S Curry Tom Daglis Stephen Diaz Jeffrey K Edmondson Lisa A Enochs George E (Greg) Grover Scott W Hill Robert R King Jeffrey L Mason Todd Mobley Tori Nichols Michael E Poole Michael Popienko Jack Redmond

Jeffrey Skeldon Diane A Vick Gary Wheeler Greg K Williams Tony Wilson Julia B Wrege Rodney Young Martinez Jim Acord Scott T Stewart Mt Berry Michael Sean Byrne Newnan

C Richard Cobb, II Kimberly Hom Dean Kim A Tatum Norcross Charles C Benedict, Ill Joseph E Carroll Courtsport Stephen P Danielson Christopher Hagman Ruth R Lay Lucian Uvescu

James J McCarthy, Jr Jim Peavy

Janice VanCronkhite Richard L Waid Michael Wallace Peachtree City James J Davis Pine Mountain

William J Champion Riverdale Donna S Banks W Steve Pace Rome Walter N Attaway Nell Carver Craig A Jones Roswell David D Brackett, Jr Cindy Brady James J Carella Timothy J Corrigan Mark Durham Ilene M Friedland Michael Hancock Woody Hoblitzell Lisa McManus Kristen L Overton Clark D Raby Jonathan H Shaw John B Sheffield Earl L Suttle


Rydal David Huckaby Savannah

Mark E Booth Amy T Bradley Daniel M Oelettre Anthony M Fogarty Donna McKenna

Bill Ouzts Scott J Pennington Michael E Pizza! Hal E Posner Nicholas K Rigby Fernando M Velasco Sea Island Richard Anderson David S McLean Smyrna Todd M Assini Joe G Kelly Snellville Scott D Maconochie Soperton Loydd D Price St Simons Island James (Craig) Hawley Vishnu Maharaj James Parker Jo A Wickiser Stone Mountain Richard E Gadoua Gary Ganahl, PhD Patrick E Grant Thomasville James W Penny Tucker Mario Algarra

Weldon D Rogers Mark A Suiter Valdosta John E Hansen Bonnie E Laurie Douglas Alex Powers, II Vienna J Brennan Sewell W Point Maxine W Frazer

Waynesboro John R Mac Donald Woodstock David W Dvorak Michael lmbornone

SOUTHERN DIVISION John R (Dick) McSween Kevin 0 Moore

Michael A Perry

KENTUCKY Ashland Gregory J Catt Edward Sizemore

Boaz Larry J Heflin Bowling Green Thomas Beeson Cresent Springs Philip D Norton Crestwood Tonni Nielsen Elizabethtown David D Rogers Ft Thomas Roger Klein Henderson David D Collins Marion (Butch) Hill Laurie J Peters Kevil Fred M Schwan lakeside Park Stephen R Stacy Lexington Jim Concotelli John J Dinneen Charlie Ellis Stephen J Herzog William M Howard Timothy E Kelty J Vicki McConathy Michael L Mize Scott Taylor Patrick Christine Underwood Thomas R West Uberty Ted K Murphy Louisville Jeffrey L Anderson Wayne L Barnett Blairwood Health & Sport Club Charles E Booth Jeffrey L Burton Jose Antonio Chipe

Dale C Cochran Charles R Cooper Howard (Curly) Davis

Joe Deitchler Mark C Fraley, Jr Frank J Grannis Mike Kemp Larry R Kline Susan K Kline David J Kunselman Kerry Todd Lancaster

Bob Love William B Mann, Jr Brian Martin Tom G McGraw John C Meade Andris Olins Michael T O'Shea Del A Purcell Cliff L Richardson D Charles Rueff Charles W (Chuck) Saacke Diane T Sanders

Mickey Schad Murhl L Searcy Robert W Spencer Greg Stephenson Warren E Watson Maysville Kevin R Fulton Murray Robert E Olmstead Bennie Purcell Nicholasville Mary Anne Simmons Owensboro Alfredo Garcia Joan G Ramey Paducah John Christopher Dallas Stephanie A Edwards Pewee Valley Glen H Fanelli Radclill Kevin Wayne Merritt

Russell Keith Todd Wise Shelbyville H Sandra Hensley Shepherdsville Timothy Brueggeman Wilmore

Steven C Reyes


LOUISIANA Alexandria Lance N Clement Patrick J Serret Balon Rouge Ray Anders Gary R Cannon Steve Carter

D Wayne Diel C Stephen Faulk Ronald F Fenasci Genevieve Lark Francis Dan Gladman Peter Hawking Renee F Hebert William C Johnson Eleanor D Jonasson-Brady Tina G Montagne! Tracy Nelson Jason A Noonan Craig Nunez

Eugene C St Martin, Jr John S Wahlberg DeAnn Watlington Richard Weaver, Ill Diana Weber

Belle Chasse Mikael N Andersson Bossier City Chad A Auchard Covington Alan Avdoyan Robert A Hebert, Ill Gretna Jennifer M Cockrell Jerry A Hiers Hammond Michael B Clark Houma Gerald Winder Jefferson James Boustany Mark A Haynes Kenner Burzis R Kanga

Glenn Lazenby lafayette Paul R Griffith J A Taylor Hopkins, Jr Erick lskersky

SOUTHERN DIVISION Stacey Pearson Lambert William R Phillips, Ill George (Ged) Schwing Adele S Smith Lake Charles Pontus L E Lavefalk Andrew J Thrasher Ronnie W Walters Mandeville Tommy R Grunditz Luis M Lopes Metairie Paul Barbe Edward J Barry, Jr Elizabeth A Brinson Stan Lee Chelchowski Steve A Doyle Randolph Gregson Clay McGrath Brett C Schwartz Elliott Streeck Monroe

T Lawrence Goodwyn Natchitoches Walter W Paz New Iberia Colby V Winmill New Orleans Anna Marie Blake Bill Bryan John B Bryan Michael V Bryan Corey M Clarke Harry Crimm Henry Crocker Steven M Daugherty

Newllano Mijai Pagano Opelousas Christopher L Mayer Pineville Francisco J Acuna Shreveport Patricia Harrison Adams Philip Andrew Campbell Eddie Copete Pat Downs

Brad Flesher Jean M Guerin Pat D Hamson Kenneth W Jantz Lynn Krause Jimmy Livesay Pierremont Oaks Tennis Club Marvin Street

R A (Rudy) Thigpen Charles Walker Slidell Stanley Chambers James Hunter

Thibodaux Mike G McCann Vinton Felix Smith


Thomas Dimitry

Bay St Louis K Magnus Eklund Myron B Labat Delphim M Oliveira Belden

Edward Gaskell, Ill Henry W Heslin, Ill William A (Beau) Holton James E (Jay) Hurst, Ill Michael P McCaffery Lester M Sack, Jr Jim Schaedel C Scott Schlesinger John R Schmidt Jeffrey L Smith Gordon N Traylor Connie Uddo Roger Unes Dr Juan Weiss

Brandon Andy Bonjean Sarah L Mitten Susan Toler Canton C Yvette Edwards Joan P White Clarksdale Robert C Brien Corinth Robert E Hand Greenville Jamie 0 Bell

Wisner Tennis Center

David L Misner

Curtis Brown


Greenwood · Andrea L Calhoun Mary F Craig Barry J Hyde Grenada Martin Dyotte Gulfport Torbjorn V (Toby) Fasth Hattiesburg Edward L Brown David Cartwright Jackson

Ronald T Ainsworth Barney Chadwick Carolyn G Henry Ronald Charles Kemp Clean McKnight, Sr Don G Paitrick Martin E Willoughby Laurel Hermann H Pappas Long Beach Mark Lehan Robert G Travnicek Madison Jack W Griffith, Jr Natchez Henry L Harris

Jean H Peabody Ocean Springs Victor L Ashcraft Jim Cantrell James R Dunn Oxford Billy Chadwick Debbie Dotson Swindall Pascagoula H C (Hap) Davis Cdr David C Ruff Ridgeland Jay S Ciaccio Lucia R da Silveira Nicki Ivy Johan Christer Olsson Shaw Asa B Atkinson, Jr Asa B Atkinson, Ill Southaven Michael S Johnson Eric R Kuykendall


SOUTHERN DIViSION Tupelo George F Adams University Jerry Montgomery Vicksburg Danny J Tarpley

Donald R Cline Fred A (Fritz) Earle Rodney H Jacks Eric W Little Terry J Loughlin William Madrey, Jr Kofi A Mawougbe


Susan McDanald¡Love

Asheville Buster Brown

Cathy LaBruyere Don G Morris

William Roberts Sally Schweppe-Depaolo Banner Elk Frank Tim Smith Bermuda Run William D Appelt Boiling Springs William C Naylor

Boone Carol L Almond Michael W Kernodle Robert Lake David C Siddons John D Thompson Brevard C E (Clarence) Beehler Carrboro

Edwin C Chukwurah Scott R Irwin

Cary Thomas Dixon Stephen T Walker Daniel N Weant Harold L Weinbrecht, Jr Cashiers John Bowen

Chapel Hill Lindsay Benton Vincent Bilotta

Katherine G (Kitty) Harrison Jeffrey F Langlois Harriett S Moore Howard Schroeder Robert L Shannon Nicole L Stafford Charlotte Arthur M Abbott Laura W Balentine

Britt C McMaster Brenda B Peebles Len Ralston Dhiren M Rathod Reese F Rhem Gwynn A Sasser Susan Saunders Bill J Schillings Daniel Streiff Raymond L Thomas, Jr Tim Wilkison Hugh Kivett Williams Clemmons Gordon McEachran Concord Fritz (Marcus) Luke Dolphus E Ramseur Durham David K Gandee Diane Gildemeister Fritz Gildemeister Larry Karageanes Christopher Kaskow Rebecca Rudder Laughton Edward Roseborough Elon College Herb Bolick, Jr Roger Hall Fayetteville Tracy W Allen Leslie Lewis

Michael G Maddox Frank McDonald, Jr Theresa C Warrell Flat Rock Terrell R West Franklinton Le Scott Gastonia Henry Avants Sharon L Avants Christopher R Hinson Fred Robinson Goldsboro Mitchell J Adler


Mona Marie

McConnaughey Greensboro Mike T Belangia Thomas M Byrne Tom Cascarano Kenneth Corthum, Jr

Kim Z Dillard Paul Lubbers Steve MacDermut

Christopher E Mamman Glenn W Mosseller NC Association of Tennis Prof David C Ray Edwin E Rives, Jr

Andrew J Smith Charles Trivette

Dean L White Jim Winstead

Greenville Wm Keith Corbett Allen Farfour Benjamin Harrison Henry Hostetler Dr Bill E Moore Henderson

Kathleen B Burke Roderick S Mallory Hendersonville Mary-Louise Korda Doug Maynard Hickory Michael Dombrowski High Point Amy M Boswell Scott L Handback Mark T Troutman Hillsborough G Scott Stevenson Holly Springs Robert S Heald Kenly James A Cuddington Kernersville Jeffrey G Collson Kinston M Shane Wells Lattimore Jim Corn

Lexington Ken Easter

SOUTHERN DIVISION Linville Ernie C Cloer Lumberton Roger Martin Matthews Jerry Ray Orr New Bern AI Mack Newton Russell D Way, Jr Pine Knoll Shores Hugh B Grey Pinehurst Donald Campbell, Jr Michael J See Joseph D Violette, Jr Pisgah Forrest Dawn Harenberg Pittsboro Dean T Mathias Raleigh Robert (Mark) Byrd Kathryn Jane Carpenter David S C Cordrey Rusty A Cummings David J Drossman Guy B Gilleland Richard Henderson Joseph W Isenhour, Jr Rick Keller Kelly R Key Cyrus B King, Jr Krister Anders Larsson Thomas C Maynor, Ill Karen L Rembert Keith R Rothschild Jessie L Stacks Rocky Mount Paula Brill Adelman Albie E Brice William D Lefko Keith F Richardson Kenneth C Whitaker Salisbury Michael E Leonard Sanford John A Stone Sapphire Fred J Weinman

Shelby Jeff L Boren Southern Pines Stephan C Pedaggi Thomasville Lee Beck Vale Mark Coffey Wake Forest Dennis Bartlett Washington Douglas C Davis Waynesville Paula S Smart Whitsett Jagadish J Gowda Wilmington Cliff Drysdale Greg C Drysdale Laird A Dunlop Barry E Harris George T Henry Darlyne King-Johnston Harry L Kraly John Webster McGirt Ron Sauer Virginia Sauer Jeanie S Scott Michael Scott Wayne SlUice Milton S Vann, Jr Wilson Kim E Clark Gareth Hosford Tom G Morris Winston-Salem Francis Boyer Barker Todd A Campbell Matthew N Menzi Meredith A Nicklas Sissy Pastirik Jolyn Converse Smith Adam D Warner Winterville Joe Exum

SOUTH CAROLINA Aiken Charlotte A Antaki John W Dingle Douglas H Greenberg Craig S Jones Jack Justice Richard Preston


Anderson James E Blanton Mark A Gardiner Charles P Kriese Joe M Mattingly James B Thompson Bluffton Philip G Dyer, Jr Benjamin C Gage Sandy Kelman Blythewood Matthew D Chandler Charleston Arthur Anastopoulo Roy Barth Lee Brockman Cynthia Keyes Patrick McAdam David W Moran Chester Joel W Whitesides Clemson Andrew Johnston Clover William O'Boyle Columbia James B Allen Richard Anderson Christopher R Baker Robert A Crabb Timothy E Davis Arlo Elkins Robert Hinson Jeff Kefalos William Mason, Ill Bernie McGuire Roy Riley Jeffrey S Sizemore Bradley S Watkins Conway Timothy P Tilma Darlington J Robert Edwards Due West Bill E Moultrie Easley Darelyn M Holliday Florence Mason C Brunson John K Nance Archie Smith, Ill Mike Sprengelmeyer Richard A Storr Garth W Thomson


SOUTHERN DIVISION Georgetown David A Bromberg Greenville David A Detwiler Dunlop Slazenger Corporation Ray C Frazier Dewey J Varn Greenwood Gary Agardy Mark E Elliott Greer Stephen J Zalinski .Hartsville Joe Capobianco Hilton Head Richard Eric Wammock Hilton Head Island Leon Aragon Dennis R Bianco

Marc P Blouin Maury W Bozman, Job G De Boer Emile F Dumas Pride A Evans Jennifer Friend-Kerr Ron W Gwyn Ben F Hale, Jr Timothy Hauge Jeffrey Hull Ken R Isaacs Kurt Kamperman John N Kerr Brian P Kiggans Dana R Landin

Mark S McCormick Shannon J McKenzie Lisa A Milligan Susan E Nidzgorski Kenneth C Oliver Karl R Pingry John M Raker Rob Reichel Paul R Riggins John E Robinson Tom Simpson Stan Smith Michael Tinkey Peter T Tzianabos

Dennis Van Der Meer Lynn L Welch Billy Williams Tand a A Witherspoon Edward D Wood, Ill

Hopkins Bruce Niemann lrmo Douglas Bosler Judith A Bosler Shawn M Powers William L Warlick Brian Kevin Wilson Isle of Palms Frank Andrew Bures Johns Island Carlos Goffi Jones Island Bobby E Crouch, Jr Kiawah Frank D Dinardo

Lexington Robert E Hampton Elizabeth McDonald Roderick A Ray Mt Pleasant Douglas Anderson, Ill Jonathan Aaron Broser Frank G Cooke Eric J Edwards Leslie Lippincott Richard Shy Michal B Zaluski Murrells Inlet Clint A Goodwin Patrick Paggeot Myrtle Beach Scott A Hamilton Mike S Kiser Bobby McWaters Hans Olsen Larry Rizzo N Myrtle Beach Alston M Gordon Bryan J Hill Orangeburg Joseph A Biedenharn Stanley Todd Hall Pawley's Island Philip G Meador Pawleys Island Kimberly Eppelsheimer Robert Eppelsheimer Corey Wynn Pickens Dr James R Mahanes


Ridge Spring Fred Ashhurst Rock Hill Cid Carvalho Simpsonville Bud Haddox Susan L Trupp Spartanburg Ronald J Barnett Randy E Bernard Brent 0 Hardy Summerville Harvey Hines Jack Sizemore Taylors Etta Harvey W Columbia Clifford W Toms

TENNESSEE Antioch Michael K Marlow Arlington David C Jerden Ashland City Lawrence Weiss Bartlett Dale S Jerden Richard Whittington Brentwood Sam Z Gendler Jay Stephen Graff Jonathan Hains

A W Speake Peter Van Lingen

Russell S Wayman Bristol Thomas S Curtin, Ill Bob Helton John J Risner Brennan Rockett Chattanooga Susan Bartlett Tommy Bartlett Adam David Berg Wesley Cash Alex Guerry Richard C Johnson Eric K Voges Church Hill Jamie K Dotson Clarksville Mario Luis Dorado

SOUTHERN DIVISION Phillip A Somerfield Sean E Swindell Cleveland Tony Cavett Columbia Dusty Doddridge Cordova Mark A Bran Lucia Ouellette Colbert William W Laughlin Peter E Lebedevs Covington Wilbert Jackson Franklin J Dennis Covington Germantown Kathleen M Bird Rob Cadwallader Sarah Risser Hatgas David Neese

Claudia M Scott Phyllis T Taylor Hendersonville Mike L Williamson Hixson Martha G Bandy Elizabeth Leach-Bohac Jackson Jackie Johnson Kathleen M Rankin Johnson City John F Lucchesi, Ill Pete Zannis Kingsport Renee Dougherty Reedy Toney Knoxville Steve M Annacone

Michael A Bales Mike DePalmer Dana M Forsyth Fox Den Country Club James T Frederick Carlos M Garcia David R Helbig

Elizabeth S Henderson Leslie H Jenkins Barry D Lewis Tom Mazur James Pitkanen Gunter F Polte David W Price Allison W Romano Stewart Taylor Michelle D Williams Shari J Wood Lebanon Charles K Coffee Lenoir City Robert B Cameron Madison Donald F Mitchell McDonald Alice Tym Memphis Jennifer J Abston Donna M Addington Douglas Barthel Derrick W Barton Patricia Ann Berryhill Ronny Bran Philip Chamberlain Tracy G Epstein Margaret Elise (Malise) Evans Cecelia Anne Forney Jerry M Hankins Lori J Kosten Stephen K Mansour Thomas L Marshall Chuck Melkent Paul D Sax Bob Spilman Neal Stapp Ina Walker Anthony C Womeodu Jorge Woog Morristown Ronald W McMurtry John C Seals Mt Juliet Robert Horton, Ill


William Lee Riddle Nashville Dave Anderson, Jr Mary Lauren Barfield Charles Batt Beth E Bilyeu Gabriel A Briggs E Russell Buehl Thay Butchee Robert Greg Chambers Jeffrey A Cobb Markham J Fentriss Rick Grooms Robert Hazlehurst Norman E Kalkhoff Kevin Kerns Lisa Lipman Ron Newcomb Karla D Powell David C Rachel Carl B Robinson, Jr Michael Sensing Wendy H Stevens Sharon Tillman Bill Tym Andrew J Veal Leigh Morel Zimmerman Oak Ridge Mark B Foxworth Oakfield Bart S Whitnell Old Hickory Glenn E Crouch Michael Hurley Powell Thomas C Gorman Savannah Bruce B Beck Signal Mountain Betty Jones

Poncho Sanhueza TEXAS

Texarkana Robert R Tarwater



SOUTHWEST DIVISION Tom Breece, President Mike Morse, Regional Vice President Joe Long, Past President

ARIZONA Carefree Kie H Foreman

Frank X Schuler Chandler Michael P Alvarez Brian Cheney Ruth Ann Gardner Susan A Marshall Carol E Sandvig Flagstaff Michelle J Matty Richard J Paulosky Fountain Hills Jerry W Berlin Thomas B Lepisto Gilbert Kenneth DeHart Christopher Langdon Col Jim Provines

Leslie D Tracy James C Trestrail Glendale Daniel P Davis Jason Wade Holder Tad Lindstrom Brenda K Mote Scott Schall William N Simms Green Valley Anthony Blake Kingman Mark Andrew Bolton Mesa Tim 0 Barnes Bud Bowler Tim L Guss John Jenkin Mary F Kinneer

Aldo M Lizzul Michael R Lowdermilk Eric M Mitchell Scott R Petry

Jery Leavitt, Vice President Mike Van Zutphen, Secretary

Scott Nichols, Treasurer Mike Van Zutphen, Testing

Glenn J Riley Norma B Wallace Morristown AI Erie Paradise Valley Russell A Brown J Kevin Newman Peoria

Mark D Smith Phoenix Barbara Addiego Kris C Anderson

David A Barden Mike Blanchard Stephen R Bonny Rick J Bontrager John Byron Ron A Cetrone, II Lucky Cotten Jacob R Cruze Christopher Cummings William C Douglas Mary Kay Everroad Joseph F Fait Bob Folz Mark H Frampton Jacynth C George Kyle L Glasco Linda Goldberg Mark S Heleker Robert Lee Holmes Glen Holroyd John Howard Adam C Huebner James Johnson Kristi McCormick Molly E McGrath Sheila Mcinerney Nancy L Meyer Jack Michalko Steve J Mora Maggie Morris James Munsil Penn Racquet Sports Bill Petersen


Mike Popescue Janis Reiff Richard Roberson Paul Ryan Lydia J Sampson Michael Sheldon STI David Thies Catherine Thomas Michael X Vacchina Michael Van Zutphen Amy M Vogt Michael G Wilkinson Prescott Kevin Eby Susan Riebel Julie A Williams Rio Verde Michael J Davey Scottsdale Louis Belken Debby Blackburn Stanley Bourne

Tom Breece Mike Burch James P Burns Trish Buterbaugh Pamela S (Pam) Dice George W Druliner Raymond Durack Todd S Ellenbecker Horst Falger Thomas M Foss Michael A Garber Tom Hauser

Robert Hecht Susan Hopkins Jim H Horne Robert Howard (Mike) Syed Mahmood Hussain Kris A Kluis Michele Lepisto Donald J McElhaney James Mitchell

SOUTHWEST DIVISION Maxwell Nelson Dean Nielson Chrisann Penn Ward Phelps Timothy J Prindiville Andrew J Quigley Betsy D Raymond Verlon D Schwanz Gay Gretchen Smith Mark J Stinedurf Peter J Storch SUNTENNIS Yazadegerd Tavatli Bruce J VanAllen Bill Van Deinse Brian T Vanderheiden Kenneth Waits Patricia Waits Sedona Debbie A Mathews John T McBeth Bruce T Young Sun City Joe Schoen Sun lakes Jason Morton Tempe Monica Bambauer Paul R Burns Timothy J Conway James E McHugh Anne M Pittman Thomas P Ralph John L Schultz Gwenevere J Smith Derek Straut Tim D Travis G Rhys Williams Kwong W Young Tucson Michael Adams Eric G Anderson Gregory J Anderson John L Beach Terry H Bennett Sam Ciulla Jill D Davis John P Davis Robert Davis Donald J Dickinson Jonas H Ehrlin Karlin K Ellefson Gary J Engelbrecht Barbara S Fain E Brittin Feldhausen Anne Fritz

Laura S Gabriel Michael R Gleason Thomas Hagedorn H Joseph Hall Jay B Hitchcock Jerry W Hunsaker Genevieve Leavitt Renee C Lopez Mark G Luna Todd Mason Dee Dee McCabe William J McGrath, Ill Kerry E McNulty Carl T Mickler Joe J Miglionico Matt Moreno Benny V Morentin Michael Morse Bill Murphy Robert C Pelgram Norman Peterson Katherine E Pfordt Robert Present Serena J Quarelli Denis Range Thomas Redman Jim Reffkin Charles C Reisig Jose L Rojas Andra M Ruiz James A Schaefer Brian R Shultz Donald Shuman Ronnie C Smith Andrew J Stoner Eric Styrmoe Bill Tannenbaum Kenneth Vaughan Scott C Warren Jami Y Yonekura W Sedona Bill Landin Larry C Lineberry

NEW MEXICO Alamogordo Parish P Palmer Albuquerque Esequiel (Kelly) Aragon William P Brown Bill Castillo Dennis Dellinger Joseph T Felice Christopher M Hurtt Richard R Johnson Sissy Kelly


Rick Leach Joe Long Marion H Long David (Ocho) Ochotorena Christine M Paulsen David Pitts Michael C Soule Gary Stansifer Jeffrey C Tonjes Belen Alan Reese Dils El Prado Kurt Edelbrock las Cruces Donald R Ball Edwin C (Ned) Bixby Carlos R Vargas Sharon Kay Westfall Sally J Worski-Walton Mesilla Park Richard E Nichols Nogal Herman Burkstaller James U Crouse Ranchos De Taos Jeff Y Johnson Roswell Alberto J-Goenaga James A Johns Maj Richard E Satterlee Sandia Park Kathy A Kolankiewicz Santa Fe Ralph M Bolton Nicolas A Chen So Gray Jeanette Hadi Gladys Heldman Adrienne Mechem Carter James A Moss Pat L Narvaiz Claudia M Phillips Deborah M Romero Rocky Royer Lloyd (Bud) Schmid Susan Schmid Thomas Schoen Santa Teresa Stretch Meadows Sante Fe Ray B Powell, DVM


TEXAS El Paso Kelly J Fisher Glenn Gerbino Franee V Lopez

Luis Martinez David J Neider Scott Nichols David P Page Dale A Pavlick Renee A Rios Jose R Sanchez Victor Silva

Jonathan Snell

Christopher Stock York Strother Ross Walker

WISCONSIN Oconomowoc Kenneth P Wasserman

TEXAS DIVISION Randy Mattingley, President Arthur Rosiles, 1st Vice President Greg Alexander, 2nd Vice President David Webb, 3rd Vice President

TEXAS Abilene David M Davis Mark A Freehling Max C King Rick Meyers

Sean D Polk Arthur Rosiles Addison Greig Matthiesen Ouan D Pham Dick Stockton Adkins Stan R Willeford Albany Trey Dyer Allen Martin J Fantony Amarillo Jay G Bryan Dennis Crowell Steffan L Dye Brian Joelson Arlington Robert Grassanovits Steve Lee Tory A Plunkett David Paul Poelzl Marcia H Rodriguez Garry Seymour Jack Sheehy Laurie M Sheehy

Paul Christian, Treasurer Lynn McWilliams, Secretary Ron Woods, Regional Vice President JoAnn Padgett, Executive Director John Ingram, Testing

Austin Sheryl Behne Jacquelynn Brown Joel D Burkholder Andrew Carter

Mike Carter Kevin J Clark Marc D Doyle-Jordan Vicki Ellis Alexander Duncan Fraser Allison J Fraser Edgar A Giffenig Rick S Grisham Larry M Hill Jim L Hoadley Michele M Howard

Beth Ann Jenkins Helen M Johnson Kimm Ketelsen

Omar S Lopez Brian C Lusson Lonnie G Lyman

Ken D McAllister Timothy McGettigan John Andrew Mauer Mark H Nayden Mark A Olman Peggy J Parks Noel Quevreaux Bill Sandlin, Jr Gary A Scanlon Phil Scanlon, Jr R Chris Schonfeld Susan Kurz Shields Dave Sivertson


Andrew C Swortfiguer Weston Tenney Texas Pro Tennis

Association Texas Tennis

Association Robert Trogolo Larry Turnipseed Thomas E Watkins Tina M Whiteman

Ruben Yanez Baird Cathy Dyer Goldsmith Bay City Samuel R Chadwell Baytown Ruth Ford Beaumont AI Driscole lan A Griffin Jefferey N Herr David Wong Bedford Gordon S Davis Shawn E Ulrich Bellaire Juan A Bracho Bellon Greg Hilley Karen Linden Jim F Robinson


Jeffrey Paul (Jeff)

Jacobsen Bryan Charles E Emley, Jr Carrollton David E Ware Cedar Park Albert R Ochoa, Jr Randall Pollard Chandler Anthony Chesak Conroe

Adrian B Bey Nicholas Rentz Coppell Jack Leland James E Simmons Corpus Christi Jimmy Aleman Shawn G Anderson Peter Paul Barizon Ken DeKoning Moses Del Bosque Steve B Denton Bob Mapes William D Morehouse, Jr Gerald S Tjon·A·Joe Susan Shelby Torrance Marcus D Whittington Roy Wilder Ron Woods Cotulla Buck Ramsey Dallas William N (Bill) Ames Barry Annino John Paul Austrew Martha Ann Bass Fortunato M Battad, Jr Craig Bell Jill Moreland Berg Bill Bas Anne Broyles Michael Churchwell Julie Vaughan Clark Brad R Coleman Jeffrey H Coleman Carlos A Correia G Lance Cowart Christopher B Culley Jai Dilouie

Danny Dobbs Katherine Eckel Tom Faulkner Michael Fernandez John E Faster Marcus A Freeman

Jerry D Geyman Betty Sue Hagerman Bobby Hagerman Douglas J Hague William C Hammett Helen E Harrison

Sayed A Houssein John H Ingram, Ill Carl Johnston Craig L Kardon Adi Kourim Phillip Lancaster Richard Landenberger Bud Landesman Billie Louise Lipp David A Lowe Dixie Mabe

Gregg Manning William L McGowan Joey C Molina Robert T Mooty Doug Murray Jack Russell Newman Keri L Preng Andrea Rains Dennis Ralston Gary Rayburn David Redding Patricia H Steinwedell Tom Stem David Tejecta John Verde Jim M Ward Renee B Wilkinson Vicki Wood Lee Wright Denison

Dale Glaze Dripping Sprgs Thomas S Ingram Dumas

Lance Hagler Duncanville

Mickey L Martin Edinburg Sissy Skinner El Paso (see Southwest Division)


Elkhart Beverly Ann Troutman Ennis

Lee McCleary Euless C C (Tom) Pasquale Fair Oaks Sal Castillo Fair Oaks Ranch Eric Krueger Friendswood Bart Bernstein Fl Worth Bernard (Tut) Bartzen Peter S Brown Sherman Andrew Bruner Keith S Casterlin Karissa (Kris) Foote John B Johnson Alan L Koth Marla Krueger Randy Mattingley Warren K McMillan Paul D Pearce Lynn Proctor-Davis Karl J Richter Scott C Snoyer AI Suarez David Webb White·Prausa Wendy Glenn Wllliams Galveston Thomas E Wickey Craig Alan Willeford Garland Jako Garos Kevin Lewis

Peter K Nance Kristin K Quere Gary Zimmerman

Georgetown Paul 0 Doty Granbury William (Sandy) Dobbrow Grand Prairie Robert E Barnick Steven E Franklin Grapevine Kelly P Langdon Robert A Poindexter Hardy D Rowntree Peggy L Thurston """'""'"'\

TEXAS DIVISION Harlingen Eric Jason Lutz

Heath Randy Snow Henderson

James N Phenix Hewitl David E Luedtke Highland Village Jan Bailey Houston Philippe J Arnold Juan Ayala George Bacso Terry L Barbeau John F Barker Kim L Barry Van Barry

Donald Bennett Cindy Benzon Paul Blankenship Bradley Blume Susan F Bramlette Keith A Burford Harry Burrus Tin B Capulong Paul Christian

Michael D Claiborne Wayne E Clark Timothy Cliffe Marc Clingaman Thomas V Connell Daniel C Courson Rick Coyne

Derik J Crosser Alan R Daly Jose de Moura

Michael Doty Desmond Early Susan East Joshua Epstein Richard L Fanning John J (Jack) Foster Sam Giammalva

David Gloger Michael C Gooding Karen Grotlisch Greco Boyan Ludmilov Hadjissotirov Richard J Harr Tim Heckler Mike Hoffman John Holladay Houston 1000 Sandra Hughes Kathrin Keil

Alison Keily Robert C King John Kirwan Eric J Kruseman Deborah Ladig Toni Lawrence Clarence G (Lee) Le Clear Jo N Lightsey Michael S Livshitz Judy Martindale Donald J Maxa John D Mills Jim Parker Harry S Parten

Michael D Pearson David Alan Peterson John Phillips Brian L Poynter Rodolfo Rico Roderick L Royer Sandra Sanchez Judy Scarborough Jim Schmidt George Schuldberg James A Sciarra Linda L Scogin Irena Sochor Ivan Srut James Strassle V_ernus C Swisher, Jr Linda Rupert Thomas Timothy J Thomas Edward H Thompson Gregory L Tillman Lynette Turek William R Turner Larry Turville James Wright Humble Mark Hathorn Kenneth F Martin

Roger L White Huntsville Mary Hamm-Ridings Irving John W Mullman Thomas D Rickard Fernando 0 Sarife

Paige E Satcher Robin W Scott Dean E Shaw Peter R VanDerSchans Jacksonville Karen L Crumpton


Kaly Jim L Mavity Kerrville Brian K Cody Mary J Donnalley H Lee Jennings Henry L Parish

Richard Perry Kingwood Steve J Kennedy Juan Lopez Michael C Norton lake Dallas Susan M Moen laredo T Perry Widener league City Paul Kevin Duke Gideon Weber Lewisville James J Lach Longview David M Anderson Frank C Sanguinetti David Wiest

lorena Edmund A Price lubbock Rich Dadich Ron Damron Doug J Davis Robert A Davis Terry L Hunter Brett W Tom Iinson Lucas Martin Berryman Sharon Berryman

Lufkin Mitch W Lawlis luling Mike L Streety Marble Falls Eric C Crowson Charlie M Herrington Marshall David C Crissey McAllen William S Gates Michael T Thatcher Mesquite Ron Richardson

TEXAS DIVISION Midland Lance Armstrong Derek J Edmonds Mike W Hinson Tamra Dee Houston Michael A Lewis Neill McClung Gary L Pierce lain N Pound Joe Williams Mission Richard Paul Hotz Missouri City Chris Bovett Everett Darnie!!e

Michael H Vogl Montgomery Larry Eichenbaum Nick T Scheib Nacogdoches Bret L Arrant New Braunfels Kevin T Folse Clarence Mabry David W Mueller Odessa Aaron Glen Layman Orange James V Dorrell Pasadena Wade Leake Plainview Stephanie A Burnam Plano Judy C Adams David G Blakeley Chris Brown Robert (Skip) Bunn Michael W Deslatte Bret B Hendricks Cheryl Potts Jeff S Robison Sally Ann Schwartz Elizabeth A Stanis Kenneth W Sumrow Portland Gerry R Maingot Dennis L Reed Randolph AFB Janet Simms Powell Richardson Hans Carlson Colin J Hill

Nony R Michulka Tom Osborne Rudy Peters Bob Raedisch Richmond Rodrigo S Cabato Roanoke Michael Richard Bender Rockport Geoffrey S Norton Todd R Norton Rockwall David Bohrnstedt J Clifford Lewis Round Rock Marvin 0 Henderson



Rowlett Mark Bailey San Angelo Wm Kevin Collins Benson Nelson Payne David Matthew Rutherford Wm Blake Sinclair Joe Snailum San Antonio Saskia A Bartlett Glenn J Barton Ed Beyster Michelle Dodier Walter Geraghty, Jr Richard C Howell Kirk J Keller Courtney P Mayer Sarah S Mayo Scott S McKay, Ill Bob McKinley Daniel McNamee Anh-Steve H Nguyen Brenda K Niemeyer

Larry Oxford Dennis Reblin Saundra A (Sandy) Samuelson Bohn W Smith Sue Stemmler Sharon Wagner Paul B Wiegand Nunry T Williamson Karen Meares Wroten San Saba Bryan Tim Bourke


Sherman Bob Northcut Smithville Phil Tovar Southlake James 0 Evans Dennis McWilliams Lynn McWilliams Spring Robert Cataldo Paul Fineman Brian Waddell Butch Waits Stafford David S Rouse Chuck Sanchelli Sugar Land Buck Bernstein Shang Chang Allan D Henry Shelly Hudson Jim Moellering Temple Jim L Brierton, Jr Dick King Robert R Rynearson, Jr Terrell Dessie Samuels James C Squires Texarkana (see Southern Division) Texas City Rickey P Weems The Colony Timothy G Barnard The Woodlands Russell Angell Nancy Doerer-Lombardo Anna R Eble Brian E Engel Ville Jansson Dionne Livingston David Neuhart Peter Burwash International Trophy Club Tracy A Parker Tyler Gregory Alexander Fred Kniffen

US TERRITORIES & CANADA Nobuko Kobayashi Todd A Longfellow Ricardo Ortiz Colleen Regan Neil D Roush Paul N Soliz Guy Weinhold Victoria

Mike Collins W Columbia Christopher Blue Waco Kevin Foster

Brad lbbott

William B Mayers Charlie McCleary Miguel A Navarro Waxahachie National Tennis Academy Weatherford J Vincent Ruth, II Webster Sid McClung Gary Plank West Point Bob Moore

Wharton Travis Smith, Jr Wichita Falls Dean Barrett Mark Davis Robbie Sargent John Simmons Jody Ann White"Lyons

Wimberley James Parsons John C Wolf Yorktown Dr Shelby F Torrance

US TERRITORIES & CANADA CANADA Burnaby John E Hayto Calgary Kevin Page Stephen M Shannon Edmonton Jackie DeFord Kilchener J Christopher Edwards london Dave McCallum Derek L Thomas Mississauga

Chris J Little New Markel Branna L Davis

Oakville Marne Anne

Andrulionis John R Bassett Orleans

Andrew Polus Ottawa James D Ellis J D Sharp Owen Sound Edward Hall Peterborough Tyler J Curtis Abigail Colby Shorter Pickering Peter J Crerar

Richmond Julien S Heine Richmond Hill Winston Chung Wai Richmondhill Marc Assaraf Sarnia Scott L Barrett Damon H R Laplante Scarborough Thomas D Kern St Adele Andre Lagounaris Thornhill MGT Enterprises Toronto Robert M Bregman, PhD Deuce Industries Ltd Lionel E Eli Earl Hernandez Wojciech Albert Hoch Gary W Ingram Andrew Karpinski Darrell Northcott Aaron Martin Rodrigues Ron Sloan Vancouver Sean Bayrakal Brett Hobden Victoria Yuen-Yuen Ling-Tsui David Ranney Kenneth K C Tsui


Waterloo John Kaemmle Wiarton Dan M Kerr Willowdale Gary P Caron Tom P Muench Benita Senn Lawrence (Man Wai) Wu Winnipeg Robert C Johnson Mario Trstenjak

GUAM Agana Rick Ninete GMF Micronesian Tennis Association Louis (Luan) P Nguyen Tamuning John P (Chip) Weber

PUERTO RICO Caquas Luis E Rentas Carolina Francisco Ramon Gonzalez Jorge E Malave Dorado Brian L White

US TERRITORIES & CANADA Ponce Norberta (Tito)

Dorado Beach Fabio Vasconcellos



Rio Piedras Juan C Escudero Juan Pena San Juan Luis Ayala Luis Tcrt Ayala, Jr Henry Cesse

Luis C Burgos Ted J Murray Mario L Pakozdi Sergio Strepman

levittown Kenneth Agostini

Francisco J Diaz Trujillo Alto Roberto E Velez


StThomas Victor L Ebbesen, Sr Cecil A Phillips


AUSTRALIA Karringup Alan Hartley

AUSTRIA Haldensee Michael L Cranford Tirol

Daniel T O'Connell

FRANCE Vertou Alain Poilvez Villescresnes Henri Elkins


lsa Town Morris V Melotti

Bad Soden Mark Maslowski Barsinghausen Kim Michael Wittenberg Berlin



Bruce E Newman


John Sinclair

CHINA Shanghai Timothy Leonard


ENGLAND Mark S Wilson Leics

Doreen F Olson London William L Babcock Scynthia Macovik


FIJI ISLANDS Nadi Paul Albares

Samuel A Dauro Steven Davis

Dusseldorf Mark J Hamlin Groebenzell Randy J Dudley Gut Ising Kurt W Ehrhardt Hamburg Dieter Schroeder Haupstuhl Bob J Forbeck Heidelberg Aleksandar Kukaras Oberstaulen Richard L LaRoche Tinnum/Sylt Paul R Surko

Wulflingen Douglas Goodrick


GUATEMALA Guatemala City Christopher F Groff

HONG KONG Donald Bozarth Gregory T Cinko Robert Kraft Tim O'Neal Bruce VonCannon

INDONESIA Denpasar Matthew E Wheeler

ISRAEL Karmiel Allan D Weisman

ITALY San Remo William H Schield, Ill

JAPAN Chiba Daniel Pitz Kyoto Wendy Green Nagoya Chris B McLaughlin

KENYA Nairobi Jane Davies Doxzon

KUWAIT Hawalli Damian L Sancilio


MEXICO Victoria Tamps John Worley


NEW ZEALAND Auckland Paul J Charlesworth Christchurch Bill Kridle

SINGAPORE Robert J Connor

SWITZERLAND Bassersdorf William C Burns Reinach Jon Lewis Saignelegier Maria J McDonald

USA APO Richard Baxter Gary C Bourgeois Nik Makarenko Mary Ellen McGuire

Jarrett M Ota Victor Reimer

Gene Renuart



Cheschire Frances M O'Sullivan

Nevis Gregory Smith

INTERNATIONAL DIVISION ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Eduardo J Aragones Ricardo J Kolman Catamarca Benjamin V Jose Cosentini Chaco Omar Cesar Benitez Cordoba Ricardo E Pinelle

AUSTRALIA Brisbane Selwyn D Basel Christian Schatz

Broome Douglas John Smith Chapel Hill Makoto Kawabata Dalkeith Tony Hammond

Fremantle John H Dawson Gerringong Kieran James Taylor

Kenmore Christian J Deacon Melbourne

Dale M Bleach Michael F Cassar

Gregory L Gunn Dean R McKenzie

Martin F Rudden New South Wales Thomas T Brownhill Peter Gibson Brian R Healey Frank V Sebaratnam Queensland Shane M Barr Jay W Deacon Deacon Tennis

Michael L Grace Paul M Matlock Mal Murphy Paul E Shacklock Victoria ian L Barclay John D Bartlett Octavia Boron Norman F Cahill Rob Cornell, II Ken H Davis

Paul B Gastin Steven B Gronich Ashley Hewitt Peter Owen Anthony W Phillips Ann Quinn Christopher D Rees Annette R Sheppard Mark A Sheppard

AUSTRIA Brand Wolfgang Huber Modling Peter Platzer


Salzburg Jozef Szylkiewicz Peter Szylkiewicz

Schmelz Karl Schwarzenbacher

Vienna Richie B Mahlangu

BAHRAIN Aziz Hussain A


BARBADOS St Michael Alexine V Marshall

BElGIUM Othmar Witteveen Bruxelles Alexander Djordjevic

BERMUDA Flatts Jeremy Whittle

BRAZil Sao Paulo Armando Vieira

Teresopolis Fabio Da Costa Carregal

COLOMBIA Bogota Miguel Jimenez

INTERNATIONAl. DIVISION Cali Ivan Molina Medellin Anibal D Leal

Martin Dewolf Gatien Mouveau Plaisir Georges Lando



San Jose Gustavo Soto

Milton Henry Dr Bogdan Ostapowicz Bensheim Jovica Djordjevic Berlin Peter Dietrich Gert Heskel Frank D Hornig Dusseldorf Oliver Huydts Erlangen William Stahr Davina J Yates-Kemmerer Eutin Robert N Malone Heilbronn Jeremy S Grubi Homburg John O'Malley Martinsthal Rudi !flinger Munchen Vincent Vava!a Miranda J Yates-Steg Neu-lsenburg Larry Cooper Neustadt James C Rogers Nurnberg Rainer Beck Stuttgart John Botica

CZECHOSLOVAKIA Dr Martin Baroch Peter Belan Milos Zemlicka

DENMARK Bengt A Ohlsen

ENGLAND London Charles Applewhaite Julian R S Cousins Doug MacCurdy Brian McFadden Middlesbrough Cleveland James D Middleton Middlesex Mamoon Rashid Somerset PTCA · Major Sammy Brancker

FRANCE Fabrice Barbery Abondant Stella Cipriano Arcveil Stephane Grevsbo Barbizon Florence Hennequin Boulogne Jean Luc Avri! Le Vesinet Isabelle Bolufer Liancourt Frederic Naninck Libourne Philippe Chouet Normandie Francais-Xavier Leroux Paris Christel Bonnet

GREECE Athens Antony Liberopoulos C I Melandinos Leon Pahiakos F G Sfakianakis Messinias Angelos D Loucareas

Patrai Gyaneshwar Anand


HOLLAND Arnkem Roy Boesveld

HONG KONG Ricky Chi-Shing Chan Yuk Lam (Charlie) Chan Cheuk Fai (Micky) Cho John Holsinger Fai Kit Kwan Anthony J Lao Dr Wing Kee Low Elaine Yin Ling Ng Siu-Yee Tong Ng

INDIA Sunder Narayan lyer Madras Sundaram Sanjai New Delhi Jaideep Bhatia Cdr Ravi lnder Singh

IRELAND Gary Thomas Breen

ISRAEL Tel-Aviv Yoram Baron Doran Hartal

ITALY Milan Gabino Bonafina Modena Filippo Montanari Rome Alessandro Zoccoli

JAPAN Chiba Kenji Takahashi Kyoto Hideko G Packard Tokyo Rei Matsueda Hisashi Yokomatsu Yokohama Shun Wada





Amman lmad AI-Suki

Windhoek Warren Frewer

Jeddah Raza M Farooqui




Nairobi James Davies

KOREA Seoul Jung Soon Yaung Kim Youn Jung

KUWAIT Salat Frank Novak, A

LEBANON Beirut Karim E Assouad

LIECHTENSTEIN Mauren Pamela Buhler

MEXICO Roberto Reyes Roman Cuemavaca Juan Chavez Carrillo Elena Subirats Guadalajara Manuel S Cervantes

Jose Marquez Leopolda A Salas Hermosillo Ludovico Lorandi

Juarez Chih Ernesto Velazquez Bistrain Morelos Jorge Vila Torreon Jorge Taul Veracruz

Agustin Morales Zacatecas Eduardo F Magadan

MONACO Gerard Froment

Martin J Bohm

NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Simpson Bay Sinl Maarten Samuel Harmine

NEW ZEALAND Auckland Kevin Woolcott Dunedin Wayne Gray lower Hull Jason P Kane Napier Timothy A Fletcher Papatoetoe Auckland Ron Craig Dutton Tauranga Rod Everitt Wellington Simon Finlayson Simon R Winter

PANAMA Panama Hugo Espinosa Arturo Gerbaud

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Casayan de Oro City Alberto T Alerre, Jr

PORTUGAL Algarve Miguel Cysneiros Vilamoura Pedro Frazao

REPUBLIC OF CHINA Taipei Wen-Huei Chen Kai-Sun J Chiang Wilma Che-Hui Wang


Oudishoorn Pieter J Strydom

SPAIN Bilbao Igor Del Busto Chiclana de Ia Frontera Cristobal Quevedo Geron a Javier DeCastro-Pa!omino Leon Francisco Javier

Cuesta Madrid Jaime Camps Javier Cappel Luis S Mediero Jose Luis Montes Malaga Jose Luis Gimenez Miguel A Linan Sevilla Jose Maria Alvarez

SRI LANKA Colombo Eliane B Sterchi

SWEDEN Halmstad Edwin Mira Malmo Istvan Marko Stockholm Neal W Braxton

SWITZERLAND Thun Jose Mario Condeco

THAILAND Bangkok Jaroenchai Jaikan


WEST INDIES Antigua Curtain Bluff Hotel


John H Maginley

St Lucia Gary S Sweetnam

YUGOSLAVIA Podgorica Borislav Damjanovic

JPTA JAPAN Osaka-Fu Syozo Nishiguchi

Tokyo Koichi Abe Koichi Abe Mamoru Abe T akahiro Abe Takeshi Abe Yoshimasa Abe Hideo Adachi T etsuya Adachi Shigeru Aiba Akihiro Aihara Toshimi Aihara Masanori Aitaku Hideki Aizawa Hideo Aizawa Hiroshi Aizawa Shigetoshi Akaishi Goro Akashi Hiroyasu Akimoto Masako Akimoto Naoki Akita Takeshi Akita Yasuo Akita Kunihiko Akiyama Kazuhiko Amana Masahito Amana Souichi Amana Hirota Amemiya Masato Amino Akiyoshi Amitani Masami Ando Minoru Ando Hiroaki Anno Masayuki Aoki Naomi Aoki Takahito Aoki Tsukasa Aoki Yoshie Aoki Akira Aono Yoshinobu Aoyagi Yuji Aoyama Osamu Arakawa Yukiko Araki Chitose Asada Yasunori Asagi

Akira Asano Tsuyoshi Asano Muneya Asaoka Minako Ataka Koji Baba Hideaki Beniya Zheng Hua Chen Kaori Chiba Masayuki Chiba T oshihiko Chiba Komei Chin Tokiharu Chino Yasuyuki Daimon Sachiyo Dan Naoki Dobashi Hiroshi Doi Kumiko Doi Takashi Doi Hidehiko Ebina Masaaki Ebina Hitoshi Egawa Tomomi Enda Akiko Endo Hitoshi Endo Shoichi Endo lsao Enomoto Hideo Eshima Kazuo Etoh Masayuki Ezoe Kuang Ming Fang Tsutomu Fuchizaki Masako FuJii Kenji Fujima Kimitaka Fujimoto Yukihisa Fujimoto Akihisa Fujino T oshiyuki Fujino Toshinori Fujinuma Yuichi Fujishima Akira Fujita Hidemaru Fujita Noriaki Fujita Tomoko Fujita Yoshihito Fujita Yoshikatsu Fujita Hiroaki Fujiwara lsao Fukai Hirokazu Fukuda Yoshinobu Fukuda Tetsuya Fukumoto


Yoshio Fukuoka Jun Fukushima Makoto Fukushima Hajime Funaki Shoji Furukawa Shoji 0 Furukawa Yoshito Furukawa Yoshifumi Furuta T omoko Furuuchi Kenji Furuya Kenji Fushima Satoshi Fushita Junko Goryohara Atsuji Goto Junichi Goto Keiji Goto Mie Goto T omohito Goto Koichi Gotoh Kazutoshi Hachiya Naomi Hagiwara Toshio Hagiwara Masaru Hakoda Masaaki Hamabe Kunia Hamada Hiroomi Hamaguchi Tadaaki Hamaguchi Yasutoshi Hamaguchi T akashi Hamamoto Akio Haneishi Shigeru Haneishi Toshiji Hara Hiroshi Haraguchi Katsuko Haraguchi Takehiko Hase Hiromi Hasegawa Juri Hasegawa Noboru Hasegawa Shinya Hasegawa Koji Hashimoto Shinji Hashimoto Tsuyoshi Hashimoto Yasuaki Hasuo Masakiyo Hatamori Kimiyo Hatanaka Kimitsugu Hatano Tetsuji Hatano Takeshi Hatori Shigeto Hatta Yoshinao Hatta

JPTA Nobuyuki Hayama Kazuyuki Hayami Hiroshi Hayashi Kenichi Hayashi Koji Hayashi Shinobu Hayashi Minoru Hayashibe Takanobu Hibino Jun Higaki Yasuaki Higaki Hideyasu Higashi Takayuki Higashi Kohei Higashikawa Kouki Hikino Yukihiro Himeda Haruya Hirai

Kenichi Hirai Masami Hirai

Takashi Hirai !riko Hiraizumi Tatsuya Hiraki Hironori Hirano Kenichi Hirano Miki Hirano

Satoshi Hirano Tetsuji Hirano Daisuke Hirao Kenichi Hirao Jun Hirasawa Akemitsu Hirata Masanobu Hirata Kazuo Hiratsuka

Kazuhiro Hirayama Shigeo Hiromichi Takamichi Hirooka Toshimitsu Hirose Futoshi Hirota Tsutomu Hirota Tomio Hiura

Hisanobu Hojo Shiro Hojo Aki Honda Takehiko Honda Yoshimi Honda Masamitsu Hondo Shin Hongo Sasao Honma Naoki Honzawa Yoshiharu Hori Masahiko Horiba Kazuhiro Horie Masayoshi Horio Chie Hoshina Hiroomi Hoshino Fumiko Hosokawa Kazuo Houda Chieko lbaraki Akira Ichikawa

Kazuhiko Ichikawa Susumu Ichikawa Takeshi Ichikawa Tsuguya Ichikawa Hiroo !chinese Nobuharu lchinose Takeshi Ide Takashi leki Akira Igarashi Mitsuji Igarashi Tsutomu Igarashi Yoshimasa lgasaki Rumiko lida Takeshi lida Takuo lijima Akio Ikeda Hidenori Ikeda Hiroyuki Ikeda Masanori Ikeda T atsuya Ikeda Yoichi Ikeda Sunao lkemura Masafumi lkeshiro Nobuyuki lki Toshiyuki lkuine Yuji lkuine Hideaki lmai Hiromasa !manishi T oshiaki Imana Noboru lmasaka Kazuki lnada Koji lnagaki Hitoshi lnayama Masahiro !nohara Kazuteru lnomata

· Kiyohito lnose Hirofumi Inoue Keiichi Inoue Makoto Inoue Masami Inoue Noriyuki Inoue Yoshiaki Inoue Keiji lnuzuka Yosuke lrie Hiromitsu lriguchi Fumio Ishida Shigeyuki Ishida Osamu lshiguro Kazuhiko Ishihara Teruyuki Ishihara Toshihiro Ishihara Hideki Ishii Hiroshi Ishii Hisao Ishikawa Nerio Ishikawa Hiroshi lshimura Yasuyuki lshiwata Seigo lshiyama


Yoshihiro lshizaki Tsukasa lshlzu Kazunori ltami Chiemi Ito Hideo Ito Hirokazu Ito Hitoshi Ito

Katsuhiko Ito Salomi Ito Suehiro Ito Tadashi Ito Takaka Ito Toshiyuki Ito Yasushi Ito Akihiro ltoh Eiji ltoh Mayumi ltoh Noboru ltoh Tatsuya ltoh Eiichi ltoi Hiroyasu lttogi Tetsuya lttogi Tatsuya lwade Akira lwaki Akihiko Iwamoto Mitsuhiro Iwamoto Hisato lwanaga Mitsunari lwanaga T akanori lwanaga Tadashi Iwasaki Katsuji Iwata Tsutomu Iwata Hiroshi lzu Keika Izumi Masahide Jogasaki Kohichi Kabasawa Shinichi Kaga Shojiro Kaga Masataka Kageyama Tateki Kai Kinichi Kaizaki Eiichi Kajikawa Yoshiaki Kajishita Hiroyuki Kajiwara Kimiaki Kamada Kenji Kamekawa Takao Kameyama Hiroo Kamide Ritsuko Kamimura Hiroshi Kamiosawa Kazuyoshi Kamisaka Jun Kamiwazumi Takashi Kamiya Yuki Kanamaru Yuko Kanaya Tsuyoshi Kanbara Shuichi Kaneda Akihiro Kaneko

JPTA Masayo Kaneko Naoyuki Kaneko T omoyo Kaneko Yoshitsugu Kaneko T okinari Kanemaru Yoshio Kanno Suekichi Kana Taka yuki Kane T akeshi Kasahara F umiyasu Kasal Hirotaka Kasayama Yukio Kashiwadani Kiyotada Kashiwagi Masaki Kashiwai Kiyoshi Kasono Hidehiko Katagishi Akira Katayama Shu Katayama Hirokazu Kato Hiroyuki Kate Manabu Kate Masaki Kato Masaya Kato T adashi Kato T akashi Kate T akashi Kato Takumi Kato T oshikazu Kato Toshio Kato Shoji Katsura Yukitoshi Kawabata T oru Kawachidani Hisao Kawada Kiyoshi Kawaguchi Atsushi Kawahata Kenichi Kawakami Machika Kawakami Mitsuji Kawakami T okuhiro Kawakami Hideaki Kawakatsu Shinichi Kawakita Yoshihiro Kawamoto Kenji Kawamura Kunie Kawasaka Hiroyuki Kawasaki Keiji Kawasaki Koji Kawasaki Yuji Kawasaki Junzo Kawase Masahiko Kawashima Syoichi Kayano Michiko Kayashima lsao Kesamaru Junichi Khochi Miwako Kida T akeshi Kido T akashi Kikkawa Senichi Kikuchi

Tatsuharu Kikuchi T oyoaki Kikuchi Yoshio Kikuchi Yuko Kikuta Akihiro Kimura Fuminobu Kimura Hiroyuki Kimura Yoshito Kimura Hiroshi Kinoshita Kiyomi Kinugasa Shigekazu Kishibe Shinichi Kishida Yukio Kitafuji Kousaku Kitani A tsushi Kitano Hiroaki Kitano Yasuko Kitayama Yoshiteru Kiyota Fumio Kobayashi Hideo Kobayashi Hitoshi Kobayashi Yoshito Kobayashi Masahiro Kodama T etsuya Kodera Masatoshi Koga Masakazu Kohchi Yoshinori Koide Junko Koike Michie Koizumi Yukie Koizumi Kazufumi Kojima Kazuhisa Kojima Shunjiro Kojima Kenta Kokumai Miwa Kama Mamiko Komoriya T akashi Komuro Kazutumi Kondo Koki Keno Teruo Kono Kazuhiro Kosaka Seiji Kosako Masahiro Koshiba T akashi Koshida Atsushi Kounosu Noriyoshi Koyama Takuro Koyama Toshio Koyama T oshiyuki Koyama Yukihiko Koyama Hiroshi Kubo Michitaka Kubo Takatoshi Kubo Tsuyoshi Kubo Yoshiharu Kubo Ryo Kubodera Yoichi Kubota Toshio Kudo


Nagao Kugo Kazuhito Kuji T oshiji Kumagai Ryoji Kumagaya Yukiko Kumakura T etsuji Kunii Hirokatsu Kunimoto Hisao Kunisaki Shoji Kunitoshi Koji Kuniya Ryuji Kuniyoshi Akira Kuraishi Tomoko Kuramori lsao Kuribayashi Akio Kurihara Masaomi Kurita Yukihiro Kurita Masanori Kuriyama Shogo Kuroda Kiyoshi Kusakabe Yukio Kusuda Hiroyuki Kuwabara Hidemi Kuwahara Koso Kuwamoto !sao Kuwano T oru Kuwayama Kim Jae Kyung Akihiro Machinaka Kazuyoshi Maeda Naotoshi Maeda Taro Maeda Kazumasa Maekawa Tsutomu Magome Akiyoshi Majima Hajime Makino Toru Marumoto Teiji Maruta Kohichi Maruyama Suguru Maruyama Hironori Masuda Kenji Masuda Yoichi Masuda Yoshitaka Masuda Yuji Masuda Junji Masui T eruhiko Masui Takeshi Masuyama Katsuichiro Matoba Mitsumasa Matsuda Shigenobu Matsuda Shigeru Matsuda Shozo Matsuda Shuichi Matsuda Yoshihiro Matsuda Yoshihisa Matsuda Yoshio Matsuda Sadataka Matsui Shigeo Matsukawa

JPTA Hirokazu Matsumoto Hironori Matsumoto Hiroshi Matsumoto Minoru Matsumoto Misaki Matsumoto Satoshi Matsumoto Kimiko Matsunaga Shosei Matsuoka Tadashi Matsuyama Hideyuki Midorikawa Masayoshi Mikami Aki Mikamo Yasuyuki Mikoshiba Akira Mimura Fumiko Minagawa Noriyuki Minagawa Shinichi Minakata Hidetoshi Mishima Masayuki Mitsuhara Junichi Mitsuhashi Tamotsu Mitsuhashi Hitoshi Mitsuyama Masahito Miura Naoki Miura Kenji Miwa Masaaki Miyagi T akafumi Miyaguchi Hiroshi Miyazaki Masa Miyazaki Satoru Miyazaki T ae Miyazaki Kenji Miyoshi Takaka Mizoguchi Kazuhiro Mizuhara Haruo Mizumuara Masazumi Mizuno Toshihiro Mizuno Hideki Mlzutani Maki Mochizuki Naomasa Mochizuki Yasuhiro Momii Jiro Mori Ryoichi Mori Tadashi Mori Kenji Morikane Kazuhisa Morimoto Masatake Morimoto Hideaki Morinaga Kiyoshi Morioka Hiroyuki Morishita T aihei Morita T suneki Morita Shigeru Moriwaki Takashi Moriya Kenichi Morodomi Seijiro Metoda T akashi Motomura Ryo Matoaka

Hidenobu Motsutate Yoshikazu Munechika Maeda Muneharu T akahiko Murai Junichi Murakami Kenji Murakami Kota Murakami Yoshiyuki Murakami Hirokazu Murakata Mitio Murao Koji Murata Osamu Murata Sadamu Murata Yuji Murata Reiko Murayama T etsuhiko Musashi Naohisa Mula T akao Nagahama Hisashi Nagai Katsumi Nagai Kenya Nagao Yoshihiro Nagao Hiroshi Nagaoka Junichi Nagasako Akiyoshi Nagasawa Shinji Nagasawa Shoichi Nagasawa Jiro Nagase T akayuki Nagashima Satoshi Nagata Kenji Nagayoshi Kazuyoshi Naito Satoshi Naito Katsunari Nakagawa Kazuya Nakagawa T akeshi Nakagawa T omohisa Nakagawa T omoyuki Nakagawa Toru Nakagawa T oshiro Nakagawa Hideaki Nakai Takahiro Nakajima Takefumi Nakajima Yasuhiro Nakajima Yuji Nakajima Eri Nakamura Kenji Nakamura Masaaki Nakamura Mitsuo Nakamura Nobuyuki Nakamura Osamu Nakamura Shinji Nakamura Shuji Nakamura Takatsugu Nakamura Yasuyoshi Nakanishi Fumitaka Nakano Yoshitaka Nakano T akeshi Nakaoka


Keiji Nakashima Yoshiaki Nakashima Kazumi Nakata T oshiaki Nakaya Takayoshi Nakayama Masahiko Nakazawa Masumi Nakazawa Osamu Nakazawa Takuya Namekawa Hiroharu Namiki Yuichi Nanao Hiroshi Nanba Toru Nanba Akio Naraki Eiji Naruse Shoji Niina Hiroshi Nikadori Kazuhiko Nisaka Masato Nishi Kazuhiro Nishida Kazuichi Nishigawa Hideki Nishigori Kiyotaka Nishigori Yoshinobu Nishikawa Toshihiko Nishikimura Shinya Nishimura Kotara Nishino Shigeyuki Nishio Yoko Nishio Takahiro Nishiyama Hitoshi Noda Koji Noguchi Masahiro Noguchi Shigeo Noguchi Tetsuo Noguchi Yukihiro Noguchi Takeshi Nomoto Kenji Nomura Motoko Nomura Masato Nonogawa Hiroyuki Nukariya Katsumi Numaguchi Rieke Numazawa Hiroshi Obara Atsushi Obata Shigetoshi Ochi Hideshi Ochiai Saburo Ochiai Megumi Odagaki Akira Odake Kimio Ogata Yuji Ogawa Noriyuki Ogita Eiji Ogura Tamio Ogura Chihiro Ohashi Shunji Ohashi Tadao Ohashi

JPTA Kunihiko Ohba Kazuhiro Ohga Masahiro Ohira

Osami Ohishi Yukihiro Ohishi Hisao Ohkawa Shunichi Ohki Takahiro Ohki Mitsuharu Ohkita Kouji Ohkuma Yasuo Ohkuma Kazuo Ohmori Koji Ohmori Masako Ohmori Yoshio Ohmori Kazuhiro Ohnishi Masayuki Ohnishi Katsushi Ohno Yasuhiro Ohno Koji Ohnuki Naoki Ohsawa Yukio Ohshiro Kiyokazu Ohsugi Hiromi Ohta Kozo Ohta Mota Ohta Yasumasa Ohta Hisashi Ohtake Motofumi Ohtake Yumi Ohtsuyama Hiroya Ohyama Shigeru Ohyama Yukihito Okabe Chiaki Okada Chizuru Okada Fumihiro Okada lsao Okada Masaru Okada Tadaaki Okada Takahiko Okada Tatsuo Okada Junichi Okamoto Kentaro Okamoto Yasuhiro Okamoto Mayumi Okamura

Yoji Okawa Katsumi Okuyama Miho Omori Masayasu Onishi Eiko Ono Kazuo Ono Masami Ono Noriaki Ono Shushichiro Ono Takayuki Ono Hiroyuki Onodera T sutomu Onozawa Masaki Ooka

Haruyuki Osamura Nobuto Oshibe Mitsuo Otsudo Kunia Ouchi Masanobu Oyama Hiroyuki Saeki Tomorou Sagiike Takayuki Saigo Hiroyuki Saito Kazuhiko Saito Makoto Saito Tomoharu Saito Kan Saitoh Kaoru Saitoh Takehiko Saitoh Hiraki Sakaguchi Hikaru Sakai Hironori Sakai Motonari Sakai Teruaki Sakai Yoji Sakai Tomotaka Sakaki Kenji Sakamoto Kosaku Sakamoto Masato Sakamoto Tatsuya Sakamoto Yuichi Sakamoto Shinji Sakane Akira Sakasai Naohiko Sakatani Takayuki Sakuma Tsuyoshi Sakuma Junichi Sakurada Hirotoshi Sakurai Yasuo Sakurai Kazuya Samata Junichi Sango Hiroshi Sana Shigeaki Sana Akira Sasa Toshitaka Sasae Mari Satani

Atsuya Sato Hiroshi Sato Hitoshi Sato Kazuhiko Sato Kenji Sato Masanori Sato

Masaru Sato Mayumi Sato Naritoshi Sato Hisashi Satoh Norihisa Satoh

Takao Satoh Yasushi Satoh Makoto Sawada Satoshi Sawada Masayoshi Saziki


Chouyu Se Mikio Segawa

Shuichi Seki Akiharu Sekiguchi Akiharu Sekiguchi Midori Sekiguchi Hiroo Sekine Keiko Sekine Kuminobu Sekine Kazuhiro Sekiya Tadaaki Sekiya Shinsuke Shibahara Kazuyuki Shibata Makoto Shibata Ryohei Shibata Takeo Shibata Yuko Shibata Akira Shibatsuji Hikaru Shibatsuji Nobuko Shibatsuji Yoshiyuki Shiji Toshio Shima Yoshikazu Shima Hideo Shimada Tadahiro Shimada Chiharu Shimamura Katsunori Shimamura Nobuaki Shimamura Kyoichi Shimano Shigetoshi Shimano Hiroyuki Shimizu Ken Shimizu Manabu Shimizu Masako Shimizu

Shigenori Shimizu Shinsuke Shimohata Toyosaku Shimoji Kenji Shimomachi Kazuhiro Shimotori Shozo Shimoura Haruhiko Shimura Yuriko Shinagawa Kenji Shinjo Hironobu Shinozaki Michinori Shintaku Toshihiko Shinya Yoshihide Shiono Yuriko Shiraishi Masaaki Shirakawa Kenji Shirasawa

Tsutomu Shirase Hiroshi Shirota Kazuo Shoji Kuniyasu Shoji Tomotaka Shoji Akihide Shudai Masayoshi Sane Ryosuke Sarin

JPTA Yuichiro Souma T akashi Sud a Hisayuki Sudo Yutaka Sudo Katsumi Suenaga Toshihiko Suga Michiko Sugawara

Shinya Sugawara Yuji Sugaya Tomoyasu Sugimoto Takaka Sugisaki Shunpei Sugita Mitsuki Sugiuchi Akira Sugiura Hiromi Sugiura Hiroyasu Sugiura Kenichi Sugiura Akira Sugiyama Fumiaki Sugiyama Fumihiko Sugiyama Shigeki Sugiyama Akira Sukegawa Mieko Sukegawa Kyoichiro Sumimoto Kazunari Sumiyoshi Seiji Susawa Akira Suzuki Hiromi Suzuki Keiko Suzuki Masaaki Suzuki Masaru Suzuki Satoshi Suzuki Susumu Suzuki Takeshi Suzuki T suneji Suzuki Yasuo Suzuki Yasushi Suzuki Yoshihiro Suzuki Yoshihiro Suzuki Yasuko Tabata Hiroshi Tabuchi

Yasuo Takahashi Nobuyasu Takai Toshihiro Takaishi Junichi Takakuwa Akitoshi Takamizu T oshihiko T akamune Eiji Takano Osami Takano Akihito Takao Katsumi Takasawa Kazutoshi Takase Yuji Takase Takagi Takashi Yorihisa T akashige Akira Takashima Shunji Takasuka Mariko Takata Kazuhisa Takatsuka Hiroyuki Takatsuna Hideki Takayama Nobukazu Takayanagi Koichiro Takeda Nobuhiro Takeda Satoshi Takeda Tadashi Takeda Kazuhiro Takei Kiyohito Takei Toshihiko Takekawa lchiro Takenouchi lchiro Takeuchi Jun Takeuchi Koh Takeuchi Shohei Takeuchi Hidesuke T akezawa

. Masaaki Takigawa Hiroyuki Takimoto Sadao Takyo Cosmo Tam ada Mari Tarnai

Masakatsu Tamai Masami Tamana

Kimiaki Tagami Noriyuki Tagawa

Kazuhiko Tamura Kenji Tamura

Kazuo Tago Nobuyoshi Taguchi Mitsuru Takagi Hiroyuki Takahama Hiroshi Takahashi Hitoshi Takahashi Manabu Takahashi Masato Takahashi Masayuki Takahashi

Naoki Tamura Nobuya Tamura Toshiyuk1 Tanabe Aki Tanaka Eiji Tanaka Fumihiko Tanaka Fumiyoshi Tanaka Hironori Tanaka Hiroshi Tanaka

Minami Takahashi

Katsunori Tanaka Kazuhiro Tanaka Kenji Tanaka

Mitsuharu Takahashi Satoshi Takahashi Seiichiro Takahashi Tomoyuki Takahashi Yasuhiko Takahashi

Norihisa Tanaka Toru Tanaka

Toshimitsu Tanaka


Yoshiko Tanaka Chikao Taniguchi Yumio Taniguchi Akihito Tanimoto Katsumi Tanzawa

Atsushi Tashiro Tadahiko Tashiro

Akira Tatsuishi Kazuaki Tatsumi

Makoto Tatsumi Yukitaka Temma Toshiki Terada Yoshinari Teranaka Miho Terao Takashi T ereda Fumio T etsuyama Yuji Tezuka Makiko Tohmatsu Takashi Tokida Sumitaka Tokuda Hitoshi T okuhiro Yutaka Tokumaru Kunji Tokunaga Kohei T omioka Shinya Tomioka Takashi Tomioka Hitoshi Tomita Hirohiko Tomitsuka Nobuyoshi Tomizawa Masanobu T onegawa Yuka Tonegawa Tamaki Tongu Kotara Torisu Akio Totani Shinya Toya Yukihiro Toyama Shunichi Toyotome Katsuaki Tsubura Masayoshi Tsuchino Hiroshi Tsuchiya Yoshio Tsuchiya Masaru Tsuji Keitaro Tsujii Masao Tsukinowa Yuzuru Tsuneta Toshiyuki Tsuyuki Hiroya Uchida Kazumi Uchida Osamu Uchida Shinji Uchihashi Yukio Uchizaki Kokichi Ueda Kozo Ueda Nobukazu Ueda Hirofumi Uekita Akihiro Ueno Sadae Ueno Yoshio Ueno

JPTA Shoji Uenoyama Masanori Uesugi Mikio Uetani Toshihiro Ujiie Kazushige Uke Kenso Ukon Hiroki Unno Naoki Uno Fujio Uruma Motoaki Usami T oyohiko Ushiyama Masanori Usui Daisuke Utsumi

Kazuhiko Yamada Mamoru Yamada Ryu Yamada Toshihiko Yamada Kazuo Yamagata Eiji Yamaguchi Eiji Yamaguchi Hiroki Yamaguchi Hitomi Yamaguchi Masato Yamaguchi Tadashi Yamaguchi T akashi Yamaguchi Takayoshi Yamaguchi

Sumiyo Utsumi

Tomoyuki Yamaguchi

Nobuo Utsuno Hiromasa Wada Toshiya Wada Yumiko Wada Takekatsu Wakabayashi Hisashi Wakaizumi Masao Wakamatsu Katsumi Wakatsuki Yoshiaki Wakita Keiko Wakizaka Akiko Watanabe Atsushi Watanabe lsao Watanabe Kiyoaki Watanabe

Hiroshi Yamahara Hiroshi Yamaki Koichi Yamaki Hirofumi Yamamota Akio Yamamoto Hideto Yamamoto lchiro Yamamoto Katsushi Yamamoto Michiko Yamamoto Takatsugu Yamamoto Yoshikata Yamamoto Yutaka Yamamoto Nerio Yamane Yasuhiro Yamane Haruhiko Yamano Shingo Yamasaki Shfgeru Yamasato Chikara Yamashita Masahiro Yamashita Junichi Yamazaki Kenji Yamazaki Michie Yamazaki Norimichi Yamazaki Sakae Yamazaki Keishiro Yanagi Keiichi Yanamoto Masaya Yano Yukihiro Yano

Mitsuyoshi Watanabe

Shuji Watanabe Susumu Watanabe Takashi Watanabe Tsutomu Watanabe

Yoshikazu Watanabe Hiroshi Watanuki Hirotsugu Watanuki Norimichi Yabe Yasuo Yabe Kyoji Yagisawa Kenji Yajima Hiroshi Yamada

Masayuki Yashima Takehiko Yasu Tadashi Yasuhara Koujirou Yasui Masaharu Yasui Hiroya Yasukawa Shiro Yasukawa Yasuyuki Yasuma Michie Yasuna

Kiyoshi Yasuno Yuuki Yatsuchi Toshio Yazawa

Kotaro Yoda Toshihiko Yogo Hideo Yokochi

Makoto Yokoi Akitoki Yokoyama Atsuko Yokoyama Kazuo Yokoyama Kazuo Yokoyama Yasuaki Yokoyama Yasunori Yokoyama Masahiko Yonemura Katsuyoshi Yoshiba Fumitoshi Yoshida Hiroshi Yoshida Junichi Yoshida Masayuki Yoshida Nobuyuki Yoshida Tomoaki Yoshida Yasuko Yoshida Hitoshi Yoshikawa Miki Yoshimitsu Tomohiro Yoshimura Yoshimi Yoshimura Shogo Yuasa Sadaka Yui Yoshitaka Yuki Naohiro Yukita Hideyasu Yutani

SOUTHEAST ASIA INDONESIA Bandung Atet Wijono Jakarta Suzanna K Anggar Mien Gondowidjojo Eddy Katimansah Suresh A Menon Samudra Sangitan Lita Sugiarto

Deddy Tedjamukti June S Welford Tintus A Wibowo

MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpu Robert C W Kok John Y K Lim Kuala Lumpur Roy Anchant Anthony Yap


Petaling Jaya Tau Yong Lim Chris Ponniah Boon Wah San Pinang Lim Kok Lee

SINGAPORE James W Anchant Desmond K C Ang Dimiter Armenkow

SOUTHEAST ASIA Alias Awang John Boon Hock Soon Cletus F Chan Elvin Chee Wee Siang Yong Hiang Chin Swan Sek Chong Ronald Cheong Po Hoa Fan Ronald Foo Steven L M Foo Tiang Kwong Joseph Foo Ellie T S Hiu Alex Ho Kah Wai Francis C K Hou Mahmud Bin ldeh Malcolm J Kessler Jerry Heok Chye Koh Siow Ngea Koh Tze Ping (Jimmy) Koh Victor Koh Heng Lee

Royce Kok Chong

Fall Bob Kwai Sum Tang Doreen Lai Liling David Eng Huat Lee Steven Khay Siang Lee Char Tiong (Steven) Lim Eddy Lim Hazel M L Low Mark Seng Wah Lui Ram Jatan Missir Roland Yam Cheng Neo Albert Kee Siang Ng Gary Ong Kaa Beng Ong Desmond Oon Ron C C Pang Lim Fiona Phi-Lan


Vincent Kin T eck Poon Kong Ann Quek Tun Lin Quek Thurai Raja

Pathorr R Saini Ng Chee Seng Maurice Emile Sheares

Chye Hui Tan Song Eng Tan James Tan Bock Ann Harry Tan Eng Kwang Andrew Kah Su Tay Kim Lock Teoh Chun Shing Tham Richard T H Tng Vincent Tong

Keng Wan Wong Kenneth L Y Wong Kin Fun Joel Wong Wen Bin Wong

Categories of Membership

Categories of Membership The five categories of USPT A membership are: active, affiliate, club, honorary and inactive. Active membership A teaching category requiring successful completion of the USPTA Certification Exam, leading to a certification rating.

For individuals at !east 18 years old who derive or intend to derive a major portion of their income from teaching tennis. To qualify for active membership, individuals must meet all application and exam requirements, and must agree to abide by the USPT A Code of Ethics. Those new active members with a Professional 3 rating must pass an upgrade exam within 36 months or be placed in the inactive membership category.

Non-U.S. citizens who cannot legally work in the United States, but do meet all other requirements for active membership, may join the Association as an International Division member. These members are afforded all privileges of active membership, with the exception of voting, holding office and the protection of USPTA's on-court liability insurance policy. However, non-U.S. membership does not imply that USPT A sponsors these members immigrating to the United States to work as tennis¡teaching professionals. U.S. labor certification laws apply in these cases. Inactive membership A provisional category for teaching members who have failed to meet continuing mandatory certification or education requirements. These members, upon payment of annual dues, wit! continue to receive benefits such as insurance coverage, ADDvantage and other industry magazines. However, they may not hold office or vote, buy USPTA logo merchandise, receive complimentary products from USPTA-endorsed manufacturers, compete in national tournaments, receive a national ranking, receive USPTA grant money for USTA programs (USTA Schools Program and NJTL), or be a tester. The inactive member is ineligible for USPT A awards, and will be listed in the USPTA Membership Directory and other US PTA lists as "inactive." The period during which a member is inactive will be subtracted from the member's total years of service. Upon fulfillment of all ongoing requirements, the inactive member will be reinstated as active. Retired membership A category for former active teaching members who have retired from the tennis teaching profession. For current members who are 65 years or older; are retired and presently draw Social Security or retirement benefits other than military, and any additional income is restricted by similar rules; and no longer teach on a full- or part-time basis. These members must be willing to provide to the World Headquarters the necessary documentation that proves they qualify for this membership category. Retired members are exempt from the Continuing Education Program requirements and pay one-half the regular dues.


Categories of Membership Affiliate membership A non-teaching category for which the Certification Exam is not required. For companies or persons who have a full-time commitment to tennis in an executive, administrative or commercial capacity. Affiliate members are entitled

to most privileges and subject to most obligations of active membership, but may not vote, hold office, compete in the USPT A national tournaments, and are not covered by USPTA's on-court liability insurance policy. Affiliate members must be listed in the name of their company. Affiliate members shall not use the USPTA logo or USPTA name to imply company or product endorsement Application procedures require filling out the pertinent sections of the membership application and submitting it with the designated dues fee. Club membership A non-teaching category for which the Certification Exam is not required. For all public and private tennis facilities. Member clubs are entitled to most

privileges of active membership, but may not vote or hold office, and are not

covered by USPTA's on-court liability insurance policy. Club memberships must be listed in the club's name. Application procedures require filling out the pertinent sections of the membership application and submitting it with the designated dues fee. Any applicant for USPTA club membership must assure USPTA that admission to membership in the club is open to all persons regardless of race, color, creed, age, sex, national origin, religion or physical

handicap. Clubs which are members of the Association on October 1, 1990 must assure the Association of the above at their respective renewal date.

Honorary membership Certification Exam not required. For persons who, as voted by the USPTA Executive Committee, have made an outstanding contribution to tennis or USPT A. Honorary members who previously were active members are entitled to most privileges and subject to most obligations of active membership, but do not have to pay yearly dues. Honorary members who were not previously active members may not vote, hold office, compete in USPTA national tournaments, and are not covered by USPTA's on-court liability insurance policy.


Certification Ratings

Certification Ratings Certification is a primary benefit of active membership in USPT A and is a critical employer consideration. Based on age requirements and successful completion of the Certification Exam, new teaching members of USPTA are placed in one of three rating classifications. From entry level to mos1 advanced, they are: Professional 3, Professional 2 and Professional 1, These represent a measure of overall , performance on the Certification Exam and are the primary ratings for teachers in the USPTA active membership category. They should not be contused with the affiliate, club and honorary membership categories, for which the Certification Exam is not required. In addition to the aforementioned ratings, USPTA professionals may aspire to an elite teaching classification, Master Professional. Qualified applicants must hold a Professional 1 rating, accumulate a specified number of continuing education credits and fulfill a broad spectrum of industry service. THE RATINGS (listed from entry level to most advanced):

Professional 3 Must be at least 18 years old and pass the on-court and written portions of the Certification Exam. Must pass one upgrade exam within 36 months of becoming a member or be placed in the inactive member category. Professional 3 members are not required to submit credit references but must submit sponsor and employment references.

Professional 2 Must be at least 18, pass the on-court and written portions of the Certification Exam, and demonstrate teaching ability either through an apprenticeship or previous experience. The Professional 2 member must submit sponsor, employment and credit references prior to certification or upgrading from Professional 3.

Professional 1 Must be at !east 22, pass the on-court and written portions of the Certification Exam and have three years' or five seasons' teaching experience. The Professional 1 member must submit sponsor, employment and credit references prior to certification.

Master Professional Qualified applicants who joined before 1991 must hold a Professional 1 rating tor at least five years, and members joining in or after 1991 must be a P1 tor 10 years. All applicants also must complete a specified number of continuing education courses and fulfill a broad spectrum of industry service. Requirements are upgraded on a continuing basis and new applications must be obtained each year. All requirements must be submitted to the World Headquarters, which forwards them to the Master Professional Review Board for ratification and certification.


Honorary Membership

Honorary Membership Pauline Betz Addie Ted Bailey, Jr., MD George E. Barnes William T. Bell Asher J. Birnbaum David A. Birnbaum, MD Mike Blanchard Vic Braden Earl Buchholz" Mary Carillo Joseph E. Carrico• Ralph Chambers Natalie Cohen Robert B. Colwell John Conroy• Hunter Delatour Fred A. Earle, Jr. Walter E. Elcock Edwin J. Faulkner• John Gardiner Sam Giammalva Abe Golden Dick Gould

Bitsy Grant• Jacob Greenberg• Randolph Gregson Alex Guerry Marshall Happer, Ill Russell W. Harned Gladys Heldman W. E. Hester, Jr.' Harry Hopman*

Gorden D. Jorgensen Robert J. Kelleher Billie Jean King Don Klotz Eve F. Kraft Jack Kramer Dick Le Fevre Claudia C. Long George LoW Clarence Mabry George R. MacCall Dan Magill Stanley Malless Alastair B. Martin



Mark H. McCormack Hilary McGuire Charles McKinley• Walter Montenegro

Rev. Ed Moosbrugger Bill Matt Bill Murphy Chet Murphy Desmond Oon Fred Perry Anne M. Pittman

Bill Price James T. Reid" Marvin P. Richmond F. R. "Ted" Schroeder Helen Shockley• Sam Shore Pam Shriver Tom D. Stow* Tony Trabert Edward A. T urville Roy Wilder

Honorary Membership

USPT A Master Professionals Larry Abrams A. Lee Adams Janet H. Adkisson Greg Alexander Robert Anderman

Kirk Anderson Jim Annesi

J. Cary Bachman George Bacso

Michael B. Baldwin John M. Barnaby Van Barry Sanford Baruch Sheryl Behne Marvin Benzig Nick Bollettieri William E. Bond David Brown Harry Burrus Peter Burwash

Sheldon Caldwell Jorge Capestany Allan C. Carvell James A. Cole Steve Contardi Kelly Cooper James Newton Cox Tom Daglis Peter Daub James E. Davis Robert E. Davis Kenneth DeHart Rod Dulany Fred A. Earle Ill Fred A. Earle Jr. Ty Fuller

Paul A. Gagan Eduardo S. Garcia Sylvia A. Gothard Tommy Gray Jack L. Groppel, Ph.D. George E. Grover Kenneth W. Gurney Jr. Jay Hardman Tim Heckler Allan D. Henry

Don Henson Bob Holm Ron Holmberg Gary Horvath John H. Ingram Ill Jack Justice Kurt Kamperman

Leo Katz Dick King Dave Kozlowski Anna Kuykendall Ronald Lague Don J. Leary Larry C. Lineberry James E. Loehr Leslie Longshore Jr. Angel Lopez Bob Love Charles G. Lundgren Doug Mac Curdy Patrick L. Mason Ken D. McAllister Mark McMahon Edward D. McQuillin Dr. Bal Moore Gardner Mulloy


Mike O'Connell Desmond Oon Guy W. Parks II Joseph Pizzat Dave Power

Ben Press Hank Quinn Joan G. Ramey Ronald Rebhuhn Jim Reffkin Nick Saviano Edward J. Serues Skip Singleton Dave Sivertson Sean Sloane Dean Snyder Randy Stephens Jerry Strang Drew Sunderlin

R. J. Tessier Joseph Thompson Alice Tym Bill Tym Michael Van Zutphen Fernando M. Velasco John Verde Rick Vetter Betty Walsh Kenneth Waits Hugh Waters Ill Doug Welsh Gary Wilensky Glenn William Gene Williams Ted P. Withall Ronald B. Woods Paul J. Xanthos

Alphabetical Member Roster Key To Roster Coding Aarts, Jeffrey Pound Ridge, NY (914) 763-8852 ~ Membership Classification Master Pro

Master Professional

Pro 1 Pro 2 Pro 3

Professional One Professional Two Professional Three

Aarts, Jeffrey Pound Ridge, NY 914-763-8852 Pro Abad, Denny Hockessin, DE 302-234-0543 Pro Abbey, Jeff Redondo Beach, CA 213-316-6291 Pro Abbot, Robert Red Bank, NJ 908-7 41-0389 Pro Abbott, Arthur M Charlotte, NC 704-552-1768 Pro Abdullahi, Sadiq A Miami, FL 305-385-0314 Pro Abe, Koichi Tokyo, Japan Pro Abe, Koichi Tokyo, Japan 03-963-2649 Pro

2 1

Abella, David Costa Mesa, CA 714-435-9568 Pro 2 Abelman, Laurence J Shrewsbury, VT 802-492-3785 Pro 1 Ables, Chad L Pebble Beach, CA 210-608-0224 Pro 1 Abrams, Dave

2 1 3 1 3

Abe, Mamoru

Tokyo, Japan Abe, Takahiro Tokyo, Japan Abe, Takeshi Tokyo, Japan Abe, Yoshimasa Tokyo, Japan 06-856-3346 Abel, Mark Orwigsburg, PA 717-628-2612 Abele, Cynthia Pineland, FL 813-283-7503

Inactive Member

Affil Hon Club

Pro 2 Pro 3 Pro 3 Pro 3 Pro 2 Pro 2

Philadelphia, PA 215-727-8148 Pro 2 Abrams, Ken W Centralia, IL 618-532-3746 Pro 2 Abrams, Larry Shell Lake, WI 715-468-7833 Master Pro Abston, Jennifer J Memphis, TN 901-765-4400 Pro 1 Accettola, Patricia A Chesapeake, VA 804-594-7352 Pro 2 Ach, Michael A Brooklyn Park, MN 612-425-3582 Pro 1 Achondo, Mauricio Lodi, CA 209-334-2993 Pro 3 Ackert, Dru Manlius, NY 315-682-2800 Pro 1 Acord, Jim Martinez, GA 706-863-2023 Pro 2


Affiliate Member Honorary Member

Club Member Acosta, Barbara H Riverside, CT 203-637-4011 Pro Acosta, Ralph C Bonita, CA 619-475-3111 Pro Acosta, Richard John Norwalk, CA 213-430-1073 Pro 1 Acuna, Francisco J Pineville, LA 318-443-5414 Pro 2 Acuna, Ricardo J

Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Pro 2 Adachi, Hideo Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Adachi, Tetsuya Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Adajian, lumen J Lake Forest, IL 708-234-2225 Pro Adams, A Lee Chevy Chase, MD 301-652-4100 Master Pro Adams, Alan R Grandville, Ml 616-538-4600 Pro 2 Adams, Amy B Cocoa Beach, FL 407-383-9730 Pro 2 Adams, Bucky Boca Raton, FL 407-734'6657 Pro 1

Adams- Alea Adams, Donald K Cos Cob, CT 203-869-81 04 Pro Adams, Edward Garden Grove, CA 714-971-1041 Pro Adams, George F Tupelo, MS Pro 601-842-3902 Adams, John A Chevy Chase, MD 301-951-5000 Pro Adams, Judy C Plano, TX 214-423-917 4 Pro Adams, Michael Tucson, AZ 602-791-2584 Pro Adams, Patricia

2 1 3 1 2

Adler, Paul Miami, FL 305-271-0732 Pro Adolph, Dorothy (Dede) Bronxville, NY 914-337-1862 Pro Adrian, Phillip D Valley Center, KS 316-755-0878 Pro Aery, Sue Denville, NJ 201-586-0979 Pro Agardy, Gary Greenwood, SC 803-223-4849 Pro Agostini, Kenneth


3 1 1 2


Levittown, Puerto Rico

Shreveport, LA 318-869-4435 Pro 3 Adams, William N Pittsburgh, PA 412-884-4385 Pro 1 Addie, Pauline Betz Bethesda, MD 301-469-7300 Pro 1 Hon Addiego, Barbara Phoenix, AZ 602-867-9196 Pro 1 Addington, Donna M Memphis, TN Pro 2 901-325-5796 Addison, Michael Lansing, Ml 517-485-9614 Pro 2 Addison, Terence W Coronado, CA 619-424-4459 Pro 1 Adelman, Gary B Watertown, MA 617-924-3836 Pro 3 Adelman, Paula Brill Rocky Mount, NC 919-985-3150 Pro 1 Adkins, John R (Bob) Galesburg, Ml 616-665-9648 Pro Adkisson, Janel H Bellevue, WA 206-885-5620 Master Pro Adler, Mitchell J Goldsboro, NC 9t9-735-5311 Pro 1

809-765-7711 Pro 2 Aguero, German J Jacksonville, FL Pro 1 Ahearn, James J Palm Beach Gardens, FL 407-659-8475 Pro Ahrendts, Harry G Annandale, VA 703-354-5149 Pro Ahue, Joe, Jr Kailua Kana, HI 808-329-3111 Pro 3 Aiba, Shigeru Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Aihara, Akihiro Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Aihara, Toshimi Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Aillery, Jerry Marion, MA 508-7 48-1158 Pro 1 Ainsworth, Ronald T Jackson, MS Pro 2 601-956-5343 Aitaku, Masanori Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Aitken, Kip A Pittsburgh, PA 412-221-8203 Pro 2 Aizawa, Hideki Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Aizawa, Hideo Tokyo, Japan 03-330-2040 Pro 3 Aizawa, Hiroshi Tokyo, Japan 0484-78-0707 Pro 1



Akagi, Kenji Redwood, WA 206-455-3660 Pro 2 Akagi-Bustin, Vanne S Wahiawa, HI 808-621-5709 Pro 3 Akaishi, Shigetoshi Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Akashi, Goro Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 03-464-6621 Aki, Ty Honolulu, HI 808-523-1 085 Pro 2 Akimoto, Hiroyasu Tokyo, Japan 0434-89-8198 Pro 3 Akimoto, Masako Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Akita, Naoki Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Akita, T akeshi Tokyo, Japan 036448367 Pro 2 Akita, Yasuo Pro 1 Tokyo, Japan Akiyama, Kunihiko Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan AI Bray's Tennis Shop Long Beach, CA 213-433-8899 Affil Albano, Moira C Goleta, CA Pro 3 805-562-6739 Albares, Paul Nadi, Fiji Islands 679-780000 Pro 1 Albers, Ronald Vincennes, IN

812-886-9525 Pro 1 Albert, Brad Dana Point, CA 714-240-2104 Pro 2 Albrecht, Eric Seattle, WA 206-525-7 435 Pro 2 Albro, Stan J Cincinnati, OH

513-731-5391 Alcorn, Cindy L Dayton, OH Aldrete, Richard Dalton, PA 717-586-4030 Alea, Daniel J Marietta, GA 404-509-8336

Pro 2 Pro 2 Pro 1 Pro 1

Aleman Aleman, Dallas R Cuyahoga Falls, OH 216-929-8635 Pro Aleman, Jimmy

Corpus Christi, TX 512-852-7351 Pro 2 Alerre, Alberto T, Jr Casayan de Oro City, Philippines Pro 2 632583535 Alexander, Berk Honolulu, HI 808-521-4475 Pro 1 Alexander, Carol Palm Desert, CA 619-340-5532 Pro 2 Alexander, Gregory Tyler, TX 903-561-3014 Master Pro Alexander, John Chalfont, PA 215-822-3615 Pro 3 Alexander, Linda M Richmond, VA 804-353-4026 Pro 2 Alexander, Mark s Chicago, IL 312-262-2190 Pro 1 Alexander, Terry N, Ill Atlanta, GA 404-752-7177 Pro 2 Alexander, William W, Jr Columbia, MD 410·997-7466 Pro 2 Alexson, Donna Jaquith Manchester, NH 603-641-8535 Pro 2 Algarra, Mario

Tucker, GA 404-934-3078 Pro Algate, Paul A Goshen, IN 219-533-9772 Pro Alger, Donald El Toro, CA 714-581-7052 Pro Alipio, Pedro P, Jr Torrance, CA 213-542-7373 Pro Allar, Patricia L Excelsior, MN 612-470-0578 Pro Allen, Allison L Palm Springs, CA 619-327-1664 Pro

3 1 2 1 1 2

American Tennis Association

Allen, James B Columbia, SC 803-777-7899 Pro 1 Allen, Jeffrey E Miami, FL 305-662-3720 Pro 3 Allen, Matthew A Tequesta, FL 407.744-6386 Pro 1 Allen, Robert Cooper City, FL 305-680-8287 Pro 2 Allen, Timothy L Boca Raton, FL 407-392-6074 Pro 2 Allen, Tracy W Fayetteville, NC Pro 2 Allen, Wendy Evansville, IN 812-473-0123 Pro 1 Alley, Stephen M Salem, OR 503-390-4572 Pro 2 Allison, Patricia N Dania, FL 305-962-1300 Pro 1 Allison, Ronald L Marina Del Rey, CA 310-822-3815 Pro 2 Allshouse-Landmasser, Susan Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-564-7376 Pro 2 Almeida, Thomas H Cheshire, CT 203-250-1997 Pro 3 Almond, Carol L Boone, NC 704-262-3084 Pro 2 Almond, Jeffrey D Manassas, VA 703-378-6400 Pro 2 Alpert, Gary Cincinnati, OH Pro 3 Alru!z, Kenneth Lexington, VA 703-464-7349 Pro 2 Alstad, James Grand Rapids, MN 218-326-1910 Pro 2 AI-Suki, lmad Amman, Jordan 962-6-641793 Pro 1 Allaller, William Mammoth Lakes, CA 619-934-8451 Pro 3


Altschul, Harvey C E Brunswick, NJ 908-238-8939 Pro Altshuler, David G Peabody, MA 508-531-1801 Pro Altslall, Jeanne A Snow Hill, MD 41 0-632-3280 Pro Alvarado, Carlos Plantation, FL 305-791-7910 Pro

2 1 2 1

Alvarez, Guillermo M

Calexico, CA Pro 3 Alvarez, Jose Maria Sevilla, Spain 34-5-4791732 Pro 2 Alvarez, Mario H

Pensacola, FL 904-455-9670 Pro 2 Alvarez, Michael P Chandler, AZ 602-407-0332 Pro 2 Aivistur, Cesar

Hayward, CA 415-887-5809

Pro 1

Amano, Kazuhiko

Tokyo, Japan 075-221-5324 Pro 3 Amano, Masahito Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Amano, Souichi

Tokyo, Japan 078-709-3356 Pro 2 Amato, John T Evanston, IL 312-869-8882 Pro 2 Amaya, George Atlanta, GA 404·237-2777 Pro Amaya, Jim Miami, FL 305-387-1326 Pro 1 Amaya, John Gregory Tigard, OR 503-657 ·1806 Pro Ambuhl, Elizabeth Coseo St Albans, VT 802-527-1202 Pro 3 Amemiya, Hiroto Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 American Tennis Association

San Diego, CA 619-224-5746


Amero -


Amero, Alan

Sarasota, FL Ames, William N Dallas, TX 817-961-5025 Amick, James M Westerville, OH 614-794-2487

Pro 3 (Bill) Pro 2 Pro 1

Amino, Masato

Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Amilani, Akiyoshi Tokyo, Japan 078-412-4002 Pro 3 Amlaiky, Salahcline Orlando, FL 407-363-5372 Pro 3 Ammons, Timothy

Marietta, GA Pro 2 404-971-8463 Amor, Rafael F Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-389-8666 Pro 3 Ampon, lito Highland Park, IL 312-432-6506 Pro 2 Amrein, Paul

Villanova, PA 215-293-9347 Pro 2 Anand, Gyaneshwar Patrai, Greece

061-277615 Pro 2 Anastasio, Charles J Brooklyn, NY 718-965-4298 Pro 1 Anastopoulo, Arthur Charleston, SC Pro 3 Anchanl, James W Singapore 04-362670 Pro 1 Anchant, Roy Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Pro 1 7338822 Anderman, Marilyn F Glenwood, MD Pro 2 301-489-5428 Anderman, Robert Glenwood, MD 41 0-489-5428 Master Pro Anders, Ray Baton Rouge, LA 504-272-1141 Pro 1 Anderson, Cathie Del Mar, CA Pro 2 619-793-0595

Anderson, Charles B Blue Earth, MN 612-537-6231 Pro 1 Anderson, Christopher Beaverdam, VA 804-288-2891 Pro 2 Anderson, Christopher K Los Gatos, CA 408-267-3700 Pro 1 Anderson, Dana Edina, MN 612·925-9084 Pro 2 Anderson, Dave, Jr

Nashville, TN 615-269-4650 Pro Anderson, David M Longview, TX 214-297-2322 Pro 1 Anderson, Douglas, Ill Mt Pleasant, SC 803-7 43-4129 Pro 1 Anderson, Eric G Tucson, AZ 602-742-0174 Pro 1 Anderson, Gregory E Mamaroneck, NY 800-253-7 486 Pro 2 Anderson, Gregory J Tucson, AZ 602-299-9101 Pro 2 Anderson, Jeffrey L Louisville, KY 502-426-8671 Pro 2 Anderson, Keith

Northfield, IL 312-446-5106

Anderson, Scott

Rockville Centre, NY 516· 766-5125 Pro 1 Anderson, Shane W Jackson, MO 314-335-3355 Pro 2 Anderson, Shawn G Corpus Christi, TX 512-991-6059 Pro 3 Anderson, Steven E Ankeny, lA 515-964-3330 Pro 2 Anderson, Steven H St Paul, MN 612-690-9965 Pro 1 Anderson, Timothy B San Ramon, CA Pro 3 Anderson, Todd R White Bear Lake, MN 612-426-1098 Pro 2 Anderson, William V Miami, FL 305-681-0569 Pro 3 Andersson, Mikael N Belle Chasse, LA 504-764-8027 Pro 1 Ando, Masami

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 1

Jacksonville Beach, FL 904-743-5169 Pro 2 Anderson, Kirk Alpharetta, GA 404-410-0703 Master Pro Anderson, Kris C Phoenix, AZ 602-392-0224 Pro Anderson, Lynn

Katherine Minneapolis, MN 612-473-1603 Pro 1 Anderson, Randy Hickory Hills, IL 708-425-7200 Pro 2 Anderson, Richard Sea Island, GA 912-638·1152 Pro 1

