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USS Blue Ridge

Family Readiness Guide Deployment Info and Checklist

Family Readiness

l for any unit in Family Readiness is essentia tional tempo can the Navy. Each unit’s opera as a command to be uniquely stressful. We try ble, the stressors we mitigate, as much as possi trends and sources of face by examining common measures to counter or stress, and then instituting essors. Being prepared is prevent those common str asure to most stressors. always the best counterme ver, can also have a Family-related stress, howe ividual’s readiness. significant impact on an ind both the unit and the Out of care and concern for all we can to mitigate individual, our goal is to do extended family members common stressors for our m each other. The intent is while we are seperated fro home, knowing routine to give you peace of mind at care of. You can also rest personal matters are taken ay from home, we are assure that while we are aw r mission so we can all focused on our jobs and ou come home together. oms are the Our families and their freed at we do. Please help foundation of why we do wh n, our families and us in our duty to our natio r burden to always be each other by sharing in ou offered as a guide to help prepared. This handbook is you do so.

Table Of Contents 3 Things to 4 Family 2




Important Contacts

7 Bank

5 Important 6 Family



Record Locations

8 Family



9 Family


11 Automobile 12


14 Letter

15 Helping



Assistance Support Team


Writing/ Email Guide




cto e r i D ne

Children Cope

16 Emergency Leave Information

Things to Discuss Power of Attorney/Will - Up to date? ? Car - Insurance and maintenance- Up to date essible? Important papers (Deeds, Titles, etc.) Acc Bank Account - Information correct? Family Members’ ID Cards - Current? use it? AMCROSS - Does your family know how to ion - Completed? Navy/Marine Corps Relief Pre-Authorizat FAST File - Completed? fied? Record of Emergency Date - Is PG. 2 veri SGLI Beneficiary - Correct? Allotments/Direct Deposit - Online? Budget - Planned? d? Family Emergency Leave Plans - Discusse ed? NEO Package and Preparation - Complet

Primary Contacts

080-0826-8253 BLR Ombudsman - Shanette Abney - bney @lcc19.navy.mil shanette.a Samantha Knepper - 090-4915-1467 samantha.knepper@lcc19@navy.mil Stallings BLR Command Chaplain - Chaplain Anthony lling anthony.sta s@lcc19.navy.mil k Tomlinson BLR Command Master Chief - CMDCM Mar lcc19.navy.mil on@ mlins mark.to hler.ctr@fe.navy.mil C7F Ombudsman - Vicki Boehler - Vicki.Boe or ombudsman.c7f@gmail.com n Fish C7f Command Chaplain - Chaplain Camero cameron.fish@lcc19.navy.mil pian Addington C7f Command Master Chief - CMDCM Cris crispian.addington@lcc19.navy.mil M Robert Hunter C7f Senior Enlisted Leader - QMC robert.hunter@c7f.navy.mil

Family meetings help children understand what is going to happen so they can adjust better emotionally. n be a c g in t e e A family that has discussed A family m ways to t s e b e the deployment and has h t one of amily f le o h w e h . explained each person’s role prepare t separation is better prepared for the g in m o c p u for the experience of separation.

The Ftainmgily Mee

Topics to Discuss

* Why deployments happen - When children understand that their parent has to be gone to make the world a safer place, the separation is easier to accept.

* The length of the deployment -Explain what dates you will miss (like birthdays or holidays) and when you will return.

* Part of the world where the deployment will take place -This may help children accept the separation more easily.

- Even though there are a lot of miles between children * Communication and their parent, they can still keep in touch and think of each other.


Discipline and rules - One parent may be gone but family rules are not suspended.

* Plan for homecoming -

Discuss some fun things the family can do when the ship returns. This will give the children something positive to look forward to.

* Encourage discussion - Let the children talk about their feelings and

ask any questions that may be on their mind. Answer them as honestly as you can.

Family Record

This record is designed to provide a summary of infor mation for the sponsor and the spouse as well as other family mem bers. In order to have this information handy, a completed copy should be kept at home with other important family docum ents and a copy kept by the sponsor in their personal papers on the ship. If information for your spouse is different than yours , you may want to copy the following pages before you fill it out so that your spouse can also fill out one.

