From: To:
Command Region One Shuttle Bays Command USS COLUMBIA NCC 2049
RAdm. Jason Schreck Take in all lines, Secure all Hatches, Put Thrusters at Station Keeping, and Stand By, Prepare your Excelsior Class Heavy Cruiser to get underway. Region One Shuttle Bays Salute you and your Crew, Thank you for allowing us to assist you. May the winds be at your back, and always favor you and your crew.
Admiral Roger H. Scritchfield CO USS Arizona NCC 71839 R1ShOC Director Starfleet the International Star Trek Fan Association
Command Staff Commodore Jason Schreck
Commanding Officer
Lt Commander Randy Davis
Executive Officer
Lieutenant Al Davies
Chief of Engineering
Marine Captain Steven McKean
Chief Science Officer
Lieutenant Teshie Marie
Chief of Security
Lieutenant Robert Page
Chief Medical Officer
Marine Captain Zeb Young
OIC 133rd MSG
Lieutenant William Phillips
Chief of Operations
Command Department Commanding Officer
Commodore Jason Schreck
Executive Officer
Lt Commander Randy Davis
Administrative Officer
Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Alan Steinberg
Command Intelligence Officer
Ensign Paul Mastovich
Command Officer
Ensign Rob Dorman
Intelligence Specialist
Ensign Art Crow
Ensign Karis Johns
Helmsman’s mate
Crewman Recruit George Leclair
Engineering Department Chief of Engineering
Lieutenant Al Davies
Warp Drive Engineer
Commander Rodney Billings
Sensors Engineer*
Marine Captain Steven McKean
Transporter Engineer
Ensign Kevin Turner
Medical Department Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Robert Page
Ensign Katie Jackson
Pharmacist’s Mate
Crewman Recruit Monica Beard
Life Science Assistant
Cadet Catherine McKean
Medical Doctor
Crewman Recruit Michelle Guillet
Operations Department Chief of Operations
Lieutenant Jeremy DeSpain
Shuttle Pilot*
Ensign Katie Jackson
Chief Hangar Deck Officer
Ensign Alexander Filip
Operations Management and Tactical Mate
Crewman Recruit Victor Szczerbinin
Science Department Chief Science Officer
Marine Captain Steven McKean
Asst Ch Science Officer (temporary detail)
Ensign Jozette Allen
Engineering Physicist*
Lieutenant Al Davies
Science Officer Astronomer
Lieutenant (JG) Kristy LaFata
Science Officer
Ensign Jozette Allen
Anthropology/Archaeology Junior Science Officer Astronomer/Planetary Sci Junior Science Officer Historian/Librarian Junior Science Officer Life Scientist Junior Science Technician Sr. Computer Programmer
Ensign Kathy Trevino Ensign Heath Row Ensign Bambi Robbins Crewman Recruit David Graham
Marine Complement (133rd MSG) Officer-in-Charge
Marine Captain Zeb Young
Deputy Officer-in-Charge*
Lt. Commander Randy Davis
Platoon Leader*
Marine Captain Steven McKean
Platoon Leader*
Lieutenant Jeremy DeSpain
Unit Medical Officer*
Lieutenant Robert Page
Aerospace Member*
Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Alan Steinberg
Image Coming Soon MSG Intel. Specialist
2nd Lieutenant Paul McPherson
Security Department Chief of Security
Lieutenant Teshie Marie
Chief Master at Arms*
Lieutenant Jeremy DeSpain
Security officer
Ensign Ryan Pelkey
External security/Tactical
Crewman Recruit Brittany Vance
Currently Unassigned Crew Members Ensign Cameron Lowe Ensign Nicholas LaFata Ensign Jessica Pehrson Crewman Recruit David Johnson Cadet John Callender
Reserve Crew Ensign Kirk Freeman
The rank insignias on this site were created by Kuro-RPG and are used with kind permission. If you would like to obtain a complete set, please visit their website. The Marines rank insignia have been adapted from Kuro-RPG insignia.
