USS Enterprise (CVN 65)
The Shuttle Newsletter Edition
“We are Legend”
June 2, 2012 Issue
USS Enterprise Holds Frocking Ceremony Story by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class (SW) Kristin L. Grover
Photo by MCSN Gregory White
USS ENTERPRISE, At Sea – Aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) promoted 161 Sailors during a frocking ceremony in the ship’s hangar bay June 1 while operating in the Arabian Gulf. Two new Master Chief Petty Officers, 33 First Class Petty Officers and 126 Second Class Petty Officers were advanced. “It’s very rewarding to make rank,” said newly frocked Machinist’s Mate 2nd Class Austin Salyer. “Along with
the benefits like a pay increase, BAH, and additional recognition, comes a great sense of accomplishment.” Big E’s Sailors were recognized individually during the ceremony as they received frocking certificates from Enterprise’s Commanding Officer, Capt. William C. Hamilton, Jr. Each selectee was also given a coin engraved with their new rank by the ship’s new Command Master Chief, CMDCM Dwayne E. Huff. A great deal of preparation goes into events like this to coordinate a schedule, process paperwork and ensure that each frocking letter is accurate. Administrative staff members, like newly frocked Yeoman 2nd Class Alonte D. Horn, work with Sailors from ESO to bring the plan together. “We coordinate with ESO and do our best to ensure the ceremony runs as smoothly as possible,” said Horn. “A lot of (Sailors) come together to make such an event successful, but much like any ceremony, the finished product is all that is seen.” Although many Sailors worked behind the scenes to guarantee the ceremony went off without a hitch, an equal or greater amount of effort was put forth by those who spent countless hours studying to advance in rank and earn their moment on the stage. “Everyone talks about how difficult it is to make rank – especially in certain rates,” said newly frocked Aviation Ordnanceman 2nd Class Rafael Penamoreno. “I studied hard, put everything aside and made it on the first try.” Advancing in rank is an attainable goal for any Sailor as long as they have the tools necessary to succeed. Study guides for each rate are available online. Many Sailors also choose to study in groups or find mentors to help them learn. “Sailors should remain competitive and always try to raise the bar,” said Horn. “When you set yourself to a higher standard, not all of your shipmates will acknowledge it, but the ones who do will respect you for it and follow your road to success.” In addition to the 161 E-5’s, E-6’s and E-9’s, Enterprise will advance 227 Sailors to E-4 after the selectees complete a Petty Officer Indoctrination leadership course.