Important Record Locations

Make sure you know the location of all important recor


Birth Certificates_______________________________________ Naturalization Papers_________________________________ __ Marriage Papers______________________________________ __ Immunization Records________________________________ __ Death Certificates__________________________________ _____ Adoption Papers______________________________________ __ Employment Records________________________________ ___ Military Service Records________________________________ Copy of Orders______________________________________ ____ Dependent Entry Approval__________________________ ____ Will___________________________________________________ _ Power of Attorney____________________________________ ___ School Transcripts_________________________________ _____ Income Tax Returns____________________________________ Life Insurance_______________________________________ ___ Auto Insurance_______________________________________ __ Home Insurance_______________________________________ _ NEO Package__________________________________________ __ Passports_____________________________________________ __

Family Data Sponsor’s Name _________________________________________ Rate/Rank ______________________________________________ Social Security Number___________________________________ Command________________________________________________ Spouse’s Name___________________________________________ Spouse’s SSN____________________________________________ Mailing Address__________________________________________ Physical Address_________________________________________ Sponsor’s Parents Mother____________________ Father_______________________ Spouse’s Parents Mother____________________ Father_______________________ Children _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Emergency Contacts _____________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Secondary Dependents __________________________________ _________________________________________________________

Rem em s infor afegua ber to r you m can ation d this box, . (Sa as be enc locked fe dep st ode d fil drawe osit e, e r, tc.)


__________ Savings Account:___________________________ _________ Name:______________________________________ ___________ Branch:___________________________________ _________ Account Number:____________________________ _________ Checking Account:___________________________ _________ Name:______________________________________ ___________ Branch:___________________________________ _________ Account Number:____________________________ Other Accounts _________ Name:______________________________________ _________ Account Number:____________________________ _________ Name:______________________________________ _________ Account Number:____________________________ Mutual Funds and Bonds __________ Company:__________________________________ ________ Fund Name:__________________________________ __________ Company:__________________________________ ________ Fund Name:__________________________________ Safe Deposit Box _________ Name of Bank:______________________________ ___________ Branch:___________________________________ _________ Box Number:________________________________ _________ Key Location:_______________________________

Family Budget Monthly Expenses Monthly Income Savings: $_______________________ Military Pay: $__________________ Food: $__________________________ Social Security: $________________ Housing: $_______________________ Interest: $_______________________ Clothing: $_______________________Dividends: $_____________________ Laundry: $______________________ Rental Income: $_________________ Insurance: $_____________________ Other Employment: $____________ Utilities: $_______________________ Total Monthly Income: $__________ Electricity: $_____________________ Water: $_________________________ Subtract your total Entertainment: $________________ expenses from your Home Repairs: $_________________ income Gas: $___________________________ Telephone: $_____________________ Surplus or Deficit? Transportation: $________________ ving Personal Grooming: $____________ bers ser m e m y r a t Milit the grea Home Upkeep: $_________________ e v a h s a card overse Loans: $_________________________ e credit e s o t e g privile ase Donations: $_____________________ to 6%. Ple p o r d s e rat at not all Total Monthly Expenses: $_______ wever, th

Ho oyah Na vy!

this note, ho ions honor t u it t s in your banking ase visit le P . e g e e privil e for mor ic f f o e ic v legal ser n. informatio

Family Assistance Support Team To whom it may concern, CFAY FFSC/FAST provides support and limited assistance to DESRON 15 and COMSEVENTHFLT Sailors, Marines and their families, particularly during underway periods. The FAST office is located on the second deck of the Community Center, by the Chapel, Room #225, phone 243-5840. SERVICES Transportation is provided to all fleet, shore and DoD civilian personnel and families arriving and departing Narita International Airport and Yokota Air Terminal. Call 243-7777 or email cfay_bus@fe.navy.mil for a complete schedule. FAST vans will be provided to fleet personnel if traveling on funded orders outside the Narita bus hours, traveling with pets, or if other than Narita and Yokota Air Terminal. Administrative assistance and liaison in the following areas: Housing liaison and administrative assistance Forms processing Letters of Dependency Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) Advance Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) Moving In Housing Allowance (MIHA) Navy Lodge extensions ID cards Command sponsorship assistance Houseguest passes Environmental and Morale Leave (EML) travel orders (Continue on next page)