Learn the Klingon Language
Letter from the CO
From the XO
10 science report 15
space shuttle past and present part 3
16 MEDICAL REPORT 23 COLOR ME PAGES 29 cadet corner 32 The gorn
What is SETI@home? SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You can participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data. 7
Wow here it is September that means we have only 1 month till our commissioning. Speaking of which just a reminder our online commissioning will be October 23rd at 2pm est in the web site chat room. We have confirmed VIP guests the Regional Coordinator, Brigade OIC and Battalion DOIC. i hop e everyone will be able to attend. Promotions will also be awarded. It has been a great 8 months since launch and i look forward to our continuing mission as a crew together. Just a reminder we are wrapping up our first role playing session and will begin a new one shortly. I encourage all crew to participate. This is also worth promotion points and our first rpg session has been a lot of fun to date. Lastly a little fleet business. All STARFLEET members should have received their election Ballot for the STARFLEET general election. It is important that you vote this election decides STARFLEET's leadership for the next 3 years and possibly some big changes if the bylaw revision passes. Please read through the materials sent to you and send in your ballot as soon as possible. Well that's it for this month. I look forward to seeing everyone at the commissioning. Rear Admiral Schreck Signing off
COMMISSIONING DAY CEREMONIES ARE ON OCTOBER 23, 2010 AT 2:00 PM EST. Next month is what we have been working for, I am very excited this has been a journey worth taking. The RPG “A distressing situation” is going great, if you have not joined in please do. Star Trek Online just finished up its first mini series called “Cold Front” and the Columbia kicked some Breen backside, I can’t wait for the next mini series to start. I just read the sequel to the Star Trek Destiny series called “Unworthy”. It is about the fallout of the Borg invasion of the Alpha quadrant and the defeat of the Borg all over the galaxy by the Calier. The Voyager returned to the Delta quadrant with a new captain to lead a task force to determine if the Borg are indeed gone. 7 of 9 must confront the fact that she is no longer a Borg drone and deal with the loneliness of the lost voices of the Borg. Lots of mystery and discovery I recommend it highly 7 out of 10 stars. Well I am going to keep is short this month I promise lots of stuff for next Newsletter but it has been a busy month so, until next time… LtCmdr Randy Davis XO, USS COLUMBIA NCC 2049
Science Department Science Crew Listing MCPT Steven McKean - Chief Science Officer (Computer Scientist, Electronics Specialist, Sensors Engineer) LT Al Davies – Engineering Physicist* (Auxiliary crew from Engineering Dept) LTJG Kristy LaFata (Sevek) – Asst Chief Science Officer (Physical Sciences) (Senior Astronomer, Stellar Cartographer) LTJG Jozette Allen - Asst Chief Science Officer (Social Sciences) (Anthropology & Archaeology Officer) ENS Heath Row – Science Officer (Historian, Librarian, Researcher) ENS Kathy Trevino – Junior Science Officer (Galactic Astronomer, Planetary Scientist) ENS Bambi Robbins – Junior Science Officer (Astrobiologist, Life Scientist) CRR David Graham – Junior Science Tech (Senior Computer Programmer) CDT4 Jameson Allen – Junior Science Tech (Computer Security Specialist)
Training Accomplished ENS Allen SOAr301 – Level Three Archaeology Certification COS101 – TOS Rank Recognition COS104 – TNG Rank Recognition COS105 – ENT Rank Recognition TGA101 – Gorns in TOS TGA103 – Gorns in TAS TGA104 – Gorns in ENT TGA105 – Gorns in DS9 TGA106 – Gorns in VOY TGA201 – Gorn Culture TGA202 – Gorn History TGA203 – Gorn Biology
Significant Events Gained a new Computer Security Specialist: Marine Cadet Jameson Allen. Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade: Jozette Allen Advanced to Assistant Chief Science Officer (Physical Sciences) - LTJG Kristy LaFata (Sevek) Advanced to Assistant Chief Science Officer (Social Sciences) - LTJG Jozette Allen Advanced to Science Officer – ENS Heath Row Away Team Visited some sites of interest to Star Trek fans while in NYC, DC and Houston, Texas. Most of these will be covered by Cadet McKean either in the CQ or the Columbia Comlink. NYC - American Museum of Natural History & Rose Center for Earth and Space DC - National Air and Space Museum Houston – NASA Space Center
