May 2-3
Greenville, SC
Learn about Padel with Sco Mitchell, the General Manager for Sensa Padel in Nashville, and growing to other ci es.
We have 12 spots reserved at 1:30 on Thursday. Join Tom Daglis, Bill Phillips, Jorge Andrew, and a few more. Just $65 for cart & green fees. Then join us for the Happy Hour a erwards.
S ll growing and more popular than ever. Learn great drills, programming, and making your program special.
Our core at RSPA. Plenty of on court and off court seminars with some of the sharpest minds in the business
From Successful Programs to Managing Facili es to AI Advantages to the Business of Pickleball. These seminars will help you take your business to the next level.
Start every day with roundtable discussions, and take me to meet new friends and grow your network.
MRT SAT 3:30
PB & CT SUN morning
full details on page 8
1:30 Golf with the Legends
6:30-7:30 Happy Hour with the Southern Board a good hang with the Board & Legends
8:00-8:50 Round Table Discussion – various topics
9:00-9:50 David Marquina - From High performance to Adaptive Tennis: A Journey Of Community Impact court
Butch Staples - The ROI Of A Successful Program-Tactics to Maximize Profits class
10:00-10:50 Tim Scheuerman - Favorite Pickleball Drills & Games court
Stewart Russell - Managerial and Teaching Commonalities That Can Be Universal classroom
11:00:11:50 Dale Evans - Building The Transition Zone court
Jason Hazley - Comprehensive Program Building class
2:00:2:50 Practice court
Vendor Spotlight / Lunch
Marc Blouin - 8 Week Ladies Team
Scott Mitchell- What is Padel, It’s Appeal And What Do Clubs In The U.S. Need To Know classroom
3:00:4:30 Fernando Segal Systematizing The Methodology Of Player Development In Your Program court
4:40-5:40 Dr. Sophie Woorons - Live Games By The Numbers
Scott Hutchinson - The AI Advantage: Elevating Tennis Pros with cutting-Edge AI classroom
6:00-8:30 Welcome Party & Cardio Feeding Contest
7:00-8:00 Faith & Fellowship
8:00-8:50 Round Table Discussion with speakers Friday class
9:00-9:50 National Update - Mark Faber/Brian Dilman
10:00-10:50 Frank Solana - How to Build Pickleball Weapons to Reach the 5.0+ Level - court
Tom & Katie Ruth - What I Learned from My Spouse: Leading A Program class
11:00-12:15 Fernando Segal - Improving the Tennis IQ Of Players court
12:15-2:15 Awards Banquet
2:30-3:20 Lane Evans - Rookies to Rock Stars: The Fundamentals Needed To Take Your Beginning Players To The Next Level on court
2:30-3:20 Frank Solana – The Business of Pickleball class
3:30-4:30 Past Presidents - Tennis Ted Talksover 100 years of experience
Visitors are amazed to see Greenville's beau ful tree-lined Main Street, tons of exci ng restaurants and bars, great shopping, performance venues, nice hotels, and a river with its own waterfalls . . . right in the heart of downtown. City leaders from across America flock to see a downtown that's won countless na onal awards and press for its spectacular revitaliza on success
What was once an ugly overpass and a forgo en waterway is now an award -winning park with a landmark footbridge, spanning the now-beau ful Reedy River and surrounding Falls Park. Greenville's iconic des na on ("Meet me on the Bridge") is a beloved, much-photographed magnet for visitors and locals. Any beau ful day draws legions of happy pedestrians to the lushly landscaped greenbelt beneath Liberty Bridge, for dog-walking, picnicking, Shakespeare in the park, jogging, or a roman c moment on a swing with a view of it all.
Greenville is world-renowned as a des na on for cyclists. Favorite local son Geroge Hincapie - training partner of Lance Armstrong - has been instrumental in bringing the USA Pro Cycling championships to town each year. Paris Mountain, just minutes north of downtown, makes an ideal training ground. Runners and walkers take advantage of beau ful Falls Park, Cleveland Park and the city's lovely neighborhoods, while hikers head north to the Blue Ridge foothills to explore and enjoy countless trails and waterfalls. Tennis and golf are year-round past- mes.
Performing and visual arts are so abundant in Greenville that any weekend forces hard choices: symphony or blues? art opening or live theater? ballet or touring Broadway show? Downtown is filled with galleries and performance arts venues, most notably the Peace Center, which has two indoor theaters and outdoor amphitheater. bob Jones University has a world-class art collec on and several lovely museums are sca ered across the city. Choose your pleasures, and good luck trying to "do it all."
Hailed as one of "The Best Food Ci es in the U.S." by Travel + Leisure and an "Unexpected U.S. Foodie Des na on" by Lonely Planet, Greenville, South Carolina’s abundant and tasty restaurant scene has garnered na onal a en on. The food scene in Greenville is deliciously dynamic thanks to enterprising local restaurateurs and standout annual food fes vals. Even the founder of Duke's Mayonnaise is from Greenville, and you can savor your favorite condiment at 20+ stops
•Don’t miss out on this amazing event this year in Greenville SC.