Pro 2

Ando, Minoru

Tokyo, Japan

Anderson, Kevin S


Anderson, Richard Columbia, SC 803-788-4876 Pro 2

Pro 3


Melissa St Cloud, MN 605-361-2747 Andrew, Jorge

Pro 1

Winter Haven, FL 813-324-7019 Pro 1 Andrew, Scali D Lahaina, Maui, HI Pro 2 Andrews, Carol l Damariscotta, ME 207-563-1459 Pro 2

Andrews, JoAnn

Bellingham, WA 206-733-5050 Pro Andrews, Rich

Folsom, CA 916-488-8100 Pro Andrews, Todd A Miami, FL 305-662-8660 Pro 3

Andrulionis Andrulionis, Marne Anne Oakville, Canada 416-827-1772 Pro Anelundi, Edmund Riverside, Rl 401-433-1723 Pro 1 Ang, Desmond K C Singapore 65-2986025 Pro 3 Angell, Russell The Woodlands, TX 713-363-9500 Pro 2 Anggar, Suzanna K Jakarta, Indonesia 62-21-357775 Pro 3 Angiolelli, Joseph R N Stonington, CT Pro 2 401-322-1100 Angyal, Ken Grosse Pointe Park, Ml 313-882-4100 Pro 2 Angyal, Thad Grosse Pointe Park, Ml 313-882-4100 Pro 3 Annacone, Steve M Knoxville, TN Pro 2 615-588-1323 Annesi, Jim Iselin, NJ 908-636-4980 Master Pro Annino, Barry Dallas, TX 214-692-5639 Pro 2 Anno, Hiroaki Tokyo, Japan 0722-52-0423 Pro 3 Ansboury, Nancy D Turlock, CA 209-668-3838 Pro 2 Ansdell, Philip J Kirkland, WA 206-822-2277 Pro 3 Ansel, Donald Glenns Ferry, ID Pro 2 Antaki, Charlotte A Aiken, SC 803-649-551 0 Pro 2 Antes, Mark I Sherman Oaks, CA Pro 3 Anthony, Marc Birmingham, AL 205-595-8400 Pro 1

Antonio, Rudolph Northfield, NJ 609-646-2993 Pro 2 Aoki, Masayuki Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Aoki, Naomi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Aoki, Takahito Tokyo, Japan 0775-58-1818 Pro 2 Aoki, Tsukasa Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Aoki, Yoshie Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Aono, Akira

Tokyo, Japan Pro 03-464-6621 Aoyagi, Yoshinobu Tokyo, Japan Pro Aoyama, Yuji Tokyo, Japan Pro Aparicio, Samuel A Las Vegas, NV 702-363-3561 Pro Apecechea, Frank Fresno, CA 209-438-4422 Pro Apecechea, Teresa Fresno, CA Pro Apey, Patricio Key Biscayne, FL 305-361-3030 Pro Appelbaum, Michael Wilton Manors, FL Pro 305-566-9995 Appelt, William D Bermuda Run, NC 919-998-8279 Pro Appledorn, Scott C Royal Oak, Ml Pro 313-435-6125 Applewhane, Charles London, England Pro Aragon, Esequiel (Kelly) Albuquerque, NM 505-841-1072 Pro Aragon, Leon Hilton Head Island,


2 2 2

Arakawa, Osamu

Tokyo, Japan 0569-22-0243

Pro 3

Araki, Yukiko

Tokyo, Japan Aran, Dennis N

Pro 3

Bronx, NY



Araneo, William R

Oradell, NJ 201-599-6055 Pro Archuleta, Michelle Long Beach, CA 213-985-4336 Pro Arciero, John

Tallahassee, FL Pro 2 904-893-9598 Arfsten, William S Valrico, FL 813-654-0684 Pro 3 Arguilla, Ben R Spring Valley, CA 619-544-5794 Pro 3 Arias, Susan

2 2 2 1

San Clemente, CA Pro Arias, WiUiam San Clemente, CA 714-586-2707 Pro Arick, William E Lexington Park, MD 301-862-4961 Pro Armbrust, Carolyn Pro Fallbrook, CA

2 1 2 2

Armenkow, Dimiter


Singapore 65-7402668 Pro Armistead, Jack M Orlando, FL 407-351-0063 Pro Armstrong, Chris Fairfield, lA Pro 515-472-1152 Armstrong, James J Stuyvesant, NY 518-392-3325 Pro

3 3 3 2

Armstrong, lance


803-681-6409 Pro 2 Aragones, Eduardo J Buenos Aires, Argentina 790-4405 Pro 2



Midland, TX 915-687-3617

Pro 2

Armstrong, Rick

Naples, FL 813-775-2642 Pro 2 Arnett, Tommy Bluefield, WV 703-322-4851 Pro 1 Arnold, Jeffrey H Glastonbury, CT 203-633-4819 Pro 1

Arnold -


Arnold, Marie Y Lake Worth, FL 407-790-7030 Pro Arnold, Philippe J Houston, TX 713-497-0550 Pro Arnold, Sara E Prairie Village, KS 515-254-0603 Pro Aronson, Mike J Westbrook, ME 207-775-3777 Pro Aronson, William R Fresno, CA 209-44 7-5584 Pro Arp, John L Rosemount, MN 612-854-0322 Pro Arrant, Brei l Nacogdoches, TX 409-560-6617 Pro Arrington, Glenn Palm Coast, FL 904-446-9521 Pro Arterburn, Todd C Erie, PA 814-838-3859 Pro Arthur, Charles Los Angeles, CA 213-654-3971 Pro Arthur, Susan Carol Columbus, GA 404-324-7245 Pro Asada, Chitose Tokyo, Japan 0775-73-0408 Pro Asagi, Yasunori Tokyo, Japan Pno Asahi

Ashba, Ashlee A Sacramento, CA

2 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 2

Lawrenceville, GA

1-800-334-8737 Affil Asano, Akira Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 3 Asano, Tsuyoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Asaoka, Muneya Tokyo, Japan 052-811-3472 Pro 3

Ascher, Ron I Netherlands 31215318393 Pno 1 Aschner, Marilyn Katz Palm Beach Gardens, FL 407-622-1623 Pro 2 Asfeld, Michael E Nashotah, WI Pro 2

916-723-5364 Pro 2 Ashbrooke, Norman Lakewood, CA 310-425-0757 Pro Ashcrafl, Victor l Ocean Springs, MS 601-875-0086 Pro Ashcroft, Roger H Boca Raton, FL Pro 2 407-998-9202 Ashdown, Todd A Westlake, OH 419-372-2446 Pro 2 Ashe, Arthur New York, NY Pro 1 Ashhurst, Fred Ridge Spnng, SC 803-649-7531 Pno 1 Assaraf, Marc Richmondhill, Canada Pro 1 416-731-0366 Assini, Todd M Smyrna, GA 404-434-1797 Pro Assouad, Karim E Beirut, Lebanon 7814938 Pro 2 Alaka, Minako Tokyo, Japan 03-722-0737 Pro 3 Alen, Gregory T Cuyahoga Falls, OH 216-656-3240 Pro 2 Aliso, John Q Virginia Beach, VA 804-481-7545 Pro 3 Atkinson, Asa B, Jr Shaw, MS 601-754-6740 Pro 1 Atkinson, Asa B, Ill Shaw, MS Pro 3 Atkinson, Doug Carmichael, CA 916-482-6111 Pno ATP Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 904-285-5776 Affil Allaway, Waller N Rome, GA 404-235-1005 Pro 2 Allinger, Stephen S Wilmington, DE Pro 1 302-994-5494


Alloe, John F Milwaukee, WI 414-355-6964 Pro Aubin, Jennifer A Reading, PA 215-678-0484 Pro Aubin, Richard A W Lawn, PA 215-678-0484 Pro Auble, Steve Newport, WA Pro 509-732-4827 Aubone, Guillermo Miami, FL Pro 305-386-9582 Aubuchon, Daniel

2 2 2 1 2

Bermuda Dunes, CA

619-346-0088 Pro 1 Auchard, Chad A Bossier City, LA 318-7 46-5328 Pro 3 Audubon Country Club Naples, FL Club 813-566-9801 Aulfant, Michelle Y Pembroke Pines, FL Pro 2 305-987-1426 Ault, James R San Diego, CA 619-275-3220 Pro 2 Aunan, Patricia Sandpoint, ID Pro 2 208-263-9341 Aungst, Grant R Hudson, OH 216-650-1174 Pro 1 Austin, John R La Quinta, CA Pro 1 619-564-7150 Austin, Sean ian Silver Spring, MD 703-360-7300 Pno 3 Austrew, John Paul Dallas, TX Pro 1 214-348-2699 Avants, Henry Gastonia, NC 704-865-7511 Pro 1

Avants, Sharon L Gastonia, NC Pro 1 704-868-4835 Avdoyan, Alan Covington, LA 504-892-1903 Pro 1 Avers, Michael R Gaithersburg, MD 301-948-3116 Pno 2

Avery Avery, Thomas Naples, FL 813-592-7810 Pro Avner, Malcolm E La Jolla, CA 619-453-3839 Pro Avril, Jean Luc

Bacani, Jacinto Navarro

Boulogne, France

146038789 Pro Awang, Alias Singapore Pro Axelrod, Joan P Wilmington, MA 508-658-3920 Pro Axtell, Lawrence San Francisco, CA 415-665-4183 Pro Ayala, Juan Houston, TX 713-621-4123 Pro Ayala, luis

1 3 2 1 2

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Pro 1 809-726-4233 Ayala, Luis Tort, Jr San Juan, Puerto Rico

Pro 2 809-726-4233 Baba, Koji Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Babb, Cynthia O'Fallon, IL Pro 618-632-4139 Babb, Wayne W Palm Beach, FL 407-833-8100 Pro 3 Babbitt, Claire Poway, CA 619-748-0960 Pro 2 Babcock, Clay Encinitas, CA 619-438-8330 Pro Babcock, Maurice J (Reese) Vail, CO 303-4 76-5601 Pro Babcock, William L London, England Pro Babitz, Ed Rockville, MD 301-530-3692 Pro 1 Babler, Julie Ann Monroeville, PA 412-373-4923 Pro 2 Babolat Dayton, OH 513-435-8000 Affil

Cypress, CA Pro 2 Bacciotli, Angelo Island Park, NY 516-489-9005 Pro 2 Bacha, John M Mickleton, NJ Pro 2 609-423-1811 Bacharach, Cris A Citrus Heights, CA 209-745-3081 Pro 2 Bachman, George C St Cloud, MN Pro 2 612-259-5079 Bachman, J Cary Milwaukee, WI 414-962-3306 Master Pro Backus, Gregory Troy, Ml 313-524-0077 Pro 2 Bacon, Dave

San Diego, CA 619-685-8622 Pro 1 Bacon, Gale E S Hamilton, MA Pro 2 508-526-1681 Bacon, Robert C La Jolla, CA Pro 1 619-536-7894 Bacon, Robert H Encinitas, CA Pro 2 619-234-1500 Bacso, George Houston, TX 713-97-USPTA Master Pro Baden, Anna M Los Angeles, CA 213-837-8870 Pro 3 Badger, Charles Birmingham, AL 205-940-9851 Pro 1 Baer, Erick

Thousand Oaks, CA Pro 1 805-497-9421 Baer, Michael Chicago, IL Pro 1 312-684-4983 Bahrami, Mohamad R Virginia Beach, VA 804-484-4483 Pro 2 Baier, David E Littleton, CO 303-932-2375 Pro 2



Bailey, Brant A St Petersburg, FL Pro Bailey, Chris A Fort Collins, CO Pro 2 303-493-7303 Bailey, David W MiamL FL

Pro 305-599-0846 Bailey, Jan Highland Village, TX Pro 214-317-1052 Bailey, Jay P Atlanta, GA 404-936-81 03 Pro 3 Bailey, Mark Rowlett, TX Pro 3 214-289-5326 Bailey, Steve Jacksonville, AL 205-435-9820 Pro 2 Bailey, Ted, Jr, MD Little Rock, AR 501-663-3335 Pro 1 Han Bailey, William D Gilroy, CA 408-268-9555 Pro 2 Bailin, Jonathan, M A Los Angeles, CA 310-301-0678 Pro 2 Bailin, Stuart Lynbrook, NY 516-599-0532 Pro Baily, Carol L Steamboat Springs,


303-736-2232 Pro Bain, Ann G Augusta, NJ 201-948-4548 Pro 1 Baisden, H Monroe, Jr Culpepper, VA 703-825-0000 Pro 2 Bajema, Christopher M Grandville, Ml 616-531-9477 Pro Baker, Alison Diane Mishawaka, IN 219-259-6361 Pro 3 Baker, Andrew C Dayton, OH Pro 3 513-433-2268 Baker, Ben Winter Garden, FL Pro 2

Baker -


Baker, Cheryl D Manchester, CT 203-647-7516 Pro 2 Baker, Christopher R Columbia, SC 803-736-5279 Pro 2 Baker, John T Inverness, FL 904-726-6166 Pro 3 Baker, Kelly D Eugene, OR 503-484-7 451 Pro 2 Baker, Madalyn Palo Alto, CA 415-858-2191 Pro 1 Baker, Mark Kettering, OH 513-299-9311 Pro 2 Baker, Neal H Brooten, MN Pro 3 612-346-2716 Baker, Robert A Federal Way, WA 714-240-6112 Pro 2 Baker, Thomas E Salt Lake City, UT 801-487-1239 Pro 3 Bakken, David Merced, CA 209-722-2109 Pro 2 Bakken, Paul N Bonita Springs, FL Pro 2 Balasis, Taty Lansing, Ml 517-626-6013 Pro 1 Baldassari, Dominic Walpole, MA 508-668-1571 Pro Baldassari, James Walpole, MA 617-668-2758 Pro Baldwin, Michael B Lantana, FL 407-588-4702 Master Pro Baldwin, Michael Phillip, Jr Lantana, FL 407-588-4702 Pro Balentine, Laura W Charlotte, NC 704-553-1968 Pro 2 Bales, Michael A Knoxville, TN Pro 1 615-691-4770

Baiibrea-Ortega, Cesar M Toledo, OH 419-385-7956 Pro 3 Ball, Donald R Las Cruces, NM Pro 1 505-524-8707 Ball, Sydney H Newport Beach, CA 714-644-0050 Pro Ballantyne, louis J Apopka, FL 407-889-4445 Pro Ballard, Janis Sherer Berkeley, CA 51 0-524-4266 Pro 1 Ballato, Lou Floral Park, NY 516-352-9003 Pro Ballingall, David Dearborn, Ml Pro 313-336-4400 Ballowe, Deborah M Roseland, VA 804-325-2200 Pro 2 Balun, Dale Rye, NY Pro 2 914-967-9305 Bambauer, Monica Tempe, AZ 602-345-7594 Pro 2 Banaszak, Henry J Columbus, GA Pro 2 404-324-1533 Bandelin, David L Cherry Hill, NJ Pro 1 609-795-2255 Bandy, Martha G Hixson, TN Pro 2 615-842-1163 Banford, Mark A Lake Forest, IL Pro 1 708-234-3047 Bang, Bally Seattle, WA Pro 2 206-684-4764 Bangoura, Sekou C Bradenton, FL Pro 2 813-749-0103 Banks, Donna S Riverdale, GA 404-478-6130 Pro 2 Banzhaf, Sharon Pritula Sarasota, FL 813-921-2208 Pro 1


Barajas, Jaime Granada Hills, CA 818-360-5651 Pro 2 Barba, Raudel Destin, FL 904-837-7300 Pro 2 Barbagallo, John M Rochester, NY 716-271-8589 Pro 3 Barbaria, Lauralee San Rafael, CA Pro 2 Barbe, Paul Metairie, LA 504-837-6139 Pro Barbeau, Terry L Pro Houston, TX Barber, Amy San Luis Obispo, CA 805-544-8059 Pro 2 Barber, Cynthia Anne Brandywine, MD 301-372-6768 Pro 3 Barber, Timothy M Miami, FL Pro 3 305-285-2038 Barbera, Felix Twain Harte, CA 209-586-2464 Pro 3 Barbery, Fa brice

France Pro 3 43447348 Barcessat, Philippe New York, NY Pro 3 212-752-4059 Barclay, ian L Victoria, Australia 3-876-1070 Pro 1 Bard, Eva Midlothian, VA 804-794-7684 Pro 1 Bard, Muriel A Laguna Hills, CA 714-768-7084 Pro 2 Barden, Beth A Kenosha, WI 708-857-2215 Pro 2 Barden, David A Phoenix, AZ Pro 2 Bareis, Rosie Honolulu, HI 808-395-3300 Pro 1 Barfield, Mary lauren Nashville, TN 615-421-2690 Pro 3 Barici<man, Robert Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-763-8053 Pro 3

Barizon- Bartlett Barizon, Peter Paul Corpus Christi, TX 512-854-4401 Pro 1 Barker, Francis Boyer Winston-Salem, NC Pro 1 919-788-7087 Barker, John F Houston, TX 713-789-6483 Pro 3 Barker, John H Roanoke, VA 703-774-8880 Pro 2 Barker, Scott J Sarasota, FL 813-94 7-2330 Pro 2 Barkley, Gregory T Wilmington, DE 302-798-6686 Pro 1 Barlow, Malcolm Philadelphia, PA 215-836-4527 Pro 2 Barmore, Rebecca A Pacifica, CA 415-359-6619 Pro 3 Barnaby, John M Center Harbor, NH Master Pro Barnard, Phillip E, Jr Mclean, VA 703-817-8356 Pro 2 Barnard, Timothy G The Colony, TX 214-625-6728 Pro 3 Barnes, Andrea J Palo Alto, CA 415-857-9520 Pro 1 Barnes, George E Stuart, FL Pro 1 Hon Barnes, Jefferson T Phillipsburg, NJ 908-859-4541 Pro 1 Barnes, Ronald Bronxville, NY 914-961-9370 Pro 1 Barnes, Thomas C Fresno, CA Pro 1 Barnes, Thomas R S Lake Tahoe, CA Pro 1 Barnes, Tim D Mesa, AZ 602-345-1569 Pro 1 Barnes, Van San Diego, CA 619-451-7704 Pro 2

Barnett, Adi Stowe, VT 802-253-4543 Pro Barnett, Ronald J Spartanburg, SC Pro 803-573-8745 Barnett, Wayne L Louisville, KY 502-245-9267 Pro Barnett, William J Stowe, VT Pro 802-253-4543 Barney, Kay G Littleton, CO Pro Barnick, Robert E Grand Prairie, TX 214-660-2517 Pro Barnish, Jim WAllis, WI 414-541-8408 Pro Baroch, Dr Marlin Czechoslovakia 4223110706 Pro Baron, Yoram Tei-Aviv, Israel 03-492219 Pro Barr, Bruce A San Diego, CA 619-453-0344 Pro Barr, Donald Pro Tampa, FL Barr, Donald E Napa, CA ' 707-224-7108 Pro Barr, Eugene Sherman Oaks, CA 818-789-4262 Pro Barr, John

3 3

Pro 2 Pro 2

Sarnia, Canada

2 2 1 2 1 2 3 2


Pro 1

Barrett, Tijm

Tampa, FL 813-287-2958 Barretto, Mario J St Louis, MO 314-984-0021 Barrie, Woodrow Vero Beach, FL 407-231-2885 Barron, David A Tallahassee, FL 904-644-1091 Barry, Edward J, Metairie, LA 504-887-6871 Barry, Kim l Houston, TX 713-789-1470 Barry, Van Houston, TX 713-529-4321

Pro 3 Pro 2 E Pro 2 Pro 1 Jr Pro 2 Pro 2

Master Pro

1 2 1

Vienna, WV

304-295-8141 Pro 2 Barr, Scott Boca Raton, FL 407-483-84 72 Pro 2 Barr, Shane M Queensland, Australia 0617-2657950 Pro 2 Barraclough, Jonathan St George, UT 801-628-4350 Pro 2 Barrett, Dean Wichita Falls, TX 817-767-6321 Pro 2 Barrett, Jellrey E Old Orchard Beach, ME 207-781-2671 Pro 2


Barrett, Kitty Manlius, NY 315-682-7917 Barrett, Peter Plaistow, NH 603-382-1879 Barrett, Scott L

Barta, Judy Mt Kisco, NY Pro 914-234-7683 Bartek, Ann Lincoln, NE 402-421-1710 Pro Bartenfeld, Lori A Dalton, GA 706-278-9355 Pro Barth, Roy Charleston, SC 803-768-2121 Pro Barthel, Douglas Memphis, TN 901-458-9924 Pro Bartlett, Dennis Wake Forest, NC 919-848-1177 Pro Bartlett, John D Victoria, Australia 03-592-4004 Pro Bartlett, Saskia A San Antonio, TX 210-491-9888 Pro Bartlett, Susan Chattanooga, TN 615-265-3953 Pro

1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 1

Bartlett -


Bartlett, Tom my Chattanooga, TN 615-266-6767 Pro Bartlett, William C Ashland, OR 503-482-9325 Pro Bartoe, David San Diego, CA Pro Barton, Clark Sandy, UT 801-261-3426 Pro 1 Barton, Derrick W Memphis, TN 90 1·346-1352 Pro 1 Barton, Glenn J San Antonio, TX 210-493-5671 Pro 2 Barton, James Staten Island, NY Pro 2 718-448-5136 Bartz, Kenneth Colorado Springs, CO 303-471-0563 Pro 2 Bartzen, Bernard (Tut) Ft Worth, TX 817-292-0242 Pro 1 Baruch, Sanford New York, NY 212-535-7525 Master Pro Basappa, Tharakeswara Jersey City, NJ 201-217-0477 Pro 3 Basey, Lee Indialantic, FL 407-728-0983 Pro 2 Basham, Mark C Santa Barbara, CA 805-969-7394 Pro 2 Baskin, Jerry C Marietta, GA 404-424-1576 Pro 2 Bass, Martha Ann Dallas, TX 214-353-9266 Pro Bass, Theron H Hebe Sound, FL 407-546-2221 Pro Bass, Thomas J, Jr E Quogue, NY 516-653-5428 Pro Bassett, Brice Eugene, OR 503-345-4402 Pro 1

Bassett, John R Oakville, Canada 416-842-9806 Pro 2 Bassett, linda Anchorage, AK 907-276-3831 Pro 2 Bassi, Carol

Baxter, Richard APO, USA 06227-4974 Pro Baxter, Rill H Sarasota, FL Pro Bayliss, Robert E Granger, IN San Francisco, CA 219-239·6113 Pro 415-777-9000 Pro 2 Bayrakal, Sean Vancouver, Canada Batchelder, Philip 604-222-1452 Salinas, CA Pro 408-649-1135 Pro 1 Beach, David Lee Springfield, OH Batchelor, Janan 513-399-6316 Pro Trimble Little Rock, AR Beach, John L 501-666-3237 Pro 2 Tucson, AZ 602-292-1173 Pro Bates, Bruce Malibu, CA Beachum, Kristina A 213-456-4745 Pro 1 N Muskegon, Ml 616-744-5310 Pro Bates, H John Whittier, CA Beal, John W, Ill 213-698-3071 Pro 2 Northampton, MA 413-584-0151 Pro Bates, James R Peoria, IL Beale, Bill 309-693·5720 Pro 2 Sacramento, CA 916-483-5893 Pro Bates, Michael J Danvers, MA Beals, Terry M Pro 2 508·77 4-8394 Kent, WA 206-237-5232 Pro Bates, Paul M St Cloud, MN Beamer, May Ann V 612-656·0129 Pro 2 Mililani Town, HI 808-623-9329 Pro Bates, Rob G Ft Lauderdale, FL Bearby, Mark J 305-523-6511 Pro 2 Long Grove, IL Pro 708-913-9133 Bator, Zachry M Atlanta, GA Bearce, Chan 404-252-8153 Pro 2 Gorham, ME 207-781-2671 Pro Batt, Charles Nashville, TN Beardsworth, Jak 615-352-5100 Pro Sanibel Island, FL 813-947-3327 Pro Batted, Fortunato M, Jr Beardsworth, Molly Dallas, TX Sanibel, FL 214-333-2197 Pro 813-472-0588 Pro Bauer, Kenneth Beares, Mark G Santa Momca, CA Oceanside, NY 213-395-6003 Pro 2 516-536-2323 Pro Beattie, Barbara A Bauer, Michael H Lafayette, CA Massillon, OH 51 0-283-8250 Pro 1 216-494-0660 Pro Baxley, Ed Beattie, Brett Little Rock, AR Royal Oak, Ml 501·664-0736 Pro 2 517-288-2253 Pro Baxley, Lora Ann Beaubien, Ronald L Little Rock, AR Coronado, CA 619-435-6184 501-821-4141 Pro 1 Pro


1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2

1 2 1 2 2

Beauchamp Beauchamp, Ann B Maitland, FL 407-628-5827 Pro 3 Beauchamp, David N Coral Gables, FL 305-666-8933 Pro Beauchamp, Samuel


Aptos, CA 408-662-9440 Pro Beaudoin, Todd A Eden Prairie, MN 612-942-6793 Pro Becerra, Ray McLean, VA 703-734-0512 Pro Beches, Vasile T Costa Mesa, CA 714-645-4149 Pro Beck, Bruce B Savannah, TN 901-925-5040 Pro Beck, James W New Berlin, WI 414-382-3922 Pro Beck, Lee Thomasville, NC 704-542-0800 Pro Beck, Paul E Boulder, CO 303-530-3328 Pro Beck, Rainer

2 2 2 3

3 1

Nurnberg, Germany

0911-804869 Pro 2 Beck, Richard A Erie, PA 814-825-8686 Pro 1 Beck, Robert M Short Hills, NJ 201-376-8133 Pro 2 Beckenholdt, Sherry E Quincy, IL 217-228-1150 Pro 2 Becker, Linda M Fenton, MO 314-622-4925 Pro 2 Becker, Stewart Hicksville, NY 516-939-6187 Pro 2 Beckett, Lisa M Claremont, CA 714-621-8016 Pro 2 Beckett, Scott W Anniston, AL

205-820-7892 Pro 2 Bedilion, James San Anselmo, CA 415-461-4383 Pro 1


Belgum-Schmidt, Bedingfield, Sherry A Nancy Tampa, FL Simi Valley, CA Pro 1 813-961-8638 805-584-9096 Pro Bednar, Robert M, Jr Balkan, Louis E Windsor, NJ Pro 3 Scottsdale, AZ 609-448-3297 602-946-2087 Pro Bednar-Kirby, Susan Bell, Craig Jacksonville, FL Dallas, TX 904-389-4281 Pro 2 214-239-0051 Pro Beehler, C E Bell, David W (Clarence) Pittsfield, MA Brevard, NC Pro 2 413-499-7949 704-884-2922 Pro 1 Bell, Dudley S Beekman, Ronald L Lyndonville, VT Delray Beach, FL 802-626-9371 Pro Pro 2 407-243-7360 Bell, Gregory M Beeland, Maggie M San Diego, CA Winter Haven, FL Pro 619-552-1419 Pro 1 813-324-6388 Bell, Jamie 0 Beerman, Dave, Jr Greenville, MS Lakeland, FL Pro 3 601-335-6350 813-688-3044 Pro 1 Bell, Peter D Beeson, Joseph E Scarsdale, NY Pro 3 Warsaw, IN 219-267-6819 Pro 2 Bell, Richard Q Charlottesville, VA Beeson, Thomas 804-293-2104 Pro Bowling Green, KY 502-782-2208 Pro 1 Bell, William T St Louis, MO Beggs, Vikki 314-869-0700 Pro 1 W Palm Beach, FL Han 407-585-0980 Pro 2 Bellamy, Stevan Begley, Brian C Santa Monica, CA Fairfield, OH Pro 2 310-454-6162 513-829-0763 Pro 2 Bellefeuille, Richard Behar, Carlos Sonoma, CA Miami, FL Pro 1 707-935-6775 Pro 2 305-285-1623 Bellevue Tennis Behm, Justin Center Towson, MD 41 0-823-1626 Pro 3 Wilmington, DE 302-798-6686 Club Behne, Sheryl Austin, TX Bellmont, M Karen St Cloud, MN 512-442-1466 Master Pro 612-252-7219 Pro 2 Behrman, Steven J Bellomy, Gary R Santa Barbara, CA Daleville, IN 805-969-0558 Pro 2 Pro 3 317-741-5552 Beijer, Richard John Belman, Mark San Jose, CA Fresno, CA 408-266-4177 Pro 2 209-297-7138 Pro 1 Belser, Kerry M Belan, Peter Czechoslovakia Monterey, CA 408-372-0172 42-7-33583 Pro 1 Pro 2 Belangia, Mike T Belser, William E Greensboro, NC Palm Desert, CA 919-282-9658 Pro 2 619-360-5579 Pro 1


Beltran -


Beltran, Victoria L Oshkosh, WI 414-426-1651 Pro 2 Benavent, Joseph A Half Moon Bay, CA 415-726-2346 Pro 2 Benbadis, Selim Beachwood, OH 216-444-2200 Pro 2 Bencivenga, Anthony

Benner, James W Macon, GA 912-477-2011 Pro 2 Bennett, Christopher R Philadelphia, PA Pro 3 609-234-2990 Bennett, Dave Del Mar, CA Pro 1 619-792-0061 Bennett, Donald Houston, TX 713-776-8762 Pro 2 New Milford, NJ 201-261-5405 Pro 2 Bennett, John H Poway, CA Bender, Kim K 619-451-2369 Pro 2 Oklahoma City, OK Pro 1 Bennett, Robert C 405-691-8389 Michigan City, IN Bender, Michael 219-874-9169 Pro 1 Richard Bennett, Terry H Roanoke, TX Tucson, AZ 817-379-5265 Pro 3 602-7 49-1364 Pro Benedict, Charles C, Benoit, Richard C Ill Midlothian, VA Norcross, GA 804-287-1300 Pro 404-449-3591 Pro Benson, Chel D Benfield, John C Apollo Beach, FL St Petersburg, FL 813-641-1922 Pro 813-823-7561 Pro 3 Benson, Jeffery S Bengston, John A Overland Park, KS Ridgefield, CT 913-341-4139 Pro 1 203-438-9269 Pro 2 Benson, John W Denver, CO Benitez, Omar Cesar Pro 1 303-758-7080 Chaco, Argentina 54-722-21821 Pro 3 Bentley, Nigel K Chatham, MA Beniya, Hideaki 508-945-0096 Pro 1 Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Bentley, Patrick G Benjamin, Arnold Chula Vista, CA Brooklyn, NY 619-421·6622 Pro 1 718-336-3201 Pro 1 Benton, Lindsay Benjamin, David A Chapel Hill, NC Princeton Junction, NJ Pro 2 919-929-6673 609-799-341 0 Pro 1 Benton, Michael P Benjamin, J P, Ill Peabody, MA Jacksonville, FL Pro 2 508-531-5231 904-262-2086 Pro 1 Bentrott, Robert Benjamin, Nancy J Seattle, WA Portage, Ml 206-248-2226 Pro 2 616-37 5-9888 Pro 1 Benzing, Marvin P Benjumea, Jose F Ridgewood, NJ Virginia Beach, VA 201-445-5996 804-437-4804 Pro 1 Master Pro Benl<a, James J Benzon, Cindy S Milwaukee, WI Houston, TX 414-764-2643 Pro 2 Pro 2 713-463-2582 Berenson, M Andrew Benne, John H Florissant, MO Calabasas, CA Pro 1 314-831-3129 Pro 1 818-878-1800



Berg, Adam David Chattanooga, TN 615-622-7645 Pro Berg, Jill Moreland Dallas, TX Pro 214-406-9935 Berg, Lisa Barry San Rafael, CA Pro 415-456-1837 Berg, Randall E Canoga Park, CA Pro 818-999-2384 Berger, Michael Marietta, GA Pro 404-591-8912 Berger, Robert Oshkosh, WI Pro 414-233-1903 Bergeron, Michael S Windsor, CT Pro 203-648-1939 Berglund, Patricia Chicago, IL Pro Berk, Joan R Loxahatchee, FL 407-795-3512 Pro Berkheimer, Gerry Vero Beach, FL 407-770-3656 Pro Berlin, Jerry W Fountain Hills, AZ Pro 602-998-3388 Berman, Lindsey S Oakland, CA 415-54 7-8652 Pro

3 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1

Bernal, Jorge

Lighthouse Point, FL Pro 305-781-4912 Bernard, Babette A La Jolla, CA Pro 619-454-3422 Bernard, Pierre U Webster City, lA 515-243-0012 Pro Bernard, Randy E Spartanburg, SC 803-585-2056 Pro Bernauer, David Buffalo Grove, IL 708-640-3206 Pro Berne, Tuman A Macon, GA Pro 912-474-5075 Berner, Mark Escondido, CA 619-738-1224 Pro

1 2 3 1 2 1 3

Bernstein Bernstein, Bart



Bernstein, Buck

Sugar Land, TX 713·772-0296 Pro 2 Bernstein, Robert Marc

Laguna Niguel, CA 714-249-1343 Pro Bernstine, Mark E

Fairfax, VA 703-979-5471

Pro 2

Berque, Bruce

Gainesville, FL 904-335-7238 Pro 1 Berry, Brian A Orinda, CA 510·254·3861 Pro 3 Berry, Dana Eric Glendale, MD 301-464-5324 Pro 1 Berry, Eileen Kelly Granby, CT 203-653-4072 Pro 2 Berryhill, Patricia Ann Pro 2 Memphis, TN Berryman, Martin

Lucas, TX 214-881-5884

Milwaukee, WI 414-352-8456 Pro Beysler, Ed San Antonio, TX 21 0·590·8500 Pro

Billings, Terry E Redwood City, CA 415-595-5282 Pro 3 Billington, John R Delray Beach, FL 407-279-9554 Pro 1

Bezecny, Dagmar

Bilotta, Vincent

Beyer, Tim

Friendswood, TX

Pro 1

Berryman, Sharon

Lucas, TX 214-370-7181 Pro 2 Best, David A Traverse City, Ml 616-946-9129 Pro 2 Betancur, Alvaro

Wesley Chapel, FL 813·973-1111 Pro Belhlenlalvy, Jack Parma, OH 216-843-5926 Pro Bettauer, Jennifer M Blaine, WA 619·464·8585 Pro 2 Betts, Stephen A Chicago, IL 312-791-8500 Pro 2 Beverly, William A Naples, FL 813-434-3512 Pro Bey, Adrian B Conroe, TX 409-588·11 01 Pro Bey, Mark L Chicago, IL 312-478-0211 Pro


Boca Raton, FL 305-772-2101 Pro 2 Bezila, Jerome

Rio Linda, CA 916-991-2755 Pro 3 Bhatia, Jaideep New Delhi, India 91113014576 Pro 2 Bianco, Dennis R

Hilton Head Island,


Chapel Hill, NC Pro Bilyeu, Beth E Nashville, TN 615·385-4183 Pro Bindelglass, Barry Palatine, IL 312-991-4646 Pro Binder, David W (Dave) Lorain, OH

803-686-6045 Pro 2 Bibbero, Bruce D Marietta, GA 404-509-1115 Pro 2 Sick, Cindy Brightlield Maumee, OH 419-891-9162 Pro Bickford, R Janet Hingham, MA 617-749-5997 Pro Bickoff, Deborah Elyce Sharon, MA 617-784-3094 Pro 2 Biddix, Karyn Loxahatchee, FL 407-793·3111 Pro 2 Biedenharn, John (Jack) Ft Pierce, FL 407-465-1678 Pro 3 Biedenharn, Joseph A Orangeburg, SC 803-534·1576 Pro 2 Biever, Bryan G Rosemount, MN 612-456-0541 Pro Bigtree Racquet & Fitness Club Jacksonville, FL 904-268-2131 Club Bilby, Donald R Palm Springs, CA 619·323-8517 Pro 3 Bill, Sinclair K Santa Barbara, CA 805·969-0558 Pro 2 Billings, Richard F Salt Lake City, UT 801 ·261-3426 Pro 2


419-626-6250 Pro Bingo, Jeffrey L Boca Raton, FL 407-997-9360 Pro Binns, Adrian S Langhorne, PA 215-364-4315 Pro Bird, Kathleen M Germantown, TN Pro Bird, Robert A Canton, OH 216-499-5002 Pro Bird, Stephanie Forest Hills, NY 718-793-1680 Pro Birge, Laddie v Jacksonville, FL 904-221-6634 Pro

3 2 2 2 2 2 2

Birnbaum, Asher J

Winnetka, IL 312-441-7892

Pro 1 Hon Birnbaum, David A, MD Hoffman Estates, IL 312-310-1555 Pro 1 Birnbaum, Joachim A (Aggi) Honolulu, HI 808-734-7898 Pro 3 Birnbaum, Michael J

Irvine, CA 818-995-1570 Pro 2 Birnbaum, Philip Linwood, NJ 609·927 -8861 Pro 2 Birney, Pat Toledo, OH 419-865-8429 Pro 1

Bishop -


Bishop, Arthur H Blairwood Health & (Skip) Sport Club Vienna, VA Louisville, KY 703-281-3870 Pro 502-295-8266 Club Bishop, Ben Blake, Anna Marie E Hartford, CT New Orleans, LA 203-528-9251 504-455-3671 Pro 1 Pro 1 Bishop, Mark A Blake, Anthony Colorado Springs, CO Green Valley, AZ 719-475-8137 Pro 3 Pro 3 Bishop, Theresa M Blake, Anthony Wade Colorado Springs, CO Trussville, AL 719-481-4755 Pro 3 205-655-4099 Pro 2 Bistrain, Ernesto Blake, Patsy R Velazquez Trussville, AL Juarez Chih, Mexico Pro 2 205-655-4099 915-566-7505 Pro 2 Blakeley, David G Bixby, Edwin C (Ned) Plano, TX Las Cruces, NM 214-612-1870 Pro 2 505-522-6543 Pro 2 Blanchard, Earl I Blachowiak., Ernest Renton, WA Koloa, HI 206-226-5581 Pro 2 Pro 2 Blanchard, Mike 808-742-9136 Black, Kevin C Phoenix, AZ Fairfax, CA Pro 1 602-955-6536 Pro 415-457-7766 Hon Blackburn, Debby Blanco, Monica A Scottsdale, AZ San Ysidro, CA 602-451-5995 Pro Pro 2 619-459-4775 Blackburn, Galen Blanco, Vivian Denver, CO Miami, FL Pro 1 303-756-2109 305-262-2397 Pro 2 Blackburn, Les Blankenbaker, Bill J Chicago, IL Pro 1 Marshall, IL 217-826-3149 Pro Blackburn, Roger W Bradenton, FL Pro 3 Blankenship, Paul Houston, TX Blacke, William F 713-794-0456 Pro Lanai City, HI 808-565-7300 Pro 1 Blanton, James E Anderson, SC Blackshaw, M 803-225-2659 Pro 2 Bradenton, FL Pro 1 Blasdell, Kimberly Blackwell, Chuck Virginia Beach, VA New York, NY 804-422-6989 Pro 1 212-874-0916 Pro 2 Blaskower, Patricia Blackwell, Phyllis J Larkspur, CA Mobile, AL 415-924-0300 Pro 2 205-661-9940 Pro 1 Blatcher, Richard Bladel, Marsha N Miami, FL Sarasota, FL Pro 2 305-384-3042 813-379-1975 Pro 1 Blair, Angela J Blatman, Jamie T Prairie Village, KS Irvine, CA Pro 1 714-733-3955 913-642-4640 Pro 3 Blair, Donald Gregory Bleach, Dale M Gainesville, FL Melbourne. Australia 904-375-4683 Pro 2 03-802-9119 Pro 2


Bleck, Richard D Glen Gardner, NJ 908-782-4279 Pro Bleckinger, Chuck El Cerrito, CA 415-237-8422 Pro 1 Bleck.inger, Joanne

Cambridge, MA 617-864-2120 Pro Bliss, Marinka B Nutley, NJ 201-661-1018 Pro Block, Brian Las Vegas, NV Pro 702-645-8583 Bloom, Dale M Wayne, PA 215-293-0678 Pro Blouin, Marc P Hilton Head Island,


Pro 803-785-3580 Blue, Christopher W Columbia, TX 800-231-1030 Pro Blum, Janet S Wesley Chapel, FL Pro 813-973-0291 Blumberg, Scott L Bronx, NY 914-234-9206 Pro Blume, Bradley Houston, TX Pro 713-266-5080

2 2 3 2

2 2 2 1 2

Boardman, James

Greenwich, CT

Pro 2

Bob Larson's Tennis

Edina, MN Affil 612-920-8947 Bobbitt, Terry State College, PA Pro 1 814-231-8381 Boca lago Country Club Boca Raton, FL 407-482-5000 Club Bochicchio·McCarthy, Grace Edgartown, MA 508-627-4168 Pro 2 Boehle, James W W Palm Beach, FL Pro 1 407-863-7301 Bock, Alden E Evergreen, CO 303-67 4-1449 Pro 1

Bodam- Boro Bollettieri, Nick

Bodam, CD Boulder, CO 303-499-0282


Bodenmiller, Gary Grosse Pointe, Ml 313-882-2139 Pro

Bodie, Bill J Little Rock, AR 501-225-5711 Pro

Bodisch, Myke Destin, FL 904-654-2590


Sarasota, FL 813-922-0633 Pro 2 Boerica, Sergiu Los Angeles, CA 714-997-6654 Pro 3

Boesveld, Roy Arnkem, Holland 8185424130 Pro 2

Bogatay, Duke V Palm Springs, CA Pro 1

Boggan, Jerry C Pro 2

Boggs, David C Jupiter, FL 407-575-7103

Pro 3 Pro 2

Schlender, Brad A Sinclair, WY 307-328-9205

Pro 2 Pro 2 Pro 1

Bohrnstedt, Ron White Sulphur Sprngs,


. 304-536-111 0

Pro Pro Pro

Bolick, Herb, Jr Elan College, NC 919-449-7121 Pro

Boling, Ross Lake Orion, Ml

Pro 1 Pro 2

Sunrise, FL 305-748-0744

Pro 2

Bolton, Ralph M Santa Fe, NM 505-983-6377

Pro 1

Pro 2

Boon, David Y Fort Collins, CO 303-484-7031 Pro 2 Pro 2

Boon Hock Soon, John Singapore 2817192

Pro 2

Booth, Charles E Pro 2

Boluler, Isabelle Le Vesinet, France 39-76-99-74 Pro 2 Bonafina, Gabino Pro 1 Milan, Italy

Rolling Hills, CA 213-530-8212 Pro 3

Bond, Dr Walter Gary, (Gary) Brooksville, FL 904-799-0572

Moore Exmore, VA 804-442-6205

Pro 2

Bolton, Mark Andrew Kingman, AZ 602-753-4476

Bonsecours, Wellington Jupiter, FL 407-746-6192 Pro 3 Bontrager, Rick J Pro 2 Phoenix, AZ Booker, Sarah W

Boone, Bradford A W Palm Beach, FL

Bolte, Craig J

Louisville, KY 502-896-8819


Booth, Douglas W N Miami Beach, FL Pro 305-652-2866

Booth, Glenn A Lake Worth, FL 407-267-5792 Pro 3

Booth, James Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-384-7380 Pro 1

Booth, Mark E Pro 3

La Jolla, CA 619-454-7126 Master Pro

Savannah, GA 912-651-5466

Pro 2

Borelli, Dave Fresno, CA 209-436-8609


Boren, Jell L

Kailua Kana, HI 808-322-3441 Pro Bondaliian, Donnia Kailua Kana, HI 808-329-5061 Pro

Borenstein, Jeffrey S

Bonjean, Andy

Borgstrom, Sara Marie Pro 3

Bonner, Chico W Covina, CA 714-434-9820

Bold!, Thomas St Louis, MO 314-531-2000

Brainerd. MN 218-829-6234

Brandon, MS 601-956-1105

Boland, Bruce Brainerd, MN 218-829-5868

Margate, FL 305-978-1265

Bondallian, Dino

Bohmstedl, David Rockwall, TX 214-771-2245

Pro 3

Bolowich, Stefan

Bond, William E

Bohm, Marlin J Netherlands

Glendive, MT 406-365-5006

Bond, Troy A

Bogue, Christopher T Augusta, GA 404-733-0020

Boilwitt, Mark Dean

Bolstad, Kathryn L

Boehk, Dave A

Redmond, WA 206-881-0634

Bradenton, FL 813-755-1000 Master Pro

Pro 2 Pro 3

Bonny, Stephen R Phoenix, AZ 602-246-9023


Bellmore, NY 516-484-9222

Pro Pro 2

Morris, IL 815-942-5272 Pro 2 Borman, Brock Arlington Heights, IL 708-501-2065 Pro 2

Borman, William R

Bonnet, Christel Paris, France 47-00-77-15

Shelby, NC 704-484-3332

Pro 3

Jensen Beach, FL Pro 1 407-334-1648

Bore, Gregory N Hillsborough, CA 415-579-1790 Pro 2

Boron -


Boron, Octavio Victoria, Australia 059-685166 Pro 3 Borowiak, Scott Oakland, CA 51 0-420-8687 Pro 1 Borowicz, David J Santa Rosa, CA 707-542-7019 Pro 1

Bouquin, Joe

Borysko, Jerry W Kissimmee, FL

Bourke, Bryan Tim


Pro 1

Bos, Bill Dallas, TX 214-821-8440

Pro 1 Pro 1

Bosler, Douglas Irma, SC 803-732-0125

Pro 1

Bosler, Judith A Irma, SC

Pro 3

Bostrum, Marty Pro 1

Boswell, Amy M Pro 2

Boswell, Douglas

Boca Raton, FL 407-241-9966 Pro

Botica, John Stuttgart, Germany Pro 1

Bottaro, Laura L Walnut Creek, CA Pro 2

Bottger, lynn C Pro 3

Dunwoody, GA 404-394-7865 San Saba, TX 915-372-5434

Pro 2 Pro 2

Scottsdale, AZ 602-945-6321 Pro Boustany, James Jefferson, LA 504-832-407 4 Pro Boutin, Robert, Jr Boynton Beach, FL 407-738-7842 Pro Bova, Steve N Miami Beach, FL 305-932-4960 Pro

1 1 1 2

Missouri City, TX 713-499-9137 Pro 1 Glen Ellyn, IL 708-953-8227

Pro 2

Naples, FL 813-263-7557 Pro Bowe, Jack C St Cloud, MN Pro Bowen, John Cashiers, NC 704-743-3840 Pro Bowen, Steven Federal Way, WA Pro

Bolts, Daniel J Boucher, Therese Bouline, Erik C

2 2

Jacksonville, FL 904-725-0424 Pro 3

Boyle, Chris Riverside, CA 714-785-5773

Pro 1

Boyle, Chuck Ramona, CA 619-788-0253

Pro 1

Boyle, Sue Sunriver, OR 503-593-81 08

Pro 1

Boyle, Terry Pro 3

Boysen, Rick E


803-842-2000 Pro 1 Bozzo, Barbara Birmingham, Ml 313-646-7625 Pro 2

Braatz, Shelly L Oneida, WI 414-497-8533

Pro 3

Bracho, Juan A Pro 1

N Little Rock, AR 501-758-4030 Pro 1


Pro 2

Boyette, Nancy E

Hong Kong 7191730 Pro 1 Bozman, Maury W, II Hilton Head Island,

Santa Barbara, CA 805-965-7677 Pro 2

Kailua, HI 808-261-1332

Winona, MN 507-452-0114


Bown, Christopher C Pro 1

Boyer, Scott E

Bozarth, Donald

Bowman, Buddy Pro 2

Tonka Bay, MN 612-470-0246 Pro 1


Bowles, Todd F Pro 2

Boyer, Roger

Panama City Bch, FL 904-235-7324 Pro 1

La Grange Park, IL 708-352-3334 Pro 1 Mesa, AZ 602-396-2734

Overland Park, KS 303-978-1543 Pro Boyer, Connie Tonka Bay, MN Pro 2 507-388-6685

Denver, CO 303-7 44-6817

Bowler, Bud

Birmingham, Ml 313-661-2000 Pro 1

Midlothian, VA 804-739-4120

Bourgeois, Gene F

Bowers, Ronald W

Bottorf!, Adam W

Meredith, NH 603-279-8473

Pro 1

Bowden, William A Pro

Bosworth, Warren

Rockford, Ml 616-363-7769

APO, USA 08821-750675

Wesley Chapel, FL Pro 813-973-3210

Boyd, Joseph W

Bourgeois, Gary C

Bowbin, John C

High Point, NC

Orlando, FL 407-299-7469

Pro 1

Bovett, Chris

Missouri City, TX

Tulsa, OK 918-496-1523

Boyd, Byron H

Bourne, Stanley

Bosel, Selwyn D Brisbane, Australia 374-1252

Danbury, CT 203-792-5806

Pro 3

Bellaire, TX 713-661-9840

Pro 2

Bracken, Drew J Dublin, OH 614-766-1328

Pro 1

Brackett, David D, Jr Roswell, GA 404-993-8424

Pro 1

Braden, Joseph M Eden Prairie, MN 612-934-8877 Pro 2

Braden Braden, Vic Trabuco Canyon, CA Pro 1 Hon Bradford, Lois J Akron, OH 216-836-2029 Pro 1 Bradford, Mark Lewes, DE 302-645-4594 Pro 3 Brading, Carey Littleton, CO 303-979-8091 Pro Bradley, Amy T Savannah, GA 912-897-1612 Pro Bradley, Christopher Boulder Creek, CA 408-338-3278 Pro 1 Bradley, Dave A Hollister, CA 408-637-0294 Pro 2 Bradley, Douglas San Diego, CA 619-566-3201 Pro Bradshaw, Arnold Geneva, OH 216-466-3087 Pro Bradshaw, Woody M W Los Angeles, CA 31 0-820-6712 Pro 2 Brady, Cindy Roswell, GA Pro 1 404-998-2767 Brady, Damon NoI Spreckels, CA Pro 2 408-758-7318 Brady, Kevin T Hermosa Beach, CA 31 0798-0333 Pro 2 Brady, Kip T Hermosa Beach, CA 310-798-0333 Pro 2 Bramlette, Susan F Houston, TX 713-464-4811 Pro 2 Bran, Mark A Cordova, TN 901-377-8656 Pro 3 Bran, Ronny Memphis, TN Pro 3 Brandalik, Kevin M Hampton, VA 804-727-1193 Pro 1 Brandenburg, Mark A St Louis Park, MN 612-377-6206 Pro 1

Brandes, Jellrey H Cranford, NJ 908-574-1994 Pro Brandi, Andres V Gainesville, FL Pro Brandi, Jane Bradenton, FL 813-756-1588 Pro Brandt, David B Destin, FL 904-267-7060 Pro Brandt, George C Honokaa, HI 808-775-0807 Pro Brass, Dr Sydney Newton, MA 617-244-6797 Pro Braunstein, Barbara Ormond Beach, FL 904-677-1852 Pro Braxton, Neal W Stockholm, Sweden 619-0814 Pro Bray, James F Noblesville, IN 317-773-4680 Pro Braymer, Michael (Scott) Tahoe City, CA 916-582-1154 Pro Breckenridge, Bob Buffalo Grove, IL 708-459-3913 Pro Breece, Tom · Scottsdale, AZ 602-991-1414 Pro Breech, Allyn S Evergreen, CO 303-67 4-1883 Pro Breen, Gary Thomas Ireland Pro Breen, Patrick J Pt Washington, NY 516-883-6457 Pro Breen, Susan Rudd Dayton, OH 513-434-4452 Pro Bregin, John J, Jr Merriam, KS 913-362-5964 Pro Bregman, Robert M, PhD Toronto, Canada 416-638-1010 Pro Brennan, Frank Palo Alto, CA 415-948-8781 Pro


2 1 2 2 2

2 2

2 1 1 3 2 2 2 1

2 1


Brennan, Laura Gainesville, FL Pro 904-332-9637 Brenneman, leon R Miami, FL Pro 305-385-3162 Brenner, Hank Islamorada, FL Pro 305-664-4844 Brenner, Jeffrey Reseda, CA Pro 818-343-1463 Brenner, William M Alpharetta, GA Pro 404-475-4419 Bresett, Robert J Ormond Beach, FL 904-676-3285 Pro Bress, Paul M Rockville, MD Pro 301-468-5519 Bretoi, Christopher St Paul, MN Pro 612-736-9996 Breunich, Gregory Bradenton, FL 813-755-1000 Pro Brewer, Lewis Miami, FL 305-530-4240 Pro Brewis, Darren F Wesley Chapel, FL 813-973-1111 Pro Briant, Andy Carmel, CA 408-624-1939 Pro Brice, Albie E Rocky Mount, NC Pro 919-443-6504 Brick, Merrill J Orlando, FL 407-645-3550 Pro Bricka, Justina A St Louis, MO Pro 314-997-3005 Bridge, Mitchell D Long Beach, CA Pro Bridges, Caryl Wilmette, IL 708-251-4443 Pro Bridges, Robert A N Easton, MA 508-238-4826 Pro Bridges, Sandra G Birmingham, AL 205-991-5534 Pro

2 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 2 2

Brien -


Brien, Robert C Clarksdale, MS 601-627-9612 Pro Brierton, Jim L, Jr Temple, TX 817-778-0771 Pro Briggs, Carl Delray Beach, FL 407-272-6683 Pro Briggs, DeArmond E Fairfield, lA 515-472-1152 Pro Briggs, Gabriel A Nashville, TN 615-373-1033 Pro Brillant, Philippe Bonsall, CA 619-758-3762 Pro

1 1 1 1 2 3

Brimer, Dean

Searcy, AR 501-268-2239 Pro Brinson, Elizabeth A Metairie, LA 504-833-7357 Pro Bristow, William D Norfolk, VA 804-451-4944 Pro Britlell, Dennis Pompano Beach, FL 305-755-8179 Pro Brock, Lee G Jacksonville, FL 904-737-7575 Pro

3 2 1 1 2

Brockman, Lee

Charleston, SC 803-795-0425 Pro 1 Brodrick, Kathleen Fresno, CA Pro 1 Brody, Susanne Greenwich, CT 203-869-1077 Pro 2 Broin, Tracy Duluth, MN 218-722-0810 Pro 3 Bromberg, David A Georgetown, SC Pro 1 803-546-9408 Brome, George 0 Brooklyn, NY 718-834-8973 Pro 2 Bronson, Walter Milwaukee, WI Pro 2 414-352-5607 Bronxville Field Club Inc Bronxville, NY 914-664-3585 Club

Brooke, R Scott Hudson, FL 813-863-8772 Pro Brooke, Randolph Wesley Chapel, FL Pro 813-973-1703 Brooke, Timothy W Media, PA Pro 215-891-0847 Brooks, Chip Bradenton, FL 813-794-0301 Pro Brooks, J Christian Avon, CT 203-677-1973 Pro Brooks, Ronald Decatur, AL 205-351-7798 Pro Brooks, Ronald A New Milford, CT Pro 203-258-2855 Broser, Jonathan Aaron Mt Pleasant, SC Pro 803-856-0393 Brovaco, John Nutley, NJ 201-284-1036 Pro

1 1

Brown, Everett

3 1 2 3 2

2 2

Brown, Alex

Berkeley, CA 415-524-5495 Brown, Allan M Stow, OH 216-688-6085

Pro Pro

Brown, Buster

Asheville, NC 704-274-3661

Pro 1

Brown, Chris

Plano, TX Pro 2 214-867-6666 Brown, Curtis Belden, MS Pro 601-840-3528 Brown, David A Pembroke Pines, FL 305-433-0650 Master Pro Brown, David 0 Marlboro, MA 617-259-9819 Pro 2 Brown, Dianne R

Indianapolis, IN 317-849-2531 Pro 2 Brown, Donald K Bloomfield Hills, Ml 313-334-2223 Pro 1


Brown, Douglas R Evansville, IN 813-428-0952 Pro 2 Brown, Edward L Hattiesburg, MS 601-544-9544 Pro 3 Huntington, WV 304-529-6276 Pro Brown~ Garett Arroyo Grande, CA Pro 805-473-4306 Brown, J Mark Atlanta, GA Pro 404-843-1642 Brown, Jacquelynn Austin, TX Pro 512-328-0819 Brown, Jeffrey M Roseville, CA 916-624-2402 Pro Brown, Jim S Bellingham, WA 206-733-5050 Pro Brown, Kerry Ray Birmingham, AL Pro 205-798-0565 Brown, larry S Palm City, Fl 305-286-6814 Pro

2 3 1 1 2 2 1 3

Brown, Marcia

Naperville, IL 708-369-1439

Pro 3

Brown, Marion

Amityville, NY 516-789-8188

Pro 2

Brown, Pauline

Novato, CA 415-897-2185 Pro Brown, Peggy Glasgow Collinsville, CT 203-693-4723 Pro Brown, Peter S Ft Worth, TX 817-921-5134 Pro Brown, Richard G Maumee, OH Pro 419-893-7300 Brown, Richard K Prospect Park, PA 215-461-6378 Pro Brown, Robert G, Jr Norristown, PA Pro


2 1 3 1 2

Brown, Ross H

Evansville, IN 812-474-1528

Pro 1

Brown Brown, Russell A Paradise Valley, AZ 602-991-8354 Pro 1 Brown, Scott Edward San Diego, CA 714-974-6567 Pro 3 Brown, Scott P San Rafael, CA 415-507-1565 Pro 2 Brown, Sean

Greenwich, CT 203-531-5970

Bruley, Duane F Columbia, MD Pro 410-290-5121 Brune, Edward I Indianapolis, IN 317-251-4730 Pro Bruner, Sherman

Andrew Ft Worth, TX 817-284-3353

Brown, Theris

Barstow, CA 619-256-3601 Pro Brown, Ulysses Los Angeles, CA 213-296·3137 Pro Brown, Vic

Santa Barbara, CA 805-565-1 085 Pro Brown, William P Albuquerque, NM 505-265-2911 Pro 3 Brown, Willie Sacramento, CA 916-362-7739 Pro Browne, Douglas S Marco Island, FL 813-642-7051 Pro Browne, Geoff New Ringgold, PA 717 ·386-4520 Pro Browne, leslie H Marco Island, FL 813-642-6300 Pro 3 Browne, Reggie C Manchester, MO 314-821-2380 Pro 2 Browne, Roger

Bradenton, FL 813-756-4421 Pro 2 Brownhill, Thomas T New South Wales, Australia Pro 3 Broyles, Anne Dallas, TX 214-521-2745 Pro 3 Bruce, Roger W Hollywood, CA 213-271-6617 Pro 2 Bruder, Christopher J Milford, CT 203-255-5734 Pro 3 Brueggeman, Timothy Shepherdsville, KY Pro 1

Des Moines, lA Pro 515·274-2241 Brunson, Mason C Florence, SC 803-669-0383 Pro Brunson, Roy D Honolulu, HI 808-951-6807 Pro Brusa, Robert C Englewood, FL 813-475-3386 Pro Bryan, Bill New Orleans, LA Pro 504-391-3027 Bryan, Don L, Jr Ozark, AL 205-774-6099 Pro 3 Bryan, Jay G Amarillo, TX 806-372-1276 Pro 2 Bryan, John B New Orleans, LA 504-394-4012 Pro 1 Bryan, Kathleen R Dundee, IL 708-428-6683 Pro 2 Bryan, lois Blackburn Waynesboro, VA 703-943-9366 Pro 2 Bryan, Michael V New Orleans, LA 504-272-1835 Pro 3 Bryan, Wayne Somis, CA 805-485-8801 Pro 1 Bryant, David Oklahoma City, OK 405-7 51-8926 Pro 2 Bryde, Bruce W Duluth, GA 404-497-1866 Pro Brymer, Charles E Irvine, CA 714-733-1100 Pro Bryson, Liane San Diego, CA 619-259-8302 Pro 2


Brzoska, Michael Cranbury, NJ 609-395-8147 Bubnack, Jeffrey Carlsbad, CA 619-487-9699 Bucalo, Frank J

J Pro W Pro

Miami, FL

Pro 3

Bruning, Bunny

Pro 2


305-595· 7670 Pro 2 Bucar, Michael H Marion, MA 508-7 48-1446 Pro 2 Bucar, Stephen T W Palm Beach, FL 407-655-1351 Pro 3 Bucco, Jack

Scotch Plains, NJ 201-731-1740 Pro 1 Buchanan, Kathy Houston, TX Pro 1 Buchanan, Michael R W Chester, PA Pro 215-692-7712 Buchholz, Butch Coral Gables, FL 305-446-2200 Pro Buchholz, Clill Coral Gables, FL 305-446-2200 Pro Buchi, E Russell Nashville, TN 615-383-6950 Pro Buchko, Gregory W Tamarac, FL 305-726-0867 Pro 2 Buck, Cari M Lahaina, Maui, HI 808-669-5677 Pro 2 Buck, James K Vera Beach, FL 407-388-3400 Pro 2 Buckley, Beverly Winter Park, FL Pro 1 407-646-2482 Buckley, Mark Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-764-4043 Pro 3 Buckley, Robert J Mequon, WI 414-242-9700 Pro 2 Budd, Barry Pittsburgh, PA 412-367-7889 Pro 1 Budde, Nancy J Kettering, OH 513-433-4252 Pro 2

Budyszewick -


Budyszewick, Georgia Miami, FL 305-382-8136 Pro 2 Buell, Scott Reno, NV 702-789-2145 Pro Buerger, Carlton F Omro, WI Pro Buerkle, David Lake Worth, FL 407-967-3907 Pro 1 Buff, Michael (Scot) Massapequa, NY Pro 3 Buhler, Pamela Mauren, Liechtenstein 417531737 Pro 3 Buhr, Paul Hoffman Estates, IL 312-726-6880 Pro 3 Buksa, David M Wadsworth, IL 708-623-1 036 Pro 2 Bull, Kathy A Muncie, !N

317-284-5043 Pro 2 Bunn, Robert (Skip) Plano, TX 214-867-2045 Pro 2 Buntemeyer, Peter W La Jolla, CA 619-450-1685 Pro 3 Burbary, Adam K Denver, CO 303-643-8041 Pro 3 Burch, Mike Scottsdale, AZ 602-451-1090 Pro 2 Burchett, Jay Newport Beach, CA 714-675-8995 Pro Burda, James R Evanston, IL 708-256-9676 Pro Burdell, Lori A Orlando, FL 407-678-5321 Pro 2 Burdick, Fred Carrollton, GA 706-832-6570 Pro Buren, Richard W Edmonds, WA 206-778-3546 Pro Bures, Frank Andrew Isle of Palms, SC 803-886-4925 Pro 2

Burford, Keith A Houston, TX 713-622-5921 Pro 1 Burga, Aldo E Palm Beach Gardens, FL 407-622-1681 Pro 2 Burge, Michael R Toledo, OH 419-537-8804 Pro 2 Burger-Payne, Elizabeth Summerland Key, FL 305-745-2189 Pro 1 Burgess, Daniel

Freeport, NY 516-623-2929 Pro 1 Burgos, Luis C Humacao, Puerto Rico 809-852-0802 Pro 3 Burke, Ed Longview, WA Pro 2 Burke, Kathleen B Henderson, NC 919-430-1159 Pro 2 Burke, Susan A Philadelphia, PA 215-482-0335 Pro Burke, Timothy MinneapoliS, MN 612-926-4408 Pro Burkholder, Joel D Austin, TX 512-288-7138 Pro 2 Burkstaller, Herman Nogal, NM 505-354-3143 Pro 1 Burling, Lee C Oswego, NY 315-343-8601 Pro Burling, Peter H Columbus, OH 614-522-8324 Pro 1 Burnam, Stephanie A Plainview, TX 806-293-0652 Pro 3 Burnell, Howard Newfields, NH 603-772-6191 Pro Burnett, Wendy Newfields, NH 603-772-6191 Pro Bums, Dennis B

Bonita Springs, FL 813-495-8813 Pro 2 Burns, Douglas Virginia Beach, VA 804-463-2800 Pro 1


Burns, Frank T Birmingham, AL 205-868-2310 Pro Burns, James P Scottsdale, AZ 602-946-2502 Pro Burns, Mark

W Newton, MA 617-244-2567 Pro 3 Burns, Patti

Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-525-7567 Pro 3 Burns, Paul R Tempe, AZ 602-248-1660 Pro Burns, William C Bassersdorf, Switzerland 01-836-94-46 Pro 2 Burpee, Claude M Tampa, FL 813-254-1218 Pro 1 Burroughs, A Dean Salisbury, MD 410-546-2910 Pro 1 Burrows, Harold (Hal) Richmond, VA 804-288-5953 Pro 1 Burrus, Harry Winter Haven, FL

813-533-0253 Master Pro Burrus, Harry

Houston, TX 713-784-2802 Pro 1 Burt, Adam J Venice, CA 31 0-396-3696 Pro 3 Burt, Jack Ed Costa Mesa, CA 714-548-2934 Pro 2 Burtnett, Rose M Berea, OH 216-734-8200 Pro 2 Burton, Jeffrey L Louisville, KY 502-894-0344 Pro 1 Burwash, Peter Honolulu, HI 808-377-1121 Master Pro Busa, Christopher Provincetown, MA 617-487-3167 Pro 2 Bush, C G, Jr Corralitos, CA 408-722-6885 Pro 3

Bushala Bushala, Joseph Gurnee, IL Pro Busiek, William Marblehead, MA 617-639-2886 Pro Bustamante, Andrew Long Island, NY 516-231-8615 Pro Bustamante, Richard E Norwich, NY 516-922-2937 Pro Butchee, Joseph K Birmingham, AL 205-879-4611 Pro Butchee, Thay Nashville, TN 615-352-6278 Pro Butcher, Barry R Hollywood, CA Pro 213-463-3794 Buterbaugh, Trish Scottsdale, AZ 602-948-7750 Pro Butler, Judy W Chester, PA 215-692-5474 Pro Butorac, Tim Rochester, MN 507-281-2732 Pro Butterworth, Edward Richmond, VA 804-730-1 066 Pro Butts, Barbara S St Petersburg, FL 813-822-1234 Pro Buxby, Martin N Miami Beach, FL Pro Buxton, Barbara R Sacramento, CA 916-483-5626 Pro Buxton, Mary E Camden, ME 207-236-3572 Pro Buzbee, Troy R Oregon House, CA 916-692-2411 Pro Bybee, lynn Lynchburg, VA 804-384-0967 Pro Bynum, Robert R Irvington, NJ 201-375·6306 Pro Bynum, William F Deerfield Beach, FL 305-428-7348 Pro Byrd, John D Oakland, CA Pro

2 2 2

2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 2


Byrd, Robert (Mark) Raleigh, NC 919-847-0877 Pro Byrne, Michael Sean Mt Berry, GA 706-236-17 46 Pro Byrne, Thomas M Greensboro, NC 919-665-1313 Pro Byron, John Phoenix, AZ 602-944-6100 Pro Byun, David Los Angeles, CA 213-689-0271 Pro Cabacungan, Lyle 0 Kailua Kona, HI 808-329-7986 Pro Cabanski, Patricia Toledo, OH 419-843-5252 Pro Cabato, Rodrigo S Richmond, TX Pro Caboy, Michael L Orlando, FL 407-856-1190 Pro Cade, Terry Nemaha, NE 402-274-5691 Pro Cadel, Sandy San Diego, CA 619-229-9007 Pro Cadwallader, Rob Germantown, TN 901-755-3141 Pro Cady, Bill Costa Mesa, CA 714-548-07 41 Pro Cage, Robert S Boston, VA 804-572-4898 Pro Cahill, Norman F Victoria, Australia 058-262346 Pro Cahill, Thomas Miami, FL 305-665-3490 Pro Cahill, Thomas C Shoreham, NY 516-744-1439 Pro Cahnman, Ray Chicago, IL 312-779-3060 Pro Cain, Torrey L Napa, CA 707-255-8967 Pro



2 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 1 3


Caine, Clil!ord J St Paul, MN 612-227-1821 Pro 1 Caister, Kirsten L Lynchburg, VA 804-384-5370 Pro 2 Cakans, Vilis Milwaukee, WI 414-354-9272 Pro 1 Calder, Crawford A N Kingstown, Rl 401-295-2670 Pro 3 Calder, Kenneth San Diego, CA 619-484-8941 Pro 2 Calderon, Ron Pasadena, CA 818-793-3675 Pro 1 Calderwood, Sean D Cape Coral, FL 813-549-4926 Pro 2 Caldwell, Dale Plainsboro, NJ 609-799-7828 Pro Caldwell, Kevin M Dubuque, lA Pro 1 319-582-6301 Caldwell, Robert Lee Tallahassee, FL 904-942-3681 Pro 2 Caldwell, Sheldon St Petersburg, FL 813-867-3268 Master Pro Caldwell, Thomas Seattle, WA 206-283-7075 Pro 2 Caledonia, Gregg A San Diego, CA 619-581-3996 Pro 3 Calhoun, Allen Ray Los Angeles, CA Pro 3 Calhoun, Andrea L Greenwood, MS 601-453-4537 Pro 2 Calhoun, Phillip A Alameda, CA 510-521-5416 Pro 3 California Tennis Club San Francisco, CA 415-346-3611 Club Callanan, Kevin B Brookline, MA 617-964-7300 Pro Calton, John L Englewood, CO 303-741-6515 Pro

Cambridge -


Cambridge, Andrew S Miami, Fl 305-233·6042 Pro 2 Camera, Nicholas J Londonderry, NH 603-434-1231 Pro 2 Cameron, Donald P Huntsville, AL 205·895-9069 Pro 3 Cameron, Robert B Lenoir City, TN 615-966-2644 Pro 2 Carnine-Schaper, luis Miami, FL 305-27 4-4954 Pro 3 Camp Mah-Kee-Nac Glen Ridge, NJ 201-429-8522 Club Campagna, Michael Torrance, CA

213·327-2896 Pro Campanaro, Roberta Macon, GA 912-474-5075 Pro Campanile, Mark F Gurnee, IL 312-662-8459 Pro Campbell, Dale A Mishawaka, IN 219-277-8122 Pro Campbell, Donald L Ann Arbor, Ml 313-665-7658 Pro Campbell, Donald, Jr Pinehurst, NC 919-692· 7270 Pro Campbell, Michael J Aspen, CO 303-920-1533 Pro Campbell, Paul G Brooklyn, NY 718-937-2381 Pro Campbell, Peter Lexington, MA 508-358·7355 Pro Campbell, Philip Andrew Shreveport, LA 318· 798-8302 Pro Campbell, Steve Longmont, CO Pro Campbell, Susan M Las Vegas, NV 702-732-1861 Pro Campbell, Susie E Corvallis, OR 503-929-6212 Pro

2 1 2 2 2 1 3

2 2 1 2

Campbell, Todd A Winston-Salem, NC 919-768-9599 Pro 2 Campbell, Walter Rye, NY 914-967 ·9520 Pro 1 Campi, Enrico Philip Greensburg, PA 412-834-1677 Pro 3 Camps, Jaime Madrid, Spain 34·1·5434174 Pro 1 Canada, Joseph A Irwin, PA Pro 3 412-864-3987 Canencia, Adrian Kailua Kana, HI 808-329-3111 Pro 2 Canino, Allan M Yonkers, NY 914-968-6918 Pro 3 Cannes, Thomas S Hollywood, FL 305-963-0056 Pro 2 Cannon, Gary R Baton Rouge, LA 504-769-0717 Pro 2 Cannon, Stephen A, Jr Springfield, IL 217-787-9272 Pro Cantasano, Joseph P N Bellmone, NY 516-781-1429 Pro 3 Cantin, Eugene T San Rafael, CA 415-453-9082 Pro Cantrell, Jim Ocean Springs, MS 601-875-3260 Pro Capestany, Jorge Wyoming, Ml 616-538-4600 Master Pro Capeslany, Martha E Grandville, Ml 619-538-4600 Pro 2 Capitan, Robert E Alexandria, VA 703-827-3355 Pro 2 Capobianco, Joe Hartsville, SC 803-332-5459 Pro 1 Capolino, P A N Poughkeepsie, NY 914-297-8739 Pro 2


Capp, Robert E (Bob) Greenwich, CT 203-661-4441 Pro 1 Cappellino, Joseph N Richmond, VA 804-360· 7895 Pro Capriati, Stefano Wesley Chapel, FL Pro Caprio, Donald J Venice, FL 813·966-3605 Pro Capulong, Tin B Houston, TX 713-729-1864 Pro 1 Caputo, Donna L Pembroke Pines, FL 305-432-2930 Pro 2 Caputo, Joseph A Bayonne, NJ 201-731-1740 Pro 1 Caracci, Patrick J Walnut Creek, CA 510-932-4003 Pro 2 Carberry, Stephen Brooklyn, NY 718-745-7776 Pro Carbone, Andrew

louis Potomac, MD 703-256-6600 Pro 3 Cardiff, Richard D, Ill Sebastopol, CA 707-823-1260 Pro 2 Careaga, Oscar D Coral Gables, FL 305-443-8487 Pro 3 Carella, James J Roswell, GA 404-255-3580 Pro 1 Caress, Bob Cincinnati, OH 513· 772-0022 Pro 1 Carey, Sally S Mclean, VA 703·848-1738 Pro 3 Carey, Tom Norwalk, CT 203-846-6863 Pro 2 Carillo, Mary Naples, FL 813-263-7557 Pro 1 Han Carleton, Frank H Abington, PA 215-884-3680 Pro 1

Carlin Carlin, Mark W Washington, DC 202-667-0745 Pro 3 Carlson, Curtis V Bloomington, MN 612-884-6374 Pro 3 Carlson, Hans Richardson, TX Pro 1 214-233-4444 Carlson, Marshall V Bloomington, MN 612-831-3879 Pro 2 Carlson, Ted H Lake Oswego, OR 503-620-2586 Pro Carlsson, George Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-779-1625 Pro 1 Carmel Valley Tennis Camp, The Carmel, CA Club Carney, Craig Iowa City, lA 319-338-9401 Pro 3 Caron, Gary P Willowdale, Canada 416-485-0833 Pro Carpenter, Kathryn Jane Raleigh, NC 919-847-0877 Pro 3 Carpenter, Steve Oconomowoc, WI 414-569-9500 Pro 2 Carpenter, Tracy D Boise, ID 208-342-1885 Pro Carr, C James Perrysburg, OH 419-874-1685 Pro Carregal, Fabio Da Costa Teresopolis, Brazil 021-742-5844 Pro 1 Carrico, Michael Park Ridge, IL 312-404-2043 Pro Carrigan, Kathy Gainesville, FL

904-377-9580 Pro Carrigan, Mike Gainesville, FL 904-377-9580 Pro Carrillo, Carlos Miami, FL Pro 3 Carrizosa, Jamen M Gardena, CA 310-375-1222 Pro 2

Carrizosa, John Torrance, CA 213-542-8075 Pro 2 Carroll, Charles C (Corky) Huntington Beach, CA Pro 2 714-581-7052 Carroll, Cheryl C Grosse Pointe City, Ml 313-886-2944 Pro 2 Carroll, Joseph E Norcross, GA 404-521-3900 Pro 2 Carroll, Todd R Northfield, MN 507-646-3251 Pro 2 Carson, Ralph Pensacola, FL 904-4 74-3006 Pro 1 Carte, William D Fresno, CA Pro 3 209-227-4306 Carter, Andrew Austin, TX 512-345-4235 Pro 2 Carter, E V Marietta, GA 404-953-4212 Pro 1 Carter, Jack A Azusa, CA 818-969-4950 Pro 2 Carter, James G, Jr Columbus, OH 614-794-3138 Pro 1 Carter, Kim Ridgewood, NJ 201-652-1991 Pro 2 Carter, Mike Austin, TX 512-258-4820 Pro 1 Carter, Russell W Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-581-5385 Pro 3 Carter, Scott A Glendora, CA 818-335-1846 Pro 2 Carter, Steve Baton Rouge, LA 504-924-0735 Pro 1 Carter, Tim L Russellville, AR 501-967-8380 Pro 2 Carter, Walter Woodbridge, VA 703-490-1123 Pro 2



Cartwright, David Hattiesburg, MS Pro Cartwright, Stan Ventura, CA Pro 2 415-325-3315 Carvalho, Cid Rock Hill, SC Pro 2 Carvell, Allan C Evanston, IL Master Pro Carvell, Cale Pro 2 Skokie, IL Carver, Nell Rome, GA 404-291-9835 Pro 1 Carver, Rob T Marietta, GA 404-955-5530 Pro 2 Casanova, Christopher Hartsdale, NY 914-997-9018 Pro Cascarano, Tom Greensboro, NC 919-275-8162 Pro Case, Ross l Newport Beach, CA 714-642-0563 Pro 3 Casesa, Lillo Ridgewood, NY 718-497-0226 Pro 3 Casey, Michael T Huntington, NY 516-261-9000 Pro 2 Casey, Mike La Quinta, CA 619-345-2858 Pro 1 Casey, Robert Joseph Northbrook, IL 312-663-3380 Pro 3 Cash, Douglas R Newburgh, IN 812-479-3111 Pro 1 Cash, Toby M Douglas, GA 912-389-6371 Pro Cash, Wesley Chattanooga, TN 615-265-7769 Pro Cashman, Robert M (Bobby) N Miami, FL 305-899-3550 Pro Casper, Joseph M Peabody, MA 508-535-7506 Pro 2

Cassar -


Cassar, Michael F Melbourne, Australia

03-546-1 082

Pro 2 Pro 2 Pro 2

Castaldini, Frank A New York, NY 212-972-4854

Pro 1

Castanares, Ernesto A Indianapolis, IN 317-872-5579

Pro 2

Castaneda, Manuel C Imperial Beach, CA 619·423-5661 Pro 3

Castellanos, Andres Davie, FL 305-680-2710

Pro 2

Castelli, Adrian A Haverford, PA

Pro 1

Casterlin, Keith S Ft Worth, TX 817-732-3303

Pro 2

Castillo, Bill Albuquerque, NM 505-344-7438 Pro Castillo, Francisco Miami, FL 305-594-4343 Pro

Castillo, Gustavo Potomac, MD 301 -299-5260

Pro 1

Castillo, Kiko Ft Myers, FL 813-768·3928

Pro 2

Castillo, Sal Fair Oaks, TX 512-698-1133

Pro 2

Castorri, Robert Atlanta, GA 404-352·1919 Pro 1 Castro, Andres Kew Gardens, NY 718-441-2341 Pro 3

Cataldo, Robert Spring, TX 713-370-5624

Pro 2

Catan, Paul A Endicott, NY 607-754-1207

Miami, FL 305·866· 1621

Pro 3

Fargo, ND 701-237-4805

Pro 1

Cavanagh, Robert F Westwood, NJ 201-391-0031

Pro 1

Cavett, Tony Cleveland, TN 615-479-8001

Pro 1

Hummelstown, PA Pro 3 717 ·566-9830

Cedros, Robert Samuel (Bob) Davis, CA 707-427-8903


Pro 2

Centerbar, Richard Boca Raton, FL 407-487-7070 Pro 1 Ceranec, Martin Downers Grove, IL 708·985-6116 Pro 2

Ceralo, Joseph Brooklyn, NY 718·934-4989

Pro 1

Cercone, Maria A St Petersburg, FL 813-367-4511 Pro 2

Cerelli, William Franklin Lakes, NJ 201-891·0436 Pro 3 Cersosimo, John J Rochester, MN 507-281-8923 Pro 2

Cervantes, Manuel s Guadalajara, Mexico Pro 1 333·32000

Cervantes, Michael J Pro 3

Cesare, Allegra P Lutz, FL

Pro 2


Pro 3

Cetrone, Ron A, II Pro 1

Phoenix, AZ 602-585-5171


Jackson, MS 601·981-8133


Pro 1

Oxford, MS 601-236-2938

Pro 2

Chaffeur, Kenneth T Tacoma, WA 206-383-5934

Pro 3

Gainesville, FL 904-392-0581

Pro 2

Cham-A·Koon, Winston Great Falls, MT 406-453-2827 Pro 1 Memphis, TN 901-765-4404


Pro 1

Chambers, Betty Alexander City, AL 205-329-9855 Pro 2 Chambers, Kevin Cincinnati, OH Pro 2

Chambers, Paul A New York, NY 212·229-1857

Pro 1

Chambers, Ralph E Medfield, MA 508-359-7878

Pro 1 Hon

Chambers, Robert Greg Nashville, TN 615-352-8500

Pro 1

Chambers, Stanley Slidell, LA 504-643-0849 Pro 3 Chambers, Terrance D Los Angeles, CA 213-299-4631 Pro 3

Champion, William J Pine Mountain, GA 404-663-5032 Pro 1

Chan, Cletus F Singapore 255·4028

Pro 2

Chan, Francois l K

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Pro 2

Pro 2

Chadwick, Barney

Chamberlain, Philip

Suisun City, CA 707-425-6298 Pro 1

Carlisle, MA 508-369-7129

Bay City, TX 713·333-5163

Chafin, Moses B

Cecere, Rebecca S

Cello, Philip

Chadwell, Samuel R

Chadwick, Billy

Cesse, Henry

Call, Gregory J Ashland, KY 606-324-4781

Pro 1

Caulfield, Jerry P

Cassis, David A Indianapolis, IN 317-849-2531

Richmond, VA 804-7 40-3279

Caudle, Charles, Jr

Cassens, John M Tacoma, WA 206·927-5159

Catterton, Jacqueline

Pro 2

Foster City, CA 415-345-8768 Pro 3

Chan, Ricky Chi-Shing Hong Kong 852-637-4792

Pro 3


Chan Chan, Yuk Lam (Charlie) Hong Kong (5) 750-372 Pro 1 Chandler, Barbara Boise, ID 208-375-2712 Pro 2 Chandler, Matthew D Blythewood, SC Pro 2 803-754-1715 Chandler, Scott S, Jr Sarasota, FL 813-925-8227 Pro 2 Chandley, Jeffrey C Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 904-273-37 40 Pro Chang, David C l Aiea, HI Pro 2 808-487-1466 Chang, Shang Sugar Land, TX 713-265-6376 Pro 3 Chapman, Bob Coronado, CA 619-435-6407 Pro 1 Chapman, Nathan S Miami, FL 305-233-2170 Pro 3 Chapman, Richard S Denver, CO 303-394-2717 Pro 2 Chapman, Steven R Vernon Hills, IL 708-816-1234 Pro 1 Chappell Development Malibu, CA 310-456-7040 Affil Chappell, Marvin Gene Sandy Hook, CT 203-762-2423 Pro 2 Chappell, Nathan l Tacoma, WA 206-588-8872 Pro 3 Chappell, Tracy L Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 904-285-0753 Pro 2 Chappuis, Rich St Louis, MO 314-991-5599 Pro 2 Chappuzeau, Claudio E Miami, FL

305-382-6000 Pro Charles, Edward Encino, CA 818-365-4196 Pro

Charlesworth, Paul J Auckland, New Zealand 649-534-3518 Pro 3 Chase, Neil Coronado, CA Pro 1 Chase, Rebecca Madison, CT

203-421-4015 Pro Chassard, Albert Bethlehem, PA 215-868-8897 Pro Chasse, Jimmy M Bloomfield, CT Pro 2 Chavez Carrillo, Juan Cuernavaca, Mexico 73-13-6500 Pro 2 Chazen, Sheldon Baltimore, MD Pro 2 301-653-0166 Cheatham, Thomas W Palm Beach, FL 407-793-3111 Pro 2 Cheesewright, Gregory A Columbus, OH 615-882-5724 Pro 3 Chee Wee Siong, Elvin Singapore Pro 3 5655864 Chelchowski, Stan Lee Metairie, LA 504-737-1427 Pro 2 Chen, Nicolas A Santa Fe, NM 505-988-5000 Pro 2 Chen, Wen~Huei Taipei, Republic of China Pro 1 Chen, Zheng Hua Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Cheney, Brian Chandler, AZ 602-839-5889 Pro 1 Chenoweth, Christie Jo Chicago, IL 312-455-0177 Pro 2 Cherichella, Caterina Newton, NJ 201-579-5334 Pro 2 Chesak, Anthony Chandler, TX 903-561-3014 Pro 2



Chesley, Curt H Center Harbor, NH 603-293-7546 Pro 2 Cheung, Allen Skokie, IL 312-348-3351 Pro 2 Chiang, Kai·Sun J Taipei, Republic of

China 02-861-1781 Pro Chiba, Kaori Tokyo, Japan 0426-42-2185 Pro Chiba, Masayuki Tokyo, Japan 0438-37-3299 Pro Chiba, Toshihiko Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Chiene, Robert S Lodi, CA 209-333-1396 Pro Childers, Robert S Northridge, CA Pro Chilton, Edmund R Greenville, DE 302-655-6513 Pro Chin, Komei Tokyo, Japan Pro Chin, Yong Hiang Singapore 65-4553255 Pro Chino, Tokiharu Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Chipe, Jose Antonio Louisville, KY 502-893-9659 Pro Chiu, Marty Long Beach, CA 31 0-598-7800 Pro Cho, Cheuk Fai (Micky) Hong Kong 5-524165 Pro Choboy, Jon Alex Springfield, MA 413-748-3301 Pro Chodak, Howard J Margate, FL 305-752-2996 Pro Chomko, Mark S Littleton, CO 303-971-0533 Pro Chomyn, Holly D Newark, DE 302-571-9263 Pro

2 3 2 2

2 3 3 1 1 2


2 2

Chong -


Chong, Swan Sek Singapore Pro 2417347 Choong, Ronald Singapore Pro 65-4410823 Chorney, Donata A Madison, WI 608-249-1000 Pro Chorney, Thomas J Madison, WI 608-246-0280 Pro Chouel, Philippe

Churchwell, Michael Dallas, TX 2 214-388-3288 Pro 2 Churich, Tina B Burlingame, CA 415-931-8636 Pro 2 3 Ciaccio, Jay S Ridgeland, MS 601-978-1915 Pro 2 2 Cialardini, Dominic H E Norwich, NY 516-922-0805 Pro 2 2 Cianchetti, Bob Birmingham, AL Libourne, France 205-879-4611 Pro 1 57513003 Pro 3 Cilano, Margaret A Chover, Dave A Laguna Niguel, CA Ocala, FL Pro 2 714-489-9698 904-629-8453 Pro 1 Cimino, Carrie Chow, Alvin F Playa Del Rey, CA Evanston, IL Pro 2 708-328-1563 Pro 1 Cinko, Gregory T Chow, Royden A Hong Kong Honokaa, HI Pro 2 852-8589276 808-322-0050 Pro 2 Cipriano, Stella Christen, John J Abondant, France Sioux City, lA 30-55-21-00 Pro 3 712-255-7659 Pro 3 Circle D Tennis Club Christensen, Brian L Woodbine, MD Chanhassen, MN 301-854-6651 Club Pro 2 Cisin, leon 612-470-1687 Christian, Paul Glendale, CA Houston, TX 213-245-3950 Pro 1 Pro 1 Cisneros, Carlos 713-774-1189 Christianson, Jeffrey Deerfield, IL B Pro 1 312-948-9284 Campbell, CA Cisneros, Oscar Pro 2 408-377-0867 Buffalo Grove, IL Christie, Scott A Pro 1 312-537-2499 Puyallup, WA Cissel, Mark 206-845-1713 Pro 2 Ft Lauderdale, FL Christie, William S Pro 1 305-566¡1 081 (Joe) Citron, Samuel A Mission, KS Whitefish, MT 913-384-4504 Pro 406-862-4525 Pro 2 Chrome, Samuel R Ciulla, Sam Devon, PA Tucson, AZ Pro 2 215-356-8830 Pro 1 602-795-6960 Chu, Andrew Ciurej, Thomas J New York, NY Chicago, IL Pro 2 718-937-2381 708-981-7777 Pro 1 Chukwurah, Edwin C Claiborne, Michael D Carrboro, NC Houston, TX 919-968-8079 Pro 2 713-488-4849 Pro 2 Clair, Jerome Church, Scott E San Jose, CA Fremont, CA Pro 2 Pro 3 408-259-2917 415-797-0873


Claman, Eric Torrington, CT Pro 2 203-482-9424 Clancy, Kevin M Lake Zurich, IL 708-726-0120 Pro 2 Clark, Arlene J Vancouver, WA

206-695-0563 Pro 2 Clark, Bobby Dale, Jr Leeds, AL 205-699-8959 Pro 1 Clark, Bonita Leeds, AL 205-699-5994 Pro 2 Clark, Carl R Reston, VA 703-476-8189 Pro 3 Clark, Charles H Worcester, PA 215-584-5401 Pro 3 Clark, Glen Atlanta, GA 404-231-4626 Pro 2 Clark, Julie Vaughan Dallas, TX 214-713-9050 Pro 2 Clark, Kevin J Austin, TX 512-892-5722 Pro 2 Clark, Kim E Wilson, NC Pro 2 919-291-6199 Clark, Michael B Hammond, LA Pro 1 504-542-5756 Clark, Mike P Maumee, OH Pro 3 419-865-4962 Clark, Ronald A Redlands, CA Pro 1 909-793-4294 Clark, Wayne E Houston, TX Pro 3 713-781-5758 Clarke, Corey M New Orleans, LA Pro 2 504-482-1103 Clarke, Ronald S N Kingstown, Rl Pro 1 401-295-1347 Clary, Elizabeth Terre Haute, IN Pro 3 812-299-2222 Clauson, Robert Sacramento, CA 916-481-7229 Pro 3

Clay Clay, Elizabeth M Marietta, GA 404-237-5427 Pro 2 Cleary, John Norwalk, CT 203-866-4670 Pro 3 Clement, Lance N Alexandria, LA 318-442-2628 Pro 3 Clery, Colleen A San Diego, CA 619-581-5934 Pro 2 Cleveland, Will Ft Wayne, IN 219-432-0502 Pro Cliffe, Timothy Houston, TX 713-342-9000 Pro Clifton, Matt D W Chester, PA 215-431-4159 Pro 2 Cline, Donald R Charlotte, NC 704-547-4922 Pro 1 Clingaman, Marc Houston, TX 713-890-1887 Pro 2 Clock, David G S Lake Tahoe, CA 916-541-7460 Pro 3 Cloer, Ernie C Linville, NC 704-898-4531 Pro 1 Clouse, Robert W, Jr Stuart, FL 407-220-6715 Pro 2 Clousing, Patti Glen Ellyn, IL 312-858-2272 Pro 2 Ciow, Ken P Shawnee, KS 913-962-0147 Pro 2 Clower, Edgar Dean Broken Arrow, OK

918-455-8687 Pro 3 Clowers, Eric W Boynton Beach, FL Pro 2 CMAA Alexandria, VA Affil Coad, Rex Wichita, KS 316-634-0094 Pro Coard, Errol I Boston, MA 617-265-5525 Pro

Coats, Ellis Claremont, CA 714-624-5907 Coats, Michael Tulsa, OK 918-299-2255 Cobb, C Richard, Newnan, GA 404-253-5672 Cobb, Jeffrey A Nashville, TN 615-373-1033 Cobb, Patricia A Los Gatos, CA

Pro Pro II Pro Pro Pro

Cobbs, Kevin R Fayetteville, AR Pro 2 501-521-8241 Cobia, George Clinton Gulf Breeze, FL Pro 2 904-432-3036 Cochran, Dale C Louisville, KY 502-451-0272 Pro 1 Cochran, J Dennis Silver Spring, MD 301-593-0116 Pro 2 Cochran, James Columbia, MO Pro 2 Cockrell, Jennifer M Gretna, LA 504-391-7 446 Pro 2 Cody, Brian K Kerrville, TX Pro 1 512-896-8877 Coler, Robert E Syracuse, NY 315-637-3146 Pro 2 Coffee, Charles K Lebanon, TN Pro 615-373-8132 Coffey, Bill Schenectady, NY 518-356-2271 Pro Coffey, Mark Vale, NC Pro 2 Collman, lowell Plantation, FL 305-581-2821 Pro 1 Cohee, Kent W Central Point, OR 503-772-3130 Pro 3 Cohen, Anders E Patchogue, NY 516-475-7472 Pro 2 Cohen, Arvin Z Edina, MN 612-830-9033 Pro 1



Cohen, Ernest Alexandria, VA 703-836-3467 Cohen, Gregory Gurnee, IL 312-623-2045 Cohen, Jay D Syracuse, NY 315-492-6898 Cohen, Jeffrey Marietta, GA Cohen, Julian H Lehighton, PA 717-386-5599 Cohen, Natalie Atlanta, GA 404-261-2006

Pro 3 Pro 2 Pro 1 Pro 1 Pro 3 Pro 1 Han

Cohen, Steven W Warwick, Rl 401-826-3738 Pro Colbert, Kim C Mt Clemens, Ml Pro 313-463-61 09 Colbert, lucia Ouellette Cordova, TN Pro 1 901-754-6413 Colbert, Patrick W St Louis Park, MN 612-546-0709 Pro 3 Cole, James A Winter Park, FL Master Pro Cole, Shawn H Fairfax, CA 415-258-9097 Pro 3 Cole, William San Jose, CA 408-294-2776 Pro 1 Colee, Craig D Oklahoma City, OK 405-7 49-8535 Pro 3 Coleman, Brad R Dallas, TX 214-670-1495 Pro 2 Coleman, Jeffrey H Dallas, TX 214-361-6319 Pro 1 Coleman, Kelly A Alpharetta, GA 404-518-7388 Pro 2 Coleman, Michael J Worcester, MA Pro 3 Collier, Felix A Yorba Linda, CA 714-692-9253 Pro 2

Colina -


Colina, Tomas A Miami, FL 305-387-1642 Pro 3 Collas, Leoncio Palm Springs, CA 619-342-4107 Pro 1 Collazo, Jose P Miami, FL 305-382-6000 Pro 2 Colletti, Frank S Smithtown, NY 516-563-7010 Pro 3 Colletti, Jane Jarosz Plantation, FL 305-474-2525 Pro 2 Colligan, Ed G Snoqualmie, WA 206-644-4538 Pro 2 Collins, Cary L Gresham, OR 503-665-4142 Pro 1 Collins, David D Henderson, KY Pro 2 Collins, Ed San Diego, CA 619-260-8889 Pro 1 Collins, Eoin P Columbus, IN 812-342-4495 Pro 2 Collins, Eugene James (Gene) Ft Myers Beach, FL 813-463-44 73 Pro 2 Collins, Gordon Los Gatos, CA Pro 1 408-395·7111 Collins, James M Brewster, NY 914-279-8051 Pro 3 Collins, Kennis W Hopewell Junction, NY 914-227-9231 Pro 2 Collins, Larry W Atlanta, GA 404-441-5553 Pro 1 Collins, Marjorie Bowie, MD 301-464-2899 Pro 2 Collins, Mike Victoria, TX 512-575-3501 Pro 2 Collins, Scot Murray Hill, NJ 908-771-0757 Pro 2 Collins, Scott E Littleton, CO 303-979-1051 Pro 2

Collins, Stephen T Highland, CA 714-825-8292 Pro 2 Collins, Todd J Ridgecrest, PA 619-372-2329 Pro 2 Collins, Wm Kevin San Angelo, TX 915-949-1534 Pro 2 Collson, Jeffrey G Kernersville, NC Pro 1 Colson, James F Miami, FL 305-595-7 455 Pro 1 Colton, David Cutler Ridge, FL 305-254-5650 Pro 1 Colville, Maryann Balboa, CA 714-673-0391 Pro 2 Colvin, Richard B Norfolk, VA 804-855-4884 Pro 2 Colwell, Robert B Seattle, WA Pro 1 Han Combs, Andrew L Walnut Creek, CA Pro 2 Combs, Chris St Paul, MN 612-699-7646 Pro 3 Combs, Dennis Homedale, ID 208-337-4505 Pro 2 Combs, Janice Escondido, CA 619-745-8343 Pro 1 Combs, Jeffery A Fairhope, AL 205-928-1804 Pro 1 Comer, Blaine Honolulu, HI 808-737-9552 Pro 3 Compton, Bradley H Florissant, MO 314-921-8935 Pro 3 Compton, Eleanor B (Ellie) Los Angeles, CA Pro 2 310-842-9702 Comyns, Richard A Altamonte Springs, FL Pro 2 Cona, Rocco A Akron, OH 216-666-3778 Pro 1


Conard, Jell K Los Altos, CA 415-949-5182 Pro 3 Concotelli, Jim Lexington, KY 606-268-2239 Pro 1 Condeco, Jose Mario Thun, Switzerland 41-33-235440 Pro 2 Condon, Curt Oceanside, CA 619-726-4406 Pro 1 Condreay, John A Lafayette, IN 317-449-4866 Pro 2 Conklin, Mary F Brewster, NY 914-225-0888 Pro 2 Conklin, Robert G Brewster, NY 914-251-6530 Pro 1 Conlon, Michele C Ames, lA 515-232-1911 Pro 2 Connell, Thomas V Houston, TX 713-497-2229 Pro 1 Conner, Kevin W Duluth, GA Pro 2 404-448-2166 Connerton, Tad Cranston, Rl 401-781-5124 Pro 1 Connor, Peggy M Philadelphia, PA 215-731-0591 Pro 2 Connor, Robert J Singapore 65-4675718 Pro 1 Conrad, Greg Sarasota, FL 813-923-6629 Pro 2 Conrad, Jerry Richmond, CA 510-254-1126 Pro 1 Conrad, John Downingtown, PA 215-384-0814 Pro 1 Conroy, Tim (Koach) Pittsburgh, PA 412-881-8067 Pro 1 Contardi, Steve Cincinnati, OH 513-489-9700 Master Pro

Contois Contois, David Winsted, CT 203-482-9424 Pro Centro, Gregory D Chicago, IL 312·929-5891 Pro Conway, Christopher Portland, ME 207· 775-3548 Pro Conway, Timothy J Tempe, AZ 602·438-7131 Pro Cook, Anne Mclean, VA 703-356-7956 Pro Cook, Daniel Lee Milton, DE 302-645-7711 Pro Cook, Ginger V Boulder, CO 303-449-2077 Pro Cook, Jack E Miami, FL 305·251-9848 Pro Cook, Jeflrey Merion, PA 215·848-8810 Pro Cook, John H

2 2 T 3 2 2 2 2

Cincinnati, OH

513· 733·8467 Pro 1 Cook, Robert William Lancaster, OH 614·654·3777 Pro 3 Cooke, Frank G Mt Pleasant, SC 803-884·7507 Pro Cooper, Charles R Louisville, KY 502-426-0535 Pro Cooper, Jack Deerfield Beach, FL Pro Cooper, Jackie La Quinta, CA 619-564-3385 Pro 1 Cooper, Kelly Santa Rosa, CA 707-544-9494 Master Pro Cooper, Larry Neu-lsenburg, Germany 06102·1406 Pro 2 Cooper, Marlin Hollywood, FL 305-920·3256 Pro 1