Other news The Anthropology & Archaeology webpage is operational. Visit the Science Department. The USA Science & Engineering Festival [Fro m] The Inaugural USA Science & Engineering Festival, hosted by Lockheed Mart in, is the country’s first nat ional science fest ival and descends on the Washington, D.C. area in October 2010. Opening on 10/10/10 wit h a concert of amazing science songs performed by over 200 children and adults at the Universit y o f Maryland, the Fest ival pro mises to be the ult imate mult i-cultural, mult i-generat ional and mult i-disciplinary celebrat io n of science in the Unit ed States. The culminat io n of the Fest ival will be a free, two-day Expo on the Nat ional Mall and surrounding areas that will feature over 1500 fun, handson science act ivit ies and over 50 stage shows and performances on four stages. The Festival is a grassroots collaborat ion of over 500 of the nat io n’s leading science organizat ions. The Fest ival has a bipartisan Honorary Congressio nal Host Committee wit h over 100 Members supporting it s efforts. Get invo lved now: participate in one o f several co ntests, buy a Fest ival T-shirt, vo lunteer at the Expo, check out our cool schoo l programs like Nifty Fift y and Lunch wit h a Laureate, beco me a sponsor, organize a Satellit e Event in your co mmunit y, download your Expo map, fo llo w our blog, and stay on top of it all by signing up for our bi-weekly e-newsletter. Teachers: find out how you can plan for the Expo! Will you be there when science takes over the nat ion’s capital? Space Shuttle Discovery Takes One Last Trip to Launch Pad Link to article [From] CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – The space shuttle Discovery took its last journey to the launch pad Monday, six weeks before the spacecraft is due to lift off on its final mission to space. Discovery was expected to take six hours to travel atop a massive, Apollo-era crawler transporter from its voluminous assembly building to the seaside Launch Pad 39A here at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. Hundreds of shuttle workers and their families turned out to cheer the shuttle on during its last launch pad trek. [read the entire article at the link above.]
LTJG Allen has written a piece on the Gorn that appears elsewhere in the newsletter. *****
[From] Men first flew into space in 1961, but until The Right Stuff was first published in 1979 few people had a sense of the most engrossing side of that adventure: namely, the perceptions and goals of the astronauts themselves, aloft and during certain remarkable odysseys on earth. It is this, the inner world of the early astronauts, John Glenn, Alan Shepard, Gus Grissom, and their confreres, that Tom Wolfe describes with his extraordinary powers of empathy. He shows us the bidden Olympus to which all ambitious combat and test pilots aspired, the top of the pyramid of the right stuff. And we learn the nature of the ineffable pilot's grace without which all else meant nothing. We see the men whose achievements dominated the flying fraternity in the late 1950's as the space age began, men like Chuck Yeager and Joe Walker, pilots of the first rocket planes, most notably the X-1 and the X-15. The selection of the Mercury astronauts in 1959 shook up the fraternity as thoroughly as had Yeager's breaking of the sound barrier twelve years before. Public excitement and concern over the space race with the Soviets immediately elevated the seven astronauts to the uneasy eminence of heroes, long before their first flight. We see the seven men, in the very moment of their idolization by the outside world, struggling to gain the respect of their peers within the flying fraternity, even to the point of altering NASA's original conception of the astronaut's role—in keeping with the unspoken prerequisites of the right stuff. *****
My comments – The Right Stuff gives a personal look at the astronauts of the Mercury program. Although I’ve lived through the American space program, I never dwelled much on the men involved. I would usually focus on the achievement of space travel or the technology they employed. This was an enjoyable read, except that Tom Wolfe is too hard on Gus Grissom. Gus lost the spacecraft, Liberty Bell 7, when the hatch blew before the rescue helicopter hooked on. Gus was terrified during the entire trip and so most people believe that he panicked and blew the hatch early. However, the spacecraft was retrieved from the ocean in 1999. It was discovered that the cover of the external switch to blow the hatch was open. Some people believe that the rough waves or the parachute line pulled the switch. I tend to believe that also. Regardless of the circumstances, Gus Grissom and the rest of the Mercury astronauts will always be heroes in my book. I recently walked along a rocket in Houston and marveled at the comparison of the size of the rocket to the size of the spacecraft (capsule). That rocket was essentially a 36 story fuel tank that an astronaut sat on top of while someone lit the bottom. That takes a lot more than courage - it takes The Right Stuff.