IMPORTANT: When you visit the FAST Office, we recommend you bring the following documents with you in order to complete a family file: - Copy of PCS orders to Japan with all endorsements and modifications - Copy of Family Entry Approval or Command Sponsorship Approval - Copy of Power of Attorney** (See note below) - Copy of passports with exit/entry stamps - Emergency Locator Card - EML Authorization Card - Copy of the Record of Emergency Data (Page 2). Ensure this form is correct because it documents for the Navy exactly who to notify in case of emergency or death and where they are located. It also states to whom the member desires payment to be made if a sponsor is missing in action and determines upon death who shall receive unpaid pay, allowances and death gratuity. A Page 2 may also be used to verify sponsor or family member’s relationship to a deceased or dying family member for funded emergency leave. Addresses and phone numbers of primary and secondary next-of-kins are now required entries on this document. ** Power of Attorney: General or Special Powers of Attorney as desired can be drafted by the base or ship’s legal office. They are required if the sponsor is at sea when the spouse will receive household goods shipment, sell/purchase a car, rent an off-base house, submit TLA/OHA/MIHA documents, accepts government housing, file joint income taxes, and many other circumstances. * *POWERS OF ATTORNEY ARE USUALLY ONLY VALID FOR ONE YEAR. Do not wait until the last minute to verify or obtain the documents listed. Very Respectfully

Family Assistance Support Team

Family Assistance Support Team(FAST)

Automobile Checklist the sea, at is sponsor the If ce responsibility of automobile maintenan h may fall to someone unfamiliar wit these procedures. Use the following checklist as a guide to help alleviate potential problems: Check the basics (Expiration Dates): __ Japanese Compulsory Insurance __ Personal Liability Insurance __ Registration __ Safety Inspection __ Road Tax __ Engine Oil Check the operation of: __ Headlights __ Parking Lights __ Brake Lights __ Interior Lights __ Power Steering __ Horn __ Windshiled Wipers __ Panel Gauges and Warning Lights Check the fluid levels: __ Radiator __ Master Brake Cylinder __ Transmission __ Battery

Check condition of: __ Radiator and Heater Hoses __ Engine Vacuum Lines __ Brake Lines (Lining, Disc, Pads) __ Air Filter __ Seat Belts __ Shocks __ Engine Belts __ Battery Cables __ Tires (Including Spar e) Be __ __ __

sure family knows: How to change a tire How to check tire pressu re How to check oil, other fluids

F USSast Fact: is the Blue Ridg in the oldest sh e active U.S. Na ip v next tduty fleety Const o USS , itution .

Home Maintenance

bile upkeep. t as important as automo Home maintenance is jus ment if you do not live in govern Where do you go for help yment. made safe prior to deplo be d oul sh me ho e Th ? housing Do you fire plan in case of fire? Do you have an adequate isher? Do you own a fire extingu n? pla ke ua hq rt ea an have way. e your home while you are These questions prepar Rental agent/ Mortgage Phone:


Plumber: Phone: Electrician: Phone: Appliance Repairs: Phone: Home Insurance: Phone:

Heating/Air Conditioning: Phone:


Smoke alarms installed?


Fire extinguisher charge

Do you have a fire escape


ified and repaired in the

All safety hazards ident


From: Jack Charles IT1 (LC C-19) Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 9:47 AM To: Charlie Jackson HT2 (LCC-1 9) Subject: Letter Writing/Ema il Guide

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Here are a few ideas to help you communicate better wit h each other by letter or e-mail: 1. Discuss how often to exp ect emails and letters before you leave. Explain situations where email com munication may not be ava ilable. 2. Write with your spouse’s picture in front of you as tho ugh you were talking directly to him/her. 3. Answer all questions you r spouse asks in his/her lett er or E-mail. 4. Ask advice when needed . 5. Explain problems clearly. Vaguely presented issues will cause your spouse to worry unnecessa rily. If you have resolved the problem let him/her know. 6. Involve your spouse in the day-to-day life of the family. Tell of daily activities in an amusing and interesting way. 7. Remember the importanc e of expressions of affection. Assure your spouse that you still care. You r spouse needs to hear it ofte n. 8. Share your feelings as ope nly and freely as you can wit hout indulging in self-pity. Let your spouse kno w that you want to hear abo ut what he/she is feeling. 9. Express yourself clearly and unequivocally, so your spouse won’t have to think “now what did he/she mean by that”. Do not try to interpret what your spouse says, read betwee n the lines, or distort meani ngs. If you don’t understand, ask questions. Otherwise take it at face val ue. 10. Comment on the last lett er, e-mail, or video you receive d from your spouse. Let him/her know that you appreciated it. 11. If you have children and they can write, have them enc lose notes in your letter or e-mail. Better yet, encourage your children to write a letter or e-mail to Dad or Mom. Send pictures of home, friends and family. 13. ABOVE ALL, WRITE OR E-MAIL OFTEN. Don’t com pare the number of letters or e-mails written to the number of letters or e-m ails sent. Number your letters so he/she will kno w what order they were wri tten in. The mail doesn’t always arrive in the same order you sent it out. 14. BE PATIENT, ESPECIALL Y WHEN WRITING. The ma il will be slow. Just because you do not hear from your spouse/son/mother/fa ther/fiance over a long period of time doesn’t mean he/she has forgotten you. Most likely it means that it has been awh ile since we had mail service .