Cooper, Michael Cormier, Russell Hollywood, FL New York, NY 305-920-3256 Pro 2 212-496-6243 Pro 3 Corn, Jim Cooper, Michael T Miami, FL Lattimore, NC 704-434-9747 Pro 1 305-279-4659 Pro 2 Cornehls, Scott Cooper, Ragland Hacienda Heights, CA Hales Corners, WI 818-333-8725 Pro 3 414-529-4681 Pro 1 Cornell, Mary J Cooper, Robert E Plantation. FL St Paul, MN Pro 2 305-472-7713 Pro 2 Cornell, Rob, II Victoria, Australia Cooper, Tom 0, Jr Mobile, AL 03-379-1527 Pro 1 205-342-4770 Pro Cornwell, Anthony E Coopersmith, Roy G Waterford, Ml Rochester, NY 313-642-8500 Pro 2 716-271-1759 Pro 2 Corrales, Vickie R Coparanis, Carol Hermosa Beach, CA Portland, OR Pro 2 503-223-1489 Pro 1 Correa, Dennis Copeland, Norman N Kailua Kana, HI Winter Park, FL 808-325-727 4 Pro 2 407-646-2356 Pro 1 Correia, Carlos A Copenhaver, Cynthia Dallas, TX Pro 1 D Corrigan, Timothy J Kenton, OH Pro 2 Roswell, GA Copete, Eddie 404-442-5618 Pro 2 Shreveport, LA Cortes, Gustavo 318-868·6571 Pro 1 Vista, CA 619-940-1305 Pro 2 Coppedge, Angie A Farmville, VA Corlhum, Kenneth, Jr 804-395·2509 Pro 3 Greensboro, NC 919-674-5042 Pro 1 Cappel, Javier Madrid, Spain Cosentini, Benjamin V 341-7194843 Pro 2 Jose Corbett, Wm Keith Catamarca, Argentina Greenville, NC 833-30202 Pro 2 919-830·4659 Pro 2 Cosec, Robert J Cordano, Christopher Baltimore, MD Huntington, NY 410-705-3448 Pro 2 516-424-6091 Pro 1 Cosgrove, Colleen A Cordrey, David S C Princeton, NJ Raleigh, NC 609·921-1864 Pro 1 919-876-0565 Pro 1 Cosgrove, Greg Corey, Clark Palm Desert, CA Singapore 619·340-0517 Pro 1 65-275·0331 Pro 1 Cosma, Brian E Corey, Glenn M Omaha, NE Royal Oak, Ml 402-498-0220 Pro 2 313-288-3564 Pro 2 Cossaboom, Corf, John R Constance Winchester, MA Bridgeton, NJ 617-729·5948 Pro 2 609-455-8340 Pro 2 Corfield, Craig A Costa, Juan Carlos Los Altos, CA Carlsbad, CA 415-948-8311 Pro 3 619-633-3337 Pro 2


Costello -


Costello, David J Lenox, MA 413-637-1689 Pro 2 Costello, Janice K Brainerd, MN 218-829-8413 Pro 2 Cote, Douglas Hollywood, FL 305-987-6266 Pro 3 Cote, Richard Cocoa Beach, FL 407-868-3224 Pro 1 Colo, Juan F College Park, MD Pro 2 301-314-0587 Cottam, Ralph, Jr Deerfield Beach, FL 407-994-1889 Pro 2 Cotten, Lucky Phoenix, AZ 602-944-3940 Pro Couillard, Lee Honolulu, HI 808-946-2951 Pro Coulter, Cheryl S Chestnut Hill, MA 617-734-7083 Pro 3 Coulton, R Thomas Bay Village, OH 216-871-8498 Pro 2 Counihan, Stephen P Cambridge, MA Pro 3 617-354-9427 Couples, Deborah Morgan W Palm Beach, FL 407-790-4867 Pro Courson, Daniel C Houston, TX 713-461-6709 Pro Courtney, Judy Evergreen, CO Pro 1 303-670-3417 Courtois, Tony Miami, FL 305-598-6380 Pro 2 Courtsport Norcross, GA Affil 404-448-4999 Cousins, Julian R S London, England 44819472165 Pro 3 Coverdale, Robin R St Paul, MN Pro 2 Covie, Frank P N Wakefield, NH 603-522-8472 Pro 2

Covington, J Dennis Franklin, TN 615-790-2005 Pro 1 Cowan, Arthur M Neponsit, NY 212-945-5825 Pro 1 Cowan, Robert Ignatius La Mesa, CA 619-660-6629 Pro 2 Cowart, G Lance Dallas, TX 915-674-6077 Pro 3 Cowens, Teresa E Pro 2 Naples, FL Cox, Daniel Jacksonville, FL 904-641-7911 Pro Cox, Ernest J Mobile, AL 205-342-7736 Pro Cox, James Newton Mobile, AL 205-342-4718 Master Pro Cox, R Keith Ogden, UT 801-394-5364 Pro 1 Cox, Robert G, Jr Fayetteville, AR Pro 2 Cox, Steven Andrew Grand Rapids, Ml 616-956-0944 Pro 2 Coyle, Daniel F Wyncote, PA 215-572-6166 Pro 1 Coyle, Joseph Flourtown, PA 215-836-2270 Pro 1 Coyne, Jim Alameda, CA 51 0-523-8528 Pro 1 Coyne, Rick Houston, TX 713-893-2444 Pro 2 Crabb, Robert A Columbia, SC 803-788-3001 Pro 2 Craig, Mary F Greenwood, MS 601-455-2850 Pro 3 Craig, Shawn Coral Springs, FL 305-753-2970 Pro 1 Craig, Sheryl Smith St Augustine, FL 904-794-0280 Pro 2


Cramer, Charles (Corky) Santa Rosa, CA 416-861-1785 Pro Cramp, Art Trenton, NJ 609-737-1286 Pro Crandall, Molly C La Crosse, WI 608-784-1470 Pro Crane, James E Manlius, NY Pro 315-682-5816 Crane, Patti San Diego, CA 619-277-9555 Pro Cranford, Michael L Haldensee, Austria Pro Cranis, Paul L Coconut Creek, FL 305-971-6690 Pro Crapo, Eric Windsor Locks, CT 203-623-7783 Pro Craprotta, Fred L St Clair Shores, Ml 313-778-5587 Pro Crawford, Carl J Vancouver, WA 206-696-8236 Pro Crawford, Geoffrey

1 1 2 1 2 2 2


Cincinnati, OH

513-232-4189 Pro Crawford, Lisa M Farminton Hills, Ml 313-47 -3246 Pro Crawford, Roger, II Byron, CA 51 0-634-8519 Pro Crawford, Thomas Trenton, NJ 609-392-5191 Pro Crawford, Thomas E Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-785-9476 Pro Creely, K L, Ill (Casey) Tallahassee, FL 904-878-8467 Pro Crenshaw, Walter L Ft Wayne, IN 219-432-0502 Pro Crerar, Peter J Pickering, Canada 416-420-1271 Pro

1 2 3 2 2

2 2 3

Crigger Crigger, Benny L Long Beach, CA 213-431-6028 Pro 2 Crimm, Harry New Orleans, LA

504-486-3305 Pro 2 Criner, Kay J Sarasota, FL 813-923-1484 Pro 2 Cripe, Brian W Whitefish, MT 406-862-4602 Pro 2 Crispell, Lawrence S Sarasota, FL 813-924-6281 Pro 3 Crissey, David C Marshall, TX 903-938-5761 Pro 2 Crocker, Edward A Quechee, VT 802-295-5523 Pro 1 Crocker, Henry New Orleans, LA 504-866-4613 Pro 3 Crocker, Michael Carlsbad, CA 619-720-9175 Pro 2 Cromack, Norman E Hamilton Square, NJ 609-586-7473 Pro 2 Crone, Paul R Meriden, CT 203-634-1147 Pro 2 Cronin, Dale Paul Center Line, Ml 313-886-0777 Pro 1 Cronrath, Craig B Nesquehoning, PA 717-366-1422 Pro 1 Crosby, Thomas J Dade City, FL 904-567-3642 Pro 2 Cross, Bernard W Chicago, IL 312-288-8789 Pro 3 Cross, Jennie 0 Walled Lake, Ml 313-669-1395 Pro 2 Cross, Marc Denver, CO 303-333-9084 Pro 1 Crosser, Derik J Houston, TX 713-840-9001 Pro 3 Crothers, Colin Patrick Athens, GA 404-233-2121 Pro 2

Crouch, Bobby E, Jr Jones Island, SC Pro 2 Crouch, David G Naples, FL 813-261-5524 Pro Crouch, Glenn E Old Hickory, TN 615-370-0050 Pro Crouse, James U Nogal, NM Pro 2 505-354-2960 Crouse, John

Kalaheo, HI 808-246-5063

Pro 2

Crowell, Dennis

Amarillo, TX 806-352-3971 Pro 3 Crowell, Glenn M Waitsfield, VT 802-496-3721 Pro 2 Crowne, Jeffrey S Orlando, FL Pro 1 407-239-4604 Crowson, Eric C Marble Falls, TX Pro 2 210-693-7715 Crump, Christopher Sarasota, FL Pro 2 813-922-1591 Crumpton, Karen L Jacksonville, TX 903-586-2368 Pro 2 Crutcher, Rick J Boca Raton, FL 407-395-7427 Pro 2 Crulchlield, James K Wheeling, WV 304-336-8232 Pro 2 Cruz, Greg S La Jolla, CA Pro 1 619-456-9513 Cruze, Jacob R Phoenix, AZ Pro 3 Csandli, Joe Orlando, FL 407-425-67 43 Pro 1 Csipkay, Elizabeth Morristown, NJ Pro 1 201-984-3973 Cuadra, luis E Colorado Springs, CO 719-591-1441 Pro 1 Cuartero, Eduardo

Laurel Springs, NJ 609-783·5506 Pro 2



Cuccurullo, Joseph Marlboro, NJ Pro 2 908-972-2985 Cudahy, G Champ Daphne, AL Pro 1 205-666-7665 Cudldington, James A Kenly, NC 919-242-5442 Pro 3 Cuesta, Francisco Javier

Leon, Spain 987-24-79-85 Pro 3 Cullen, Keith A Birmingham, Ml Pro 2 Culley, Christopher B Dallas, TX 214-931-7326 Pro 3 Cullinglon, Darlene Ann Auburn, CA Pro 2 916-878-8588 Cullison, Gerald, II Menlo Park, CA 415-364-6272 Pro 1 Culp, Lisa Evanston, IL

312-235-2300 Culver, Sleven D Palm Harbor, FL 813-725-0216 Cuming, Thomas Red Bank, NJ 908-530-4626

Pro 1 Pro 2 W Pro 2


Christopher Phoenix, AZ 602-944·1880 Pro Cummings, Darryl W Norfolk, VA 804-683-5312 Pro Cummings, John Midlothian, VA Pro 804-794-8188 Cummings, Kevin J Chicago, IL 312-235-2300 Pro Cummings, Rusty A Raleigh, NC 919-847-0877 Pro

1 1 2 2 1

Cummings, Wil

Ann Arbor, Ml 313-761-9580 Pro 1 Cunniff, Brian P Wooster, OH 216-262-8181 Pro 3

Cunniff -


Cunniff, Marcia l Boston, MA 617-269-4300 Pro 3 Cunningham, Charles


Chicago, IL 708-910-1346 Pro 1 Cunningham, Phil Miami, FL 305-891-0686 Pro Curley, Barry L Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 904-285-0753 Pro 3 Curliano, John F Alameda, CA 51 0-865-7 499 Pro 2 Curry, Patrick S Marietta, GA 404-591-8673 Pro 1 Curtain Blull Hotel Antigua, West Indies 809-462-8400 Club Curtin, Mary Stack Simi- Valley, CA 805-522-5454 Pro 1 Curtin, Thomas S, Ill Bristol, TN 615-652-1892 Pro 2 Curtis, Paul Czechoslovakia 422-316-6377 Pro 1 Curtis, Tyler J Peterborough, Canada 705-7 45-6337 Pro 3 Curtiss, Todd Roseville, MN 612-644-9588 Pro 2 Curtler, Hugh Marshall, MN 507-423-6446 Pro 1 Custodio, Connie Minneapolis, MN 612-824-2569 Pro 1 Cutchin, Stephen R Virginia Beach, VA 804-441-1762 Pro 1 Cuva, Gerard E Cohoes, NY 518-235-5710 Pro 2 Cypriano, Roger C Tampa, FL 813-968-6792 Pro 2 Cysneiros, Miguel Algarve, Portugal 35189561341 Pro 1

Dan, Sachiyo Tokyo, Japan 0726-33-6793 Pro 3 Dance, Joan Kreider Tampa, FL 813-254-1093 Pro 1 Daniello, Carmine Sarasota, FL 813-349-2234 Pro 3 Daniels, Carol L Virginia Beach, VA 804-460-0248 Pro 1 Daniels, J D Bonita, CA 619-428-7557 Pro 1 Daniels, Michael Natchez, MS Pro 1 601-442-9399 Daniels, Terry H Staten Island, NY 718-667-6272 Pro 3 Danielson, Stephen P Norcross, GA 404-279-1631 Pro 3 Dankelman, Marylou Seattle, WA Pro 2 206-789-1583 Dantzer, David C Santa Maria, CA Pro 1 805-937-0213 D' Aquin, Thomas San Jose, CA Pro 1 408-723-0513 Darien, Alvin W Carbondale, CO 303-963-2909 Pro 2 Darley, Charles F Iowa City, lA Pro 1 319-335-9561 Darling, Gloria Manchester, CT 203-289-8447 Pro 2 Darnell, Mary Louise Washington, DC 202-562-2235 Pro 2 Darnielle, Everett Missouri City, TX 713-437-7915 Pro 2 Damjanovic, Borislav Da Silva, Louie Podgorica, Yugoslavia N Tarrytown, NY 914-332-1799 Pro 2 00388151539 Pro 2 da Silveira, Lucia R Damron, Ron Ridgeland, MS Lubbock, TX 601-957-3590 Pro 2 806-742-3355 Pro 1 Datlow, Vickie Damron, William T Olney, MD Salt Lake City, UT 301-774-6992 Pro 2 801-649-8080 Pro 2

Czuchra, Darin Gene S Daytona, FL 904-322-2592 Pro 2 Dabrea, Edward Palm Beach, FL Pro 3 Dadej, Rhett San Diego, CA 619-566-1414 Pro 3 Dadich, Rich Lubbock, TX 806-793-6777 Pro 1 Daglis, Tom Marietta, GA 404-425-2880 Master Pro Dagois, Daniel Cape Coral, FL 813-542-2946 Pro 2 Dahlstrom, Brian K Sherrard, IL 309-762-5038 Pro 2 Daimon, Yasuyuki Tokyo, Japan 045-331-1913 Pro 3 D' Alessandro, Michael A Stratford, NJ Pro 1 609-783-7410 Dallas, James M Itasca, IL 708-884-0678 Pro 3 Dallas, John Christopher Paducah, KY 502-444-9811 Pro 2 Dailis, Robert Newton, MA 617-353-2846 Pro 1 Dalpiaz, Jay E Canton, OH 216-966-3524 Pro 1 Daly, Alan R Houston, TX 713-499-5621 Pro 2 Darner, Calvin W Naples, FL 813-263-7411 Pro 2


Daub -

Daub, Peter Lansdale, PA 215·855·81 03 Master Pro Daub, !luth L Lansdale, PA 215·855·81 03 Pro 1 Daugherty, James Valparaiso, IN 219·465·1334 Pro 2 Daugherty, Steven M New Orleans, LA Pro 1 504·394· 7627 Dauro, Samuel A Berlin, Germany Pro 1 030·216·2379 Davenport, Mark R Chambersburg, PA 717-264·0877 Pro 3 Davey, Michael J Rio Verde, AZ 602·471-7178 Pro 2 David Hopkins, Inc. Indianapolis, IN 317-783·9477 Affil David Hopkins, Inc. Indianapolis, IN 317-783·9477 Davidson, Andy Pt Hueneme, CA 805-488-0236 Pro Davidson, Michael Milwaukee, WI 414·334·0311 Pro 2 Davidson, Rick Loxahatchee, FL Pro 2 305·793·2931 Davies, James Nairobi, Kenya Pro 3

Davila, Fermin Pasadena, CA 818·798·9477 Pro 1 Davis, Bronna l New Market, Canada 416·830·0329 Pro 2 Davis, Charles R Fairfield, CT 203·366· 7127 Pro 1 Davis, Daniel P Glendale, AZ 602·972·1364 Pro 2 Davis, David M Abilene, TX Pro 1 915·673·8396 Davis, Dolores (Lori) Doylestown, OH 216·658·3454 Pro 2

Davis, Doug J Lubbock, TX 806·762·3430 Pro 1 Davis, Douglas C Washington, NC 919·946·2582 Pro 2 Davis, Eddie Stoughton, MA 617·344-7453 Pro 2 Davis, Edwin R, IV Westlake Village, CA 805-499-3963 Pro 1 Davis, Glenn K Orangevale, CA 916·961·6171 Pro Davis, Gordon l Encino, CA 818·881·8891 Pro 2 Davis, Gordon S Bedford, TX 214·615·6808 Pro Davis, Gregory K Fairfield, CA 707·864-6237 Pro Davis, H C (Hap) Pascagoula, MS 601-769-9109 Pro 2 Davis, Howard (Curly) Louisville, KY 502·426·4923 Pro 1 Davis, James E Toledo, OH Master Pro Davis, James J Peachtree City, GA 404·631-4482 Pro 2 Davis, Jeffrey A Altamonte Springs, FL 407-682·4637 Pro 2 Davis, Jill D Pro 3 Tucson, AZ Davis, John P Tucson, AZ Pro 1 602-297-5606 Davis, Joseph W, Jr Philadelphia, PA 215·955-6000 Pro 3 Davis, Ken H Victoria, Australia 052-471513 Pro 1

Davis, larry Galesburg, IL 309·342· 7969 Pro 2 Davis, leslie Ann Lakewood, CO 303·234·9160 Pro 3



Davis, Linda M Alexandria, VA 703·719·0930 Pro 3 Davis, Unda Woodhull Palm Springs, CA 619-778·6811 Pro 2 Davis, Mark Wichita Falls, TX

817·691-1510 Pro 1 Davis, Mark A Bradenton, FL 813·755·1000 Pro 3 Davis, Nathan S Cape Coral, FL 813·540-0768 Pro 2 Davis, Paul E Salt Lake City, UT 80 1·583·4000 Pro 1 Davis, Robert Tucson, AZ Pro 1 602·529·3780 Davis, Robert A Lubbock, TX 806-762·3430 Pro 2 Davis, Robert E Upper Marlboro, MD 301·627-6257 Master Pro Davis, Rowan M Dearborn, Ml Pro 2 313·336·8192 Davis, Scott H Livonia, Ml 313-476-3246 Pro 3 Davis, Steven Bendorf, Germany 07032·781 0 Pro 1 Davis, Timothy A Jacksonville, FL 904-642·0444 Pro 2 Davis, Timothy E Columbia, SC 803· 736-8029 Pro 2 Davis, William Seminole, OK 405·382·0919 Pro 2 Davis, William J Colorado Springs, CO 719·520·0478 Pro 2 Davison, Derrick A Mableton, GA 404·243-7149 Pro 3 Dawkins, Dr Sian B New York, NY 212·926·4600 Pro 3 Dawson, Dick Woodland Hills, CA 818·340·2320 Pro 1

Day- Delong Day, Kathleen B Largo, FL 813-581-2747 Pro 2 Day, Kenneth T Arlington, VA 703-979-5471 Pro 2 Day, Matthew A Mclean, VA Pro 2 Day, William E Hatfield, PA 215-951-2720 Pro 1 Dayton, Paul Montpelier, VT 802-223-7422 Pro 2 Deacon, Christian J Kenmore, Australia 61-7-3780432 Pro 2 Deacon, Jay W Queensland, Australia 07-378-0438 Pro 2 Deacon Tennis Queensland, Australia 07-378-0432 Affil Dean, Brian M Dayton, OH 513-276-3978 Pro 2 Dean, Daniel A (Chip) Georgetown, PA 412-573-0135 Pro 2 Dean, Kimberly Hom Newnan, GA 404-254-0821 Pro 2 Deardorff, Arlene Bedford, MA 617-275-9078 Pro 2 DeBaise, Miki Pineville, PA Pro 2 215-598-7372 DeBenedittis, Charles A Brooklyn, NY 718-237-8559 Pro 3 De Boer, Job G Hilton Head Island,


Pro 2 803-842-1893 DeCarlo, Dominick Palisades Park, NJ 201-224-2717 Pro 2 DeCarvalho, Jaime Bronxville, NY 914-779-84 73 Pro DeCaslro-Palomino, Javier Gerena, Spain 72-234951 Pro 1

DeCecco, Anthony J Phoenixville, PA Pro 2 December, Leon E Encino, CA Pro 3 818-360-2395 Deckert, Gary Reseda, CA 818-708-3635 Pro 1 DeCou, Deborah G Brookline, MA Pro 2 de Cuba, Emile 0 Ft Pierce, FL 407-465-5900 Pro 2 DeCuba, Raymond J Sebastian, FL 407-388-5508 Pro 2 de Cubas, Carlos Norfolk, VA 804-461-2826 Pro 1 DeFord, Jackie Edmonton, Canada 403-487-9676 Pro 2 Deggelman, Steve John Palo Alto, CA 415-328-8753 Pro 2 DeGray, Robert White Plains, NY 914-946-5651 Pro 1 DeGregorio, Anthony J Herndon, VA 703-476-0042 Pro 2 deGrool, Brent A Lafayette, CA 510-283-0467 Pro 1 DeGroot, Douglas Southampton, NY 516-283-8244 Pro 2 DeHart, Kenneth Gilbert, AZ 602-968-9231 Master Pro DeHoog, Rosemary l De Witt, NY 315-446-3317 Pro 1 Deiley, C Thomas Abington, PA 215-659-1306 Pro 2 Deitchler, Joe Louisville, KY 502-451-7507 Pro 1 Dekker, Steve M Topeka, KS 913-266-8000 Pro 1 DeKoning, Ken Corpus Christi, TX 512-992-1955 Pro 1


DeLaney, Barbara Mangan Chatham, NJ Pro 2 201-635-1724 Delaney, Bill Palo Alto, CA 415-322-4320 Pro 1 Delaney, Cathie D College Pt, NY Pro 2 718-463-5583 DeLaney, Lyn Gerber Grafton, IL 618-786-2178 Pro 1 Delatour, Hunter Portola Valley, CA 415-851-2082 Pro 1 Hon Delay, Mary D Woodinville, WA 206-483-2941 Pro 1 Del Bosque, Moses Corpus Christi, TX 512-992-7100 Pro 2 Del Busto, Igor Bilbao, Spain 34-4-4459334 Pro 1 De!Carmen, John D Carrollton, VA 804-562-3491 Pro 2 Delettre, Daniel M Savannah, GA 912·925-4999 Pro 1 Delgado, Robert Norfolk, VA 804-481-7545 Pro 1 Della Penna, James M Lake Worth, FL 407 ·439-2956 Pro 2 Dellatorre, Ingrid K Rehoboth Beach, DE 302-227-6899 Pro 3 Dellinger, Dennis Albuquerque, NM 505-898-17 43 Pro 3 Delloiacono, John L Springfield, NJ 201-376-8681 Pro 2 Delmarsh, Archibald G, IV Palm Beach Gardens, FL Pro 1 407-622-1124 Del Moral, Jorge Castro Valley, CA 415·357-3774 Pro 2 Delong, John Moraga, CA 510-376-1314 Pro 1

Delos Santos Delos Santos, Lenny Arroyo Grande, CA 805-481-9250 Pro 2 Del Prete, Michael Bronx, NY

212-515-0358 Pro Del Valle, Jesus Voorhees, NJ 609-654-7848 Pro DeMars, Kim G Stilwell, KS 816-356-6651 Pro DeMartini, John A Danville, CA Pro 510-254-1126

2 3 1 2

D'Emilio, Greg

Plymouth Meeting, PA 215-825-4839 Pro 3 de Moura, Jose

Houston, TX 713-463-4 777 Pro Dempsey, James G Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-527-2230 Pro Denis, linda E New York, NY 212-255-2593 Pro Dennehy, Patrick M Palm Desert, CA 619-341-1894 Pro

3 1 2 3

Dennis, Carol

Long Beach, CA 213-532-3670 Pro Denoon, James J Petersburg, VA 804-861-3311 Pro Dent, Bettyann Newport Beach, CA 714-722-7192 Pro Den!, Phil C Newport Beach, CA 714-722-7192 Pro Denton, Steve B Corpus Christi, TX 512-994-8929 Pro

1 1

DeRoode, Monique Las Vegas, NV Pro 3 702-367-0155 Derry, Elizabeth A Rochester, NY Pro 2 716-482-1567 De Sa, Cesar Freehold, NJ 609-737-3600 Pro 3 DeSalvo, Victor E Basking Ridge, NJ Pro 2 908-647-2507 Desdunes, Jean Robert Atlanta, GA 404-894-8371 Pro 3 Des Jardin, Scott L Pt Huron, Ml 313-987-6868 Pro 1 Deslatte, Michael W Plano, TX 214-578-7170 Pro 2 Desmond, John Minneapolis, MN Pro 1 612-926-3865 Desmond, Rebecca Downingtown, PA 215-269-0738 Pro 1 Des Rosiers, Walter J Commack, NY 516-499-5489 Pro 2 Detrich, William Pasadena, CA

818-794-2365 Pro 1 Detwiler, David A

Toronto, Canada



D'Eufemia, Matthew

3 1

DePalmer, Mike

Knoxville, TN Pro DePew, John Midlothian, VA 804-744-5575 Pro DeRange, William Irvine, CA

714-786-2840 Pro 2 DeRome, Dennis J Davie, FL 305-474-2185 Pro 1

John Shalimar, FL 904-651-8872 Pro Deutsch, Cathy J Sioux Falls, SD 605-361-0445 Pro Deveaux, Beth C Schaumburg, IL 708-884-0678 Pro DeVera, Anthony Springfield, VA 703-256-6451 Pro


Pro 1 Pro 2

DeVore, Nill<oios R

Denver, CO 303-936-1167

Pro 2

Dewan, Madhusudan

A Valparaiso, IN Pro 219-465-1470 de Winter, Lauren! M Sarasota, FL Pro 2 800-872-6425 Dewolf, Martin Paris, France

46-33-03-03 Pro 3 DeYoung, lee Rolling Hills E, CA 310-378-6684 Pro Diamond, Steve

Verona, NJ 201-857-7476 Pro Diaz, Anthony R, Ill Northford, CT Pro 1 203-432-2499 Diaz, Francisco J San Juan, Puerto Rico


Pro 2

Diaz, Juan

Tampa, FL 813-251-3673 Diaz, Stephen




IOibbins, Samuel A, Jr

Portland, OR 503-297-1407


DiCammo, Geraldine 1111

3 2 2

W Kingston, Rl 401-789-8927 Pro 2 Dice, Pamela S (Pam) Scottsdale, AZ 602-860-97 41 Pro 3 Dichiara, Susan R Rockville, MD 301-279-7513 Pro 2 Dick, Suzan K


DeVilliers, Brian

Atlanta, GA 404-804-8988

Devlin, Marty W Trenton, NJ 609-883-3741 DeVoll, Cliff La Crosse, WI 608-784-3687

Marietta, GA

Greenville, SC

803-268-5635 Pro 2 Deuce Industries Ltd 3


Shawnee, OK 405-275-1023

Pro 2

Dickens, Karen D

Pro 1

Aspen, CO 303-920-4538

Pro 2

Dickens -


Dickens, Mike Melbourne, FL 407-254-3864 Pro 1 Dickenson, Diane S Barrington, IL 708-382-1092 Pro Dickinson, Donald J Tucson, AZ 602-742-1333 Pro Dickinson, James A Long Beach, CA 213-439-7967 Pro 2 Dickson, David J Tacoma, WA

206-537-3600 Pro 2 Dickson, Greg Stuart Boardman, OH 216-782-4137 Pro 3 Dieffenbach, Kevin P Cumming, GA 404-889-2722 Pro 3 Diel, D Wayne Baton Rouge, LA 504-766-67 47 Pro 3 Dietrich, Peter

Berlin, Germany 030-3332405 Pro 2 Dietz, Catharine K Goldens Bridge, NY 914-232-5678 Pro 2 Dietzel, Brad Walnut Creek, CA 51 0-933-7483 Pro 1 diFeliciantonio, Steve M La Grange, GA 404-663-5032 Pro 1 DiFiumeri, Lucille Revere, MA 617-289-6345 Pro 2 Diggins, Bernard J Hershey, PA 717-534-2724 Pro 2 Diggs, Jeffrey S Cape Coral, FL 813-768-4131 Pro 2 Dilettuso, David N Pittsburgh, PA 412-833-8118 Pro 1 Dillard, Kim Z Greensboro, NC 919-299-5324 Pro 1 Dillinger, Susan M Aurora, CO 303-766-1989 Pro 2 Dillmeier, Beth Ann Tampa, FL 813-977-2687 Pro 2

Dillon, Albert W, Ill Philadelphia, PA 215-248-1652 Pro 2 Dilouie, Jai Dallas, TX Pro 2 Oils, Alan Reese Belen, NM 505-277-6827 Pro 1 DiMambro, Brett G Stamford, CT 203-977-4496 Pro 2 Dimitry, Thomas New Orleans, LA 504-483-9383 Pro 1 Dinardo, Frank D Kiawah, SC Pro 2 Dingle, John W Aiken, SC 803-642· 7739 Pro 1 Dinkmeyer, James S Parkland, FL 305-753-4879 Pro 1 Dinneen, John J Lexington, KY 606-257-7707 Pro 3 Dixon, James P Woodbury, MN 612-731-4965 Pro 2 Dixon, Stephen L Gainesville, FL 904-395·5535 Pro 3 Dixon, Thomas Cary, NC 919-467-4313 Pro 1 Djordjevic, Alexander Bruxelles, Belgium Pro 3 Djordjevic, Jovica Bensheim, Germany 49-625271838 Pro 3 Dlugie, Perry S Deerfield, IL 708-940-7 484 Pro 1 Dlugosz, Stan E Morrisville, PA 215-295-8612 Pro 3 Dobashi, Naoki Tokyo, Japan 04298-5-3710 Pro 3 Dobbins, William T Birmingham, AL 205-871-1778 Pro 2 Dobbrow, William (Sandy) Granbury, TX 817-573-9720 Pro 1


Dobbs, Danny Dallas, TX 214-340-4358 Pro 2 Dodd, Daniel Aiea, HI 808-941-0147 Pro 2 Doddridge, Dusty Columbia, TN Pro 1 615-388-0120 Dodier, Michelle San Antonio, TX

210-653-1068 Pro 2 Dodman, Pamela M Cincinnati, OH 513-489-9700 Pro Doerer-Lombardo,

Nancy The Woodlands, 713-292-3140 Doerrer, Steve Bellevue, WA 206-455-7690 Doessel, James Barrin9ton, IL 708·3 1-7686

TX Pro 2 Pro 1 Pro

Doi, Hiroshi

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621


Doi, Kumiko

Tokyo, Japan Pro Doi, Takashi Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Dollins, Dave Escondido, CA 619· 743-8297 Pro Dombrowski, Michael Hickory, NC 704-328-9908 Pro Dominaiak, Todd M Toledo, OH 419-385-9932 Pro Donaldson, Larry E Los Angeles, CA 213-454-6162 Pro Donaldson, Mathew, Jr San Francisco, CA 415· 777-9000 Pro Donnalley, Mary J Kerrville, TX Pro Donoso, Edwin 0 Pompano Beach, FL 305-698-6595 Pro Doohan, Peter L Anniston, AL Pro

1 2 1 1 3 2

1 3 1

Dooley Dooley, Dave B Delray Beach, FL 407-272-2819 Pro Dooley, Mark W Palm Beach, FL 407-798·6571 Pro Dorado, Mario luis Clarksville, TN 615·648·3587 Pro Doralo, Alex Branford, CT 203-483-1504 Pro Dormagen, Robert J Ravenswood, WV 304·273·5032 Pro

2 1 2 2

Dorow, Steven G

Kalamazoo, Ml 616·383·1186 Dorrell, James V Orange, TX 409-883-5130 Dorsch, Gene E Palatine, IL 708-776-2656 Dorsky, Franklin Rutland, VT 802-775-9916 Dotson, Jamie K Church Hill, TN

Downes, Carol

Draves, Francis A

Berkeley, CA 415·843· 7450 Pro 2 Downey, Robert J, Jr Germantown, WI 414·253-6905 Pro 2 Downing, Martha Shingle Springs, CA 916·677-5705 Pro 1 Downs, Clarence L Fultondale, AL 205-841·3246 Pro 3 Downs, Pat Shreveport, LA 318-631-7100 Pro 1

Peterborough, NH 603-924-6156 Pro Dredge, Greg Urbana, OH 513-484·3045 Pro Dredge, Ronald B

Dawson, John H Fremantte, Australia

Pro 1


Pro 2

Doxzon, Jane Davies Nairobi, Kenya Pro 1

Pro 2 Pro 1 Pro 1 Pro 2

Doly, Michael Houston, TX 713-622·3667 Pro 2 Doty, Paul 0 Georgetown, TX 512-863-8523 Pro 1 Doud, Joyce N Colchester, VT Pro 1 802-893·1539 Dougherty, Renee Kingsport, TN 615-247-2317 Pro 2 Douglas, Deborah C Hayward, CA 510-538-7268 Pro 2 Douglas, Scott Birmingham, AL 205-868-2310 Pro 1 Douglas, William C Phoenix, AZ 602-840-0244 Pro 1 Douglass, ?harrington Tallahassee, FL 904-893·1907 Pro 1 Dow, Robert A Columbus, GA 706·561·6292 Pro 1


Doyle, Kevin L Washington, IN 812-254-1435 Pro 2 Doyle, Steve A Metairie, LA 504·832·0863 Pro 3 Doyle, Susan C Keene, NH 603·352·5983 Pro 2 Doyle-Jordan, Marc D Austin, TX Pro 2 Dragoo, M Alan Livermore, CO 303-493-4762 Pro Draisin, lee H Martinez, CA 415-229-3380 Pro Drake, Betty Alexandria, VA 703·256·3793 Pro 2 Drake, William S Needham, MA 617-449-4277 Pro 1 Drakeford, Otis A St Louis, MO 314-429-5751 Pro 3 Drap, David T Wheaton, IL Pro 2 Draper, Scott Allan Grants Pass, OR 503-476-9867 Pro Drappo, Stephen Henderson, NV 702-451-9768 Pro Draska, Steven C Lake Bluff, IL 312·295·6333 Pro 2


Lima, OH

419·339·2362 Pro Drew, Reginald W Millbrae, CA 415·697 ·1587 Pro Drey, Michael E Palos Heights, IL 708-389-9100 Pro Drilling, Fred W Bethesda, MD 301·229-0636 Pro Driscole, AI Beaumont, TX 409-892-4488 Pro Drobnick, louis, Ill Malibu, CA 213-457-5808 Pro

3 3

1 1

Drolson, Paul San Diego, CA


Pro 2

Drossman, David J

Raleigh, NC 919-846-8062

Pro 2

Druckman, Gary

San Diego, CA Pro 2 Druliner, George W

Scottsdale, AZ 602-945-8567 Pro Drumheller, Ralph Carmel Valley, CA 408·624·1581 Pro Drysdale, Clilf Wilmington, NC 919-256-6735 Pro Drysdale, Greg C Wilmington, NC 919-256-7625 Pro Duberstein, David M Buffalo Grove, IL 708·501·2065 Pro Dubins, Ross N Miami Beach, FL Pro Dublin, Michael c Vera Beach, FL 407-778-0308 Pro Duboff, David L, DO, MD, MS Springfield, IL 217-787-9833 Pro


2 2 2


DuBois -


DuBois, Allen J E Elmhurst, NY 718-932-0615 Pro 1 Dubuque, Donald D Polson, MT 406-883-4563 Pro 2 Duckham, Todd Frederick St Louis, MO Pro 1 314-231-6879 Dudacek, Jeffrey Lawrenceville, GA 404-449-6064 Pro 2 Dudley, Christopher A St Louis, MO 314-842-3111 Pro 2 Dudley, Randy J Groebenzell, Germany 08142-54127 Pro 2 Duffy, Carol A Reading, MA 617-944-3944 Pro 2 Dugan, Christopher P Cornwall, NY 914-534-7612 Pro 2 Duke, Paul Kevin League City, TX 713-334-2560 Pro 1 Duke, Selwyn L New York, NY 914-835-3030 Pro 3 Dulany, Rod Arlington, VA 703-524-3227 Master Pro Dumansky, Jellry B Nutley, NJ Pro 2 201-661-2746 Dumas, Emile F Hilton Head Island,


803-686-8804 Dun, Arnold

Pro 3

Sacramento, CA

Duncan, Mimi

Coronado, CA 619-437-8933

Pro 1

Duncan, Nancy

Washougal, WA 206-835-2042 Pro 2 Dundas, Christopher S San Marino, CA 818-282-4766 Pro 1 Dundis, Tom P Agoura Hills, CA Pro 2 Dunham, Jack Provincetown, MA 508-487-3330 Pro 1 Dunk, Christian M Laguna Beach, CA Pro 1 714-497-3703 Dunkle, Robert J Duluth, GA 404-392-7788 Pro 2 Dunkle, William G Redondo Beach, CA 31 0-318-3385 Pro 1 Dunlap, H Mac Denver, CO 303-322-6171 Pro 2 Dunlap, Tom Downers Grove, IL 708-389-9100 Pro 2 Dunlop, Laird A Wilmington, NC 919-452-0552 Pro 1 Dunlop Slazenger Corporation Greenville, SC 803-241-2200 Affil Dunmead, Jack N Easton. MA Pro 1 508-238-6210 Dunmore, Steven

Roseville, CA 916-782-2300 Dunn, Barbara Calabasas, CA 818-222-5780

Pro 1

916-395-0168 Pro 1 Dunbar, Ralph M N Ridgeville, OH Pro 2 216-353-9195 Duncan, Cory Washougal, WA 206-835-2042 Pro 2

Ocean Springs, MS 601-875-4368 Pro 2 Dunn, Kenneth W Oakland Park, FL 305-739-6089 Pro 3

Duncan, Karen A

Dunne, Tara

Cambria, CA 805-772-8290 Pro 2 Duncan, Michael D Gaithersburg, MD 301-990-7029 Pro 1

Delray Beach, FL 407-274-8272 Pro 3 DuPont Country Club Wilmington, DE 302-654-4435 Club

Pro 2

Dunn, James R


Duque, Lary N Davis, CA 916-756-2285 Pro 1 Durack, Raymond Scottsdale, AZ Pro 3 602-941-1829 Duran, Gilbert A Calipatria, CA 818-964-1773 Pro 1 Durham, Andrew

Martinsville, VA Pro 1 703-632-1857 Durham, Mark Roswell, GA 404-664-5231 Pro 2 Durrance, Gary Tampa, FL 813-835-0357 Pro 1 Durrett, David J Jacksonville, FL 904-731-4005 Pro 3 Dutton, Ron Craig Papatoetoe Auckland, New Zealand 64-9-2777712 Pro 1 Dvorak, David W Woodstock, GA 404-442-5149 Pro 1 Dye, Stellan L Amarillo, TX 817-767-6321 Pro 3 Dyer, Philip G, Jr Bluffton, SC 803-686-8804 Pro 2 Dyer, Trey Pro 2 Albany, TX Dyotte, Martin Grenada, MS Pro 2 Dyser, Joseph Pepper Pike, OH 216-831-9200 Pro 1 Dyson, Ron Fairport, NY 7i 6-425-8807 Pro 2 Earl, Keith A Sacramento, CA 916-481-9276 Pro 2 Earle, Fred A (Fritz) Charlotte, NC 704-542-2454 Master Pro Earle, Fred A, Jr Modesto, CA Master Pro Earlewine, David

Minnetonka, MN Pro 1

Early Early, Desmond Houston, TX 713·444-3150 Pro Earnhart, Ramsey Macon, GA 912-477-6701 Pro Easi, Michael D Hatfield, PA 215· 721-7287 Pro Easley, Larry Henderson, NV 702-896·2750 Pro 1 East, Susan Houston, TX 713-872-6150 Pro 1 Easter, Ken Lexington, NC 704·243-2489 Pro 1 Easterbrook, Bradford B Milford, CT 203-226-3349 Pro 1 Eastridge, Glen Staunton, VA 703·885-4458 Pro 2 Eaton, Michael Tewksbury, MA 508-657-5207 Pro 3 Eaton, Patricia Danville, CA 510-837-1069 Pro 2 Eaton, Ross T Kirkland, WA 206-488·8350 Pro 1 Ebbesen, Victor L, Sr St Thomas, Virgin Islands 809-774-7302 Pro Ebbitt, James Naperville, IL 708-469-3651 Pro Ebener, James P Orange Park, FL Pro 2 Eber, Warren K Naples, FL Pro 1 Eberhart, John C Carlsbad, CA 619·286·0256 Pro 2 Eberhart, John F Pine City, MN 612-629-7511 Pro 2 Ebina, Hidehiko Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Ebina, Masaaki Tokyo, Japan 0423-61-1519 Pro 2

Eble, Anna R The Woodlands, TX 713-292-7453 Pro 3 Eby, Kevin Prescott, AZ 602-778-0708 Pro 2 Ecaterinis, Olivier P Sunnyvale, CA Pro 2 415-968-5278 Eckel, Katherine Dallas, TX Pro 1 Eckhardt, Peter F Tallahassee, FL Pro 904-385·4952 Ecton, Laura M Fort Collins, CO Pro 303-482-1336 Ecuyer, Robert E Key Largo, FL Pro 305·367-2611 Eddy, Christine Naples, FL Pro 2 813-455·7282 Eddy, David Mendocino, CA Pro 2 707-937-0007 Edelbrock, Kurt El Prado, NM 505· 776-2704 Pro 1 Eden, Tara A Fresno, CA 209·251-0800 Pro 2 Edgar, James L Florence, AL 205·757-4848 Pro 1 Edles, Joseph L Denver, CO 303·985-3240 Pro Edmonds, Derek J Midland, TX 915·682-0022 Pro 1 Edmondson, Jeffrey K Marietta, GA Pro 1 404-499·991 0 Edward Sports Products Moodus, CT 203·873·8625 Aflil Edwards, C Yvette Canton, MS Pro 2 60 1·859·681 0 Edwards, Crandall S Santa Barbara, CA 805·969-0558 Pro 3 Edwards, David R Aloha, OR 503-645-921 0 Pro 1



Edwards, Eric J Mt Pleasant, SC Pro 2 803·849· 7355 Edwards, J Christopher Kitchener, Canada Pro 519-888-9184 Edwards, J Robert Darlington, SC Pro 3 803-393-1430 Edwards, James R Boulder, CO 303-449-5033 Pro 3 Edwards, Stephanie A Paducah, KY 502-554-2691 Pro 2 Eells, Spencer D Cedar Rapids, lA Pro 1 319-396-7060 Egawa, Hitoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Egem, Linda K Buffalo Grove, IL Pro 2 708· 729-0682 Egler, Donald J Pro 2 Clarkston, Ml Egnell, Nicolai Long Island Cty, NY Pro 3 Ehlermann, Dieter F Mahwah, NJ Pro 201-891-8092 Ehlers, Terry Redding, CA Pro Ehrenreich, Richard N Potomac, MD Pro 2 Ehrhardt, Kurt W Gut Ising, Germany 317-852-4442 Pro 1 Ehrlich, Scott H Coconut Creek, FL Pro 1 Ehrlin, Jonas H Tucson, AZ 602-577-1042 Pro 2 Eichenbaum, Larry Montgomery, TX Pro 1 409-582-6661 Eill, Timothy Milwaukee, WI 415-963-9822 Pro 2 Eikenberry, Mike Mclean, VA 703-893-4428 Pro 1 Eischen, Wayne R Colorado Springs, CO 719-596-8834 Pro 2

Eisenberger -


Eisenberger, Charles Elliott, Diane A Naples, FL Del Mar, CA 619-755-6468 Pro 2 Pro 1 813-597-3955 Eisendrath, John Elliott, Mark (Bris) Koloa, HI Olympia, WA 808-742-6251 Pro 1 206-357-8258 Pro Elliott, Mark E Eisenhardt, Ted Greenwood, SC Bainbridge, WA Pro 1 Pro Elliott, Robert Eisenstadt, Murray Brewster, NY Brooklyn, NY Pro 914-899-3865 Pro 2 Eklund, James F Ellis, Charles D Fallbrook, CA Wichita, KS 619-728-2791 Pro 2 316-684-5673 Pro 2 Eklund, K Magnus Ellis, Charles D, Jr Bay St Louis, MS Selma, AL Pro 2 Pro 205-872-0262 EI-Amad, Naser Ellis, Charlie Destin, FL Lexington, KY 904-837-9181 Pro 2 Pro 606-272-4546 Elcock, Walter E Ellis, Eve Brookline, MA New York, NY Pro 1 617-969-45.17 212-362-7901 Pro 1 Han Ellis, Hal R, Ill Elder, Perry B, Ill Virginia Beach, VA O'Fallon, IL 804-499·0128 Pro 2 618-256-5633 Pro 1 Ellis, James D Elefterion, Russell B Ottawa, Canada Tampa, FL 613-749-6126 Pro 1 813-885-5153 Pro 3 Ellis, Sharon Elgie, James H Essex Fells, NJ Altamont, NY 201-226-1005 Pro 2 518-861-8093 Pro 3 Ellis, Vicki Eli, Lionel E Austin, TX Toronto, Canada 512-458-1161 Pro 2 Pro 1 416-429-1778 Ellman, Ron Elias, George S Birmingham, Ml Fairfax, VA Pro 2 313-644-1224 703-280-2912 Pro 2 Elly, Douglas R Elkins, Arlo Cardiff, CA Columbia, SC Pro 2 619-942-9649 803-782-8042 Pro 1 Elsass, Douglas Elkins, Henri Eden Prairie, MN Vlllescresnes, France Pro 1 33145992769 Pro 2 Elsasser, David, II Ellefson, Karlin K Deerfield, IL Tucson, AZ 708-945-1814 Pro 1 303-923-5600 Pro Elseroad, Thomas C Ellenbecker, Todd S Vero Beach, FL Scottsdale, AZ 407-231-3121 Pro 3 602-941-9232 Pro EI-Togby, Mahmoud Ellerby, Michael T Upper St Clair, PA Dana Point, CA Pro 2 714-493-51 08 Pro 3 Elvestrom, Jack Ellinger, John L Minneapolis, MN Columbia, MD Pro 1 301-596-1873 Pro 1


Elwing, James R Middleton, MA Pro 2 Embernate, Rudolph M Kailua Kana, HI 808-325-0817 Pro 2 Emerick, Wayne A Cohoes, NY 518-785-0064 Pro 1 Emerson, Roy

Newport Beach, CA 714-644-6505 Pro 1 Emery, Christopher F Irvine, CA 714-651-9434 Pro 2 Emley, Charles E, Jr Bryan, TX 409-776-1487 Pro 2 Emrick, Julie A Reno, NV 702-356-3813 Pro 1 Encinas, Oscar A

Miami, FL 305-595-4929

Pro 2

Enda, Tomomi

Tokyo, Japan 011-851-3377 Pro Enderle, Mark D Fulton, MO 314-642-7221 Pro Endo, Akiko Pro Tokyo, Japan Endo, Hitoshi Tokyo, Japan 0487-35-4769 Pro Endo, Shoichi Pro Tokyo, Japan Endres, Betsy Ryan Carlsbad, CA Pro 619-942-9725 Enge, Charles Downers Grove, IL 708-964-4725 Pro Enge, Scott M Lenexa, KS 913-541-0531 Pro Engebrecht, Kurt Rochester, NY Pro 716-381-8318 Engel, Brian E The Woodlands, TX Pro 713-292-4008 Engelbrecht, Gary J

3 2 3 3 3 2 1


Tucson, AZ

602-795-6960 Pro 1 Engelke, John B Bay Village, OH 216-871-9242 Pro 1

Enghoff Engholf, Truls Marblehead, MA 617-631-9439 Pro England, Claude Tlmon.ium, MD 41 0-560-0798 Pro Engle, David E Springfield, OH 513-399-4835 Pro English, Christine I Falls Church, VA 703-241-2100 Pro English, Jeffrey Livonia, Ml Pro English, Tommy Oklahoma City, OK 405-751-3651 Pro Engstrom, Peter M Wilton, CT 203-762-7294 Pro Ennis, William J Southfield, Ml 313-642-8500 Pro Enochs, Lisa A Marietta, GA 404-971-9996 Pro

Ertel!, Harold G San Clemente, CA Pro 1 714-248-3700 Escobedo, Edwardo A San Gabriel, CA Pro 3 Escudero, Juan C


Ethier, Steve Spencer, MA 2 508-885-2023 Pro 2 Etoh, Kazuo Tokyo, Japan 1 Pro 2 096-362-877 4 Eugenio, Glen l Glendora, CA Rio Piedras, Puerto 2 818-914-1320 Pro 2 Rico 809-789-7 514 Pro 2 Evans, David H Willowbrook, IL Eshelbrenner, Dale 3 708-655-3501 Pro 3 Kansas City, MO 816-753-3253 Pro 1 Evans, James D 2 Eshima, Hideo Southlake, TX 817-421-0479 Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Evans, lane H Pro 1 03-464-6621 Woodland, CA Pro 2 Esmail, Dean 0 Evans, Margaret Elise Wheat Ridge, CO (Malise) 303-421-1338 Pro 2 Memphis, TN Espenship, Scoll 901-765-4400 Pro 3 Oakland Park, FL Evans, Pride A Pro 2 305-652-2866 2 Hilton Head Island, Espinosa, Hugo Pro 1 sc Panama, Republic of Evans, Scott N Panama 2 Delray Beach, FL 60-6154 Pro 2 Enomoto, lsao Pro 3 Pro 3 Espinosa, Raymundo Tokyo, Japan Evans, Sheila Kettering, OH Eoll, Jane Indianapolis, IN 513-434-4082 Pro 2 Allendale, NJ Pro 317-251-2564 201-825-0096 Pro 2 Esposito, Brenda E Eve Ellis School ol Eppeisheimer, Tennis Pocono Manor, PA Kimberly New York, NY Pro 2 212-362-7901 Pawleys Island, SC Affil Esser, William L, Ill 803-737-3411 Pro 2 Everett, Dr Silas K Lake Worth, FL Eppelsheimer, Robert Santa Barbara, CA 407-967-3907 Pro 1 Pawleys Island, SC 805-966-9301 Pro Esteban, Eduardo 803-237-8034 Pro 2 Everett, William Hollister, CA Epps, Patricia W Missoula, MT 408-727-5546 Pro 3 Lititz, PA Pro 406-728-4638 Estes, George 717-291-4154 Pro 2 Everitt, Rod Aurora, CO Epstein, Joshua Tauranga, New 303-693-3623 Pro 2 Houston, TX Zealand Pro 3 Leo R 713-444-6750 Pro 2 Estopare, Everroad, Mary Kay Wichita, KS Epstein, Mindee E Phoenix, AZ 316-634-0135 Pro 2 Palatine, IL 602-266-9311 Pro 2 708-934-6256 Pro 2 Estrada, Ron P Evert, Drew Rancho Mirage, CA Epstein, Tracy G W Palm Beach, FL 619-773-0381 Pro 3 Memphis, TN 407-683-5603 Pro 2 901-758-1313 Pro 3 Estrin, Yale Evert, James A Ft Lauderdale, FL Erickson, Jon B Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-768-0167 Pro 2 Chaska, MN Pro 3 305-463-0178 Pro 1 Etchegaray, Bill Erie, AI Exum, Joe Placentia, CA Morristown, AZ Winterville, NC 714-528-6414 Pro 3 Pro 1 Pro 3 919-756-1866 Ernstrom, Eric E Etchison, Jack M Eyre, lawrence L Delray Beach, FL Terre Haute, IN Fairfield, lA 407-487-1161 Pro 2 Pro 2 515-472-1172 Pro 1


Ezoe -


Ezoe, Masayuki Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Ezzo, Jon C, Jr Chicago, IL Pro 3 312·245-5300 Faber, Rick Wayne, PA 215-688-0946 Pro 2 Fackel, Joseph F Indianapolis, IN 317-577-5130 Pro 3 Fagan, Peter C Meredith, NH 603-293·7546 Pro 1 Fagen, Gretchen A Batavia, IL 708·879-7041 Pro 3 Fagen, Patrick A S Lake Tahoe, CA 916-541 ·8492 Pro 2 Fagerburg, Corinne E San Diego, CA 619·487-9840 Pro 2 Fahey, Peter J Long Beach, CA 213·437-8638 Pro 2 Fain, Barbara S Tucson, AZ Pro 2 602·326-9019 Fairchild, Mark R Huntington, IN 215-356-6000 Pro 2 Fairchilds, Mark A Modesto, CA 209·571·2582 Pro 2 Fait, Joseph F Phoenix, AZ 602-952·2924 Pro 1 Falbo, John Atlantic City, NJ 609·345-5112 Pro 3 Faley, Mary Pat Woodland Hills, CA 818·704-0760 Pro 3 Falger, Horst Scottsdale, AZ 602·996-5491 Pro 1 Falkenburg, Tom Stuart, FL 407-692·9088 Pro 1 Fallick, Lori S Plantation, FL 305-452·2530 Pro 2 Falvo, James M (Jim) Bellevue, NE 402-291 -0696 Pro 2

Famiglietti, Robert R (Bob) Northridge, CA 818-995-4001 Pro 3 Fan, Po Hoa Singapore Pro 1 Fane, Kevin M Morris, IL 815-942·3531 Pro 1 Fanelli, Glen H Pewee Valley, KY 502-459-2622 Pro 1 Fannin, Keigm R Sacramento, CA 916-682-5002 Pro 2 Fanning, Richard L Houston, TX 713-97-USPTA Pro 1 Fantony, Martin J Allen, TX 214-727-6816 Pro 2 Farah, Theodore L Neenah, WI 735-9857 Pro 2 Farlour, Allen Greenville, NC Pro 2 Fargo, Thomas E Canton, Ml 313-981·4190 Pro 2 Farlow, Allyson G Pro 1 Pittsford, NY Farmer, David A Garden City, Ml 313-352-8000 Pro 1 Farmer, Gerald The Dalles, OR Pro 1 Farnham, Scot! A Hillsboro, OR 503-648·4525 Pro 2 Farooqui, Raza M Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Pro 1 02-669· 1636 Farr, Eve B Denver, CO 303-368-5243 Pro 1 Farrell, Michael E Park Ridge, IL 708·823-7949 Pro 2 Farrell, Richard J Honolulu, HI 808-924·2220 Pro 2 Farricker, Myke Wayland, MA 508·655·3203 Pro 1 Fasick, Marian C S Daytona Bch, FL Pro 2 904-767-2529


Fast Dry Corporation Pompano Beach, FL 800-432-2994 Alii I Fasth, Torbjorn V (Toby) Gulfport, MS 601 -896-3554 Pro 2 Faubus, B Gail Ft Smith, AR 501-646-4515 Pro 2 Faughnan, Margarat E Augusta, GA 706-736-8952 Pro 1 Faulise, Jacques A P Westerly, Rl 401-792-9777 Pro 1 Faulk, C Stephen Baton Rouge, LA 504-926-9208 Pro 1 Faulkner, Betsy A Fairborn, OH 513·879-7593 Pro 2 Faulkner, Patricia R Palm Beach Gardens, FL 407-487·1161 Pro 1 Faulkner, Steven M Birmingham, AL Pro 2 205·995·9128 Faulkner, Tom Dallas, TX 806· 795-0675 Pro 2 Favaloro, Andrea M Sudbury, MA 508·358· 7355 Pro 3 Favro, Oakland W Whitehouse, OH 419·875-6952 Pro 3 Fawcett, John Upper Arlington, OH 614-451·3620 Pro 1 Fay, Richard J Ridgefield, CT 203-838·8489 Pro 3 Fechter, leonard F Pittsburgh, PA 412·941-8143 Pro 2 Fedderly, Michael W, Jr Cathedral City, CA Pro 2 Fein, Paul S Agawam, MA Pro 1 413·786·2034 Feinstein, Stephen Providence, Rl 401-421 ·5675 Pro 2

Feirer Feirer, Thomas M Marshfield, WI 715-384-4522 Pro 2 Feldhausen, E Brittin Tucson, AZ 602-886-1885 Pro 1 Feldman, Sylvia Silver Spring, MD 301-384-5544 Pro 1 Felice, Joseph T Albuquerque, NM 505-247-9257 Pro 1 Felipez, Rick Grayslake, IL 312-223-1838 Pro 2 Felix, Lois Meriden, CT 203-237-1032 Pro 1 Fellabaum, Karen Perrysburg, OH 419-661 -9659 Pro 2 Felland, S Troy Clifton Park, NY 518-785-4311 Pro 2 Feller, Robert R Manitowoc, WI Pro 1 414·684-0830 Fellman-Lally, Nancy J Westport, CT 203-227-4095 Pro 2 Fenasci, Ronald F Baton Rouge, LA 504-924-1228 Pro 1 Fennessy, Sean F Cliffside Park, NJ 201-461-6212 Pro 2 Fenton, Hank New York, NY 212-864-2805 Pro 1 Fentriss, Markham J Nashville, TN 615-352-8855 Pro 1 Ferguson, Edwin E, Jr Ambler, PA 215-646-7695 Pro 1 Ferguson, Mick Montville, NJ 201-263-8019 Pro 2 Ferguson, Thad Palm Desert, CA 619-773-3043 Pro 1 Ferlazzo, Mark Gregory Sarasota, FL 813·925-8482 Pro 2 Ferman, Jaime l N Miami Beach, FL 305-652-5469 Pro 2

Ferman, Richard, Jr Lansing, Ml 517-372-9531 Pro Fernald, Russell A Peterborough, NH 603-924-6758 Pro 2 Fernandez, Hermann p

Hawi, HI 808-889-6257 Pro 2 Fernandez, Jesus A (Tony) Apopka, FL Pro 407-889-8420 Fernandez, Michael

Dallas, TX 214-380-5496 Pro 1 Fernandez, Rick J Norman, OK 405-321-2248 Pro Ferrara, R Armand Astoria, NY 212-726-2580 Pro Ferreira, Marcelo

Larchmont, NY Pro 3 914-835-3030 Ferry, Jack W, Jr Wheatridge, CO Pro 3 303-450-8800 Fessel, Michael L Jackson, Ml 517-787-8191 Pro 1 Fettig, Debra J Bismarck, ND 701-223-4812 Pro 3 Feucht, William H Green Bay, WI 417-497-1161 Pro 1 Fiala, Paul E San Luis Obispo, CA 805-543-9641 Pro 1 Fieger, Thomas J, Jr W Chester, PA 215-891-2883 Pro 2 Filstrup, Ronald A St Paul, MN 612-292-0043 Pro 2 Findlay, Andy N Erie, PA 814-456-9639 Pro 2 Findlay, Paul W Key West, FL 305-294-1346 Pro 1 Fineman, Paul Spring, TX 713-444-5302 Pro 2



Fink, George C Deerfield, IL 708-433-5450 Pro 1 Fink, Mary Naples, FL Pro 2 813-649-4365 Fink -Jensen, Brigil lVI Los Gatos, CA 408-356-8724 Pro Finlayson, Simon

Wellington, New Zealand 476-4022 Pro Finnegan, Darlene J Barton, VT

802-525-3132 Pro 2 Fioravanti, Pete Waterford, NJ 609-429-1388 Pro 1 Fiore, Peter A Armonk, NY 914-273-8124 Pro 3 First Bounce, Inc Poughquag, NY 914-724-3400 Affil Firstbrook, Jill S New London, NH 603-526-2010 Pro 3 Fischer, Alex R Lantana, FL Pro 407-585-4451 Fischer, Char!ie Gainesville, GA Pro Fischer, lneke V Boca Raton, FL 407-395-2460 Pro 1 Fischer, Jonathan E Ann Arbor, Ml 313-994-0979 Pro 1 Fischer, Pamela K Erie, PA 814-866-6076 Pro 2 Fish, David !! Cambridge, MA 617-527-3083 Pro 1 Fish, Thomas Vero Beach, FL 407-231-2627 Pro 2 Fisher, Dale T Kent, OH 216-928-8763 Pro 3 Fisher, Daryl Hillsdale, Ml 313-662-5514 Pro 2 Fisher, Derek S Mundelein, IL 708-566-2544 Pro 1

Fisher -


Fisher, James Grant Flanagan, Jon Flynn, Mike Johnstown, PA Los Angeles, CA Ocala, FL 814-288-6988 Pro 213-474-1609 Pro 2 904-629-8453 Pro 1 Flanagan, Philip A Fisher, Jonathan M Fogarty, Anthony M Ft Lauderdale, FL Boca Raton, FL Savannah, GA 305-524-2140 Pro 2 407-362-9087 Pro 3 912-354-7701 Pro 2 Flanigan, John B Fisher, Kelly J Fogarty, Ron Minneapolis, MN El Paso, TX Sanford, FL 612-546-6554 Pro 2 915-542-1103 Pro 1 407-323-0876 Pro 3 Flater, Roald H Fisher, Michael L Foley, Edmund Ever~reen, CO St Louis, MO Crystal Lake, IL 303- 74-5298 Pro 1 314-428-1014 Pro 2 815-459-3015 Pro 2 Fleck, Jason Fiske, Stephen C Foley, John L San Diego, CA Alexandria, VA Swampscott, MA 619-270-2954 Pro 3 703-329-1036 Pro 1 617-593-1363 Pro 1 Fleming, Mark Fitch, David Lance Foley, Joseph Northville, Ml Douglasville, GA Cincinnati, OH 313-344-1265 Pro 2 404-949-7507 Pro 3 Fleming, Mark E 513-321-7978 Pro 2 Filtipaldi, Tony Folse, Kevin T Meadville, PA Stone Harbor, NJ New Braunfels, TX 814-332-2809 Pro 1 609-967.7 425 Pro 3 Flesch, James H 210-625-7619 Pro 2 Fitzgerald, Maureen Foister, Sharon Chicago, IL Columbia, MO Frances 312-281-3734 Pro 2 314-446-0101 Pro 1 Flesher, Brad Federal Way, WA 206-393-8555 Pro 3 Fitzgerald, Michael C Shreveport, LA Pacifica, CA 318-688-5876 Pro 3 Folz, Bob 415-738·4323 Pro 2 Fletcher, ian G Phoenix, AZ 602-246-2951 Pro 1 Naples, FL Fitzgerald, Tim L 813-261-5524 Pro 1 Fong, Dexter Wailea, HI 808-879-1958 Pro 2 Fletcher, Lydia K Sacramento, CA Carlsbad, CA Pro 3 916-429-117 4 Pro 1 Fitzhugh, Ed Fletcher, Sarah Sarasota, FL Fong, Kuang Ming Jacquiline 813-924-3977 Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Laguna N1guel, CA 03-464-6621 Pro Fitzpatrick, Craig, Jr 714-759-0711 Pro 3 Fontalberl, Thomas Upper Montclair, NJ 201-509-1968 Pro 1 Fletcher, Timothy A Andrew Napier, New Zealand Marmet, WV Fitzpatrick, Jim 6468446133 Pro 2 304-340-3527 Pro 2 Columbus, GA Fleury, David G 706-323-9116 Pro Fontana, Paul A Yarmouth, ME Larchmont, NY Fitzwater, Bridget 207-846-3675 Pro 1 914-234-9206 Pro 1 Guilfoil Fleury, Patrick J Fairway, KS Foo, Ronald Wesley Chapel, FL 913-262-5256 Pro 3 Singapore 813-973-4188 Pro 2 65-2536883 Pro 2 Flach, Richard, Jr Flint, Ann St Louis, MO Foo, Steven l M Woodbridge, CT 314-993-1850 Pro 2 Singapore 203-397-3255 Pro 2 65-2857707 Pro 3 Flagg, Jonathan A Flohre, Ralph A Costa Mesa, CA Foo, Tiang Kwong Virginia Beach, VA 714-733-1100 Pro 1 Joseph 804-481-0497 Pro 1 Pro 2 Singapore Flagg, Ric R Floreno, Anthony J Washington Crossing, Foote, Karissa (Kris) Mt Clemens, Ml PA Ft Worth, TX 313-652-1500 Pro 1 215-493-7849 817-831-7654 Pro 3 Florida Pro Tennis Pro 1 Flakoll, David A Association Forbeck, Bob J Walnut Creek, CA Coral Springs, FL Haupstuhl, Germany 415-933-1776 Pro 3 305-755-8364 Affil Pro 2


Ford Ford, Ruth Baytown, TX 713·422-4043 Pro 2 Ford, Scott A Aurora, CO 303·751·2223 Pro 1 Foreman, Catherine C Parkland, FL 305-752-2174 Pro 3 Foreman, Frederick L Ottawa, IL 815-434-1659 Pro 3 Foreman, Kie H Carefree, AZ Pro 602·488-9009 Foreman, Melvin D Detroit, Ml 313-962-2300 Pro Foreman, Rex E Makawao, HI 808-879-8967 Pro 2 Foreman, William Parkland, FL 407-487-1161 Pro 1 Forman, Eric S New York, NY Pro 1 212·319·8290 Forney, Cecelia Anne Memphis, TN 90 1·685·6992 Pro 2 Forni, James J Richmond, VA 804-965·5443 Pro 2 Forsyth, Dana M Knoxville, TN 615-546·5072 Pro 2 Forsythe, Bruce J Bay Shore, NY Pro 2 516-666·1310 Fortenberry, Dennis l Destin, FL Pro 904·267·7060 Fortino, Joe Chicago, IL 312-425-7200 Pro Fortunato, Joseph J Haleiwa, HI 808-638-5143 Pro 3 Fortunato, Julie G Melbourne, FL 407-868-3224 Pro 1 Fortunato, Paul F Atlanta, GA Pro 2 404-352·1 046 Fosdick, Steven D Little Canada, MN 612-571-3080 Pro 1

Foss, Thomas M Scottsdale, AZ 602·481·9052 Pro 1 Foster, Alan La Quinta, CA 619·321·8282 Pro 2 Foster, Donald Windsor, CT 203·683-2886 Pro 2 Foster, Ed Delray Beach, FL 407-278-9702 Pro 1 Foster, Herbert W Dayton, OH 513-275-7614 Pro 2 Foster, John E Dallas, TX Pro 2 214·521·2745 Foster, John J (Jack) Houston, TX 512·980·4219 Pro 2 Foster, Kevin Waco, TX 817-756·0371 Pro 1 Foster, Laura Vera Beach, FL 407-567-7285 Pro 2 Foulk, Katherine Jensen Beach, FL 407-221-7351 Pro 1 Fous, William E Ft Myers, FL 813-768·4131 Pro 2 Fowler, Barbara Beverly Hills, CA 213·274-4364 Pro 2 Fowler, David H Sandy Hook, CT Pro 1 203·426·2190 Fowler, James Flint, Ml 313-238-9691 Pro 2 Fowler, James 0 Cheyenne, WY 307 ·632-9264 Pro 2 Fowler, John M Macungie, PA Pro 2 Fowler, Rick Orlando, FL 407-275·5772 Pro 2 Fox Den Country Club Knoxville, TN 615-966-9771 Club Fox, George Thomas Ft Myers, FL 813·936-2261 Pro 3



Foxworth, Mark B Oak Ridge, TN 615-482·4489 Pro Fraley, Mark C, Jr Louisville, KY 502-897-0673 Pro Fraley, William R Topeka, KS Pro 913·272-9236 Frampton, Mark H Phoenix, AZ 602-438·9000 Pro France, Scott E Toledo, OH 419-472-9448 Pro Francis, Genevieve Lark Baton Rouge, LA 504-726-4806 Pro Franco, Dado N Pontiac, Ml 313-334· 7364 Pro Francour, Steve A Oshkosh, WI 414-424-1203 Pro Frangipane, Lisa Winter Springs, FL Pro Frank, Barbara G Smith Fairport, NY 716-248-8980 Pro Franklin, Sleven E Grand Prairie, TX 214-660-5444 Pro Fraser, Alexander Duncan Austin, TX 512·478·1408 Pro Fraser, Allison J Austin, TX Pro Fraser, Barbara K Wolfeboro, NH 603-569-3683 Pro Fraser, John Madison, AL 205-461-8999 Pro Fraser, Patricia Palm Desert, CA 619-340-9166 Pro Frawley, Karen E San Diego, CA 619·727-7700 Pro Frazao, Pedro Vi!amoura, Portugal 89·312125 Pro

2 2 1 1

3 1 2 2


2 2

2 2

Frazer -


Frazer, Claude R Princeton, NJ 609-452-0301 Pro Frazer, Maxine W W Point, GA 404-663-5032 Pro Frazier, James F Ona, WV 304-736-0270 Pro Frazier, Ray C Greenville, SC 803-233-3562 Pro Frederick, lan R St Louis, MO 314-644-2372 Pro Frederick, James T Knoxville, TN 615-690-5700 Pro Frederick, Mary Ann Titusville, FL 407-267-1178 Pro Freehling, Mark A Abilene, TX 915-698-3902 Pro Freeman, Ed Glen Cove, NY Pro 516-67 4-9048 Freeman, Marcus A Dallas, TX 214-948-6114 Pro Freiman, David A Tampa, FL Pro 813-855-9617 Freischlag, W Peter Bolingbrook, IL Pro French, Douglas C Menlo Park, CA 415-854-6570 Pro French, Janet Elmhurst, IL 708-279-4768 Pro Freundlich, Peri Sue Weston, CT 914-234-9206 Pro Frew, D Scott Kalamazoo, Ml 616-329-2478 Pro Frewer, Warren Windhoek, Namibia Pro 061-31747 Frey, Conrad Glen Allen, VA 804-384-5614 Pro Frey, Kirk Wooster, OH 216-264-2632 Pro

Fromme, Chris L Solana Beach, CA 1 619-755-5435 Pro 2 Frost, Alan E Delray Beach, FL 2 407-272-0206 Pro 2 Frost, William N Beverly, MA 1 Pro 508-922-7847 2 Froug, Joy E Kennesaw, GA Pro 1 Fry, Mary 2 Santa Ana, CA 714-572-6023 Pro 2 Fuchizaki, Tsulomu 1 Tokyo, Japan San Francisco, CA 0766-61-4671 Pro 415-285-1735 Pro 1 Fuentes, Luis S 1 Friedman, Michael J W Palm Beach, FL Highland Park, IL 407-471-4026 Pro 708-432-2205 Pro 2 Fuentes, Rafael 2 Friedman, Mike Jersey City, NJ Demar, NY 201-915-9639 Pro Pro 1 Fuhreng, Brenda-Lee 518-436-0838 2 Friend, Buzz Las Vegas, NV S Dennis, MA 702-647-2521 Pro 508-385-3648 Pro 2 Fuhriman, Beverly C 1 Friend-Kerr, Jennifer Moraga, CA Hilton Head Island, 510-376-5980 Pro sc Fujii, Masako 803-686-8804 2 Pro 2 Pro Tokyo, Japan Frier, Deno Fujima, Kenji Midland, Ml Tokyo, Japan Pro 517-631-6151 Pro 1 1 Fujimoto, Kimitaka Frion, Kim l Pro Tokyo, Japan Milwaukee, WI 2 414-342-6690 Pro 3 Fujimoto, Yukihisa Tokyo, Japan Pro Frisby, Mark Fujino, Akihisa Issaquah, WA 2 Tokyo, Japan 206-392-7003 Pro 1 Pro 0466-33-5624 Friscia, James Fujino, Toshiyuki Roslyn Heights, NY 1 Pro Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 516-621-1385 Fujinuma, Toshinori Fritz, Anne Tokyo, Japan Pro Tucson, AZ 3 Pro 1 Fujishima, Yuichi 602-623-7676 Pro Tokyo, Japan Fritz, Guy H Fujita, Akira Rancho Mirage, CA 1 Tokyo, Japan Pro 619-322-0251 Pro 2 Fujita, Hidemaru Freehling, Frank Tokyo, Japan Pro Jensen Beach, FL 2 Pro 2 Fujita, Noriaki 407-285-1852 Tokyo, Japan Pro Froh, Cheryl L Fujita, Tomoko Stowe, VT Tokyo, Japan 2 802-253-9051 Pro 2 0472-49-8727 Pro Froment, Gerard Fujita, Yoshihilo Monaco Tokyo, Japan Pro 33-93-285510 Pro 2 1 Frieder, Susan L Philadelphia, PA 215-848-7269 Pro Friedland, Ilene M Roswell, GA 404-998-77 42 Pro Friedlander, Jerry Sarasota, FL Pro 813-388-2002 Friedman, Barry S La Verne, CA Pro 714-596-5062 Friedman, Barry W Boca Raton, FL 407-394-3843 Pro Friedman, Michael E


2 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 3 2

Fujita Fujita, Yoshikatsu Tokyo, Japan Pro 2

Fujiwara, Hiroaki Tokyo, Japan 011-852-7285 Pro 2 Fukai, lsao Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 0766-25-2695 Fukuda, Hirokazu Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Fukuda, Yoshinobu Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Fukumoto, Tetsuya Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Fukuoka, Yoshio Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Fukushima, Jun Tokyo, Japan 047-87-1329 Pro Fukushima, Makolo Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Fulgenzi, Ronald W (Ron) Estero, FL 813-475-7618 Pro 3 Fuller, Ty Atlanta, GA 404-394-0387 Master Pro Fullerton, Robert Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 213-541-8836 Pro 2 Fulton, Kevin R Maysville, KY 606-564-4335 Pro 2 Fulton, William F, Jr Atlanta, GA 404-691-0359 Pro 2 Funaki, Hajime Tokyo, Japan 04 74-48-5234 Pro 3 Funk, Thomas H Cape Coral, FL 813-542-3191 Pro 2

Furman, James D Leavenworth, WA 509-548-5277 Pro 3 Furman, Roger A St Louis, MO 314-353-1500 Pro 3 Furtney, Susan Apple Valley, MN 612-431-2351 Pro Furukawa, Gregg J Monroe, OR 503-998-8481 Pro

Furukawa, Shoji Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Furukawa, Shoji 0 Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Furukawa, Yoshito Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Furuta, Yoshifumi Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Furuuchi, Tomoko Tokyo, Japan 0476-23-0272 Pro 3 Furuya, Kenji Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 02963-5-9381 Fusco, Tony Ridgewood, NJ 201-447-0708 Pro Fushima, Kenji Tokyo, Japan 052-851-9376 Pro Fushita, Satoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Futchko, Steve A Upland, CA 714-985-2725 Pro 1 Fyfe, Kim Boca Raton, FL Pro 3 Gabel, Scott Yardley, PA 215-321-7324 Pro 1 Gabriel, Laura S Tucson, AZ 602-797-3614 Pro 1 Gadoua, Richard E Stone Mountain, GA 404-498-4528 Pro 1 Galligan, William P, Jr Springfield, IL Pro 3 217-787-4710 Gage, Benjamin C Bluffton, SC 803-757-3517 Pro Gagon, Paul D Fairfax Station, VA 703-690-6180 Master Pro Gaieski, Benjamin J Vail, CO 303-949-1258 Pro 2 Gaillard, Timothy L Lake Oswego, OR 503-638-0924 Pro 3 Gaiser, Karin Sue Tuscaloosa, AL 205-333-0803 Pro 1



Galbraith, Thomas J Cedar Rapids, lA Pro 319-396-4809 Gales, Scott Columbus, OH Pro Gallagher, Bambi L Pembroke Pines, FL Pro 2 305-437-2784 Gallagher, Emilia Ann Grafton, MA 508-839-0632 Pro 2 Gallagher, Ned Wallingford, CT 203-269-5420 Pro Gallagher, Steve Rochester, NY 716-244-5470 Pro 1 Gallardo, David Allen Coto de Caza, CA 714-858-2790 Pro 3 Gallaway, Hunter H Sacramento, CA 916-486-3668 Pro 3 Galli, Derek P Jackson, CA 209-223-3434 Pro 1 Gallo, Joseph A Bear, DE 302-834-9115 Pro 2 Galway, lee R Boise, ID 649-537-3446 Pro 2 Gamble, Becky Callan Boulder, CO Pro 1 Gamble, Dr Bob Buffalo, NY Pro 2 716-884-1235 Gambucci, John P Jackson, WI 414-677-3681 Pro 2 Gamel, George K Virginia Beach, VA 804-481-7545 Pro 3 GAMMA Sports Pittsburgh, PA 412-323-0335 Affil Gammon, Linda Siegel Emeryville, CA 510-654-8700 Pro 2 Ganahl, Gary, PhD Stone Mountain, GA 404-939-7532 Pro 2 Gandee, David K Durham, NC 919-830-6128 Pro 3 Gannon, Larry P Milwaukee, WI 414-482-341 0 Pro 3

Garabedian -


Garabedian, Alan Horsham, PA 215-646-6621 Pro Garber, Michael A Scottsdale, AZ 602-991-1352 Pro Garcia, Albert Toledo, OH 419-4 74-4049 Pro Garcia, Alfredo Owensboro, KY 502·926·7243 Pro Garcia, Andy Miami, FL 305·324·0546 Pro Garcia, Ben Henderson, CO 303-287-6617 Pro Garcia, Carlos M Knoxville, TN 615-690-5700 Pro Garcia, Eduardo S Landenberg, PA 215-274-8184

2 1 2

2 2

Master Pro

Gardiner, Alvin Robert Newport Beach, CA 714-644-0050 Pro 3 Gardiner, Charles S, Ill Northfield, IL 708-501-2725 Pro Gardiner, John Carmel Valley, CA 408-659-2207 Pro 1 Han Gardiner, Mark A Anderson, SC 803-225-1193 Pro 2 Gardner, Michael J Brighton, MA 617-782-0364 Pro 1 Gardner, Ruth Ann Chandler, AZ 602-786-5242 Pro 2 Gardner-Reese, Pal Alpharetta, GA 404-751-8866 Pro 1 Garlington, R Ellis Tulsa, OK 918-627-1089 Pro 2 Garman, Steven Birmingham, AL 205-969-1950 Pro 1 Garner, Gary D Virginia Beach, VA 804·481-7545 Pro 1

Garo, Spence Lake Worth, FL 407-585-7970 Pro 2 Garos, Jako Garland, TX 214-840-9406 Pro 1 Garr, Brandon D Orange, CA 714-923-6000 Pro 3 Garrett, Gene San Diego, CA 619-224·1222 Pro 1 Garrido, Reynaldo Miami, FL 305-551-1079 Pro 2 Garrity, Michael W Fairfield, CT 203-334-1979 Pro 1 Garron, Paul J Walnut Creek, CA Pro 1 415-653-6789 Gary, David John Tampa, FL 813-971·0347 Pro 2 Gaskell, Edward, Ill New Orleans, LA 504-283-9303 Pro 2 Gaskill, Terri A Glen Burnie, MD 301-859-1583 Pro 1 Gaska, Timothy H Sterling Heights, Ml 313-247-1468 Pro 2 Gasque, Brian S Peaks Island, ME 207-766-5506 Pro 2 Gastin, Paul B Victoria, Australia 03·560-9776 Pro 2 Gaslonguay, Paul J Lewiston, ME Pro 1 914-234-9206 Gately, Chuck L Davie, FL 207-583-6755 Pro 2 Gates, William S McAllen, TX Pro 1 210-630-5526 Gatewood, Joseph W Potomac, MD 301-340-7247 Pro 2 Gath, Robin G Torrington, CT 203-567-8383 Pro 3 Gatlin, Janel M Naples, FL 813-793-1415 Pro 2


Galler, Sharyn C Chalfont, PA Pro 2 215-822-8671 Gaussiran, Charles D Orlando, FL 407-345-0539 Pro 2 Gautschi, John R Wellesley Hills, MA 617-235-0650 Pro 2 Gavato, Donald Denver, CO 303-770-0717 Pro 1 Gavin, Deborah Escondido, CA 619-747-0366 Pro 1 Gaynor, Don Pacific Palisades, CA 213-454-6162 Pro 1 Gazarian, Vahe Burbank, CA 818-848-6449 Pro 1 Geatz, David Minneapolis, MN 612·625·3880 Pro 2 Geer, Larry Johnston City, IL 618·983-6760 Pro 2 Gehin, Michel Key West, FL 305·296-1047 Pro 2 Gellman, Michele South Bend, IN Pro 1 219-277-7325 Gelina, Marc R Grosse Point Woods, Ml 313-886-0777 Pro 1 Gendler, Sam Z Brentwood, TN Pro 1 Generaux, Dan M Huntington Beach, CA 714-363-1154 Pro 3 Gengler, Marion C New York, NY Pro 2 Gennette, Mike Thousand Oaks, CA Pro 2 805-492-7867 Genovese, Gina Rose Berkeley Heights, NJ 201-464·6490 Pro 3 Genter, Steve Altoona, PA 814-944-9412 Pro 2 Gentry, Christopher M Indian Hills, CO 303-279-2589 Pro 2



George George, Gary J Redlands, CA 714-798-1911 Pro 1 George, Jacynth C Phoenix, AZ 602-266-5428 Pro 2 George, Matthew T Danville, IL

217-351-2226 Pro 2 Georgi, Lola A Wahiawa, HI Pro 2 808-621·5029 Geraci, Anthony M Punta Gorda, FL Pro 1 813· 743-8939 Geraci, Tim Cincinnati, OH

513-863-8900 Pro Geraghty, Walter, Jr San Antonio, TX

21 0-684-4189 Pro Gerbaud, Arturo Panama, Republic of Panama Pro Gerber, E Lawrence Grafton, IL Pro 618-786-2228 Gerber, Jack A Apple Valley, CA 619-247-4718 Pro Gerber, Kathleen Apple Valley, CA Pro 619-247-4718

Torrance, CA

Pro 213·542-7373 Geyer, Natalie S Muskegon, Ml 616-733-4000 Pro 2 Geyman, Jerry D Dallas, TX 214-343-2775 Pro 1 Giachino, James J Branford, CT 203-254-4000 Pro 1 Giaimo, Cal

Corralitos, CA 408-425-3302

Pro 2

Giammaiva, Sam

2 1 2 2

Gerbino, Glenn

El Paso, TX Pro Gerechofl, Stuart T Nutley, NJ 201 -667-3202 Pro Geremich, John R Hamtramck, Ml 313-469-7000 Pro Gerig, Jared C Ft Wayne, IN 219-432-5836 Pro

Gervickas, Steven N Natick, MA Pro 508-358· 7355 Gessford, Roy M San Diego, CA 619-452-8836 Pro 3 Getchell, Gregory B White Bear Lake, MN Pro 1 Gelz, Nicolaus

3 1 2 1

Germain, Henry

Tracy, CA 209-833-1324 Pro 2 Germer, Guy Ft Myers, FL 813-482-8690 Pro 1 Gerrick, H Renee San Diego, CA 619-451 ·8651 Pro 2

Houston, TX 713-465·0352

Pro 1 Hon Giannelli, Cathleen A Wyckoff, NJ 201-847-8612 Pro 2 Gibbens, Dennis

Pocatello, ID Pro 208-237-7298 Gibbens, Greg L Birmingham, AL 205-870-5022 Pro Gibbons, Dale Bonita Springs, FL 813-495-0811 Pro Gibbons, Gary Long Beach, CA 31 0-439·004 7 Pro Gibbons, Grant C Dillard, GA 704-526·3531 Pro Gibbs, Thomas Roanoke, VA 703-387-1524 Pro Giblin, Randy R Los Gatos, CA 408-353-2814 Pro Gibson, Kathleen New Milford, CT 203-355-9051 Pro Gibson, Peter New South Wales, Australia Pro


2 2


Gibson, Robert W Lincoln City, OR 503-994-3762 Pro 2 Giflenig, Edgar A Austin, TX Pro 1 512-345· 1968 Gilford, Robert M Skaneateles, NY Pro 2 685-5868 Gilbert, Barry Lafayette, CA 510-652-8598 Pro 1 Gilbert, Dan Fresno, CA 209-431 ·8200 Pro 2 Gilbert, David Yonkers, NY 212-293-2386 Pro 3 Gilbert, Harry Ormond Beach, FL 904-437-2427 Pro 1 Gilbert, J Town send Barre, VT 802-479-3174 Pro 1 Gilbert, Jason P Fremont, CA 510-582-6583 Pro 3 Gilbert, Jim G Palm Harbor, FL 813-786-1269 Pro 2 Gilbertson, Roger L II Redwood City, CA 415-851 -8843 Pro 1 Gilbride, lisa Connolly Topsham, ME Pro 2 207-729-8433 Gilchrist, Geoffrey M Sea Girt, NJ 201-681 -3366 Pro 1 Gilchrist, Jane

Minneapolis, MN 612-559·8854 Pro 3 Gildemeister, Diane

Durham, NC 2 2 1 1 3


Gildemeister, Fritz

Durham, NC Pro Giles, Upton W, Ill Colgate, WI Pro Gilkey, Bob N Dartmouth, MA Pro 2 508-993-9494 Gilkey, Dick E Guthrie, OK 405-946-2739 Pro 2 Gill, Chuck Boca Raton, FL 407-395-3000 Pro 1

Gill -


Gill, David M Giuglescu, Florin Indianapolis, IN New York, NY 317-291-4664 212-265-9245 Pro Master Pro Gill, Paul D Giza, David V Indianapolis, IN 317-293-8069 Pro Boca Raton, FL 407-391-1271 Pro 3 Gillan, Brad R Santa Barbara, CA Glackin, David 805-682-4754 Pro Brooklyn, NY 718-857-4388 Pro 1 Gilleland, Guy B Gladman, Dan Raleigh, NC 919-217-9755 Pro 2 Baton Rouge, LA 504-755-0679 Pro 1 Gillen, Owen Cathedral City, CA Glasco, Kyle L 619-346-6123 Pro 2 Phoenix, AZ 602-992-1017 Pro 1 Gill-Fisher, Pamela L Dixon, CA Glass, Steven C 916-752-7510 Pro 2 Valencia, CA 818-368-6220 Pro 2 Gilliam, Patricia A Big Canoe, GA Glaze, Dale 404-441-2828 Pro 1 Denison, TX 214-463-1821 Pro 1 Gilliford, William J, Jr Downingtown, PA Gleason, Michael R Pro 1 215-269-3913 Tucson, AZ 602-886-9868 Pro 3 Gilliford, Winifred Wayne, PA Glenn, Thomas B 215-688-3136 Pro 1 Natick, MA 508-651-9202 Pro 2 Gillis, Robert Dean Atlanta, GA Glickenhaus, Erika 404-352-9096 Pro 3 Sandpoint, ID 208-263-2872 Pro 3 Gilmore, Rich Coconut Grove, FL Glickman, Robert Pro 1 305-854-5283 Syosset, NY 516-921-0549 Pro 1 Gilmore, Scott A Ft Walton Beach, FL Glitz, Joseph D 904-244-4566 Pro 3 York, PA 717-757-4246 Pro 3 Gilreath, Malcolm S Sioux City, lA Glitz, Laura Ann 712-255-7659 Pro 3 York, PA 717-757-4833 Pro 3 Gilroy, Chris Pro 2 Gloger, David Peekskill, NY Houston, TX Gimenez, Jose luis 713-481-5777 Pro 2 Malaga, Spain 952-44-0948 Pro 1 Glore, Charles Foster, Ill Ginwala, Jay P Golden, CO Santa Clara, CA 802-526-9203 Pro 2 408-296-4015 Pro 2 Gluck, Geoffrey S Gist, William N Deerfield, IL Jacksonville, FL Pro 2 708-948-5484 904-285-0489 Pro 1 Gitis, Leonid

Gnann, lisa R

Brooklyn, NY Pro 2 516-883-6425 Gittleson, Steven Eric Potomac, MD 301-299-2650 Pro 3

Hauppauge, NY 516-367-3100 Pro Godfrey, Caroline K Indianapolis, IN 317-297-8485 Pro


Godfrey, Carolyn Sue Elsah, IL 618-374-5271 Pro 1 Godfrey, Wanda A Birmingham, AL 205-977-3062 Pro 3 Goebel, Scott A Lancaster, PA 717-293-8659 Pro 3 Goff, Michael Punta Gorda, FL 813-743-8150 Pro 1 Golfi, Carlos Johns Island, SC Pro 2 Goggins, Karen E Acton, MA 508-263-7742 Pro 1 Gohagan, linda Rochester, NY 716-654-6103 Pro 1 Goheen, Amber Battle Ground, WA Pro 1 Goitein, Michael H Tenafly, NJ 201-569-4970 Pro 2 Gold, Jonas Fair Lawn, NJ 201-797-9075 Pro 2 Goldberg, Linda Phoenix, AZ 602-934-3758 Pro 2 Goldberg, lisa J Chicago, IL 312-868-1799 Pro 1 Goldberg, Marc Freehold, NJ 908-780-1824 Pro 1 Goldberg, Philip A Newton, MA 617-244-7445 Pro 2 Golden, Abe Glenview, IL 312-251-4769 Pro 1 Hon Goldin, Mark Erie, PA 814-838-9632 Pro 2 Goldman, Stephen Milton, MA 617-963-0660 Pro 2 Goldman, Tracy Ann Atlanta, GA 404-698-2080 Pro 2 Goldring, Jean Ames, lA Pro 2 515-292-2729



Goldsmith Goldsmith, Barry Brooklyn, NY 718-646-1248 Pro 1 Goldsmith, Cathy Dyer Baird, TX 915-854-1340 Pro 2 Goldstein, Adam S Wilmington, DE 302-655-6513 Pro 2 Goldstein, Bernice

Bayside, NY 718-631-7142 Pro 2 Goldzweig, Gary Paramus, NJ 201-843-4241 Pro 3 GOLF DIGEST/TENNIS, Inc Trumbull, CT 203-84 7-5811 Affil Gollnick, Glenn C Vera Beach, FL 407-567-5645 Pro 2 Golsmith, Robert Pittsburgh, PA 412-661-1812 Pro 3 Gomez, Carlos E

San Diego, CA Pro 3 Gomez, Robert

Miami, FL 305-444-3989

Pro 3

Gomez, Steven A

Alameda, CA 415-865-0862 Pro Gomsi, Donald Redlands, CA 714-792-4829 Pro Gonce, Jeffrey L Concord, CA 510-676-7908 Pro Gondowidjojo, Mien Jakarta, Indonesia Pro Gonela, Lakshman R Dublin, OH 614-879-8563 Pro Gonier, Sleven L Richfield, MN 612-944-2434 Pro Gonzales, Janel Ocala, FL 904-629-9736 Pro Gonzales, Spike G Rochester, NY 716-461-0148 Pro Gonzalez, Eddie A Atlanta, GA 404-512-0365 Pro

Gonzalez, Emilio Miami, FL 305-383-2564 Pro 2 Gonzalez, Francisco

Ramon Carolina, Puerto Rico

809-758-4090 Pro 1 Gonzalez, Sandra P Kihei, Mau1, HI 808-879-3446 Pro 2 Gonzalez, Teresa

Avon Lake, OH 216-331-4980 Pro Goodall, George A Danville, NH 603-642-3056 Pro Gooding, Michael C Houston, TX 713-520-8768 Pro Goodling, Jenni E York, PA 717-757-4833 Pro

2 1 2 2

1 2 3 2 2 2 1

3 1 3 3 1 3


New York, NY 212-333-2671 Pro 2 Goodman, Mark A Crested Butte, CO 303-349-5470 Pro 2 Goodman, Susan Boynton Beach, FL 407-966-2086 Pro 1

Stephen Gold River, CA Pro 916-631-0956 Gore, Kenneth B Chicago, IL 312-263-7560 Pro Gorman, Gary R Saunderstown, Rl 401-295-0441 Pro 2

San Rafael, CA 415-485-3333 Pro 2 Goodrick, Douglas Wulflingen. Germany 09521-4194 Pro 2 Goodwin, Clint A Murrells Inlet, SC Pro 1 Goodwin, l Gaines Boulder, CO 303-530-9104 Pro 1 Goodwyn, T lawrence Monroe, LA

318-388-0902 Pro Gorchow, Jason S Lincolnwood, IL 312-677-3866 Pro Gorde, Anne M St Paul, MN 612-489-9161 Pro Gordon, Alston M N Myrtle Beach, SC 803-272-4241 Pro

1 3 2 1

Gordon, Andrew


Gordon, Bill Tulsa, OK Pro 918-493-2824 Gordon, Edward T Fox Lake, IL Pro 312-587-2733 Gordon, Harry Lodi, CA 408-732-2130 Pro Gordon, Philip Hartford, CT 203-278-4887 Pro Gordon, Theodore R Schaumburg, IL 708-882-5293 Pro Gordon, William P Freeport, NY 516-623-2929 Pro Gordon-Carney, Shannon E Van Nuys, CA 818-994-9142 Pro

Goodman, James A

Goodman, Teri



Cambria, CA


Pro 2

Gorman, James 0

Santa Clara, CA 408-356-7237 Pro 1 Gorman, Thomas C Powell, TN 615-938-1242 Pro 3 Gornto, Milch W Palm Beach, FL 407-832-4271 Pro 1 Goryohara, Junko

Tokyo, Japan 047 4-24-3248 Pro 3 Goss, Nancy M Neptune City, NJ 908-431-9500 Pro 2 Goss, Robert Neptune City, NJ 908-77 4-3228 Pro 3 Goswami, Bid K S Salem, NY 914-763-5262 Pro Gothard, Sylvia A Park Forest, IL 708-748-1146 Master Pro

Goto- Green Goto, Aisuji Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Goto, Junichi

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Goto, Keiji

Tokyo, Japan Goto, Mia Tokyo, Japan 06-672-2332 Goto, Tomohilo Tokyo, Japan Gotch, Koichi Tokyo, Japan 0425-84-0187 Gould, Bruce F Berkley, Ml 313-642-8091 Gould, Dick Menlo Park, CA 415-497-1160

Pro 3 Pro 3 Pro 2 Pro 3 Pro 2 Pro 1 Hon

Gouts, Marcelo J Lk Buena Vista, FL 407-934-4000 Pro 3 Gowda, Jagadish J Whitsett, NC 919-449-7121 Pro 2 Grace, Michael L Queensland, Australia

Pro 2 079-469144 Grady, Russell L Lihue, HI 808-245-7655 Pro 2 Gral!, Charles (Rusty) Cedar Rapids, lA 319-396-7060 Pro 1 Graff, Jay Stephen Brentwood, TN 615-373-3154 Pro Grall, Michael P W Bloomfield, Ml 313-626-9880 Pro Graham, David G Penn Valley, CA 916-432-2407 Pro 1 Graham, John W Arlington, VA 703-553-0643 Pro 2 Graham, Joseph Ross Bloomington, IL 309-662-4361 Pro 1

Graham, larry Atlanta, GA 404-767-3586 Pro 2 Graham, Mark F Northport, NY 516-757-7324 Pro 1

Graham, Miriam P Northport, NY 516-757-7324 Pro 2 Graham, Philip E La Jolla, CA 619-456-1768 Pro 2 Graham, Robert W, Ill Mclean, VA 703-356-1488 Pro 2 Grainger, Dennis W Boca Raton, FL 407-491-3200 Pro 1 Gramatica, Nestor R Irvington, NJ 201-731-1740 Pro 2 Grammen, Michael S

Boca Raton, FL 407-997-8083 Pro 2 Grammen, Robert

Naples, FL 813-591-4526 Pro 1 Granata, Michael W Des Moines, lA 515-248-7246 Pro 2 Grange, Todd Snowmass Village, CO 303-923-4547 Pro 1 Grannis, Frank J Louisville, KY 502-426-7697 Pro 2 Grant, Patrick A Morton Grove, IL

312-965-3860 Pro 1 Grant, Patrick E Stone Mountain, GA 404-732-8632 Pro 2 Grant, Richard C Los Angeles, CA 213-822-0611 Pro 2 Grantham, Michael D Geneva, IL Pro 2 Grasha, Ronald Altamonte Springs, FL 407-884-9227 Pro 2 Grassanovits, Robert

Arlington, TX 817-457-9510 Pro Gratz, Terry A Atlanta, GA 404-804-1015 Pro Grauer, Cynthia Miller Place, NY 516-751-6100 Pro Graves, Anlwan T Stockton, CA 209-465-3722 Pro


1 1 1 3

Graves, louis Detroit, Ml 313-368-4564 Pro 1 Graves, Steven B Denver, CO 303-757-7353 Pro 2 Graves, W Farrell Ft Smith, AR 501-452-1158 Pro 1 Gray, Bo Santa Fe, NM 505-983-11 06 Pro 1 Gray, Daniel P Boca Raton, FL 407-394-4353 Pro 1 Gray, James Wesley Chapel, FL 813-973-1111 Pro 1 Gray, Jell Mobile, AL Pro 1 205-342-8590 Gray, Spencer E E Providence, Rl 401-438-2092 Pro Gray, Tim K Chestertown, MD 410-778-2800 Pro Gray, Tommy Sterling Heights, Ml 313-247-4457 Master Pro Gray, Wayne Dunedin, New Zealand 06434883767 Pro 3 Gray, William R, Ill Boise, ID 208-376-1052 Pro 3 Graziani, Ronen Indianapolis, IN 317-253-3771 Pro 1 Grebe, Scott R Cupertino, CA 408-255-5589 Pro 3 Greco, Karen Grotlisch Houston, TX 713-444-6822 Pro Green, Arthur Sherman Oaks, CA 818-788-1218 Pro Green, Cecil, Jr Mohegan Lake, NY 914-528-0907 Pro Green, Phillip Palm Harbor, FL 813-784-4133 Pro 1


Green Green, Robert L S Barrington, IL 312-526-7623 Pro Green, Wendy Kyoto, Japan 075-701-8295 Pro Greenberg, Douglas H Aiken, SC 803-641-7974 Pro 2 Greenberg, Morton Baltimore, MD 301-882-4257 Pro Greenberg, Scott M Chicago, IL Pro Greenberg· Reuter, Cindy Morristown, NJ 201-822-1900 Pro 2 Greene, Brenda Birmingham, AL 205-991-0766 Pro 3 Greene, Ernie A St Paul, MN Pro 2 612-488-6359 Greene, James l Pompano Beach, FL 305-946-2260 Pro 3 Greene, Kathleen A St Paul, MN Pro 2 Greene, Kelly J Elgin, IL 708-695-6306 Pro 2 Greene, Mary E (Beth) Waukee, lA Pro 515-223-0027 Greene, Michael D Lawrenceville, GA 404-806-1602 Pro Greene, Dr Robert F Riverdale, NY 212-796-7400 Pro 3 Greene, Robert, Jr Rangeley, ME Pro 1 207-864-2540 Greenman, Brian R Sanibel, FL 813-472-3522 Pro 3 Greenwald, Douglas H Omaha, NE 402-556-9460 Pro 2 Greenwood, Gabriel N Miami, FL 305-238-4365 Pro 2 Greer, H Scott Bloomington, IN 812-332-9896 Pro 1

Greer, Ted Wayzata, MN 612-476-4269 Pro Gregg, Bill Sheboygan, WI 414-452-4845 Pro 1 Gregor, James L (Jim) Flanders, NJ 201-584-0963 Pro Gregorio, Dr Renee San Diego, CA 619-275-1971 Pro Gregory, Russell Philadelphia, PA Pro 215-844-5255 Gregson, Randolph Metairie, LA Pro 1 Hon Greider, Thomas Eugene, OR 503-683-341 0 Pro 1 GreiwewKing, Genevieve Tampa, FL Pro 2 813-254-4723 Grevsbo, Stephane Arcveil, France 47-35-14-92 Pro 2 Grey, Hugh B Pine Knoll Shores, NC 919-726-3222 Pro 2 Griesinger, laura Jean Chicago, IL Pro 2 312-235-2300 Griffin, Geoff San Diego, CA Pro 2 619-692-1202 Griffin, ian A Beaumont, TX Pro 1 409-866-2833 Gri!lin, Sharon M Glen Ellyn, IL 708-469-3087 Pro 2 Griffith, Jack W, Jr Madison, MS 601-856-7794 Pro 1 Grillith, Paul R Pro 2 Lafayette, LA Grill, Stephen C New York, NY 212-371-6969 Pro 2 Grimes, Nancy P Nashua, NH Pro 2 603-673-7123 Grimes, Scott Alan Atlanta, GA 404-458-3591 Pro 1