Science Humor There are only 10 types of people, those that can count binary and those that can’t. (10 in binary equals 2 in decimal)
This month's article discusses the workhorse of the space shuttle fleet OV-103 also known as Discovery she is the oldest active Shuttle in the fleet and has flown 38 missions to date with her final flight scheduled for November of this year. Discovery is named for 4 British ships of exploration primarily for the HMS Discovery commanded by James Cook during his third voyage from 1776-1779. Discovery mad her first flight on STS-41D in August 1984. She has made more flights than any other orbiter and holds the record for the longest shuttle mission on STS-131. Highlights of her career include launch of two communications satellites and recovery of two others on STS-51A. Carried a Saudi Arabian prince into space on STS-51G. Made the return to flight mission after the Challenger accident on STS-26, launched the Hubble Space Telescope on STS-31, launched the Ulysses space probe on STS-41, made to servicing calls on the Hubble space telescope on STS-82 and STS-103,made the two return to flight missions following the Columbia Accident on STS-114 and STS-121. Discovery flew 38 times on STS-41D, 51A, 51C, 51D,
Medical Profile Feturatte Leonard McCoy
Origanl Dr. Mccoy Dr McCoy in 2253
Male Human Federation Starfleet Admiral Chief medical officer Occupation: Communications officer (2285) Retired (2364) Status: 2227 Born: David McCoy Father: Marital Status: Divorced, remarried and separated Unknown (divorced), Natira (separated) Spouse(s): One daughter, Joanna McCoy Children: DeForest Kelley Played by: Gender: Species: Affiliation: Rank:
Leonard McCoy (alternate reality)
Doctor McCoy in 2258 Gender:
Federation Starfleet
Lieutenant Commander
Starfleet officer
Alive (2258)
David McCoy
Marital Status: Divorced Spouse(s):
One wife (divorced)
Played by:
Karl Urban
Dr. Leonard McCoy was born in the "Old South" region of North America on Earth, in 2227, according to Starfleet records. He was the son of David McCoy. Leonard H. McCoy, MD attending the University of Mississippi during the mid-2240s when he met the joined Trill Emony Dax, who was visiting Earth to judge a gymnastics competition. While in medical school, McCoy and his friends used to play practical jokes on each other all the time. For example, they would substitute real drinking glasses with trick drinking glasses, causing the target drinker to spill on their shirt. He completed medical school and was a certified doctor sometime prior to 2255. He was a noted physician and scientist of the 23rd and 24th centuries. McCoy was an accomplished surgeon, physician, psychologist, and exobiologist, and was also considered an expert in space psychology. He was married, but he had endured a harsh divorce. So with nowhere else to go, he decided to enlist in Starfleet. As ship's surgeon and chief medical officer, he served aboard the USS Enterprise and USS Enterprise-A for a combined twenty-seven years. Chronology
2227: Born on Earth. 2240s: Attends the University of Mississippi; meets Emony Dax. o 2245: Medical practice begins on or before this date. o 2249: Daughter, Joanna, is born. 2250s: Commissioned to Starfleet o 2251: Heads a massive inoculation program on Dramia II. o 2253: Develops revolutionary surgical procedure, a cerebral-cortex/brain-tissue graft.. o 2254: Becomes romantically involved with Nancy Crater. o 2256: Ends relationship with Nancy. 2260s: As a lieutenant commander, visits Capella IV briefly before joining the Enterprise. 2266-2270: Serves as ship's surgeon and chief medical officer aboard the USS Enterprise. o 2268: Contracts xenopolycythemia; briefly wed to Fabrini high priestess Natira. o 2269: Promoted to commander. 2270: Retires from Starfleet at conclusion of Kirk's five year mission. 2272: His commission is re-activated at Kirk's insistence, during V'Ger incursion. 2285: Instructor aboard USS Enterprise. 2286: Chief medical officer of the USS Enterprise-A. 2293: Imprisoned on Rura Penthe and subsequent escape helps to uncover the Khitomer conspiracy. 2364: Tours newly-commissioned USS Enterprise-D.