Breakfast included in spacious suites
•Featuring Butch Staples, Dr. Sophie Woorons, Fernando Segal, Dale Evans, Sco Mitchell, and Frank Solana
•Meet our new CEO Brian Dillman
•Trade show on Friday, awards on Saturday
•RSPA logo hat for members
•3 meals included + breakfast at the hotel
•RSPA Pickleball, Cardio, and Master Racquet Tech cer fica on
(separate registra on –limited spaces)
Host Hotel:
Embassy Suites Resort & Conference Center
All rooms are suites at $169/night
Full breakfast with omelets and more
Everything is on site
Free shu le to the airport & downtown
Complimentary daily happy hour recep on
CLICK HERE to book online to receive the group rate or call the hotel at 864-676-9090
Room block released a er 4/5
Conven on Price:
• $150 Early Registra on by April 21st, $165 Full Registra on
• New Cer fied Member since 2024 - $25
• Non USPTA Member $165
• One day only $90
Spouse $90 (no gi or ed credit)
Awards lunch only $30
Register at rspa.net (you need to login or create an account if non member)
Visit rspasouthern.net for more info & all links
Fernando Segal is a globally recognized tennis development expert with over 45 years of experience. He founded the Segal Ins tute to train coaches and leaders in tennis development. A disciple of Felipe Locicero, coach of Guillermo Vilas, he has authored 12 books and lectured in 48+ countries. His coaching methodologies are used by over 7,000 coaches worldwide, and his development programs have produced 16 Junior Grand Slam champions and mul ple ATP/WTA Top 10 players.
Fernando has lectured in more than 48 countries at ITF World Conferences, Na onal Tennis Congresses, and elite coaching courses. He has worked with na onal tennis federa ons in Argen na, Brazil, Mexico, the U.S., and beyond, serving as a consultant and director. A member of several ITF and interna onal commi ees, he also serves as President of GPTCA for Argen na, Chile, and Mexico and was named GPTCA Interna onal Ambassador in 2025.
Fernando created the World Tennis Conference and Tennis Innova on Conference, both highly influen al global events. He also hosts Tennis Talks on TennisONE reaching over 340,000 members, and serves as Main Tennis Advisor for CoachTube.com. A frequent speaker at top interna onal conferences, he con nues to lead global tennis development projects, shaping the next genera on of coaches and players.
Butch Staples is currently the Na onal Educa on and Learning Advisor for USTA Coaching. His former posi ons included Na onal Racquet Sports Director and Educa on Director for Midtown Athle c Clubs, Director of Special Projects for the Van Der Meer Tennis University. His diverse career also included teaching Elementary and Secondary Physical Educa on as well as 8 years in Hospitality management as President General Manager of a ski, golf and tennis resort north of Montreal.
Butch is a 35+ year RSPA Elite Professional, a PTR Master Professional, a popular speaker at na onal and interna onal industry conferences and a veteran USTA Coach Developer for more than 25 years. Butch was recently honored by RSI magazine as the recipient of the 2024 Tennis Industry Service Award. He also received the USOC Doc Counsilman Science award in 2009, was named PTR Pro of the year in 2010 and received the pres gious Interna onal Tennis Hall of Fame Educa onal Merit Award in 2012.
Dr. Sophie Woorons is the Owner/Director Brookstone Tennis, 10court tennis facility, Anderson, SC. She has her PhD in Sport Pedagogy from the University of Georgia. A former AllAmerican for Clemson University in both Singles and Doubles, she was the ACC Player of the year and is a member of the ACC 50-year anniversary team. She
was a NCAA Na onals Semi-Finalist in Singles, Division 1.
She is the author of Strategy Book: A New Spin on Tennis. Sophie has been a presenter at Interna onal, Na onal and State conferences. Her ar cles have been featured in TennisPro, TennisWeek.com and Educa onal magazine.
Sophie was named the 2015 USPTA Professional of the Year, USTA South Carolina Teaching Professional of the year, USTA SC Female Player of the year, and Brookstone was named SC Club of the year.
Her Pro Career includes former WTA Pro Tour ranked 429 in singles (age 17), 511 in doubles. As a junior, she represented France in the European championship 12u. Her Senior Tour accomplishments are amazing, and Team USA 2013, 2014, 2019, 2021. She was a Bronze Medalist at Senior Fed Cup World Championships with Team USA. A 10 Time Na onal Champion –Ranked #1 in the Country in age group, and there is much more
Dale Evans is the Director of Tennis Opera ons at the Billie Jean King Na onal Tennis Center.