Grimolizzi .. Jensen, C J Wauseon, OH Pro 1 419-335-0983 Grinnan, Lew Lincoln, MA Pro 2 617-259-1423 Grinnell, Grant Bellevue, WA 206-562-8223 Pro 2 Grisham, James (Dick) Apple Valley, CA 619-247-4982 Pro 1 Grisham, Rick S Austin, TX 512-443-1334 Pro 2 Griswold, Anne B Naples, FL 813-262-5031 Pro 1 Groah, Suzanne L Reston, VA 703-435-8506 Pro 2 Grob, Jacek T Des Plaines, IL 708-945-4413 Pro 3 Grobler, Chari Wenatchee, WA 509-662-3544 Pro Groll, Christopher F Guatemala City, Guatemala

502-2357461 Groll, Elizabeth

Pro 2

Lancaster, PA

717-393-2200 Pro 2 Gronich, Steven B Victoria, Australia Pro 2 6138539968 Grooms, Rick Nashville. TN 615-872-8702 Pro 2 Groppel, Jack L, PhD Wesley Chapel, FL 813-973-8022 Master Pro Gross, Paul H W Orange, NJ 201-731-1740 Pro 2 Gross, Thomas R, Jr Waterville Valley, NH 603-236-4311 Pro 2 Grossman, Bob Coral Springs, FL Pro 1 Grossman, Janet Hermosa Beach, CA 213-318-6208 Pro 2 Grossman, Michael M Seattle, WA Pro 2

Grout -


Grout, Montgomery B San Diego, CA 619-275-1874 Pro Grouwinkei, Karen C Torrance, CA Pro 213-373-6326 Grover, George E (Greg) Marietta, GA 404-641-1685 Master Pro

Grover, Janice B Suffolk, VA 804-539-1677 Pro 2 Groves, John Andrew {Drew), Ill New Concord, OH 614-826-7681 Pro 2 Grubb, James Media, PA 215-566-9697 Pro 1 Grubb, Matthew Portland, OR 503-284-5916 Pro 2 Grubbs, Ann C Arlington, VA 703-893-4428 Pro 1 Grubi, Jeremy S Heilbronn, Germany

49-713145152 Pro 3 Grunberg, Peter A Hagerstown, MD 301-739-0743 Pro 2 Grunditz, Tommy R Mandeville, LA 504-626-1580 Pro 1 Guarachi, Fernando Destin, FL 904-837-3713 Pro 1 Guastella, Aggie Grosse Point Woods, Ml 313-881-3165 Pro 2 Gudina, Linda I San Lorenzo, CA 415-276-8216 Pro 3 Gudwien, Michael J Champaign, IL Pro 2 217-351-0843 Guengerich, Frank D Falls Church, VA 703-478-8901 Pro 1 Guenlert, Linda E Lansing, Ml 517-349-1199 Pro 2 Guerin, Artie Sarasota, FL 813-921-7385 Pro 1

Guerin, Jean M Shreveport, LA 318-868-1258 Pro 2 Guerire, irving Deerfield Beach, FL 305-698-0275 Pro 3 Guerrero, Rick San Francisco, CA

Pro 2 415-399-1193 Guerry, Alex Chattanooga, TN 615-821-4571 Pro 1 Han Guessoum, Kamel Delray Beach, FL 407-265-3365 Pro 2 Guevara, John L Visalia, CA 209-734-5307 Pro 1 Guignet, Henry D W Newton, MA 617-244-4463 Pro 1 Guilfoil, Bill Fairway, KS 913-642-6880 Pro 1 Guilfoil, Eileen L Fairway, KS 816-561-2808 Pro 3 Guill, Michael A Sunrise, FL 305-7 49-7790 Pro 2 Gullikson, Bruce R Lakeville, MN Pro 1 612-435-7125 Gullikson, Thomas R Palm Coast, FL 904-445-4326 Pro 1 Gullikson, Tim Wheaton, IL 405-395-3000 Pro 1 Gundlach, Wallace Exeter, NH 603-772-4198 Pro 1 Gundrum, Thomas San Diego, CA 619-759-7279 Pro 3 Gunlock, Cheryl D Santa Maria, CA 805-922-0642 Pro 1 Gunn, Gregory L Melbourne, Australia Pro 3 03-561-3982 Gunter, Peter H Brooklyn, NY 718-499-9427 Pro 2


Gunterman, Kelly Manchester Center,

VT 802-297-2525 Gupta, Prem C Indianapolis, IN 317-849-2531 Guralski, Rick Bridgeport, CT 203-332-7017 Gurney, Kenneth Jr Boca Raton, FL 407-392-6111

Pro 1 Pro 1 Pro 2 W,

Master Pro

Gurolnick, Robert M Chicago, IL 312-868-9560 Pro 2 Gusman, Bernard J, Jr Honolulu, HI 808-946-2951 Pro 1 Guss, Tim L Mesa, AZ 602-981-6501 Pro 2 Gustafson, Michael C Plantation, FL 305-791-8349 Pro Gustafson, Thomas Bloomington, IN 812-331-1644 Pro 1 Guterman International Worcester, MA 508-852-8206 Affil Gutke, Steven W Alpharetta, GA 404-751-8890 Pro 2 Guzmann, Karin R Monmouth Beach, NJ 908-238-1122 Pro 3 Gwyn, Ron W Hilton Head Island,


Pro 1 803-686-8803 Gwynne, Jell M San Jose, CA 408-894-0406 Pro 3 Gyson, Steven M W Palm Beach, FL Pro 2 407-582-7218 Haas, David M Tacoma, WA 206-305-0572 Pro 2 Haase, Bruce St John, Virgin Islands Pro 2 809-776-6555 Haber, Michael G Big Rapids, Ml 616-592-2212 Pro 2


Haber- Hall Haber, Tony San Diego, CA 619-292-5033 Pro 1 Habes, Joe E N Andover, MA 508-682-6453 Pro 3 Hach, Marlene Painesville, OH

216-357-0517 Pro 3 Hachiya, Kazutoshi Tokyo, Japan 045-901-6184 Pro 3 Hackett, James K Burke, VA 703-569-7438 Pro 2 Hacohen, Avner New York, NY 212-534-397 4 Pro 2 Haddox, Bud Simpsonville, SC 803-967-9516 Pro 1 Hadi, Jeanette Santa Fe, NM 505-984-2060 Pro 1 Hadjissotirov, Boyan Ludmilov Houston, TX 713-932·7558 Pro 3 Hadley, Jim I San Francisco, CA 707-938-9000 Pro 3 Halets, Drew I Boca Raton, FL 407-997-0881 Pro 2 Hagedorn, Thomas Tucson, AZ 602-323-3329 Pro 2 Hagen, Mike Indianapolis, IN 317-849-2531 Pro 1 Hagen, R Steven Stoughton, MA 617·341-5000 Pro 2 Hagenbuch, Ricky C Santa Barbara, CA 805-682-4722 Pro 1 Hagerman, Betty Sue Dallas, TX 214-260-6280 Pro 1 Hagerman, Bobby Dallas, TX 214-526-5836 Pro 1 Hagey, Edward San Diego, CA 619-581-0617 Pro 2 Hagiwara, Naomi Tokyo, Japan 053726-1681 Pro 2

Hagiwara, Toshio Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Hagler, David L Los Angeles, CA 213-255-9422 Pro Hagler, Lance Dumas, TX Pro Hagman, Christopher Norcross, GA 404-257-9322 Pro Hagoort, Rhea D Smith Boynton Beach, FL 407.734-6263 Pro Hague, Douglas J Dallas, TX 214-713-8238 Pro Hahn, Bowie Thousand Oaks, CA 818-888-81 00 Pro Hahn, Jim Boca Raton, FL Pro 407-395-0128 Hahn, Richard Okoboji, lA Pro 712-332-7173 Haigh, Keith B

2 2

Tokyo, Japan

03-3482-3904 Pro 3 Halberg, Jeffery William Winona, MN

2 2 1 1

Cincinnati, OH

513-793-9200 Pro Haigh, Scott A Milford, OH 513-793-9200 Pro 2 Haight, Sue N Lauderdale, FL 305-452-2530 Pro 2 Haims, Gregory P Santa Rosa, CA 707-523-4457 Pro 2 Haines, Amy Germantown, MD

301-540-3687 Pro 2 Haines, Darrell R Germantown, MD 301-816-9713 Pro 2 Hains, Jonathan Brentwood, TN 615-373-3988 Pro Hairston, Heather E Cincinnati, OH 513-451-4233 Pro Hajducky, Joseph S,

Jr Bridgeport, CT 203-371-4542 Pro 2 Hajducky, Kenneth M Bridgeport, CT 203-373-7175 Pro 3


Hakansson, Lars E Tequesta, FL Pro 1 407-744-9424 Hakman, Doris Honolulu, HI Pro 1 808-949-7063 Hakoda, Masaru

Pro 2 507-452-0989 Hale, Ben F, Jr Hilton Head Island,


Pro 2 803-842-2009 Hall, Brett Roseburg, OR 503-672-9995 Pro Hall, Christopher Tequesta, FL Pro Hall, Curt Rancho Mirage, CA 619-345-0412 Pro Hall, Daryl Harrisburg, PA Pro 2 Hall, Duncan Boca Raton, FL Pro 2 407-994-5854 Hall, Edward Owen Sound, Canada Pro 1 519-376-3331 Hall, Frank C Lodi, CA 209-333-8136 Pro 2 Hall, H Joseph Tucson, AZ 602-888-9290 Pro 1 Hall, J Parker Wilmette, IL 312-256-8599 Pro 1 Hall, Jim E, II Princeville, HI

808-826-4625 Pro Hall, Kevin M Discovery Bay, CA 510-634-7376 Pro Hall, Michael C Englewood, CO 303-771-8345 Pro Hall, Roger Elan College, NC Pro Hall, Stanley Todd Orangeburg, SC 803-534-1576 Pro

2 3 1 2 1

Halle -


Halle, Tricia M Denver, CO 303-839-9721 Pro Hailer, Monica M Palm Springs, CA 619-345-6409 Pro Hallquest, Jason Lahaina, Maui, HI 808-669-1625 Pro Halpine, Richard Grand Island, NE 308-384-5971 Pro Halski, Toni Sanibel, FL 813-472-4757 Pro

2 1 2 1 3

Halverson, Roy

Minnetonka, MN 612-546-4362 Pro 2 Halvorsen, Daniel K

Sunfish Lake, MN 612-457-1571 Pro 2 Hamabe, Masaaki

Tokyo, Japan 0472-75-2914

Pro 2

Hamada, Kunio

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621

Pro 2

Hamaguchi, Hiroomi

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Hamaguchi, Tadaaki Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Hamaguchi, Yasutoshi

Tokyo, Japan Pro Hamamoto, Takashi Tokyo, Japan 0775-43-6225 Pro Hambrock, Michael J Terre Haute, IN 812-234-4312 Pro Hambrook, Owen N Kansas City, MO 515-993-3056 Pro Hamburg, Laury Homewood, IL 708-799-6745 Pro Hament, John M Sarasota, FL 813-364-2716 Pro Hamill, James A Harrisburg, PA 717-534-2724 Pro Hamilton, Jeffrey Belmont, MA 617-484-9062 Pro Hamilton, Kevin R Topeka, KS 913-354-8565 Pro

1 3 1 1 2 1 3 2 1

Hamilton, Sara l Wichita, KS 913-381-5960 Pro 1 Hamilton, Scott A Myrtle Beach, SC 803-449-8079 Pro 2 Hamilton, Thomas Richard Sarasota, FL 813-349-6096 Pro 2 Hamilton, Ward Richmond. VA 804-272-1220 Pro 2 Hamlin, Kari l Pleasanton, CA 415-462-0698 Pro 2 Hamlin, Mark J Dusseldorf, Germany 0211-633440 Pro 2 Hamm, Norman H

Hampton, Robert E Lexington, SC 803-781-3000 Pro 2 Hanauer, Richard C

Ft Wayne, IN Pro 2 219-436-37 43 Hance, Kenneth M Torrance, CA 310-378-3011 Pro 1 Hancock, Clark J St George, UT 801-628-4350 Pro 1 Hancock, James R, Jr

(Jim) Roanoke, VA 703-77 4-8880



Pro 3

Hancock, Michael

Roswell, GA 404-664-4529 Hand, Robert E Corinth, MS 601-286-5364 Handback, Scott High Point, NC 919-869-2132 Handy, Ray Newport, VT 808-262-2266

Pro 2

Elkhorn, NE 402-554-4809 Pro 2 Pro 3 Hammargren, Pamela l Bacci Los Altos. CA Pro 3 415-324-2771 Pro 2 Hammel, Laury Sudbury, MA Pro 3 508-443-9853 Pro 1 Haneishi, Akio Hammerlee, Robert Tokyo, Japan Winfield, PA 03-735-4755 Pro 3 717-374-6862 Pro 1 Haneishi, Shigeru Hammerquist, Rick Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Salem, OR 503-371-3543 Pro 1 Hanlling, Claude M Alexandria, VA Pro 3 Hammerschmidt, Kurt Hankins, Jerry M E Memphis, TN Potomac, MD Pro 1 901-365-8254 301-469-2020 Pro 2 Hanks, Angie Hammett, William C Kentwood, Ml Dallas, TX 616-956-0944 Pro 2 214-247-4157 Pro 3 Hanks, Benjamin Hammond, Tony Ft Lauderdale, FL Dalkeith, Australia 305-583-7281 Pro 1 Pro 2 Hanlon, James W Hamm-Ridings, Mary Ft Pierce, FL Huntsville, TX Pro 2 407-833-3239 409-294-9838 Pro 2 Hanna, Brian J Hampden, Gordon E Agoura Hills, CA Miami, FL 818-991-2168 Pro 3 305-270-0334 Pro 3 Hanna, Shelly C Hampshire, Karen Los Osos, CA Cooperman 805-528-0197 Pro 2 Northridge, CA Pro 2 Hampton, Larry C Hannas, Jake Overland Park, KS Glen Mills, PA Pro 1 913-642-6880 Pro 2 302-571-9263






Hannas Hannas, Joan F Summit, NJ 908-277-1394 Pro 1 Hannas, Martha J Florham Park, NJ 201-822-1900 Pro 2 Hannigan, William J Ft Myers, FL 813-574-0808 Pro 1 Hansen, John E Valdosta, GA 912-241-2004 Pro 1 Hansen, Karen Madera, CA 209-67 4-5482 Pro 2 Hansen, Mark Vacaville, CA 707-447-1684 Pro Hansen, Robert W Santa Cruz, CA 408-459-4694 Pro Hanson, Donald E Miami, FL 305-385-4255 Pro 2 Hanssen, Patrick Charlottesville, VA 804-296-1801 Pro 2 Hanstad, Ryland C H Waltham, MA 617-890-5683 Pro 2 Happer, Marshall, Ill New York, NY Pro 1 Han Har-Tru Hagerstown, MD 800-8-HARTRU Af!il Hara, Toshiji Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Haraguchi, Hiroshi Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Haraguchi, Katsuko Tokyo, Japan 0720-34-5720 Pro 3 Harbelt, E John Miami, FL 305-667-0868 Pro 1 Harclerode, Paul B, Jr Lancaster, PA 717-295-5111 Pro 1 Hardcastle, James R Alpharetta, GA 404-475-3269 Pro 1 Harden, John Upper Marlboro, MD 301-627-8397 Pro 3

Hardenbergh, Craig Arlington, VA 703-276-2732 Pro Hardin, Robert G Jacksonville, FL 904-646-2220 Pro 1 Hardman, Charles Cortlandt Manor, NY 914-736-3560 Pro 1 Hardman, Jay Canton, OH 216-478-2712 Master Pro

Hardman, Jon D Minneapolis, MN 612-729-8303 Pro Hardy, Brent 0 Spartanburg, SC 803-573-9385 Pro Harenberg, Dawn Pisgah Forrest, NC Pro 704-966-9298 Harjes, Robert W Woodbury NY 516-921-7800 Pro Harkins, Jennifer A Rochester, MN 507-288-4851 Pro Harkins, W Cary Herndon, VA 703-709-4167 Pro Harlan, Donald D Salem, OR Pro 503-581-7062

1 2 2 2 2 2 1

Harmine, Samuel

Simpson Bay Sint Maarten, Netherlands Antilles Pro 3 Harmon, Rodney

Miami, FL 305-530-4240

Pro 1

Harner, Mark

Jupiter, FL 407-743-8550 Haroldson, Joan Naples, FL 813-566-2343 Harper, Bill Kent, WA 206-639-1956

Pro 2 M Pro 2 Pro 1

Harper, Brian

Gainesville, FL 904-373-4816 Pro 1 Harper, James C Trabuco Canyon, CA 714-858-4287 Pro 1



Harper, Ronald Carmichael, CA 916-488-7960 Pro Harper, Tracey S Lititz, PA 717-560-0376 Pro Harr, Richard J Houston, TX 713¡ 783-1620 Pro Harrah, Dean R Oklahoma City, OK 405-751-1094 Pro Harrell, John Alexandria, VA 202-651-5600 Pro Harring, Donald M Stamford, CT 203-968-1375 Pro

2 2 3 2 2 3

Harrington, Chris

Sarasota, FL 813-922-1591 Pro Harrington, David Labelle, FL 675-8946 Pro Harrington, Frank, Ill St Augustine, FL Pro 904-471-4476 Harrington, Michael Arlinton, MA 617- 43-0111 Pro Harrington, Robert Boyd Santa Barbara, CA 805-969-7269 Pro Harris, Barry E Wilmington, NC 919-395-6277 Pro Harris, Clifford R Coral Springs, FL 305-753-2970 Pro Harris, George H (Hank) Alexandria, VA Pro 703-683-3243 Harris, Henry L Natchez, MS Pro 601-442-7616 Harris, ian D W Bloomfield, Ml 313-681-8854 Pro Harris, irene H Sanger, CA 209-787-2793 Pro Harris, John Lexington, OH Pro 419-884-2446

2 2 1 2

3 2 3

3 3


Harris -


Harris, larry D Dayton, OH 513-263-4632 Harris, Miles Oak Park, IL

Hart, Doris

Pro 2 Pro 1

Harris, Nancy A

Prattville, AL 205-361-1307 Pro Harris, Robert C Blue Bell, PA Pro 215-646-8160 Harris, Rodney R Sarasota, FL 813-922-0660 Pro Harris, Todd L Windermere, FL 407-876-4663 Pro Harris, Ursula Piqua, OH 513-773-9852 Pro

1 2 1 2 2

Harrison, Benjamin

Greenville, NC 919-830-4559

Pro 2

Harrison, Bruce

Blacksburg, VA Pro 1 Harrison, Helen E Dallas, TX 214-363-5814 Pro 2 Harrison, Katherine G

(Kitty) Chapel Hill, NC Pro 919-962-6262 Harrison, Kathryn J Menlo Park, CA 415-854-6661 Pro Harrison, Kenneth M Poughkeepsie, NY Pro 914-454-4683 Harrison, Kristen L Plymouth, Ml 313-476-3246 Pro Harrison, Pat D Shreveport, LA 318-747-2575 Pro Harrison, Robert M (Mark) E Rockaway, NY 516-764-5350 Pro Harrison, Thomas W Dayton, OH Pro 513-294-7374 Harsl, Jellrey L Norwalk, OH Pro 419-663-6775 Hart, C W (Chip) Bradenton, FL Pro

2 2

Coral Gables, FL 305-443-3658 Pro 1 Hart, John H Philadelphia, PA 215-549-8119 Pro 3 Hartal, Doron Tel-Aviv, Israel 972-3-415308 Pro 2 Harter, Craig l Agoura Hills, CA 818-889-6164 Pro 3 Hartley, Alan Karringup, Australia 09-245-2400 Pro 1 Hartman, Jellrey S Ocean City, NJ 609-399-8593 Pro 3 Hartmann, Carol Vernon, CT 203-528-9251 Pro 2 Hartwick, Robert Harbor Springs, Ml 800-748-0245 Pro 1 Harvey, Etta Pro 1 Taylors, SC Harvey, Geoffrey Newton, MA 617-536-1870 Pro 1 Harvey, Timothy R Gaithersburg, MD 301-977-6046 Pro 2 Harwood, James F X Rockville, MD 301-881-6871 Pro 2 Hase, Takehiko Tokyo, Japan Pro 2


Hasegawa, Hiromi


Hasegawa, Juri



Tokyo, Japan 06-320-3729

Pro 2

Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Hasegawa, Noboru Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 0566-21-2877 Hasegawa, Shinya Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Hasegawa, Yuko Ono Torrance, CA 213-316-1188 Pro 2

Hashimoto, Tsuyoshi Tokyo, Japan 0485-23-6898 Pro Haskin, Pamela K Alpharetta, GA 404-303-8201 Pro 2 Hassall, Terry Malvern, PA 215-296-8106 Pro 1 Hassan, Feisal E Richmond, VA 804-560-1485 Pro 1 Hassey, Roberto A Torrance, CA

213-530-0630 Hastings, Jim Milwaukie, OR Hasuo, Yasuaki Tokyo, Japan

Pro 2

Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Halanaka, Kimiyo Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Hatano, Kimitsugu

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Halano, T etsuji Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Hatch, John T Edina, MN 612-929-8303 Pro 2 Hatcher, Gregroy R Fairfax, VA 703-385-6666 Pro 2 Hatchett, Calvin J Santa Barbara, CA 805-969-0413 Pro 2 Hatfield, Richard Augusta, GA 404-798-7304 Pro 1 Ha!gas, Sarah Risser Germantown, TN

901-726-3940 Pro 2 Hathaway, Joe Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Pro 3 Hathorn, Mark Humble, TX Pro 2 713-359-4784

Hashimoto, Koji

Hatori, Takeshi


Tokyo, Japan 011-855-0930 Pro 2 Hashimoto, Shinji Tokyo, Japan 0775-63-4509 Pro 2

Tokyo, Japan 0423-65-5211 Halt, Josiah G Plainfield, NJ 908-755-2816


Pro 1

Hatamori, Masakiyo



Pro 1

Pro 3 Pro 2

Hatta Halla, Shigeto Tokyo, Japan 0720-34-5739

Pro 3

Hatta, Yoshinao

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Hatten, Frank C Bethesda, MD 301-469-6286 Pro Haulf, Brian Edwards, CO 303-926-1067 Pro Hauge, Timothy Hilton Head Island,


803-689-5930 Pro Haugness, Larry Cheyenne, WY 307-637-2221 Pro 1 Hauk, Tyler G Topeka, KS 913-266-8000 Pro 3 Hauser, Tom

Scottsdale, AZ 602-483-0788 Pro 1 Hausman, Christian E Oakland, CA 510-465-7554 Pro 2 Hav-A-Bal!, Inc Blue Bell, PA 215-272-3021 Affil Havighurst, Dorothea Manchester, MA 508-526-4617 Pro 2 Havrilenko, Eugene P Alamo, CA 415-837-0558 Pro 1 Hawking, Peter Baton Rouge, LA Pro 2 Hawkins, Katherine Omaha, NE 402-391-5800 Pro Hawkins, Thomas

Mclean, VA 703-556-6550 Pro 1 Hawley, James (Craig) St Simons Island, GA 912-638-5531 Pro 2 Haworth, lan Bend, OR 503-385-3119 Pro 2 Hayama, Nobuyuki Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Hayami, Kazuyuki Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Hayashi, Hiroshi

Tokyo, Japan 078-251-3108

Pro 2

Hayashi, Kenichi Tokyo, Japan Pro 1 03-464-6621 Hayashi, Koji Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Hayashi, Shinobu Tokyo, Japan 0474-30-2723 Pro 3 Hayashibe, Minoru Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 0427-92-0594 Hayden, Dulcene K (Betsy) Sacramento, CA Pro 1 916-488-81 00 Hayes, Christopher L Old Greenwich, CT 203-323-3129 Pro 3 Hayes, Joseph E Naples, FL Pro 2 813-353-1105 Hayman, Phillip H Providence, Rl 401-331-3732 Pro 2 Haynes, Mark A Jefferson, LA Pro 3 504-837-9926 Hay!o, John E Burnaby, Canada 604-522-7988 Pro 3 Hazlehurst, Robert Nashville, TN Pro 2 615-292-1309 Hazlett, Anna Grandview, IN 812-362-8567 Pro 1 Heacock, Jim

Coral Gables, FL 305-661-5334 Pro 2 Head, James R Naperville, IL 708-420-2824 Pro 1 Head Sports Inc Boulder, CO Affil 303-530-2000 Heald, Robert S Holly Springs, NC 919-467-4116 Pro Healey, Brian R New South Wales, Australia Pro 2 043-622777 Healy, Patrick Timothy Erie, PA 814-864-4907 Pro 2 Heard, Jean A Deland, FL 904-734-5173 Pro 3



Heatwole, Gary W Ormond Beach, FL 904-623-5122 Pro Hebert, Don

Georgetown, MA 508-352-7793 Pro Hebert, Renee F Baton Rouge, LA 504-272-0612 Pro Hebert, Robert A, Ill Covington, LA Pro 504-892-3338 Hecht, Janet Bristol, Rl Pro 401-254-1154 Hecht, Robert Scottsdale, AZ 602-947-5417 Pro Heckelman, Rod Larkspur, CA Pro 415-924-6226 Heckert, Kathleen T Miami Lakes, FL Pro 305-827-1021 Heckler, Tim Houston, TX 713-97-USPTA

2 1 1 2 1 2

Master Pro

Heebner, Jim A Menlo Park, CA Pro 3 415-323-6853 Heeder, Bruce W

E Lansing, Ml 517-351-4113 Pro 2 Heffernan, Butch Tampa, FL 813-882-4425 Pro 1 Heileman, Mark C, PhD Santa Monica, CA 213-453-1423 Pro 2 Heffernan, Peter

Brooklyn, NY 718-624-0810

Pro 1

Heffner, James J, Jr

Richmond, VA 804-285-9455 Pro Heflin, Larry J Boaz, KY 502-554-5852 Pro Hegberg, Uta V Oceanside, CA Pro 619-433-2288 Heideman, Robert G Rhinelander, WI 715-362-6955 Pro

3 1 2 2

Heidenberger -


Heidenberger, Betsy Chevy Chase, MD 202-537-6350 Pro Heidenson, Walter Spokane, WA 509-926-6999 Pro 1 Heil, John E Westlake, OH 216-734-8201 Pro 1 Heinberg, Craig Agoura Hills, CA Pro 3 213-887-0927 Heine, Julien S Richmond, Canada Pro 2 604-275-5937 Heinen-Rosenthal, Melissa St Cloud, MN 612-255-7257 Pro 2 Heintzman, Jane M Baltimore, MD 410-825-2415 Pro 1 Heiss, John Cocoa Beach, FL 407-783-8659 Pro 1 Helbig, David R Knoxville, TN 615-588-1323 Pro 1 Heldman, Gladys Santa Fe, NM 505-984-0664 Pro 1 Han Heieker, Mark S Phoenix, AZ 602-582-4127 Pro 2 Helton, Bob Bristol, TN Pro 615-764-8444 Hemingway, Peter R Palm Springs, FL Pro Hemus, Harold H Pacific Palisad, CA 213-454-1314 Pro 2 Henderson, Donald L Pleasanton, CA Pro 3 Henderson, Elizabeth

Henderson, Jeff L Leawood, KS 913-345-1661 Pro 1 Henderson, Marvin D, Jr Round Rock, TX 512-388-1312 Pro 2 Henderson, Richard Raleigh, NC Pro 1 919-872-0722 Hendricks, Brei B Plano, TX 214-578-7170 Pro 2 Henkin, Mitchell Chevy Chase, MD Pro 2 Hennequin, Florence Barbizon, France 30-55-21-00 Pro 2 Henness, Bill Paris, IL Pro 1 217-463-1743 Hennessy, Martin E Las Vegas, NV 702-747-4798 Pro 1 Hennessy, Patrick J Rogers, AR 501-273-0404 Pro 1 Hennessy, Teri Rogers, AR 501-273-0404 Pro 1 Hennessy, William B Naples, FL 813-263-7411 Pro 2 Henrici, Karina G Pembroke Pines, FL 305-932-4200 Pro 2 Henry, Allan D Sugar Land, TX 713-97-USPTA Master Pro Henry, Carolyn G Jackson, MS 601-956-2640 Pro 1 Henry, George T Wilmington, NC 919-799-4524 Pro 2 Henry, Kathe Jackson, WY Pro 2 s Henry, Milton Knoxville, TN Germany Pro 2 615-588-5955 Pro 2 Hensley, H Sandra Henderson, Gregory G Shelbyville, KY Albertville, AL 502-426-4923 Pro 2 205-878-8817 Pro 2 Henson, Don Coronado, CA Henderson, Helen W 619-435-7133 Shawnee Mission, KS Master Pro 913-362-8104 Pro 1


Henson, E Donovan (Scooter) Coronado, CA 619-435-1255 Pro 1 Herendeen, Dennis L,

II Douglasville, GA Pro 3 404-942-9387 Herman, Bonny K Tampa, FL Pro 2 813-253-6540 Herman, Christopher C Sacramento, CA 916-927-3802 Pro 2 Herman, Dave N Tampa, FL 813-253-6540 Pro 1 Herman, Fred Fairfield Bay, AR 501-884-3333 Pro 1 Herman, Gretchen E Fairfax, VA 703-759-2400 Pro 2 Herman, Thomas J Fairfax, VA 703-356-0700 Pro 2 Hermanson, Patrie A Belvedere, CA 415-381-8054 Pro 2 Hernandez, AI D Yardville, NJ 609-585-4002 Pro 2 Hernandez, Carlos Chula Vista, CA 619-267-7750 Pro 3 Hernandez, Earl Toronto, Canada 416-731-0027 Pro 1 Hernandez, Joe A Richland, WA Pro 2 509-783-3523 Hernandez, Miguel P Santa Barbara, CA 805-969-0558 Pro 3 Herr, Bruce Barton Montrose, CO Pro 2 303-249-8023 Herr, Jefferey N Beaumont, TX 409-892-9803 Pro Herren, Wade L Birmingham, AL 205-591-2414 Pro Herrick, Walter, Jr Crystal Lake, IL Pro 1 815-459-1334

Herrington Herrington, Charlie M Marble Falls, TX 21 0-693·4087 Pro 2 Hersch, Dale T Davis,. CA 916·753·5683 Pro 2 Herschel, A J Bob Sarasota, FL 813·923·1118 Pro 1 Hersh, Jeffrey S Gaithersburg, MD 301 ·598-5200 Pro 2 Hershey, Todd Scott Dayton, OH 513-866-0425 Pro 2 Hertelendy, Barbara l Easton, MD 410-822-3756 Pro 2 Herzberger, James Orlando, FL 407-239-5692 Pro 1 Herzog, Stephen J Lexington, KY 606·273-6180 Pro 1 Heskel, Gerl Berlin, Germany Pro 3 Heslin, Henry W, Ill New Orleans, LA 504-394·3248 Pro 1 Hess, Martin E DeSoto, KS 913·585·1244 Pro 2 Hesser!, Peter G Lake Wales, FL 813-439-5657 Pro 3 Hester, Randall Princeton, NJ 609-452-2580 Pro 2 Hethcoat, William L Chula Vista, CA Pro 3 619·421·6622 Hewitt, Ashley Victoria, Australia

03-596-5085 Pro 2 Hewitt, Bob Chestnut Hill, MA 617-566-7070 Pro Heynysh, Christine J Strongsville, OH 216·572·5605 Pro Hibben, Stephen M Winnetka, IL 708-446·4193 Pro Hibino, Takanobu Tokyo, Japan Pro 3

Hice, Kelley Rochester Hills, Ml 313·652· 1500 Pro Hickey, Paul C Provo, UT 801·374·1677 Pro Hickle, Corbyn W Cumberland, MD 301-729-0896 Pro Hiers, Gregory San Francisco, CA Pro 415-673· 1984 Hiers, Jerry A Gretna, LA Pro 504·394·8880 Hiers, Kyle A Mobile, AL 205-342·8590 Pro Higaki, Jun Tokyo, Japan Pro Higaki, Yasuaki Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Higashi, Hideyasu Pro Tokyo, Japan Higashi, Takayuki Tokyo, Japan 06-357-8816 Pro Higashikawa, Kohei Tokyo, Japan Pro Higashiyama, Dennis Maple Valley, WA 206-432·7098 Pro Higgins, Billy Yorba Linda, CA 714-779-2311 Pro Higgins, Gerald C Groton, MA 617-369·1553 Pro Higgins, Lori M Redondo Beach, CA 213·316-6650 Pro Higgins, Michael E Atlanta, GA Pro High, Gregory Niceville, FL 904-897-3679 Pro Hightower, Don R

3 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 3 2

Encinitas, CA

619·481 ·3545 Pro Hightower, Ronald J Pacific Palisad, CA 310-454-6162 Pro 1 Hikino, Kouki Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Hilburn, Ronald Naples, FL 813·649·0113 Pro 2



Hill, A Thomas Boca Raton, FL 407-392·0796 Pro Hill, Bryan J N Myrtle Beach, SC 803-272·2689 Pro Hill, Colin J Richardson, TX 214-231-2881 Pro Hill, George H Omaha, NE 402-333-4870 Pro Hill, Jean W Mexico, MO 314·581·0100 Pro Hill, John Elbert Kokomo, IN Pro Hill, John H Midlothian, VA Pro 804· 744·3512 Hill, Larry M Austin, TX 512-892-0173 Pro Hill, Marion (Butch)

1 2 1 3 1 3 1 2

Henderson, KY

502-827-5220 Pro 2 Hill, Mary M Shingle Springs, CA 916·677-5318 Pro 1 Hill, Robert Indian Wells, CA 619-340-0500 Pro 2 Hill, Scott W Marietta, GA 404-429·0204 Pro 2 Hill, Sleven E Des Moines, lA 515·226·8807 Pro Hilley, Greg Belton, TX 817·780·1272 Pro Hillway, Richard A Colorado Springs, CO 719·576-3656 Pro 1 Hilo, Aboud D W St Paul, MN 612-451·9401 Pro Hilsinger, J Alan Lake Hiawatha, NJ

201 ·316·8018 Pro Hilzendeger, Jon C Baltimore, MD 410-823-2500 Pro Himeda, Yukihiro Tokyo, Japan Pro Himes, David M Downingtown, PA 215·269·1981 Pro

3 3 3 1

Hines -


Hines, Alvin Minneapolis, MN 612-571-3080 Pro Hines, Eric D (Ric) Omaha, NE 402-333-4551 Pro 1 Hines, Harvey Summerville, SC 803-871-6060 Pro 3 Hines, Jane F Omaha, NE 402-333-4551 Pro 1 Hinkamper, Monica M Quincy, IL 217-224-6161 Pro 2 Hinkle, Scott Camp Hill, PA 717-737-2275 Pro 2 Hinson, Christopher R Gastonia, NC 704-865-8167 Pro 1 Hinson, Mike w Midland, TX Pro 1 915-697-7806 Hinson, Robert Columbia, SC Pro 1 803-699-5399 Hirai, Haruya Tokyo, Japan 054-575-0279 Pro 3 Hirai, Kenichi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Hirai, Masami Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Hirai, T akashi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Hiraizumi, lriko Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Hiraki, Tatsuya Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Hirano, Hironori Tokyo, Japan 011-631-9566 Pro 2 Hirano, Kenichi Tokyo, Japan 03-707-0243 Pro 3 Hirano, Miki Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Hirano, Satoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 'Hirano, Tetsuji Tokyo, Japan 0423-65-8151 Pro 3 Hirao, Daisuke Tokyo, Japan 0423-97-3315 Pro 2

Hirao, Kenichi Hoang, Vu Thai Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Oklahoma City, OK 405-632-3056 Pro 3 Hirasawa, Jun Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Hobbs, Walt A San Mateo, CA Hirata, Akemitsu 415-343-1888 Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Hobden, Brett 04 74-85-9935 Vancouver, Canada Hirata, Masanobu 604-822-2505 Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Hoblitzell, Woody Hiratsuka, Kazuo Roswell, GA Tokyo, Japan 404-993-5172 Pro 2 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Hobson, Glenn Hirayama, Kazuhiro Moorestown, NJ Tokyo, Japan 609-778-1222 Pro 1 0476-92-0253 Pro 2 Hobson, James Hiromich~ Shigeo N Little Rock, AR Tokyo, Japan 501-623-9227 Pro 1 072423-1356 Pro 3 Hobson, Michael R Hirooka, Takamichi Temecula, CA Tokyo, Japan 714-676-4271 Pro 3 03-404-6997 Pro 3 Hoch, Wojciech Albert Hirose, Toshimitsu Toronto, Canada Tokyo, Japan Pro 1 416-855-1747 011-853-8864 Pro 1 Hock, Randal Hirota, Futoshi Tallahassee, FL Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan 904-385-2262 Pro 3 Hocker, Andrew G Hirota, Tsutomu Wilmington, DE Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Pro 2 302-994-5053 Hirschberg, Samuel F Hoctor, Michael J Ojai, CA Titusville, FL 805-646-1 080 Pro 2 407-269-2878 Pro 2 Hirller, Christopher J Hodges, Alan Fountain Valley, CA Bakersfield, CA ""'"'"'''1 714-839-7650 Pro 3 805-324-2520 Pro Hirller, Mark Hodges, Maryann Costa Mesa, CA Leilani Pro 1 714-979-7126 Carlsbad, CA Hislop, Rober! T 619-729-4165 Pro 2 Polson, MT 406-883-4381 Pro 2 Hodgson, M Strahan Atlanta, GA Hitchcock, Jay B Pro 1 803-597-5282 Tucson, AZ Hodgson, Susan C 602-293-1411 Pro 2 St Paul, MN Hiu, Ellie T S 612-953-3560 Pro 3 Singapore Hodsdon, Geoff 65-2792625 Pro 3 Parker, CO Hiura, Tomio 303-841-3512 Pro 1 Pro 2 Hoehn, Ted Tokyo, Japan Hlady, Kerry Burlington, VT Mars, PA Pro 2 Pro 1 802-863-8279 Hoadley, Jim L Hoekstra, Nancy J Austin, TX Homewood, IL 512-445-6429 Pro 3 708-799-2447 Pro 2 Hofer, Doug Haag, William D Ft Lauderdale, FL Visalia, CA Pro 1 305-564-1271 Pro 1 209-627-0290


Hoffman Hollman, Adrienne Baltimore, MD 301-466-2695 Pro Hollman, M Anne W Chester, OH 513-870-9773 Pro 2 Hollman, Mike Houston, TX 713-488-6076 Pro 1 Hollmann, Harry R, Jr Melrose Park, PA 215-635-4714 ¡Pro 1 Hollner, Scott K Sunrise, FL 305-452-2531 Pro 2 Hofmann, Michael Hollywood, FL 305-431-4146 Pro 3 Hohl, Hans J Waitsfield, VT Pro 2 Hojo, Hisanobu Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Hojo, Shiro Tokyo, Japan Pro 1 Ho Kah Wai, Alex Singapore 65-4822118 Pro 3 Holaday, Matthew Scottsboro, AL Pro 3 Halbach, Paul J Boise, ID Pro 1 Holbrook, Bruce H Springfield, MO 417-887-8087 Pro 1 Holden, Alan Boca Raton, FL 407-368-1890 Pro 2 Holden, Dan T Edwardsville, IL 618-692-2867 Pro 2 Holden, Jon W Tulsa, OK 918-665-0434 Pro 1 Holden, Randy W Auburn, AL 205-844-9739 Pro 2 Holder, Jason Wade Glendale, AZ 602-249-3712 Pro 2 Holgerson, Laurel Madison, WI 608-233-2212 Pro 1 Holladay, John Houston, TX 713-463-6166 Pro 3

Holland, G Clay, Jr Lawrencevt!le, GA

404-923-3606 Pro 1 Holland, W Randolph Suffolk, VA 804-925-0430 Pro 2 Holley, David E Pt Orange, FL 904-760-1527 Pro 1 Holliday, Daralyn M Easley, SC 803-859-3701 Pro 1 Hollingsworth, Rusty Richmond. IN 317-962-8099 Pro 2 Hollis, Robert, Jr Lakeland, FL 813-680-2582 Pro Hollowell, Ross C Larkspur, CA 415-924-6226 Pro Holm, Bob Los Angeles, CA Master Pro Holmberg, Ron Cornwall on Hudson, NY 914-534-2211 Master Pro

Holmes, Anne P Auburn, CA 916-823-1113 Pro Holmes, C Brad Indianapolis, IN 317-849-2531 Pro Holmes, Eric 0 Milwaukee, WI 414-482-3410 Pro Holmes, Maurice L Billings, MT 406-656-8040 Pro Holmes, Peter A Collinsville, CT 203-582-8393 Pro Holmes, Robert Lee Phoenix, AZ 602-242-2553 Pro Holmes, Timothy Schofield, WI 715-359-6007 Pro Holoff, Alan Delray Beach, FL 407-496-6086 Pro Holroyd, Glen Pro Phoenix, AZ Holsinger, John Hong Kong Pro 5-8171919



2 2 1 3 1


Holston, Kevin B Washington, DC 301-436-7019 Pro 3 Holt, John T Riverside, Rl

401-437-0564 Pro 3 Holt, Thor Palo Alto, CA 415-349-7370 Pro 2 Hollon, William A (Beau) New Orleans, LA 504-866-2864 Pro 2 Hom, Alvin D Oakland, CA 51 0-451-0825 Pro 1 Honda, Aki Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Honda, Takehiko Tokyo, Japan 0774-31-5841 Pro 3 Honda, Yoshimi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Hondo, Masamitsu Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Hongo, Shin Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Honig, Scott E Greenwich, CT 203-531-7130 Pro 3 Honma, Sasao Tokyo, Japan Pro 1 Honzawa, Naoki Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Hooks, Van W Morgan Hill, CA 408-779-1883 Pro 1 Hooper, Mark Seattle, WA 206-722-1233 Pro 1 Hoopes, Peter Pleasantville, NY 212-225-8745 Pro 1 Hoosty, Andreae K New York, NY 212-344-6453 Pro 3 Hoover, Christopher J Omaha, NE 402-280-5561 Pro 2 Hoover, Richard A Davie, FL 305-474-2827 Pro 2 Hope, Paul AJ Boca Raton, FL Pro 1


Hopkins -


Hopkins, J A Taylor, Jr Lafayette, LA 318-233-7330 Pro Hopkins, J Daniel Terre Haute, IN 813-238-9657 Pro Hopkins, Philip D Coronado, CA 619-435-4592 Pro 1 Hopkins, Susan Scottsdale, AZ 602-991-6847 Pro 2 Hopman, Lucy Largo, FL 813-393-5666 Hopp, Allen L Pasco, WA 509-783-5465 Pro 2 Hops, Herbert L, II San Marcos, CA Pro 2 Hopson, Robert Miami, FL 305-251-8544 Pro 2 Horacek, Angela R La Jolla, CA 318-551-9390 Pro 2 Horak, Mila Westlake Village, CA 805-495·2220 Pro 2 Horcasitas, Vincent Palm Desert, CA 916· 773-3899 Pro 2 Horenburger, Fred C Delray Beach, FL 407-243-8866 Pro 2 Hori, Yoshiharu Tokyo, Japan 026552-1225 Pro 2 Horiba, Masahiko Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Horie, Kazuhiro Tokyo, Japan 0573-26-5321 Pro 2 Horio, Masayoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Horkan, Anne H Warrenton, VA 703-356-1262 Pro 1 Horn, Jeffrey Orlando, FL 407-894-7817 Pro 2 Horn, Michael J Sarasota, FL 813-493-004 7 Pro 2

Horne, Christopher M Half Moon Bay, CA 415-726-7702 Pro 1 Home, Jamie T Springfield, OR 503-746-6673 Pro 2 Horne, Jim H Scottsdale, AZ 602-443-0989 Pro 2 Horne, Jimmie H W Palm Beach, FL Pro 3 Horne, Richard N Tulsa, OK 918-298-9983 Pro 1 Hornig, Frank D Berlin, Germany

Hosokawa, Fumiko Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Hostetler, Henry Greenville, NC 919-830-4559 Pro 2 Hotsinpiller, James L Danville, IL 217-446-9134 Pro 2 Hotz, Richard Paul Mission, TX

210-581-7405 Pro 2 Hou, Francis C K Singapore

2427103 Pro 3 Houda, Kazuo Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Hough, Murray Key Biscayne, FL 305-361-2021 Pro 2 Houghton, Matthew K Castine, ME 207-667-8074 Pro 2 Houk-Kuhn, Tracy L

49303611653 Pro 3 Horsch, Rob E Las Vegas, NV 702-597-4489 Pro 2 Horton, H Burke Malvern, PA 215-64 7-9622 Pro 2 Sacramento, CA Horton, James R 916-649-0909 Pro 3 Battle Creek, Ml 616-963-7564 Pro 2 Houle, Arthur E Hampton, CT Horton, Robert, Ill Mt Juliet, TN 203-455-0578 Pro 3 615-758·9530 Pro 2 Houle, Renee Waterford, CT Horton, Tom R Carpinteria, CA 203-442-8506 Pro 2 805-969-0558 Pro 2 Houlihan, Patrick J Grass Valley, CA Horvath, Gary Pro 1 Broomfield, CO 303-460-9767 House, Robert A Master Pro Bellevue, WA 206-746-2786 Pro 3 Horwitch, Linda Houser, lorraine D Chicago, IL Poway, CA 312-266·0960 Pro 1 619-679-1848 Pro 3 Hosford, Gareth Houssein, Sayed A Wilson, NC Dallas, TX 919-237-3161 Pro 2 214-732-0107 Pro 1 Hoshina, Chie Houston 1000 Tokyo, Japan Affil Houston, TX 011-852·3692 Pro 3 Hoshino, Hiroomi Houston, Dave Mill Valley, CA Tokyo, Japan Pro 415-388-1727 07948-3-0486 Pro 2 Houston, Randy Hoskins, S J (Jim) Palm Desert, CA Englewood, CO Pro 619-346-1375 303-788-1509 Pro 2 Houston, Tamra Dee Hoskins, Thomas R Midland, TX Warrensburg, MO Pro 3 915-563-4707 Pro 2 816·429-1908 Hovater, Larry Clayton Hosohama, Steve Atlanta, GA Sherman Oaks, CA 404-587-3171 818-788-7927 Pro 1 Pro 3



Hovde-Baker Hovde-Saker, Rebecca l La Quinta, CA 619·345·5209 Pro 2 Howarc!, Charles W, II Newport, Rl 401 ·84 7-4649 Pro 1 Howard, Dwayne R Venice, CA

Pro 2 310-822·2359 Howard, Gilbert L Daly City, CA 415-992·9192 Pro Howard, John Phoenix, AZ 602-246-9125 Pro Howard, Kenneth E Westminster, MD

301 ·875·0203 Pro 2 Howard, Linda l Manhattan Beach, CA 310-374-8409 Pro 3 Howard, Michele M Austin, TX 512-442·1466 Pro 2 Howard, Nolie Sierra Madre, CA 818·355· 7466 Pro Howard, Robert Scottsdale, AZ 602·994-8348 Pro Howard, William M Lexington, KY 502·868·9690 Pro 2 Howden, Jacinta T E Freetown, MA Pro 3 508·763·9027 Howe, Caroline C New Harbor, ME 207-677·3784 Pro 2 Howe, Glen Maspeth, NY 718·651 -4469 Pro 2 Howe, Glen M Wilmington, DE 302·995·2081 Pro 2 Howell, David Virginia Beach, VA 804-481-7545 Pro Howell, Dick Oklahoma City, OK 405·755-6452 Pro Howell, Linda S Los Angeles, CA 213·477-5996 Pro Howell, Peter D Duluth, GA 404-497·1866 Pro 1

Howell, Richard C San Antonio, TX 210-641-9735 Pro 3 Howell, Robert Boynton Beach, FL 407-734-8556 Pro 1 Howell, Timothy Summerland, CA 805·565·2173 Pro 2 Hlwar, Thiha Cockeysville, MD 301 -667-9655 Pro 2 Huang, Bob Lincolnwood, IL 708-673-8252 Pro 1 Hubbard, Christopher J Omaha, NE 402-489-9866 Pro 2 Hubbard, Clifford Washington, DC 301-498-2918 Pro 3 Hubbard, Keith Round Top, NY Pro 518·622·9891 Hubbard, Robert K Cockeysville, MD 410-377-9202 Pro Hubbell, John Palo Alto, CA 408·924-1251 Pro Hubbs, Edward Omaha, NE Pro 402·498·0938 Huber, James H Orange Park, FL 904-284-4653 Pro 2 Huber, John M Newbury, NH Pro 1 603· 763-2672 Huber, Stephen l Longwood, FL Pro 2 407 ·836·8050 Huber, Wolfgang Brand, Austria Pro 2 Hubiitz, Martin Arlington, VA 703·522· 1700 Pro 1 Huck, Shawn C Columbus, OH Pro 2 Huckaby, David Rydal, GA 706-625-0348 Pro 3 Huckelbury, Robert A Ft Smith, AR 501-782· 1364 Pro 1



Hudson, John Winchesw, VA 703-667-5737 Pro 1 Hudson, Jon C Summerland Key, FL 305· 745· 1933 Pro 2 Hudson, Kevin M N Brunswick, NJ 201·247-1700 Pro 2 Hudson, Les Atlanta, GA 404·955·0616 Pro Hudson, Shelly Sugar Land, TX Pro 713·980·2255 Huebner, Adam C Phoenix, AZ Pro 2 602·297·2543 Huebner, John Chase San Francisco, CA 415·457-8474 Pro 1 Huetteman, Candace Chesterfield, MO 314·532-7023 Pro 2 Hull, Chris Atlanta, GA Pro Hughes, John P Springfield, MA 413·783-9125 Pro 1 Hughes, Kyle Howard Clarkston, Ml 313-673-8503 Pro 2 Hughes, Percy C, Jr St Louis Park, MN 612·545·7696 Pro 2 Hughes, Sandra Houston, TX 713·668·1170 Pro 2 Hull, Douglas A G Camarillo, CA 310-456-3313 Pro 2 Hull, Jeffrey Hilton Head Island,


803· 785-5246 Hulse, John C W Palm Beach, 407·689-5187 Hume, David W Auburn, AL 205-821 ·6796 Hume, Donald F Brooklyn, NY 718·436· 1965 Humes, Mark J Reno, NV 702·826·6944

Pro FL Pro 2 Pro 3 X Pro 1 Pro 3

Humphreys -



Husebo, Stacy M Humphreys, Brad Encinitas, CA Minneapolis, MN 612-724-1603 Pro 1 619-942-9725 Pro 1 Humphreys, Edward P Hussain, (Mike) Syed Mahmood Avondale, PA Scottsdale, AZ 516-653-9884 Pro 2 602-946-8608 Pro 2 Hundley, Evan Hussey, Anne K Seattle, WA Farmington, CT 206-524-4171 Pro 2 203-677-0558 Pro 2 Hunsaker, Jana J Husted, Michael R Flushing, NY Marco Island, FL 718-592-8000 Pro 1 813-642-5257 Pro 2 Hunsaker, Jerry W Hutchinson, Kim Tucson, AZ Freeport, NY 602-623-6017 Pro 2 516-764-5350 Pro 2 Hunt, Greg L Hutchinson, Louis J, II San Diego, CA Freeport, NY 619-756-1123 Pro 2 516-764-5350 Pro 1 Hunt, Howard L Hutchison, Stuart Birmingham, AL Calabasas, CA 205-979-1854 Pro 1 Pro 1 818-884-1100 Hunt, James P Pro 1 Hutnick, Larry Decatur, GA Wethersfield, CT Hunt, Lois L 203-529-9293 Pro 2 Northridge, CA Hutson, Alonzo C 818-363-2702 Pro 2 Wilberforce, OH Hunt, V Steve Pro 2 513-277-8544 Hermosa Beach, CA Huxford, Rex D 31 0-379-7842 Pro 1 Temecula, CA Hunter, James 909-676-3447 Pro 1 Slidell, LA Huydts, Oliver 504-643-8194 Pro 1 Dusseldorf, Germany Hunter, Larry A 0211-286116 Pro 3 Palm Desert, CA Hyams, David S 619-341-1894 Pro 2 Sunnyvale, CA Hunter, Nancy S 415-964-4567 Pro 1 Rancho Santa Fe, CA Hyde, Barry J Pro 1 619-756-1123 Greenwood, MS Hunter, Terry L Pro 1 601-627-2340 Lubbock, TX Hyde, Lawrence W 806-797-6466 Pro 1 Blue Bell, PA Hupka, Kenneth 215-277-1862 Pro 1 Willow Grove, PA Hyllegard, Randy, PhD 215-659-0562 Pro 1 Manhattan, KS Pro 3 Hurlf, Christopher M Hyman, Jeffrey S Albuquerque, NM Ocala, FL 505-298-9162 Pro 2 904-867-8175 Pro 3 Hurley, Michael Hyman, Tracy Joseph Old Hickory, TN Kapalua, HI Pro 1 615-754-7785 Pro 1 lbaraki, Chieko Hurst, James E (Jay), Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Ill lbboll, Brad New Orleans, LA Waco, TX 504-391-8146 Pro 817-753-0228 Pro 2 Ichikawa, Akira Husain, Asif Tokyo, Japan Newark, DE Pro 2 0422-42-8997 302-478-2110 Pro


Ichikawa, Kazuhiko Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Ichikawa, Susumu

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Ichikawa, Takeshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Ichikawa, Tsuguya Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 lchinose, Hiroo

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 lchinose, Nobuharu Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Ide, Takeshi Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan ldeh, Mahmud Bin Singapore 65-4404705 Pro 3 leki, Takashi Tokyo, Japan 0745-73-2263 Pro 3 !flinger, Rudi Martinsthal, Germany 06123-2617 Pro 1 lftekaruddin, Syed Lake Bluff, IL 312-234-0425 Pro 2 Igarashi, Akira Tokyo, Japan Pro 1 03-464-6621 Igarashi, Mitsuji Tokyo, Japan 0273-81-3119 Pro 3 Igarashi, Tsutomu

Tokyo, Japan 011-612-8859

Pro 2

lgasaki, Yoshimasa

Tokyo, Japan Pro lglinski, Bruno J Miami Beach, FL 305-861-9773 Pro iida, Rumiko Tokyo, Japan 03-388-4225 Pro lida, Takeshi Tokyo, Japan Pro lijima, Takuo Tokyo, Japan Pro Ikeda, Akio Tokyo, Japan 0427-43-6922 Pro Ikeda, Hidenori Tokyo, Japan 048268-9464 Pro Ikeda, Hiroyuki Pro Tokyo, Japan

3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3



Ikeda Ikeda, Masanori Tokyo, Japan 045·951-6364 Pro 3 Ikeda, Tatsuya Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Ikeda, Yoichi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 lkemura, Sunao

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 2

lkeshiro, Masafumi

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 lki, Nobuyuki Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 lkuine, Toshiyuki Tokyo, Japan 03-601-7494 Pro 3 lkuine, Yuji

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

imai, Hideaki

Tokyo, Japan 03·978-3644 Pro lmala, Immanuel E Chicago, IL 312-783-4485 Pro lmanishi, Hiromasa Tokyo, Japan Pro lmano, Toshiaki Tokyo, Japan 045-304·3475 Pro lmasaka, Noboru Tokyo, Japan Pro lmbornone, Michael Woodstock, GA 404-872-7519 Pro

2 3 2 3 3 2

Pro 3 Pro 2

lnayama, Hitoshi

Tokyo, Japan 0798·52-5619 Pro 3 lngard, Karl A Kittery Point, ME 207-439-1824 Pro 1 lngersole, Robert Roosevelt Island, NY 212·888·5664 Pro 1 lngis, Gail

Park Ridge, NJ 201-460-7099 Pro 2 Ingram, Carter

Novato, CA 415-457-5160 Pro 2 Ingram, Gary W Toronto, Canada


Master Pro

Ingram, Joseph G Clayton, MO 314-862-2721 Pro Ingram, Lloyd D Venice, FL 813-484· 7599 Pro Ingram, Thomas S Dripping Sprgs, TX 512-894-0150 Pro inn, Frank, Jr Medford, OR 503-779-4143 Pro Innes, Malthew R Greeley, CO 303-352-9325 Pro Inniss, Noel C Naples, FL 813-597-4497 Pro


Pro 2

Tokyo, Japan 03·464-6621 Pro lnomata, Kazuteru Tokyo, Japan Pro lnose, Kiyohilo Tokyo, Japan 0467-46-6968 Pro Inoue, Hirolumi Pro Tokyo, Japan Inoue, Keiichi Tokyo, Japan 01654-3-6201 Pro

2 1 3


Redondo Beach, 213-373-6326 Irwin, Sandra L Atlanta, GA Irwin, Scolt R Carrboro, NC 919·929-5249 Isaac, Tom R New Philadelphi, 216-339-8030

CA Pro 1 Pro 2 Pro 1 OH Pro 2

Isaacs, Ken R

Hilton Head Island,

1 2 3 3 3 3

Inoue, Makoto

Tokyo, Japan Pro Inoue, Masami Tokyo, Japan Pro Inoue, Noriyuki Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Inoue, Yoshiaki Tokyo, Japan Pro Inserra, Michael J Orlando, FL Pro lnuzuka, Keiji Tokyo, Japan 0720-76-6333 Pro lrey, Kathleen M Clewiston, FL 813-983-8727 Pro iriarte, Raul A Gaithersburg, MD 301-424· 7894 Pro lrie, Yosuke Tokyo, Japan Pro

lriguchi, Hiromitsu Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Irwin, C Timothy Newtown Square, PA 215-325-0714 Pro 1 Irwin, David J Hillsborough, CA 415·344-2201 Pro 2 irwin, Michael A


lnohara, Masahiro

lnada, Kazuki

Tokyo, Japan lnagaki, Koji Tokyo, Japan 03-722-3248

Ingram, John H, Ill Dallas, TX 214-239·1935


3 3 1 3 3 2 2


803· 785-6079

Pro 2

Isenhour, Joseph W, Jr

Raleigh, NC 919-876-0565 Pro lsensladt, Alan Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-772-3166 Pro 2 Ishida, Fumio Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Ishida, Shigeyuki Tokyo, Japan 075-861-4363 Pro 3 lshiguro, Osamu

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621

Pro 1

Ishihara, Kazuhiko

Tokyo, Japan Pro Ishihara, Teruyuki Pro Tokyo, Japan Ishihara, Toshihiro Tokyo, Japan Pro 03-654·0649 Ishii, Hideki Tokyo, Japan 03753·6382 Pro

3 3 2 3

Ishii, HDroshi

Tokyo, Japan Ishikawa, Hisao Tokyo, Japan 03-464·6621

Pro 2 Pro 2

Ishikawa, Norio

2 3

Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 ishimura, Hiroshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3


lshiwata -


lshiwata, Yasuyuki Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 lshiyama, Seigo Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 lshizaki, Yoshihiro Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 lshizu, T sukasa

Tokyo, Japan 092-571-3071 Pro 2 lskersky, Erick Lafayette, LA 318-231-6328 Pro 2 Island Tennis Service Miami, FL 305-371-6704 Club Ismail, Ali Maineville, OH 513-683-1784 Pro 1 lsraels, Dale E Kalamazoo, Ml 616-349-5293 Pro 1 ltami, Kazunori

Tokyo, Japan Ito, Chiemi Tokyo, Japan 03-3704-9258 Ito, Hideo Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3 Pro 3 Pro 2

Ito, Hirokazu

Tokyo, Japan ito, Hitoshi Tokyo, Japan Ito, Katsuhiko Tokyo, Japan Ito, Salomi Tokyo, Japan 05958-208794 Ito, Suehiro Tokyo, Japan Ito, Tadashi Tokyo, Japan Ito, Takako Tokyo, Japan Ito, Toshiyuki Tokyo, Japan 011-613-9746 Ito, Yasushi Tokyo, Japan lloh, Akihiro Tokyo, Japan 0561 -63-7304 ltoh, Eiji Tokyo, Japan 082-295-8585 ltoh, Mayumi Tokyo, Japan 045-852-7140

Pro 3 Pro 2

ltoh, Noboru Tokyo, Japan 0427-52-3536 lloh, Tatsuya Tokyo, Japan 0720-43-4822 lloi, Eiichi Tokyo, Japan 0434-87-1151 ltlogi, Hiroyasu Tokyo, Japan 0466-36-1667 ltlogi, Tetsuya Tokyo, Japan 0557-80-3522 Iverson, Allan P Irvine, CA 714-786-3000

Pro 3 Pro 2 Pro 3

lzmirian, Suzanne

Pro 2

Pro 3 Pro 1 Pro 2

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Pro 2

lves, Dean

Virginia Beach, VA 804-461-3015 Pro lves, Ernest R Long Beach, CA 31 0-438-8509 Pro lves-Wardell, Stacey Virginia Beach, VA 804-468-4727 Pro Ivy, Nicki Ridgeland, MS 601 -362-1638 Pro lwade, Tatsuya Tokyo, Japan 0734-24-0464 Pro

1 2 2

Pro 3 Pro 2 Pro 3

1 3

Iwamoto, Mitsuhiro

Pro 3 Pro 2 Pro 3

Pro 2

lwanaga, Hisato

Tokyo, Japan 0958-46-0509 Pro 2 lwanaga, Mitsunari Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 lwanaga, Takanori

Tokyo, Japan Iwasaki, Tadashi Tokyo, Japan lwats, Katsuji Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Iwata, Tsu!omu Tokyo, Japan 0427-54-7356


Pro 3

Izumi, Keika

Tokyo, Japan Pro Jablonski, Gregory Orange, CA 714-771-2410 Pro Jack, Roger Guthrie, OK 405-282-5700 Pro Jacks, Rodney H Charlotte, NC 704-543-8314 Pro Jackson, Bruce H Wayzata, MN 612-473-7926 Pro

1 2 1 2 ''""""'''l


Jackson, Donnie

Bellport, NY 516-286-0257 Pro 2 lwaki, Akira Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Iwamoto, Akihiko Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan

Westlake Village, CA 818-368-6220 Pro 2 lzu, Hiroshi

lwai, Shizue

Pro 3

lwersen, Matthew J Whitefish, MT 406-862-4296 Pro 2 lyer, Somnath Rockville Centre, NY 516-536-7470 Pro 1 lyer, Sunder Narayan India 0212-335995 Pro 2

Pro 3 Pro 2

Dayton, OH 513-489-9700 Pro Jackson, Kevin J Metuchen, NJ Pro Jackson, Larry Bellbrook, OH Pro 513-434-6602 Jackson, Laura E Atlanta, GA 404-955-3379 Pro Jackson, Mark A Fort Collins, CO 303-224-4540 Pro Jackson, Michael Pasadena, CA 818-356-6146 Pro Jackson, Wilbert Covington, TN 901-476-7189 Pro Jacob, Gabriel B Redlands, CA 714-794-9623 Pro Jacobsen, Jeffrey Paul (Jeff)

1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2

Brazoria, TX

Pro 1 Pro 3

409-798-2010 Pro 2 Jacobson, Cathy Lynn Long Beach, CA 213-438-8509 Pro 1

Jacobson Jacobson, Rick Palo Alto, CA 415-948-8311 Pro 1 Jacques, Ed Gainesville, GA 706-287-1889 Pro Jacques, Mark St George, UT 801-673-7808 Pro Jaeckel, Eric F Rochester, NY 716-342-1301 Pro 1 Jagdleld, Geoffrey A Howell, Ml 517-546-7836 Pro Jaikan, Jaroenchai Bangkok, Thailand 02-2362351 Pro Jaklitsch, Thomas Islip, NY 516-968-8668 Pro 2 Jaliwala, Firoz A Pembroke Pines, FL 305-436-0965 Pro 2 James, Daniel Grey Northfield, MN 612-546-6554 Pro 1 James, Joe M W Bloomfield, Ml 313-661-1000 Pro 1 James, Michael Las Vegas, NV 702-648-2687 Pro 3 James, Ron E Santa Maria, CA 805-928-2305 Pro 2 James, William R Miami, FL 305-237-2282 Pro 1 Jamieson, ian M Honolulu, HI 808-955-4705 Pro 3 Jamison, Howard Danville, CA 510-831-1420 Pro 1 Janikowski, James L New Berlin, WI 414-786-6616 Pro 1 Janovsky, Dale Ormond Beach, FL 904-672-3579 Pro 3 Jansson, Ville The Woodlands, TX 713-298-5803 Pro 3 Jantz, Kenneth W Shreveport, LA 318-686-6466 Pro 1

Jantzen, Melvin D Las Vegas, NV Pro 2 702-648-3866 Japinga, Wmiam H Holland, Ml 616-335-2259 Pro Jarvis, Howard E St Louis, MO 314-962-1967 Pro Jasinski, John E Clifton Park, NY 518-371-6038 Pro 1 Javid, Daria D Madison, WI 608-233-7123 Pro 2 Javillonar, Kevin M Danbury, CT 203-748-0495 Pro 2 Jeanette, Judy J Brooksville, FL 904-799-8999 Pro 1 Jelfcott, Cynthia Massey Ft Myers, FL 813-936-1458 Pro 2 Jeffers, Jimmy Baltimore, MD Pro 2 Jeffers, Scott R Anoka, MN 612-343-3131 Pro 2 Jefferson, Stanley K San Diego, CA 619-566-1414 Pro 1 Jeffrey, Krista! K Pontiac, Ml 313-332-6587 Pro 2 Jeffries, Dr Ed Lakeland, FL 813-646-0811 Pro 2 Jeffries, John San Diego. CA 619-295-9278 Pro 3 Jenkin, John Mesa, AZ 602-964-7840 Pro 1 Jenkins, Beth Ann Austin, TX 512-251-4323 Pro 2 Jenkins, David W Amelia Island, FL 904-277-5145 Pro 1 Jenkins, Elton J Oklahoma City, OK 405-682-6076 Pro 3 Jenkins, Leslie H Knoxville, TN Affil



Jenks, Charles M Orange Park, FL 904-269-2099 Pro Jennings, H lee Kerrville, TX 512-896-7955 Pro Jensen, Chris L Lakeland, FL 813-688-3044 Pro Jensen, F Scott Lakewood, CO 303-988-1300 Pro Jensen, James M Irvine, CA 714-581-7052 Pro Jensen, Mark S Park City, UT 801-645-51 00 Pro Jerden, Dale S Bartlett, TN 901-748-0330 Pro Jerden, David C Arlington, TN 901-382-0486 Pro Jerome, John Bradenton, FL 813-792-3226 Pro Jessup, Robert B Bala-Cynwyd, PA 215-664-1905 Pro Jetli, Arun K, PhD Orange Village, OH 216-248-1429 Pro J-Goenaga, Alberto Roswell, NM 505-623-2228 Pro Jilot, Russell Forest Knolls, CA 415-488-4350 Pro Jimenez, Jorge G Hamlet, IN Pro Jimenez, Miguel Bogota, Colombia Pro Jimenez, Richard Redlands, CA 714-793-5991 Pro Jizmejian, Mike Fresno, CA 209-251-0800 Pro Jobson, Randall Tallahassee, FL 904-422-3443 Pro Jochum, Christian J Temecula, CA 714-694-1788 Pro

2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 2

Joelson -


Joelson, Brian Amarillo, TX 806-296-6177 Pro Jogasaki, Masahide Pro Tokyo, Japan Johansson, Erik K Fairfax, CA 415-457-9217 Pro Johns, James A Roswell, NM 505-622-4645 Pro Johns, Lynn C Daphne, AL Pro 205-626-8275 Johns, Michael E Daphne, AL Pro 205-626-8275 Johnsen, Mary P Portland, OR 503-629-8835 Pro Johnson, Arthur W N Tonawanda, NY 716-731-6440 Pro Johnson, Bobby R Seattle, WA Pro 206-684-4764 Johnson, Bruce Orlando, FL 407-297-0844 Pro Johnson, Carl G Oxford, Ml 313-652-1500 Pro Johnson, Charles A Wilmette, IL 708-853-0802 Pro Johnson, Charlton S Winter Haven, FL 813-297-4027 Pro Johnson, Clay San Diego, CA 619-262-6382 Pro Johnson, Corinna Denver, CO 303-758-2651 Pro Johnson, David M Gaithersburg, MD 301-840-1823 Pro Johnson, Douglas C Walnut Creek, CA Pro 510-933-9039 Johnson, Freddie A Gainesville, FL 904-375-8739 Pro Johnson, Gordon (Skip) Lithia Springs, GA 404-949-7507 Pro

2 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 3 2 2 3


Johnson, Helen M Austin, TX 512-458-6703 Pro 1 Johnson, Jackie Jackson, TN 901-668-0980 Pro 2 Johnson, James Phoenix, AZ 602-957-7936 Pro 3 Johnson, James R La Grange, IL Pro 1 Johnson, Jan Bloomington, MN 612-884-1612 Pro Johnson, Jeff Y Ranchos De Taos, NM 505-758-1980 Pro 2 Johnson, John B Ft Worth, TX Pro 2 Johnson, Kart A Libertyville, IL 708-729-6500 Pro 1 Johnson, Kim Lake Worth, FL 407-582-2523 Pro 2 Johnson, Lawrence F, Jr Hermosa Beach, CA 310-377-2290 Pro 3 Johnson, Lionel (Bud) Bridgeport, CT 203-366-6932 Pro 2 Johnson, Mark A Oceanside, CA 619-433-2905 Pro 2 Johnson, Mark T Northfield, MN 612-587-5821 Pro 2 Johnson, Marty Sioux Falls, SD 605-335-5814 Pro 1 Johnson, Mary Naples, FL 813-434-5448 Pro 2 Johnson, Merlin Coral Gables, FL 305-662-1891 Pro 1 Johnson, Michael S Southaven, MS 901-332-0546 Pro 2 Johnson, Oscar Inglewood, CA 213-673·8884 Pro 3 Johnson, Penny Bellflower, CA Pro 3 213-464-3195


Johnson, Phillip A Merced, CA 209-722-3988 Pro Johnson, Richard C Chattanooga, TN 615-899-3220 Pro Johnson, Richard M St Louis, MO 314-821-4609 Pro Johnson, Richard A Albuquerque, NM 505-821-4860 Pro Johnson, Rick L Barre, VT 802-479-3491 Pro Johnson, Robert C Winnipeg, Canada 204-488-4480 Pro Johnson, Stephen F Litchfield, CT 203-482-9424 Pro Johnson, Steve F Orange, CA 714-532-4281 Pro Johnson, Tracey D Newton, MA 617-964-5088 Pro Johnson, Walter A Atlanta, GA 404-252-3925 Pro Johnson, Waller W W St Paul, MN 612-457-2322 Pro Johnson, VVendy B Lantana, FL 407-736-9551 Pro Johnson, William C Baton Rouge, LA 504-926-8036 Pro Johnson, William (Willard) S Milwaukee, WI 414-351-2900 Pro Johnston, Andrew Clemson, SC 803-656-2252 Pro Johnston, Barbara Bakersfield, CA 805-833-37 40 Pro Johnston, C Eugene Clarendon Hills, IL 312-654-2442 Pro Johnston, Carl Dallas, TX Pro Johnston, Kevin Y Martinsville, VA 703-632-1857 Pro

3 2 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 1 2 2 1

3 1 1 1 2 2


Johnston Johnston, Timothy G Pekin, IL 309-693-5720 Pro Jonasson-Brady, Eleonor D Baton Rouge, LA Pro 504-926-8036 Jones, Anne Blacksburg, VA Pro 2 703-552-6447 Jones, Belly Signal Mountain, TN 615-886-1206 Pro 2 Jones, Carlton C Berkeley, CA 51 0-548-1954 Pro 2 Jones, Craig A Rome, GA 404-291-0038 Pro 2 Jones, Craig S Aiken, SC 803-648-0078 Pro 1 Jones, Darcy L St Paul, MN Pro 2 612-646-5420 Jones, David B, II Exeter, NH Pro 2 603-778-7757 Jones, Gary A El Dorado, AR 501-862-1171 Pro 1 Jones, Geraldine Lea Redding, CA 916-221-7333 Pro 3 Jones, Gordon P Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Pro 1 Jones, J Gregory Tampa, FL Pro 2 813-973-4220 Jones, Jerome K Culver City, CA Pro 1 213-645-7966 Jones, Kathleen I'll San Francisco, CA Pro 3 415-928-2484 Jones, Kathryn Salt Lake City, UT Pro 2 801-467-3355 Jones, Larry J Salt Lake City, UT 801-596-0422 Pro 1 Jones, Martha S Tampa, FL Pro 1 813-973-2896 Jones, Marvin C Canoga Park, CA 818-348-7171 Pro 2

Jones, Matt Cincinnati, OH Pro 1 Jones, Nancy A Brooklyn, NY Pro 1 718-625-1399

Jones, Nathan l, Jr Portland, OR 503-636-9407 Pro 2 Jones, Rex Bryant Hueytown, AL 205-491-4067 Pro 2 Jones, Warrick Denver, CO Pro 2 303-375-9437 Jones, Wm Hulton B Ponca City, OK 405-765-5179 Pro 1 Jorgensen, Gordon D Indian Wells, CA 619-340-0500 Pro 1 Hon Jose, Jaime R Boston, MA 617-227-7358 Pro 2 Jose, Juan J Glendale, CA 818-501}7640 Pro 2 Joyce, John Boynton Beach, FL 407-734-6877 Pro 1 Judson, Minka I'll Okemos, Ml 517-349-9656 Pro 2 Judson, Thomas C Okemos, Ml Pro 2 Judy, Wade H Eugene, OR 503-345-5128 Pro 2 Juhasz, Robert A Salt Lake City, UT 801-487-2964 Pro 1 Junge, Roger W Des Plaines, IL 708-296-2393 Pro 1 JungKunz, Vincent G Columbus, OH 614-927-1259 Pro 3 Justice, Jack Aiken, SC 803-642-7171 Master Pro Jutras, Peter Avon, CT 203-693-6869 Pro 2 Kabasawa, Kohichi Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1



Kacian, Jim Berryville, VA

703-955-4705 Pro 2 Kadera, Dean C Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-491-2839 Pro 1 Kaemmle, John Waterloo, Canada

519-885-3181 Pro 2 Kaga, Shinichi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Kaga, Shojiro Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Kagawa, Richard Hila, HI Pro 2 808-935-0027 Kageyama, Masataka Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Kahn, Larry Manchester, CT Pro 1 203-646-4577 Kahn, Roger Oakland, CA Pro 1 510-261-2120 Kai, Taleki Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Kaiser, Donald G Sarasota, FL Pro 1 813-596-6862 Kaizaki, Kinichi Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Kajikawa, Eiichi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Kajishita, Yoshiaki Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Kajiwara, Hiroyuki Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Kakehashi, Christine Cincinnati, OH 513-232-1594 Pro 2 Kalenak, James P Lake Worth, FL 407-732-7230 Pro 1 Kalkholl, Norman E Nashville, TN 615-367-5010 Pro 1 Kalpak, Berj B Yonkers, NY 914-963-3198 Pro 1 Kalpin, Lanny Ft Myers, FL Pro 1 813-278-4428 Kama, Cathy Henderson, NV 702-897-6802 Pro 2 Kamada, Kimiaki Tokyo, Japan Pro 3

Kamakana -


Kamakana, Henry Mountain View, CA

415-493-8540 Pro Kamat, Sunanda M Flossmoor, IL 708-799-1323 Pro Kamekawa, Kenji Tokyo, Japan 0268-26-5632 Pro Kamenir, Lynn S Shaker Heights, OH 614-451-9434 Pro Kameyama, Takao Tokyo, Japan 0467-75-1583 Pro Kamide, Hiroo Tokyo, Japan Pro

1 3 3 2 3 3

Kamimura, Ritsuko

Tokyo, Japan 0424-81-9195 Pro Kamiosawa, Hiroshi Tokyo, Japan 03-3307-6730 Pro Kamisaka, Kazuyoshi Tokyo, Japan 0722-71-0890 Pro Kamisar, David G Grosse Pointe Park, Ml 313-822-0758 Pro Kamiwazumi, Jun Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Kamiya, Takashi Tokyo, Japan 0472-94-8241 Pro Kamosa, John F Sanibel, FL 813-472-0875 Pro Kamperman, Kurl Hilton Head Island,


2 3 3

1 3 3

803-671-9540 Master Pro Kamrad, Joseph G Virginia Beach, VA 804-481-6310 Pro 1 Kanamaru, Yuki Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Kanapeaux, Michael L Portland, OR 503-370-7721 Pro 2 Kanaya, Yuko Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Kanbara, Tsuyoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2

Kane, Jane E Dunwoody, GA 404-396-5977 Pro Kane, Jason P Lower Hutt, New Zealand 64-4-5696625 Pro Kane, Kevin Monroeville, PA 412-856-3930 Pro Kaneda, Shuichi Tokyo, Japan Pro Kaneko, Akihiro Pro Tokyo, Japan Kaneko, llllasayo Tokyo, Japan Pro Kaneko, Naoyuki Tokyo, Japan 03-421-2253 Pro Kaneko, Tomoyo Tokyo, Japan Pro Kaneko, Yoshitsugu Tokyo, Japan 0429-94-57 44 Pro Kaneman1, Tokinari Pro Tokyo, Japan Kaneshiro, Kyle Y Honolulu, HI 808-577-5222 Pro Kanga, Burzis R Kenner, LA 504-467-1351 Pro Kania, Regan K Lansing, Ml 517-394-3372 Pro Kannenberg, Christopher E Vernon Hills, IL Pro Kanno, Yoshio Tokyo, Japan Pro Kano, Suekichi Tokyo, Japan 0487-69-2925 Pro Kane, Takayuki Tokyo, Japan Pro Kaplan, Phillip J Poway, CA 619-748-4472 Pro Kaplan, Stephen Rober! Signal Hill, CA 31 0-494-3779 Pro Kapp, Thomas D Hartsdale, NY 914-948-4851 Pro



2 1 2 3 3 3 2 3 1 1 3 3

2 3 2 3 3

2 3

Karabell, Charles Oak Park, Ml 313-398-8420 Pro Karageanes, larry Durham, NC 919-620-0183 Pro Kardasz, Mike Syracuse, NY 315-478-7314 Pro Kardon, Craig L Dallas, TX 214-243-6199 Pro Karen, Brad Hilo, HI 808-961-5499 Pro

1 2 2 1

Karigiannis, Bill

Roosevelt Island, NY 212-935-0250 Pro Karlebach, Craig A E Hampton, NY Pro 516-329-1194 Karlin, Adair 1111 Highland Park, IL Pro 708-831-2917 Karoghlanian, Aram Millis, MA Pro 508-376-2735 Karpinski, Andrew Toronto, Canada 416-234-2044 Pro Kasahara, Takeshi Tokyo, Japan 0724-45-5972 Pro Kasai, Fumiyasu Tokyo, Japan Pro 011-662-1551 Kasavage, Peter C San Ramon, CA Pro 212-302-3376 Kasayama, Hirotaka Pro Tokyo, Japan Kashiwadani, Yukio Tokyo, Japan Pro Kashiwagi, Kiyolada Tokyo, Japan Pro Kashiwai, Masaki Tokyo, Japan Pro Kaskow, Christopher Durham, NC Pro 919-490-9769 Kasono, Kiyoshi Tokyo, Japan 0297-74-5946 Pro Kassa!ly, Edward 1111 W Palm Beach, FL 407-655-5665 Pro

2 2 2 '!lW'A'tt\"

1 1 3 2 2 3 1 3 3 1 2 2

Kasl Kast, Larry Palm Springs, CA 619-320-0020 Pro 1 Katagishi, Hidehiko Pro 3 Tokyo., Japan Katayama, Akira

Tokyo, Japan Pro Katayama, Carolyn T Kailua, HI 808-261-8472 Pro Katayama, Shu Tokyo, Japan 045-241-1717 Pro Katimansah, Eddy Jakarta, Indonesia 03-464-6621 Pro Katko, Ernie New York, NY 212-989-8572 Pro

2 2 2 3 1

Kate, Hirokazu

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Kato, Hiroyuki Tokyo, Japan Kato, Manabu Tokyo, Japan

Kawada, Hisao

Pro 2 Pro 2 Pro 2

Kato, Masaki

Tokyo, Japan Kato, Masaya Tokyo, Japan 045-541-0076 Kato, Tadashi Tokyo, Japan Kato, Takashi Tokyo, Japan Kato, Takashi Tokyo, Japan 045-721-0132 Kato, Takumi Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Kalo, Toshikazu Tokyo, Japan 052-704-1965 Kato, Toshio Tokyo, Japan

Pro 1 Pro 3 Pro 3 Pro 2 Pro 3 Pro 1 Pro 2 Pro 2

Katsura, Shoji

Tokyo, Japan 082843-6290

Katzel, Marna l N Potomac, MD 301-869-5209 Pro 3 Kauffmann, Theodore St Louis Park, MN 612-546-5475 Pro 1 Kaufman, David Ossining, NY Pro 2 914-939· 1300 Kaufman, Richard New York, NY Pro 1 212-826-2924 Kawabata, Makoto Chapel Hill, Australia Pro 2 07-878-3465 Kawabala, Yukiloshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Kawachidani, Toru Tokyo, Japan 045-432-7532 Pro 3

Pro 3

Katz, leo Crystal River, FL 904-795-1571 Master Pro

Katz, Richard I E Brunswick, NJ 908-257-7507 Pro 1

Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Kawaguchi, Kiyoshi Tokyo, Japan 03-482-1374 Pro 3 Kawahata, Atsushi Tokyo, Japan 03-755-9349 Pro 3 Kawakami, Kenichi

Tokyo, Japan 0468-71-0170 Pro 3 Kawakami, Machika Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Kawakami, Mitsuji

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Kawakami, Tokuhiro

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Kawakatsu, Hideaki Tokyo, Japan Pro 1 03-464-6621 Kawakita, Shinichi Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 3 Kawamoto, Yoshihiro

Pro Tokyo, Japan Kawamura, Kenji Tokyo, Japan Pro Kawasaka, Kunie Tokyo, Japan 0722-92-6684 Pro Kawasaki, Hiroyuki Tokyo, Japan Pro Kawasaki, Keiji Tokyo, Japan Pro Kawasaki, Koji Tokyo, Japan Pro


2 1 3 3 3 3


Kawasaki, Yuji

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Kawase, Junzo Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Kawashima, Masahiko Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Kaweske, Pamela

Englewood, CO 303-741-1731 Pro 2 Kayano, Syoichi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Kayashima, Michiko Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Kearney, Pamela Hensel Wayzata, MN 612-473-4112 Pro Kearns, Kevin S

Ft Myers, FL 813-768-4131 Pro 2 Kearns, Patrick S Greenwich, CT

203-622-5936 Pro 2 Keating, Blase Birmingham, Ml 313-644-5683 Pro Keating, Brian T

Menlo Park, CA 415-321-3130 Pro Keating, lee W, Jr Birmingham, Ml 313-644-5683 Pro 1 Keating, Tighe Birmingham, Ml 313-644-5683 Pro 1 Keegan, Timothy J Fairfax, VA 703-560-9480 Pro 2 Keeling, Cynthia L (Cindy) Sacramento, CA

916-484-8273 Pro Keener, Robin D Melbourne, FL 407-254-9143 Pro Keese, William C Levittown, NY 516-735-6589 Pro 2 Kelalos, Jell Columbia, SC 803-733-8440 Pro 1 Kegelman, Daniel G Wilmington, DE 302-571-9263 Pro 2 Kegerreis, Douglas A Chantilly, VA 703-263-2362 Pro 1

Keighley -


Keighley, Michael N Miami, FL 305-94 7-0205 Pro 1 Keil, Bill Miami, FL

Pro 1 305-253-7554 Keil, Kathrin Houston, TX 713-622-5921 Pro Keily, Alison Houston, TX 713-550-1706 Pro Kelleher, Robert J Los Angeles, CA Pro 1 213-688-5255 Hon Keller, Kirk J San Antonio, TX 210-491-9888 Pro 2 Keller, Murlie Omaha, NE 402-393-6978 Pro 1 Keller, Rick Raleigh, NC 919-787-6153 Pro 2 Kelley, Craig S Spring Lake, Ml 616-842-7307 Pro 2 Kelley, Donald E Ft Walton Beach, FL 904-862·2023 Pro 2 Kelley, Jacqueline Sunriver, OR 503-593-8108 Pro 3 Kelley, Levander Pro 3 Ft Lee, VA Kelley, R Pierce, Jr Miami Shores, FL

305-757-0104 Pro Kellogg, Chuck Las Vegas, NV 702-876-5836 Pro Kellogg, James A San Diego, CA 619-226-3407 Pro Kells, Joseph P San Anselmo, CA 415-459-8627 Pro Kelly, Bradley B Charleston, WV Pro 304·346-00 17 Kelly, Edward A Kirkland, WA 206-828-0656 Pro Kelly, Elizabeth Lafayetta Hill, PA Pro

2 1 2 1 2 1 3

Kelly, Joe G Smyrna, GA 404-434-4541 Pro Kelly, John P Virginia Beach, VA Pro Kelly, Michael J Rochester, NY 716-889-9322 Pro Kelly, Raymond T Searcy, AR Pro Kelly, Sandra K Edina, MN 612-854-0322 Pro Kelly, Sissy Albuquerque, NM 505-299-1095 Pro Kelly, Tracy A Ft Myers, FL 813-275-0834 Pro Kelman, Sandy Bluffton, SC 803·257-7128 Pro Kelner, Daniel G Poulsbo, WA 206-692-1509 Pro Kelsey, Dallas G, II W Terre Haute, IN Pro 812-232-3005 Kelsey, Jill E

1 3 2 2 2 1 2


Sacramento, CA

916-689-8655 Pro 2 Kelso, Douglas Bernardsville, NJ Pro 1 908-953-0730 Kelton, Danny San Bruno, CA 415-615-0311 Pro 2 Kelly, Timothy E Lexington, KY 606-271-5888 Pro 1 Kemp, Mike Louisville, KY 502-499-1261 Pro 2 Kemp, Ronald Charles Jackson, MS 601-956-1105 Pro 1 Kendall, Peter L Kirksville, MO Pro 2 816-785-7258 Kenisky, Randy P Delray Beach, FL 407-274-9521 Pro 1 Kennard, Leslie Riblet Lititz, PA 717-560-2092 Pro 2


Kennedy, Daniel Naples, FL Pro 813-434-2106 Kennedy, Owen Schaumburg, IL 708-397-1627 Pro Kennedy, Stephen Gary Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-761-5378 Pro Kennedy, Steve J Kingwood, TX 713-359-5255 Pro Kennedy-Horton, Marsha Farmington, Ml Pro 313-476-3246 Kenner, Allen D San Diego, CA 619-452-0034 Pro Kenner, Karen E Rockville, MD 301·816-8928 Pro Kenney, David L S Yarmouth, MA 508-394-3511 Pro Kenney, Frank J Newport, Rl 401-846-8451 Pro Kenney, Jack

1 1

2 2

2 2 ;m»m"~~l

2 3 1

Franconia, NH

603-823-8880 Pro Kenney, Russell W Hermosa Beach, CA 213-379-0660 Pro Kenney, William M Pt Charlotte, FL Pro Kenny, Robert F Boca Raton, FL 407-994-3001 Pro Kent, Gordon New York, NY 212-293-2386 Pro Kenyon, Scott F Grand Rapids, Ml Pro Kepinski, Waclaw W Weymouth, MA 617-335-0207 Pro Kepler, Richard T Aptos, CA 408-688-1993 Pro Kerbis, Don Boca Raton, FL Pro 407-395-4840

1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1


Kermode Kermode, Rosalind Marlboro, MA 207-725-3310 Pro Kern, Thomas D Scarborough, Canada 416-487-1507 Pro 1 Kernan, Philip, Jr Henderson, NV

Pro Kernodle, Michael W Boone, NC 704-265-2319 Pro Kerns, Kevin Nashville, TN 615-373-5120 Pro Kerr, Dan M Wiarton, Canada Pro 2 519-534-3745 Kerr, Edwin Granada Hills, CA 818-368-4205 Pro Kerr, John N Hilton Head Island,




Kesamaru, isao

Tokyo, Japan Pro Kesl, Dr Gary Deerfield Beach, FL 305-421-7890 Pro Kessler, Malcolm J Singapore 4683058 Pro Kessler, Robert N Woodmere, NY 516-791-4765 Pro Keswani, Rajan N Arden Hills, MN 612-426-1308 Pro Ketelsen, Kimm Austin, TX 512-458-9733 Pro Ketterer, Ken S, Jr Deerfield Beach, FL 305-428-0695 Pro Kevorkian, Shawna Fresno, CA 209-431-8200 Pro Key, Kelly R Raleigh, NC 919-515-7674 Pro Keyes, Cynthia Charleston, SC 803-569-144 7 Pro Keyser, Jeff David Berkeley, CA 51 0-525-4820 Pro

2 1 3

Khanlarian, Vigen Glendale, CA 818-507-0037 Pro 2 Khochi, Junichi Tokyo, Japan 082-879-8130 Pro 3 Khoury, Elias Adib Miami, FL

305-226-4144 Kid, Paul San Diego, CA

Pro 2 Kida, Miwako Tokyo, Japan 0427-29-7607 Pro 3 Kidd, Scott Burke, VA 703-866-0161 Pro 2 Kido, Takeshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Kiefer, Sheila J Annapolis, MD Pro 1 410-757-1729 Kiernan, Daniel J Woodstock, IL Pro 2 708-362-5553 Kiewel, Bob White Bear Lake, MN Pro 3 612-429-8177 Kiewiel, Michael H Gross Pointe Wd, Ml 313-882-4229 Pro 1 Kiggans, Brian P Hilton Head Island,


1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3

Pro 3

803-671-2215 Pro Kikkawa, Takashi Tokyo, Japan Pro Kikuchi, Senichi Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Kikuchi, Tatsuharu Tokyo, Japan Pro Kikuchi, Toyoaki Tokyo, Japan Pro

1 1 2 3 2

Kikuchi, Yoshio

Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Kikuta, Yuko Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Kilgour, Doug Augusta, GA 404-733-4988 Pro 2 Kilian, Mary Beth Glendale, WI 414-352-2255 Pro 2 Killelea, Dennis San Juan Capist, CA 714-248-1149 Pro 1



Killen, Tere nee J Darnestown, MD

Pro 1 301-869-2240 Kilmer, Jerome P Binghamton, NY 607-797-0274 Pro Kim, Jung B Glendale, CA 818-244-6895 Pro Kimmel, Henry W Chappaqua, NY 914-238-0771 Pro 1 Kimmell, Joel A Beaver Dam, WI 414-887-2249 Pro 3 Kimura, Akihiro

Tokyo, Japan 079867-4551 Pro 2 Kimura, Fuminobu Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Kimura, Hiroyuki Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Kimura, Yoshito

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 King, Barry Lincoln, NE 402-471-7095 Pro 2 King, Billie Jean Chicago, IL 312-245-5300 Pro 1 Hon King, Cyrus B, Jr Raleigh, NC 919-831-9161 Pro 2 King, David F Salinas, CA 408-663-4251 Pro 2 King, Dick Temple, TX 817-771-1177 Master Pro

King, Douglas S St Helena, CA 707-963-3646 Pro 1 King, Harold B (Chip), Jr Fairfax, VA 703-425-3529 Pro 1 King, James Gordon, Ill Tarrytown, NY 914-631-0128 Pro 1 King, James R Dania, FL 305-926-7 488 Pro King, John P St Paul, MN 612-222-2879 Pro


King -


King, Lewis P Norfolk, VA 804-587-8217 Pro 1 King, M Kent Columbia, MO 314-445-3962 Pro 2 King, Mary Kennerly Fayetteville, AR Pro 1 King, Max C Abilene, TX 915-677-2409 Pro 2 King, Robert C Houston, TX 713-622-5921 Pro 1 King, Robert R Marietta, GA 404-429-8671 Pro 2 King, Wiiliam C, Jr Herndon, VA 703-813-2014 Pro 3 King-Johnston, Darlyne Wilmington, NC 919-256-2210 Pro 3 Kingman, Charles R Laguna Beach, CA Pro 2 714-497-9103 Kinneer, Mary F Mesa, AZ 602-924-2754 Pro 3 Kinoshita, Hiroshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Kinsella, John P Santa Barbara, CA 805-687-2421 Pro 1 Kinugasa, Kiyomi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 0492-43-6768 Kinyon, Charles M Hanover, NH 603-646-3819 Pro 2 Kirch, Patricia Ann Kennewick, WA 509-627-6561 Pro 2 Kirkman, Larry L Denver, CO 303-756-3932 Pro 1 Kirkwood, Peter Allyn Santa Barbara, CA Pro 2 805-893-2181 Kirsch, William Elm Grove, WI 414-782-1570 Pro 2 Kirschbaum, Steve Commerce, Ml 313-352-8000 Pro 2

Kirsten, Denis Tarpon Springs, FL 813-938-7990 Pro 1 Kirsten, Nancy Tarpon Springs, FL Pro 3 813-938-7990 Kirwan, John Houston, TX Pro 2 713-432-3996 Kiser, Mike S Myrtle Beach, Pro 1 803-497-2495 Kishibe, Shigekazu Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Kishida, Shinichi Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Kissick, Barbara Horton Stuart, FL 407-336-8912 Pro 2 Kitafuji, Yukio Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Kitani, Kousaku Tokyo, Japan 0775-33-0169 Pro 3 Kitano, Atsushi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 03-712-2397 Kitano, Hiroaki Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Kitayama, Yasuko Tokyo, Japan 0463-96-5576 Pro 3 Kiyola, Yoshiteru Pro 1 Tokyo, Japan Klear, Pete Riverview, FL Pro 1 813-677-7156 Kleban, Michael Island Park, NY Pro 2 516-432-3040 Kleiman, Zachary Los Angeles, CA Pro 3 818-446-9599 Klein, Jonathan R Carle Place, NY 516-294-4122 Pro 2 Kiein, Lawrence D St Charles, MO 314-94 7-8551 Pro 2 Klein, Roger Ft Thomas, KY 606-441-6464 Pro Kleinman, Edward F Reseda, CA 818-343-3282 Pro



K!embara, Peter Aptos, CA 408-662-2463 Pro 2 Kiene, Brian C Boise, ID 208-345-4681 Pro 2 Kliebhan, Michael S Lawrenceville, NJ Pro 2 609-530-1780 Kline, Cheryl L Quakertown, PA Pro 2 215-536-6147 Kline, Larry R Louisville, KY 502-429-5593 Pro 2 Kline, Matthew M Dayton, OH 513-434-6602 Pro 3 Kline, Susan K Louisville, KY 502-429-5593 Pro 2 Klopstock, Judy E Moraga, CA Pro 3 510-376-6912 Klorfein, Jonathan Palm Beach, FL 305-842-2835 Pro 2 Klotz, Don Iowa City, lA Pro 1 319-338-3305 Hon Klueter, Howard R Wausau, WI 715-845-4676 Pro 3 Kluis, Kris A Scottsdale, AZ 602-948-7731 Pro 2 Klurman, Danielle Robin New York, NY 212-988-6828 Pro Kluska, Michael S Greensburg, PA 412-832-0215 Pro 2 Klyce, Robert Santa Rosa, CA Pro 1 707-539-0353 Knade, Christopher Palos Heights, IL 312-361-1923 Pro 1 Knauer, Michael P Boca Raton, FL Pro 2 Kniffen, Fred Tyler, TX Pro 1 903-597-4676



Knight Knight, Daniel Las Vegas, NV 702-367-2711 Pro Knight, Dick Redmond, WA 206-885·5566 Pro Knight, Sally Babson Park, FL 813·638·1231 Pro Knisley, Sam R Baltimore, MD 301-747-1093 Pro Knobbs, James F Seattle, WA 206·365-571 0 Pro Knoesler, John Holland, Ml 616·396-1477 Pro Knowles, Timothy Augusta, GA Pro 404-798·1462 Knox, David S Northampton, MA 413-586-0628 Pro Knox, Patrick D Key West, FL 305-296-3029 Pro Knox, Rob W Richland, WA 509-967-5756 Pro

1 1 1 2 2 2 2


Knutsen, Jane K

Seattle, WA 206·938·5839

Pro 2

Kobayashi, Fumio

Tokyo, Japan Pro Kobayashi, Hideo Tokyo, Japan 04-402-7908 Pro Kobayashi, Hitoshi Tokyo, Japan 011-643-7862 Pro Kobayashi, Nobuko Tyler, TX 903-593·6586 Pro Kobayashi, Yoshito Tokyo, Japan Pro Kobel!, Paul F New Albany, OH 614·939·8542 Pro Kobleur, Richard Naples, FL 813-775-4016 Pro Kodama, Masahiro Tokyo, Japan 06374-6255 Pro Kodera, Tetsuya Pro Tokyo, Japan

2 3 3 3 3

2 2

Koechiein, Donald F Bradenton, FL 813-755-1222 Pro Koechiein, Fred E Largo, FL Pro 813·585·3251 Koehler, Garry J Marshfield, WI 715-387-4900 Pro Koekkoek, Martha S Sudbury, MA 508-443-6282 Pro Koekkoek, Peter M Sudbury, MA 508-443·6282 Pro Koessler, Craig Portland, OR 503·223-6251 Pro Koessler, Paul A Tacoma, WA Pro 206-759·8966 Kolman, Ricardo J Buenos Aires, Argentina 01-775-9228 Pro Koga, Masatoshi Tokyo, Japan 0956-25-3948 Pro

Koike, Junl<o Tokyo, Japan 0286-24-3885 Koizumi, Michio Tokyo, Japan 025-286· 7967

Pro 3 Pro 3


2 2 2


Koger, Ann

Haverford, PA Pro 2 215-284-1435 Koh, Jerry Heok Chye Singapore 65-4579536 Pro 3 Koh, Siow Ngea Singapore 65-2875108 Pro 3 Koh, Tze Ping (Jimmy) Singapore Pro 3 65-4407280 Kohchi, Masakazu Tokyo, Japan 0482-52-4631 Pro 3 Koh Heng lee, Victor Singapore 65·4572266 Pro 2 Kohl, Jeffrey S Waukesha, WI 414· 786-3330 Pro 2 Kohlmoos, John Tahoe City, CA 916-583·9172 Pro 3 Koide, Yoshinori Tokyo, Japan 0587 ·56·4471 Pro 3



Tokyo, Japan Pro 1 Kojima, Kazl!.!lfumi Tokyo, Japan 1954-42-2005 Pro 3 Kojima, Kazuhisa Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Kojima, Shunjiro Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Kok, Robert C W Kuala Lumpu, Malaysia 032541272 Pro 3 Kok Chong Fait, Royce Singapore 65-5642864 Pro 3 Kokonis, Steve Woodland Hills, CA Pro 2 Kokumai, Kenta Tokyo, Japan 078-736-1699 Pro 3 Kolankiewicz, Kathy A Sandia Park, NM 505-281-8274 Pro 1 Kolar, Judy El Segundo, CA 213-322-5624 Pro 3 Koller, John M Troy, NY 518-276-6526 Pro 2 Kollock, Thomas F Revere, MA 617-450·3820 Pro 2 Koma, Miwa Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Komassa, Thomas S Milwaukee, WI 414· 764-0268 Pro 2 Komich, Kirm Natick, MA 508-650·494 7 Pro 3 Kommer, Glenn Bonita Springs, FL 813·992-8253 Pro 1 Komori, Rusty Mililani Town, HI 808-946-2951 Pro 2 Komoriya, Mamiko Tokyo, Japan Pro 2

Komula -


Komula, Denise R Kohler, WI 416-833-7721 Pro Komuro, Takashi Tokyo, Japan 0475-51-6312 Pro 3

Koshida, Takashi Tokyo, Japan 045-721-4436 Pro 3 Kosloff, George Delray Beach, FL 407-272-6176 Pro 1

Kondo, Kazufumi

Kossover, A David

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Konigsberg, Janie Finksburg, MD 301-833-5441 Pro 1 Kono, Koki