Species Study Romulan Anatomy & Physiology Introduction: .................This is aBRIEF discussion of basic Romulan Anatomy and Physiology geared to a level easily understandable to most sentient lifeforms. It is not intended to be a text book for the treatment of Romulan medical conditions and will contain only very limited references to Romulan pathophysiologies. General Overview: ...........Although we recognize that with any species there is truly no average height, weight, or appearance, for practical purposes it becomes necessary to describe certain most basic details in terms of the hypothetical average. To begin: Typically Romulans are slightly above the average height for most humanoids with adult males ranging in height from 6' to 6'7". Adult female Romulans usually range in height from 5'7" to 6'. Romulans also tend to be a bit heavier than expected for their height (due to the increased density of their muscle tissue and a very strong attachment to their basic skeletal structure). Adult males usually weigh from 145 to 250 pounds, while adult females usually weigh from 126 to 165 pounds. The combination of increased muscle density, strong skeletal attachment, and extra height tends to give Romulans a natural ability toward martial arts and athletic events. ........As a rule, Romulans are a long lived race. The average life span is approximately 220 - 250 years, although for the last 10 to 15 of these years the individual may be in a relatively weakened state. Romulans have very little genetic or racial diversity. Genetic mutations are not tolerated within the Empire.* Most have dark hair and eyes with a tanned, slightly, green tinted skin. SURFACE ANATOMY ........Romulan skin is a more extensive moisture proof barrier than the skin of most other humanoid species and, due to specialized skin cells, can absorb moisture directly from the environment. It is constantly hot to the touch and, in most cases, has a slight healthy green tint. (Please remember that although Romulan DNA and chromosomal structures are similar to those of other humanoids, Romulan and Vulcan blood structures are based on copper (not iron), hence the typical greenish cast to the skin in a healthy specimen.) STRUCTURES OF THE HEAD AND NECK ..........The Brain: The outer surface of the Romulan brain is gray in color with a greenish tint. Adult brains are approximately 1600 cc in size, with a small olfactory center and a larger, more convoluted mid-brain. It is this midbrain section which is the site of Romulan telepathic powers.* The brain is encased in, and protected by, a skull consisting of cranial bones and facial bones which articulate firmly with one another (see x-ray image below). The Romulan skull, although very similar in appearance to that of other humanoid species, is actually slightly thicker (about 3 cm) and heavier than most. Head injuries or skull fractures are very rare among Romulans.
.* Editors note: Romulans, although not overtly telepathic, are touch telepathic. That is, when Romulans are physically in contact with another being, they can "read" or "sense" not only the basic personality, but also the emotional state of that other being. This is the basis for the strong Romulan taboo related to uninvited physical contact. A stronger bond of telepathic empathy occurs between mated couples and, at times, between parent and child. Although rumors persist of telepathic female Romulan healers similar in nature to the Vulcan priestesses, the practice of telepathic healing is unlawful within the Romulan Empire and the existence of such healers, although strongly suspected, remains speculation only. THE SENSORY ORGANS The Ear: .....The top of the Romulan ear tapers to a defined point. Males have larger ears and more prominent points than do females. Hearing is very acute, especially in the higher sound frequencies, and is significantly greater than most other humanoids (excepting of course, Vulcans). The Eyes: ...........Other Romulan sensory organs are basically similar in structure and function to those of most humanoid species. Their eyes are forward facing, and stereoscopic with a clear inner eyelid (or nictating membrane) that aids in filtering out harmful radiation. The action of this membrane is totally instinctive rather than voluntary. Romulans have very acute night vision but somewhat decreased vision in extremely bright light. The Nose: ..... Although the Romulan sense of smell is somewhat decreased when compared to that of the average humanoid, the Romulan nose is specifically more adapted to filtering dust and conserving moisture (an evolutionary adaptation from their Vulcan ancestors' lives in the deserts on Vulcan). The Mouth: .....The basic oral structures of Romulans are almost identical to other humanoid species. However, adult Romulans have a total of 28 teeth, unlike most humanoid species who have 32. (Romulans have 2 sets of molars, not 3 sets). The Romulan sense of taste is best for salty and bitter foods. They enjoy highly spiced or seasoned foods more than sweets. Editor's Note: Many Romulans are strictly VEGETARIANS but most enjoy a variety of fish, seafood, poultry, and lean game. Some have a particular weakness for chocolate, especially chocolate "ice cream", a terran delicacy. Internal Organ Arrangement The Lungs: .....Romulan internal organs are very dense and slightly heavier than expected. The large paired lungs are efficient oxygen producers with approximately 20% more elastic alveoli than the lungs of similar species. The Romulan rib cage is also larger and sturdier than that of most humanoids. Serious students of humanoid biology will immediately recognize that the skeletal structure of the Romulan rib cage has additional ribs which extend downward to protect not only the enhanced lungs but also the heart.