V/R IT1 Charles

Helping Children Cope

tain ty in their lives. There are cer Children want and need stabili ent par a ile wh them feel more secure things that you can do to help ns era vet nt me few hints from deploy is on deployment. Here are a ier on children: to make a parent’s absence eas p has e which shows where the shi hom * A calendar and a map at ports. been and learning about those help loyed parent to children will dep * Personal letters from the are ers lett l cia sure that these spe them feel more special. Make en. written equally to all the childr ry children do every day or eve the t * A checklist of chores tha the for s ard structure. Have rew week gives them the needed res. cho se successful completion of the ause of a parent’s absence. If bec nge * A child’s behavior may cha cipline it may be their way to cope. Dis children act inappropriately, may need to be adjusted. p the lude the deployed parent hel * Videotapes or DVDs that inc y love and miss. children remember the one the for organizational cap or t-shirts ’s ent * Wearing the deployed par re the e sur ke y connected. Just ma pajamas are a fun way to sta the kids. are enough to go around for all s parent by each child’s bed. Thi ed loy * Have a picture of the dep of tion ara sep connected during the will help children feel more deployment. loyed family life and include the dep * Say prayers as part of the as ure sec re mo l help the children fee parent in prayers. This can they learn to trust. youth h structured activities like * Keep the children busy wit time The ies. pel related activit sports, music lessons, or cha en. ldr chi py pay dividends in hap investment on your part will

N A s V ’ d a Y D y M WIF E r o l i a a S 19


Emergency Leave

During longer at-sea periods, service members cannot normally take leave to return to CONUS or to Yokosuka, except in an emergency situation. If emergency leave is granted by the Commanding Officer, the sponsor and/or family member may be granted funded emergency leave. Funded emergency leave provides a round trip ticket from the nearest port of debarkation in the country where the emergency exist. Follow-on transportation is the responsibility of the member. Emergency leave can be granted whenever the circumstances warrant, based on the judgement of the Commanding Officer and the desires of the member. When the military situation permits, emergency leave may be authorized under the following conditions: * Immediate family member is defined as the service member’s spouse, children, parents, or persons standing in loco-parentis (i.e., guardian or person who acted in place of the natural parents for at least five years prior to members 21st birthday), siblings or only living relative. * Similar relatives of the sponsor’s spouse are also considered immediate family. Be sure your Service Record Page 2 is correct. It may be used to determine eligibility for funded emergency leave. * When the dying patient’s (when immediate family member welfare would be improved by a visit. * Upon the death of an immediate family member * When an accident or serious illness occurs to the immediate family of the sponsor and/or a family member which may result in a serious family problem and imposes important responsibilities on the member which must be met immediately and which cannot be accomplished by any other individual or means. * When failure of the sponsor to return home would create severe and unusual hardship on either the sponsor or the sponsor’s family. When the emergency involves a family member in a country where American Red Cross can’t make the verification, the member must provide the equivalent information: - Name of person involved in the emergency - Relationship to sponsor or spouse - Nature of emergency In case of medical emergency, please provide - Name and phone number of attending physician - Name and phone number of the hospital In case of death, please provide - Name and phone number of funeral director **Note: Service members should ensure that they have their passport with them because not all countries we visit have a Status of Forces Agreement with the United States, thus requiring passprts for members who need to leave that country