Tokyo, Japan 03-3774-7310

Pro 3

Kono, Teruo

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Konove, Kay Briarcliff Manor, NY 914-941-3047 Pro Kop, Randy A Kahuku, HI 808-735-3008 Pro Kop, Rodney A Sunnyvale, CA Pro 408-738-2355 Kopelzki, Candice Washington, Ml 313-781-6759 Pro Kopp, Michael W Pittsburgh, PA 412-828-7780 Pro Kopp, William A Pittsburgh, PA 412-243-1422 Pro Kopren, Ted Maple Grove, MN 612-425-1977 Pro Korbut, Teddy 1111 Palm Bay, FL 407-777-6118 Pro Korda, Mary·louise Hendersonville, NC 704-891-5095 Pro Korpi, John R Pro Jenison, Ml Kosaka, Kazuhiro Tokyo, Japan 078-784-7365 Pro Kosako, Seiji Pro Tokyo, Japan Kasal, Craig L Englewood, CO 303-789-2562 Pro Koshiba, ll/lasahiro Tokyo, Japan 0438-98-6629 Pro

2 2 2 1

Fayetteville, AR 501-521-8241 Pro 3 Kosi, Charles L Marshall, MN 507-532-7446 Pro 2 Kosten, Lori J Memphis TN 901-682-2235 Pro 2 Kostin, Paul

Richmond, VA Pro Kotas, Courtenay Page Grosse Pointe, Ml 313-886-2944 Pro 1 Koth, Alan L Ft Worth, TX 817-732-6256 Pro 1 Kothe, Shubrick Potomac, MD 301-963-7882 Pro 3 Kotsakis, Thomas A,

1 1 3 1 1 2 2

Jr Naperville, IL 708-527-0736 Pro 2 Kotsonas, Thomas 1111 Chanhassen, MN 612-934-6061 Pro 3 Kouba, Katharine K Cincinnati, OH 513-247-9678 Pro 2 Kounosu, Atsushi

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Kourim, Adi Dallas, TX 214-521-1820

Pro 2 Pro 2

Koutras, Christine

Sarasota, FL 813-493-004 7 Pro 1 Kovach, Keith Boca Raton, FL 407-487-9800 Pro 2 Koyama, Noriyoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Koyama, Takuro

2 3

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Koyama, Toshio Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 049323-0339


Koyama, Toshiyuki Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Koyama, Yukihiko Tokyo, Japan 0729-64-9530 Pro 3 Kozlowski, Dave Sarasota, FL 813-371-1317 Master Pro Kraemer-White, Angela Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-587-6822 Pro 2 Kraesig, Jerry Waipahu, HI 808-671-7711 Pro 2 Krait, Bradley J W Kennebunk, ME 207-985-4019 Pro Kraft, Eve F Princeton, NJ 609-452-2580 Pro 1 Hon Kraft, Robert Pro 1 Hong Kong Kraft, Whitney T Boca Raton, FL Pro 1 Kraines, Kim S Lancaster, PA 717-392-2818 Pro 2 Kraly, Harry L Wilmington, NC 919-762-1875 Pro 1 Kramer, Don

San Diego, CA 619-755-7393

Pro 1

Kramer, Jack Los Angeles, CA


Pro 1 Hon

Kramer, Jay

Oak Brook, IL 708-964-7138 Pro 1 Kramer Tennis Inc Warren, AR 501-226-3019 Club Kramer, Thomas C New York, NY 212-869-3050 Pro 2 Kramer, Warren D

Brookline, MA 617-237-2300 Pro 2 Kraus, Edward W Boca Raton, FL 407-483-9117 Pro 1


Krause Krause, Lynn Krinek, John S Shreveport, LA Ft Myers, FL 318-673-7790 813-433· 7649 Pro 2 Pro 1 Krismanits, Susan Dee Krause, Michele L Moline, IL Santa Barbara, CA Pro 2 309-797-5906 805-966·5255 Pro 3 Kroll, Ki E Krauter, Karl F Los Angeles, CA Indianapolis, IN 213-878-0163 Pro 317-783·5411 Pro 2 Kronauge, Robert J Krauter, Kirby W Dayton, OH Boca Raton, FL 513-434-6602 Pro 407 -395·8604 Pro Kropf, Dorothy Krebs, Mark A Kennett Square, PA S Salem, NY 215-444-4875 Pro 914-234-9206 Pro Kroupa, Steven Kredel, Kurt Fort Collins, CO Palos Verdes Estates, 303-223-4476 Pro CA Krueger, Bob 213-373·6326 Pro Palos Verdes Estates, Kreger, Mark CA Pittsburgh, PA 213-541 ·4585 Pro 2 412-793·8050 Pro Krueger, Eric Kreger, William C Fair Oaks Ranch, TX Loma Linda, CA 512-981-4799 Pro 3 714-792·1859 Pro 2 Krueger, Marla Kreider, Michael Ft Worth, TX Birmingham, AL 817·294-5299 Pro 3 205-933-57 44 Pro 2 Krueger, Robert C Maumee, OH Kremer, Richard P 419·867 ·0003 Pro 1 Dayton, OH 513·226·2860 Pro 3 Krueger, Scott A Gresham, OR Pro 2 Kremm, Tim l Krukiel, Thomas San Diego, CA Ft Lauderdale, FL 619-259·1874 Pro 2 Pro 2 305· 763· 1565 Kretchmer, Christopher Krulevitz, Steven E Ukiah, CA Baltimore, MD 707-468-7489 Pro 2 41 0·486-8140 Pro 2 Kreutter, Dallas B Kruse, Adrian J Deephaven, MN San Francisco, CA 612·473-1901 Pro 2 415·924-6226 Pro 3 Kridle, Bill Kruseman, Eric J Christchurch, New Houston, TX Zealand Pro 2 713·558·2329 643-332·2070 Pro 2 Krzyzowski, Urszula Kridle, James R Troy, Ml Ft Myers, FL 313·879-2149 Pro 1 Pro 2 Kubelle, Otto J 813-466·2159 Kriese, Charles P Sayville, NY Anderson, SC Pro 1 516·589-0332 803-656·2252 Pro 1 Kubo, Hiroshi Krimbill, James E Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Midland, Ml Kubo, Michitaka 517·832·1927 Pro 1 Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Krimbill, Lori Maxwell Kubo, Takaloshi Midland, Ml Tokyo, Japan 517-832·1361 Pro 1 0468-49-7304 Pro 3



Kubo, Tsuyoshi Tokyo, Japan 045-491-7542 Pro Kubo, Yoshiharu Tokyo, Japan Pro Kubodera, Ryo Tokyo, Japan Pro Kubota, Yoichi Tokyo, Japan Pro Kucienski, Anne C Astoria, NY 718-389-8986 Pro Kuckie, Blair M Ft Pierce, FL Pro 407-231-1220 Kudo, Toshio Tokyo, Japan Pro 03·464-6621 Kuechel, Sleven M Studio City, CA Pro 818-760-2303 Kugo, Nagao Tokyo, Japan Pro Kuhle, Charles Decatur, IL Pro 217-422·8861 Kuhle, Michael A Ft Lauderdale, FL Pro 305· 776-6605 Kuhn, David J Sacramento, CA Pro 916·339· 1024 Kuji, Kazuhito Pro Tokyo, Japan

1 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 3


Kukaras, Aleksandar

Heidelberg, Germany Pro 1 Kulich, Jeffrey D Colorado Springs, CO 719-548-8789 Pro 2 Kulik, Steven Falmouth, VA 703·373-6472 Pro 2 Kumagai, Toshiji Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Kumagaya, Ryoji Tokyo, Japan 0487-98-2295 Pro 3 Kumakura, Yukiko Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Kunii, Tetsuji Tokyo, Japan 0424-88-7194 Pro 3 Kunimolo, Hirokalsu Tokyo, Japan Pro 3

Kunisaki -


Kunisaki, Hisao

Kurtz, Kevin L

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Kunitoshi, Shoji Tokyo, Japan Kuniya, Koji Tokyo, Japan Kuniyoshi, lilyuji Tokyo, Japan 06-367 ·1546

Carmichael, CA 916-965-8589 Pro Kurtz, Ronald J Truckee, CA 916-582·9505 Pro Kusakabe, Kiyoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro Kust, Robert N Lake Forest, IL Pro 708-295·5963 Kusl, Susan Slap Lake Forest, IL Pro 708-295-5963 Kusuda, Yukio Tokyo, Japan Pro

Pro 1 Pro 1 Pro 3 Pro 3

Kunselman, David J

Louisville, KY 502-426-2454 Pro 2 Kunz, Thomas S , San Pedro, CA 213-833-9314 Pro 2 Kupferschmidt, Kevin D Maplewood, MN 612-735-6214 Pro 2 Kuraishi, Akira

Tokyo, Japan Pro Kuramori, Tomoko Tokyo, Japan 0720-53-7755 Pro Kuras, David Grand Rapids, Ml 616-843-8223 Pro Kuribayashi, lsao Tokyo, Japan 0472-37-6990 Pro Kurihara, Akio Tokyo, Japan Pro Kurita, Masaomi Tokyo, Japan Pro Kurita, Yukihiro Pro Tokyo, Japan Kuriyama, Masanori Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Kurnolf, Shirley Menlo Park, CA 415-328-5851 Pro Kuroda, Shogo Tokyo, Japan Pro Kurtain, William D W Trenton, NJ 609-737-3600 Pro Kurtz, Brett A Coconut Creek, FL 305-972-0056 Pro Kurtz, Bruce A Coconut Creek, FL 305-421-7890 Pro Kurtz, David B Coral Gables, FL 305-460·5360 Pro

3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 3 2

Kwon, Young Min

2 2 2


Kuwabara, Hiroyuki

Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Kuwahara, Hidemi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Kuwamoto, Koso Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Kuwano, !sao Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Kuwayama, Toru Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Kuykendall, Anna Naples, FL 813-643·2843 Master Pro Kuykendall, Eric R Southaven, MS Pro 2 Kuykendall, Joe Little Rock, AR 50 1-664·5888 Pro 1 Kuykendall, John J Conway, AR 502-336-8126 Pro 2 Kuzava, Raymond M Neptune, NJ 908-229·9067 Pro 2 Kuzman, Stevan P Altamont, NY 518-356·3132 Pro 1 Kwai Sum Tang, Bob Singapore 65-2841392 Pro 3 Kwan, Fai Kit Hong Kong 8386336 Pro 3 Kwan, Harold Honolulu, HI 808-373-2083 Pro 2 Kwon, II Yoon Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 213-541-7990 Pro 2


Marlton, NJ 609-654-7848 Pro 3 Kyung, Kim Jae Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan L & M Distribution Inc San Rafael, CA 415·459-5565 Affil Labat, Myron B Bay St Louis, MS 601-467-9057 Pro 2 Labinski, John C Manitowoc, WI 414-684-4356 Pro 2 LaBruyere, Cathy Asheville, NC 704-687-8589 Pro 1 Lacey, Mary Clearwater, FL 813-584-2429 Pro 3 Lach, James J Lewisville, TX 214-436-8180 Pro 3 Lackey, Jack Modesto, CA 209·529-9879 Pro 1 Lacopo, Christopher G Bronx, NY Pro 2 212·548-4000 LaCouture, Cary F Franktown, CO Pro 1 lacy, James Aurora, CO 303-337-6275 Pro 2 ladig, Deborah Houston, TX 713-783-1620 Pro 2 Laemmer, Gregory Buffalo Grove, IL Pro 2 708·634-9030 Lagonera, Michael C New Carrollton, MD 301-953-0030 Pro 3 Lagounaris, Andre St Adele, Canada 514·229-4242 Pro 2 Lague, Ronald E Atlantic Beach, FL 904-246-3766 Master Pro

LaGuire, Guy R Kawaihae, HI 808-885-6675 Lahiff, Lisa Hollywood, FL 305-989-3010

Pro 2 Pro 3


Lalli Lahl, James R

Lanahan, Michael K

Cleveland, OH 216-251-4522

Pro 2

Lai Liling, Doreen Singapore

Lancaster, Kerry Todd Pro 2

Laing, Barry C Bend, OR 503-382-9378

Pro 1

laird, Roy Boca Raton, FL 407-997-0881 Pro 3

Lake Naomi Club Pocono Pines, PA 717-646-9191 Club

Lake, Robert Pro 2

Laliberte, Claudette

Bellevue, WA 206-455-7690 Sarasota, FL 813-355-3678

Dallas, TX 214-241-5676 Dallas, TX 214-239-9429



Sacramento, CA 916-485-7579 Pro 2

Pro 1

Las Vegas, NV 702-870-3294 Pro 2

Lane, Thomas F, Ill Perrysburg, OH 419-874-6311 Pro 2 Hoboken, NJ 201-217-0903

Pro 2

Lambie, Oban Lamborn, Beckie

St Albans, VT 802-524-9441

Pro 1 Pro 3

Langdon, Christopher Pro 2

Lamborn, Jeffrey B Pro 1

Lamkin, Griffin

Gilbert, AZ 602-892-6202


Langdon, Greg Irvine, CA 714-830-1414


Langdon, Kelly P

Falls Church, VA 703-356-3300 Pro 1

Grapevine, TX 817-379-5265

Lamothe, Ruben

Lange, Michael

Miami, FL 305-279-7246

Geneva, IL 708-208-7141

Pro 2



Stony Brook, NY Pro 3 516-269-6300

Laplante, Damon H R Sarnia, Canada 519-542-4413

Pro 2

Laporte, Barbara Delray Beach, FL 407-278-6812 Pro

Laporte, S!elan J Lappin, Gregory R Rochester, MN 507-280-0967

Pro 2

Laraia, Philip Torrington, CT 203-482-4559

Pro 2

Larman, Robert K Madison, AL 205-883-3651 Pro 3 Larned, Gardner Barrington Hills, IL 312-442-1200 Pro 1

LaRoche, Richard L Oberstaufen, Germany 08386-2020 Pro 1

Langdell, Dennis L Pro 2


Delray Beach, FL 407-278-6812 Pro

Boca Raton, FL 407-482-0110 Pro 2

Lafayette, LA 318-988-4605

Stevenson, MD 410-321-1766

Pro 2

Poughkeepsie, NY 914-454-7976 Pro 2

Lang, Wendy E

Stevenson, MD 301-486-3175

Pro 2

Landolfa, Anthony R

Lambert, Stacey Pearson

A Berkeley, CA Lanni, Pat Nutley, NJ 201-667-6687

Lapham, John B

lane, Johnny Pro 1

Lambert, Michelle F

Sausalito, CA 415-777-9000

Pro 1

landry, Richard A

Lambert, Kenneth Saginaw, Ml 517-790-2908

Landenberger, Richard

Pro 3

Pro 2

Chapel Hill, NC 919-967-6623 Pro 2 Boca Raton, FL 305路421-8321 Pro 1 lanner~Cusin, Jacques


Lambert, Joseph

Pro 1

Langlois, Jeffrey F langlois, Joseph

Lando, Georges P!aisfr, France

Pro 2

Gainesville, FL 904-373-4806

Dallas, TX 214路691路3313 Pro 1 Landavazo, Marcos Tecate, CA 706-654-1155 Pro 2

Pro 2

Lambert, Arthur S

Langer, Bob

Lancaster, Phillip

W Sedona, AZ 602-282-7312 Pro Landin, Dana R Hilton Head Island,

Lambdin, Scott Harrison Havertown, PA 215-446-9566

Pro 2

Landin, Bill Pro 2

La Marche, Robert J Trumbull, CT 203-373-7253

Louisville, KY 502-426-8820

Landesman, Bud

Boone, NC 704-963-1800 Orlando, FL 407-298-6504

Los Angeles, CA 213-559-5253 Pro 3


Pro 3

Larouche, Leonard J (Dina) Hollywood, FL 305-989-9597 Pro 2 Larsen, Deanne R Pro 2 Portland, OR Larsen, Mimi Stephens City, VA 703-662-7546 Pro 2

Larsen, Scynthia Macovik London, England 44087853568 Pro 2

Larsen, Thomas N Pro 1

Vail, CO 303-949-4439

Pro 3

Larson -


Larson, Dawn E Lake Bluff, IL 312-295-1322 Pro 1 larson, Kari J Liverpool, NY 315-622-4439 Pro 2

larson, Ken W Austin, MN 507-437-6703 Pro Larson, Toby Spokane, WA Pro 509-534-2377 Larsson, Krister Anders Raleigh, NC 919-787-6153 Pro LaSalle, Patrick Danbury, CT 203-748-6772 Pro Laser, Jack Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-525-7738 Pro Lashbrook, Katherine Crystal Lake, IL Pro latham, Forrest F Yakima, WA Pro 509-575-0931 Latta, Deborah Ewa Beach, HI 808-449-2598 Pro Latta路Renalds, Elizabeth Fairfax, VA Pro 703-764-0572 lattimore, Albert Dennis Pt Washington, NY 516-883-6425 Pro Lalu, Mesake P Hawthorne, CA 310-676-6208 Pro laughlin, James S Atlanta, GA 404-875-2563 Pro Laughlin, William W Cordova, TN 901-386-6764 Pro Laughton, Rebecca Rudder Durham, NC 919-383-1427 Pro laurie, Bonnie E Valdosta, GA 912-241-2004 Pro Lauterbach, Paul H Fonana, WI 414-275-6119 Pro

2 1

2 1 2 2 1 3


3 3 1 2

1 2

lavanchy, Steven J Scituate, MA 617-545-7486 Pro 1 Lavelalk, Pontus L E Lake Charles, LA 318-475-1050 Pro 2 LaVelle, Gregory J Athens, OH 614-593-8181 Pro 3 Lavender, James A Orlando, FL Pro 3 407-381-1855 Laver, Rod Rancho Mirage, CA Pro 1 Laverson, Albert Haddonfield, NJ 609-428-7084 Pro 1 Laverty, Lance Waukegan, IL 708-249-1530 Pro 2

Layman, Aaron Glen Odessa, TX 915-335-6801 Pro Lays, James E Denver, CO 303-753-1641 Pro Layton, Steven L Mulberry, FL Pro 813-425-1153 Lazenby, Glenn Kenner, LA 504-464-6310 Pro Leach, Rick Albuquerque, NM 505-271-2752 Pro Leach路Bohac, Elizabeth Hixson, TN 615-842-7138 Pro Leahy, Brian Lake Oswego, OR 503-645-7457 Pro laveson, Alan Leake, Wade Philadelphia, PA Pasadena, TX 215-625-9876 Pro 1 713-941-8631 Pro LaVoi, Nicole M Leal, Anibal D Hopkins, MN Medellin, Colombia Pro 2 612-933-0519 2481233 Pro Lawandus, Joseph Leal, Daniel F Webster, NY Montgomery, AL 716-671-1302 Pro 1 205-279-0270 Pro Lawlis, Mitch W Leary, Catherine C Lufkin, TX Haverford, PA 409-637-8801 Pro 1 Pro 215-525-2876 Lawrence, John R Leary, H Michael Sarasota, FL Haverford, PA 813-921-3668 Pro 1 215-525-2876 Pro lawrence, Toni Lease, Sharon Houston, TX Oklahoma City, OK Pro 2 713-937-9999 Pro 405-721-6696 Lawrence, Wayne E Leavell, Mary H Mt Pocono, PA Charlottesville, VA 717-839-0876 Pro 1 Pro Lawrie, Don Leavitt, Genevieve Lauderhill, FL Tucson, AZ 305-739-7061 Pro 2 602-327-2431 Pro lawson, Chris M Lebedevs, Peter E Sarasota, FL Cordova, TN 813-377-6161 Pro 1 Pro 901-765-4400 Lawton, Michael J leBere, Patricia G Des Plaines, IL Bloomington, MN 708-803-9346 Pro 2 Pro 612-897-3825 Lawver, Michael D Lebold, Lisa M Cape Coral, FL Chicago, IL 813-549-4926 Pro 2 708-323-3918 Pro Lebon, Jon Lay, Ruth R Buffalo Grove, IL Norcross, GA Pro 1 708-537-8071 Pro 404-446-6552


2 1 2 1 2

1 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 1

leCadre -- levchenko LeCadre, Amim J Miramar, FL 305-989-6203 Pro 2 Lechten, Robert Topsfield, MA 508-887-8967 Pro 1 LeClair, Mary Lake Elmo, MN 612-777-7237 Pro 2 Le Clear, Clarence G (Lee) Houston, TX 713-729-7311 Pro Lederman, Morton S Brighton, MA Pro 617-787-3233 Lederman, Paul E St Petersburg Beach, FL 813-894-1000 Pro 2 LeDuc, Edward S Hamilton, MA 217-526-4550 Pro 2 Lee, David Eng Hual Singapore 65-2826568 Pro 3 Lee, Deborah Decatur, GA 404-634-3405 Pro 2 Lee, Gregory S San Diego, CA 619-286-6633 Pro 2 Lee, Lim Kok Pinang, Malaysia 011609525617 Pro 2 Lee, Michael Uniondale, NY 516-538-3040 Pro 1 Lee, Steve Arlington, TX Pro 1 817-649-3515 Lee, Steven Khay Siang Singapore 65-5333444 Pro 3 Lee, W Sperry, Jr Atlantic Beach, FL 904-249-2607 Pro 1 Leeds, Clifford Great Neck, NY 487-6463 Pro 2 Le Fevre, Dick Carbondale, IL 618-453-5311 Pro 1 Hon Lefko, William D Rocky Mount, NC Pro 2

Leger, lionel San Diego, CA 619-268-1530 Pro Legler, Cuyler Merced, CA 209-722-3988 Pro Lehr, Kevin J Prairie Village, KS Pro 913-677-4918 Leight, Renee B Northbrook, IL 312-498-2520 Pro Leipold, Richard Readfield, ME 207-622-6800 Pro Leite, Frank M Springfield, NJ 201-680-8600 Pro Leland, Jack Coppell, TX Pro 214-393-1070 Leles, John G Carmichael, CA 916-971-3101 Pro Lemberg, Barbara

2 2 3 2

Dana Point, CA

714-248-9234 Pro 2 Lemley, Craig A Montgomery, AL 205-263-3213 Pro 1 Lemley, Curtis Rch Santa Margarita, CA 314-225-2379 Pro 2 Lemmon, W Delbert, Jr Rochester, PA 412-774-5969 Pro 3 Lempert, Robert Brooklyn, NY 718-788-5385 Pro 2 Lenart, John P Racine, Wl

414-637-8531 Pro Lender, Karel C Miami, FL 305-595-8610 Pro Lenhardt, Henner Winter Park, FL 407-740-8876 Pro Lenker, Richard L Portland, OR 503-644-0379 Pro Lenoir, Bill Riverview, FL Pro Leon, Daniel San Leandro, CA 415-276-0878 Pro


2 1 1 3

leon, Roberto Stamford, CT 203-329-1070 Pro Leonard, H Thomas S Pasadena, CA 818-441-0703 Pro Leonard, Michael E Salisbury, NC 704-638-5291 Pro Leonard, Timothy Shanghai, China Pro Leone, Todd Windham, ME Pro Leavey, Steven T Richmond, VA Pro 804-270-9440 Lepisto, Michele Scottsdale, AZ Pro 602-661-1971 Lepisto, Thomas B Fountain Hills, AZ 602-837-8000 Pro LePrevosl, Cindy K Cooper City, FL Pro 305-434-0731 Lerch, John Chatham, NJ Pro 201-635-1222 Leroux, Francois·Xavier

2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1

Normandie, France

33-25-1875 Pro Leslie, Deborah R W Palm Beach, FL 407-471-3300 Pro Lester, H W Harbor Springs, Ml 616-526-6620 Pro Letman, lou Ann Skokie, IL 708-67 4-6255 Pro lelleron, Edward H New York, NY 212-751-0979 Pro Leu, Bradley Winchester Ctr, CT 203-738-2970 Pro Leupold, James A Palm Desert, CA 619-341-1894 Pro Le Vanl, Dixon J Ft Lauderdale, FL Pro levchenko, Stuart Hermosa Beach, CA 310-372-9835 Pro

3 2 2

2 1 3

Levelle -


levelle, Bruce S Canoga Park, CA 818-341-8287 Pro Leventhal, Matthew A Culver City, CA 213-390-7322 Pro 2 Levie, Alexander T Solana Beach, CA 619-729-6325 Pro 1 Levis, Walter New York, NY Pro 2 Levkanich, Philip Elmira, NY 607-734-9504 Pro 2 Levy, Michael D, Sr

Lewis, Jon Reinach, Switzerland

061-712-1548 Pro 3 lewis, Kevin Garland, TX 214-234-6697 Pro 3 Lewis, larry J Naples, FL 813-434-4694 Pro 1 Lewis, Leslie Fayetteville, NC 919-867-0475 Pro 2 Lewis, M C (Monnie) Winter Park, FL 407-671-9777 Pro 3 Lewis, Michael A Milwaukee, WI Pro 1 Midland, TX 414-783-3762 Pro 2 Michael B Lewis, levy, Samuel H Naples, FL Napa, CA 813-261-5524 Pro 1 707-252-2299 Pro 3 Lewis, Rex lew, Melvin T Lake Geneva, WI Long Beach, CA 414-248-2800 Pro 2 213-598-3782 Pro 2 Lewis, Sally L lewellen, Michael Ardmore, PA Beaverton, OR 215-896-5191 Pro 1 503-531-0699 Pro 2 Lewis, William (C W) Lewers, Kim Boca Raton, FL Annapolis, MD 407-852-1704 Pro 1 301-923-2100 Pro 1 Lewitt, Michael A Lewin, Travis Cambridge, MA Salem, OR 617-661-9037 Pro 2 503-363-9842 Pro 2 Libby, Lee J lewis, Anne G Racine, WI Los Angeles, CA 414-639-9186 Pro 1 213-658-8557 Pro 1 liberopoulos, Antony lewis, Barbara A Pagrati, Athens, Oakland, CA Greece 51 0-7 48-4589 Pro 3 301-721-7780 Pro 1 lewis, Barry D Licciardi, Anne E Knoxville, TN Plainville, MA 615-974-1253 Pro 2 508-695-5423 Pro 3 Lewis, Burt R Lieber, Kenneth D Alpharetta, GA Hackensack, NJ 404-664-5451 Pro 2 201-391-0031 Pro 1 Lewis, Darryl S Liebman, Rick Alpharetta, GA Great Neck, NY 404-257-1297 Pro 1 516-482-6398 Pro 2 lewis, Douglas Light, Dale E Lansing, Ml Annville, PA 517-337-0002 Pro 2 717-838-4552 Pro 1 Lewis, J Clifford Lightfoot, Rozzell A Rockwall, TX Upper Marlboro, MD 214-771-1449 Pro 3 301-627-9132 Pro 2 Lewis, Jack Lightsey, Jo N Florissant, MO Houston, TX 314-831-0343 713-465-3486 Pro 2 Pro 1


Liguori, Jennifer Miami, FL Lilliott, Basye H Hudson, MA 508-562-27 43 Lim, Chor Tiong {Steven) Singapore 65-7636471 Lim, Eddy Singapore 718-380-6388 Lim, John Y K Kuala Lumpu, Malaysia 032252987 Lim, Tau Yong Petaling Jaya, Malaysia 037769227 lin, Gang-Wei Salt Lake City, 801-277-8526 Lin, Stone Rosemead, CA 818-572-8946 Linan, Miguel A Malaga, Spain 776939

G Pro 2 Pro 2

Pro 3 '~'IW,I'rt\",

Pro 3

Pro 3 11~<"\"'ff,1

Pro 2 UT Pro 1 Pro 3 Pro 2

Linden, Karen

Belton, TX 817-939-0481 Pro 1 Lindgren, John A Eagle River, AK 907-278-3621 Pro 1 Lindow, Carol L Prior Lake, MN 612-447-4131 Pro 3 Lindstrom, L Gary Borrego Springs, CA 619-767-5323 Pro 2 Lindstrom, Tad Glendale, AZ 602-979-1234 Pro Lineberry, Larry C W Sedona, AZ 602-282-2060 Master Pro Ling, Derek Hay Ming San Jose, CA Pro 2 408-865-0460 Ling·Tsui, Yuen-Yuen Victoria, Canada

604-721-4954 Link, larry H Van Nuys, CA 818-997-0381

Pro 1 Pro 1

Linnabary Linnabary, Michael V Lizzul, Aldo M Seattle, WA Mesa, AZ 206-523-5541 602-924-7125 Pro 2 Pro 2 Lipka, Amy Sue Ljunggren, Stig Boca Raton, FL Fishers, IN 407-852-3611 Pro 2 317-842-1402 Pro 1 Lipka, Bruce llano, Mario Oxford, OH Newport, Rl 513-529-3107 Pro 401-849-3990 Pro 2 Lipman, lisa llarena, Yvonne Nashville, TN Pro Ft Lauderdale, FL Lipp, Billie Louise 305-384-4646 Pro 2 Dallas, TX Llewellyn, Sydney 214-353-9405 Pro 2 New York, NY Lippincott, Leslie 212-568-4192 Pro 1 Mt Pleasant, SC Llewellyn, Tonya L Pro 2 803-881-3967 Carlsbad, CA Pro 2 Lippman, John Lloyd, Christopher Camden, ME Belmont, MA 207-789-5817 Pro 3 617 路484-9427 Pro 2 Liston, Nancy l Lloyd, Hank Huntsville, AL Yorba Linda, CA 205-881-6363 Pro 2 714-535-77 40 Pro 1 Litrich, Robert Lloyd, Peter Santa Ana, CA Alpharetta, GA 714-842-1376 Pro 2 404-992-4851 Pro 1 Little, Chris J Lob-Ster, Inc Mississauga, Canada Plainfield, NJ 416-279-3688 Pro 2 800-526-4041 Affil Little, Del Lobo, Luiz A Redondo Beach, CA Deerfield Beach, FL 310-540-4200 Pro 1 305-429-0018 Pro 3 Little, Eric W Locke, Donald D Charlotte, NC Redlands, CA 704-334-7361 Pro 3 909-382-2377 Pro 2 Littlefield, Devon C Lockwood, Arthur Sacramento, CA Seattle, WA Pro 2 206-328-7663 Pro 2 Litwin, Robert L lockwood, Paul Pt Washington, NY Norman, OK 516-767-0661 Pro 2 405-325-8361 Pro 1 Liu, James Lockwood, Scott T Costa Mesa, CA Vail, CO 714-557-0211 Pro 2 303-476-7571 Pro 3 Lively, John M Lockwood, Wayne A Boca Raton, FL Lanesville, IN 407-451-3501 Pro 2 812-952-2740 Pro 3 Livesay, Jimmy Loconte, Nancy Shreveport, LA Glencoe, AL 318-688-0475 Pro 1 205-546路8807 Pro 3 Livescu, Lucian Loeb, Larry S Norcross, GA 404-925-1871 Aurora, CO Pro 3 303-693-6040 Pro Livingston, Dionne The Woodlands, TX Loehr, James E 713-367-9306 Pro 2 Wesley Chapel, FL Livshilz, Michael S 813-973路8022 Houston, TX Pro 3 Master Pro



Logan, Nicholas Flint, Ml 313-629-3069 Pro 2 Loguidice, Philip Ridgewood, NJ 201-447-3229 Pro 2 Lohan, Mark Long Beach, MS 601-868-6452 Pro 1 loi, K.iau Lakeville, CT 203-435-2319 Pro 2 Lolley, Rodger Marina Del Rey, CA 310-306-3330 Pro 1 Lombardo, Catherine A Thousand Oaks, CA 805路495-0437 Pro Long, Allen R Tallahassee, FL 904-386-1927 Pro Long, Claudia C Naples, FL 813-793-1727 Pro 1 Hon Long, Dale H Bozeman, MT 406-994-3945 Pro 1 Long, Joe Albuquerque, NM 505-821-7100 Pro 1 Long, Kevin

Naples, FL Pro 813-793-1727 Long, lawrence D Pittsburgh, PA 412-366-9343 Pro Long, Mark Harrisonville, MO 816-884-2329 Pro Long, Marion H Albuquerque, NM 505-265-6791 Pro long, Robert S

2 2 2 3

Princeton, NJ

609-734-0803 Pro 2 Longfellow, Todd A Tyler, TX 903-561-3600 Pro 2 Longhurst, Janice A Livonia, Ml 313-464-2087 Pro 1 Longshore, Leslie, Jr

Birmingham, AL 205-934-3870 Master Pro

Longstaff -



Longstaff, Jillian C Greene, ME 207-846-8000 Pro 1 Lonneman, Richard

Louderback, Brad S Stillwater, OK 405-377-3309 Pro Loughlin, Terry J Cincinnati, OH Charlotte, NC 513-471·4936 Pro 2 704·552-8748 Pro Loo, Anthony J Loughridge, Clark H Hong Kong Santa Barbara, CA 8528383557 Pro 3 805-966-5255 Pro 1 Loomis, Brian Loughrin, Gene G Beaverton, OR Greendale, WI 503-645-7457 Pro 1 414-671 -4000 Pro 2 looney, Patrick H louie, Judy Overland Park, KS Corona Del Mar, CA 816-942-5457 Pro 1 714-721-1538 Pro 2 Lopes, Luis M Love, Bob Mandeville, LA Louisville, KY 504-845-3571 Pro 2 502-937-0138 Lopez, Angel Master Pro San Diego, CA Love, James R 619-275·3270 La Grange, IL Master Pro 312·354·4876 Pro 2 Lopez, Franco V Love, Page G El Paso, TX Dunwoody, GA 915-566-7505 Pro 1 Pro 2 404-396· 151 0 Lopez, James V Lovi, Elliot A Crofton, MD Succasunna, NJ 301-721·5993 Pro 1 201-584-9471 Pro 1 Lopez, Jimmie W Low, Hazel M L Henderson, NV Singapore 702·361 ·8539 Pro 3 65·3201771 Pro 3 Lopez, Juan Low, Dr Wing Kee Kingwood, TX Hong Kong Pro 1 713-358· 1514 Pro 3 Lowdermilk, Michael R Lopez, Omar S Mesa, AZ Austin, TX 602-641-97 41 Pro 1 512·832-9721 Pro 1 Lowe, David A Lopez, Renee C Dallas, TX Tucson, AZ 214·239-0051 Pro 3 602-326-4291 Pro 2 Lowe, Jack Lopez-Arnold, Cecilia Fernandina Bch, FL Summit, NJ 904-277"7034 Pro 1 908-273-6054 Pro 1 Lowe, Jeri Anne lopilato, Robert A Mobile, AL Boca Raton, FL 205·342·8590 Pro 3 407-392·3671 Pro 3 lowell, Jim lorandi, Ludovico Pebble Beach, CA Hermosillo, Mexico 408-375· 1344 Pro 1 62·145981 Pro 3 Lowell, Ronald J Loringer, Robert A Woodside, CA Jobstown, NJ 415-756-1952 Pro 2 Pro 3 609-871-5566 Lowndes, Jennifer A loucareas, Angelos 0 Boca Raton, FL Messinias, Greece Pro 2 Pro 2 Loy, James K Louder, Deborah Acton, MA Daytona Beach, FL 904-756-0045 Pro 1 617 ·263-4559 Pro 2


loyd, Thomas Britt N Little Rock, AR 501·376·1501 Pro Lu, David M San Jose, CA 408-253-8177 Pro Lubbers, Paul Greensboro, NC 919-274-0539 Pro Lubel, Marilyn Mobile, AL 205·342·1714 Pro Lucchesi, John F, Ill Johnson City, TN 615-926-8641 Pro Luciani, Lance Fayette City, PA 412-326-4843 Pro Luck, Harold E Big Rapids, Ml 616·592-2212 Pro ludwick~White,

2 2 2 1 2 3 1


E Conshohocken, PA 215-828-2102 Pro 2 Ludwig, Marcus New York, NY 212·427·8531 Pro 2 Luedtke, David E Hewitt, TX 817-755-1234 Pro 1 Luedtke, Robert E Oshkosh, WI 414-235-5741 Pro 1 Luedtke, Robert J Appleton, WI 414-731-4245 Pro 1 Luesse, David L Birmingham, AL 205-979·7829 Pro 1 Luetschwager, Jean A Stevens Point, WI 715-341 -2360 Pro 3 lufkin, Timothy J Vero Beach, FL 407-234-1540 Pro 2 Luller, William C New Port Richey, FL 813-726-1161 Pro 1 Lui, Mark Seng Wah Singapore 65-7564471 Pro 3 Lukas, Patsy Omaha, NE 402·558·2418 Pro 2 Luke, Fritz (Marcus) Concord, NC 704·786-0728 Pro 2

Lully luliy, Philip D Rch Santa Margarita, CA 714-459-0614 Pro 3 Lum, Bruce Hila, HI 808-964-5522 Pro 1 Lum, Fiannan San Francisco, CA 415-567-6363 Pro 2 Lumber, Carolyn Portland, OR 503-287-0250 Pro 1 Luna, Mark G Tucson, AZ 602-629-2638 Pro 2 Lundgren, Charles G Bloomfield, NJ 201-743-3607 Master Pro Luper, Alan New York, NY Pro 1 212-321-2838 lura, Leslie Sunnyvale, CA 408-773-1999 Pro 3 Lusson, Brian C Austin, TX 512-453-7249 Pro 1 Luttrell, Howard M Tustin, CA 714-832-5258 Pro 1 Lutz, Eric Jason Harlingen, TX 210-428-2092 Pro 1 Lutz, Roland H Cincinnati, OH 513-451-4233 Pro 2 Lyden, Joseph A Lake Forest, IL 708-234-8144 Pro Lyke, Scott Lawton, Ml Pro 616-375-9888 Lyman, Lonnie G Austin, TX 512-4 78-6268 Pro 2 Lyman, Peter Rochester, NY 716-586-2052 Pro Lynch, Jack Scituate, MA 617-545-2568 Pro Lynch, Michael 0 Monroe, Ml 313-237-8152 Pro 2

Lynch, Peggy Scituate, MA 617-545-2568 Pro Lynner, Paul K Vera Beach, FL Pro Lyon, David M Pro Logan, UT Lyon, Kendall A Coral Springs, FL 305-341-4236 Pro Lyon, Lyle Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-772-3925 Pro 3 Lyon, Lynn M Alpharetta, GA 404-442-8148 Pro 2 Lyons, Carla Seattle, WA Pro 2 206-365-571 0 Lyons, Kevin Los Angeles, CA 213-208-3838 Pro 2 Lyst, Gary Great Falls, VA 703-759-2400 Pro 1 M S Pro Tennis Association W Chester, PA Affil 215-436-4051 Ma, Alan W Pro 2 Tampa, FL Mabe, Dixie Dallas, TX Pro 214-337-6683 Mabry, Clarence New Braunfels, TX Pro 1 512-625-8008 Hon MacBeth, Ted Vera Beach, FL Pro 407-231-4787 MacBride, Dexter C Calabasas, CA Pro 818-880-6254 MacBurnie, David A Pompano Beach, FL 305-786-9115 Pro Mac Call, George R Las Vegas, NV 702-733-5341 Pro 1 Hon Macci, Joy E (Harris) Grenelefe, FL 813-422-7511 Pro Macci, Rick Grenelefe, FL 813-422-7511 Pro



MacCiuen, Lawrence Vincentown, NJ

Pro 609-859-3080 MacCurdy, Doug London, England 071-381-8060 Master Pro

MacDermut, Steve Greensboro, NC

919-294-4400 Pro Mac Donald, John II Waynesboro, GA 404-554-NETS Pro MacDonald, Paul Coto de Caza, CA Pro 1 714-581-2990 MacDonald, Timothy G N Miami Beach, FL Pro 2 305-933-9520 Macedo, !lamar B Palm Beach Gardens, FL 407-775-5693 Pro 2 MacGregor, Cynthia B La Quinta, CA Pro 3 619-564-3385 Macherowski, Lucie Pembroke Pines, FL 305-432-9635 Pro 2 Machholz, Gary L Chillicothe, MO Pro 2 816-646-5553 Machinaka, Akihiro Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Machoian, Margaret Annapolis, MD Pro 3 301-849-5978 Mack, AI New Bern, NC 919-637-6201 Pro 1 Mack, Robert J Amherst, NY 716-689-6060 Pro 1 MacKay, John G Pittsburg, KS Pro 1 Mackin, Harold J Wynnewood, PA 215-896-0461 Pro 1 Maclean, Angus l Fair Oaks, CA 916-638-7001 Pro 2 MacNeill, Lawrence W Koloa, HI 808-332-8749 Pro 3 MacNutt, Dawn M New York, NY 212-286-0453 Pro 2

Macom -


Macom, William C Jacksonville Beach, FL 904-7 44·3950 Pro 2 Maconochie, Scott D Snellville, GA 404-978·9687 Pro 2 MacPherson, Ellen M Portland, OR 503-636-9763 Pro 1 Madan, Nausher K Emerson, NJ 201-666·6121 Pro 3 Maday, Douglas F Coon Rapids, MN 612·757·5648 Pro 2 Madden, Patrick Vineland, NJ 609·825-4646 Pro 1 Maddock, William J Battle Creek, Ml 616·964·7713 Pro 1 Maddox, Michael G Fayetteville, NC 919-486·6609 Pro 3 Madeux, Douglas R Torrington, CT 203·482·5807 Pro 2 Madrey, William, Jr Charlotte, NC 704·394·3256 Pro 2 Madson, Robert G Wayzata, MN 612-476·8583 Pro 1 Maeda, Kazuyoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Maeda, Naotoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Maeda, Taro Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Maekawa, Kazumasa Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Magadan, Eduardo F Zacatecas, Mexico 492·2·25·66 Pro 2 Maganti, Devi Portland, ME 207-781·2671 Pro 3 Magee, Leilani Margaret Honolulu, HI 808·946·2951 Pro 2 Mager, Lloyd S Key West, FL 305·294·1882 Pro 3 Maggio, Roberto Chicago, IL 312·202·8696 Pro 3

Magill, Dan Athens, GA 404-542·1622

Pro 1 Hon

Maginley, John H Antigua, West Indies 809-462·8400 Pro 1 Maginnis & Associates Chicago, IL Affil 312·359·4210 Magner, Tom Richmond, VA 804-266·2780 Pro 1 Magnuson, Dan

Santa Rosa, CA 433-4589 Pro 1 Magome, Tsutomu

Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Magone, Mark J Wesley Chapel, FL 813-973·8466 Pro 1 Maguire, Rob J San Diego, CA 619-487·1597 Pro 3 Mahanes, Dr James R Pickens, SC Pro 2 803-878·0066 Mahaney, Olga A M Washington, DC 202-363·7008 Pro 3 Maharaj, Gewan Tampa, FL 813-287·1130 Pro 1 Maharaj, Janet R Gainesviile, FL Pro 1 904-332·3117 Maharaj, Sabila S Merritt Island, FL 407-453-3407 Pro 1 Maharaj, Saisnarine Gainesville, FL Pro 1 904-378·3145 Maharaj, Sewsankar Valrico, FL 813-653·0083 Pro 1 Maharaj, Vishnu St Simons Island, GA Pro 1 912-638-8550 Maharaj, Wanda Valrico, FL Pro 2 813·685·0808 Mahiangu, Richie B Vienna, Austria 06138·2277 Pro 2 Mahler, L Bruce Hanover, MA Pro 1 617-878·8039


Mahoney, David Lewis Redondo Beach, CA 310-376-3825 Pro 3 Mahoney, Michael Chicago, IL Pro 1 312·235-2300 Maidhof, William Largo, FL Pro 2 Maier, Reiny J Manitowoc, WI 414·682-8439 Pro 1 Maingot, Gerry R Portland, TX 512·643-6057 Pro 2 Maitland, Barbara Salem, MA 508·745· 7371 Pro 1 Majdick, Marc Simi Valley, CA Pro 1 805·522-6072 Majerowski, Stanley B Schenectady, NY 518·356-0100 Pro 3 Majima, Akiyoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Majkut, Henry S Cumberland, Rl Pro 1 Makarenko, Nik APO, USA Pro 2 0611·567314 Makepeace, Richard P Arlington, VA 703·803-8483 Pro 3 Makino, Hajime Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Malave, Jorge E Carolina, Puerto Rico Pro 2 809·791-2705 Malec, Luzanna A Laguna Niguel, CA 714·831-6660 Pro 2 Malinsky, Igor Bayside, NY 516·887-1330 Pro 2 Malkin, Thomas K Lincolnwood, IL Pro 3 312·275-6600 Mall, Julie A Minnetonka, MN 612·546-9704 Pro 3 Malless, Stanley Indianapolis, IN Pro 1 317·547-1336 Hon Mallett, Peter E Park City, UT 801·649-6212 Pro 2

Mallon Mallon, David Palatine, IL 708-884-0678 Pro Mallory, Roderick S Henderson, NC 919-492-2043 Pro Malmqvist, Ola E Las Vegas, NV Pro Malmstrom, Dick Branchville, NJ 201-948-5312 Pro Malnali, Robert P Adams Basin, NY 716-352-0382 Pro Malokas, John T, Jr Marina, CA 408-384-8459 Pro Malone, James A, PhD Brooklyn, NY 718-462-1435 Pro Malone, Robert N

2 3 1 2 2 3


Eutin, Germany

Pro 2 Maloney, Gretchen Meikle Idaho Falls, ID 208-522·2712 Pro 2 Maloof, Pamela A Palm Desert, CA 619-779-9000 Pro 2 Maloy, John L Cotuit, MA 617-428-5744 Pro 2 Malyszek, Matt Orange Park, FL Pro 2 904-264-8625 Mamman, Christopher E Greensboro, NC 919-852-5917 Pro 1 Manering, Seann G Orangevale, CA Pro 2 Mangan, Timothy Bayville, NY 516-676-0554 Pro 2 Manhardt, Hilde Clark, NJ 908-574·3227 Pro 2 Maniaci, Jack V Corte Madera, CA 415-924-4480 Pro 3 Mann, Charles J Greenville, Rl Pro 2

Mann, Jon Montgomery, AL 205-281-2344 Pro Mann, William B, Jr Louisville, KY 502-239·9416 Pro 1 Manning, Edward Cherry Hill, NJ 609-429-1388 Pro 2 Manning, Gregg Dallas, TX Pro 1 214-248-4176 Manring, Tom Naples, FL Pro 2 813-598-1748 Mansour, Stephen K Memphis, TN 901-388-6580 Pro 2 Manter, Robert R Brunswick, ME 207-729-8433 Pro 1 Manville, Michael N Mapleville, Rl 401·333-1666 Pro 1 Mao, Benny Wei·Xian San Francisco, CA

415·468·1576 Pro Mapelli, Rudy M Golden, CO 303·526-7839 Pro Mapes, Bob Corpus Christi, TX 512·888-5681 Pro March, Jack Chagrin Falls, OH 305·427-9751 Pro Marchese, Fred Medinah, IL 708·307-1183 Pro Marchner, Todd G Miami Lakes, FL 305·362· 7572 Pro Marcovicci, Jena Richmond, MA 413·698-2615 Pro Marcus, Brian Duluth, GA 404-448-2166 Pro Mardyks, Harvey Camarillo, CA 805-983·6385 Pro Marek, Jennifer Mountain View, CA 415-965-737 5 Pro


3 2

2 2 2 1 1 3


Mareschal, Pierre P Northridge, CA Pro 818·993-5015 Margoni, Dennis 0 Olympia, WA Pro 2 206-352-0258 Margot, Alan T Mountain View, CA

415·964-4385 Pro 2 Marino, Fabio Marcelo San Marcos, CA 619·727-5261 Pro 1 Marino, Will Santa Ana, CA 714·538-5781 Pro 2 Marion, James W Palm Beach, FL 407-848-3942 Pro 3 Mark, Roger Bellevue, WA 206-746-4115 Pro 1 Mark, Sherman Highland Park, NJ 908-937-9317 Pro 3 Markham, Pete J Tampa, FL 813-882-4425 Pro 2 Marko, Istvan Malmo, Sweden 46-40·151185 Pro 2 Marks, Donna S Highland Park, IL 312-432-9022 Pro 2 Marks, Wendy J New York, NY 212-599-1830 Pro 2 Marlow, Michael K Antioch, TN Pro 2 Maroon, James W Lake Buena Vista, FL 407-290-1055 Pro 2 Marquez, Jose Guadalajara, Mexico

Pro 3 36414045 Marra, David J Waterford, NY 518·371-7072 Pro 2 Marshall, Alexine V St Michael, Barbados 809-428-7171 Pro 3 Marshall, Craig Aurora, CO 303-690-5183 Pro 2 Marshall, David Bethany Beach, DE 302-539-4488 Pro 1

Marshall -


Marshall, Susan A Chandler, AZ 602-838-9120 Pro Marshall, Thomas L Memphis, TN 901-327-8111 Pro 2 Marshall, Wayne Rye, NY 914-921-3627 Pro 3 Martel, Norm J Burlington, VT 802-865-0531 Pro 1 Martellino, John F Middletown, Rl 401-849-7181 Pro 1 Martin, Alastair B New York, NY 212-371-4980 Pro 1 Hon Martin, Brian San Diego, CA Pro 1 Martin, Brian Louisville, KY 502-442-3840 Pro 2 Martin, Don Naples, FL 813-597-5105 Pro 1 Martin, Donald J Newburgh, IN 812-479-3111 Pro 1 Martin, Douglas Okemos, Ml 517-349-9235 Pro 1 Martin, George, IV Baltimore, MD Pro 2 301-298-5934 Martin, Gregory H Washington, DC 301-299-8000 Pro 3 Martin, James G Kew Gardens, NY 718-441-5895 Pro 2 Martin, James R Spring Park, MN 612-474-2619 Pro 3 Martin, Jay M Boca Raton, FL 407-852-3211 Pro 2 Martin, Keith D Washington, DC 202-723-9348 Pro 1 Martin, Kenneth F Humble, TX 713-328-3576 Pro 1 Martin, Mickey L Duncanville, TX 214-670-1983 Pro 1

Martin, Roger Lumberton, NC 919-738-8524 Pro 2 Martin, Stephen Largo, MD 703-893-4428 Pro 3 Martin, Thomas J Toledo, OH 419-865-1141 Pro 1 Marlin, Tony Pittsburgh, PA 412-257-8079 Pro 1 Martin, William D Hot Springs, AR 501-525-9000 Pro 2 Martindale, Judy Houston, TX 713-780-4654 Pro 2 Martineau, Richard J Beverly, MA 617-922-7989 Pro Martinez, Ceci San Mateo, CA 415-341-9245 Pro Martinez, Geoffrey San Pedro, CA 310-833-4980 Pro 2 Martinez, Jim Brea, CA 714-529-6828 Pro 2 Martinez, Luis El Paso, TX Pro 2 915-585-9286 Martinez, Mario E Boca Raton, FL 407-482-0793 Pro 3 Martinson, Richard Minnetonka, MN 612-933-5653 Pro 1 Martire, William J Freehold, NJ 718-372-6878 Pro 1 Marumolo, Toru Tokyo, Japan 092-751-7778 Pro 3 Maruta, Teiji Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 3 Maruyama, Kohichi Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Maruyama, Suguru Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Marz, Don Solvang, CA Pro 1 805-688-1646


Marzewski, Kim R Ft Devens, MA 508-458-0604 Pro 2 Mascagni, Giorgio I Miami, FL

305-385-4221 Pro 2 Mascitti, Sam R Leominster, MA 508-342-4164 Pro 1 Masih, Kevin Huntington, NY 516-271-7099 Pro 1 Maskell, Sheryl Belmont, MA 617-923-2255 Pro 1 Maslow, Shawn C Coral Springs, FL 407-487-9390 Pro 3 Maslowski, Mark Bad Soden, Germany 06196-643231 Pro 1 Mason, Gregory Y Homewood, !L

708-799-6314 Pro 3 Mason, Jeffrey l Marietta, GA 404-971-7250 Pro 1 Mason, louis B Birmingham, AL 205-822-5714 Pro 1 Mason, Mark P Miami, FL 305-270-0790 Pro Mason, Patrick L Pembroke Pines, FL 305-431-0690 Master Pro Mason, Todd Tucson, AZ 602-577-1400 Pro 2 Mason, William, Ill Columbia, SC Pro 2 803-732-1218 Massad, Steve Dayton, OH 513-276-3978 Pro 2 Massari, Jay J Milwaukee, WI 414-351-2900 Pro 1 Mast, Delaine B Lancaster, PA

717-299-9204 Mastro, Matthew Fresno, CA 209-431-8200 Masuda, Hironori Tokyo, Japan 0722-34-4423

Pro 2 A Pro 2 Pro 3

Masuda Masuda, Kenji Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Masuda, Yoichi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Masuda, Yoshitaka Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Masuda, Yuji Tokyo, Japan 0489-25-7161 Pro 1 Masui, Junji Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Masui, Teruhiko Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Masuyama, Takeshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Malacia, Timothy P Glen Ellyn, IL 708-654-2442 Pro 2 Mategrano, Louis C Chicago, IL 312-666-1638 Pro 2 Matheny, John Milwaukee, WI Pro 2 Mathews, David E Lithonia, GA 404-482-4767 Pro 2 Mathews, David M Eden Prairie, MN 612-934-0415 Pro 1 Mathews, Debbie A Sedona, AZ 602-282-1086 Pro 3 Mathias, Dean T Pittsboro, NC 919-542-7335 Pro 1 Matis, Katina A Palm Desert, CA 619-345-9317 Pro 2 Matkulak, John 0 Reno, NV 702-85 t -1235 Pro 1 Matlock, Paul M Queensland, Australia 075-375-922 Pro 3 Matoba, Katsuichiro Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Matro, Gil Patrick San Diego, CA 619-291-2900 Pro 2 Matsuda, Mitsumasa Tokyo, Japan Pro 1 Matsuda, Shigenobu Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Matsuda, Shigeru Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Matsuda, Shozo Tokyo, Japan Pro 2

Matsuda, Shuichi Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Matsuda, Yoshihiro Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Matsuda, Yoshihisa Pro Tokyo, Japan Matsuda, Yoshio Tokyo, Japan Pro 03-464-6621 Matsueda, Rei Tokyo, Japan 03-3322-3669 Pro Matsui, Kiyohiro River Edge, NJ Pro Matsui, Sadataka Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Matsukawa, Shigeo Tokyo, Japan 03-920-7387 Pro Matsumoto, Hirokazu Tokyo, Japan Pro 0434-87-1151 Matsumoto, Hironori Tokyo, Japan Pro Matsumoto, Hiroshi Tokyo, Japan Pro Matsumoto, Minoru Tokyo, Japan 047-248-5225 Pro Matsumoto, Misaki Tokyo, Japan Pro Matsumoto, Satoshi Tokyo, Japan 0722-38-3300 Pro Matsunaga, Kimiko Tokyo, Japan Pro Matsuoka, Shosei To'Zo, Japan 03- 64-6621 Pro Matsuyama, Tadashi Tokyo, Japan Pro Matthews, Jack E San Diego, CA 619-271-1148 Pro Matthiesen, Creig Addison, TX Pro 214-233-7306 Mallingley, Randy Ft Worth, TX 817-732-3303 Pro Mattingly, Joe M Anderson, SC 803-226-7684 Pro


2 1 3 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1


Mally, Michelle J Flagstaff, AZ Pro 3 602-527-7996 Matulis, James l Worcester, MA 508-754-4561 Pro 3 Maule, Kevijn

Moline, IL Pro 2 Maust, Thomas E, Jr Vienna, VA 703-938-5510 Pro 2 Mavity, Jim L Katy, TX Pro 2 713-579-7643 Mawougbe, Koli A Charlotte, NC Pro 2 704-364-4645 Maxa, Donald J Houston, TX 713-729-3200 Pro Maxwell, Barry S Naperville, IL Pro 708-355-8405 Maxwell, Bill G Ft Smith, AR 501-646-3867 Pro 2 Maxwell, Rober! Clarkston, Ml Pro 1 313-625-5256 May, John W Charleston, WV Pro 1 304-340-3527 Mayeda, Douglas V Monument, CO Pro 2 719-636-3703 Mayer, Alexander, Jr Portola Valley, CA 415-851-1382 Pro 1 Mayer, Christopher L Opelousas, LA 318-948-1686 Pro 2 Mayer, Courtney P San Antonio, TX 210-681-5261 Pro 2 Mayer, Jim Durango, CO 303-247-2742 Pro Mayer, Michael S Missoula, MT 406-543-7904 Pro Mayers, William B Waco, TX 817-752-3983 Pro 3 Maynard, Doug Hendersonville, NC 704-693-0040 Pro 1


Maynor -


Maynor, Clayton P Los Angeles, CA 310-281-0355 Pro 2 Maynor, Thomas C, Ill Raleigh, NC 919-893-8273 Pro 2 Mayo, Sarah S San Antonio, TX 210-828-3817 Pro 1 Maytorena, Richard Westlake, CA 805-379-4553 Pro 2 Mbongo, Pierre Dipanda Washington, DC 301-942-8119 Pro 3 McAdam, Patrick Charleston, SC 803-762-2352 Pro 1 McAllister, James R Lewisburg, WV 713-978-7782 Pro 2 McAllister, Ken D Austin, TX 512-443-1334 Master Pro

McArdle, Michael B San Diego, CA 619·487-7033 Pro 2 McAvoy, Terry Dayton, OH 513-434·6602 Pro 2 McBeth, John T Sedona, AZ 602·282-2267 Pro 2 McBride, Desi Woodland Hills, CA 818-884-1100 Pro 3 McCabe, Dee Dee Tucson, AZ 602-326-4646 Pro 2 McCabe, James W, Jr Naples, FL 813-649-5723 Pro 1 McCadams, C Kevin Sioux Falls, SO Pro 2 712-255-7659 McCaffery, Michael P New Orleans, LA 504-482-4888 Pro 2 McCaffrey, James E Nantucket, MA 508·228·0030 Pro 1 McCallum, Dave London, Canada 807-767-5489 Pro 2

McCampbell, John R Ventura, CA 805-483-2600 Pro 3 McCann, Mike G Thibodaux, LA Pro 2 504-447-7572 McCants, Nathan Stacy Oklahoma City, OK Pro 1 McCardle, Jeffrey Lake Hamilton, FL 813-439-5807 Pro 2 McCarthy, James J, Jr Norcross, GA 404-448-0078 Pro 2 McCarthy, John Boston, MA 617-332-6946 Pro 2 McCarthy, Kevin P Coral Springs, FL 305·345·2100 Pro 1 McCarthy, Sean Sea Girt, NJ 201-449-1684 Pro 1 McCarthy-Oki, Melinda (Mindy) N Hollywood, CA 818-980-8993 Pro 2 McCartney, Bill Sandy, OR 503-668-8486 Pro 2 McCartney, Harvey G Toledo, OH 419-867-9369 Pro 2 McCaskill, Matt C Big Rapids, Ml 616·796-8547 Pro 2 McCaslin, Mary Lou Northbrook, IL 708-559-1151 Pro 2 McCathney, Donald B Livonia, Ml Pro 2 McCauley, John N Las Vegas, NV 702·733·3344 Pro 3 McClain, William M Woodland Hills, CA 818-702-6543 Pro McCleary, Charlie Waco, TX 817-756-2307 Pro McCleary, Lee Ennis, TX 214-875-9144 Pro 1 McClellan, W E, Jr W Hartford, CT 203-523-5886 Pro 3


McClung, Neill Midland, TX 915·682·9197 Pro 1 McClung, Sid Webster, TX 409·744-3651 Pro 3 McClure, Michael E Manchester, Ml 313·428-91 08 Pro 2 McClure, S Casey Mclean, VA 703-356·8819 Pro 2 McCollum, Catherine Flushing, NY 718-767-4190 Pro 2 McConathy, J Vicki Lexington, KY 606-253-9639 Pro 1 McCone, Henry Pro 1 Wayne, PA McConnaughey, Mona Marie Goldsboro, NC 919-778-1408 Pro 3 McConnell, Mitch T Point Clear, AL 205-928-9514 Pro 2 McCormack, Allan Ft Lauderdale, FL 800·642-5004 Pro 2 McCormack, Mark New York, NY 212-772-8900 Pro 1 Hon McCormick, Bill Sharonville, OH 513-771-2835 Pro 2 McCormick, Daniel Watch Hill, Rl 401·596-4030 Pro 2 McCormick, Kristi Phoenix, AZ Pro 602-438-1186 McCormick, Mark S Hilton Head Island,


803-681-31 00 Pro McCoy, Brian R St Paul, MN 612-489-7452 Pro McCoy, Kenneth W Pro Kokomo, IN McCracken, Jeffrey Moline, IL 309-762-5224 Pro

2 3 2 2

McCrea McCrea, Amy Elizabeth Edina, MN Pro 2 612-934-4137 McCready, James B Old Greenwich, CT 201-509-0504 Pro 2 McCullough, Jeffrey F San Diego, CA Pro 2 619-274-7037 McCutcheon, Robert D Jupiter, FL 407-746-0354 Pro 1 McDanald-Love, Susan Charlotte, NC 704-552-1174 Pro 1 McDaniel, John Gaithersburg, MD 301-983-1450 Pro 2 McDermott, Patrick Chicago, IL 312-321-1477 Pro 3 McDonald, Elizabeth Lexington, SC 803-791-0298 Pro 1 McDonald, Frank, Jr Fayetteville, NC Pro 2 McDonald, Lloyd G Brewster, MA

Pro 1 508-896-5631 McDonald, Maria J Saignelegier, Switzerland Pro 2 McDonald, Mark D Aurora, CO 303-680-9106 Pro 2 McDonald, Mark P Chicago, IL 708-394-8521 Pro 1 McDonald, Ron Arlington, VA 703-379-4455 Pro 2 McDonald, Steve J Tiburon, CA 415-456-7331 Pro 3 McDonough, Paul Z Reading, PA 215-779-7900 Pro 2 McDougall, William E Rockville, MD 301-279-0327 Pro 3 McEachran, Gordon Clemmons, NC 800-800-7299 Pro 1 McElhaney, Donald J Scottsdale, AZ 602-951-1630 Pro 2

McElroy, Peggy Philadelphia, PA 215-483-8097 Pro 2 McElwee, Robert Gene Hot Springs, VA 703-839-7545 Pro 3 McEwan, Kenneth Rutland, VT Pro 1 802-773-4011 McFadden, Brian London, England Pro 1 01-540-5434 McFarland, Chauncey A, Ill Pro 2 Berwick, ME McFarland, James Cranbury, NJ 609-448-8699 Pro 3 McFee, Anne Joffre Valrico, FL 813-651-9184 Pro 2 McGarey, Christopher Key West, FL 305-296-8273 Pro 2 McGavock, Gail A Pt St Lucie, FL 407-878-6030 Pro McGee, Francisco D Shalimar, FL 904-651-8872 Pro McGettigan, Timothy Austin, TX 512-892-0173 Pro 2 McGill, William S Springfield, VA Pro 3 703-644-5343 McGinty, John La Quinta, CA Pro 2 619-347-4245 McGirt, John Webster Wilmington, NC 919-762-0841 Pro 2 McGlone, Susan R Green Bay, WI 414-497-1161 Pro 2 McGlynn, Kevin Upper Montclair, NJ 201-256-4041 Pro 1 McGowan, Christopher


Indio, CA 619-342-1254 Pro McGowan, William L Dallas, TX 214-233-4444 Pro



McGrath, Clay Metairie, LA Pro 1 504-831-2767 McGrath, Gerald Malvern, PA 215-64 7-4622 Pro 3 McGrath, Molly E Phoenix, AZ 602-581-6709 Pro 1 McGrath, William J, Ill Tucson, AZ 602-299-2020 Pro 2 McGraw, Tom G Louisville, KY 502-897-7789 Pro McGuire, Bernie Columbia, SC 803-788-3001 Pro McGuire, Bob Clearwater, FL 813-948-2282 Pro McGuire, Hilary San Diego, CA 619-578-3421 Pro 1 Han McGuire, Jim Panama City, FL 904-235-6910 Pro 2 McGuire, Karen Jaffe Tierra Verde, FL

813-866-1887 Pro 3 McGuire, Mark E Manhattan Beach, CA 213-546-4447 Pro 2 McGuire, Mary Ellen APO, USA 805-238-7994 Pro 1 McGuire, Michael S Glen Rock, NJ 201-652-1687 Pro 2 McGurrin, Joseph M Stevensville, MD

301-643-1976 Pro 2 McHose, Charles Christiansburg, VA 703-382-2410 Pro 2 McHugh, Constance L Edgartown, MA 508-627-9200 Pro 1 McHugh, James E Tempe, AZ 602-838-5828 Pro 1 Mcinerney, Robert E Lahaina, Maui, HI 808-667-5935 Pro 1 Mcinerney, Sheila Phoenix, AZ 602-496-9251 Pro 1

Mcintyre -


Mcintyre, William Absecon, NJ 609-7 48-1949 Pro 2 McKay, Scott S, Ill San Antonio, TX Pro 2 McKee, Roger Lake Oswego, OR 503-635-6645 Pro 1 McKeegan, Robert G Manhattan Beach, CA 213-318-0610 Pro 2 McKell, James Key West, FL 305-294-3614 Pro 1 McKenna, Donna Savannah, GA 912-598-8941 Pro 2 McKenna, Jack Sheffield, MA 413-229-2767 Pro 1 McKenna, Rob B Seattle, WA 206-286-8465 Pro 2 McKenna, Vesna Pembroke Pines, FL 305-431-1820 Pro 2 McKenzie, Dan G Flint, Ml Pro 1 313-235-0690 McKenzie, Dean R Melbourne, Australia Pro 3 057-801233 McKenzie, Don M Alexandria, VA 703-960-2481 Pro 3 McKenzie, Shannon J Hilton Head Island,

Mclaughlin, Cheryl M Danville, CA 510-837-5837 Pro 1 Mclaughlin, Chris B Na~oya, Japan 05 -323-3324 Pro 2 McLeughlin, Dick Portland, OR 206-696-8123 Pro 3 Mclaughlin, Doug Yakima, WA Pro 2 509-248-2938 McLaughlin, Richard H Utica, NY 315-724-8230 Pro 2 McLean, David S Sea Island, GA 912-638-3611 Pro 2 McLean, George Gaylordsville, CT Pro 2 Mclean, John A Miami, FL 305-661-3350 Pro 2 McLennan, James P Los Altos, CA Pro 1 415-948-1656 Mclernon, Marlin F Tampa, FL 813-973-1111 Pro 2 McMahon, Mark Coral Springs, FL 407-482-0110 Master Pro McMahon, Meghan Chicago, IL 312-868-0224 Pro 2 McManus, Lisa Roswell, GA sc 404-992-7919 Pro 2 Pro 3 803-842-1893 McKie, James K McMaster, Britt C W St Paul, MN Charlotte, NC 612-227-0391 Pro 2 Pro 2 704-332-6646 McKinley, Bob McMillan, Priscilla S G San Antonio, TX Lincoln, AL Pro 1 21 0-698·2288 Pro 1 205-763-3053 McMillan, Warren K McKinney, David Ft Worth, TX Somis, CA 817-924-3366 Pro 1 505-485-8801 Pro 1 McKinstry, Stephen C McMillion, Linsley E St Louis, MO Pensacola, FL 904-453-3890 Pro 2 314-849-2327 Pro 2 McMullen, Eric Troy McKnight, Cleon, Sr Jackson, MS Charleston, WV 601-857-3295 Pro 3 304-344-4147 Pro 1 McMullen, Jim McKown, Ben Lakeland, FL Berwyn, PA 215-296-0378 Pro 2 813-682-7665 Pro 2


McMurtry, Pamela San Jose, CA 408-255-0467 Pro 3 McMurtry, Ronald W Morristown, TN

615-581-6833 Pro 1 McNally, Michael J Vista, CA 619-7 49-3253 Pro 2 McNamara, Paul Pelham, NY Pro 1 914-738-4904 McNamee, Daniel San Antonio, TX Pro 1 McNeal, Diane M Chagrin Falls, OH 216-543-3937 Pro 2 McNeil, Tim Houston, TX Pro 1 McNeill, Samuel, Jr Baltimore, MD 301-821-5683 Pro 3 McNichols, Robert J Pro 1 Sarasota, FL McNulty, Kerry E Tucson, AZ 602-749-9000 Pro 2 McNulty, Paul Key West, FL Pro 2 305-7 45-1969 McPeek, leslie H Lake Bluff, IL 312-234-1579 Pro 2 McPherson, C Jeanine Marco Island, FL 813-394-5454 Pro 3 McQuady, Chuck Monarch Beach, CA 7 t 4-493-7328 Pro 1 McQuillin, Edward D Montchanin, DE 302-655-6513 Master Pro McQuown, Stanley W Oroville, CA 916-589-2493 Pro 1 McSmythe, Craig W Osprey, FL 813-966-1796 Pro 2 McSween, John R (Dick) Woodstock, GA 404-429-8671 Pro 2 McTaggart, Gregory G Chico, CA Pro 2 916-891-8786


McVay McVay, Terry Norton, MA 508-285-4914 Pro McWaters, Bobby Myrtle Beach, SC 803-238-5189 Pro McWilliams, Dennis Southlake, TX 817-329-0393 Pro McWilliams, John H Montgomery, Al 205-269-9096 Pro McWilliams, Lynn Southlake, TX 817-329-0393 Pro Meade, John C Louisville, KY 502-897-1948 Pro Meade, Pike Coronado, CA 619-435-0200 Pro Meador, Norma D Upper Montclair, NJ 201-746-0387 Pro Meador, Philip G Pawley's Island, SC 803-237-1346 Pro Meadows, Stretch

Meier, Scott


Athens, Greece


2 1

Santa Terese., NM


Pro 2

Means, Anna

Schenectady, NY 518-377-4761 Pro 1 Mechem Carter, Adrienne Santa Fe, NM 505-988-2504 Pro 2 Mediero, Luis S Madrid, Spain 2484240 Pro 1 Medow, Mark

Nelsonville, WI 715-824-3241 Pro Meehan, louis Wall, NJ 908-681-6583 Pro Meghani¡Cosme, Heme! New York, NY 212-280-0208 Pro Mehciz, Jerry W Petaluma, CA 707-769-8721 Pro Meier, Brian Boyd Worthington, OH Pro

Crystal Lake, IL 815-459-6040 Pro 2 Meigs, Anne Rancho Santa Fe, CA 619-756-1712 Pro 2 Melahn, Joan McHenry, IL 815-344-3545 Pro 2 Melandinos, Charalampos I

2 2

3 2 3

301-8213-496 Pro Mele, Peter M S Orange, NJ 201-731-1740 Pro Melgarejo, Julio A Miami, Fl Pro Melkenl, Chuck Memphis, TN 901-327-9736 Pro Mello, Roberto San Diego, CA 619-536-9071 Pro Melo, Ricardo, PhD Orlando, Fl 407-352-2586 Pro Meloi, Cherise San Diego, CA 619-689-1694 Pro Melone-Fischer,

2 2 2 1 3

Jakarta, Indonesia

713-363-4707 Pro 2 Menzi, Matthew N Winston-Salem, NC

919-722-6325 Merca, Roy R Seattle, WA 206-324-2980 Mercer, John L Pittsburgh, PA 412-835-8841

Pro 2 Pro 2 Pro

Mercier, Michael

Portland, ME 207-874-6489


Chicago, IL 312-527-5800 Pro 2 Merles, Elliott Boca Raton, FL 407-395-2533 Pro 3 Merriman, William R


Las Vegas, NV Pro 2 702-791-5345 Merritt, Kevin Wayne


Naples, FL 813-263-4479 Pro 2 Melotti, Morris V lsa Town, Bahrain

Pro 3

Mendivil, Ricardo J

Palm Springs, FL 407-790-7030 Pro 2 Mendoza, Anthony G Burlingame, CA 415-348-6830 Pro 3 Mendoza, Carl G San Francisco, CA 415-931-1255 Pro 3 Meng, Harry G S Daytona, FL 904-428-6965 Pro 1 Menke, Cliff Charlotte, NC 704-352-0732 Pro 2 Menke, Doug Beaverton, OR 503-645-7457 Pro 1 Menke, Jeffrey J St Cloud, MN 612-251-7731 Pro 2


Menne!, David W Trenton, NJ 609-586-8224 Pro 3 Menon, Suresh A

Meredith, Simon




Radcliff, KY 502-765-7946

Pro 2

Mesches, Bruce

Shrewsbury, MA Pro 2 508-792-3369 Messick, Jon H Fort Collins, CO Pro 1 303-484-6735 Messina, Jan M Aptos, CA 408-685-0339 Pro 2 Metcalf, Ronald Allen Orange, CA 714-991-9090 Pro 2 Metz, Michael Portland, OR Pro 1 503-292-5486 Metzger, W Clair, Jr Escondido, CA 619-747-8173 Pro 2 Meyer, Chris Casselberry, FL Pro 3 Meyer, Henry (Ted) Midlothian, VA 804-320-3244 Pro Meyer, Laurie K E Lansing, Ml 517-351-8081 Pro

Meyer -


Meyer, Nancy L Phoenix, AZ 602-944-3690 Pro 2 Meyer, Paul Albert Millstadt, IL 618-632-1400 Pro 3 Meyer, Philip Los Altos, CA 415-961-4218 Pro 1 Meyers, Jon E Avon, CT 203-673-3216 Pro 2 Meyers, Rick Abilene, TX 915-691-1688 Pro 2 Meyers, Robert J Edwardsville, IL 618-692-2871 Pro 1 Meyers-Sinett, Perry Miami, FL 305-623-0119 Pro 2 Meza, Ruben M Santa Rosa, CA 707-538-4085 Pro 1 MGT Enterprises Thornhill, Canada 416-731-5291 Affil Michalek, Allyn R New Canaan, CT 203-972-1115 Pro Michalko, Jack Phoenix, AZ 602-263-5208 Pro Michalowski, Christopher J Traverse City, Ml 616-938-5416 Pro Michuika, Nony R Richardson, TX 214-231-2881 Pro 1 Mickler, Carl T Tucson, AZ 602-743-3345 Pro Micronesian Tennis

Association GMF, Guam 671-646-7803 Affil Mid-Atlantic Tennis Association Springfield, VA Affil Middleton, Alice Santa Monica, CA 213-396-8965 Pro 1 Middleton, James D Middlesbrough Cleveland, England 44-642316371 Pro 3

Midorikawa, Hideyuki Tokyo, Japan Pro Mierzwa, Rosalee C Burke, VA 703-250-0026 Pro Migia, Jon L Honolulu, HI 808-423-3600 Pro Miglionico, Joe J Tucson, AZ 602-749-5849 Pro Mignolet, A J N Miami Beach, FL 305-948-2947 Pro

3 2 2 2 2

Mikami, Masayoshi

Tokyo, Japan Pro Mikamo, Aki Tokyo, Japan 078-753-1264 Pro Mikoshiba, Yasuyuki Tokyo, Japan Pro Miles, Eddie W (Buddy) Gulf Breeze, FL 904-932-1332 Pro Milhouse, Michael P Chicago, IL 312-375-0353 Pro Miller, Anni Lake Oswego, OR 503-636-1833 Pro Miller, Barbara C Rochester, NY 716-381-6377 Pro Miller, Bernie Greenfield, IN 317-462-7294 Pro Miller, Carol J Harrisburg, PA 717-545-4469 Pro Miller, Dale Pleasant Hill, CA 510-934-1091 Pro Miller, Daniel F Palm Harbor, FL 813-796-1136 Pro Miller, Donald C Remsenburg, NY 516-325-0253 Pro Miller, Donna G Bristol, VA 703-466-3243 Pro Miller, Edward Los Angeles, CA 310-838-0747 Pro Miller, Elizabeth Delray Beach, FL 407-278-2105 Pro


2 3 3

2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2

Miller, Eugene Philadelphia, PA 215-483-8804 Miller, G Rob N Canton, OH 216-494-7962 Miller, Gary A Plantation, FL 305-473-1905 Miller, J Allen Athens, GA 404-354-7126 Miller, James S San Jose, CA 408-984-1222

Pro 2 Pro 2 Pro 2 "''''"'""!!'

Pro 2 Pro 2

Miller, Jamie

Huntsville, AL 205-882-3790 Pro 3 Miller, Jeffrey St Louis, MO 314-993-1850 Pro 2 Miller, Karen Saline, Ml 313-429-1772 Pro 2 Miller, Kurt A Little Rock, AR Pro 2 Miller, Lewis R W Dundee, IL 708-428-27 44 Pro 1 Miller, M Rex Reston, VA 202-488-7514 Pro 2 Miller, Marc H St Paul, MN 612-688-8253 Pro 1 Miller, Mark V Orinda, CA 415-254-2303 Pro 2 Miller, Melanie M Eden Prairie, MN Pro 3 Miller, Mike Virginia Beach, VA 804-425-8560 Pro 1 Miller, Rainy H A San Diego, CA 619-487-9698 Pro 2 Miller, Richard D (Rick) Orange, CA 714-633-7230 Pro 3 Miller, Robert 0, Jr Miami, FL 305-232-5586 Pro 1 Miller, Ronald D Orlando, FL 407-299-8800 Pro 1


Miller Miller, Steve Kapalua, HI 808-669-5677 Pro 1 Miller, Thomas E Seaford, VA Pro 2 804-890-0413 Milligan, Kevin L Hayward, CA Pro 1 415-581-6984 Milligan, lisa A Hilton Head Island,


803-686-2034 Pro Millikan, William B Carlsbad, CA Pro 619-438-4339 Mills, A Victor Naples, FL 813-262-4701 Pro Mills, John D Houston, TX 713-488-6112 Pro Mills, Katherine L Falls Church, VA 703-237-9351 Pro Milton, Kevin A Broken Arrow, OK Pro 918-455-8687 Mimura, Akira Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Minagawa, Fumiko Tokyo, Japan 03-673-1339 Pro Minagawa, Noriyuki Tokyo, Japan 0234-44-2228 Pro Minakata, Shinichi Pro Tokyo, Japan Minarich, Peter Naples, FL Pro 813-262-3952 Mincek, Zdravko Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Pro 904-285-6902 Minton, Margaret (Meg) Kapaa, Kauai, HI Pro 808-822-3455 Mira, Edwin Halmstad, Sweden 011463537770 Pro Mirasol, Rustico Q (Rusty) Ft Washington, MD 703-893-4428 Pro


2 1 3 2 3



Mishima, Hidetoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 0117178155 Misner, David l Greenville, MS Pro 2 601-335-0737 Misra, Gaurav Stormville, NY 914-221-4582 Pro 1 Missir, Ram Jatan Singapore 65-2928719 Pro 3 Mitchel, Anthony Brooklyn, NY Pro 2 Mitchell, Alan S St Louis, MO 314-776-1659 Pro 2 Mitchell, Don G Grand Rapids, Ml 616-949-4700 Pro 2 Mitchell, Donald F Madison, TN 615-383-0661 Pro 3 Mitchell, Eric M Mesa, AZ 602-350-5201 Pro 2 Mitchell, lsiah San Francisco, CA 415-921-6276 Pro 3 Mitchell, James Scottsdale, AZ 602-860-0194 Pro 2 Mitchell, Kerry San Francisco, CA 415-641-5937 Pro 2 Mitchell, Patty K Canoga Park, CA Pro 2 213-998-5190 Mitchell, Robert (Bob) Canoga Park, CA 818-998-5190 Pro 1 Mitchell, Robert L La Quinta, CA 619-564-2248 Pro 1 Mitchell, Robert P Corvallis, OR 503-928-7688 Pro 2 Mitchell, Sondra Lynn Rch Santa Margarita, CA 714-831-6660 Pro 2 Mitchell, Todd Berkeley, CA Pro 2 Mitchell, Walter B (Mitch) Marco Island, FL 813-394-5000 Pro



Mitchell, William Uniontown, PA 412-438-0844 Pro Mitha, Ash Kirkland, WA Pro Mitsuhara, Masayuki Tokyo, Japan 082295-6976 Pro Mitsuhashi, Junichi Tokyo, Japan Pro Milsuhashi, Tamotsu Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Mi!suyama, Hitoshi Tokyo, Japan 011-665-7 456 Pro Mitten, Sarah L Brandon, MS Pro 800-727-9839 Mittleman, ira Fast Meadow, NY 516-481-4955 Pro Miura, Masahito Tokyo, Japan 011-373-1626 Pro Miura, Naoki Tokyo, Japan Pro Miwa, Kenji Tokyo, Japan Pro Miyagi, Masaaki Tokyo, Japan Pro Miyaguchi, Takafumi Pro Tokyo, Japan Miyazaki, Hiroshi Tokyo, Japan Pro Miyazaki, Masa Tokyo, Japan 0484-61-4496 Pro Miyazaki, Satoru Tokyo, Japan 0723-65-1718 Pro Miyazaki, Tae Tokyo, Japan Pro Miyoshi, Kenji Tokyo, Japan Pro 0729-53-0318 Mize, Michael l Lexington, KY 606-272-0141 Pro Mizoguchi, Takako Tokyo, Japan Pro Mizuhara, Kazuhiro Tokyo, Japan 0727-82-6350 Pro Mizumuara, Haruo Tokyo, Japan Pro Mizuno, Masazumi Tokyo, Japan Pro

2 1 3 3 2 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3

Mizuno -


Mizuno, Toshihiro

Tokyo, Japan 0561-53-6553 Mizutani, Hideki Tokyo, Japan 0516-23-1708 Mobley, Todd Marietta, GA 404-427-8714 Mochizuki, Maki Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3 Pro 3 Pro 2

Molino, Armand F Southfield, Ml 313-352-8000 Pro 1 Molloy, Nicholas P Roanoke, VA 703-774-8880 Pro 3 Momberg, James Jay Milwaukee, WI 414-482-3410 Pro 2 Momii, Yasuhiro

Pro 3

Mochizuki, Naomasa

Pro Tokyo, Japan Moczarski, Paul A Hillsdale, NJ 201-664-1750 Pro Moe, Leslie Peoria, IL Pro 309-692-4529 Moellering, Jim Sugar Land, TX 713-491-2500 Pro Moen, Susan M Lake Dallas, TX 817-497-6040 Pro Moffat, Andrew Bristol, WI 414-857-2294 Pro

3 2 2 2 2 1

Mogannam, Maisun A

Alamo, CA 510-820-2326 Pro Mogul, David E Philadelphia, PA 215-649-0600 Pro Mohamed, Shabir M Brooklyn, NY 718-258-1499 Pro Mojares, Arthur M Bloomfield Hills, Ml 313-645-0512 Pro Moldoch, William, Jr Annapolis, MD 410-757-3818 Pro Moldrem, Lisa Seattle, WA 206-526-0435 Pro Molina, Andres St Petersburg, FL 813-867-1151 Pro Molina, Fernando Los Alamitos, CA 213-430-3707 Pro Molina, Ivan Cali, Colombia 391110 Pro Molina, Joey C Dallas, TX 214-437-6890 Pro

2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1

Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Monahan, Thomas J La Jolla, CA 800-473-2331 Pro 1 Monforton-Swartwood, lisane Evansville, IN 812-477-9617 Pro 2 Mongelli, Richard G Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-761-5378 Pro 2 Monk, James E Orlando, FL 407-291-9910 Pro 2 Monnar, Francois

San Diego, CA Pro 1 619-222-7486 Monogenis, Nick E New York, NY 212-362-7901 Pro 2 Monroe, Donald L Boston, MA 617-482-3795 Pro 1 Monroe, Jocelyn Salt Lake City, UT 801-277-0069 Pro 2 Monroy, Felipe Rocklin, CA 916-677-5705 Pro 1 Montagnet, Tina G Baton Rouge, LA 504-387-6415 Pro 1 Montanari, Filippo Modena, Italy 39-59-242116 Pro 2 Monteforte, Leslie Vista, CA 619-630-3946 Pro 2 Montenegro, Walter Maywood, NJ 201-845-7836 Pro 1 Hon Montes, Jose Luis Madrid, Spain Pro 3 91-638-2355 Montgomery, Jerry University, MS 601-232-7241 Pro 1


Montgomery, Robert Carmel, CA 408-626-2550 Pro Montoya, Raul Long Beach, CA 213-430-1073 Pro Moody, Christopher Huron, OH 419-626-6250 Pro Mooney, Mike Yardley, PA 215-295-1531 Pro

3 2 1 3

Moore, Ann

St James, NY 516-724-3174 Pro 1 Moore, Dr Bal Birmingham, AL 205-853-8078 Master Pro Moore, Dr Bill E Greenville, NC 919-756-5097 Pro 3 Moore, Bob

West Point, TX Pro 2 Moore, Charles A K Palm Springs, CA 619-322-8519 Pro 2 Moore, Charles W Chicago, IL 708-425-7200 Pro 2 Moore, Cheryl K Huntington Beach, CA 714-963-2851 Pro 3 Moore, David R Camanche, lA 319-259-8669 Pro 2 Moore, Eric W Old Lyme, CT 203-453-4367 Pro 2 Moore, Girard W, Jr Miami, FL 305-253-6537 Pro 2 Moore, Harriett S Chapel Hill, NC 919-489-1550 Pro 2 Moore, Howard A Wesley Chapel, FL 813-973-1111 Pro 1 Moore, James E Fairiield, lA 515-472-0908 Pro 2 Moore, John W Miami, FL 305-238-2326 Pro 2 Moore, John W, Jr Accord, NY 914-626-0646 Pro 2


Moore Moore, Kevin D Woodstock, GA 404-926-3489 Pro Moore, Marcha G Birmingham, AL 205-853-1200 Pro Moore, Pamela L Harrisonburg, VA

703-432-6254 Pro 2 Moore, Peter A Chicago, IL 312-777-9512 Pro 1 Moore, Peter N W Burlington, lA 319-753-1510 Pro 2 Moore, Ric J Hesperia, CA 619-948-2070 Pro 1 Moore, Scott M Birmingham, AL 205-853-8078 Pro 2 Moore-Naber, Pauline San Jose, CA 408-395-7116 Pro 1 Moorings Club, The Vero Beach, FL Club 407-231-5997 Moortgat, Jim Mobile, AL 205-679-0419 Pro 1 Moosbrugger, Rev Ed Stockton, CA Pro 1 Hon Mooty, Robert T Dallas, TX 214-241-6375 Pro 1 Mora, Steve J Phoenix, AZ 602-970-0599 Pro 3 Morales, Agustin Veracruz, Mexico 217-2-01-44 Pro 2 Morales, Jose L San Francisco, CA 415-285-1147 Pro 1 Morales, Richard San Diego, CA 619-282-7317 Pro 2 Moran, David W Charleston, SC 803-762-4054 Pro Moran, Eric S Kansas City, MD 816-356-6651 Pro Moran, Greg R Bethel, CT 203-762-2423 Pro

Moran, Marc C Pebble Beach, CA 415-341-8777 Pro 2 Moran, Sean W Waterbury, CT 203-573-0113 Pro 2 Moran, Susan Hunt Portland, OR Pro 1 206-256-151 0 Moran, Tony E Sherman Oaks, CA Pro 2 818-995-8055 Moravec, Hank Huntington Beach, CA 714-846-5221 Pro 2 Moravec, William W Huntington Beach, CA Pro 1 818-790-4318 Mordecai, Mark Wayland, MA Pro 2 508-358-4559 Morehouse, William D, Jr Corpus Christi, TX Pro 512-992-7100 Moreno, Matt Tucson, AZ Pro 602-795-3853 Morentin, Benny V Tucson, AZ Pro 2 602-791-3276 Marett, Don Tujunga, CA 818-951-4226 Pro 3 Moretti, Jamie Cranston, Rl 401-423-3977 Pro 2 Morgan, Bob J San Jose, CA 408-224-9138 Pro 1 Morgan, Dennis Croton, NY 914-271-3541 Pro 2 Morgan, Jay Sarasota, FL Pro 2 813-351-1582 Morgan, Jay S Hoffman Estates, IL Pro 1 312-885-4632 Morgan, Joseph F Chagrin Falls, OH 216-543-5141 Pro 2 Morgan, Robert S Suffolk, VA 804-539-5575 Pro 2 Morgan, Thomas W Hot Springs, VA 703-839-2101 Pro 1



Morgan, Timothy P Willoughby, OH Pro 216-656-3240 Morgenstern, Carl A Petaluma, CA 707-763-7050 Pro Morgenstern, Michael

Rockville, MD Pro 301-217-9500 Mori, Allison K Renton, WA Pro 206-232-5600 Mori, Jiro Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Mori, Ryoichi Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Mori, Tadashi Tokyo, Japan Pro Moriarty, Marvin Stowe, VT 802-253-7540 Pro Morikane, Kenji Tokyo, Japan Pro 03-464-6621 Morimoto, Kazuhisa Tokyo, Japan Pro Morimoto, Masatake Tokyo, Japan Pro 03-464-6621 Morin, David R Bowling Green, OH Pro 419-353-0118 Morinaga, Hideaki Tokyo, Japan 011-641-4798 Pro Morioka, Kiyoshi Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Morishita, Hiroyuki Pro Tokyo, Japan Morita, Taihei Tokyo, Japan Pro Morita, Tsuneki Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Moritz, Kirk D New York, NY Pro 718-937-2381 Moriwaki, Shigeru Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Moriya, Takashi Tokyo, Japan 0 i 1-863-6225 Pro

1 3 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 3 3 1


Morlidge -


Mor!idge, John Oak Park, ll 312-386-2175 Pro 1 Morlock, Thomas R Sarasota, FL 813-351-2789 Pro 2 Morodomi, Kenichi Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Moros, Julio Sarasota, FL 813-351-5797 Pro 1 Morrell, Lynn Towson, MD 301-828-6449 Pro 3 Morrell-Krista!, Marilyn Hayward, CA 510-785-2448 Pro 3 Morris, Darby Kentfield, CA 415-454-3780 Pro 2 Morris, Don G Asheville, NC 704-252-2711 Pro 2 Morris, Gene Vail, CO Pro 2 Morris, John A Amelia Island, FL 904-261-6161 Pro Morris, lee W Willow Grove, PA Pro Morris, Maggie Phoenix, AZ Pro 2 602-867-9173 Morris, Tom G Wilson, NC 919-399-6515 Pro 3 Morrison, Charles Deerfield, IL Pro 1 708-948-9612 Morrison, John H, Jr Mclean, VA 703-356-6173 Pro 2 Morrison, Martha Livermore, CA 415-606-0336 Pro 2 Morrissey, Gregory S Farmington, Ml 313-476-3246 Pro 2 Morse, Glenn Springfield, IL 217-525-5092 Pro 3 Morse, Jeflrey R Waltham, MA 617-232-5377 Pro 2 Morse, Michael Tucson, AZ Pro 1 602-622-7310

Morse-Karzen, Jerry Wilmette, IL Pro 1 312-251-6408 Morsel!, Warfield Washington, DC 202-488-4303 Pro 3 Morton, Glenn Costa Mesa, CA 714-966-0205 Pro 2 Morton, James C Key Largo, FL 305-367-4045 Pro 1 Morton, Jason Sun Lakes, AZ Pro 1 Moseby, Paul L Bellevue, WA Pro 1 206-885-5566 Moseley, Carla J Santa Barbara, CA 805-687-3887 Pro 3 Moseley, Susan Pasadena, CA Pro 1 Moskal, Phil Palm Springs, CA 619-325-4320 Pro 2 Mosquera, Pat R Woodhaven, NY 516-887-1330 Pro 3 Moss, Denis S Fountain Valley, CA 714-546-8560 Pro 1 Moss, James A Santa Fe, NM Pro 1 Moss, Peter H Carnegie, PA 412-276-1150 Pro 1 Moss, Toni Greer San Diego, CA 619-584-7781 Pro 2 Mosseller, Glenn W Greensboro, NC 919-299-0822 Pro 2 Moster, Daniel F Rushville, IN 317-938-1056 Pro 1 Mole, Brenda K Glendale, AZ 602-939-4511 Pro 2 Motley, Terrell R Jacksonville, FL 904-389-4332 Pro 2 Motoda, Seijiro Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Motomura, Takashi Tokyo, Japan 0988-50-5024 Pro 3


Motooka, Ryo Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Motsutate, Hidenobu Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Molt, Bill Pro 1 Sarasota, FL Hon Mott, Janice Ocean City, NJ 609-398-7559 Pro 3 Mottola, Mary R Morganville, NJ Pro 2 908-946-7020 Mouer, John Andrew Austin, TX 512-327-5316 Pro 2 Moulton, James S Carmichael, CA 916-487-2647 Pro 1 Moulton, R Kirby S Lake Tahoe, CA Pro 2 916-544-0267 Moultrie, Bill E Due West, SC 803-379-8210 Pro 3 Moundalexis, Constantine J Chittenden, VT 802-422-3333 Pro 1 Mounkhall, Thomas Mahwah, NJ Pro 1 201-934-9689 Mount, Jeffrey H Greenwich, CT 203-622-9094 Pro 2 Mountain, Michael D Farmin~ton Hills, Ml 313-47 -3246 Pro 2 Mountan, Mark R Alpharetta, GA 404-310-5770 Pro 2 Moussette, Gregory Boca Raton, FL Pro 1 Mouveau, Gatien Paris, France Pro 3 46517038 Moyie, Mark Denver, CO 303-322-9969 Pro 2 Mozur, Tom Knoxville, TN Pro 1 615-588-1323 Mraz, Patricia Oaster Burnsville, MN Pro 2 612-894-9210

Mt laurel Racquet Club M! Laurel Racquet Club Mt Laurel, NJ 609-234-2990 Club Mueller, Barbara Ann Oconomowoc, WI

414-965-2536 Pro 1 Mueller, David W New Braunfels, TX

512-625-6271 Pro 3 Mueller, John H New Hope, MN 612-544-4236 Pro 1 Mueller Rohan, Kathy E Hanover, NJ 201-884-3455 Pro 2 Muench, Tom P Willowdale, Canada 416-222-1644 Pro 1 Muesing, Paul Chaska, MN Pro 3 Muhl, Eli N Lenexa, KS Pro 2 913-842-0645 Muir, David A Blue Island, IL 312-235-2300 Pro 1 Muir, Robert Lenexa, KS 913-492-4277 Pro 2 Mukherjee, Timir Arlington, VA 703-243-2150 Pro 2 Mullen, Dean V Silver Spring, MD Pro 1 Mullen, Mary Killeen Bradenton, FL 813-755-1000 Pro 1 Mullen-Strang, Sherry Bellevue, WA 206-643-6852 Pro 2 Muller, Nancy F Orlando, FL 407-351-0950 Pro 1 Mulligan, Martin F Foster City, CA 415-468-6800 Pro 1 Mulligan, Stephen J Plantation, FL 305-370-2975 Pro 1 Mullin, A Shepherd, Jr Columbus, GA 404-563-4645 Pro 1 Mullin, Dale L Ormond Beach, FL 904-673-577 4 Pro 3

Mullin, Jill Isaacs Foothill Ranch, CA 714-586-2215 Pro 3 Mullman, John W Irving, TX 214-541-1141 Pro 2 Mulloy, Gardnar Miami, FL 305-324-6825 Master Pro

Mulvania, Larry C Encinitas, CA Pro 2 Mumford, Steven R Dana Poinl, CA 714-496-7709 Pro 1 Mundell, John A, Ill Chicago, IL 312-407-6403 Pro 2 Mundei-Reinbold, Jennifer A Indianapolis, IN 317-254-9112 Pro Munden, Bob Kailua Kona, HI 808-329-851 0 Pro 3 Munechika, Yoshikazu Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Muneharu, Maeda Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 0734-61-0203 Munsil, James Phoenix, AZ 602-759-1620 Pro 1 Munson, Floyd Naperville, IL 708-357-2691 Pro 2 Munson, Mark Miami, FL 305-649-5000 Pro 2 Muntifering, Mark C St Cloud, MN 612-259-8245 Pro 2 Murai, Takahiko Tokyo, Japan 0468-49-6460 Pro 3 Murakami, Junichi Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Murakami, Kenji Tokyo, Japan 0468-22-7219 Pro 2 Murakami, Kola Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Murakami, Yoshiyuki Tokyo, Japan 03-464-662 t Pro 1 Murakata, Hirokazu Tokyo, Japan 0487-34-2579 Pro 3



Murao, Mitio Tokyo, Japan 025-275-2624 Murata, Albert Honolulu, HI 808-373-1212 Murata, Koji

Pro 3 Pro 2

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 048-834-0918 Murata, Osamu Tokyo, Japan Pro Murata, Sadamu Tokyo, Japan Pro Murata, Yuji Pro Tokyo, Japan Murayama, Reiko Tokyo, Japan Pro Murdock, Stephen J Burton, Ml 313-238-9691 Pro Murio, Robert C

3 2 1 3 3 1

San Francisco, CA

415-681-0130 Murphy, Bill Tucson, AZ 602-626-1453

Pro 3 Pro 1 Hon

Murphy, Chet Palm Desert, CA Pro 1 Hon Murphy, James T St Cloud, MN Pro 2 612-253-2478 Murphy, Jerry Pembroke Pines, FL 305-432-0197 Pro 2 Murphy, Kathy M Miami, FL

305-437-2661 Murphy, Mal

Pro 3

Queensland, Australia

074-413250 Pro 1 Murphy, Michael R Manhattan Beach, CA 31 0-545-6155 Pro 2 Murphy, Scott Kentfield, CA 415-461 -5445 Pro 2 Murphy, Ted K Liberty, KY 606-787-9258 Pro 2 Murray, Avis R Gloucester, MA 508-283-0809 Pro 1 Murray, Doug Dallas, TX 214-739-8837 Pro 2

Murray -


Murray, Richard S Clearwater, FL 813-573-2478 Pro Murray, Ted J Humacao, Puerto Rico 809-852-6000 Pro 1 Murton, Paul Kennesaw, GA 404-426-7381 Pro Musashi, Tetsuhiko

Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Muscare, Michael Pomona, CA


Pro 1

Musgrave, James

Barrington, IL 312-934-3302 Pro 2 Muskievicz, Wayne Homewood, IL 708-799-3215 Pro 1 Muta, Naohisa

Tokyo, Japan 03626-5041 Pro 2 Muzquiz Aizpuro, Rafael Laie, HI 808-293-8811 Pro 3 MW Pro Tennis Association Alpharetta, GA 404-410-0703 Affil Myers, Clifford C Hershey, PA 717-533-5450 Pro 3 Myers, Dennis

Glen Allen, VA 804-360-1200 Pro 1 Myers, Randolph R, Ill Costa Mesa, CA 714-545-9973 Pro 3 Myers-Brandt, M Lee Atlanta, GA 404-992-0260 Pro 2 Myerson, Robert R Brooklyn, NY 718-499-3568 Pro 1 Myers-Whiteley, Claudia Wayzata, MN 612-473-8109 Pro 1 Mykkanen, George B Streamwood, IL

708-381-2570 Pro 2 Nabors, Lynn A Cincinnati, OH 513-771-2835 Pro 3

Nadebaum, Garry B Tulsa, OK 918-742-4279 Pro 1 Nagahama, Takao Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Nagai, Hisashi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Nagai, Katsumi

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Nagao, Kenya Tokyo, Japan 048-72-1465 Pro 3 Nagao, Yoshihiro Tokyo, Japan 0797-89-7375 Pro 2 Nagaoka, Hiroshi

Tokyo, Japan Pro Nagasako, Junichi Tokyo, Japan 045-821-8650 Pro Nagasawa, Akiyoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro Nagasawa, Shinji Tokyo, Japan Pro Nagasawa, Shoichi Tokyo, Japan 025-377-4093 Pro

2 2 3 2 3

Nagase, Jiro

Tokyo, Japan Pro Nagashima, Takayuki Tokyo, Japan Pro Nagata, Satoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro Nagayoshi, Kanji Tokyo, Japan Pro Nagel, Bruce Kailua, HI 808-262-2057 Pro Nagel, Edward P Franklin, Ml 313-352-8000 Pro Nagle, Scott A Kapalua, HI 808-669-5677 Pro

2 2 3 2 3 1 1

Naito, Kazuyoshi

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Naito, Satoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Najdovski, Krste (Kris) Mentor, OH 216-951-9621 Pro 2 Nakagawa, Katsunari Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Nakagawa, Kazuya To kyo, Japan Pro 3