The Heart: .....Due to the increased size of the lungs, the internal arrangement of the Romulan heart and liver are shifted toward the right side of the body with the heart basically beneath the right lung. Please note the small cardiac notch on the lower lobe of the right lung. This space allows for proper movement of both the heart and the lung. The heart itself is an extremely muscular four chambered organ with strong, flexible walls. Normal heart rate for adult Romulans is 242 beats per minute (over twice as fast as that of certain other humanoid species). In spite of this rapid heart rate, Romulan blood pressure levels are actually very low. Normal blood pressure range for adults is about 80/40 (systolic/diastolic). This apparent inconsistency is explained in part by the extremely large size of the typical Romulan blood vessels. Due to the larger size of the Romulan arteries and veins, such typical humanoid conditions as stroke, arteriosclerosis, or congestive heart failure are non-existent in the Romulan population. The Liver: .....The Romulan liver serves the same basic functions as does the liver in all humanoid species. In Romulans however, its location is shifted more centrally back toward the stomach. The Romulan liver is somewhat smaller in size than the those found in other, similar species. Since the Romulan diet is very low in fats, the liver has evolved additional capacity for the storage of glycogen (converted simple sugars) and is capable of storing up to 60 percent of it's weight in glycogen. The Stomach and Intestines: .....The Romulan stomach is divided into two chambers. By the time that food reaches the second chamber, it is almost completely digested. The main function of the Romulan intestines is to reabsorb as much of the remaining moisture from the food as possible. This results in the production of extremely dry and pellet-like waste products. The Kidneys: .....Like their Vulcan ancestors, Romulans have highly effective kidneys capable of reabsorbing all but about 10% of consumed fluids. Waste from the kidneys therefore has an extremely high specific gravity and is quite dark with an oily texture. ROMULAN FETAL DEVELOPMENT Romulan females are capable of procreation at any time after sexual maturity, producing at most two eggs per cyclic period from paired ovaries. The Romulan males, once sexually mature, are also capable of procreation at any time (unlike Vulcan males who are required to mate only once every seven years). The Romulan fetus normally has a 12 month period of intrauterine development with a resultant birthweight of between 7 and 10 pounds. While twins occasionally develop they are always identical* and no recorded instances of multiple births are found among the Romulan population. ..Although an occasional text will maintain that fraternal twins and even twins fathered by two different males have been noted, no difinitive proof of such births has been documented. .....Historically Romulan females have produced an average of four children during their childbearing years. With recent advances in genetic testing and medical treatment, this birthrate has decreased rapidly in recent years. On ch'Rihan, the birth rate is now an average of two children per female. Although motherhood during the teenage years is possible for Romulans, it is socially unacceptable and rarely occurs. Most females do not give birth to their first child before the age of 40. However, mating for the express purpose of having children without the ceremony of marriage is a socially acceptable and frequent practice. 4
Color ME!
Cadet Corner by Kitty Name: Catherine McKean Rank: Cadet 4th Class Position: Life Sciences Assistant, Medical Dept. Ship: USS Columbia NCC-2049 Region: 1, Kentucky (USA) Achievements: Order of Surak, First Class
This summer, we took a big vacation visiting New York City, Washington D.C, and Houston, Texas. I had a blast and saw so many interesting things. I wanted to share some of the places that should be interesting to all STARFLEET Cadets. First we spent a week in New York City. Of course, we saw the normal sites and cultural events, but one place that should be interesting to Cadets is the American Museum of Natural History and the Rose Center for Earth and Space.
The American Museum of Natural History covers many areas of science. Here’s a CityPass video on YouTube that shows some of the exhibits. They also have a special website for kids with lots of activities grouped by ‘Ology’ (Archeology, Paleontology, etc…) The planetarium in the Rose Center for Earth and Space has a nice show called Journey to the Stars hosted by Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan on ST-TNG). <>. An interesting thing that I learned from the show was that stars are factories for the elements in nature. And here’s a bonus video of the universe by the AMNH.