- Yokosuka Phone Directory -

Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society

NMCRS Yokosuka Offers PSD Building 1555 3rd Floor - Assistance with Emergency Leave Phone: 243-7905/4450 Hours: Monday - Friday / 0800 - 1600 - Budget ounseling - Spouse Tuition Assistance Email: finchkel@japana.nmcrs.org - Layette Program Visit: www.nmcrs.org ** After-hour emergencies are handled by contacting Security at 243-7650** and requesting a NMCRS after-hours caseworker. BUDGET COUNSELING -free and confidential budget counseling for service members and families. We have several tools to ensure that you have your complete financial story. For those who need in depth financial counseling, our own Personal Financial Educator provides one-on-one counseling as well as classes on Basic Budgeting, Managing Credit and Checkbook Management. SPOUSE TUITION ASSISTANCE - In overseas locations, this service is available to spouses of active-duty who take college courses at institutions offering on-base programs. NMCRS may grant up to 50% of the tuition with a maximum of $300/term and $500/year to undergraduates and $350 and $750/year to graduate students. Assistance is based on need as determined by the family budget. There are also other programs available for dependent children and spouses through our headquarters. There are also educational loans for active duty services members who are enrolled in TAP. Please call or stop by for more information. LAYETTE PROGRAM - This is a gift to all military personnel! The reusable tote bag includes a handmade item, child-care book, clothes, towels, socks and sheets! A budget is done through either an individual interview with a caseworker or our Budget for Baby Class. This is to show you your financial picture now and after the baby arrives. Please call for an appointment and bring your current LES!!

Appointments are Encouraged

American Red Cross

*After normal working hours, holidays and weekends, contact Community Center (Bldg. F-68) Floor 2 Yokota chapter at 225-2536 Phone: 243-7490/5291 AMCROSS assists with personal, financial and health issues (such as classes for new mothers). In an emergency involving sponsors or their family members, AMCROSS provides a means by which families can communicate with service members at sea. To ensure messages are received promptly, please provide your families, including those in CONUS, with the sponsors rate/rank, full name, social security number, and department/division. In cases of serious injury or death in the immediate family, family members should promptly request AMCROSS assistance in notifying the sponsor.


Chaplains are available for pastoral counseling in a variety of areas including family life and marriage, marriage preparation, grief, and spiritual and religious issues. The Chaplain is a resource available to you and your family. You are encouraged to become acquainted with our chapel congregations and to enjoy the benefits of that religious community. Chapel of Hope - 243.6773/6774 Chapel of Rising Sun- 242.4183/4820 Pastoral Care - 243.7040 Atsugi Chapel - 264.3202 BLR Chaplain - anthony.stallings@lcc19.navy.mil C7F Chaplain - cameron.fish@lcc19.navy.mil


The Command Family Ombudsmen serves as the primary link between the families and the command and as such, they are the primary communicators of information between the command and the families. They receive updates on the ship’s schedule and activities through Family Grams, which they share with the families through the bulletin board they maintain in the Base Post Office. Please send your e-mail address to your Ombudsman as soon as possible. BLR Ombudsman - Shanette Abney - 080-8026-8253 | Samantha Knepper - 090-4915-1467

C7F Ombusdman - Vicki Boehler | Vicki.boehler.ctr@fe.navy.mil Ambulance (Off Base) 0468-160-116 Ambulance (On Base) 911 American Embassy, Tokyo 224-5000 American Red Cross 243-7490/5291 Base Information 113 Base Operator 243-1110 From Off Base 0468-211-911 Base Security (Routine) 243-2300 Chapel of Hope 243-6773/4 BLR Quarterdeck 243-6600 BLR Chaplain 243-7707 C7F Chaplain: 243-7821 Command Master Chief 243-3240 (BLR) 243-7460 (C7F) Command Ombudsmen 080-8026-8253 080-1300-2419 Command Family Readiness Group 241-2185 (BLR) 246-7748 (C7F)

Dental 243-8808 FAST 243-5840 Fire (On and Off Base) 117 Fleet and Family Support Center 243-FFSC/6716/6717 Housing Office 243-4663/9037 Military Police (Emergency) 911 MWR Office 242-4120 Navy College Office 243-8131 Navy Legal Service 243-5141 NEO Coordinator 243-1715 NMCRS 243-4450 Personnel Support Detachment (PSD) 243-6813/8457 TRICARE 243-9528/8992 U.S. Naval Hospital Information 243-7144/5247 Central Appointments 243-5352 VRO 243-5011


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