USS Enterprise (CVN 65)
The Shuttle Newsletter Edition
“We are Legend”
June 3, 2012 Issue
Ship’s Store: Providing Service With A Smile Story and photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jacob D. Galito
USS ENTERPRISE, At Sea – Personnel assigned to the ship’s store aboard aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) increase morale by providing the crew with their services both day and night. The purpose of the ship’s store is to give Sailors the opportunity to purchase various goods, such as snacks, hygiene supplies and uniform items, while out to sea. “We provide daily necessities needed for day-to-day living along with extra items requested by the crew,” said Ship’s Serviceman Chief Petty Officer (SW/AW) Lisa Jones, Retail Sales Leading Chief Petty Officer. The Big E’s ship’s store is part of Supply department’s S-3 division and is manned by Sailors rated as Ship’s Servicemen (SH). Much like any customer service job, S-3’s mission is to remain focused on offering quality service to service members. “My job supports Enterprise’s mission by ensuring all Sailors are offered necessities and a little taste of home,” said Ship’s Serviceman 3rd Class Erin Bruce, command ship’s store night-shift supervisor. “Whether they need soap to get clean after a long day at work, or they want their favorite chocolate bar from home…anything we can do to assure our shipmates’ heads are on the task at hand.” Similar to a convenience store’s hours, the ship’s store is open virtually 24 hours per day, with the exception of restocking and muster times. “We strive to provide our shipmates with a friendly atmosphere, where they feel a little bit (better) when they walk out,” said Bruce, The personnel working in Enterprise’s ship’s store recognize the morale-boosting benefits of providing a quality experience for Sailors. “I am from a small town where everyone knows everyone. I like my shift to be run the same way,” said Bruce. “I want Enterprise Sailors to feel like they know the person behind the counter, not just their last name.” While the day shift may be busier and require personnel to interact with more customers, the night shift staff has the equally important task of ensuring the store is prepared for the morning rush at 0900. “The ship’s store is restocked daily, or as needed,” said
Jones. “We move stock from the storeroom normally twice a day.” Since the ship’s store provides a service for everyone aboard Big E, there is a limit on S-3’s stock. However, with the all-hands effort during evolutions such as replenishments at sea and on-loads while in port, Supply department is able to provide a constant service for the crew. Services like the ship’s store allow Enterprise to remain at sea for longer periods of time. In addition to the obvious benefits of the ship’s store, there is
a greater advantage for Big E Sailors who purchase items at the store. All profits from the ship’s store go toward Enterprise’s Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) program. This, in turn, provides an additional boost to shipboard morale through MWR-sponsored events. “Our role for MWR is to provide profits to them at the end of every accounting period,” said Jones. “We hope that all personnel aboard take away that they have a friendly local mart that welcomes the crew,” said Jones. “If you come in with a frown, you will leave with a smile.” Any Sailor needing uniform items not provided aboard can go to and click on the “shop uniforms” tab, or call 1-800-368-4088, and place an order.