Nakagawa, Takeshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Nakagawa, Tomohisa

Tokyo, Japan 0166-52-9938 Pro 3 Nakagawa, Tomoyuki Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Nakagawa, Toru

Tokyo, Japan Pro Nakagawa, Toshiro Tokyo, Japan Pro 03485-9349 Nakai, Hideaki Tokyo, Japan Pro Nakajima, Takahiro Tokyo, Japan Pro Nakajima, Takelumi Tokyo, Japan 045-782-8017 Pro Nakajima, Yasuhiro Tokyo, Japan 03-464·6621 Pro Nakajima, Yuji Tokyo, Japan Pro

2 2 3 3 3 1 3

Nakamura, Eri

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Nakamura, Kenji

Tokyo, Japan 0727-92-0619

Pro 3

Nakamura, Masaaki

Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Nakamura, Mitsuo Tokyo, Japan 0166-57-4948 Pro 3 Nakamura, Nobuyuki Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Nakamura, Osamu Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Nakamura, Shinji Tokyo, Japan Pro 1 Nakamura, Shuji Tokyo, Japan 013-429-0794 Pro 2 Nakamura, Takatsugu Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Nakanishi, Yasuyoshi Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Nakano, Fumilaka Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Nakano, Yoshilaka Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Nakaoka, Takeshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Nakashima, Keiji Tokyo, Japan Pro 3

Nakashima Nakashima, Yoshiaki Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Nakata, Kazumi Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Nakatsuka, Paul T Santa Monica, CA 31 0-452-1709 Pro 2 Nakaya, Toshiaki Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Nakayama, Takayoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Nakazawa, Masahiko Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Nakazawa, Masumi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 0472-59-2232 Nakazawa, Osamu Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Namekawa, Takuya Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 078-592-3053 Namiki, Hiroharu Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Nanao, Vuichi Tokyo, Japan 0138-52-6678 Pro 3 Nanba, Hiroshi Tokyo, Japan 03-720-8482 Pro 3 Nanba, Toru Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Nance, John K Florence, SC Pro 2 803-662-3015 Nance, Peter K Garland, TX 817-695-7557 Pro 3 Naninck, Frederic Liancourt, France

44731216 Naraki, Akio Tokyo, Japan Narayan, Krish San Jose, CA 408-27 4-5705 Narizzano, Da Ni Syosset, NY 516-364-2727 Naruse, Eiji Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3 Pro 2 Pro 2 l Pro 3 Pro 1

Narvaiz, Pat l Santa Fe, NM 505-986-2222 Pro 3 Narvin, Chuck Boca Raton, FL 305-499-0226 Pro 2

Nash, Brian E Seattle, WA 206-455-3660 Pro 2 Nash, Joseph Forest Hills, NY 718-273-3600 Pro National Tennis Academy Waxahachie, TX 214-937-0311 Affil Navarro, Miguel A Waco, TX Pro 3 817-776-6612 Navratil, Paul Poway, CA Pro 619-487-2413 Nayden, Mark H Austin, TX Pro 512-476-1752 Naylor, William C Boiling Springs, NC Pro 2 704-434-6017 NC Association of Tennis Prof Greensboro, NC 919-668-2639 Affil Nealon, Ann Rochester, NY 716-482-1981 Pro 2 Nealon, Laura Boulder, CO 303-499-5947 Pro 2 Nederman, Marilyn A Incline Village, NV 702-831-5600 Pro 2 Needham, Richard D Baxter, MN Pro 2 Needier, William D Northbrook, IL Pro 2 708-564-2217 Neely, Armistead Atlanta, GA 404-377-9436 Pro 2 Neese, David Germantown, TN 901-757-0878 Pro 1 Negri, Bruce Latham, NY 518-785-7353 Pro 1 Neider, David J El Paso, TX Pro 1 915-585-1923 Neil, Kathryn M Forest Park, IL Pro 1 708-366-7046 Neils, Herbert Libby, MT Pro 1 406-293-7965



Neja, Steve West Bend, WI Pro 414-334-0311 Nelms, Dennis Kennett Square, PA Pro Nelson, Brian K Park Ridge, NJ Pro 201-391-0031 Nelson, Craig G, Jr Portland, OR 503-283-4036 Pro Nelson, Elizabeth (Ubby) Edina, MN 612-929-8536 Pro Nelson, James V Shreve, OH 216-567-3630 Pro Nelson, Jeffrey Sioux Falls, SD 605-335-6154 Pro Nelson, Jeffrey R Los Altos, CA 415-948-0915 Pro Nelson, John E Davis, CA 916-756-8155 Pro Nelson, John M Ross, CA 415-456-4129 Pro Nelson, Karen Elizabeth Pasadena, CA Pro 818-356-6146 Nelson, Kathryn Edina, MN 612-925-3286 Pro Nelson, Linda M Pittsburgh, PA 412-967-0396 Pro Nelson, Maxwell Scottsdale, AZ Pro Nelson, Michael J Orange, CA 714-282-9679 Pro Nelson, Richard D Minnetonka, MN 612-546-0709 Pro Nelson, Thomas R Sunbury, OH 614-965-4314 Pro Nelson, Tracy Baton Rouge, LA 504-924-6972 Pro Nemecek, Paul M Western Springs, IL 312-246-5857 Pro

3 2 1 2

2 2 2 1 3 1

2 3 2

2 1 2 1

Nemesis -

Niemeyer Newman, Fran Nichols, Scott Atlanta, GA El Paso, TX Pro 1 Pro 1 404-633-0413 915-581-3422 Newman, J Kevin Nichols, Tori Paradise Valley, AZ Marietta, GA Pro 3 602-948-3798 Pro 1 404-612-1558 3 Newman, Jack Russell Nichols, William H Dallas, TX Mt Lebanon, PA Pro 1 214-670-6622 412-831-9798 Pro 1 3 Newman, Judy Nicholson, Margie Sausalito, CA Upper Marlboro, MD 415-331-7360 Pro 1 301-544·1217 Pro 2 2 Newman, Ken Tequesta, FL Pro 2 Nickel, Holger G Idaho Falls, ID Newman, Maurice Pro 1 208-529-4538 San Rafael, CA 1 415-383-6494 Pro 3 Nicklas, Meredith A Winston-Salem, NC Newman, Richard B 919-759-9712 Pro 2 Sunnyvale, CA 2 408-738-4537 Pro 1 Nickless, Mark B Newport Beach, CA Newman, Robin S 2 Plantation, FL 714-944-3541 Pro 1 Pro 1 Nicoloff, Cathleen 305-474-5753 Newson, Woody Kihei, HI Ft Pierce, FL 808-879-3446 Pro Pro 1 Nidzgorski, Susan E 407-468-1525 Ng, Albert Kee Siong Hilton Head Island, Singapore 65-7766822 Pro 2 Pro 803-689-3544 Ng, Douglas Nielsen, Stan 2 New Canaan, CT Woodmere, NY 203-966-7996 Pro 3 Pro 1 516-37 4-4030 Ng, Elaine Yin Ling Nielsen Tennis Center Hong Kong Pro 1 2 Winnetka, IL Ng, Siu-Yee Tong 312-441·6301 Club Hong Kong Pro 2 Nielsen, T onni Anh-Steve H Nguyen, 2 Crestwood, KY San Antonio, TX 502-426-4923 Pro 2 210-641-7178 Pro 2 1 Nguyen, Jade P Nielson, Brent J Mill Valley, CA Fern Park, FL 415-388-0498 Pro 2 Pro 2 407-876-4663 1 Nguyen, Louis (Luan) Nielson, Dean p Scottsdale, AZ GMF, Guam Pro 1 602-860-2106 2 671-646-8424 Pro 2 Nielson, Ron Nguyen, Van Thuc Westlake Village, CA Sacramento, CA 818-707-2245 Pro 2 2 Pro 2 916-362-0156 Niemann, Bruce Nibert, Bryan W Hopkins, SC Portsmouth, OH Pro 2 803-776-3250 2 614-354-1900 Pro 1 Niemeier, Jane S Niccoiai, Margaret J Marion, lA Kenosha, WI Pro 1 319-377-1326 2 414-654-8197 Pro 2 Niemeyer, Brenda K Nichols, Richard E Mesilla Park, NM San Antonio, TX Pro 1 505-526-8300 Pro 3 210-681-4872 Pro 3

Nemesis, Aurae Glenside, PA 215-548-2086 Pro Neo, Roland Yam Cheng Singapore 65-3390955 Pro Nerone, Gary W Springfield, IL 217-544-7321 Pro Nesbit, Scott Northfield, MN 507-663-3812 Pro Nester, Brian P Cincinnati, OH 513-231-1770 Pro Neufeld, Hans Arlington Heights, IL 708·593·0580 Pro Neugebauer, Dunn Atlanta, GA Pro Neuhart, David The Woodlands, TX 713-363·4707 Pro Neuhart, Gregory B Lake Worth, FL 407-585-2939 Pro Neuman, Karen M Green Bay, WI 414·498·0775 Pro Neumeier, Don P San Francisco, CA Pro 415-775-0515 Neveras, Ben San Jose, CA 408-265-7449 Pro New, Rick Seattle, WA Pro Newberry, Mark Aventura, FL 305-932-5895 Pro Newby, Linda Fountain Valley, CA Pro Newcomb, Ron Nashville, TN 615-883-1763 Pro Newhall, Brian Y Los Angeles, CA 213-259-2690 Pro Newman, Bruce E Tirol, Austria 081·39-01-81 Pro

Newman, Eric Seattle, WA 206-232-5600



Nieminen Nieminen, Cecelia

(Cec) Yorktown, VA 804-785-5381


Niina, Shoji

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621


Nikadori, Hiroshi

Tokyo, Japan 045-782-5247 Pro 2 Nilhagen, Per Anders Indianapolis, IN 317-849-2531 Pro 1 Ninete, Rick Agana, Guam 671-472-6270 Pro 3 Ningas, Felix S Groton, CT 203-449-8287 Pro 2 Nipper, Jeffrey H J Minneapolis, MN Pro 2 Nisaka, Kazuhiko Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Nishi, Masato

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621

Pro 1

Nishida, Kazuhiro

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Nishigawa, Kazuichi

Tokyo, Japan Pro 1 03-464-6621 Nishigori, Hideki Tokyo, Japan 0424-84-9737 Pro 2 Nishigori, Kiyotaka Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 0457712578 Nishiguchi, Syozo Osaka-Fu, Japan 0720-34-2517 Pro 3 Nishikawa, Yoshinobu Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Nishikimura, Toshihiko Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Nishimura, Shinya

Nixon, Randall L Coronado, CA 619-435-2444 Pro Noble, Mark K Boca Raton, FL 407-737-5100 Pro 2 Noboa, Montserrat San Diego, CA Pro 2 619-756-1123 Noda, Hiloshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 03-464-6621 Noel, Kenneth

W Palm Beach, FL 407-833-4892 Pro 2 Noel, Tyler J Stevens Point, WI 715-346-1531 Pro 3 Noguchi, Koji Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 3 Noguchi, Masahiro

Tokyo, Japan 0734-62-1864 Pro Noguchi, Shigeo Tokyo, Japan Pro 0487·68-4531 Noguchi, Tetsuo Tokyo, Japan 0727-52-8446 Pro Noguchi, Yukiiliro Tokyo, Japan 0423-26-0168 Pro Nolan, Gene Boca Raton, FL Pro Nomolo, Takeshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 045-531-7044 Nomura, Kenji Tokyo, Japan 077 45-3-9275 Pro

3 2 2 1 3 2

Pro 3

Nonogawa, Masato

Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Nishio, Shigeyuki Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Nishio, Yoko Tokyo, Japan Pro 3

Tokyo, Japan Pro 03-464-6621 Noon, Ronald D Orinda, CA 510-254-1065 Pro Noonan, Jason A Baton Rouge, LA 504-273-3436 Pro 1

Nishiyama, Takahiro

Noor, Waseem

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Nishino, Kotaro

Tokyo, Japan 03-935-1910

Pro 3

Sea Cliff, NY 516-484-9222


Nor Cal Tennis Pro Association Chico, CA 916-899-0670 Affil Nordman, lois St Paul, MN Pro 2 612-774-3782 Noriega, Marlin Gainesville, FL


Pro 2

Norman, Simon D

Wichita, KS 316-634-0094 Pro Normile, Jeffrey Venice, CA 310-314-6812 Pro Norris, Ernest E Sea Cliff, NY Pro 2 516-671-0375 Norris, Michael

Manakin-Sabot, VA 804-784-2314 Pro 3 Norris, Ned


Nomura, Motoko

Tokyo, Japan


Pro 3

S Deerfield, MA Pro 1 413-665-4432 Norris, Sheri Lin Corona, CA 909-734-0230 Pro 2 Norris, Ted L Naples, FL Pro 1 813-591-3555 North Canton Racquet Club N Canton, OH 216-494-5494 Club North, Cecil Ann Arbor, Ml 313-662-8459 Pro Northam, Jeff W Walla Walla, WA 509-529-7170 Pro Northcott, Darrell Toronto, Canada 416-532-3341 Pro 2 Norlhcut, Bob Sherman, TX 214·892-6735 Pro Northern California Tennis Association

Alameda, CA 510-748-7373 Affil Norton, Darin J Holland, Ml Pro 2 616-392-8753 Norton, Geoffrey S Rockport, TX 512-729-4280 Pro 2

Norton -


Norton, Joseph J Fairfield, CT 203-256-1395 Pro Norton, Michael C Kingwood, TX 713-358-2181 Pro Norton, Philip D Cresent Springs, KY 606-341-8201 Pro Norton, Todd R Rockport, TX 512-729-4280 Pro Norville, J Philip Farmington Hills, Ml Pro Norwich, Wallace J Titusville, FL 407-269-3763 Pro

Nunez, Samuel


2 1 2 2 2

2 2 2 3

Numazawa, Rieko

Tokyo, Japan

O'Brien, Cory W


Pro 3

Nunez, Craig

Baton Rouge, LA Pro Nunez, J Roberto Rockaway, NJ 201-627-4836 Pro Nunez, Juan

Boca Raton, FL 407-393-8949 Pro 2

Lakeville, MN 612-431-1684


O'Brien, Craig A

3 2 2

Avon, CT Pro 203-678-9694 O'Brien, Diane Franklin Lakes, NJ Pro 1 201-337-2148 O'Brien, James E, Ill Windsor, CT 203-249-7022 Pro 3 O'Brien, Jim


Nyren, Dirk

Nostrant, David

St George, UT 801-628-5980 Pro Notar, William D Great Neck, NY 516-773-3651 Pro Nothwehr, Tim Bloomington, MN 612-835-1140 Pro Novak, Frank, A Sa!at, Kuwait 965-2530000 Pro Nowak, David Jupiter, FL 407-575-0061 Pro Noyce, Jerry Edina, MN 612-944-0292 Pro Noyes, Carl E Springfield, MO 417-865-0376 Pro Nozick, Melvina Alexandria, VA 703-370-0727 Pro Nukariya, Hiroyuki Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Numaguchi, Katsumi Tokyo, Japan Pro

San Diego, CA Pro 619-458-9335 Nunnally, Mark Ft Myers, FL 813-936-6309 Pro Nurnbirg, Dale T Cleveland, OH 216-251-1003 Pro Nygaard, Thomas H San Diego, CA 619-226-1003 Pro Nyquist, Rex Chicago, IL Pro 312-292-1862

Deerfield Beach, FL Pro 1 Nys, Michael D Billings, MT 406-259-3422 Pro 1 NYT Event/Sports Mklg Trumbull, CT 203-373-7000 Affil Oakes, Christopher Petaluma, CA Pro 3 707-795-5461 Oakes, William G Aurora, CO Pro 1 303-755-9750 Oates, Eddie Jonesboro, AR 501-932-6556 Pro 3

Boca Raton, FL 407-241-6810 Pro 1 O'Brien, Joseph, Ill

Wellesley, MA Pro 2 617-431-6183 O'Brien, Michael John Lower Gwynedd, PA Pro 1 215-646-857 4 O'Brien, Thomas J San Diego, CA 619-272-7259 Pro 2 Ocampo, Luis Carlos Sunrise, FL 305-572-5031 Pro 2 Ochi, Shigeloshi Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Ochiai, Hideshi Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Ochiai, Saburo Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Obara, Hiroshi Ochoa, Albert R, Jr Tokyo, Japan Cedar Park, TX Pro 2 03-449-6326 Pro 2 512-335-6455 Obata, Atsushi Ochotorena, David Tokyo, Japan (Ocho) Pro 1 03-464-6621 Albuquerque, NM Oberling, Greg L Pro 2 505-256-1525 Henderson, NV 702-454-0423 Pro 1 O'Connell, Daniel T Nadi, Fiji Islands Obi, Ayo S 217-244-4670 Pro 1 Bronx, NY 516-883-6425 Pro 3 O'Connell, Gavin P Atlanta, GA Oboh, Francis A 404-395-7003 Pro 1 Indianapolis, IN 317-257-3611 Pro 2 O'Connell, John M Englewood, CO O'Boyle, William 303-779-1100 Pro 1 Clover, SC Pro 1 O'Connell, Mike 803-831-2126 Bedford, IN O'Brien, Boots 813-275-0938 Castle Rock, CO Master Pro 303-688-6454 Pro 1 O'Connell, Steven J O'Brien, Charles A Fairfield, CT Altamonte Springs, FL 203-367-9502 Pro 1 Pro 2 407-788-5336


O'Connor O'Connor, Daniel F New Fairfield, CT 203-746-7698 Pro 2 O'Connor, John L Breckenridge, CO 303-468-4220 Pro 3 Odagaki, Megumi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 011·511-0772 Odake, Akira Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Oddino, John A W Hills, CA 818-704-1808 Pro 2 O'Dell, lan M Fort Collins, CO 303-223-9809 Pro 2 Oescher, Jim Orlando, FL 407-843-6560 Pro 1 011, Roger Scott Miami, FL 305-382-3955 Pro 2 Offers, Gregory M N Hollywood, CA 818-508-4840 Pro 2 Olficer, John C Annapolis, MD 301·267-3436 Pro 2 Offner, Henry Randolph, MA Pro 2 Olstehage, Gail Excelsior, MN Pro 612-474-7705 Ogata, Kimio Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Ogawa, Yuji Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Ogden, Elliott Armonk, NY Pro 2 914-834-5289 Ogden, John C Kaanapali, HI 808-669-5431 Pro 2 Ogita, Noriyuki Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Ogle, Gregory G Baltimore, MD 30 1·484·4505 Pro 1 Ogle, Robert A (Bob) Newport Beach, CA 714-759-0711 Pro 2 Oglesby, Mark F Alpharetta, GA 404-642-497 4 Pro 1

O'Grady, Terry St Petersburg, FL Pro 813·894-0071 Ogura, Eiji Pro Tokyo, Japan Ogura, Tamio Tokyo, Japan Pro O'Haren, James Tulsa, OK 918-299-2681 Pro Ohashi, Chihiro Tokyo, Japan Pro 03-464-6621 Ohashi, Shunji Pro Tokyo, Japan Ohashi, Tadao Tokyo, Japan Pro 0492-46-3984 Ohata, Neal Kealakekua, HI Pro 808-322-0091 Ohba, Kunihiko Tokyo, Japan Pro 0438-98·5826 O'Hearn, W L (Chip), Ill Roseville, CA 415-364-0681 Pro Ohga, Kazuhiro Tokyo, Japan 011·821-9587 Pro Ohira, Masahiro Pro Tokyo, Japan Ohishi, Osami Pro Tokyo, Japan Ohishi, Yukihiro Tokyo, Japan Pro 011·663-2556 Ohkawa, Hisao Tokyo, Japan Pro 03-647-6249 Ohki, Shunichi Pro Tokyo, Japan Ohki, Takahiro Tokyo, Japan 0471-88-2058 Pro Ohkita, Mitsuharu Tokyo, Japan 07437-7-7207 Pro Ohkuma, Kouji Pro Tokyo, Japan Ohkuma, Yasuo Tokyo, Japan 0489-57-3018 Pro Ohlsen, Bengt A Denmark 45-42-571675 Pro




Ohmori, Kazuo Pro Tokyo, Japan Ohmori, Koji Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Ohmori, Masako Pro Tokyo, Japan Ohmori, Yoshio Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Ohnishi, Kazuhiro Tokyo, Japan Pro 0878-23·0477 Ohnishi, Masayuki Tokyo, Japan Pro 0792-46-3231 Ohno, Katsushi Pro Tokyo, Japan Ohno, Yasuhiro Pro Tokyo, Japan Ohnuki, Koji Pro Tokyo, Japan Ohsawa, Naoki Tokyo, Japan 0484-62-2054 Pro Ohshiro, Yukio Tokyo, Japan Pro Ohsugi, Kiyokazu Tokyo, Japan 0722-63-3933 Pro Ohta, Hiromi Tokyo, Japan Pro Ohla, Kozo Tokyo, Japan Pro 03-464-6621 Ohta, Moto Tokyo, Japan 06-673-1834 Pro Ohta, Yasumasa Tokyo, Japan 06-841-5472 Pro Ohtake, Hisashi Tokyo, Japan 011-683-8139 Pro Ohtake, llllololumi Tokyo, Japan Pro Ohtsuyama, Yumi Tokyo, Japan 0562-47-1792 Pro Ohyama, Hiroya Pro Tokyo, Japan Ohyama, Shigeru Pro Tokyo, Japan Ojakian, Christopher


W Palm Beach, FL 407-683-6247 Pro

2 3 3 2 2 3 2 2

2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2


2 2 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 3 3 3 2 3 2 3

Okabe- Ono Okabe, Yukihito Tokyo, Japan 052-895-5728 Okada, Chiaki Tokyo, Japan Okada, Chizuru Tokyo, Japan 078-642-3318 Okada, Fumihiro Tokyo, Japan 078-452-7678 Okada, lsao Tokyo, Japan 0727-38-4081 Okada, Masaru Tokyo, Japan 0471-88-3478 Okada, Tadaaki Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Okada, Takahiko Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Okada, Tatsuo Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Olins, Andris

Pro 1 Pro 3 Pro 3 Pro 2 Pro 3 Pro 3 Pro 2 Pro 2

Okamoto, Junichi

Tokyo, Japan 0720-58-7451 Pro 3 Okamoto, Kentaro Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Okamoto, Yasuhiro

Tokyo, Japan

Olingy, Nancy Charlottesville, VA 804-978-1021 Pro 2

Pro 3

Okamura, Mayumi

Tokyo, Japan 082-281-8925 Pro Okawa, Yoji Tokyo, Japan Pro Okuda, Talsumi Tenafly, NJ 201-871-3875 Pro Okuyama, Kalsumi Tokyo, Japan 0729-53-4634 Pro Olateru-Oiagbegi, Stephenson A Silver Spring, MD 301-622-4577 Pro Olbrys, Peter New York, NY 800-551-5015 Pro Oldham, Harry M (Matt) Augusta, GA 404-863-4018 Pro Olenik, Dennis Haverford, PA Pro Oley, Stanley R Valencia, CA Pro

2 3 1 2

2 2

2 2 2

Louisville, KY 502-937-8010 Pro Oliveira, Delphim M Bay St Louis, MS 601-255-4640 Pro Oliver, Charles Wm Ashford, CT 203-429-1125 Pro Oliver, Henry V Atlanta, GA 404-424-0204 Pro Oliver, Kenneth C Hilton Head Island,


803-842-1111 Pro Oliveto, Elizabeth Minneapolis, MN 612-888-9306 Pro Ollari, Michael Z Hopkinton, MA 508-435-9612 Pro Olleslad, Tomas Oldsmar, FL 813-784-337 4 Pro Olman, Mark A Austin, TX 512-251-3894 Pro Olmedo, Alex Encino, CA 310-276-2616 Pro Olmedo, David Los Angeles, CA 310-837-2129 Pro Olmedo, Luis A Fort Collins, CO 303-225-3765 Pro Olmstead, Robert E Murray, KY Pro Olmsted, John E Santa Rosa, CA 707-539-6653 Pro Olsen, Evan P Poulsbo, WA 206-779-6443 Pro Olsen, Hans Myrtle Beach, sc 803-497-2495 Pro Olsen, Lynn

2 2

Olson, Vincent

2 2

1 1 3


Matawan, NJ 201-566-2402 Pro 1 Olsson, Johan Christer Ridgeland, MS 601-956-3695 Pro 2 O'Malley, Ed Lutz, FL 813-948-1 023 Pro 1 O'Malley, John Homburg, Germany Pro 1 Omori, Miho Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 O'Neal, Kathy Pembroke Pines, FL 305-437-3536 Pro 1 O'Neal, Tim

2 2

Hong Kong 574-7712 Pro 1 O'Neil, Sean Gaithersburg, MD 301-948-8039 Pro 1 O'Neill, Donna

1 2 2

Minneapolis, MN

612-377-8640 Olson, Daniel Sarasota, FL 813-365-9770

Olson, Doreen F Leics, England 4457285346 Pro 2 Olson, Michelle Minneapolis, MN 612-922-9362 Pro 2 Olson, Samuel M Lake Forest, CA 714-859-1798 Pro 3

Pro 2 Pro 2

Solon, OH 216-498-0341 Ong, Gary Singapore 65-2896556 Ong, Kaa Beng Singapore 2889105

Pro 2 Pro 3 Pro 1

Onishi, Masayasu

Tokyo, Japan 078-843-1549 Ono, Eiko Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3 Pro 3

Ono, Kazuo

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Ono, Masami

Tokyo, Japan 0492-42-9856 Ono, Noriaki Tokyo, Japan Ono, Shushichiro Tokyo, Japan Ono, Takayuki Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3 Pro 2 Pro 1 Pro 3


Onodera Onodera, Hiroyuki

Tokyo, Japan 011-643-8102

Pro 3

Onozawa, Tsutomu

Tokyo, Japan Ooka, Masaki Tokyo, Japan Oon, Desmond Singapore

Pro 2 Pro 3

Master Pro

Oppenheim, Michael Westwood, NJ 201-664-7512 Pro 1 Oppenheim, Monty C Kihei, Maui, HI 808-879-1958 Pro 3 Oppenheimer, Paulette E Burlingame, CA 415-343-2750 Pro 3 Oransky, Michael Gainesville, FL 904-336-0846 Pro 2 Ordonez, Alejandra Thousand Oaks, CA 805-493-4324 Pro 2 O'Reilly, M Gordon Boca Raton, FL 407-368-2033 Pro 1 Oricchio, Dennis

Ridgewood, NJ 201-652-1995 Pro 2 Orlin, Howard B Miami Beach, FL 305-531-8114 Pro 2 Ornstein, Suzanne

Chevy Chase, MD 301-951-1221 Pro 3 Oropez, Guillermo Westbury, NY 516-338-4072 Pro 2 O'Rourke, Hugh New Port Richey, FL 813-372-7139 Pro 2 O'Rourke, Nigel Warren, VT 802-583-2391 Pro 1 Orr, Jerry Ray Matthews, NC Pro 2 Ortegon, Tobias Devin Denver, CO 303-572-4790 Pro 3 Ortiz, Ricardo Tyler, TX 903-566-1 018 Pro 1 Orwig, Mark B Moraga, CA 415-376-1314 Pro 1

Osachuk, Jean E Newtonville, MA 617-899-5000 Pro 3 Osamura, Haruyuki

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Osborne, Gregory A Pro 3 Atlanta, GA Osborne, Tom Richardson, TX 214-680-1829 Pro 1 Osbourn, Lisa

Springfield, MO 417-889-5909 Pro 2 Osete, Rich Miami, FL 305-385-8966 Pro 2 Osga, Randy J W Warwick, Rl 401-828-4450 Pro 2 Osgood, Sharon Carmel Valley, CA 408-659-5639 Pro 2 O'Shaughnessy, Julia E Newport Beach, CA 714-646-0894 Pro O'Shea, John M Rumson, NJ 908-842-5735 Pro O'Shea, Michael T Louisville, KY 502-426-3255 Pro 2 Oshibe, Nobuto Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Osipower, Robert Quakertown, PA 215-536-9239 Pro 1 Osmera, Debbie Minnetonka, MN

612-473-2591 Pro 2 Ossanna-S!eidle, Janet L Glen Cove, NY 516-484-9222 Pro 2 Ostapowicz, Dr

Bogdan Germany Pro 2 07731-236-25 Osteen, Gary K Steamboat Springs,



Pro 2

O'Sullivan, Frances M

Cheschire, United Kingdom 44619805115 Pro 2



Oswald, Richard Orlando, FL 407-298-0042 Pro 1 Ola, Jarrell M APO, USA Pro 2 81987341175 Otalvaro, Francisco H Coral Gables, FL 305-662-5043 Pro 2 Otsudo, Mitsuo

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Ott, David Woodside, CA 415-851-0920

Pro 1 Pro 2

Ouchi, Kunio

Tokyo, Japan Pro Ouellette, Ken Ormond Beach, FL Pro Ouwehancl, Guy E Lahaina, Maui, HI 808-669-5677 Pro Ouzts, Bill Savannah, GA 912-236-6239 Pro

3 2 2 2

Over, Thomas

Hampton, NH 603-926-7043 Pro 1 Overbeeke, Pieter E Lowell, IN 219-696-9804 Pro 1 Overland, Allan T Kent, WA 206-393-8555 Pro Overstreet, Dick

Danville, CA 510-837-4837 Pro Overton, Jeffrey P Marco Island, FL 813-642-5800 Pro Overton, Kristen L Roswell, GA 404-84 7-0484 Pro Overton, Wendy Gulfstream, FL 407-276-2733 Pro Ovici, Toma R Omaha, NE 402-346-5401 Pro Owen, Marilyn Jamie Punta Gorda, FL 813-639-3896 Pro Owen, Michael Slatyfork, WV 304-572-1234 Pro

3 1 1 2 2 2

Owen -


Owen, Pamela J Hartselle, AL 205-773-6678 Pro 2 Owen, Peter Victoria, Australia 61038888495 Pro 2 Owen, Winston E Sarasota, FL 813-351-5797 Pro 2 Owens, Clyde E, Jr Winter Park, FL 407-677-1882 Pro 3 Owens, Devon Pompano Beach, FL Pro Owens, Michael J Lansing, Ml 517-337-0002 Pro Owens, Steve Nokomis, FL 813-966-7525 Pro Owens, Virginia F Edina, MN 612-924-9233 Pro 2 Oxford, Larry San Antonio, TX 210-826-7951 Pro 1 Oyama, Masanobu Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Ozaki, Bill Lithonia, GA 404-482-4130 Pro 1 Ozturk, Melin Pt Washington, NY Pro 1 516-883-6425 Pace, Fred Destin, FL Pro 1 904-654-4554 Pace, W Steve Riverdale, GA 404-237-7339 Pro 1 Packard, Hideko G Kyoto, Japan 075-744-2870 Pro 1 Paddock, Jeanette Colorado Springs, CO 719-599-5902 Pro 1 Padmanabhan, Gokul Clermont, FL Pro 2 Pagano, Mijai Newllano, LA 318-238-4245 Pro 2 Page, Brian T Bloomingdale, IL Pro 1 Page, David P El Paso, TX 915-584-4013 Pro 1

Page, Dr Hugh, Jr S Bend, IN Pro 1 219-277-9124 Page, Kevin Calgary, Canada 403-239·6061 Pro 1 Page, Patrick Q Marina Del Rey, CA 310-574-3899 Pro 1 Page, Roger Santa Ana, CA 714-771-2410 Pro 1 Paggeot, Patrick Murrells Inlet, SC Pro 2 803-340-8454 Pahiakos, Leon Athens, Greece Pro 1 9339769 Paige, Henry E Mattapan, MA Pro 1 617-296-0820 Paine, Mark T Sarasota, FL 813-365-4641 Pro 2 Painter, Charles V Spring Valley, OH 513-885·5555 Pro 2 Paitrick, Don G Jackson, MS Pro 1 601-362-1638 Pakozdi, Mario l Humacao, Puerto Rico Pro 2 802-852-6000 Pakpour, Daryoush Lenox, MA 413-637-4100 Pro 2 Palafox, Gustavo Ft Lauderdale, FL Pro 1 305-525-4471 Palafox, Victor A Hot Springs, AR 501-624-2153 Pro 1 Palladino, Alex G Grand Rapids, Ml 616-949-4700 Pro 2 Palmer, Marjorie Ketchum, ID Pro 2 208-726-9145 Palmer, Parish P Alamogordo, NM 505-646-6117 Pro 1 Palmer, Richard L Downingtown, PA 215-269-1786 Pro 2 Palmer, Shirley Munster, IN 219-922-1250 Pro 2


Palmer, Sylvia D Bremerton, WA 206-830-4973 Pro 2 Paltsios, Peter R Nashua, NH 617-861-0630 Pro 2 Paluch, Daryl Rapid City, SO 605-348-1690 Pro 2 Paluch, Duke Boulder, CO Pro 303-449-5033 Pamplin, Anne Boisseau Lake Oswego, OR 503-638-6251 Pro 3 Panagopoulos, Randy Aurora, IL 708-907-8067 Pro 2 Pang, Ron C C Singapore Pro 3 65-2595163 Panizzo, John Joliet, IL Pro 2 815-744-7866 Papageorge, David T Stuart, FL 407-659-8475 Pro 2 Papas, Markos Van Nuys, CA 818-990-4699 Pro 1 Paper, Stephen Encino, CA Pro 1 818-784-2612 Pappas, Hermann H Laurel, MS 601-649-7636 Pro 2 Pappas, Nick Minneapolis, MN 612-926-2254 Pro 3 Paradise Island ltd N Miami, FL 305-891-2500 Affil Parish, Henry l Kerrville, TX 512-896-2703 Pro 1 Park, Sunny J Deerfield, IL Pro 2 708-949-6179 Parker, Bob Hermosa Beach, CA Pro 1 213-542-1200 Parker, Christine Palo Alto, CA 415-494-8279 Pro 1 Parker, Don Henderson, NV Pro 3


Parker Parker, Geoffrey E Bellingham, WA 206-64 7-2735 Pro 2 Parker, James St Simons Island, GA 9t 2-634-8058 Pro 2 Parker, Jim Houston, TX

713-464-4811 Pro Parker, Larry Portola Valley, CA 415-854-6661 Pro Parker, Mario Costa Mesa, CA 714-536-9368 Pro 3 Parker, Marshall Edward Midlothian, VA 804-7 40-1 035 Pro 1 Parker, Tracy A Trophy Club, TX 817-491-3661 Pro 3 Parkes, James A Portsmouth, OH 614-456-5713 Pro 2 Parkes, Thomas C Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-431-4146 Pro 3 Parkinson, Fred L Redmond, WA 206-868-1475 Pro 3 Parks, Barry W Birmingham, AL 205-853-1 089 Pro 1 Parks, Brad San Clemente, CA Pro 1 Parks, David A Birmingham, AL 205-853-1 089 Pro 2 Parks, Gail Cohasset, MA 617-383-6728 Pro 2 Parks, Guy W, II Chillicothe, OH 614-773-4928 Master Pro Parks, Peggy J Austin, TX Pro 2 512-442-3440 Parks, William Miami Beach, FL Pro 1 Parlman, Ronald K, Jr Rutland, VT 802-773-3460 Pro 1 Parra, Martin A Wayland, MA Pro 3

Parrish, Gregory Louisville, OH 216-875-2701 Pro Parrish, Phillip J Bristol, CT Pro 203-582-2510 Parrott, Brian Portland, OR 503-224-BEST Pro Parrott, Mark A Eden Prairie, MN Pro 612-946-0148 Parsons, James Wimberley, TX 512-847-9092 Pro Parten, Harry S Houston, TX Pro

3 1 1 1 2 1

Pro 3

Pashaian, John

Paia, HI 808-877-7893 Pro 1 Pasquale, C C (Tom) Euless, TX 817-267-3675 Pro Pass, Robert N Potomac, MD 301-983-8356 Pro Passett, Douglas Orland Park, IL 708-479-1988 Pro 2 Passink, Christian F Lake Tahoe, NV 702-588-3553 Pro 2 Passman, Mark D Mt Kisco, NY 914-234-1258 Pro 3 Paster, Patrick Cathedral City, CA 619-324-5763 Pro 2 Pastirik, Sissy Winston-Salem, NC 919-760-2790 Pro 2 Pate, Chuck, Jr Santa Ana, CA 714-544-6950 Pro Patrick, Charles Miami, FL

305-868-4231 Pro Patrick, Scott Taylor Lexington, KY

606-273-2412 Pro 2 Patterson, Christine l Easton, PA 215-253-1342 Pro 3


Patterson, Dan E Fair Oaks, CA Pro 916-961-6171 Patterson, Elmer

Parzanese, Tony J

San Diego, CA 619-672-2544


Manhattan, KS Pro 1 913-776-6060 Patton, Gail A Ashland, OR Pro 1 503-773-4552 Patton, Sheila (Shann) Saline, Ml 313-429-1027 Pro 2 Patton, Vicki L Akron, OH 216-867-8469 Pro 1 Patton, William D San Leandro, CA 510-632-4501 Pro 3 Pauken, David M Mt Pleasant, Ml 517-772-9113 Pro 2 Paul, Punam

Champaign, IL 217-355-2612 Pro Paul, Vijay S Medford, NJ 609-926-3700 Pro Pauli, Brian A Palm Springs, CA 619-325-9356 Pro Paulosky, Richard J Pro Flagstaff, AZ Paulsen, Christine M Albuquerque, NM 505-899-0721 Pro Paulsen, Steve C St Paul, MN Pro Pautsch, Paul M Bentonville, AR Pro 501-855-8174 Pavao, Alexander J N Dartmouth, MA Pro 508-994-2758

2 2 3 2 1 1 1 3

Pavia, James Nicholas

Bridgeport, CT 203-37 4-8622 Pavlick, Dale A El Paso, TX 915-859-7969 Pavon, Max 1 Honolulu, HI 808-942-4022 Pawid, David Honolulu, HI 808-456-7454

Pro 2 Pro 3 Pro 2 Pro 1

Payberg -


Payberg, Sally Peden, Ellie St Petersburg Beach, Minneapolis, MN 612-784-0785 Pro 2 FL 813-367-3249 Pro 1 Pedersen, Frederik R Oklahoma City, OK Payne, Benson Nelson 405-751-3846 Pro 3 San Angelo, TX 915-949-1534 Pro 3 Peebles, Brenda B Charlotte, NC Payne, Gloria A Pro 3 704-846-4747 Macon, GA 912-47 4-3292 Pro 1 Peebles, Sulan F Castro Valley, CA Payne, Grill 510-881-2946 Pro 2 Naples, FL 813-262-6497 Pro 1 Peek, Leslie H Macon, GA Payne, Randall S 912-477-7846 Pro 1 Livonia, Ml 313-458-2039 Pro 1 Peeler, Dorothy C E Thetford, VT Payne, Virginia S 802-785-4243 Pro 2 New Milford, CT Pekich, Steve, Jr 203-743-7676 Pro 3 Palos Heights, IL Paz, Walter W 708-389-91 00 Pro 2 Natchitoches, LA Pelgram, Robert C 318-357-0170 Pro 2 Tucson, AZ Pazourek, Mike J 602-885-4788 Pro 1 Wilsonville, OR Pelletier, Stephen J 503-635-3776 Pro 2 Southside, AL Peabody, Jean H 205-442-4948 Pro 2 Natchez, MS Pelley, Dennis 601-445-5101 Pro 2 Waitsfield, VT 802-583-2901 Pro 1 Peach, Terry Pellow, Ann Kennett Square, PA Mililani, HI 215-444-0811 Pro 1 808-625-6739 Pro 1 Pearce, Paul D Peltosalo, Andrea L Ft Worth, TX Lake Oswego, OR 817-732-3174 Pro 1 503-697-2940 Pro Pearson, Christopher Pena, Juan A Rio Piedras, Puerto E Lansing, Ml Rico 517-332-6353 Pro 2 809-768-7430 Pro 2 Pearson, Kirk E Pence, Steve K W Palm Beach, FL Fairfax, CA 407-791-0618 Pro 1 415-456-0222 Pro 2 Pearson, Michael Pendrys, Craig Fresno, CA Miami, FL 209-229-4798 Pro 2 Pro 2 305-44 7-0659 Pearson, Michael D Penn, Chrisann Houston, TX Scottsdale, AZ 713-893-0693 Pro 1 602-481-0288 Pro 2 Pease, Kevin Penn Racquet Sports Falmouth, MA Phoenix, AZ 508-548-7433 Pro 1 602-269-1492 Affil Peavy, Jim Pennie, Jerome R Norcross, GA Clearwater, FL 404-447-8075 Pro 1 813-796-1484 Pro 3 Penniman, Wayne Pedaggi, Stephan C Southern Pines, NC Conyers, GA 404-483-6438 919-673-1096 Pro 2 Pro 1


Pennington, Scott J Savannah, GA 912-598-2570 Pro Pennington, Steven R Destin, FL 904-267-9263 Pro 1 Penny, James W Thomasville, GA Pro 3 912-225-1022 Pent, Andrea K Montgomery, AL Pro 2 205-293-6855

Pento, lisa C Liverpool, NY Pro 315-622-4439 Peper, Norma Springfield, IL 217-787-5110 Pro Pepiot, Jack Chittenango, NY 315-687-0072 Pro Perala, Mitchell E Yakima, WA 509-452-7760 Pro Perez, Gonzalo R Miami, FL 305-595-7790 Pro Perez, Joseph F New York, NY 718-937-2381 Pro Perez, luis M Bradenton, FL 813-758-6921 Pro Perez, Manny San Diego, CA 619-287-4537 Pro Perkins, Mitchell D Las Vegas, NV 702-871-6316 Pro Perkins, Robert Long Valley, NJ 908-852-8347 Pro Perkins, Rudolph H Broken Arrow, OK Pro 913-251-2816 Perkins, Todd A Overland Park, KS 913-649-6272 Pro Perlman, David E Pittsford, NY 716-248-8808 Pro Perlstein, Maury J Lauderhill, FL 305-486-1324 Pro Perlstein, Scott Burlingame, CA 415-343-7343 Pro

2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 2


Pero Pero, George T Lutz, FL

Pro 1

Perreira, Gary

Bakersfield, CA 805-872-1880 Pro 1 Perron, Ross A

Costa Mesa, CA Pro 2 714-548-5285 Perry, Fred Pompano Beach, FL 407-487-1358 Pro 1 Hon Perry, Gerry Springfield, MO 417-865-1217 Pro 1 Perry, Jeffrey A Salem, VA 703-772-3950 Pro 2 Perry, Joseph A Pittsburgh, PA 412-856-3938 Pro 1 Perry, Matthew A S Barre, VT 802-476-4053 Pro 2 Perry, Michael A Woodstock, GA 404-993-8424 Pro 2 Perry, Richard Kerrville, TX Pro 2 512-896-2146 Perry, Robert M San Diego, CA 619-488-2306 Pro Persons, Armor Bonita Springs, FL 813-495-0200 Pro Pessl, Fred Bellevue, WA 206-455-3231 Pro 2 Peter Burwash International The Woodlands, TX 713-363-4707 Affil Peters, Bill F Encinitas, CA 619-942-9086 Pro 2 Peters, Jerry S1inson Beach, CA 415-868-9344 Pro 2 Peters, laurie J Henderson, KY Pro 2 Peters, Rudy Richardson, TX 214-238-1632 Pro 2 Petersen, Bill Phoenix, AZ 602-942-2112 Pro 1

Petersen, Milton (Terry) Omaha, NE 402·397-8753 Pro 1


Petty, Jeffrey S Des Moines, lA 515-262-4130 Pro 3 Peven, Barry D

Roseburg, OR 503-440-3068 Pro 2 515-223-7707 Pro 1 Peverill, Sara E Peterson, Charles M, Des Moines, lA Jr Pro 2 E Haddam. CT Pfister, Henry (Hank) 203-873-2181 Pro 2 Bakersfield, CA 805-664-1824 Pro Peterson, David Alan Houston, TX Pfisterer, Michael F 713·465-0367 Pro 2 Utica, NY 315-768-4160 Pro Peterson, Douglas G Kihei, Maui, HI Plord!, Katherine E 808·875-4157 Pro 2 Tucson, AZ 602-623-0178 Pro 1 Peterson, Jill Des Moines, lA Pluhl, Henry (Fred) 515-277-7748 Pro 1 York, PA 717-757-2537 Pro 2 Peterson, Matthew B Grenelefe, FL PGA National 813-421-5012 Pro 2 St Petersburg, FL Affil Peterson, Norman Tucson, AZ Pham, Peter N 602-297-4758 Pro 1 Fountain Valley, CA 714-839-8411 Pro 2 Peterson, Rob E Portland, OR Pham, Quan D 503·645-6713 Pro 1 Addison, TX 214-484-9758 Peterson, Robb E Pro 3 Clay, NY Phan, Nguyen Thanh 315-451-5050 Pro 1 Seattle, WA 206-583-0637 Petra, Craig Pro 2 Ft Lauderdale, FL Phelps, Miguel A 305·563-0046 Pro 2 New Meadows, ID 208-347-2602 Pro 2 Petrina, Donald J Miami, FL Phelps, Ward 305-661-3350 Pro 1 Scottsdale, AZ 602-941-8895 Pro 1 Petry, Scott R Mesa, AZ Phenix, James N 602·981-8657 Pro 1 Henderson, TX 903-657 ·4 794 Pro 2 Pettee, Narelle P Coronado, CA Phi-lan, Lim Fiona 619-435-8540 Pro 1 Singapore Pro 2 Pettengill, David Phillip, Gerard A Mankato, MN Greeley, CO 507-345-7777 Pro 1 Pro 2 303-356-4392 Petter, Karl Phillips, Andrew Dillon, CO Kings Park, NY 303-468-0723 Pro 1 516-269-6300 Pro 2 Petticrew, Paul S Phillips, Anthony W Indianapolis, IN Victoria, Australia 317-873-5943 Pro 2 03-873-3852 Pro 2 Pettis, Leroy Phillips, Byron C Largo, FL Monongahela, PA 813-539-1674 Pro 1 412-499-5183 Pro 2 Peterson, Bob W Des Moines, lA


Phillips -


Phillips, Cecil A Pierce, Gary L Pirelli, Richard F, Jr St Thomas, Virgin Midland, TX Lenox, MA Islands 915-682-3729 Pro 413-528-4222 Pro 3 809-77 5-4520 Pro 2 Pierce, Joseph Pirelli, Richard J Phillips, Claudia M Lenox, MA Norwalk, CT 413-499-4600 Pro 2 Santa Fe, NM 203-853-7727 Pro 505-983-1 061 Pro 1 Pierce, Wendell F Pirod sky, Thomas A Phillips, Eugene F Encinitas, CA Union City, CA Pro 1 619-632-2487 San Anselmo, CA 415-489-0122 Pro 3 415-924-6226 Pro 3 Pierre, Desinor Pisciotta, Frank Phillips, John Old Westbury, NY Miami, Fl Pro 1 516-626-8034 Houston, TX 305-769-9532 Pro 3 713-363-9500 Pro 1 Pitkanen, James Pierremont Oaks Knoxville, TN Phillips, Mark Jay Tennis Club Pro 1 Carnegie, PA 615-588-1323 Shreveport, LA 412-833-3080 Pro 2 Pittman, Anne M 318-865-4625 Club Tempe, AZ Phillips, Mel, Jr Pietrowski, Wojtek 602-965-3913 Pro 1 Broadview, IL Huntington Beach, CA 708-343-0686 Pro 1 Hon 714-546-2900 Pro 1 Pills, David Phillips, Michael F Pigorsch, Mitchell Ben Breckenridge, CO Albuquerque, NM San Diego, CA 303-453-1734 Pro 2 505-255-6175 Pro 2 619-271-6222 Pro 3 Pills, R Blaine, Jr Phillips, Milton Pilewski, Michael Sarasota, FL Marion, OH Lansing, IL 813-366-6320 Pro 1 614-383-4312 Pro 2 708-418-5262 Pro 2 Pitz, Daniel Phillips, Pally Pilsbury, Skip Newport Beach, CA Chiba, Japan Charleston, WV 714-644-6275 Pro 2 810432924938 Pro 1 Pro 1 Pivec, Robert J 304-344-0007 Phillips, Ronald I Coon Rapids, MN Faribault, MN Pinaud, Eric M 612-755-4256 Pro 2 507-451-4710 Pro 3 Ann Arbor, Ml Phillips, Suzanne B 313-662·5514 Pro 2 Pizzat, Joseph El Dorado, AR Erie, PA Pineda, Monica Maria 501-862-0541 814-838-2173 Pro 2 Locust Valley, NY Master Pro Phillips, William R, ill Pro 2 718-592·8000 Lafayette, LA Pizzat, Michael E Pinelle, Ricardo E 318-981-5269 Pro 2 Savannah, GA Cordoba, Argentina 912-232-1939 Pro 1 Picariello, Gerard Pro 818-446-6330 Place, Nancy L W Orange, NJ Pingitore, Nicholas J 201-515-1250 Pro 2 Ocala, FL New Rochelle, NY 904-629·8453 Pro 1 Pickard, Wayne M Pro 914-636-1003 Plaisance, Steven A Portland, OR Karl R Gaithersburg, MD 503-223-6251 Pro 1 Pingry, Hilton Head Island, 301-869-4498 Pro 2 Pickering, Jeff D Pro 2 sc Plank, Gary Dover, DE Pinho, Fernando Webster, TX Pro 1 302-734-1404 Pro 1 (Fred) Plante, Diane F Pice, Jose Alberto Valley Cottage, NY Grants Pass, OR Dayton, OH Pro 2 914·268·6292 Pro 2 513-299·8460 Pro 2 503-479-6001 Pine, Harry Plastow, Aimee C Pieczynski, Jeffrey A Indianapolis, IN Dushore, PA Arlington Heights, IL Pro 3 317-257-1909 Pro 2 708·590-1172 Pro 2 717 ·928-8939 Pinsky, Ronald D Pielel, Douglas Platek, Lesley Rochester, NY Aurora, IL Athens, GA 716-271-7709 Pro 1 Pro 2 708-907·8067 Pro 1 706-613·9988 Pier, Richard B Pinto, Donald R Platzer, Peter Modling, Austria Naperville, IL Mclean, VA Pro 3 43-223644112 Pro 2 Pro 2 703-356·0655 708-355-2499



Plaushines Plaushines, Peter J Oconomowoc, WI 414-646-4387 Pro 2 Pleva, Richard L Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-524-7395 Pro 2 Ploog, Pete S Lakewood, CO 303-937-1452 Pro 2 Plowman-Hahn, Becky Minnetrista, MN

612-472-7039 Pro Plumlee, Gregory L Wichita, KS 316-685-9118 Pro Plunkett, Tory A Arlington, TX 817-860-1581 Pro Pocock, Dean Uhrichsville, OH 614-922-3361 Pro Poelzl, David Paul Arlington, TX 817-473-1311 Pro Pogonyi, Andrew Erdenheim, PA 215-233-3191 Pro Poilvez, Alain Vertou, France 40-03-3724 Pro Poindexter, Robert A Grapevine, TX 817-481-8444 Pro Poirier, Harvey Sharon, VT 802-763-8979 Pro Poliakof!, Gaylee San Diego, CA 619-488-3632 Pro Polic, Marko V Atlanta, GA 404-875-4657 Pro Poling, Brian New York, NY 212-755-3947 Pro Poling, Jim Cocoa Beach, FL 407-784-4230 Pro Polito, Frank, Jr Ypsilanti, Ml Pro Polizzi, Nicholas V Quaker Hill, CT 203-442-0017 Pro Polk, Sean D Abilene, TX 915-695-6712 Pro

2 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 2

Pollard, Randall Cedar Park, TX Pro 3 Polo, Alejandro Miami, FL 305-858-9952 Pro 3 Polo Club Boca Raton, The Boca Raton, FL 407-997-5566 Affil Polle, Gunter F Knoxville, TN Pro 1 615-693-1433 Poltrone, Joseph A Paoli, PA 215-363-0700 Pro Polus, Andrew Orleans, Canada Pro 613-830-7889 Pomerantz, Ken J Sunrise, FL 305-741-9151 Pro 2 Ponniah, Chris Petaling Jaya, Malaysia Pro 2 037192893 Poole, Michael E Marietta, GA 404-499-0171 Pro 2 Poole, Pete Jekyll Island, GA 912-635-3154 Pro 2 Poon, Vincent Kin Teck Singapore Pro 2 444-5093 Poort, Douglas Grand Haven, Ml 616-842-3383 Pro 2 Pope, Kevin K Newark, CA 510-656-7038 Pro 2 Popescue, Mike Phoenix, AZ Pro 2 602-866-7500 Popienko, Michael Marietta, GA Pro 1 404-926-9435 Poria, Bharat C Salinas, CA 408-484-9330 Pro 2 Porter, Alexander W Willingboro, NJ 609-877-5684 Pro 2 Porter, David Laie, HI 808-293-3755 Pro 1



Porter, David D W Point, VA Pro 2 804-843-3646 Porter, Ellen l Rancho Santa Fe, CA 619-942-9725 Pro 2 Porter, William C Topanga, CA 818-713-1703 Pro 2 Porzak, Melissa A Poway, CA 619-487-6498 Pro Paske, Carl Ponte Vedra Beach,

FL 904-285-9006 Pro 2 Posner, Hal E Savannah, GA Pro 1 912-351-3850 Post, lan Andrew Boca Raton, FL 407-488-5787 Pro 3 Post, Tim B Temperance, Ml

Pro 419-882-4404 Polasnik, William P Miami Beach, FL Pro 305-531-1251 Potter, Jay Rohnert Park, CA 707-585-3155 Pro Potts, Cheryl Plano, TX 214-422-1248 Pro Pou, Jacquelyn L Atlantic Beach, FL Pro 904-246-7508 Pound, lain N Midland, TX 915-683-7 440 Pro Pound, Nancy S Ballwin, MO Pro 314-225-6542 Pound, William T Wilmington, DE 302-655-3333 Pro Pouzzner, John G Collinsville, CT Pro 203-693-8604 Powell, Dick Gilbertsville, PA Pro 215-326-1454 Powell, Janet Simms Randolph AFB, TX Pro 210-658-3035 Powell, Karla D Nashville, TN 615-868-4903 Pro

1 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 3

Powell -


Powell, Nick G Lahaina, Maui, HI 808-661-4095 Pro 2 Powell, Ray B, DVM Sante Fe, NM Pro 2 Power, Dave Cincinnati, OH 513-761-9870 Master Pro

Power, William P Worcester, MA 401-762-4000 Pro 1 Powers, Douglas Alex,

II Valdosta, GA Pro 3 912-241-2004 Powers, Shawn M lrmo, SC 803-781-3000 Pro 2 Poynter, Brian L Houston, TX 713-622-5921 Pro Prado, Manuel Ladue, MO Pro 314-993-6476 Prahl, John F Rancho Mirage, CA 619-321-8441 Pro 3 Preece, Craig A Wilton Manors, FL 305-563-3932 Pro 2 Pregracke, Celeste Wauke~an, IL 708-66 -5038 Pro Preli, Thomas L Huntington, CT 203-925-1353 Pro Premo, Michael J Foley, MN 612-968-6833 Pro 2 Prendergast, Mary E Chaska, MN 612-496-2344 Pro 1 Preng, Keri L Dallas, TX 214-931-7326 Pro 3 Presby, Michael A Los Angeles, CA 310-559-7582 Pro 2 Present, Robert Tucson, AZ 602-881-4721 Pro 2 Presidents Council on P F & Sp Washington, DC 202-272-3427 Affil Presley, Salome R Bellevue, WA 206-643-1 020 Pro 3

Press, Ben San Diego, CA 619-236-0567 Master Pro Press, Paul La Jolla, CA 619-551-0786 Pro Presti, Louis E Clearwater, FL 813-581-3275 Pro Preston, Jeffrey S Salida, CO 719-539-6116 Pro 2 Preston, Judy E San Diego, CA 619-565-2260 Pro 1 Preston, Richard Aiken, SC 803-649-1291 Pro 2 Presuto, Gregg Long Va!ley, NJ 201-879-5231 Pro 2 Pretorius, Warren Kaysville, UT 801-645-51 08 Pro t Prevette, Greg E Woodmere Villag, OH 216-464-6587 Pro 2 Prezioso, Joanne B Boynton Beach, FL Pro 2 407-737-5972 Price, Adria Roslyn Heights, NY Pro 2 516-484-5124 Price, Bill St Louis, MO 314-961-8175 Pro 1 Hon Price, Charles G (Chubb) Pine Hill, NJ 609-346-9247 Pro 2 Price, Cliff Tulsa, OK Pro 1 918-664-5683 Price, David S Tallahassee, FL Pro 2 904-878-337 4 Price, David W Knoxville, TN 615-691-8514 Pro 2 Price, Edmund A Lorena, TX 817-751-0335 Pro 2 Price, Loydd D Soperton, GA 912-562-3643 Pro 3


Prichard, Cameron M Wichita, KS 316-685-8393 Pro 1 Prickitt, John S Laguna, CA 714-499-2062 Pro 2 Primer, Charlotte Crown Point, IN 219-988-4037 Pro 2 Primrose, Graham Melbourne, FL 407-242-6242 Pro 1 Prince Manufacturing Inc Bordentown, NJ 800-2-TENNIS Affil Prindiville, Timothy J Scottsdale, AZ 602-585-3327 Pro 2 Prinos, Dennis C Clinton, MA 508-368-8007 Pro 2 Prior, Roy A Seattle, WA Pro 3 206-386-4235 Prior, Tim Honolulu, HI 808-833-5831 Pro Prisock, Jim E Las Vegas, NV 702-254-4649 Pro Prittinen, Jim Virginia, MN 218-741-1597 Pro 1 Pritts, Rhonda J Indian Head, PA 412-455-2521 Pro 2 Procacci, Armand Cherry Hill, NJ 609-654-7848 Pro Prochaska, Arthur J Winter Park, FL 407-339-8462 Pro Prochaska, Richard J Omaha, NE Pro 2 402-339-2428 Proctor, Bruce J Moorpark, CA 805-523-9640 Pro 2 Proctor-Davis, Lynn Ft Worth, TX 817-536-6006 Pro 3 Proietto, Raymond A Yarmouth, ME 207-846-2406 Pro 3


Prospek Prospek, Mike Seattle, WA 206-762-4104 Pro 2 Proulx, Steven M Carmel, CA 408-625-3464 Pro Provence, David P W Palm Beach, FL 407-967-8710 Pro Provines, Col Jim Gilbert, AZ 602-497-5305 Pro Prueter, Steven Plymouth, Ml 313-420-2986 Pro 1 Pryor, Deborah Susan Bettendorf, lA 319-332-0719 Pro 3 Przybysz, William K Grand Rapids, Ml 616-363-4745 Pro 1 PTCA - Major Sammy Brancker Somerset, England Affil Puc, Michael B Middleburg, FL 904-389-4332 Pro 2 Puckett, Douglas Huntington Beach, CA Pro 2 Puhan, Jeffrey P Nazareth, PA 215-759-2899 Pro 2 Pulver, George Naples, FL 813-649-8841 Pro Pulver, Robert Washington, DC 202-462-9884 Pro Pum, Janis A Green Bay, WI 414-465-2145 Pro 3 Punke, Alan R Jamaica Plain, MA 617-524-1842 Pro 1 Purcell, Bennie Murray, KY 502-762-6124 Pro Purcell, Del A Louisville, KY 502-426-4923 Pro Purcell, Patricia J St Louis, MO 314-391-1227 Pro Purs, Vija Gainesville, FL 904-378-5432 Pro

Pursley, Lori P Everett, WA 206-347-2941 Pro 2 Puryear, Raymond K Baltimore, MD 301-455-2670 Pro 3 Puzzo, Santo Santa Ana, CA 714-547-3877 Pro 2 Quackenbush, Allan C McMurray, PA 412-941-5345 Pro 3 Quandt, Gary M Corvallis, OR 503-752-5094 Pro 1 Quarelli, Serena J Tucson, AZ 602-722-6975 Pro 3 Quay, Allen Gaithersburg, MD 301-963-6718 Pro 2 Quay, Kevin A Seminole, FL

813-596-6862 Pro 1 Quek, Kong Ann Singapore 65-2258970 Pro 2 Quek, Tun Lin Singapore 3452558 Pro 2 Quere, Kristin K Garland, TX Pro 2 214-271-5664 Quevedo, Cristobal Chiclana de Ia Frontera, Spain Pro 2 Quevreaux, Noel Austin, TX Pro 1 Quigley, Andrew J Scottsdale, AZ 602-948-5990 Pro 2 Quigley, Dennis S Annapolis, MD 301-757-0375 Pro 1 Quigley, Jason D Casper, WY Pro 2 Quilligan, Denis Tampa, FL 813-223-8603 Pro 3 Quinn, Ann Victoria, Australia 03-877-2780 Pro 1 Quinn, Hank Mt Kisco, NY 914-238-4824 Master Pro



Quinn, Michael J Bethel Park, PA Pro 2 412-835-9338 Quinn, Patrick D Hot Springs, AR 501-624-2153 Pro 2 Quinton, Donald G (Gordon) Erie, PA 814-835-7201 Pro 2 Quiroz, Eric E Palisades Highlands, CA 310-573-0380 Pro 2 Quitko, Michael E N Haven, CT 203-239-9291 Pro 1 R Neumann & Company Hoboken, NJ 201-659-3400 Affil Rabago, Ralph J Forest Falls, CA 714-794-7529 Pro 1 Raben, Clifford S Cheltenham, PA 215-635-3070 Pro 2 Rabinowitz, Robert Coral Springs, FL 305-344-8351 Pro 2 Raby, Clark D Roswell, GA 404-992-8831 Pro 3 Racette, Teresa A Urbandale, lA 515-278-2231 Pro 1 Rachel, David C Nashville, TN 615-228-6083 Pro 2 Rachlin, John Plainfield, NJ 908-755-6718 Pro 3 Racoma, Michael J Honolulu, HI 808-842-8878 Pro 2 Raddi, Frank Langhorne, PA 215-245-8481 Pro 3 Radford, David Reno, NV 702-825-9846 Pro 2 Radler, Irene Cherry Hill, NJ 609-795-3032 Pro Radtke, Dan Fargo, ND 701-293-3208 Pro

Radtke- Ray Radtke, Jeffrey R Highland Park, IL 708-433-3776 Pro Raedisch, Bob Richardson, TX 214-437-6804 Pro Ragaisis, DeeAnn V Milwaukee, WI 414-353-4011 Pro Rahaley, Mike R Lake Forest, IL 708-234-1647 Pro Rains, Andrea Dallas, TX 214-243-4400 Pro Rainville, Charles T Falmouth, ME 207-878-577 4 Pro Raja, Thurai Singapore 3680160 Pro Rajagopalan, Dinesh Greenwich, CT 203-531-7469 Pro Rajakar, Chandra D Osprey, FL 813-966-3605 Pro Raju, Ramu V Montclair, NJ 201-239-1800 Pro Rake, Shirley A Carmel, CA 408-626-1632 Pro Raker, John M Hilton Head Island,


2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2

803-842-6625 Pro Rakusin, Ben Tamarac, FL 305-735-3001 Pro 1 Ralph, Thomas P Tempe, AZ 602-829-1458 Pro 1 Ralston, Dennis Dallas, TX Pro 214-692-2664 Ralston, len Charlotte, NC 704-542-1752 Pro Ramamurlhi, Suresh Devon, PA Pro 215-688-7270 Ramey, Joan G Owensboro, KY 502-771-4723 Master Pro

Ramirez, Jorge L Manchester, MO 314-256-0200 Pro Ramirez, Michael A Berea, OH 216-243-3051 Pro Ramsay, Helen G Augusta, GA 404-798-1409 Pro Ramseur, Dolphus E Concord, NC 616-796-1294 Pro Ramsey, Buck Cotulla, TX 512-676-3313 Pro Randolph, Marie (Licky) Wilmington, DE 302-764-1902 Pro Randolph, Patti A Hayden, AL 205-822-5714 Pro Range, Denis Tucson, AZ 602-886-7053 Pro Rankin, Christy l Boca Raton, FL Pro 407-394-7164 Rankin, Kathleen M Jackson, TN 901-424-1229 Pro Rankin, Tracy E Wilmette, IL 708-498-5333 Pro Rankine, Maureen New York, NY 212-935-0250 Pro Rankin-Prewitt, Elizabeth Delray Beach, FL 407-278-4189 Pro Ranney, David Victoria, Canada 604-592-7 445 Pro Ranney, Peter C Alexandria, VA 703-765-8847 Pro Rapp, Bill Redwood City, CA 415-364-6272 Pro Rapp, David E Carlsbad, CA 619-931-9436 Pro Rapp, Herb M Thousand Oaks, CA 805-494-7979 Pro


1 2 1 2 3

2 2 3 2 1 2

2 1 2 1 1 2

Rapp, Robin H Streamwood, IL 708-640-3200 Pro 3 Rappa, William Casper, WY 307-473-7726 Pro Rasch, Paul D Atlanta, GA Pro 404-897-7707 Rashid, Mamoon Middlesex, England Pro 3 Rasool, Aziz Hussain A Bahrain 973781533 Pro 3 Rathod, Dhiren M Charlotte, NC 704-525-5445 Pro 1 Ratner, Steven Dover, MA 617-785-0902 Pro 2 Ratte, Jeffrey J Seattle, WA 206-726-9516 Pro 1 Ratzlaff, Brian D Annandale, VA 703-658-0366 Pro 2 Rauch, Mario Phoenixville, PA 215-363-9317 Pro 3 Rauch, Stephanie Vail, CO 303-476-1804 Pro 1 Rava, AI Perrysburg, OH 419-874-6952 Pro 2 Ravnholdt, Matthew Douglas Omaha, NE 402-493-2000 Pro 3 Raws, Beverly G Boston, MA Pro 1 617-269-4300 Ray, Bill M Palm Desert, CA 619-568-3612 Pro 1 Ray, D Kyle Wheaton, IL 708-505-1166 Pro 2 Ray, David A Littleton, CO Pro Ray, David C Greensboro, NC Pro 919-275-8479 Ray, Judith D Minneapolis, MN 612-625-0039 Pro 2


Ray- Relkin Ray, Lynn L San Diego, CA 619-295-5362 Pro Ray, Mark Broomall, PA 215-353-5131 Pro Ray, Robyn Newport Beach, CA 714-729-3566 Pro Ray, Roderick A Lexington, SC 803-951-8851 Pro Rayburn, Gary Dallas, TX 214-233-9191 Pro Raymond, Betsy D Scottsdale, AZ 602-483-5560 Pro Raymond, Julie Ann Naples, FL 813-566-7670 Pro Raymond, Michael E Naples, FL 813-566-7670 Pro Raymundo, Raul Romulo Harmony, PA 412-898-2893 Pro Rayner, Steve R Pembroke Pines, FL 305-431-4146 Pro Rea, Scott V Denver, CO 303-741-1966 Pro Rearden, Mark Augusta, GA 404-863-4018 Pro Rebhuhn, Ronald Westbury, NY 516-334-2113

1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1

3 2 2 2

Master Pro

Reblin, Dennis San Antonio, TX

210-824-5951 Pro 1 Recknagel, David Waukesha, WI 414-544-9534 Pro 2 Recreational Teamtennis Chicago, IL 312-245-5300 Affil Redding, David Dallas, TX 214-713-8436 Pro 1 Redelijk, Ferdinand G R Orlando, FL 407-291-7342 Pro 1

Redman, Thomas Tucson, AZ 602-577-0337 Pro Redmond, Jack Marietta, GA Pro 1 404-565-3737 Redondo, Skip Rancho Palos Verdes,

CA 213-373-6326 Pro 2 Reebok International Ltd Stoughton, MA 617-341-7425 Affil Reed, Carol 0 Jerome, ID 208-324-8839 Pro 1 Reed, Dennis L Portland, TX 512-643-1648 Pro 3 Reed, Lee Ann B Ft Wayne, IN 219-425-7530 Pro 1 Reed, Michael S Naples, FL Pro 2 813-455-2629 Reed, Missy R Mclean, VA 703-893-4428 Pro 2 Reed, William S La Porte, IN Pro 1 219-326-5275 Reeder, Susan Carmel, CA 408-624-0563 Pro 3 Rees, Christopher D Victoria, Australia Pro 2 722-1556 Reese, J Weston San Francisco, CA

415-777-9000 Reffkin, Jim Tucson, AZ 602-888-6686

Pro 1

Master Pro

Regan, Colleen Tyler, TX Pro 903-534-1619 Regan, Peter F Half Moon Bay, CA 415-726-3004 Pro Rehbach, Bruce Rochester, NY 716-244-3555 Pro Rehlorik, Michael Costa Mesa, CA 714-557-0211 Pro


1 2 2 2

Reichel, Rob Hilton Head Island,


803-671-4142 Reid, Edward T


Brunswick, ME

207-729-0229 Pro 1 Reid, Kenneth H Haverhill, MA Pro 1 508-373-1596 Reid, Michael J San Diego, CA Pro 2 619-260-8889 Reid, Timothy E Avon, CT Pro 2 203-651-4030 Reidy, Ned J Palm Desert, CA 619-346-0089 Pro 2 Reier, David Eden Prairie, MN 612-934-8679 Pro 2 Reiff, Janis Phoenix, AZ 602-840-6412 Pro 2 Reifsteck, Mary Beth Charleston, WV 304-7 44-3801 Pro 2 Reilingh, Albert P Atlanta, GA Pro 2 404-986-9255 Reilly, Margaret A Playa Del Rey, CA 213-305-1794 Pro 1 Reimer, Victor APO, USA Pro 5758-457560 Reinmund, Frederick Scott Delray Beach, FL Pro 2 407-487-1161 Reis, Ronni A Miami, FL 305-661-0092 Pro Reisig, Charles c Tucson, AZ .Pro 602-760-0819 Reisinger, Michael F La Jolla, CA 619-296-5269 Pro 2 Reiss, Robert Ramsey, NJ 201-934-7241 Pro 1 Relkin, John F New York, NY 212-289-3133 Pro 3

Rembert -


Rembert, Karen L Raleigh, NC 919-783-6079 Pro Remund, Larry

Reynolds, Henry P Lake City, FL 904-755-5048 Pro Reynolds, Keith A Hermosa Beach, CA 310-376-0806 Pro Reynolds, Michael Joseph Effingham, IL 217-342-6974 Pro Rhem, Reese F Charlotte, NC 704-596-6636 Pro Rhodes, Eugene S Corona Del Mar, CA 714-760-6892 Pro Riaz, Gul T Pt Washington, NY 516-767-9613 Pro


Richison, Brad Prairie Village, KS 913-649-6272 Pro Richmond, Marvin P

Kansas City, MO 913-491-1775 Pro 1 Han Rencher, Daniel Richter, Carlos Mitchell, IV Ounshohocken, PA Mobile, AL 2 215-941-0874 Pro 2 205-666-7665 Pro 2 Richter, Karl J Rende, Denis G Ft Worth, TX Ellicott City, MD 2 817-346-3411 Pro 1 41 0-823-1626 Pro 1 Richter, Kurt Rende, Susan Reno, NV Brooklyn, NY 1 702-747-0950 Pro 2 718-434-3342 Pro 2 Rickard, Kelley L Renfrew, Charles M Tipp City, OH Middleboro, MA 1 513-667-1085 Pro 3 617-947-7253 Pro Riaz, Jimmy Rickard, Thomas D Renner, Dale A Pt Washington, NY Irving, TX Ambler, PA 516-767-9613 Pro 3 214-717-2540 Pro 1 215-643-7973 Pro Rice, Timothy J Rickert, Kerry M Rentas, Luis E Park Forest, IL Appleton, WI Caquas, Puerto Rico 708-747-5595 Pro 1 414-731-4740 Pro 2 Pro 3 Richards, Diane W Rico, Rodollo Rentz, Nicholas Ft Myers. FL Houston, TX Conroe, TX 813-542-6909 Pro 1 713-367-5838 Pro 2 713-531-0151 Pro 1 Richards, Robert M Riddle, William Lee Renuart, Gene Palo Alto, CA Mt Juliet, TN APO, USA Pro 1 415-329-9522 Pro 1 615-758-9183 Pro 2 Reppert, Ray Richardson, Cliff L Ridgeley, James W Williamsburg, VA Louisville. KY Washington, DC 804-220-0631 Pro 502-473-8202 Pro 2 202-667-0309 Pro 3 Reselarils, Daniel Richardson, David Riebel, Susan Mars, PA Ft Myers, FL Prescott, AZ 412-776-0698 Pro 813-267-7000 Pro 2 602-445-5673 Pro 1 Reuben, David Richardson, Dr Rieckenberg, Ronald Massapeque Park, NY Edward Edina, MN 516-795-2028 Pro 2 San Diego, CA 612-832-0212 Pro 2 Revman, Abe 619-578-3695 Pro 2 Rieckert, Phillip Pembroke Pines, FL Richardson, Keith F Fairfield, NJ 305-432-9547 Pro 1 Rocky Mount, NC 201-539-2054 Pro 2 Rexach, Rafael A 919-443-5428 Pro 2 Riehemann, George Andrews AFB, MD Richardson, Paul N Chester, VT 301-599-6116 Pro 2 Ballwin, MO Pro 3 802-297-2525 Pro 3 Rey, Herman Richardson, Ron Riehemann, Hans Henderson, NV Mesquite, TX Las Vegas, NV 702-434-9828 Pro 3 214-613-6308 Pro 3 702-367-2711 Pro 3 Reyes, Steven C Richardson, Tim F Rieser, Brad G Wilmore, KY Pro 2 Greenwich, CT Pleasant Hill, CA Reyes Roman, 203-629-97 46 Pro 3 51 0-685-3164 Pro 1 Roberto Richer, Don Rieser, Robert P Mexico Goffstown, NH Kissimmee, FL 5272621578 Pro 3 603-497-2977 Pro 2 407-846-2337 Pro 1 Richey, Gary Reynolds, Bill H Rigby, Nicholas K Kent, OH El Taro, CA Savannah, GA Pro 2 216-677-1004 Pro 2 714-951-4963 Pro 2 New Brighton, MN 612-785-9227 Pro 2



Riggins Riggins, Paul R Hilton Head Island,


Pro 803-671-567 4 Riggs, William M Ashland, OR 503-482-4073 Pro 1 Riis, John R Honolulu, HI 808-595-3380 Pro 2 Riley, Annette Milwaukee, WI 414-291-0821 Pro 2 Riley, Derin L Edmonds, WA Pro 1 206-343-9143 Riley, Glenn J Mesa, AZ 602-924-2754 Pro 2 Riley, Mark J Malvern, PA Pro 1 215-64 7-6090 Riley, Roy Columbia, SC Pro 2 803-782-3007 Riley, Tim Palm Bay, FL Pro 2 Riley-Hagan, Maggie San Marcos, CA Pro 2 619-744-1939 Rimkunas, Grace Oak Forest, IL 708-687-7692 Pro 1 Rinchuse, Daniel J Greensburg, PA 412-832-7121 Pro Rinchuse, Donald J Greensburg, PA Pro 412-832-1190 Rincon, Gilberto Lenexa, KS 913-492-4768 Pro 1 Rineberg, David A Delray Beach, FL 407-243-6805 Pro 2 Ringvald, Alejandro A Belmont, MA Pro 1 305-858-6376 Rintanen, Jarkko 0 Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-463-9553 Pro 2 Rios, Renee A El Paso, TX 915-532-4373 Pro 2 Rios, Robert Saratoga Springs, NY Pro 2 518-583-0967

Rios, Tom Pt Washington, NY 516-466-3716 Pro 3 Rios-Kernan, Deanna Penfield, NY 716-325-3219 Pro Risdon, Roberta M Ypsilanti, Ml Pro 1 313-434-6100 Risinger, Robert La Canada, CA 818-285-4463 Pro Risner, John J Bristol, TN 615-652-1705 Pro 2 Ritchie, Gwendolyn Pittsford, NY 716-624-2526 Pro Ritchie, Pat Bartlesville, OK 918-333-7416 Pro Ritchie, Tim J Broken Arrow, OK 918-299-2681 Pro 2 Ritter, Susan L Minneapolis, MN 612-724-7833 Pro 1 Ritzenberg, Allie Bethesda, MD 301-229-3327 Pro 1 Rivard, Paul Olympic Valley, CA 916-581-0514 Pro 3 Rivas, Sergio Bradenton, FL Pro 2 Rivera, Cindy San Diego, CA 619-487-4666 Pro 2 Rivera, Jose (Charlie) Sarasota, FL Pro 3 813-349-5355 Rivera, L Kelvin Orlando, FL 407-277-5121 Pro 2 Rivera, Raul N Sunrise, FL 305-749-7027 Pro 2 Rives, Edwin E, Jr Greensboro, NC 919-272-4263 Pro 1 Rizza, Dennis Rn Palos Verdes, CA 213-548-0811 Pro 1

Rizzo, larry Myrtle Beach, 803-828-1 000





Rizzo, Richard D Pittsburgh, PA 412-521-8814 Pro 2 Roach, Bill Papillion, NE 402-391-5800 Pro 2 Roach, Jack Richfield, MN Pro 1 Roach, Phyllis R Providence, R!

401-331-9247 Pro Robb, C lan San Diego, CA 619-563-6640 Pro Robb, P Christopher Topanga, CA 213-455-0917 Pro Robbins, Ralph Skokie, IL 708-675-7898 Pro Robbins, Richard D Milwaukee, WI 414-352-4900 Pro Robbins, Richard J Miami, FL 305-386-3854 Pro Roberson, Donald N Modesto, CA 209-599-4288 Pro Roberson, Mike Montgomery, AL 205-265-0997 Pro Roberson, Mimi Montgomery, AL 205-265-0997 Pro Roberson, Richard Phoenix, AZ 619-435-1255 Pro Roberti, Bill Santa Monica, CA 213-454-7695 Pro Roberti, Stephen

2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1

Saunderstown, Rl

401-295-8719 Pro Roberts, Barb Las Vegas, NV 702-368-0507 Pro Roberts, Beverly c Delray Beach, FL 407-265-1805 Pro Roberts, Coby Fresno, CA 209-229-2206 Pro Roberts, Gary Reading, MA 617-942-7613 Pro

2 2 2 1 3

Roberts -


Roberts, Jane K Redlands, CA 714-793-4578 Pro Roberts, Mark A Campbell, CA 408-370-7448 Pro Roberts, Ross Birmingham, AL 205-592-8586 Pro 2 Roberts, William Asheville, NC 704-27 4-0759 Pro 2 Robertson, Alexander (Sandy) Vera Beach, FL 407-569-7246 Pro 2 Robertson, Colin Oklahoma City, OK 405-728-0610 Pro 1 Robertson, Jason L Winchester, VA 703-662-7546 Pro 2 Robertson, Terry C W Palm Beach, FL 407-683-7583 Pro 2 Robinson, Andrew

(Drew) Lynchburg, VA 804-384-3469 Pro Robinson, Carl B, Jr Nashville, TN 615-292-8211 Pro 1 Robinson, Clay Wintergreen, VA

Pro 1 804-325-2200 Robinson, David A Gilford, NH 603-293-7546 Pro 2 Robinson, Fred Gastonia, NC 704-867-8081 Pro 1 Robinson, Jim F Belton, TX Pro 817-939-5392 Robinson, John E Hilton Head Island,


803-671-2494 Pro Robinson, John P Bradenton, FL Pro 813-795-1814 Robinson, Ken

San Carlos, CA 415-595-3896 Pro 2 Robinson, Martin E Pensacola, FL Pro 1 904-476-0582

Robinson, S Bertram Reynoldsburg, OH 614-866-5331 Pro Robinson, Stephen L Sanibel, FL 813-454-5314 Pro Robinson, Steven A Pioneer, CA 209-295-7701 Pro Robinson, William W Cornelia, GA Pro 404-778-4422 Robison, Elizabeth Grafton, WI 414-377-8734 Pro


Rodrigues, Aaron

Martin 1 3 1 2

Robison, Heidi

San Diego, CA 619-285-1041 Pro 2 Robison, Jeff S Plano, TX 214-867-5975 Pro 2 Robitaille, Greg J Redding, CA Pro 2 916-221-7516 Robutka, Peter Santa Monica, CA Pro 1 31 0-451-4079 Rocheleau, Michael J N Conway, NH 603-383-0873 Pro 2 Rochford-Brane, Rebecca Steamboat Springs,


303-736-8449 Pro 2 Rockett, Brennan Bristol, TN Pro 2 615-968-7139 Rockhold, Jerry Pro 2 Olathe, KS Rocks, Martha E Colorado Springs, CO 719-634-7711 Pro 2 Rockwell, Ann Las Vegas, NV Pro 1 702-732-5111 Rockwell, lance Denver, CO Pro 2 303-322-5631 Roddy, William H Eden Prairie, MN Pro 1 612·943-2162 Rodgers, Eric W Cedar Rapids, lA Pro 1 319-399-8799 Rodgers, Robert A Sarasota FL Pro 1 813-378-5265


Rodney, Matthew E Prairie Village, KS 913-341-1880 Pro 2 Toronto, Canada

416-487-6717 Pro 2 Rodriguez, Marcia H Arlington, TX Pro 2 817-561-1589 Rodriguez, Phillip R Chicago, IL 312-286-1516 Pro 1 Rodriguez, Santiago Warrensburg, MO 913-642-6880 Pro 1 Roe, Nancy E Silver Spring, MD 703-556-6550 Pro 2 Roe, Paul M S Boston, MA 617-269-8411 Pro 3 Roediger, Joseph F Katonah, NY Pro 914-232-8551 Roesch, David L Denver, CO Pro 303-695-7962 Roeske, Gary San Jose, CA 408-993-7824 Pro 1 Roelert, Paul Miami, FL 305-530-4240 Pro Roetman, John T Atlanta, GA Pro Rogers, Albert P Brookline, MA Pro 1 617-734-4450 Rogers, Chester M Danvers, MA 508-777-3151 Pro 2 Rogers, David Rancho Mirage, CA Pro 3 619-321-2267 Rogers, David D Elizabethtown, KY 502-737-4658 Pro 1 Rogers, James C Neustadt, Germany Pro 2 Rogers, Michael C San Diego, CA Pro 1 619-488-4838 Rogers, Patrick A Yorktown Heights, NY 914-245-6052 Pro 1

Rogers Rogers, Philip C Charlottesville, VA 804-977-1841 Pro Rogers, Randall J Longwood, FL Pro 2 407-332-8640 Rogers, Weldon D Tucker, GA 404-417-2210 Pro 2 Rogge, Chuck Webster Groves, MO 314-963-1129 Pro 2 Rohmfeld, Warren M Kapalua, Maui, HI 808-669-5677 Pro 1 Rohrbacher, Thomas J Ventura, CA 805-648-5161 Pro 1 Reiter, Martha Weston, MA 617-893-3211 Pro 2 Rojas, Jose L Tucson, AZ 602-791-4896 Pro 2 Roland, Thomas Columbia, MD 301-730-1707 Pro 2 Roll, Joie M Key West, FL 305-294-4942 Pro 2 Rolland, Barbara A Lantana, FL 407-433-3528 Pro 3 Rolley, Grant Jasper, AL 205-221-4605 Pro 3 Rolley, Lynne A Moraga, CA 510-376-3348 Pro 1 Rollison, Patricia C Sun Valley, NV 702-359-2243 Pro 2 Roman, Christopher Pueblo, CO 719-634-7711 Pro 2 Romani, Joseph Petaluma, CA 415-922-7826 Pro 2 Romano, Allison W Knoxville, TN 615-693-5437 Pro 1 Romberg, Dave Englewood, CO 303-761-9900 Pro Romeo, Alfred Syracuse, NY 315-455-6015 Pro

Romer, Rich Fallbrook, CA 619-723-3323 Pro Romera, James Bountiful, UT 801-292-3195 Pro Romero, Deborah M Santa Fe, NM 505-438-0167 Pro Romisher, Michael J Vernon Hills, IL 708-433-7611 Pro Romp!, WiUiam J Bradenton, FL Pro 813-755-1000 Roncallo, William C Orlando, FL Pro 407-277-9633 Rooi, Millo R Pt Washington, NY Pro 516-767-1345 Roper, Mont Jenks, OK Pro 918-299-2643 Rose, Bill Palm Springs, CA 619-322-5116 Pro Rose, Doug

3 1 2

2 3 3

Grosse Pointe Park,

Ml Pro 313-882-0859 Rose, Eric M Edgewater, CO 303-233-2888 Pro 3 Rose, Heidi E Intervale, NH Pro 2 603-383-6950 Rose, Howard Tom Sun City Center, FL 813-634-4909 Pro 3 Rose, Michael K Birmingham, Ml Pro 2 313-645-5096 Rose, Sandra L Long Beach, CA Pro 3 Roseborough, Edward Durham, NC Pro 2 919-490-6984 Rosen, Ira Jeffrey Sunrise, FL Pro 3 305-797-6109 Rosen, Steven G Chicago, IL 312-728-5162 Pro 2 Rosenbaum, Heidi L Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-661-0092 Pro 2



Rosenberg, David N Brunswick, NJ 201-549-7524 Pro Rosenbleelh, Samuel B Tampa, FL 813-960-5636 Pro Rosenfeld, David I Orlando, FL 407-824-3578 Pro Roser, George F Andover, NJ Pro 201-543-4296 Rosi, Kurt San Marcos, CA Pro 619-598-8797 Rosiles, Arthur Abilene, TX Pro 915-695-6712 Rosow, Mark S Avon, CT 203-677-7758 Pro Ross, Carolyn S Upton, MA Pro 508-529-4045 Ross, David E Fall City, WA 206-222-7495 Pro Ross, Dennis M Montclair, NJ 201-783-9568 Pro Ross, Edward H Gainesville, FL Pro 904-387-4047 Ross, Gloria Bronx, NY 212-796-8540 Pro Ross, James F Bristol, CT 203-583-0011 Pro Ross, Joel Scarsdale, NY 914-723-1769 Pro Ross, Kenny Park Ridge, NJ 201-391-4019 Pro Ross, Randy Littleton, CO 303-933-4357 Pro Ross, Robert S Northbrook, IL 708-272-0981 Pro Ross, Stan W Palm Beach, FL Pro 407-659-3585 Rossa, Scott J W Palm Beach, FL 407-641-5713 Pro


2 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2

Rossi -


Rossi, Brandt Alameda, CA 415-521-4555 Pro 2 Rostad, Michael Karl San Carlos, CA 415-592-9724 Pro 2 Roth, Jennifer H Kenilworth, IL 312-291-2960 Pro 2 Roth, Todd S Boca Raton, FL 407-395-9687 Pro 1 Rother, Erwin E Waukesha, WI 414-547-8783 Pro 2 Rothfels, Martin Gold River, CA 916-638-2019 Pro 2 Rothman, Andy S N Miami Beach, FL 305-654-0914 Pro 2 Rothman, Kurt A Redondo Beach, CA 31 0-316-0263 Pro 2 Rothman, Robert S Southampton, PA 215-322-6543 Pro 2 Rothschild, Keith R Raleigh, NC 919-848-0705 Pro 2 Rothstein, Jell A Lawrenceville, NJ 609-895-1 085 Pro 1 Rollkamp, Richard R Huntington, NY 516-421-0040 Pro 1 Rountree, John Orlando, FL 407-291-9539 Pro 1 Roup, Donna S Sebastian, Fl 407-569-5906 Pro 2 Roup, Robin H Tampa, FL 813-286-6563 Pro 2 Rouse, David S Stafford, TX Pro 1 713-494-6086 Roush, Neil D Tyler, TX Pro 1 903-561 -3014 Rowe, Eldon Auburn, CA 916-823-5701 Pro 2 Rowlands, Scolt T New York, NY 315-568-3660 Pro 1

Rowntree, Hardy D Grapevine, TX Pro 2 817-267-4262 Royal, Dennis Midland, Ml Pro 1 Royce, Jamie W Ripon, WI 414-748-7823 Pro 2 Royden, Bert N W Hills, CA 818-704-1899 Pro 2 Royer, Candace Cambridge, MA 617-253-2438 Pro 1 Royer, David l Columbus, OH 614-486-1515 Pro 1 Royer, Rocky Santa Fe, NM Pro 3 Royer, Roderick L Houston, TX 713-855-1 043 Pro 2 Rozell, Richard W S Euclid, OH 216-381-2978 Pro 2 Ruback, Barry D Oakland, NJ 201-337-0478 Pro 2 Rubas, Paul Belmont, CA 415-591 -0269 Pro 3 Ruben, David M Alexandria, VA 703-719-0231 Pro 3 Rubenstein, Bryan Cleveland, OH 216-292-4652 Pro 3 Rubenstein, Mitchell G little Falls, NJ 201-890-7551 Pro 2 Rubi, Frank B Gainesville, Fl 904-332-0091 Pro 2 Rubin, Andrew Coral Gables, FL 305-445-6857 Pro 1 Rubin, Fred Ellenville, NY Pro 2 914-647-6000 Rubin, Susan Vinton Boca Raton, FL 407-994-6594 Pro 2 Rubinstein, Todd E Pembroke Pines, FL 305-431 -4146 Pro 2 Rublee, William Easton, MD 301-822-1515 Pro 1


Rubner, Michal Delray Beach, FL Pro 2 407-495-9546 Rucker, Nora A Annapolis, MD 410-757-1935 Pro 2 Ruckert, Walter Camarillo, CA 805-484-9324 Pro 3 Rudden, Martin F Melbourne, Australia

03-592-3950 Pro Rudholm, Doug Nevada City, CA · 916-273-8514 Pro Rudland, Wm Todd Altamonte Springs, FL 407-774-6788 Pro 2 Rudrolf, James G Arlington, VA 703-685-0812 Pro 2 Rudrud, Dean A Bloomington, MN 612-942-5084 Pro 2 Ruedisili, Todd Nisswa, MN

218-963-2770 Pro 1 Rueff, D Charles Louisville, KY 502-426-2454 Pro 1 Rue!, Kay Naples, FL Pro Ruelas, Jose G, Jr San Diego, CA Pro 1 619-282-6990 Ruemenapp, Margaret Petoskey, Ml Pro 1 616-347-6312 Ruff, Cdr David C Pascagoula, MS Pro 2 Ruff, Merrill Stratford, CT 203-378-157 4 Pro 2 Ruffin, Douglas Seattle, WA Pro 1 206-543-1131 Rugg, Wes Kiowa, KS 316-239-4265 Pro Ruikka, Julie Pro Decatur, IL Ruiz, Andra M Tucson, AZ 602-791-4896 Pro 2 Rumble, Richard Long Pond, PA 717-646-8548 Pro 2

Runquist Runquist, Doug Palm Springs, CA 619-322-2121 Pro Ruppert, David Bethany Beach, DE 302-539-5111 Pro Aurae, Magda Manhasset, NY 516-484-01 00 Pro Rurac, Vini Summerland, CA 805-969-4681 Pro Rush, Joseph Olympia, WA 206-754-1009 Pro Rushworth, John A San Anselmo, CA 415-459-5582 Pro Rusick, William A Belleville, IL Pro 618-397-5544 Russ, Lawrence 0 DeLand, FL 904-734-5167 Pro Russell, Dana P Middletown, NJ 908-431-9500 Pro Russell, Gary C Irvine, CA Pro Russell, George E Bloomfield Hills, Ml 313-332-9221 Pro Russell, Robert Birmingham, AL 205-980-1 000 Pro Russell, Robert S Salem, VA 703-387-1524 Pro Russell, Robyn D


Sabens, David G Highland, CA 714-882-1791 Pro 2 2 3 Sabins, Timothy J Spring Lake, NJ Pro 2 908-409-7382 3 2 Sabrin, Walter N Bayside, NY 516-466-3716 Pro 3 3 Sabus, John T Pro 2 Golden, CO Sachire, Frank Canfield, OH 2 216-553-4428 Pro 1 Rutz, Earl, Jr Sack, lester M, Jr E Lansing, Ml New Orleans, LA 517-353-8946 Pro 504-282-0989 Pro 1 Ruzanic, Robert G Sacks, Franklin A 2 Allison Park, PA Chicago, IL 412-364-7962 Pro 312-929-3169 Pro 1 Ruzicka, Vlado Saddlebrook Resort 3 Los Angeles, CA Wesley Chapel, FL 213-879-4000 Pro 2 813-973-1111 Affil Ryan, Clifford C Sadri, Susan R 3 Westerville, OH Dunwoody, GA 614-846-8400 Pro 2 Pro 1 404-394-9477 Ryan, Paul Sadzeck, Thomas J 3 Phoenix, AZ Corte Madera, CA Pro 1 602-978-0722 Pro 2 415-924-4903 2 Ryan, Scott W Saed, Theodore J, Ill (Todd) Birmingham, Ml Soquel, CA 313-682-1300 Pro 2 408-724-9635 Pro 2 1 Ryan, Tice F, Ill Saeki, Hiroyuki Ft Pierce, FL Tokyo, Japan 407-461-9840 Pro 1 0726-93-6104 Pro 2 1 Ryland, Robert New York, NY Pro 1 Saferslein, PHD Daniel B Rynearson, Robert R, Ann Arbor, Ml 2 Jr 313-973-3090 Pro 1 Temple, TX 817-778-3225 Pro 3 Safier, Kerry Lawrenceville, GA Boca Raton, FL 404-921-2103 Pro 2 Ryska, Todd Alan 407-391-4012 Pro 2 Sebastian, FL Russo, Eugene Sagel, Lawrence R Pro 1 407-388-1451 Vienna, VA Pompano Beach, FL 703-938-3769 Pro 1 Ryuse, Steven B P 305-977-0934 Pro 1 Columbus. OH Russo, John Sagiike, Tomorou Oakland, NJ 614-459-2760 Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan 201-337-6026 Pro 3 Saacke, Charles W 078-851-3908 Pro 3 Russo, John N (Chuck) Sahag, Edmond R Akron, OH Louisville, KY Guntersville, AL 216-928-8763 Pro 2 502-896-0424 Pro 1 205-582-3311 Pro 1 Russo, Marc F Saad, Raul E Sahag, Edmond R, Jr Brookfield, WI Wilmington, DE Amelia Island, FL 414-783-4972 Pro 2 302-234-1016 Pro 1 904-261-6622 Pro Russo, Mark Sabbagh, louis Josef Sahlean, Adrian G Hackensack, NJ Silver Spring, MD Newton Center, MA 201-487-0624 Pro 3 301-680-9296 Pro 3 617-969-9446 Pro Rust, Kevin Rochester, MN 507-285-0644 Pro Ruth, J Vincent, II Weatherford, TX Pro Rutherford, David Matthew San Angelo, TX 915-949-1534 Pro Rutherford, Scott L Portland, OR 503-292-9606 Pro


Saigo -


Saigo, Takayuki Tokyo, Japan 0474-85-3164 Salles, Gary A Indianapolis, IN 317-297-5267 Saini, Pathorr R Singapore 7417525 Saito, Hiroyuki Tokyo, Japan 011-855-0289 Saito, Kazuhiko Tokyo, Japan Saito, Makolo Tokyo, Japan

Pro 2 Pro 2 Pro 2 Pro 2 Pro 3 Pro 3

Saito, Tomoharu

Tokyo, Japan Pro Saitoh, Kan Tokyo, Japan Pro Saitoh, Kaoru Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Saitoh, Takehiko Tokyo, Japan 0476-46-1423 Pro Sakaan, Hekmat Wynne, AR 501-238-3053 Pro Sakaguchi, Hiraki Tokyo, Japan 045-543-0729 Pro Sakai, Hikaru Tokyo, Japan 025-273-9763 Pro Sakai, Hironori Tokyo, Japan 042493-8535 Pro Sakai, Motonari Tokyo, Japan 011-881-1584 Pro Sakai, Teruaki Pro Tokyo, Japan Sakai, Yoji Pro Tokyo, Japan Sakaki, Tomotaka Tokyo, Japan Pro Sakamoto, Kenji Tokyo, Japan 0280-31-4221 Pro Sakamoto, Kosaku Tokyo, Japan Pro Sakamoto, Masato Tokyo, Japan Pro Sakamoto, Tatsuya Tokyo, Japan 011-531-8824 Pro

3 3 1 3

Sakamoto, Yuichi Tokyo, Japan 03-333-4970 Pro Sakane, Shinji Tokyo, Japan Pro Sakasai, Akira Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Sakatani, Naohiko Tokyo, Japan Pro

2 3 1 3

Sa key, Brian

Pensacola, FL Pro 904-455-8024 Sakioka, Ronson l S Lake Tahoe, CA 702-588-6703 Pro Sakuma, Takayuki Tokyo, Japan Pro Sakuma, Tsuyoshi Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Sakurada, Junichi Tokyo, Japan Pro 0532-88-1568

2 3 3 2 3

Pro 2

Sakurai, Yasuo


Tokyo, Japan 0798-36-1498 Pro 2 Salas, Leopolda A


Guadalajara, Mexico

3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2

Pro 36414045 Salazar, Elizabeth Vail, CO 303-4 79-9446 Pro Salazar, Ronald Aurora, CO 303-751-3948 Pro Salerno, Robert, Jr Aurora, IL 708-907-8067 Pro Sales, Gerald St Cloud, MN 612-251-3629 Pro Sallee, David T Rancho Mirage, CA 619-770-2180 Pro Salmon, Thomas E Stowe, VT 802-253-9649 Pro Sale, Lisa M Pillager, MN 218-7 46-3294 Pro Salonen, Andy Berkeley, CA 415-841-1380 Pro


2 2 2 2

Samata, Kazuya

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Sammakia, Amre

Sakurai, Hirotoshi

Tokyo, Japan

Saltzman, Leonard E Northbrook, IL Pro 708-564-0799 Saludo, Rod E San Diego, CA 619-582-2776 Pro Salvador, John M LaQuinta, CA 619-360-1272 Pro Salzenstein, Skip Manchester, MO 314-391-1227 Pro

3 2 1 2 3 3 1 2

Sanford, FL 407-323-7363 Pro Sammons, Marva A Davie, FL 305-434-8693 Pro Samons, Timothy Noblesville, IN Pro 317-257-0850 Sampson, Lydia J Phoenix, AZ 602-957-7277 Pro

3 1 1 2

Samuels, Dessie

Terrell, TX 214-563-6543

Pro 1

Samuelson, Bonnie A

Sarasota, FL 813-378-5265 Pro Samuelson, Erik S Coralville, lA 319-351-4900 Pro Samuelson, Saundra (Sandy) San Antonio, TX 210-496-2926 Pro Samuelstuen, Peter Greeley, CO 303-353-1983 Pro San, Boon Wah Petaling Jaya, Malaysia 037339927 Pro Sanborn, larry G Eureka, CA 707-442-1040 Pro Sanchelli, Chuck Stafford, TX 713-980-4219 Pro Sanchez, Eduardo San Diego, CA 619-268-0267 Pro

2 1 A 1 2

3 1 1 2

Sanchez, Eric


San Jose, CA 408-578-4265

Pro 3

Sanchez Sanchez, Jose R El Paso, TX 915-566-8037 Pro 2 Sanchez, Joseph M Schaumburg, IL 708-885-7634 Pro 3 Sanchez, Ricardo R Miami, FL

305-382-3955 Pro Sanchez, Sandra Houston, TX 713-280-9064 Pro Sanchez, Wallace A Redlands, CA 714-792-0729 Pro Sancho, Michael A Newark, NJ 201-733-5440 Pro Sancilio, Damian L