Cadet 4 Catherine McKean Of The
By making the Honor Roll at the Elementary School Level Is hereby inducted into the STARFLEET Region One
Rear Admiral Ruth Lane Region One Coordinator
Commodore Pam Michaud Awards Director Region One
The Gorn By Lt.(JG) Jozette Allen As the Anthropology and Archaeology Officer aboard this fine ship, it is my duty to provide the crew with information on the cultures and species we may encounter in our journeys across the galaxy. This information can help anyone who interacts with another race to avoid embarrassing faux pas or mass generalizations that may hurt our mission of peace and goodwill. With this in mind, I give you the first of many short culture studies. The Gorn have been a recent interest of mine as more information seems to be discovered about this species. The Gorn are physically a cold-blooded, reptilian, bipedal species with green, rubbery skin. They resemble Earth’s crocodiles or lizards, and like all reptilian creatures, their bodies require less fuel as their bodies do not need to maintain a constant temperature. They also do well at surviving in harsh climates. As their brains utilize little cerebral mass to operate their muscles, their movements are slow and deliberate, however more powerful than humans. The Gorn have eyes that are multifaceted, with each facet having its own lid. Various facets of the eye can be closed down corresponding to the amount of light. Their ears are simple holes on the side of their heads. Both Gorn teeth and claws are quite sharp and aid in their attack. Here are some other general biological statistics on the Gorn: Average height: 6 – 7 ft. (Male); 5 - 6 ft. (Female) Average weight: 200 kilos (male); 100 kilos (female) Average body temperature: varies Average pulse: 40 Average respiration: 10 Blood pressure: 80/50 (male) Life expectancy: 55 years (male); 21 years (female)
Given their physical characteristics, many people believe the Gorn to be unintelligent and underdeveloped as a species as we tend to think reptiles are less developed than mammals. However, this is just not the case. The Federation had first contact with the Gorn in 2267 when the USS Enterprise pursued a group of Gorn who attacked a Federation research colony on Cestus III. Both of their ships were then halted by the Metrons, who took Captain Kirk and a Gorn Captain hostage to fight one another on a desert planet. The Gorn was physically stronger than Kirk, but the Captain constructed a makeshift canon that injured the Gorn, though he later showed mercy (TOS: “Arena”). The Gorn are a warp-capable species, with power to match that of the Federation. When the USS Enterprise encountered the Gorn in the aforementioned situation, they had to push the limits of their warp engines to keep up. Also, Gorn weapons were described as, “like phasers, only worse!” by the Cestus III attack survivors. They also used disruptors, which could completely disintegrate targets 1200-1500 yards away, though their sensor technology was less effective. They were able to detect the location of the landing party through tracking the signals from their tricorders. The shields of their ship could withstand everything the Enterprise threw at them in the attack. The Gorn, therefore, are technologically as advanced as the Federation, though at this time they are not members. Culturally, not much is known about the Gorn. Their government is called the Gorn Hegemony, and the Federation has little contact with them at this time. From reports we are aware that male Gorn wear sleeveless tunics made in earthtone colors. There have been no reported sightings of Gorn females, perhaps indicating Gorn women do not have a high place in society or are not allowed in the military. This is the only information available to us at this time about the Gorn. As an anthropologist, the chance to study the Gorn would prove fascinating. Perhaps the USS Columbia will have the opportunity to interact with the Gorn someday. Until then, I will be keeping abreast of all Starfleet discoveries and research on the Gorn! Until next time ~ Lt. (JG) Allen 14
(Information for this article came from Memory Alpha [] and the course materials from The Gorn Academy Classes by Admiral Carolyn Donner). If anyone is looking for some quick and easy promotion points, I would suggest taking the FAC courses on the Gorn from The Gorn Academy [TGA]. If anyone has questions about taking Academy courses, do not hesitate to contact me! Also, if anyone has a recommended species, culture, or anthropological or archaeological topic you wish to learn more about, please let me know. I plan on writing an article for each newsletter. Check out the Anthropology and Archaeology page under the Science Department for more A&A information as well!