Originally from Oakland, CA, he is a 2 me tennis industry na onal award winner and 2- me na onal coaching champion who has spoken at several conferences and USPTA World Conferences. A er playing collegiate tennis at Jackson State University (MS), he has spent an extensive amount of me coaching players and leading highperforming teams throughout the tennis industry, including being the long me founda onal coach for 2020 Les Pe ts Doubles Champion, serving 8+ years as a USTA and RSPA NorCal Board Member, and producing over $3 million in tennis event revenue. He holds a B.S. in Management and M.S. in Sports Management and is cer fied as an RSPA Elite Professional, PTR Level 3, Sanchez-Casal, ITPTA, USTA Coach Developer, and UF Director of Racquet Sports.
Mark Faber VP RSPA Na onal Board, is a RSPA Elite Professional and director of tennis at Twos Athle c Club in Toledo, Ohio. He has been a RSPA member for more than 20 years and is the Past President of the Midwest Division. Since gradua ng from Methodist University in 1994, he has been involved in many facets of the tennis industry. Not only does he serve as the Director of Tennis, but he has also coached high school tennis for 24 years, co -directed a major charity event, started a school morning tennis program and serves on various USTA/Midwest and Na onal Commi ees and project teams. He has been recognized for his efforts as USPTA Ohio Pro of the Year, USPTA Midwest and Na onal High School Coach of the Year, TIA High School Coach of the Year and was awarded the USTA/USPTA Community Service ward. Mark is the proud father of two children, Gabi and Chris an.
Marc Blouin has over 35 years of tennis teaching experience ranging from recrea onal to professional levels. He was fortunate to teach clinics with tennis greats Stan Smith, Billie Jean King, and Dennis Van der Meer, and was a sparring partner to WTA players. Marc is one of sixteen individuals in the world with dual Master Professional designa on USPTA and PTR. 2001 USTA high performance cer fica on. He has been the Director of Racquet Sports at Augusta Country Club since 2012. Awards include 2010 USPTA North Carolina facility manager of the year and the 2012 USPTA Southern General Manager of the year.
Stewart Russell is originally from Northport, New York and graduated from Roanoke College in Salem, Va. with a degree in Sociology. Stewart directs the junior and adult programs at James Creek Tennis Center and Legacy Park Tennis Center. Stewart most recently (September 2024) received his Master Professional accredita on with RSPA (formerly USPTA).
Stewart has been a USTA Na onal Junior Player Development coach who par cipated in Regional and Na onal events hosted by the USTA. Before joining Universal Tennis Academy, Stewart was the Head Men’s Tennis Coach at Roanoke College in Salem, Virginia for five years. He was also the Director of Tennis at Brookstone Country Club in Acworth, Ga.
Tom & Ka e Ruth Tom is the Sports Center Director at Long Cove Club in Hilton Head Island, SC, where he brings over two decades of experience in the tennis industry. Tom is a RSPA Elite Professional. His passion for tennis extends beyond the court, as he currently serves as the Vice President on the RSPA SC Board and has also served on the Board of Directors for USTA SC and serving on the finance and compe on commi ees. Addi onally, he is the Director of the Pro League of Hilton Head Island, which raises funds and awareness for grassroots tennis ini a ves in and around Beaufort County. Ka e is the award -winning Director of Racquet Sports at Moss Creek in Hilton Head Island, SC. She was recognized as the 2023 USTA South Carolina Tennis Professional of the Year. Originally from England, Ka e played collegiate tennis at Clayton State University, where she was an NCAA Division II Final Four doubles compe tor and an All-Conference Team member. She has also represented Team South Carolina in the Callan Cup and Team Southern in Intersec onals. Ka e is a dedicated leader and ac vely mentors and promotes women in the racquet sports industry, helping to develop future leaders in the field.
Sco Mitchell is the General Manager is Sensa Padel in Nashville, A na onal brand of padel clubs in Boston, Nashville, and soon to open in Aus n, TX and San Francisco. He is a RSPA Master Professional that has managed some of the largest and most pres gious facili es in the U.S. and is now excited for the challenge to grow padel across the na on.
Sco Hutchinson has been the Director of Tennis at Greater Atlanta Chris an School since 2017, following 16 years in the country club sector. A graduate of the Ferris State University Professional Tennis Management program, he is a USPTA/ RSPA Elite Pro and PTR-cer fied professional with 25 years in the tennis industry. In addi on to his tennis du es, Sco serves as the Director of Partnerships for Ethos Online School and its revolu onary TrekAI pla orm. Collabora ng with the Ethos team, he has been instrumental in developing AI solu ons for the corporate sector, aiding tennis professionals in adap ng to the evolving AI landscape.
SAT 3:30-6:30
The cer fica on program is designed to provide racquet sports professionals with a compe ve edge. When you successfully pass the test, you will be in fairly elite company. You will also be listed on the USRSA website adver sing your status as a Master Racquet Technician, Cer fied Stringer or Professional Racquet Advisor, which drives consumers to your loca ons.
Cer fica on Link: There you will find an introduc on to the program as well as links to take you to a list of test loca ons, requirements, study materials, and the applica on. The fee is $150 for a USRSA member.
The first step is to complete the applica on and return it to USRSA at least 3 weeks before the test date. You will be sent a confirma-