2 2 2 2

Hawal!i, Kuwait

Haverstraw. NY

Pro 2

Sanders, Diane T

Louisville, KY 502-426-4923 Pro Sanders, Jack D Elkhart, IN 219-522-5763 Pro Sanders, Joanne M Menlo Park, CA 415-364-6272 Pro Sanders, John B Naples, FL 813-263-2566 Pro Sanders, Mark A Pine Bluff, AR 501-535-7651 Pro Sanders, Phronie Glendale, CA 818-241-3082 Pro Sanderson, Peter Seal Beach, CA 310-440-2417 Pro Sandgren, Cory S Decatur, IL 217-423-7020 Pro Sandlin, Bill, Jr Austin, TX 214-875-4628 Pro

2 3 2 1 3 2

Sango, Junichi

Pro 804-330-2222 Sand, Deanne l Minneapolis, MN Pro 612-861-4528 Sandercock, Michael R Rocky River, OH 216-356-6343 Pro 2 Sanders, Charles E, Jr 914-429-5334

Sands, Kay Barton Lilburn, GA 404-381-2494 Pro Sands, Kim Miami, FL 305-583-7005 Pro Sandvig, Carol E Chandler, AZ Pro 602-839-6124 Sandvig, Craig E St Louis, MO Pro 314-849-2327 Sanfilippo, Charles Campbell, CA 408-371-0696 Pro Sangitan, Samudra Jakarta, Indonesia Pro 8600903

1 2 2 2 1 2 1

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Sanguinetti, Frank C Longview, TX Pro 903-297-2212 Sanhueza, Poncho Signal Mountain, TN 615-886-5202 Pro Sanjai, Sundaram Madras, India Pro 9144-4911278 San Miguel, Robert Reno, NV 702-786-0458 Pro

1 2 2 2 1

Sano, Hiroshi

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Sana, Shigeaki Tok§o, Japan 033 8-0741 Pro 3 San Pedro, Nelson Orlando, FL 407-351-4303 Pro 3 Santarias, Thomas E, Jr St Joseph, Ml Pro 2 616-429-3976 Santarsiere, Joanna A Atascadero, CA 805-466-2591 Pro Sanlisi, Joseph W Palm Beach, FL 407-790-0657 Pro Santizo, Maynor A Santa Maria, CA 805-937-3222 Pro 3 Santos, Arthur l Kohler, WI 414-457-4444 Pro 2



Sapp, Norman S Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-527-5767 Pro Sarandopolis, Christine Alexandria, VA 703-548-4503 Pro Sargent, laura l Englewood, CO 303-741-0041 Pro Sargent, Robbie Wichita Falls, TX Pro 817-691-6793 Sarile, Fernando D Irving, TX 214-579-9299 Pro Sarsfield, Thomas P Sunnyvale, CA 408-745-6171 Pro Sarten, Randall Santa Rosa, CA 707-575-1150 Pro Sartori, Patrick Ocean Ridge, FL 305-734-2444 Pro Sarver, Mark S Bland, VA 703-688-37 49 Pro Sarver, Stephen C Bluefield, WV Pro 304-325-7818 Sasa, Akira Tokyo, Japan Pro 03-464-6621 Sasae, Toshitaka Pro Tokyo, Japan


2 3 2

2 2 2 1 3

Sassano, Robert

Key Largo, FL 305-451-1556 Pro Sasser, Gwynn A Charlotte, NC 704-846-8824 Pro Sasseville, Robert Fairburn, GA 404-969-0285 Pro Sasso, Ricky M Lantana, FL 407-586-7914 Pro Satani, Mari Tokyo, Japan 0729-56-3032 Pro Satcher, Paige E Irving, TX 214-506-8177 Pro Sather, Karen Denver, CO 303-733-2441 Pro

2 2 2 2 2

Sato- Scheb Sato, Atsuya Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Sato, Hiroshi Tokyo, Japan 011-614-8242 Pro 3 Sato, Hitoshi Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Sato, Kazuhiko Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Sato, Kenji Tokyo, Japan 0166-52-0812 Pro 3 Sato, Masanori Tokyo. Japan Pro 2 Sato, Masaru Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Sato, Mayumi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Sato, Naritoshi Tokyo, Japan 011-763-2547 Pro 3 Satoh, Hisashi Tokyo, Japan 011-644-7134 Pro 3 Salah, Norihisa Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Satoh, Takao Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Satoh, Yasushi Tokyo, Japan 044987-6573 Pro 2 Satterlee, Maj Richard E Roswell, NM 505-624-8281 Pro 2 Sauer, Gay J Aptos, CA Pro 3 408-662-1176 Sauer, Michael Jon W Bend, WI 414-338-1673 Pro 2 Sauer, Ron Wilmington, NC 919-392-0315 Pro 1 Sauer, Virginia Wilmington, NC 919-392-0315 Pro 3 Saunar, Robert T Aurora, CO 303-977-3000 Pro 3 Saunders, Mark E Carmel, IN 317-577-5130 Pro 1 Saunders, Richard Los Angeles, CA 31 0-398-6498 Pro 1

Saunders, Susan Charlotte, NC 704-543-4284 Pro Sause, Charlotte F Santa Rosa Bch, FL Pro 904-267-1532 Sause, David P Santa Rosa Beach, FL 904-267-1532 Pro Savage, Michael A Ft Myers, FL 813-561-1307 Pro 2 Saviano, Nick Plantation, FL 305-452-4436 Master Pro Savidge, Elizabeth G Kennesaw, GA 404-419-8396 Pro 2 Savitt, Betsy Key Biscayne, FL 305-365-0998 Pro 2 Sawada, Makoto Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Sawada, Satoshi Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Sawer, Stephen J Lighthouse Point, FL 305-943-5550 Pro t Sawyer, Ted P Richmond, VA 804-288-6028 Pro Sax, Paul D Memphis, TN Pro 2 901-276-5758 Saxe, Dave N Mukwonago, WI 414-363-8295 Pro 1 Sayrahder, Edward Edmonds, WA 206-774-6171 Pro 2 Sazama, P K (Flip) Duluth, MN Pro 1 218-525-6004 Saziki, Masayoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Scainetti, Jack Soquel, CA 408-476-7337 Pro 2 Scalia, Larry P Laguna Niguel, CA 714-489-9033 Pro 3 Scalici, John Milford, CT 203-874-3967 Pro 2


Scanlon, Gary A Austin, TX 512-453-7249 Pro 1 Scanlon, Phil, Jr Austin, TX 512-474-1877 Pro 2 Scarborough, Judy Houston, TX 713-497-2747 Pro 2 Schackter, Denny Palatine, IL Pro 1 708-705-5659 Schad, Mickey Louisville, KY 502-426-4923 Pro 1 Schaedel, Jim New Orleans, LA 504-587-7242 Pro 2 Schaedel, John B Pensacola, FL 904-939-3018 Pro 2 Schaefer, Christy T Hinsdale, IL Pro 2 708-654-2442 Schaefer, Gene F Madison, WI Pro 2 608-233-5357 Schaefer, James A Tucson, AZ 602-544-1780 Pro 2 Schaefer, Lyle P Madison, WI Pro 1 608-233-5357 Schaeffer, Thomas A Laurel, MD 301-953-0030 Pro 3 Schaerges, Thomas E Kelseyville, CA 707-279-4281 Pro 1 Schaffer, Michael Jay Quincy, IL 217-222-1738 Pro 3 Schall, George L Atlanta, GA 404-255-3580 Pro 1 Schall, Scott Glendale, AZ 602-788-6088 Pro 2 Schatz, Christian Brisbane, Australia 07-3499842 Pro 3 Schaub, Ronald Lexington, OH 419-884-3949 Pro 1 Scheb, Paula S Sanibel Island, FL Pro 1 813-472-0588

Schefliey Scheflley, Stephen 0 Rochester, MN 507-288-4851 Pro 1 Scheib, Nick T Montgomery, TX Pro 2 Scheirey, Catherine Hudson, OH 216-650-1664 Pro 2 Schell, William Pittsford, NY 716-381-3235 Pro 3 Schellenger, Norman D Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-651-6878 Pro 3 Schenk, Wendy L Thorndale, PA 215-356-7536 Pro 2 Scherek, Samuel Merrick, NY 718-368-5696 Pro 2 Scherer, Michael S White Hall, MD 301-343-0440 Pro 3 Scheuermann, Lenny Lutherville, MD 301-337-8381 Pro 1 Schewior, Robert W Katonah, NY 914-666-2898 Pro 2 Schick, Peggy H Millburn, NJ Pro 1 Schield, William H, Ill San Remo, Italy 39-184-62888 Pro 2 Schilling, Hayden Wooster, OH 216-262-4556 Pro 2 Schillings, Bill J Charlotte, NC 704-541-8034 Pro 1 Schimpf!, Clifford P W Redding, CT 203-938-3573 Pro 2 Schissel, Janet A Minneapolis, MN

612-944-9311 Pro Schleicher, Anne Kansas City, MO 816-523-2776 Pro Schleif, Mark A Ft Pierce, FL 407-464-8449 Pro Schlesinger, C Scott New Orleans, LA 504-524-6701 Pro

1 2 2 2

Schlorf, Donna Longboat Key, FL 813-383-2373 Pro 2 Schlorf, Jay E St Cloud, MN 612-253-4829 Pro 2 Schloss,


Baltimore, MD 301-363-2862 Pro Schluter, T Richard Healdsburg, CA 707-544-0219 Pro Schmeiske·Tiller, Sommer Rochester, NY 716-325-3219 Pro Schmid, Kevin D Honolulu, HI 808-84 7-4047 Pro Schmid, Lloyd (Bud) Santa Fe, NM 505-982-5163 Pro Schmid, Susan Santa Fe, NM Pro 505-982-5163 Schmidt, Arthur Glen Mills, PA 215-459-8243 Pro Schmidt, Bob Huntington, NY 516-271-6079 Pro Schmidt, Charles A (Skip) Edwardsville, IL 618-656-7529 Pro Schmidt, Edward Manhasset, NY 516-627-1906 Pro Schmidt, Forrest E



2 2 2 2 1 2

2 1

Oconomowoc, WI

414-569-1645 Pro Schmidt, Jim Houston, TX 713-784-1119 Pro Schmidt, John R New Orleans, LA 504-484-6256 Pro Schmitz, Michael J Sacramento, CA Pro Schmoll, Kevin Bloomington, MN 612-828-6850 Pro Schnarr, Joan Danville, CA 510-837-2972 Pro


2 1 1 2 2 1


Schnatz, Peter Lindenwold, NJ 609-782-7520 Pro 1 Schneider, Paula M Eden Prairie, MN 612-934-2175 Pro 2 Schobel, David E Somerset, NJ 201-545-8619 Pro 1 Schoelzel, C Douglas Englewood, CO 303-790-7777 Pro Schoen, Joe Sun City, AZ 602-977-6765 Pro Schoen, Thomas Santa Fe, NM 505-989-1992 Pro Scholl, Gary D Fair Oaks, CA 916-482-6111 Pro Schollens, Joe Wyoming, Ml Pro 616-534-1954 Scholtz, Brad D N Royalton, OH 216-237-2138 Pro 2 Schonfeld, R Chris Austin, TX 512-454-0800 Pro 3 Schooler, Michael Steven Honolulu, HI Pro 2 808-836-0097 Schoop, Ernest Pacific Palisades, CA 213-944-3146 Pro 2 Schoop, Mary Pacific Palisad, CA 31 0-454-8066 Pro 2 Schore, Jack Bethesda, MD Pro 2 Schraeter, Joshua Harrison, NY

914-967-3098 Pro Schreiber, Bernard F Miami Beach, FL 305-868-6963 Pro Schreiber, Ronald A Elmwood Park, NJ 201-265-1028 Pro Schrock, Patty S Mishawaka, IN 219-256-1967 Pro Schroeder, Bud Englewood, OH 513-276-3978 Pro

2 2 2 2 1

Schroeder -


Schroeder, Carl Palm Desert, CA 714-327-6676 Pro Schroeder, Debra L Oceanside, CA 619-433-0534 Pro 2 Schroeder, Dieter Hamburg, Germany 7231900 Pro 3 Schroeder, F R (Ted) La Jolla, CA 619-297-1001 Pro 1 Han Schroeder, Howard Chapel Hill, NC Pro 2 Schroeder, M Tina Portsmouth, Rl 401-683-5528 Pro 3 Schroeder, Mark A Rochester, MN Pro 2 507-289-0322 Schroeder, Michael W Old Westbury, NY 516-333-4839 Pro 2 Schroeder, Richard F Carlsbad, CA 619-753-4705 Pro 2 Schroeder, Rod Skokie, IL 708-967 ·1400 Pro 1 Schropp, Scott Edmond, OK 405-390-9605 Pro 1 Schubert, Gerhard Armada, Ml 313-784-8416 Pro 1 Schubert, Russell B Cincinnati, OH 513-624-0677 Pro 2 Schuett, Thomas Bethlehem, PA 215-866-2832 Pro 2 Schuette, William Clearwater, FL 813·462-6144 Pro 1 Schuldberg, George Houston, TX 713-621-2456 Pro 3 Schuler, Frank X Carefree, AZ 602-488-9800 Pro Schulman, Steven Roseville, CA Pro 1 916-783-9887 Schulterbrandt, Gary D Syracuse, NY 315-475-3118 Pro 3

Schultz, John L Tempe, AZ 602-839-7642 Pro 2 Schultz, Scott R Big Rapids, Ml Pro 1 616-592-2212 Schultz, Steven E Poway, CA 619-673-7370 Pro 1 Schulze, David H Minneapolis, MN 612-729-1228 Pro 2 Schumacher, Gregg Westminster, CO 303-426-1654 Pro 1 Schunck, F Drake, Jr Winter Park, FL 407-629-6692 Pro 2 Schunck, Fritz Greensburg, PA 412-832-0277 Pro 1 Schunk, Chuck San Diego, CA Pro 1 619-487-2359 Schwab, Walter (Tex) Yonkers, NY Pro 1 914-237-2381 Schwan, Fred M Kevil, KY Pro 1 Schwanz, Verlon D

Scottsdale, AZ Pro 1 602-991-9213 Schwarte, Gisa Key Biscayne, FL Pro 2 305-361-8939 Schwartz, Allen Michael Mansfield, OH 419-526-8450 Pro 2 Schwartz, Andrew

lowell Willowbrook, IL 708-323-3918 Pro Schwartz, Brett C Metairie, LA Pro 504-887-9552 Schwartz, Connie E Youngstown, OH 216-758-0471 Pro Schwartz, Mark S W Palm Beach, FL Pro 407 -686· 7184 Schwartz, Sally Ann Plano, TX Pro 214-422-2379 Schwartz, Wendy Los Angeles, CA Pro


2 1 1 3 1 2

Schwarzenbacher, Karl Schmelz, Austria 011434714343 Pro 3 Schwarzkopf, Michael R Bozeman, MT

Pro 1 406-585-2270 Schweid, Robert L Redlands, CA 909-886-4659 Pro 2 Schweitzer, Don

Melbourne, FL 407-723-7419


Pro 1

Schweitzer, Kenneth

State College, PA Pro 814-867-4677 Schweppe-Depaolo, Sally Asheville, NC 704-27 4-6622 Pro 2 Schwimmer, Alan Northbrook, IL 708-205-1017 Pro 3 Schwing, George (Ged) Lafayette, LA 318-232-3911 Pro Schwitters, Jim

Honolulu, HI Pro 808-94 7-9402 Sciabica, Michael J Clearfield, PA 814-765-6732 Pro 2 Sciarra, James A

Houston, TX 713-529-4321 Pro 3 Scogin, Linda l Houston, TX 713-787-9270 Pro 3 Sconyers, J Devin San Francisco, CA Pro 1 415·777-9000 Scorza, Francis (Skip) San Diego, CA 619-535-1389 Pro 1 Scott, Bob Colorado Springs, CO Pro 1 719·596-4512 Scott, Brian L Conifer, CO 303-674-8864 Pro 2 Scott, Claudia M Germantown, TN Pro 2 901-757-0224 Scott, Edward C McGregor, MN Pro 2

Scott Scott, James E Coconut Creek, FL Pro 3 Scott, Jeanie S Wilmington, NC 919-251-8113 Pro 1 Scott, Jennifer

McGregor, MN Pro Scott, Keith J Broadview, IL 708-450-9685 Pro Scott, Le Franklinton, NC 919-554-4259 Pro Scott, Michael Wilmington, NC 919-791-4128 Pro Scott, Peter L St Augustine Bh, FL 904-471-0172 Pro Scott, Randy Columbus, GA 404-563-6806 Pro Scott, Rob Louisville, CO 303-665-0903 Pro Scott, Robin W Irving, TX Pro Scott, Terrence M (Terry) San Francisco, CA 415-791-4380 Pro Scott, Terry Columbus, GA 706-327-5769 Pro Scott, Thorn E Kansas City, KS 913-384-3080 Pro Scott, Toby L McHenry, IL 815-385-7077 Pro Scott, Valerie E Milwaukee, WI 414-354-8815 Pro Scott, William Whitefish, MT 619-755-0493 Pro

2 2 2

Scruggs, Jeanne M Kenosha, WI Pro 414-652-7373 Scruggs, Mark A Aurora, CO Pro Scudder, Buddy Norwalk, CT Pro 203-846-3344 Se, Chouyu Tokyo, Japan Pro 0742-27-1465 Seagren, Scott R Santa Barbara, CA Pro 805-682-9325 Seals, John C

Segawa, Mikio

2 2

1 1


1 3 2

1 3 2

Scotten, Rick

Indianapolis, IN 317-299-7727 Pro 1 Scotti, Daniel Jupiter, FL 407-746-1116 Pro 3 Screen, Dr Robert M Hampton, VA 804-727-5431 Pro 1

Pro 2 615-586-9800 Searcy, Murhl L Louisville, KY Pro 2 502-241-5802 Sears, Kenneth C Midlothian, VA Pro 3 804-320-3244 Sears, William B Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 904-285-6546 Pro 3 Sebaratnam, Frank V New South Wales, Australia 8371528 Pro 2 Sebastian, Omar A Morristown, NJ


Pro 3

Secrest, Jim A Lawrence, KS

Pro 2 913-841-6656 Secunda, AI Los Angeles, CA 213-654-8821 Pro 1 See, Elizabeth Bailey Magnolia, MA Pro 3 508-525-3054 See, Michael J Pinehurst, NC 919-295-6692 Pro 1 See, Terry Sanibel, FL 813-472-3522 Pro Seegert, Bradley P Beaver Dam, WI 414-887-2356 Pro Seemann, Lisa

Solvang, CA Pro 2 805-688-7595 Seewagen, Butch New York, NY 212-751-4876 Pro 1


Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Segesman, F Scot Clearwater, FL Pro 2 813-462-6144 Segura, Pancho

Morristown, TN



Carlsbad, CA Pro 714-438-9111 Seguso, Karen L Boca Raton, FL Pro 407-994-1000 Sei!erd, Mary E Brandon, FL Pro 813-685-9784 Seiffert, Jane M Chicago, IL Pro 312-235-2300 Seiler, William A, Ill Monkton, MD Pro 410-692-6400 Seitz, Frank J Seaside, CA 408-899-3084 Pro Seki, Shuichi Pro Tokyo, Japan Sekiguchi, Akiharu Tokyo, Japan Pro 0720-45-2077 Sekiguchi, Akiharu Pro Tokyo, Japan Sekiguchi, Midori Tokyo, Japan Pro


3 2 2 3 1 3 3 3 3

Sekine, Hiroo

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Sekine, Keiko

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Sekine, Kuminobu

Tokyo, Japan 047363-0600

Pro 3

Sekiya, Kazuhiro

Tokyo, Japan 0797-72-3457 Pro 2 Sekiya, Tadaaki Tokyo, Japan. Pro 3 Seiert, Kim

Westfield, NJ 908-232-8648 Pro 1 Seligman, Betsy Melville, NY 516-454-0939 Pro 2 Selke, Diane M Highlands Ranch, CO Pro 1 303-791-8870 Selke, Susan V Lansing, Ml 517-372-9531 Pro

Seltzer -


Seltzer, stephen C Bessemer, PA 412-667-7633 Pro 3 Sember, Michael D Wheaton, IL 312-668-7332 Pro 2 Sember, William A W Chester, PA 215·431·4615 Pro 1 Seminolf, John A Stamford, CT 203·322-4649 Pro 1 Seng, Ng Chee Singapore 65-444-0348 Pro 2 Sengun, Asim S Chatham, NJ 20 1·635·1222 Pro 1 Senn, Benita Willowdale, Canada 416-226-2655 Pro 3 Sennett, David Everett, WA Pro 1 Sensing, Michael Nashville, TN 615-832-1761 Pro 3 Serban, Coste! Niceville, FL 904-897-5001 Pro 1 Sergi, John V Fort Collins, CO Pro 2 Sergio, Thomas Delray Beach, FL 407-278-1445 Pro 1 Serra, Marc S St Petersburg, FL 813-577-6570 Pro 3 Serre!, Patrick J Alexandria, LA 318-487-4141 Pro 2 Serues, Edward J Naples, FL 813·649·5283 Master Pro Serues, William S Springtown, PA Pro 1 215-346-7618 Sevall, James A Pro 2 Portland, OR Sever, Jana Elway San Jose, CA 408-927-9731 Pro 1 Sewell, Bernard A Montgomery, AL 205-284-6037 Pro 2

Sewell, J Brennen Vienna, GA 912-268-2456 Pro Seybold, Richard M Sarasota, FL 813·923-9290 Pro Seymour, Garry Arlington, TX 817 -465·5584 Pro Seymour, John R Ionia, Ml 616-527-0630 Pro Sezna, Thomas Pt St Lucie, FL Pro Sfakianakis, F G Athens, Greece 301-7241·659 Pro Slorzo, Michael Millbury, MA 508-264-0577 Pro Shacklock, Paul E

3 1 2 1 3 1

Queensland, Australia

075-909223 Pro 1 Shade, John Grosse lie, Ml 313-676-4347 Pro Shafer, S Robert Berkeley, CA 51 0·548-6658 Pro 1 Shaffer, Glenn A Lauderdale Lake, FL 305-731-6758 Pro 2 Shaffer, Ryan Canton, OH 216·588·8342 Pro 2 Shambach, David N Lockport, NY 716-433·7860 Pro 2 Shaner, Carolyn Stowe Ft Washington, PA 215-628-0734 Pro Shanks, Kent H San Ramon, CA 51 0· 735·0568 Pro Shannon, Robert L Chapel Hill, NC 919·914·3505 Pro 2 Shannon, Scott M Dobbs Ferry, NY Pro 2 914-693-4812 Shannon, Stephen M Calgary, Canada 403-244·1275 Pro 2 Shapiro, Don L Lake Worth, FL Pro 2 407-969-3928


Shapiro, Jack M Fairfield, CT 203-335-6273 Pro Shapiro, Ron Boca Raton, FL 407-368-6848 Pro Shapiro, Ruth Glendale, WI Pro Shapter, Allen Palm Desert, CA 619-568-2970 Pro Shardlow, Wilbur A Gardiner, ME 207-582-1039 Pro Sharp, J D Ottawa, Canada 613·236·0573 Pro Sharp, Kate G Atlanta, GA 404-370-1389 Pro Sharp, Michael J Pewaukee, WI 414-786-0880 Pro Sharp, Ronald Ed D Shawnee, OK 405-275-0669 Pro Sharpe, Jack S Aurora, IL 708-907-8067 Pro Sharpe, John Moraga, CA 415-631-0268 Pro Sharton, Richard T Newtonville, MA Pro 617-332-9476 Shattuck, Thomas Jacksonville, FL 804-384-8687 Pro Shaw, Dave Ft Lauderdale, FL 305·581-1869 Pro Shaw, Dean E Irving, TX 214·252-7538 Pro Shaw, George Burlington, VT 802·658·2801 Pro Shaw, Graham Burlingame, CA Pro Shaw, Jonathan H Roswell, GA 404-993-5431 Pro Shaw, Steven B Orinda, CA 510·254-8125 Pro

1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1

1 2 1 2 3 1 1

Shea Shea, Thomas S L Pacifica, CA 415-355-1243 Pro 2 Sheahan, Patrick Mikel Boca Raton, FL 407-392-2165 Pro 2 Sheares, Maurice Emile

Singapore Pro 65-2742494 Sheehan, Lesley D Reading, MA 617-353-2846 Pro Sheehan, Thomas P Santa Barbara, CA 805-563-0961 Pro Sheehy, Jack Arlington, TX 817-472-7269 Pro Sheehy, Laurie M Arlington, TX 817-472-7269 Pro Sheeler, Joanne Brooklyn, NY 718-241-4827 Pro Sheer, Steven Poughkeepsie, NY 914-452-1993 Pro Sheffield, John B Roswell, GA 404-257-1297 Pro Sheftel, Charles L Highland Park, IL Pro 312-831-3886

3 3

Shiji, Yoshiyuki Tokyo, Japan 0593-86-8641


1 3 1

2 2 2 1 2 2

Atlanta, GA 404-87 4-1938 Pro Sherry, David Lehighton, PA 215-377-5787 Pro Sherwood, David R Roseville, CA 916-782-2300 Pro Shetler, Robert C Ocala, FL Pro 904-351-544 7 Shibahara, Shinsuke Tokyo, Japan Pro Shibata, Kazuyuki Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Shibata, Makoto Tokyo, Japan Pro Shibata, Ryohei Tokyo, Japan Pro Shibata, Takeo Tokyo, Japan Pro Shibata, Yuko Tokyo, Japan 0568-79-6561 Pro Shibalsuji, Akira Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Shibatsuji, Hikaru Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Shibatsuji, Nobuko Tokyo, Japan Pro Shields, Ron E Little Rock, AR 501-225-0016 Pro Shields, Susan Kurz Austin, TX 512-343-8350 Pro Shifflett, F Douglas McGaheysville, VA 703-434-3424 Pro


Pro 2

Shima, Toshio


Tokyo, Japan 0720-51-3324

Pro 2

Shima, Yoshikazu

1 2

Tokyo, Japan 03-531-1200 Pro 3 Shimada, Hideo Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Shimada, Tadahiro Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Shimamura, Chiharu


Sherman, Marilyn

Shein, Keith

Novato, CA 415-382-1591 Pro Shelander, John T St Paul, MN Pro 612-644-6468 Sheldon, Michael Phoenix, AZ 602-759-5957 Pro Shelton, H Wendell Holualoa, HI Pro 808-322-6527 Shepherd, James F Longboat Key, FL 813-383-7757 Pro Shepherd, Paul J Cotati, CA 707-527-9948 Pro Sheppard, Annette R Victoria, Australia 056-722610 Pro

Sheppard, Mark A Victoria, Australia 056-722610 Pro Sherbarlh, Sandy M Bloomington, MN 612-835-7578 Pro Sherby, Gary Gainesville, GA 404-532-9900 Pro Sherer, Michael J Richmond, IN 317-966-4883 Pro Sherman, Douglas Thousand Oaks, CA Pro 805-494-3961


2 3 2 2 2 1 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 2

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Shimamura, Katsunori Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 048-653-3687 Shimamura, Nobuaki Tokyo, Japan Pro 1 Shimano, K.yoichi Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Shimano, Shigeloshi Tokyo, Japan 0280-31-1181 Pro 3 Shimizu, Hiroyuki Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Shimizu, Ken Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Shimizu, Manabu Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Shimizu, Masako Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 0134-22-7096 Shimizu, Shigenori Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Shimohata, Shinsuke Tokyo, Japan 03-414-94 73 Pro 2 Shimoji, Toyosaku Tokyo, Japan 0734-51-2734 Pro 3 Shimomachi, Kenji Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Shimotori, Kazuhiro Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Shimoura, Shozo Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Shimura, Haruhiko Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Shinagawa, Yuriko Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Shinjo, Kenji Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Shinozaki, Hironobu Tokyo, Japan Pro 3

Shintaku -


Shinlaku, Michinori Tokyo, Japan 03-311-3512 Pro 3 Shinya, Toshihiko Tokyo, Japan 0729-54-4936 Pro 2 Shiono, Yoshihide Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Shiraishi, Yuriko

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Shirakawa, Masaaki

Tokyo. Japan

Pro 2

Shirasawa, Kenji

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Shirase, Tsutomu

Tokyo, Japan Pro Shires, Michael D Springfield, IL Pro Shirley, Brell L Golden, CO 303-985-3240 Pro Shirota, Hiroshi Tokyo, Japan Pro Shivar, Col William Newport News, VA 804-595-5639 Pro Shively, Robert Middletown, OH Pro Shklyar, Roman Great Neck, NY 516-829-8063 Pro Shoemaker, Kirk Northridge, CA Pro Shoenberger, Del L Niceville, Fl 904-897-3679 Pro Shoenberger, Lori Niceville, Fl 904-897-3679 Pro Shogreen, Scott S Tacoma, WA 206-475-3553 Pro

3 2 2 3

Shriver, Pam

1 2 1 2 2 3 1

Shoji, Kazuo

Tokyo, Japan Shoji, Kuniyasu Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Shoji, Tomotaka Tokyo, Japan Sholes, Russell Norfolk, VA 804-461-3015 Shomo, James A Leucadia, CA 619-438-8330

Shoop, Daniel Lisle. IL 312-964-8480 Pro 3 Shore, Sam Pt Washington, NY Pro 1 516-883-6425 Hon Shore, Seth Ardmore, PA 215-649-1613 Pro 2 Shorr, Jennifer A San Francisco, CA 415-433-2936 Pro 2 Short, Arnold Tulsa, OK 918-425-8233 Pro 1 Shorter, Abigail Colby Peterborough, Canada 705-7 41-2580 Pro 3 Shortridge, Stephen D Ft Myers, FL 813-481-2431 Pro 1 Shrader, Sue Chicago, IL 312-235-2300 Pro 1

Pro 2 Pro 2 Pro 2 Pro 1 Pro 3

lutherville, MD 410-337-2121

Pro 1 Hon

Shrum, Cheryl Kailua Kona, HI Pro 2 Shudai, Akihide Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Shuffield, Christine l Brandon, FL 813-653-2487 Pro 2 Shull, James D Silver Lake, IN 219-352-2502 Pro 1 Shultz, Brian R Tucson, AZ 602-577-9715 Pro 1 Shultz, Howard M State College, PA 814-238-4068 Pro 2 Shuman, Donald Tucson, AZ 602-296-9398 Pro 1 Shumway, Thomas H Bradenton, Fl 813-633-3535 Pro 2 Shweky, Liz G Brooklyn, NY Pro 2 718-934-1286 Shy, Richard Mt Pleasant, SC 803-884-6111 Pro 1


Shy, Rick Euclid, OH 216-261-8668 Pro 2 Siddons, David C Boone, NC 704-262-3337 Pro 2 Sie, Niesi Tarzana, CA

818-345-3230 Pro 1 Siebold, Stephen Bradenton. FL 813-792-8194 Pro 2 Siegel, Mall J San Francisco, CA 415-433-2936 Pro 1 Siemens, John C Templeton, CA 805-434-0792 Pro 2 Sieving, Mark T Bakersfield. CA 805-833-9183 Pro 3 Signorelli, Denee E Taft, CA 805-968-9964 Pro 2 Silbersher, Paul C Leawood, KS 913-381-9530 Pro 2 Siler, Bradley W Robinson, ll 513-793-9200 Pro 1 Silk!enn Denver, CO 303-964-0593 Affil Silva, Robb Joseph Acton, MA 617-861-0630 Pro 2 Silva, Victor El Paso, TX 915-545-1696 Pro 2 Silvan, Royce B Midlothian, VA 804-343-1600 Pro 2 Silver, Dan H Kansas City, MO 913-722-5405 Pro 2 Silver, Erik

Boca Raton, FL 407-395-3000 Pro 1 Silver Sands Racquet Club Palm Desert, CA Club Silverman, AI

Hallandale, FL 305-932-0661 Pro 1 Silverman, Michael Forest Hills, NY 718-699-4225 Pro 2

Silvestri Silvestri, AI Newburgh, NY 914-562-5054 Pro 1 Silvia, David W Lakeville, MA 617-947-8088 Pro 1 Simard, len Boca Raton, FL 407-482-0110 Pro 1 Simba, Bwana Chakar Inglewood, CA 213-677-3825 Pro 3 Simcina, Mark Huntington Woods, Ml 313-544-0913 Pro 1 Simmers, William Boca Raton, FL 407-338-0479 Pro 2 Simmons, James E Coppell, TX 214-462-1211 Pro 2 Simmons, John Wichita Falls, TX 817-766-2321 Pro 2 Simmons, Kim Olivia Southfield, Ml Pro 2 313-350-3668 Simmons, Mary Anne Nicholasville, KY 606-223-7149 Pro 2 Simmons, Suzanne M Lahaina, Maui, HI 808-669-5677 Pro 2 Simms John Tennis Charleston, WV 304-343-6953 Pro 1 Simms, K W Hampton, VA Pro 1 804-723-9297 Simms, William N Glendale, AZ 602-934-8345 Pro 3 Simon, Jerome F Erie, PA 814-838-9842 Pro 2 Simon, John G, Jr Dunwoody, GA Pro 3 Simon, Russell A Fresno, CA 209-225-7328 Pro 2 Simonetta, Joseph Cambridge, MA 617-576-5065 Pro Simpkins, Robert (Bob), Jr Tacoma, WA 206-272-9783 Pro 3

Simpson, Kristine M Manhasset, NY 516-627-9373 Pro 2 Simpson, N Scott Danville, IL Pro 1 217-443-4806 Simpson, Nancy Ft Smith, AR Pro 2 501-646-4515 Simpson, Dr Robert Godfrey, IL 618-466-4434 Pro Simpson, Tom Hilton Head Island,


Pro 803-689-3703 Sims, Forrest W Waterbury, CT Pro 203-753-3207 Sims, Jay Pineville, PA 215-598-0363 Pro Sinclair, Edward Syosset, NY 516-496-0258 Pro Sinclair, John Bermuda 809-293-2976 Pro Sinclair, R Andrew Columbus, OH 614-882-1009 Pro Sinclair, Wm Blake San Angelo, TX 915-658-1664 Pro Sindhuna!ha, Paul W Jacksonville Beach, FL Pro 904-285-9096 Sinett, Arthur Boca Raton, FL 407-392-0525 Pro Sinett, David Miami, FL Pro 305-347-2203 Singer, John L. Homewood, IL 708-957-0471 Pro Singer, Stanley W Los Angeles, CA Pro Singh, Narendra Dearborn, Ml 313-561-1453 Pro Singh, Pravin Grahamsville, NY 914-985-7652 Pro


2 2 2 2 1 2 2

3 3 2 2 1 2 1


Singh, Cdr Ravi lnder New Delhi, India Pro 2 Singleton, Skip Niceville, FL 904-897-3679 Master Pro Sirolny, Joze! Pompano Beach, FL 305-781-7480 Pro 3 Sison, Eddie H Elk Grove, CA Pro 2 916-685-5063 Sisson, Margaret Kay Vacaville, CA Pro 2 707-449-9108 Sisto, John Bartlett, IL Pro 3 312-884-0678 Sivertson, Dave Austin, TX 512-453-7246 Master Pro Sizemore, Edward Ashland, KY Pro 2 606-329-2245 Sizemore, Jack Summerville, SC Pro 2 803-821-2582 Sizemore, Jeffrey S Columbia, SC Pro 803-699-2447 Skeldon, Jeffrey Marietta, GA Pro 404-578-8829 Skellett, Dustin M Capistrano Beach, CA 714-832-6880 Pro 3 Skillicorn, Mark Kaneohe, HI 808-943-2279 Pro Skinner, Sissy Edinburg, TX Pro Skurdall, Barbara Beulah, Ml 616-882-7171 Pro SKYBOX Magazine Affil Cincinnati, OH Slack, Wayne C Temple Terrace, FL Pro 3 813-988-9654 Slattery, Jennifer J Huntington Beach, CA Pro 3 714-842-7747 Slattery, Michael P Hamden, CT 203-248-9684 Pro 1

Slavin -


Slavin, John B Redway, CA 707-923-2286 Pro Slawson, Allan H Cleveland Hts, OH 216-932-0952 Pro Sledz, Andrea Anoka, MN 612·935-8638 Pro Slick, Richard R, II Buena Park, CA 714-546-2900 Pro Sliwkowski, Andrew John Sudbury, MA 508-443-2966 Pro Sloan, Bob Delray Beach, FL 407-243-2511 Pro Sloan, Ron

2 1 2


Toronto, Canada

416-481 -0067 Pro Sloane, Sean Glassboro, NJ 609-881 -5429 Master Pro Slobin, Gerald L Bloomfield, CT 203·242· 7176 Pro Slobin, Scolit A New City, NY 914-634-4626 Pro Sloboth, Susan A Omaha, NE 402-551-0918 Pro Slone, Troy Ligonier, IN 219·894-3304 Pro 2 Sluice, Wayne Wilmington, NC 919·256-7625 Pro 1 Smaglik, Robert J Fond Du Lac, WI 414-921-5124 Pro 2 Smalllield, John Ada, Ml 616-942-887 4 Pro 1 Smallwood, Alan Birmingham, AL 205-833-3038 Pro 2 Smart, Paula S Waynesville, NC 704-898-6464 Pro 2 Smigel, David Aaron Naples, FL 813-261 ·5524 Pro 2

Smith, Adele S Lafayette, LA 318-231-1268 Pro 2 Smith, Alison H W Chester, PA 215-696-5848 Pro 2 Smith, Amy K Little Rock, AR Pro 3 Smith, Andrew F Upper Montclair, NJ 201-746-7128 Pro 2 Smith, Andrew J Greensboro, NC Pro 2 Smith, Archie,


Florence, SC 803-665-8536 Pro Smith, Arthur W, Jr Bethlehem, PA 215-865-4599 Pro Smith, Benton G Snowmass Vlg, CO 303-920-8721 Pro 2 Smith, Bill Burlingame, CA 415-343· 1726 Pro 2 Smith, Bohn W San Antonio, TX 210-828-7649 Pro 1 Smith, Brei Vernon, CT 203-677-2489 Pro 1 Smith, Brian S Valrico, FL Pro 3 Smith, Byron D San Diego, CA 619·538-0107 Pro 3 Smith, Catherine B R Douglas, GA ·pro 3 912-384-8775 Smith, Colin S Atlanta, GA 912-439·2293 Pro Smith, Cy Auburndale, FL 813-967-7265 Pro Smith, Darrell Gurnee, IL Pro Smith, David A Bonita Springs, FL 813-598-3300 Pro 3 Smith, David B Marshfield, WI 715-387-2012 Pro Smith, David H Glendale, CA 818-790-4318 Pro


Smith, Deborah W Midland, Ml 517-631·6151 Pro 2 Smith, Diane L Carmel, CA 408-646·411 0 Pro 2 Smith, Donna K Yorba Linda, CA 714-693-9321 Pro 3 Smith, Douglas John Broome, Australia 714· 730·5436 Pro Smith, Edward A Richmond, VA 804-747-7400 Pro Smith, Felix Vinton, LA 318-743-6374 Pro 2 Smith, Frank Tim Banner Elk, NC 704-387-4367 Pro 2 Smith, Frederick B, Jr Topeka, KS 913-267-0079 Pro 2 Smith, Gay Gretchen Scottsdale, AZ 602-256-4120 Pro 2 Smith, Gregory Nevis, West Indies 809-469-9624 Pro 2 Smith, Gregory L Tacoma, WA 206-588-5157 Pro 1 Smith, Gwenevere J

Tempe, AZ 602-731·8381 Pro 2 Smith, H A Kihei, HI 808-879· 1958 Pro 2 Smith, J Matt Skokie, IL 708-679-3336 Pro Smith, Jell T Greenwood, IN 317-785·5411 Pro Smith, Jeffrey D Minneapolis, MN 612-929-8240 Pro 2 Smith, Jellrey L New Orleans, LA 504-895-5403 Pro 3 Smith, Jennifer Cos Cob, CT 203-622-5165 Pro 1 Smith, Joiyn Converse Winston-Salem, NC 919-750-0282 Pro 1

Smilll Smith, Kenneth M Manchester, MA Pro Smith, larry Baltimore, MD 410-467-9124 Pro Smith, Margaret Kihei, HI 808-875-0894 Pro Smith, Mark D Peoria, AZ 602-979-07 48 Pro Smith, Mary Kay Penn Valley, CA 916·432-247 4 Pro Smith, Melinda San Clemente, CA Pro Smith, Melvin R Eagan, MN 612-454-6455 Pro Smith, Michael J W Lafayette, IN 317-743-2868 Pro Smith, Mike Sarasota, FL 813·377-6452 Pro Smith, Neil Chicago, IL Pro 312·664·3859 Smith, Paul N Roeland Park, KS 913-677-4051 Pro Smith, Peggy Pro Mclean, VA Smith, Peter Fresno, CA 209·278-4032 Pro Smith, Peter L Brewster, NY 914·279-8892 Pro Smith, Raymond E San Marcos, CA 619·591-0860 Pro Smith, Robbie Jupiter, FL 407-625·5707 Pro Smith, Robert Palm Desert, CA 619-341·1894 Pro Smith, Ronnie C Tucson, AZ 602-325·8005 Pro Smith, Scott Hermosa Beach, CA 310·372·1662 Pro

2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 1 1 3 2 1


Smith, Scoll P Bloomfield Hills, Ml Pro 2 313-332·9221 Smith, Shannon D Fresno, CA 209-227 ·8405 Pro 3 Smith, Sian Hilton Head Island, Pro 1 sc Smith, Stanton J New York, NY 212-860-2464 Pro 2 Smith, Stephen A Marlton, NJ 609-983-1 026 Pro 2 Smith, Stephen M Boca Raton, FL 407-488·2001 Pro Smith, Timothy D Hyde Park, NY 914-471-4500 Pro Smith, Timothy V Cumming, GA 404-343-8215 Pro Smith, Timothy W Lincoln, MA 617-259·0901 Pro 2 Smith, Travis, Jr Wharton, TX 409-532-1541 Pro 3 Smith, Warren Hoffman Estates, IL Pro 2 312-991·3380 Smith, William M Allen Park, Ml 313-562·1296 Pro 2 Smilhyman, Dan Coral Spnngs, FL 305-344-8857 Pro 2 Smoliak, Rick Jupiter, FL 407-747·6594 Pro 1 Smyth Business Systems Inc Canton, OH 216-499·6392 A!fil Smythe, Tracy J Amelia Island, FL 904-277-5145 Pro 3 Snable, Lori A Modesto, CA 209-577-9791 Pro 2 Snailum, Joe San Angelo, TX 915-658-1664 Pro 2 Sneed, linda K Little Rock, AR 501-227-4242 Pro 1



Snell, Jonathan El Paso, TX 915-833-0078 Pro Sniffen, Michele R Gainesville, FL 904-375-1877 Pro Snively, Darrel D Little Rock, AR 501-455-2110 Pro Snodgrass, Rich l Cape Coral, FL 813-772-0718 Pro Snow, Arthur F Boca Raton, FL 407-482-4428 Pro Snow, Randy Heath, TX 214-771-4430 Pro Snoyer, Scott C Ft Worth, TX 817 ·577-3033 Pro Snyder, Darrel l Wichita, KS 316-722-0470 Pro Snyder, Dean Farmington Hills, Ml 313-788-7849

1 2 1 3 1 2 2 2

Master Pro

Snyder, Julie Millman Northbrook, IL 708·205-1 096 Pro 2 Snyder, Michael E S Portage, Ml Pro 2 616·592-0743 Snyder, Scott A Winter Garden, FL 407 ·656-4387 Pro 2 Snyder, Todd E Brooklyn, NY 718-438-1200 Pro 2 Sobek, Joseph G Greenwich, CT 203·531-7411 Pro 1 Sobotta, Karin L Erie, PA 814-838-9632 Pro 2 Sochin, Paul D Waterbury, CT 203-753-4171 Pro 2 Sochor, Irena Houston, TX 713-440-9151 Pro 2 Sockoiov, Maurice L Yountville, CA 707-944-1801 Pro 1 Soens, Thomas Kenosha, WI 414·553-90 17 Pro 2

Soffa -


Sofia, Jell A Big Rapids, Ml 616-796-6197 Pro 2 Sohaski, Anita Y St Clair Shores, Ml 313-777-3845 Pro 1 Soja, Robert Orlando, FL Pro 3 407-273-3805 Sokolowski, Renie Kew Gardens, NY 212-847-7243 Pro 2 Sola ray, Inc Ogden, UT 801-621-5631 Affil Solari, Jonathan J Lodi, CA 209-334-2430 Pro 2 Soler, Carlos A Duluth, GA Pro 1 404-270-1145 Soliday, Kenneth A Bowie, MD Pro 3 410-749-5119 Soliz, Paul N Tyler, TX Pro 903-531-2473 Solomon, David T Carlsbad, CA 619-438-9111 Pro Solomon, Jeffrey S Boca Grande, FL Pro 2 317-964-2145 Solomon, Rowan H Fremont, CA 51 0-226-8500 Pro 2 Solway, Kenneth Philadelphia, PA 215-242-6730 Pro 3 Somerlield, Phillip A Clarksville, TN 615-553-8963 Pro 2 Somerville, Henry K Honolulu, HI 808-734-2151 Pro 3 Somerville, Jerry Napa, CA 707-226-8771 Pro 2 Somerville, Jim A Marysville, CA Pro 2 Somerville, John W Honolulu, HI 808-734-2151 Pro 1 Sommer, Karl B Centerport, NY 516-364-2727 Pro 3

Sommer, Marilyn Spann, Mark S Woodbridge, CT Haverford, PA 203-397-8614 Pro 2 215-649-5736 Pro 2 Spano, Carole Pitre Sone, Masayoshi Naples, FL Tokyo, Japan 813-262-6075 Pro 2 045-401-7895 Pro 3 Spano, Stephen Soneru, Robert F Brandon New York, NY Naples, FL 718-937-2381 Pro 2 Pro 2 813-262-6075 Sorensen, Bob Spaulding, Lisa B Forest Park, IL Santa Barbara, CA 708-771-9265 Pro 1 805-962-1262 Pro 1 Soriano, John A Speake, A W Seattle, WA Brentwood, TN 206-854-6910 Pro 2 615-373-1033 Pro Sorin, Ryosuke Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Spear, Jonathan C Windham, NY Sorrentino, Andrew T 518-734-6162 Pro W Chester, PA 215-692-7756 Pro 1 Spears, John W Westerly, Rl Sotelo, Richard K 0 401-322-1149 Pro Sacramento, CA 916-392-8937 Pro 2 Speer, John Stamford, CT Solo, Gustavo 203-969-1793 Pro 2 San Jose, Costa Rica Spencer, Nancy E 23-06-84 Pro 1 Champaign, IL Pro 2 Soule, Michael C Spencer, Robert W Albuquerque, NM Louisville, KY 505-898-5232 Pro 2 502-426-2454 Pro 2 Soulis, Mickey J Spencer, Scott Stockton, CA Cardiff, CA 209-477-3333 Pro 3 619-436-7397 Pro 3 Souma, Yuichiro Spiegel, Sharon Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Plainview, NY Sousse, Mauricio 516-692-2849 Pro 2 Irvine, CA Spies, Daniel A 714-546-2900 Pro 3 Encinitas, CA South, AI (Skip) 619-436-3597 Pro 2 Madison, CT Spies, Paul L 203-245-7591 Pro 2 Bradenton, FL South, Gregory Pro 2 813-795-8710 Yuba City, CA Spies, Steven 916-674-5211 Pro 2 Estero, FL Southwick, Lia B Pro 813-992-5959 Sa~ Harbor, NY Spiller, Chip 51 -725-2508 Pro 2 Lake Worth, FL Sowder, Jason R 407-793-7454 Pro Bloomington, MN Spiller, Ernie 612-887-5163 Pro 2 Sun City, FL Pro 813-634-8896 Spangenberg, Kristi lyn Spilman, Bob Boca Grande, FL Memphis, TN 813-964·0880 Pro 2 Pro 901-722-3727 Spinek, Thomas R Spann, linda A Freehold, NJ Galesburg, Ml 908-308-3043 Pro 3 Pro 2 616-665-7124



Spital Spital, David E Boca Raton, FL 407-483-4932 Pro 2 Spooner, Mark R

Bronx, NY 212-884-0897

Pro 2 Spooner, Richard D San Diego, CA 619-486-3670 Pro 2 Sports Psychology Consultant Muir Beach, CA 415-383-0153 Affil Sposa, Edward V N Lauderdale, FL 305-721-4359 Pro 2 Spoulz, Charles G, II Clinton Township, Ml Pro 1 313-886-2944 Spradlin, Christopher Morgantown, WV

304-599-4609 Pro Spradlin, Herb Hamilton, MT 406-363-6387 Pro Sprengelmeyer, Mike Florence, SC 803-667-1166 Pro Sprengelmeyer, Roy Jacksonville, FL 904-268-7394 Pro Springer, Clara J Las Vegas, NV 702-647-5716 Pro Springer, Cory S Daytona, FL 904-254-3603 Pro Springer, Mallhew J Las Vegas, NV 702-647-5716 Pro Sprinkmann, Ted W Bend, WI 414-644-8727 Pro Squires, James C Terrell, TX 214-563-2539 Pro Srivaslva, Sallil

3 2 1 1 1 3 2

Stacey, Laurin

Galesburg, IL 309-344-1369 Pro 3 Slack, Barbara J Columbia, MD Pro 2 301-997-3861

Stacks, Jessie l Raleigh, NC 919-848-4703 Pro 1 Stacy, Stephen R Lakeside Park, KY 606-341-8201 Pro 2 Stafford, Nicole L Chapel Hill, NC 919-967-6619 Pro 2 Stafulli, Robert W Orange, NJ 201-731-1740 Pro 1 Stagg, Christopher Oakland, NJ 201-891-4480 Pro 2 Stahlhuth, Kelly M St Louis, MO Pro 1 314-963-0884 Stahlschmidt, Dave H St Charles, MO 314-849-2327 Pro 2 Stahr, wmiam Erlangen, Germany 499131302168 Pro 1 Staili, Paul L Shrewsbury, MA 401-434-5555 Pro 2 Stalocll, Susie Midland, Ml 517-835-1358 Pro 2 Stamm, Dave Miami, FL

1 3

Coconut Grove, FL

305-358-1234 Srut, Ivan Houston, TX 713-797-9381 Staats, Neal Oceanside, CA 619-757-9190 Stablein, Dan Richfield, MN 612-869-2507

Stacey, Gregory Scott Galesburg, IL 309-344-7350 Pro 1

Pro 2 Pro 2 Pro 1 Pro 3

305-279-1968 Pro 2 Standiford, Larry D Colorado Springs, CO 719-634-1437 Pro 1 Standlee, Scoll San Diego, CA 619-265-1874 Pro 2 Stanfield, Andrew Fairburn, GA 404-969-7973 Pro 1 Stanis, Elizabeth A Plano, TX 214-596-5164 Pro 2 Stankewicz, Timothy S Manitowoc, WI 414-682-6979 Pro 2



Stanley, Brian L Freeland, WA Pro 1 206-321-0420 Stanley, Larry D Modesto, CA Pro 209-529-2446 Stanley, William Glendale, CA 818-242-8832 Pro Slansifer, Gary Albuquerque, NM 505-293-4706 Pro Stanton, Jolin K Washington, DC 202-543-5276 Pro 2 Stanton, Seabury, II Gig Harbor, WA Pro 1 206-365-5710 Stanton, Thomas B Pro 2 La Jolla, CA Stap, Jake St Petersburg, FL 708-945-2915 Pro 1 Staples, Daniel B Middletown, CT 203-635-8210 Pro 3 Stapp, Neal Memphis, TN Pro 1 901-761-2758 Starke, Craig P Oklahoma City, OK Pro 2 405-751-0984 Starr, Robert H Valencia, PA Pro 1 412-443-2628 Start Fitness System Tennis Syosset, NY Alii I 516-496-8320 Stassen, Jeffrey D Pro 1 Dearborn, Ml Slatton, Philip J Hagerstown, MD 301-797-4804 Pro 1 Stearns, Dave

Minnetonka, MN -Pro 612-949-4984 Steams, Stewart P Gansevoort, NY Pro 518-793-0276 Steege, Ron Parker, CO 303-790-7777 Pro Steege, William Clarks Summit, PA 717-586-4030 Pro

1 1

2 1

Steel -


Stenquist, Michael Minneapolis, MN Pro Stephanides, Gregory M Boca Raton, FL 407-997-0881 Pro 2 Stephens, Carlene D Longmeadow, MA 413·567 ·8196 Pro 1 Stephens, James R Riverside, CT 203·637·1435 Pro 1 Stephens, Kim Del Mar, CA Stegeman, Thomas 619-481·6644 Pro Troy, Ml Pro 1 Stephens, Randy Steiger, Arthur R Macon, GA Leroy, IN 912-47 4-5075 219-662-9829 Pro 2 Master Pro Steinbach, David Stephenson, Greg Brookfield, WI Louisville, KY 414· 782-2624 Pro 1 502·452·8312 Pro 1 Steiner, Greg J Sterchi, Eliane B Roseville, MN Colombo, Sri Lanka 612-484-7936 Pro 2 Pro 2 Steinhagen, Deborah Sterett, Barry A Eugene, OR Greenwood, IN 503-343-5905 Pro 2 317-888·1909 Pro Sterk, Robert M Steinhauser, Aaron El Dorado Hills, CA El Cajon, CA 916·684-4724 Pro 2 619-669·0284 Pro 2 Sterthman, Steven C Steinhauser, Paul E O'Fallon, IL White Bear Lake, MN 618·632·1400 Pro 2 Pro 2 Stettner, Richard Steinour, Sidney B Citrus Heights, CA Vineland, NJ 916·729-2434 Pro 2 609·692·8546 Pro 1 Stevens, Donald R, Jr Sleinwedell, Patricia H Bay Village, OH Dallas, TX 216-871-5244 Pro 2 214-404·1915 Pro 2 Stevens, Jim Steiss, Dale M La Quinta, CA Pleasant Ridge, Ml 619·564-3385 Pro 2 313-547-6688 Pro 1 Stevens, Randall L Stem, Tom Millersville, MD Dallas, TX Pro 3 30 1·987·5027 214-828-4155 Pro 2 Stevens, Wendy H Stemmler, Sue Nashville, TN San Antonio, TX 615·352·8209 Pro 1 210·493-5514 Pro 3 Stevenson, G Scott Stening, Roger Hillsborough, NC Hyannis, MA 919-477-4426 Pro 2 508-790-0025 Pro 1 Stevenson, John H Stennes, Erik 0 Indian Harbor B, FL Lake Placid, NY Pro 1 800·282·4584 Pro 3 518·523·281 0

Steel, Francis P Philadelphia, PA 215·247-4700 Pro 2 Steele, Edward B Newport News, VA 804-249-4304 Pro 2 Steele, Kevin G Irvine, CA 714-991-9090 Pro 2 Steele, Paul Simi Valley, CA 805-582-9411 Pro Stelanki, Steve Napa, CA 707-224·1800 Pro


Stevenson, Joseph Coopersburg, PA 215·758·7195 Pro 2 Stever, Sherman R Los Gatos, CA 408-354-8067 Pro 1 Stewart, Charles LaCanada, CA 818· 790-6362 Pro Stewart, David W Mill Valley, CA 415-383·9176 Pro Stewart, Ernest (Buster) Rainbow City, AL 205-442· 7305 Pro 1 Stewart, Forrest Malibu, CA 213·457-4474 Pro 1 Stewart, Pamela Granada Hills, CA 818-368-4205 Pro 1 Stewart, Patricia San Diego, CA 619·793-1834 Pro 2 Stewart, Paula Rainbow City, AL 205-442-7305 Pro 2 Stewart, Robin M San Diego, CA 619-271-6222 Pro 2 Stewart, Scott T Martinez, GA Pro 1 Siewert, Bob Mt Shasta, CA 916-926·5851 Pro 1 St Goar, Dr Walter Brookline, MA 617-232-5775 Pro 2 STI Phoenix, AZ 602·264·3100 Affil Still, Judith A W Palm Beach, FL 407-547-1171 Pro 2 Still, Raymond J Salisbury, MD 301-548-9476 Pro 2 Stillman-Scott, Shelly Encinitas, CA 619· 755-0493 Pro Sliltz, Malt Lake Bluff, IL 708·295·6309 Pro Stilwell, Graham R Falls Church, VA 703-379-6217 Pro 1





Stine Stine, Brad Fresno, CA 209-323-6708 Pro 3 Stine, Muriel M Stow, OH 216-688-7268 Pro 1 Stinedurf, Mark J Scottsdale, AZ Pro 3 602-483-0695 St John, Ronald Naples, FL 813-597-8730 Pro 1 St Martin, Eugene C, Jr Baton Rouge, LA Pro 2 504-343-6760 Stock, Christopher El Paso, TX 915-755-7691 Pro 2 Stock, Sonia F Islamorada, FL 305-664-4122 Pro 2 Stocker, James H Hinsdale, IL 708-654-2762 Pro 1 Stockman, Eric Stockton, CA 209-465-3722 Pro 2 Stockman, Michele K Kirkland, WA 206-455-1616 Pro 2 Stockton, Dick Addison, TX Pro 1 Staley, Kristine Spencer, OH Pro 2 216-722-2473 Stojewa, Dennis V Leucadia, CA 619-943-7182 Pro 2 Stokes, Jay Portland, OR Pro 1 503-257-8244 Stokslad, Paul Johan Fairfield, lA 515-472-0454 Pro 1 Stolle, Fred N Miami Beach, FL 305-932-3196 Pro 1 Stolpe, L Randall Oostburg, WI 414-564-3867 Pro 3 Stone, Craig C Lk Buena Vista, FL 407-239-3600 Pro 2 Stone, Eck N Hollywood, CA 818-909-9132 Pro 2

Stone, John A Sanford, NC Pro 2 919-775-7666 Stone, Marisa Louie San Francisco, CA

415-777-9000 Pro 2 Stone, Michael E Lincoln C:ty, OR Pro 2 503-994-4406 Stoner, Andrew J Tucson, AZ 602-577-1497 Pro 2 Storch, Peter J Scottsdale, AZ 602-894-8482 Pro 2 Storey, H Clinton Granville, OH 614-522-8324 Pro 3 Storey, Stephen Detroit, Ml 313-371-7242 Pro Stormo, Paul J Edina, MN 612-553-1112 Pro Storms, Michael W St Paul, MN 612-450-5420 Pro 2 Storr, Richard A Florence, SC 803-669-3145 Pro 2 Stotz, Jonathan Jasper, GA 706-893-2623 Pro 2 Stout, Barry l Wallingford, VT 802-446-2722 Pro 1 Stout, Dean Maineville, OH 513-932-2200 Pro 3 Strang, Jerry Bellevue, WA 206-643-6852 Master Pro Strassle, James Houston, TX 713-868-3344 Pro 2 Strauss, Ron Mantua, NJ 609-429-1388 Pro 2 Straut, Derek Tempe, AZ 602-730-6465 Pro 2 Straw, Ezekiel A Truckee, CA 916-562-1090 Pro 2 Strawn, Timothy l Roanoke, VA 703-989-7435 Pro 2



Strebel, David Honeoye Falls, NY 716-624-4171 Pro Slrebin, Kathryn Los Gatos, CA Pro 408-395-7116 Streeck, Elliott Metairie, LA 504-885-3017 Pro Street, Chauncey Rochester, NY 716-482-1784 Pro Street, Marvin Shreveport, LA Pro 318-868-1937 Streety, Mike l Luling, TX 210-875-2328 Pro Streiff, Daniel Charlotte, NC 704-542-3001 Pro Strepman, Sergio


2 1 3 1

Humacao, Puerto Rico

809-850-3094 Pro 1 Striegel, Janet M Farmington, CT Pro 2 203-678-9683 Strilller, Steven J Watsonville, CA 408-728-9391 Pro 1 Strode, Charles (Buzz) Haleiwa, HI 808-638-9445 Pro 1 Strombeck, Debbie Santa Ana, CA 714-836-5807 Pro 2 Strombeck, Robert Pierceton, IN

219-269-1540 Pro Strong, Jellrey D Orwigsburg, PA 717-366-2373 Pro Strother, York El Paso, TX 915-747-6660 Pro Struck, William B Okemos, Ml 517-349-1199 Pro Strum, Carrie

3 2 2 1

Plainview, NY

516-932-3109 Pro 2 Strydom, Pieter J Oudishoorn, South Africa 27663223616 Pro 2 Stubbs, Robert D, Jr Miami, FL 305-866-1621 Pro 1

Stuckey -


Stuckey, Sharon Oconomowoc, W! 414-567-9459 Pro Stumm, Susan M Vista, CA 619-438-8330 Pro Sturgess, Bill Flemington, NJ 908-782-7016 Pro Slursma, Doug C Pella, lA 515-628-4928 Pro Stutcher, Kolin Pleasant Ridge, Ml 313-546-6538 Pro Styrmoe, Eric Tucson, AZ 602-577-5888 Pro Stys, Cynthia A Hartford, WI 414-644-8994 Pro Su, Philip Chau Fan Diamond Bar, CA 714-860-1028 Pro Suarez, AI Ft Worth, TX 817-451-8148 Pro Subirats, Elena Cuernavaca, Mexico Pro Suda, Takashi Tokyo, Japan 0476-22-4568 Pro Sudo, Hisayuki Tokyo, Japan 048-736-4073 Pro Sudo, Yulaka Tokyo, Japan Pro Suenaga, Katsumi Tokyo, Japan 0466-48-5913 Pro Suga, Toshihiko Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Sugawara, Michiko Tokyo, Japan Pro Sugawara, Shinya Tokyo, Japan 011-811-1674 Pro Sugaya, Yuji Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Sugiarto, Lila Jakarta, Indonesia 4710371 Pro Sugimoto, Tomoyasu Tokyo, Japan 0427-53-5765 Pro

2 2 1 1 2 2 2

Sugisaki, Takako Tokyo, Japan Pro Sugisawa, Shuichi Ft Pierce, FL 407-489-0783 Pro Sugita, Shunpei Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Sugiuchi, Mitsuki Tokyo, Japan 082-899-4488 Pro Sugiura, Akira Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Sugiura, Hiromi Tokyo, Japan 0476-22-7259 Pro Sugiura, Hiroyasu Tokyo, Japan 053253-9813 Pro

3 3 1 3 2 3 3

Sugiura, Kenichi

2 2 3 2 3 2 3

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Sugiyama, Akira Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Sugiyama, Fumiaki

Tokyo, Japan Pro Sugiyama, Fumihiko Tokyo, Japan 045-531-7266 Pro Sugiyama, Shigeki Tokyo, Japan Pro Suica, Shawnie C Orange, CA Pro 714-939-0636 Suiter, Mark A Tucker, GA Pro 404-992-5798 Sujovolsky, Jack

2 3 3

2 3 3 2 2 2



Leawood, KS 913-491-6948 Pro Sunderland, Tim Los Gatos, CA 408-395-7116 Pro Sunderlin, Drew Ft Washington, PA 215-646-857 4 Master Pro


SUNTENNIS Scottsdale, AZ 602-941-3935


Surampudi, Sudershan



Lansing, Ml 517-485-9614 Pro Sukegawa, Akira Pro Tokyo, Japan Sukegawa, Mieko Pro Tokyo, Japan Sukosky, John M Carrollton, VA 804-238-3844 Pro Sulc, George J Torrance, CA 213-320-1987 Pro Sullens, Terry L Redding, CA Pro 916-224-2260

Sullivan, Beverly A Monroe, CT 203-261-6849 Pro 3 Sullivan, Dan J St Petersburg, FL 813-822-7977 Pro 1 Sullivan, Suzanne I Lahaina, Maui, HI 808-669-0640 Pro 2 Sully, Alphonse V W Orange, NJ 201-736-2181 Pro 2 Sumimoto, Kyoichiro Tokyo, Japan 0797-34-2349 Pro 3 Sumiyoshi, Kazunari Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Sumrow, Kenneth W Plano, TX 214-578-7170 Pro 1 Sunderland, Dexter San Mateo, CA 415-345-9110 Pro 1 Sunderland, Kimberly

2 1 3 2 1 2

Pittsburgh, PA 412-782-2207 Pro 1 Surdick, R Troy State College, PA 814-234-7441 Pro 2 Surko, Paul R Tinnum/Sylt, Germany 49465135224 Pro 2 Susawa, Seiji Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Susz, Paul Miami, FL Pro 2 305-445-2430 Suta, George M Manhattan Beach, CA Pro 3 213-978-2512 Sutherland, Susan Atlanta, GA 404-394-501 0 Pro 1

Sutor Sutor, Lee J Brooklyn, NY 212-594-0554 Sutler, John Danville, CA 415-837-4704 Suttle, Earl L Roswell, GA 404-952-7378 Suurbeek, Astrid Lake Worth, FL 407-642-1961 Suzt.~ki, Akira Tokyo, Japan 047337-8044 Suzuki, Hiromi Tokyo, Japan Suzuki, Keiko Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621

Pro 2 Pro 2 L Pro 1 Pro 2 Pro 3 Pro 2

Suzuki, Masaaki

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Suzuki, Masaru

Tokyo, Japan Suzuki, Satoshi Tokyo, Japan 03-3725-0194

Pro 3 Pro 3

Suzuki, Susumu

Tokyo, Japan 055523-1543 Pro 3 Suzuki, Takeshi Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Tokyo, Japan Pro Suzuki, Yoshihiro Tokyo, Japan Pro Suzuki, Yoshihiro Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Svensson, Ake San Diego, CA 619-667-1245 Pro Swan, Casey S San Jose, CA 40&254-8816 Pro Swanbery, Sharon Atlanta, GA 404-256-5115 Pro

3 3 2 2 1 2

Swanson, Scott R

Minneapolis, MN 612-789-4885 Pro 2

3 2 1

Dingmans Ferry, PA

2 2 2 3 1

Pro 1 Pro 1



Pro 3

Swope, l Franklin Largo, FL Pro 1 Swortfiguer, Andrew C Austin, TX 512-345-9220 Pro 2 Sydnor, Mark E Monterey, CA Pro 1 408-375-1332 Sykes, Marion

Albany, NY 518-434-0680 Pro Sylva, Donald G Bronx, NY 212-882-7506 Pro Symonds, Jacquelin Boca Raton, FL 407-392-0170 Pro Syvrud, Knule New York, NY 55112820577 Pro Szalnicki, Bart G

2 1 3 3

Lawrenceville, GA

Swenson, Karen H


713-437-3723 Pro 2 Switzler, C Brant 717-828-8656

Sweitzer, Tom


Swisher, Vernus C, Jr Houston, TX

Pro 2

Elmhurst, IL 708-932-0925 Pro Swenson, Kenneth E Marshfield, WI Pro 715-387-1249 Swezey, Robert B Northbrook, IL 708-501-2065 Pro Swift, Melba E Ewa Beach, HI 808-499-2407 Pro Swift, William R Decatur, GA 404-378-4023 Pro Swiggart, James M Steamboat Springs,

Pro 2

SwindoU, Keith

Tuscaloosa, AL 205-349-1505 Pro 2

St Lucia, West lndies

Hershey, PA 717-533-5995

Suzuki, Yasushi


Oxford, MS 601-236-7910


303-879-8400 Pro Swanton, Ray Colebrook, CT 203-379-1 097 Pro Swartz, Daniel M New York, NY 212-420-0962 Pro Swartz, Sylvia G Medford, MA 617-391-2923 Pro Sweeney, James K Los Angeles, CA 310-474-6361 Pro Sweeney, Jeffrey M Lenexa, KS Pro Sweet, Drew B Salt Lake City, UT Pro 801-364-2899 Sweet, Steven D Irvine, CA Pro 714-786-3000 Sweetnam, Gary S

Pro 3

Suzuki, Vasuo

Tokyo, Japan 0474-66-7701

Minneapolis, MN Pro 612-861-2087 Swanson-Swiggart, Stacy Steamboat Springs,

809-453-6034 Sweitzer, lise Atlanta, GA 404-261-7913

Suzuki, Tsuneji

Tokyo, Japan 0286-52-0813

Swindell, Sean E Clarksville, TN Pro 2 216-87 4-4230 Swindell, Debbie

Swanson, Warren

Pro 1



404-962-4339 Szakai, Patricia Tampa, FL 813-251-1451

Pro Pro


Szucs, Joseph


Miami Beach, FL 305-866-4421 Pro 1 Szylkiewicz, Jozel Salzburg, Austria


0662-8521003 Pro 2 Szylkiewicz, Peter Salzburg, Austria 0662-8521003 Pro 2 Tabak, Lawrence

Overland Park, KS 913-491-4116 Pro 1 Tabata, Yasuko Tokyo, Japan Pro 3

Tabuchi -


Tabuchi, Hiroshi

Tokyo, Japan 03702-0108 Pro Tacub, Howard S Honolulu, HI 808·395·8313 Pro Tadani, Windy H Honolulu, HI 808·848·0541 Pro Tafoya, Mark Midlothian, VA 804·481·7545 Pro Tagami, Kimiaki Tokyo, Japan 0473-42·2638 Pro Tagami, Myra K Honolulu, HI 808-676· 1423 Pro Tagashira, Eiji Lutz, FL Pro Tagawa, Noriyuki Tokyo, Japan Pro

2 3 2 1

Takahashi, Satoshi Pro Tokyo, Japan Takahashi, Seiichiro Tokyo, Japan 0475-77-3777 Pro Takahashi, Tomoyuki Tokyo, Japan Pro Takahashi, Yasuhiko Tokyo, Japan Pro Takahashi, Yasuo Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro

2 3 3 3 1

Takai, Nobuyasu


Tokyo, Japan Tokyo, Japan

2 3 3

Tagawa, Osamu

Ft Lee, NJ 201 -945· 1835 Pro 2 Taggart, Jerald Hidden Valley, PA 814-443·6454 Pro 1 Tago, Kazuo

Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Taguchi, Nobuyoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Takagi, Mitsuru

Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Takahama, Hiroyuki Tokyo, Japan 0948-72-0888 Pro 1 Takahashi, Hiroshi Tokyo, Japan 0484-66-9734 Pro 3 Takahashi, Hitoshi Tokyo, Japan 0472-42·6587 Pro 2 Takahashi, Kenji Chiba, Japan 0471-34·3030 Pro 3 Takahashi, Manabu Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 043-234·5184 Takahashi, Masato Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Takahashi, Masayuki Tokyo, Japan 011-661 ·7086 Pro 3 Takahashi, Minami Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Takahashi, Mitsuharu Tokyo, Japan Pro 3

Pro 2

Takaishi, Toshihiro

Pro 3

Takakuwa, Junichi

Tokyo, Japan 0427-42-0123 Pro Takamizu, Akitoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro Takamune, Toshihiko Tokyo, Japan 0774-24-4011 Pro Takano, Eiji Tokyo, Japan 0423-62-6207 Pro

3 2 2 3

Takano, Osami

Tokyo, Japan 03·464-6621 Takao, Akihito Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3 Pro 3

Takasawa, Katsumi Tot;~:o, Japan Pro 03· 64-6621 Takase, Kazutoshi Pro Tokyo, Japan Takase, Yuji Tokyo, Japan Pro 03·464-6621 Takashi, Takagi Tokyo, Japan Pro Takashige, Yorihisa Pro Tokyo, Japan Takashima, Akira Tokyo, Japan Pro Takasuka, Shunji Pro Tokyo, Japan Takata, Mariko Tokyo, Japan Pro

3 1 3 3 3 1 3

Pro 3

Takatsuna, Hiroyuki

Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Takayama, Hideki Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2


Takeuchi, Jun

Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Takeuchi, Koh Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Takeuchi, Shohei Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 T akezawa, Hidesuke


Takatsuka, Kazuhisa

Tokyo, Japan

Takayanagi, Nobukazu Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Takebayashi, Alsushi Honolulu, HI 808·946-5666 Pro 3 Takeda, Koichiro Tokyo, Japan 045-662-5716 Pro 3 Takeda, Nobuhiro Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Takeda, Satoshi Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Takeda, Tadashi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Takei, Kazuhiro Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Takei, Kiyohilo Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan T akei, Seigo Santa Monica, CA 213-450·2967 Pro 2 Takekawa, Toshihiko Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Takenouchi, lchiro Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Takeuchi, lchiro Tokyo, Japan Pro 3

Tokyo, Japan Pro 03-645-8921 Takigawa, Masaaki Tokyo, Japan Pro T akimoto, Hiroyuki Tokyo, Japan 0471-55-2614 Pro Ta kyo, Sa ciao Tokyo, Japan 051 -561 -3930 Pro Talbert, Charles Amelia Island, FL Pro 904-261-0050 Tallett, Adelbert La Verne, CA Pro

3 2 3 2 1 2

Tamada, Cosmo

Tokyo, Japan 0596-28-0928

Pro 3

Tarnai, Mari

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 2

Tamai, Masakatsu

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Tamano, Masami

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3


Tamllorelio Tamborello, Joe Houston, TX 813-971-2086 Pro 1 Tammen, Mike Portland, OR 503·643-6426 Pro 2 Tamura, Kazuhiko Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Tamura, Kenji

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Tamura, Naoki Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Tamura, Nobuya Tokyo, Japan 03·464-6621 Tamura, Stan La Quinta, CA 619·771-9409 Tan, Chye Hui


Tan Bock Ann, James Singapore

Pro 3 65-7431843 Tan Eng Kwang, Harry Singapore Pro 3 65-7731633 Taniguchi, Chikao Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 025271·4505 Taniguchi, Yumio Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Tanimoto, A.kihito

Pro Pro Pro 1


4711667 Pro Tan, Song Eng Singapore Pro Tanabe, Toshiyuki Tokyo, Japan Pro Tanaka, Aki Tokyo, Japan 011·513-4941 Pro Tanaka, Eiji Tokyo, Japan 045·593-604 7 Pro Tanaka, Fumihiko Tokyo, Japan Pro Tanaka, Fumiyoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 03-464·6621 Tanaka, Hironori Tokyo, Japan Pro Tanaka, Hiroshi Tokyo, Japan Pro Tanaka, Katsunori Tokyo, Japan Pro Tanaka, Kazuhiro Pro Tokyo, Japan Tanaka, Kenji Tokyo, Japan Pro Tanaka, Norihisa Tokyo, Japan Pro Tanaka, Toru Tokyo, Japan 03-464·6621 Pro Tanaka, Toshimitsu Tokyo, Japan 03-464·6621 Pro Tanaka, Yoshiko Tokyo, Japan Pro

2 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 052-353·8769 Tannenbaum, Bill Tucson, AZ 602-797-0489 Pro 2 Tanner, Ann New Canaan, CT Pro 2 203-972-7324 Tanner, Danny Citrus Heights, CA Pro 3 Tanner, Stephen San Marcos, CA 619-471-9134 Pro 3 Tantalo, Victor Orlando, FL Pro 1 407 ·851· 7334 Tanzawa, Katsumi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Tappan, Mark G El Dorado Hills, CA Pro Tapper, Russell J W Chester, PA Pro 1 215-696·6579 Tarabrella, Timothy J Virginia Beach, VA 804-463·6825 Pro 2 Tarangioli1 George Bronxville, NY 914-738-4389 Pro 2 Tarantino, John M Carmel, CA 408-624·9699 Pro 2 Tarpley, Danny J Vicksburg, MS Pro 2 601·634·0318 Tarwater, Robert R Texarkana, TX Pro 2 Tashiro, Atsushi Tokyo, Japan 0484-42-3482 Pro 2 Tashiro, Tadahiko Tokyo, Japan Pro 3



Tale, Darrell E, LT Pensacola, FL

904-453-44 71 Tatsuishi, Akira Tokyo, Japan 0471·31·3802 Tatsumi, Kazuaki Tokyo, Japan Tatsumi, Makoto Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Tatum, Kim A Newnan, GA 404·304·1994 Tatusko, Mark G Portland, ME 207-781·2922 Taube, Mark R Marina Del Rey,

Pro 2 Pro 3 Pro 3 Pro 1 Pro 2 Pro 2 CA Pro 3

Tauil, Jonahiby New York, NY Pro 516·887-1330 Taul, Jorge Torreon, Mexico Pro 17182030 Taulau, Tama P Kahului, HI 808-667-2525 Pro Taussig, William C Bayside, NY 718·468-7795 Pro ravalli, Yazadegerd Scottsdale, AZ Pro 602·947-7055 Tay, Andrew Kah Su Singapore 65-2253111 Pro Taye, Kinde

3 2 2 2 1 3

Jamaica, NY

516-887-1330 Pro Taylor, Andrea Midland, Ml 517·631-6151 Pro Taylor, Clark R Sherborn, MA 617-769-6200 Pro Taylor, Frank Charlottesville, VA 804-293·5022 Pro Taylor, Greg H Solana Beach, CA 619·755·1388 Pro Taylor, Jim Aspen, CO 303·920·4520 Pro

3 2 1 2 2 2

Taylor- Thomas Taylor, Joel N Canton, CT 203-693-2532 Pro 1 Taylor, Kieran James Gerringong, Australia Pro 2 Taylor, Michael R La Jolla, CA 619-454-6161 Pro 3 Taylor, Norma Newport, Rl 401-849-0829 Pro 2 Taylor, Phyllis T Germantown, TN

901-7 56-5954 Pro Taylor, Roger E Canton, OH 216-488-0636 Pro Taylor, Stewart Knoxville, TN 615-671-3078 Pro Taylor, Thomas R Cadillac, Ml 616-775-8973 Pro Taylor, Victor G Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 904-285-8000 Pro

2 2 3

Temple, David P Kehei, HI 808-879-1958 Pro 3 Temple, Ken San Diego, CA 619-283-5667 Pro Templeton, Arthur (Tig) Wesley Chapel, FL 813-973-8550 Pro 2 Tenney, Weston

Austin, TX 512-339-1992 Pro 1 Tennille, Wilson R Atlanta, GA 404-992-4851 Pro 1 Tennis Insights, Inc

Boca Raton, FL 407.7 50-9465 Tennis Joint Inc Wilmington, DE 302·996-5520

Affil Club

Tennis, Steven E


Teague, Everett J

Tallahassee, FL 904-877-3950 Pro 2 Tebon, Felicia

Boca Raton, FL 305-753-3188 Pro 2 Teeter, Annette Stoughton, MA 617-344-3093 Pro 3 Tedesco, Daniel E Torrington, CT Pro 3 203-489-5660 Tedjamukti, Deddy Jakarta, Indonesia Pro 3 021-7364417 Tejeda, David Dallas, TX 214-484-6810 Pro 2 Tekenbroek, Roland Atlanta, GA 404-237-2777 Pro 2 Teller, Alan E Salinas, CA 408-484-1112 Pro 2 Temma, Yukilaka Tokyo, Japan Pro 1 Temoleew, Gregory G Park Forest, IL 708-748-0908 Pro 2

Turlock, CA 209-634-0844 Tennis Week New York, NY 212-808-4750

Pro 2

Texas Pro Tennis Association

Austin, TX 512-445-0505


Texas Tennis

Association Affil Austin, TX Tezuka, Yuji Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Tham, Chun Shing Singapore 65-8612811 Pro 3 Thanas, Tony

Anderson, IN 317-642-2528 Pro 1 Thatcher, Michael T McAllen, TX 210-682-3459 Pro 3 Thaxton, King Palm Beach, FL 407-659-0795 Pro Theile, Trey St Petersburg, FL 813-360-3504 Pro Thein, Kurt W


Miami, FL 305-358-6965

Pro 1

Tennison, Joel S

Thies, David

Crystal Lake, IL 815-455-2248 Pro 2 Tensar Structures, Inc Akron, NY Affil 716-542-5888 Teoh, Kim Lock Singapore 4557723 Pro 2 Terada, Toshiki Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Teranaka, Yoshinari Tokyo, Japan 0721-93-5801 Pro 3 Terao, Miho Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Tereda, Takashi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Tessier, R J Boca Raton, FL 407·997-8435 Master Pro Tesla, Joseph C Toluca Lake, CA 818-985-9013 Pro 2 Tetsuyama, Fumio Tokyo, Japan 03-533-2749 Pro 2

Phoenix, AZ 602-493-1079 Pro Thiels, Daniel F Jacksonville, FL 904-221-0177 Pro Thigpen, R A (Rudy) Shreveport, LA Pro 318-635-1943 Thorn, Richard L Winter Haven, FL 813-324-7019 Pro Thomas, A Rhys Groveland, MA 617-326-1675 Pro Thomas, Adolph Lexington, MA 617-862-3087 Pro Thomas, Alicia C (Terry) Honolulu, HI 808-923-2125 Pro Thomas, Brian Binghamton, NY 607-771-8119 Pro Thomas, Catherine Phoenix, AZ Pro 602-789-9791


1 3 2 2 2 1

3 2 1


Thomas Thomas, Dawn M Newark, DE 302-368-9283 Pro 2 Thomas, Derek L London, Canada 519-471-6430 Pro Thomas, Gwyneth Shaker Heights, OH 216-381-5497 Pro Thomas, Harrell R Jacksonville, FL 904-354-5316 Pro 1 Thomas, Huey San Francisco, CA 415-550-8767 Pro 3 Thomas, Jeffrey A Lancaster, OH 614-653-5090 Pro 1 Thomas, John M Menlo Park, CA 415-321-2572 Pro 1 Thomas, John R McHenry, IL 815-385-4822 Pro 2 Thomas, Linda Rupert Houston, TX 713-461-4506 Pro Thomas, Lloyd H, Jr Winchester, MA 617-729-1011 Pro 1 Thomas, Mark Randell San Diego, CA 619-475-3111 Pro 2 Thomas, Paul M Indianapolis, IN 317-844-3411 Pro 1 Thomas, Raymond L, Jr Charlotte, NC 704-366-9836 Pro 2 Thomas, Rosemarie l Beaverton, OR 503-690-2846 Pro 1 Thomas, Shannon R Buckhannon, WV 304-473-7184 Pro 2 Thomas, Timothy A Richland, WA Pro Thomas, Timothy J Houston, TX 713-524-3318 Pro 1 Thompson, Chandra L Carmel, CA 408-372-6080 Pro 2 Thompson, David Rork Seattle, WA 206-778-3546 Pro 2

Thompson, Dick Ft Lee, NJ

201-947-0715 Pro 1 Thompson, Edward H Houston, TX 713-861-0730 Pro 3 Thompson, Fred B, Ill Honolulu, HI

808-524-5551 Pro 2 Thompson, Jack Arroyo Grande, CA 805-481-6908 Pro 2 Thompson, James B Anderson, SC 803-231-2097 Pro 1 Thompson, James C New York, NY 212-755-5315 Pro 2 Thompson, Jeff E Glen Cove, NY 516-67 4-3200 Pro 2 Thompson, John D Boone, NC 704-265-0733 Pro Thompson, Joseph Golden, CO 303-278-1130 Master Pro Thompson, Mary Sioux Falls, SD 605-339-2048 Pro 3 Thompson, Nate A Brookings, SD Pro 1 Thompson, William C Wesley Chapel, FL 813-973-4410 Pro 2 Thompson, William R Seattle, WA Pro 1 206-546-6265 Thomsen, John W Wauwatosa, W!

Pro 2 414-786-7555 Thomson, Arthur R Englewood, CO 303-690-3202 Pro 1 Thomson, Garth W Florence, SC Pro 3 803-669-5139 Thomson, Hugh Huntsville, AL Pro 1 205-883-2852 Thorne-Thomsen, Roger Stratton Mountain, VT 802-297-1696 Pro 1 Thornton, Craig Madison, WI 608-266-6075 Pro 2



Thrasher, Andrew J Lake Charles, LA 318-747-6595 Pro 3 Thuot, Stephen M Millville, MA 508-883-7999 Pro 2 Thurm, Andrew Santa Monica, CA

Pro 213-559-7 684 Thurman, Roger S Grosse lie, Ml Pro 313-283-8400 Thurston, Peggy L Grapevine, TX 817-488-8412 Pro Tibbetts, Dan C Corona Del Mar, CA 714-760-6026 Pro Tiberg, Michael W La Habra, CA 31 0-697-8363 Pro Tiberio, Henry Beverly, MA Pro 617-922-1678 Tidball, Sleven Bethesda, MD Pro 301-365-0065 Tierney, James Deerfield Beach, FL Pro 305-480-4422 Tierney, James E Danbury, CT 203-7 43-4173 Pro Tierney, Kevin M Ocean City, MD 404-875-5511 Pro Tierney, Michael W Woodbridge, VA 703-491-4126 Pro Tillin, Cynthia Ann W Palm Beach, FL 407-697-9979 Pro Tiffin, Steven Woodbridge, CA 916-649-0909 Pro Tiley, Craig S Champaign, IL 217-355-0044 , Pro Tilley, Brell B Los Gatos, CA Pro Tillman, Gregory l Houston, TX 713-980-2255 Pro Tillman, Sharon Nashville, TN 615-385-0336 Pro

1 1 2 2

3 2 2 2 2

2 1

Tilma -


Tilma, Timothy P Conway, SC 803-347-0734 Pro 2 Tilmanis, Gundars Portland, OR Pro 3 503-644-2812 Tilton, Art Carlsbad, CA 619-438-0434 Pro 1 Timandra Inc New York, NY 212-868-3145 Affil Timmer, Jeff Dayton, OH 513-898-5260 Pro 2 Tinham, Clay A Livonia, M! 313-476-3246 Pro 1 Tinkey, Michael Hilton Head Island,

Toll, Mickey C Tong, Vincent Lewes, DE Singapore 302-645-6929 Pro 2 4490785 Pro 2 Tongu, Tamaki Tom, Denise T Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 El Cerrito, CA 415-232-4983 Pro Tonjes, Jeffrey C Albuquerque, NM Tom, Richard 505-268-5023 Pro 1 Wheatley Hts, NY 516-643-9151 Pro Tookes, Allison K Oak Park, Ml Tomberlin, Gregg 313-577-4280 Pro 3 W Harrison, NY Toole, Mary E 914-949-4639 Pro Chicago, IL Tomioka, Kohei 312-791-0462 Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Pro Topliss, Marlin P Tomioka, Shinya Ann Arbor, Ml Tokyo, Japan 313-662-5514 Pro 2 03-464-6621 Pro Topps, Charles A Tomioka, Takashi Winter Park, FL Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan 407-678-3407 Pro 3 Tomita, Hitoshi Torisu, Kotaro sc Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan 803-686-5588 Pro 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Torrance, Dr Shelby F Tipton, Scolt R Tomitsuka, Hirohiko Yorktown, TX Pro 1 Edmond, OK Tokyo, Japan 405-341-9300 Pro 2 0473-26-5163 Pro 2 Torrance, Susan Shelby Tjon-A-Joe, Gerald S Tomizawa, Nobuyoshi Corpus Christi, TX Corpus Christi, TX Tokyo, Japan Pro 1 512-992-3102 Pro 1 512-991-6604 Pro 2 Tomko, Donald J Torrence, Julie Tng, Richard T H Bedford Heights, OH Chicago, IL Singapore 216-987-2075 Pro 2 312-769-1283 Pro 2 64-2585788 Pro 3 Tomlin, Marc L Torres, Edward A Tobin, Paul Lake Mary, FL Neptune City, NJ Plantation, FL 407-324-4845 Pro 2 908-77 4-5149 Pro 1 305-424-0698 Pro 2 Tomlinson, AI R Torricelli, Paul Teder, Bonnie M Santa Clara, UT Wilmette, IL E Meadow, NY 801-67 4-1828 Pro 2 312-251-9269 Pro 2 516-421-0040 Pro 2 Tomlinson, Breit W Torroni, Edward A Tohmatsu, Makiko Lubbock, TX Naples, FL Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 806-794-4446 Pro 2 Pro 1 813-263-0165 Tokida, Takashi Tompkins, George J Totani, Akio Tokyo, Japan Silver Spring, MD Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 025543-4461 Pro 3 Pro 2 Totman, Bryan 301-384-0772 Tokuda, Sumitaka Tompkins, Jim Marstons Mills, MA Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Indianapolis, IN 508-420-4322 Pro 2 317-298-9287 Pro 2 Tovar, Phil Tokuhiro, Hitoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Toms, Clifford W Smithville, TX Tokumaru, Yutaka W Columbia, SC 512-873-3075 Pro 3 Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan 803-641-7974 Pro 3 Towner, Wesley C Tokunaga, Kunji Tonegawa, Masanobu Sarasota, FL Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan 813-924-8804 Pro 2 0423-71-6175 Pro 3 Townsend, C Stuart, II Toler, Susan Brandon, MS Tonegawa, Yuka Huntingburg, IN 601-825-4221 Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Pro 2 812-683-3854 foley, George Toney, Reedy Townsend, Mark Los Angeles, CA Kingsport, TN Miami Beach, FL 213-270-4861 Pro 1 615-245-2481 Pro 3 305-531-7087 Pro 2


Townsend Townsend, Mark N W Chester, PA 215-399-0827 Pro 2 Toy, Donald ian Steamboat Springs,


303-879-1828 Toya, Shinya Tokyo, Japan

Pro 2 Pro 2

Toyama, Yukihiro

Tokyo, Japan 0573-28-2182 Pro 3 Toyotome, Shunichi Tokyo, Japan 0954433307 Pro 2 Trabert, Brooke Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 904-285-6400 Pro Trabert, Tony Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Pro 1 904-285-4362 Han Trach, Mark H Strasburg, PA 717-687-8760 Pro 1 Tracy, Leslie D Gilbert, AZ Pro 2 602-892-2224 Trager, Richard El Taro, CA 714-454-2181 Pro 3 Tran, Ton D San Jose, CA Pro 1 408-629-2967 Travers, C J

Berlin, MD 301-289-0140 Pro Travis, Tim D Tempe, AZ 602-921-4235 Pro Travnicek, Robert G Long Beach, MS 601-863-5020 Pro Trawick, Roy Keith Tuscaloosa, AL 205-556-7032 Pro Traylor, Gordon N New Orleans, LA 504-524-4455 Pro TrestraiJ, James C Gilbert, AZ 602-892-5363 Pro Trethewey, Susan Dumont, NJ 201-385-2224 Pro

2 2 1 2 1 2

Treves, Peter l Monterey, CA 408-648-3129 Pro 2 Trice, William E Pompano Beach, FL 405-488-6996 Pro t Trimble, Todd D Pro 1

Trowbridge, Keena M Sandpoint, ID Pro 2 208-263-7382 Trowbridge, Rob Nashua, NH Pro 1 603-883-1734 Troy, Wendell, Jr Atlanta, GA Pro 2 404-634-9602


Trstenjak, Mario

Pleasanton, CA

510-484-8240 Trinchitella, John Cullman, AL 205-734-4566 Trinity, John J Maplewood, NJ 201-761-7649

Pro 2 Pro 1

Triolo, Jim M

Menlo Park, CA 415-851 -0293 Pro Triplett, Mark W Loomis, CA Pro 916-652-5171 Tripp, Edward J Germantown, MD 301-916-3887 Pro Tripp, Stephen C Gaithersburg, MD 301-330-3489 Pro Trivette, Charles


2 2

Pro 3 Pro 1

Troll, Eric

Palos Verdes Estates, CA 213-541-0557 Pro 1 Trombetta, Todd M Hallandale, FL 305-920-0061 Pro 3 Trondson, Thomas L Hermosa Beach, CA 213-372-4401 Pro 2 Tresch, Alexander M W Hollywood, CA 213-876-7249 Pro 3 Trost, Bradley J Aliens Park, CO 303-747-2672 Pro Troutman, Beverly Ann Elkhart, TX 903-764-5161 Pro 2 High Point, NC 91 9-869-0333


Tsubura, Katsuaki

Pro 2

Tsuchino, Masayoshi

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 2

Tsuchiya, Hiroshi

Troutman, Mark T


Winnipeg, Canada 204-488-4480 Pro 1 Trump, John Libertyville, IL Pro 1 708-918-7860 Trupp, Susan L Simpsonville, SC 803-967-7638 Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan


Greensboro, NC

919-275-8462 Trogolo, Robert Austin, TX 512-261-7222


Pro 1

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Tsuchiya, Yoshio

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Tsui, Frank Wai Tong Elmhurst, NY Pro 2 718-632-8228 Tsui, Kenneth K C Victoria, Canada 604-721-4954 Pro 1 Tsuji, Masaru

Tokyo, Japan 048-837-3210

Pro 3

Tsujii, Keitaro

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Tsukinowa, Masao

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Tsuneta, Yuzuru

Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 022-231-8607 Tsuyuki, Toshiyuki Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Tucker, Henry (Sandy) Arlington, VA 703-548-531 1 Pro 2 Tucker, James

Lakewood, CO Pro 3 303-988-2314 Tucker, Raymond Brooklyn, NY Pro 1 718-238-3880 Tucker, Tracy Hanalei, HI 808-826-4038 Pro 2

Tudor -

US Racquet Stringers Association

Tudor, Richard Gardnerville, NV Pro 702-265-7130 Tuft, Kevin Evanston, IL 708-328-3164 Pro Tukachinsky, Brian Big Rapids, Ml 616-592-9767 Pro Tunnell, Lori L, PhD Sacramento, CA 916-924-3090 Pro

2 2 2 3

Tuomi, Karen

Spokane, WA 509-624-6838

Pro 2

Turdo, Christina E

Atlantis, FL 407-433-5226 Pro Turek, Lynette Houston, TX 713-271-0001 Pro Turman, Stephen Cincinnati, OH Pro Turner, Brian J San Diego, CA Pro 619-274-4630 Turner, Carl B Naples, FL Pro Turner, Deborah A Escondido, CA Pro 619-486-3670


Twer, Kevin Matthew

Uesugi, Masanori

Irvine, CA Pro 2 714-857-8222 Twitchell, Rodger Standish, ME 207-892-2082 Pro 1 Tym, Alice McDonald, TN 615-238-9032 Master Pro Tym, Bill Nashville, TN 615-297-3340 Master Pro Tyras, Conrad W Syosset, NY 516-921-5635 Pro 2 Tyrrell, William J New Providence, NJ 908-277-0100 Pro Tzianabos, Peter T Hilton Head Island,

Tokyo, Japan Uetani, Mikio Tokyo, Japan Uglem, Wayne S Sheboygan, WI 414-452-0317 Uhlik, Kim S Ravenna, OH 216-297-9329 Ujiie, Toshihiro Tokyo, Japan 0427-82-8203 Uke, Kazushige Tokyo, Japan Ukon, Kenso Tokyo, Japan Ullman, Mark W Parma, OH 216-842-2010 Ulrich, Shawn E Bedford, TX Underhill, Bill Deland, FL 904-734-6418


2 2

803-785-1152 Uchida, Hiroya Tokyo, Japan Uchida, Kazumi Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621

Pro 2 Pro 3 Pro 2

Uchida, Osamu


Turner, Rennie T

Ocean City, MD Pro 1 410-524-8337 Turner, Shirley Y Leawood, KS 913-338-1443 Pro 3 Turner, William R

Houston, TX 713-526-4468 Pro 1 Turnipseed, Larry Austin, TX 512-261-5251 Pro 3 Turns, Peggy L Palmyra, PA Pro 3 717-533-3126 Turrin, David

Breckenridge, CO 303-453-0390 Pro Turville, Edward A St Petersburg, FL 813-895-1947 Pro 1 Hon Turville, Larry Houston, TX 713-527-4077 Pro 2

Tokyo, Japan Pro 03-480-7724 Uchihashi, Shinji Tokyo, Japan Pro Uchizaki, Yukio Tokyo, Japan Pro 0534-56-2958 Uddo, Connie New Orleans, LA Pro 504-486-6048 Ueda, Kokichi Pro Tokyo, Japan

2 3 3 2 3

Ueda, Kozo

Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Ueda, Nobukazu Tokyo, Japan Pro 1 Uekita, Hirofumi

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Ueno, Akihiro

Tokyo, Japan Ueno, Sadae Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3 Pro 1 Pro 1 Pro 3 Pro 2 Pro 3 Pro 1 Pro 3 Pro 3

Underwood, Christine

Lexington, KY Pro 1 606-271-3555 Underwood, Steven B Syracuse, NY Pro 1 Unes, Roger

New Orleans, LA 504-891-2083 Pro 2 Ungar, William F Mentor, OH Pro 2 216-953-0017 Unger, Jeffry S Urbana, IL 217-344-0936 Pro 1 Unno, Hiroki

Tokyo, Japan 0561-62-6549

Pro 2

Uno, Naoki

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 0467-83-9519 Upton, Daniel M Los Angeles, CA Pro 3 Uruma, Fujio

Pro 1

Tokyo, Japan 052-803-1223

Pro 2

Urzua, Victor H

Ueno, Yoshio

Tokyo, Japan 03-622-8406 Pro 3 Uenoyama, Shoji Tokyo, Japan Pro 2


Pro 2

Pro 3

Wayne, PA Pro 1 US Racquet Stringers Association Del Mar, CA 619-481-3545 Affil

Usami Usami, Motoaki Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 025-263-7342 Ushakoli, Lucille J Seaside, CA Pro 2 408-372-0172 Usher, Donald K, Jr Gloucester, MA 508-283-1426 Pro 1 Ushiyama, Toyohiko Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 USTA National League Administration Princeton, NJ Affil Usui, Masanori Tokyo, Japan 03-464·6621 Pro 2 Uthgenannt, Eric B Ellington, CT Pro 2 203-646-8860 Uthgenannt, Ernie Ellington, CT 203-875-3131 Pro 1 Utsumi, Daisuke Tokyo, Japan 0794-43-6846 Pro 3 Utsumi, Sumiyo Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Utsuno, Nobuo Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Uttley, Craig B Winter Park, FL 407-628-3162 Pro 3 Vaage, Jell L W Des Moines, lA 515-225-2696 Pro 2 Vacchina, Michael X Phoenix, AZ Pro 1 602-973-1641 Valanos, Gus C Mathews, VA 804· 725-9646 Pro 2 Valastro, David Valencia, CA 805-254-8922 Pro 2 Valenti, Helen M Wallingford, CT 203-265-0523 Pro 2 Valentine, Alice St Petersburg Beach, FL 813-896-2333 Pro 1 Valentine, Glenn John Pittsburgh, PA 412-343-4525 Pro 2 Valiotis, Dimitrios Irvine, CA 714-551-6011 Pro 2

Val!andigham, Jill W Boca Raton, FL 407-362-0837 Pro 3 Vallejo, Louis Floral Park, NY 516-489-9005 Pro 2 Valieriano, Gary Dalton, GA 404-259-9524 Pro 2 VanAllen, Bruce J Scottsdale, AZ Pro 1 602-947-8991 VanBeuzekom, Roderic E Orlando, FL Pro 2 Van Beverhoudt, Edward Stratford, CT 203-378-4639 Pro Van Camp, Gary Cape May Ct Hse, NJ 609-465-2297 Pro 3 VanCronkhite, Janice Norcross, GA 404-446-3266 Pro 2 Van Daalen, Marlin C Wesley Chapel, FL 813-996-3537 Pro 1 Van De Hey, Thomas E Greeley, CO Pro 2 Van Deinse, Bill Scottsdale, AZ 208-622-9281 Pro 1 Van Deinse, Paul A Belleville, IL 618-398-3867 Pro 2 van den Boom, P Wynand Haines City, FL 813-325-8481 Pro 2 Van Den Hoogen, Eric Aruba

39000-141 Pro 2 Vander Berg, Paul Fredericksburg, VA 703-371-0608 Pro 2 Vanderheiden, Brian T Scottsdale, AZ 602-991-4146 Pro 3 Van Der linden, Dirk Palo Alto, CA 415-493-4202 Pro 1 Van Der Meer, Dennis Hilton Head Island,


Van Poortviiel

VanDerSchans, Peter R Irving, TX Pro 2 214-401·3507 Van Der Wal, Ronald Oklahoma City, OK 405-478-0173 Pro VanDis, Jeffrey M Battle Creek, Ml Pro 616-962-8734 Van Dover, Arthur S Incline Village, NV Pro 2 702-831-7175 Van Dusen, Michael 0 Columbia, MD 410-547-3170 Pro 1 Vane, Rober! Castle Santa Margarita, CA 805-438-4323 Pro 2 Van Gerpen, James D Sioux Falls, SO 605-582-3211 Pro 2 Van Glabek, William A Marco Island, FL Pro 2 813-642-6779 Van Handel, John Pro 1 Morrison, CO Van Ueshout, James R Madison, NJ 201-377-3657 Pro 2 Van Lieshout, William Oshkosh, WI 414-233-6156 Pro 1 Van Lingen, Peter Brentwood, TN Pro 2 615-352-8500 Van Meter, Stephen Mountlake Terra, WA 206-774-7755 Pro 2 Van Middlesworth, Charles Timonium, MD 301-252-0410 Pro Vann, Milton S, Jr Wilmington, NC

919-452-3781 Pro 2 Van Nostrand, Marion M Lexington, MA 617-862-5387 Pro 2 Van Pelt, Bill L Sacramento, CA 916-444-8938 Pro 2 Van Poorlvliet, Dennis


Westampton, NJ



Pro 1

Pro 3

Van Rensburg -


Van Rensburg, Andre J Coral Gables, FL 305-665-0963 Pro 1 Vanthol, Robert Newport Beach, CA Pro 2 714-432-9848 Van Zutphen, Michael Phoenix, AZ 602-997-2543 Master Pro Varela, Luis F Athens, GA Pro 1 Vargas, Carlos R Las Cruces, NM 505-522-2639 Pro 1 Vargas, Jaime E Columbia, MO 314-445-6918 Pro Varn, Dewey J Greenville, SC 803-246-1817 Pro Varoski, Albin, Jr Marco Island, FL 813-394-2842 Pro Varricchio, John A Baldwin, NY 516-378-4847 Pro 2 Vasconcellos, Fabio Dorado Beach, Puerto Rico Pro 3 Vassas, Raymond J, II Massillon, OH 216-494-5494 Pro 2 Vaughan, Kenneth Tucson, AZ 602-297-4758 Pro 1 Vaughan, Michael D Ft Lauderdale, FL 407-488-6996 Pro 2 Vaughan, Sieve Naples, FL 813-649-1696 Pro Vaughan, Steve R Gresham, OR Pro Vaughn, Gary B Painesville, OH 216-639·1 009 Pro 2 Vaughn, Jean Carder Birmingham, AL 205-823-7393 Pro 2 Vavala, Vincent Munchen, Germany 089-567-159 Pro Vaynberg, Larisa W Orange, NJ 908-634-5000 Pro

Vazquez, Norberta (Tito) Ponce, Puerto Rico 809-259-7676 Pro 3 Veal, Andrew J Nashville, TN 615-831-3900 Pro 1 Vecera, David S Omaha, NE 402-498-3511 Pro Veillette, Brian Rochester, Ml 313-332-9221 Pro Veillette, Jodi Miami, FL 305-382-7236 Pro 1 Velasco, Fernando M Savannah, GA 912-598-8971 Master Pro Velasco, Max, Jr Wahiawa, HI 808-622-2567 Pro 2 Velasco, Michael Santa Cruz, CA Pro 3 Velasco, Robert Chicago, IL 312-944-3202 Pro 2 Velez, Roberto E Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico 809-764-2946 Pro 3 Ventress, Andy Orland Park, IL 312-479-1146 Pro 1 Ventress, Jody Ann Tinley Park, IL 312· 779-8118 Pro 2 Ventress, Tena Ann Tinley Park, IL 708-799-2183 Pro 1 Verde, John Dallas, TX 214-475-0888 Master Pro Verde, Marc H Gaithersburg, MD 301-417-9083 Pro 2 Verdi, Thomas L Warren, VT 802-583-2605 Pro Verebey, Marc A River Vale, NJ 201-930-8566 Pro Vermaak, Yvonne Chicago, IL 312-975-9508 Pro 1



Verstraeten, Jan R Deerfield Beach, FL 305-360-7310 Pro 2 Vetter, Rick Mequon, WI 414-241-4250 Master Pro Veyssi, Maziar Watertown, MA 617-923-4751 Pro 2 Vezina, Tamara Anne Antrim, NH 603-588-8018 Pro Viancos, Fred Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 904-273-0064 Pro 3 Vick, Diane A Marietta, GA 404-977-2330 Pro 2 Vickery, Byron l Venice, FL 813-484-6992 Pro 1 Vidamour, James H Palm Coast, FL 904-446-6360 Pro 1 Vieira, Armando Sao Paulo, Brazil Pro

Vieira, G luiz Sarasota, FL Pro 813-955-8645 Vieira, Peter T Newington, CT Pro 203-666-5756 Vigar, Rob Miamisburg, OH 513-294-0561 Pro 2 Vigil, John I Sebastopol, CA 707-823-0636 Pro 2 Vila, Jorge More!os, Mexico 73-134900 Pro 1 Villarroel, Cesar J Howey in the Hills, FL 904-324-3101 Pro 1 Villucci, Valerie A Cranston, Rl 401-943-5840 Pro 2 Vines, Jean B Naples, FL 813-261-6990 Pro 2 Vines, Mark Richmond, VA 804-282-0624 Pro 2

Vinokur Vinokur, Martin Mamaroneck, NY 203-964·1939 Pro Vinson, Jack W Orlando, FL 407·295-6958 Pro 2 Vinson, John B Miramar, FL 305-652·2866 Pro 2 Violette, Joseph D, Jr Pinehurst, NC 919·582-5189 Pro 1 Viragh, Heile Mill Valley, CA 415·381-2710 Pro 1 Vogel, Daniel (Rocket) Davenport, lA Pro 3 Vogelgesang, Waldemar H Summerland Key, FL 305-745·1189 Pro 3 Voges, Eric K Chattanooga, TN 615·624·8300 Pro 1 Vogl, Michael H Missouri City, TX 713-261-2084 Pro 2 Vogl, Amy M Phoenix, AZ Pro 2 602-438-2316 Vogt, Judith D Princeton, NJ Pro 1 609·924-4343 Vogt, Steven W W San Francisco, CA 415·563·2972 Pro 2 Volin, James (Jamie) Sioux Falls, SD 605·332-7693 Pro 2 Voikova, Milena Marathon, FL Pro 2 Volpe, A George Newton, MA Pro 1 617·965·1530 Volsteedt, John V New York, NY 212·489·6102 Pro 2 VonCannon, Bruce Hong Kong 852·540·4810 Pro 1 Vonderheyde, Anders G Milford, CT 203-255-5734 Pro VonHammerstein, Herbert Santa Maria, CA 805·937-7779 Pro 2

Voors, Ann Miami Beach, FL 305-861·9161 Pro 2 Vordermeier, Alan Ft Lauderdale, FL 305-561-4359 Pro 2 Vorhees, Stephen L Menifee, CA 714-679·6241 Pro 2 Vorheis, Cary Iowa City, lA 319-354-8692 Pro 2 Vorwerk, Leo Jacksonville, FL Pro Vosburgh, Bryan L Birmingham, Ml 313-642· 7951 Pro Voydat, Nina K Agoura Hills, CA 818-880-8293 Pro 2 Vozenilek, Elizabeth H Richmond, VA 804-285-7875 Pro 2 Vozenilek, Tom Richmond, VA 804-285·7875 Pro

Vrana, leo E Vacaville, CA 707-446-9143 Pro Vroom, Larry Princeton Junction, NJ 609-799-2174 Pro 1 Vrooman, Angelika C Oroville, CA 916-534-7551 Pro 1 Vrzal, Paul D W Bloomfield, Ml 313-851-1749 Pro 2 Vuille, Samuel S St Petersburg, FL 813-864-2624 Pro 2 Wada, Hiromasa Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Wada, Shun Yokohama, Japan 045-891-2719 Pro 3 Wada, Toshiya Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Wada, Yumiko Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Waddell, Brian Spring, TX 713-251-1914 Pro 3 Wadsworth, Barry J S Hadley, MA 413-549·8154 Pro 2



Wagner, Chuck Atlanta, GA 404-939-4470 Pro Wagner, Lorna L C Strongsville, OH 216-327-2114 Pro Wagner, Robert Roslyn Heights, NY 516-626-0032 Pro Wagner, Sharon San Antonio, TX 210-657-3388 Pro Wagner, Steven B (Steve) Monterey. CA 408-372-2414 Pro Wagstalf, Jell S Pittsford, NY 716·334-8897 Pro Wagstall, Kenneth R Sarasota, FL 813·921-6675 Pro Wagstaff, Robert Hot Springs Vii, AR 501·922·3582 Pro Wahl, Wayne P Eden Prairie, MN 612·934-0777 Pro Wahlberg, John S Baton Rouge, LA 504·769-5611 Pro Wahlgren, David S W Chester, PA 215-768-4040 Pro Wai, Winston Chung Richmond Hill, Canada 416-883-9326 Pro Waid, Richard L Norcross, GA 404-446-8219 Pro Waidelich, Alan W Bronxville, NY 914-779-5873 Pro Waintrup, Daniel Marlborough, MA 508-481-2873 Pro Wakabayashi, Takekatsu Tokyo, Japan Pro Wakaizumi, Hisashi Tokyo, Japan Pro Wakamatsu, Masao Tokyo, Japan Pro Wakatsuki, Katsumi Tokyo, Japan 03-608-1956 Pro

2 2 2 2

3 3

2 2 2

3 2 3 3 3 3

Wakefield -


Wakefield, Steve Indianapolis, IN 317-842-2862 Pro Wakita, Yoshiaki Tokyo, Japan 0582-45-9441 Pro 3 Wakizaka, Keiko Tokyo, Japan 0138-55-0577 Pro 2 Walburn, Shawn D St Louis, MO 314-849-2327 Pro 1 Waldman, Paul New York, NY Pro 1 Waldman, Polly N Tarrytown, NY Pro 1 Waldrop, Susan H B Ann Arbor, Ml 313-662-5649 Pro 2 Walker, Carl E St Louis, MO 314-961-8979 Pro 1 Walker, Charles Shreveport. LA 318-688-2167 Pro 3 Walker, Cindy Little Rock, AR 501-376-7611 Pro 2 Walker, Daryl (Buddy) Davie, FL 305-652-7260 Pro 2 Walker, Harry Boca Raton, FL 407-392-1123 Pro 1 Walker, Herb Margate, FL Pro 1 Walker, Ina Memphis, TN 901-683-8390 Pro 2 Walker, Joseph N Elmont, NY 516-285-8896 Pro 2 Walker, Rich A Ft Myers, FL 813-275-4545 Pro 3 Walker, Ross El Paso, TX 915-833-7428 Pro 1 Walker, Stephen T Cary, NC 919-481-1784 Pro 2 Walker, Tommie L Chicago, IL 312-487-8039 Pro 1 Walkup, Russell C Chillicothe, OH 614-663-4187 Pro 2

Wall, Beverly R Natick, MA 508-655-3563 Pro 1 Wall, Christopher L Hayward, CA 510-886-9247 Pro 2 Wall, Eric C Boca Raton, FL 407-487-9390 Pro 3 Wallace, Brad Lee St Paul, MN Pro 1 Wallace, Douglas C Palmdale, CA 805-273-3008 Pro 1 Wallace, Ken G Lewisdale, MD 301-953-0030 Pro 2 Wallace, Michael Norcross, GA 404-458-4491 Pro 1 Wallace, Michael Boyer Hershey, PA 717-534-2724 Pro 2 Wallace, Norma B Mesa, AZ 602-641-1162 Pro 1 Wallace, Thomas J Hobe Sound, FL 407-546-2161 Pro 2 Wallin, Paul Big Fork, MT 406-837-6046 Pro 2 Wallis, Donnie R Maumelle, AR 501-227-4242 Pro 2 Walsh, Betty Kenyon, Rl 401-364-8886 Master Pro Walsh, David M Edgewater Park, NJ 609-835-2432 Pro 2 Walsh, Lawrence D Bradford, Rl 401-377-2814 Pro 3 Walter, Craig Toledo, OH 419-389-07 44 Pro 2 Walters, Jelfrey S Easton, PA 215-258-9964 Pro 2 Walters, Ronnie W Lake Charles, LA 318-433-8811 Pro 1


Walters, Shelley Cabell Singer Island, FL 407-845-0670 Pro Walters, Steven Salem, OH 216-332-5947 Pro 1 Walters, Terry E Boulder, CO 303-499-8349 Pro 1 Walthall, Pancho Tulsa, OK 918-492-7230 Pro 1 Walton, Ralph Columbus, OH Pro 1 614-864-1147 Walls, Butch Spring, TX 713-370-5804 Pro 1 Walls, Kenneth Scottsdale, AZ 602-860-4352 Master Pro Waits, Patricia Scottsdale, AZ 602-860-4352 Pro 1 Waltz, John Leawood, KS 913-451-3375 Pro 2 Waltz, Paul M Wayne, PA 215-356-2003 Pro 2 Wammock, Richard Eric

Hilton Head, SC Pro 1 Wang, Wilma Che·Hui Taipei, Republic of China 02-3630231 Pro 3 Wang, Vue Laie, HI 808-293-7637 Pro 2 Wangelin, Thomas Elmhurst, IL 312-833-8455 Pro 2 Ward, Brenda R Naples, FL 813-649-4251 Pro 1 Ward, Chris T Richmond, VA 804-794-3074 Pro 2 Ward, Craig Arkadelphia, AR Pro 1 Ward, ian M Evanston, IL 708-328-6625 Pro 2



Ward Ward, Jim M Dallas, TX 214-931-7326 Ward, Marty N Newton, KS 316-283-2500 Ward, Rick

Pro 1 Pro 1

Sacramento, CA

916-978-0807 Pro 2 Ward, Terry C St Louis, MO 314-991-5599 Pro Warden, G E (Brick) Huntsville, AL 205-883-3651 Pro 1 Wardhammar, Brian N E Lansing, Ml 517-349-1199 Pro 1 Ware, David E Carrollton, TX 214-306-7062 Pro 1 Ware, Jo Stephens Augusta, GA Pro 2 404-863-4018 Ware, Michael C Plymouth, Ml 313-453-0669 Pro Warfel, Thomas Lake Forest, CA Pro 714-855-4892 Warfield, Penny Palo Alto, CA 415-321-8060 Pro 3 Warlick, William L Irma, SC 803-732-3394 Pro 1 Warneke, Tomm Palm Coast, FL 904-446-6360 Pro 2 Warner, Adam D

Winston-Salem, NC 919-767-8539 Pro 1 Warner, Dan

Hobe Sound, FL 407-220-0391 Pro 1 Warner, James

Russell Tulsa, OK 918-7 49-3345 Pro 1 Warner, Ted E Edina, MN 612-920-7437 Pro Warrell, Theresa C Fayetteville, NC Pro Warren, Joan S

Birmingham, AL 205-967-5981 Pro 2

Warren, Scoll C Tucson, AZ Pro 3 602-577-7139 Warren, William J Annandale, VA 703-658-0366 Pro 2 Waryan, Kent W Denver, CO

Pro 2 303-233-4614 Warzycki, John La Jolla, CA 619-552·0180 Pro Washauer, Bill San Francisco, CA Pro 415-986-8000 Washington Court Medina, OH 216-722-2473 Club Washington, Herman Clanton, AL 205-755-3879 Pro Washington Tennis Service Inti Bethesda, MD Affil 301-654-3770 Washington, Willie Orange, NJ 201-674-2492 Pro 1 Wasserman, Kenneth p Oconomowoc, WI 414-569-0855 Pro 1 Watanabe, Akiko Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Watanabe, Atsushi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Watanabe, lsao

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Watanabe, Kiyoaki Tokyo, Japan 025-276-3030 Pro 3 Watanabe, Mitsuyoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Watanabe, Shuji Tokyo, Japan 011-831-1249 Pro 3 Watanabe, Susumu Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Watanabe, Takashi Tokyo, Japan 045-912·0438 Pro 3 Watanabe, Tsutomu Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Watanabe, Yoshikazu Tokyo, Japan Pro 2



Watanuki, Hiroshi

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 2

Watanuki, Hirotsugu

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Watch, Kathleen M Danville, VA 804-799-9165 Pro 1 Waterman, Kilmeny W Kansas City, MO Pro 2 913·649-6272 Waters, Hugh, Ill Ormond Beach, FL 904-677-8081 Master Pro Waters, Jack Dunwoody, GA 404-875-2563 Pro 1 Waters, Jeffrey C Needham Heights, MA Pro 1 617-964-2030 Waterside Tennis Club N Miami, FL 305-949-9769 Club Walkins, Bradley S Columbia, SC Pro 2 803-788-3980 Watkins, Thomas E Austin, TX 512-441-0836 Pro 1 Walland, lllancy A Homewood, IL Pro 3 708-799-1323 Watland, Teri S Homewood, JL

Pro 2 708-799-1323 Watlington, DeAnn Baton Rouge, LA Pro 504-275-2047 Watson, Carol A Miami, Fl



Watson, Claudine R

Hamilton, MA 508-468-4125

Pro 3

Watson, Dan

Rockville, MD 301-762-6481 Pro 1 Watson, Edward F, Ill Harbor Springs, Ml 616·526·2169 Pro 2 Watson, Michelle Le!ts Fernandina Bch, FL Pro 2 Watson, Robert l Stuart, FL 407-225-1205 Pro 1

Watson -


Watson, Roger Belmont, CA 415-508-9832 Pro Watson, Ted K Seattle, WA 206·292-0473 Pro Watson, Warren E Louisville. KY 502-896-0424 Pro 2 Watters, William K Fair Oaks. CA 916-638-7001 Pro Watts, Alan D N Huntingdon, PA 412-863-4032 Pro Watts, Campbell Cedar Rapids. lA 319-396-7060 Pro 1 Watts, Elizabeth Wilmington. DE 302-478-9179 Pro 1 Watts, Kevin D Bokeelia, FL 813-542-6909 Pro 3 Wayman, Russell S Brentwood, TN 615-377-4929 Pro 2 Weant, Daniel N Cary, NC 919-469-1559 Pro 1 Weaver, Angela Owens Dunwoody, GA 404-442·5783 Pro 2 Weaver, Jell H Dunwoody, GA 404-399-0754 Pro 2 Weaver, Joseph A N Wales, PA 215-699-9181 Pro Weaver, Richard, Ill Baton Rouge. LA 504-756-1725 Pro Webb, Andrew St Joseph, Ml 616-429-3671 Pro 2 Webb, D Randy Coral Springs, FL 305-341-1 020 Pro Webb, David Ft Worth, TX 817-294-6699 Pro Webb, Richard New Port Richey, FL 813-849·9567 Pro 2 Webb, Scott Lookout Mountain, GA 615-266-6767 Pro 2

Webber, James Merrick, NY 516·868-5547 Pro 1 Webendorfer, Kurt J Lancaster. CA 805-273-3008 Pro 1 Weber, David L Omaha. NE 402-333-9700 Pro 1 Weber, Diana Baton Rouge. LA 504·927 -0220 Pro 2 Weber, Douglas A Arlington Heights. IL 708·590-5020 Pro 3 Weber, Gideon League City, TX 713-332-7925 Pro 2 Weber, James P S Bend, IN Pro 1 Weber, John P (Chip) Tamuning, Guam 671-649-4343 Pro 3 Weber, Ronald L Colorado Springs, CO Pro 1 Webster, Mervyn Wichita, KS 316-733-2232 Pro 1 Webster, William T Reedsburg. WI 608-524-2473 Pro 2 Weeber, Bruce C Pottstown, PA 215-326-5541 Pro 1 Weems, Rickey P Texas City, TX 409-948-9312 Pro 3 Wegener, James Muncie, IN 317-282-9599 Pro 2 Wegner, Oscar Carmel, NY Pro 1 Weichsel, Courtney M Torrance, CA

310·375-1222 Pro 1 Weidemann, Randy F Ringwood, IL 800·753-7382 Pro 2 Weidenbaum, Robert A Delray Beach, FL 407-997-0881 Pro 2 Weidenheimer, Darin Lawrence. KS 913·843-5514 Pro 1


Weidman, Minda G Sandwich. MA 508-428-6800 Pro 3 Weigel, Nancee K Indianapolis. IN 317-849-2531 Pro 1 Weikel, Dennis R Baltimore. MD 41 0-828-5338 Pro Weil, Philip John Maineville. OH 513-398·1455 Pro Weinacker, Jimmy Birmingham, AL 205-951-6400 Pro 2 Weinbrecht, Harold L, Jr Cary, NC 919-361·3862 Pro 2 Weiner, Marc D Denver. CO 303-320-4975 Pro 2 Weiner, Philip D Prince Frederic, MD 301-855-9033 Pro 3 Weinheimer, Fred Clearwater, FL 813-799-2344 Pro 1 Weinhold, Guy Tyler. TX 903-581· 7788 Pro 1 Weinman, Fred J Sapphire. NC 704-966-9208 Pro 2 Weinstein, Marc D San Rafael, CA Pro 1 415-897-2185 Weinstein, Michael Hollywood, FL 305-625-5511 Pro 2 Weinstock, Sheila Framingham. MA 508-879-2680 Pro 2 Weir, David B Cleveland Hts. OH 216-371-8171 Pro Weir, Julie Modesto. CA 209-545-0485 Pro Weir, Mark Modesto, CA Pro 1 209-545-0485 Weisman, Allan D Karmiel, Israel 04-984130 Pro 1 Weiss, Dr Juan New Orleans, LA 504-861-4269 Pro 1

Weiss -

Weiss, lawrence Wendler, Rebecca Ashland City, TN Rich 615-792-4927 Pro 2 Maynard, MA Pro 2 508-358-7355 Weissbein, Mitchell K Wenger, James D Easton, PA Rancho Mirage, CA 215-253-6272 Pro 2 619-328-0950 Pro 1 Weitendorf, Holly Chicago, IL Pro 3 Wensman, Jeffrey P Concord, NH Weitz, Judith 603-224-8155 Pro 2 Kailua, HI Wenzel, Clarence E 808-235-4731 Pro 1 Huddleston, VA Weitz, Steven S 703-297-1049 Pro Keego Harbor, Ml Wenzel, Doug R Pro 1 313-683-8719 Cedar Rapids, lA Welch, Beth Ann 319-396-7060 Pro Hughesville, PA Wermer, Alan 717-584-4963 Pro 3 Columbus, OH 614-863-6166 Pro Welch, Lynn L Werner, Bradley Hilton Head Island, Highland Park, NJ sc Pro 2 803-842-5350 Pro 1 Werner, Dean L Welch Tennis Courts Winchester, CT Inc 203-379-5416 Pro 2 St Petersburg, FL 813-345-7845 Affil Wernik, Hal E Brunswick, NJ Welford, June S Pro 1 908-390-0675 Jakarta, Indonesia Pro 2 Wesner, James 62-213805555 York, PA Weller, Wendy 717-299-5500 Pro 2 Merritt Island, FL Wesson, Joe 407-453-6231 Pro 2 San Diego, CA Welles, Patricia K Pro 1 Walnut Creek, CA West, Gay E 510-937-7053 Pro 1 Englewood, CO Wells, M Shane 303-790-7777 Pro 2 Kinston, NC West, Mildred B 919-527-1649 Pro 2 Williamsburg, VA 804-221-3331 Pro Welnetz, Michael West, Terrell R Peoria, IL Flat Rock, NC 309-693-5720 Pro 2 Pro 704-693-8343 Welsh, Candace West, Thomas R Naples, FL Lexington, KY 813-262-4701 Pro 2 606-263-3149 Pro 1 Welsh, Deborah K Westberg, Carey Cambridge, MA Frankfort, IL 617-576-2137 Pro 1 815-469-6034 Pro 1 Welsh, Doug Westebbe, Bruce Naples, FL Merrifield, VA 813-262-4701 703-556-6550 Pro 2 Master Pro Westfall, Sharon Kay Welte, Marilyn E Las Cruces, NM Kailua, HI Pro 3 505-526-81 09 Pro 3 Wendle, Daniel W Westhoff, Rick D Kennebunkport, ME Sarasota, FL 207-985-6890 Pro 2 813-921-1219 Pro 1



Weston, Andrew

Hollywood, FL 305-987-2059 Pro 2 Weston, John P Pacific Grove, CA 408-624-2737 Pro 1 Westrum, Bruce

Albert Lea, MN 507-373-4805 Pro 3 Westwood Country Club Vienna, VA

703-938-5510 Affil Wetzel, Harold E Bushkill, PA 717-588-6668 Pro 1 Wey, Thomas A, Jr Purchase, NY 914-234-9206 Pro 2 Weyermann, Andreas

Alhambra, CA 818-458-9581 Pro 2 Weymuller, Carol Honeoye Falls, NY Pro 1 716-271-3425 Weymuller, Frederick Honeoye Falls, NY 716-624-2748 Pro 1 Whalen, Marnie

Merrifield, MN 218-828-9556 Pro 2 Whalen, Rodney N Saratoga Springs, NY 518-587-1561 Pro 1 Whaley, Thomas L, Ill Orange Park, FL 904-278-8200 Pro 1 Wheatley, Robert T, Jr Palm Desert, CA Pro 1 Wheaton, Greg W Boca Raton, FL 407-451-1111 Pro 3 Wheelchair Tennis San Clemente, CA 714-851-1707 Affil Wheelen, Mike Westchester, PA 302-998-8761 Pro 2 Wheeler, David J Ft Myers, FL 813-267-8620 Pro 3 Wheeler, Gary Marietta, GA 404-952-6185 Pro 2 Wheeler, Keith Rohnert Park, CA 707-664-9702 Pro 1

Wheeler -


Wheeler, Matthew E Denpasar, Indonesia 62-361-71288 Pro Wheeler, Nancy A Kailua, HI 808-682-7377 Pro Whetstone, David C Carmichael, CA 916-782-2300 Pro Whitaker, Kenneth C Rocky Mount, NC 919-443-2954 Pro Whitaker, Larry St Cloud, FL 407-870-9428 Pro White, Brian l


1 3 3 2 2

Dorado, Puerto Rico

809-796-1234 Pro White, Dean L Greensboro, NC 919-854-1229 Pro White, Donnie K Reno, NV 702-747-7156 Pro White, Joan P Canton, MS 601-856-5457 Pro White, Marc S Pittsford, NY 716-381-4958 Pro White, Mark M Stockbridge, MA 413-298-3023 Pro While, Mitchell E Vienna, VA 703-803-8483 Pro While-Prausa Wendy Ft Worth, TX 817-731-1631 Pro White, Ray Coral Gables, FL 305-448-4475 Pro White, Roger L Humble, TX 713-852-2452 Pro White, Roy C, Jr Spring Lake, Ml 616-846-6245 Pro Whitecotton, Brian R San Diego, CA 619-421-6622 Pro Whitefield, John W Zanesville, OH 614-454-7269 Pro Whitehead, David Tequesta, FL 407-7 44-9817 Pro

2 2 3 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 3 1

Whitehead, John F Terre Haute, IN 812-235-6051 Pro 3 Whitehurst, John E, Ill Vallejo, CA 707-645-1010 Pro 2 White-Lyons, Jody Ann Wichita Falls, TX 817-696-1420 Pro 3 Whiteman, Hugh J, Jr Palm Springs, CA 619-327-3591 Pro 2 Whiteman, Tina M Austin, TX 512-326-3797 Pro 3 Whiteside, Susan State College, PA Pro 1 814-863-7479 Whitesides, Joel W Chester, SC 803-385-2563 Pro 3 Whitlinger, John Menlo Park, CA 415-725-5648 Pro 1 Whitman, James Normal, IL Pro 1 309-452-5031 Whitnell, Bart S Oakfield, TN Pro 2 901-423-9485 Whitney, Judith R Eugene, OR 503-484-1781 Pro 1 Whitney, Marceil L Redmond, WA 206-881-1446 Pro 3 Whitney, Shelly A Granger, IN Pro 2 219-277-3613 Whittaker, Robin Gainesville, FL 904-377-0020 Pro 3 Whittington, Marcus D Corpus Christi, TX 512-949-8228 Pro 2 Whittington, Mike Ft Smith, AR 501-783-6132 Pro 1 Whittington, Richard Bartlett, TN 901-388-6580 Pro 2 Whittle, Jeremy Flatts, Bermuda 809-293-1013 Pro 3 Whittle, Judy Murphy Hermosa Beach, CA Pro 2 213-374-1304


Whitworth, Pat Lawrenceville, GA 404-963-6426 Pro 1 Wiard, Ted Taos, NM 505-776-2211 Pro 2 Wibowo, Tintus A Jakarta, Indonesia

62-21-357775 Pro 2 Wichary, Hans San Diego, CA 619-279-3439 Pro 1 Wickey, Thomas E Galveston, TX 409-737-2544 Pro 2 Wickiser, Jo A St Simons Island, GA 912-638-5133 Pro 1 Wicklund, Greg P Edina, MN 612-831-7505 Pro 1 Wideikis, George Palos Heights, IL 312-448-6966 Pro 2 Widener, T Perry Laredo, TX 210-723-1558 Pro 1 Wiedemann, Elke Chestertown, MD 41 0-778-0047 Pro 3 Wiegand, Paul B San Antonio, TX 210-494-4700 Pro 1 Wiest, David Longview, TX 903-753-1093 Pro 1 Wiet, Susan L Columbus, OH 614-263-3427 Pro 1 Wight, David T Verona, NJ 201-239-2886 Pro 3 Wijono, Ate! Bandung, Indonesia Pro 1 22-707537 Wilcox, Kenneth J Moravia, NY 315-253-9758 Pro 2 Wild, Andy A Libertyville, IL Pro 1 708-362-5553 Wild, Bruce C Nanuet, NY Pro 1 914-623-2976 Wild, Rochelle l Libertyville, IL 708-362-5553 Pro 1



Wild Wild, Stephen Libertyville, IL 312-362-5553 Pro 1 Wilde, Paul T Appleton, WI 414-954-1244 Pro 3 Wilder, Roy Corpus Christi, TX 512-882-5968 Pro 1 Hon Wilder, Vallis F, Ill Springfield, MA 413-782-5908 Pro 1 Wilensky, Gary New York, NY 212-410-6538 Master Pro Wilfong, Cynthia T Williamsburg, VA 804-253-7623 Pro 2 Wilhelm, Terry A St Louis, MO 314-849-1394 Pro Wilke, Jeff L Germantown, MD 301-540-3582 Pro Wilkinson, Michael G Phoenix, AZ 602-947-7666 Pro 1 Wilkinson, Renee B Dallas, TX 214-521-2745 Pro 3 Wilkinson, Steve St Peter, MN 507-931-1614 Pro 1 Wilkison, Tim Charlotte, NC Pro 1 Wille, Steve Maryland Hts, MO 314-344-1935 Pro 3 Willeford, Craig Alan Galveston, TX 409-7 44-3651 Pro 3 Willeford, Stan R Adkins, TX 512-333-1111 Pro 3 Willenborg, Blaine J Miami Shores, FL 305-754-2604 Pro 1 Willenborg, Chuck R N Miami, FL 305-899-1279 Pro 3 Willenbrock, Paul K, Jr Amityville, NY 516-598-3046 Pro

Willens, lawrence San Diego, CA 619-265-1050 Pro 3 Willett, John R Little Rock, AR 501-225-5711 Pro 1 William, Glenn

Midland, Ml 517-631-6151 Master Pro Williams, Alvin

Southfield, Ml 313-352-8000 Pro 1 Williams, B Marsha Lutz, FL 813-264-4892 Pro Williams, Billy Hilton Head Island,


803-785-8012 Pro Williams, Charles V Ft Wayne, IN Pro 2 219-489-2495 Williams, Darrio H

Detroit, Ml 313-836-7688 Pro 2 Williams, Eddie Saugatuck, Ml 616-857-6033 Pro 3 Williams, Francisco Massillon, OH 216-832-3357 Pro 2 Williams, G Rhys Tempe, AZ 602-756-6680 Pro 1 Williams, Gene St Louis, MO 314-966-3373 Master Pro Williams, Glenn

Ft Worth, TX 817-656-0891 Pro 1 Williams, Greg K Marietta, GA Pro 2 404-983-1783 Williams, Gregory A King of Prussia, PA 215-647-9622 Pro 2 Williams, Hugh Kivett Charlotte, NC Pro 2 704-343-0472 Williams, Joe

Midland, TX 915-520-7720 Pro Williams, John C Boulder, CO 303-530-3328 Pro



Williams, John R Enid, OK 405-242-4679 Pro Williams, John S Carbondale, CO 303-963-9571 Pro Williams, Julie A Prescott, AZ Pro 602-445-9535 Williams, Kevin R Milford, MA Pro 508-879-6544 Williams, Kim A, MD S Holland, IL Pro 312-841-0345

1 2 3 2

Williams, Laurie

Boulder, CO Pro 1 303-530-2000 Williams, Mark Kingston, MA 617-585-9241 Pro 2 Williams, Michael J Bethel, CT Pro 2 612-949-0747 Williams, Michelle D Knoxville, TN Pro 1 615-588-1323 Williams, Richard P Los Angeles, CA 213-292-7122 Pro 3 Williams, Ronald Charleston, WV Pro 304-344-414 7 Williams, Scott Bradenton, FL Pro 813-758-2389 Williams, Scott T New Port Richey, FL 813·372-7813 Pro 2 Williams, Steven C Boca Raton, FL Pro 1 407-482-8524 Williams, Todd J Flagler Beach, FL 904-446-6360 Pro 2 Williamson, H Mace PI Lorna, CA 619-222-5436 Pro 2 Williamson, lloyd Meridian, ID 208-376-1052 Pro 1 Williamson, Mike L Hendersonville, TN 615-822-3995 Pro 2 Williamson, Nunry T San Antonio, TX 210-490-2680 Pro 2

Williford -


Williford, Steve L Bakersfield, CA 805-325-8652 Pro 3 Willing, William D Massillon, OH 216-832-7859 Pro 2 Willis, Bruce Lauderhill, FL 305-484-3059 Pro Willoughby, Martin E Jackson, MS 602-853-1115 Pro 1 Willow Creek Racquet Club Eugene, OR 503-484-7 451 Club Wills, Brian L Midlothian, VA 804-794-8440 Pro Wilmot, Garry Decatur, GA 404-373-1432 Pro Wilson, Brian Kevin Irma, SC 803-781-3000 Pro 2 Wilson, Caryn C W Los Angeles, CA 310-282-8741 Pro 2 Wilson, Eldon W Medford, OR 503-779-417 4 Pro Wilson, Iretta L (Retsy) Mary Esther, FL 904-267-7110 Pro 2 Wilson, Jeffrey Stuart, FL 407-335-3493 Pro 2 Wilson, Kimberly Lahaina, Maui, HI 808-242-7090 Pro 2 Wilson, Mark S England 0483-772513 Pro 1 Wilson, Prasoon Van Nuys, CA Pro 2 818-779-1409 Wilson, Scott B Wallingford, CT 203-269-6440 Pro 2 Wilson, Tony Marietta, GA 404-977-5682 Pro Wilton, Christopher Lee Spring Lake, Ml 616-865-6911 Pro 1

Winchester, Lori B Bethlehem, PA 215-253-5700 Pro 2 Winder, Gerald Houma, LA 504-879-4580 Pro 2 Winegardner, Kathleen J Boulder, CO 303-449-5033 Pro 3 Winer, Steven M Marlborough, MA 508-481-8150 Pro 1 Wing, William L Cedar Grove, NJ 201-239-5929 Pro 1 Wingard, Jacqueline E Lombard, IL 708-235-2300 Pro 3 Winkelman, John Rockville, MD 301-535-9149 Pro 3 Winmill, Colby V New Iberia, LA 318-365-4423 Pro 2 Winn, John R Silverthorne, CO Pro 1 303-468-6902 Win row, Eric Michael Pacific Row, CA 408-372-8497 Pro 2 Winslow, Alexander B Washington, DC . 202-686-2049 Pro 2 Winstead, Jim Greensboro, NC 919-274-5187 Pro 1 Winston, Erika Miami, FL 305-386-6681 Pro 2 Winston, James T (Ted) Newport Beach, CA 714-640-4384 Pro 3 Winter, Simon R Wellington, New Zealand 04-791-386 Pro 2 Wintroub, Barbara Los Angeles, CA 213-820-4893 Pro 3 Winzeler, William Curt Dayton, OH Pro 2 Wirth, Julie Grummel Alameda, CA 510-522-0806 Pro 2


Wise, Keith Todd Russell, KY 606-329-2245 Pro 2 Wise, Steven M Milwaukee, WI 414-372-3874 Pro 2 Wiser, Timothy T Urbandale, lA Pro 2 Wishingrad, Amy S Hadley, MA Pro 3 Wisner, Darryl Eugene, OR 503-344-3634 Pro 1 Wisner Tennis Center New Orleans, LA 504-483-9383 Affil Wisniewski, George R Mt Kisco, NY 914-241-7880 Pro 3 Wissinger, Donna R Venice, FL 813-497-3531 Pro 3 Wissink, Michael David Walled Lake, Ml 313-624-0258 Pro 2 Wilcher, Craig Las Vegas, NV 702-734-7740 Pro 2 Withal!, Ted P Boca Raton, FL 407-395-2034 Master Pro Witherell, Charles F Johnson, VT 802-635-2990 Pro 2 Witherspoon, Tanda A Hilton Head Island,


803-686-6045 Pro Witkowski, Michael Todd Birmingham, Ml 313-642-8500 Pro Witmer, Jeff S Lititz, PA 717-560-2941 Pro Wittenberg, Kim Michael Barsinghausen, Germany 5105-64318 Pro Witteveen, Othmar Belgium 32-36531479 Pro Wittman, Drew M Harrisonburg, VA 703-434-6224 Pro


2 3

1 1 1


Wiltus Wittus, Craig J Vero Beach, FL 407-778-7705 Pro 2 Witzel, Raymond E, Jr Oklahoma City, OK 405-751-1094 Pro 1 Woker, Nathan R Shawnee Mission, KS 913-649-7856 Pro 1 Wolavka, James La Grange, IL 708-325-6066 Pro 2 Woldmoe, Mark C Carmel, IN Pro 1 Wolens, Marc Sterling, IL 815-625-3111 Pro 2 Wolf, G Michael Lawrence, KS

913-842-7766 Pro Wolf, John c Wimberley, TX Pro 512-847-5476 Wolfe, David San Francisco, CA 415-391-9220 Pro 2 Wolfe, Lew E Maplewood, NJ 201-378-8346 Pro 2 Wolff, Paul H Northridge, CA 818-349-3631 Pro 1 Wolin, Edward G Los Angeles, CA 213-447-2743 Pro 2 Woliver, Cam J Huber Heights, OH 513-226-2860 Pro 2 Wolverton, C Bradley Milford, OH 404-419-7824 Pro 3 Womeodu, Anthony C Memphis, TN 901-375-8185 Pro 1 Wong, David Beaumont, TX 409-860-3025 Pro 2 Wong, George M Honolulu, HI 808-946-7895 Pro 1 Wong, Keng Wan Singapore 65-6507609 Pro 3 Wong, Kenneth L Y Singapore Pro 3 Wong, Kin Fun Joel Singapore 65-5602737 Pro 3

Wong, Wen Bin Singapore Pro 3 7835828 Wood, Bonnie J Farmington Hills, Ml 313-477-0997 Pro 2 Wood, Edward D, Ill Hilton Head Island,


Pro 2 803-785-2313 Wood, Jeffrey Portland, OR 503-244-7791 Pro 3 Wood, Shari J Knoxville, TN 615-584-3980 Pro 2 Wood, Vicki Dallas, TX 214-661-3935 Pro 2 Woodroof, Richard A San Luis Obispo, CA 805-544-9880 Pro 3 Woods, Conrad Palm Desert, CA 619-346-6667 Pro 1 Woods, Kathy S Key Biscayne, FL 305-361-9819 Pro Woods, Ron

Corpus Christi, TX 512-991-7561 Pro Woods, Ronald B Key Biscayne, FL 305-361-9819 Master Pro Woody, Michael T Rockford, Ml Pro 1 Woog, Jorge Memphis, TN 901-388-9351 Pro 2 Woog, Kevin M Lahaina, Maui, HI 808-669-1544 Pro 2 Wookey, Wayne H Columbus, OH Pro 1 614-457-0083 Woolcott, Kevin Auckland, New Zealand Pro 1 64-095286805 Wooldridge, Matt San Jose, CA Pro 3 408-738-2582 Woolf, David R Palatine, !L Pro 2 708-991-0963



Worcester, Francis J

La Plata, MD 301-934-8043

Pro 2

Workman, Rick

Lauderhill, FL 305-733-1550 Pro Workman, Rodney Lake Forest, IL 708-234-1647 Pro Worley, John Victoria Tamps, Mexico 131-6-13-36 Pro Worski-Walton, Sally Las Cruces, NM Pro 505-522-0293

2 1

2 J


Worst, William

Grand Rapids, Ml 616-538-2455 Pro Woy, Russell D, Jr Newton, NC 919-878-7788 Pro Wrage, Jeffrey Pueblo, CO 719-549-2740 Pro Wray, Donald W Treasure Island, FL 813-360-0030 Pro Wray, Michael l Georgetown, DE 302-856-6225 Pro Wrege, Julia B Marietta, GA 404-993-0773 Pro Wright, Cindy Jones Alpharetta, GA Pro 404-475-3802 Wright, Doug Salisbury, MD 41 0-548-4580 Pro Wright, Ernest B St Petersburg, FL 813-391-8185 Pro Wright, James Houston, TX 713-721-8299 Pro Wright, lee Dallas, TX Pro 214-931-7326 Wright, Richard W Neptune, NJ 908-922-4606 Pro Wright, Robert P, Jr Durand, Ml Pro 517-288-3572 Wright, Tom R Long Beach, CA 213-438-7 466 Pro

2 1 2 2 3

1 2 2 1 1 2 1

Wroten -


Wroten, Karen Meares San Antonio, TX 210-694-4951 Pro 2 Wu, Frank, PhD Countryside, IL Pro 2 708-680-1427 Wu, Lawrence (Man Wai) Willowdale, Canada 416-223-4699 Pro 3 Wuethrich, Thomas D Oak Creek, WI 414-764-4611 Pro 2 Wyant, Kenneth R Cypress, CA 714-761-7964 Pro 2 Wycoff, Norman D Miami, FL 305-221-8621 Pro Wylie, Charlotte E Topeka, KS 913-266-4342 Pro Wynn, Corey Pawleys Island, Pro 1 803-237-9165 Wynne, Barbara Indianapolis, IN 317-253-9965 Pro 2 Wynne, J Tom Grand Forks, NO 701-772-1477 Pro 1 Wynne, Timothy J Grand Forks, NO 701-772-1477 Pro 2 Wyrzykowski, Edward


S, Jr Boca Raton, FL 407-451-2371 Pro 3 Xanthos, Paul J Tarzana, CA 818-343-3394 Master Pro Yabe, Norimichi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Yabe, Yasuo Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Yablonski, Edward J,

Jr Clarks Summit, PA Pro 2 717-586-4030 Yacub, Julio Aaron Central Islip, NY Pro 516-232-2720 Yagisawa, Kyoji

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Yahia, Gregory Bedford, MA

Pro Pro 1

Yajima, Kenji

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 011-831-0023 Yakima Tennis Club Yakima, WA Club 509-248-2938 Yamada, Hiroshi Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Yamada, Kazuhiko Tokyo, Japan 011-862-6834 Pro 2 Yamada, Mamoru Tokyo, Japan Pro 1 0734-62-2435 Yamada, Ryu Tokyo, Japan 0482-66-3056 Pro 2 Yamada, Toshihiko Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan Yamagata, Kazuo Tokyo, Japan 03-3536-4377 Pro 3 Yamaguchi, Eiji Tokyo, Japan 03-880-9305 Pro 3 Yamaguchi, Eiji Tokyo, Japan Pro 3

Yamamoto, Hideto Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Yamamoto, lchiro Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 03-464-6621 Yamamoto, Katsushi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Yamamoto, Michiko

Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 0722-92-9177 Yamamoto, Takatsugu Tokyo, Japan 011881-2091 Pro 1 Yamamoto, Yoshikata Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Yamamoto, Yutaka Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Yamane, Nerio Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Yamane, Yasuhiro Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 06-799-1957 Yamano, Haruhiko Tokyo, Japan 0723-36-9214 Pro 3 Yamanoha, Kaz Kapalua, Maui, HI Yamaguchi, Hiroki Pro 1 808-669-5677 Tokyo, Japan Yamasaki, Shingo 0766-67-0955 Pro 3 Pro 1 Tokyo, Japan Yamaguchi, Hitomi Tokyo, Japan Pro 1 Yamasato, Shigeru Tokyo, Japan Yamaguchi, Masalo Pro 3 011-811-7886 Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Yamashita, Chikara Yamaguchi, Tadashi Tokyo, Japan Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 0958-23-5625 Pro 3 Yamaguchi, Takashi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Yamashita, Masahiro Tokyo, Japan Yamaguchi, Takayoshi 05372-6-1345 Pro 2 Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Yamazaki, Junichi Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Yamaguchi, Tomoyuki Yamazaki, Kenji Tokyo, Japan Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 0463-78-0551 Pro 2 0593-78-9005 Yamahara, Hiroshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 1 Yamazaki, Michio Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan Yamaki, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Norimichi Tokyo, Japan Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Pro 2 03-464-6621 Yamazaki, Sakae Yamaki, Koichi Tokyo, Japan Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan 03-997-2589 Pro 3 Yamazaki, Tomio Chicago, IL Yamamota, Hirofumi Pro 3 312-266-5672 Tokyo, Japan 044-812-1612 Pro 3 Yanagi, Keishiro Tokyo, Japan Yamamoto, Akio 03-464-6621 Pro 1 Pro 3 Tokyo, Japan



Yanamoto Yanamoto, Keiichi Tokyo, Japan Pro Yanes, Manuel Vernon, NJ 201-827-8748 Pro Yanez, Ruben Austin, TX 512-477-7773 Pro Yankello, Steve Boca Raton, FL Pro

3 2 2 2

Pro 3

Yano, Yukihiro

Tokyo, Japan Pro 0593-77-2454 Yap, Anthony Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 039313679 Pro Yarnell, Scott A Tulsa, OK Pro 918-627-9087 Yashima, Masayuki Pro Tokyo, Japan Yasu, Takehiko Tokyo, Japan Pro Yasuhara, Tadashi Tokyo, Japan 0798-52-7136 Pro Yasui, Koujirou Tokyo, Japan Pro Yasui, Masaharu Tokyo, Japan Pro Yasukawa, Hiroya Tokyo, Japan 045-752-1992 Pro Yasukawa, Shiro Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Yasuma, Yasuyuki Tokyo, Japan Pro Yasuna, Michio Tokyo, Japan Pro Yasuno, Kiyoshi Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Yates, Dale E Santa Barbara, CA 805-569-1620 Pro Yates, Maka Ala Portland, OR 503-254-6196 Pro Yates, Richard G Lake Elmo, MN 612-770-7909 Pro

Pro 2


2 2 1 3 2 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Yokoi, Makoto Tokyo, Japan 03-785-8754

Pro 3


Yokomatsu, Hisashi

Davina J Erlangen, Germany 499131204262 Pro 1 Yates·Steg, Miranda J

Tokyo, Japan 0422·32-5035 Pro 1 Yokoyama, Akitoki Tokyo, Japan 0467-51-5993 Pro 3 Yokoyama, Atsuko Tokyo, Japan Pro 3

Munchen, Germany

Yano, Masaya

Tokyo, Japan 03-972-2177

Yates, Steve Crestwood, IL 312-389-9100


089-2011609 Pro 1 Yatsuchi, Yuuki Tokyo, Japan 0429-45-5463 Pro 2 Yaung, Jung Soon Seoul, Korea Pro 2 372-0302 Yazawa, Toshio

Yerg, Kari Ann


Tokyo, Japan

Pro 3

Yokoyama, Kazuo

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621

Pro 2

Yokoyama, Yasuaki

Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro 2 Yeary, Sheryl New London, CT 203-44 7-0649 Pro 2 Vee, Amy W Seattle, WA 206-325-8139 Pro 3 Yegidis, Brian Joseph Spring Valley, NY 914-234-9206 Pro 1 Yemm, Bryden Sunnyvale, CA 408-730-1655 Pro 2 Yen, Alice Bellevue, WA 206-747-8898 Pro 2 Boca Raton, FL 407-487-7070 Pro Yerian, Troy D Lexington, OH 419-884-3043 Pro Yerrick, Charles E Morrisville, VT 802-888-5067 Pro Yesnick, Lester Chicago, IL 312-477-9888 Pro Yoda, Kotaro Tokyo, Japan Pro Yoder, Christopher J Santa Cruz, CA 408-438-1072 Pro Yogo, Toshihiko Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Yokochi, Hideo Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro

Yokoyama, Kazuo

2 2

Tokyo, Japan 0729·62-6766

Pro 3

Yokoyama, Yasunori

Tokyo, Japan

Pro 2

Yonekura, Jami Y

Tucson, AZ

Pro 2

Yonemura, Masahiko

Tokyo, Japan 0462-69-9810 Pro 3 York, Ron Eagan, MN 612-452-0404 Pro 1 Yorkey, Michael W Colorado Springs, CO 719-548-8204 Pro 1 Varkey, Nicole A Colorado Springs, CO 719-548-8204 Pro 2 Yorks, David Wayzata, MN 612-471-7148 Pro 1 Yoshiba, Katsuyoshi Tokyo, Japan 0423-67-9630 Pro 3 Yoshida, Fumitoshi

2 2 3 2

Pro Tokyo, Japan Yoshida, Hiroshi Tokyo, Japan Pro Yoshida, Junichi Tokyo, Japan Pro Yoshida, Masayuki Tokyo, Japan 045-865-1304 Pro Yoshida, lliobuyuki Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Yoshida, Tomoaki Pro Tokyo, Japan Yoshida, Yasuko Tokyo, Japan Pro

2 3 3 3 1 3 2

Yoshikawa -


Yoshikawa, Hitoshi Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Yoshimilsu, Miki Tokyo, Japan 078·592·1386 Pro 2

Yuki, Yoshitaka Tokyo, Japan 06·857·0581 Yukita, Naohiro Tokyo, Japan

Yoshimura, Tomohiro

Vuritic, Donna Rae

Tokyo, Japan 0729-71·3036

Pro 3

Yoshimura, Yoshimi

Tokyo, Japan Yost, Ray Erie, PA 814·838·9632 Youman, Farley Northbrook, IL Young, Barry Fairfield, CA 707·425·2835

Pro 2 Pro 1 Pro 2

Zarraonandia, Carrie

Pro 3 Pro 3

Palos Hills, IL 312-389·9100 Pro 1 Yutani, Hideyasu Tokyo, Japan Pro 2 Zacharias-Verdi, Lorie A Stowe, VT Pro 1 802-253·9649 Zaeh, Howard C Cincinnati, OH

Pro 1

Young, Brian G

Santa Barbara, CA 805·564·5517 Pro 2 Young, Bruce T Sedona, AZ 602·282·1258 Pro 1 Young, David J Painesville, OH 216·352·1291 Pro Young, Jan K Sunnyvale, CA 408·249·4203 Pro Young, Kevin Vancouver, WA

206·737·0645 Pro 2 Young, Kwong W Tempe, AZ 602·350·5201 Pro 2 Young, leslie K Honolulu, HI 808·373-4058 Pro 1 Young, Robert A Newtown Square, PA 215·356·9585 Pro 1 Young, Rodney Marietta, GA Pro 2 Youn Jung, Kim Seoul, Korea 02·518·1733 Pro 3 Yuasa, Shogo Tokyo, Japan 03-464-6621 Pro Yuen, Douglas R Orlando, FL 407-858·2257 Pro Yuen, Stanford B C Honolulu, HI 808·533·2424 Pro 3 Yui, Sadaka Tokyo, Japan Pro 3

513-561·6800 Pro Zahalka, Christian Ft Myers, FL 813·466·2159 Pro Zahorsky, George Mill Valley, CA 415-453-8729 Pro Zajac, Helen P Bethlehem, PA 215-866-4748 Pro Zak, Tom Broadview, IL 708-344·1493 Pro Zakett, Gordon Atlantic Beach, FL 904-246·9575 Pro Zalameda, JoJo Vacaville, CA . 415-804·8209 Pro Zalameda, Roily Los Angeles, CA 213·838·9671 Pro Zalinski, Stephen J Greer, SC Pro Zaluski, Michal B Mt Pleasant, SC 803-884-7606 Pro Zamperini, David P Mars, PA Pro

2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1

Zannis, Pete

Johnson City, TN 615-926·8641 Pro Zaretsky, Paul A Murrieta, CA 909-677-5355 Pro Zaro, Susan B Woodside, CA 415-493·8540 Pro Zarraonandia, Anne

San Rafael, CA 415-456-4070 Pro 2


Belvedere, CA 415·789-5042 Pro 3 Zastempowski, Adam

R Nokomis, FL 813-493·5128 Pro 3 Zatek, Don McKeesport, PA 412·461-1922 Pro 2 Zatman, Eric

Gaithersburg, MD 301·869-9753 Pro 2 Zaugg, Marianne Westlake Village, CA 805-494-3987 Pro 2 Zeeman, Lori J

Durango, CO 303·259-0591 Pro Zeese, Herb Huntington, NY 516·351·9679 Pro Zeitchick, Norman Westport, CT 203-373-7267 Pro Zelikovich, Rami Stoughton, MA Pro Zell, Glendale H, II Cleveland, OH 216·991·6667 Pro Zeller, Brent Woodacre, CA 415·459-7050 Pro Zeller, Marla N Bergen, NJ 201-945-9500 Pro Zelman, Gary New York, NY 212·988-6495 Pro Zeman, Thomas San Diego, CA 619-487 ·9699 Pro Zemlicka, Milos Czechoslovakia 203·389-1900 Pro Zepeda, Connie Honolulu, HI 808-576-3246 Pro

2 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3

Zermani, Gloria F

Stamford, CT 203·322-8266 Pro 2 Zeutas-Broer, David G Worcester, MA 508·856-0676 Pro 2 Zidbeck, William S Irvine, CA 714·476-4650 Pro 2

Zieba- Zysk Zieba, Zygmunt Coral Springs, FL 407-487-1161 Pro 2 Zielske, Scott D Norfolk, VA 804-423-5221 Pro 2 Zimman, Roberta Essex Junction, VT

802-658-0001 Pro Zimmer, Nicholas H Sarasota, FL 813-792-8757 Pro Zimmer, Robert P N Easton, MA 508-238-4337 Pro Zimmerman, Charles Minneapolis, MN 612-341-0400 Pro

2 2 2 1

Zimmerman, Gary Garland, TX 214-495-0030 Pro 2

Zoccoli, A!essandro Rome, Italy 6-5826349 Pro 2

Zimmerman, Leigh Morel Nashville, TN 615-298-1568 Pro

Zolin, Jonathan R Tallahassee, FL 904-224-5144 Pro Zuerlein, William M New York, NY 212-929-4089 Pro 2

Zinn, Jeffrey T Little Rock, AR 501-569-3447 Pro 3 Zipay, Robert W Englewood, FL 813-475-3386 Pro 2 Zirolla, Daniel A, Ill Miami Beach, FL 305-67 4-927 4 Pro 2


Zwetchkenbaum, Peter M Pompano Beach, FL 305-941-8644 Pro 2 Zysk, Robert Collinsville, CT 203-693-8592 Pro 1

Affiliate Membership AI Bray's Tennis Shop Long Beach, CA 213-433-8899 American Tennis

Association San Diego, CA 619-224-57 46 A sa hi Lawrenceville, GA 1-800-334-8737 ATP Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 904-285-5776 Babolat Dayton, OH 513-435-8000 Bob Larson's Tennis

Edina, MN 612-920-894 7 Chappell Development Malibu, CA 31 0-456-7040 CMAA Alexandria, VA Courtsport Norcross, GA 404-448-4999 David Hopkins, Inc. Indianapolis, IN 317-783-9477 Deacon Tennis Queensland, Australia

07-378-0432 Deuce Industries Ltd Toronto, Canada 416-690-4787 Dunlop Slazenger Corporation Greenville, SC 803-241-2200 Edward Sports Products Moodus, CT 203-873-8625 Eve Ellis School of Tennis New York, NY 212-362-7901 Fast Dry Corporation Pompano Beach, FL 800-432-2994 First Bounce, Inc

Poughquag, NY 914-724-3400

Florida Pro Tennis Association Coral Springs, FL 305-755-8364 GAMMA Sports Pittsburgh, PA 412-323-0335 GOLF DIGEST/TENNIS, Inc Trumbull, CT 203-84 7-5811 Guterman International Worcester, MA

508-852-8206 Har-Tru Hagerstown, MD 800-8-HARTRU Hav-A-Ball, Inc Blue Bell, PA 215-272-3021 Head Sports Inc Boulder, CO 303-530-2000 Hopman, Lucy Largo, FL 813-393-5666 Houston 1000 Houston, TX Jenkins, leslie H Knoxville, TN l & M Distribution Inc San Rafael, CA 415-459-5565 Lob-Ster, Inc Plainfield, NJ 800-526-4041 M S Pro Tennis Association W Chester, PA 215-436-4051 Maginnis & Associates

Chicago, IL 312-359-4210 MGT Enterprises Thornhill, Canada 416-731-5291 Micronesian Tennis Association GMF, Guam 671-646-7803 Mid-Atlantic Tennis Association Springfield, VA


MW Pro Tennis Association Alpharetta, GA 404-410-0703 National Tennis Academy Waxahachie, TX 214-937-03t1 NC Association of Tennis Prof Greensboro, NC 919-668-2639 Nor Cal Tennis Pro Association Chico, CA 916-899-0670 Northern California Tennis Association

Alameda, CA 510-748-7373 NYT Event/Sports Mklg Trumbull, CT 203-373-7000 Paradise Island Ltd N Miami, FL 305-891-2500 Penn Racquet Sports Phoenix, AZ

602-269-1492 Peter Burwash International The Woodlands, TX 713-363-4707 PGA National St Petersburg, FL Polo Club Boca Raton, The Boca Raton, FL 407-997-5566 Presidents Council on P F & Sp Washington, DC 202-272-3427 Prince Manufacturing Inc Bordentown, NJ 800-2-TENNIS PTCA - Major Sammy Brancker Somerset, England R Neumann & Company Hoboken, NJ 201-659-3400



Recreational Teamtennis -

Recreational Teamtennis

Chicago, IL 312-245-5300 Reebok International Ltd Stoughton, MA 617-341-7425 Saddlebrook Resort Wesley Chapel, FL 813-973-1111 Silktenn Denver, CO 303-964-0593 SKYBOX Magazine Cincinnati, OH

Smyth Business Systems Inc Canton, OH 216-499-6392 Solaray, Inc Ogden, UT 801-621-5631 Sports Psychology Consultant Muir Beach, CA 415-383-0153

Start Fitness System Tennis

Syosset, NY 516-496-8320 STI Phoenix, AZ 602-264-31 00 SUNTENNIS Scottsdale, AZ 602-941-3935 Tennis Insights, Inc Boca Raton, FL 407-750-9465 Tennis Week New York, NY 212-808-4750 Tensar Structures, Inc Akron, NY 716-542-5888 Texas Pro Tennis Association

Austin, TX 512-445-0505 Texas Tennis

Association Austin, TX


Wisner Tennis Center Timandra Inc New York, NY 212-868-3145 US Racquet Stringers Association

Del Mar, CA 619-481-3545 USTA National League Administration Princeton, NJ Washington Tennis Service inti Bethesda, MD 301-654-3770 Welch Tennis Courts Inc St Petersburg, FL 813-345-7845 Westwood Country Club Vienna, VA 703-938-5510 Wheelchair Tennis San Clemente, CA 714·851-1707 Wisner Tennis Center New Orleans, LA 504-483-9383

Affiliating and Cooperating Agency

Affiliating and Cooperating Agency Professional Tennis Coaches' Association of Great Britain PTCA Executive Officer: Miss A. Brown c/o The L TA Trust The Queens Club West Kensington London W149EG Tel: 071-381-7097 Fax: 071-381-6507

100 percent colton pique unisex shirt in while, red, jade, erape, navy or coral. The shirt features a 2 inch embroidered UoPTJ\ i\nniversary Lqso0hirl siZes 0, M, L and XL. U0PTA Gill 0hoppe One U0PTA Cenlre 3535 Bliarpark Dfive • tlouslon. TX 77042 TEL (73) 97-Uc\\PTA • FM (73) 978-7780


Club Membership ARKANSAS Warren Kramer Tennis Inc

CALIFORNIA Carmel Carmel Valley Tennis Camp, The Palm Desert Silver Sands Racquet Club San Francisco California Tennis Club

DELAWARE Wilmington Bellevue Tennis Center

DuPont Country Club Tennis Joint Inc

N Miami Waterside Tennis Club Naples Audubon Country Club Vero Beach Moorings Club, The

ILLINOIS Winnetka Nielsen Tennis Center


Bronxville Field Club Inc

OHIO Medina Washington Court N Canton North Canton Racquet Club



Louisville Blairwood Health & Sport Club

Eugene Willow Creek Racquet Club



Shreveport Pierremont Oaks Tennis Club

Pocono Pines Lake Naomi Club



Boca Raton Boca Lago Country Club Jacksonville Bigtree Racquet & Fitness Club Miami

Woodbine Circle D Tennis Club

Island Tennis Service


NEW JERSEY Glen Ridge Camp Mah-Kee-Nac Mt Laurel Mt Laurel Racquet Club


TENNESSEE Knoxville Fox Den Country Club

WASHINGTON Yakima Yakima Tennis Club

WEST INDIES Antigua Curtain Bluff Hotel

Allied Organizations

Allied Organizations Assoc. ol Tennis Professionals 200 ATP Tour Blvd. Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 (904) 285-8000 Club Managers Association of America 1733 King St. Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 739-9500 Intercollegiate Tennis Association P.O. Box 71 Princeton, NJ 08544 (609) 258-6332

International Tennis Hall of Fame 194 Bellevue Ave. Newport, Rl 02840 (401 ) 846-4567

Tennis Buyer's Guide magazine 5520 Park Ave. Trumbull, CT 06611 (203) 373-7000

Tennis Industry Assoc. 200 Castlewood Drive North Palm Beach, FL 33408 (407) 848-1026

Tennis Industry magazine 3230 W. Commercial Blvd., Suite 250 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 (305) 731-0000

Tennis USTA 5520 Park Ave. Trumbull, CT 06611 (203) 373-7155

IRSA, The Association ol Quality Clubs 253 Summer St. Boston, MA 02210 (617) 951-0055

Tennis Week 124-E 40th St. Suite 1101 New York, NY 10016 (212) 808-4750

The Lipton Championships Corporate Office The Alhambra Two Alhambra Plaza, Suite 611 Coral Gables, FL 33134 (305) 446-2200

United States Racquet Stringers Association P.O. Box 40 Del Mar, CA 92014 (619) 481-3545

Tournament Site 7300 Crandon Blvd. Key Biscayne, FL 33149 (305) 361-6161

United States Tennis Court and Track Builders Association 720 Light St. Baltimore, MD 21230-3826 (914) 696-0300

Professional Tennis Coaches' Association of Great Britain PTCA Executive Officer: Miss A. Brown c/o The L TA Trust The Queens Club West Kensington London W149EG 071-381-7097

United Slates Tennis Association 70 West Red Oak Lane White Plains, NY 10604 (914) 696-0300

Tennis magazine 5520 Park Ave. Trumbull, CT 06611¡0395 (203) 373-7000

Women's Tennis Association 133 First St., N.E. St. Petersburg, FL 33701 (813) 895-5000

USTA Player Development Center 2015 Biscayne Blvd., 10th Floor Miami, FL 33131 (305) 530-4240


USTA Officers for 1993-94

USTA Officers for 1993-1994 President and Chairman ol !he Board

Immediate Past President Robert A Cookson 1818 Gilbreth Road Ste. 218 Burlingame, CA 94010

J. Howard Frazer (Winter) The Carlysle, 702 8171 Bay Colony Drive Naples, FL 33936

Section Presidents Jodie H. Adams 706 Wasson Drive Nixa, MO 65714

(Summer) Kingston House, 11A 415 Bond Place Cincinnati, OH 45206

Richard A Arnold 817 Oak Ridge Drive Waukesha, WI 53188

First Vice President Lester M. Snyder Jr. 1324 East Whalers Way Tempe, AZ 85283

Lisbeth Blum 12824 Canario Way Los Altos, CA 94022

Second Vice President David D. Healey 3801 Huntingdon Drive Minnetonka, MN 55305

Louis C. Dimock Cross Court Inc. 204 New Hackensack Road Wappingers Falls, NY 12590

Secretary Harry A Marmion Box 996 Southampton, NY 11968

Rod Dulany Washington Golf and Country Club 3017 N. Glebe Road Arlington, VA 22207

Treasurer Mervin A Heller Baskin, Leisawitz, Heller &

Carlos M. Garcia

Abramowitch, P.C. 2201 Ridgewood Rd., Ste. 400 Wyomissing, PA 19610

P.O. Box 36-4966 San Juan, PR 00936-4966 Ruben A Jordan Saldana & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box S-3549 San Juan, PR 00904-3549

Regional Vice Presidents Victor L Kasser 1371 Old Ford Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Joy D. Rodenberg 1900 Dover Court Lincoln, NE 68506 Yvonne K. Garton 1409 W. Golf Course Road Midland, TX 79701 Kenneth S. Niddrie Local C-3 Calle San Jose 107 San Juan, PR 00901

Sissy B. Kelly 40 Cedar Hill Place, NE Albuquerque, NM 87122 Allen J. Kiel 999 18th St. Suite 1000 S Denver, CO 80202 Jack Kramer 231 N. Glenroy Place Los Angeles, CA 90049


USTA Officers for 1993-94 David C. Laxson 1907 Ventura St. Honolulu. HI 96822

James T. Russell P.O. Box 321 Belton, SC 29627

Joe Magliolo Jr. 15910 Craighurst Houston, TX 77059

Robert G. Ruzanic 1925 Dubonnet Court Allison Park, PA 15101

James T. Murphy 706 13th Avenue S. St. Cloud, MN 56301

Rolland K. Shea P.O. Box 1388 Winter Park, FL 32790-1388 Rick E. Van Horn

Charles Peix 329 Central St. East Bridgewater, MA 02333

Yakima Tennis Club

2505 Fruitvale Blvd. Yakima, WA 98902


USPTA Publications

USPT A Publications The USPTA Tennis Professional's Business Manual •

How to Become a Tennis Professional Preparing a Resume Evaluating a Tennis Facility Developing Contacts in the Tennis Industry Successful Interviewing A Tennis Professional's Employment Contract Owning and Managing Your Own Club Pro Shop Development and Management Accounting Programs for Tennis Professionals Interviewing a Prospective Staff Member

• •

Hiring and Firing an Employee How to Train Your Assistants Tournament Organization Creating Exposure for You and Your Programs Public Relations: Ensuring Your Future in the Tennis Industry Pro/Owner/Manager Relations Pro/Member Relations How to Get Published Insurance for the Tennis Professional Estate Planning for the Tennis Professional

The USPTA Junior Development Manual •

Developing your Junior Program Marketing and Promoting your Program Parents-Coaches-Players: Building the Right Team Teaching the Proper Attitude, Discipline and Sportsmanship Structuring your Program for Maximum Results

Progressions: Your Key to Success Selected Biomechanical and Sports Medicine Concerns for the Junior Tennis Player Developing the Tournament Player Setting Up a Successful Training Program Tennis Resources (Reference Chapter)

The USPTA Complete Guide to Coaching •

• • •

Overview: The New Coach A Coach's Philosophy Looking for a College Tennis Scholarship Selecting a College Recruiting Planning the Year Effective Planning and Drills for Improvement Mental Training for Tennis What to Say to a Player, Before, During and After a Match


• •


Coping with Peer Pressure, Communicating with the Coach and Defining Goals in a College Environment Tearn Coaching High School and College Tennis: Individuals Competing in a Team Effort Sportsmanship Awareness Coaching Sportsmanship What To Do This Summer Self Improvement for the Coach In the Profession

USPTA Publications

The USPTA Education Manual: A Career Guide to Professionalism Book I - Tennis Teaching Skills •

Teaching singles strategies and tactics Teaching doubles strategies and tactics Stroke production made easy

Professionalism: Key to the ultimate

tennis teacher Maximize earnings, have fun with group lessons Reaching students through private lessons

Book II - Tennis Business Operations and Management •

Stringing Opening a pro shop Managing a tennis department Hiring and firing The challenge of communication Career development

• •

Public relations and marketing tennis programs Developing a business plan Financial management

USPTA Sport Science and Sports Medicine Guide • •

Sport Science, Sports Medicine and Tennis Biomechanical Aspects of Player

Development and Sports Medicine

in Tennis Orthopedic Concerns for the Tennis Professional Rehabilitation Concerns Following Injury or Surgery Supplemental Exercises for the Tennis Player Weight Training and the Tennis Player Conditioning and Training for Tennis


Nutrition for the Tennis Player and Professional Ergogenic Aids: Can They Benefit the Tennis Player Preventing and Treating Injuries of the Foot Environmental Concerns for the Tennis Professional Psychological Aspects of Teaching and Coaching Tennis Sex Differences and Skill Acquisition in Tennis Competitive Stress and Junior Tennis

USPTA Publications

How to Hire a Tennis Professional Ten Important Steps •

Contact the USPTA World Headquarters Appoint a Selection Committee Evaluate your Tennis Facility Needs Write a Job Description and Identify the Type of Individual Sought

Complete the Job Information Worksheet Meet with USPT A Receive and Screen Applicants

Interview Selected Applicants Make a Selection and Sign Contract Notify Candidates, USPTA and Media

Including a Comprehensive Series of Forms, Exhibits and Guidelines to Help You Find the Right Person for Your Tennis Facility •

Job Description Job Information Worksheet Tennis Professional's Operational Expenses Worksheet Sample Letters-Acknowledgement, Invitation, Regrets and Press Release

Interview Procedure and Evaluation System Sample Employment Agreement Performance Appraisal Worksheets

How to Prepare for USPTA Certification The purpose of this book is to prepare tennis-teaching professionals for certification or upgrading of their existing classifications and serve as a short course of general education.

Section I. -

General Overview

USPT A Education Department Flow Chart Certification Exam - General

• • • •

Certification Training Course Certification Exam Schedule Facts About USPT A Benefits of USPT A Membership

Overview of the Teaching Exam Analysis of Grips Pre-Lesson Administration Functions Structuring the Private Lesson

Section 11. -

Section Ill. -

• •

The USPTA Teaching Exam

Structuring the Group Lesson Stroke Analysis Stroke Execution

The USPTA Written Exam

Overview of the Written Exam Method of Answering Written Questions Junior Development Program Adult Development Program Pro Shop Development and Management


Employment Agreement Code of Ethics First Aid How to Prepare a Tournament Draw Glossary of Commonly Used Business Terms

USPTA Publications

How to Apply for USPTA Membership

Master Checklist of steps toward USPTA Membership Introduction to USPTA Categories of USPT A Membership USPT A Professional Rating Classifications Application Procedures

Preparing for the Certification Exam Taking the Certification Exam Annual Dues USPT A Code of Ethics USPT A Benefits Tennis Teachers' Course TTcsM Certification Training Course cTc 5M

The USPTA Guide to Country Club Tennis Operations Projecting and Managing a Special Project Budget Juniors and the Country Club Programs for Country Clubs Country Club Maintenance Salary and Compensation

Determining a Formula for Success The Country Club Management •

Team Staffing Your Facility Country Club Pro Shop Merchandising Organizing Lesson Programs

How to Use Your USPTA Membership Getting Involved in Your Association

About Your Association

Using Your USPTA Benefits: • • •

Professional Image Certification Upgrading Education Insurance Giveaway and Discounted Merchandise Leadership Role Employment Assistance

• •

Publications Publicity and Promotion Prize-Money Tournaments Player Rankings Industry Involvement Code of Ethics USPTA Logo Merchandise Allied Organizations


The USPTA Guide To Municipal Tennis Operations Securing a Position at a Municipal Facility Securing a Contract for Yourself Staffing for Efficiency-and Effectiveness The Computer-Vital Tool for Running a Facility


Marketing Yourself and Your Facility Raising Funds Programming For Your Facility Establishing a Junior Program Alternative Junior Programs Developing a Pro Shop Facility Maintenance

Index to Bylaws

Index to Bylaws United States Professional Tennis Association, Inc. .325 ........ 325 Section 2. Purposes . ......... 325 .325 Section 3. Not-for-Profit Corporation .. 325 ARTICLE II - MEMBERS Section 1. Active Membership . ...... 325 . ..... 325 Section 2. Honorary Membership . Section 3. Other Membership . .. 325 .325 Section 4. Admission to Membership Section 5. Applicant from Area Where No Division. ............. 325 .325 Section 6. Application and Testing Procedures . Section 7. Appeal Procedures for Applicants ............... 326 ....... 326 Section 8. Classes of Membership .326 Section 9. Re-Admission .. . ...... 326 ARTICLE ill - DUES . Section 1. Dues and Other Charges . ....... 326 ARTICLE I -


Section 1. Name

Section 2. Notification of Divisions of Suspension

from Membership . . ........ 326 ARTICLE IV - DIVISIONS . . .. 326 Section 1. Division Name ........ . 326 Section 2. Present Divisions . . ........ 326 Section 3. New Divisions. . .. 327 Section 4. Sharing of Dues with Divisions . . .............. 327 Section 5. Transfer from One Division to Another . 327 Section 6. Division Bylaws ................... 327 Section 7. Powers of World Headquarters and Divisions . . .. 327 Section 8. Accountability of Divisional Treasurer .................. 328 Section 9. Subdivisions or Sections. . .............. 328 ARTICLE V - CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR . . 328 ARTICLE VI - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE . . ...... 328 Section 1. Powers of Executive Committee .

Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Section 6. Section 7. Section 8. ARTICLE VII Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5.

. ...... 328

Meetings of the Executive Committee . . . 328 Membership on Executive Committee .................. 328 Voting . . ................. 329 Proxies ................................. 329 Procedure at Executive Committee Meeting . . 329 Mail Ballots . .. ............................. 329 Immediate Past Presidents ........................... 329 - BOARD OF DIRECTORS . . ... 330 Powers of Board of Directors ........................ 330 Makeup of Board of Directors ........................ 330 Nomination and Election of Board of Directors. . . 330 Nominating Committee . . ....... 330 Voting Procedure at Board of Directors Meetings ....... 331


Index to Bylaws Section 6. Final Board Meeting .. . ...... 331 Section 7. Vacancy in Office . .331 ARTIClE VIII - DIRECTORS .............. 331 (a) President ... . ...... 331 (b) First Vice President . . .............. 331 . .331 (c) Secretary/Treasurer ............. . (d) Immediate Past President . . ............ 331 (e) Vice Presidents ......... . . ... 331 ARTICLE IX - ONE PERSON PER OFFICE . . ........... 332 . .332 ARTICLE X - FISCAL YEAR .. . ................. 332 ARTICLE XI - SANCTIONED EVENTS . ARTICLE XII - TELEVISION AND OTHER RIGHTS .332 ARTICLE XIII - RANKINGS . .. 332 .332 ARTICLE XIV - PUBLIC RELATIONS. ARTICLE XV - APPROVAL OF TENNIS ACADEMIES .332 ARTICLE XVI - NO DISCRIMINATION .... 332 ARTICLE XVII - CODE OF ETHICS ...... . .. ..... 332 ARTICLE XVIII - DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE .. 333 . 333 Section 1. Divisional Disciplinary Procedure . . . ..... 333 Section 2. Appeals to Board of Directors Section 3. Costs of Appeal . 334 Section 4. Notice of Divisional Disciplinary Action ................ 334 Section 5. National Disciplinary Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Section 6. Notice of National Disciplinary Action .. 334 ARTICLE XIX - DISSOLUTION OF USPTA .. .334 ARTICLE XX - AMENDMENTS TO BYLAWS ...................... 334 Section 1. Amendments Procedure .. 334 Section 2. Board of Directors Proposed Amendments . . . 335 Section 3. Effective Date of Amendments . . . . 335



Bylaws of United States Professional Tennis Association, Inc. Article I -

Name and Purposes

Section 1. Name. This Association shall be called "The United States Professional Tennis Association, Inc." Hereinafter it shall also sometimes be referred to as the "USPTA" or "the Association." Section 2. Purposes. The purposes of USPT A shall be to raise the standards of teaching tennis as a profession; to increase interest and awareness in the sport of tennis; and to do all acts in accordance with such purposes or to effect any other purposes which may be determined from time to time by the


Section 3. Nol·lor·Profit Corporation. USPT A shall be a not-for-profit corporation, no part of whose earnings shall inure to the benefit of any member, except for services rendered.

Article II -


Section 1. Active Membership. The following persons shall be eligible for active membership in USPTA. Active members in good standing shall be the only members of USPT A entitled to vote and hold office; (a) Persons who may legally be employed and are entitled to reside in the United States full·time, and who derive a major portion of their income from teaching tennis, or who intend to derive a major portion of their income from teaching tennis; or (b) Persons who derive a major part of their income from prize money in professional tennis tournaments and exhibitions.

Section 2. Honorary Membership. Those persons who have made an outstanding contribution to the sport of tennis or to USPT A shall be eligible to become honorary members. Honorary membership shall be proposed and voted on by the Executive Committee, which shall, annually, determine the privileges and obligations of honorary membership. Section 3. Other Membership. From time to time, the Executive Committee may establish other categories of membership and may determine their standards of admission and privileges and obligations. Section 4. Admission to Membership. An applicant for active membership must apply to the world headquarters on a standard application form, which

will be supplied on request by the world headquarters. Upon receiving a properly completed application, the world headquarters will process it and, in cooperation with the division of the area in which the applicant resides, will complete the admission procedure.

Section 5. Applicant from Area Where No Division. Where an application is made from an area not encompassed by a USPTA division, the world headquarters will arrange for testing the applicant and finally determine whether or not the applicant will become a member of the Association. Section 6. Application and Testing Procedures. An applicant for membership must be of the highest character and integrity. He or she must be sponsored


Bylaws and submit business or other references in accordance with the standard

application form, as promulgated by the Testing and Certification Committee. He or she must pass a standard certification exam, which will be promulgated by the Testing and Certification Committee and which will be administered as objectively as possible. In the event it is found that an application for membership contained intentionally false or fraudulent statements, the application will be forthwith rejected, or if the applicant has become a member he or she will be struck from the membership rolls. If a member is accused under the

preceding sentence, he or she will be entitled to a trial under the disciplinary procedure as set forth in ARTICLE XVIII of these bylaws. Section 7. Appeal Procedures for Applicants. Any applicant who is rejected shall have the right, within 15 days of his or her rejection, to file written notice of appeal to the Board of Directors, which will then consider his or her appeal at its next meeting. In hear'1ng the appeal, the Board of Directors will receive a written evaluation report from the division testing committee. The applicant may also submit a written statement to the Board of Directors, or may be invited to appear in person.

Section 8. Classes of Membership. Various classifications of membership, such as "professional" or "instructor," shall be promulgated by the Testing and Certification Committee. These classifications will be based upon the professional skill and experience of the member, as well as other considerations.

Section 9. Re-Admission. If a member of USPTA voluntarily withdraws from the Association for any reason, he or she may be re-admitted under terms and conditions which shall be set from time to time by the Executive Committee. Article Ill -


Section 1. Dues and Other Charges. An applicant for membership shall pay a non-refundable application fee to the world headquarters, which shall accompany his or her application. Annual dues lor all categories of membership shall be set from time to time by the Executive Committee, which will also have the power to determine, from time to time, whether or not some members

will be completely excused from paying dues because of length of active membership in the Association. The world headquarters will bill each member for dues by November 1. Any member whose dues are not received by the

world headquarters by January 1, will receive a second bill, which upon the determination of the world headquarters, may contain a penalty amount. If dues are not received by February 1, a notice of suspension may be sent

out by the world headquarters, and thereafter the member will be dropped from the rolls of the Association.

Section 2. Notification of Divisions of Suspension from Membership. It shall be the duty of the world headquarters to not'1fy the divisional treasurer and secretary and president in the event a member is dropped from the membership rolls for any reason, including non·payment of dues.

Article IV -


Section 1. Division Name. For the purpose of convenient administration,

USPT A will be divided into various divisions. These divisions shall be known as "The Division of the United States Professional Tennis Association, Inc."

Section 2. Present Divisions. USPTA is presently constituted of the following divisions:


Bylaws National New England Northern California Northwest Pacific Northwest San Diego Southern Southwest Texas

California Eastern Florida Hawaii Intermountain International Middle Atlantic Middle States Midwest Missouri Valley

There is also a category of "at large" membership for those members who reside in areas which are not yet encompassed by an existing division.

Section 3. New Divisions. The Executive Committee may create a new division (but not abolish an existing division) upon a majority vote. If the creation of a new division involves the diminution of a presently existing division, the creation of the new division must first be approved by a majority of those voting in a referendum of the division which would be diminished. The referendum shall be called by the division president within 90 days after the Executive Committee votes to establish the new division. A division may also terminate its existence and vote to affiliate with another division upon a majority vote of those voting in a referendum especially called for that purpose by the presidents of the two divisions involved, but wherever a division votes to terminate its existence, it must also secure the approval of the Executive Committee. No division may secede from USPTA and in the event a division attempts to secede, the president of USPT A may take possession of the division's property and hold it as trustee, pending the holding of a new division election, which will be called by the president of USPTA at the earliest possible date. Section 4. Sharing of Dues with Divisions. From time to time the Executive Committee shall determine the percentage of application fees and dues received from a division's members which shall be returned to the division by the world headquarters. Section 5. Transfer from One Division to Another. A member desiring to transfer from one division to another shall notify the world headquarters, which will notify the old and new divisions. Section 6. Division Bylaws. Each division shall conform its division bylaws as much as possible to these national bylaws.

Section 7. Power of World Headquarters and Divisions. Whenever any conflict exists between the directives of the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors and the divisions, the directives of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors shall prevaiL The divisions are an administrative unit of USPTA and are not separate entities. No division shall incorporate in any state in which it is located, or shall otherwise act in regard to any state or governmental agency without the express permission of the world headquarters. In the event a division does act in a manner contrary to the directives of the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors shall have the power to take the funds and property of the division and hold these funds and property as trustee. pend1ng a resolution of the conflict with the division. Whenever in these bylaws the term "funds and property" of the division is used, it shall be understood that the "division's property" is the


Bylaws property of USPTA and that the "division's funds and property" are merely held by the division on behalf of the Association. USPTA does not surrender at any time its title or interest in the funds or property of the various divisions.

Section 8. Accountability ol Divisional Treasurer. Each division treasurer is accountable to the national treasurer tor all funds received or disbursed in his or her division. Annually, or at more frequent intervals at the discretion of

the National Board of Directors, the division treasurer will make an accounting to the national treasurer on forms prescribed by the national treasurer. Section 9. Subdivisions or Sections. A division may organize itself into subdivisions or sections for the purpose of more efficient administration.

Article V -

Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director

A person shall be employed by USPTA with the title Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director (hereinafter "CEO/ED"). He or she need not be a member of the Association. He or she shall be named, have such duties, be

paid such salary and locate the world headquarters as from time to time is determined by the Executive Committee upon majority vote. Whenever the term "World Headquarters" is used in these bylaws it shall mean the office of the CEO/ED. He or she will be in charge of the world headquarters of USPTA and run the affairs of the Association on a day by day basis and under the immediate direction and control of the Board of Directors. The CEO/ED will have a voice, but no vote, at meetings of the Executive Committee

and the Board of Directors. Article VI -

Executive Committee

Section 1. Powers of Executive Committee. USPT A will be managed by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will have all powers

specifically reserved to it by these bylaws and such other powers of a general policy-making nature. The Executive Committee may delegate such of its powers as it deems wise in the management of the affairs of the Association.

Should any disagreement exist with any other body within USPTA such as the Board of Directors, as to the scope of the Executive Committee's powers, the determination of the Executive Committee shall be final. The Executive Committee shall have the power, which may be exercised at a meeting specifically called or at its annual meeting, to suspend, tor cause, the authority of any of the directors of the Association. "Cause"' is defined as grossly improper conduct on the part of a director. Section 2. Meetings of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall meet annually in September, or at such time as it deems convenient. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Executive Committee. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called upon the written request of 20 votes of the Executive Committee to the president of the Association, who,

within 14 days, will thereupon have the secretary notify the Executive Committee that it shall meet upon 30 days notice. An Executive Committee meeting may also be called on a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Section 3. Membership on Executive Committee. The Executive Committee wilt consist of the members of the Board of Directors and the president and

regional vice president of each of the divisions. Both these officers will be elected by the divisions prior to the annual Executive Committee meeting in September.


Bylaws Section 4. Voting. Voting in the Executive Committee shall be weighed as follows: Each division will have one vote for up to and including 100 voting members in the division. For example, a division with 40 members will have one vote and a division with 101 members or 160 members will have two votes, and a division with 240 members will have three votes. In addition, each member of the Board of Directors will have one vote. Prior to the Executive Committee meeting, the CEO/ED will certify to the president the number of paid路up voting members as of August 1 in a division and the number of votes to which the division is entitled. In the event that two delegates from a division disagree and the division has an odd number at votes, a division's votes can be divided into halves. For example, if a division has three votes and the two delegates disagree, each vote of the two delegates will count as l路Y2 votes. Section 5. Proxies. If any Executive Committee member cannot attend a meeting he or she may give a written proxy to the Executive Committee member from his or her division who is attending the meeting or give his or her proxy to any other member of his or her divisional Board of Officers who wishes to attend the meeting and to vote in his or her place. If neither an Executive Committee member from his or her division nor any other division officer can attend, he or she may give his or her vote to any other member of the Executive Committee who is attending the meeting. A member of the Board of Directors may vote by proxy given to a director who is present. Proxy statements shall be submitted to the Credentials Committee prior to the Executive Committee meeting. Section 6. Procedure at Executive Committee Meeting. The president of the Association shall chair Executive Committee meetings. Roberts' Rule of Order shall determine questions of procedure if the chair is challenged. Members of the Association may attend Executive Committee meetings, but shall remain mute, unless the Executive Committee, by majority vote, declares itself to be meeting in Executive Session, in which case members may not attend. The Executive Committee will meet with the outgoing president and Board of Directors at the first session of its annual meeting. At the end of this first session, the newly-elected Board of Directors will be introduced. The outgoing Board of Directors and president wii! continue to meet with the Executive Committee until all major items of old business are disposed of, and thereafter the newly-elected Board of Directors will meet with the Executive Committee and the meetings will be chaired by the newly-elected president. Section 7. Mail Ballots. When, in the judgment of the Board of Directors of the Association, it is desirable to hold a vote of the Executive Committee without calling a special meeting, a vote may be held by mail on 20 days' notice. A majority vote of those members of the Executive Committee who respond will be necessary for the adoption of a proposal. Mail ballots will not be permitted for proposed amendments to these bylaws or for the suspension of the powers of a director or for any other decision where it is provided that a meeting of the Executive Committee is necessary. Section 8. Immediate Past Presidents. The last three Immediate Past Presidents (excluding the present Immediate Past President, who is a member


Bylaws of the Board of Directors and is a member of the Executive Committee by virtue thereof) will be members of the Executive Committee. Each shall be entitled to one vote. If, however, any of the last three Immediate Past Presidents is a salaried employee of the USPT A, he or she shall not be a member of the Executive Committee, and only the remaining one or two (or none) of the Immediate Past Presidents shall be members of the Executive Committee.

Article VII - Board of Directors Section 1. Powers of Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall manage the affairs of the Association between meetings of the Executive

Committee. It shall also have the power to interpret the bylaws and to give direction in cases not provided tor therein. It shall meet annually in September

and at other times at the call of the president upon 20 days' notice. The Board of Directors shall also meet upon the call of majority of the Board of Directors who shall convey their request to meet to the secretary, who shall within one week call a meeting of the Board of Directors upon 20 days' notice. Section 2. Makeup of Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will consist of the President, First Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Immediate

Past President and four Vice Presidents. All Directors must be members of the Association at the time of their election.

Section 3. Nomination and Election of Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will be elected annually by the membership tor a one-year term. The election will be held as follows: Nominations will be made in the first two weeks in June of every year by the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee will propose a complete slate of directors and forward this slate to the CEO/ED by June 15. By July 1 the CEO/ED will mail to the membership the Nominating Committee's slate and call for further nominations. By July 21 the nominations from the membership must be received by the CEO/ED and he or she will thereupon add to the ballot the names of those persons who receive the greatest number of nominations from the membership. Only one nominee per office will be ac;tded to those persons nominated by the Nominating Committee and the one name added will have received the most number of nominations from the membership. The nominee, in order to be added to the ballot, must receive nominations from at least 20 members. In case of a tie,

the Board of Directors will determine the nominee to be added. Thereafter, by August 1, the CEO/ED will send out ballots to the members to be returned no later than September 1. The ballots will then be deposited by the CEO/ED with the Credentials Committee, which will then count the ballots prior to the annual meeting. The ballots will be counted in sufficient time to notify the

incoming Board of Directors of the election, so that the members will be able to attend the annual meeting. Section 4. Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee will be composed of three (3) members selected by the Executive Committee, none of whom will be from the same division and all of whom agree not to be a candidate for election to the Board of Directors in the coming year. After the Nominating Committee has proposed a slate of directors, it shall forward this slate to the CEO/ED and then disband. In the event that a member of the Nominating Committee for any reason cannot serve, his or her replacement

shall be made by the Chairman of the Nominating Committee, or if the Chairman for any reason cannot serve, by the remaining members of the Nominating Committee, both methods being subject to confirmatiOn by mail vote of the Executive Committee.


Bylaws Section 5. Voting Procedure at Board ol Directors Meetings. At meetings of the Board of Directors a quorum shall be a majority of the board. The meeting will be chaired by the president. Roberts' Rules of Order will govern proceedings of the Board of Directors meetings if the chair is challenged. The president may poll the Board of Directors by telephone, but only in cases where time is of the essence and a majority of the board does not object to the procedure. Letter confirmation of the vote shall subsequently be secured from the board members by the president. Section 6. Final Board Meeting. The outgoing Board of Directors shall hold its final meeting at the commencement of the period of annual meetings in September and will sit until all items of old business are disposed. Thereafter, the new Board of Directors shall meet.

Section 7. Vacancy in Office. If, for any reason an office shall become vacant, it shall be filled for the remainder of its term by vote of the Board of Directors, taken at a board meeting. The board shall have the right to allow the office to remain vacant, in its discretion.

If the president, for any reason, does not complete his term of office, then the immediate past president will complete the president's term of office. Thereafter, he or she shall no longer be immediate past president, but the office shall be declared vacant. In its place and stead shall be the office of "Director at Large" and an election shall be held by the membership, in the usual fashion, to elect the director at large, which office shall remain in being

until the present president becomes the immediate past president in the usual course. If the office of immediate past president becomes vacant during a term, a replacement director, called "Director at Large," will be chosen, in

the discretion of the board as set forth above, in the first paragraph of this Section 7. Article VIII - Directors The duties of the directors shall be as follows: (a) President. The president shall preside at all meetings, preserve order, appoint all committees, with the approval of the Board of Directors, not otherwise provided for, and see that the directors and committees perform their respective duties. He or she shall be an ex-officio member of all committees appointed by him or her. (b) First Vice President. The first vice president shall assist the president in the performance of his or her duties and shall exercise all the powers of the president in his or her absence or in case of his or

her death. (c) Secretary/Treasurer. The secretary/treasurer shall send out notices and perform other duties usual to the office of the secretary/treasurer, and

in assistance to the president. He or she shall keep all the financial records in a safe place, shall pay all authorized bills promptly on consultation with the president, and shall report on the Association's financial affairs periodically. He or she shall also invest the funds of the Association as directed by the Board of Directors. (d) Immediate Past President. The immediate past president shall assist the president and other directors in the performance of their duties. (e) Vice Presidents. The vice presidents shall assist the president in the performance of his or her duties and, in the case of the absence or

death of the first vice president, shall, with the secretary/treasurer, succeed to that office in an order determined upon the vote of the Board of Directors.


Bylaws Article IX -

One Person Per Office

In no event shall any two of the offices comprising the Board of Directors

and CEO/ED be filled by the same person. Article X - Fiscal Year The fiscal year of USPTA shall be from January 1 to December 31 or at a different period if so determined by the Executive Committee. Article XI - Sanctioned Events Members or divisions of USPTA proposing to hold tournaments or exhibitions are required to obtain a sanction from USPTA if spectators are to be charged an admission fee. Sanction applications may be obtained from the Tournament Committee. Article XII - Television and Other Rights Television, film, radio or other rights to the broadcast or any other reproduction of all sanctioned USPT A events are reserved by USPTA. Such rights pertaining to any other activities of, or in connection with, USPTA are also reserved by

USPTA. Article XIII - Rankings The official ranking shall be made annually. Ranking forms are to be requested from the Tournament Committee. All applicants filing sufficient data will be ranked and receive a ranking certificate.

Article XIV - Public Relations No member may speak for the Association unless specifically authorized to do so by the Board of Directors. No member may cause to have manufactured any signs, certificates, cards, forms or advertising material and use thereon the name or official crest of USPT A without written authorization of the Board of Directors. No person upon ceasing to be a member of USPTA may advertise himself or herself to be a member of USPTA or as certified or registered by USPTA or any like term which states or implies that the person has been or

still is a member in good standing with USPTA Article XV - Approval of Tennis Academies From time to time, USPT A may give or withhold its approval of the curriculum of tennis academies or schools which seek such approvaL The determination

of approval of the curriculum will be made by the Curriculum Committee, under the direction of the Board of Directors, and will be made by the most objective standards as possible. In the event the Curriculum Committee withholds approval, the applicant may, within 15 days of notification or lack of approval, appeal the decision at its next meeting, but no later than 90 days from the time the appeal is transmitted to the president. Article XVI - No Discrimination No person shall receive discriminatory treatment by USPT A on account of sex, color of skin, racial or religious persuasion.

Article XVII -

Code of Ethics

The name "Tennis Professional" must be and shall remain synonymous with honor, service and fair dealing. A professional's integrity, fidelity to the game

of tennis, and sense of great responsibility to employer and employees, manufacturers and clients, and to other professionals, must be of the highest. In accordance with these ideals, and with the purposes of the Association,


Bylaws USPT A enjoins upon its members rigid observance of the following Code of Ethics: (a) A member shall not play or give or solicit, or give the appearance of soliciting lessons without informing the resident professional at any


(c) (d) (e)

tennis facility and shall in no way cause embarrassment to any resident professional. A member shall not accept a position or appointment at a tennis facility in any but an honorable and ethical manner. A member shall meet his or her financial obligations promptly. A member shall not be guilty of conduct likely to injure the reputation and standing of the Association or any of its members. A member shall not engage in any conduct which is contrary to or inconsistent with policies adopted by USPT A.

Article XVIII -

Disciplinary Procedure

Section 1. Divisional Disciplinary Procedure. If any member violates any of the rules of the Code of Ethics of the Association, or any of the provisions of the Association, or any of the provisions of the Association's bylaws, the officers of his or her division shall have the power by a two-thirds vote to impose upon him or her a tine not to exceed $100, to revoke his or her right to participate in certain prescribed national or division activities for a limited

period of time, or both, or to suspend or expel him or her from membership in the Association, subject to the following procedure: (a) The president of the division shall appoint an investigating committee to determine if there is a prima facie case requiring a hearing. He or she shall also inform the world headquarters that he or she has appointed such a committee and the details of the matter. (b) Written notice of charges and the time and place of the meeting of the division officers to consider such charges shaH be given to the accused member. In no event, however, wit! the accused member be

given less than 14 days to prepare his or her defense. (c) At the hearing before the division officers on such charges, the accused member may appear and have witnesses appear in his or

her behalf. (d) The decision of the division officers shall be given to the accused member in writing either by personal delivery or via registered or certified mail.

(e) If the division officers conduct the hearing with an attorney present, the accused member will be entitled to have his or her attorney present This provision will also apply to all appeals or national disciplinary proceedings.

Section 2. Appeals to Board of Directors. Provided the accused member gives notice of appeal to the secretary of the Association within 15 days after receipt of notice of the decision of the division officers, he or she shall have

the right to appeal to the Board of Directors of the Association, and such appeal shall stay the decision of the division officers until the meeting of the

Board of Directors at which it is heard. The Board of Directors, by a two-thirds vote, may overrule the action of the division officers. The decision of the Board of Directors on any such appeal shall be final.


Bylaws Section 3. Costs of Appeal. An accused member who appeals a division decision will fully bear his or her cost of making the appeal, such as his or her transportation expenses or those of his or her witnesses.

Section 4. Notice of Divisional Disciplinary Action. If the penalty in any case is suspension or expulsion from membership in the Association, the

secretary of the division shall give written notice to the CEO/ED within 10 days after it becomes effective. Upon receipt of such notice, the CEO/ED shall notify all division secretaries of such suspension or expulsion.

Section 5. National Disciplinary Procedure. The National Board of Directors shall also have the power to ¡,mpose any of the penalties set forth in Section 1 of this article by a two-thirds vote for any of the offenses mentioned therein subject to the following procedures: (a) The president will appoint an Ethics Committee, which will hear the accused, his or her witnesses and those witnesses who support the charges. It will then determine if a prima facie case exists against the accused member. If the committee makes such a determination,

written notice of charges and the time and place of the meeting of the Board of Directors to consider such charges shall be given to the accused membeL In no event, however, will the accused member be given less than 14 days to prepare his or her defense. (b) At the hearing before the Board of Directors on such charges the accused member may appear and have witnesses appear in his or

her behalf. (c) The decision of the Board of Directors shall be final and shall be given to the accused member in writing either by personal delivery or via registered or certified mail.

Section 6. Notice of National Disciplinary Action. If the penalty in any case is suspension or expulsion the CEO/ED shall notify all division secretaries of such penalty. Article XIX -

Dissolution of USPTA

Upon the dissolution of USPTA, by determination of the Executive Committee, the net assets, including those of all divisions, remaining as property of USPTA, shall be given to a not-for-profit tax exempt institution, whose purposes are generally in the same area and along the same lines as the purposes of USPTA Article XX - Amendments to Bylaws Section 1. Amendments Procedure. Amendments to the bylaws can be made only at the annual Executive Comm¡1ttee meeting in September. Proposed amendments may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of those present, either in person or by proxy, at this meeting, Amendments may be proposed in the following manner: Each division before July 1 shall have a division meeting or a portion of a division meeting devoted to proposed amendments of the bylaws, 30 days before this division meeting, any division member may submit a proposed amendment to the bylaws to the division president. Thereafter, upon notice of proposed amendments in the notice of meeting, each proposed amendment will be voted on at the division membership

meeting and those that pass by a two-thirds vote of those present, either in person or by proxy, and whether or not a quorum is present, shall be submitted by the division president to the CEO/ED by July 1.


Bylaws After July 1, the CEO/ED will submit the proposed amendment to counsel and the Board of Directors. Counsel will render an opinion as to the

legality of a proposed amendment. Notice of proposed amendments, with counsel's opinion, along with the opinion of counsel from the sponsoring

division if it differs from that of the Association's counsel will be sent to the Executive Committee by the CEO/EO by August 1. Thereafter, the proposed amendments will be submitted to the annual meeting, having a quorum, of the Executive Committee for its determination. In order to pass, a proposed amendment must secure the vote of two-thirds of those

voting, either in person or by proxy. Section 2. Board of Directors Proposed Amendments. The Board of Directors may propose amendments to the bylaws. Any such proposed amendment shall be submitted to the CEO/ED by August 1. The proposal will then be sent to the Executive Committee and will be voted upon by the Executive Committee as set forth in Section 1 above.

Section 3. Ellective Date of Amendments. All amendments to the bylaws shall become effective when adopted or at the time specified in the amendment resolution.


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